/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . =========================================================================== */ /* ======================================================================= USER INTERFACE SABER LOADING & DISPLAY CODE ======================================================================= */ #include "ui_local.h" #include "ui_shared.h" void WP_SaberLoadParms( void ); qboolean WP_SaberParseParm( const char *saberName, const char *parmname, char *saberData ); saber_colors_t TranslateSaberColor( const char *name ); const char *SaberColorToString( saber_colors_t color ); saber_styles_t TranslateSaberStyle( const char *name ); saberType_t TranslateSaberType( const char *name ); qboolean ui_saber_parms_parsed = qfalse; static qhandle_t redSaberGlowShader; static qhandle_t redSaberCoreShader; static qhandle_t orangeSaberGlowShader; static qhandle_t orangeSaberCoreShader; static qhandle_t yellowSaberGlowShader; static qhandle_t yellowSaberCoreShader; static qhandle_t greenSaberGlowShader; static qhandle_t greenSaberCoreShader; static qhandle_t blueSaberGlowShader; static qhandle_t blueSaberCoreShader; static qhandle_t purpleSaberGlowShader; static qhandle_t purpleSaberCoreShader; void UI_CacheSaberGlowGraphics( void ) {//FIXME: these get fucked by vid_restarts redSaberGlowShader = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/effects/sabers/red_glow" ); redSaberCoreShader = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/effects/sabers/red_line" ); orangeSaberGlowShader = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/effects/sabers/orange_glow" ); orangeSaberCoreShader = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/effects/sabers/orange_line" ); yellowSaberGlowShader = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/effects/sabers/yellow_glow" ); yellowSaberCoreShader = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/effects/sabers/yellow_line" ); greenSaberGlowShader = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/effects/sabers/green_glow" ); greenSaberCoreShader = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/effects/sabers/green_line" ); blueSaberGlowShader = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/effects/sabers/blue_glow" ); blueSaberCoreShader = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/effects/sabers/blue_line" ); purpleSaberGlowShader = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/effects/sabers/purple_glow" ); purpleSaberCoreShader = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "gfx/effects/sabers/purple_line" ); } qboolean UI_SaberModelForSaber( const char *saberName, char *saberModel ) { return WP_SaberParseParm( saberName, "saberModel", saberModel ); } qboolean UI_SaberSkinForSaber( const char *saberName, char *saberSkin ) { return WP_SaberParseParm( saberName, "customSkin", saberSkin ); } qboolean UI_SaberTypeForSaber( const char *saberName, char *saberType ) { return WP_SaberParseParm( saberName, "saberType", saberType ); } int UI_SaberNumBladesForSaber( const char *saberName ) { int numBlades; char numBladesString[8]={0}; WP_SaberParseParm( saberName, "numBlades", numBladesString ); numBlades = atoi( numBladesString ); if ( numBlades < 1 ) { numBlades = 1; } else if ( numBlades > 8 ) { numBlades = 8; } return numBlades; } qboolean UI_SaberShouldDrawBlade( const char *saberName, int bladeNum ) { int bladeStyle2Start = 0, noBlade = 0; char bladeStyle2StartString[8]={0}; char noBladeString[8]={0}; WP_SaberParseParm( saberName, "bladeStyle2Start", bladeStyle2StartString ); if ( bladeStyle2StartString[0] ) { bladeStyle2Start = atoi( bladeStyle2StartString ); } if ( bladeStyle2Start && bladeNum >= bladeStyle2Start ) {//use second blade style WP_SaberParseParm( saberName, "noBlade2", noBladeString ); if ( noBladeString[0] ) { noBlade = atoi( noBladeString ); } } else {//use first blade style WP_SaberParseParm( saberName, "noBlade", noBladeString ); if ( noBladeString[0] ) { noBlade = atoi( noBladeString ); } } return ((qboolean)(noBlade==0)); } qboolean UI_IsSaberTwoHanded( const char *saberName ) { int twoHanded; char twoHandedString[8]={0}; WP_SaberParseParm( saberName, "twoHanded", twoHandedString ); if ( !twoHandedString[0] ) {//not defined defaults to "no" return qfalse; } twoHanded = atoi( twoHandedString ); return ((qboolean)(twoHanded!=0)); } float UI_SaberBladeLengthForSaber( const char *saberName, int bladeNum ) { char lengthString[8]={0}; float length = 40.0f; WP_SaberParseParm( saberName, "saberLength", lengthString ); if ( lengthString[0] ) { length = atof( lengthString ); if ( length < 0.0f ) { length = 0.0f; } } WP_SaberParseParm( saberName, va("saberLength%d", bladeNum+1), lengthString ); if ( lengthString[0] ) { length = atof( lengthString ); if ( length < 0.0f ) { length = 0.0f; } } return length; } float UI_SaberBladeRadiusForSaber( const char *saberName, int bladeNum ) { char radiusString[8]={0}; float radius = 3.0f; WP_SaberParseParm( saberName, "saberRadius", radiusString ); if ( radiusString[0] ) { radius = atof( radiusString ); if ( radius < 0.0f ) { radius = 0.0f; } } WP_SaberParseParm( saberName, va("saberRadius%d", bladeNum+1), radiusString ); if ( radiusString[0] ) { radius = atof( radiusString ); if ( radius < 0.0f ) { radius = 0.0f; } } return radius; } qboolean UI_SaberProperNameForSaber( const char *saberName, char *saberProperName ) { char stringedSaberName[1024]; qboolean ret = WP_SaberParseParm( saberName, "name", stringedSaberName ); // if it's a stringed reference translate it if( ret && stringedSaberName[0] == '@') { trap->SE_GetStringTextString(&stringedSaberName[1], saberProperName, 1024); } else { // no stringed so just use it as it strcpy( saberProperName, stringedSaberName ); } return ret; } qboolean UI_SaberValidForPlayerInMP( const char *saberName ) { char allowed [8]={0}; if ( !WP_SaberParseParm( saberName, "notInMP", allowed ) ) {//not defined, default is yes return qtrue; } if ( !allowed[0] ) {//not defined, default is yes return qtrue; } else {//return value return ((qboolean)(atoi(allowed)==0)); } } void UI_SaberLoadParms( void ) { ui_saber_parms_parsed = qtrue; UI_CacheSaberGlowGraphics(); WP_SaberLoadParms(); } void UI_DoSaber( vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir, float length, float lengthMax, float radius, saber_colors_t color ) { vec3_t mid, rgb={1,1,1}; qhandle_t blade = 0, glow = 0; refEntity_t saber; float radiusmult; float radiusRange; float radiusStart; if ( length < 0.5f ) { // if the thing is so short, just forget even adding me. return; } // Find the midpoint of the saber for lighting purposes VectorMA( origin, length * 0.5f, dir, mid ); switch( color ) { case SABER_RED: glow = redSaberGlowShader; blade = redSaberCoreShader; VectorSet( rgb, 1.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f ); break; case SABER_ORANGE: glow = orangeSaberGlowShader; blade = orangeSaberCoreShader; VectorSet( rgb, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.1f ); break; case SABER_YELLOW: glow = yellowSaberGlowShader; blade = yellowSaberCoreShader; VectorSet( rgb, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.2f ); break; case SABER_GREEN: glow = greenSaberGlowShader; blade = greenSaberCoreShader; VectorSet( rgb, 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.2f ); break; case SABER_BLUE: glow = blueSaberGlowShader; blade = blueSaberCoreShader; VectorSet( rgb, 0.2f, 0.4f, 1.0f ); break; case SABER_PURPLE: glow = purpleSaberGlowShader; blade = purpleSaberCoreShader; VectorSet( rgb, 0.9f, 0.2f, 1.0f ); break; default: break; } memset( &saber, 0, sizeof( refEntity_t )); // Saber glow is it's own ref type because it uses a ton of sprites, otherwise it would eat up too many // refEnts to do each glow blob individually saber.saberLength = length; // Jeff, I did this because I foolishly wished to have a bright halo as the saber is unleashed. // It's not quite what I'd hoped tho. If you have any ideas, go for it! --Pat if (length < lengthMax ) { radiusmult = 1.0 + (2.0 / length); // Note this creates a curve, and length cannot be < 0.5. } else { radiusmult = 1.0; } radiusRange = radius * 0.075f; radiusStart = radius-radiusRange; saber.radius = (radiusStart + Q_flrand(-1.0f, 1.0f) * radiusRange)*radiusmult; //saber.radius = (2.8f + Q_flrand(-1.0f, 1.0f) * 0.2f)*radiusmult; VectorCopy( origin, saber.origin ); VectorCopy( dir, saber.axis[0] ); saber.reType = RT_SABER_GLOW; saber.customShader = glow; saber.shaderRGBA[0] = saber.shaderRGBA[1] = saber.shaderRGBA[2] = saber.shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff; //saber.renderfx = rfx; trap->R_AddRefEntityToScene( &saber ); // Do the hot core VectorMA( origin, length, dir, saber.origin ); VectorMA( origin, -1, dir, saber.oldorigin ); saber.customShader = blade; saber.reType = RT_LINE; radiusStart = radius/3.0f; saber.radius = (radiusStart + Q_flrand(-1.0f, 1.0f) * radiusRange)*radiusmult; // saber.radius = (1.0 + Q_flrand(-1.0f, 1.0f) * 0.2f)*radiusmult; trap->R_AddRefEntityToScene( &saber ); } void UI_SaberDrawBlade( itemDef_t *item, char *saberName, int saberModel, saberType_t saberType, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, int bladeNum ) { char bladeColorString[MAX_QPATH]; saber_colors_t bladeColor; float bladeLength,bladeRadius; vec3_t bladeOrigin={0}; matrix3_t axis; // vec3_t angles={0}; mdxaBone_t boltMatrix; qboolean tagHack = qfalse; char *tagName; int bolt; float scale; memset (axis, 0, sizeof (axis)); if ( (item->flags&ITF_ISSABER) && saberModel < 2 ) { trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("ui_saber_color", bladeColorString, sizeof(bladeColorString) ); } else//if ( item->flags&ITF_ISSABER2 ) - presumed { trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("ui_saber2_color", bladeColorString, sizeof(bladeColorString) ); } if ( !trap->G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex(&(item->ghoul2),saberModel) ) {//invalid index! return; } bladeColor = TranslateSaberColor( bladeColorString ); bladeLength = UI_SaberBladeLengthForSaber( saberName, bladeNum ); bladeRadius = UI_SaberBladeRadiusForSaber( saberName, bladeNum ); tagName = va( "*blade%d", bladeNum+1 ); bolt = trap->G2API_AddBolt( item->ghoul2,saberModel, tagName ); if ( bolt == -1 ) { tagHack = qtrue; //hmm, just fall back to the most basic tag (this will also make it work with pre-JKA saber models bolt = trap->G2API_AddBolt( item->ghoul2,saberModel, "*flash" ); if ( bolt == -1 ) {//no tag_flash either?!! bolt = 0; } } // angles[PITCH] = curYaw; // angles[ROLL] = 0; trap->G2API_GetBoltMatrix( item->ghoul2, saberModel, bolt, &boltMatrix, angles, origin, uiInfo.uiDC.realTime, NULL, vec3_origin );//NULL was cgs.model_draw // work the matrix axis stuff into the original axis and origins used. BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&boltMatrix, ORIGIN, bladeOrigin); BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&boltMatrix, NEGATIVE_Y, axis[0]);//front (was NEGATIVE_Y, but the md3->glm exporter screws up this tag somethin' awful) // ...changed this back to NEGATIVE_Y BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&boltMatrix, NEGATIVE_X, axis[1]);//right ... and changed this to NEGATIVE_X BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&boltMatrix, POSITIVE_Z, axis[2]);//up // Where do I get scale from? // scale = DC->xscale; scale = 1.0f; if ( tagHack ) { switch ( saberType ) { case SABER_SINGLE: VectorMA( bladeOrigin, scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); break; case SABER_DAGGER: case SABER_LANCE: break; case SABER_STAFF: if ( bladeNum == 0 ) { VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 12*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); } if ( bladeNum == 1 ) { VectorScale( axis[0], -1, axis[0] ); VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 12*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); } break; case SABER_BROAD: if ( bladeNum == 0 ) { VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -1*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin ); } else if ( bladeNum == 1 ) { VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 1*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin ); } break; case SABER_PRONG: if ( bladeNum == 0 ) { VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -3*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin ); } else if ( bladeNum == 1 ) { VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 3*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin ); } break; case SABER_ARC: VectorSubtract( axis[1], axis[2], axis[1] ); VectorNormalize( axis[1] ); switch ( bladeNum ) { case 0: VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); VectorScale( axis[0], 0.75f, axis[0] ); VectorScale( axis[1], 0.25f, axis[1] ); VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[1], axis[0] ); break; case 1: VectorScale( axis[0], 0.25f, axis[0] ); VectorScale( axis[1], 0.75f, axis[1] ); VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[1], axis[0] ); break; case 2: VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); VectorScale( axis[0], -0.25f, axis[0] ); VectorScale( axis[1], 0.75f, axis[1] ); VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[1], axis[0] ); break; case 3: VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -16*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); VectorScale( axis[0], -0.75f, axis[0] ); VectorScale( axis[1], 0.25f, axis[1] ); VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[1], axis[0] ); break; } break; case SABER_SAI: if ( bladeNum == 1 ) { VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -3*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin ); } else if ( bladeNum == 2 ) { VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 3*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin ); } break; case SABER_CLAW: switch ( bladeNum ) { case 0: VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 2*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 2*scale, axis[2], bladeOrigin ); break; case 1: VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 2*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 2*scale, axis[2], bladeOrigin ); VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 2*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin ); break; case 2: VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 2*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 2*scale, axis[2], bladeOrigin ); VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -2*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin ); break; } break; case SABER_STAR: switch ( bladeNum ) { case 0: VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); break; case 1: VectorScale( axis[0], 0.33f, axis[0] ); VectorScale( axis[2], 0.67f, axis[2] ); VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[2], axis[0] ); VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); break; case 2: VectorScale( axis[0], -0.33f, axis[0] ); VectorScale( axis[2], 0.67f, axis[2] ); VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[2], axis[0] ); VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); break; case 3: VectorScale( axis[0], -1, axis[0] ); VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); break; case 4: VectorScale( axis[0], -0.33f, axis[0] ); VectorScale( axis[2], -0.67f, axis[2] ); VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[2], axis[0] ); VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); break; case 5: VectorScale( axis[0], 0.33f, axis[0] ); VectorScale( axis[2], -0.67f, axis[2] ); VectorAdd( axis[0], axis[2], axis[0] ); VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 8*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); break; } break; case SABER_TRIDENT: switch ( bladeNum ) { case 0: VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 24*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); break; case 1: VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -6*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin ); VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 24*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); break; case 2: VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 6*scale, axis[1], bladeOrigin ); VectorMA( bladeOrigin, 24*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); break; case 3: VectorMA( bladeOrigin, -32*scale, axis[0], bladeOrigin ); VectorScale( axis[0], -1, axis[0] ); break; } break; case SABER_SITH_SWORD: //no blade break; default: break; } } if ( saberType == SABER_SITH_SWORD ) {//draw no blade return; } UI_DoSaber( bladeOrigin, axis[0], bladeLength, bladeLength, bladeRadius, bladeColor ); } void UI_GetSaberForMenu( char *saber, int saberNum ) { char saberTypeString[MAX_QPATH]={0}; saberType_t saberType = SABER_NONE; if ( saberNum == 0 ) { trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("ui_saber", saber, MAX_QPATH ); if ( !UI_SaberValidForPlayerInMP( saber ) ) { trap->Cvar_Set( "ui_saber", DEFAULT_SABER ); trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("ui_saber", saber, MAX_QPATH ); } } else { trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("ui_saber2", saber, MAX_QPATH ); if ( !UI_SaberValidForPlayerInMP( saber ) ) { trap->Cvar_Set( "ui_saber2", DEFAULT_SABER ); trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("ui_saber2", saber, MAX_QPATH ); } } //read this from the sabers.cfg UI_SaberTypeForSaber( saber, saberTypeString ); if ( saberTypeString[0] ) { saberType = TranslateSaberType( saberTypeString ); } switch ( uiInfo.movesTitleIndex ) { case 0://MD_ACROBATICS: break; case 1://MD_SINGLE_FAST: case 2://MD_SINGLE_MEDIUM: case 3://MD_SINGLE_STRONG: if ( saberType != SABER_SINGLE ) { Q_strncpyz(saber, DEFAULT_SABER, MAX_QPATH); } break; case 4://MD_DUAL_SABERS: if ( saberType != SABER_SINGLE ) { Q_strncpyz(saber, DEFAULT_SABER, MAX_QPATH); } break; case 5://MD_SABER_STAFF: if ( saberType == SABER_SINGLE || saberType == SABER_NONE ) { Q_strncpyz(saber, DEFAULT_SABER_STAFF, MAX_QPATH); } break; } } void UI_SaberDrawBlades( itemDef_t *item, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles ) { //NOTE: only allows one saber type in view at a time char saber[MAX_QPATH]; int saberNum = 0; int saberModel = 0; int numSabers = 1; if ( (item->flags&ITF_ISCHARACTER)//hacked sabermoves sabers in character's hand && uiInfo.movesTitleIndex == 4 /*MD_DUAL_SABERS*/ ) { numSabers = 2; } for ( saberNum = 0; saberNum < numSabers; saberNum++ ) { if ( (item->flags&ITF_ISCHARACTER) )//hacked sabermoves sabers in character's hand { UI_GetSaberForMenu( saber, saberNum ); saberModel = saberNum + 1; } else if ( (item->flags&ITF_ISSABER) ) { trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("ui_saber", saber, sizeof(saber) ); if ( !UI_SaberValidForPlayerInMP( saber ) ) { trap->Cvar_Set( "ui_saber", DEFAULT_SABER ); trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("ui_saber", saber, sizeof(saber) ); } saberModel = 0; } else if ( (item->flags&ITF_ISSABER2) ) { trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("ui_saber2", saber, sizeof(saber) ); if ( !UI_SaberValidForPlayerInMP( saber ) ) { trap->Cvar_Set( "ui_saber2", DEFAULT_SABER ); trap->Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("ui_saber2", saber, sizeof(saber) ); } saberModel = 0; } else { return; } if ( saber[0] ) { saberType_t saberType; int curBlade = 0; int numBlades = UI_SaberNumBladesForSaber( saber ); if ( numBlades ) {//okay, here we go, time to draw each blade... char saberTypeString[MAX_QPATH]={0}; UI_SaberTypeForSaber( saber, saberTypeString ); saberType = TranslateSaberType( saberTypeString ); for ( curBlade = 0; curBlade < numBlades; curBlade++ ) { if ( UI_SaberShouldDrawBlade( saber, curBlade ) ) { UI_SaberDrawBlade( item, saber, saberModel, saberType, origin, angles, curBlade ); } } } } } } void UI_SaberAttachToChar( itemDef_t *item ) { int numSabers = 1; int saberNum = 0; if ( trap->G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex(&(item->ghoul2),2) ) {//remove any extra models trap->G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model(&(item->ghoul2), 2); } if ( trap->G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex(&(item->ghoul2),1) ) {//remove any extra models trap->G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model(&(item->ghoul2), 1); } if ( uiInfo.movesTitleIndex == 4 /*MD_DUAL_SABERS*/ ) { numSabers = 2; } for ( saberNum = 0; saberNum < numSabers; saberNum++ ) { //bolt sabers char modelPath[MAX_QPATH]; char skinPath[MAX_QPATH]; char saber[MAX_QPATH]; UI_GetSaberForMenu( saber, saberNum ); if ( UI_SaberModelForSaber( saber, modelPath ) ) {//successfully found a model int g2Saber = trap->G2API_InitGhoul2Model( &(item->ghoul2), modelPath, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); //add the model if ( g2Saber ) { int boltNum; //get the customSkin, if any if ( UI_SaberSkinForSaber( saber, skinPath ) ) { int g2skin = trap->R_RegisterSkin(skinPath); trap->G2API_SetSkin( item->ghoul2, g2Saber, 0, g2skin );//this is going to set the surfs on/off matching the skin file } else { trap->G2API_SetSkin( item->ghoul2, g2Saber, 0, 0 );//turn off custom skin } if ( saberNum == 0 ) { boltNum = trap->G2API_AddBolt( item->ghoul2, 0, "*r_hand"); } else { boltNum = trap->G2API_AddBolt( item->ghoul2, 0, "*l_hand"); } trap->G2API_AttachG2Model( item->ghoul2, g2Saber, item->ghoul2, boltNum, 0); } } } }