/************************************************************************************ Filename : VrInputDefault.c Content : Handles default controller input Created : August 2019 Authors : Simon Brown *************************************************************************************/ #include #include "VrInput.h" #include "VrCvars.h" #include "qcommon/q_shared.h" #include #include #include #include "android/sys_local.h" #include "VrTBDC.h" #ifdef JK2_MODE #include "../OpenJK/codeJK2/game/weapons.h" #else #include "../OpenJK/code/game/weapons.h" #endif void SV_Trace( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int passEntityNum, int contentmask, int capsule ); static inline float AngleBetweenVectors(const vec3_t a, const vec3_t b) { return RAD2DEG(acosf(DotProduct(a, b)/(VectorLength(a) * VectorLength(b)))); } void HandleInput_Default( ovrInputStateTrackedRemote *pDominantTrackedRemoteNew, ovrInputStateTrackedRemote *pDominantTrackedRemoteOld, ovrTrackedController* pDominantTracking, ovrInputStateTrackedRemote *pOffTrackedRemoteNew, ovrInputStateTrackedRemote *pOffTrackedRemoteOld, ovrTrackedController* pOffTracking, int domButton1, int domButton2, int offButton1, int offButton2 ) { //Ensure handedness is set correctly vr.right_handed = vr_control_scheme->value < 10 || vr_control_scheme->value == 99; // Always right-handed for weapon calibration static bool dominantGripPushed = false; static bool canUseBackpack = false; static bool canUseQuickSave = false; //Need this for the touch screen ovrTrackedController * pWeapon = pDominantTracking; ovrTrackedController * pOff = pOffTracking; //All this to allow stick and button switching! XrVector2f *pPrimaryJoystick; XrVector2f *pSecondaryJoystick; uint32_t primaryButtonsNew; uint32_t primaryButtonsOld; uint32_t secondaryButtonsNew; uint32_t secondaryButtonsOld; int primaryButton1; int primaryButton2; int secondaryButton1; int secondaryButton2; int primaryThumb; int secondaryThumb; if (vr_control_scheme->integer == LEFT_HANDED_DEFAULT && vr_switch_sticks->integer) { primaryThumb = xrButton_RThumb; secondaryThumb = xrButton_LThumb; } else if (vr_control_scheme->integer == LEFT_HANDED_DEFAULT || vr_switch_sticks->integer) { primaryThumb = xrButton_LThumb; secondaryThumb = xrButton_RThumb; } else { primaryThumb = xrButton_RThumb; secondaryThumb = xrButton_LThumb; } if (vr_switch_sticks->integer) { // // This will switch the joystick and A/B/X/Y button functions only // Move, Strafe, Turn, Jump, Crouch, Notepad, HUD mode, Weapon Switch pSecondaryJoystick = &pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Joystick; pPrimaryJoystick = &pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Joystick; secondaryButtonsNew = pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons; secondaryButtonsOld = pDominantTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons; primaryButtonsNew = pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons; primaryButtonsOld = pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons; primaryButton1 = offButton1; primaryButton2 = offButton2; secondaryButton1 = domButton1; secondaryButton2 = domButton2; } else { pPrimaryJoystick = &pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Joystick; pSecondaryJoystick = &pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Joystick; primaryButtonsNew = pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons; primaryButtonsOld = pDominantTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons; secondaryButtonsNew = pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons; secondaryButtonsOld = pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons; primaryButton1 = domButton1; primaryButton2 = domButton2; secondaryButton1 = offButton1; secondaryButton2 = offButton2; } //Allow weapon alignment mode toggle on x if (vr_align_weapons->value) { bool offhandX = (pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_X); if ((offhandX != (pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons & xrButton_X)) && offhandX) Cvar_Set("vr_control_scheme", "99"); } //Set controller angles - We need to calculate all those we might need (including adjustments) for the client to then take its pick { vec3_t rotation = {0}; QuatToYawPitchRoll(pWeapon->Pose.orientation, rotation, vr.weaponangles[ANGLES_DEFAULT]); QuatToYawPitchRoll(pOff->Pose.orientation, rotation, vr.offhandangles[ANGLES_DEFAULT]); rotation[PITCH] = 45; //If we are in a saberBlockDebounce thing then add on an angle //Lerped upon how far from the start of the saber move if (vr.saberBlockDebounce > cl.serverTime) { float lerp = 0.0f; //Where are we in the lerp // 0 = vr.saberBlockDebounce - TBDC_SABER_BOUNCETIME // 1 = vr.saberBlockDebounce - TBDC_SABER_BOUNCETIME / 2 // 0 (again) = vr.saberBlockDebounce if(cl.serverTime < vr.saberBlockDebounce - TBDC_SABER_BOUNCETIME / 2) { //Somewhere between 0 and 1 lerp = float(cl.serverTime - (vr.saberBlockDebounce - TBDC_SABER_BOUNCETIME)) / float((vr.saberBlockDebounce - TBDC_SABER_BOUNCETIME / 2) - (vr.saberBlockDebounce - TBDC_SABER_BOUNCETIME)); } else { //Somewhere between 1 and 0 lerp = 1 - float(cl.serverTime - (vr.saberBlockDebounce - TBDC_SABER_BOUNCETIME / 2)) / float(vr.saberBlockDebounce - (vr.saberBlockDebounce - TBDC_SABER_BOUNCETIME / 2)); } switch(vr.saberBounceMove) { case VRLS_B1_BR: rotation[PITCH] += lerp * TBDC_SABER_BOUNCEANGLE; rotation[YAW] -= lerp * TBDC_SABER_BOUNCEANGLE; break; case VRLS_B1__R: rotation[YAW] -= lerp * TBDC_SABER_BOUNCEANGLE; break; case VRLS_B1_TR: rotation[PITCH] -= lerp * TBDC_SABER_BOUNCEANGLE; rotation[YAW] -= lerp * TBDC_SABER_BOUNCEANGLE; break; case VRLS_B1_T_: rotation[PITCH] -= lerp * TBDC_SABER_BOUNCEANGLE; break; case VRLS_B1_TL: rotation[PITCH] -= lerp * TBDC_SABER_BOUNCEANGLE; rotation[YAW] += lerp * TBDC_SABER_BOUNCEANGLE; break; case VRLS_B1__L: rotation[YAW] += lerp * TBDC_SABER_BOUNCEANGLE; break; case VRLS_B1_BL: rotation[PITCH] += lerp * TBDC_SABER_BOUNCEANGLE; rotation[YAW] += lerp * TBDC_SABER_BOUNCEANGLE; break; default: rotation[PITCH] -= lerp * TBDC_SABER_BOUNCEANGLE; rotation[YAW] += lerp * (TBDC_SABER_BOUNCEANGLE / 2); break; } } /*else if(cl.serverTime > vr.saberBlockDebounce + 3000) { if(vr.saberBounceMove < 82) { vr.saberBounceMove = 82; } vr.saberBlockDebounce = cl.serverTime + TBDC_SABER_BOUNCETIME; }*/ QuatToYawPitchRoll(pWeapon->Pose.orientation, rotation, vr.weaponangles[ANGLES_SABER]); QuatToYawPitchRoll(pOff->Pose.orientation, rotation, vr.offhandangles[ANGLES_SABER]); rotation[PITCH] = vr_weapon_pitchadjust->value; QuatToYawPitchRoll(pWeapon->Pose.orientation, rotation, vr.weaponangles[ANGLES_ADJUSTED]); QuatToYawPitchRoll(pOff->Pose.orientation, rotation, vr.offhandangles[ANGLES_ADJUSTED]); for (int anglesIndex = 0; anglesIndex <= ANGLES_SABER; ++anglesIndex) { VectorSubtract(vr.weaponangles_last[anglesIndex], vr.weaponangles[anglesIndex], vr.weaponangles_delta[anglesIndex]); VectorCopy(vr.weaponangles[anglesIndex], vr.weaponangles_last[anglesIndex]); VectorSubtract(vr.offhandangles_last[anglesIndex], vr.offhandangles[anglesIndex], vr.offhandangles_delta[anglesIndex]); VectorCopy(vr.offhandangles[anglesIndex], vr.offhandangles_last[anglesIndex]); } } //Menu button handleTrackedControllerButton(&leftTrackedRemoteState_new, &leftTrackedRemoteState_old, xrButton_Enter, A_ESCAPE); handleTrackedControllerButton(&rightTrackedRemoteState_new, &rightTrackedRemoteState_old, xrButton_Enter, A_ESCAPE); static float menuYaw = 0; if (VR_UseScreenLayer() && !vr.misc_camera && !vr.cin_camera /*bit of a fiddle, but if we are in a misc camera or cin camera, we are in the game and shouldn't be in here*/) { bool controlsLeftHanded = vr_control_scheme->integer >= 10; if (controlsLeftHanded == vr.menu_right_handed) { interactWithTouchScreen(menuYaw, vr.offhandangles[ANGLES_DEFAULT]); handleTrackedControllerButton(pOffTrackedRemoteNew, pOffTrackedRemoteOld, offButton1, A_MOUSE1); handleTrackedControllerButton(pOffTrackedRemoteNew, pOffTrackedRemoteOld, xrButton_Trigger, A_MOUSE1); handleTrackedControllerButton(pOffTrackedRemoteNew, pOffTrackedRemoteOld, offButton2, A_ESCAPE); if ((pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger) != (pDominantTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger) && (pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger)) { vr.menu_right_handed = !vr.menu_right_handed; } } else { interactWithTouchScreen(menuYaw, vr.weaponangles[ANGLES_DEFAULT]); handleTrackedControllerButton(pDominantTrackedRemoteNew, pDominantTrackedRemoteOld, domButton1, A_MOUSE1); handleTrackedControllerButton(pDominantTrackedRemoteNew, pDominantTrackedRemoteOld, xrButton_Trigger, A_MOUSE1); handleTrackedControllerButton(pDominantTrackedRemoteNew, pDominantTrackedRemoteOld, domButton2, A_ESCAPE); if ((pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger) != (pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger) && (pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger)) { vr.menu_right_handed = !vr.menu_right_handed; } } //Close the datapad if (((secondaryButtonsNew & secondaryButton2) != (secondaryButtonsOld & secondaryButton2)) && (secondaryButtonsNew & secondaryButton2)) { Sys_QueEvent(0, SE_KEY, A_TAB, true, 0, NULL); } } else { menuYaw = vr.hmdorientation[YAW]; float distance = sqrtf(powf(pOff->Pose.position.x - pWeapon->Pose.position.x, 2) + powf(pOff->Pose.position.y - pWeapon->Pose.position.y, 2) + powf(pOff->Pose.position.z - pWeapon->Pose.position.z, 2)); float distanceToHMD = sqrtf(powf(vr.hmdposition[0] - pWeapon->Pose.position.x, 2) + powf(vr.hmdposition[1] - pWeapon->Pose.position.y, 2) + powf(vr.hmdposition[2] - pWeapon->Pose.position.z, 2)); float distanceToHMDOff = sqrtf(powf(vr.hmdposition[0] - pOff->Pose.position.x, 2) + powf(vr.hmdposition[1] - pOff->Pose.position.y, 2) + powf(vr.hmdposition[2] - pOff->Pose.position.z, 2)); float controllerYawHeading = 0.0f; //Turn on weapon stabilisation? bool offhandGripPushed = (pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_GripTrigger); if (offhandGripPushed) { if (!vr.weapon_stabilised && vr.item_selector == 0 && !vr.misc_camera && !vr.cgzoommode) { if (distance < STABILISATION_DISTANCE && vr_two_handed_weapons->integer && cl.frame.ps.weapon >= WP_SABER) { vr.weapon_stabilised = true; } else { vr.item_selector = 2; } } } else if (vr.item_selector == 2) { sendButtonActionSimple("itemselectorselect"); vr.item_selector = 0; } else { vr.weapon_stabilised = false; } dominantGripPushed = (pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_GripTrigger) != 0; //Do this early so we can suppress other button actions when item selector is up if (dominantGripPushed) { if (!vr.weapon_stabilised && vr.item_selector == 0 && !vr.misc_camera && !vr.cgzoommode) { vr.item_selector = 1; } } else if (vr.item_selector == 1) { sendButtonActionSimple("itemselectorselect"); vr.item_selector = 0; } #define JOYX_SAMPLE_COUNT 4 static float joyx[JOYX_SAMPLE_COUNT] = {0}; for (int j = JOYX_SAMPLE_COUNT - 1; j > 0; --j) joyx[j] = joyx[j - 1]; joyx[0] = pPrimaryJoystick->x; float sum = 0.0f; for (int j = 0; j < JOYX_SAMPLE_COUNT; ++j) sum += joyx[j]; float primaryJoystickX = sum / 4.0f; //Left/right to switch between which selector we are using if (vr.item_selector) { static bool itemSwitched = false; if (between(-0.2f, pPrimaryJoystick->y, 0.2f) && (primaryJoystickX > 0.8f || primaryJoystickX < -0.8f)) { if (!itemSwitched) { if (primaryJoystickX > 0.8f) { sendButtonActionSimple("itemselectornext"); itemSwitched = true; } else if (primaryJoystickX < -0.8f) { sendButtonActionSimple("itemselectorprev"); itemSwitched = true; } } } else if (between(-0.4f, primaryJoystickX, 0.4f)) { itemSwitched = false; } } if (vr.cin_camera) { //To skip cinematic use any thumb or trigger if ((primaryButtonsNew & primaryThumb) != (primaryButtonsOld & primaryThumb)) { sendButtonAction("+use", (primaryButtonsNew & primaryThumb)); } if ((secondaryButtonsNew & secondaryThumb) != (secondaryButtonsOld & secondaryThumb)) { sendButtonAction("+use", (secondaryButtonsNew & secondaryThumb)); } if ((pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger) != (pDominantTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger)) { sendButtonAction("+use", (pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger)); // mark button as already pressed to prevent firing after entering the game pDominantTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons |= xrButton_Trigger; } if ((pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger) != (pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger)) { sendButtonAction("+use", (pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger)); // mark button as already pressed to prevent firing after entering the game pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons |= xrButton_Trigger; } } else if (vr.misc_camera) { if (between(-0.2f, primaryJoystickX, 0.2f)) { sendButtonAction("+use", pPrimaryJoystick->y < -0.8f || pPrimaryJoystick->y > 0.8f); } } else if (vr.cgzoommode) { if (between(-0.2f, primaryJoystickX, 0.2f)) { if (vr.cgzoommode == 2) { // We are in disruptor scope if (pPrimaryJoystick->y > 0.8f) { vr.cgzoomdir = -1; // zooming in sendButtonAction("+altattack", true); } else if (pPrimaryJoystick->y < -0.8f) { vr.cgzoomdir = 1; // zooming out sendButtonAction("+altattack", true); } else { sendButtonAction("+altattack", false); } } else if (vr.cgzoommode == 1) { // We are in binoculars scope - zoom in or out sendButtonAction("+attack", pPrimaryJoystick->y > 0.8f); sendButtonAction("+altattack", pPrimaryJoystick->y < -0.8f); } // No function of thumbstick for nightvision (3) or blaster scope (4) } } else if (cl.frame.ps.weapon == WP_SABER) { if (vr_saber_3rdperson_mode->integer == 2) { int mode = (int)Cvar_VariableValue("cg_thirdPerson"); if (!mode) { sendButtonActionSimple("cg_thirdPerson 1"); } } else if (vr_saber_3rdperson_mode->integer == 1) { int mode = (int) Cvar_VariableValue("cg_thirdPerson"); static bool switched = false; if (between(-0.2f, primaryJoystickX, 0.2f) && (between(0.8f, pPrimaryJoystick->y, 1.0f) || between(-1.0f, pPrimaryJoystick->y, -0.8f))) { if (!switched) { mode = 1 - mode; sendButtonActionSimple(va("cg_thirdPerson %i", mode)); switched = true; } } else { switched = false; } } else { int mode = (int)Cvar_VariableValue("cg_thirdPerson"); if (mode != 0) { sendButtonActionSimple("cg_thirdPerson 0"); } } } else { int mode = (int)Cvar_VariableValue("cg_thirdPerson"); if (mode != 0) { sendButtonActionSimple("cg_thirdPerson 0"); } } /* //Parameter Changer static bool changed = false; if (between(-0.2f, primaryJoystickX, 0.2f) && between(0.8f, pPrimaryJoystick->y, 1.0f)) { if(!changed) { vr.tempWeaponVelocity += 25; changed = true; ALOGV("**TBDC** Projectile speed %f",vr.tempWeaponVelocity); } } else if (between(-0.2f, primaryJoystickX, 0.2f) && between(-1.0f, pPrimaryJoystick->y, -0.8f)) { if(!changed) { vr.tempWeaponVelocity -= 25; ALOGV("**TBDC** Projectile speed %f",vr.tempWeaponVelocity); changed = true; } } else { changed = false; }*/ //dominant hand stuff first { //Record recent weapon position for trajectory based stuff for (int i = (NUM_WEAPON_SAMPLES - 1); i != 0; --i) { VectorCopy(vr.weaponoffset_history[i - 1], vr.weaponoffset_history[i]); vr.weaponoffset_history_timestamp[i] = vr.weaponoffset_history_timestamp[i - 1]; } VectorCopy(vr.weaponoffset, vr.weaponoffset_history[0]); vr.weaponoffset_history_timestamp[0] = vr.weaponoffset_timestamp; VectorSet(vr.weaponposition, pWeapon->Pose.position.x, pWeapon->Pose.position.y, pWeapon->Pose.position.z); ///Weapon location relative to view VectorSet(vr.weaponoffset, pWeapon->Pose.position.x, pWeapon->Pose.position.y, pWeapon->Pose.position.z); VectorSubtract(vr.weaponoffset, vr.hmdposition, vr.weaponoffset); vr.weaponoffset_timestamp = Sys_Milliseconds(); vec3_t velocity; VectorSet(velocity, pWeapon->Velocity.linearVelocity.x, pWeapon->Velocity.linearVelocity.y, pWeapon->Velocity.linearVelocity.z); vr.primaryswingvelocity = VectorLength(velocity); VectorSet(velocity, pOff->Velocity.linearVelocity.x, pOff->Velocity.linearVelocity.y, pOff->Velocity.linearVelocity.z); vr.secondaryswingvelocity = VectorLength(velocity); //For melee right hand is alt attack and left hand is attack if (cl.frame.ps.weapon == WP_MELEE) { //Does weapon velocity trigger attack (melee) and is it fast enough if (vr.velocitytriggered) { static bool fired = false; vr.primaryVelocityTriggeredAttack = (vr.primaryswingvelocity > vr_weapon_velocity_trigger->value); if (fired != vr.primaryVelocityTriggeredAttack) { ALOGV("**WEAPON EVENT** veocity triggered %s", vr.primaryVelocityTriggeredAttack ? "+altattack" : "-altattack"); //normal attack is a punch with the left hand sendButtonAction("+altattack", vr.primaryVelocityTriggeredAttack); fired = vr.primaryVelocityTriggeredAttack; } } else if (vr.primaryVelocityTriggeredAttack) { //send a stop attack as we have an unfinished velocity attack vr.primaryVelocityTriggeredAttack = false; ALOGV("**WEAPON EVENT** veocity triggered -altattack"); sendButtonAction("+altattack", vr.primaryVelocityTriggeredAttack); } if (vr.velocitytriggered) { static bool fired = false; vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack = (vr.secondaryswingvelocity > vr_weapon_velocity_trigger->value); if (fired != vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack) { ALOGV("**WEAPON EVENT** veocity triggered %s", vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack ? "+attack" : "-attack"); //normal attack is a punch with the left hand sendButtonAction("+attack", vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack); fired = vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack; } } else if (vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack) { //send a stop attack as we have an unfinished velocity attack vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack = qfalse; ALOGV("**WEAPON EVENT** veocity triggered -attack"); sendButtonAction("+attack", vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack); } } else if (cl.frame.ps.weapon == WP_SABER || cl.frame.ps.weapon == WP_STUN_BATON) { //Does weapon velocity trigger attack if (vr.velocitytriggered) { static bool fired = false; float velocityRequired = (cl.frame.ps.weapon == WP_SABER) ? vr_weapon_velocity_trigger->value : (vr_weapon_velocity_trigger->value / 2.0f); vr.primaryVelocityTriggeredAttack = (vr.primaryswingvelocity > velocityRequired); //player has to be dual wielding for this to be true if (vr.dualsabers) { vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack = (vr.secondaryswingvelocity > velocityRequired); } bool triggered = vr.primaryVelocityTriggeredAttack || (vr.dualsabers && vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack); if (fired != triggered) { ALOGV("**WEAPON EVENT** veocity triggered %s", triggered ? "+attack" : "-attack"); //normal attack is a punch with the left hand sendButtonAction("+attack", triggered); fired = triggered; } } else if (vr.primaryVelocityTriggeredAttack || vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack) { //send a stop attack as we have an unfinished velocity attack vr.primaryVelocityTriggeredAttack = false; vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack = false; ALOGV("**WEAPON EVENT** veocity triggered -attack"); sendButtonAction("+attack", vr.primaryVelocityTriggeredAttack); } } //Should we trigger the disruptor scope? if ((cl.frame.ps.weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR || cl.frame.ps.weapon == WP_BLASTER) && cl.frame.ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0) { if (vr.weapon_stabilised && VectorLength(vr.weaponoffset) < 0.24f && vr.cgzoommode == 0) { sendButtonAction("enterscope", true); } else if ((VectorLength(vr.weaponoffset) > 0.26f || !vr.weapon_stabilised) && (vr.cgzoommode == 2 || vr.cgzoommode == 4)) { sendButtonActionSimple("exitscope"); } } else if (vr.cgzoommode == 2 || vr.cgzoommode == 4) { // In case we were using weapon scope and weapon // was changed due to out of ammo, exit scope sendButtonActionSimple("exitscope"); } vec3_t offhandPositionAverage; VectorClear(offhandPositionAverage); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { VectorAdd(offhandPositionAverage, vr.offhandposition[i], offhandPositionAverage); } VectorScale(offhandPositionAverage, 0.2f, offhandPositionAverage); if (vr.weapon_stabilised && !vr.dualsabers) { if (vr.cgzoommode == 2 || vr.cgzoommode == 4) { //If scope is engaged, lift muzzle slightly so that it aligns with the headset float x = offhandPositionAverage[0] - (vr.hmdposition[0]); float y = (offhandPositionAverage[1] + 0.12f) - (vr.hmdposition[1]); float z = offhandPositionAverage[2] - (vr.hmdposition[2]); float zxDist = length(x, z); if (zxDist != 0.0f && z != 0.0f) { VectorSet(vr.weaponangles[ANGLES_ADJUSTED], -RAD2DEG(atanf(y / zxDist)), -RAD2DEG(atan2f(x, -z)), vr.weaponangles[ANGLES_ADJUSTED][ROLL] / 2.0f); //Dampen roll on stabilised weapon // shoot from exactly where we are looking from VectorClear(vr.weaponoffset); VectorCopy(vr.hmdposition, vr.weaponposition); } } else if (vr_virtual_stock->integer == 1) { //offset to the appropriate eye a little bit vec2_t xy = {0, 0}; rotateAboutOrigin(Cvar_VariableValue("cg_stereoSeparation") / 2.0f, 0.0f, -vr.hmdorientation[YAW], xy); float x = vr.offhandposition[0][0] - (vr.hmdposition[0] + xy[0]); float y = vr.offhandposition[0][1] - (vr.hmdposition[1] - 0.1f); float z = vr.offhandposition[0][2] - (vr.hmdposition[2] + xy[1]); float zxDist = length(x, z); if (zxDist != 0.0f && z != 0.0f) { VectorSet(vr.weaponangles[ANGLES_ADJUSTED], -RAD2DEG(atanf(y / zxDist)), -RAD2DEG(atan2f(x, -z)), 0); //Dampen roll on stabilised weapon } } else { vec3_t delta; delta[0] = pOff->Pose.position.x - pWeapon->Pose.position.x; delta[1] = pOff->Pose.position.y - pWeapon->Pose.position.y; delta[2] = pOff->Pose.position.z - pWeapon->Pose.position.z; int anglesToSet = ANGLES_ADJUSTED; if (cl.frame.ps.weapon == WP_SABER || cl.frame.ps.weapon == WP_STUN_BATON) { anglesToSet = ANGLES_SABER; VectorNegate(delta, delta); } float zxDist = length(delta[0], delta[2]); if (zxDist != 0.0f && delta[2] != 0.0f) { VectorSet(vr.weaponangles[anglesToSet], -RAD2DEG(atanf(delta[1] / zxDist)), -RAD2DEG(atan2f(delta[0], -delta[2])), vr.weaponangles[anglesToSet][ROLL] / 2.0f); //Dampen roll on stabilised weapon } } } //off-hand stuff (done here as I reference it in the save state thing { for (int i = 4; i > 0; --i) { VectorCopy(vr.offhandposition[i-1], vr.offhandposition[i]); } vr.offhandposition[0][0] = pOff->Pose.position.x; vr.offhandposition[0][1] = pOff->Pose.position.y; vr.offhandposition[0][2] = pOff->Pose.position.z; vr.offhandoffset[0] = pOff->Pose.position.x - vr.hmdposition[0]; vr.offhandoffset[1] = pOff->Pose.position.y - vr.hmdposition[1]; vr.offhandoffset[2] = pOff->Pose.position.z - vr.hmdposition[2]; if (vr_walkdirection->value == 0) { controllerYawHeading = vr.offhandangles[ANGLES_ADJUSTED][YAW] - vr.hmdorientation[YAW]; } else { controllerYawHeading = 0.0f; } } } //Right-hand specific stuff { //This section corrects for the fact that the controller actually controls direction of movement, but we want to move relative to the direction the //player is facing for positional tracking //Positional movement speed correction for when we are not hitting target framerate static double lastframetime = 0; int refresh = TBXR_GetRefresh(); double newframetime = TBXR_GetTimeInMilliSeconds(); float multiplier = (float) ((1000.0 / refresh) / (newframetime - lastframetime)); lastframetime = newframetime; vec2_t v; float factor = (refresh / 72.0F) * vr_positional_factor->value; // adjust positional factor based on refresh rate rotateAboutOrigin(-vr.hmdposition_delta[0] * factor * multiplier, vr.hmdposition_delta[2] * factor * multiplier, -vr.hmdorientation[YAW], v); positional_movementSideways = v[0]; positional_movementForward = v[1]; ALOGV(" positional_movementSideways: %f, positional_movementForward: %f", positional_movementSideways, positional_movementForward); //Jump (A Button) if ((primaryButtonsNew & primaryButton1) != (primaryButtonsOld & primaryButton1)) { sendButtonAction("+moveup", (primaryButtonsNew & primaryButton1)); } //B Button if ((primaryButtonsNew & primaryButton2) != (primaryButtonsOld & primaryButton2)) { if (vr.cgzoommode == 1 || vr.cgzoommode == 3) { // Exit scope only when using binoculars or nightvision sendButtonActionSimple("exitscope"); } else if (cl.frame.ps.weapon == WP_SABER && vr.velocitytriggered) { //B button toggles saber on/off in first person if (primaryButtonsNew & primaryButton2) { sendButtonActionSimple("togglesaber"); } } else if (cl.frame.ps.weapon != WP_DISRUPTOR) { sendButtonAction("+altattack", (primaryButtonsNew & primaryButton2)); } } static bool firing = false; static bool throwing = false; int thirdPerson = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("cg_thirdPerson"); if (cl.frame.ps.weapon == WP_SABER && !thirdPerson && vr.cgzoommode == 0 && cl.frame.ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0) { static bool previous_throwing = false; previous_throwing = throwing; if (!throwing && vr.primaryVelocityTriggeredAttack && (pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger)) { throwing = true; } else if (throwing && !(pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger)) { throwing = false; } if (previous_throwing != throwing) { sendButtonAction("+altattack", throwing); } } else if (!vr.velocitytriggered) // Don't fire velocity triggered weapons { //Fire Primary - Doesn't trigger the saber if ((pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger) != (pDominantTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger)) { firing = (pDominantTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger) && !vr.item_selector; sendButtonAction("+attack", firing); } if (throwing) { //if throwing is still activated here, just disable throwing = false; sendButtonAction("+altattack", throwing); } } //Duck - off hand joystick if ((secondaryButtonsNew & secondaryThumb) != (secondaryButtonsOld & secondaryThumb)) { if (vr_crouch_toggle->integer) { if (secondaryButtonsOld & secondaryThumb) { vr.crouched = !vr.crouched; sendButtonAction("+movedown", vr.crouched); } } else { sendButtonAction("+movedown", (secondaryButtonsNew & secondaryThumb)); } // Reset max height for IRL crouch vr.maxHeight = 0; } //Use if ((primaryButtonsNew & primaryThumb) != (primaryButtonsOld & primaryThumb)) { sendButtonAction("+use", (primaryButtonsNew & primaryThumb)); } } { //Apply a filter and quadratic scaler so small movements are easier to make float dist = length(pSecondaryJoystick->x, pSecondaryJoystick->y); float nlf = nonLinearFilter(dist); dist = (dist > 1.0f) ? dist : 1.0f; float x = nlf * (pSecondaryJoystick->x / dist); float y = nlf * (pSecondaryJoystick->y / dist); vr.player_moving = (fabs(x) + fabs(y)) > 0.05f; //Adjust to be off-hand controller oriented vec2_t v; rotateAboutOrigin(x, y, controllerYawHeading, v); //Move a lot slower if scope is engaged remote_movementSideways = v[0] * (vr.move_speed == 0 ? 0.75f : (vr.move_speed == 1 ? 1.0f : 0.5f)); remote_movementForward = v[1] * (vr.move_speed == 0 ? 0.75f : (vr.move_speed == 1 ? 1.0f : 0.5f)); ALOGV(" remote_movementSideways: %f, remote_movementForward: %f", remote_movementSideways, remote_movementForward); if (!canUseQuickSave) { if (((secondaryButtonsNew & secondaryButton1) != (secondaryButtonsOld & secondaryButton1)) && (secondaryButtonsNew & secondaryButton1)) { //Toggle walk/run somehow?! vr.move_speed = (++vr.move_speed) % 3; } } //Open the datapad if (!canUseQuickSave) { if (((secondaryButtonsNew & secondaryButton2) != (secondaryButtonsOld & secondaryButton2)) && (secondaryButtonsNew & secondaryButton2)) { Sys_QueEvent(0, SE_KEY, A_TAB, true, 0, NULL); } } //Use Force - off hand trigger { if ((pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger) != (pOffTrackedRemoteOld->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger)) { sendButtonAction("+useforce", (pOffTrackedRemoteNew->Buttons & xrButton_Trigger)); } } //Use smooth in 3rd person bool usingSnapTurn = vr_turn_mode->integer == 0 || (!vr.third_person && vr_turn_mode->integer == 1); static int increaseSnap = true; if (!vr.item_selector) { if (usingSnapTurn) { if (primaryJoystickX > 0.7f) { if (increaseSnap) { vr.snapTurn -= vr_turn_angle->value; increaseSnap = false; if (vr.snapTurn < -180.0f) { vr.snapTurn += 360.f; } } } else if (primaryJoystickX < 0.3f) { increaseSnap = true; } } static int decreaseSnap = true; if (usingSnapTurn) { if (primaryJoystickX < -0.7f) { if (decreaseSnap) { vr.snapTurn += vr_turn_angle->value; decreaseSnap = false; if (vr.snapTurn > 180.0f) { vr.snapTurn -= 360.f; } } } else if (primaryJoystickX > -0.3f) { decreaseSnap = true; } } if (!usingSnapTurn && fabs(primaryJoystickX) > 0.1f) //smooth turn { vr.snapTurn -= ((vr_turn_angle->value / 10.0f) * primaryJoystickX); if (vr.snapTurn > 180.0f) { vr.snapTurn -= 360.f; } } } else { if (fabs(primaryJoystickX) > 0.5f) { increaseSnap = false; } else { increaseSnap = true; } } } //process force motion controls here if (vr_force_motion_controlled->integer && !vr.weapon_stabilised && // If dual sabers we can't really use motion control force as the off hand could be swinging for an attack !vr.dualsabers) { if (vr.secondaryswingvelocity > vr_force_velocity_trigger->value) { if (!vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack) { VectorCopy(vr.offhandposition[0], vr.secondaryVelocityTriggerLocation); vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack = true; } } else { if (vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack) { vec3_t start, end, chest; vec3_t offhandRightXY = {}; vec3_t hmdForwardXY = {}; float hmdToOffhandDotProduct = 0; AngleVectors(vr.hmdorientation, hmdForwardXY, NULL, NULL); AngleVectors(vr.offhandangles[ANGLES_DEFAULT], NULL, offhandRightXY, NULL); hmdForwardXY[1] = 0; VectorNormalize(hmdForwardXY); offhandRightXY[1] = 0; VectorNormalize(offhandRightXY); hmdToOffhandDotProduct = DotProduct(hmdForwardXY, offhandRightXY); bool palmAway = hmdToOffhandDotProduct > 0; if (!vr.right_handed) { //Opposite direction for the other controller palmAway = !palmAway; } //Estimate that middle of chest is about 20cm below HMD VectorCopy(vr.hmdposition, chest); chest[1] -= 0.2f; VectorSubtract(vr.secondaryVelocityTriggerLocation, chest, start); VectorSubtract(vr.offhandposition[0], chest, end); float deltaLength = VectorLength(end) - VectorLength(start); if (fabs(deltaLength) > vr_force_distance_trigger->value) { if (deltaLength < 0 && !palmAway) { sendButtonActionSimple(va("useGivenForce %i", FP_PULL)); } else if (deltaLength > 0 && palmAway) { sendButtonActionSimple(va("useGivenForce %i", FP_PUSH)); } vr.secondaryVelocityTriggeredAttack = false; } } } } // Process "use" gesture if (vr_gesture_triggered_use->integer) { bool thirdPersonActive = !!((int) Cvar_VariableValue("cg_thirdPerson")); bool gestureUseAllowed = !vr.weapon_stabilised && !vr.cin_camera && !vr.misc_camera && !vr.remote_turret && !vr.emplaced_gun && !vr.in_vehicle && !thirdPersonActive; // Off-hand gesture float distanceToBody = sqrt(vr.offhandoffset[0]*vr.offhandoffset[0] + vr.offhandoffset[2]*vr.offhandoffset[2]); if (gestureUseAllowed && (distanceToBody > vr_use_gesture_boundary->value)) { if (!(vr.useGestureState & USE_GESTURE_OFF_HAND)) { sendButtonAction("+altuse", true); } vr.useGestureState |= USE_GESTURE_OFF_HAND; } else { if (vr.useGestureState & USE_GESTURE_OFF_HAND) { sendButtonAction("+altuse", false); } vr.useGestureState &= ~USE_GESTURE_OFF_HAND; } // Weapon-hand gesture distanceToBody = sqrt(vr.weaponoffset[0]*vr.weaponoffset[0] + vr.weaponoffset[2]*vr.weaponoffset[2]); if (gestureUseAllowed && (distanceToBody > vr_use_gesture_boundary->value)) { if (!(vr.useGestureState & USE_GESTURE_WEAPON_HAND)) { sendButtonAction("+use", true); } vr.useGestureState |= USE_GESTURE_WEAPON_HAND; } else { if (vr.useGestureState & USE_GESTURE_WEAPON_HAND) { sendButtonAction("+use", false); } vr.useGestureState &= ~USE_GESTURE_WEAPON_HAND; } } else { if (vr.useGestureState & USE_GESTURE_OFF_HAND) { sendButtonAction("+altuse", false); } if (vr.useGestureState & USE_GESTURE_WEAPON_HAND) { sendButtonAction("+use", false); } vr.useGestureState = 0; } } //Save state rightTrackedRemoteState_old = rightTrackedRemoteState_new; leftTrackedRemoteState_old = leftTrackedRemoteState_new; }