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synced 2025-03-08 18:21:07 +00:00
Opens in Android Studio but haven't even tried to build it yet (it won't.. I know that much!)
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# Save Games
Save games are handled in `code/server/sv_savegame.cpp`. A save game consists of blocks which start with their type (a 4 byte string) and length; in Jedi Academy they are as follows:
1. Save Game Version ("_VER" read in `SG_Open()`; must be iSAVEGAME_VERSION)
2. Comment ("COMM" read in `SG_ReadSavegame()`)
3. ??? ignored ("CMTM" read in `SG_ReadSavegame()`)
4. Map ("MPCM" read in `SG_ReadSavegame()`)
5. CVars: Count ("CVCN" in `SG_ReadCvars()`) and each name and value ("CVAR" and "VALU")
6. Whether it's an autosave ("GAME")
And if so, it reads various Cvars:
1. "playersave" which contains the players' status ("CVSV")
2. "playerammo" ("AMMO")
3. "playerinv" ("IVTY")
4. "playerfplvl" ("FPLV")
1. server time ("TIME")
2. server residual time ("TIMR")
3. Portals ("PRTS")
4. Server Config Strings: Count ("CSCN") and each index ("CSIN") and value ("CSDA")
7. *At this point we enter game code; we are now in `ReadLevel()` in `code/game/g_savegame.cpp`.*
There's some special case handling for autosaves and transitions (which I believe have to do with hub levels), but typically it then loads the client (`level.clients[0]`, "GCLI"). This is done using `EvaluateFields()`, which first reads the binary data, then possibly adjusts for differences between retail and patch (changed `saberInfo_t`) and finally fixes the pointers in the read data, e.g. strings. Half of the `level_locals_t` data is loaded in the same way ("LVLC").
8. Objectives ("OBJT")
9. Effects ("FXLE", 32 \* "FXFN")
10. Entities: `ReadGEntities()`
1. All the entities (count = "NMED", count * "EDNM", "GENT", "GNPC", "GCLI", "PARM", "VHIC", "GHL2")
* "GHL2" is handled by renderer, which has the G2 code.
2. Timers
3. Icarus `CIcarus::Load()`
1. Version ("ICAR", must match `CIcarus::ICARUS_VERSION`)
2. Buffer ("ISEQ") - flat buffer that is subsequently parsed to reconstruct the Icarus state
4. Icarus Endmarker ("ICOK")
5. `g_entityInUseBits` ("INUS")
11. Icarus Variables ("[FS]VAR", "[FS]IDL", "[FS]IDS", "[FS]VAL", "SVSZ")
12. `player_locked` ("LCKD")
13. `CG_ReadTheEvilCGHackStuff()` ("FPSL", "IVSL")
14. End marker ("DONE")