/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . =========================================================================== */ //Client camera controls for cinematics #include "cg_local.h" #include "cg_media.h" #include "../game/g_roff.h" #include bool in_camera = false; bool in_misccamera = false; // if we are viewing a misc_camera camera_t client_camera={}; extern qboolean player_locked; extern gentity_t *G_Find (gentity_t *from, int fieldofs, const char *match); extern void G_UseTargets (gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *activator); void CGCam_FollowDisable( void ); void CGCam_TrackDisable( void ); void CGCam_Distance( float distance, qboolean initLerp ); void CGCam_DistanceDisable( void ); extern qboolean CG_CalcFOVFromX( float fov_x ); extern void WP_SaberCatch( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *saber, qboolean switchToSaber ); /* TODO: CloseUp, FullShot & Longshot commands: camera( CLOSEUP, , angles(pitch yaw roll) ) Will find the ent, apply angle offset to their head forward(minus pitch), get a preset distance away and set the FOV. Trace to point, if less than 1.0, put it there and open up FOV accordingly. Be sure to frame it so that eyespot and tag_head are positioned at proper places in the frame - ie: eyespot not in center, but not closer than 1/4 screen width to the top...? */ /* ------------------------- CGCam_Init ------------------------- */ void CGCam_Init( void ) { extern qboolean qbVidRestartOccured; if (!qbVidRestartOccured) { memset( &client_camera, 0, sizeof ( camera_t ) ); } } /* ------------------------- CGCam_Enable ------------------------- */ extern void CG_CalcVrect(void); void CGCam_Enable( void ) { client_camera.bar_alpha = 0.0f; client_camera.bar_time = cg.time; client_camera.bar_alpha_source = 0.0f; client_camera.bar_alpha_dest = 1.0f; client_camera.bar_height_source = 0.0f; client_camera.bar_height_dest = 480/10; client_camera.bar_height = 0.0f; client_camera.info_state |= CAMERA_BAR_FADING; client_camera.FOV = CAMERA_DEFAULT_FOV; client_camera.FOV2 = CAMERA_DEFAULT_FOV; in_camera = true; client_camera.next_roff_time = 0; if ( &g_entities[0] && g_entities[0].client ) { //Player zero not allowed to do anything VectorClear( g_entities[0].client->ps.velocity ); g_entities[0].contents = 0; if ( cg.zoomMode ) { // need to shut off some form of zooming cg.zoomMode = 0; } if ( g_entities[0].client->ps.saberInFlight && g_entities[0].client->ps.saberActive ) {//saber is out gentity_t *saberent = &g_entities[g_entities[0].client->ps.saberEntityNum]; if ( saberent ) { WP_SaberCatch( &g_entities[0], saberent, qfalse ); } } for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_FORCE_POWERS; i++ ) {//deactivate any active force powers g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowerDuration[i] = 0; extern void WP_ForcePowerStop( gentity_t *self, forcePowers_t forcePower ); if ( g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowerDuration[i] || (g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowersActive&( 1 << i )) ) { WP_ForcePowerStop( &g_entities[0], (forcePowers_t)i ); } } } } /* ------------------------- CGCam_Disable ------------------------- */ void CGCam_Disable( void ) { in_camera = false; client_camera.bar_alpha = 1.0f; client_camera.bar_time = cg.time; client_camera.bar_alpha_source = 1.0f; client_camera.bar_alpha_dest = 0.0f; client_camera.bar_height_source = 480/10; client_camera.bar_height_dest = 0.0f; client_camera.info_state |= CAMERA_BAR_FADING; if ( &g_entities[0] && g_entities[0].client ) { g_entities[0].contents = CONTENTS_BODY;//MASK_PLAYERSOLID; } gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "cts"); if ( cg_skippingcin.integer ) {//We're skipping the cinematic and it's over now gi.cvar_set("timescale", "1"); gi.cvar_set("skippingCinematic", "0"); } } /* ------------------------- CGCam_SetPosition ------------------------- */ void CGCam_SetPosition( vec3_t org ) { VectorCopy( org, client_camera.origin ); VectorCopy( client_camera.origin, cg.refdef.vieworg ); } /* ------------------------- CGCam_Move ------------------------- */ void CGCam_Move( vec3_t dest, float duration ) { if ( client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_ROFFING ) { client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_ROFFING; } CGCam_TrackDisable(); CGCam_DistanceDisable(); if ( !duration ) { client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_MOVING; CGCam_SetPosition( dest ); return; } client_camera.info_state |= CAMERA_MOVING; VectorCopy( dest, client_camera.origin2 ); client_camera.move_duration = duration; client_camera.move_time = cg.time; } /* ------------------------- CGCam_SetAngles ------------------------- */ void CGCam_SetAngles( vec3_t ang ) { VectorCopy( ang, client_camera.angles ); VectorCopy(client_camera.angles, cg.refdefViewAngles ); } /* ------------------------- CGCam_Pan ------------------------- */ void CGCam_Pan( vec3_t dest, vec3_t panDirection, float duration ) { //vec3_t panDirection = {0, 0, 0}; int i; float delta1 , delta2; CGCam_FollowDisable(); CGCam_DistanceDisable(); if ( !duration ) { CGCam_SetAngles( dest ); client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_PANNING; return; } //FIXME: make the dest an absolute value, and pass in a //panDirection as well. If a panDirection's axis value is //zero, find the shortest difference for that axis. //Store the delta in client_camera.angles2. for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { dest[i] = AngleNormalize360( dest[i] ); delta1 = dest[i] - AngleNormalize360( client_camera.angles[i] ); if ( delta1 < 0 ) { delta2 = delta1 + 360; } else { delta2 = delta1 - 360; } if ( !panDirection[i] ) {//Didn't specify a direction, pick shortest if( fabs(delta1) < fabs(delta2) ) { client_camera.angles2[i] = delta1; } else { client_camera.angles2[i] = delta2; } } else if ( panDirection[i] < 0 ) { if( delta1 < 0 ) { client_camera.angles2[i] = delta1; } else if( delta1 > 0 ) { client_camera.angles2[i] = delta2; } else {//exact client_camera.angles2[i] = 0; } } else if ( panDirection[i] > 0 ) { if( delta1 > 0 ) { client_camera.angles2[i] = delta1; } else if( delta1 < 0 ) { client_camera.angles2[i] = delta2; } else {//exact client_camera.angles2[i] = 0; } } } //VectorCopy( dest, client_camera.angles2 ); client_camera.info_state |= CAMERA_PANNING; client_camera.pan_duration = duration; client_camera.pan_time = cg.time; } /* ------------------------- CGCam_SetRoll ------------------------- */ void CGCam_SetRoll( float roll ) { client_camera.angles[2] = roll; } /* ------------------------- CGCam_Roll ------------------------- */ void CGCam_Roll( float dest, float duration ) { if ( !duration ) { CGCam_SetRoll( dest ); return; } //FIXME/NOTE: this will override current panning!!! client_camera.info_state |= CAMERA_PANNING; VectorCopy( client_camera.angles, client_camera.angles2 ); client_camera.angles2[2] = AngleDelta( dest, client_camera.angles[2] ); client_camera.pan_duration = duration; client_camera.pan_time = cg.time; } /* ------------------------- CGCam_SetFOV ------------------------- */ void CGCam_SetFOV( float FOV ) { client_camera.FOV = FOV; } /* ------------------------- CGCam_Zoom ------------------------- */ void CGCam_Zoom( float FOV, float duration ) { if ( !duration ) { CGCam_SetFOV( FOV ); return; } client_camera.info_state |= CAMERA_ZOOMING; client_camera.FOV_time = cg.time; client_camera.FOV2 = FOV; client_camera.FOV_duration = duration; } /* ------------------------- CGCam_Fade ------------------------- */ void CGCam_SetFade( vec4_t dest ) {//Instant completion client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_FADING; client_camera.fade_duration = 0; VectorCopy4( dest, client_camera.fade_source ); VectorCopy4( dest, client_camera.fade_color ); } /* ------------------------- CGCam_Fade ------------------------- */ void CGCam_Fade( vec4_t source, vec4_t dest, float duration ) { if ( !duration ) { CGCam_SetFade( dest ); return; } VectorCopy4( source, client_camera.fade_source ); VectorCopy4( dest, client_camera.fade_dest ); client_camera.fade_duration = duration; client_camera.fade_time = cg.time; client_camera.info_state |= CAMERA_FADING; } void CGCam_FollowDisable( void ) { client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_FOLLOWING; client_camera.cameraGroup[0] = 0; client_camera.cameraGroupZOfs = 0; client_camera.cameraGroupTag[0] = 0; } void CGCam_TrackDisable( void ) { client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_TRACKING; client_camera.trackEntNum = ENTITYNUM_WORLD; } void CGCam_DistanceDisable( void ) { client_camera.distance = 0; } /* ------------------------- CGCam_Follow ------------------------- */ void CGCam_Follow( const char *cameraGroup, float speed, float initLerp ) { //Clear any previous CGCam_FollowDisable(); if(!cameraGroup || !cameraGroup[0]) { return; } if ( Q_stricmp("none", (char *)cameraGroup) == 0 ) {//Turn off all aiming return; } if ( Q_stricmp("NULL", (char *)cameraGroup) == 0 ) {//Turn off all aiming return; } //NOTE: if this interrupts a pan before it's done, need to copy the cg.refdef.viewAngles to the camera.angles! client_camera.info_state |= CAMERA_FOLLOWING; client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_PANNING; //NULL terminate last char in case they type a name too long Q_strncpyz( client_camera.cameraGroup, cameraGroup, sizeof( client_camera.cameraGroup ) ); if ( speed ) { client_camera.followSpeed = speed; } else { client_camera.followSpeed = 100.0f; } if ( initLerp ) { client_camera.followInitLerp = qtrue; } else { client_camera.followInitLerp = qfalse; } } /* ------------------------- Q3_CameraAutoAim Keeps camera pointed at an entity, usually will be a misc_camera_focus misc_camera_focus can be on a track that stays closest to it's subjects on that path (like Q3_CameraAutoTrack) or is can simply always put itself between it's subjects. misc_camera_focus can also set FOV/camera dist needed to keep the subjects in frame ------------------------- */ void CG_CameraAutoAim( const char *name ) { /* gentity_t *aimEnt = NULL; //Clear any previous CGCam_FollowDisable(); if(Q_stricmp("none", (char *)name) == 0) {//Turn off all aiming return; } aimEnt = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char *)name); if(!aimEnt) { gi.Printf(S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: %s camera aim target not found\n", name); return; } //Lerp time... //aimEnt->aimDebounceTime = level.time;//FIXME: over time client_camera.aimEntNum = aimEnt->s.number; CGCam_Follow( aimEnt->cameraGroup, aimEnt->speed, aimEnt->spawnflags&1 ); */ } /* ------------------------- CGCam_Track ------------------------- */ //void CGCam_Track( char *trackName, float speed, float duration ) void CGCam_Track( const char *trackName, float speed, float initLerp ) { gentity_t *trackEnt = NULL; CGCam_TrackDisable(); if(Q_stricmp("none", (char *)trackName) == 0) {//turn off tracking return; } //NOTE: if this interrupts a move before it's done, need to copy the cg.refdef.vieworg to the camera.origin! //This will find a path_corner now, not a misc_camera_track trackEnt = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char *)trackName); if ( !trackEnt ) { gi.Printf(S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: %s camera track target not found\n", trackName); return; } client_camera.info_state |= CAMERA_TRACKING; client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_MOVING; client_camera.trackEntNum = trackEnt->s.number; client_camera.initSpeed = speed/10.0f; client_camera.speed = speed; client_camera.nextTrackEntUpdateTime = cg.time; if ( initLerp ) { client_camera.trackInitLerp = qtrue; } else { client_camera.trackInitLerp = qfalse; } /* if ( client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_FOLLOWING ) {//Used to snap angles? Do what...? } */ //Set a moveDir VectorSubtract( trackEnt->currentOrigin, client_camera.origin, client_camera.moveDir ); if ( !client_camera.trackInitLerp ) {//want to snap to first position //Snap to trackEnt's origin VectorCopy( trackEnt->currentOrigin, client_camera.origin ); //Set new moveDir if trackEnt has a next path_corner //Possible that track has no next point, in which case we won't be moving anyway if ( trackEnt->target && trackEnt->target[0] ) { gentity_t *newTrackEnt = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(targetname), trackEnt->target ); if ( newTrackEnt ) { VectorSubtract( newTrackEnt->currentOrigin, client_camera.origin, client_camera.moveDir ); } } } VectorNormalize( client_camera.moveDir ); } /* ------------------------- Q3_CameraAutoTrack Keeps camera a certain distance from target entity but on the specified CameraPath The distance can be set in a script or derived from a misc_camera_focus. Dist will interpolate when changed, can also set acceleration/deceleration values. FOV will also interpolate. CameraPath might be a MAX path or perhaps a series of path_corners on the map itself ------------------------- */ void CG_CameraAutoTrack( const char *name ) { /* gentity_t *trackEnt = NULL; CGCam_TrackDisable(); if(Q_stricmp("none", (char *)name) == 0) {//turn off tracking return; } //This will find a path_corner now, not a misc_camera_track trackEnt = G_Find(NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char *)name); if(!trackEnt) { gi.Printf(S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: %s camera track target not found\n", name); return; } //FIXME: last arg will be passed in CGCam_Track( trackEnt->s.number, trackEnt->speed, qfalse ); //FIXME: this will be a seperate call CGCam_Distance( trackEnt->radius, qtrue); */ } /* ------------------------- CGCam_Distance ------------------------- */ void CGCam_Distance( float distance, float initLerp ) { client_camera.distance = distance; if ( initLerp ) { client_camera.distanceInitLerp = qtrue; } else { client_camera.distanceInitLerp = qfalse; } } //======================================================================================== void CGCam_FollowUpdate ( void ) { vec3_t center, dir, cameraAngles, vec, focus[MAX_CAMERA_GROUP_SUBJECTS];//No more than 16 subjects in a cameraGroup gentity_t *from = NULL; centity_t *fromCent = NULL; int num_subjects = 0, i; qboolean focused = qfalse; if ( client_camera.cameraGroup[0] ) { //Stay centered in my cameraGroup, if I have one while( NULL != (from = G_Find(from, FOFS(cameraGroup), client_camera.cameraGroup))) { /* if ( from->s.number == client_camera.aimEntNum ) {//This is the misc_camera_focus, we'll be removing this ent altogether eventually continue; } */ if ( num_subjects >= MAX_CAMERA_GROUP_SUBJECTS ) { gi.Printf(S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: Too many subjects in shot composition %s\n", client_camera.cameraGroup); break; } fromCent = &cg_entities[from->s.number]; if ( !fromCent ) { continue; } focused = qfalse; if ( from->client && client_camera.cameraGroupTag[0] && fromCent->gent->ghoul2.size() ) { int newBolt = gi.G2API_AddBolt( &fromCent->gent->ghoul2[from->playerModel], client_camera.cameraGroupTag ); if ( newBolt != -1 ) { mdxaBone_t boltMatrix; vec3_t fromAngles = {0,from->client->ps.legsYaw,0}; gi.G2API_GetBoltMatrix( fromCent->gent->ghoul2, from->playerModel, newBolt, &boltMatrix, fromAngles, fromCent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, cgs.model_draw, fromCent->currentState.modelScale ); gi.G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( boltMatrix, ORIGIN, focus[num_subjects] ); focused = qtrue; } } if ( !focused ) { if ( from->s.pos.trType != TR_STATIONARY ) // if ( from->s.pos.trType == TR_INTERPOLATE ) {//use interpolated origin? if ( !VectorCompare( vec3_origin, fromCent->lerpOrigin ) ) {//hunh? Somehow we've never seen this gentity on the client, so there is no lerpOrigin, so cheat over to the game and use the currentOrigin VectorCopy( from->currentOrigin, focus[num_subjects] ); } else { VectorCopy( fromCent->lerpOrigin, focus[num_subjects] ); } } else { VectorCopy(from->currentOrigin, focus[num_subjects]); } //FIXME: make a list here of their s.numbers instead so we can do other stuff with the list below if ( from->client ) {//Track to their eyes - FIXME: maybe go off a tag? //FIXME: //Based on FOV and distance to subject from camera, pick the point that //keeps eyes 3/4 up from bottom of screen... what about bars? focus[num_subjects][2] += from->client->ps.viewheight; } } if ( client_camera.cameraGroupZOfs ) { focus[num_subjects][2] += client_camera.cameraGroupZOfs; } num_subjects++; } if ( !num_subjects ) // Bad cameragroup { #ifndef FINAL_BUILD gi.Printf(S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: Camera Focus unable to locate cameragroup: %s\n", client_camera.cameraGroup); #endif return; } //Now average all points VectorCopy( focus[0], center ); for( i = 1; i < num_subjects; i++ ) { VectorAdd( focus[i], center, center ); } VectorScale( center, 1.0f/((float)num_subjects), center ); } else { return; } //Need to set a speed to keep a distance from //the subject- fixme: only do this if have a distance //set VectorSubtract( client_camera.subjectPos, center, vec ); client_camera.subjectSpeed = VectorLengthSquared( vec ) * 100.0f / cg.frametime; /* if ( !cg_skippingcin.integer ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED"org: %s\n", vtos(center) ); } */ VectorCopy( center, client_camera.subjectPos ); VectorSubtract( center, cg.refdef.vieworg, dir );//can't use client_camera.origin because it's not updated until the end of the move. //Get desired angle vectoangles(dir, cameraAngles); if ( client_camera.followInitLerp ) {//Lerping float frac = cg.frametime/100.0f * client_camera.followSpeed/100.f; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { cameraAngles[i] = AngleNormalize180( cameraAngles[i] ); cameraAngles[i] = AngleNormalize180( client_camera.angles[i] + frac * AngleNormalize180(cameraAngles[i] - client_camera.angles[i]) ); cameraAngles[i] = AngleNormalize180( cameraAngles[i] ); } #if 0 Com_Printf( "%s\n", vtos(cameraAngles) ); #endif } else {//Snapping, should do this first time if follow_lerp_to_start_duration is zero //will lerp from this point on client_camera.followInitLerp = qtrue; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {//normalize so that when we start lerping, it doesn't freak out cameraAngles[i] = AngleNormalize180( cameraAngles[i] ); } //So tracker doesn't move right away thinking the first angle change //is the subject moving... FIXME: shouldn't set this until lerp done OR snapped? client_camera.subjectSpeed = 0; } //Point camera to lerp angles /* if ( !cg_skippingcin.integer ) { Com_Printf( "ang: %s\n", vtos(cameraAngles) ); } */ VectorCopy( cameraAngles, client_camera.angles ); } void CGCam_TrackEntUpdate ( void ) {//FIXME: only do every 100 ms gentity_t *trackEnt = NULL; gentity_t *newTrackEnt = NULL; qboolean reached = qfalse; vec3_t vec; float dist; if ( client_camera.trackEntNum >= 0 && client_camera.trackEntNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {//We're already heading to a path_corner trackEnt = &g_entities[client_camera.trackEntNum]; VectorSubtract( trackEnt->currentOrigin, client_camera.origin, vec ); dist = VectorLengthSquared( vec ); if ( dist < 256 )//16 squared {//FIXME: who should be doing the using here? G_UseTargets( trackEnt, trackEnt ); reached = qtrue; } } if ( trackEnt && reached ) { if ( trackEnt->target && trackEnt->target[0] ) {//Find our next path_corner newTrackEnt = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(targetname), trackEnt->target ); if ( newTrackEnt ) { if ( newTrackEnt->radius < 0 ) {//Don't bother trying to maintain a radius client_camera.distance = 0; client_camera.speed = client_camera.initSpeed; } else if ( newTrackEnt->radius > 0 ) { client_camera.distance = newTrackEnt->radius; } if ( newTrackEnt->speed < 0 ) {//go back to our default speed client_camera.speed = client_camera.initSpeed; } else if ( newTrackEnt->speed > 0 ) { client_camera.speed = newTrackEnt->speed/10.0f; } } } else {//stop thinking if this is the last one CGCam_TrackDisable(); } } if ( newTrackEnt ) {//Update will lerp this client_camera.info_state |= CAMERA_TRACKING; client_camera.trackEntNum = newTrackEnt->s.number; VectorCopy( newTrackEnt->currentOrigin, client_camera.trackToOrg ); } client_camera.nextTrackEntUpdateTime = cg.time + 100; } void CGCam_TrackUpdate ( void ) { vec3_t goalVec, curVec, trackPos, vec; float goalDist, dist; //qboolean slowDown = qfalse; if ( client_camera.nextTrackEntUpdateTime <= cg.time ) { CGCam_TrackEntUpdate(); } VectorSubtract( client_camera.trackToOrg, client_camera.origin, goalVec ); goalDist = VectorNormalize( goalVec ); if ( goalDist > 100 ) { goalDist = 100; } else if ( goalDist < 10 ) { goalDist = 10; } if ( client_camera.distance && client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_FOLLOWING ) { float adjust = 0.0f, desiredSpeed = 0.0f; float dot; if ( !client_camera.distanceInitLerp ) { VectorSubtract( client_camera.origin, client_camera.subjectPos, vec ); VectorNormalize( vec ); //FIXME: use client_camera.moveDir here? VectorMA( client_camera.subjectPos, client_camera.distance, vec, client_camera.origin ); //Snap to first time only client_camera.distanceInitLerp = qtrue; return; } else if ( client_camera.subjectSpeed > 0.05f ) {//Don't start moving until subject moves VectorSubtract( client_camera.subjectPos, client_camera.origin, vec ); dist = VectorNormalize(vec); dot = DotProduct(goalVec, vec); if ( dist > client_camera.distance ) {//too far away if ( dot > 0 ) {//Camera is moving toward the subject adjust = (dist - client_camera.distance);//Speed up } else if ( dot < 0 ) {//Camera is moving away from the subject adjust = (dist - client_camera.distance) * -1.0f;//Slow down } } else if ( dist < client_camera.distance ) {//too close if(dot > 0) {//Camera is moving toward the subject adjust = (client_camera.distance - dist) * -1.0f;//Slow down } else if(dot < 0) {//Camera is moving away from the subject adjust = (client_camera.distance - dist);//Speed up } } //Speed of the focus + our error //desiredSpeed = aimCent->gent->speed + (adjust * cg.frametime/100.0f);//cg.frameInterpolation); desiredSpeed = (adjust);// * cg.frametime/100.0f);//cg.frameInterpolation); //self->moveInfo.speed = desiredSpeed; //Don't change speeds faster than 10 every 10th of a second float max_allowed_accel = MAX_ACCEL_PER_FRAME * (cg.frametime/100.0f); if ( !client_camera.subjectSpeed ) {//full stop client_camera.speed = desiredSpeed; } else if ( client_camera.speed - desiredSpeed > max_allowed_accel ) {//new speed much slower, slow down at max accel client_camera.speed -= max_allowed_accel; } else if ( desiredSpeed - client_camera.speed > max_allowed_accel ) {//new speed much faster, speed up at max accel client_camera.speed += max_allowed_accel; } else {//remember this speed client_camera.speed = desiredSpeed; } //Com_Printf("Speed: %4.2f (%4.2f)\n", self->moveInfo.speed, aimCent->gent->speed); } } else { //slowDown = qtrue; } //FIXME: this probably isn't right, round it out more VectorScale( goalVec, cg.frametime/100.0f, goalVec ); VectorScale( client_camera.moveDir, (100.0f - cg.frametime)/100.0f, curVec ); VectorAdd( goalVec, curVec, client_camera.moveDir ); VectorNormalize( client_camera.moveDir ); /*if(slowDown) { VectorMA( client_camera.origin, client_camera.speed * goalDist/100.0f * cg.frametime/100.0f, client_camera.moveDir, trackPos ); } else*/ { VectorMA( client_camera.origin, client_camera.speed * cg.frametime/100.0f , client_camera.moveDir, trackPos ); } //FIXME: Implement //Need to find point on camera's path that is closest to the desired distance from subject //OR: Need to intelligently pick this desired distance based on framing... VectorCopy( trackPos, client_camera.origin ); } //========================================================================================= /* ------------------------- CGCam_UpdateBarFade ------------------------- */ void CGCam_UpdateBarFade( void ) { if ( client_camera.bar_time + BAR_DURATION < cg.time ) { client_camera.bar_alpha = client_camera.bar_alpha_dest; client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_BAR_FADING; client_camera.bar_height = client_camera.bar_height_dest; } else { client_camera.bar_alpha = client_camera.bar_alpha_source + ( ( client_camera.bar_alpha_dest - client_camera.bar_alpha_source ) / BAR_DURATION ) * ( cg.time - client_camera.bar_time );; client_camera.bar_height = client_camera.bar_height_source + ( ( client_camera.bar_height_dest - client_camera.bar_height_source ) / BAR_DURATION ) * ( cg.time - client_camera.bar_time );; } } /* ------------------------- CGCam_UpdateFade ------------------------- */ void CGCam_UpdateFade( void ) { if ( client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_FADING ) { if ( client_camera.fade_time + client_camera.fade_duration < cg.time ) { VectorCopy4( client_camera.fade_dest, client_camera.fade_color ); client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_FADING; } else { for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { client_camera.fade_color[i] = client_camera.fade_source[i] + (( ( client_camera.fade_dest[i] - client_camera.fade_source[i] ) ) / client_camera.fade_duration ) * ( cg.time - client_camera.fade_time ); } } } } /* ------------------------- CGCam_Update ------------------------- */ static void CGCam_Roff( void ); void CGCam_Update( void ) { int i; qboolean checkFollow = qfalse; qboolean checkTrack = qfalse; // Apply new roff data to the camera as needed if ( client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_ROFFING ) { CGCam_Roff(); } //Check for a zoom if ( client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_ZOOMING ) { float actualFOV_X; if ( client_camera.FOV_time + client_camera.FOV_duration < cg.time ) { actualFOV_X = client_camera.FOV = client_camera.FOV2; client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_ZOOMING; } else { actualFOV_X = client_camera.FOV + (( ( client_camera.FOV2 - client_camera.FOV ) ) / client_camera.FOV_duration ) * ( cg.time - client_camera.FOV_time ); } CG_CalcFOVFromX( actualFOV_X ); } else { float fov = vr && vr->immersive_cinematics ? vr->fov_x : client_camera.FOV; CG_CalcFOVFromX( fov ); } //Check for roffing angles if ( (client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_ROFFING) && !(client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_FOLLOWING) ) { for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { cg.refdefViewAngles[i] = client_camera.angles[i] + ( client_camera.angles2[i] / client_camera.pan_duration ) * ( cg.time - client_camera.pan_time ); } } else if ( client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_PANNING ) { //Note: does not actually change the camera's angles until the pan time is done! if ( client_camera.pan_time + client_camera.pan_duration < cg.time ) {//finished panning for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { client_camera.angles[i] = AngleNormalize360( ( client_camera.angles[i] + client_camera.angles2[i] ) ); } client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_PANNING; VectorCopy(client_camera.angles, cg.refdefViewAngles ); } else {//still panning for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { //NOTE: does not store the resultant angle in client_camera.angles until pan is done cg.refdefViewAngles[i] = client_camera.angles[i] + ( client_camera.angles2[i] / client_camera.pan_duration ) * ( cg.time - client_camera.pan_time ); } } } else { checkFollow = qtrue; } AnglesToAxis( cg.refdefViewAngles, cg.refdef.viewaxis ); //Check for movement if ( client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_MOVING ) { //NOTE: does not actually move the camera until the movement time is done! if ( client_camera.move_time + client_camera.move_duration < cg.time ) { VectorCopy( client_camera.origin2, client_camera.origin ); client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_MOVING; VectorCopy( client_camera.origin, cg.refdef.vieworg ); } else { for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { cg.refdef.vieworg[i] = client_camera.origin[i] + (( ( client_camera.origin2[i] - client_camera.origin[i] ) ) / client_camera.move_duration ) * ( cg.time - client_camera.move_time ); } } } else { checkTrack = qtrue; } if ( checkFollow ) { if ( client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_FOLLOWING ) {//This needs to be done after camera movement CGCam_FollowUpdate(); } VectorCopy(client_camera.angles, cg.refdefViewAngles ); } if ( checkTrack ) { if ( client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_TRACKING ) {//This has to run AFTER Follow if the camera is following a cameraGroup CGCam_TrackUpdate(); } VectorCopy( client_camera.origin, cg.refdef.vieworg ); } //Bar fading if ( client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_BAR_FADING ) { CGCam_UpdateBarFade(); } //Normal fading - separate call because can finish after camera is disabled CGCam_UpdateFade(); if (vr->immersive_cinematics) { float yaw = cg.refdefViewAngles[YAW] + vr->hmdorientation[YAW]; VectorCopy(vr->hmdorientation, cg.refdefViewAngles); cg.refdefViewAngles[YAW] = yaw; } //Update shaking if there's any //CGCam_UpdateSmooth( cg.refdef.vieworg, cg.refdefViewAngles ); CGCam_UpdateShake( cg.refdef.vieworg, cg.refdefViewAngles ); AnglesToAxis( cg.refdefViewAngles, cg.refdef.viewaxis ); } /* ------------------------- CGCam_DrawWideScreen ------------------------- */ void CGCam_DrawWideScreen( void ) { vec4_t modulate; //Only draw if visible if ( client_camera.bar_alpha ) { CGCam_UpdateBarFade(); modulate[0] = modulate[1] = modulate[2] = 0.0f; modulate[3] = client_camera.bar_alpha; CG_FillRect( cg.refdef.x, cg.refdef.y, 640, client_camera.bar_height, modulate ); CG_FillRect( cg.refdef.x, cg.refdef.y + 480 - client_camera.bar_height, 640, client_camera.bar_height, modulate ); } //NOTENOTE: Camera always draws the fades unless the alpha is 0 if ( client_camera.fade_color[3] == 0.0f ) return; CG_FillRect( cg.refdef.x, cg.refdef.y, 640, 480, client_camera.fade_color ); } /* ------------------------- CGCam_RenderScene ------------------------- */ void CGCam_RenderScene( void ) { CGCam_Update(); CG_CalcVrect(); } /* ------------------------- CGCam_Shake ------------------------- */ void CGCam_Shake( float intensity, int duration ) { if ( intensity > MAX_SHAKE_INTENSITY ) intensity = MAX_SHAKE_INTENSITY; client_camera.shake_intensity = intensity; client_camera.shake_duration = duration; client_camera.shake_start = cg.time; } /* ------------------------- CGCam_UpdateShake This doesn't actually affect the camera's info, but passed information instead ------------------------- */ void CGCam_UpdateShake( vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles ) { vec3_t moveDir; int i; float intensity_scale, intensity; if ( client_camera.shake_duration <= 0 ) return; if ( cg.time > ( client_camera.shake_start + client_camera.shake_duration ) ) { client_camera.shake_intensity = 0; client_camera.shake_duration = 0; client_camera.shake_start = 0; return; } //intensity_scale now also takes into account FOV with 90.0 as normal intensity_scale = 1.0f - ( (float) ( cg.time - client_camera.shake_start ) / (float) client_camera.shake_duration ) * (((client_camera.FOV+client_camera.FOV2)/2.0f)/90.0f); intensity = client_camera.shake_intensity * intensity_scale; for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { moveDir[i] = ( Q_flrand(-1.0f, 1.0f) * intensity ); } //FIXME: Lerp //Move the camera VectorAdd( origin, moveDir, origin ); for ( i=0; i < 2; i++ ) // Don't do ROLL moveDir[i] = ( Q_flrand(-1.0f, 1.0f) * intensity ); //FIXME: Lerp //Move the angles VectorAdd( angles, moveDir, angles ); } void CGCam_Smooth( float intensity, int duration ) { client_camera.smooth_active=false; // means smooth_origin and angles are valid if ( intensity>1.0f||intensity==0.0f||duration<1) { client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_SMOOTHING; return; } client_camera.info_state |= CAMERA_SMOOTHING; client_camera.smooth_intensity = intensity; client_camera.smooth_duration = duration; client_camera.smooth_start = cg.time; } void CGCam_UpdateSmooth( vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles ) { if (!(client_camera.info_state&CAMERA_SMOOTHING)||cg.time > ( client_camera.smooth_start + client_camera.smooth_duration )) { client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_SMOOTHING; return; } if (!client_camera.smooth_active) { client_camera.smooth_active=true; VectorCopy(origin,client_camera.smooth_origin); return; } float factor=client_camera.smooth_intensity; if (client_camera.smooth_duration>200&&cg.time > ( client_camera.smooth_start + client_camera.smooth_duration-100 )) { factor+=(1.0f-client_camera.smooth_intensity)* (100.0f-(client_camera.smooth_start + client_camera.smooth_duration-cg.time))/100.0f; } int i; for (i=0;i<3;i++) { client_camera.smooth_origin[i]*=(1.0f-factor); client_camera.smooth_origin[i]+=factor*origin[i]; origin[i]=client_camera.smooth_origin[i]; } } /* ------------------------- CGCam_StartRoff Sets up the camera to use a rof file ------------------------- */ void CGCam_StartRoff( char *roff ) { CGCam_FollowDisable(); CGCam_TrackDisable(); // Set up the roff state info..we'll hijack the moving and panning code until told otherwise // ...CAMERA_FOLLOWING would be a case that could override this.. client_camera.info_state |= CAMERA_MOVING; client_camera.info_state |= CAMERA_PANNING; if ( !G_LoadRoff( roff ) ) { // The load failed so don't turn on the roff playback... Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ROFF camera playback failed\n" ); return; }; client_camera.info_state |= CAMERA_ROFFING; Q_strncpyz(client_camera.sRoff,roff,sizeof(client_camera.sRoff)); client_camera.roff_frame = 0; client_camera.next_roff_time = cg.time; // I can work right away } /* ------------------------- CGCam_StopRoff Stops camera rof ------------------------- */ static void CGCam_StopRoff( void ) { // Clear the roff flag client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_ROFFING; client_camera.info_state &= ~CAMERA_MOVING; } /* ------------------------------------------------------ CGCam_Roff Applies the sampled roff data to the camera and does the lerping itself...this is done because the current camera interpolation doesn't seem to work all that great when you are adjusting the camera org and angles so often...or maybe I'm just on crack. ------------------------------------------------------ */ static void CGCam_Roff( void ) { while ( client_camera.next_roff_time <= cg.time ) { int roff_id; // Make sure that the roff is cached roff_id = G_LoadRoff( client_camera.sRoff ); if ( !roff_id ) { return; } roff_list_t *roff = &roffs[ roff_id - 1 ]; vec3_t org, ang; if ( roff->type == 2 ) { move_rotate2_t *data = &((move_rotate2_t *)roff->data)[ client_camera.roff_frame ]; VectorCopy( data->origin_delta, org ); VectorCopy( data->rotate_delta, ang ); } else { move_rotate_t *data = &((move_rotate_t *)roff->data)[ client_camera.roff_frame ]; VectorCopy( data->origin_delta, org ); VectorCopy( data->rotate_delta, ang ); } // Yeah, um, I guess this just has to be negated? ang[PITCH] = -ang[PITCH]; ang[ROLL] = -ang[ROLL]; // might need to to yaw as well. need a test... #ifdef _DEBUG if ( cg_developer.integer ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN"CamROFF : o:<%.2f %.2f %.2f> a:<%.2f %.2f %.2f>\n", org[0], org[1], org[2], ang[0], ang[1], ang[2] ); } #endif if ( client_camera.roff_frame ) { // Don't mess with angles if we are following if ( !(client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_FOLLOWING) ) { VectorAdd( client_camera.angles, client_camera.angles2, client_camera.angles ); } VectorCopy( client_camera.origin2, client_camera.origin ); } // Don't mess with angles if we are following if ( !(client_camera.info_state & CAMERA_FOLLOWING) ) { VectorCopy( ang, client_camera.angles2 ); client_camera.pan_time = cg.time; client_camera.pan_duration = roff->mFrameTime; } VectorAdd( client_camera.origin, org, client_camera.origin2 ); client_camera.move_time = cg.time; client_camera.move_duration = roff->mFrameTime; if ( ++client_camera.roff_frame >= roff->frames ) { CGCam_StopRoff(); return; } // Check back in frameTime to get the next roff entry client_camera.next_roff_time += roff->mFrameTime; } } void CMD_CGCam_Disable( void ) { vec4_t fade = {0, 0, 0, 0}; CGCam_Disable(); CGCam_SetFade( fade ); player_locked = qfalse; }