/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =========================================================================== */ //seems to be a compiler bug, it doesn't clean out the #ifdefs between dif-compiles //or something, so the headers spew errors on these defs from the previous compile. //this fixes that. -rww #ifdef _JK2MP //get rid of all the crazy defs we added for this file #undef currentAngles #undef currentOrigin #undef mins #undef maxs #undef legsAnimTimer #undef torsoAnimTimer #undef bool #undef false #undef true #undef sqrtf #undef Q_flrand #undef MOD_EXPLOSIVE #endif #ifdef _JK2 //SP does not have this preprocessor for game like MP does #ifndef _JK2MP #define _JK2MP #endif #endif #ifndef _JK2MP //if single player #ifndef QAGAME //I don't think we have a QAGAME define #define QAGAME //but define it cause in sp we're always in the game #endif #endif #ifdef QAGAME //including game headers on cgame is FORBIDDEN ^_^ #include "g_local.h" #elif defined _JK2MP #include "bg_public.h" #endif #ifndef _JK2MP #include "g_functions.h" #include "g_vehicles.h" #include "../game/wp_saber.h" #include "../cgame/cg_local.h" #else #include "bg_vehicles.h" #endif #ifdef _JK2MP //this is really horrible, but it works! just be sure not to use any locals or anything //with these names (exluding bool, false, true). -rww #define currentAngles r.currentAngles #define currentOrigin r.currentOrigin #define mins r.mins #define maxs r.maxs #define legsAnimTimer legsTimer #define torsoAnimTimer torsoTimer #define bool qboolean #define false qfalse #define true qtrue #define sqrtf sqrt #define Q_flrand flrand #define MOD_EXPLOSIVE MOD_SUICIDE #else #define bgEntity_t gentity_t extern void NPC_SetAnim(gentity_t *ent,int setAnimParts,int anim,int setAnimFlags, int iBlend); #endif extern float DotToSpot( vec3_t spot, vec3_t from, vec3_t fromAngles ); #ifdef QAGAME //SP or gameside MP extern vmCvar_t cg_thirdPersonAlpha; extern vec3_t playerMins; extern vec3_t playerMaxs; extern cvar_t *g_speederControlScheme; extern void ChangeWeapon( gentity_t *ent, int newWeapon ); extern void PM_SetAnim(pmove_t *pm,int setAnimParts,int anim,int setAnimFlags, int blendTime); extern int PM_AnimLength( int index, animNumber_t anim ); #endif #ifdef _JK2MP #include "../namespace_begin.h" extern void BG_SetAnim(playerState_t *ps, animation_t *animations, int setAnimParts,int anim,int setAnimFlags, int blendTime); extern int BG_GetTime(void); #endif //Alright, actually, most of this file is shared between game and cgame for MP. //I would like to keep it this way, so when modifying for SP please keep in //mind the bgEntity restrictions imposed. -rww #define STRAFERAM_DURATION 8 #define STRAFERAM_ANGLE 8 #ifndef _JK2MP bool VEH_StartStrafeRam(Vehicle_t *pVeh, bool Right) { if (!(pVeh->m_ulFlags&VEH_STRAFERAM)) { float speed = VectorLength(pVeh->m_pParentEntity->client->ps.velocity); if (speed>400.0f) { // Compute Pos3 //-------------- vec3_t right; AngleVectors(pVeh->m_vOrientation, 0, right, 0); VectorMA(pVeh->m_pParentEntity->client->ps.velocity, (Right)?( speed):(-speed), right, pVeh->m_pParentEntity->pos3); pVeh->m_ulFlags |= VEH_STRAFERAM; pVeh->m_fStrafeTime = (Right)?(STRAFERAM_DURATION):(-STRAFERAM_DURATION); if (pVeh->m_iSoundDebounceTimer<level.time && Q_irand(0,1)==0) { int shiftSound = Q_irand(1,4); switch (shiftSound) { case 1: shiftSound=pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->soundShift1; break; case 2: shiftSound=pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->soundShift2; break; case 3: shiftSound=pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->soundShift3; break; case 4: shiftSound=pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->soundShift4; break; } if (shiftSound) { pVeh->m_iSoundDebounceTimer = level.time + Q_irand(1000, 4000); G_SoundIndexOnEnt( pVeh->m_pParentEntity, CHAN_AUTO, shiftSound); } } return true; } } return false; } #else bool VEH_StartStrafeRam(Vehicle_t *pVeh, bool Right, int Duration) { return false; } #endif #ifdef QAGAME //game-only.. for now // Like a think or move command, this updates various vehicle properties. bool Update( Vehicle_t *pVeh, const usercmd_t *pUcmd ) { if ( !g_vehicleInfo[VEHICLE_BASE].Update( pVeh, pUcmd ) ) { return false; } // See whether this vehicle should be exploding. if ( pVeh->m_iDieTime != 0 ) { pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->DeathUpdate( pVeh ); } // Update move direction. #ifndef _JK2MP //this makes prediction unhappy, and rightfully so. gentity_t *parent = (gentity_t *)pVeh->m_pParentEntity; if ( pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_FLYING ) { vec3_t vVehAngles; VectorSet(vVehAngles, 0, pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW], 0 ); AngleVectors( vVehAngles, parent->client->ps.moveDir, NULL, NULL ); } else { vec3_t vVehAngles; VectorSet(vVehAngles, pVeh->m_vOrientation[PITCH], pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW], 0 ); AngleVectors( vVehAngles, parent->client->ps.moveDir, NULL, NULL ); } // Check For A Strafe Ram //------------------------ if (!(pVeh->m_ulFlags&VEH_STRAFERAM) && !(pVeh->m_ulFlags&VEH_FLYING)) { // Started A Strafe //------------------ if (pVeh->m_ucmd.rightmove && !pVeh->m_fStrafeTime) { pVeh->m_fStrafeTime = (pVeh->m_ucmd.rightmove>0)?(level.time):(-1*level.time); } // Ended A Strafe //---------------- else if (!pVeh->m_ucmd.rightmove && pVeh->m_fStrafeTime) { // If It Was A Short Burst, Start The Strafe Ram //----------------------------------------------- if ((level.time - abs(pVeh->m_fStrafeTime))<300) { if (!VEH_StartStrafeRam(pVeh, (pVeh->m_fStrafeTime>0))) { pVeh->m_fStrafeTime = 0; } } // Otherwise, Clear The Timer //---------------------------- else { pVeh->m_fStrafeTime = 0; } } } // If Currently In A StrafeRam, Check To See If It Is Done (Timed Out) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- else if (!pVeh->m_fStrafeTime) { pVeh->m_ulFlags &=~VEH_STRAFERAM; } // Exhaust Effects Start And Stop When The Accelerator Is Pressed //---------------------------------------------------------------- if (pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iExhaustFX) { // Start It On Each Exhaust Bolt //------------------------------- if (pVeh->m_ucmd.forwardmove && !(pVeh->m_ulFlags&VEH_ACCELERATORON)) { pVeh->m_ulFlags |= VEH_ACCELERATORON; for (int i=0; (i<MAX_VEHICLE_EXHAUSTS && pVeh->m_iExhaustTag[i]!=-1); i++) { G_PlayEffect(pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iExhaustFX, parent->playerModel, pVeh->m_iExhaustTag[i], parent->s.number, parent->currentOrigin, 1, qtrue); } } // Stop It On Each Exhaust Bolt //------------------------------ else if (!pVeh->m_ucmd.forwardmove && (pVeh->m_ulFlags&VEH_ACCELERATORON)) { pVeh->m_ulFlags &=~VEH_ACCELERATORON; for (int i=0; (i<MAX_VEHICLE_EXHAUSTS && pVeh->m_iExhaustTag[i]!=-1); i++) { G_StopEffect(pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iExhaustFX, parent->playerModel, pVeh->m_iExhaustTag[i], parent->s.number); } } } if (!(pVeh->m_ulFlags&VEH_ARMORLOW) && (pVeh->m_iArmor <= pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->armor/3)) { pVeh->m_ulFlags |= VEH_ARMORLOW; } // Armor Gone Effects (Fire) //--------------------------- if (pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iArmorGoneFX) { if (!(pVeh->m_ulFlags&VEH_ARMORGONE) && (pVeh->m_iArmor <= 0)) { pVeh->m_ulFlags |= VEH_ARMORGONE; G_PlayEffect(pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iArmorGoneFX, parent->playerModel, parent->crotchBolt, parent->s.number, parent->currentOrigin, 1, qtrue); parent->s.loopSound = G_SoundIndex( "sound/vehicles/common/fire_lp.wav" ); } } #endif return true; } #endif //QAGAME //MP RULE - ALL PROCESSMOVECOMMANDS FUNCTIONS MUST BE BG-COMPATIBLE!!! //If you really need to violate this rule for SP, then use ifdefs. //By BG-compatible, I mean no use of game-specific data - ONLY use //stuff available in the MP bgEntity (in SP, the bgEntity is #defined //as a gentity, but the MP-compatible access restrictions are based //on the bgEntity structure in the MP codebase) -rww // ProcessMoveCommands the Vehicle. static void ProcessMoveCommands( Vehicle_t *pVeh ) { /************************************************************************************/ /* BEGIN Here is where we move the vehicle (forward or back or whatever). BEGIN */ /************************************************************************************/ //Client sets ucmds and such for speed alterations float speedInc, speedIdleDec, speedIdle, /*speedIdleAccel, */speedMin, speedMax; playerState_t *parentPS; //playerState_t *pilotPS = NULL; int curTime; #ifdef _JK2MP parentPS = pVeh->m_pParentEntity->playerState; if (pVeh->m_pPilot) { //pilotPS = pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState; } #else parentPS = &pVeh->m_pParentEntity->client->ps; if (pVeh->m_pPilot) { //pilotPS = &pVeh->m_pPilot->client->ps; } #endif // If we're flying, make us accelerate at 40% (about half) acceleration rate, and restore the pitch // to origin (straight) position (at 5% increments). if ( pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_FLYING ) { speedInc = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->acceleration * pVeh->m_fTimeModifier * 0.4f; } #ifdef _JK2MP else if ( !parentPS->m_iVehicleNum ) #else else if ( !pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->Inhabited( pVeh ) ) #endif {//drifts to a stop speedInc = 0; //pVeh->m_ucmd.forwardmove = 127; } else { speedInc = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->acceleration * pVeh->m_fTimeModifier; } speedIdleDec = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->decelIdle * pVeh->m_fTimeModifier; #ifndef _JK2MP//SP curTime = level.time; #elif defined QAGAME//MP GAME curTime = level.time; #elif defined CGAME//MP CGAME //FIXME: pass in ucmd? Not sure if this is reliable... curTime = pm->cmd.serverTime; #endif if ( (pVeh->m_pPilot /*&& (pilotPS->weapon == WP_NONE || pilotPS->weapon == WP_MELEE )*/ && (pVeh->m_ucmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) && pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turboSpeed) #ifdef _JK2MP || (parentPS && parentPS->electrifyTime > curTime && pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turboSpeed) //make them go! #endif ) { #ifdef _JK2MP if ( (parentPS && parentPS->electrifyTime > curTime) || (pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState && (pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState->weapon == WP_MELEE || (pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState->weapon == WP_SABER && pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState->saberHolstered))) ) { #endif if ((curTime - pVeh->m_iTurboTime)>pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turboRecharge) { pVeh->m_iTurboTime = (curTime + pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turboDuration); if (pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iTurboStartFX) { int i; for (i=0; (i<MAX_VEHICLE_EXHAUSTS && pVeh->m_iExhaustTag[i]!=-1); i++) { #ifndef _JK2MP//SP // Start The Turbo Fx Start //-------------------------- G_PlayEffect(pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iTurboStartFX, pVeh->m_pParentEntity->playerModel, pVeh->m_iExhaustTag[i], pVeh->m_pParentEntity->s.number, pVeh->m_pParentEntity->currentOrigin ); // Start The Looping Effect //-------------------------- if (pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iTurboFX) { G_PlayEffect(pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iTurboFX, pVeh->m_pParentEntity->playerModel, pVeh->m_iExhaustTag[i], pVeh->m_pParentEntity->s.number, pVeh->m_pParentEntity->currentOrigin, pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turboDuration, qtrue); } #else #ifdef QAGAME if (pVeh->m_pParentEntity && pVeh->m_pParentEntity->ghoul2 && pVeh->m_pParentEntity->playerState) { //fine, I'll use a tempent for this, but only because it's played only once at the start of a turbo. vec3_t boltOrg, boltDir; mdxaBone_t boltMatrix; VectorSet(boltDir, 0.0f, pVeh->m_pParentEntity->playerState->viewangles[YAW], 0.0f); trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(pVeh->m_pParentEntity->ghoul2, 0, pVeh->m_iExhaustTag[i], &boltMatrix, boltDir, pVeh->m_pParentEntity->playerState->origin, level.time, NULL, pVeh->m_pParentEntity->modelScale); BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&boltMatrix, ORIGIN, boltOrg); BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&boltMatrix, ORIGIN, boltDir); G_PlayEffectID(pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iTurboStartFX, boltOrg, boltDir); } #endif #endif } } #ifndef _JK2MP //kill me now if (pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->soundTurbo) { G_SoundIndexOnEnt(pVeh->m_pParentEntity, CHAN_AUTO, pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->soundTurbo); } #endif parentPS->speed = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turboSpeed; // Instantly Jump To Turbo Speed } #ifdef _JK2MP } #endif } // Slide Breaking if (pVeh->m_ulFlags&VEH_SLIDEBREAKING) { if (pVeh->m_ucmd.forwardmove>=0 #ifndef _JK2MP || ((level.time - pVeh->m_pParentEntity->lastMoveTime)>500) #endif ) { pVeh->m_ulFlags &= ~VEH_SLIDEBREAKING; } parentPS->speed = 0; } else if ( (curTime > pVeh->m_iTurboTime) && !(pVeh->m_ulFlags&VEH_FLYING) && pVeh->m_ucmd.forwardmove<0 && fabs(pVeh->m_vOrientation[ROLL])>25.0f) { pVeh->m_ulFlags |= VEH_SLIDEBREAKING; } if ( curTime < pVeh->m_iTurboTime ) { speedMax = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turboSpeed; if (parentPS) { parentPS->eFlags |= EF_JETPACK_ACTIVE; } } else { speedMax = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedMax; if (parentPS) { parentPS->eFlags &= ~EF_JETPACK_ACTIVE; } } speedIdle = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedIdle; //speedIdleAccel = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->accelIdle * pVeh->m_fTimeModifier; speedMin = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedMin; if ( parentPS->speed || parentPS->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE || pVeh->m_ucmd.forwardmove || pVeh->m_ucmd.upmove > 0 ) { if ( pVeh->m_ucmd.forwardmove > 0 && speedInc ) { parentPS->speed += speedInc; } else if ( pVeh->m_ucmd.forwardmove < 0 ) { if ( parentPS->speed > speedIdle ) { parentPS->speed -= speedInc; } else if ( parentPS->speed > speedMin ) { parentPS->speed -= speedIdleDec; } } // No input, so coast to stop. else if ( parentPS->speed > 0.0f ) { parentPS->speed -= speedIdleDec; if ( parentPS->speed < 0.0f ) { parentPS->speed = 0.0f; } } else if ( parentPS->speed < 0.0f ) { parentPS->speed += speedIdleDec; if ( parentPS->speed > 0.0f ) { parentPS->speed = 0.0f; } } } else { if ( !pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->strafePerc #ifdef _JK2MP || (0 && pVeh->m_pParentEntity->s.number < MAX_CLIENTS) ) #else || (!g_speederControlScheme->value && !pVeh->m_pParentEntity->s.number) ) #endif {//if in a strafe-capable vehicle, clear strafing unless using alternate control scheme //pVeh->m_ucmd.rightmove = 0; } } if ( parentPS->speed > speedMax ) { parentPS->speed = speedMax; } else if ( parentPS->speed < speedMin ) { parentPS->speed = speedMin; } #ifndef _JK2MP // In SP, The AI Pilots Can Directly Control The Speed Of Their Bike In Order To // Match The Speed Of The Person They Are Trying To Chase //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (pVeh->m_pPilot && (pVeh->m_ucmd.buttons&BUTTON_VEH_SPEED)) { parentPS->speed = pVeh->m_pPilot->client->ps.speed; } #endif /********************************************************************************/ /* END Here is where we move the vehicle (forward or back or whatever). END */ /********************************************************************************/ } //MP RULE - ALL PROCESSORIENTCOMMANDS FUNCTIONS MUST BE BG-COMPATIBLE!!! //If you really need to violate this rule for SP, then use ifdefs. //By BG-compatible, I mean no use of game-specific data - ONLY use //stuff available in the MP bgEntity (in SP, the bgEntity is #defined //as a gentity, but the MP-compatible access restrictions are based //on the bgEntity structure in the MP codebase) -rww //Oh, and please, use "< MAX_CLIENTS" to check for "player" and not //"!s.number", this is a universal check that will work for both SP //and MP. -rww // ProcessOrientCommands the Vehicle. #ifdef _JK2MP //temp hack til mp speeder controls are sorted -rww extern void AnimalProcessOri(Vehicle_t *pVeh); #endif void ProcessOrientCommands( Vehicle_t *pVeh ) { /********************************************************************************/ /* BEGIN Here is where make sure the vehicle is properly oriented. BEGIN */ /********************************************************************************/ playerState_t *riderPS; #ifdef _JK2MP playerState_t *parentPS; float angDif; if (pVeh->m_pPilot) { riderPS = pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState; } else { riderPS = pVeh->m_pParentEntity->playerState; } //parentPS = pVeh->m_pParentEntity->playerState; //pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] = 0.0f;//riderPS->viewangles[YAW]; angDif = AngleSubtract(pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW], riderPS->viewangles[YAW]); if (parentPS && parentPS->speed) { float s = parentPS->speed; float maxDif = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turningSpeed*4.0f; //magic number hackery if (s < 0.0f) { s = -s; } angDif *= s/pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedMax; if (angDif > maxDif) { angDif = maxDif; } else if (angDif < -maxDif) { angDif = -maxDif; } pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] = AngleNormalize180(pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] - angDif*(pVeh->m_fTimeModifier*0.2f)); if (parentPS->electrifyTime > pm->cmd.serverTime) { //do some crazy stuff pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] += (sin(pm->cmd.serverTime/1000.0f)*3.0f)*pVeh->m_fTimeModifier; } } #else gentity_t *rider = pVeh->m_pParentEntity->owner; if ( !rider || !rider->client ) { riderPS = &pVeh->m_pParentEntity->client->ps; } else { riderPS = &rider->client->ps; } //parentPS = &pVeh->m_pParentEntity->client->ps; if (pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_FLYING) { pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] += pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity; } else if ( (pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_SLIDEBREAKING) || // No Angles Control While Out Of Control (pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_OUTOFCONTROL) // No Angles Control While Out Of Control ) { // Any ability to change orientation? } else if ( (pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_STRAFERAM) // No Angles Control While Strafe Ramming ) { if (pVeh->m_fStrafeTime>0) { pVeh->m_fStrafeTime--; pVeh->m_vOrientation[ROLL] += (pVeh->m_fStrafeTime<( STRAFERAM_DURATION/2))?(-STRAFERAM_ANGLE):( STRAFERAM_ANGLE); } else if (pVeh->m_fStrafeTime<0) { pVeh->m_fStrafeTime++; pVeh->m_vOrientation[ROLL] += (pVeh->m_fStrafeTime>(-STRAFERAM_DURATION/2))?( STRAFERAM_ANGLE):(-STRAFERAM_ANGLE); } } else { pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] = riderPS->viewangles[YAW]; } #endif /********************************************************************************/ /* END Here is where make sure the vehicle is properly oriented. END */ /********************************************************************************/ } #ifdef QAGAME extern void PM_SetAnim(pmove_t *pm,int setAnimParts,int anim,int setAnimFlags, int blendTime); extern int PM_AnimLength( int index, animNumber_t anim ); // This function makes sure that the vehicle is properly animated. void AnimateVehicle( Vehicle_t *pVeh ) { } #endif //QAGAME //rest of file is shared #ifndef _JK2MP extern void CG_ChangeWeapon( int num ); #endif #ifndef _JK2MP extern void G_StartMatrixEffect( gentity_t *ent, int meFlags = 0, int length = 1000, float timeScale = 0.0f, int spinTime = 0 ); #endif //NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE //I want to keep this function BG too, because it's fairly generic already, and it //would be nice to have proper prediction of animations. -rww // This function makes sure that the rider's in this vehicle are properly animated. void AnimateRiders( Vehicle_t *pVeh ) { animNumber_t Anim = BOTH_VS_IDLE; //float fSpeedPercToMax; int iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL, iBlend = 300; playerState_t *pilotPS; //playerState_t *parentPS; int curTime; // Boarding animation. if ( pVeh->m_iBoarding != 0 ) { // We've just started moarding, set the amount of time it will take to finish moarding. if ( pVeh->m_iBoarding < 0 ) { int iAnimLen; // Boarding from left... if ( pVeh->m_iBoarding == -1 ) { Anim = BOTH_VS_MOUNT_L; } else if ( pVeh->m_iBoarding == -2 ) { Anim = BOTH_VS_MOUNT_R; } else if ( pVeh->m_iBoarding == -3 ) { Anim = BOTH_VS_MOUNTJUMP_L; } else if ( pVeh->m_iBoarding == VEH_MOUNT_THROW_LEFT) { iBlend = 0; Anim = BOTH_VS_MOUNTTHROW_R; } else if ( pVeh->m_iBoarding == VEH_MOUNT_THROW_RIGHT) { iBlend = 0; Anim = BOTH_VS_MOUNTTHROW_L; } // Set the delay time (which happens to be the time it takes for the animation to complete). // NOTE: Here I made it so the delay is actually 40% (0.4f) of the animation time. #ifdef _JK2MP iAnimLen = BG_AnimLength( pVeh->m_pPilot->localAnimIndex, Anim ) * 0.4f; pVeh->m_iBoarding = BG_GetTime() + iAnimLen; #else iAnimLen = PM_AnimLength( pVeh->m_pPilot->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex, Anim );// * 0.4f; if (pVeh->m_iBoarding!=VEH_MOUNT_THROW_LEFT && pVeh->m_iBoarding!=VEH_MOUNT_THROW_RIGHT) { pVeh->m_iBoarding = level.time + (iAnimLen*0.4f); } else { pVeh->m_iBoarding = level.time + iAnimLen; } #endif // Set the animation, which won't be interrupted until it's completed. // TODO: But what if he's killed? Should the animation remain persistant??? iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD; #ifdef _JK2MP BG_SetAnim(pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState, bgAllAnims[pVeh->m_pPilot->localAnimIndex].anims, SETANIM_BOTH, Anim, iFlags, iBlend); #else NPC_SetAnim( pVeh->m_pPilot, SETANIM_BOTH, Anim, iFlags, iBlend ); if (pVeh->m_pOldPilot) { iAnimLen = PM_AnimLength( pVeh->m_pPilot->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex, BOTH_VS_MOUNTTHROWEE); NPC_SetAnim( pVeh->m_pOldPilot, SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_VS_MOUNTTHROWEE, iFlags, iBlend ); } #endif } #ifndef _JK2MP if (pVeh->m_pOldPilot && pVeh->m_pOldPilot->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer<=0) { if (Q_irand(0, player->count)==0) { player->count++; player->lastEnemy = pVeh->m_pOldPilot; G_StartMatrixEffect(player, MEF_LOOK_AT_ENEMY|MEF_NO_RANGEVAR|MEF_NO_VERTBOB|MEF_NO_SPIN, 1000); } gentity_t* oldPilot = pVeh->m_pOldPilot; pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->Eject(pVeh, pVeh->m_pOldPilot, qtrue); // will set pointer to zero // Kill Him //---------- oldPilot->client->noRagTime = -1; // no ragdoll for you G_Damage(oldPilot, pVeh->m_pPilot, pVeh->m_pPilot, pVeh->m_pPilot->currentAngles, pVeh->m_pPilot->currentOrigin, 1000, 0, MOD_CRUSH); // Compute THe Throw Direction As Backwards From The Vehicle's Velocity //---------------------------------------------------------------------- vec3_t throwDir; VectorScale(pVeh->m_pParentEntity->client->ps.velocity, -1.0f, throwDir); VectorNormalize(throwDir); throwDir[2] += 0.3f; // up a little // Now Throw Him Out //------------------- G_Throw(oldPilot, throwDir, VectorLength(pVeh->m_pParentEntity->client->ps.velocity)/10.0f); NPC_SetAnim(oldPilot, SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_DEATHBACKWARD1, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE, iBlend ); } #endif return; } #ifdef _JK2MP //fixme if (1) return; #endif #ifdef _JK2MP pilotPS = pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState; //parentPS = pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState; #else pilotPS = &pVeh->m_pPilot->client->ps; //parentPS = &pVeh->m_pParentEntity->client->ps; #endif #ifndef _JK2MP//SP curTime = level.time; #elif defined QAGAME//MP GAME curTime = level.time; #elif defined CGAME//MP CGAME //FIXME: pass in ucmd? Not sure if this is reliable... curTime = pm->cmd.serverTime; #endif // Percentage of maximum speed relative to current speed. //fSpeedPercToMax = parentPS->speed / pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedMax; /* // Going in reverse... #ifdef _JK2MP if ( pVeh->m_ucmd.forwardmove < 0 && !(pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_SLIDEBREAKING)) #else if ( fSpeedPercToMax < -0.018f && !(pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_SLIDEBREAKING)) #endif { Anim = BOTH_VS_REV; iBlend = 500; bool HasWeapon = ((pilotPS->weapon != WP_NONE) && (pilotPS->weapon != WP_MELEE)); if (HasWeapon) { if (pVeh->m_pPilot->s.number<MAX_CLIENTS) { CG_ChangeWeapon(WP_NONE); } pVeh->m_pPilot->client->ps.weapon = WP_NONE; G_RemoveWeaponModels(pVeh->m_pPilot); } } else */ { bool HasWeapon = ((pilotPS->weapon != WP_NONE) && (pilotPS->weapon != WP_MELEE)); bool Attacking = (HasWeapon && !!(pVeh->m_ucmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK)); #ifdef _JK2MP //fixme: flying tends to spaz out a lot bool Flying = false; bool Crashing = false; #else bool Flying = !!(pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_FLYING); bool Crashing = !!(pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_CRASHING); #endif bool Right = (pVeh->m_ucmd.rightmove>0); bool Left = (pVeh->m_ucmd.rightmove<0); bool Turbo = (curTime<pVeh->m_iTurboTime); EWeaponPose WeaponPose = WPOSE_NONE; // Remove Crashing Flag //---------------------- pVeh->m_ulFlags &= ~VEH_CRASHING; // Put Away Saber When It Is Not Active //-------------------------------------- #ifndef _JK2MP if (HasWeapon && (pVeh->m_pPilot->s.number>=MAX_CLIENTS || (cg.weaponSelectTime+500)<cg.time) && (Turbo || (pilotPS->weapon==WP_SABER && !pilotPS->SaberActive()))) { if (pVeh->m_pPilot->s.number<MAX_CLIENTS) { pVeh->m_pPilot->client->ps.stats[ STAT_WEAPONS ] |= 1; // Riding means you get WP_NONE CG_ChangeWeapon(WP_NONE); } pVeh->m_pPilot->client->ps.weapon = WP_NONE; G_RemoveWeaponModels(pVeh->m_pPilot); } #endif // Don't Interrupt Attack Anims //------------------------------ #ifdef _JK2MP if (pilotPS->weaponTime>0) { return; } #else if (pilotPS->torsoAnim>=BOTH_VS_ATL_S && pilotPS->torsoAnim<=BOTH_VS_ATF_G) { float bodyCurrent = 0.0f; int bodyEnd = 0; if (!!gi.G2API_GetBoneAnimIndex(&pVeh->m_pPilot->ghoul2[pVeh->m_pPilot->playerModel], pVeh->m_pPilot->rootBone, level.time, &bodyCurrent, NULL, &bodyEnd, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { if (bodyCurrent<=((float)(bodyEnd)-1.5f)) { return; } } } #endif // Compute The Weapon Pose //-------------------------- if (pilotPS->weapon==WP_BLASTER) { WeaponPose = WPOSE_BLASTER; } else if (pilotPS->weapon==WP_SABER) { if ( (pVeh->m_ulFlags&VEH_SABERINLEFTHAND) && pilotPS->torsoAnim==BOTH_VS_ATL_TO_R_S) { pVeh->m_ulFlags &= ~VEH_SABERINLEFTHAND; } if (!(pVeh->m_ulFlags&VEH_SABERINLEFTHAND) && pilotPS->torsoAnim==BOTH_VS_ATR_TO_L_S) { pVeh->m_ulFlags |= VEH_SABERINLEFTHAND; } WeaponPose = (pVeh->m_ulFlags&VEH_SABERINLEFTHAND)?(WPOSE_SABERLEFT):(WPOSE_SABERRIGHT); } if (Attacking && WeaponPose) {// Attack! iBlend = 100; iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD|SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART; // Auto Aiming //=============================================== if (!Left && !Right) // Allow player strafe keys to override { #ifndef _JK2MP if (pVeh->m_pPilot->enemy) { vec3_t toEnemy; //float toEnemyDistance; vec3_t actorRight; float actorRightDot; VectorSubtract(pVeh->m_pPilot->currentOrigin, pVeh->m_pPilot->enemy->currentOrigin, toEnemy); /*toEnemyDistance = */VectorNormalize(toEnemy); AngleVectors(pVeh->m_pParentEntity->currentAngles, 0, actorRight, 0); actorRightDot = DotProduct(toEnemy, actorRight); if (fabsf(actorRightDot)>0.5f || pilotPS->weapon==WP_SABER) { Left = (actorRightDot>0.0f); Right = !Left; } else { Right = Left = false; } } else #endif if (pilotPS->weapon==WP_SABER && !Left && !Right) { Left = (WeaponPose==WPOSE_SABERLEFT); Right = !Left; } } if (Left) {// Attack Left switch(WeaponPose) { case WPOSE_BLASTER: Anim = BOTH_VS_ATL_G; break; case WPOSE_SABERLEFT: Anim = BOTH_VS_ATL_S; break; case WPOSE_SABERRIGHT: Anim = BOTH_VS_ATR_TO_L_S; break; default: assert(0); } } else if (Right) {// Attack Right switch(WeaponPose) { case WPOSE_BLASTER: Anim = BOTH_VS_ATR_G; break; case WPOSE_SABERLEFT: Anim = BOTH_VS_ATL_TO_R_S; break; case WPOSE_SABERRIGHT: Anim = BOTH_VS_ATR_S; break; default: assert(0); } } else {// Attack Ahead switch(WeaponPose) { case WPOSE_BLASTER: Anim = BOTH_VS_ATF_G; break; default: assert(0); } } } else if (Left && pVeh->m_ucmd.buttons&BUTTON_USE) {// Look To The Left Behind iBlend = 400; iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD; switch(WeaponPose) { case WPOSE_SABERLEFT: Anim = BOTH_VS_IDLE_SL; break; case WPOSE_SABERRIGHT: Anim = BOTH_VS_IDLE_SR; break; default: Anim = BOTH_VS_LOOKLEFT; } } else if (Right && pVeh->m_ucmd.buttons&BUTTON_USE) {// Look To The Right Behind iBlend = 400; iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD; switch(WeaponPose) { case WPOSE_SABERLEFT: Anim = BOTH_VS_IDLE_SL; break; case WPOSE_SABERRIGHT: Anim = BOTH_VS_IDLE_SR; break; default: Anim = BOTH_VS_LOOKRIGHT; } } else if (Turbo) {// Kicked In Turbo iBlend = 50; iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLDLESS; Anim = BOTH_VS_TURBO; } else if (Flying) {// Off the ground in a jump iBlend = 800; iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD; switch(WeaponPose) { case WPOSE_NONE: Anim = BOTH_VS_AIR; break; case WPOSE_BLASTER: Anim = BOTH_VS_AIR_G; break; case WPOSE_SABERLEFT: Anim = BOTH_VS_AIR_SL; break; case WPOSE_SABERRIGHT: Anim = BOTH_VS_AIR_SR; break; default: assert(0); } } else if (Crashing) {// Hit the ground! iBlend = 100; iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLDLESS; switch(WeaponPose) { case WPOSE_NONE: Anim = BOTH_VS_LAND; break; case WPOSE_BLASTER: Anim = BOTH_VS_LAND_G; break; case WPOSE_SABERLEFT: Anim = BOTH_VS_LAND_SL; break; case WPOSE_SABERRIGHT: Anim = BOTH_VS_LAND_SR; break; default: assert(0); } } else {// No Special Moves iBlend = 300; iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLDLESS; if (pVeh->m_vOrientation[ROLL] <= -20) {// Lean Left switch(WeaponPose) { case WPOSE_NONE: Anim = BOTH_VS_LEANL; break; case WPOSE_BLASTER: Anim = BOTH_VS_LEANL_G; break; case WPOSE_SABERLEFT: Anim = BOTH_VS_LEANL_SL; break; case WPOSE_SABERRIGHT: Anim = BOTH_VS_LEANL_SR; break; default: assert(0); } } else if (pVeh->m_vOrientation[ROLL] >= 20) {// Lean Right switch(WeaponPose) { case WPOSE_NONE: Anim = BOTH_VS_LEANR; break; case WPOSE_BLASTER: Anim = BOTH_VS_LEANR_G; break; case WPOSE_SABERLEFT: Anim = BOTH_VS_LEANR_SL; break; case WPOSE_SABERRIGHT: Anim = BOTH_VS_LEANR_SR; break; default: assert(0); } } else {// No Lean switch(WeaponPose) { case WPOSE_NONE: Anim = BOTH_VS_IDLE; break; case WPOSE_BLASTER: Anim = BOTH_VS_IDLE_G; break; case WPOSE_SABERLEFT: Anim = BOTH_VS_IDLE_SL; break; case WPOSE_SABERRIGHT: Anim = BOTH_VS_IDLE_SR; break; default: assert(0); } } }// No Special Moves }// Going backwards? #ifdef _JK2MP iFlags &= ~SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE; if (pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState->torsoAnim == Anim) { pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState->torsoTimer = BG_AnimLength(pVeh->m_pPilot->localAnimIndex, Anim); } if (pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState->legsAnim == Anim) { pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState->legsTimer = BG_AnimLength(pVeh->m_pPilot->localAnimIndex, Anim); } BG_SetAnim(pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState, bgAllAnims[pVeh->m_pPilot->localAnimIndex].anims, SETANIM_BOTH, Anim, iFlags|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD, iBlend); #else NPC_SetAnim( pVeh->m_pPilot, SETANIM_BOTH, Anim, iFlags, iBlend ); #endif } #ifndef QAGAME void AttachRidersGeneric( Vehicle_t *pVeh ); #endif void G_SetSpeederVehicleFunctions( vehicleInfo_t *pVehInfo ) { #ifdef QAGAME pVehInfo->AnimateVehicle = AnimateVehicle; pVehInfo->AnimateRiders = AnimateRiders; // pVehInfo->ValidateBoard = ValidateBoard; // pVehInfo->SetParent = SetParent; // pVehInfo->SetPilot = SetPilot; // pVehInfo->AddPassenger = AddPassenger; // pVehInfo->Animate = Animate; // pVehInfo->Board = Board; // pVehInfo->Eject = Eject; // pVehInfo->EjectAll = EjectAll; // pVehInfo->StartDeathDelay = StartDeathDelay; // pVehInfo->DeathUpdate = DeathUpdate; // pVehInfo->RegisterAssets = RegisterAssets; // pVehInfo->Initialize = Initialize; pVehInfo->Update = Update; // pVehInfo->UpdateRider = UpdateRider; #endif //shared pVehInfo->ProcessMoveCommands = ProcessMoveCommands; pVehInfo->ProcessOrientCommands = ProcessOrientCommands; #ifndef QAGAME //cgame prediction attachment func pVehInfo->AttachRiders = AttachRidersGeneric; #endif // pVehInfo->AttachRiders = AttachRiders; // pVehInfo->Ghost = Ghost; // pVehInfo->UnGhost = UnGhost; // pVehInfo->Inhabited = Inhabited; } // Following is only in game, not in namespace #ifdef _JK2MP #include "../namespace_end.h" #endif #ifdef QAGAME extern void G_AllocateVehicleObject(Vehicle_t **pVeh); #endif #ifdef _JK2MP #include "../namespace_begin.h" #endif // Create/Allocate a new Animal Vehicle (initializing it as well). void G_CreateSpeederNPC( Vehicle_t **pVeh, const char *strType ) { #ifdef _JK2MP #ifdef QAGAME //these will remain on entities on the client once allocated because the pointer is //never stomped. on the server, however, when an ent is freed, the entity struct is //memset to 0, so this memory would be lost.. G_AllocateVehicleObject(pVeh); #else if (!*pVeh) { //only allocate a new one if we really have to (*pVeh) = (Vehicle_t *) BG_Alloc( sizeof(Vehicle_t) ); } #endif memset(*pVeh, 0, sizeof(Vehicle_t)); (*pVeh)->m_pVehicleInfo = &g_vehicleInfo[BG_VehicleGetIndex( strType )]; #else // Allocate the Vehicle. (*pVeh) = (Vehicle_t *) gi.Malloc( sizeof(Vehicle_t), TAG_G_ALLOC, qtrue ); (*pVeh)->m_pVehicleInfo = &g_vehicleInfo[BG_VehicleGetIndex( strType )]; #endif } #ifdef _JK2MP #include "../namespace_end.h" //get rid of all the crazy defs we added for this file #undef currentAngles #undef currentOrigin #undef mins #undef maxs #undef legsAnimTimer #undef torsoAnimTimer #undef bool #undef false #undef true #undef sqrtf #undef Q_flrand #undef MOD_EXPLOSIVE #endif