/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . =========================================================================== */ /* ======================================================================= FORCE INTERFACE ======================================================================= */ // use this to get a demo build without an explicit demo build, i.e. to get the demo ui files to build #include "ui_local.h" #include "qcommon/qfiles.h" #include "ui_force.h" int uiForceSide = FORCE_LIGHTSIDE; int uiJediNonJedi = -1; int uiForceRank = FORCE_MASTERY_JEDI_KNIGHT; int uiMaxRank = MAX_FORCE_RANK; int uiMaxPoints = 20; int uiForceUsed = 0; int uiForceAvailable=0; extern const char *UI_TeamName(int team); qboolean gTouchedForce = qfalse; void Menu_ShowItemByName(menuDef_t *menu, const char *p, qboolean bShow); qboolean uiForcePowersDisabled[NUM_FORCE_POWERS] = { qfalse,//FP_HEAL,//instant qfalse,//FP_LEVITATION,//hold/duration qfalse,//FP_SPEED,//duration qfalse,//FP_PUSH,//hold/duration qfalse,//FP_PULL,//hold/duration qfalse,//FP_TELEPATHY,//instant qfalse,//FP_GRIP,//hold/duration qfalse,//FP_LIGHTNING,//hold/duration qfalse,//FP_RAGE,//duration qfalse,//FP_PROTECT, qfalse,//FP_ABSORB, qfalse,//FP_TEAM_HEAL, qfalse,//FP_TEAM_FORCE, qfalse,//FP_DRAIN, qfalse,//FP_SEE, qfalse,//FP_SABER_OFFENSE, qfalse,//FP_SABER_DEFENSE, qfalse//FP_SABERTHROW, }; int uiForcePowersRank[NUM_FORCE_POWERS] = { 0,//FP_HEAL = 0,//instant 1,//FP_LEVITATION,//hold/duration, this one defaults to 1 (gives a free point) 0,//FP_SPEED,//duration 0,//FP_PUSH,//hold/duration 0,//FP_PULL,//hold/duration 0,//FP_TELEPATHY,//instant 0,//FP_GRIP,//hold/duration 0,//FP_LIGHTNING,//hold/duration 0,//FP_RAGE,//duration 0,//FP_PROTECT, 0,//FP_ABSORB, 0,//FP_TEAM_HEAL, 0,//FP_TEAM_FORCE, 0,//FP_DRAIN, 0,//FP_SEE, 1,//FP_SABER_OFFENSE, //default to 1 point in attack 1,//FP_SABER_DEFENSE, //defualt to 1 point in defense 0//FP_SABERTHROW, }; int uiForcePowerDarkLight[NUM_FORCE_POWERS] = //0 == neutral { //nothing should be usable at rank 0.. FORCE_LIGHTSIDE,//FP_HEAL,//instant 0,//FP_LEVITATION,//hold/duration 0,//FP_SPEED,//duration 0,//FP_PUSH,//hold/duration 0,//FP_PULL,//hold/duration FORCE_LIGHTSIDE,//FP_TELEPATHY,//instant FORCE_DARKSIDE,//FP_GRIP,//hold/duration FORCE_DARKSIDE,//FP_LIGHTNING,//hold/duration FORCE_DARKSIDE,//FP_RAGE,//duration FORCE_LIGHTSIDE,//FP_PROTECT,//duration FORCE_LIGHTSIDE,//FP_ABSORB,//duration FORCE_LIGHTSIDE,//FP_TEAM_HEAL,//instant FORCE_DARKSIDE,//FP_TEAM_FORCE,//instant FORCE_DARKSIDE,//FP_DRAIN,//hold/duration 0,//FP_SEE,//duration 0,//FP_SABER_OFFENSE, 0,//FP_SABER_DEFENSE, 0//FP_SABERTHROW, //NUM_FORCE_POWERS }; int uiForceStarShaders[NUM_FORCE_STAR_IMAGES][2]; int uiSaberColorShaders[NUM_SABER_COLORS]; void UI_InitForceShaders(void) { uiForceStarShaders[0][0] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcestar0"); uiForceStarShaders[0][1] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcestar0"); uiForceStarShaders[1][0] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcecircle1"); uiForceStarShaders[1][1] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcestar1"); uiForceStarShaders[2][0] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcecircle2"); uiForceStarShaders[2][1] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcestar2"); uiForceStarShaders[3][0] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcecircle3"); uiForceStarShaders[3][1] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcestar3"); uiForceStarShaders[4][0] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcecircle4"); uiForceStarShaders[4][1] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcestar4"); uiForceStarShaders[5][0] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcecircle5"); uiForceStarShaders[5][1] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcestar5"); uiForceStarShaders[6][0] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcecircle6"); uiForceStarShaders[6][1] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcestar6"); uiForceStarShaders[7][0] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcecircle7"); uiForceStarShaders[7][1] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcestar7"); uiForceStarShaders[8][0] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcecircle8"); uiForceStarShaders[8][1] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("forcestar8"); uiSaberColorShaders[SABER_RED] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/art/saber_red"); uiSaberColorShaders[SABER_ORANGE] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/art/saber_orange"); uiSaberColorShaders[SABER_YELLOW] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/art/saber_yellow"); uiSaberColorShaders[SABER_GREEN] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/art/saber_green"); uiSaberColorShaders[SABER_BLUE] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/art/saber_blue"); uiSaberColorShaders[SABER_PURPLE] = trap->R_RegisterShaderNoMip("menu/art/saber_purple"); } // Draw the stars spent on the current force power void UI_DrawForceStars(rectDef_t *rect, float scale, vec4_t color, int textStyle, int forceindex, int val, int min, int max) { int i,pad = 4; int xPos,width = 16; int starcolor; if (val < min || val > max) { val = min; } if (1) // if (val) { xPos = rect->x; for (i=FORCE_LEVEL_1;i<=max;i++) { starcolor = bgForcePowerCost[forceindex][i]; if (uiForcePowersDisabled[forceindex]) { vec4_t grColor = {0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f}; trap->R_SetColor(grColor); } if (val >= i) { // Draw a star. UI_DrawHandlePic( xPos, rect->y+6, width, width, uiForceStarShaders[starcolor][1] ); } else { // Draw a circle. UI_DrawHandlePic( xPos, rect->y+6, width, width, uiForceStarShaders[starcolor][0] ); } if (uiForcePowersDisabled[forceindex]) { trap->R_SetColor(NULL); } xPos += width + pad; } } } // Set the client's force power layout. void UI_UpdateClientForcePowers(const char *teamArg) { trap->Cvar_Set( "forcepowers", va("%i-%i-%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i", uiForceRank, uiForceSide, uiForcePowersRank[0], uiForcePowersRank[1], uiForcePowersRank[2], uiForcePowersRank[3], uiForcePowersRank[4], uiForcePowersRank[5], uiForcePowersRank[6], uiForcePowersRank[7], uiForcePowersRank[8], uiForcePowersRank[9], uiForcePowersRank[10], uiForcePowersRank[11], uiForcePowersRank[12], uiForcePowersRank[13], uiForcePowersRank[14], uiForcePowersRank[15], uiForcePowersRank[16], uiForcePowersRank[17]) ); if (gTouchedForce) { if (teamArg && teamArg[0]) { trap->Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, va("forcechanged \"%s\"\n", teamArg) ); } else { trap->Cmd_ExecuteText( EXEC_APPEND, "forcechanged\n" ); } } gTouchedForce = qfalse; } int UI_TranslateFCFIndex(int index) { if (uiForceSide == FORCE_LIGHTSIDE) { return index-uiInfo.forceConfigLightIndexBegin; } return index-uiInfo.forceConfigDarkIndexBegin; } void UI_SaveForceTemplate() { char *selectedName = UI_Cvar_VariableString("ui_SaveFCF"); char fcfString[512]; char forceStringValue[4]; fileHandle_t f; int strPlace = 0; int forcePlace = 0; int i = 0; qboolean foundFeederItem = qfalse; if (!selectedName || !selectedName[0]) { Com_Printf("You did not provide a name for the template.\n"); return; } if (uiForceSide == FORCE_LIGHTSIDE) { //write it into the light side folder trap->FS_Open(va("forcecfg/light/%s.fcf", selectedName), &f, FS_WRITE); } else { //if it isn't light it must be dark trap->FS_Open(va("forcecfg/dark/%s.fcf", selectedName), &f, FS_WRITE); } if (!f) { Com_Printf("There was an error writing the template file (read-only?).\n"); return; } Com_sprintf(fcfString, sizeof(fcfString), "%i-%i-", uiForceRank, uiForceSide); strPlace = strlen(fcfString); while (forcePlace < NUM_FORCE_POWERS) { Com_sprintf(forceStringValue, sizeof(forceStringValue), "%i", uiForcePowersRank[forcePlace]); //Just use the force digit even if multiple digits. Shouldn't be longer than 1. fcfString[strPlace] = forceStringValue[0]; strPlace++; forcePlace++; } fcfString[strPlace] = '\n'; fcfString[strPlace+1] = 0; trap->FS_Write(fcfString, strlen(fcfString), f); trap->FS_Close(f); Com_Printf("Template saved as \"%s\".\n", selectedName); //Now, update the FCF list UI_LoadForceConfig_List(); //Then, scroll through and select the template for the file we just saved while (i < uiInfo.forceConfigCount) { if (!Q_stricmp(uiInfo.forceConfigNames[i], selectedName)) { if ((uiForceSide == FORCE_LIGHTSIDE && uiInfo.forceConfigSide[i]) || (uiForceSide == FORCE_DARKSIDE && !uiInfo.forceConfigSide[i])) { Menu_SetFeederSelection(NULL, FEEDER_FORCECFG, UI_TranslateFCFIndex(i), NULL); foundFeederItem = qtrue; } } i++; } //Else, go back to 0 if (!foundFeederItem) { Menu_SetFeederSelection(NULL, FEEDER_FORCECFG, 0, NULL); } } // extern qboolean UI_TrueJediEnabled( void ); void UpdateForceUsed() { int curpower, currank; menuDef_t *menu; // Currently we don't make a distinction between those that wish to play Jedi of lower than maximum skill. uiForceRank = uiMaxRank; uiForceUsed = 0; uiForceAvailable = forceMasteryPoints[uiForceRank]; // Make sure that we have one freebie in jump. if (uiForcePowersRank[FP_LEVITATION]<1) { uiForcePowersRank[FP_LEVITATION]=1; } if ( UI_TrueJediEnabled() ) {//true jedi mode is set if ( uiJediNonJedi == -1 ) { int x = 0; qboolean clear = qfalse, update = qfalse; uiJediNonJedi = FORCE_NONJEDI; while ( x < NUM_FORCE_POWERS ) {//if any force power is set, we must be a jedi if ( x == FP_LEVITATION || x == FP_SABER_OFFENSE ) { if ( uiForcePowersRank[x] > 1 ) { uiJediNonJedi = FORCE_JEDI; break; } else if ( uiForcePowersRank[x] > 0 ) { clear = qtrue; } } else if ( uiForcePowersRank[x] > 0 ) { uiJediNonJedi = FORCE_JEDI; break; } x++; } if ( uiJediNonJedi == FORCE_JEDI ) { if ( uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_OFFENSE] < 1 ) { uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_OFFENSE]=1; update = qtrue; } } else if ( clear ) { x = 0; while ( x < NUM_FORCE_POWERS ) {//clear all force uiForcePowersRank[x] = 0; x++; } update = qtrue; } if ( update ) { int myTeam; myTeam = (int)(trap->Cvar_VariableValue("ui_myteam")); if ( myTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { UI_UpdateClientForcePowers(UI_TeamName(myTeam));//will cause him to respawn, if it's been 5 seconds since last one } else { UI_UpdateClientForcePowers(NULL);//just update powers } } } } menu = Menus_FindByName("ingame_playerforce"); // Set the cost of the saberattack according to whether its free. if (ui_freeSaber.integer) { // Make saber free bgForcePowerCost[FP_SABER_OFFENSE][FORCE_LEVEL_1] = 0; bgForcePowerCost[FP_SABER_DEFENSE][FORCE_LEVEL_1] = 0; // Make sure that we have one freebie in saber if applicable. if (uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_OFFENSE]<1) { uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_OFFENSE]=1; } if (uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_DEFENSE]<1) { uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_DEFENSE]=1; } if (menu) { Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "setFP_SABER_DEFENSE", qtrue); Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "setfp_saberthrow", qtrue); Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "effectentry", qtrue); Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "effectfield", qtrue); Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "nosaber", qfalse); } } else { // Make saber normal cost bgForcePowerCost[FP_SABER_OFFENSE][FORCE_LEVEL_1] = 1; bgForcePowerCost[FP_SABER_DEFENSE][FORCE_LEVEL_1] = 1; // Also, check if there is no saberattack. If there isn't, there had better not be any defense or throw! if (uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_OFFENSE]<1) { uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_DEFENSE]=0; uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABERTHROW]=0; if (menu) { Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "setfp_saberdefend", qfalse); Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "setfp_saberthrow", qfalse); Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "effectentry", qfalse); Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "effectfield", qfalse); Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "nosaber", qtrue); } } else { if (menu) { Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "setfp_saberdefend", qtrue); Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "setfp_saberthrow", qtrue); Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "effectentry", qtrue); Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "effectfield", qtrue); Menu_ShowItemByName(menu, "nosaber", qfalse); } } } // Make sure that we're still legal. for (curpower=0;curpower=NUM_FORCE_POWER_LEVELS) uiForcePowersRank[curpower]=(NUM_FORCE_POWER_LEVELS-1); for (currank=FORCE_LEVEL_1;currank<=uiForcePowersRank[curpower];currank++) { // Check on this force power if (uiForcePowersRank[curpower]>0) { // Do not charge the player for the one freebie in jump, or if there is one in saber. if ( (curpower == FP_LEVITATION && currank == FORCE_LEVEL_1) || (curpower == FP_SABER_OFFENSE && currank == FORCE_LEVEL_1 && ui_freeSaber.integer) || (curpower == FP_SABER_DEFENSE && currank == FORCE_LEVEL_1 && ui_freeSaber.integer) ) { // Do nothing (written this way for clarity) } else { // Check if we can accrue the cost of this power. if (bgForcePowerCost[curpower][currank] > uiForceAvailable) { // We can't afford this power. Break to the next one. // Remove this power from the player's roster. uiForcePowersRank[curpower] = currank-1; break; } else { // Sure we can afford it. uiForceUsed += bgForcePowerCost[curpower][currank]; uiForceAvailable -= bgForcePowerCost[curpower][currank]; } } } } } } //Mostly parts of other functions merged into one another. //Puts the current UI stuff into a string, legalizes it, and then reads it back out. void UI_ReadLegalForce(void) { char fcfString[512]; char forceStringValue[4]; int strPlace = 0; int forcePlace = 0; int i = 0; char singleBuf[64]; char info[MAX_INFO_VALUE]; int c = 0; int iBuf = 0; int forcePowerRank = 0; int currank = 0; int forceTeam = 0; qboolean updateForceLater = qfalse; //First, stick them into a string. Com_sprintf(fcfString, sizeof(fcfString), "%i-%i-", uiForceRank, uiForceSide); strPlace = strlen(fcfString); while (forcePlace < NUM_FORCE_POWERS) { Com_sprintf(forceStringValue, sizeof(forceStringValue), "%i", uiForcePowersRank[forcePlace]); //Just use the force digit even if multiple digits. Shouldn't be longer than 1. fcfString[strPlace] = forceStringValue[0]; strPlace++; forcePlace++; } fcfString[strPlace] = '\n'; fcfString[strPlace+1] = 0; info[0] = '\0'; trap->GetConfigString(CS_SERVERINFO, info, sizeof(info)); if (atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_forceBasedTeams" ) )) { switch((int)(trap->Cvar_VariableValue("ui_myteam"))) { case TEAM_RED: forceTeam = FORCE_DARKSIDE; break; case TEAM_BLUE: forceTeam = FORCE_LIGHTSIDE; break; default: break; } } //Second, legalize them. if (!BG_LegalizedForcePowers(fcfString, sizeof (fcfString), uiMaxRank, ui_freeSaber.integer, forceTeam, atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_gametype" )), 0)) { //if they were illegal, we should refresh them. updateForceLater = qtrue; } //Lastly, put them back into the UI storage from the legalized string i = 0; while (fcfString[i] && fcfString[i] != '-') { singleBuf[c] = fcfString[i]; c++; i++; } singleBuf[c] = 0; c = 0; i++; iBuf = atoi(singleBuf); if (iBuf > uiMaxRank || iBuf < 0) { //this force config uses a rank level higher than our currently restricted level.. so we can't use it //FIXME: Print a message indicating this to the user // return; } uiForceRank = iBuf; while (fcfString[i] && fcfString[i] != '-') { singleBuf[c] = fcfString[i]; c++; i++; } singleBuf[c] = 0; c = 0; i++; uiForceSide = atoi(singleBuf); if (uiForceSide != FORCE_LIGHTSIDE && uiForceSide != FORCE_DARKSIDE) { uiForceSide = FORCE_LIGHTSIDE; return; } //clear out the existing powers while (c < NUM_FORCE_POWERS) { uiForcePowersRank[c] = 0; c++; } uiForceUsed = 0; uiForceAvailable = forceMasteryPoints[uiForceRank]; gTouchedForce = qtrue; for (c=0;fcfString[i]&&c FORCE_LEVEL_3 || forcePowerRank < 0) { //err.. not correct continue; // skip this power } if (uiForcePowerDarkLight[c] && uiForcePowerDarkLight[c] != uiForceSide) { //Apparently the user has crafted a force config that has powers that don't fit with the config's side. continue; // skip this power } // Accrue cost for each assigned rank for this power. for (currank=FORCE_LEVEL_1;currank<=forcePowerRank;currank++) { if (bgForcePowerCost[c][currank] > uiForceAvailable) { // Break out, we can't afford any more power. break; } // Pay for this rank of this power. uiForceUsed += bgForcePowerCost[c][currank]; uiForceAvailable -= bgForcePowerCost[c][currank]; uiForcePowersRank[c]++; } } if (uiForcePowersRank[FP_LEVITATION] < 1) { uiForcePowersRank[FP_LEVITATION]=1; } if (uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_OFFENSE] < 1 && ui_freeSaber.integer) { uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_OFFENSE]=1; } if (uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] < 1 && ui_freeSaber.integer) { uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_DEFENSE]=1; } UpdateForceUsed(); if (updateForceLater) { gTouchedForce = qtrue; UI_UpdateClientForcePowers(NULL); } } void UI_UpdateForcePowers() { char *forcePowers = UI_Cvar_VariableString("forcepowers"); char readBuf[256]; int i = 0, i_f = 0, i_r = 0; uiForceSide = 0; if (forcePowers && forcePowers[0]) { while (forcePowers[i]) { i_r = 0; while (forcePowers[i] && forcePowers[i] != '-' && i_r < 255) { readBuf[i_r] = forcePowers[i]; i_r++; i++; } readBuf[i_r] = '\0'; if (i_r >= 255 || !forcePowers[i] || forcePowers[i] != '-') { uiForceSide = 0; goto validitycheck; } uiForceRank = atoi(readBuf); i_r = 0; if (uiForceRank > uiMaxRank) { uiForceRank = uiMaxRank; } i++; while (forcePowers[i] && forcePowers[i] != '-' && i_r < 255) { readBuf[i_r] = forcePowers[i]; i_r++; i++; } readBuf[i_r] = '\0'; if (i_r >= 255 || !forcePowers[i] || forcePowers[i] != '-') { uiForceSide = 0; goto validitycheck; } uiForceSide = atoi(readBuf); i_r = 0; i++; i_f = FP_HEAL; while (forcePowers[i] && i_f < NUM_FORCE_POWERS) { readBuf[0] = forcePowers[i]; readBuf[1] = '\0'; uiForcePowersRank[i_f] = atoi(readBuf); if (i_f == FP_LEVITATION && uiForcePowersRank[i_f] < 1) { uiForcePowersRank[i_f] = 1; } if (i_f == FP_SABER_OFFENSE && uiForcePowersRank[i_f] < 1 && ui_freeSaber.integer) { uiForcePowersRank[i_f] = 1; } if (i_f == FP_SABER_DEFENSE && uiForcePowersRank[i_f] < 1 && ui_freeSaber.integer) { uiForcePowersRank[i_f] = 1; } i_f++; i++; } if (i_f < NUM_FORCE_POWERS) { //info for all the powers wasn't there.. uiForceSide = 0; goto validitycheck; } i++; } } validitycheck: if (!uiForceSide) { uiForceSide = 1; uiForceRank = 1; i = 0; while (i < NUM_FORCE_POWERS) { if (i == FP_LEVITATION) { uiForcePowersRank[i] = 1; } else if (i == FP_SABER_OFFENSE && ui_freeSaber.integer) { uiForcePowersRank[i] = 1; } else if (i == FP_SABER_DEFENSE && ui_freeSaber.integer) { uiForcePowersRank[i] = 1; } else { uiForcePowersRank[i] = 0; } i++; } UI_UpdateClientForcePowers(NULL); } UpdateForceUsed(); } extern int uiSkinColor; extern int uiHoldSkinColor; qboolean UI_SkinColor_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key, int num, int min, int max, int type) { if (key == A_MOUSE1 || key == A_MOUSE2 || key == A_ENTER || key == A_KP_ENTER) { int i = num; if (key == A_MOUSE2) { i--; } else { i++; } if (i < min) { i = max; } else if (i > max) { i = min; } num = i; uiSkinColor = num; uiHoldSkinColor = uiSkinColor; UI_FeederSelection(FEEDER_Q3HEADS, uiInfo.q3SelectedHead, NULL); return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean UI_ForceSide_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key, int num, int min, int max, int type) { char info[MAX_INFO_VALUE]; info[0] = '\0'; trap->GetConfigString(CS_SERVERINFO, info, sizeof(info)); if (atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_forceBasedTeams" ) )) { switch((int)(trap->Cvar_VariableValue("ui_myteam"))) { case TEAM_RED: return qfalse; case TEAM_BLUE: return qfalse; default: break; } } if (key == A_MOUSE1 || key == A_MOUSE2 || key == A_ENTER || key == A_KP_ENTER) { int i = num; int x = 0; //update the feeder item selection, it might be different depending on side Menu_SetFeederSelection(NULL, FEEDER_FORCECFG, 0, NULL); if (key == A_MOUSE2) { i--; } else { i++; } if (i < min) { i = max; } else if (i > max) { i = min; } num = i; uiForceSide = num; // Resetting power ranks based on if light or dark side is chosen while (x < NUM_FORCE_POWERS) { if (uiForcePowerDarkLight[x] && uiForceSide != uiForcePowerDarkLight[x]) { uiForcePowersRank[x] = 0; } x++; } UpdateForceUsed(); gTouchedForce = qtrue; return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean UI_JediNonJedi_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key, int num, int min, int max, int type) { char info[MAX_INFO_VALUE]; info[0] = '\0'; trap->GetConfigString(CS_SERVERINFO, info, sizeof(info)); if ( !UI_TrueJediEnabled() ) {//true jedi mode is not set return qfalse; } if (key == A_MOUSE1 || key == A_MOUSE2 || key == A_ENTER || key == A_KP_ENTER) { int i = num; int x = 0; if (key == A_MOUSE2) { i--; } else { i++; } if (i < min) { i = max; } else if (i > max) { i = min; } num = i; uiJediNonJedi = num; // Resetting power ranks based on if light or dark side is chosen if ( !num ) {//not a jedi? int myTeam = (int)(trap->Cvar_VariableValue("ui_myteam")); while ( x < NUM_FORCE_POWERS ) {//clear all force powers uiForcePowersRank[x] = 0; x++; } if ( myTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { UI_UpdateClientForcePowers(UI_TeamName(myTeam));//will cause him to respawn, if it's been 5 seconds since last one } else { UI_UpdateClientForcePowers(NULL);//just update powers } } else if ( num ) {//a jedi, set the minimums, hopefuly they know to set the rest! if ( uiForcePowersRank[FP_LEVITATION] < FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) {//force jump 1 minimum uiForcePowersRank[FP_LEVITATION] = FORCE_LEVEL_1; } if ( uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_OFFENSE] < FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) {//saber attack 1, minimum uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_OFFENSE] = FORCE_LEVEL_1; } } UpdateForceUsed(); gTouchedForce = qtrue; return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean UI_ForceMaxRank_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key, int num, int min, int max, int type) { if (key == A_MOUSE1 || key == A_MOUSE2 || key == A_ENTER || key == A_KP_ENTER) { int i = num; if (key == A_MOUSE2) { i--; } else { i++; } if (i < min) { i = max; } else if (i > max) { i = min; } num = i; uiMaxRank = num; trap->Cvar_Set( "g_maxForceRank", va("%i", num)); // The update force used will remove overallocated powers automatically. UpdateForceUsed(); gTouchedForce = qtrue; return qtrue; } return qfalse; } // This function will either raise or lower a power by one rank. qboolean UI_ForcePowerRank_HandleKey(int flags, float *special, int key, int num, int min, int max, int type) { qboolean raising; if (key == A_MOUSE1 || key == A_MOUSE2 || key == A_ENTER || key == A_KP_ENTER || key == A_BACKSPACE) { int forcepower, rank; //this will give us the index as long as UI_FORCE_RANK is always one below the first force rank index forcepower = (type-UI_FORCE_RANK)-1; //the power is disabled on the server if (uiForcePowersDisabled[forcepower]) { return qtrue; } // If we are not on the same side as a power, or if we are not of any rank at all. if (uiForcePowerDarkLight[forcepower] && uiForceSide != uiForcePowerDarkLight[forcepower]) { return qtrue; } else if (forcepower == FP_SABER_DEFENSE || forcepower == FP_SABERTHROW) { // Saberdefend and saberthrow can't be bought if there is no saberattack if (uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_OFFENSE] < 1) { return qtrue; } } if (type == UI_FORCE_RANK_LEVITATION) { min += 1; } if (type == UI_FORCE_RANK_SABERATTACK && ui_freeSaber.integer) { min += 1; } if (type == UI_FORCE_RANK_SABERDEFEND && ui_freeSaber.integer) { min += 1; } if (key == A_MOUSE2 || key == A_BACKSPACE) { // Lower a point. if (uiForcePowersRank[forcepower]<=min) { return qtrue; } raising = qfalse; } else { // Raise a point. if (uiForcePowersRank[forcepower]>=max) { return qtrue; } raising = qtrue; } if (raising) { // Check if we can accrue the cost of this power. rank = uiForcePowersRank[forcepower]+1; if (bgForcePowerCost[forcepower][rank] > uiForceAvailable) { // We can't afford this power. Abandon ship. return qtrue; } else { // Sure we can afford it. uiForceUsed += bgForcePowerCost[forcepower][rank]; uiForceAvailable -= bgForcePowerCost[forcepower][rank]; uiForcePowersRank[forcepower]=rank; } } else { // Lower the point. rank = uiForcePowersRank[forcepower]; uiForceUsed -= bgForcePowerCost[forcepower][rank]; uiForceAvailable += bgForcePowerCost[forcepower][rank]; uiForcePowersRank[forcepower]--; } UpdateForceUsed(); gTouchedForce = qtrue; return qtrue; } return qfalse; } int gCustRank = 0; int gCustSide = 0; int gCustPowersRank[NUM_FORCE_POWERS] = { 0,//FP_HEAL = 0,//instant 1,//FP_LEVITATION,//hold/duration, this one defaults to 1 (gives a free point) 0,//FP_SPEED,//duration 0,//FP_PUSH,//hold/duration 0,//FP_PULL,//hold/duration 0,//FP_TELEPATHY,//instant 0,//FP_GRIP,//hold/duration 0,//FP_LIGHTNING,//hold/duration 0,//FP_RAGE,//duration 0,//FP_PROTECT, 0,//FP_ABSORB, 0,//FP_TEAM_HEAL, 0,//FP_TEAM_FORCE, 0,//FP_DRAIN, 0,//FP_SEE, 0,//FP_SABER_OFFENSE, 0,//FP_SABER_DEFENSE, 0//FP_SABERTHROW, }; /* ================= UI_ForceConfigHandle ================= */ void UI_ForceConfigHandle( int oldindex, int newindex ) { fileHandle_t f; int len = 0; int i = 0; int c = 0; int iBuf = 0, forcePowerRank, currank; char fcfBuffer[8192]; char singleBuf[64]; char info[MAX_INFO_VALUE]; int forceTeam = 0; if (oldindex == 0) { //switching out from custom config, so first shove the current values into the custom storage i = 0; while (i < NUM_FORCE_POWERS) { gCustPowersRank[i] = uiForcePowersRank[i]; i++; } gCustRank = uiForceRank; gCustSide = uiForceSide; } if (newindex == 0) { //switching back to custom, shove the values back in from the custom storage i = 0; uiForceUsed = 0; gTouchedForce = qtrue; while (i < NUM_FORCE_POWERS) { uiForcePowersRank[i] = gCustPowersRank[i]; uiForceUsed += uiForcePowersRank[i]; i++; } uiForceRank = gCustRank; uiForceSide = gCustSide; UpdateForceUsed(); return; } //If we made it here, we want to load in a new config if (uiForceSide == FORCE_LIGHTSIDE) { //we should only be displaying lightside configs, so.. look in the light folder newindex += uiInfo.forceConfigLightIndexBegin; if (newindex >= uiInfo.forceConfigCount) return; len = trap->FS_Open(va("forcecfg/light/%s.fcf", uiInfo.forceConfigNames[newindex]), &f, FS_READ); } else { //else dark newindex += uiInfo.forceConfigDarkIndexBegin; if (newindex >= uiInfo.forceConfigCount || newindex > uiInfo.forceConfigLightIndexBegin) { //dark gets read in before light return; } len = trap->FS_Open(va("forcecfg/dark/%s.fcf", uiInfo.forceConfigNames[newindex]), &f, FS_READ); } if (len <= 0) { //This should not have happened. But, before we quit out, attempt searching the other light/dark folder for the file. if (uiForceSide == FORCE_LIGHTSIDE) len = trap->FS_Open(va("forcecfg/dark/%s.fcf", uiInfo.forceConfigNames[newindex]), &f, FS_READ); else len = trap->FS_Open(va("forcecfg/light/%s.fcf", uiInfo.forceConfigNames[newindex]), &f, FS_READ); if (len <= 0) { //still failure? Oh well. return; } } if (len >= 8192) { trap->FS_Close( f ); return; } trap->FS_Read(fcfBuffer, len, f); fcfBuffer[len] = 0; trap->FS_Close(f); i = 0; info[0] = '\0'; trap->GetConfigString(CS_SERVERINFO, info, sizeof(info)); if (atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_forceBasedTeams" ) )) { switch((int)(trap->Cvar_VariableValue("ui_myteam"))) { case TEAM_RED: forceTeam = FORCE_DARKSIDE; break; case TEAM_BLUE: forceTeam = FORCE_LIGHTSIDE; break; default: break; } } BG_LegalizedForcePowers(fcfBuffer, sizeof (fcfBuffer), uiMaxRank, ui_freeSaber.integer, forceTeam, atoi( Info_ValueForKey( info, "g_gametype" )), 0); //legalize the config based on the max rank //now that we're done with the handle, it's time to parse our force data out of the string //we store strings in rank-side-xxxxxxxxx format (where the x's are individual force power levels) while (fcfBuffer[i] && fcfBuffer[i] != '-') { singleBuf[c] = fcfBuffer[i]; c++; i++; } singleBuf[c] = 0; c = 0; i++; iBuf = atoi(singleBuf); if (iBuf > uiMaxRank || iBuf < 0) { //this force config uses a rank level higher than our currently restricted level.. so we can't use it //FIXME: Print a message indicating this to the user return; } uiForceRank = iBuf; while (fcfBuffer[i] && fcfBuffer[i] != '-') { singleBuf[c] = fcfBuffer[i]; c++; i++; } singleBuf[c] = 0; c = 0; i++; uiForceSide = atoi(singleBuf); if (uiForceSide != FORCE_LIGHTSIDE && uiForceSide != FORCE_DARKSIDE) { uiForceSide = FORCE_LIGHTSIDE; return; } //clear out the existing powers while (c < NUM_FORCE_POWERS) { /* if (c==FP_LEVITATION) { uiForcePowersRank[c]=1; } else if (c==FP_SABER_OFFENSE && ui_freeSaber.integer) { uiForcePowersRank[c]=1; } else if (c==FP_SABER_DEFENSE && ui_freeSaber.integer) { uiForcePowersRank[c]=1; } else { uiForcePowersRank[c] = 0; } */ //rww - don't need to do these checks. Just trust whatever the saber config says. uiForcePowersRank[c] = 0; c++; } uiForceUsed = 0; uiForceAvailable = forceMasteryPoints[uiForceRank]; gTouchedForce = qtrue; for (c=0;fcfBuffer[i]&&c FORCE_LEVEL_3 || forcePowerRank < 0) { //err.. not correct continue; // skip this power } if (uiForcePowerDarkLight[c] && uiForcePowerDarkLight[c] != uiForceSide) { //Apparently the user has crafted a force config that has powers that don't fit with the config's side. continue; // skip this power } // Accrue cost for each assigned rank for this power. for (currank=FORCE_LEVEL_1;currank<=forcePowerRank;currank++) { if (bgForcePowerCost[c][currank] > uiForceAvailable) { // Break out, we can't afford any more power. break; } // Pay for this rank of this power. uiForceUsed += bgForcePowerCost[c][currank]; uiForceAvailable -= bgForcePowerCost[c][currank]; uiForcePowersRank[c]++; } } if (uiForcePowersRank[FP_LEVITATION] < 1) { uiForcePowersRank[FP_LEVITATION]=1; } if (uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_OFFENSE] < 1 && ui_freeSaber.integer) { uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_OFFENSE]=1; } if (uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] < 1 && ui_freeSaber.integer) { uiForcePowersRank[FP_SABER_DEFENSE]=1; } UpdateForceUsed(); }