// Filename: mp3struct.h // // this file is my struct to gather all loose MP3 global vars into one struct so we can do multiple-stream decompression // #ifndef MP3STRUCT_H #define MP3STRUCT_H #include "small_header.h" // for SAMPLE and IN_OUT #include "qcommon/q_shared.h" typedef void (*SBT_FUNCTION) (float *sample, short *pcm, int n); typedef void (*XFORM_FUNCTION) (void *pcm, int igr); typedef IN_OUT(*DECODE_FUNCTION) (unsigned char *bs, unsigned char *pcm); typedef struct { union { struct { SBT_FUNCTION sbt; float cs_factor[3][64]; // 768 bytes int nbat[4]; int bat[4][16]; int max_sb; int stereo_sb; int bit_skip; float* cs_factorL1; int nbatL1; };//L1_2; struct { SBT_FUNCTION sbt_L3; XFORM_FUNCTION Xform; DECODE_FUNCTION decode_function; SAMPLE sample[2][2][576]; // if this isn't kept per stream then the decode breaks up // the 4k version of these 2 seems to work for everything, but I'm reverting to original 8k for safety jic. // #define NBUF (8*1024) #define BUF_TRIGGER (NBUF-1500) // #define NBUF (4096) // 2048 works for all except 133+ kbps VBR files, 4096 copes with these // #define BUF_TRIGGER ((NBUF/4)*3) unsigned char buf[NBUF]; int buf_ptr0; int buf_ptr1; int main_pos_bit; int band_limit_nsb; int nBand[2][22]; /* [long/short][cb] */ int sfBandIndex[2][22]; /* [long/short][cb] */ int half_outbytes; int crcbytes; int nchan; int ms_mode; int is_mode; unsigned int zero_level_pcm; int mpeg25_flag; int band_limit; int band_limit21; int band_limit12; int gain_adjust; int ncbl_mixed; };//L3; }; // from csbt.c... // // if this isn't kept per stream then the decode breaks up signed int vb_ptr; // signed int vb2_ptr; // float vbuf[512]; // float vbuf2[512]; // this can be lost if we stick to mono samples // L3 only... // int sr_index; // L3 only (99%) int id; // any type... // int outvalues; int outbytes; int framebytes; int pad; int nsb_limit; // stuff added now that the game uses streaming MP3s... // byte *pbSourceData; // a useful dup ptr only, this whole struct will be owned by an sfx_t struct that has the actual data ptr field int iSourceBytesRemaining; int iSourceReadIndex; int iSourceFrameBytes; #ifdef _DEBUG int iSourceFrameCounter; // not really important #endif int iBytesDecodedTotal; int iBytesDecodedThisPacket;// not sure how useful this will be, it's only per-frame, so will always be full frame size (eg 2304 or below for mono) except possibly for the last frame? int iRewind_FinalReductionCode; int iRewind_FinalConvertCode; int iRewind_SourceBytesRemaining; int iRewind_SourceReadIndex; byte bDecodeBuffer[2304*2]; // *2 to allow for stereo now int iCopyOffset; // used for painting to DMA-feeder, since 2304 won't match the size it wants // some new stuff added for dynamic music, to allow "how many seconds left to play" queries... // // ( m_lengthInSeconds = ((iUnpackedDataLength / iRate) / iChannels) / iWidth; ) // // Note that these fields are only valid/initialised if MP3Stream_InitPlayingTimeFields() was called. // If not, this->iTimeQuery_UnpackedLength will be zero. // int iTimeQuery_UnpackedLength; int iTimeQuery_SampleRate; int iTimeQuery_Channels; int iTimeQuery_Width; } MP3STREAM, *LP_MP3STREAM; extern LP_MP3STREAM pMP3Stream; extern int bFastEstimateOnly; #endif // #ifndef MP3STRUCT_H ////////////////// eof /////////////////////