Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors

This file is part of the OpenJK source code.

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//  (c) 2002 Activision
// Hash Pool
// ---------
// The hash pool stores raw data of variable size.  It uses a hash table to check for
// redundant data, and upon finding any, will return the existing handle.  Otherwise
// it copies the data to memory and returns a new handle.
#if !defined(RATL_HASH_POOL_VS_INC)

// Includes
#if !defined(RATL_COMMON_INC)
	#include "ratl_common.h"
namespace ratl

// The Hash Pool
template <int SIZE, int SIZE_HANDLES>
class	hash_pool
	int		mHandles[SIZE_HANDLES];					// each handle holds the start index of it's data

	int		mDataAlloc;								// where the next chunck of data will go
	char	mData[SIZE];

	#ifdef _DEBUG
	int		mFinds;									// counts how many total finds have run
	int		mCurrentCollisions;						// counts how many collisions on the last find
	int		mTotalCollisions;						// counts the total number of collisions
	int		mTotalAllocs;

	// This function searches for a handle which already stores the data (assuming the
	// handle is a hash within range SIZE_HANDLES).
	// If it failes, it returns false, and the handle passed in points to the next
	// free slot.
	bool		find_existing(int& handle, const void* data, int datasize)
		#ifdef _DEBUG
		mCurrentCollisions = 0;

		while (mHandles[handle])					// So long as a handle exists there
			if (mem::eql((void*)(&mData[mHandles[handle]]), data, datasize))
				return true;						// found
			handle=(handle+1)&(SIZE_HANDLES-1);		// incriment the handle

			#ifdef _DEBUG
			mCurrentCollisions ++;
			mTotalCollisions ++;

			//assert(mCurrentCollisions < 16);		// If We Had 16+ Collisions, Hash May Be Inefficient.
													// Evaluate SIZE and SIZEHANDLES
		return false;								// failed to find

	// A simple hash function for the range of [0, SIZE_HANDLES]
	int			hash(const void* data, int datasize)
		int	 h=0;
		for (int i=0; i<datasize; i++)
			h += ((const char*)(data))[i] * (i + 119);		// 119.  Prime Number?
		h &= SIZE_HANDLES - 1;						// zero out bits beyoned SIZE_HANDLES
		return h;


	// The Number Of Bytes Allocated
	int			size()	 const
		return mDataAlloc;

	// Check To See If This Memory Pool Is Empty
	bool		empty()	 const
		return (mDataAlloc==1);

	// Check To See If This Memory Pool Has Enough Space Left For (minimum) Bytes
	bool		full(int minimum)	 const
		return ((SIZE - mDataAlloc)<minimum);

	// Clear - Removes all allocation information - Note!  DOES NOT CLEAR MEMORY
	void		clear()
		mData[0] = 0;
		mDataAlloc = 1;
		for (int i=0; i<SIZE_HANDLES; i++)
			mHandles[i] = 0;

		#ifdef _DEBUG
		mFinds = 0;
		mCurrentCollisions = 0;
		mTotalCollisions = 0;
		mTotalAllocs = 0;

	// This is the primary functionality of the hash pool.  It will search for existing
	// data of the same size, and failing to find any, it will append the data to the
	// memory.
	// In both cases, it gives you a handle to look up the data later.
	int			get_handle(const void* data, int datasize)
		int	handle = hash(data, datasize);				// Initialize Our Handle By Hash Fcn
		if (!find_existing(handle, data, datasize))
			assert(mDataAlloc+datasize < SIZE);			// Is There Enough Memory?

			#ifdef _DEBUG

			mem::cpy((void*)(&mData[mDataAlloc]), data, datasize);// Copy Data To Memory
			mHandles[handle] = mDataAlloc;				// Mark Memory In Hash Tbl
			mDataAlloc += datasize;						// Adjust Next Alloc Location
		return handle;									// Return The Hash Tbl handleess

	// Constant Access Operator
	const void*	operator[](int handle) const
		assert(handle>=0 && handle<SIZE_HANDLES);

		return &(mData[mHandles[handle]]);

#ifdef _DEBUG
	float		average_collisions()	{return ((float)mTotalCollisions / (float)mFinds);}
	int			total_allocs()			{return mTotalAllocs;}
	int			total_finds()			{return mFinds;}
	int			total_collisions()		{return mTotalCollisions;}

