mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:21:56 +00:00
891 lines
26 KiB
891 lines
26 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h> // for prctl( PR_SET_NAME )
#include <android/log.h>
#include <android/native_window_jni.h> // for native window JNI
#include <android/input.h>
#include "argtable3.h"
#include "VrInput.h"
#include "VrCvars.h"
extern "C" {
#include "src/gl/loader.h"
#include <client/client.h>
//Let's go to the maximum!
extern int REFRESH ;
extern float SS_MULTIPLIER ;
/* global arg_xxx structs */
struct arg_dbl *ss;
struct arg_int *cpu;
struct arg_int *gpu;
struct arg_int *msaa;
struct arg_int *refresh;
struct arg_end *end;
char **argv;
int argc=0;
JKVR Stuff
bool VR_UseScreenLayer()
vr.using_screen_layer = (bool)((vr.cin_camera && !vr.immersive_cinematics) ||
vr.misc_camera ||
(CL_IsRunningInGameCinematic() || CL_InGameCinematicOnStandBy()) ||
(cls.state == CA_CINEMATIC) ||
(cls.state == CA_LOADING) ||
( Key_GetCatcher( ) & KEYCATCH_UI ) ||
( Key_GetCatcher( ) & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ));
return vr.using_screen_layer;
float VR_GetScreenLayerDistance()
return (2.0f + vr_screen_dist->value);
static void UnEscapeQuotes( char *arg )
char *last = NULL;
while( *arg ) {
if( *arg == '"' && *last == '\\' ) {
char *c_curr = arg;
char *c_last = last;
while( *c_curr ) {
*c_last = *c_curr;
c_last = c_curr;
*c_last = '\0';
last = arg;
static int ParseCommandLine(char *cmdline, char **argv)
char *bufp;
char *lastp = NULL;
int argc, last_argc;
argc = last_argc = 0;
for ( bufp = cmdline; *bufp; ) {
while ( isspace(*bufp) ) {
if ( *bufp == '"' ) {
if ( *bufp ) {
if ( argv ) {
argv[argc] = bufp;
while ( *bufp && ( *bufp != '"' || *lastp == '\\' ) ) {
lastp = bufp;
} else {
if ( *bufp ) {
if ( argv ) {
argv[argc] = bufp;
while ( *bufp && ! isspace(*bufp) ) {
if ( *bufp ) {
if ( argv ) {
*bufp = '\0';
if( argv && last_argc != argc ) {
UnEscapeQuotes( argv[last_argc] );
last_argc = argc;
if ( argv ) {
argv[argc] = NULL;
void VR_SetHMDOrientation(float pitch, float yaw, float roll)
VectorSet(vr.hmdorientation, pitch, yaw, roll);
VectorSubtract(vr.hmdorientation_last, vr.hmdorientation, vr.hmdorientation_delta);
//Keep this for our records
VectorCopy(vr.hmdorientation, vr.hmdorientation_last);
if (!vr.third_person && !vr.remote_npc){
VectorCopy(vr.hmdorientation, vr.hmdorientation_first);
if (!vr.remote_turret)
VectorCopy(vr.weaponangles[ANGLES_ADJUSTED], vr.weaponangles_first[ANGLES_ADJUSTED]);
// View yaw delta
float clientview_yaw = vr.clientviewangles[YAW] - vr.hmdorientation[YAW];
vr.clientview_yaw_delta = vr.clientview_yaw_last - clientview_yaw;
vr.clientview_yaw_last = clientview_yaw;
// Max-height is set only once on start, or after re-calibration
// (ignore too low value which is sometimes provided on start)
if (!vr.maxHeight || vr.maxHeight < 1.0) {
vr.maxHeight = vr.hmdposition[1];
vr.curHeight = vr.hmdposition[1];
void VR_SetHMDPosition(float x, float y, float z )
static bool s_useScreen = qfalse;
VectorSet(vr.hmdposition, x, y, z);
//Can be set elsewhere
vr.take_snap |= s_useScreen != VR_UseScreenLayer();
if (vr.take_snap)
s_useScreen = VR_UseScreenLayer();
//Record player position on transition
VectorSet(vr.hmdposition_snap, x, y, z);
VectorCopy(vr.hmdorientation, vr.hmdorientation_snap);
if (vr.cin_camera)
//Reset snap turn too if in a cinematic
vr.snapTurn = 0;
vr.take_snap = false;
VectorSubtract(vr.hmdposition, vr.hmdposition_snap, vr.hmdposition_offset);
VectorSubtract(vr.hmdposition_last, vr.hmdposition, vr.hmdposition_delta);
//Keep this for our records
VectorCopy(vr.hmdposition, vr.hmdposition_last);
void VR_GetMove(float *forward, float *side, float *pos_forward, float *pos_side, float *up,
float *yaw, float *pitch, float *roll)
if (vr.remote_turret) {
*forward = 0.0f;
*pos_forward = 0.0f;
*up = 0.0f;
*side = 0.0f;
*pos_side = 0.0f;
*yaw = vr.snapTurn + vr.hmdorientation_first[YAW] +
vr.weaponangles[ANGLES_ADJUSTED][YAW] - vr.weaponangles_first[ANGLES_ADJUSTED][YAW];
*pitch = vr.weaponangles[ANGLES_ADJUSTED][PITCH];
*roll = 0.0f;
else if (vr.cgzoommode == 2 || vr.cgzoommode == 4)
*forward = 0.0f;
*pos_forward = 0.0f;
*up = 0.0f;
*side = 0.0f;
*pos_side = 0.0f;
*yaw = vr.snapTurn;
*pitch = vr.weaponangles[ANGLES_ADJUSTED][PITCH];
*roll = vr.hmdorientation[ROLL];
else if (vr.remote_npc) {
*forward = remote_movementForward;
*pos_forward = 0.0f;
*up = 0.0f;
*side = remote_movementSideways;
*pos_side = 0.0f;
*yaw = vr.hmdorientation[YAW] + vr.snapTurn;
*pitch = vr.hmdorientation[PITCH];
*roll = 0.0f;
else if (!vr.third_person) {
*forward = remote_movementForward;
*pos_forward = positional_movementForward;
*up = remote_movementUp;
*side = remote_movementSideways;
*pos_side = positional_movementSideways;
*yaw = vr.hmdorientation[YAW] + vr.snapTurn;
*pitch = vr.hmdorientation[PITCH];
*roll = vr.hmdorientation[ROLL];
} else {
//in third person just send the bare minimum
*forward = remote_movementForward;
*pos_forward = 0.0f;
*up = 0.0f;
*side = remote_movementSideways;
*pos_side = 0.0f;
*yaw = vr.snapTurn + vr.hmdorientation_first[YAW];
*pitch = 0.0f;
*roll = 0.0f;
extern "C" {
void initialize_gl4es();
void VR_Init()
//Initialise all our variables
remote_movementSideways = 0.0f;
remote_movementForward = 0.0f;
remote_movementUp = 0.0f;
positional_movementSideways = 0.0f;
positional_movementForward = 0.0f;
vr.snapTurn = 0.0f;
vr.immersive_cinematics = true;
//init randomiser
//Create Cvars
vr_turn_mode = Cvar_Get( "vr_turn_mode", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); // 0 = snap, 1 = smooth (3rd person only), 2 = smooth (all modes)
vr_turn_angle = Cvar_Get( "vr_turn_angle", "45", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_positional_factor = Cvar_Get( "vr_positional_factor", "12", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_walkdirection = Cvar_Get( "vr_walkdirection", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_weapon_pitchadjust = Cvar_Get( "vr_weapon_pitchadjust", "-20.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_virtual_stock = Cvar_Get( "vr_virtual_stock", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_control_scheme = Cvar_Get( "vr_control_scheme", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_switch_sticks = Cvar_Get( "vr_switch_sticks", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_immersive_cinematics = Cvar_Get("vr_immersive_cinematics", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_screen_dist = Cvar_Get( "vr_screen_dist", "2.5", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_weapon_velocity_trigger = Cvar_Get( "vr_weapon_velocity_trigger", "2.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_force_velocity_trigger = Cvar_Get( "vr_force_velocity_trigger", "2.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_force_distance_trigger = Cvar_Get( "vr_force_distance_trigger", "0.15", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_two_handed_weapons = Cvar_Get ("vr_two_handed_weapons", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_force_motion_controlled = Cvar_Get ("vr_force_motion_controlled", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_crouch_toggle = Cvar_Get ("vr_crouch_toggle", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_irl_crouch_enabled = Cvar_Get ("vr_irl_crouch_enabled", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_irl_crouch_to_stand_ratio = Cvar_Get ("vr_irl_crouch_to_stand_ratio", "0.65", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_saber_block_debounce_time = Cvar_Get ("vr_saber_block_debounce_time", "200", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_haptic_intensity = Cvar_Get ("vr_haptic_intensity", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_comfort_vignette = Cvar_Get ("vr_comfort_vignette", "0.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_saber_3rdperson_mode = Cvar_Get ("vr_saber_3rdperson_mode", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_gesture_triggered_use = Cvar_Get ("vr_gesture_triggered_use", "2", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
vr_use_gesture_boundary = Cvar_Get ("vr_use_gesture_boundary", "0.35", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
cvar_t *expanded_menu_enabled = Cvar_Get ("expanded_menu_enabled", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
if (FS_FileExists("expanded_menu.pk3")) {
Cvar_Set( "expanded_menu_enabled", "1" );
} else {
Cvar_Set( "expanded_menu_enabled", "0" );
int VR_main( int argc, char* argv[] );
void * AppThreadFunction(void * parm ) {
gAppThread = (ovrAppThread *) parm;
java.Vm = gAppThread->JavaVm;
java.Vm->AttachCurrentThread(&java.Env, NULL);
java.ActivityObject = gAppThread->ActivityObject;
jclass cls = java.Env->GetObjectClass(java.ActivityObject);
// Note that AttachCurrentThread will reset the thread name.
prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (long) "AppThreadFunction", 0, 0, 0);
//Set device defaults
if (SS_MULTIPLIER == 0.0f)
//GB Override as refresh is now 72 by default as we decided a higher res is better as 90hz has stutters
else if (SS_MULTIPLIER > 1.5f)
gAppState.MainThreadTid = gettid();
#ifdef JK2_MODE
VR_main(argc, argv);
return NULL;
//All the stuff we want to do each frame specifically for this game
void VR_FrameSetup()
//get any cvar values required here
vr.immersive_cinematics = (vr_immersive_cinematics->value != 0.0f);
bool VR_GetVRProjection(int eye, float zNear, float zFar, float* projection)
//Don't use our projection if playing a cinematic and we are not immersive
if (vr.cin_camera && !vr.immersive_cinematics)
return false;
if (!vr.cgzoommode)
if (strstr(gAppState.OpenXRHMD, "meta") != NULL)
XrFovf fov = {};
for (int eye = 0; eye < ovrMaxNumEyes; eye++) {
fov.angleLeft += gAppState.Projections[eye].fov.angleLeft / 2.0f;
fov.angleRight += gAppState.Projections[eye].fov.angleRight / 2.0f;
fov.angleUp += gAppState.Projections[eye].fov.angleUp / 2.0f;
fov.angleDown += gAppState.Projections[eye].fov.angleDown / 2.0f;
&(gAppState.ProjectionMatrices[eye]), GRAPHICS_OPENGL_ES,
fov, zNear, zFar);
if (strstr(gAppState.OpenXRHMD, "pico") != NULL)
&(gAppState.ProjectionMatrices[eye]), GRAPHICS_OPENGL_ES,
gAppState.Projections[eye].fov, zNear, zFar);
memcpy(projection, gAppState.ProjectionMatrices[eye].m, 16 * sizeof(float));
return true;
return false;
extern "C" {
void jni_haptic_event(const char *event, int position, int flags, int intensity, float angle, float yHeight);
void jni_haptic_updateevent(const char *event, int intensity, float angle);
void jni_haptic_stopevent(const char *event);
void jni_haptic_endframe();
void jni_haptic_enable();
void jni_haptic_disable();
void VR_ExternalHapticEvent(const char* event, int position, int flags, int intensity, float angle, float yHeight )
jni_haptic_event(event, position, flags, intensity, angle, yHeight);
void VR_HapticUpdateEvent(const char* event, int intensity, float angle )
jni_haptic_updateevent(event, intensity, angle);
void VR_HapticEndFrame()
void VR_HapticStopEvent(const char* event)
void VR_HapticEnable()
static bool firstTime = true;
if (firstTime) {
firstTime = false;
jni_haptic_event("fire_pistol", 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);
void VR_HapticDisable()
* event - name of event
* position - for the use of external haptics providers to indicate which bit of haptic hardware should be triggered
* flags - a way for the code to specify which controller to produce haptics on, if 0 then weaponFireChannel is calculated in this function
* intensity - 0-100
* angle - yaw angle (again for external haptics devices) to place the feedback correctly
* yHeight - for external haptics devices to place the feedback correctly
void VR_HapticEvent(const char* event, int position, int flags, int intensity, float angle, float yHeight )
if (vr_haptic_intensity->value == 0.0f)
//Pass on to any external services
VR_ExternalHapticEvent(event, position, flags, intensity, angle, yHeight);
//Controller Haptic Support
int weaponFireChannel = vr.weapon_stabilised ? 3 : (vr_control_scheme->integer ? 2 : 1);
if (flags != 0)
weaponFireChannel = flags;
if (strcmp(event, "pickup_shield") == 0 ||
strcmp(event, "pickup_weapon") == 0 ||
strstr(event, "pickup_item") != NULL)
TBXR_Vibrate(100, 3, 1.0);
else if (strcmp(event, "weapon_switch") == 0)
TBXR_Vibrate(250, vr_control_scheme->integer ? 2 : 1, 0.8);
else if (strcmp(event, "shotgun") == 0 || strcmp(event, "fireball") == 0)
TBXR_Vibrate(400, 3, 1.0);
else if (strcmp(event, "bullet") == 0)
TBXR_Vibrate(150, 3, 1.0);
else if (strcmp(event, "chainsaw_fire") == 0 ||
strcmp(event, "RTCWQuest:fire_tesla") == 0)
TBXR_Vibrate(500, weaponFireChannel, 1.0);
else if (strcmp(event, "machinegun_fire") == 0 || strcmp(event, "plasmagun_fire") == 0)
TBXR_Vibrate(90, weaponFireChannel, 0.8);
else if (strcmp(event, "shotgun_fire") == 0)
TBXR_Vibrate(250, weaponFireChannel, 1.0);
else if (strcmp(event, "rocket_fire") == 0 ||
strcmp(event, "RTCWQuest:fire_sniper") == 0 ||
strcmp(event, "bfg_fire") == 0 ||
strcmp(event, "handgrenade_fire") == 0 )
TBXR_Vibrate(400, weaponFireChannel, 1.0);
else if (strcmp(event, "selector_icon") == 0)
//Quick blip
TBXR_Vibrate(50, flags, 1.0);
void VR_HandleControllerInput() {
//Call additional control schemes here
switch (vr_control_scheme->integer)
HandleInput_Default(&rightTrackedRemoteState_new, &rightTrackedRemoteState_old, &rightRemoteTracking_new,
&leftTrackedRemoteState_new, &leftTrackedRemoteState_old, &leftRemoteTracking_new,
xrButton_A, xrButton_B, xrButton_X, xrButton_Y);
HandleInput_Default(&leftTrackedRemoteState_new, &leftTrackedRemoteState_old, &leftRemoteTracking_new,
&rightTrackedRemoteState_new, &rightTrackedRemoteState_old, &rightRemoteTracking_new,
xrButton_X, xrButton_Y, xrButton_A, xrButton_B);
HandleInput_WeaponAlign(&rightTrackedRemoteState_new, &rightTrackedRemoteState_old, &rightRemoteTracking_new,
&leftTrackedRemoteState_new, &leftTrackedRemoteState_old, &leftRemoteTracking_new,
xrButton_A, xrButton_B, xrButton_X, xrButton_Y);
Activity lifecycle
extern "C" {
jmethodID android_shutdown;
static JavaVM *jVM;
static jobject jniCallbackObj=0;
void jni_shutdown()
ALOGV("Calling: jni_shutdown");
JNIEnv *env;
jobject tmp;
if ((jVM->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4))<0)
jVM->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL);
return env->CallVoidMethod(jniCallbackObj, android_shutdown);
void VR_Shutdown()
jmethodID android_haptic_event;
jmethodID android_haptic_updateevent;
jmethodID android_haptic_stopevent;
jmethodID android_haptic_endframe;
jmethodID android_haptic_enable;
jmethodID android_haptic_disable;
void jni_haptic_event(const char* event, int position, int flags, int intensity, float angle, float yHeight)
JNIEnv *env;
jobject tmp;
if ((jVM->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4))<0)
jVM->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL);
jstring StringArg1 = env->NewStringUTF(event);
return env->CallVoidMethod(jniCallbackObj, android_haptic_event, StringArg1, position, flags, intensity, angle, yHeight);
void jni_haptic_updateevent(const char* event, int intensity, float angle)
JNIEnv *env;
jobject tmp;
if ((jVM->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4))<0)
jVM->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL);
jstring StringArg1 = env->NewStringUTF(event);
return env->CallVoidMethod(jniCallbackObj, android_haptic_updateevent, StringArg1, intensity, angle);
void jni_haptic_stopevent(const char* event)
ALOGV("Calling: jni_haptic_stopevent");
JNIEnv *env;
jobject tmp;
if ((jVM->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4))<0)
jVM->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL);
jstring StringArg1 = env->NewStringUTF(event);
return env->CallVoidMethod(jniCallbackObj, android_haptic_stopevent, StringArg1);
void jni_haptic_endframe()
JNIEnv *env;
jobject tmp;
if ((jVM->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4))<0)
jVM->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL);
return env->CallVoidMethod(jniCallbackObj, android_haptic_endframe);
void jni_haptic_enable()
ALOGV("Calling: jni_haptic_enable");
JNIEnv *env;
jobject tmp;
if ((jVM->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4))<0)
jVM->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL);
return env->CallVoidMethod(jniCallbackObj, android_haptic_enable);
void jni_haptic_disable()
ALOGV("Calling: jni_haptic_disable");
JNIEnv *env;
jobject tmp;
if ((jVM->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4))<0)
jVM->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL);
return env->CallVoidMethod(jniCallbackObj, android_haptic_disable);
int JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved)
JNIEnv *env;
jVM = vm;
if(vm->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK)
ALOGE("Failed JNI_OnLoad");
return -1;
return JNI_VERSION_1_4;
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onCreate( JNIEnv * env, jclass activityClass, jobject activity,
jstring commandLineParams)
ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onCreate()" );
/* the global arg_xxx structs are initialised within the argtable */
void *argtable[] = {
ss = arg_dbl0("s", "supersampling", "<double>", "super sampling value (default: Q1: 1.2, Q2: 1.35)"),
cpu = arg_int0("c", "cpu", "<int>", "CPU perf index 1-4 (default: 2)"),
gpu = arg_int0("g", "gpu", "<int>", "GPU perf index 1-4 (default: 3)"),
msaa = arg_int0("m", "msaa", "<int>", "MSAA (default: 1)"),
refresh = arg_int0("r", "refresh", "<int>", "Refresh Rate (default: Q1: 72, Q2: 72)"),
end = arg_end(20)
jboolean iscopy;
const char *arg = env->GetStringUTFChars(commandLineParams, &iscopy);
char *cmdLine = NULL;
if (arg && strlen(arg))
cmdLine = strdup(arg);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(commandLineParams, arg);
ALOGV("Command line %s", cmdLine);
argv = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * 255);
argc = ParseCommandLine(strdup(cmdLine), argv);
/* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) == 0) {
/* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable);
if (ss->count > 0 && ss->dval[0] > 0.0)
SS_MULTIPLIER = ss->dval[0];
if (msaa->count > 0 && msaa->ival[0] > 0 && msaa->ival[0] < 10)
NUM_MULTI_SAMPLES = msaa->ival[0];
if (refresh->count > 0 && refresh->ival[0] > 0 && refresh->ival[0] <= 120)
REFRESH = refresh->ival[0];
ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *) malloc( sizeof( ovrAppThread ) );
ovrAppThread_Create( appThread, env, activity, activityClass );
surfaceMessageQueue_Enable(&appThread->MessageQueue, true);
srufaceMessage message;
surfaceMessage_Init(&message, MESSAGE_ON_CREATE, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED);
surfaceMessageQueue_PostMessage(&appThread->MessageQueue, &message);
return (jlong)((size_t)appThread);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onStart( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle, jobject obj1)
ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onStart()" );
jniCallbackObj = (jobject)env->NewGlobalRef( obj1);
jclass callbackClass = env->GetObjectClass( jniCallbackObj);
android_shutdown = env->GetMethodID(callbackClass,"shutdown","()V");
android_haptic_event = env->GetMethodID(callbackClass, "haptic_event", "(Ljava/lang/String;IIIFF)V");
android_haptic_updateevent = env->GetMethodID(callbackClass, "haptic_updateevent", "(Ljava/lang/String;IF)V");
android_haptic_stopevent = env->GetMethodID(callbackClass, "haptic_stopevent", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
android_haptic_endframe = env->GetMethodID(callbackClass, "haptic_endframe", "()V");
android_haptic_enable = env->GetMethodID(callbackClass, "haptic_enable", "()V");
android_haptic_disable = env->GetMethodID(callbackClass, "haptic_disable", "()V");
ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle);
srufaceMessage message;
surfaceMessage_Init(&message, MESSAGE_ON_START, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED);
surfaceMessageQueue_PostMessage(&appThread->MessageQueue, &message);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onResume( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle )
ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onResume()" );
ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle);
srufaceMessage message;
surfaceMessage_Init(&message, MESSAGE_ON_RESUME, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED);
surfaceMessageQueue_PostMessage(&appThread->MessageQueue, &message);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onPause( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle )
ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onPause()" );
ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle);
srufaceMessage message;
surfaceMessage_Init(&message, MESSAGE_ON_PAUSE, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED);
surfaceMessageQueue_PostMessage(&appThread->MessageQueue, &message);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onStop( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle )
ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onStop()" );
ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle);
srufaceMessage message;
surfaceMessage_Init(&message, MESSAGE_ON_STOP, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED);
surfaceMessageQueue_PostMessage(&appThread->MessageQueue, &message);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onDestroy( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle )
ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onDestroy()" );
ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle);
srufaceMessage message;
surfaceMessage_Init(&message, MESSAGE_ON_DESTROY, MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED);
surfaceMessageQueue_PostMessage(&appThread->MessageQueue, &message);
surfaceMessageQueue_Enable(&appThread->MessageQueue, false);
ovrAppThread_Destroy( appThread, env );
free( appThread );
Surface lifecycle
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onSurfaceCreated( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle, jobject surface )
ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onSurfaceCreated()" );
ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle);
ANativeWindow * newNativeWindow = ANativeWindow_fromSurface( env, surface );
if ( ANativeWindow_getWidth( newNativeWindow ) < ANativeWindow_getHeight( newNativeWindow ) )
// An app that is relaunched after pressing the home button gets an initial surface with
// the wrong orientation even though android:screenOrientation="landscape" is set in the
// manifest. The choreographer callback will also never be called for this surface because
// the surface is immediately replaced with a new surface with the correct orientation.
ALOGE( " Surface not in landscape mode!" );
ALOGV( " NativeWindow = ANativeWindow_fromSurface( env, surface )" );
appThread->NativeWindow = newNativeWindow;
srufaceMessage message;
surfaceMessage_SetPointerParm(&message, 0, appThread->NativeWindow);
surfaceMessageQueue_PostMessage(&appThread->MessageQueue, &message);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onSurfaceChanged( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle, jobject surface )
ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onSurfaceChanged()" );
ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle);
ANativeWindow * newNativeWindow = ANativeWindow_fromSurface( env, surface );
if ( ANativeWindow_getWidth( newNativeWindow ) < ANativeWindow_getHeight( newNativeWindow ) )
// An app that is relaunched after pressing the home button gets an initial surface with
// the wrong orientation even though android:screenOrientation="landscape" is set in the
// manifest. The choreographer callback will also never be called for this surface because
// the surface is immediately replaced with a new surface with the correct orientation.
ALOGE( " Surface not in landscape mode!" );
if ( newNativeWindow != appThread->NativeWindow )
if ( appThread->NativeWindow != NULL )
srufaceMessage message;
surfaceMessageQueue_PostMessage(&appThread->MessageQueue, &message);
ALOGV( " ANativeWindow_release( NativeWindow )" );
ANativeWindow_release( appThread->NativeWindow );
appThread->NativeWindow = NULL;
if ( newNativeWindow != NULL )
ALOGV( " NativeWindow = ANativeWindow_fromSurface( env, surface )" );
appThread->NativeWindow = newNativeWindow;
srufaceMessage message;
surfaceMessage_SetPointerParm(&message, 0, appThread->NativeWindow);
surfaceMessageQueue_PostMessage(&appThread->MessageQueue, &message);
else if ( newNativeWindow != NULL )
ANativeWindow_release( newNativeWindow );
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onSurfaceDestroyed( JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jlong handle )
ALOGV( " GLES3JNILib::onSurfaceDestroyed()" );
ovrAppThread * appThread = (ovrAppThread *)((size_t)handle);
srufaceMessage message;
surfaceMessageQueue_PostMessage(&appThread->MessageQueue, &message);
ALOGV( " ANativeWindow_release( NativeWindow )" );
ANativeWindow_release( appThread->NativeWindow );
appThread->NativeWindow = NULL;