/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015, ioquake3 contributors Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . =========================================================================== */ #pragma once #include "qcommon/q_shared.h" #define MAXPRINTMSG 4096 typedef enum netadrtype_s { NA_BAD = 0, // an address lookup failed NA_BOT, NA_LOOPBACK, NA_BROADCAST, NA_IP } netadrtype_t; typedef struct netadr_s { netadrtype_t type; union { byte ip[4]; int32_t ipi; }; uint16_t port; } netadr_t; /* ============================================================== NON-PORTABLE SYSTEM SERVICES ============================================================== */ typedef enum { AXIS_SIDE, AXIS_FORWARD, AXIS_UP, AXIS_ROLL, AXIS_YAW, AXIS_PITCH, MAX_JOYSTICK_AXIS } joystickAxis_t; typedef enum { // bk001129 - make sure SE_NONE is zero SE_NONE = 0, // evTime is still valid SE_KEY, // evValue is a key code, evValue2 is the down flag SE_CHAR, // evValue is an ascii char SE_MOUSE, // evValue and evValue2 are reletive signed x / y moves SE_JOYSTICK_AXIS, // evValue is an axis number and evValue2 is the current state (-127 to 127) SE_CONSOLE, // evPtr is a char* SE_MAX } sysEventType_t; typedef struct sysEvent_s { int evTime; sysEventType_t evType; int evValue, evValue2; int evPtrLength; // bytes of data pointed to by evPtr, for journaling void *evPtr; // this must be manually freed if not NULL } sysEvent_t; extern cvar_t *com_minimized; extern cvar_t *com_unfocused; extern cvar_t *com_maxfps; extern cvar_t *com_maxfpsMinimized; extern cvar_t *com_maxfpsUnfocused; sysEvent_t Sys_GetEvent( void ); void Sys_Init (void); // general development dll loading for virtual machine testing typedef void *GetGameAPIProc( void *); typedef intptr_t QDECL VMMainProc( int, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t, intptr_t ); typedef intptr_t QDECL SystemCallProc( intptr_t, ... ); typedef void * QDECL GetModuleAPIProc( int, ... ); void *Sys_LoadSPGameDll( const char *name, GetGameAPIProc **GetGameAPI ); void * QDECL Sys_LoadDll(const char *name, qboolean useSystemLib); void * QDECL Sys_LoadLegacyGameDll( const char *name, VMMainProc **vmMain, SystemCallProc *systemcalls ); void * QDECL Sys_LoadGameDll( const char *name, GetModuleAPIProc **moduleAPI ); void Sys_UnloadDll( void *dllHandle ); char *Sys_GetCurrentUser( void ); void NORETURN QDECL Sys_Error( const char *error, ... ); void NORETURN Sys_Quit (void); char *Sys_GetClipboardData( void ); // note that this isn't journaled... void Sys_Print( const char *msg ); // Sys_Milliseconds should only be used for profiling purposes, // any game related timing information should come from event timestamps int Sys_Milliseconds (bool baseTime = false); int Sys_Milliseconds2(void); void Sys_Sleep( int msec ); extern "C" void Sys_SnapVector( float *v ); bool Sys_RandomBytes( byte *string, int len ); void Sys_SetErrorText( const char *text ); void Sys_SendPacket( int length, const void *data, netadr_t to ); qboolean Sys_StringToAdr( const char *s, netadr_t *a ); //Does NOT parse port numbers, only base addresses. qboolean Sys_IsLANAddress (netadr_t adr); void Sys_ShowIP(void); qboolean Sys_Mkdir( const char *path ); char *Sys_Cwd( void ); void Sys_SetDefaultInstallPath(const char *path); char *Sys_DefaultInstallPath(void); #ifdef MACOS_X char *Sys_DefaultAppPath(void); #endif char *Sys_DefaultHomePath(void); const char *Sys_Dirname( char *path ); const char *Sys_Basename( char *path ); const char * Sys_CurrentDirname(); bool Sys_PathCmp( const char *path1, const char *path2 ); char **Sys_ListFiles( const char *directory, const char *extension, char *filter, int *numfiles, qboolean wantsubs ); void Sys_FreeFileList( char **fileList ); //rwwRMG - changed to fileList to not conflict with list type time_t Sys_FileTime( const char *path ); qboolean Sys_LowPhysicalMemory(); void Sys_SetProcessorAffinity( void ); typedef enum graphicsApi_e { GRAPHICS_API_GENERIC, // Only OpenGL needs special treatment.. GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL, } graphicsApi_t; // Graphics API typedef struct window_s { void *handle; // OS-dependent window handle graphicsApi_t api; } window_t; typedef enum glProfile_e { GLPROFILE_COMPATIBILITY, GLPROFILE_CORE, GLPROFILE_ES, } glProfile_t; typedef enum glContextFlag_e { GLCONTEXT_DEBUG = (1 << 1), } glContextFlag_t; typedef struct windowDesc_s { graphicsApi_t api; // Only used if api == GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL struct gl_ { int majorVersion; int minorVersion; glProfile_t profile; uint32_t contextFlags; } gl; } windowDesc_t; typedef struct glconfig_s glconfig_t; window_t WIN_Init( const windowDesc_t *desc, glconfig_t *glConfig ); void WIN_Present( window_t *window ); void WIN_SetGamma( glconfig_t *glConfig, byte red[256], byte green[256], byte blue[256] ); void WIN_Shutdown( void ); void * WIN_GL_GetProcAddress( const char *proc ); qboolean WIN_GL_ExtensionSupported( const char *extension ); uint8_t ConvertUTF32ToExpectedCharset( uint32_t utf32 );