/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =========================================================================== */ //NPC_stats.cpp #include "b_local.h" #include "b_public.h" #include "anims.h" #include "wp_saber.h" #include "g_vehicles.h" #include "../cgame/cg_local.h" #if !defined(RUFL_HSTRING_INC) #include "../Rufl/hstring.h" #endif #include "../Ratl/string_vs.h" #include "../Rufl/hstring.h" #include "../Ratl/vector_vs.h" extern void WP_RemoveSaber( gentity_t *ent, int saberNum ); extern qboolean NPCsPrecached; extern vec3_t playerMins; extern vec3_t playerMaxs; extern stringID_table_t WPTable[]; #define MAX_MODELS_PER_LEVEL 60 hstring modelsAlreadyDone[MAX_MODELS_PER_LEVEL]; stringID_table_t animEventTypeTable[] = { ENUM2STRING(AEV_SOUND), //# animID AEV_SOUND framenum soundpath randomlow randomhi chancetoplay ENUM2STRING(AEV_FOOTSTEP), //# animID AEV_FOOTSTEP framenum footstepType ENUM2STRING(AEV_EFFECT), //# animID AEV_EFFECT framenum effectpath boltName ENUM2STRING(AEV_FIRE), //# animID AEV_FIRE framenum altfire chancetofire ENUM2STRING(AEV_MOVE), //# animID AEV_MOVE framenum forwardpush rightpush uppush ENUM2STRING(AEV_SOUNDCHAN), //# animID AEV_SOUNDCHAN framenum CHANNEL soundpath randomlow randomhi chancetoplay ENUM2STRING(AEV_SABER_SWING), //# animID AEV_SABER_SWING framenum CHANNEL randomlow randomhi chancetoplay ENUM2STRING(AEV_SABER_SPIN), //# animID AEV_SABER_SPIN framenum CHANNEL chancetoplay //must be terminated { NULL,-1 } }; stringID_table_t footstepTypeTable[] = { ENUM2STRING(FOOTSTEP_R), ENUM2STRING(FOOTSTEP_L), ENUM2STRING(FOOTSTEP_HEAVY_R), ENUM2STRING(FOOTSTEP_HEAVY_L), //must be terminated { NULL,-1 } }; stringID_table_t FPTable[] = { ENUM2STRING(FP_HEAL), ENUM2STRING(FP_LEVITATION), ENUM2STRING(FP_SPEED), ENUM2STRING(FP_PUSH), ENUM2STRING(FP_PULL), ENUM2STRING(FP_TELEPATHY), ENUM2STRING(FP_GRIP), ENUM2STRING(FP_LIGHTNING), ENUM2STRING(FP_SABERTHROW), ENUM2STRING(FP_SABER_DEFENSE), ENUM2STRING(FP_SABER_OFFENSE), //new Jedi Academy powers ENUM2STRING(FP_RAGE), ENUM2STRING(FP_PROTECT), ENUM2STRING(FP_ABSORB), ENUM2STRING(FP_DRAIN), ENUM2STRING(FP_SEE), { "", -1 } }; stringID_table_t TeamTable[] = { { "free", TEAM_FREE }, // caution, some code checks a team_t via "if (!team_t_varname)" so I guess this should stay as entry 0, great or what? -slc ENUM2STRING(TEAM_FREE), // caution, some code checks a team_t via "if (!team_t_varname)" so I guess this should stay as entry 0, great or what? -slc { "player", TEAM_PLAYER }, ENUM2STRING(TEAM_PLAYER), { "enemy", TEAM_ENEMY }, ENUM2STRING(TEAM_ENEMY), { "neutral", TEAM_NEUTRAL }, // most droids are team_neutral, there are some exceptions like Probe,Seeker,Interrogator ENUM2STRING(TEAM_NEUTRAL), // most droids are team_neutral, there are some exceptions like Probe,Seeker,Interrogator { "", -1 } }; // this list was made using the model directories, this MUST be in the same order as the CLASS_ enum in teams.h stringID_table_t ClassTable[] = { ENUM2STRING(CLASS_NONE), // hopefully this will never be used by an npc), just covering all bases ENUM2STRING(CLASS_ATST), // technically droid... ENUM2STRING(CLASS_BARTENDER), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_BESPIN_COP), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_CLAW), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_COMMANDO), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_DESANN), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_FISH), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_FLIER2), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_GALAK), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_GLIDER), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_GONK), // droid ENUM2STRING(CLASS_GRAN), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_HOWLER), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_RANCOR), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_SAND_CREATURE), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_WAMPA), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_IMPERIAL), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_IMPWORKER), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_INTERROGATOR), // droid ENUM2STRING(CLASS_JAN), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_JEDI), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_KYLE), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_LANDO), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_LIZARD), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_LUKE), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_MARK1), // droid ENUM2STRING(CLASS_MARK2), // droid ENUM2STRING(CLASS_GALAKMECH), // droid ENUM2STRING(CLASS_MINEMONSTER), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_MONMOTHA), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_MORGANKATARN), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_MOUSE), // droid ENUM2STRING(CLASS_MURJJ), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_PRISONER), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_PROBE), // droid ENUM2STRING(CLASS_PROTOCOL), // droid ENUM2STRING(CLASS_R2D2), // droid ENUM2STRING(CLASS_R5D2), // droid ENUM2STRING(CLASS_REBEL), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_REBORN), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_REELO), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_REMOTE), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_RODIAN), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_SEEKER), // droid ENUM2STRING(CLASS_SENTRY), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_SHADOWTROOPER), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_SABOTEUR), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_STORMTROOPER), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_SWAMP), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_SWAMPTROOPER), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_NOGHRI), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_TAVION), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_ALORA), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_TRANDOSHAN), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_UGNAUGHT), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_JAWA), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_WEEQUAY), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_TUSKEN), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_BOBAFETT), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_ROCKETTROOPER), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_SABER_DROID), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_PLAYER), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_ASSASSIN_DROID), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_HAZARD_TROOPER), ENUM2STRING(CLASS_VEHICLE), { "", -1 } }; /* NPC_ReactionTime */ //FIXME use grandom in here int NPC_ReactionTime ( void ) { return 200 * ( 6 - NPCInfo->stats.reactions ); } // // parse support routines // qboolean G_ParseLiteral( const char **data, const char *string ) { const char *token; token = COM_ParseExt( data, qtrue ); if ( token[0] == 0 ) { gi.Printf( "unexpected EOF\n" ); return qtrue; } if ( Q_stricmp( token, string ) ) { gi.Printf( "required string '%s' missing\n", string ); return qtrue; } return qfalse; } // // NPC parameters file : ext_data/NPCs/*.npc* // #define MAX_NPC_DATA_SIZE 0x80000 char NPCParms[MAX_NPC_DATA_SIZE]; /* static rank_t TranslateRankName( const char *name ) Should be used to determine pip bolt-ons */ static rank_t TranslateRankName( const char *name ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "civilian" ) ) { return RANK_CIVILIAN; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "crewman" ) ) { return RANK_CREWMAN; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "ensign" ) ) { return RANK_ENSIGN; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "ltjg" ) ) { return RANK_LT_JG; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "lt" ) ) { return RANK_LT; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "ltcomm" ) ) { return RANK_LT_COMM; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "commander" ) ) { return RANK_COMMANDER; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "captain" ) ) { return RANK_CAPTAIN; } return RANK_CIVILIAN; } saber_colors_t TranslateSaberColor( const char *name ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "red" ) ) { return SABER_RED; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "orange" ) ) { return SABER_ORANGE; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "yellow" ) ) { return SABER_YELLOW; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "green" ) ) { return SABER_GREEN; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "blue" ) ) { return SABER_BLUE; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "purple" ) ) { return SABER_PURPLE; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "random" ) ) { return ((saber_colors_t)(Q_irand( SABER_ORANGE, SABER_PURPLE ))); } return SABER_BLUE; } /* static int MethodNameToNumber( const char *name ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "EXPONENTIAL" ) ) { return METHOD_EXPONENTIAL; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "LINEAR" ) ) { return METHOD_LINEAR; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "LOGRITHMIC" ) ) { return METHOD_LOGRITHMIC; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "ALWAYS" ) ) { return METHOD_ALWAYS; } if ( !Q_stricmp( name, "NEVER" ) ) { return METHOD_NEVER; } return -1; } static int ItemNameToNumber( const char *name, int itemType ) { // int n; for ( n = 0; n < bg_numItems; n++ ) { if ( bg_itemlist[n].type != itemType ) { continue; } if ( Q_stricmp( bg_itemlist[n].classname, name ) == 0 ) { return bg_itemlist[n].tag; } } return -1; } */ static int MoveTypeNameToEnum( const char *name ) { if(!Q_stricmp("runjump", name)) { return MT_RUNJUMP; } else if(!Q_stricmp("walk", name)) { return MT_WALK; } else if(!Q_stricmp("flyswim", name)) { return MT_FLYSWIM; } else if(!Q_stricmp("static", name)) { return MT_STATIC; } return MT_STATIC; } extern void CG_RegisterClientRenderInfo(clientInfo_t *ci, renderInfo_t *ri); extern void CG_RegisterClientModels (int entityNum); extern void CG_RegisterNPCCustomSounds( clientInfo_t *ci ); //#define CONVENIENT_ANIMATION_FILE_DEBUG_THING #ifdef CONVENIENT_ANIMATION_FILE_DEBUG_THING void SpewDebugStuffToFile(animation_t *bgGlobalAnimations) { char BGPAFtext[40000]; fileHandle_t f; int i = 0; gi.FS_FOpenFile("file_of_debug_stuff_SP.txt", &f, FS_WRITE); if (!f) { return; } BGPAFtext[0] = 0; while (i < MAX_ANIMATIONS) { strcat(BGPAFtext, va("%i %i\n", i, bgGlobalAnimations[i].frameLerp)); i++; } gi.FS_Write(BGPAFtext, strlen(BGPAFtext), f); gi.FS_FCloseFile(f); } #endif int CG_CheckAnimFrameForEventType( animevent_t *animEvents, int keyFrame, animEventType_t eventType, unsigned short modelIndex ) { for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_ANIM_EVENTS; i++ ) { if ( animEvents[i].keyFrame == keyFrame ) {//there is an animevent on this frame already if ( animEvents[i].eventType == eventType ) {//and it is of the same type if ( animEvents[i].modelOnly == modelIndex ) {//and it is for the same model return i; } } } } //nope return -1; } /* ====================== ParseAnimationEvtBlock ====================== */ static void ParseAnimationEvtBlock(int glaIndex, unsigned short modelIndex, const char* aeb_filename, animevent_t *animEvents, animation_t *animations, unsigned char &lastAnimEvent, const char **text_p, bool bIsFrameSkipped) { const char *token; int num, n, animNum, keyFrame, lowestVal, highestVal, curAnimEvent = 0; animEventType_t eventType; char stringData[MAX_QPATH]; // get past starting bracket while(1) { token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "{" ) ) { break; } } //NOTE: instead of a blind increment, increase the index // this way if we have an event on an anim that already // has an event of that type, it stomps it // read information for each frame while ( 1 ) { // Get base frame of sequence token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token || !token[0]) { break; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) // At end of block { break; } //Compare to same table as animations used // so we don't have to use actual numbers for animation first frames, // just need offsets. //This way when animation numbers change, this table won't have to be updated, // at least not much. animNum = GetIDForString(animTable, token); if(animNum == -1) {//Unrecognized ANIM ENUM name, Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: Unknown ANIM %s in file %s\n", token, aeb_filename ); //skip this entry SkipRestOfLine( text_p ); continue; } if ( animations[animNum].numFrames == 0 ) {//we don't use this anim #ifndef FINAL_BUILD Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: %s: anim %s not used by this model\n", aeb_filename, token); #endif //skip this entry SkipRestOfLine( text_p ); continue; } token = COM_Parse( text_p ); eventType = (animEventType_t)GetIDForString(animEventTypeTable, token); if ( eventType == AEV_NONE || eventType == (animEventType_t)-1 ) {//Unrecognized ANIM EVENT TYPE Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: Unknown EVENT %s in animEvent file %s\n", token, aeb_filename ); continue; } // Get offset to frame within sequence token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } keyFrame = atoi( token ); if ( bIsFrameSkipped && (animations[animNum].numFrames>2) // important, else frame 1 gets divided down and becomes frame 0. Carcass & Assimilate also work this way ) { keyFrame /= 2; // if we ever use any other value in frame-skipping we'll have to figure out some way of reading it, since it's not stored anywhere } if(keyFrame >= animations[animNum].numFrames) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: Event out of range on %s in %s\n", GetStringForID(animTable,animNum), aeb_filename ); assert(keyFrame < animations[animNum].numFrames); keyFrame = animations[animNum].numFrames-1; //clamp it } //set our start frame keyFrame += animations[animNum].firstFrame; //see if this frame already has an event of this type on it, if so, overwrite it curAnimEvent = CG_CheckAnimFrameForEventType( animEvents, keyFrame, eventType, modelIndex ); if ( curAnimEvent == -1 ) {//this anim frame doesn't already have an event of this type on it curAnimEvent = lastAnimEvent; } //now that we know which event index we're going to plug the data into, start doing it animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventType = eventType; assert(keyFrame >= 0 && keyFrame < 65535); // animEvents[curAnimEvent].keyFrame = keyFrame; animEvents[curAnimEvent].glaIndex = glaIndex; animEvents[curAnimEvent].modelOnly = modelIndex; int tempVal; //now read out the proper data based on the type switch ( animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventType ) { case AEV_SOUNDCHAN: //# animID AEV_SOUNDCHAN framenum CHANNEL soundpath randomlow randomhi chancetoplay token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } if ( Q_stricmp( token, "CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN" ) == 0 ) { animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SOUNDCHANNEL] = CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN; } else if ( Q_stricmp( token, "CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL" ) == 0 ) { animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SOUNDCHANNEL] = CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL; } else if ( Q_stricmp( token, "CHAN_ANNOUNCER" ) == 0 ) { animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SOUNDCHANNEL] = CHAN_ANNOUNCER; } else if ( Q_stricmp( token, "CHAN_BODY" ) == 0 ) { animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SOUNDCHANNEL] = CHAN_BODY; } else if ( Q_stricmp( token, "CHAN_WEAPON" ) == 0 ) { animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SOUNDCHANNEL] = CHAN_WEAPON; } else if ( Q_stricmp( token, "CHAN_VOICE" ) == 0 ) { animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SOUNDCHANNEL] = CHAN_VOICE; } else { animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SOUNDCHANNEL] = CHAN_AUTO; } //fall through to normal sound case AEV_SOUND: //# animID AEV_SOUND framenum soundpath randomlow randomhi chancetoplay //get soundstring token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } strcpy(stringData, token); //get lowest value token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) {//WARNING! BAD TABLE! break; } lowestVal = atoi( token ); //get highest value token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) {//WARNING! BAD TABLE! break; } highestVal = atoi( token ); //Now precache all the sounds //NOTE: If we can be assured sequential handles, we can store the first sound index and count // unfortunately, if these sounds were previously registered, we cannot be guaranteed sequential indices. Thus an array if(lowestVal && highestVal) { assert(highestVal - lowestVal < MAX_RANDOM_ANIM_SOUNDS); for ( n = lowestVal, num = AED_SOUNDINDEX_START; n <= highestVal && num <= AED_SOUNDINDEX_END; n++, num++ ) { animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[num] = G_SoundIndex( va( stringData, n ) );//cgi_S_RegisterSound } animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SOUND_NUMRANDOMSNDS] = num - 1; } else { animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SOUNDINDEX_START] = G_SoundIndex( stringData );//cgi_S_RegisterSound #if 0 //#ifndef FINAL_BUILD (only meaningfull if using S_RegisterSound if ( !animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SOUNDINDEX_START] ) {//couldn't register it - file not found Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "ParseAnimationSndBlock: sound %s does not exist (%s)!\n", stringData, *aeb_filename ); } #endif animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SOUND_NUMRANDOMSNDS] = 0; } //get probability token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) {//WARNING! BAD TABLE! break; } animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SOUND_PROBABILITY] = atoi( token ); //last part - cheat and check and see if it's a special overridable saber sound we know of... if ( !Q_stricmpn( "sound/weapons/saber/saberhup", stringData, 28 ) ) {//a saber swing animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventType = AEV_SABER_SWING; animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SABER_SWING_SABERNUM] = 0;//since we don't know which one they meant if we're hacking this, always use first saber animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SABER_SWING_PROBABILITY] = animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SOUND_PROBABILITY]; if ( lowestVal < 4 ) {//fast swing animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SABER_SWING_TYPE] = SWING_FAST; } else if ( lowestVal < 7 ) {//medium swing animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SABER_SWING_TYPE] = SWING_MEDIUM; } else {//strong swing animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SABER_SWING_TYPE] = SWING_STRONG; } } else if ( !Q_stricmpn( "sound/weapons/saber/saberspin", stringData, 29 ) ) {//a saber spin animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventType = AEV_SABER_SPIN; animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SABER_SPIN_SABERNUM] = 0;//since we don't know which one they meant if we're hacking this, always use first saber animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SABER_SPIN_PROBABILITY] = animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SOUND_PROBABILITY]; if ( stringData[29] == 'o' ) {//saberspinoff animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SABER_SPIN_TYPE] = 0; } else if ( stringData[29] == '1' ) {//saberspin1 animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SABER_SPIN_TYPE] = 2; } else if ( stringData[29] == '2' ) {//saberspin2 animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SABER_SPIN_TYPE] = 3; } else if ( stringData[29] == '3' ) {//saberspin3 animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SABER_SPIN_TYPE] = 4; } else if ( stringData[29] == '%' ) {//saberspin%d animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SABER_SPIN_TYPE] = 5; } else {//just plain saberspin animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_SABER_SPIN_TYPE] = 1; } } break; case AEV_FOOTSTEP: //# animID AEV_FOOTSTEP framenum footstepType //get footstep type token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_FOOTSTEP_TYPE] = GetIDForString(footstepTypeTable, token); //get probability token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) {//WARNING! BAD TABLE! break; } animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_FOOTSTEP_PROBABILITY] = atoi( token ); break; case AEV_EFFECT: //# animID AEV_EFFECT framenum effectpath boltName //get effect index token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } if ( token[0] && Q_stricmp( "special", token ) == 0 ) {//special hard-coded effects //let cgame know it's not a real effect animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_EFFECTINDEX] = -1; //get the name of it token = COM_Parse( text_p ); animEvents[curAnimEvent].stringData = G_NewString( token ); } else {//regular effect tempVal = G_EffectIndex(token); assert(tempVal > -32767 && tempVal < 32767); animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_EFFECTINDEX] = tempVal; //get bolt index token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } if ( Q_stricmp( "none", token ) != 0 && Q_stricmp( "NULL", token ) != 0 ) {//actually are specifying a bolt to use animEvents[curAnimEvent].stringData = G_NewString( token ); } } //NOTE: this string will later be used to add a bolt and store the index, as below: //animEvent->eventData[AED_BOLTINDEX] = gi.G2API_AddBolt( ¢->gent->ghoul2[cent->gent->playerModel], animEvent->stringData ); //get probability token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) {//WARNING! BAD TABLE! break; } animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_EFFECT_PROBABILITY] = atoi( token ); break; case AEV_FIRE: //# animID AEV_FIRE framenum altfire chancetofire //get altfire token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) {//WARNING! BAD TABLE! break; } animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_FIRE_ALT] = atoi( token ); //get probability token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) {//WARNING! BAD TABLE! break; } animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_FIRE_PROBABILITY] = atoi( token ); break; case AEV_MOVE: //# animID AEV_MOVE framenum forwardpush rightpush uppush //get forward push token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) {//WARNING! BAD TABLE! break; } tempVal = atoi(token); assert(tempVal > -32767 && tempVal < 32767); animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_MOVE_FWD] = tempVal; //get right push token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) {//WARNING! BAD TABLE! break; } tempVal = atoi(token); assert(tempVal > -32767 && tempVal < 32767); animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_MOVE_RT] = tempVal; //get upwards push token = COM_Parse( text_p ); if ( !token ) {//WARNING! BAD TABLE! break; } tempVal = atoi(token); assert(tempVal > -32767 && tempVal < 32767); animEvents[curAnimEvent].eventData[AED_MOVE_UP] = tempVal; break; default: //unknown? SkipRestOfLine( text_p ); continue; break; } if ( curAnimEvent == lastAnimEvent ) { lastAnimEvent++; } } } /* ====================== G_ParseAnimationEvtFile Read a configuration file containing animation events models/players/kyle/animevents.cfg, etc This file's presence is not required ====================== */ static void G_ParseAnimationEvtFile(int glaIndex, const char* eventsDirectory, int fileIndex, int iRealGLAIndex = -1, bool modelSpecific = false) { int len; const char* token; char text[80000]; const char* text_p = text; fileHandle_t f; char eventsPath[MAX_QPATH]; int modelIndex = 0; assert(fileIndex>=0 && fileIndex<MAX_ANIM_FILES); const char *psAnimFileInternalName = (iRealGLAIndex == -1 ? NULL : gi.G2API_GetAnimFileInternalNameIndex( iRealGLAIndex )); bool bIsFrameSkipped = (psAnimFileInternalName && strlen(psAnimFileInternalName)>5 && !Q_stricmp(&psAnimFileInternalName[strlen(psAnimFileInternalName)-5],"_skip")); // Open The File, Make Sure It Is Safe //------------------------------------- Com_sprintf(eventsPath, MAX_QPATH, "models/players/%s/animevents.cfg", eventsDirectory); len = cgi_FS_FOpenFile(eventsPath, &f, FS_READ); if ( len <= 0 ) {//no file return; } if ( len >= (int)(sizeof( text ) - 1) ) { cgi_FS_FCloseFile( f ); CG_Printf( "File %s too long\n", eventsPath ); return; } // Read It To The Buffer, Close The File //--------------------------------------- cgi_FS_Read( text, len, f ); text[len] = 0; cgi_FS_FCloseFile( f ); // Get The Pointers To The Anim Event Arrays //------------------------------------------- animFileSet_t& afileset = level.knownAnimFileSets[fileIndex]; animevent_t *legsAnimEvents = afileset.legsAnimEvents; animevent_t *torsoAnimEvents = afileset.torsoAnimEvents; animation_t *animations = afileset.animations; if (modelSpecific) { hstring modelName(eventsDirectory); modelIndex = modelName.handle(); } // read information for batches of sounds (UPPER or LOWER) COM_BeginParseSession(); while ( 1 ) { // Get base frame of sequence token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token || !token[0] ) { break; } //these stomp anything set in the include file (if it's an event of the same type on the same frame)! if ( !Q_stricmp(token,"UPPEREVENTS") ) // A batch of upper events { ParseAnimationEvtBlock(glaIndex, modelIndex, eventsPath, torsoAnimEvents, animations, afileset.torsoAnimEventCount, &text_p, bIsFrameSkipped); } else if ( !Q_stricmp(token,"LOWEREVENTS") ) // A batch of lower events { ParseAnimationEvtBlock(glaIndex, modelIndex, eventsPath, legsAnimEvents, animations, afileset.legsAnimEventCount, &text_p, bIsFrameSkipped); } } COM_EndParseSession(); } /* ====================== G_ParseAnimationFile Read a configuration file containing animation coutns and rates models/players/visor/animation.cfg, etc ====================== */ qboolean G_ParseAnimationFile(int glaIndex, const char *skeletonName, int fileIndex) { char text[80000]; int len = 0; const char *token = 0; float fps = 0; const char* text_p = text; int animNum = 0; animation_t* animations = level.knownAnimFileSets[fileIndex].animations; char skeletonPath[MAX_QPATH]; // Read In The File To The Text Buffer, Make Sure Everything Is Safe To Continue //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Com_sprintf(skeletonPath, MAX_QPATH, "models/players/%s/%s.cfg", skeletonName, skeletonName); len = gi.RE_GetAnimationCFG(skeletonPath, text, sizeof(text)); if ( len <= 0 ) { Com_sprintf(skeletonPath, MAX_QPATH, "models/players/%s/animation.cfg", skeletonName); len = gi.RE_GetAnimationCFG(skeletonPath, text, sizeof(text)); if ( len <= 0 ) { return qfalse; } } if ( len >= (int)(sizeof( text ) - 1) ) { G_Error( "G_ParseAnimationFile: File %s too long\n (%d > %d)", skeletonName, len, sizeof( text ) - 1); return qfalse; } // Read In Each Token //-------------------- COM_BeginParseSession(); while(1) { token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); // If No Token, We've Reached The End Of The File //------------------------------------------------ if ( !token || !token[0]) { break; } // Get The Anim Number Converted From The First Token //---------------------------------------------------- animNum = GetIDForString(animTable, token); if(animNum == -1) { #ifndef FINAL_BUILD if (strcmp(token,"ROOT")) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED"WARNING: Unknown token %s in %s\n", token, skeletonPath); } #endif //unrecognized animation so skip to end of line, while (token[0]) { token = COM_ParseExt( &text_p, qfalse ); //returns empty string when next token is EOL } continue; } // GLAIndex //---------- animations[animNum].glaIndex = glaIndex; // Passed Into This Func // First Frame //------------- token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } assert(atoi(token) >= 0 && atoi(token) < 65536); animations[animNum].firstFrame = atoi( token ); // Num Frames //------------ token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } assert(atoi(token) >= 0 && atoi(token) < 65536); animations[animNum].numFrames = atoi( token ); // Loop Frames //------------- token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } assert(atoi(token) >= -1 && atoi(token) < 128); animations[animNum].loopFrames = atoi( token ); // FPS //----- token = COM_Parse( &text_p ); if ( !token ) { break; } fps = atof( token ); if ( fps == 0 ) { fps = 1;//Don't allow divide by zero error } // Calculate Frame Lerp //---------------------- int lerp; if ( fps < 0 ) {//backwards lerp = floor(1000.0f / fps); assert(lerp > -32767 && lerp < 32767); animations[animNum].frameLerp = lerp; assert(animations[animNum].frameLerp <= 1); } else { lerp = ceil(1000.0f / fps); assert(lerp > -32767 && lerp < 32767); animations[animNum].frameLerp = lerp; assert(animations[animNum].frameLerp >= 1); } /* lerp = ceil(1000.0f / Q_fabs(fps)); assert(lerp > -32767 && lerp < 32767); animations[animNum].initialLerp = lerp; */ } COM_EndParseSession(); #ifdef CONVENIENT_ANIMATION_FILE_DEBUG_THING if (strstr(af_filename, "humanoid")) { SpewDebugStuffToFile(animations); } #endif return qtrue; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // G_ParseAnimFileSet // // This function is responsible for building the animation file and // the animation event file. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int G_ParseAnimFileSet(const char *skeletonName, const char *modelName=0) { int fileIndex=0; // Try To Find An Existing Skeleton File For This Animation Set //-------------------------------------------------------------- for (fileIndex=0; fileIndex<level.numKnownAnimFileSets; fileIndex++) { if (Q_stricmp(level.knownAnimFileSets[fileIndex].filename, skeletonName)==0) { break; } } // Ok, We Don't Already Have One, So Time To Create A New One And Initialize It //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (fileIndex>=level.numKnownAnimFileSets) { if (level.numKnownAnimFileSets==MAX_ANIM_FILES) { G_Error( "G_ParseAnimFileSet: MAX_ANIM_FILES" ); return -1; } // Allocate A new File Set, And Get Some Shortcut Pointers //--------------------------------------------------------- fileIndex = level.numKnownAnimFileSets; level.numKnownAnimFileSets++; strcpy(level.knownAnimFileSets[fileIndex].filename, skeletonName); level.knownAnimFileSets[fileIndex].torsoAnimEventCount = 0; level.knownAnimFileSets[fileIndex].legsAnimEventCount = 0; animation_t* animations = level.knownAnimFileSets[fileIndex].animations; animevent_t* legsAnimEvents = level.knownAnimFileSets[fileIndex].legsAnimEvents; animevent_t* torsoAnimEvents = level.knownAnimFileSets[fileIndex].torsoAnimEvents; int i, j; // Initialize The Frames Information //----------------------------------- for(i=0; i<MAX_ANIMATIONS; i++) { animations[i].firstFrame = 0; animations[i].numFrames = 0; animations[i].loopFrames = -1; animations[i].frameLerp = 100; // animations[i].initialLerp = 100; animations[i].glaIndex = 0; } // Initialize Animation Event Array //---------------------------------- for(i=0; i<MAX_ANIM_EVENTS; i++) { torsoAnimEvents[i].eventType = AEV_NONE; //Type of event legsAnimEvents[i].eventType = AEV_NONE; torsoAnimEvents[i].keyFrame = (unsigned short)-1; //65535 should never be a valid frame... :) legsAnimEvents[i].keyFrame = (unsigned short)-1; //Frame to play event on torsoAnimEvents[i].stringData = NULL; //we allow storage of one string, temporarily (in case we have to look up an index later, legsAnimEvents[i].stringData = NULL; //then make sure to set stringData to NULL so we only do the look-up once) torsoAnimEvents[i].modelOnly = 0; legsAnimEvents[i].modelOnly = 0; torsoAnimEvents[i].glaIndex = 0; legsAnimEvents[i].glaIndex = 0; for (j=0; j<AED_ARRAY_SIZE; j++) //Unique IDs, can be soundIndex of sound file to play OR effect index or footstep type, etc. { torsoAnimEvents[i].eventData[j] = -1; legsAnimEvents[i].eventData[j] = -1; } } // Get The Cinematic GLA Name //---------------------------- if (Q_stricmp(skeletonName, "_humanoid")==0) { const char* mapName = strrchr( level.mapname, '/' ); if (mapName) { mapName++; } else { mapName = level.mapname; } char skeletonMapName[MAX_QPATH]; Com_sprintf(skeletonMapName, MAX_QPATH, "_humanoid_%s", mapName); const int normalGLAIndex = gi.G2API_PrecacheGhoul2Model("models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla");//double check this always comes first! // Make Sure To Precache The GLAs (both regular and cinematic), And Remember Their Indicies //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G_ParseAnimationFile(0, skeletonName, fileIndex); G_ParseAnimationEvtFile(0, skeletonName, fileIndex, normalGLAIndex, false/*flag for model specific*/); const int cineGLAIndex = gi.G2API_PrecacheGhoul2Model( va("models/players/%s/%s.gla", skeletonMapName, skeletonMapName)); if (cineGLAIndex) { assert(cineGLAIndex == normalGLAIndex+1); if (cineGLAIndex != normalGLAIndex+1) { Com_Error(ERR_DROP,"Cinematic GLA was not loaded after the normal GLA. Cannot continue safely."); } G_ParseAnimationFile(1, skeletonMapName, fileIndex); G_ParseAnimationEvtFile(1, skeletonMapName, fileIndex, cineGLAIndex, false/*flag for model specific*/); } } else { // non-humanoid... // // Make Sure To Precache The GLAs (both regular and cinematic), And Remember Their Indicies //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G_ParseAnimationFile(0, skeletonName, fileIndex); G_ParseAnimationEvtFile(0, skeletonName, fileIndex); } } // Tack Any Additional Per Model Events //-------------------------------------- if (modelName) { // Quick Search To See If We've Already Loaded This Model //-------------------------------------------------------- int curModel=0; hstring curModelName(modelName); while (curModel<MAX_MODELS_PER_LEVEL && !modelsAlreadyDone[curModel].empty()) { if (modelsAlreadyDone[curModel]==curModelName) { return fileIndex; } curModel++; } if (curModel == MAX_MODELS_PER_LEVEL) { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "About to overflow modelsAlreadyDone, increase MAX_MODELS_PER_LEVEL\n"); } // Nope, Ok, Record The Model As Found And Parse It's Event File //--------------------------------------------------------------- modelsAlreadyDone[curModel]=curModelName; // Only Do The Event File If The Model Is Not The Same As The Skeleton //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Q_stricmp(skeletonName, modelName)!=0) { const int iGLAIndexToCheckForSkip = (Q_stricmp(skeletonName, "_humanoid")?-1:gi.G2API_PrecacheGhoul2Model("models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla")); // ;-) G_ParseAnimationEvtFile(0, modelName, fileIndex, iGLAIndexToCheckForSkip, true); } } return fileIndex; } extern cvar_t *g_char_model; void G_LoadAnimFileSet( gentity_t *ent, const char *pModelName ) { //load its animation config char animName[MAX_QPATH]; char *GLAName, *modelName; char *slash = NULL; char *strippedName; if ( ent->playerModel == -1 ) { return; } if ( Q_stricmp( "player", pModelName ) == 0 ) {//model is actually stored on console modelName = g_char_model->string; } else { modelName = (char *)pModelName; } //get the location of the animation.cfg GLAName = gi.G2API_GetGLAName( &ent->ghoul2[ent->playerModel] ); //now load and parse the animation.cfg, animevents.cfg and set the animFileIndex if ( !GLAName) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED"Failed find animation file name models/players/%s\n", modelName ); strippedName="_humanoid"; //take a guess, maybe it's right? } else { Q_strncpyz( animName, GLAName, sizeof( animName ) ); slash = strrchr( animName, '/' ); if ( slash ) { *slash = 0; } strippedName = COM_SkipPath( animName ); } //now load and parse the animation.cfg, animevents.cfg and set the animFileIndex ent->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex = G_ParseAnimFileSet(strippedName, modelName); if (ent->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex<0) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_RED"Failed to load animation file set models/players/%s/animation.cfg\n", modelName ); #ifndef FINAL_BUILD Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Failed to load animation file set models/players/%s/animation.cfg\n", modelName); #endif } } void NPC_PrecacheAnimationCFG( const char *NPC_type ) { char filename[MAX_QPATH]; const char *token; const char *value; const char *p; if ( !Q_stricmp( "random", NPC_type ) ) {//sorry, can't precache a random just yet return; } p = NPCParms; COM_BeginParseSession(); // look for the right NPC while ( p ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( token[0] == 0 ) { COM_EndParseSession( ); return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, NPC_type ) ) { break; } SkipBracedSection( &p ); } if ( !p ) { COM_EndParseSession( ); return; } if ( G_ParseLiteral( &p, "{" ) ) { COM_EndParseSession( ); return; } // parse the NPC info block while ( 1 ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( !token[0] ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: unexpected EOF while parsing '%s'\n", NPC_type ); COM_EndParseSession( ); return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } // legsmodel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "legsmodel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } //must copy data out of this pointer into a different part of memory because the funcs we're about to call will call COM_ParseExt Q_strncpyz( filename, value, sizeof( filename ) ); G_ParseAnimFileSet( filename ); COM_EndParseSession( ); return; } // playerModel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "playerModel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } char animName[MAX_QPATH]; char *GLAName; char *slash = NULL; char *strippedName; int handle = gi.G2API_PrecacheGhoul2Model( va( "models/players/%s/model.glm", value ) ); if ( handle > 0 )//FIXME: isn't 0 a valid handle? { GLAName = gi.G2API_GetAnimFileNameIndex( handle ); if ( GLAName ) { Q_strncpyz( animName, GLAName, sizeof( animName ) ); slash = strrchr( animName, '/' ); if ( slash ) { *slash = 0; } strippedName = COM_SkipPath( animName ); //must copy data out of this pointer into a different part of memory because the funcs we're about to call will call COM_ParseExt Q_strncpyz( filename, value, sizeof( filename ) ); G_ParseAnimFileSet(strippedName, filename); COM_EndParseSession( ); return; } } } } COM_EndParseSession( ); } extern int NPC_WeaponsForTeam( team_t team, int spawnflags, const char *NPC_type ); void NPC_PrecacheWeapons( team_t playerTeam, int spawnflags, char *NPCtype ) { int weapons = NPC_WeaponsForTeam( playerTeam, spawnflags, NPCtype ); gitem_t *item; for ( int curWeap = WP_SABER; curWeap < WP_NUM_WEAPONS; curWeap++ ) { if ( (weapons & ( 1 << curWeap )) ) { item = FindItemForWeapon( ((weapon_t)(curWeap)) ); //precache the weapon CG_RegisterItemSounds( (item-bg_itemlist) ); CG_RegisterItemVisuals( (item-bg_itemlist) ); //precache the in-hand/in-world ghoul2 weapon model char weaponModel[64]; strcpy (weaponModel, weaponData[curWeap].weaponMdl); if (char *spot = strstr(weaponModel, ".md3") ) { *spot = 0; spot = strstr(weaponModel, "_w");//i'm using the in view weapon array instead of scanning the item list, so put the _w back on if (!spot) { strcat (weaponModel, "_w"); } strcat (weaponModel, ".glm"); //and change to ghoul2 } gi.G2API_PrecacheGhoul2Model( weaponModel ); // correct way is item->world_model } } } /* void NPC_PrecacheByClassName ( char *NPCName ) This runs all the class specific precache functions */ extern void NPC_ShadowTrooper_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Gonk_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Mouse_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Seeker_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Remote_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_R2D2_Precache(void); extern void NPC_R5D2_Precache(void); extern void NPC_Probe_Precache(void); extern void NPC_Interrogator_Precache(gentity_t *self); extern void NPC_MineMonster_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Howler_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Rancor_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_MutantRancor_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Wampa_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_ATST_Precache(void); extern void NPC_Sentry_Precache(void); extern void NPC_Mark1_Precache(void); extern void NPC_Mark2_Precache(void); extern void NPC_Protocol_Precache( void ); extern void Boba_Precache( void ); extern void RT_Precache( void ); extern void SandCreature_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_TavionScepter_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_TavionSithSword_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Rosh_Dark_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Tusken_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_Saboteur_Precache( void ); extern void NPC_CultistDestroyer_Precache( void ); void NPC_Jawa_Precache( void ) { for ( int i = 1; i < 7; i++ ) { G_SoundIndex( va( "sound/chars/jawa/misc/chatter%d.wav", i ) ); } G_SoundIndex( "sound/chars/jawa/misc/ooh-tee-nee.wav" ); } void NPC_PrecacheByClassName( const char* type ) { if (!type || !type[0]) { return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( "gonk", type)) { NPC_Gonk_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "mouse", type)) { NPC_Mouse_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmpn( "r2d2", type, 4)) { NPC_R2D2_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "atst", type)) { NPC_ATST_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmpn( "r5d2", type, 4)) { NPC_R5D2_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "mark1", type)) { NPC_Mark1_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "mark2", type)) { NPC_Mark2_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "interrogator", type)) { NPC_Interrogator_Precache(NULL); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "probe", type)) { NPC_Probe_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "seeker", type)) { NPC_Seeker_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmpn( "remote", type, 6)) { NPC_Remote_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmpn( "shadowtrooper", type, 13 ) ) { NPC_ShadowTrooper_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "minemonster", type )) { NPC_MineMonster_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "howler", type )) { NPC_Howler_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "rancor", type )) { NPC_Rancor_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "mutant_rancor", type )) { NPC_Rancor_Precache(); NPC_MutantRancor_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "wampa", type )) { NPC_Wampa_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "sand_creature", type )) { SandCreature_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "sentry", type )) { NPC_Sentry_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "protocol", type )) { NPC_Protocol_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "boba_fett", type )) { Boba_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "rockettrooper2", type )) { RT_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "rockettrooper2Officer", type )) { RT_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "tavion_scepter", type )) { NPC_TavionScepter_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "tavion_sith_sword", type )) { NPC_TavionSithSword_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "rosh_dark", type ) ) { NPC_Rosh_Dark_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmpn( "tusken", type, 6 ) ) { NPC_Tusken_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmpn( "saboteur", type, 8 ) ) { NPC_Saboteur_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( "cultist_destroyer", type ) ) { NPC_CultistDestroyer_Precache(); } else if ( !Q_stricmpn( "jawa", type, 4 ) ) { NPC_Jawa_Precache(); } } /* void NPC_Precache ( char *NPCName ) Precaches NPC skins, tgas and md3s. */ void CG_NPC_Precache ( gentity_t *spawner ) { clientInfo_t ci={}; renderInfo_t ri={}; team_t playerTeam = TEAM_FREE; const char *token; const char *value; const char *p; char *patch; char sound[MAX_QPATH]; qboolean md3Model = qfalse; char playerModel[MAX_QPATH] = { 0 }; char customSkin[MAX_QPATH]; if ( !Q_stricmp( "random", spawner->NPC_type ) ) {//sorry, can't precache a random just yet return; } strcpy(customSkin,"default"); p = NPCParms; COM_BeginParseSession(); // look for the right NPC while ( p ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( token[0] == 0 ) { COM_EndParseSession( ); return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, spawner->NPC_type ) ) { break; } SkipBracedSection( &p ); } if ( !p ) { COM_EndParseSession( ); return; } if ( G_ParseLiteral( &p, "{" ) ) { COM_EndParseSession( ); return; } // parse the NPC info block while ( 1 ) { COM_EndParseSession(); // if still in session (or using continue;) COM_BeginParseSession(); token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( !token[0] ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: unexpected EOF while parsing '%s'\n", spawner->NPC_type ); COM_EndParseSession( ); return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } // headmodel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headmodel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if(!Q_stricmp("none", value)) { } else { Q_strncpyz( ri.headModelName, value, sizeof(ri.headModelName)); } md3Model = qtrue; continue; } // torsomodel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "torsomodel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if(!Q_stricmp("none", value)) { } else { Q_strncpyz( ri.torsoModelName, value, sizeof(ri.torsoModelName)); } md3Model = qtrue; continue; } // legsmodel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "legsmodel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( ri.legsModelName, value, sizeof(ri.legsModelName)); md3Model = qtrue; continue; } // playerModel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "playerModel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( playerModel, value, sizeof(playerModel)); md3Model = qfalse; continue; } // customSkin if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "customSkin" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( customSkin, value, sizeof(customSkin)); continue; } // playerTeam if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "playerTeam" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } playerTeam = (team_t)GetIDForString( TeamTable, token ); continue; } // snd if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "snd" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(spawner->svFlags&SVF_NO_BASIC_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci.customBasicSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } // sndcombat if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sndcombat" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(spawner->svFlags&SVF_NO_COMBAT_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci.customCombatSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } // sndextra if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sndextra" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(spawner->svFlags&SVF_NO_EXTRA_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci.customExtraSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } // sndjedi if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sndjedi" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(spawner->svFlags&SVF_NO_EXTRA_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci.customJediSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } //cache weapons if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "weapon" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } int weap = GetIDForString( WPTable, value ); if ( weap >= WP_NONE && weap < WP_NUM_WEAPONS ) { if ( weap > WP_NONE ) { RegisterItem( FindItemForWeapon( (weapon_t)(weap) ) ); //precache the weapon } } continue; } //cache sabers //saber name if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "saber" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } char *saberName = G_NewString( value ); saberInfo_t saber; WP_SaberParseParms( saberName, &saber ); if ( saber.model && saber.model[0] ) { G_ModelIndex( saber.model ); } if ( saber.skin && saber.skin[0] ) { gi.RE_RegisterSkin( saber.skin ); G_SkinIndex( saber.skin ); } if ( saber.g2MarksShader[0] ) { cgi_R_RegisterShader( saber.g2MarksShader ); } if ( saber.g2MarksShader2[0] ) { cgi_R_RegisterShader( saber.g2MarksShader2 ); } if ( saber.g2WeaponMarkShader[0] ) { cgi_R_RegisterShader( saber.g2WeaponMarkShader ); } if ( saber.g2WeaponMarkShader2[0] ) { cgi_R_RegisterShader( saber.g2WeaponMarkShader2 ); } continue; } //second saber name if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "saber2" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } char *saberName = G_NewString( value ); saberInfo_t saber; WP_SaberParseParms( saberName, &saber ); if ( saber.model && saber.model[0] ) { G_ModelIndex( saber.model ); } if ( saber.skin && saber.skin[0] ) { gi.RE_RegisterSkin( saber.skin ); G_SkinIndex( saber.skin ); } continue; } } COM_EndParseSession( ); if ( md3Model ) { CG_RegisterClientRenderInfo( &ci, &ri ); } else { char skinName[MAX_QPATH]; //precache ghoul2 model gi.G2API_PrecacheGhoul2Model( va( "models/players/%s/model.glm", playerModel ) ); //precache skin if (strchr(customSkin, '|')) {//three part skin Com_sprintf( skinName, sizeof( skinName ), "models/players/%s/|%s", playerModel, customSkin ); } else {//standard skin Com_sprintf( skinName, sizeof( skinName ), "models/players/%s/model_%s.skin", playerModel, customSkin ); } // lets see if it's out there gi.RE_RegisterSkin( skinName ); } //precache this NPC's possible weapons NPC_PrecacheWeapons( playerTeam, spawner->spawnflags, spawner->NPC_type ); // Anything else special about them NPC_PrecacheByClassName( spawner->NPC_type ); CG_RegisterNPCCustomSounds( &ci ); //CG_RegisterNPCEffects( playerTeam ); //FIXME: Look for a "sounds" directory and precache death, pain, alert sounds } void NPC_BuildRandom( gentity_t *NPC ) { } extern void G_MatchPlayerWeapon( gentity_t *ent ); extern void G_InitPlayerFromCvars( gentity_t *ent ); extern void G_SetG2PlayerModel( gentity_t * const ent, const char *modelName, const char *customSkin, const char *surfOff, const char *surfOn ); qboolean NPC_ParseParms( const char *NPCName, gentity_t *NPC ) { const char *token; const char *value; const char *p; int n; float f; char *patch; char sound[MAX_QPATH]; char playerModel[MAX_QPATH]; char customSkin[MAX_QPATH]; clientInfo_t *ci = &NPC->client->clientInfo; renderInfo_t *ri = &NPC->client->renderInfo; gNPCstats_t *stats = NULL; qboolean md3Model = qtrue; char surfOff[1024]={0}; char surfOn[1024]={0}; qboolean parsingPlayer = qfalse; strcpy(customSkin,"default"); if ( !NPCName || !NPCName[0]) { NPCName = "Player"; } if ( !NPC->s.number && NPC->client != NULL ) {//player, only want certain data parsingPlayer = qtrue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats = &NPC->NPC->stats; /* NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[0] = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL; NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[1] = WP_SABER; NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[2] = WP_IMOD; NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[3] = WP_SCAVENGER_RIFLE; NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[4] = WP_TRICORDER; NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[6] = WP_NONE; NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[6] = WP_NONE; NPC->NPC->allWeaponOrder[7] = WP_NONE; */ // fill in defaults stats->sex = SEX_MALE; stats->aggression = 3; stats->aim = 3; stats->earshot = 1024; stats->evasion = 3; stats->hfov = 90; stats->intelligence = 3; stats->move = 3; stats->reactions = 3; stats->vfov = 60; stats->vigilance = 0.1f; stats->visrange = 1024; if (g_entities[ENTITYNUM_WORLD].max_health && stats->visrange>g_entities[ENTITYNUM_WORLD].max_health) { stats->visrange = g_entities[ENTITYNUM_WORLD].max_health; } stats->health = 0; stats->yawSpeed = 90; stats->walkSpeed = 90; stats->runSpeed = 300; stats->acceleration = 15;//Increase/descrease speed this much per frame (20fps) } else { stats = NULL; } Q_strncpyz( ci->name, NPCName, sizeof( ci->name ) ); NPC->playerModel = -1; //Set defaults //FIXME: should probably put default torso and head models, but what about enemies //that don't have any- like Stasis? //Q_strncpyz( ri->headModelName, DEFAULT_HEADMODEL, sizeof(ri->headModelName), qtrue); //Q_strncpyz( ri->torsoModelName, DEFAULT_TORSOMODEL, sizeof(ri->torsoModelName), qtrue); //Q_strncpyz( ri->legsModelName, DEFAULT_LEGSMODEL, sizeof(ri->legsModelName), qtrue); ri->headModelName[0] = 0; ri->torsoModelName[0]= 0; ri->legsModelName[0] =0; ri->headYawRangeLeft = 80; ri->headYawRangeRight = 80; ri->headPitchRangeUp = 45; ri->headPitchRangeDown = 45; ri->torsoYawRangeLeft = 60; ri->torsoYawRangeRight = 60; ri->torsoPitchRangeUp = 30; ri->torsoPitchRangeDown = 50; VectorCopy(playerMins, NPC->mins); VectorCopy(playerMaxs, NPC->maxs); NPC->client->crouchheight = CROUCH_MAXS_2; NPC->client->standheight = DEFAULT_MAXS_2; NPC->client->moveType = MT_RUNJUMP; NPC->client->dismemberProbHead = 100; NPC->client->dismemberProbArms = 100; NPC->client->dismemberProbHands = 100; NPC->client->dismemberProbWaist = 100; NPC->client->dismemberProbLegs = 100; NPC->s.modelScale[0] = NPC->s.modelScale[1] = NPC->s.modelScale[2] = 1.0f; ri->customRGBA[0] = ri->customRGBA[1] = ri->customRGBA[2] = ri->customRGBA[3] = 0xFFu; if ( !Q_stricmp( "random", NPCName ) ) {//Randomly assemble an NPC NPC_BuildRandom( NPC ); } else { p = NPCParms; COM_BeginParseSession(); #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma region(NPC Stats) #endif // look for the right NPC while ( p ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( token[0] == 0 ) { COM_EndParseSession( ); return qfalse; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, NPCName ) ) { break; } SkipBracedSection( &p ); } if ( !p ) { COM_EndParseSession( ); return qfalse; } if ( G_ParseLiteral( &p, "{" ) ) { COM_EndParseSession( ); return qfalse; } // parse the NPC info block while ( 1 ) { token = COM_ParseExt( &p, qtrue ); if ( !token[0] ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: unexpected EOF while parsing '%s'\n", NPCName ); COM_EndParseSession( ); return qfalse; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } //===MODEL PROPERTIES=========================================================== // custom color if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "customRGBA" ) ) { // eezstreet TODO: Put these into functions, damn it! They're too big! if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( value, "random") ) { ri->customRGBA[0]=Q_irand(0,255); ri->customRGBA[1]=Q_irand(0,255); ri->customRGBA[2]=Q_irand(0,255); ri->customRGBA[3]=255; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( value, "random1") ) { ri->customRGBA[3]=255; switch (Q_irand(0,5)) { default: case 0: ri->customRGBA[0]=127; ri->customRGBA[1]=153; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; case 1: ri->customRGBA[0]=177; ri->customRGBA[1]=29; ri->customRGBA[2]=13; break; case 2: ri->customRGBA[0]=47; ri->customRGBA[1]=90; ri->customRGBA[2]=40; break; case 3: ri->customRGBA[0]=181; ri->customRGBA[1]=207; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; case 4: ri->customRGBA[0]=138; ri->customRGBA[1]=83; ri->customRGBA[2]=0; break; case 5: ri->customRGBA[0]=254; ri->customRGBA[1]=199; ri->customRGBA[2]=14; break; } } else if ( !Q_stricmp( value, "jedi_hf" ) ) { ri->customRGBA[3]=255; switch (Q_irand(0,7)) { default: case 0://red1 ri->customRGBA[0]=165; ri->customRGBA[1]=48; ri->customRGBA[2]=21; break; case 1://yellow1 ri->customRGBA[0]=254; ri->customRGBA[1]=230; ri->customRGBA[2]=132; break; case 2://bluegray ri->customRGBA[0]=181; ri->customRGBA[1]=207; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; case 3://pink ri->customRGBA[0]=233; ri->customRGBA[1]=183; ri->customRGBA[2]=208; break; case 4://lt blue ri->customRGBA[0]=161; ri->customRGBA[1]=226; ri->customRGBA[2]=240; break; case 5://blue ri->customRGBA[0]=101; ri->customRGBA[1]=159; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; case 6://orange ri->customRGBA[0]=255; ri->customRGBA[1]=157; ri->customRGBA[2]=114; break; case 7://violet ri->customRGBA[0]=216; ri->customRGBA[1]=160; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; } } else if ( !Q_stricmp( value, "jedi_hm" ) ) { ri->customRGBA[3]=255; switch (Q_irand(0,7)) { default: case 0://yellow ri->customRGBA[0]=252; ri->customRGBA[1]=243; ri->customRGBA[2]=180; break; case 1://blue ri->customRGBA[0]=69; ri->customRGBA[1]=109; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; case 2://gold ri->customRGBA[0]=254; ri->customRGBA[1]=197; ri->customRGBA[2]=73; break; case 3://orange ri->customRGBA[0]=178; ri->customRGBA[1]=78; ri->customRGBA[2]=18; break; case 4://bluegreen ri->customRGBA[0]=112; ri->customRGBA[1]=153; ri->customRGBA[2]=161; break; case 5://blue2 ri->customRGBA[0]=123; ri->customRGBA[1]=182; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; case 6://green2 ri->customRGBA[0]=0; ri->customRGBA[1]=88; ri->customRGBA[2]=105; break; case 7://violet ri->customRGBA[0]=138; ri->customRGBA[1]=0; ri->customRGBA[2]=0; break; } } else if ( !Q_stricmp( value, "jedi_kdm" ) ) { ri->customRGBA[3]=255; switch (Q_irand(0,8)) { default: case 0://blue ri->customRGBA[0]=85; ri->customRGBA[1]=120; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; case 1://violet ri->customRGBA[0]=173; ri->customRGBA[1]=142; ri->customRGBA[2]=219; break; case 2://brown1 ri->customRGBA[0]=254; ri->customRGBA[1]=197; ri->customRGBA[2]=73; break; case 3://orange ri->customRGBA[0]=138; ri->customRGBA[1]=83; ri->customRGBA[2]=0; break; case 4://gold ri->customRGBA[0]=254; ri->customRGBA[1]=199; ri->customRGBA[2]=14; break; case 5://blue2 ri->customRGBA[0]=68; ri->customRGBA[1]=194; ri->customRGBA[2]=217; break; case 6://red1 ri->customRGBA[0]=170; ri->customRGBA[1]=3; ri->customRGBA[2]=30; break; case 7://yellow1 ri->customRGBA[0]=225; ri->customRGBA[1]=226; ri->customRGBA[2]=144; break; case 8://violet2 ri->customRGBA[0]=167; ri->customRGBA[1]=202; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; } } else if ( !Q_stricmp( value, "jedi_rm" ) ) { ri->customRGBA[3]=255; switch (Q_irand(0,8)) { default: case 0://blue ri->customRGBA[0]=127; ri->customRGBA[1]=153; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; case 1://green1 ri->customRGBA[0]=208; ri->customRGBA[1]=249; ri->customRGBA[2]=85; break; case 2://blue2 ri->customRGBA[0]=181; ri->customRGBA[1]=207; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; case 3://gold ri->customRGBA[0]=138; ri->customRGBA[1]=83; ri->customRGBA[2]=0; break; case 4://gold ri->customRGBA[0]=224; ri->customRGBA[1]=171; ri->customRGBA[2]=44; break; case 5://green2 ri->customRGBA[0]=49; ri->customRGBA[1]=155; ri->customRGBA[2]=131; break; case 6://red1 ri->customRGBA[0]=163; ri->customRGBA[1]=79; ri->customRGBA[2]=17; break; case 7://violet2 ri->customRGBA[0]=148; ri->customRGBA[1]=104; ri->customRGBA[2]=228; break; case 8://green3 ri->customRGBA[0]=138; ri->customRGBA[1]=136; ri->customRGBA[2]=0; break; } } else if ( !Q_stricmp( value, "jedi_tf" ) ) { ri->customRGBA[3]=255; switch (Q_irand(0,5)) { default: case 0://green1 ri->customRGBA[0]=255; ri->customRGBA[1]=235; ri->customRGBA[2]=100; break; case 1://blue1 ri->customRGBA[0]=62; ri->customRGBA[1]=155; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; case 2://red1 ri->customRGBA[0]=255; ri->customRGBA[1]=110; ri->customRGBA[2]=120; break; case 3://purple ri->customRGBA[0]=180; ri->customRGBA[1]=150; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; case 4://flesh ri->customRGBA[0]=255; ri->customRGBA[1]=200; ri->customRGBA[2]=212; break; case 5://base ri->customRGBA[0]=255; ri->customRGBA[1]=255; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; } } else if ( !Q_stricmp( value, "jedi_zf" ) ) { ri->customRGBA[3]=255; switch (Q_irand(0,7)) { default: case 0://red1 ri->customRGBA[0]=204; ri->customRGBA[1]=19; ri->customRGBA[2]=21; break; case 1://orange1 ri->customRGBA[0]=255; ri->customRGBA[1]=107; ri->customRGBA[2]=40; break; case 2://pink1 ri->customRGBA[0]=255; ri->customRGBA[1]=148; ri->customRGBA[2]=155; break; case 3://gold ri->customRGBA[0]=255; ri->customRGBA[1]=164; ri->customRGBA[2]=59; break; case 4://violet1 ri->customRGBA[0]=216; ri->customRGBA[1]=160; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; case 5://blue1 ri->customRGBA[0]=101; ri->customRGBA[1]=159; ri->customRGBA[2]=255; break; case 6://blue2 ri->customRGBA[0]=161; ri->customRGBA[1]=226; ri->customRGBA[2]=240; break; case 7://blue3 ri->customRGBA[0]=37; ri->customRGBA[1]=155; ri->customRGBA[2]=181; break; } } else { ri->customRGBA[0]=atoi(value); if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { continue; } ri->customRGBA[1]=n; if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { continue; } ri->customRGBA[2]=n; if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { continue; } ri->customRGBA[3]=n; } continue; } // headmodel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headmodel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if(!Q_stricmp("none", value)) { ri->headModelName[0] = '\0'; //Zero the head clamp range so the torso & legs don't lag behind ri->headYawRangeLeft = ri->headYawRangeRight = ri->headPitchRangeUp = ri->headPitchRangeDown = 0; } else { Q_strncpyz( ri->headModelName, value, sizeof(ri->headModelName)); } continue; } // torsomodel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "torsomodel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if(!Q_stricmp("none", value)) { ri->torsoModelName[0] = '\0'; //Zero the torso clamp range so the legs don't lag behind ri->torsoYawRangeLeft = ri->torsoYawRangeRight = ri->torsoPitchRangeUp = ri->torsoPitchRangeDown = 0; } else { Q_strncpyz( ri->torsoModelName, value, sizeof(ri->torsoModelName)); } continue; } // legsmodel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "legsmodel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( ri->legsModelName, value, sizeof(ri->legsModelName)); //Need to do this here to get the right index ci->animFileIndex = G_ParseAnimFileSet(ri->legsModelName); continue; } // playerModel if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "playerModel" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( playerModel, value, sizeof(playerModel)); md3Model = qfalse; continue; } // customSkin if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "customSkin" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } Q_strncpyz( customSkin, value, sizeof(customSkin)); continue; } // surfOff if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "surfOff" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( surfOff[0] ) { Q_strcat( surfOff, sizeof(surfOff), "," ); Q_strcat( surfOff, sizeof(surfOff), value ); } else { Q_strncpyz( surfOff, value, sizeof(surfOff)); } continue; } // surfOn if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "surfOn" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( surfOn[0] ) { Q_strcat( surfOn, sizeof(surfOn), "," ); Q_strcat( surfOn, sizeof(surfOn), value ); } else { Q_strncpyz( surfOn, value, sizeof(surfOn)); } continue; } //headYawRangeLeft if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headYawRangeLeft" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->headYawRangeLeft = n; continue; } //headYawRangeRight if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headYawRangeRight" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->headYawRangeRight = n; continue; } //headPitchRangeUp if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headPitchRangeUp" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->headPitchRangeUp = n; continue; } //headPitchRangeDown if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "headPitchRangeDown" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->headPitchRangeDown = n; continue; } //torsoYawRangeLeft if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "torsoYawRangeLeft" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->torsoYawRangeLeft = n; continue; } //torsoYawRangeRight if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "torsoYawRangeRight" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->torsoYawRangeRight = n; continue; } //torsoPitchRangeUp if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "torsoPitchRangeUp" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->torsoPitchRangeUp = n; continue; } //torsoPitchRangeDown if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "torsoPitchRangeDown" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } ri->torsoPitchRangeDown = n; continue; } // Uniform XYZ scale if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "scale" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if (n != 100) { NPC->s.modelScale[0] = NPC->s.modelScale[1] = NPC->s.modelScale[2] = n/100.0f; } continue; } //X scale if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "scaleX" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if (n != 100) { NPC->s.modelScale[0] = n/100.0f; } continue; } //Y scale if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "scaleY" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if (n != 100) { NPC->s.modelScale[1] = n/100.0f; } continue; } //Z scale if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "scaleZ" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if (n != 100) { NPC->s.modelScale[2] = n/100.0f; } continue; } //===AI STATS===================================================================== if ( !parsingPlayer ) { // aggression if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "aggression" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 1 || n > 5 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->aggression = n; } continue; } // aim if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "aim" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 1 || n > 5 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->aim = n; } continue; } // earshot if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "earshot" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseFloat( &p, &f ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( f < 0.0f ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->earshot = f; } continue; } // evasion if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "evasion" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 1 || n > 5 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->evasion = n; } continue; } // hfov if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "hfov" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 1 || n > 180 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->hfov = n;// / 2; //FIXME: Why was this being done?! } continue; } // intelligence if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "intelligence" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 1 || n > 5 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->intelligence = n; } continue; } // move if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "move" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 1 || n > 5 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->move = n; } continue; } // reactions if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "reactions" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 1 || n > 5 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->reactions = n; } continue; } // shootDistance if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "shootDistance" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseFloat( &p, &f ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( f < 0.0f ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->shootDistance = f; } continue; } // vfov if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "vfov" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 2 || n > 360 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->vfov = n / 2; } continue; } // vigilance if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "vigilance" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseFloat( &p, &f ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( f < 0.0f ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->vigilance = f; } continue; } // visrange if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "visrange" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseFloat( &p, &f ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( f < 0.0f ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->visrange = f; if (g_entities[ENTITYNUM_WORLD].max_health && stats->visrange>g_entities[ENTITYNUM_WORLD].max_health) { stats->visrange = g_entities[ENTITYNUM_WORLD].max_health; } } continue; } // race // if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "race" ) ) // { // if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) // { // continue; // } // NPC->client->race = TranslateRaceName(value); // continue; // } // rank if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "rank" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { NPC->NPC->rank = TranslateRankName(value); } continue; } } // health if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "health" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->health = n; } else if ( parsingPlayer ) { NPC->client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = NPC->client->pers.maxHealth = NPC->max_health = n; } continue; } // fullName if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "fullName" ) ) { #ifndef FINAL_BUILD gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: fullname ignored in NPC '%s'\n", NPCName ); #endif if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } continue; } // playerTeam if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "playerTeam" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } NPC->client->playerTeam = (team_t)GetIDForString( TeamTable, value ); continue; } // enemyTeam if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "enemyTeam" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } NPC->client->enemyTeam = (team_t)GetIDForString( TeamTable, value ); continue; } // class if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "class" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } NPC->client->NPC_class = (class_t)GetIDForString( ClassTable, value ); // No md3's for vehicles. if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE ) { if ( !NPC->m_pVehicle ) {//you didn't spawn this guy right! Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED "ERROR: Tried to spawn a vehicle NPC (%s) without using NPC_Vehicle or 'NPC spawn vehicle <vehiclename>'!!! Bad, bad, bad! Shame on you!\n", NPCName ); COM_EndParseSession(); return qfalse; } md3Model = qfalse; } continue; } // dismemberment probability for head if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "dismemberProbHead" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { NPC->client->dismemberProbHead = n; } continue; } // dismemberment probability for arms if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "dismemberProbArms" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { NPC->client->dismemberProbArms = n; } continue; } // dismemberment probability for hands if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "dismemberProbHands" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { NPC->client->dismemberProbHands = n; } continue; } // dismemberment probability for waist if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "dismemberProbWaist" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { NPC->client->dismemberProbWaist = n; } continue; } // dismemberment probability for legs if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "dismemberProbLegs" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { NPC->client->dismemberProbLegs = n; } continue; } //===MOVEMENT STATS============================================================ if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "width" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { continue; } NPC->mins[0] = NPC->mins[1] = -n; NPC->maxs[0] = NPC->maxs[1] = n; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "height" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { continue; } if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE && NPC->m_pVehicle && NPC->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo && NPC->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_FIGHTER ) {//a flying vehicle's origin must be centered in bbox NPC->maxs[2] = NPC->client->standheight = (n/2.0f); NPC->mins[2] = -NPC->maxs[2]; NPC->s.origin[2] += (DEFAULT_MINS_2-NPC->mins[2])+0.125f; VectorCopy(NPC->s.origin, NPC->client->ps.origin); VectorCopy(NPC->s.origin, NPC->currentOrigin); G_SetOrigin( NPC, NPC->s.origin ); gi.linkentity(NPC); } else { NPC->mins[2] = DEFAULT_MINS_2;//Cannot change NPC->maxs[2] = NPC->client->standheight = n + DEFAULT_MINS_2; } NPC->s.radius = n; continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "crouchheight" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { continue; } NPC->client->crouchheight = n + DEFAULT_MINS_2; continue; } if ( !parsingPlayer ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "movetype" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } NPC->client->moveType = (movetype_t)MoveTypeNameToEnum(value); continue; } // yawSpeed if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "yawSpeed" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n <= 0) { gi.Printf( "bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->yawSpeed = ((float)(n)); } continue; } // walkSpeed if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "walkSpeed" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->walkSpeed = n; } continue; } //runSpeed if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "runSpeed" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->runSpeed = n; } continue; } //acceleration if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "acceleration" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < 0 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { stats->acceleration = n; } continue; } //sex if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sex" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( value[0] == 'm' ) {//male stats->sex = SEX_MALE; } else if ( value[0] == 'n' ) {//neutral stats->sex = SEX_NEUTRAL; } else if ( value[0] == 'a' ) {//asexual? stats->sex = SEX_NEUTRAL; } else if ( value[0] == 'f' ) {//female stats->sex = SEX_FEMALE; } else if ( value[0] == 's' ) {//shemale? stats->sex = SEX_SHEMALE; } else if ( value[0] == 'h' ) {//hermaphrodite? stats->sex = SEX_SHEMALE; } else if ( value[0] == 't' ) {//transsexual/transvestite? stats->sex = SEX_SHEMALE; } continue; } //===MISC=============================================================================== // default behavior if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "behavior" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( n < BS_DEFAULT || n >= NUM_BSTATES ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad %s in NPC '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { NPC->NPC->defaultBehavior = (bState_t)(n); } continue; } } // snd if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "snd" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(NPC->svFlags&SVF_NO_BASIC_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci->customBasicSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } // sndcombat if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sndcombat" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(NPC->svFlags&SVF_NO_COMBAT_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci->customCombatSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } // sndextra if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sndextra" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(NPC->svFlags&SVF_NO_EXTRA_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci->customExtraSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } // sndjedi if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sndjedi" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(NPC->svFlags&SVF_NO_EXTRA_SOUNDS) ) { //FIXME: store this in some sound field or parse in the soundTable like the animTable... Q_strncpyz( sound, value, sizeof( sound ) ); patch = strstr( sound, "/" ); if ( patch ) { *patch = 0; } ci->customJediSoundDir = G_NewString( sound ); } continue; } //New NPC/jedi stats: //starting weapon if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "weapon" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } //FIXME: need to precache the weapon, too? (in above func) int weap = GetIDForString( WPTable, value ); if ( weap >= WP_NONE && weap < WP_NUM_WEAPONS ) { NPC->client->ps.weapon = weap; NPC->client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << weap ); if ( weap > WP_NONE ) { RegisterItem( FindItemForWeapon( (weapon_t)(weap) ) ); //precache the weapon NPC->client->ps.ammo[weaponData[weap].ammoIndex] = ammoData[weaponData[weap].ammoIndex].max; } } continue; } if ( !parsingPlayer ) { //altFire if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "altFire" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } if ( NPC->NPC ) { if ( n != 0 ) { NPC->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_ALT_FIRE; } } continue; } //Other unique behaviors/numbers that are currently hardcoded? } //force powers int fp = GetIDForString( FPTable, token ); if ( fp >= FP_FIRST && fp < NUM_FORCE_POWERS ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } //FIXME: need to precache the fx, too? (in above func) //cap if ( n > 5 ) { n = 5; } else if ( n < 0 ) { n = 0; } if ( n ) {//set NPC->client->ps.forcePowersKnown |= ( 1 << fp ); } else {//clear NPC->client->ps.forcePowersKnown &= ~( 1 << fp ); } NPC->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[fp] = n; continue; } //max force power if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "forcePowerMax" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } NPC->client->ps.forcePowerMax = n; continue; } //force regen rate - default is 100ms if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "forceRegenRate" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } NPC->client->ps.forcePowerRegenRate = n; continue; } //force regen amount - default is 1 (points per second) if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "forceRegenAmount" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } NPC->client->ps.forcePowerRegenAmount = n; continue; } //have a sabers.cfg and just name your saber in your NPCs.cfg/ICARUS script //saber name if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "saber" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } char *saberName = G_NewString( value ); WP_SaberParseParms( saberName, &NPC->client->ps.saber[0] ); //if it requires a specific style, make sure we know how to use it if ( NPC->client->ps.saber[0].stylesLearned ) { NPC->client->ps.saberStylesKnown |= NPC->client->ps.saber[0].stylesLearned; } if ( NPC->client->ps.saber[0].singleBladeStyle ) { NPC->client->ps.saberStylesKnown |= NPC->client->ps.saber[0].singleBladeStyle; } continue; } //second saber name if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "saber2" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } if ( !(NPC->client->ps.saber[0].saberFlags&SFL_TWO_HANDED) ) {//can't use a second saber if first one is a two-handed saber...? char *saberName = G_NewString( value ); WP_SaberParseParms( saberName, &NPC->client->ps.saber[1] ); if ( NPC->client->ps.saber[1].stylesLearned ) { NPC->client->ps.saberStylesKnown |= NPC->client->ps.saber[1].stylesLearned; } if ( NPC->client->ps.saber[1].singleBladeStyle ) { NPC->client->ps.saberStylesKnown |= NPC->client->ps.saber[1].singleBladeStyle; } if ( (NPC->client->ps.saber[1].saberFlags&SFL_TWO_HANDED) ) {//tsk tsk, can't use a twoHanded saber as second saber WP_RemoveSaber( NPC, 1 ); } else { NPC->client->ps.dualSabers = qtrue; } } continue; } // saberColor if ( !Q_stricmpn( token, "saberColor", 10) ) { if ( !NPC->client ) { continue; } if (strlen(token)==10) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } saber_colors_t color = TranslateSaberColor( value ); for ( n = 0; n < MAX_BLADES; n++ ) { NPC->client->ps.saber[0].blade[n].color = color; } } else if (strlen(token)==11) { int index = atoi(&token[10])-1; if (index > 7 || index < 1 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saberColor '%s' in %s\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } NPC->client->ps.saber[0].blade[index].color = TranslateSaberColor( value ); } else { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saberColor '%s' in %s\n", token, NPCName ); } continue; } if ( !Q_stricmpn( token, "saber2Color", 11 ) ) { if ( !NPC->client ) { continue; } if (strlen(token)==11) { if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } saber_colors_t color = TranslateSaberColor( value ); for ( n = 0; n < MAX_BLADES; n++ ) { NPC->client->ps.saber[1].blade[n].color = color; } } else if (strlen(token)==12) { n = atoi(&token[11])-1; if (n > 7 || n < 1 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saber2Color '%s' in %s\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( COM_ParseString( &p, &value ) ) { continue; } NPC->client->ps.saber[1].blade[n].color = TranslateSaberColor( value ); } else { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saber2Color '%s' in %s\n", token, NPCName ); } continue; } //saber length if ( !Q_stricmpn( token, "saberLength", 11) ) { if (strlen(token)==11) { n = -1; } else if (strlen(token)==12) { n = atoi(&token[11])-1; if (n > 7 || n < 1 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saberLength '%s' in %s\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } } else { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saberLength '%s' in %s\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( COM_ParseFloat( &p, &f ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } //cap if ( f < 4.0f ) { f = 4.0f; } if (n == -1)//do them all { for ( n = 0; n < MAX_BLADES; n++ ) { NPC->client->ps.saber[0].blade[n].lengthMax = f; } } else //just one { NPC->client->ps.saber[0].blade[n].lengthMax = f; } continue; } if ( !Q_stricmpn( token, "saber2Length", 12) ) { if (strlen(token)==12) { n = -1; } else if (strlen(token)==13) { n = atoi(&token[12])-1; if (n > 7 || n < 1 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saber2Length '%s' in %s\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } } else { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saber2Length '%s' in %s\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( COM_ParseFloat( &p, &f ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } //cap if ( f < 4.0f ) { f = 4.0f; } if (n == -1)//do them all { for ( n = 0; n < MAX_BLADES; n++ ) { NPC->client->ps.saber[1].blade[n].lengthMax = f; } } else //just one { NPC->client->ps.saber[1].blade[n].lengthMax = f; } continue; } //saber radius if ( !Q_stricmpn( token, "saberRadius", 11 ) ) { if (strlen(token)==11) { n = -1; } else if (strlen(token)==12) { n = atoi(&token[11])-1; if (n > 7 || n < 1 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saberRadius '%s' in %s\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } } else { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saberRadius '%s' in %s\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( COM_ParseFloat( &p, &f ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } //cap if ( f < 0.25f ) { f = 0.25f; } if (n==-1) {//NOTE: this fills in the rest of the blades with the same length by default for ( n = 0; n < MAX_BLADES; n++ ) { NPC->client->ps.saber[0].blade[n].radius = f; } } else { NPC->client->ps.saber[0].blade[n].radius = f; } continue; } if ( !Q_stricmpn( token, "saber2Radius", 12 ) ) { if (strlen(token)==12) { n = -1; } else if (strlen(token)==13) { n = atoi(&token[12])-1; if (n > 7 || n < 1 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saber2Radius '%s' in %s\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } } else { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: bad saber2Radius '%s' in %s\n", token, NPCName ); continue; } if ( COM_ParseFloat( &p, &f ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } //cap if ( f < 0.25f ) { f = 0.25f; } if (n==-1) {//NOTE: this fills in the rest of the blades with the same length by default for ( n = 0; n < MAX_BLADES; n++ ) { NPC->client->ps.saber[1].blade[n].radius = f; } } else { NPC->client->ps.saber[1].blade[n].radius = f; } continue; } //ADD: //saber sounds (on, off, loop) //loop sound (like Vader's breathing or droid bleeps, etc.) //starting saber style if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "saberStyle" ) ) { if ( COM_ParseInt( &p, &n ) ) { SkipRestOfLine( &p ); continue; } //cap if ( n > SS_STAFF ) { n = SS_STAFF; } else if ( n < SS_FAST ) { n = SS_FAST; } if ( n ) {//set NPC->client->ps.saberStylesKnown |= ( 1 << n ); } else {//clear NPC->client->ps.saberStylesKnown &= ~( 1 << n ); } NPC->client->ps.saberAnimLevel = n; if ( parsingPlayer ) { cg.saberAnimLevelPending = n; } continue; } if ( !parsingPlayer ) { gi.Printf( "WARNING: unknown keyword '%s' while parsing '%s'\n", token, NPCName ); } SkipRestOfLine( &p ); } #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma endregion #endif COM_EndParseSession( ); } ci->infoValid = qfalse; /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ if ( !md3Model ) { NPC->weaponModel[0] = -1; if ( Q_stricmp( "player", playerModel ) == 0 ) {//set the model from the console cvars G_InitPlayerFromCvars( NPC ); //now set the weapon, etc. G_MatchPlayerWeapon( NPC ); //NPC->NPC->aiFlags |= NPCAI_MATCHPLAYERWEAPON;//FIXME: may not always want this } else {//do a normal model load // If this is a vehicle, set the model name from the vehicle type array. if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE ) { int iVehIndex = BG_VehicleGetIndex( NPC->NPC_type ); strcpy(customSkin, "default"); // Ignore any custom skin that may have come from the NPC File Q_strncpyz( playerModel, g_vehicleInfo[iVehIndex].model, sizeof(playerModel)); if ( g_vehicleInfo[iVehIndex].skin && g_vehicleInfo[iVehIndex].skin[0] ) { bool forceSkin = false; // Iterate Over All Possible Skins //--------------------------------- ratl::vector_vs<hstring, 15> skinarray; ratl::string_vs<256> skins(g_vehicleInfo[iVehIndex].skin); for (ratl::string_vs<256>::tokenizer i = skins.begin("|"); i!=skins.end(); i++) { if (NPC->soundSet && NPC->soundSet[0] && Q_stricmp(*i, NPC->soundSet)==0) { forceSkin = true; } skinarray.push_back(*i); } // Soundset Is The Designer Set Way To Supply A Skin //--------------------------------------------------- if (forceSkin) { Q_strncpyz( customSkin, NPC->soundSet, sizeof(customSkin)); } // Otherwise Choose A Random Skin //-------------------------------- else { if (NPC->soundSet && NPC->soundSet[0]) { gi.Printf(S_COLOR_RED"WARNING: Unable to use skin (%s)", NPC->soundSet); } Q_strncpyz( customSkin, *skinarray[Q_irand(0, skinarray.size()-1)], sizeof(customSkin)); } if (NPC->soundSet && gi.bIsFromZone(NPC->soundSet, TAG_G_ALLOC)) { gi.Free(NPC->soundSet); } NPC->soundSet = 0; // clear the pointer } } G_SetG2PlayerModel( NPC, playerModel, customSkin, surfOff, surfOn ); } } /* Ghoul2 Insert End */ if( NPCsPrecached ) {//Spawning in after initial precache, our models are precached, we just need to set our clientInfo CG_RegisterClientModels( NPC->s.number ); CG_RegisterNPCCustomSounds( ci ); //CG_RegisterNPCEffects( NPC->client->playerTeam ); } return qtrue; } void NPC_LoadParms( void ) { int len, totallen, npcExtFNLen, fileCnt, i; char *buffer, *holdChar, *marker; char npcExtensionListBuf[2048]; // The list of file names read in //gi.Printf( "Parsing ext_data/npcs/*.npc definitions\n" ); //set where to store the first one totallen = 0; marker = NPCParms; marker[0] = '\0'; //now load in the .npc definitions fileCnt = gi.FS_GetFileList("ext_data/npcs", ".npc", npcExtensionListBuf, sizeof(npcExtensionListBuf) ); holdChar = npcExtensionListBuf; for ( i = 0; i < fileCnt; i++, holdChar += npcExtFNLen + 1 ) { npcExtFNLen = strlen( holdChar ); //gi.Printf( "Parsing %s\n", holdChar ); len = gi.FS_ReadFile( va( "ext_data/npcs/%s", holdChar), (void **) &buffer ); if ( len == -1 ) { gi.Printf( "NPC_LoadParms: error reading file %s\n", holdChar ); } else { if ( totallen && *(marker-1) == '}' ) {//don't let previous file end on a } because that must be a stand-alone token strcat( marker, " " ); totallen++; marker++; } len = COM_Compress( buffer ); if ( totallen + len >= MAX_NPC_DATA_SIZE ) { G_Error( "NPC_LoadParms: ran out of space before reading %s\n(you must make the .npc files smaller)", holdChar ); } strcat( marker, buffer ); gi.FS_FreeFile( buffer ); totallen += len; marker += len; } } }