/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005, Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =========================================================================== */ // Filename:- weapons.h // // Note that this is now included from both server and game modules, so don't include any other header files // within this one that might break stuff... #ifndef __WEAPONS_H__ #define __WEAPONS_H__ #include "../../code/qcommon/q_shared.h" typedef enum //# weapon_e { WP_NONE, // Player weapons WP_SABER, // NOTE: lots of code assumes this is the first weapon (... which is crap) so be careful -Ste. WP_BRYAR_PISTOL, WP_BLASTER, WP_DISRUPTOR, WP_BOWCASTER, WP_REPEATER, WP_DEMP2, WP_FLECHETTE, WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER, WP_THERMAL, WP_TRIP_MINE, WP_DET_PACK, WP_STUN_BATON, //NOTE: player can only have up to 16 weapons, anything after that is enemy only WP_MELEE, // Any ol' melee attack // NPC enemy weapons WP_EMPLACED_GUN, WP_BOT_LASER, // Probe droid - Laser blast WP_TURRET, // turret guns WP_ATST_MAIN, WP_ATST_SIDE, WP_TIE_FIGHTER, WP_RAPID_FIRE_CONC, WP_BLASTER_PISTOL, // apparently some enemy only version of the blaster // WP_CHAOTICA_GUARD_GUN, // - B/W version of scav rifle for Chaotica's guards. // WP_BOT_ROCKET, // Hunter Seeker - Rocket projectile // WP_KLINGON_BLADE, // WP_IMPERIAL_BLADE, // WP_DESPERADO, // special holo-weapon // WP_PALADIN, // special holo-weapon //# #eol WP_NUM_WEAPONS } weapon_t; #define FIRST_WEAPON WP_SABER // this is the first weapon for next and prev weapon switching #define MAX_PLAYER_WEAPONS WP_STUN_BATON // this is the max you can switch to and get with the give all. // AMMO_NONE must be first and AMMO_MAX must be last, cause weapon load validates based off of these vals typedef enum //# ammo_e { AMMO_NONE, AMMO_FORCE, // AMMO_PHASER AMMO_BLASTER, // AMMO_STARFLEET, AMMO_POWERCELL, // AMMO_ALIEN, AMMO_METAL_BOLTS, AMMO_ROCKETS, AMMO_EMPLACED, AMMO_THERMAL, AMMO_TRIPMINE, AMMO_DETPACK, AMMO_MAX } ammo_t; typedef struct weaponData_s { char classname[32]; // Spawning name char weaponMdl[64]; // Weapon Model char firingSnd[64]; // Sound made when fired char altFiringSnd[64]; // Sound made when alt-fired // char flashSnd[64]; // Sound made by flash // char altFlashSnd[64]; // Sound made by an alt-flash char stopSnd[64]; // Sound made when weapon stops firing char chargeSnd[64]; // sound to start when the weapon initiates the charging sequence char altChargeSnd[64]; // alt sound to start when the weapon initiates the charging sequence char selectSnd[64]; // the sound to play when this weapon gets selected int ammoIndex; // Index to proper ammo slot int ammoLow; // Count when ammo is low int energyPerShot; // Amount of energy used per shot int fireTime; // Amount of time between firings int range; // Range of weapon int altEnergyPerShot; // Amount of energy used for alt-fire int altFireTime; // Amount of time between alt-firings int altRange; // Range of alt-fire char weaponIcon[64]; // Name of weapon icon file int numBarrels; // how many barrels should we expect for this weapon? char missileMdl[64]; // Missile Model char missileSound[64]; // Missile flight sound float missileDlight; // what is says vec3_t missileDlightColor; // ditto char alt_missileMdl[64]; // Missile Model char alt_missileSound[64]; // Missile sound float alt_missileDlight; // what is says vec3_t alt_missileDlightColor; // ditto char missileHitSound[64]; // Missile impact sound char altmissileHitSound[64]; // alt Missile impact sound void *func; void *altfunc; char mMuzzleEffect[64]; int mMuzzleEffectID; char mAltMuzzleEffect[64]; int mAltMuzzleEffectID; // OPENJK ADD int damage; int altDamage; int splashDamage; int altSplashDamage; float splashRadius; float altSplashRadius; } weaponData_t; typedef struct ammoData_s { char icon[64]; // Name of ammo icon file int max; // Max amount player can hold of ammo } ammoData_t; // Bryar Pistol //-------- #define BRYAR_PISTOL_VEL 1800 #define BRYAR_PISTOL_DAMAGE 14 #define BRYAR_CHARGE_UNIT 200.0f // bryar charging gives us one more unit every 200ms--if you change this, you'll have to do the same in bg_pmove // E11 Blaster //--------- #define BLASTER_MAIN_SPREAD 0.5f #define BLASTER_ALT_SPREAD 1.5f #define BLASTER_NPC_SPREAD 0.5f #define BLASTER_VELOCITY 2300 #define BLASTER_NPC_VEL_CUT 0.5f #define BLASTER_NPC_HARD_VEL_CUT 0.7f #define BLASTER_DAMAGE 20 #define BLASTER_NPC_DAMAGE_EASY 6 #define BLASTER_NPC_DAMAGE_NORMAL 12 // 14 #define BLASTER_NPC_DAMAGE_HARD 16 // 18 // Tenloss Disruptor //---------- #define DISRUPTOR_MAIN_DAMAGE 14 #define DISRUPTOR_NPC_MAIN_DAMAGE_EASY 5 #define DISRUPTOR_NPC_MAIN_DAMAGE_MEDIUM 10 #define DISRUPTOR_NPC_MAIN_DAMAGE_HARD 15 #define DISRUPTOR_ALT_DAMAGE 12 #define DISRUPTOR_NPC_ALT_DAMAGE_EASY 15 #define DISRUPTOR_NPC_ALT_DAMAGE_MEDIUM 25 #define DISRUPTOR_NPC_ALT_DAMAGE_HARD 30 #define DISRUPTOR_ALT_TRACES 3 // can go through a max of 3 entities #define DISRUPTOR_CHARGE_UNIT 150.0f // distruptor charging gives us one more unit every 150ms--if you change this, you'll have to do the same in bg_pmove // Wookie Bowcaster //---------- #define BOWCASTER_DAMAGE 45 #define BOWCASTER_VELOCITY 1300 #define BOWCASTER_NPC_DAMAGE_EASY 12 #define BOWCASTER_NPC_DAMAGE_NORMAL 24 #define BOWCASTER_NPC_DAMAGE_HARD 36 #define BOWCASTER_SPLASH_DAMAGE 0 #define BOWCASTER_SPLASH_RADIUS 0 #define BOWCASTER_SIZE 2 #define BOWCASTER_ALT_SPREAD 5.0f #define BOWCASTER_VEL_RANGE 0.3f #define BOWCASTER_CHARGE_UNIT 200.0f // bowcaster charging gives us one more unit every 200ms--if you change this, you'll have to do the same in bg_pmove // Heavy Repeater //---------- #define REPEATER_SPREAD 1.4f #define REPEATER_NPC_SPREAD 0.7f #define REPEATER_DAMAGE 8 #define REPEATER_VELOCITY 1600 #define REPEATER_NPC_DAMAGE_EASY 2 #define REPEATER_NPC_DAMAGE_NORMAL 4 #define REPEATER_NPC_DAMAGE_HARD 6 #define REPEATER_ALT_SIZE 3 // half of bbox size #define REPEATER_ALT_DAMAGE 60 #define REPEATER_ALT_SPLASH_DAMAGE 60 #define REPEATER_ALT_SPLASH_RADIUS 128 #define REPEATER_ALT_VELOCITY 1100 #define REPEATER_ALT_NPC_DAMAGE_EASY 15 #define REPEATER_ALT_NPC_DAMAGE_NORMAL 30 #define REPEATER_ALT_NPC_DAMAGE_HARD 45 // DEMP2 //---------- #define DEMP2_DAMAGE 15 #define DEMP2_VELOCITY 1800 #define DEMP2_NPC_DAMAGE_EASY 6 #define DEMP2_NPC_DAMAGE_NORMAL 12 #define DEMP2_NPC_DAMAGE_HARD 18 #define DEMP2_SIZE 2 // half of bbox size #define DEMP2_ALT_DAMAGE 15 #define DEMP2_CHARGE_UNIT 500.0f // demp2 charging gives us one more unit every 500ms--if you change this, you'll have to do the same in bg_pmove #define DEMP2_ALT_RANGE 4096 #define DEMP2_ALT_SPLASHRADIUS 256 // Golan Arms Flechette //--------- #define FLECHETTE_SHOTS 6 #define FLECHETTE_SPREAD 4.0f #define FLECHETTE_DAMAGE 15 #define FLECHETTE_VEL 3500 #define FLECHETTE_SIZE 1 #define FLECHETTE_ALT_DAMAGE 20 #define FLECHETTE_ALT_SPLASH_DAM 20 #define FLECHETTE_ALT_SPLASH_RAD 128 // NOT CURRENTLY USED #define FLECHETTE_MINE_RADIUS_CHECK 200 #define FLECHETTE_MINE_VEL 1000 #define FLECHETTE_MINE_DAMAGE 100 #define FLECHETTE_MINE_SPLASH_DAMAGE 200 #define FLECHETTE_MINE_SPLASH_RADIUS 200 // Personal Rocket Launcher //--------- #define ROCKET_VELOCITY 900 #define ROCKET_DAMAGE 100 #define ROCKET_SPLASH_DAMAGE 100 #define ROCKET_SPLASH_RADIUS 160 #define ROCKET_NPC_DAMAGE_EASY 20 #define ROCKET_NPC_DAMAGE_NORMAL 40 #define ROCKET_NPC_DAMAGE_HARD 60 #define ROCKET_SIZE 3 #define ROCKET_ALT_THINK_TIME 100 // Emplaced Gun //-------------- #define EMPLACED_VEL 6000 // very fast #define EMPLACED_DAMAGE 150 // and very damaging #define EMPLACED_SIZE 5 // make it easier to hit things // ATST Main Gun //-------------- #define ATST_MAIN_VEL 4000 // #define ATST_MAIN_DAMAGE 25 // #define ATST_MAIN_SIZE 3 // make it easier to hit things // ATST Side Gun //--------------- #define ATST_SIDE_MAIN_DAMAGE 75 #define ATST_SIDE_MAIN_VELOCITY 1300 #define ATST_SIDE_MAIN_NPC_DAMAGE_EASY 30 #define ATST_SIDE_MAIN_NPC_DAMAGE_NORMAL 40 #define ATST_SIDE_MAIN_NPC_DAMAGE_HARD 50 #define ATST_SIDE_MAIN_SIZE 4 #define ATST_SIDE_MAIN_SPLASH_DAMAGE 10 // yeah, pretty small, either zero out or make it worth having? #define ATST_SIDE_MAIN_SPLASH_RADIUS 16 // yeah, pretty small, either zero out or make it worth having? #define ATST_SIDE_ALT_VELOCITY 1100 #define ATST_SIDE_ALT_NPC_VELOCITY 600 #define ATST_SIDE_ALT_DAMAGE 130 #define ATST_SIDE_ROCKET_NPC_DAMAGE_EASY 30 #define ATST_SIDE_ROCKET_NPC_DAMAGE_NORMAL 50 #define ATST_SIDE_ROCKET_NPC_DAMAGE_HARD 90 #define ATST_SIDE_ALT_SPLASH_DAMAGE 130 #define ATST_SIDE_ALT_SPLASH_RADIUS 200 #define ATST_SIDE_ALT_ROCKET_SIZE 5 #define ATST_SIDE_ALT_ROCKET_SPLASH_SCALE 0.5f // scales splash for NPC's // Stun Baton //-------------- #define STUN_BATON_DAMAGE 22 #define STUN_BATON_ALT_DAMAGE 22 #define STUN_BATON_RANGE 25 // Laser Trip Mine //-------------- #define LT_DAMAGE 150 #define LT_SPLASH_RAD 256.0f #define LT_SPLASH_DAM 90 #define LT_VELOCITY 250.0f #define LT_ALT_VELOCITY 1000.0f #define PROX_MINE_RADIUS_CHECK 190 #define LT_SIZE 3.0f #define LT_ALT_TIME 2000 #define LT_ACTIVATION_DELAY 1000 #define LT_DELAY_TIME 50 // Thermal Detonator //-------------- #define TD_DAMAGE 100 #define TD_NPC_DAMAGE_CUT 0.6f // NPC thrown dets deliver only 60% of the damage that a player thrown one does #define TD_SPLASH_RAD 128 #define TD_SPLASH_DAM 90 #define TD_VELOCITY 900 #define TD_MIN_CHARGE 0.15f #define TD_TIME 4000 #define TD_THINK_TIME 300 // don't think too often? #define TD_TEST_RAD (weaponData[WP_THERMAL].splashRadius * 0.8f) // no sense in auto-blowing up if exactly on the radius edge--it would hardly do any damage #define TD_ALT_TIME 3000 #define TD_ALT_DAMAGE 100 #define TD_ALT_SPLASH_RAD 128 #define TD_ALT_SPLASH_DAM 90 #define TD_ALT_VELOCITY 600 #define TD_ALT_MIN_CHARGE 0.15f #define TD_ALT_TIME 3000 #endif//#ifndef __WEAPONS_H__