/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =========================================================================== */ // IcarusImplementation.cpp #include <memory> #include "StdAfx.h" #include "IcarusInterface.h" #include "IcarusImplementation.h" #include "blockstream.h" #include "sequence.h" #include "taskmanager.h" #include "sequencer.h" #include "../qcommon/q_shared.h" #include "../qcommon/qcommon.h" #include "qcommon/ojk_saved_game_helper.h" #define STL_ITERATE( a, b ) for ( a = b.begin(); a != b.end(); ++a ) #define STL_INSERT( a, b ) a.insert( a.end(), b ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // required implementation of CIcarusInterface IIcarusInterface* IIcarusInterface::GetIcarus(int flavor,bool constructIfNecessary) { if(!CIcarus::s_instances && constructIfNecessary) { CIcarus::s_flavorsAvailable = IGameInterface::s_IcarusFlavorsNeeded; if (!CIcarus::s_flavorsAvailable) { return NULL; } CIcarus::s_instances = new CIcarus*[CIcarus::s_flavorsAvailable]; for (int index = 0; index < CIcarus::s_flavorsAvailable; index++) { CIcarus::s_instances[index] = new CIcarus(index); //OutputDebugString( "ICARUS flavor successfully created\n" ); } } if(flavor >= CIcarus::s_flavorsAvailable || !CIcarus::s_instances ) { return NULL; } return CIcarus::s_instances[flavor]; } void IIcarusInterface::DestroyIcarus() { for(int index = 0; index < CIcarus::s_flavorsAvailable; index++) { delete CIcarus::s_instances[index]; } delete[] CIcarus::s_instances; CIcarus::s_instances = NULL; CIcarus::s_flavorsAvailable = 0; } IIcarusInterface::~IIcarusInterface() { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CIcarus double CIcarus::ICARUS_VERSION = 1.40; int CIcarus::s_flavorsAvailable = 0; CIcarus** CIcarus::s_instances = NULL; CIcarus::CIcarus(int flavor) : m_flavor(flavor), m_nextSequencerID(0) { m_GUID = 0; #ifdef _DEBUG m_DEBUG_NumSequencerAlloc = 0; m_DEBUG_NumSequencerFreed = 0; m_DEBUG_NumSequencerResidual = 0; m_DEBUG_NumSequenceAlloc = 0; m_DEBUG_NumSequenceFreed = 0; m_DEBUG_NumSequenceResidual = 0; #endif m_ulBufferCurPos = 0; m_ulBytesRead = 0; m_byBuffer = NULL; } CIcarus::~CIcarus() { Delete(); } void CIcarus::Delete( void ) { Free(); #ifdef _DEBUG Com_Printf( "ICARUS Instance Debug Info:\n" ); Com_Printf( "---------------------------\n" ); Com_Printf( "Sequencers Allocated:\t%d\n", m_DEBUG_NumSequencerAlloc ); Com_Printf( "Sequencers Freed:\t\t%d\n", m_DEBUG_NumSequencerFreed ); Com_Printf( "Sequencers Residual:\t%d\n\n", m_DEBUG_NumSequencerResidual ); Com_Printf( "Sequences Allocated:\t%d\n", m_DEBUG_NumSequenceAlloc ); Com_Printf( "Sequences Freed:\t\t%d\n", m_DEBUG_NumSequenceFreed ); Com_Printf( "Sequences Residual:\t\t%d\n\n", m_DEBUG_NumSequenceResidual ); #endif } void CIcarus::Signal( const char *identifier ) { m_signals[ identifier ] = 1; } bool CIcarus::CheckSignal( const char *identifier ) { signal_m::iterator smi; smi = m_signals.find( identifier ); if ( smi == m_signals.end() ) return false; return true; } void CIcarus::ClearSignal( const char *identifier ) { m_signals.erase( identifier ); } void CIcarus::Free( void ) { sequencer_l::iterator sri; //Delete any residual sequencers STL_ITERATE( sri, m_sequencers ) { (*sri)->Free(this); #ifdef _DEBUG m_DEBUG_NumSequencerResidual++; #endif } m_sequencers.clear(); m_signals.clear(); sequence_l::iterator si; //Delete any residual sequences STL_ITERATE( si, m_sequences ) { (*si)->Delete(this); delete (*si); #ifdef _DEBUG m_DEBUG_NumSequenceResidual++; #endif } m_sequences.clear(); m_sequencerMap.clear(); } int CIcarus::GetIcarusID( int gameID ) { CSequencer *sequencer = CSequencer::Create(); CTaskManager *taskManager = CTaskManager::Create(); sequencer->Init( gameID, taskManager ); taskManager->Init( sequencer ); STL_INSERT( m_sequencers, sequencer ); m_sequencerMap[sequencer->GetID()] = sequencer; #ifdef _DEBUG m_DEBUG_NumSequencerAlloc++; #endif return sequencer->GetID(); } void CIcarus::DeleteIcarusID( int& icarusID ) { CSequencer* sequencer = FindSequencer(icarusID); if(!sequencer) { icarusID = -1; return; } CTaskManager *taskManager = sequencer->GetTaskManager(); if (taskManager->IsResident()) { IGameInterface::GetGame()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "Refusing DeleteIcarusID(%d) because it is running!\n", icarusID); assert(0); return; } m_sequencerMap.erase(icarusID); // added 2/12/2 to properly delete blocks that were passed to the task manager sequencer->Recall(this); if ( taskManager ) { taskManager->Free(); delete taskManager; } m_sequencers.remove( sequencer ); sequencer->Free(this); #ifdef _DEBUG m_DEBUG_NumSequencerFreed++; #endif icarusID = -1; } CSequence *CIcarus::GetSequence( void ) { CSequence *sequence = CSequence::Create(); //Assign the GUID sequence->SetID( m_GUID++ ); STL_INSERT( m_sequences, sequence ); #ifdef _DEBUG m_DEBUG_NumSequenceAlloc++; #endif return sequence; } CSequence *CIcarus::GetSequence( int id ) { sequence_l::iterator si; STL_ITERATE( si, m_sequences ) { if ( (*si)->GetID() == id ) return (*si); } return NULL; } void CIcarus::DeleteSequence( CSequence *sequence ) { m_sequences.remove( sequence ); sequence->Delete(this); delete sequence; #ifdef _DEBUG m_DEBUG_NumSequenceFreed++; #endif } int CIcarus::AllocateSequences( int numSequences, int *idTable ) { CSequence *sequence; for ( int i = 0; i < numSequences; i++ ) { //If the GUID of this sequence is higher than the current, take this a the "current" GUID if ( idTable[i] > m_GUID ) m_GUID = idTable[i]; //Allocate the container sequence if ( ( sequence = GetSequence() ) == NULL ) return false; //Override the given GUID with the real one sequence->SetID( idTable[i] ); } return true; } void CIcarus::Precache(char* buffer, long length) { IGameInterface* game = IGameInterface::GetGame(m_flavor); CBlockStream stream; CBlockMember *blockMember; CBlock block; if ( stream.Open( buffer, length ) == 0 ) return; const char *sVal1, *sVal2; //Now iterate through all blocks of the script, searching for keywords while ( stream.BlockAvailable() ) { //Get a block if ( stream.ReadBlock( &block, this ) == 0 ) return; //Determine what type of block this is switch( block.GetBlockID() ) { case ID_CAMERA: // to cache ROFF files { float f = *(float *) block.GetMemberData( 0 ); if (f == TYPE_PATH) { sVal1 = (const char *) block.GetMemberData( 1 ); game->PrecacheRoff(sVal1); } } break; case ID_PLAY: // to cache ROFF files sVal1 = (const char *) block.GetMemberData( 0 ); if (!Q_stricmp(sVal1,"PLAY_ROFF")) { sVal1 = (const char *) block.GetMemberData( 1 ); game->PrecacheRoff(sVal1); } break; //Run commands case ID_RUN: sVal1 = (const char *) block.GetMemberData( 0 ); game->PrecacheScript( sVal1 ); break; case ID_SOUND: sVal1 = (const char *) block.GetMemberData( 1 ); //0 is channel, 1 is filename game->PrecacheSound(sVal1); break; case ID_SET: blockMember = block.GetMember( 0 ); //NOTENOTE: This will not catch special case get() inlines! (There's not really a good way to do that) //Make sure we're testing against strings if ( blockMember->GetID() == TK_STRING ) { sVal1 = (const char *) block.GetMemberData( 0 ); sVal2 = (const char *) block.GetMemberData( 1 ); game->PrecacheFromSet( sVal1 , sVal2); } break; default: break; } //Clean out the block for the next pass block.Free(this); } //All done stream.Free(); } CSequencer* CIcarus::FindSequencer(int sequencerID) { sequencer_m::iterator mi = m_sequencerMap.find( sequencerID ); if ( mi == m_sequencerMap.end() ) return NULL; return (*mi).second; } int CIcarus::Run(int icarusID, char* buffer, long length) { CSequencer* sequencer = FindSequencer(icarusID); if(sequencer) { return sequencer->Run(buffer, length, this); } return ICARUS_INVALID; } int CIcarus::SaveSequenceIDTable() { //Save out the number of sequences to follow int numSequences = m_sequences.size(); BufferWrite( &numSequences, sizeof( numSequences ) ); //Sequences are saved first, by ID and information sequence_l::iterator sqi; //First pass, save all sequences ID for reconstruction int *idTable = new int[ numSequences ]; int itr = 0; if ( idTable == NULL ) return false; STL_ITERATE( sqi, m_sequences ) { idTable[itr++] = (*sqi)->GetID(); } //game->WriteSaveData( INT_ID('S','Q','T','B'), idTable, sizeof( int ) * numSequences ); BufferWrite( idTable, sizeof( int ) * numSequences ); delete[] idTable; return true; } int CIcarus::SaveSequences() { //Save out a listing of all the used sequences by ID SaveSequenceIDTable(); //Save all the information in order sequence_l::iterator sqi; STL_ITERATE( sqi, m_sequences ) { (*sqi)->Save(); } return true; } int CIcarus::SaveSequencers() { //Save out the number of sequences to follow int numSequencers = m_sequencers.size(); BufferWrite( &numSequencers, sizeof( numSequencers ) ); //The sequencers are then saved int sequencessaved = 0; sequencer_l::iterator si; STL_ITERATE( si, m_sequencers ) { (*si)->Save(); sequencessaved++; } assert( sequencessaved == numSequencers ); return true; } int CIcarus::SaveSignals() { int numSignals = m_signals.size(); //game->WriteSaveData( INT_ID('I','S','I','G'), &numSignals, sizeof( numSignals ) ); BufferWrite( &numSignals, sizeof( numSignals ) ); signal_m::iterator si; STL_ITERATE( si, m_signals ) { //game->WriteSaveData( INT_ID('I','S','I','G'), &numSignals, sizeof( numSignals ) ); const char *name = ((*si).first).c_str(); int length = strlen( name ) + 1; //Save out the string size BufferWrite( &length, sizeof( length ) ); //Write out the string BufferWrite( (void *) name, length ); } return true; } // Get the current Game flavor. int CIcarus::GetFlavor() { return m_flavor; } int CIcarus::Save() { // Allocate the temporary buffer. CreateBuffer(); IGameInterface* game = IGameInterface::GetGame(m_flavor); ojk::SavedGameHelper saved_game( game->get_saved_game_file()); //Save out a ICARUS save block header with the ICARUS version double version = ICARUS_VERSION; saved_game.write_chunk<double>( INT_ID('I', 'C', 'A', 'R'), version); //Save out the signals if ( SaveSignals() == false ) { DestroyBuffer(); return false; } //Save out the sequences if ( SaveSequences() == false ) { DestroyBuffer(); return false; } //Save out the sequencers if ( SaveSequencers() == false ) { DestroyBuffer(); return false; } // Write out the buffer with all our collected data. saved_game.write_chunk( INT_ID('I', 'S', 'E', 'Q'), m_byBuffer, static_cast<int>(m_ulBufferCurPos)); // De-allocate the temporary buffer. DestroyBuffer(); return true; } int CIcarus::LoadSignals() { int numSignals; BufferRead( &numSignals, sizeof( numSignals ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < numSignals; i++ ) { char buffer[1024]; int length = 0; //Get the size of the string BufferRead( &length, sizeof( length ) ); //Get the string BufferRead( &buffer, length ); //Turn it on and add it to the system Signal( (const char *) &buffer ); } return true; } int CIcarus::LoadSequence() { CSequence *sequence = GetSequence(); //Load the sequence back in sequence->Load(this); //If this sequence had a higher GUID than the current, save it if ( sequence->GetID() > m_GUID ) m_GUID = sequence->GetID(); return true; } int CIcarus::LoadSequences() { CSequence *sequence; int numSequences; //Get the number of sequences to read in BufferRead( &numSequences, sizeof( numSequences ) ); int *idTable = new int[ numSequences ]; if ( idTable == NULL ) return false; //Load the sequencer ID table BufferRead( idTable, sizeof( int ) * numSequences ); //First pass, allocate all container sequences and give them their proper IDs if ( AllocateSequences( numSequences, idTable ) == false ) return false; //Second pass, load all sequences for ( int i = 0; i < numSequences; i++ ) { //Get the proper sequence for this load if ( ( sequence = GetSequence( idTable[i] ) ) == NULL ) return false; //Load the sequence if ( ( sequence->Load(this) ) == false ) return false; } //Free the idTable delete[] idTable; return true; } int CIcarus::LoadSequencers() { CSequencer *sequencer; int numSequencers; IGameInterface* game = IGameInterface::GetGame(m_flavor); //Get the number of sequencers to load BufferRead( &numSequencers, sizeof( numSequencers ) ); //Load all sequencers for ( int i = 0; i < numSequencers; i++ ) { //NOTENOTE: The ownerID will be replaced in the loading process int sequencerID = GetIcarusID(-1); if ( ( sequencer = FindSequencer(sequencerID) ) == NULL ) return false; if ( sequencer->Load(this, game) == false ) return false; } return true; } int CIcarus::Load() { CreateBuffer(); IGameInterface* game = IGameInterface::GetGame(m_flavor); ojk::SavedGameHelper saved_game( game->get_saved_game_file()); //Clear out any old information Free(); //Check to make sure we're at the ICARUS save block double version = 0.0; saved_game.read_chunk<double>( INT_ID('I', 'C', 'A', 'R'), version); //Versions must match! if ( version != ICARUS_VERSION ) { DestroyBuffer(); game->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "save game data contains outdated ICARUS version information!\n"); return false; } // Read into the buffer all our data. saved_game.read_chunk( INT_ID('I','S','E','Q')); const unsigned char* sg_buffer_data = static_cast<const unsigned char*>( saved_game.get_buffer_data()); int sg_buffer_size = saved_game.get_buffer_size(); if (sg_buffer_size < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(sg_buffer_size) > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) { DestroyBuffer(); game->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "invalid ISEQ length: %d bytes\n", sg_buffer_size); return false; } std::uninitialized_copy_n( sg_buffer_data, sg_buffer_size, m_byBuffer); //Load all signals if ( LoadSignals() == false ) { DestroyBuffer(); game->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "failed to load signals from save game!\n"); return false; } //Load in all sequences if ( LoadSequences() == false ) { DestroyBuffer(); game->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "failed to load sequences from save game!\n"); return false; } //Load in all sequencers if ( LoadSequencers() == false ) { DestroyBuffer(); game->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "failed to load sequencers from save game!\n"); return false; } DestroyBuffer(); return true; } int CIcarus::Update(int icarusID) { CSequencer* sequencer = FindSequencer(icarusID); if(sequencer) { return sequencer->GetTaskManager()->Update(this); } return -1; } int CIcarus::IsRunning(int icarusID) { CSequencer* sequencer = FindSequencer(icarusID); if(sequencer) { return sequencer->GetTaskManager()->IsRunning(); } return false; } void CIcarus::Completed( int icarusID, int taskID ) { CSequencer* sequencer = FindSequencer(icarusID); if(sequencer) { sequencer->GetTaskManager()->Completed(taskID); } } // Destroy the File Buffer. void CIcarus::DestroyBuffer() { if ( m_byBuffer ) { IGameInterface::GetGame()->Free( m_byBuffer ); m_byBuffer = NULL; } } // Create the File Buffer. void CIcarus::CreateBuffer() { DestroyBuffer(); m_byBuffer = (unsigned char *)IGameInterface::GetGame()->Malloc( MAX_BUFFER_SIZE ); m_ulBufferCurPos = 0; } // Write to a buffer. void CIcarus::BufferWrite( void *pSrcData, unsigned long ulNumBytesToWrite ) { if ( !pSrcData ) return; // Make sure we have enough space in the buffer to write to. if ( MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - m_ulBufferCurPos < ulNumBytesToWrite ) { // Write out the buffer with all our collected data so far... IGameInterface::GetGame()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "BufferWrite: Out of buffer space, Flushing." ); ojk::SavedGameHelper saved_game( IGameInterface::GetGame()->get_saved_game_file()); saved_game.write_chunk( INT_ID('I', 'S', 'E', 'Q'), m_byBuffer, static_cast<int>(m_ulBufferCurPos)); m_ulBufferCurPos = 0; //reset buffer } assert( MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - m_ulBufferCurPos >= ulNumBytesToWrite ); { memcpy( m_byBuffer + m_ulBufferCurPos, pSrcData, ulNumBytesToWrite ); m_ulBufferCurPos += ulNumBytesToWrite; } } // Read from a buffer. void CIcarus::BufferRead( void *pDstBuff, unsigned long ulNumBytesToRead ) { if ( !pDstBuff ) return; // If we can read this data... if ( m_ulBytesRead + ulNumBytesToRead > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE ) {// We've tried to read past the buffer... IGameInterface::GetGame()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "BufferRead: Buffer underflow, Looking for new block." ); // Read in the next block. ojk::SavedGameHelper saved_game( IGameInterface::GetGame()->get_saved_game_file()); saved_game.read_chunk( INT_ID('I', 'S', 'E', 'Q')); const unsigned char* sg_buffer_data = static_cast<const unsigned char*>( saved_game.get_buffer_data()); int sg_buffer_size = saved_game.get_buffer_size(); if (sg_buffer_size < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(sg_buffer_size) > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) { IGameInterface::GetGame()->DebugPrint( IGameInterface::WL_ERROR, "invalid ISEQ length: %d bytes\n", sg_buffer_size); return; } std::uninitialized_copy_n( sg_buffer_data, sg_buffer_size, m_byBuffer); m_ulBytesRead = 0; //reset buffer } assert(m_ulBytesRead + ulNumBytesToRead <= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); { memcpy( pDstBuff, m_byBuffer + m_ulBytesRead, ulNumBytesToRead ); m_ulBytesRead += ulNumBytesToRead; } }