mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:41:17 +00:00
Opens in Android Studio but haven't even tried to build it yet (it won't.. I know that much!)
1290 lines
39 KiB
1290 lines
39 KiB
FreeAmp - The Free MP3 Player
MP3 Decoder originally Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Xing Technology
Corp. http://www.xingtech.com
Portions Copyright (C) 1998-1999 EMusic.com
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
$Id: cupl3.c,v 1.8 1999/10/19 07:13:08 elrod Exp $
/**** cupL3.c ***************************************************
unpack Layer III
mod 8/18/97 bugfix crc problem
mod 10/9/97 add pMP3Stream->band_limit12 for short blocks
mod 10/22/97 zero buf_ptrs in init
mod 5/15/98 mpeg 2.5
mod 8/19/98 decode 22 sf bands
TO DO: Test mixed blocks (mixed long/short)
No mixed blocks in mpeg-1 test stream being used for development
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "mhead.h" /* mpeg header structure */
#include "l3.h"
#include "jdw.h"
#include "mp3struct.h"
#if !defined(min)
# define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
static const int mp_sr20_table[2][4] =
{{441, 480, 320, -999}, {882, 960, 640, -999}};
static const int mp_br_tableL3[2][16] =
{{0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 0}, /* mpeg 2 */
{0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 0}};
/*-- global band tables */
/*-- short portion is 3*x !! --*/
////@@@@int nBand[2][22]; /* [long/short][cb] */
////@@@@int sfBandIndex[2][22]; /* [long/short][cb] */
extern DEC_INFO decinfo; ////@@@@ this is ok, only written to during init, then chucked.
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->mpeg25_flag; // L3 only
//int iframe;
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->band_limit = (576); // L3 only
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->band_limit21 = (576); // limit for sf band 21 // L3 only
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->band_limit12 = (576); // limit for sf band 12 short //L3 only
////@@@@int band_limit_nsb = 32; /* global for hybrid */
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->nsb_limit = 32;
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->gain_adjust = 0; /* adjust gain e.g. cvt to mono */ // L3 only
////@@@@static int id; // L3 only
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->ncbl_mixed; /* number of long cb's in mixed block 8 or 6 */ // L3 only
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->sr_index; // L3 only (99%)
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->outvalues; //
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->outbytes; //
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->half_outbytes; // L3 only
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->framebytes; //
//static int padframebytes;
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->crcbytes; // L3 only
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->pad; //
//static int stereo_flag; // only written to
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->nchan; // L3 only
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->ms_mode; // L3 only (99%)
////@@@@static int pMP3Stream->is_mode; // L3 only
////@@@@static unsigned int pMP3Stream->zero_level_pcm = 0; // L3 only
/* cb_info[igr][ch], compute by dequant, used by joint */
static CB_INFO cb_info[2][2]; // L3 only ############ I think this is ok, only a scratchpad?
static IS_SF_INFO is_sf_info; /* MPEG-2 intensity stereo */ // L3 only ############## scratchpad?
/* main data bit buffer */
#define NBUF (8*1024)
#define BUF_TRIGGER (NBUF-1500)
static unsigned char buf[NBUF];
static int buf_ptr0 = 0; // !!!!!!!!!!!
static int buf_ptr1 = 0; // !!!!!!!!!!!
static int main_pos_bit;
static SIDE_INFO side_info; // ####### scratchpad?
static SCALEFACT sf[2][2]; /* [gr][ch] */ // ########## scratchpad?
static int nsamp[2][2]; /* must start = 0, for nsamp[igr_prev] */ // ########## scratchpad?
/*- sample union of int/float sample[ch][gr][576] */
/* static SAMPLE sample[2][2][576]; */
// @@@@FINDME
////@@@@extern SAMPLE sample[2][2][576]; ////////////????? suspicious, mainly used in decode loop, but zeroed init code
static float yout[576]; /* hybrid out, sbt in */ //////////// scratchpad
////@@@@typedef void (*SBT_FUNCTION) (float *sample, short *pcm, int ch);
void sbt_dual_L3(float *sample, short *pcm, int n);
////@@@@static SBT_FUNCTION sbt_L3 = sbt_dual_L3; // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
////@@@@typedef void (*XFORM_FUNCTION) (void *pcm, int igr);
static void Xform_dual(void *pcm, int igr);
////@@@@static XFORM_FUNCTION Xform = Xform_dual; // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IN_OUT L3audio_decode_MPEG1(unsigned char *bs, unsigned char *pcm);
IN_OUT L3audio_decode_MPEG2(unsigned char *bs, unsigned char *pcm);
////@@@@typedef IN_OUT(*DECODE_FUNCTION) (unsigned char *bs, unsigned char *pcm);
////@@@@static DECODE_FUNCTION decode_function = L3audio_decode_MPEG1; <------------------ needs streaming, ditto above!!!
int hybrid(void *xin, void *xprev, float *y,
int btype, int nlong, int ntot, int nprev);
int hybrid_sum(void *xin, void *xin_left, float *y,
int btype, int nlong, int ntot);
void sum_f_bands(void *a, void *b, int n);
void FreqInvert(float *y, int n);
void antialias(void *x, int n);
void ms_process(void *x, int n); /* sum-difference stereo */
void is_process_MPEG1(void *x, /* intensity stereo */
CB_INFO cb_info[2], /* [ch] */
int nsamp, int ms_mode);
void is_process_MPEG2(void *x, /* intensity stereo */
CB_INFO cb_info[2], /* [ch] */
IS_SF_INFO * is_sf_info,
int nsamp, int ms_mode);
void unpack_huff(void *xy, int n, int ntable);
int unpack_huff_quad(void *vwxy, int n, int nbits, int ntable);
void dequant(SAMPLE sample[], int *nsamp,
GR * gr,
CB_INFO * cb_info, int ncbl_mixed);
void unpack_sf_sub_MPEG1(SCALEFACT * scalefac, GR * gr,
int scfsi, /* bit flag */
int igr);
void unpack_sf_sub_MPEG2(SCALEFACT sf[], /* return intensity scale */
GR * grdat,
int is_and_ch, IS_SF_INFO * is_sf_info);
/* get bits from bitstream in endian independent way */
BITDAT bitdat; /* global for inline use by Huff */ // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
/*------------- initialize bit getter -------------*/
static void bitget_init(unsigned char *buf)
bitdat.bs_ptr0 = bitdat.bs_ptr = buf;
bitdat.bits = 0;
bitdat.bitbuf = 0;
/*------------- initialize bit getter -------------*/
static void bitget_init_end(unsigned char *buf_end)
bitdat.bs_ptr_end = buf_end;
/*------------- get n bits from bitstream -------------*/
int bitget_bits_used()
int n; /* compute bits used from last init call */
n = ((bitdat.bs_ptr - bitdat.bs_ptr0) << 3) - bitdat.bits;
return n;
/*------------- check for n bits in bitbuf -------------*/
void bitget_check(int n)
if (bitdat.bits < n)
while (bitdat.bits <= 24)
bitdat.bitbuf = (bitdat.bitbuf << 8) | *bitdat.bs_ptr++;
bitdat.bits += 8;
/*------------- get n bits from bitstream -------------*/
unsigned int bitget(int n)
unsigned int x;
if (bitdat.bits < n)
{ /* refill bit buf if necessary */
while (bitdat.bits <= 24)
bitdat.bitbuf = (bitdat.bitbuf << 8) | *bitdat.bs_ptr++;
bitdat.bits += 8;
bitdat.bits -= n;
x = bitdat.bitbuf >> bitdat.bits;
bitdat.bitbuf -= x << bitdat.bits;
return x;
/*------------- get 1 bit from bitstream -------------*/
unsigned int bitget_1bit()
unsigned int x;
if (bitdat.bits <= 0)
{ /* refill bit buf if necessary */
while (bitdat.bits <= 24)
bitdat.bitbuf = (bitdat.bitbuf << 8) | *bitdat.bs_ptr++;
bitdat.bits += 8;
x = bitdat.bitbuf >> bitdat.bits;
bitdat.bitbuf -= x << bitdat.bits;
return x;
static void Xform_mono(void *pcm, int igr)
int igr_prev, n1, n2;
/*--- hybrid + sbt ---*/
n1 = n2 = nsamp[igr][0]; /* total number bands */
if (side_info.gr[igr][0].block_type == 2)
{ /* long bands */
n1 = 0;
if (side_info.gr[igr][0].mixed_block_flag)
n1 = pMP3Stream->sfBandIndex[0][pMP3Stream->ncbl_mixed - 1];
if (n1 > pMP3Stream->band_limit)
n1 = pMP3Stream->band_limit;
if (n2 > pMP3Stream->band_limit)
n2 = pMP3Stream->band_limit;
igr_prev = igr ^ 1;
nsamp[igr][0] = hybrid(pMP3Stream->sample[0][igr], pMP3Stream->sample[0][igr_prev],
yout, side_info.gr[igr][0].block_type, n1, n2, nsamp[igr_prev][0]);
FreqInvert(yout, nsamp[igr][0]);
pMP3Stream->sbt_L3(yout, pcm, 0);
static void Xform_dual_right(void *pcm, int igr)
int igr_prev, n1, n2;
/*--- hybrid + sbt ---*/
n1 = n2 = nsamp[igr][1]; /* total number bands */
if (side_info.gr[igr][1].block_type == 2)
{ /* long bands */
n1 = 0;
if (side_info.gr[igr][1].mixed_block_flag)
n1 = pMP3Stream->sfBandIndex[0][pMP3Stream->ncbl_mixed - 1];
if (n1 > pMP3Stream->band_limit)
n1 = pMP3Stream->band_limit;
if (n2 > pMP3Stream->band_limit)
n2 = pMP3Stream->band_limit;
igr_prev = igr ^ 1;
nsamp[igr][1] = hybrid(pMP3Stream->sample[1][igr], pMP3Stream->sample[1][igr_prev],
yout, side_info.gr[igr][1].block_type, n1, n2, nsamp[igr_prev][1]);
FreqInvert(yout, nsamp[igr][1]);
pMP3Stream->sbt_L3(yout, pcm, 0);
static void Xform_dual(void *pcm, int igr)
int ch;
int igr_prev, n1, n2;
/*--- hybrid + sbt ---*/
igr_prev = igr ^ 1;
for (ch = 0; ch < pMP3Stream->nchan; ch++)
n1 = n2 = nsamp[igr][ch]; /* total number bands */
if (side_info.gr[igr][ch].block_type == 2)
{ /* long bands */
n1 = 0;
if (side_info.gr[igr][ch].mixed_block_flag)
n1 = pMP3Stream->sfBandIndex[0][pMP3Stream->ncbl_mixed - 1];
if (n1 > pMP3Stream->band_limit)
n1 = pMP3Stream->band_limit;
if (n2 > pMP3Stream->band_limit)
n2 = pMP3Stream->band_limit;
nsamp[igr][ch] = hybrid(pMP3Stream->sample[ch][igr], pMP3Stream->sample[ch][igr_prev],
yout, side_info.gr[igr][ch].block_type, n1, n2, nsamp[igr_prev][ch]);
FreqInvert(yout, nsamp[igr][ch]);
pMP3Stream->sbt_L3(yout, pcm, ch);
static void Xform_dual_mono(void *pcm, int igr)
int igr_prev, n1, n2, n3;
/*--- hybrid + sbt ---*/
igr_prev = igr ^ 1;
if ((side_info.gr[igr][0].block_type == side_info.gr[igr][1].block_type)
&& (side_info.gr[igr][0].mixed_block_flag == 0)
&& (side_info.gr[igr][1].mixed_block_flag == 0))
n2 = nsamp[igr][0]; /* total number bands max of L R */
if (n2 < nsamp[igr][1])
n2 = nsamp[igr][1];
if (n2 > pMP3Stream->band_limit)
n2 = pMP3Stream->band_limit;
n1 = n2; /* n1 = number long bands */
if (side_info.gr[igr][0].block_type == 2)
n1 = 0;
sum_f_bands(pMP3Stream->sample[0][igr], pMP3Stream->sample[1][igr], n2);
n3 = nsamp[igr][0] = hybrid(pMP3Stream->sample[0][igr], pMP3Stream->sample[0][igr_prev],
yout, side_info.gr[igr][0].block_type, n1, n2, nsamp[igr_prev][0]);
{ /* transform and then sum (not tested - never happens in test) */
/*-- left chan --*/
n1 = n2 = nsamp[igr][0]; /* total number bands */
if (side_info.gr[igr][0].block_type == 2)
n1 = 0; /* long bands */
if (side_info.gr[igr][0].mixed_block_flag)
n1 = pMP3Stream->sfBandIndex[0][pMP3Stream->ncbl_mixed - 1];
n3 = nsamp[igr][0] = hybrid(pMP3Stream->sample[0][igr], pMP3Stream->sample[0][igr_prev],
yout, side_info.gr[igr][0].block_type, n1, n2, nsamp[igr_prev][0]);
/*-- right chan --*/
n1 = n2 = nsamp[igr][1]; /* total number bands */
if (side_info.gr[igr][1].block_type == 2)
n1 = 0; /* long bands */
if (side_info.gr[igr][1].mixed_block_flag)
n1 = pMP3Stream->sfBandIndex[0][pMP3Stream->ncbl_mixed - 1];
nsamp[igr][1] = hybrid_sum(pMP3Stream->sample[1][igr], pMP3Stream->sample[0][igr],
yout, side_info.gr[igr][1].block_type, n1, n2);
if (n3 < nsamp[igr][1])
n1 = nsamp[igr][1];
FreqInvert(yout, n3);
pMP3Stream->sbt_L3(yout, pcm, 0);
static int unpack_side_MPEG1()
int prot;
int br_index;
int igr, ch;
int side_bytes;
/* decode partial header plus initial side info */
/* at entry bit getter points at id, sync skipped by caller */
pMP3Stream->id = bitget(1); /* id */
bitget(2); /* skip layer */
prot = bitget(1); /* bitget prot bit */
br_index = bitget(4);
pMP3Stream->sr_index = bitget(2);
pMP3Stream->pad = bitget(1);
bitget(1); /* skip to mode */
side_info.mode = bitget(2); /* mode */
side_info.mode_ext = bitget(2); /* mode ext */
if (side_info.mode != 1)
side_info.mode_ext = 0;
/* adjust global gain in ms mode to avoid having to mult by 1/sqrt(2) */
pMP3Stream->ms_mode = side_info.mode_ext >> 1;
pMP3Stream->is_mode = side_info.mode_ext & 1;
pMP3Stream->crcbytes = 0;
if (prot)
bitget(4); /* skip to data */
bitget(20); /* skip crc */
pMP3Stream->crcbytes = 2;
if (br_index > 0) /* pMP3Stream->framebytes fixed for free format */
pMP3Stream->framebytes =
2880 * mp_br_tableL3[pMP3Stream->id][br_index] / mp_sr20_table[pMP3Stream->id][pMP3Stream->sr_index];
side_info.main_data_begin = bitget(9);
if (side_info.mode == 3)
side_info.private_bits = bitget(5);
pMP3Stream->nchan = 1;
// stereo_flag = 0;
side_bytes = (4 + 17);
/*-- with header --*/
side_info.private_bits = bitget(3);
pMP3Stream->nchan = 2;
// stereo_flag = 1;
side_bytes = (4 + 32);
/*-- with header --*/
for (ch = 0; ch < pMP3Stream->nchan; ch++)
side_info.scfsi[ch] = bitget(4);
/* this always 0 (both igr) for short blocks */
for (igr = 0; igr < 2; igr++)
for (ch = 0; ch < pMP3Stream->nchan; ch++)
side_info.gr[igr][ch].part2_3_length = bitget(12);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].big_values = bitget(9);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].global_gain = bitget(8) + pMP3Stream->gain_adjust;
if (pMP3Stream->ms_mode)
side_info.gr[igr][ch].global_gain -= 2;
side_info.gr[igr][ch].scalefac_compress = bitget(4);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].window_switching_flag = bitget(1);
if (side_info.gr[igr][ch].window_switching_flag)
side_info.gr[igr][ch].block_type = bitget(2);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].mixed_block_flag = bitget(1);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].table_select[0] = bitget(5);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].table_select[1] = bitget(5);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].subblock_gain[0] = bitget(3);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].subblock_gain[1] = bitget(3);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].subblock_gain[2] = bitget(3);
/* region count set in terms of long block cb's/bands */
/* r1 set so r0+r1+1 = 21 (lookup produces 576 bands ) */
/* if(window_switching_flag) always 36 samples in region0 */
side_info.gr[igr][ch].region0_count = (8 - 1); /* 36 samples */
side_info.gr[igr][ch].region1_count = 20 - (8 - 1);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].mixed_block_flag = 0;
side_info.gr[igr][ch].block_type = 0;
side_info.gr[igr][ch].table_select[0] = bitget(5);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].table_select[1] = bitget(5);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].table_select[2] = bitget(5);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].region0_count = bitget(4);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].region1_count = bitget(3);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].preflag = bitget(1);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].scalefac_scale = bitget(1);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].count1table_select = bitget(1);
/* return bytes in header + side info */
return side_bytes;
static int unpack_side_MPEG2(int igr)
int prot;
int br_index;
int ch;
int side_bytes;
/* decode partial header plus initial side info */
/* at entry bit getter points at id, sync skipped by caller */
pMP3Stream->id = bitget(1); /* id */
bitget(2); /* skip layer */
prot = bitget(1); /* bitget prot bit */
br_index = bitget(4);
pMP3Stream->sr_index = bitget(2);
pMP3Stream->pad = bitget(1);
bitget(1); /* skip to mode */
side_info.mode = bitget(2); /* mode */
side_info.mode_ext = bitget(2); /* mode ext */
if (side_info.mode != 1)
side_info.mode_ext = 0;
/* adjust global gain in ms mode to avoid having to mult by 1/sqrt(2) */
pMP3Stream->ms_mode = side_info.mode_ext >> 1;
pMP3Stream->is_mode = side_info.mode_ext & 1;
pMP3Stream->crcbytes = 0;
if (prot)
bitget(4); /* skip to data */
bitget(20); /* skip crc */
pMP3Stream->crcbytes = 2;
if (br_index > 0)
{ /* pMP3Stream->framebytes fixed for free format */
if (pMP3Stream->mpeg25_flag == 0)
pMP3Stream->framebytes =
1440 * mp_br_tableL3[pMP3Stream->id][br_index] / mp_sr20_table[pMP3Stream->id][pMP3Stream->sr_index];
pMP3Stream->framebytes =
2880 * mp_br_tableL3[pMP3Stream->id][br_index] / mp_sr20_table[pMP3Stream->id][pMP3Stream->sr_index];
//if( pMP3Stream->sr_index == 2 ) return 0; // fail mpeg25 8khz
side_info.main_data_begin = bitget(8);
if (side_info.mode == 3)
side_info.private_bits = bitget(1);
pMP3Stream->nchan = 1;
// stereo_flag = 0;
side_bytes = (4 + 9);
/*-- with header --*/
side_info.private_bits = bitget(2);
pMP3Stream->nchan = 2;
// stereo_flag = 1;
side_bytes = (4 + 17);
/*-- with header --*/
side_info.scfsi[1] = side_info.scfsi[0] = 0;
for (ch = 0; ch < pMP3Stream->nchan; ch++)
side_info.gr[igr][ch].part2_3_length = bitget(12);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].big_values = bitget(9);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].global_gain = bitget(8) + pMP3Stream->gain_adjust;
if (pMP3Stream->ms_mode)
side_info.gr[igr][ch].global_gain -= 2;
side_info.gr[igr][ch].scalefac_compress = bitget(9);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].window_switching_flag = bitget(1);
if (side_info.gr[igr][ch].window_switching_flag)
side_info.gr[igr][ch].block_type = bitget(2);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].mixed_block_flag = bitget(1);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].table_select[0] = bitget(5);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].table_select[1] = bitget(5);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].subblock_gain[0] = bitget(3);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].subblock_gain[1] = bitget(3);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].subblock_gain[2] = bitget(3);
/* region count set in terms of long block cb's/bands */
/* r1 set so r0+r1+1 = 21 (lookup produces 576 bands ) */
/* bt=1 or 3 54 samples */
/* bt=2 mixed=0 36 samples */
/* bt=2 mixed=1 54 (8 long sf) samples? or maybe 36 */
/* region0 discussion says 54 but this would mix long */
/* and short in region0 if scale factors switch */
/* at band 36 (6 long scale factors) */
if (side_info.gr[igr][ch].block_type == 2)
side_info.gr[igr][ch].region0_count = (6 - 1); /* 36 samples */
side_info.gr[igr][ch].region1_count = 20 - (6 - 1);
{ /* long block type 1 or 3 */
side_info.gr[igr][ch].region0_count = (8 - 1); /* 54 samples */
side_info.gr[igr][ch].region1_count = 20 - (8 - 1);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].mixed_block_flag = 0;
side_info.gr[igr][ch].block_type = 0;
side_info.gr[igr][ch].table_select[0] = bitget(5);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].table_select[1] = bitget(5);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].table_select[2] = bitget(5);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].region0_count = bitget(4);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].region1_count = bitget(3);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].preflag = 0;
side_info.gr[igr][ch].scalefac_scale = bitget(1);
side_info.gr[igr][ch].count1table_select = bitget(1);
/* return bytes in header + side info */
return side_bytes;
static void unpack_main(unsigned char *pcm, int igr)
int ch;
int bit0;
int n1, n2, n3, n4, nn2, nn3;
int nn4;
int qbits;
int m0;
for (ch = 0; ch < pMP3Stream->nchan; ch++)
bitget_init(pMP3Stream->buf + (pMP3Stream->main_pos_bit >> 3));
bit0 = (pMP3Stream->main_pos_bit & 7);
if (bit0)
pMP3Stream->main_pos_bit += side_info.gr[igr][ch].part2_3_length;
bitget_init_end(pMP3Stream->buf + ((pMP3Stream->main_pos_bit + 39) >> 3));
/*-- scale factors --*/
if (pMP3Stream->id)
&side_info.gr[igr][ch], side_info.scfsi[ch], igr);
&side_info.gr[igr][ch], pMP3Stream->is_mode & ch, &is_sf_info);
/*--- huff data ---*/
n1 = pMP3Stream->sfBandIndex[0][side_info.gr[igr][ch].region0_count];
n2 = pMP3Stream->sfBandIndex[0][side_info.gr[igr][ch].region0_count
+ side_info.gr[igr][ch].region1_count + 1];
n3 = side_info.gr[igr][ch].big_values;
n3 = n3 + n3;
if (n3 > pMP3Stream->band_limit)
n3 = pMP3Stream->band_limit;
if (n2 > n3)
n2 = n3;
if (n1 > n3)
n1 = n3;
nn3 = n3 - n2;
nn2 = n2 - n1;
unpack_huff(pMP3Stream->sample[ch][igr], n1, side_info.gr[igr][ch].table_select[0]);
unpack_huff(pMP3Stream->sample[ch][igr] + n1, nn2, side_info.gr[igr][ch].table_select[1]);
unpack_huff(pMP3Stream->sample[ch][igr] + n2, nn3, side_info.gr[igr][ch].table_select[2]);
qbits = side_info.gr[igr][ch].part2_3_length - (bitget_bits_used() - bit0);
nn4 = unpack_huff_quad(pMP3Stream->sample[ch][igr] + n3, pMP3Stream->band_limit - n3, qbits,
n4 = n3 + nn4;
nsamp[igr][ch] = n4;
//limit n4 or allow deqaunt to sf band 22
if (side_info.gr[igr][ch].block_type == 2)
n4 = min(n4, pMP3Stream->band_limit12);
n4 = min(n4, pMP3Stream->band_limit21);
if (n4 < 576)
memset(pMP3Stream->sample[ch][igr] + n4, 0, sizeof(SAMPLE) * (576 - n4));
if (bitdat.bs_ptr > bitdat.bs_ptr_end)
{ // bad data overrun
memset(pMP3Stream->sample[ch][igr], 0, sizeof(SAMPLE) * (576));
/*--- dequant ---*/
for (ch = 0; ch < pMP3Stream->nchan; ch++)
&nsamp[igr][ch], /* nsamp updated for shorts */
&sf[igr][ch], &side_info.gr[igr][ch],
&cb_info[igr][ch], pMP3Stream->ncbl_mixed);
/*--- ms stereo processing ---*/
if (pMP3Stream->ms_mode)
if (pMP3Stream->is_mode == 0)
m0 = nsamp[igr][0]; /* process to longer of left/right */
if (m0 < nsamp[igr][1])
m0 = nsamp[igr][1];
{ /* process to last cb in right */
m0 = pMP3Stream->sfBandIndex[cb_info[igr][1].cbtype][cb_info[igr][1].cbmax];
ms_process(pMP3Stream->sample[0][igr], m0);
/*--- is stereo processing ---*/
if (pMP3Stream->is_mode)
if (pMP3Stream->id)
is_process_MPEG1(pMP3Stream->sample[0][igr], &sf[igr][1],
cb_info[igr], nsamp[igr][0], pMP3Stream->ms_mode);
is_process_MPEG2(pMP3Stream->sample[0][igr], &sf[igr][1],
cb_info[igr], &is_sf_info,
nsamp[igr][0], pMP3Stream->ms_mode);
/*-- adjust ms and is modes to max of left/right */
if (side_info.mode_ext)
if (nsamp[igr][0] < nsamp[igr][1])
nsamp[igr][0] = nsamp[igr][1];
nsamp[igr][1] = nsamp[igr][0];
/*--- antialias ---*/
for (ch = 0; ch < pMP3Stream->nchan; ch++)
if (cb_info[igr][ch].ncbl == 0)
continue; /* have no long blocks */
if (side_info.gr[igr][ch].mixed_block_flag)
n1 = 1; /* 1 -> 36 samples */
n1 = (nsamp[igr][ch] + 7) / 18;
if (n1 > 31)
n1 = 31;
antialias(pMP3Stream->sample[ch][igr], n1);
n1 = 18 * n1 + 8; /* update number of samples */
if (n1 > nsamp[igr][ch])
nsamp[igr][ch] = n1;
/*--- hybrid + sbt ---*/
pMP3Stream->Xform(pcm, igr);
/*-- done --*/
IN_OUT L3audio_decode(unsigned char *bs, unsigned char *pcm)
return pMP3Stream->decode_function(bs, pcm);
extern unsigned char *gpNextByteAfterData;
IN_OUT L3audio_decode_MPEG1(unsigned char *bs, unsigned char *pcm)
int sync;
IN_OUT in_out;
int side_bytes;
int nbytes;
int padframebytes; ////@@@@
// iframe++;
bitget_init(bs); /* initialize bit getter */
/* test sync */
in_out.in_bytes = 0; /* assume fail */
in_out.out_bytes = 0;
sync = bitget(12);
if (sync != 0xFFF)
return in_out; /* sync fail */
/*-- unpack side info --*/
side_bytes = unpack_side_MPEG1();
padframebytes = pMP3Stream->framebytes + pMP3Stream->pad;
if (bs + padframebytes > gpNextByteAfterData)
return in_out; // error check if we're about to read off the end of the legal memory (caused by certain MP3 writers' goofy comment formats) -ste.
in_out.in_bytes = padframebytes;
/*-- load main data and update buf pointer --*/
if start point < 0, must just cycle decoder
if jumping into middle of stream,
pMP3Stream->buf_ptr0 = pMP3Stream->buf_ptr1 - side_info.main_data_begin; /* decode start point */
if (pMP3Stream->buf_ptr1 > BUF_TRIGGER)
{ /* shift buffer */
memmove(pMP3Stream->buf, pMP3Stream->buf + pMP3Stream->buf_ptr0, side_info.main_data_begin);
pMP3Stream->buf_ptr0 = 0;
pMP3Stream->buf_ptr1 = side_info.main_data_begin;
nbytes = padframebytes - side_bytes - pMP3Stream->crcbytes;
// RAK: This is no bueno. :-(
if (nbytes < 0 || nbytes > NBUF)
in_out.in_bytes = 0;
return in_out;
if (bFastEstimateOnly)
in_out.out_bytes = pMP3Stream->outbytes;
return in_out;
memmove(pMP3Stream->buf + pMP3Stream->buf_ptr1, bs + side_bytes + pMP3Stream->crcbytes, nbytes);
pMP3Stream->buf_ptr1 += nbytes;
if (pMP3Stream->buf_ptr0 >= 0)
// dump_frame(buf+buf_ptr0, 64);
pMP3Stream->main_pos_bit = pMP3Stream->buf_ptr0 << 3;
unpack_main(pcm, 0);
unpack_main(pcm + pMP3Stream->half_outbytes, 1);
in_out.out_bytes = pMP3Stream->outbytes;
memset(pcm, pMP3Stream->zero_level_pcm, pMP3Stream->outbytes); /* fill out skipped frames */
in_out.out_bytes = pMP3Stream->outbytes;
/* iframe--; in_out.out_bytes = 0; // test test */
return in_out;
IN_OUT L3audio_decode_MPEG2(unsigned char *bs, unsigned char *pcm)
int sync;
IN_OUT in_out;
int side_bytes;
int nbytes;
static int igr = 0;
int padframebytes; ////@@@@
// iframe++;
bitget_init(bs); /* initialize bit getter */
/* test sync */
in_out.in_bytes = 0; /* assume fail */
in_out.out_bytes = 0;
sync = bitget(12);
// if( sync != 0xFFF ) return in_out; /* sync fail */
pMP3Stream->mpeg25_flag = 0;
if (sync != 0xFFF)
pMP3Stream->mpeg25_flag = 1; /* mpeg 2.5 sync */
if (sync != 0xFFE)
return in_out; /* sync fail */
/*-- unpack side info --*/
side_bytes = unpack_side_MPEG2(igr);
padframebytes = pMP3Stream->framebytes + pMP3Stream->pad;
in_out.in_bytes = padframebytes;
pMP3Stream->buf_ptr0 = pMP3Stream->buf_ptr1 - side_info.main_data_begin; /* decode start point */
if (pMP3Stream->buf_ptr1 > BUF_TRIGGER)
{ /* shift buffer */
memmove(pMP3Stream->buf, pMP3Stream->buf + pMP3Stream->buf_ptr0, side_info.main_data_begin);
pMP3Stream->buf_ptr0 = 0;
pMP3Stream->buf_ptr1 = side_info.main_data_begin;
nbytes = padframebytes - side_bytes - pMP3Stream->crcbytes;
// RAK: This is no bueno. :-(
if (nbytes < 0 || nbytes > NBUF)
in_out.in_bytes = 0;
return in_out;
if (bFastEstimateOnly)
in_out.out_bytes = pMP3Stream->outbytes;
return in_out;
memmove(pMP3Stream->buf + pMP3Stream->buf_ptr1, bs + side_bytes + pMP3Stream->crcbytes, nbytes);
pMP3Stream->buf_ptr1 += nbytes;
if (pMP3Stream->buf_ptr0 >= 0)
pMP3Stream->main_pos_bit = pMP3Stream->buf_ptr0 << 3;
unpack_main(pcm, igr);
in_out.out_bytes = pMP3Stream->outbytes;
memset(pcm, pMP3Stream->zero_level_pcm, pMP3Stream->outbytes); /* fill out skipped frames */
in_out.out_bytes = pMP3Stream->outbytes;
// iframe--; in_out.out_bytes = 0; return in_out;// test test */
igr = igr ^ 1;
return in_out;
static const int sr_table[8] =
{22050, 24000, 16000, 1,
44100, 48000, 32000, 1};
static const struct
int l[23];
int s[14];
sfBandIndexTable[3][3] =
/* mpeg-2 */
0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 44, 54, 66, 80, 96, 116, 140, 168, 200, 238, 284, 336, 396, 464, 522, 576
0, 4, 8, 12, 18, 24, 32, 42, 56, 74, 100, 132, 174, 192
0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 44, 54, 66, 80, 96, 114, 136, 162, 194, 232, 278, 332, 394, 464, 540, 576
0, 4, 8, 12, 18, 26, 36, 48, 62, 80, 104, 136, 180, 192
0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 44, 54, 66, 80, 96, 116, 140, 168, 200, 238, 284, 336, 396, 464, 522, 576
0, 4, 8, 12, 18, 26, 36, 48, 62, 80, 104, 134, 174, 192
/* mpeg-1 */
0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 44, 52, 62, 74, 90, 110, 134, 162, 196, 238, 288, 342, 418, 576
0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 22, 30, 40, 52, 66, 84, 106, 136, 192
0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 42, 50, 60, 72, 88, 106, 128, 156, 190, 230, 276, 330, 384, 576
0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 22, 28, 38, 50, 64, 80, 100, 126, 192
0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 44, 54, 66, 82, 102, 126, 156, 194, 240, 296, 364, 448, 550, 576
0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 22, 30, 42, 58, 78, 104, 138, 180, 192
/* mpeg-2.5, 11 & 12 KHz seem ok, 8 ok */
0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 44, 54, 66, 80, 96, 116, 140, 168, 200, 238, 284, 336, 396, 464, 522, 576
0, 4, 8, 12, 18, 26, 36, 48, 62, 80, 104, 134, 174, 192
0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 44, 54, 66, 80, 96, 116, 140, 168, 200, 238, 284, 336, 396, 464, 522, 576
0, 4, 8, 12, 18, 26, 36, 48, 62, 80, 104, 134, 174, 192
// this 8khz table, and only 8khz, from mpeg123)
0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 88, 108, 132, 160, 192, 232, 280, 336, 400, 476, 566, 568, 570, 572, 574, 576
0, 8, 16, 24, 36, 52, 72, 96, 124, 160, 162, 164, 166, 192
void sbt_mono_L3(float *sample, signed short *pcm, int ch);
void sbt_dual_L3(float *sample, signed short *pcm, int ch);
void sbt16_mono_L3(float *sample, signed short *pcm, int ch);
void sbt16_dual_L3(float *sample, signed short *pcm, int ch);
void sbt8_mono_L3(float *sample, signed short *pcm, int ch);
void sbt8_dual_L3(float *sample, signed short *pcm, int ch);
void sbtB_mono_L3(float *sample, unsigned char *pcm, int ch);
void sbtB_dual_L3(float *sample, unsigned char *pcm, int ch);
void sbtB16_mono_L3(float *sample, unsigned char *pcm, int ch);
void sbtB16_dual_L3(float *sample, unsigned char *pcm, int ch);
void sbtB8_mono_L3(float *sample, unsigned char *pcm, int ch);
void sbtB8_dual_L3(float *sample, unsigned char *pcm, int ch);
static const SBT_FUNCTION sbt_table[2][3][2] =
{{ (SBT_FUNCTION) sbt_mono_L3,
(SBT_FUNCTION) sbt_dual_L3 } ,
{ (SBT_FUNCTION) sbt16_mono_L3,
(SBT_FUNCTION) sbt16_dual_L3 } ,
{ (SBT_FUNCTION) sbt8_mono_L3,
(SBT_FUNCTION) sbt8_dual_L3 }} ,
/*-- 8 bit output -*/
{{ (SBT_FUNCTION) sbtB_mono_L3,
(SBT_FUNCTION) sbtB_dual_L3 },
{ (SBT_FUNCTION) sbtB16_mono_L3,
(SBT_FUNCTION) sbtB16_dual_L3 },
{ (SBT_FUNCTION) sbtB8_mono_L3,
(SBT_FUNCTION) sbtB8_dual_L3 }}
void Xform_mono(void *pcm, int igr);
void Xform_dual(void *pcm, int igr);
void Xform_dual_mono(void *pcm, int igr);
void Xform_dual_right(void *pcm, int igr);
static XFORM_FUNCTION xform_table[5] =
Xform_mono, /* left */
int L3table_init();
void msis_init();
void sbt_init();
typedef int iARRAY22[22];
iARRAY22 *quant_init_band_addr();
iARRAY22 *msis_init_band_addr();
/* mpeg_head defined in mhead.h frame bytes is without pMP3Stream->pad */
int L3audio_decode_init(MPEG_HEAD * h, int framebytes_arg,
int reduction_code, int transform_code, int convert_code,
int freq_limit)
int i, j, k;
// static int first_pass = 1;
int samprate;
int limit;
int bit_code;
int out_chans;
pMP3Stream->buf_ptr0 = 0;
pMP3Stream->buf_ptr1 = 0;
/* check if code handles */
if (h->option != 1)
return 0; /* layer III only */
if (h->id)
pMP3Stream->ncbl_mixed = 8; /* mpeg-1 */
pMP3Stream->ncbl_mixed = 6; /* mpeg-2 */
pMP3Stream->framebytes = framebytes_arg;
bit_code = 0;
if (convert_code & 8)
bit_code = 1;
convert_code = convert_code & 3; /* higher bits used by dec8 freq cvt */
if (reduction_code < 0)
reduction_code = 0;
if (reduction_code > 2)
reduction_code = 2;
if (freq_limit < 1000)
freq_limit = 1000;
samprate = sr_table[4 * h->id + h->sr_index];
if ((h->sync & 1) == 0)
samprate = samprate / 2; // mpeg 2.5
/*----- compute pMP3Stream->nsb_limit --------*/
pMP3Stream->nsb_limit = (freq_limit * 64L + samprate / 2) / samprate;
/*- caller limit -*/
limit = (32 >> reduction_code);
if (limit > 8)
if (pMP3Stream->nsb_limit > limit)
pMP3Stream->nsb_limit = limit;
limit = 18 * pMP3Stream->nsb_limit;
k = h->id;
if ((h->sync & 1) == 0)
k = 2; // mpeg 2.5
if (k == 1)
pMP3Stream->band_limit12 = 3 * sfBandIndexTable[k][h->sr_index].s[13];
pMP3Stream->band_limit = pMP3Stream->band_limit21 = sfBandIndexTable[k][h->sr_index].l[22];
pMP3Stream->band_limit12 = 3 * sfBandIndexTable[k][h->sr_index].s[12];
pMP3Stream->band_limit = pMP3Stream->band_limit21 = sfBandIndexTable[k][h->sr_index].l[21];
pMP3Stream->band_limit += 8; /* allow for antialias */
if (pMP3Stream->band_limit > limit)
pMP3Stream->band_limit = limit;
if (pMP3Stream->band_limit21 > pMP3Stream->band_limit)
pMP3Stream->band_limit21 = pMP3Stream->band_limit;
if (pMP3Stream->band_limit12 > pMP3Stream->band_limit)
pMP3Stream->band_limit12 = pMP3Stream->band_limit;
pMP3Stream->band_limit_nsb = (pMP3Stream->band_limit + 17) / 18; /* limit nsb's rounded up */
pMP3Stream->gain_adjust = 0; /* adjust gain e.g. cvt to mono sum channel */
if ((h->mode != 3) && (convert_code == 1))
pMP3Stream->gain_adjust = -4;
pMP3Stream->outvalues = 1152 >> reduction_code;
if (h->id == 0)
pMP3Stream->outvalues /= 2;
out_chans = 2;
if (h->mode == 3)
out_chans = 1;
if (convert_code)
out_chans = 1;
pMP3Stream->sbt_L3 = sbt_table[bit_code][reduction_code][out_chans - 1];
k = 1 + convert_code;
if (h->mode == 3)
k = 0;
pMP3Stream->Xform = xform_table[k];
pMP3Stream->outvalues *= out_chans;
if (bit_code)
pMP3Stream->outbytes = pMP3Stream->outvalues;
pMP3Stream->outbytes = sizeof(short) * pMP3Stream->outvalues;
if (bit_code)
pMP3Stream->zero_level_pcm = 128; /* 8 bit output */
pMP3Stream->zero_level_pcm = 0;
decinfo.channels = out_chans;
decinfo.outvalues = pMP3Stream->outvalues;
decinfo.samprate = samprate >> reduction_code;
if (bit_code)
decinfo.bits = 8;
decinfo.bits = sizeof(short) * 8;
decinfo.framebytes = pMP3Stream->framebytes;
decinfo.type = 0;
pMP3Stream->half_outbytes = pMP3Stream->outbytes / 2;
/*- init band tables --*/
k = h->id;
if ((h->sync & 1) == 0)
k = 2; // mpeg 2.5
for (i = 0; i < 22; i++)
pMP3Stream->sfBandIndex[0][i] = sfBandIndexTable[k][h->sr_index].l[i + 1];
for (i = 0; i < 13; i++)
pMP3Stream->sfBandIndex[1][i] = 3 * sfBandIndexTable[k][h->sr_index].s[i + 1];
for (i = 0; i < 22; i++)
pMP3Stream->nBand[0][i] = sfBandIndexTable[k][h->sr_index].l[i + 1] - sfBandIndexTable[k][h->sr_index].l[i];
for (i = 0; i < 13; i++)
pMP3Stream->nBand[1][i] = sfBandIndexTable[k][h->sr_index].s[i + 1] - sfBandIndexTable[k][h->sr_index].s[i];
/* init tables */
/* init ms and is stereo modes */
/*----- init sbt ---*/
/*--- clear buffers --*/
for (i = 0; i < 576; i++)
yout[i] = 0.0f;
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
for (i = 0; i < 576; i++)
pMP3Stream->sample[j][k][i].x = 0.0f;
pMP3Stream->sample[j][k][i].s = 0;
if (h->id == 1)
pMP3Stream->decode_function = L3audio_decode_MPEG1;
pMP3Stream->decode_function = L3audio_decode_MPEG2;
return 1;