#if !defined(vrcommon_h) #define vrcommon_h //OpenXR #define XR_USE_GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES 1 #define XR_USE_PLATFORM_ANDROID 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../qcommon/q_shared.h" #include "../qcommon/qcommon.h" #include "VrClientInfo.h" #define LOG_TAG "JKVR" #ifndef NDEBUG #define DEBUG 1 #endif #define ALOGE(...) __android_log_print( ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__ ) #if DEBUG #define ALOGV(...) __android_log_print( ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__ ) #else #define ALOGV(...) #endif enum { ovrMaxLayerCount = 1 }; enum { ovrMaxNumEyes = 2 }; typedef enum xrButton_ { xrButton_A = 0x00000001, // Set for trigger pulled on the Gear VR and Go Controllers xrButton_B = 0x00000002, xrButton_RThumb = 0x00000004, xrButton_RShoulder = 0x00000008, xrButton_X = 0x00000100, xrButton_Y = 0x00000200, xrButton_LThumb = 0x00000400, xrButton_LShoulder = 0x00000800, xrButton_Up = 0x00010000, xrButton_Down = 0x00020000, xrButton_Left = 0x00040000, xrButton_Right = 0x00080000, xrButton_Enter = 0x00100000, xrButton_Back = 0x00200000, xrButton_GripTrigger = 0x04000000, xrButton_Trigger = 0x20000000, xrButton_Joystick = 0x80000000, xrButton_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff } xrButton; typedef struct ovrInputStateTrackedRemote_ { uint32_t Buttons; float IndexTrigger; float GripTrigger; XrVector2f Joystick; } ovrInputStateTrackedRemote; typedef struct { GLboolean Active; XrPosef Pose; XrSpaceVelocity Velocity; } ovrTrackedController; typedef enum control_scheme { RIGHT_HANDED_DEFAULT = 0, LEFT_HANDED_DEFAULT = 10, WEAPON_ALIGN = 99 } control_scheme_t; typedef struct { float M[4][4]; } ovrMatrix4f; typedef struct { XrSwapchain Handle; uint32_t Width; uint32_t Height; } ovrSwapChain; typedef struct { int Width; int Height; int Multisamples; uint32_t TextureSwapChainLength; uint32_t TextureSwapChainIndex; ovrSwapChain ColorSwapChain; XrSwapchainImageOpenGLESKHR* ColorSwapChainImage; GLuint* DepthBuffers; GLuint* FrameBuffers; } ovrFramebuffer; /* ================================================================================ ovrRenderer ================================================================================ */ typedef struct { ovrFramebuffer FrameBuffer[ovrMaxNumEyes]; ovrMatrix4f ProjectionMatrix; int NumBuffers; } ovrRenderer; /* ================================================================================ ovrApp ================================================================================ */ typedef union { XrCompositionLayerProjection Projection; XrCompositionLayerQuad Quad; } ovrCompositorLayer_Union; #define GL(func) func; // Forward declarations XrInstance ovrApp_GetInstance(); #if defined(DEBUG) static void OXR_CheckErrors(XrInstance instance, XrResult result, const char* function, bool failOnError) { if (XR_FAILED(result)) { char errorBuffer[XR_MAX_RESULT_STRING_SIZE]; xrResultToString(instance, result, errorBuffer); if (failOnError) { ALOGE("OpenXR error: %s: %s\n", function, errorBuffer); } else { ALOGV("OpenXR error: %s: %s\n", function, errorBuffer); } } } #endif #if defined(DEBUG) #define OXR(func) OXR_CheckErrors(ovrApp_GetInstance(), func, #func, true); #else #define OXR(func) func; #endif typedef struct { EGLint MajorVersion; EGLint MinorVersion; EGLDisplay Display; EGLConfig Config; EGLSurface TinySurface; EGLSurface MainSurface; EGLContext Context; } ovrEgl; /// Java details about an activity typedef struct ovrJava_ { JavaVM* Vm; //< Java Virtual Machine JNIEnv* Env; //< Thread specific environment jobject ActivityObject; //< Java activity object } ovrJava; typedef struct { ovrJava Java; ovrEgl Egl; ANativeWindow* NativeWindow; bool Resumed; bool Focused; bool FrameSetup; XrInstance Instance; XrSession Session; XrViewConfigurationProperties ViewportConfig; XrViewConfigurationView ViewConfigurationView[ovrMaxNumEyes]; XrSystemId SystemId; XrSpace HeadSpace; XrSpace StageSpace; XrSpace FakeStageSpace; XrSpace CurrentSpace; GLboolean SessionActive; XrPosef xfStageFromHead; XrView* Projections; XrMatrix4x4f ProjectionMatrices[2]; float currentDisplayRefreshRate; float* SupportedDisplayRefreshRates; uint32_t RequestedDisplayRefreshRateIndex; uint32_t NumSupportedDisplayRefreshRates; PFN_xrGetDisplayRefreshRateFB pfnGetDisplayRefreshRate; PFN_xrRequestDisplayRefreshRateFB pfnRequestDisplayRefreshRate; XrTime PredictedDisplayTime; long long FrameIndex; int SwapInterval; int CpuLevel; int GpuLevel; int MainThreadTid; int RenderThreadTid; ovrCompositorLayer_Union Layers[ovrMaxLayerCount]; int LayerCount; ovrRenderer Renderer; ovrTrackedController TrackedController[2]; } ovrApp; extern bool openjk_initialised; extern long long global_time; extern int ducked; extern vr_client_info_t vr; void ovrTrackedController_Clear(ovrTrackedController* controller); ovrMatrix4f ovrMatrix4f_Multiply(const ovrMatrix4f* a, const ovrMatrix4f* b); ovrMatrix4f ovrMatrix4f_CreateRotation(const float radiansX, const float radiansY, const float radiansZ); ovrMatrix4f ovrMatrix4f_CreateFromQuaternion(const XrQuaternionf* q); XrVector4f XrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(const ovrMatrix4f* a, const XrVector4f* v); float radians(float deg); float degrees(float rad); bool isMultiplayer(); double GetTimeInMilliSeconds(); float length(float x, float y); float nonLinearFilter(float in); bool between(float min, float val, float max); void rotateAboutOrigin(float v1, float v2, float rotation, vec2_t out); void QuatToYawPitchRoll(XrQuaternionf q, vec3_t rotation, vec3_t out); void handleTrackedControllerButton(ovrInputStateTrackedRemote * trackedRemoteState, ovrInputStateTrackedRemote * prevTrackedRemoteState, uint32_t button, int key); void interactWithTouchScreen(bool reset, ovrInputStateTrackedRemote *newState, ovrInputStateTrackedRemote *oldState); int GetRefresh(); void VR_Recenter(); //Called from engine code bool JKVR_useScreenLayer(); bool JKVR_GetVRProjection(int eye, float zNear, float zFar, float* projection); void JKVR_GetScreenRes(int *width, int *height); void JKVR_InitActions( void ); void JKVR_Vibrate(int duration, int channel, float intensity ); void JKVR_Haptic(int duration, int channel, float intensity, char *description, float yaw, float height); void JKVR_HapticEvent(const char* event, int position, int flags, int intensity, float angle, float yHeight ); void JKVR_HapticUpdateEvent(const char* event, int intensity, float angle ); void JKVR_HapticEndFrame(); void JKVR_HapticStopEvent(const char* event); void JKVR_HapticEnable(); void JKVR_HapticDisable(); void JKVR_processMessageQueue(); void JKVR_FrameSetup(); void JKVR_processHaptics(); void JKVR_getHMDOrientation( ); void JKVR_getTrackedRemotesOrientation(); void JKVR_updateProjections(); void JKVR_UpdateControllers( ); bool JKVR_useScreenLayer(); void JKVR_prepareEyeBuffer(int eye ); void JKVR_finishEyeBuffer(int eye ); void JKVR_submitFrame(); #endif //vrcommon_h