/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005, Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . =========================================================================== */ // bg_pmove.c -- both games player movement code // takes a playerstate and a usercmd as input and returns a modifed playerstate #include "qcommon/q_shared.h" #include "bg_public.h" #include "bg_local.h" #include "ghoul2/G2.h" #ifdef _GAME #include "g_local.h" #elif _CGAME #include "cgame/cg_local.h" #elif UI_BUILD #include "ui/ui_local.h" #endif #define MAX_WEAPON_CHARGE_TIME 5000 #ifdef _GAME extern void G_CheapWeaponFire(int entNum, int ev); extern qboolean TryGrapple(gentity_t *ent); //g_cmds.c #endif // _GAME extern qboolean BG_FullBodyTauntAnim( int anim ); extern float PM_WalkableGroundDistance(void); extern qboolean PM_GroundSlideOkay( float zNormal ); extern saberInfo_t *BG_MySaber( int clientNum, int saberNum ); pmove_t *pm; pml_t pml; bgEntity_t *pm_entSelf = NULL; bgEntity_t *pm_entVeh = NULL; qboolean gPMDoSlowFall = qfalse; qboolean pm_cancelOutZoom = qfalse; // movement parameters float pm_stopspeed = 100.0f; float pm_duckScale = 0.50f; float pm_swimScale = 0.50f; float pm_wadeScale = 0.70f; float pm_vehicleaccelerate = 36.0f; float pm_accelerate = 10.0f; float pm_airaccelerate = 1.0f; float pm_wateraccelerate = 4.0f; float pm_flyaccelerate = 8.0f; float pm_friction = 6.0f; float pm_waterfriction = 1.0f; float pm_flightfriction = 3.0f; float pm_spectatorfriction = 5.0f; int c_pmove = 0; float forceSpeedLevels[4] = { 1, //rank 0? 1.25, 1.5, 1.75 }; int forcePowerNeeded[NUM_FORCE_POWER_LEVELS][NUM_FORCE_POWERS] = { { //nothing should be usable at rank 0.. 999,//FP_HEAL,//instant 999,//FP_LEVITATION,//hold/duration 999,//FP_SPEED,//duration 999,//FP_PUSH,//hold/duration 999,//FP_PULL,//hold/duration 999,//FP_TELEPATHY,//instant 999,//FP_GRIP,//hold/duration 999,//FP_LIGHTNING,//hold/duration 999,//FP_RAGE,//duration 999,//FP_PROTECT,//duration 999,//FP_ABSORB,//duration 999,//FP_TEAM_HEAL,//instant 999,//FP_TEAM_FORCE,//instant 999,//FP_DRAIN,//hold/duration 999,//FP_SEE,//duration 999,//FP_SABER_OFFENSE, 999,//FP_SABER_DEFENSE, 999//FP_SABERTHROW, //NUM_FORCE_POWERS }, { 65,//FP_HEAL,//instant //was 25, but that was way too little 10,//FP_LEVITATION,//hold/duration 50,//FP_SPEED,//duration 20,//FP_PUSH,//hold/duration 20,//FP_PULL,//hold/duration 20,//FP_TELEPATHY,//instant 30,//FP_GRIP,//hold/duration 1,//FP_LIGHTNING,//hold/duration 50,//FP_RAGE,//duration 50,//FP_PROTECT,//duration 50,//FP_ABSORB,//duration 50,//FP_TEAM_HEAL,//instant 50,//FP_TEAM_FORCE,//instant 20,//FP_DRAIN,//hold/duration 20,//FP_SEE,//duration 0,//FP_SABER_OFFENSE, 2,//FP_SABER_DEFENSE, 20//FP_SABERTHROW, //NUM_FORCE_POWERS }, { 60,//FP_HEAL,//instant 10,//FP_LEVITATION,//hold/duration 50,//FP_SPEED,//duration 20,//FP_PUSH,//hold/duration 20,//FP_PULL,//hold/duration 20,//FP_TELEPATHY,//instant 30,//FP_GRIP,//hold/duration 1,//FP_LIGHTNING,//hold/duration 50,//FP_RAGE,//duration 25,//FP_PROTECT,//duration 25,//FP_ABSORB,//duration 33,//FP_TEAM_HEAL,//instant 33,//FP_TEAM_FORCE,//instant 20,//FP_DRAIN,//hold/duration 20,//FP_SEE,//duration 0,//FP_SABER_OFFENSE, 1,//FP_SABER_DEFENSE, 20//FP_SABERTHROW, //NUM_FORCE_POWERS }, { 50,//FP_HEAL,//instant //You get 5 points of health.. for 50 force points! 10,//FP_LEVITATION,//hold/duration 50,//FP_SPEED,//duration 20,//FP_PUSH,//hold/duration 20,//FP_PULL,//hold/duration 20,//FP_TELEPATHY,//instant 60,//FP_GRIP,//hold/duration 1,//FP_LIGHTNING,//hold/duration 50,//FP_RAGE,//duration 10,//FP_PROTECT,//duration 10,//FP_ABSORB,//duration 25,//FP_TEAM_HEAL,//instant 25,//FP_TEAM_FORCE,//instant 20,//FP_DRAIN,//hold/duration 20,//FP_SEE,//duration 0,//FP_SABER_OFFENSE, 0,//FP_SABER_DEFENSE, 20//FP_SABERTHROW, //NUM_FORCE_POWERS } }; float forceJumpHeight[NUM_FORCE_POWER_LEVELS] = { 32,//normal jump (+stepheight+crouchdiff = 66) 96,//(+stepheight+crouchdiff = 130) 192,//(+stepheight+crouchdiff = 226) 384//(+stepheight+crouchdiff = 418) }; float forceJumpStrength[NUM_FORCE_POWER_LEVELS] = { JUMP_VELOCITY,//normal jump 420, 590, 840 }; //rww - Get a pointer to the bgEntity by the index bgEntity_t *PM_BGEntForNum( int num ) { bgEntity_t *ent; if (!pm) { assert(!"You cannot call PM_BGEntForNum outside of pm functions!"); return NULL; } if (!pm->baseEnt) { assert(!"Base entity address not set"); return NULL; } if (!pm->entSize) { assert(!"sizeof(ent) is 0, impossible (not set?)"); return NULL; } assert(num >= 0 && num < MAX_GENTITIES); ent = (bgEntity_t *)((byte *)pm->baseEnt + pm->entSize*(num)); return ent; } qboolean BG_SabersOff( playerState_t *ps ) { if ( !ps->saberHolstered ) { return qfalse; } if ( ps->fd.saberAnimLevelBase == SS_DUAL || ps->fd.saberAnimLevelBase == SS_STAFF ) { if ( ps->saberHolstered < 2 ) { return qfalse; } } return qtrue; } qboolean BG_KnockDownable(playerState_t *ps) { if (!ps) { //just for safety return qfalse; } if (ps->m_iVehicleNum) { //riding a vehicle, don't knock me down return qfalse; } if (ps->emplacedIndex) { //using emplaced gun or eweb, can't be knocked down return qfalse; } //ok, I guess? return qtrue; } //hacky assumption check, assume any client non-humanoid is a rocket trooper static QINLINE qboolean PM_IsRocketTrooper(void) { /* if (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS && pm->gametype == GT_SIEGE && pm->nonHumanoid) { return qtrue; } */ return qfalse; } int PM_GetSaberStance(void) { int anim = BOTH_STAND2; saberInfo_t *saber1 = BG_MySaber( pm->ps->clientNum, 0 ); saberInfo_t *saber2 = BG_MySaber( pm->ps->clientNum, 1 ); if (!pm->ps->saberEntityNum) { //lost it return BOTH_STAND1; } if ( BG_SabersOff( pm->ps ) ) { return BOTH_STAND1; } if ( saber1 && saber1->readyAnim != -1 ) { return saber1->readyAnim; } if ( saber2 && saber2->readyAnim != -1 ) { return saber2->readyAnim; } if ( saber1 && saber2 && !pm->ps->saberHolstered ) {//dual sabers, both on return BOTH_SABERDUAL_STANCE; } switch ( pm->ps->fd.saberAnimLevel ) { case SS_DUAL: anim = BOTH_SABERDUAL_STANCE; break; case SS_STAFF: anim = BOTH_SABERSTAFF_STANCE; break; case SS_FAST: case SS_TAVION: anim = BOTH_SABERFAST_STANCE; break; case SS_STRONG: anim = BOTH_SABERSLOW_STANCE; break; case SS_NONE: case SS_MEDIUM: case SS_DESANN: default: anim = BOTH_STAND2; break; } return anim; } qboolean PM_DoSlowFall(void) { if ( ( (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT ) && pm->ps->legsTimer > 500 ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } //begin vehicle functions crudely ported from sp -rww /* ==================================================================== void pitch_roll_for_slope (edict_t *forwhom, vec3_t *slope, vec3_t storeAngles ) MG This will adjust the pitch and roll of a monster to match a given slope - if a non-'0 0 0' slope is passed, it will use that value, otherwise it will use the ground underneath the monster. If it doesn't find a surface, it does nothinh\g and returns. ==================================================================== */ void PM_pitch_roll_for_slope( bgEntity_t *forwhom, vec3_t pass_slope, vec3_t storeAngles ) { vec3_t slope; vec3_t nvf, ovf, ovr, startspot, endspot, new_angles = { 0, 0, 0 }; float pitch, mod, dot; //if we don't have a slope, get one if( !pass_slope || VectorCompare( vec3_origin, pass_slope ) ) { trace_t trace; VectorCopy( pm->ps->origin, startspot ); startspot[2] += pm->mins[2] + 4; VectorCopy( startspot, endspot ); endspot[2] -= 300; pm->trace( &trace, pm->ps->origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, endspot, forwhom->s.number, MASK_SOLID ); // if(trace_fraction>0.05&&forwhom.movetype==MOVETYPE_STEP) // forwhom.flags(-)FL_ONGROUND; if ( trace.fraction >= 1.0 ) return; if ( VectorCompare( vec3_origin, trace.plane.normal ) ) return; VectorCopy( trace.plane.normal, slope ); } else { VectorCopy( pass_slope, slope ); } if ( forwhom->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE ) {//special code for vehicles Vehicle_t *pVeh = forwhom->m_pVehicle; vec3_t tempAngles; tempAngles[PITCH] = tempAngles[ROLL] = 0; tempAngles[YAW] = pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW]; AngleVectors( tempAngles, ovf, ovr, NULL ); } else { AngleVectors( pm->ps->viewangles, ovf, ovr, NULL ); } vectoangles( slope, new_angles ); pitch = new_angles[PITCH] + 90; new_angles[ROLL] = new_angles[PITCH] = 0; AngleVectors( new_angles, nvf, NULL, NULL ); mod = DotProduct( nvf, ovr ); if ( mod<0 ) mod = -1; else mod = 1; dot = DotProduct( nvf, ovf ); if ( storeAngles ) { storeAngles[PITCH] = dot * pitch; storeAngles[ROLL] = ((1-Q_fabs(dot)) * pitch * mod); } else //if ( forwhom->client ) { float oldmins2; pm->ps->viewangles[PITCH] = dot * pitch; pm->ps->viewangles[ROLL] = ((1-Q_fabs(dot)) * pitch * mod); oldmins2 = pm->mins[2]; pm->mins[2] = -24 + 12 * fabs(pm->ps->viewangles[PITCH])/180.0f; //FIXME: if it gets bigger, move up if ( oldmins2 > pm->mins[2] ) {//our mins is now lower, need to move up //FIXME: trace? pm->ps->origin[2] += (oldmins2 - pm->mins[2]); //forwhom->currentOrigin[2] = forwhom->client->ps.origin[2]; //trap->linkentity( forwhom ); } } /* else { forwhom->currentAngles[PITCH] = dot * pitch; forwhom->currentAngles[ROLL] = ((1-Q_fabs(dot)) * pitch * mod); } */ } #define FLY_NONE 0 #define FLY_NORMAL 1 #define FLY_VEHICLE 2 #define FLY_HOVER 3 static int pm_flying = FLY_NONE; void PM_SetSpecialMoveValues (void) { bgEntity_t *pEnt; if (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS) { //we know that real players aren't vehs pm_flying = FLY_NONE; return; } //default until we decide otherwise pm_flying = FLY_NONE; pEnt = pm_entSelf; if ( pEnt ) { if ( (pm->ps->eFlags2&EF2_FLYING) )// pm->gent->client->moveType == MT_FLYSWIM ) { pm_flying = FLY_NORMAL; } else if ( pEnt->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE ) { if ( pEnt->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_FIGHTER ) { pm_flying = FLY_VEHICLE; } else if ( pEnt->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->hoverHeight > 0 ) { pm_flying = FLY_HOVER; } } } } static void PM_SetVehicleAngles( vec3_t normal ) { bgEntity_t *pEnt = pm_entSelf; Vehicle_t *pVeh; vec3_t vAngles; float vehicleBankingSpeed; float pitchBias; int i; if ( !pEnt || pEnt->s.NPC_class != CLASS_VEHICLE ) { return; } pVeh = pEnt->m_pVehicle; //float curVehicleBankingSpeed; vehicleBankingSpeed = (pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->bankingSpeed*32.0f)*pml.frametime;//0.25f if ( vehicleBankingSpeed <= 0 || ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->pitchLimit == 0 && pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->rollLimit == 0 ) ) {//don't bother, this vehicle doesn't bank return; } //FIXME: do 3 traces to define a plane and use that... smoothes it out some, too... //pitch_roll_for_slope( pm->gent, normal, vAngles ); //FIXME: maybe have some pitch control in water and/or air? if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_FIGHTER ) { pitchBias = 0.0f; } else { //FIXME: gravity does not matter in SPACE!!! //center of gravity affects pitch in air/water (FIXME: what about roll?) pitchBias = 90.0f*pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->centerOfGravity[0];//if centerOfGravity is all the way back (-1.0f), vehicle pitches up 90 degrees when in air } VectorClear( vAngles ); if ( pm->waterlevel > 0 ) {//in water //view pitch has some influence when in water //FIXME: take center of gravity into account? vAngles[PITCH] += (pm->ps->viewangles[PITCH]-vAngles[PITCH])*0.75f + (pitchBias*0.5); } else if ( normal ) {//have a valid surface below me PM_pitch_roll_for_slope( pEnt, normal, vAngles ); if ( (pml.groundTrace.contents&(CONTENTS_WATER|CONTENTS_SLIME|CONTENTS_LAVA)) ) {//on water //view pitch has some influence when on a fluid surface //FIXME: take center of gravity into account vAngles[PITCH] += (pm->ps->viewangles[PITCH]-vAngles[PITCH])*0.5f + (pitchBias*0.5f); } } else {//in air, let pitch match view...? //FIXME: take center of gravity into account vAngles[PITCH] = pm->ps->viewangles[PITCH]*0.5f + pitchBias; //don't bank so fast when in the air vehicleBankingSpeed *= (0.125f*pml.frametime); } //NOTE: if angles are flat and we're moving through air (not on ground), // then pitch/bank? if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->rollLimit > 0 ) { //roll when banking vec3_t velocity; float speed; VectorCopy( pm->ps->velocity, velocity ); velocity[2] = 0.0f; speed = VectorNormalize( velocity ); if ( speed > 32.0f || speed < -32.0f ) { vec3_t rt, tempVAngles; float side; float dp; // Magic number fun! Speed is used for banking, so modulate the speed by a sine wave //FIXME: this banks too early speed *= sin( (150 + pml.frametime) * 0.003 ); // Clamp to prevent harsh rolling if ( speed > 60 ) speed = 60; VectorCopy( pVeh->m_vOrientation, tempVAngles ); tempVAngles[ROLL] = 0; AngleVectors( tempVAngles, NULL, rt, NULL ); dp = DotProduct( velocity, rt ); side = speed * dp; vAngles[ROLL] -= side; } } //cap if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->pitchLimit != -1 ) { if ( vAngles[PITCH] > pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->pitchLimit ) { vAngles[PITCH] = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->pitchLimit; } else if ( vAngles[PITCH] < -pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->pitchLimit ) { vAngles[PITCH] = -pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->pitchLimit; } } if ( vAngles[ROLL] > pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->rollLimit ) { vAngles[ROLL] = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->rollLimit; } else if ( vAngles[ROLL] < -pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->rollLimit ) { vAngles[ROLL] = -pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->rollLimit; } //do it for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( i == YAW ) {//yawing done elsewhere continue; } //bank faster the higher the difference is /* else if ( i == PITCH ) { curVehicleBankingSpeed = vehicleBankingSpeed*fabs(AngleNormalize180(AngleSubtract( vAngles[PITCH], pVeh->m_vOrientation[PITCH] )))/(g_vehicleInfo[pm->ps->vehicleIndex].pitchLimit/2.0f); } else if ( i == ROLL ) { curVehicleBankingSpeed = vehicleBankingSpeed*fabs(AngleNormalize180(AngleSubtract( vAngles[ROLL], pVeh->m_vOrientation[ROLL] )))/(g_vehicleInfo[pm->ps->vehicleIndex].rollLimit/2.0f); } if ( curVehicleBankingSpeed ) */ { if ( pVeh->m_vOrientation[i] >= vAngles[i] + vehicleBankingSpeed ) { pVeh->m_vOrientation[i] -= vehicleBankingSpeed; } else if ( pVeh->m_vOrientation[i] <= vAngles[i] - vehicleBankingSpeed ) { pVeh->m_vOrientation[i] += vehicleBankingSpeed; } else { pVeh->m_vOrientation[i] = vAngles[i]; } } } } void BG_VehicleTurnRateForSpeed( Vehicle_t *pVeh, float speed, float *mPitchOverride, float *mYawOverride ) { if ( pVeh && pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo ) { float speedFrac = 1.0f; if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedDependantTurning ) { if ( pVeh->m_LandTrace.fraction >= 1.0f || pVeh->m_LandTrace.plane.normal[2] < MIN_LANDING_SLOPE ) { speedFrac = (speed/(pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedMax*0.75f)); if ( speedFrac < 0.25f ) { speedFrac = 0.25f; } else if ( speedFrac > 1.0f ) { speedFrac = 1.0f; } } } if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->mousePitch ) { *mPitchOverride = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->mousePitch*speedFrac; } if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->mouseYaw ) { *mYawOverride = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->mouseYaw*speedFrac; } } } // Following couple things don't belong in the DLL namespace! #ifdef _GAME #if !defined(MACOS_X) && !defined(__GCC__) && !defined(__GNUC__) typedef struct gentity_s gentity_t; #endif gentity_t *G_PlayEffectID( const int fxID, vec3_t org, vec3_t ang ); #endif static void PM_GroundTraceMissed( void ); void PM_HoverTrace( void ) { Vehicle_t *pVeh; float hoverHeight; vec3_t point, vAng, fxAxis[3]; trace_t *trace; float relativeWaterLevel; bgEntity_t *pEnt = pm_entSelf; if ( !pEnt || pEnt->s.NPC_class != CLASS_VEHICLE ) { return; } pVeh = pEnt->m_pVehicle; hoverHeight = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->hoverHeight; trace = &pml.groundTrace; pml.groundPlane = qfalse; //relativeWaterLevel = (pm->ps->waterheight - (pm->ps->origin[2]+pm->mins[2])); relativeWaterLevel = pm->waterlevel; //I.. guess this works if ( pm->waterlevel && relativeWaterLevel >= 0 ) {//in water if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->bouyancy <= 0.0f ) {//sink like a rock } else {//rise up float floatHeight = (pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->bouyancy * ((pm->maxs[2]-pm->mins[2])*0.5f)) - (hoverHeight*0.5f);//1.0f should make you float half-in, half-out of water if ( relativeWaterLevel > floatHeight ) {//too low, should rise up pm->ps->velocity[2] += (relativeWaterLevel - floatHeight) * pVeh->m_fTimeModifier; } } //if ( pm->ps->waterheight < pm->ps->origin[2]+pm->maxs[2] ) if (pm->waterlevel <= 1) {//part of us is sticking out of water if ( fabs(pm->ps->velocity[0]) + fabs(pm->ps->velocity[1]) > 100 ) {//moving at a decent speed if ( Q_irand( pml.frametime, 100 ) >= 50 ) {//splash vec3_t wakeOrg; vAng[PITCH] = vAng[ROLL] = 0; vAng[YAW] = pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW]; AngleVectors( vAng, fxAxis[2], fxAxis[1], fxAxis[0] ); VectorCopy( pm->ps->origin, wakeOrg ); //wakeOrg[2] = pm->ps->waterheight; if (pm->waterlevel >= 2) { wakeOrg[2] = pm->ps->origin[2]+16; } else { wakeOrg[2] = pm->ps->origin[2]; } #ifdef _GAME //yeah, this is kind of crappy and makes no use of prediction whatsoever if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iWakeFX ) { //G_PlayEffectID( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iWakeFX, wakeOrg, fxAxis[0] ); //tempent use bad! G_AddEvent((gentity_t *)pEnt, EV_PLAY_EFFECT_ID, pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iWakeFX); } #endif } } } } else { int traceContents; float minNormal = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->maxSlope; point[0] = pm->ps->origin[0]; point[1] = pm->ps->origin[1]; point[2] = pm->ps->origin[2] - hoverHeight; //FIXME: check for water, too? If over water, go slower and make wave effect // If *in* water, go really slow and use bouyancy stat to determine how far below surface to float //NOTE: if bouyancy is 2.0f or higher, you float over water like it's solid ground. // if it's 1.0f, you sink halfway into water. If it's 0, you sink... traceContents = pm->tracemask; if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->bouyancy >= 2.0f ) {//sit on water traceContents |= (CONTENTS_WATER|CONTENTS_SLIME|CONTENTS_LAVA); } pm->trace( trace, pm->ps->origin, pm->mins, pm->maxs, point, pm->ps->clientNum, traceContents ); if (trace->plane.normal[0] > 0.5f || trace->plane.normal[0] < -0.5f || trace->plane.normal[1] > 0.5f || trace->plane.normal[1] < -0.5f) { //steep slanted hill, don't go up it. float d = fabs(trace->plane.normal[0]); float e = fabs(trace->plane.normal[1]); if (e > d) { d = e; } pm->ps->velocity[2] = -300.0f*d; } else if ( trace->plane.normal[2] >= minNormal ) {//not a steep slope, so push us up if ( trace->fraction < 1.0f ) {//push up off ground float hoverForce = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->hoverStrength; if ( trace->fraction > 0.5f ) { pm->ps->velocity[2] += (1.0f-trace->fraction)*hoverForce*pVeh->m_fTimeModifier; } else { pm->ps->velocity[2] += (0.5f-(trace->fraction*trace->fraction))*hoverForce*2.0f*pVeh->m_fTimeModifier; } if ( (trace->contents&(CONTENTS_WATER|CONTENTS_SLIME|CONTENTS_LAVA)) ) {//hovering on water, make a spash if moving if ( fabs(pm->ps->velocity[0]) + fabs(pm->ps->velocity[1]) > 100 ) {//moving at a decent speed if ( Q_irand( pml.frametime, 100 ) >= 50 ) {//splash vAng[PITCH] = vAng[ROLL] = 0; vAng[YAW] = pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW]; AngleVectors( vAng, fxAxis[2], fxAxis[1], fxAxis[0] ); #ifdef _GAME if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iWakeFX ) { G_PlayEffectID( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->iWakeFX, trace->endpos, fxAxis[0] ); } #endif } } } pml.groundPlane = qtrue; } } } if ( pml.groundPlane ) { PM_SetVehicleAngles( pml.groundTrace.plane.normal ); // We're on the ground. pVeh->m_ulFlags &= ~VEH_FLYING; pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity = 0.0f; } else { PM_SetVehicleAngles( NULL ); // We're flying in the air. pVeh->m_ulFlags |= VEH_FLYING; //groundTrace if (pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity==0.0f) { pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity = pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] - pVeh->m_vPrevOrientation[YAW]; if (pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity<-15.0f) { pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity = -15.0f; } if (pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity> 15.0f) { pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity = 15.0f; } } //pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity *= 0.95f; // Angular Velocity Decays Over Time if (pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity > 0.0f) { pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity -= pml.frametime; if (pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity < 0.0f) { pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity = 0.0f; } } else if (pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity < 0.0f) { pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity += pml.frametime; if (pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity > 0.0f) { pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity = 0.0f; } } } PM_GroundTraceMissed(); } //end vehicle functions crudely ported from sp -rww /* =============== PM_AddEvent =============== */ void PM_AddEvent( int newEvent ) { BG_AddPredictableEventToPlayerstate( newEvent, 0, pm->ps ); } void PM_AddEventWithParm( int newEvent, int parm ) { BG_AddPredictableEventToPlayerstate( newEvent, parm, pm->ps ); } /* =============== PM_AddTouchEnt =============== */ void PM_AddTouchEnt( int entityNum ) { int i; if ( entityNum == ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { return; } if ( pm->numtouch >= MAXTOUCH ) { return; } // see if it is already added for ( i = 0 ; i < pm->numtouch ; i++ ) { if ( pm->touchents[ i ] == entityNum ) { return; } } // add it pm->touchents[pm->numtouch++] = entityNum; } /* ================== PM_ClipVelocity Slide off of the impacting surface ================== */ void PM_ClipVelocity( vec3_t in, vec3_t normal, vec3_t out, float overbounce ) { float backoff; float change; float oldInZ; int i; if ( (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_STUCK_TO_WALL) ) {//no sliding! VectorCopy( in, out ); return; } oldInZ = in[2]; backoff = DotProduct (in, normal); if ( backoff < 0 ) { backoff *= overbounce; } else { backoff /= overbounce; } for ( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) { change = normal[i]*backoff; out[i] = in[i] - change; } if ( pm->stepSlideFix ) { if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS//normal player && pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE//on the ground && normal[2] < MIN_WALK_NORMAL )//sliding against a steep slope {//if walking on the ground, don't slide up slopes that are too steep to walk on out[2] = oldInZ; } } } /* ================== PM_Friction Handles both ground friction and water friction ================== */ static void PM_Friction( void ) { vec3_t vec; float *vel; float speed, newspeed, control; float drop; bgEntity_t *pEnt = NULL; vel = pm->ps->velocity; VectorCopy( vel, vec ); if ( pml.walking ) { vec[2] = 0; // ignore slope movement } speed = VectorLength(vec); if (speed < 1) { vel[0] = 0; vel[1] = 0; // allow sinking underwater if (pm->ps->pm_type == PM_SPECTATOR) { vel[2] = 0; } // FIXME: still have z friction underwater? return; } drop = 0; if (pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS) { pEnt = pm_entSelf; } // apply ground friction, even if on ladder if (pm_flying != FLY_VEHICLE && pEnt && pEnt->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE && pEnt->m_pVehicle && pEnt->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type != VH_ANIMAL && pEnt->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type != VH_WALKER && pEnt->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->friction ) { float friction = pEnt->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->friction; if ( !(pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK) /*&& !(pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_TIME_NOFRICTION)*/ ) { control = speed < pm_stopspeed ? pm_stopspeed : speed; drop += control*friction*pml.frametime; /* if ( Flying == FLY_HOVER ) { if ( pm->cmd.rightmove ) {//if turning, increase friction control *= 2.0f; } if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum < ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//on the ground drop += control*friction*pml.frametime; } else if ( pml.groundPlane ) {//on a slope drop += control*friction*2.0f*pml.frametime; } else {//in air drop += control*2.0f*friction*pml.frametime; } } */ } } else if ( pm_flying != FLY_NORMAL && pm_flying != FLY_VEHICLE ) { // apply ground friction if ( pm->waterlevel <= 1 ) { if ( pml.walking && !(pml.groundTrace.surfaceFlags & SURF_SLICK) ) { // if getting knocked back, no friction if ( ! (pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK) ) { control = speed < pm_stopspeed ? pm_stopspeed : speed; drop += control*pm_friction*pml.frametime; } } } } if ( pm_flying == FLY_VEHICLE ) { if ( !(pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK) ) { control = speed;// < pm_stopspeed ? pm_stopspeed : speed; drop += control*pm_friction*pml.frametime; } } // apply water friction even if just wading if ( pm->waterlevel ) { drop += speed*pm_waterfriction*pm->waterlevel*pml.frametime; } // If on a client then there is no friction else if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum < MAX_CLIENTS ) { drop = 0; } if ( pm->ps->pm_type == PM_SPECTATOR || pm->ps->pm_type == PM_FLOAT ) { if (pm->ps->pm_type == PM_FLOAT) { //almost no friction while floating drop += speed*0.1*pml.frametime; } else { drop += speed*pm_spectatorfriction*pml.frametime; } } // scale the velocity newspeed = speed - drop; if (newspeed < 0) { newspeed = 0; } newspeed /= speed; VectorScale( vel, newspeed, vel ); } /* ============== PM_Accelerate Handles user intended acceleration ============== */ static void PM_Accelerate( vec3_t wishdir, float wishspeed, float accel ) { if (pm->gametype != GT_SIEGE || pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum || pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS || pm->ps->pm_type != PM_NORMAL) { //standard method, allows "bunnyhopping" and whatnot int i; float addspeed, accelspeed, currentspeed; currentspeed = DotProduct (pm->ps->velocity, wishdir); addspeed = wishspeed - currentspeed; if (addspeed <= 0 && pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS) { return; } if (addspeed < 0) { accelspeed = (-accel)*pml.frametime*wishspeed; if (accelspeed < addspeed) { accelspeed = addspeed; } } else { accelspeed = accel*pml.frametime*wishspeed; if (accelspeed > addspeed) { accelspeed = addspeed; } } for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { pm->ps->velocity[i] += accelspeed*wishdir[i]; } } else { //use the proper way for siege vec3_t wishVelocity; vec3_t pushDir; float pushLen; float canPush; VectorScale( wishdir, wishspeed, wishVelocity ); VectorSubtract( wishVelocity, pm->ps->velocity, pushDir ); pushLen = VectorNormalize( pushDir ); canPush = accel*pml.frametime*wishspeed; if (canPush > pushLen) { canPush = pushLen; } VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, canPush, pushDir, pm->ps->velocity ); } } /* ============ PM_CmdScale Returns the scale factor to apply to cmd movements This allows the clients to use axial -127 to 127 values for all directions without getting a sqrt(2) distortion in speed. ============ */ static float PM_CmdScale( usercmd_t *cmd ) { int max; float total; float scale; int umove = 0; //cmd->upmove; //don't factor upmove into scaling speed max = abs( cmd->forwardmove ); if ( abs( cmd->rightmove ) > max ) { max = abs( cmd->rightmove ); } if ( abs( umove ) > max ) { max = abs( umove ); } if ( !max ) { return 0; } total = sqrt( (float)(cmd->forwardmove * cmd->forwardmove + cmd->rightmove * cmd->rightmove + umove * umove) ); scale = (float)pm->ps->speed * max / ( 127.0 * total ); return scale; } /* ================ PM_SetMovementDir Determine the rotation of the legs reletive to the facing dir ================ */ static void PM_SetMovementDir( void ) { if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove || pm->cmd.rightmove ) { if ( pm->cmd.rightmove == 0 && pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 ) { pm->ps->movementDir = 0; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove < 0 && pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 ) { pm->ps->movementDir = 1; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove < 0 && pm->cmd.forwardmove == 0 ) { pm->ps->movementDir = 2; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove < 0 && pm->cmd.forwardmove < 0 ) { pm->ps->movementDir = 3; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove == 0 && pm->cmd.forwardmove < 0 ) { pm->ps->movementDir = 4; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove > 0 && pm->cmd.forwardmove < 0 ) { pm->ps->movementDir = 5; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove > 0 && pm->cmd.forwardmove == 0 ) { pm->ps->movementDir = 6; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove > 0 && pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 ) { pm->ps->movementDir = 7; } } else { // if they aren't actively going directly sideways, // change the animation to the diagonal so they // don't stop too crooked if ( pm->ps->movementDir == 2 ) { pm->ps->movementDir = 1; } else if ( pm->ps->movementDir == 6 ) { pm->ps->movementDir = 7; } } } #define METROID_JUMP 1 qboolean PM_ForceJumpingUp(void) { if ( !(pm->ps->fd.forcePowersActive&(1<ps->fd.forceJumpCharge ) {//already jumped and let go return qfalse; } if ( BG_InSpecialJump( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) { return qfalse; } if (BG_SaberInSpecial(pm->ps->saberMove)) { return qfalse; } if (BG_SaberInSpecialAttack(pm->ps->legsAnim)) { return qfalse; } if (BG_HasYsalamiri(pm->gametype, pm->ps)) { return qfalse; } if (!BG_CanUseFPNow(pm->gametype, pm->ps, pm->cmd.serverTime, FP_LEVITATION)) { return qfalse; } if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE && //in air (pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_JUMP_HELD) && //jumped pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_0 && //force-jump capable pm->ps->velocity[2] > 0 )//going up { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } static void PM_JumpForDir( void ) { int anim = BOTH_JUMP1; if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 ) { anim = BOTH_JUMP1; pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP; } else if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove < 0 ) { anim = BOTH_JUMPBACK1; pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove > 0 ) { anim = BOTH_JUMPRIGHT1; pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove < 0 ) { anim = BOTH_JUMPLEFT1; pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP; } else { anim = BOTH_JUMP1; pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP; } if(!BG_InDeathAnim(pm->ps->legsAnim)) { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS,anim,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE); } } void PM_SetPMViewAngle(playerState_t *ps, vec3_t angle, usercmd_t *ucmd) { int i; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { // set the delta angle int cmdAngle; cmdAngle = ANGLE2SHORT(angle[i]); ps->delta_angles[i] = cmdAngle - ucmd->angles[i]; } VectorCopy (angle, ps->viewangles); } qboolean PM_AdjustAngleForWallRun( playerState_t *ps, usercmd_t *ucmd, qboolean doMove ) { if (( (ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT || (ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT ) && ps->legsTimer > 500 ) {//wall-running and not at end of anim //stick to wall, if there is one vec3_t fwd, rt, traceTo, mins, maxs, fwdAngles; trace_t trace; float dist, yawAdjust; VectorSet(mins, -15, -15, 0); VectorSet(maxs, 15, 15, 24); VectorSet(fwdAngles, 0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0); AngleVectors( fwdAngles, fwd, rt, NULL ); if ( (ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT ) { dist = 128; yawAdjust = -90; } else { dist = -128; yawAdjust = 90; } VectorMA( ps->origin, dist, rt, traceTo ); pm->trace( &trace, ps->origin, mins, maxs, traceTo, ps->clientNum, MASK_PLAYERSOLID ); if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f && (trace.plane.normal[2] >= 0.0f && trace.plane.normal[2] <= 0.4f) )//&& ent->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) { trace_t trace2; vec3_t traceTo2; vec3_t wallRunFwd, wallRunAngles; VectorClear( wallRunAngles ); wallRunAngles[YAW] = vectoyaw( trace.plane.normal )+yawAdjust; AngleVectors( wallRunAngles, wallRunFwd, NULL, NULL ); VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, 32, wallRunFwd, traceTo2 ); pm->trace( &trace2, pm->ps->origin, mins, maxs, traceTo2, pm->ps->clientNum, MASK_PLAYERSOLID ); if ( trace2.fraction < 1.0f && DotProduct( trace2.plane.normal, wallRunFwd ) <= -0.999f ) {//wall we can't run on in front of us trace.fraction = 1.0f;//just a way to get it to kick us off the wall below } } if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f && (trace.plane.normal[2] >= 0.0f&&trace.plane.normal[2] <= 0.4f/*MAX_WALL_RUN_Z_NORMAL*/) ) {//still a wall there if ( (ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT ) { ucmd->rightmove = 127; } else { ucmd->rightmove = -127; } if ( ucmd->upmove < 0 ) { ucmd->upmove = 0; } //make me face perpendicular to the wall ps->viewangles[YAW] = vectoyaw( trace.plane.normal )+yawAdjust; PM_SetPMViewAngle(ps, ps->viewangles, ucmd); ucmd->angles[YAW] = ANGLE2SHORT( ps->viewangles[YAW] ) - ps->delta_angles[YAW]; if ( doMove ) { //push me forward float zVel = ps->velocity[2]; if ( ps->legsTimer > 500 ) {//not at end of anim yet float speed = 175; if ( ucmd->forwardmove < 0 ) {//slower speed = 100; } else if ( ucmd->forwardmove > 0 ) { speed = 250;//running speed } VectorScale( fwd, speed, ps->velocity ); } ps->velocity[2] = zVel;//preserve z velocity //pull me toward the wall, too VectorMA( ps->velocity, dist, rt, ps->velocity ); } ucmd->forwardmove = 0; return qtrue; } else if ( doMove ) {//stop it if ( (ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT ) { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT_STOP, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); } else if ( (ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT ) { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT_STOP, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); } } } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_AdjustAnglesForWallRunUpFlipAlt( usercmd_t *ucmd ) { // ucmd->angles[PITCH] = ANGLE2SHORT( pm->ps->viewangles[PITCH] ) - pm->ps->delta_angles[PITCH]; // ucmd->angles[YAW] = ANGLE2SHORT( pm->ps->viewangles[YAW] ) - pm->ps->delta_angles[YAW]; PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, ucmd); return qtrue; } qboolean PM_AdjustAngleForWallRunUp( playerState_t *ps, usercmd_t *ucmd, qboolean doMove ) { if ( ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCEWALLRUNFLIP_START ) {//wall-running up //stick to wall, if there is one vec3_t fwd, traceTo, mins, maxs, fwdAngles; trace_t trace; float dist = 128; VectorSet(mins, -15,-15,0); VectorSet(maxs, 15,15,24); VectorSet(fwdAngles, 0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0); AngleVectors( fwdAngles, fwd, NULL, NULL ); VectorMA( ps->origin, dist, fwd, traceTo ); pm->trace( &trace, ps->origin, mins, maxs, traceTo, ps->clientNum, MASK_PLAYERSOLID ); if ( trace.fraction > 0.5f ) {//hmm, some room, see if there's a floor right here trace_t trace2; vec3_t top, bottom; VectorCopy( trace.endpos, top ); top[2] += (pm->mins[2]*-1) + 4.0f; VectorCopy( top, bottom ); bottom[2] -= 64.0f; pm->trace( &trace2, top, pm->mins, pm->maxs, bottom, ps->clientNum, MASK_PLAYERSOLID ); if ( !trace2.allsolid && !trace2.startsolid && trace2.fraction < 1.0f && trace2.plane.normal[2] > 0.7f )//slope we can stand on {//cool, do the alt-flip and land on whetever it is we just scaled up VectorScale( fwd, 100, pm->ps->velocity ); pm->ps->velocity[2] += 400; PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_FORCEWALLRUNFLIP_ALT, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMP_HELD; //ent->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING|PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL; //ent->client->ps.forcePowersActive |= (1<upmove = 0; return qfalse; } } if ( //ucmd->upmove <= 0 && ps->legsTimer > 0 && ucmd->forwardmove > 0 && trace.fraction < 1.0f && (trace.plane.normal[2] >= 0.0f&&trace.plane.normal[2]<=0.4f/*MAX_WALL_RUN_Z_NORMAL*/) ) {//still a vertical wall there //make sure there's not a ceiling above us! trace_t trace2; VectorCopy( ps->origin, traceTo ); traceTo[2] += 64; pm->trace( &trace2, ps->origin, mins, maxs, traceTo, ps->clientNum, MASK_PLAYERSOLID ); if ( trace2.fraction < 1.0f ) {//will hit a ceiling, so force jump-off right now //NOTE: hits any entity or clip brush in the way, too, not just architecture! } else {//all clear, keep going //FIXME: don't pull around 90 turns //FIXME: simulate stepping up steps here, somehow? ucmd->forwardmove = 127; if ( ucmd->upmove < 0 ) { ucmd->upmove = 0; } //make me face the wall ps->viewangles[YAW] = vectoyaw( trace.plane.normal )+180; PM_SetPMViewAngle(ps, ps->viewangles, ucmd); /* if ( ent->client->ps.viewEntity <= 0 || ent->client->ps.viewEntity >= ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {//don't clamp angles when looking through a viewEntity SetClientViewAngle( ent, ent->client->ps.viewangles ); } */ ucmd->angles[YAW] = ANGLE2SHORT( ps->viewangles[YAW] ) - ps->delta_angles[YAW]; //if ( ent->s.number || !player_locked ) if (1) //aslkfhsakf { if ( doMove ) { //pull me toward the wall VectorScale( trace.plane.normal, -dist*trace.fraction, ps->velocity ); //push me up if ( ps->legsTimer > 200 ) {//not at end of anim yet float speed = 300; /* if ( ucmd->forwardmove < 0 ) {//slower speed = 100; } else if ( ucmd->forwardmove > 0 ) { speed = 250;//running speed } */ ps->velocity[2] = speed;//preserve z velocity } } } ucmd->forwardmove = 0; return qtrue; } } //failed! if ( doMove ) {//stop it VectorScale( fwd, -300.0f, ps->velocity ); ps->velocity[2] += 200; //NPC_SetAnim( ent, SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_FORCEWALLRUNFLIP_END, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); //why?!?#?#@!%$R@$KR#F:Hdl;asfm PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_FORCEWALLRUNFLIP_END, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMP_HELD; //ent->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING|PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL; //FIXME do I need this in mp? //ent->client->ps.forcePowersActive |= (1<upmove = 0; //return qtrue; } } return qfalse; } #define JUMP_OFF_WALL_SPEED 200.0f //nice... static float BG_ForceWallJumpStrength( void ) { return (forceJumpStrength[FORCE_LEVEL_3]/2.5f); } qboolean PM_AdjustAngleForWallJump( playerState_t *ps, usercmd_t *ucmd, qboolean doMove ) { if ( ( ( BG_InReboundJump( ps->legsAnim ) || BG_InReboundHold( ps->legsAnim ) ) && ( BG_InReboundJump( ps->torsoAnim ) || BG_InReboundHold( ps->torsoAnim ) ) ) || (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_STUCK_TO_WALL) ) {//hugging wall, getting ready to jump off //stick to wall, if there is one vec3_t checkDir, traceTo, mins, maxs, fwdAngles; trace_t trace; float dist = 128.0f, yawAdjust; VectorSet(mins, pm->mins[0],pm->mins[1],0); VectorSet(maxs, pm->maxs[0],pm->maxs[1],24); VectorSet(fwdAngles, 0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0); switch ( ps->legsAnim ) { case BOTH_FORCEWALLREBOUND_RIGHT: case BOTH_FORCEWALLHOLD_RIGHT: AngleVectors( fwdAngles, NULL, checkDir, NULL ); yawAdjust = -90; break; case BOTH_FORCEWALLREBOUND_LEFT: case BOTH_FORCEWALLHOLD_LEFT: AngleVectors( fwdAngles, NULL, checkDir, NULL ); VectorScale( checkDir, -1, checkDir ); yawAdjust = 90; break; case BOTH_FORCEWALLREBOUND_FORWARD: case BOTH_FORCEWALLHOLD_FORWARD: AngleVectors( fwdAngles, checkDir, NULL, NULL ); yawAdjust = 180; break; case BOTH_FORCEWALLREBOUND_BACK: case BOTH_FORCEWALLHOLD_BACK: AngleVectors( fwdAngles, checkDir, NULL, NULL ); VectorScale( checkDir, -1, checkDir ); yawAdjust = 0; break; default: //WTF??? pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_STUCK_TO_WALL; return qfalse; break; } if ( pm->debugMelee ) {//uber-skillz if ( ucmd->upmove > 0 ) {//hold on until you let go manually if ( BG_InReboundHold( ps->legsAnim ) ) {//keep holding if ( ps->legsTimer < 150 ) { ps->legsTimer = 150; } } else {//if got to hold part of anim, play hold anim if ( ps->legsTimer <= 300 ) { ps->saberHolstered = 2; PM_SetAnim( SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_FORCEWALLRELEASE_FORWARD+(ps->legsAnim-BOTH_FORCEWALLHOLD_FORWARD), SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); ps->legsTimer = ps->torsoTimer = 150; } } } } VectorMA( ps->origin, dist, checkDir, traceTo ); pm->trace( &trace, ps->origin, mins, maxs, traceTo, ps->clientNum, MASK_PLAYERSOLID ); if ( //ucmd->upmove <= 0 && ps->legsTimer > 100 && trace.fraction < 1.0f && fabs(trace.plane.normal[2]) <= 0.2f/*MAX_WALL_GRAB_SLOPE*/ ) {//still a vertical wall there //FIXME: don't pull around 90 turns /* if ( ent->s.number || !player_locked ) { ucmd->forwardmove = 127; } */ if ( ucmd->upmove < 0 ) { ucmd->upmove = 0; } //align me to the wall ps->viewangles[YAW] = vectoyaw( trace.plane.normal )+yawAdjust; PM_SetPMViewAngle(ps, ps->viewangles, ucmd); /* if ( ent->client->ps.viewEntity <= 0 || ent->client->ps.viewEntity >= ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {//don't clamp angles when looking through a viewEntity SetClientViewAngle( ent, ent->client->ps.viewangles ); } */ ucmd->angles[YAW] = ANGLE2SHORT( ps->viewangles[YAW] ) - ps->delta_angles[YAW]; //if ( ent->s.number || !player_locked ) if (1) { if ( doMove ) { //pull me toward the wall VectorScale( trace.plane.normal, -128.0f, ps->velocity ); } } ucmd->upmove = 0; ps->pm_flags |= PMF_STUCK_TO_WALL; return qtrue; } else if ( doMove && (ps->pm_flags&PMF_STUCK_TO_WALL)) {//jump off //push off of it! ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_STUCK_TO_WALL; ps->velocity[0] = ps->velocity[1] = 0; VectorScale( checkDir, -JUMP_OFF_WALL_SPEED, ps->velocity ); ps->velocity[2] = BG_ForceWallJumpStrength(); ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMP_HELD;//PMF_JUMPING|PMF_JUMP_HELD; //G_SoundOnEnt( ent, CHAN_BODY, "sound/weapons/force/jump.wav" ); ps->fd.forceJumpSound = 1; //this is a stupid thing, i should fix it. //ent->client->ps.forcePowersActive |= (1<origin[2] < ps->fd.forceJumpZStart) { ps->fd.forceJumpZStart = ps->origin[2]; } //FIXME do I need this? BG_ForcePowerDrain( ps, FP_LEVITATION, 10 ); //no control for half a second ps->pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK; ps->pm_time = 500; ucmd->forwardmove = 0; ucmd->rightmove = 0; ucmd->upmove = 127; if ( BG_InReboundHold( ps->legsAnim ) ) {//if was in hold pose, release now PM_SetAnim( SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_FORCEWALLRELEASE_FORWARD+(ps->legsAnim-BOTH_FORCEWALLHOLD_FORWARD), SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); } else { //PM_JumpForDir(); PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS,BOTH_FORCEJUMP1,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD|SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART); } //return qtrue; } } ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_STUCK_TO_WALL; return qfalse; } //Set the height for when a force jump was started. If it's 0, nuge it up (slight hack to prevent holding jump over slopes) void PM_SetForceJumpZStart(float value) { pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart = value; if (!pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart) { pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart -= 0.1f; } } float forceJumpHeightMax[NUM_FORCE_POWER_LEVELS] = { 66,//normal jump (32+stepheight(18)+crouchdiff(24) = 74) 130,//(96+stepheight(18)+crouchdiff(24) = 138) 226,//(192+stepheight(18)+crouchdiff(24) = 234) 418//(384+stepheight(18)+crouchdiff(24) = 426) }; void PM_GrabWallForJump( int anim ) {//NOTE!!! assumes an appropriate anim is being passed in!!! PM_SetAnim( SETANIM_BOTH, anim, SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART|SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); PM_AddEvent( EV_JUMP );//make sound for grab pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_STUCK_TO_WALL; } /* ============= PM_CheckJump ============= */ static qboolean PM_CheckJump( void ) { qboolean allowFlips = qtrue; if (pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS) { bgEntity_t *pEnt = pm_entSelf; if (pEnt->s.eType == ET_NPC && pEnt->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE) { //no! return qfalse; } } if (pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_KNOCKDOWN || pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_PRETHROWN || pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_POSTTHROWN) { return qfalse; } if (pm->ps->pm_type == PM_JETPACK) { //there's no actual jumping while we jetpack return qfalse; } //Don't allow jump until all buttons are up if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_RESPAWNED ) { return qfalse; } if ( PM_InKnockDown( pm->ps ) || BG_InRoll( pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) {//in knockdown return qfalse; } if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER ) { saberInfo_t *saber1 = BG_MySaber( pm->ps->clientNum, 0 ); saberInfo_t *saber2 = BG_MySaber( pm->ps->clientNum, 1 ); if ( saber1 && (saber1->saberFlags&SFL_NO_FLIPS) ) { allowFlips = qfalse; } if ( saber2 && (saber2->saberFlags&SFL_NO_FLIPS) ) { allowFlips = qfalse; } } if (pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE || pm->ps->origin[2] < pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart) { pm->ps->fd.forcePowersActive &= ~(1<ps->fd.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_LEVITATION)) { //Force jump is already active.. continue draining power appropriately until we land. if (pm->ps->fd.forcePowerDebounce[FP_LEVITATION] < pm->cmd.serverTime) { if ( pm->gametype == GT_DUEL || pm->gametype == GT_POWERDUEL ) {//jump takes less power BG_ForcePowerDrain( pm->ps, FP_LEVITATION, 1 ); } else { BG_ForcePowerDrain( pm->ps, FP_LEVITATION, 5 ); } if (pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] >= FORCE_LEVEL_2) { pm->ps->fd.forcePowerDebounce[FP_LEVITATION] = pm->cmd.serverTime + 300; } else { pm->ps->fd.forcePowerDebounce[FP_LEVITATION] = pm->cmd.serverTime + 200; } } } if (pm->ps->forceJumpFlip) { //Forced jump anim int anim = BOTH_FORCEINAIR1; int parts = SETANIM_BOTH; if ( allowFlips ) { if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FLIP_F; } else if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove < 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FLIP_B; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove > 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FLIP_R; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove < 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FLIP_L; } } else { if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FORCEINAIR1; } else if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove < 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FORCEINAIRBACK1; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove > 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FORCEINAIRRIGHT1; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove < 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FORCEINAIRLEFT1; } } if ( pm->ps->weaponTime ) {//FIXME: really only care if we're in a saber attack anim... parts = SETANIM_LEGS; } PM_SetAnim( parts, anim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); pm->ps->forceJumpFlip = qfalse; return qtrue; } #if METROID_JUMP if ( pm->waterlevel < 2 ) { if ( pm->ps->gravity > 0 ) {//can't do this in zero-G if ( PM_ForceJumpingUp() ) {//holding jump in air float curHeight = pm->ps->origin[2] - pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart; //check for max force jump level and cap off & cut z vel if ( ( curHeight<=forceJumpHeight[0] ||//still below minimum jump height (pm->ps->fd.forcePower&&pm->cmd.upmove>=10) ) &&////still have force power available and still trying to jump up curHeight < forceJumpHeight[pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION]] && pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart)//still below maximum jump height {//can still go up if ( curHeight > forceJumpHeight[0] ) {//passed normal jump height *2? if ( !(pm->ps->fd.forcePowersActive&(1<ps->fd.forcePowersActive |= (1<ps->fd.forceJumpSound = 1; //play flip if ((pm->cmd.forwardmove || pm->cmd.rightmove) && //pushing in a dir (pm->ps->legsAnim) != BOTH_FLIP_F &&//not already flipping (pm->ps->legsAnim) != BOTH_FLIP_B && (pm->ps->legsAnim) != BOTH_FLIP_R && (pm->ps->legsAnim) != BOTH_FLIP_L && allowFlips ) { int anim = BOTH_FORCEINAIR1; int parts = SETANIM_BOTH; if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FLIP_F; } else if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove < 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FLIP_B; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove > 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FLIP_R; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove < 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FLIP_L; } if ( pm->ps->weaponTime ) { parts = SETANIM_LEGS; } PM_SetAnim( parts, anim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); } else if ( pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) { vec3_t facingFwd, facingRight, facingAngles; int anim = -1; float dotR, dotF; VectorSet(facingAngles, 0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0); AngleVectors( facingAngles, facingFwd, facingRight, NULL ); dotR = DotProduct( facingRight, pm->ps->velocity ); dotF = DotProduct( facingFwd, pm->ps->velocity ); if ( fabs(dotR) > fabs(dotF) * 1.5 ) { if ( dotR > 150 ) { anim = BOTH_FORCEJUMPRIGHT1; } else if ( dotR < -150 ) { anim = BOTH_FORCEJUMPLEFT1; } } else { if ( dotF > 150 ) { anim = BOTH_FORCEJUMP1; } else if ( dotF < -150 ) { anim = BOTH_FORCEJUMPBACK1; } } if ( anim != -1 ) { int parts = SETANIM_BOTH; if ( pm->ps->weaponTime ) {//FIXME: really only care if we're in a saber attack anim... parts = SETANIM_LEGS; } PM_SetAnim( parts, anim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); } } } else { //jump is already active (the anim has started) if ( pm->ps->legsTimer < 1 ) {//not in the middle of a legsAnim int anim = (pm->ps->legsAnim); int newAnim = -1; switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_FORCEJUMP1: newAnim = BOTH_FORCELAND1;//BOTH_FORCEINAIR1; break; case BOTH_FORCEJUMPBACK1: newAnim = BOTH_FORCELANDBACK1;//BOTH_FORCEINAIRBACK1; break; case BOTH_FORCEJUMPLEFT1: newAnim = BOTH_FORCELANDLEFT1;//BOTH_FORCEINAIRLEFT1; break; case BOTH_FORCEJUMPRIGHT1: newAnim = BOTH_FORCELANDRIGHT1;//BOTH_FORCEINAIRRIGHT1; break; } if ( newAnim != -1 ) { int parts = SETANIM_BOTH; if ( pm->ps->weaponTime ) { parts = SETANIM_LEGS; } PM_SetAnim( parts, newAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); } } } } //need to scale this down, start with height velocity (based on max force jump height) and scale down to regular jump vel pm->ps->velocity[2] = (forceJumpHeight[pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION]]-curHeight)/forceJumpHeight[pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION]]*forceJumpStrength[pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION]];//JUMP_VELOCITY; pm->ps->velocity[2] /= 10; pm->ps->velocity[2] += JUMP_VELOCITY; pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMP_HELD; } else if ( curHeight > forceJumpHeight[0] && curHeight < forceJumpHeight[pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION]] - forceJumpHeight[0] ) {//still have some headroom, don't totally stop it if ( pm->ps->velocity[2] > JUMP_VELOCITY ) { pm->ps->velocity[2] = JUMP_VELOCITY; } } else { //pm->ps->velocity[2] = 0; //rww - changed for the sake of balance in multiplayer if ( pm->ps->velocity[2] > JUMP_VELOCITY ) { pm->ps->velocity[2] = JUMP_VELOCITY; } } pm->cmd.upmove = 0; return qfalse; } } } #endif //Not jumping if ( pm->cmd.upmove < 10 && pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE) { return qfalse; } // must wait for jump to be released if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_JUMP_HELD ) { // clear upmove so cmdscale doesn't lower running speed pm->cmd.upmove = 0; return qfalse; } if ( pm->ps->gravity <= 0 ) {//in low grav, you push in the dir you're facing as long as there is something behind you to shove off of vec3_t forward, back; trace_t trace; AngleVectors( pm->ps->viewangles, forward, NULL, NULL ); VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, -8, forward, back ); pm->trace( &trace, pm->ps->origin, pm->mins, pm->maxs, back, pm->ps->clientNum, pm->tracemask ); if ( trace.fraction <= 1.0f ) { VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, JUMP_VELOCITY*2, forward, pm->ps->velocity ); PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS,BOTH_FORCEJUMP1,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD|SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART); }//else no surf close enough to push off of pm->cmd.upmove = 0; } else if ( pm->cmd.upmove > 0 && pm->waterlevel < 2 && pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_0 && !(pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_JUMP_HELD) && (pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER || pm->ps->weapon == WP_MELEE) && !PM_IsRocketTrooper() && !BG_HasYsalamiri(pm->gametype, pm->ps) && BG_CanUseFPNow(pm->gametype, pm->ps, pm->cmd.serverTime, FP_LEVITATION) ) { qboolean allowWallRuns = qtrue; qboolean allowWallFlips = qtrue; // qboolean allowFlips = qtrue; qboolean allowWallGrabs = qtrue; if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER ) { saberInfo_t *saber1 = BG_MySaber( pm->ps->clientNum, 0 ); saberInfo_t *saber2 = BG_MySaber( pm->ps->clientNum, 1 ); if ( saber1 && (saber1->saberFlags&SFL_NO_WALL_RUNS) ) { allowWallRuns = qfalse; } if ( saber2 && (saber2->saberFlags&SFL_NO_WALL_RUNS) ) { allowWallRuns = qfalse; } if ( saber1 && (saber1->saberFlags&SFL_NO_WALL_FLIPS) ) { allowWallFlips = qfalse; } if ( saber2 && (saber2->saberFlags&SFL_NO_WALL_FLIPS) ) { allowWallFlips = qfalse; } if ( saber1 && (saber1->saberFlags&SFL_NO_FLIPS) ) { allowFlips = qfalse; } if ( saber2 && (saber2->saberFlags&SFL_NO_FLIPS) ) { allowFlips = qfalse; } if ( saber1 && (saber1->saberFlags&SFL_NO_WALL_GRAB) ) { allowWallGrabs = qfalse; } if ( saber2 && (saber2->saberFlags&SFL_NO_WALL_GRAB) ) { allowWallGrabs = qfalse; } } if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//on the ground //check for left-wall and right-wall special jumps int anim = -1; float vertPush = 0; if ( pm->cmd.rightmove > 0 && pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) {//strafing right if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 ) {//wall-run if ( allowWallRuns ) { vertPush = forceJumpStrength[FORCE_LEVEL_2]/2.0f; anim = BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT; } } else if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove == 0 ) {//wall-flip if ( allowWallFlips ) { vertPush = forceJumpStrength[FORCE_LEVEL_2]/2.25f; anim = BOTH_WALL_FLIP_RIGHT; } } } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove < 0 && pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) {//strafing left if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 ) {//wall-run if ( allowWallRuns ) { vertPush = forceJumpStrength[FORCE_LEVEL_2]/2.0f; anim = BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT; } } else if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove == 0 ) {//wall-flip if ( allowWallFlips ) { vertPush = forceJumpStrength[FORCE_LEVEL_2]/2.25f; anim = BOTH_WALL_FLIP_LEFT; } } } else if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove < 0 && !(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK) ) {//backflip if ( allowFlips ) { vertPush = JUMP_VELOCITY; anim = BOTH_FLIP_BACK1;//BG_PickAnim( BOTH_FLIP_BACK1, BOTH_FLIP_BACK3 ); } } vertPush += 128; //give them an extra shove if ( anim != -1 ) { vec3_t fwd, right, traceto, mins, maxs, fwdAngles; vec3_t idealNormal={0}, wallNormal={0}; trace_t trace; qboolean doTrace = qfalse; int contents = MASK_SOLID;//MASK_PLAYERSOLID; VectorSet(mins, pm->mins[0],pm->mins[1],0); VectorSet(maxs, pm->maxs[0],pm->maxs[1],24); VectorSet(fwdAngles, 0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0); memset(&trace, 0, sizeof(trace)); //to shut the compiler up AngleVectors( fwdAngles, fwd, right, NULL ); //trace-check for a wall, if necc. switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_WALL_FLIP_LEFT: //NOTE: purposely falls through to next case! case BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT: doTrace = qtrue; VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, -16, right, traceto ); break; case BOTH_WALL_FLIP_RIGHT: //NOTE: purposely falls through to next case! case BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT: doTrace = qtrue; VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, 16, right, traceto ); break; case BOTH_WALL_FLIP_BACK1: doTrace = qtrue; VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, 16, fwd, traceto ); break; } if ( doTrace ) { pm->trace( &trace, pm->ps->origin, mins, maxs, traceto, pm->ps->clientNum, contents ); VectorCopy( trace.plane.normal, wallNormal ); VectorNormalize( wallNormal ); VectorSubtract( pm->ps->origin, traceto, idealNormal ); VectorNormalize( idealNormal ); } if ( !doTrace || (trace.fraction < 1.0f && (trace.entityNum < MAX_CLIENTS || DotProduct(wallNormal,idealNormal) > 0.7)) ) {//there is a wall there.. or hit a client if ( (anim != BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT && anim != BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT && anim != BOTH_FORCEWALLRUNFLIP_START) || (wallNormal[2] >= 0.0f&&wallNormal[2]<=0.4f/*MAX_WALL_RUN_Z_NORMAL*/) ) {//wall-runs can only run on perfectly flat walls, sorry. int parts; //move me to side if ( anim == BOTH_WALL_FLIP_LEFT ) { pm->ps->velocity[0] = pm->ps->velocity[1] = 0; VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, 150, right, pm->ps->velocity ); } else if ( anim == BOTH_WALL_FLIP_RIGHT ) { pm->ps->velocity[0] = pm->ps->velocity[1] = 0; VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, -150, right, pm->ps->velocity ); } else if ( anim == BOTH_FLIP_BACK1 || anim == BOTH_FLIP_BACK2 || anim == BOTH_FLIP_BACK3 || anim == BOTH_WALL_FLIP_BACK1 ) { pm->ps->velocity[0] = pm->ps->velocity[1] = 0; VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, -150, fwd, pm->ps->velocity ); } /* if ( doTrace && anim != BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT && anim != BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT ) { if (trace.entityNum < MAX_CLIENTS) { pm->ps->forceKickFlip = trace.entityNum+1; //let the server know that this person gets kicked by this client } } */ //up if ( vertPush ) { pm->ps->velocity[2] = vertPush; pm->ps->fd.forcePowersActive |= (1 << FP_LEVITATION); } //animate me parts = SETANIM_LEGS; if ( anim == BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT ) { parts = SETANIM_BOTH; pm->cmd.buttons&=~BUTTON_ATTACK; pm->ps->saberMove = LS_NONE; } else if ( !pm->ps->weaponTime ) { parts = SETANIM_BOTH; } PM_SetAnim( parts, anim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); if ( anim == BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT ) { pm->ps->weaponTime = pm->ps->torsoTimer; } PM_SetForceJumpZStart(pm->ps->origin[2]);//so we don't take damage if we land at same height pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMP_HELD; pm->cmd.upmove = 0; pm->ps->fd.forceJumpSound = 1; } } } } else {//in the air int legsAnim = pm->ps->legsAnim; if ( legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT || legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT ) {//running on a wall vec3_t right, traceto, mins, maxs, fwdAngles; trace_t trace; int anim = -1; VectorSet(mins, pm->mins[0], pm->mins[0], 0); VectorSet(maxs, pm->maxs[0], pm->maxs[0], 24); VectorSet(fwdAngles, 0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0); AngleVectors( fwdAngles, NULL, right, NULL ); if ( legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT ) { if ( pm->ps->legsTimer > 400 ) {//not at the end of the anim float animLen = PM_AnimLength( 0, (animNumber_t)BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT ); if ( pm->ps->legsTimer < animLen - 400 ) {//not at start of anim VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, -16, right, traceto ); anim = BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT_FLIP; } } } else if ( legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT ) { if ( pm->ps->legsTimer > 400 ) {//not at the end of the anim float animLen = PM_AnimLength( 0, (animNumber_t)BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT ); if ( pm->ps->legsTimer < animLen - 400 ) {//not at start of anim VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, 16, right, traceto ); anim = BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT_FLIP; } } } if ( anim != -1 ) { pm->trace( &trace, pm->ps->origin, mins, maxs, traceto, pm->ps->clientNum, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_BODY ); if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f ) {//flip off wall int parts = 0; if ( anim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT_FLIP ) { pm->ps->velocity[0] *= 0.5f; pm->ps->velocity[1] *= 0.5f; VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, 150, right, pm->ps->velocity ); } else if ( anim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT_FLIP ) { pm->ps->velocity[0] *= 0.5f; pm->ps->velocity[1] *= 0.5f; VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, -150, right, pm->ps->velocity ); } parts = SETANIM_LEGS; if ( !pm->ps->weaponTime ) { parts = SETANIM_BOTH; } PM_SetAnim( parts, anim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); pm->cmd.upmove = 0; } } if ( pm->cmd.upmove != 0 ) {//jump failed, so don't try to do normal jump code, just return return qfalse; } } //NEW JKA else if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCEWALLRUNFLIP_START ) { vec3_t fwd, traceto, mins, maxs, fwdAngles; trace_t trace; int anim = -1; float animLen; VectorSet(mins, pm->mins[0], pm->mins[0], 0.0f); VectorSet(maxs, pm->maxs[0], pm->maxs[0], 24.0f); //hmm, did you mean [1] and [1]? VectorSet(fwdAngles, 0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0.0f); AngleVectors( fwdAngles, fwd, NULL, NULL ); assert(pm_entSelf); //null pm_entSelf would be a Bad Thing animLen = BG_AnimLength( pm_entSelf->localAnimIndex, BOTH_FORCEWALLRUNFLIP_START ); if ( pm->ps->legsTimer < animLen - 400 ) {//not at start of anim VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, 16, fwd, traceto ); anim = BOTH_FORCEWALLRUNFLIP_END; } if ( anim != -1 ) { pm->trace( &trace, pm->ps->origin, mins, maxs, traceto, pm->ps->clientNum, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_BODY ); if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f ) {//flip off wall int parts = SETANIM_LEGS; pm->ps->velocity[0] *= 0.5f; pm->ps->velocity[1] *= 0.5f; VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, -300, fwd, pm->ps->velocity ); pm->ps->velocity[2] += 200; if ( !pm->ps->weaponTime ) {//not attacking, set anim on both parts = SETANIM_BOTH; } PM_SetAnim( parts, anim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); //FIXME: do damage to traceEnt, like above? //pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING|PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL; //ha ha, so silly with your silly jumpy fally flags. pm->cmd.upmove = 0; PM_AddEvent( EV_JUMP ); } } if ( pm->cmd.upmove != 0 ) {//jump failed, so don't try to do normal jump code, just return return qfalse; } } /* else if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 //pushing forward && pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 && pm->ps->velocity[2] > 200 && PM_GroundDistance() <= 80 //unfortunately we do not have a happy ground timer like SP (this would use up more bandwidth if we wanted prediction workign right), so we'll just use the actual ground distance. && !BG_InSpecialJump(pm->ps->legsAnim)) {//run up wall, flip backwards vec3_t fwd, traceto, mins, maxs, fwdAngles; trace_t trace; vec3_t idealNormal; VectorSet(mins, pm->mins[0],pm->mins[1],pm->mins[2]); VectorSet(maxs, pm->maxs[0],pm->maxs[1],pm->maxs[2]); VectorSet(fwdAngles, 0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0); AngleVectors( fwdAngles, fwd, NULL, NULL ); VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, 32, fwd, traceto ); pm->trace( &trace, pm->ps->origin, mins, maxs, traceto, pm->ps->clientNum, MASK_PLAYERSOLID );//FIXME: clip brushes too? VectorSubtract( pm->ps->origin, traceto, idealNormal ); VectorNormalize( idealNormal ); if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f ) {//there is a wall there int parts = SETANIM_LEGS; pm->ps->velocity[0] = pm->ps->velocity[1] = 0; VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, -150, fwd, pm->ps->velocity ); pm->ps->velocity[2] += 128; if ( !pm->ps->weaponTime ) { parts = SETANIM_BOTH; } PM_SetAnim( parts, BOTH_WALL_FLIP_BACK1, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); pm->ps->legsTimer -= 600; //I force this anim to play to the end to prevent landing on your head and suddenly flipping over. //It is a bit too long at the end though, so I'll just shorten it. PM_SetForceJumpZStart(pm->ps->origin[2]);//so we don't take damage if we land at same height pm->cmd.upmove = 0; pm->ps->fd.forceJumpSound = 1; BG_ForcePowerDrain( pm->ps, FP_LEVITATION, 5 ); if (trace.entityNum < MAX_CLIENTS) { pm->ps->forceKickFlip = trace.entityNum+1; //let the server know that this person gets kicked by this client } } } */ else if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 //pushing forward && pm->ps->fd.forceRageRecoveryTime < pm->cmd.serverTime //not in a force Rage recovery period && pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 && PM_WalkableGroundDistance() <= 80 //unfortunately we do not have a happy ground timer like SP (this would use up more bandwidth if we wanted prediction workign right), so we'll just use the actual ground distance. && (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_JUMP1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_INAIR1 ) )//not in a flip or spin or anything {//run up wall, flip backwards if ( allowWallRuns ) { //FIXME: have to be moving... make sure it's opposite the wall... or at least forward? int wallWalkAnim = BOTH_WALL_FLIP_BACK1; int parts = SETANIM_LEGS; int contents = MASK_SOLID;//MASK_PLAYERSOLID;//CONTENTS_SOLID; //qboolean kick = qtrue; if ( pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_2 ) { wallWalkAnim = BOTH_FORCEWALLRUNFLIP_START; parts = SETANIM_BOTH; //kick = qfalse; } else { if ( !pm->ps->weaponTime ) { parts = SETANIM_BOTH; } } //if ( PM_HasAnimation( pm->gent, wallWalkAnim ) ) if (1) //sure, we have it! Because I SAID SO. { vec3_t fwd, traceto, mins, maxs, fwdAngles; trace_t trace; vec3_t idealNormal; bgEntity_t *traceEnt; VectorSet(mins, pm->mins[0], pm->mins[1], 0.0f); VectorSet(maxs, pm->maxs[0], pm->maxs[1], 24.0f); VectorSet(fwdAngles, 0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0.0f); AngleVectors( fwdAngles, fwd, NULL, NULL ); VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, 32, fwd, traceto ); pm->trace( &trace, pm->ps->origin, mins, maxs, traceto, pm->ps->clientNum, contents );//FIXME: clip brushes too? VectorSubtract( pm->ps->origin, traceto, idealNormal ); VectorNormalize( idealNormal ); traceEnt = PM_BGEntForNum(trace.entityNum); if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f &&((trace.entityNums.solid!=SOLID_BMODEL)||DotProduct(trace.plane.normal,idealNormal)>0.7) ) {//there is a wall there pm->ps->velocity[0] = pm->ps->velocity[1] = 0; if ( wallWalkAnim == BOTH_FORCEWALLRUNFLIP_START ) { pm->ps->velocity[2] = forceJumpStrength[FORCE_LEVEL_3]/2.0f; } else { VectorMA( pm->ps->velocity, -150, fwd, pm->ps->velocity ); pm->ps->velocity[2] += 150.0f; } //animate me PM_SetAnim( parts, wallWalkAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); // pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING|PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL; //again with the flags! //G_SoundOnEnt( pm->gent, CHAN_BODY, "sound/weapons/force/jump.wav" ); //yucky! PM_SetForceJumpZStart(pm->ps->origin[2]);//so we don't take damage if we land at same height pm->cmd.upmove = 0; pm->ps->fd.forceJumpSound = 1; BG_ForcePowerDrain( pm->ps, FP_LEVITATION, 5 ); //kick if jumping off an ent /* if ( kick && traceEnt && (traceEnt->s.eType == ET_PLAYER || traceEnt->s.eType == ET_NPC) ) { //kick that thang! pm->ps->forceKickFlip = traceEnt->s.number+1; } */ pm->cmd.rightmove = pm->cmd.forwardmove= 0; } } } } else if ( (!BG_InSpecialJump( legsAnim )//not in a special jump anim ||BG_InReboundJump( legsAnim )//we're already in a rebound ||BG_InBackFlip( legsAnim ) )//a backflip (needed so you can jump off a wall behind you) //&& pm->ps->velocity[2] <= 0 && pm->ps->velocity[2] > -1200 //not falling down very fast && !(pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_JUMP_HELD)//have to have released jump since last press && (pm->cmd.forwardmove||pm->cmd.rightmove)//pushing in a direction //&& pm->ps->forceRageRecoveryTime < pm->cmd.serverTime //not in a force Rage recovery period && pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION] > FORCE_LEVEL_2//level 3 jump or better //&& WP_ForcePowerAvailable( pm->gent, FP_LEVITATION, 10 )//have enough force power to do another one && BG_CanUseFPNow(pm->gametype, pm->ps, pm->cmd.serverTime, FP_LEVITATION) && (pm->ps->origin[2]-pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart) < (forceJumpHeightMax[FORCE_LEVEL_3]-(BG_ForceWallJumpStrength()/2.0f)) //can fit at least one more wall jump in (yes, using "magic numbers"... for now) //&& (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_JUMP1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_INAIR1 ) )//not in a flip or spin or anything ) {//see if we're pushing at a wall and jump off it if so if ( allowWallGrabs ) { //FIXME: make sure we have enough force power //FIXME: check to see if we can go any higher //FIXME: limit to a certain number of these in a row? //FIXME: maybe don't require a ucmd direction, just check all 4? //FIXME: should stick to the wall for a second, then push off... vec3_t checkDir, traceto, mins, maxs, fwdAngles; trace_t trace; vec3_t idealNormal; int anim = -1; VectorSet(mins, pm->mins[0], pm->mins[1], 0.0f); VectorSet(maxs, pm->maxs[0], pm->maxs[1], 24.0f); VectorSet(fwdAngles, 0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0.0f); if ( pm->cmd.rightmove ) { if ( pm->cmd.rightmove > 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FORCEWALLREBOUND_RIGHT; AngleVectors( fwdAngles, NULL, checkDir, NULL ); } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove < 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FORCEWALLREBOUND_LEFT; AngleVectors( fwdAngles, NULL, checkDir, NULL ); VectorScale( checkDir, -1, checkDir ); } } else if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FORCEWALLREBOUND_FORWARD; AngleVectors( fwdAngles, checkDir, NULL, NULL ); } else if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove < 0 ) { anim = BOTH_FORCEWALLREBOUND_BACK; AngleVectors( fwdAngles, checkDir, NULL, NULL ); VectorScale( checkDir, -1, checkDir ); } if ( anim != -1 ) {//trace in the dir we're pushing in and see if there's a vertical wall there bgEntity_t *traceEnt; VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, 8, checkDir, traceto ); pm->trace( &trace, pm->ps->origin, mins, maxs, traceto, pm->ps->clientNum, CONTENTS_SOLID );//FIXME: clip brushes too? VectorSubtract( pm->ps->origin, traceto, idealNormal ); VectorNormalize( idealNormal ); traceEnt = PM_BGEntForNum(trace.entityNum); if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f &&fabs(trace.plane.normal[2]) <= 0.2f/*MAX_WALL_GRAB_SLOPE*/ &&((trace.entityNums.solid!=SOLID_BMODEL)||DotProduct(trace.plane.normal,idealNormal)>0.7) ) {//there is a wall there float dot = DotProduct( pm->ps->velocity, trace.plane.normal ); if ( dot < 1.0f ) {//can't be heading *away* from the wall! //grab it! PM_GrabWallForJump( anim ); } } } } } else { //FIXME: if in a butterfly, kick people away? } //END NEW JKA } } /* if ( pm->cmd.upmove > 0 && (pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER || pm->ps->weapon == WP_MELEE) && !PM_IsRocketTrooper() && (pm->ps->weaponTime > 0||pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK) ) {//okay, we just jumped and we're in an attack if ( !BG_InRoll( pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim ) && !PM_InKnockDown( pm->ps ) && !BG_InDeathAnim(pm->ps->legsAnim) && !BG_FlippingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) && !PM_SpinningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) && !BG_SaberInSpecialAttack( pm->ps->torsoAnim ) && ( BG_SaberInAttack( pm->ps->saberMove ) ) ) {//not in an anim we shouldn't interrupt //see if it's not too late to start a special jump-attack float animLength = PM_AnimLength( 0, (animNumber_t)pm->ps->torsoAnim ); if ( animLength - pm->ps->torsoTimer < 500 ) {//just started the saberMove //check for special-case jump attacks if ( pm->ps->fd.saberAnimLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_2 ) {//using medium attacks if (PM_GroundDistance() < 32 && !BG_InSpecialJump(pm->ps->legsAnim)) { //FLIP AND DOWNWARD ATTACK //trace_t tr; //if (PM_SomeoneInFront(&tr)) { PM_SetSaberMove(PM_SaberFlipOverAttackMove()); pml.groundPlane = qfalse; pml.walking = qfalse; pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMP_HELD; pm->ps->groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE; VectorClear(pml.groundTrace.plane.normal); pm->ps->weaponTime = pm->ps->torsoTimer; } } } else if ( pm->ps->fd.saberAnimLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_3 ) {//using strong attacks if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 && //going forward (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK) && //must be holding attack still PM_GroundDistance() < 32 && !BG_InSpecialJump(pm->ps->legsAnim)) {//strong attack: jump-hack PM_SetSaberMove( PM_SaberJumpAttackMove() ); pml.groundPlane = qfalse; pml.walking = qfalse; pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMP_HELD; pm->ps->groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE; VectorClear(pml.groundTrace.plane.normal); pm->ps->weaponTime = pm->ps->torsoTimer; } } } } } */ if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) { return qfalse; } if ( pm->cmd.upmove > 0 ) {//no special jumps pm->ps->velocity[2] = JUMP_VELOCITY; PM_SetForceJumpZStart(pm->ps->origin[2]);//so we don't take damage if we land at same height pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMP_HELD; } //Jumping pml.groundPlane = qfalse; pml.walking = qfalse; pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMP_HELD; pm->ps->groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE; PM_SetForceJumpZStart(pm->ps->origin[2]); PM_AddEvent( EV_JUMP ); //Set the animations if ( pm->ps->gravity > 0 && !BG_InSpecialJump( pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) { PM_JumpForDir(); } return qtrue; } /* ============= PM_CheckWaterJump ============= */ static qboolean PM_CheckWaterJump( void ) { vec3_t spot; int cont; vec3_t flatforward; if (pm->ps->pm_time) { return qfalse; } // check for water jump if ( pm->waterlevel != 2 ) { return qfalse; } flatforward[0] = pml.forward[0]; flatforward[1] = pml.forward[1]; flatforward[2] = 0; VectorNormalize (flatforward); VectorMA (pm->ps->origin, 30, flatforward, spot); spot[2] += 4; cont = pm->pointcontents (spot, pm->ps->clientNum ); if ( !(cont & CONTENTS_SOLID) ) { return qfalse; } spot[2] += 16; cont = pm->pointcontents (spot, pm->ps->clientNum ); if ( cont & (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|CONTENTS_BODY) ) { return qfalse; } // jump out of water VectorScale (pml.forward, 200, pm->ps->velocity); pm->ps->velocity[2] = 350; pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP; pm->ps->pm_time = 2000; return qtrue; } //============================================================================ /* =================== PM_WaterJumpMove Flying out of the water =================== */ static void PM_WaterJumpMove( void ) { // waterjump has no control, but falls PM_StepSlideMove( qtrue ); pm->ps->velocity[2] -= pm->ps->gravity * pml.frametime; if (pm->ps->velocity[2] < 0) { // cancel as soon as we are falling down again pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_ALL_TIMES; pm->ps->pm_time = 0; } } /* =================== PM_WaterMove =================== */ static void PM_WaterMove( void ) { int i; vec3_t wishvel; float wishspeed; vec3_t wishdir; float scale; float vel; if ( PM_CheckWaterJump() ) { PM_WaterJumpMove(); return; } #if 0 // jump = head for surface if ( pm->cmd.upmove >= 10 ) { if (pm->ps->velocity[2] > -300) { if ( pm->watertype == CONTENTS_WATER ) { pm->ps->velocity[2] = 100; } else if (pm->watertype == CONTENTS_SLIME) { pm->ps->velocity[2] = 80; } else { pm->ps->velocity[2] = 50; } } } #endif PM_Friction (); scale = PM_CmdScale( &pm->cmd ); // // user intentions // if ( !scale ) { wishvel[0] = 0; wishvel[1] = 0; wishvel[2] = -60; // sink towards bottom } else { for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) wishvel[i] = scale * pml.forward[i]*pm->cmd.forwardmove + scale * pml.right[i]*pm->cmd.rightmove; wishvel[2] += scale * pm->cmd.upmove; } VectorCopy (wishvel, wishdir); wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir); if ( wishspeed > pm->ps->speed * pm_swimScale ) { wishspeed = pm->ps->speed * pm_swimScale; } PM_Accelerate (wishdir, wishspeed, pm_wateraccelerate); // make sure we can go up slopes easily under water if ( pml.groundPlane && DotProduct( pm->ps->velocity, pml.groundTrace.plane.normal ) < 0 ) { vel = VectorLength(pm->ps->velocity); // slide along the ground plane PM_ClipVelocity (pm->ps->velocity, pml.groundTrace.plane.normal, pm->ps->velocity, OVERCLIP ); VectorNormalize(pm->ps->velocity); VectorScale(pm->ps->velocity, vel, pm->ps->velocity); } PM_SlideMove( qfalse ); } /* =================== PM_FlyVehicleMove =================== */ static void PM_FlyVehicleMove( void ) { int i; vec3_t wishvel; float wishspeed; vec3_t wishdir; float scale; float zVel; float fmove = 0.0f, smove = 0.0f; // We don't use these here because we pre-calculate the movedir in the vehicle update anyways, and if // you leave this, you get strange motion during boarding (the player can move the vehicle). //fmove = pm->cmd.forwardmove; //smove = pm->cmd.rightmove; // normal slowdown if ( pm->ps->gravity && pm->ps->velocity[2] < 0 && pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//falling zVel = pm->ps->velocity[2]; PM_Friction (); pm->ps->velocity[2] = zVel; } else { PM_Friction (); if ( pm->ps->velocity[2] < 0 && pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) { pm->ps->velocity[2] = 0; // ignore slope movement } } scale = PM_CmdScale( &pm->cmd ); // Get The WishVel And WishSpeed //------------------------------- if ( pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS ) {//NPC // If The UCmds Were Set, But Never Converted Into A MoveDir, Then Make The WishDir From UCmds //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((fmove!=0.0f || smove!=0.0f) && VectorCompare(pm->ps->moveDir, vec3_origin)) { //trap->Printf("Generating MoveDir\n"); for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { wishvel[i] = pml.forward[i]*fmove + pml.right[i]*smove; } VectorCopy( wishvel, wishdir ); wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir); wishspeed *= scale; } // Otherwise, Use The Move Dir //----------------------------- else { wishspeed = pm->ps->speed; VectorScale( pm->ps->moveDir, pm->ps->speed, wishvel ); VectorCopy( pm->ps->moveDir, wishdir ); } } else { for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { wishvel[i] = pml.forward[i]*fmove + pml.right[i]*smove; } // when going up or down slopes the wish velocity should Not be zero // wishvel[2] = 0; VectorCopy (wishvel, wishdir); wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir); wishspeed *= scale; } // Handle negative speed. if ( wishspeed < 0 ) { wishspeed = wishspeed * -1.0f; VectorScale( wishvel, -1.0f, wishvel ); VectorScale( wishdir, -1.0f, wishdir ); } VectorCopy( wishvel, wishdir ); wishspeed = VectorNormalize( wishdir ); PM_Accelerate( wishdir, wishspeed, 100 ); PM_StepSlideMove( 1 ); } /* =================== PM_FlyMove Only with the flight powerup =================== */ static void PM_FlyMove( void ) { int i; vec3_t wishvel; float wishspeed; vec3_t wishdir; float scale; // normal slowdown PM_Friction (); scale = PM_CmdScale( &pm->cmd ); if ( pm->ps->pm_type == PM_SPECTATOR && pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) { //turbo boost scale *= 10; } // // user intentions // if ( !scale ) { wishvel[0] = 0; wishvel[1] = 0; wishvel[2] = pm->ps->speed * (pm->cmd.upmove/127.0f); } else { for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { wishvel[i] = scale * pml.forward[i]*pm->cmd.forwardmove + scale * pml.right[i]*pm->cmd.rightmove; } wishvel[2] += scale * pm->cmd.upmove; } VectorCopy (wishvel, wishdir); wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir); PM_Accelerate (wishdir, wishspeed, pm_flyaccelerate); PM_StepSlideMove( qfalse ); } /* =================== PM_AirMove =================== */ static void PM_AirMove( void ) { int i; vec3_t wishvel; float fmove, smove; vec3_t wishdir; float wishspeed; float scale; float accelerate; usercmd_t cmd; Vehicle_t *pVeh = NULL; if (pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS) { bgEntity_t *pEnt = pm_entSelf; if ( pEnt && pEnt->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE ) { pVeh = pEnt->m_pVehicle; } } if (pm->ps->pm_type != PM_SPECTATOR) { #if METROID_JUMP PM_CheckJump(); #else if (pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart && pm->ps->forceJumpFlip) { PM_CheckJump(); } #endif } PM_Friction(); fmove = pm->cmd.forwardmove; smove = pm->cmd.rightmove; cmd = pm->cmd; scale = PM_CmdScale( &cmd ); // set the movementDir so clients can rotate the legs for strafing PM_SetMovementDir(); // project moves down to flat plane pml.forward[2] = 0; pml.right[2] = 0; VectorNormalize (pml.forward); VectorNormalize (pml.right); if ( pVeh && pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->hoverHeight > 0 ) {//in a hovering vehicle, have air control if ( 1 ) { wishspeed = pm->ps->speed; VectorScale( pm->ps->moveDir, pm->ps->speed, wishvel ); VectorCopy( pm->ps->moveDir, wishdir ); scale = 1.0f; } #if 0 else { float controlMod = 1.0f; if ( pml.groundPlane ) {//on a slope of some kind, shouldn't have much control and should slide a lot controlMod = pml.groundTrace.plane.normal[2]; } vec3_t vfwd, vrt; vec3_t vAngles; VectorCopy( pVeh->m_vOrientation, vAngles ); vAngles[ROLL] = 0;//since we're a hovercraft, we really don't want to stafe up into the air if we're banking AngleVectors( vAngles, vfwd, vrt, NULL ); float speed = pm->ps->speed; float strafeSpeed = 0; if ( fmove < 0 ) {//going backwards if ( speed < 0 ) {//speed is negative, but since our command is reverse, make speed positive speed = fabs( speed ); /* if ( pml.groundPlane ) {//on a slope, still have some control speed = fabs( speed ); } else {//can't reverse in air speed = 0; } */ } else if ( speed > 0 ) {//trying to move back but speed is still positive, so keep moving forward (we'll slow down eventually) speed = 0; } } if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS ) {//do normal adding to wishvel VectorScale( vfwd, speed*controlMod*(fmove/127.0f), wishvel ); //just add strafing if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->strafePerc ) {//we can strafe if ( smove ) {//trying to strafe float minSpeed = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedMax * 0.5f * pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->strafePerc; strafeSpeed = fabs(DotProduct( pm->ps->velocity, vfwd ))*pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->strafePerc; if ( strafeSpeed < minSpeed ) { strafeSpeed = minSpeed; } strafeSpeed *= controlMod*((float)(smove))/127.0f; if ( strafeSpeed < 0 ) {//pm_accelerate does not understand negative numbers strafeSpeed *= -1; VectorScale( vrt, -1, vrt ); } //now just add it to actual velocity PM_Accelerate( vrt, strafeSpeed, pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->traction ); } } } else { if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->strafePerc ) {//we can strafe if ( pm->ps->clientNum ) {//alternate control scheme: can strafe if ( smove ) { /* if ( fmove > 0 ) {//actively accelerating strafeSpeed = pm->ps->speed; } else {//not stepping on accelerator, only strafe based on magnitude of current forward velocity strafeSpeed = fabs(DotProduct( pm->ps->velocity, vfwd )); } */ strafeSpeed = ((float)(smove))/127.0f; } } } //strafing takes away from forward speed VectorScale( vfwd, (fmove/127.0f)*(1.0f-pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->strafePerc), wishvel ); if ( strafeSpeed ) { VectorMA( wishvel, strafeSpeed*pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->strafePerc, vrt, wishvel ); } VectorNormalize( wishvel ); VectorScale( wishvel, speed*controlMod, wishvel ); } } #endif } else if ( gPMDoSlowFall ) {//no air-control VectorClear( wishvel ); } else if (pm->ps->pm_type == PM_JETPACK) { //reduced air control while not jetting for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) { wishvel[i] = pml.forward[i]*fmove + pml.right[i]*smove; } wishvel[2] = 0; if (pm->cmd.upmove <= 0) { VectorScale(wishvel, 0.8f, wishvel); } else { //if we are jetting then we have more control than usual VectorScale(wishvel, 2.0f, wishvel); } } else { for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) { wishvel[i] = pml.forward[i]*fmove + pml.right[i]*smove; } wishvel[2] = 0; } VectorCopy (wishvel, wishdir); wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir); wishspeed *= scale; accelerate = pm_airaccelerate; if ( pVeh && pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_SPEEDER ) {//speeders have more control in air //in mid-air accelerate = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->traction; if ( pml.groundPlane ) {//on a slope of some kind, shouldn't have much control and should slide a lot accelerate *= 0.5f; } } // not on ground, so little effect on velocity PM_Accelerate (wishdir, wishspeed, accelerate); // we may have a ground plane that is very steep, even // though we don't have a groundentity // slide along the steep plane if ( pml.groundPlane ) { if ( !(pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_STUCK_TO_WALL) ) {//don't slide when stuck to a wall if ( PM_GroundSlideOkay( pml.groundTrace.plane.normal[2] ) ) { PM_ClipVelocity (pm->ps->velocity, pml.groundTrace.plane.normal, pm->ps->velocity, OVERCLIP ); } } } if ( (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_STUCK_TO_WALL) ) {//no grav when stuck to wall PM_StepSlideMove( qfalse ); } else { PM_StepSlideMove( qtrue ); } } /* =================== PM_WalkMove =================== */ static void PM_WalkMove( void ) { int i; vec3_t wishvel; float fmove, smove; vec3_t wishdir; float wishspeed = 0.0f; float scale; usercmd_t cmd; float accelerate; float vel; qboolean npcMovement = qfalse; if ( pm->waterlevel > 2 && DotProduct( pml.forward, pml.groundTrace.plane.normal ) > 0 ) { // begin swimming PM_WaterMove(); return; } if (pm->ps->pm_type != PM_SPECTATOR) { if ( PM_CheckJump () ) { // jumped away if ( pm->waterlevel > 1 ) { PM_WaterMove(); } else { PM_AirMove(); } return; } } PM_Friction (); fmove = pm->cmd.forwardmove; smove = pm->cmd.rightmove; cmd = pm->cmd; scale = PM_CmdScale( &cmd ); // set the movementDir so clients can rotate the legs for strafing PM_SetMovementDir(); // project moves down to flat plane pml.forward[2] = 0; pml.right[2] = 0; // project the forward and right directions onto the ground plane PM_ClipVelocity (pml.forward, pml.groundTrace.plane.normal, pml.forward, OVERCLIP ); PM_ClipVelocity (pml.right, pml.groundTrace.plane.normal, pml.right, OVERCLIP ); // VectorNormalize (pml.forward); VectorNormalize (pml.right); // Get The WishVel And WishSpeed //------------------------------- if ( pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && !VectorCompare( pm->ps->moveDir, vec3_origin ) ) {//NPC bgEntity_t *pEnt = pm_entSelf; if (pEnt && pEnt->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE) { // If The UCmds Were Set, But Never Converted Into A MoveDir, Then Make The WishDir From UCmds //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((fmove!=0.0f || smove!=0.0f) && VectorCompare(pm->ps->moveDir, vec3_origin)) { //trap->Printf("Generating MoveDir\n"); for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { wishvel[i] = pml.forward[i]*fmove + pml.right[i]*smove; } VectorCopy( wishvel, wishdir ); wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir); wishspeed *= scale; } // Otherwise, Use The Move Dir //----------------------------- else { //wishspeed = pm->ps->speed; VectorScale( pm->ps->moveDir, pm->ps->speed, wishvel ); VectorCopy (wishvel, wishdir); wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir); } npcMovement = qtrue; } } if (!npcMovement) { for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { wishvel[i] = pml.forward[i]*fmove + pml.right[i]*smove; } // when going up or down slopes the wish velocity should Not be zero VectorCopy (wishvel, wishdir); wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir); wishspeed *= scale; } // clamp the speed lower if ducking if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) { if ( wishspeed > pm->ps->speed * pm_duckScale ) { wishspeed = pm->ps->speed * pm_duckScale; } } else if ( (pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_ROLLING) && !BG_InRoll(pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim) && !PM_InRollComplete(pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim)) { if ( wishspeed > pm->ps->speed * pm_duckScale ) { wishspeed = pm->ps->speed * pm_duckScale; } } // clamp the speed lower if wading or walking on the bottom if ( pm->waterlevel ) { float waterScale; waterScale = pm->waterlevel / 3.0; waterScale = 1.0 - ( 1.0 - pm_swimScale ) * waterScale; if ( wishspeed > pm->ps->speed * waterScale ) { wishspeed = pm->ps->speed * waterScale; } } // when a player gets hit, they temporarily lose // full control, which allows them to be moved a bit if ( pm_flying == FLY_HOVER ) { accelerate = pm_vehicleaccelerate; } else if ( ( pml.groundTrace.surfaceFlags & SURF_SLICK ) || pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK ) { accelerate = pm_airaccelerate; } else { accelerate = pm_accelerate; } PM_Accelerate (wishdir, wishspeed, accelerate); /* if (pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS) { #ifdef _GAME Com_Printf("^1S: %f, %f\n", wishspeed, pm->ps->speed); #else Com_Printf("^2C: %f, %f\n", wishspeed, pm->ps->speed); #endif } */ //Com_Printf("velocity = %1.1f %1.1f %1.1f\n", pm->ps->velocity[0], pm->ps->velocity[1], pm->ps->velocity[2]); //Com_Printf("velocity1 = %1.1f\n", VectorLength(pm->ps->velocity)); if ( ( pml.groundTrace.surfaceFlags & SURF_SLICK ) || pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK ) { pm->ps->velocity[2] -= pm->ps->gravity * pml.frametime; } vel = VectorLength(pm->ps->velocity); // slide along the ground plane PM_ClipVelocity (pm->ps->velocity, pml.groundTrace.plane.normal, pm->ps->velocity, OVERCLIP ); // don't decrease velocity when going up or down a slope VectorNormalize(pm->ps->velocity); VectorScale(pm->ps->velocity, vel, pm->ps->velocity); // don't do anything if standing still if (!pm->ps->velocity[0] && !pm->ps->velocity[1]) { return; } PM_StepSlideMove( qfalse ); //Com_Printf("velocity2 = %1.1f\n", VectorLength(pm->ps->velocity)); } /* ============== PM_DeadMove ============== */ static void PM_DeadMove( void ) { float forward; if ( !pml.walking ) { return; } // extra friction forward = VectorLength (pm->ps->velocity); forward -= 20; if ( forward <= 0 ) { VectorClear (pm->ps->velocity); } else { VectorNormalize (pm->ps->velocity); VectorScale (pm->ps->velocity, forward, pm->ps->velocity); } } /* =============== PM_NoclipMove =============== */ static void PM_NoclipMove( void ) { float speed, drop, friction, control, newspeed; int i; vec3_t wishvel; float fmove, smove; vec3_t wishdir; float wishspeed; float scale; pm->ps->viewheight = DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT; // friction speed = VectorLength (pm->ps->velocity); if (speed < 1) { VectorCopy (vec3_origin, pm->ps->velocity); } else { drop = 0; friction = pm_friction*1.5; // extra friction control = speed < pm_stopspeed ? pm_stopspeed : speed; drop += control*friction*pml.frametime; // scale the velocity newspeed = speed - drop; if (newspeed < 0) newspeed = 0; newspeed /= speed; VectorScale (pm->ps->velocity, newspeed, pm->ps->velocity); } // accelerate scale = PM_CmdScale( &pm->cmd ); if (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK) { //turbo boost scale *= 10; } if (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) { //turbo boost scale *= 10; } fmove = pm->cmd.forwardmove; smove = pm->cmd.rightmove; for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) wishvel[i] = pml.forward[i]*fmove + pml.right[i]*smove; wishvel[2] += pm->cmd.upmove; VectorCopy (wishvel, wishdir); wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir); wishspeed *= scale; PM_Accelerate( wishdir, wishspeed, pm_accelerate ); // move VectorMA (pm->ps->origin, pml.frametime, pm->ps->velocity, pm->ps->origin); } //============================================================================ /* ================ PM_FootstepForSurface Returns an event number appropriate for the groundsurface ================ */ static int PM_FootstepForSurface( void ) { if ( pml.groundTrace.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOSTEPS ) { return 0; } return ( pml.groundTrace.surfaceFlags & MATERIAL_MASK ); } extern qboolean PM_CanRollFromSoulCal( playerState_t *ps ); static int PM_TryRoll( void ) { trace_t trace; int anim = -1; vec3_t fwd, right, traceto, mins, maxs, fwdAngles; if ( BG_SaberInAttack( pm->ps->saberMove ) || BG_SaberInSpecialAttack( pm->ps->torsoAnim ) || BG_SpinningSaberAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || PM_SaberInStart( pm->ps->saberMove ) ) {//attacking or spinning (or, if player, starting an attack) if ( PM_CanRollFromSoulCal( pm->ps ) ) {//hehe } else { return 0; } } if ((pm->ps->weapon != WP_SABER && pm->ps->weapon != WP_MELEE) || PM_IsRocketTrooper() || BG_HasYsalamiri(pm->gametype, pm->ps) || !BG_CanUseFPNow(pm->gametype, pm->ps, pm->cmd.serverTime, FP_LEVITATION)) { //Not using saber, or can't use jump return 0; } if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER ) { saberInfo_t *saber = BG_MySaber( pm->ps->clientNum, 0 ); if ( saber && (saber->saberFlags&SFL_NO_ROLLS) ) { return 0; } saber = BG_MySaber( pm->ps->clientNum, 1 ); if ( saber && (saber->saberFlags&SFL_NO_ROLLS) ) { return 0; } } VectorSet(mins, pm->mins[0],pm->mins[1],pm->mins[2]+STEPSIZE); VectorSet(maxs, pm->maxs[0],pm->maxs[1],pm->ps->crouchheight); VectorSet(fwdAngles, 0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0); AngleVectors( fwdAngles, fwd, right, NULL ); if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove ) { //check forward/backward rolls if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN ) { anim = BOTH_ROLL_B; VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, -64, fwd, traceto ); } else { anim = BOTH_ROLL_F; VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, 64, fwd, traceto ); } } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove > 0 ) { //right anim = BOTH_ROLL_R; VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, 64, right, traceto ); } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove < 0 ) { //left anim = BOTH_ROLL_L; VectorMA( pm->ps->origin, -64, right, traceto ); } if ( anim != -1 ) { //We want to roll. Perform a trace to see if we can, and if so, send us into one. pm->trace( &trace, pm->ps->origin, mins, maxs, traceto, pm->ps->clientNum, CONTENTS_SOLID ); if ( trace.fraction >= 1.0f ) { pm->ps->saberMove = LS_NONE; return anim; } } return 0; } #ifdef _GAME static void PM_CrashLandEffect( void ) { float delta; if ( pm->waterlevel ) { return; } delta = fabs(pml.previous_velocity[2])/10;//VectorLength( pml.previous_velocity );? if ( delta >= 30 ) { vec3_t bottom; int effectID = -1; int material = (pml.groundTrace.surfaceFlags&MATERIAL_MASK); VectorSet( bottom, pm->ps->origin[0],pm->ps->origin[1],pm->ps->origin[2]+pm->mins[2]+1 ); switch ( material ) { case MATERIAL_MUD: effectID = EFFECT_LANDING_MUD; break; case MATERIAL_SAND: effectID = EFFECT_LANDING_SAND; break; case MATERIAL_DIRT: effectID = EFFECT_LANDING_DIRT; break; case MATERIAL_SNOW: effectID = EFFECT_LANDING_SNOW; break; case MATERIAL_GRAVEL: effectID = EFFECT_LANDING_GRAVEL; break; } if ( effectID != -1 ) { G_PlayEffect( effectID, bottom, pml.groundTrace.plane.normal ); } } } #endif /* ================= PM_CrashLand Check for hard landings that generate sound events ================= */ static void PM_CrashLand( void ) { float delta; float dist; float vel, acc; float t; float a, b, c, den; qboolean didRoll = qfalse; // calculate the exact velocity on landing dist = pm->ps->origin[2] - pml.previous_origin[2]; vel = pml.previous_velocity[2]; acc = -pm->ps->gravity; a = acc / 2; b = vel; c = -dist; den = b * b - 4 * a * c; if ( den < 0 ) { pm->ps->inAirAnim = qfalse; return; } t = (-b - sqrt( den ) ) / ( 2 * a ); delta = vel + t * acc; delta = delta*delta * 0.0001; #ifdef _GAME PM_CrashLandEffect(); #endif // ducking while falling doubles damage if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) { delta *= 2; } if (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_A7_KICK_F_AIR || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_A7_KICK_B_AIR || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_A7_KICK_R_AIR || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_A7_KICK_L_AIR) { int landAnim = -1; switch ( pm->ps->legsAnim ) { case BOTH_A7_KICK_F_AIR: landAnim = BOTH_FORCELAND1; break; case BOTH_A7_KICK_B_AIR: landAnim = BOTH_FORCELANDBACK1; break; case BOTH_A7_KICK_R_AIR: landAnim = BOTH_FORCELANDRIGHT1; break; case BOTH_A7_KICK_L_AIR: landAnim = BOTH_FORCELANDLEFT1; break; } if ( landAnim != -1 ) { if ( pm->ps->torsoAnim == pm->ps->legsAnim ) { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH, landAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); } else { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS, landAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); } } } else if (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCEJUMPLEFT1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCEJUMPRIGHT1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCEJUMPBACK1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCEJUMP1) { int fjAnim; switch (pm->ps->legsAnim) { case BOTH_FORCEJUMPLEFT1: fjAnim = BOTH_LANDLEFT1; break; case BOTH_FORCEJUMPRIGHT1: fjAnim = BOTH_LANDRIGHT1; break; case BOTH_FORCEJUMPBACK1: fjAnim = BOTH_LANDBACK1; break; default: fjAnim = BOTH_LAND1; break; } PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH, fjAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); } // decide which landing animation to use else if (!BG_InRoll(pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim) && pm->ps->inAirAnim && !pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) { //only play a land animation if we transitioned into an in-air animation while off the ground if (!BG_SaberInSpecial(pm->ps->saberMove)) { if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP ) { PM_ForceLegsAnim( BOTH_LANDBACK1 ); } else { PM_ForceLegsAnim( BOTH_LAND1 ); } } } if (pm->ps->weapon != WP_SABER && pm->ps->weapon != WP_MELEE && !PM_IsRocketTrooper()) { //saber handles its own anims //This will push us back into our weaponready stance from the land anim. if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pm->ps->zoomMode == 1) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( TORSO_WEAPONREADY4 ); } else { if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_EMPLACED_GUN) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( BOTH_GUNSIT1 ); } else { PM_StartTorsoAnim( WeaponReadyAnim[pm->ps->weapon] ); } } } if (!BG_InSpecialJump(pm->ps->legsAnim) || pm->ps->legsTimer < 1 || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT) { //Only set the timer if we're in an anim that can be interrupted (this would not be, say, a flip) if (!BG_InRoll(pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim) && pm->ps->inAirAnim) { if (!BG_SaberInSpecial(pm->ps->saberMove) || pm->ps->weapon != WP_SABER) { if (pm->ps->legsAnim != BOTH_FORCELAND1 && pm->ps->legsAnim != BOTH_FORCELANDBACK1 && pm->ps->legsAnim != BOTH_FORCELANDRIGHT1 && pm->ps->legsAnim != BOTH_FORCELANDLEFT1) { //don't override if we have started a force land pm->ps->legsTimer = TIMER_LAND; } } } } pm->ps->inAirAnim = qfalse; if (pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) { //don't do fall stuff while on a vehicle return; } // never take falling damage if completely underwater if ( pm->waterlevel == 3 ) { return; } // reduce falling damage if there is standing water if ( pm->waterlevel == 2 ) { delta *= 0.25; } if ( pm->waterlevel == 1 ) { delta *= 0.5; } if ( delta < 1 ) { return; } if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) { if( delta >= 2 && !PM_InOnGroundAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) && !PM_InKnockDown( pm->ps ) && !BG_InRoll(pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim) && pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_NONE ) {//roll! int anim = PM_TryRoll(); if (PM_InRollComplete(pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim)) { anim = 0; pm->ps->legsTimer = 0; pm->ps->legsAnim = 0; PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH,BOTH_LAND1,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); pm->ps->legsTimer = TIMER_LAND; } if ( anim ) {//absorb some impact pm->ps->legsTimer = 0; delta /= 3; // /= 2 just cancels out the above delta *= 2 when landing while crouched, the roll itself should absorb a little damage pm->ps->legsAnim = 0; if (pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_A7_SOULCAL) { //get out of it on torso pm->ps->torsoTimer = 0; } PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH,anim,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); didRoll = qtrue; } } } // SURF_NODAMAGE is used for bounce pads where you don't ever // want to take damage or play a crunch sound if ( !(pml.groundTrace.surfaceFlags & SURF_NODAMAGE) ) { if (delta > 7) { int delta_send = (int)delta; if (delta_send > 600) { //will never need to know any value above this delta_send = 600; } if (pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart) { if ((int)pm->ps->origin[2] >= (int)pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart) { //was force jumping, landed on higher or same level as when force jump was started if (delta_send > 8) { delta_send = 8; } } else { if (delta_send > 8) { int dif = ((int)pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart - (int)pm->ps->origin[2]); int dmgLess = (forceJumpHeight[pm->ps->fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_LEVITATION]] - dif); if (dmgLess < 0) { dmgLess = 0; } delta_send -= (dmgLess*0.3); if (delta_send < 8) { delta_send = 8; } //Com_Printf("Damage sub: %i\n", (int)((dmgLess*0.1))); } } } if (didRoll) { //Add the appropriate event.. PM_AddEventWithParm( EV_ROLL, delta_send ); } else { PM_AddEventWithParm( EV_FALL, delta_send ); } } else { if (didRoll) { PM_AddEventWithParm( EV_ROLL, 0 ); } else { PM_AddEventWithParm( EV_FOOTSTEP, PM_FootstepForSurface() ); } } } // make sure velocity resets so we don't bounce back up again in case we miss the clear elsewhere pm->ps->velocity[2] = 0; // start footstep cycle over pm->ps->bobCycle = 0; } /* ============= PM_CorrectAllSolid ============= */ static int PM_CorrectAllSolid( trace_t *trace ) { int i, j, k; vec3_t point; if ( pm->debugLevel ) { Com_Printf("%i:allsolid\n", c_pmove); } // jitter around for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++) { for (j = -1; j <= 1; j++) { for (k = -1; k <= 1; k++) { VectorCopy(pm->ps->origin, point); point[0] += (float) i; point[1] += (float) j; point[2] += (float) k; pm->trace (trace, point, pm->mins, pm->maxs, point, pm->ps->clientNum, pm->tracemask); if ( !trace->allsolid ) { point[0] = pm->ps->origin[0]; point[1] = pm->ps->origin[1]; point[2] = pm->ps->origin[2] - 0.25; pm->trace (trace, pm->ps->origin, pm->mins, pm->maxs, point, pm->ps->clientNum, pm->tracemask); pml.groundTrace = *trace; return qtrue; } } } } pm->ps->groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE; pml.groundPlane = qfalse; pml.walking = qfalse; return qfalse; } /* ============= PM_GroundTraceMissed The ground trace didn't hit a surface, so we are in freefall ============= */ static void PM_GroundTraceMissed( void ) { trace_t trace; vec3_t point; //rww - don't want to do this when handextend_choke, because you can be standing on the ground //while still holding your throat. if ( pm->ps->pm_type == PM_FLOAT ) { //we're assuming this is because you're being choked int parts = SETANIM_LEGS; //rww - also don't use SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD, it will cause the legs to float around a bit before going into //a proper anim even when on the ground. PM_SetAnim(parts, BOTH_CHOKE3, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE); } else if ( pm->ps->pm_type == PM_JETPACK ) {//jetpacking //rww - also don't use SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD, it will cause the legs to float around a bit before going into //a proper anim even when on the ground. //PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS,BOTH_FORCEJUMP1,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE); } //If the anim is choke3, act like we just went into the air because we aren't in a float else if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_CHOKE3 ) { // we just transitioned into freefall if ( pm->debugLevel ) { Com_Printf("%i:lift\n", c_pmove); } // if they aren't in a jumping animation and the ground is a ways away, force into it // if we didn't do the trace, the player would be backflipping down staircases VectorCopy( pm->ps->origin, point ); point[2] -= 64; pm->trace (&trace, pm->ps->origin, pm->mins, pm->maxs, point, pm->ps->clientNum, pm->tracemask); if ( trace.fraction == 1.0 || pm->ps->pm_type == PM_FLOAT ) { if ( pm->ps->velocity[2] <= 0 && !(pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_JUMP_HELD)) { //PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS,BOTH_INAIR1,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE); PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS,BOTH_INAIR1,0); pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP; } else if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove >= 0 ) { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS,BOTH_JUMP1,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE); pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP; } else { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS,BOTH_JUMPBACK1,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE); pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP; } pm->ps->inAirAnim = qtrue; } } else if (!pm->ps->inAirAnim) { // if they aren't in a jumping animation and the ground is a ways away, force into it // if we didn't do the trace, the player would be backflipping down staircases VectorCopy( pm->ps->origin, point ); point[2] -= 64; pm->trace (&trace, pm->ps->origin, pm->mins, pm->maxs, point, pm->ps->clientNum, pm->tracemask); if ( trace.fraction == 1.0 || pm->ps->pm_type == PM_FLOAT ) { pm->ps->inAirAnim = qtrue; } } if (PM_InRollComplete(pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim)) { //Client won't catch an animation restart because it only checks frame against incoming frame, so if you roll when you land after rolling //off of something it won't replay the roll anim unless we switch it off in the air. This fixes that. PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH,BOTH_INAIR1,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); pm->ps->inAirAnim = qtrue; } pm->ps->groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE; pml.groundPlane = qfalse; pml.walking = qfalse; } /* ============= PM_GroundTrace ============= */ static void PM_GroundTrace( void ) { vec3_t point; trace_t trace; float minNormal = (float)MIN_WALK_NORMAL; if ( pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS) { bgEntity_t *pEnt = pm_entSelf; if (pEnt && pEnt->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE) { minNormal = pEnt->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->maxSlope; } } point[0] = pm->ps->origin[0]; point[1] = pm->ps->origin[1]; point[2] = pm->ps->origin[2] - 0.25; pm->trace (&trace, pm->ps->origin, pm->mins, pm->maxs, point, pm->ps->clientNum, pm->tracemask); pml.groundTrace = trace; // do something corrective if the trace starts in a solid... if ( trace.allsolid ) { if ( !PM_CorrectAllSolid(&trace) ) return; } if (pm->ps->pm_type == PM_FLOAT || pm->ps->pm_type == PM_JETPACK) { PM_GroundTraceMissed(); pml.groundPlane = qfalse; pml.walking = qfalse; return; } // if the trace didn't hit anything, we are in free fall if ( trace.fraction == 1.0 ) { PM_GroundTraceMissed(); pml.groundPlane = qfalse; pml.walking = qfalse; return; } // check if getting thrown off the ground if ( pm->ps->velocity[2] > 0 && DotProduct( pm->ps->velocity, trace.plane.normal ) > 10 ) { if ( pm->debugLevel ) { Com_Printf("%i:kickoff\n", c_pmove); } // go into jump animation if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove >= 0 ) { PM_ForceLegsAnim( BOTH_JUMP1 ); pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP; } else { PM_ForceLegsAnim( BOTH_JUMPBACK1 ); pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP; } pm->ps->groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE; pml.groundPlane = qfalse; pml.walking = qfalse; return; } // slopes that are too steep will not be considered onground if ( trace.plane.normal[2] < minNormal ) { if ( pm->debugLevel ) { Com_Printf("%i:steep\n", c_pmove); } pm->ps->groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE; pml.groundPlane = qtrue; pml.walking = qfalse; return; } pml.groundPlane = qtrue; pml.walking = qtrue; // hitting solid ground will end a waterjump if (pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP) { pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~(PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP | PMF_TIME_LAND); pm->ps->pm_time = 0; } if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) { // just hit the ground if ( pm->debugLevel ) { Com_Printf("%i:Land\n", c_pmove); } PM_CrashLand(); #ifdef _GAME if (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS && !pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum && trace.entityNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD && trace.entityNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && !pm->ps->zoomMode && pm_entSelf) { //check if we landed on a vehicle gentity_t *trEnt = &g_entities[trace.entityNum]; if (trEnt->inuse && trEnt->client && trEnt->s.eType == ET_NPC && trEnt->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE && !trEnt->client->ps.m_iVehicleNum && trEnt->m_pVehicle && trEnt->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type != VH_WALKER && trEnt->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type != VH_FIGHTER) { //it's a vehicle alright, let's board it.. if it's not an atst or ship if (!BG_SaberInSpecial(pm->ps->saberMove) && pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_NONE && pm->ps->weaponTime <= 0) { gentity_t *servEnt = (gentity_t *)pm_entSelf; if (level.gametype < GT_TEAM || !trEnt->alliedTeam || (trEnt->alliedTeam == servEnt->client->sess.sessionTeam)) { //not belonging to a team, or client is on same team trEnt->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->Board(trEnt->m_pVehicle, pm_entSelf); } } } } #endif // don't do landing time if we were just going down a slope if ( pml.previous_velocity[2] < -200 ) { // don't allow another jump for a little while pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_LAND; pm->ps->pm_time = 250; } } pm->ps->groundEntityNum = trace.entityNum; pm->ps->lastOnGround = pm->cmd.serverTime; PM_AddTouchEnt( trace.entityNum ); } /* ============= PM_SetWaterLevel ============= */ static void PM_SetWaterLevel( void ) { vec3_t point; int cont; int sample1; int sample2; // // get waterlevel, accounting for ducking // pm->waterlevel = 0; pm->watertype = 0; point[0] = pm->ps->origin[0]; point[1] = pm->ps->origin[1]; point[2] = pm->ps->origin[2] + MINS_Z + 1; cont = pm->pointcontents( point, pm->ps->clientNum ); if ( cont & MASK_WATER ) { sample2 = pm->ps->viewheight - MINS_Z; sample1 = sample2 / 2; pm->watertype = cont; pm->waterlevel = 1; point[2] = pm->ps->origin[2] + MINS_Z + sample1; cont = pm->pointcontents (point, pm->ps->clientNum ); if ( cont & MASK_WATER ) { pm->waterlevel = 2; point[2] = pm->ps->origin[2] + MINS_Z + sample2; cont = pm->pointcontents (point, pm->ps->clientNum ); if ( cont & MASK_WATER ){ pm->waterlevel = 3; } } } } qboolean PM_CheckDualForwardJumpDuck( void ) { qboolean resized = qfalse; if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_JUMPATTACK6 ) { //dynamically reduce bounding box to let character sail over heads of enemies if ( ( pm->ps->legsTimer >= 1450 && PM_AnimLength( 0, BOTH_JUMPATTACK6 ) - pm->ps->legsTimer >= 400 ) ||(pm->ps->legsTimer >= 400 && PM_AnimLength( 0, BOTH_JUMPATTACK6 ) - pm->ps->legsTimer >= 1100 ) ) {//in a part of the anim that we're pretty much sideways in, raise up the mins pm->mins[2] = 0; pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_FIX_MINS; resized = qtrue; } } return resized; } void PM_CheckFixMins( void ) { if ( (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_FIX_MINS) )// pm->mins[2] > DEFAULT_MINS_2 ) {//drop the mins back down //do a trace to make sure it's okay trace_t trace; vec3_t end, curMins, curMaxs; VectorSet( end, pm->ps->origin[0], pm->ps->origin[1], pm->ps->origin[2]+MINS_Z ); VectorSet( curMins, pm->mins[0], pm->mins[1], 0 ); VectorSet( curMaxs, pm->maxs[0], pm->maxs[1], pm->ps->standheight ); pm->trace( &trace, pm->ps->origin, curMins, curMaxs, end, pm->ps->clientNum, pm->tracemask ); if ( !trace.allsolid && !trace.startsolid ) {//should never start in solid if ( trace.fraction >= 1.0f ) {//all clear //drop the bottom of my bbox back down pm->mins[2] = MINS_Z; pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_FIX_MINS; } else {//move me up so the bottom of my bbox will be where the trace ended, at least //need to trace up, too float updist = ((1.0f-trace.fraction) * -MINS_Z); end[2] = pm->ps->origin[2]+updist; pm->trace( &trace, pm->ps->origin, curMins, curMaxs, end, pm->ps->clientNum, pm->tracemask ); if ( !trace.allsolid && !trace.startsolid ) {//should never start in solid if ( trace.fraction >= 1.0f ) {//all clear //move me up pm->ps->origin[2] += updist; //drop the bottom of my bbox back down pm->mins[2] = MINS_Z; pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_FIX_MINS; } else {//crap, no room to expand, so just crouch us if ( pm->ps->legsAnim != BOTH_JUMPATTACK6 || pm->ps->legsTimer <= 200 ) {//at the end of the anim, and we can't leave ourselves like this //so drop the maxs, put the mins back and move us up pm->maxs[2] += MINS_Z; pm->ps->origin[2] -= MINS_Z; pm->mins[2] = MINS_Z; //this way we'll be in a crouch when we're done if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_JUMPATTACK6 ) { pm->ps->legsTimer = pm->ps->torsoTimer = 0; } pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; //FIXME: do we need to set a crouch anim here? pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_FIX_MINS; } } }//crap, stuck } }//crap, stuck! } } static qboolean PM_CanStand ( void ) { qboolean canStand = qtrue; float x, y; trace_t trace; const vec3_t lineMins = { -5.0f, -5.0f, -2.5f }; const vec3_t lineMaxs = { 5.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f }; for ( x = pm->mins[0] + 5.0f; canStand && x <= (pm->maxs[0] - 5.0f); x += 10.0f ) { for ( y = pm->mins[1] + 5.0f; y <= (pm->maxs[1] - 5.0f); y += 10.0f ) { vec3_t start, end;// VectorSet( start, x, y, pm->maxs[2] ); VectorSet( end, x, y, pm->ps->standheight ); VectorAdd (start, pm->ps->origin, start); VectorAdd (end, pm->ps->origin, end); pm->trace (&trace, start, lineMins, lineMaxs, end, pm->ps->clientNum, pm->tracemask); if ( trace.allsolid || trace.fraction < 1.0f ) { canStand = qfalse; break; } } } return canStand; } /* ============== PM_CheckDuck Sets mins, maxs, and pm->ps->viewheight ============== */ static void PM_CheckDuck (void) { // trace_t trace; if ( pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum > 0 && pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum < ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//riding a vehicle or are a vehicle //no ducking or rolling when on a vehicle //right? not even on ones that you just ride on top of? pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_DUCKED; pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_ROLLING; //NOTE: we don't clear the pm->cmd.upmove here because //the vehicle code may need it later... but, for riders, //it should have already been copied over to the vehicle, right? if (pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS) { return; } if (pm_entVeh && pm_entVeh->m_pVehicle && (pm_entVeh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_SPEEDER || pm_entVeh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_ANIMAL)) { trace_t solidTr; pm->mins[0] = -16; pm->mins[1] = -16; pm->mins[2] = MINS_Z; pm->maxs[0] = 16; pm->maxs[1] = 16; pm->maxs[2] = pm->ps->standheight;//DEFAULT_MAXS_2; pm->ps->viewheight = DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT; pm->trace (&solidTr, pm->ps->origin, pm->mins, pm->maxs, pm->ps->origin, pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum, pm->tracemask); if (solidTr.startsolid || solidTr.allsolid || solidTr.fraction != 1.0f) { //whoops, can't fit here. Down to 0! VectorClear(pm->mins); VectorClear(pm->maxs); #ifdef _GAME { gentity_t *me = &g_entities[pm->ps->clientNum]; if (me->inuse && me->client) { //yeah, this is a really terrible hack. me->client->solidHack = level.time + 200; } } #endif } } } else { if (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS) { pm->mins[0] = -15; pm->mins[1] = -15; pm->maxs[0] = 15; pm->maxs[1] = 15; } if ( PM_CheckDualForwardJumpDuck() ) {//special anim resizing us } else { PM_CheckFixMins(); if ( !pm->mins[2] ) { pm->mins[2] = MINS_Z; } } if (pm->ps->pm_type == PM_DEAD && pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS) { pm->maxs[2] = -8; pm->ps->viewheight = DEAD_VIEWHEIGHT; return; } if (BG_InRoll(pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim) && !BG_KickingAnim(pm->ps->legsAnim)) { pm->maxs[2] = pm->ps->crouchheight; //CROUCH_MAXS_2; pm->ps->viewheight = DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT; pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_DUCKED; pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_ROLLING; return; } else if (pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_ROLLING) { if ( PM_CanStand() ) { pm->maxs[2] = pm->ps->standheight; pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_ROLLING; } } else if (pm->cmd.upmove < 0 || pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_KNOCKDOWN || pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_PRETHROWN || pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_POSTTHROWN) { // duck pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED; } else { // stand up if possible if (pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) { if ( PM_CanStand() ) { pm->maxs[2] = pm->ps->standheight; pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_DUCKED; } } } } if (pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) { pm->maxs[2] = pm->ps->crouchheight;//CROUCH_MAXS_2; pm->ps->viewheight = CROUCH_VIEWHEIGHT; } else if (pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_ROLLING) { pm->maxs[2] = pm->ps->crouchheight;//CROUCH_MAXS_2; pm->ps->viewheight = DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT; } else { pm->maxs[2] = pm->ps->standheight;//DEFAULT_MAXS_2; pm->ps->viewheight = DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT; } } //=================================================================== /* ============== PM_Use Generates a use event ============== */ #define USE_DELAY 2000 void PM_Use( void ) { if ( pm->ps->useTime > 0 ) pm->ps->useTime -= 100;//pm->cmd.msec; if ( pm->ps->useTime > 0 ) { return; } if ( ! (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_USE ) ) { pm->useEvent = 0; pm->ps->useTime = 0; return; } pm->useEvent = EV_USE; pm->ps->useTime = USE_DELAY; } qboolean PM_WalkingAnim( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_WALK1: //# Normal walk case BOTH_WALK2: //# Normal walk with saber case BOTH_WALK_STAFF: //# Normal walk with staff case BOTH_WALK_DUAL: //# Normal walk with staff case BOTH_WALK5: //# Tavion taunting Kyle (cin 22) case BOTH_WALK6: //# Slow walk for Luke (cin 12) case BOTH_WALK7: //# Fast walk case BOTH_WALKBACK1: //# Walk1 backwards case BOTH_WALKBACK2: //# Walk2 backwards case BOTH_WALKBACK_STAFF: //# Walk backwards with staff case BOTH_WALKBACK_DUAL: //# Walk backwards with dual return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_RunningAnim( int anim ) { switch ( (anim) ) { case BOTH_RUN1: case BOTH_RUN2: case BOTH_RUN_STAFF: case BOTH_RUN_DUAL: case BOTH_RUNBACK1: case BOTH_RUNBACK2: case BOTH_RUNBACK_STAFF: case BOTH_RUNBACK_DUAL: case BOTH_RUN1START: //# Start into full run1 case BOTH_RUN1STOP: //# Stop from full run1 case BOTH_RUNSTRAFE_LEFT1: //# Sidestep left: should loop case BOTH_RUNSTRAFE_RIGHT1: //# Sidestep right: should loop return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_SwimmingAnim( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_SWIM_IDLE1: //# Swimming Idle 1 case BOTH_SWIMFORWARD: //# Swim forward loop case BOTH_SWIMBACKWARD: //# Swim backward loop return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } qboolean PM_RollingAnim( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case BOTH_ROLL_F: //# Roll forward case BOTH_ROLL_B: //# Roll backward case BOTH_ROLL_L: //# Roll left case BOTH_ROLL_R: //# Roll right return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } void PM_AnglesForSlope( const float yaw, const vec3_t slope, vec3_t angles ) { vec3_t nvf, ovf, ovr, new_angles; float pitch, mod, dot; VectorSet( angles, 0, yaw, 0 ); AngleVectors( angles, ovf, ovr, NULL ); vectoangles( slope, new_angles ); pitch = new_angles[PITCH] + 90; new_angles[ROLL] = new_angles[PITCH] = 0; AngleVectors( new_angles, nvf, NULL, NULL ); mod = DotProduct( nvf, ovr ); if ( mod < 0 ) mod = -1; else mod = 1; dot = DotProduct( nvf, ovf ); angles[YAW] = 0; angles[PITCH] = dot * pitch; angles[ROLL] = ((1-Q_fabs(dot)) * pitch * mod); } void PM_FootSlopeTrace( float *pDiff, float *pInterval ) { vec3_t footLOrg, footROrg, footLBot, footRBot; vec3_t footLPoint, footRPoint; vec3_t footMins, footMaxs; vec3_t footLSlope, footRSlope; trace_t trace; float diff, interval; mdxaBone_t boltMatrix; vec3_t G2Angles; VectorSet(G2Angles, 0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0); interval = 4;//? trap->G2API_GetBoltMatrix( pm->ghoul2, 0, pm->g2Bolts_LFoot, &boltMatrix, G2Angles, pm->ps->origin, pm->cmd.serverTime, NULL, pm->modelScale ); footLPoint[0] = boltMatrix.matrix[0][3]; footLPoint[1] = boltMatrix.matrix[1][3]; footLPoint[2] = boltMatrix.matrix[2][3]; trap->G2API_GetBoltMatrix( pm->ghoul2, 0, pm->g2Bolts_RFoot, &boltMatrix, G2Angles, pm->ps->origin, pm->cmd.serverTime, NULL, pm->modelScale ); footRPoint[0] = boltMatrix.matrix[0][3]; footRPoint[1] = boltMatrix.matrix[1][3]; footRPoint[2] = boltMatrix.matrix[2][3]; //get these on the cgame and store it, save ourselves a ghoul2 construct skel call VectorCopy( footLPoint, footLOrg ); VectorCopy( footRPoint, footROrg ); //step 2: adjust foot tag z height to bottom of bbox+1 footLOrg[2] = pm->ps->origin[2] + pm->mins[2] + 1; footROrg[2] = pm->ps->origin[2] + pm->mins[2] + 1; VectorSet( footLBot, footLOrg[0], footLOrg[1], footLOrg[2] - interval*10 ); VectorSet( footRBot, footROrg[0], footROrg[1], footROrg[2] - interval*10 ); //step 3: trace down from each, find difference VectorSet( footMins, -3, -3, 0 ); VectorSet( footMaxs, 3, 3, 1 ); pm->trace( &trace, footLOrg, footMins, footMaxs, footLBot, pm->ps->clientNum, pm->tracemask ); VectorCopy( trace.endpos, footLBot ); VectorCopy( trace.plane.normal, footLSlope ); pm->trace( &trace, footROrg, footMins, footMaxs, footRBot, pm->ps->clientNum, pm->tracemask ); VectorCopy( trace.endpos, footRBot ); VectorCopy( trace.plane.normal, footRSlope ); diff = footLBot[2] - footRBot[2]; if ( pDiff != NULL ) { *pDiff = diff; } if ( pInterval != NULL ) { *pInterval = interval; } } qboolean BG_InSlopeAnim( int anim ) { switch ( anim ) { case LEGS_LEFTUP1: //# On a slope with left foot 4 higher than right case LEGS_LEFTUP2: //# On a slope with left foot 8 higher than right case LEGS_LEFTUP3: //# On a slope with left foot 12 higher than right case LEGS_LEFTUP4: //# On a slope with left foot 16 higher than right case LEGS_LEFTUP5: //# On a slope with left foot 20 higher than right case LEGS_RIGHTUP1: //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 4 higher than left case LEGS_RIGHTUP2: //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 8 higher than left case LEGS_RIGHTUP3: //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 12 higher than left case LEGS_RIGHTUP4: //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 16 higher than left case LEGS_RIGHTUP5: //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 20 higher than left case LEGS_S1_LUP1: case LEGS_S1_LUP2: case LEGS_S1_LUP3: case LEGS_S1_LUP4: case LEGS_S1_LUP5: case LEGS_S1_RUP1: case LEGS_S1_RUP2: case LEGS_S1_RUP3: case LEGS_S1_RUP4: case LEGS_S1_RUP5: case LEGS_S3_LUP1: case LEGS_S3_LUP2: case LEGS_S3_LUP3: case LEGS_S3_LUP4: case LEGS_S3_LUP5: case LEGS_S3_RUP1: case LEGS_S3_RUP2: case LEGS_S3_RUP3: case LEGS_S3_RUP4: case LEGS_S3_RUP5: case LEGS_S4_LUP1: case LEGS_S4_LUP2: case LEGS_S4_LUP3: case LEGS_S4_LUP4: case LEGS_S4_LUP5: case LEGS_S4_RUP1: case LEGS_S4_RUP2: case LEGS_S4_RUP3: case LEGS_S4_RUP4: case LEGS_S4_RUP5: case LEGS_S5_LUP1: case LEGS_S5_LUP2: case LEGS_S5_LUP3: case LEGS_S5_LUP4: case LEGS_S5_LUP5: case LEGS_S5_RUP1: case LEGS_S5_RUP2: case LEGS_S5_RUP3: case LEGS_S5_RUP4: case LEGS_S5_RUP5: return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } #define SLOPE_RECALC_INT 100 qboolean PM_AdjustStandAnimForSlope( void ) { float diff; float interval; int destAnim; int legsAnim; #define SLOPERECALCVAR pm->ps->slopeRecalcTime //this is purely convenience if (!pm->ghoul2) { //probably just changed models and not quite in sync yet return qfalse; } if ( pm->g2Bolts_LFoot == -1 || pm->g2Bolts_RFoot == -1 ) {//need these bolts! return qfalse; } //step 1: find the 2 foot tags PM_FootSlopeTrace( &diff, &interval ); //step 4: based on difference, choose one of the left/right slope-match intervals if ( diff >= interval*5 ) { destAnim = LEGS_LEFTUP5; } else if ( diff >= interval*4 ) { destAnim = LEGS_LEFTUP4; } else if ( diff >= interval*3 ) { destAnim = LEGS_LEFTUP3; } else if ( diff >= interval*2 ) { destAnim = LEGS_LEFTUP2; } else if ( diff >= interval ) { destAnim = LEGS_LEFTUP1; } else if ( diff <= interval*-5 ) { destAnim = LEGS_RIGHTUP5; } else if ( diff <= interval*-4 ) { destAnim = LEGS_RIGHTUP4; } else if ( diff <= interval*-3 ) { destAnim = LEGS_RIGHTUP3; } else if ( diff <= interval*-2 ) { destAnim = LEGS_RIGHTUP2; } else if ( diff <= interval*-1 ) { destAnim = LEGS_RIGHTUP1; } else { return qfalse; } legsAnim = pm->ps->legsAnim; //adjust for current legs anim switch ( legsAnim ) { case BOTH_STAND1: case LEGS_S1_LUP1: case LEGS_S1_LUP2: case LEGS_S1_LUP3: case LEGS_S1_LUP4: case LEGS_S1_LUP5: case LEGS_S1_RUP1: case LEGS_S1_RUP2: case LEGS_S1_RUP3: case LEGS_S1_RUP4: case LEGS_S1_RUP5: destAnim = LEGS_S1_LUP1 + (destAnim-LEGS_LEFTUP1); break; case BOTH_STAND2: case BOTH_SABERFAST_STANCE: case BOTH_SABERSLOW_STANCE: case BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE: case BOTH_CROUCH1: case LEGS_LEFTUP1: //# On a slope with left foot 4 higher than right case LEGS_LEFTUP2: //# On a slope with left foot 8 higher than right case LEGS_LEFTUP3: //# On a slope with left foot 12 higher than right case LEGS_LEFTUP4: //# On a slope with left foot 16 higher than right case LEGS_LEFTUP5: //# On a slope with left foot 20 higher than right case LEGS_RIGHTUP1: //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 4 higher than left case LEGS_RIGHTUP2: //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 8 higher than left case LEGS_RIGHTUP3: //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 12 higher than left case LEGS_RIGHTUP4: //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 16 higher than left case LEGS_RIGHTUP5: //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 20 higher than left //fine break; case BOTH_STAND3: case LEGS_S3_LUP1: case LEGS_S3_LUP2: case LEGS_S3_LUP3: case LEGS_S3_LUP4: case LEGS_S3_LUP5: case LEGS_S3_RUP1: case LEGS_S3_RUP2: case LEGS_S3_RUP3: case LEGS_S3_RUP4: case LEGS_S3_RUP5: destAnim = LEGS_S3_LUP1 + (destAnim-LEGS_LEFTUP1); break; case BOTH_STAND4: case LEGS_S4_LUP1: case LEGS_S4_LUP2: case LEGS_S4_LUP3: case LEGS_S4_LUP4: case LEGS_S4_LUP5: case LEGS_S4_RUP1: case LEGS_S4_RUP2: case LEGS_S4_RUP3: case LEGS_S4_RUP4: case LEGS_S4_RUP5: destAnim = LEGS_S4_LUP1 + (destAnim-LEGS_LEFTUP1); break; case BOTH_STAND5: case LEGS_S5_LUP1: case LEGS_S5_LUP2: case LEGS_S5_LUP3: case LEGS_S5_LUP4: case LEGS_S5_LUP5: case LEGS_S5_RUP1: case LEGS_S5_RUP2: case LEGS_S5_RUP3: case LEGS_S5_RUP4: case LEGS_S5_RUP5: destAnim = LEGS_S5_LUP1 + (destAnim-LEGS_LEFTUP1); break; case BOTH_STAND6: default: return qfalse; break; } //step 5: based on the chosen interval and the current legsAnim, pick the correct anim //step 6: increment/decrement to the dest anim, not instant if ( (legsAnim >= LEGS_LEFTUP1 && legsAnim <= LEGS_LEFTUP5) || (legsAnim >= LEGS_S1_LUP1 && legsAnim <= LEGS_S1_LUP5) || (legsAnim >= LEGS_S3_LUP1 && legsAnim <= LEGS_S3_LUP5) || (legsAnim >= LEGS_S4_LUP1 && legsAnim <= LEGS_S4_LUP5) || (legsAnim >= LEGS_S5_LUP1 && legsAnim <= LEGS_S5_LUP5) ) {//already in left-side up if ( destAnim > legsAnim && SLOPERECALCVAR < pm->cmd.serverTime ) { legsAnim++; SLOPERECALCVAR = pm->cmd.serverTime + SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else if ( destAnim < legsAnim && SLOPERECALCVAR < pm->cmd.serverTime ) { legsAnim--; SLOPERECALCVAR = pm->cmd.serverTime + SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else //if (SLOPERECALCVAR < pm->cmd.serverTime) { legsAnim = destAnim; } destAnim = legsAnim; } else if ( (legsAnim >= LEGS_RIGHTUP1 && legsAnim <= LEGS_RIGHTUP5) || (legsAnim >= LEGS_S1_RUP1 && legsAnim <= LEGS_S1_RUP5) || (legsAnim >= LEGS_S3_RUP1 && legsAnim <= LEGS_S3_RUP5) || (legsAnim >= LEGS_S4_RUP1 && legsAnim <= LEGS_S4_RUP5) || (legsAnim >= LEGS_S5_RUP1 && legsAnim <= LEGS_S5_RUP5) ) {//already in right-side up if ( destAnim > legsAnim && SLOPERECALCVAR < pm->cmd.serverTime ) { legsAnim++; SLOPERECALCVAR = pm->cmd.serverTime + SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else if ( destAnim < legsAnim && SLOPERECALCVAR < pm->cmd.serverTime ) { legsAnim--; SLOPERECALCVAR = pm->cmd.serverTime + SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else //if (SLOPERECALCVAR < pm->cmd.serverTime) { legsAnim = destAnim; } destAnim = legsAnim; } else {//in a stand of some sort? switch ( legsAnim ) { case BOTH_STAND1: case TORSO_WEAPONREADY1: case TORSO_WEAPONREADY2: case TORSO_WEAPONREADY3: case TORSO_WEAPONREADY10: if ( destAnim >= LEGS_S1_LUP1 && destAnim <= LEGS_S1_LUP5 ) {//going into left side up destAnim = LEGS_S1_LUP1; SLOPERECALCVAR = pm->cmd.serverTime + SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else if ( destAnim >= LEGS_S1_RUP1 && destAnim <= LEGS_S1_RUP5 ) {//going into right side up destAnim = LEGS_S1_RUP1; SLOPERECALCVAR = pm->cmd.serverTime + SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else {//will never get here return qfalse; } break; case BOTH_STAND2: case BOTH_SABERFAST_STANCE: case BOTH_SABERSLOW_STANCE: case BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE: if ( destAnim >= LEGS_LEFTUP1 && destAnim <= LEGS_LEFTUP5 ) {//going into left side up destAnim = LEGS_LEFTUP1; SLOPERECALCVAR = pm->cmd.serverTime + SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else if ( destAnim >= LEGS_RIGHTUP1 && destAnim <= LEGS_RIGHTUP5 ) {//going into right side up destAnim = LEGS_RIGHTUP1; SLOPERECALCVAR = pm->cmd.serverTime + SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else {//will never get here return qfalse; } break; case BOTH_STAND3: if ( destAnim >= LEGS_S3_LUP1 && destAnim <= LEGS_S3_LUP5 ) {//going into left side up destAnim = LEGS_S3_LUP1; SLOPERECALCVAR = pm->cmd.serverTime + SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else if ( destAnim >= LEGS_S3_RUP1 && destAnim <= LEGS_S3_RUP5 ) {//going into right side up destAnim = LEGS_S3_RUP1; SLOPERECALCVAR = pm->cmd.serverTime + SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else {//will never get here return qfalse; } break; case BOTH_STAND4: if ( destAnim >= LEGS_S4_LUP1 && destAnim <= LEGS_S4_LUP5 ) {//going into left side up destAnim = LEGS_S4_LUP1; SLOPERECALCVAR = pm->cmd.serverTime + SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else if ( destAnim >= LEGS_S4_RUP1 && destAnim <= LEGS_S4_RUP5 ) {//going into right side up destAnim = LEGS_S4_RUP1; SLOPERECALCVAR = pm->cmd.serverTime + SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else {//will never get here return qfalse; } break; case BOTH_STAND5: if ( destAnim >= LEGS_S5_LUP1 && destAnim <= LEGS_S5_LUP5 ) {//going into left side up destAnim = LEGS_S5_LUP1; SLOPERECALCVAR = pm->cmd.serverTime + SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else if ( destAnim >= LEGS_S5_RUP1 && destAnim <= LEGS_S5_RUP5 ) {//going into right side up destAnim = LEGS_S5_RUP1; SLOPERECALCVAR = pm->cmd.serverTime + SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else {//will never get here return qfalse; } break; case BOTH_STAND6: default: return qfalse; break; } } //step 7: set the anim //PM_SetAnim( SETANIM_LEGS, destAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ); PM_ContinueLegsAnim(destAnim); return qtrue; } extern int WeaponReadyLegsAnim[WP_NUM_WEAPONS]; //rww - slowly back out of slope leg anims, to prevent skipping between slope anims and general jittering int PM_LegsSlopeBackTransition(int desiredAnim) { int anim = pm->ps->legsAnim; int resultingAnim = desiredAnim; switch ( anim ) { case LEGS_LEFTUP2: //# On a slope with left foot 8 higher than right case LEGS_LEFTUP3: //# On a slope with left foot 12 higher than right case LEGS_LEFTUP4: //# On a slope with left foot 16 higher than right case LEGS_LEFTUP5: //# On a slope with left foot 20 higher than right case LEGS_RIGHTUP2: //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 8 higher than left case LEGS_RIGHTUP3: //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 12 higher than left case LEGS_RIGHTUP4: //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 16 higher than left case LEGS_RIGHTUP5: //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 20 higher than left case LEGS_S1_LUP2: case LEGS_S1_LUP3: case LEGS_S1_LUP4: case LEGS_S1_LUP5: case LEGS_S1_RUP2: case LEGS_S1_RUP3: case LEGS_S1_RUP4: case LEGS_S1_RUP5: case LEGS_S3_LUP2: case LEGS_S3_LUP3: case LEGS_S3_LUP4: case LEGS_S3_LUP5: case LEGS_S3_RUP2: case LEGS_S3_RUP3: case LEGS_S3_RUP4: case LEGS_S3_RUP5: case LEGS_S4_LUP2: case LEGS_S4_LUP3: case LEGS_S4_LUP4: case LEGS_S4_LUP5: case LEGS_S4_RUP2: case LEGS_S4_RUP3: case LEGS_S4_RUP4: case LEGS_S4_RUP5: case LEGS_S5_LUP2: case LEGS_S5_LUP3: case LEGS_S5_LUP4: case LEGS_S5_LUP5: case LEGS_S5_RUP2: case LEGS_S5_RUP3: case LEGS_S5_RUP4: case LEGS_S5_RUP5: if (pm->ps->slopeRecalcTime < pm->cmd.serverTime) { resultingAnim = anim-1; pm->ps->slopeRecalcTime = pm->cmd.serverTime + 8;//SLOPE_RECALC_INT; } else { resultingAnim = anim; } VectorClear(pm->ps->velocity); break; } return resultingAnim; } /* =============== PM_Footsteps =============== */ static void PM_Footsteps( void ) { float bobmove; int old; int setAnimFlags = 0; if ( (PM_InSaberAnim( (pm->ps->legsAnim) ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( (pm->ps->legsAnim) )) || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_STAND1 || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_STAND1TO2 || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_STAND2TO1 || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_STAND2 || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_SABERFAST_STANCE || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_SABERSLOW_STANCE || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_BUTTON_HOLD || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_BUTTON_RELEASE || PM_LandingAnim( (pm->ps->legsAnim) ) || PM_PainAnim( (pm->ps->legsAnim) )) {//legs are in a saber anim, and not spinning, be sure to override it setAnimFlags |= SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE; } // // calculate speed and cycle to be used for // all cyclic walking effects // pm->xyspeed = sqrt( pm->ps->velocity[0] * pm->ps->velocity[0] + pm->ps->velocity[1] * pm->ps->velocity[1] ); if (pm->ps->saberMove == LS_SPINATTACK) { PM_ContinueLegsAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim ); } else if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) { // airborne leaves position in cycle intact, but doesn't advance if ( pm->waterlevel > 1 ) { if (pm->xyspeed > 60) { PM_ContinueLegsAnim( BOTH_SWIMFORWARD ); } else { PM_ContinueLegsAnim( BOTH_SWIM_IDLE1 ); } } return; } // if not trying to move else if ( !pm->cmd.forwardmove && !pm->cmd.rightmove ) { if ( pm->xyspeed < 5 ) { pm->ps->bobCycle = 0; // start at beginning of cycle again if ( pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && pm_entSelf && pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class == CLASS_RANCOR ) { if ( (pm->ps->eFlags2&EF2_USE_ALT_ANIM) ) {//holding someone PM_ContinueLegsAnim( BOTH_STAND4 ); //PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_LEGS,BOTH_STAND4,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else if ( (pm->ps->eFlags2&EF2_ALERTED) ) {//have an enemy or have had one since we spawned PM_ContinueLegsAnim( BOTH_STAND2 ); //PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_LEGS,BOTH_STAND2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else {//just stand there PM_ContinueLegsAnim( BOTH_STAND1 ); //PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_LEGS,BOTH_STAND1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } } else if ( pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && pm_entSelf && pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class == CLASS_WAMPA ) { if ( (pm->ps->eFlags2&EF2_USE_ALT_ANIM) ) {//holding a victim PM_ContinueLegsAnim( BOTH_STAND2 ); //PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_LEGS,BOTH_STAND2,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } else {//not holding a victim PM_ContinueLegsAnim( BOTH_STAND1 ); //PM_SetAnim(pm,SETANIM_LEGS,BOTH_STAND1,SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL); } } else if ( (pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED) || (pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_ROLLING) ) { if ((pm->ps->legsAnim) != BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE) { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS, BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE, setAnimFlags); } else { PM_ContinueLegsAnim( BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE ); } } else { if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pm->ps->zoomMode == 1) { ///???? continue legs anim on a torso anim...??!!! //yeah.. the anim has a valid pose for the legs, it uses it (you can't move while using disruptor) PM_ContinueLegsAnim( TORSO_WEAPONREADY4 ); } else { if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER && BG_SabersOff( pm->ps ) ) { if (!PM_AdjustStandAnimForSlope()) { //PM_ContinueLegsAnim( BOTH_STAND1 ); PM_ContinueLegsAnim(PM_LegsSlopeBackTransition(BOTH_STAND1)); } } else { if (pm->ps->weapon != WP_SABER || !PM_AdjustStandAnimForSlope()) { if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER) { PM_ContinueLegsAnim(PM_LegsSlopeBackTransition(PM_GetSaberStance())); } else { PM_ContinueLegsAnim(PM_LegsSlopeBackTransition(WeaponReadyLegsAnim[pm->ps->weapon])); } } } } } } return; } if (pm->ps->saberMove == LS_SPINATTACK) { bobmove = 0.2f; PM_ContinueLegsAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim ); } else if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) { int rolled = 0; bobmove = 0.5; // ducked characters bob much faster if ( ( (PM_RunningAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim )&&VectorLengthSquared(pm->ps->velocity)>=40000/*200*200*/) || PM_CanRollFromSoulCal( pm->ps ) ) && !BG_InRoll(pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim) ) {//roll! rolled = PM_TryRoll(); } if ( !rolled ) { //if the roll failed or didn't attempt, do standard crouching anim stuff. if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN ) { if ((pm->ps->legsAnim) != BOTH_CROUCH1WALKBACK) { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS, BOTH_CROUCH1WALKBACK, setAnimFlags); } else { PM_ContinueLegsAnim( BOTH_CROUCH1WALKBACK ); } } else { if ((pm->ps->legsAnim) != BOTH_CROUCH1WALK) { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS, BOTH_CROUCH1WALK, setAnimFlags); } else { PM_ContinueLegsAnim( BOTH_CROUCH1WALK ); } } } else { //otherwise send us into the roll pm->ps->legsTimer = 0; pm->ps->legsAnim = 0; PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH,rolled,SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); PM_AddEventWithParm( EV_ROLL, 0 ); pm->maxs[2] = pm->ps->crouchheight;//CROUCH_MAXS_2; pm->ps->viewheight = DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT; pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_DUCKED; pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_ROLLING; } } else if ((pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_ROLLING) && !BG_InRoll(pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim) && !PM_InRollComplete(pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim)) { bobmove = 0.5; // ducked characters bob much faster if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN ) { if ((pm->ps->legsAnim) != BOTH_CROUCH1WALKBACK) { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS, BOTH_CROUCH1WALKBACK, setAnimFlags); } else { PM_ContinueLegsAnim( BOTH_CROUCH1WALKBACK ); } } else { if ((pm->ps->legsAnim) != BOTH_CROUCH1WALK) { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS, BOTH_CROUCH1WALK, setAnimFlags); } else { PM_ContinueLegsAnim( BOTH_CROUCH1WALK ); } } } else { int desiredAnim = -1; if ((pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCELAND1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCELANDBACK1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCELANDRIGHT1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCELANDLEFT1) && pm->ps->legsTimer > 0) { //let it finish first bobmove = 0.2f; } else if ( !( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_WALKING ) ) {//running bobmove = 0.4f; // faster speeds bob faster if ( pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && pm_entSelf && pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class == CLASS_WAMPA ) { if ( (pm->ps->eFlags2&EF2_USE_ALT_ANIM) ) {//full on run, on all fours desiredAnim = BOTH_RUN1; } else {//regular, upright run desiredAnim = BOTH_RUN2; } } else if ( pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && pm_entSelf && pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class == CLASS_RANCOR ) {//no run anims if ( (pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN) ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALKBACK1; } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALK1; } } #ifdef _GAME else if ( pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && pm_entSelf && pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class == CLASS_JAWA) { // Jawa has a special run animation :D desiredAnim = BOTH_RUN4; bobmove = 0.2f; } #endif else if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN ) { #ifndef BASE_COMPAT if( pm->ps->weapon != WP_SABER ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_RUNBACK1; } else { #endif switch (pm->ps->fd.saberAnimLevel) { case SS_STAFF: if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered > 1 ) {//saber off desiredAnim = BOTH_RUNBACK1; } else { //desiredAnim = BOTH_RUNBACK_STAFF; //hmm.. stuff runback anim is pretty messed up for some reason. desiredAnim = BOTH_RUNBACK2; } break; case SS_DUAL: if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered > 1 ) {//sabers off desiredAnim = BOTH_RUNBACK1; } else { //desiredAnim = BOTH_RUNBACK_DUAL; //and so is the dual desiredAnim = BOTH_RUNBACK2; } break; default: if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered ) {//saber off desiredAnim = BOTH_RUNBACK1; } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_RUNBACK2; } break; } #ifndef BASE_COMPAT } #endif } else { #ifndef BASE_COMPAT // FIXME: this doesn't break base compatibility at all, remove #ifndef if ( pm->ps->weapon != WP_SABER ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_RUN1; } else { #endif switch (pm->ps->fd.saberAnimLevel) { case SS_STAFF: if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered > 1 ) {//blades off desiredAnim = BOTH_RUN1; } else if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered == 1 ) {//1 blade on desiredAnim = BOTH_RUN2; } else { if (pm->ps->fd.forcePowersActive & (1<ps->saberHolstered > 1 ) {//blades off desiredAnim = BOTH_RUN1; } else if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered == 1 ) {//1 saber on desiredAnim = BOTH_RUN2; } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_RUN_DUAL; } break; default: if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered ) {//saber off desiredAnim = BOTH_RUN1; } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_RUN2; } break; } #ifndef BASE_COMPAT } #endif } } else { bobmove = 0.2f; // walking bobs slow if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN ) { #ifndef BASE_COMPAT // fixme, doesn't break base compat if enabled (I tested this to be sure) if( pm->ps->weapon != WP_SABER ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALKBACK1; } else { #endif switch (pm->ps->fd.saberAnimLevel) { case SS_STAFF: if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered > 1 ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALKBACK1; } else if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALKBACK2; } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALKBACK_STAFF; } break; case SS_DUAL: if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered > 1 ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALKBACK1; } else if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALKBACK2; } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALKBACK_DUAL; } break; default: if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALKBACK1; } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALKBACK2; } break; } #ifndef BASE_COMPAT } #endif } else { if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_MELEE ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALK1; } else if ( BG_SabersOff( pm->ps ) ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALK1; } #ifndef BASE_COMPAT else if ( pm->ps->weapon != WP_SABER ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALK1; } #endif else { switch (pm->ps->fd.saberAnimLevel) { case SS_STAFF: if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered > 1 ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALK1; } else if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALK2; } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALK_STAFF; } break; case SS_DUAL: if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered > 1 ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALK1; } else if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALK2; } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALK_DUAL; } break; default: if ( pm->ps->saberHolstered ) { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALK1; } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_WALK2; } break; } } } } if (desiredAnim != -1) { int ires = PM_LegsSlopeBackTransition(desiredAnim); if ((pm->ps->legsAnim) != desiredAnim && ires == desiredAnim) { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS, desiredAnim, setAnimFlags); } else { PM_ContinueLegsAnim(ires); } } } // check for footstep / splash sounds old = pm->ps->bobCycle; pm->ps->bobCycle = (int)( old + bobmove * pml.msec ) & 255; // if we just crossed a cycle boundary, play an appropriate footstep event if ( ( ( old + 64 ) ^ ( pm->ps->bobCycle + 64 ) ) & 128 ) { pm->ps->footstepTime = pm->cmd.serverTime + 300; if ( pm->waterlevel == 1 ) { // splashing PM_AddEvent( EV_FOOTSPLASH ); } else if ( pm->waterlevel == 2 ) { // wading / swimming at surface PM_AddEvent( EV_SWIM ); } else if ( pm->waterlevel == 3 ) { // no sound when completely underwater } } } /* ============== PM_WaterEvents Generate sound events for entering and leaving water ============== */ static void PM_WaterEvents( void ) { // FIXME? #ifdef _GAME qboolean impact_splash = qfalse; #endif // // if just entered a water volume, play a sound // if (!pml.previous_waterlevel && pm->waterlevel) { #ifdef _GAME if ( VectorLengthSquared( pm->ps->velocity ) > 40000 ) { impact_splash = qtrue; } #endif PM_AddEvent( EV_WATER_TOUCH ); } // // if just completely exited a water volume, play a sound // if (pml.previous_waterlevel && !pm->waterlevel) { #ifdef _GAME if ( VectorLengthSquared( pm->ps->velocity ) > 40000 ) { impact_splash = qtrue; } #endif PM_AddEvent( EV_WATER_LEAVE ); } #ifdef _GAME if ( impact_splash ) { //play the splash effect trace_t tr; vec3_t start, end; VectorCopy( pm->ps->origin, start ); VectorCopy( pm->ps->origin, end ); // FIXME: set start and end better start[2] += 10; end[2] -= 40; pm->trace( &tr, start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, pm->ps->clientNum, MASK_WATER ); if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f ) { if ( (tr.contents&CONTENTS_LAVA) ) { G_PlayEffect( EFFECT_LAVA_SPLASH, tr.endpos, tr.plane.normal ); } else if ( (tr.contents&CONTENTS_SLIME) ) { G_PlayEffect( EFFECT_ACID_SPLASH, tr.endpos, tr.plane.normal ); } else //must be water { G_PlayEffect( EFFECT_WATER_SPLASH, tr.endpos, tr.plane.normal ); } } } #endif // // check for head just going under water // if (pml.previous_waterlevel != 3 && pm->waterlevel == 3) { PM_AddEvent( EV_WATER_UNDER ); } // // check for head just coming out of water // if (pml.previous_waterlevel == 3 && pm->waterlevel != 3) { PM_AddEvent( EV_WATER_CLEAR ); } } void BG_ClearRocketLock( playerState_t *ps ) { if ( ps ) { ps->rocketLockIndex = ENTITYNUM_NONE; ps->rocketLastValidTime = 0; ps->rocketLockTime = -1; ps->rocketTargetTime = 0; } } /* =============== PM_BeginWeaponChange =============== */ void PM_BeginWeaponChange( int weapon ) { if ( weapon <= WP_NONE || weapon >= WP_NUM_WEAPONS ) { return; } if ( !( pm->ps->stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & ( 1 << weapon ) ) ) { return; } if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_DROPPING ) { return; } // turn of any kind of zooming when weapon switching. if (pm->ps->zoomMode) { pm->ps->zoomMode = 0; pm->ps->zoomTime = pm->ps->commandTime; } PM_AddEventWithParm( EV_CHANGE_WEAPON, weapon ); pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_DROPPING; pm->ps->weaponTime += 200; //PM_StartTorsoAnim( TORSO_DROPWEAP1 ); PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_TORSO, TORSO_DROPWEAP1, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE); BG_ClearRocketLock( pm->ps ); } /* =============== PM_FinishWeaponChange =============== */ void PM_FinishWeaponChange( void ) { int weapon; weapon = pm->cmd.weapon; if ( weapon < WP_NONE || weapon >= WP_NUM_WEAPONS ) { weapon = WP_NONE; } if ( !( pm->ps->stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & ( 1 << weapon ) ) ) { weapon = WP_NONE; } if (weapon == WP_SABER) { PM_SetSaberMove(LS_DRAW); } else { //PM_StartTorsoAnim( TORSO_RAISEWEAP1); PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_TORSO, TORSO_RAISEWEAP1, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE); } pm->ps->weapon = weapon; pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_RAISING; pm->ps->weaponTime += 250; } #ifdef _GAME extern void WP_GetVehicleCamPos( gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *pilot, vec3_t camPos ); #else extern void CG_GetVehicleCamPos( vec3_t camPos ); #endif #define MAX_XHAIR_DIST_ACCURACY 20000.0f int BG_VehTraceFromCamPos( trace_t *camTrace, bgEntity_t *bgEnt, const vec3_t entOrg, const vec3_t shotStart, const vec3_t end, vec3_t newEnd, vec3_t shotDir, float bestDist ) { //NOTE: this MUST stay up to date with the method used in CG_ScanForCrosshairEntity (where it checks the doExtraVehTraceFromViewPos bool) vec3_t viewDir2End, extraEnd, camPos; float minAutoAimDist; #ifdef _GAME WP_GetVehicleCamPos( (gentity_t *)bgEnt, (gentity_t *)bgEnt->m_pVehicle->m_pPilot, camPos ); #else CG_GetVehicleCamPos( camPos ); #endif minAutoAimDist = Distance( entOrg, camPos ) + (bgEnt->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->length/2.0f) + 200.0f; VectorCopy( end, newEnd ); VectorSubtract( end, camPos, viewDir2End ); VectorNormalize( viewDir2End ); VectorMA( camPos, MAX_XHAIR_DIST_ACCURACY, viewDir2End, extraEnd ); pm->trace( camTrace, camPos, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, extraEnd, bgEnt->s.number, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_BODY ); if ( !camTrace->allsolid && !camTrace->startsolid && camTrace->fraction < 1.0f && (camTrace->fraction*MAX_XHAIR_DIST_ACCURACY) > minAutoAimDist && ((camTrace->fraction*MAX_XHAIR_DIST_ACCURACY)-Distance( entOrg, camPos )) < bestDist ) {//this trace hit *something* that's closer than the thing the main trace hit, so use this result instead VectorCopy( camTrace->endpos, newEnd ); VectorSubtract( newEnd, shotStart, shotDir ); VectorNormalize( shotDir ); return (camTrace->entityNum+1); } return 0; } void PM_RocketLock( float lockDist, qboolean vehicleLock ) { // Not really a charge weapon, but we still want to delay fire until the button comes up so that we can // implement our alt-fire locking stuff vec3_t ang; trace_t tr; vec3_t muzzleOffPoint, muzzlePoint, forward, right, up; if ( vehicleLock ) { AngleVectors( pm->ps->viewangles, forward, right, up ); VectorCopy( pm->ps->origin, muzzlePoint ); VectorMA( muzzlePoint, lockDist, forward, ang ); } else { AngleVectors( pm->ps->viewangles, forward, right, up ); AngleVectors(pm->ps->viewangles, ang, NULL, NULL); VectorCopy( pm->ps->origin, muzzlePoint ); VectorCopy(WP_MuzzlePoint[WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER], muzzleOffPoint); VectorMA(muzzlePoint, muzzleOffPoint[0], forward, muzzlePoint); VectorMA(muzzlePoint, muzzleOffPoint[1], right, muzzlePoint); muzzlePoint[2] += pm->ps->viewheight + muzzleOffPoint[2]; ang[0] = muzzlePoint[0] + ang[0]*lockDist; ang[1] = muzzlePoint[1] + ang[1]*lockDist; ang[2] = muzzlePoint[2] + ang[2]*lockDist; } pm->trace(&tr, muzzlePoint, NULL, NULL, ang, pm->ps->clientNum, MASK_PLAYERSOLID); if ( vehicleLock ) {//vehicles also do a trace from the camera point if the main one misses if ( tr.fraction >= 1.0f ) { trace_t camTrace; vec3_t newEnd, shotDir; if ( BG_VehTraceFromCamPos( &camTrace, PM_BGEntForNum(pm->ps->clientNum), pm->ps->origin, muzzlePoint, tr.endpos, newEnd, shotDir, (tr.fraction*lockDist) ) ) { memcpy( &tr, &camTrace, sizeof(tr) ); } } } if (tr.fraction != 1 && tr.entityNum < ENTITYNUM_NONE && tr.entityNum != pm->ps->clientNum) { bgEntity_t *bgEnt = PM_BGEntForNum(tr.entityNum); if ( bgEnt && (bgEnt->s.powerups&PW_CLOAKED) ) { pm->ps->rocketLockIndex = ENTITYNUM_NONE; pm->ps->rocketLockTime = 0; } else if (bgEnt && (bgEnt->s.eType == ET_PLAYER || bgEnt->s.eType == ET_NPC)) { if (pm->ps->rocketLockIndex == ENTITYNUM_NONE) { pm->ps->rocketLockIndex = tr.entityNum; pm->ps->rocketLockTime = pm->cmd.serverTime; } else if (pm->ps->rocketLockIndex != tr.entityNum && pm->ps->rocketTargetTime < pm->cmd.serverTime) { pm->ps->rocketLockIndex = tr.entityNum; pm->ps->rocketLockTime = pm->cmd.serverTime; } else if (pm->ps->rocketLockIndex == tr.entityNum) { if (pm->ps->rocketLockTime == -1) { pm->ps->rocketLockTime = pm->ps->rocketLastValidTime; } } if (pm->ps->rocketLockIndex == tr.entityNum) { pm->ps->rocketTargetTime = pm->cmd.serverTime + 500; } } else if (!vehicleLock) { if (pm->ps->rocketTargetTime < pm->cmd.serverTime) { pm->ps->rocketLockIndex = ENTITYNUM_NONE; pm->ps->rocketLockTime = 0; } } } else if (pm->ps->rocketTargetTime < pm->cmd.serverTime) { pm->ps->rocketLockIndex = ENTITYNUM_NONE; pm->ps->rocketLockTime = 0; } else { if (pm->ps->rocketLockTime != -1) { pm->ps->rocketLastValidTime = pm->ps->rocketLockTime; } pm->ps->rocketLockTime = -1; } } //--------------------------------------- static qboolean PM_DoChargedWeapons( qboolean vehicleRocketLock, bgEntity_t *veh ) //--------------------------------------- { qboolean charging = qfalse, altFire = qfalse; if ( vehicleRocketLock ) { if ( (pm->cmd.buttons&(BUTTON_ATTACK|BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK)) ) {//actually charging if ( veh && veh->m_pVehicle ) {//just make sure we have this veh info if ( ( (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK) &&g_vehWeaponInfo[veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->weapon[0].ID].fHoming &&pm->ps->ammo[0]>=g_vehWeaponInfo[veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->weapon[0].ID].iAmmoPerShot ) || ( (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) &&g_vehWeaponInfo[veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->weapon[1].ID].fHoming &&pm->ps->ammo[1]>=g_vehWeaponInfo[veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->weapon[1].ID].iAmmoPerShot ) ) {//pressing the appropriate fire button for the lock-on/charging weapon PM_RocketLock(16384, qtrue); charging = qtrue; } if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) { altFire = qtrue; } } } //else, let go and should fire now } else { // If you want your weapon to be a charging weapon, just set this bit up switch( pm->ps->weapon ) { //------------------ case WP_BRYAR_PISTOL: // alt-fire charges the weapon //if ( pm->gametype == GT_SIEGE ) if (1) { if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) { charging = qtrue; altFire = qtrue; } } break; case WP_CONCUSSION: if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) { altFire = qtrue; } break; case WP_BRYAR_OLD: // alt-fire charges the weapon if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) { charging = qtrue; altFire = qtrue; } break; //------------------ case WP_BOWCASTER: // primary fire charges the weapon if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK ) { charging = qtrue; } break; //------------------ case WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: if ( (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) && pm->ps->ammo[weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].ammoIndex] >= weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].altEnergyPerShot ) { PM_RocketLock(2048,qfalse); charging = qtrue; altFire = qtrue; } break; //------------------ case WP_THERMAL: if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) { altFire = qtrue; // override default of not being an alt-fire charging = qtrue; } else if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK ) { charging = qtrue; } break; case WP_DEMP2: if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) { altFire = qtrue; // override default of not being an alt-fire charging = qtrue; } break; case WP_DISRUPTOR: if ((pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK) && pm->ps->zoomMode == 1 && pm->ps->zoomLocked) { if (!pm->cmd.forwardmove && !pm->cmd.rightmove && pm->cmd.upmove <= 0) { charging = qtrue; altFire = qtrue; } else { charging = qfalse; altFire = qfalse; } } if (pm->ps->zoomMode != 1 && pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT) { pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_READY; charging = qfalse; altFire = qfalse; } } // end switch } // set up the appropriate weapon state based on the button that's down. // Note that we ALWAYS return if charging is set ( meaning the buttons are still down ) if ( charging ) { if ( altFire ) { if ( pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT ) { // charge isn't started, so do it now pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT; pm->ps->weaponChargeTime = pm->cmd.serverTime; pm->ps->weaponChargeSubtractTime = pm->cmd.serverTime + weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].altChargeSubTime; #ifdef _DEBUG // Com_Printf("Starting charge\n"); #endif assert(pm->ps->weapon > WP_NONE); BG_AddPredictableEventToPlayerstate(EV_WEAPON_CHARGE_ALT, pm->ps->weapon, pm->ps); } if ( vehicleRocketLock ) {//check vehicle ammo if ( veh && pm->ps->ammo[1] < g_vehWeaponInfo[veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->weapon[1].ID].iAmmoPerShot ) { pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT; goto rest; } } else if (pm->ps->ammo[weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].ammoIndex] < (weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].altChargeSub+weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].altEnergyPerShot)) { pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT; goto rest; } else if ((pm->cmd.serverTime - pm->ps->weaponChargeTime) < weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].altMaxCharge) { if (pm->ps->weaponChargeSubtractTime < pm->cmd.serverTime) { pm->ps->ammo[weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].ammoIndex] -= weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].altChargeSub; pm->ps->weaponChargeSubtractTime = pm->cmd.serverTime + weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].altChargeSubTime; } } } else { if ( pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_CHARGING ) { // charge isn't started, so do it now pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_CHARGING; pm->ps->weaponChargeTime = pm->cmd.serverTime; pm->ps->weaponChargeSubtractTime = pm->cmd.serverTime + weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].chargeSubTime; #ifdef _DEBUG // Com_Printf("Starting charge\n"); #endif BG_AddPredictableEventToPlayerstate(EV_WEAPON_CHARGE, pm->ps->weapon, pm->ps); } if ( vehicleRocketLock ) { if ( veh && pm->ps->ammo[0] < g_vehWeaponInfo[veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->weapon[0].ID].iAmmoPerShot ) {//check vehicle ammo pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_CHARGING; goto rest; } } else if (pm->ps->ammo[weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].ammoIndex] < (weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].chargeSub+weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].energyPerShot)) { pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_CHARGING; goto rest; } else if ((pm->cmd.serverTime - pm->ps->weaponChargeTime) < weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].maxCharge) { if (pm->ps->weaponChargeSubtractTime < pm->cmd.serverTime) { pm->ps->ammo[weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].ammoIndex] -= weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].chargeSub; pm->ps->weaponChargeSubtractTime = pm->cmd.serverTime + weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].chargeSubTime; } } } return qtrue; // short-circuit rest of weapon code } rest: // Only charging weapons should be able to set these states...so.... // let's see which fire mode we need to set up now that the buttons are up if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING ) { // weapon has a charge, so let us do an attack #ifdef _DEBUG // Com_Printf("Firing. Charge time=%d\n", pm->cmd.serverTime - pm->ps->weaponChargeTime); #endif // dumb, but since we shoot a charged weapon on button-up, we need to repress this button for now pm->cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; pm->ps->eFlags |= EF_FIRING; } else if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT ) { // weapon has a charge, so let us do an alt-attack #ifdef _DEBUG // Com_Printf("Firing. Charge time=%d\n", pm->cmd.serverTime - pm->ps->weaponChargeTime); #endif // dumb, but since we shoot a charged weapon on button-up, we need to repress this button for now pm->cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK; pm->ps->eFlags |= (EF_FIRING|EF_ALT_FIRING); } return qfalse; // continue with the rest of the weapon code } #define BOWCASTER_CHARGE_UNIT 200.0f // bowcaster charging gives us one more unit every 200ms--if you change this, you'll have to do the same in g_weapon #define BRYAR_CHARGE_UNIT 200.0f // bryar charging gives us one more unit every 200ms--if you change this, you'll have to do the same in g_weapon int PM_ItemUsable(playerState_t *ps, int forcedUse) { vec3_t fwd, fwdorg, dest, pos; vec3_t yawonly; vec3_t mins, maxs; vec3_t trtest; trace_t tr; if (ps->m_iVehicleNum) { return 0; } if (ps->pm_flags & PMF_USE_ITEM_HELD) { //force to let go first return 0; } if (ps->duelInProgress) { //not allowed to use holdables while in a private duel. return 0; } if (!forcedUse) { forcedUse = bg_itemlist[ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag; } if (!BG_IsItemSelectable(ps, forcedUse)) { return 0; } switch (forcedUse) { case HI_MEDPAC: case HI_MEDPAC_BIG: if (ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH] >= ps->stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH]) { return 0; } if (ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 || (ps->eFlags & EF_DEAD)) { return 0; } return 1; case HI_SEEKER: if (ps->eFlags & EF_SEEKERDRONE) { PM_AddEventWithParm(EV_ITEMUSEFAIL, SEEKER_ALREADYDEPLOYED); return 0; } return 1; case HI_SENTRY_GUN: if (ps->fd.sentryDeployed) { PM_AddEventWithParm(EV_ITEMUSEFAIL, SENTRY_ALREADYPLACED); return 0; } yawonly[ROLL] = 0; yawonly[PITCH] = 0; yawonly[YAW] = ps->viewangles[YAW]; VectorSet( mins, -8, -8, 0 ); VectorSet( maxs, 8, 8, 24 ); AngleVectors(yawonly, fwd, NULL, NULL); fwdorg[0] = ps->origin[0] + fwd[0]*64; fwdorg[1] = ps->origin[1] + fwd[1]*64; fwdorg[2] = ps->origin[2] + fwd[2]*64; trtest[0] = fwdorg[0] + fwd[0]*16; trtest[1] = fwdorg[1] + fwd[1]*16; trtest[2] = fwdorg[2] + fwd[2]*16; pm->trace(&tr, ps->origin, mins, maxs, trtest, ps->clientNum, MASK_PLAYERSOLID); if ((tr.fraction != 1 && tr.entityNum != ps->clientNum) || tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid) { PM_AddEventWithParm(EV_ITEMUSEFAIL, SENTRY_NOROOM); return 0; } return 1; case HI_SHIELD: mins[0] = -8; mins[1] = -8; mins[2] = 0; maxs[0] = 8; maxs[1] = 8; maxs[2] = 8; AngleVectors (ps->viewangles, fwd, NULL, NULL); fwd[2] = 0; VectorMA(ps->origin, 64, fwd, dest); pm->trace(&tr, ps->origin, mins, maxs, dest, ps->clientNum, MASK_SHOT ); if (tr.fraction > 0.9 && !tr.startsolid && !tr.allsolid) { VectorCopy(tr.endpos, pos); VectorSet( dest, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] - 4096 ); pm->trace( &tr, pos, mins, maxs, dest, ps->clientNum, MASK_SOLID ); if ( !tr.startsolid && !tr.allsolid ) { return 1; } } PM_AddEventWithParm(EV_ITEMUSEFAIL, SHIELD_NOROOM); return 0; case HI_JETPACK: //check for stuff here? return 1; case HI_HEALTHDISP: return 1; case HI_AMMODISP: return 1; case HI_EWEB: return 1; case HI_CLOAK: //check for stuff here? return 1; default: return 1; } } //cheesy vehicle weapon hackery qboolean PM_CanSetWeaponAnims(void) { if (pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) { return qfalse; } return qtrue; } //perform player anim overrides while on vehicle. extern int PM_irand_timesync(int val1, int val2); void PM_VehicleWeaponAnimate(void) { bgEntity_t *veh = pm_entVeh; Vehicle_t *pVeh; int iFlags = 0, Anim = -1; if (!veh || !veh->m_pVehicle || !veh->m_pVehicle->m_pPilot || !veh->m_pVehicle->m_pPilot->playerState || pm->ps->clientNum != veh->m_pVehicle->m_pPilot->playerState->clientNum) { //make sure the vehicle exists, and its pilot is this player return; } pVeh = veh->m_pVehicle; if (pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_WALKER || pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_FIGHTER) { //slightly hacky I guess, but whatever. return; } backAgain: // If they're firing, play the right fire animation. if ( pm->cmd.buttons & ( BUTTON_ATTACK | BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) ) { iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD; switch ( pm->ps->weapon ) { case WP_SABER: if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) { //don't do anything.. I guess. pm->cmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK; goto backAgain; } // If we're already in an attack animation, leave (let it continue). if (pm->ps->torsoTimer <= 0) { //we'll be starting a new attack PM_AddEvent(EV_SABER_ATTACK); } //just set it to something so we have a proper trail. This is a stupid //hack (much like the rest of this function) pm->ps->saberMove = LS_R_TL2BR; if ( pm->ps->torsoTimer > 0 && (pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_VS_ATR_S || pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_VS_ATL_S) ) { /* //FIXME: no need to even call the PM_SetAnim at all in this case Anim = (animNumber_t)pm->ps->torsoAnim; iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL; break; */ return; } // Start the attack. if ( pm->cmd.rightmove > 0 ) //right side attack { Anim = BOTH_VS_ATR_S; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove < 0 ) //left-side attack { Anim = BOTH_VS_ATL_S; } else //random { //FIXME: alternate back and forth or auto-aim? //if ( !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) if (!PM_irand_timesync(0, 1)) { Anim = BOTH_VS_ATR_S; } else { Anim = BOTH_VS_ATL_S; } } if (pm->ps->torsoTimer <= 0) { //restart the anim if we are already in it (and finished) iFlags |= SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART; } break; case WP_BLASTER: // Override the shoot anim. if ( pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_ATTACK3 ) { if ( pm->cmd.rightmove > 0 ) //right side attack { Anim = BOTH_VS_ATR_G; } else if ( pm->cmd.rightmove < 0 ) //left side { Anim = BOTH_VS_ATL_G; } else //frontal { Anim = BOTH_VS_ATF_G; } } break; default: Anim = BOTH_VS_IDLE; break; } } else if (veh->playerState && veh->playerState->speed < 0 && pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_ANIMAL) { //tauntaun is going backwards Anim = BOTH_VT_WALK_REV; } else if (veh->playerState && veh->playerState->speed < 0 && pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_SPEEDER) { //speeder is going backwards Anim = BOTH_VS_REV; } // They're not firing so play the Idle for the weapon. else { iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL; switch ( pm->ps->weapon ) { case WP_SABER: if ( BG_SabersOff( pm->ps ) ) { //saber holstered, normal idle Anim = BOTH_VS_IDLE; } // In the Air. //else if ( pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_FLYING ) else if (0) { Anim = BOTH_VS_AIR_G; iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE; } // Crashing. //else if ( pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_CRASHING ) else if (0) { pVeh->m_ulFlags &= ~VEH_CRASHING; // Remove the flag, we are doing the animation. Anim = BOTH_VS_LAND_SR; iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD; } else { Anim = BOTH_VS_IDLE_SR; } break; case WP_BLASTER: // In the Air. //if ( pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_FLYING ) if (0) { Anim = BOTH_VS_AIR_G; iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE; } // Crashing. //else if ( pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_CRASHING ) else if (0) { pVeh->m_ulFlags &= ~VEH_CRASHING; // Remove the flag, we are doing the animation. Anim = BOTH_VS_LAND_G; iFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD; } else { Anim = BOTH_VS_IDLE_G; } break; default: Anim = BOTH_VS_IDLE; break; } } if (Anim != -1) { //override it if (pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_ANIMAL) { //agh.. remap anims for the tauntaun switch (Anim) { case BOTH_VS_IDLE: if (veh->playerState && veh->playerState->speed > 0) { if (veh->playerState->speed > pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedMax) { //turbo Anim = BOTH_VT_TURBO; } else { Anim = BOTH_VT_RUN_FWD; } } else { Anim = BOTH_VT_IDLE; } break; case BOTH_VS_ATR_S: Anim = BOTH_VT_ATR_S; break; case BOTH_VS_ATL_S: Anim = BOTH_VT_ATL_S; break; case BOTH_VS_ATR_G: Anim = BOTH_VT_ATR_G; break; case BOTH_VS_ATL_G: Anim = BOTH_VT_ATL_G; break; case BOTH_VS_ATF_G: Anim = BOTH_VT_ATF_G; break; case BOTH_VS_IDLE_SL: Anim = BOTH_VT_IDLE_S; break; case BOTH_VS_IDLE_SR: Anim = BOTH_VT_IDLE_S; break; case BOTH_VS_IDLE_G: Anim = BOTH_VT_IDLE_G; break; //should not happen for tauntaun: case BOTH_VS_AIR_G: case BOTH_VS_LAND_SL: case BOTH_VS_LAND_SR: case BOTH_VS_LAND_G: return; default: break; } } PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH, Anim, iFlags); } } /* ============== PM_Weapon Generates weapon events and modifes the weapon counter ============== */ extern int PM_KickMoveForConditions(void); static void PM_Weapon( void ) { int addTime; int amount; int killAfterItem = 0; bgEntity_t *veh = NULL; qboolean vehicleRocketLock = qfalse; #ifdef _GAME if (pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && pm->ps->weapon == WP_NONE && pm->cmd.weapon == WP_NONE && pm_entSelf) { //npc with no weapon gentity_t *gent = (gentity_t *)pm_entSelf; if (gent->inuse && gent->client && !gent->localAnimIndex) { //humanoid pm->ps->torsoAnim = pm->ps->legsAnim; pm->ps->torsoTimer = pm->ps->legsTimer; return; } } #endif if (!pm->ps->emplacedIndex && pm->ps->weapon == WP_EMPLACED_GUN) { //oh no! int i = 0; int weap = -1; while (i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS) { if ((pm->ps->stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << i)) && i != WP_NONE) { //this one's good weap = i; break; } i++; } if (weap != -1) { pm->cmd.weapon = weap; pm->ps->weapon = weap; return; } } if (pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class!=CLASS_VEHICLE &&pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) { //riding a vehicle if ( (veh = pm_entVeh) && (veh->m_pVehicle && (veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_WALKER || veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_FIGHTER) ) ) {//riding a walker/fighter //keep saber off, do no weapon stuff at all! pm->ps->saberHolstered = 2; #ifdef _GAME pm->cmd.buttons &= ~(BUTTON_ATTACK|BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK); #else if ( g_vehWeaponInfo[veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->weapon[0].ID].fHoming || g_vehWeaponInfo[veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->weapon[1].ID].fHoming ) {//our vehicle uses a rocket launcher, so do the normal checks vehicleRocketLock = qtrue; pm->cmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ATTACK; } else { pm->cmd.buttons &= ~(BUTTON_ATTACK|BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK); } #endif } } if (pm->ps->weapon != WP_DISRUPTOR //not using disruptor && pm->ps->weapon != WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER//not using rocket launcher && pm->ps->weapon != WP_THERMAL//not using thermals && !pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum )//not a vehicle or in a vehicle { //check for exceeding max charge time if not using disruptor or rocket launcher or thermals if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT ) { int timeDif = (pm->cmd.serverTime - pm->ps->weaponChargeTime); if (timeDif > MAX_WEAPON_CHARGE_TIME) { pm->cmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK; } } if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING ) { int timeDif = (pm->cmd.serverTime - pm->ps->weaponChargeTime); if (timeDif > MAX_WEAPON_CHARGE_TIME) { pm->cmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ATTACK; } } } if (pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_WEAPONREADY && PM_CanSetWeaponAnims()) { //reset into weapon stance if (pm->ps->weapon != WP_SABER && pm->ps->weapon != WP_MELEE && !PM_IsRocketTrooper()) { //saber handles its own anims if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pm->ps->zoomMode == 1) { //PM_StartTorsoAnim( TORSO_WEAPONREADY4 ); PM_StartTorsoAnim( TORSO_RAISEWEAP1); } else { if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_EMPLACED_GUN) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( BOTH_GUNSIT1 ); } else { //PM_StartTorsoAnim( WeaponReadyAnim[pm->ps->weapon] ); PM_StartTorsoAnim( TORSO_RAISEWEAP1); } } } //we now go into a weapon raise anim after every force hand extend. //this is so that my holster-view-weapon-when-hand-extend stuff works. pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_RAISING; pm->ps->weaponTime += 250; pm->ps->forceHandExtend = HANDEXTEND_NONE; } else if (pm->ps->forceHandExtend != HANDEXTEND_NONE) { //nothing else should be allowed to happen during this time, including weapon fire int desiredAnim = 0; qboolean seperateOnTorso = qfalse; qboolean playFullBody = qfalse; int desiredOnTorso = 0; switch(pm->ps->forceHandExtend) { case HANDEXTEND_FORCEPUSH: desiredAnim = BOTH_FORCEPUSH; break; case HANDEXTEND_FORCEPULL: desiredAnim = BOTH_FORCEPULL; break; case HANDEXTEND_FORCE_HOLD: if ( (pm->ps->fd.forcePowersActive&(1<ps->fd.forcePowersActive&(1<ps->weapon == WP_MELEE && pm->ps->activeForcePass > FORCE_LEVEL_2 ) {//2-handed lightning desiredAnim = BOTH_FORCE_2HANDEDLIGHTNING_HOLD; } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_FORCELIGHTNING_HOLD; } } else if ( (pm->ps->fd.forcePowersActive&(1<ps->forceDodgeAnim; break; case HANDEXTEND_KNOCKDOWN: if (pm->ps->forceDodgeAnim) { if (pm->ps->forceDodgeAnim > 4) { //this means that we want to play a sepereate anim on the torso int originalDAnim = pm->ps->forceDodgeAnim-8; //-8 is the original legs anim if (originalDAnim == 2) { desiredAnim = BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B1; } else if (originalDAnim == 3) { desiredAnim = BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B3; } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_GETUP1; } //now specify the torso anim seperateOnTorso = qtrue; desiredOnTorso = BOTH_FORCEPUSH; } else if (pm->ps->forceDodgeAnim == 2) { desiredAnim = BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B1; } else if (pm->ps->forceDodgeAnim == 3) { desiredAnim = BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B3; } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_GETUP1; } } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_KNOCKDOWN1; } break; case HANDEXTEND_DUELCHALLENGE: desiredAnim = BOTH_ENGAGETAUNT; break; case HANDEXTEND_TAUNT: desiredAnim = pm->ps->forceDodgeAnim; if ( desiredAnim != BOTH_ENGAGETAUNT && VectorCompare( pm->ps->velocity, vec3_origin ) && pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) { playFullBody = qtrue; } break; case HANDEXTEND_PRETHROW: desiredAnim = BOTH_A3_TL_BR; playFullBody = qtrue; break; case HANDEXTEND_POSTTHROW: desiredAnim = BOTH_D3_TL___; playFullBody = qtrue; break; case HANDEXTEND_PRETHROWN: desiredAnim = BOTH_KNEES1; playFullBody = qtrue; break; case HANDEXTEND_POSTTHROWN: if (pm->ps->forceDodgeAnim) { desiredAnim = BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_F2; } else { desiredAnim = BOTH_KNOCKDOWN5; } playFullBody = qtrue; break; case HANDEXTEND_DRAGGING: desiredAnim = BOTH_B1_BL___; break; case HANDEXTEND_JEDITAUNT: desiredAnim = BOTH_GESTURE1; //playFullBody = qtrue; break; //Hmm... maybe use these, too? //BOTH_FORCEHEAL_QUICK //quick heal (SP level 2 & 3) //BOTH_MINDTRICK1 // wave (maybe for mind trick 2 & 3 - whole area, and for force seeing) //BOTH_MINDTRICK2 // tap (maybe for mind trick 1 - one person) //BOTH_FORCEGRIP_START //start grip //BOTH_FORCEGRIP_HOLD //hold grip //BOTH_FORCEGRIP_RELEASE //release grip //BOTH_FORCELIGHTNING //quick lightning burst (level 1) //BOTH_FORCELIGHTNING_START //start lightning //BOTH_FORCELIGHTNING_HOLD //hold lightning //BOTH_FORCELIGHTNING_RELEASE //release lightning default: desiredAnim = BOTH_FORCEPUSH; break; } if (!seperateOnTorso) { //of seperateOnTorso, handle it after setting the legs PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_TORSO, desiredAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); pm->ps->torsoTimer = 1; } if (playFullBody) { //sorry if all these exceptions are getting confusing. This one just means play on both legs and torso. PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH, desiredAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); pm->ps->legsTimer = pm->ps->torsoTimer = 1; } else if (pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_DODGE || pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_KNOCKDOWN || (pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_CHOKE && pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE) ) { //special case, play dodge anim on whole body, choke anim too if off ground if (seperateOnTorso) { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS, desiredAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); pm->ps->legsTimer = 1; PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_TORSO, desiredOnTorso, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); pm->ps->torsoTimer = 1; } else { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_LEGS, desiredAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); pm->ps->legsTimer = 1; } } return; } if (BG_InSpecialJump(pm->ps->legsAnim) || BG_InRoll(pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim) || PM_InRollComplete(pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim)) { /* if (pm->cmd.weapon != WP_MELEE && pm->ps->weapon != WP_MELEE && (pm->ps->stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1<cmd.weapon = WP_SABER; pm->ps->weapon = WP_SABER; } */ if (pm->ps->weaponTime < pm->ps->legsTimer) { pm->ps->weaponTime = pm->ps->legsTimer; } } if (pm->ps->duelInProgress) { pm->cmd.weapon = WP_SABER; pm->ps->weapon = WP_SABER; if (pm->ps->duelTime >= pm->cmd.serverTime) { pm->cmd.upmove = 0; pm->cmd.forwardmove = 0; pm->cmd.rightmove = 0; } } if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER && pm->ps->saberMove != LS_READY && pm->ps->saberMove != LS_NONE) { pm->cmd.weapon = WP_SABER; //don't allow switching out mid-attack } if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER) { //rww - we still need the item stuff, so we won't return immediately PM_WeaponLightsaber(); killAfterItem = 1; } else if (pm->ps->weapon != WP_EMPLACED_GUN) { pm->ps->saberHolstered = 0; } if (PM_CanSetWeaponAnims()) { if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_THERMAL || pm->ps->weapon == WP_TRIP_MINE || pm->ps->weapon == WP_DET_PACK) { if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_THERMAL) { if ((pm->ps->torsoAnim) == WeaponAttackAnim[pm->ps->weapon] && (pm->ps->weaponTime-200) <= 0) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( WeaponReadyAnim[pm->ps->weapon] ); } } else { if ((pm->ps->torsoAnim) == WeaponAttackAnim[pm->ps->weapon] && (pm->ps->weaponTime-700) <= 0) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( WeaponReadyAnim[pm->ps->weapon] ); } } } } // don't allow attack until all buttons are up if ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_RESPAWNED ) { return; } // ignore if spectator if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS && pm->ps->persistant[PERS_TEAM] == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { return; } // check for dead player if ( pm->ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) { pm->ps->weapon = WP_NONE; return; } // check for item using if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_USE_HOLDABLE ) { // fix: rocket lock bug, one of many... BG_ClearRocketLock( pm->ps ); if ( ! ( pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_USE_ITEM_HELD ) ) { if (pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class!=CLASS_VEHICLE && pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) {//riding a vehicle, can't use holdable items, this button operates as the weapon link/unlink toggle return; } if (!pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]) { return; } if (!PM_ItemUsable(pm->ps, 0)) { pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_USE_ITEM_HELD; return; } else { if (pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag)) { if (bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag != HI_BINOCULARS && bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag != HI_JETPACK && bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag != HI_HEALTHDISP && bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag != HI_AMMODISP && bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag != HI_CLOAK && bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag != HI_EWEB) { //never use up the binoculars or jetpack or dispensers or cloak or ... pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] -= (1 << bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag); } } else { return; //this should not happen... } pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_USE_ITEM_HELD; PM_AddEvent( EV_USE_ITEM0 + bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag ); if (bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag != HI_BINOCULARS && bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag != HI_JETPACK && bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag != HI_HEALTHDISP && bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag != HI_AMMODISP && bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag != HI_CLOAK && bg_itemlist[pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM]].giTag != HI_EWEB) { pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM] = 0; BG_CycleInven(pm->ps, 1); } } return; } } else { pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_USE_ITEM_HELD; } /* if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER || pm->ps->weapon == WP_MELEE) { //we can't toggle zoom while using saber (for obvious reasons) so make sure it's always off pm->ps->zoomMode = 0; pm->ps->zoomFov = 0; pm->ps->zoomLocked = qfalse; pm->ps->zoomLockTime = 0; } */ if (killAfterItem) { return; } // make weapon function if ( pm->ps->weaponTime > 0 ) { pm->ps->weaponTime -= pml.msec; } if (pm->ps->isJediMaster && pm->ps->emplacedIndex) { pm->ps->emplacedIndex = 0; pm->ps->saberHolstered = 0; } if (pm->ps->duelInProgress && pm->ps->emplacedIndex) { pm->ps->emplacedIndex = 0; pm->ps->saberHolstered = 0; } if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_EMPLACED_GUN && pm->ps->emplacedIndex) { pm->cmd.weapon = WP_EMPLACED_GUN; //No switch for you! PM_StartTorsoAnim( BOTH_GUNSIT1 ); } if (pm->ps->isJediMaster || pm->ps->duelInProgress || pm->ps->trueJedi) { pm->cmd.weapon = WP_SABER; pm->ps->weapon = WP_SABER; if (pm->ps->isJediMaster || pm->ps->trueJedi) { pm->ps->stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = (1 << WP_SABER); } } amount = weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].energyPerShot; // take an ammo away if not infinite if ( pm->ps->weapon != WP_NONE && pm->ps->weapon == pm->cmd.weapon && (pm->ps->weaponTime <= 0 || pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_FIRING) ) { if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS && pm->ps->ammo[ weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].ammoIndex ] != -1 ) { // enough energy to fire this weapon? if (pm->ps->ammo[weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].ammoIndex] < weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].energyPerShot && pm->ps->ammo[weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].ammoIndex] < weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].altEnergyPerShot) { //the weapon is out of ammo essentially because it cannot fire primary or secondary, so do the switch //regardless of if the player is attacking or not PM_AddEventWithParm( EV_NOAMMO, WP_NUM_WEAPONS+pm->ps->weapon ); if (pm->ps->weaponTime < 500) { pm->ps->weaponTime += 500; } return; } if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DET_PACK && !pm->ps->hasDetPackPlanted && pm->ps->ammo[weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].ammoIndex] < 1) { PM_AddEventWithParm( EV_NOAMMO, WP_NUM_WEAPONS+pm->ps->weapon ); if (pm->ps->weaponTime < 500) { pm->ps->weaponTime += 500; } return; } } } // check for weapon change // can't change if weapon is firing, but can change // again if lowering or raising if ( pm->ps->weaponTime <= 0 || pm->ps->weaponstate != WEAPON_FIRING ) { if ( pm->ps->weapon != pm->cmd.weapon ) { PM_BeginWeaponChange( pm->cmd.weapon ); } } if ( pm->ps->weaponTime > 0 ) { return; } if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pm->ps->zoomMode == 1) { if (pm_cancelOutZoom) { pm->ps->zoomMode = 0; pm->ps->zoomFov = 0; pm->ps->zoomLocked = qfalse; pm->ps->zoomLockTime = 0; PM_AddEvent( EV_DISRUPTOR_ZOOMSOUND ); return; } if (pm->cmd.forwardmove || pm->cmd.rightmove || pm->cmd.upmove > 0) { return; } } // change weapon if time if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_DROPPING ) { PM_FinishWeaponChange(); return; } if ( pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_RAISING ) { pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_READY; if (PM_CanSetWeaponAnims()) { if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER ) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( PM_GetSaberStance() ); } else if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_MELEE || PM_IsRocketTrooper()) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ); } else { if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pm->ps->zoomMode == 1) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( TORSO_WEAPONREADY4 ); } else { if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_EMPLACED_GUN) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( BOTH_GUNSIT1 ); } else { PM_StartTorsoAnim( WeaponReadyAnim[pm->ps->weapon] ); } } } } return; } if (PM_CanSetWeaponAnims() && !PM_IsRocketTrooper() && pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_READY && pm->ps->weaponTime <= 0 && (pm->ps->weapon >= WP_BRYAR_PISTOL || pm->ps->weapon == WP_STUN_BATON) && pm->ps->torsoTimer <= 0 && (pm->ps->torsoAnim) != WeaponReadyAnim[pm->ps->weapon] && pm->ps->torsoAnim != TORSO_WEAPONIDLE3 && pm->ps->weapon != WP_EMPLACED_GUN) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( WeaponReadyAnim[pm->ps->weapon] ); } else if (PM_CanSetWeaponAnims() && pm->ps->weapon == WP_MELEE) { if (pm->ps->weaponTime <= 0 && pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_NONE) { int desTAnim = pm->ps->legsAnim; if (desTAnim == BOTH_STAND1 || desTAnim == BOTH_STAND2) { //remap the standard standing anims for melee stance desTAnim = BOTH_STAND6; } if (!(pm->cmd.buttons & (BUTTON_ATTACK|BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK))) { //don't do this while holding attack if (pm->ps->torsoAnim != desTAnim) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( desTAnim ); } } } } else if (PM_CanSetWeaponAnims() && PM_IsRocketTrooper()) { int desTAnim = pm->ps->legsAnim; if (!(pm->cmd.buttons & (BUTTON_ATTACK|BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK))) { //don't do this while holding attack if (pm->ps->torsoAnim != desTAnim) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( desTAnim ); } } } if (((pm->ps->torsoAnim) == TORSO_WEAPONREADY4 || (pm->ps->torsoAnim) == BOTH_ATTACK4) && (pm->ps->weapon != WP_DISRUPTOR || pm->ps->zoomMode != 1)) { if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_EMPLACED_GUN) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( BOTH_GUNSIT1 ); } else if (PM_CanSetWeaponAnims()) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( WeaponReadyAnim[pm->ps->weapon] ); } } else if (((pm->ps->torsoAnim) != TORSO_WEAPONREADY4 && (pm->ps->torsoAnim) != BOTH_ATTACK4) && PM_CanSetWeaponAnims() && (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pm->ps->zoomMode == 1)) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( TORSO_WEAPONREADY4 ); } if (pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && pm_entSelf && pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE) {//we are a vehicle veh = pm_entSelf; } if ( veh && veh->m_pVehicle ) { if ( g_vehWeaponInfo[veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->weapon[0].ID].fHoming || g_vehWeaponInfo[veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->weapon[1].ID].fHoming ) {//don't clear the rocket locking ever? vehicleRocketLock = qtrue; } } if ( !vehicleRocketLock ) { if (pm->ps->weapon != WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) { if (pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class!=CLASS_VEHICLE &&pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) {//riding a vehicle, the vehicle will tell me my rocketlock stuff... } else { pm->ps->rocketLockIndex = ENTITYNUM_NONE; pm->ps->rocketLockTime = 0; pm->ps->rocketTargetTime = 0; } } } if ( PM_DoChargedWeapons(vehicleRocketLock, veh)) { // In some cases the charged weapon code may want us to short circuit the rest of the firing code return; } // check for fire if ( ! (pm->cmd.buttons & (BUTTON_ATTACK|BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK))) { pm->ps->weaponTime = 0; pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_READY; return; } if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_EMPLACED_GUN) { addTime = weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].fireTime; pm->ps->weaponTime += addTime; if ( (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) ) { PM_AddEvent( EV_ALT_FIRE ); } else { PM_AddEvent( EV_FIRE_WEAPON ); } return; } else if (pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum && pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class==CLASS_VEHICLE) { //a vehicle NPC that has a pilot pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_FIRING; pm->ps->weaponTime += 100; #ifdef _GAME //hack, only do it game-side. vehicle weapons don't really need predicting I suppose. if ( (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) ) { G_CheapWeaponFire(pm->ps->clientNum, EV_ALT_FIRE); } else { G_CheapWeaponFire(pm->ps->clientNum, EV_FIRE_WEAPON); } #endif /* addTime = weaponData[WP_EMPLACED_GUN].fireTime; pm->ps->weaponTime += addTime; if ( (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) ) { PM_AddEvent( EV_ALT_FIRE ); } else { PM_AddEvent( EV_FIRE_WEAPON ); } */ return; } if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) && !pm->ps->zoomLocked) { return; } if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) && pm->ps->zoomMode == 2) { //can't use disruptor secondary while zoomed binoculars return; } if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pm->ps->zoomMode == 1) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( BOTH_ATTACK4 ); } else if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_MELEE) { //special anims for standard melee attacks //Alternate between punches and use the anim length as weapon time. if (!pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) { //if riding a vehicle don't do this stuff at all if (pm->debugMelee && (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK) && (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK)) { //ok, grapple time #if 0 //eh, I want to try turning the saber off, but can't do that reliably for prediction.. qboolean icandoit = qtrue; if (pm->ps->weaponTime > 0) { //weapon busy icandoit = qfalse; } if (pm->ps->forceHandExtend != HANDEXTEND_NONE) { //force power or knockdown or something icandoit = qfalse; } if (pm->ps->weapon != WP_SABER && pm->ps->weapon != WP_MELEE) { icandoit = qfalse; } if (icandoit) { //G_SetAnim(ent, &ent->client->pers.cmd, SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_KYLE_GRAB, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_KYLE_GRAB, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); if (pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_KYLE_GRAB) { //providing the anim set succeeded.. pm->ps->torsoTimer += 500; //make the hand stick out a little longer than it normally would if (pm->ps->legsAnim == pm->ps->torsoAnim) { pm->ps->legsTimer = pm->ps->torsoTimer; } pm->ps->weaponTime = pm->ps->torsoTimer; return; } } #else #ifdef _GAME if (pm_entSelf) { if (TryGrapple((gentity_t *)pm_entSelf)) { return; } } #else return; #endif #endif } else if (pm->debugMelee && (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK)) { //kicks if (!BG_KickingAnim(pm->ps->torsoAnim) && !BG_KickingAnim(pm->ps->legsAnim)) { int kickMove = PM_KickMoveForConditions(); if (kickMove == LS_HILT_BASH) { //yeah.. no hilt to bash with! kickMove = LS_KICK_F; } if (kickMove != -1) { if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//if in air, convert kick to an in-air kick float gDist = PM_GroundDistance(); //let's only allow air kicks if a certain distance from the ground //it's silly to be able to do them right as you land. //also looks wrong to transition from a non-complete flip anim... if ((!BG_FlippingAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || pm->ps->legsTimer <= 0) && gDist > 64.0f && //strict minimum gDist > (-pm->ps->velocity[2])-64.0f //make sure we are high to ground relative to downward velocity as well ) { switch ( kickMove ) { case LS_KICK_F: kickMove = LS_KICK_F_AIR; break; case LS_KICK_B: kickMove = LS_KICK_B_AIR; break; case LS_KICK_R: kickMove = LS_KICK_R_AIR; break; case LS_KICK_L: kickMove = LS_KICK_L_AIR; break; default: //oh well, can't do any other kick move while in-air kickMove = -1; break; } } else { //off ground, but too close to ground kickMove = -1; } } } if (kickMove != -1) { int kickAnim = saberMoveData[kickMove].animToUse; if (kickAnim != -1) { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH, kickAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); if (pm->ps->legsAnim == kickAnim) { pm->ps->weaponTime = pm->ps->legsTimer; return; } } } } //if got here then no move to do so put torso into leg idle or whatever if (pm->ps->torsoAnim != pm->ps->legsAnim) { PM_SetAnim(SETANIM_BOTH, pm->ps->legsAnim, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD); } pm->ps->weaponTime = 0; return; } else { //just punch int desTAnim = BOTH_MELEE1; if (pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_MELEE1) { desTAnim = BOTH_MELEE2; } PM_StartTorsoAnim( desTAnim ); if (pm->ps->torsoAnim == desTAnim) { pm->ps->weaponTime = pm->ps->torsoTimer; } } } } else { PM_StartTorsoAnim( WeaponAttackAnim[pm->ps->weapon] ); } if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) { amount = weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].altEnergyPerShot; } else { amount = weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].energyPerShot; } pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_FIRING; // take an ammo away if not infinite if ( pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS && pm->ps->ammo[ weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].ammoIndex ] != -1 ) { // enough energy to fire this weapon? if ((pm->ps->ammo[weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].ammoIndex] - amount) >= 0) { pm->ps->ammo[weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].ammoIndex] -= amount; } else // Not enough energy { // Switch weapons if (pm->ps->weapon != WP_DET_PACK || !pm->ps->hasDetPackPlanted) { PM_AddEventWithParm( EV_NOAMMO, WP_NUM_WEAPONS+pm->ps->weapon ); if (pm->ps->weaponTime < 500) { pm->ps->weaponTime += 500; } } return; } } if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) { //if ( pm->ps->weapon == WP_BRYAR_PISTOL && pm->gametype != GT_SIEGE ) if (0) { //kind of a hack for now PM_AddEvent( EV_FIRE_WEAPON ); addTime = weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].fireTime; } else if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pm->ps->zoomMode != 1) { PM_AddEvent( EV_FIRE_WEAPON ); addTime = weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].fireTime; } else { if (pm->ps->weapon != WP_MELEE || !pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) { //do not fire melee events at all when on vehicle PM_AddEvent( EV_ALT_FIRE ); } addTime = weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].altFireTime; } } else { if (pm->ps->weapon != WP_MELEE || !pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) { //do not fire melee events at all when on vehicle PM_AddEvent( EV_FIRE_WEAPON ); } addTime = weaponData[pm->ps->weapon].fireTime; if ( pm->gametype == GT_SIEGE && pm->ps->weapon == WP_DET_PACK ) { // were far too spammy before? So says Rick. addTime *= 2; } } /* if ( pm->ps->powerups[PW_HASTE] ) { addTime /= 1.3; } */ if (pm->ps->fd.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_RAGE)) { addTime *= 0.75; } else if (pm->ps->fd.forceRageRecoveryTime > pm->cmd.serverTime) { addTime *= 1.5; } pm->ps->weaponTime += addTime; } /* ================ PM_Animate ================ */ static void PM_Animate( void ) { if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_GESTURE ) { if (pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) { //eh, fine, clear it if (pm->ps->forceHandExtendTime < pm->cmd.serverTime) { pm->ps->forceHandExtend = HANDEXTEND_NONE; } } if ( pm->ps->torsoTimer < 1 && pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_NONE && pm->ps->legsTimer < 1 && pm->ps->weaponTime < 1 && pm->ps->saberLockTime < pm->cmd.serverTime) { pm->ps->forceHandExtend = HANDEXTEND_TAUNT; //FIXME: random taunt anims? pm->ps->forceDodgeAnim = BOTH_ENGAGETAUNT; pm->ps->forceHandExtendTime = pm->cmd.serverTime + 1000; //pm->ps->weaponTime = 100; PM_AddEvent( EV_TAUNT ); } #if 0 // Here's an interesting bit. The bots in TA used buttons to do additional gestures. // I ripped them out because I didn't want too many buttons given the fact that I was already adding some for JK2. // We can always add some back in if we want though. } else if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_GETFLAG ) { if ( pm->ps->torsoTimer == 0 ) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( TORSO_GETFLAG ); pm->ps->torsoTimer = 600; //TIMER_GESTURE; } } else if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_GUARDBASE ) { if ( pm->ps->torsoTimer == 0 ) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( TORSO_GUARDBASE ); pm->ps->torsoTimer = 600; //TIMER_GESTURE; } } else if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_PATROL ) { if ( pm->ps->torsoTimer == 0 ) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( TORSO_PATROL ); pm->ps->torsoTimer = 600; //TIMER_GESTURE; } } else if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_FOLLOWME ) { if ( pm->ps->torsoTimer == 0 ) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( TORSO_FOLLOWME ); pm->ps->torsoTimer = 600; //TIMER_GESTURE; } } else if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_AFFIRMATIVE ) { if ( pm->ps->torsoTimer == 0 ) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( TORSO_AFFIRMATIVE); pm->ps->torsoTimer = 600; //TIMER_GESTURE; } } else if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_NEGATIVE ) { if ( pm->ps->torsoTimer == 0 ) { PM_StartTorsoAnim( TORSO_NEGATIVE ); pm->ps->torsoTimer = 600; //TIMER_GESTURE; } #endif // } } /* ================ PM_DropTimers ================ */ static void PM_DropTimers( void ) { // drop misc timing counter if ( pm->ps->pm_time ) { if ( pml.msec >= pm->ps->pm_time ) { pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_ALL_TIMES; pm->ps->pm_time = 0; } else { pm->ps->pm_time -= pml.msec; } } // drop animation counter if ( pm->ps->legsTimer > 0 ) { pm->ps->legsTimer -= pml.msec; if ( pm->ps->legsTimer < 0 ) { pm->ps->legsTimer = 0; } } if ( pm->ps->torsoTimer > 0 ) { pm->ps->torsoTimer -= pml.msec; if ( pm->ps->torsoTimer < 0 ) { pm->ps->torsoTimer = 0; } } } // Following function is stateless (at the moment). And hoisting it out // of the namespace here is easier than fixing all the places it's used, // which includes files that are also compiled in SP. We do need to make // sure we only get one copy in the linker, though. extern vmCvar_t bg_fighterAltControl; qboolean BG_UnrestrainedPitchRoll( playerState_t *ps, Vehicle_t *pVeh ) { if ( bg_fighterAltControl.integer && ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS //real client && ps->m_iVehicleNum//in a vehicle && pVeh //valid vehicle data pointer && pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo//valid vehicle info && pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_FIGHTER )//fighter //FIXME: specify per vehicle instead of assuming true for all fighters //FIXME: map/server setting? {//can roll and pitch without limitation! return qtrue; } return qfalse; } /* ================ PM_UpdateViewAngles This can be used as another entry point when only the viewangles are being updated isntead of a full move ================ */ void PM_UpdateViewAngles( playerState_t *ps, const usercmd_t *cmd ) { short temp; int i; if ( ps->pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION || ps->pm_type == PM_SPINTERMISSION) { return; // no view changes at all } if ( ps->pm_type != PM_SPECTATOR && ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) { return; // no view changes at all } // circularly clamp the angles with deltas for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { temp = cmd->angles[i] + ps->delta_angles[i]; #ifdef VEH_CONTROL_SCHEME_4 if ( pm_entVeh && pm_entVeh->m_pVehicle && pm_entVeh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo && pm_entVeh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_FIGHTER && (cmd->serverTime-pm_entVeh->playerState->hyperSpaceTime) >= HYPERSPACE_TIME ) {//in a vehicle and not hyperspacing if ( i == PITCH ) { int pitchClamp = ANGLE2SHORT(AngleNormalize180(pm_entVeh->m_pVehicle->m_vPrevRiderViewAngles[PITCH]+10.0f)); // don't let the player look up or down more than 22.5 degrees if ( temp > pitchClamp ) { ps->delta_angles[i] = pitchClamp - cmd->angles[i]; temp = pitchClamp; } else if ( temp < -pitchClamp ) { ps->delta_angles[i] = -pitchClamp - cmd->angles[i]; temp = -pitchClamp; } } if ( i == YAW ) { int yawClamp = ANGLE2SHORT(AngleNormalize180(pm_entVeh->m_pVehicle->m_vPrevRiderViewAngles[YAW]+10.0f)); // don't let the player look left or right more than 22.5 degrees if ( temp > yawClamp ) { ps->delta_angles[i] = yawClamp - cmd->angles[i]; temp = yawClamp; } else if ( temp < -yawClamp ) { ps->delta_angles[i] = -yawClamp - cmd->angles[i]; temp = -yawClamp; } } } #else //VEH_CONTROL_SCHEME_4 if ( pm_entVeh && BG_UnrestrainedPitchRoll( ps, pm_entVeh->m_pVehicle ) ) {//in a fighter /* if ( i == ROLL ) {//get roll from vehicle ps->viewangles[ROLL] = pm_entVeh->playerState->viewangles[ROLL];//->m_pVehicle->m_vOrientation[ROLL]; continue; } */ } #endif // VEH_CONTROL_SCHEME_4 else { if ( i == PITCH ) { // don't let the player look up or down more than 90 degrees if ( temp > 16000 ) { ps->delta_angles[i] = 16000 - cmd->angles[i]; temp = 16000; } else if ( temp < -16000 ) { ps->delta_angles[i] = -16000 - cmd->angles[i]; temp = -16000; } } } ps->viewangles[i] = SHORT2ANGLE(temp); } } /* void PM_UpdateViewAngles( playerState_t *ps, const usercmd_t *cmd ) { short temp; int i; float rootPitch = 0, pitchMin=-90, pitchMax=90, yawMin=0, yawMax=0, lockedYawValue = 0; //just to shut up warnings qboolean lockedYaw = qfalse, clamped = qfalse; bgEntity_t *vehEnt = NULL; if ( ps->pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION || ps->pm_type == PM_SPINTERMISSION) { return; // no view changes at all } if ( ps->pm_type != PM_SPECTATOR && ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) { return; // no view changes at all } // If we're a vehicle, or we're riding a vehicle...? if ( ps->m_iVehicleNum ) { if ( ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS ) { //player riding vehicle vehEnt = PM_BGEntForNum(ps->m_iVehicleNum); } else { //vehicle with player pilot vehEnt = PM_BGEntForNum(ps->clientNum); } if ( vehEnt ) {//there is a vehicle Vehicle_t *pVeh = vehEnt->m_pVehicle; if ( pVeh && pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo ) { // There is a vehicle... if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->type != VH_ANIMAL ) {//animals just turn normally, no clamping if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_FIGHTER ) { rootPitch = pVeh->m_vOrientation[PITCH];//gent->owner->client->ps.vehicleAngles[PITCH];//??? what if goes over 90 when add the min/max? if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->pitchLimit == -1 ) { pitchMax = 180; } else { pitchMax = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->pitchLimit; } pitchMin = -pitchMax; } else { lockedYawValue = 0;//gent->owner->client->ps.vehicleAngles[YAW]; lockedYaw = qtrue; yawMax = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->lookYaw; yawMin = -yawMax; rootPitch = 0;//gent->owner->client->ps.vehicleAngles[PITCH];//??? what if goes over 90 when add the min/max? pitchMax = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->lookPitch; pitchMin = -pitchMax; } } } } } if ( 1 ) { const short pitchClampMin = ANGLE2SHORT(rootPitch+pitchMin); const short pitchClampMax = ANGLE2SHORT(rootPitch+pitchMax); const short yawClampMin = ANGLE2SHORT(lockedYawValue+yawMin); const short yawClampMax = ANGLE2SHORT(lockedYawValue+yawMax); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { temp = cmd->angles[i] + ps->delta_angles[i]; if ( i == PITCH ) { //FIXME get this limit from the NPCs stats? // don't let the player look up or down more than 90 degrees if ( temp > pitchClampMax ) { ps->delta_angles[i] = (pitchClampMax - cmd->angles[i]) & 0xffff; //& clamp to short temp = pitchClampMax; clamped = qtrue; } else if ( temp < pitchClampMin ) { ps->delta_angles[i] = (pitchClampMin - cmd->angles[i]) & 0xffff; //& clamp to short temp = pitchClampMin; clamped = qtrue; } } if ( i == YAW && lockedYaw ) { //FIXME get this limit from the NPCs stats? // don't let the player look up or down more than 90 degrees if ( temp > yawClampMax ) { ps->delta_angles[i] = (yawClampMax - cmd->angles[i]) & 0xffff; //& clamp to short temp = yawClampMax; clamped = qtrue; } else if ( temp < yawClampMin ) { ps->delta_angles[i] = (yawClampMin - cmd->angles[i]) & 0xffff; //& clamp to short temp = yawClampMin; clamped = qtrue; } ps->viewangles[i] = SHORT2ANGLE(temp); } else { ps->viewangles[i] = SHORT2ANGLE(temp); } } } else { // circularly clamp the angles with deltas for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { temp = cmd->angles[i] + ps->delta_angles[i]; if ( i == PITCH ) { // don't let the player look up or down more than 90 degrees if ( temp > 16000 ) { ps->delta_angles[i] = 16000 - cmd->angles[i]; temp = 16000; } else if ( temp < -16000 ) { ps->delta_angles[i] = -16000 - cmd->angles[i]; temp = -16000; } } ps->viewangles[i] = SHORT2ANGLE(temp); } } } */ //------------------------------------------- void PM_AdjustAttackStates( pmove_t *pmove ) //------------------------------------------- { int amount; if (pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class!=CLASS_VEHICLE &&pmove->ps->m_iVehicleNum) { //riding a vehicle bgEntity_t *veh = pm_entVeh; if ( veh && (veh->m_pVehicle && (veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_WALKER || veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_FIGHTER)) ) {//riding a walker/fighter //not firing, ever pmove->ps->eFlags &= ~(EF_FIRING|EF_ALT_FIRING); return; } } // get ammo usage if ( pmove->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) { amount = pmove->ps->ammo[weaponData[ pmove->ps->weapon ].ammoIndex] - weaponData[pmove->ps->weapon].altEnergyPerShot; } else { amount = pmove->ps->ammo[weaponData[ pmove->ps->weapon ].ammoIndex] - weaponData[pmove->ps->weapon].energyPerShot; } // disruptor alt-fire should toggle the zoom mode, but only bother doing this for the player? if ( pmove->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pmove->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_READY ) { if ( !(pmove->ps->eFlags & EF_ALT_FIRING) && (pmove->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) /*&& pmove->cmd.upmove <= 0 && !pmove->cmd.forwardmove && !pmove->cmd.rightmove*/) { // We just pressed the alt-fire key if ( !pmove->ps->zoomMode && pmove->ps->pm_type != PM_DEAD ) { // not already zooming, so do it now pmove->ps->zoomMode = 1; pmove->ps->zoomLocked = qfalse; pmove->ps->zoomFov = 80.0f;//cg_fov.value; pmove->ps->zoomLockTime = pmove->cmd.serverTime + 50; PM_AddEvent(EV_DISRUPTOR_ZOOMSOUND); } else if (pmove->ps->zoomMode == 1 && pmove->ps->zoomLockTime < pmove->cmd.serverTime) { //check for == 1 so we can't turn binoculars off with disruptor alt fire // already zooming, so must be wanting to turn it off pmove->ps->zoomMode = 0; pmove->ps->zoomTime = pmove->ps->commandTime; pmove->ps->zoomLocked = qfalse; PM_AddEvent(EV_DISRUPTOR_ZOOMSOUND); pmove->ps->weaponTime = 1000; } } else if ( !(pmove->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) && pmove->ps->zoomLockTime < pmove->cmd.serverTime) { // Not pressing zoom any more if ( pmove->ps->zoomMode ) { if (pmove->ps->zoomMode == 1 && !pmove->ps->zoomLocked) { //approximate what level the client should be zoomed at based on how long zoom was held pmove->ps->zoomFov = ((pmove->cmd.serverTime+50) - pmove->ps->zoomLockTime) * 0.035f; if (pmove->ps->zoomFov > 50) { pmove->ps->zoomFov = 50; } if (pmove->ps->zoomFov < 1) { pmove->ps->zoomFov = 1; } } // were zooming in, so now lock the zoom pmove->ps->zoomLocked = qtrue; } } //This seemed like a good idea, but apparently it confuses people. So disabled for now. /* else if (!(pmove->ps->eFlags & EF_ALT_FIRING) && (pmove->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) && (pmove->cmd.upmove > 0 || pmove->cmd.forwardmove || pmove->cmd.rightmove)) { //if you try to zoom while moving, just convert it into a primary attack pmove->cmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK; pmove->cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; } */ /* if (pmove->cmd.upmove > 0 || pmove->cmd.forwardmove || pmove->cmd.rightmove) { if (pmove->ps->zoomMode == 1 && pmove->ps->zoomLockTime < pmove->cmd.serverTime) { //check for == 1 so we can't turn binoculars off with disruptor alt fire pmove->ps->zoomMode = 0; pmove->ps->zoomTime = pmove->ps->commandTime; pmove->ps->zoomLocked = qfalse; PM_AddEvent(EV_DISRUPTOR_ZOOMSOUND); } } */ if ( pmove->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK ) { // If we are zoomed, we should switch the ammo usage to the alt-fire, otherwise, we'll // just use whatever ammo was selected from above if ( pmove->ps->zoomMode ) { amount = pmove->ps->ammo[weaponData[ pmove->ps->weapon ].ammoIndex] - weaponData[pmove->ps->weapon].altEnergyPerShot; } } else { // alt-fire button pressing doesn't use any ammo amount = 0; } } /* else if (pmove->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR) //still perform certain checks, even if the weapon is not ready { if (pmove->cmd.upmove > 0 || pmove->cmd.forwardmove || pmove->cmd.rightmove) { if (pmove->ps->zoomMode == 1 && pmove->ps->zoomLockTime < pmove->cmd.serverTime) { //check for == 1 so we can't turn binoculars off with disruptor alt fire pmove->ps->zoomMode = 0; pmove->ps->zoomTime = pmove->ps->commandTime; pmove->ps->zoomLocked = qfalse; PM_AddEvent(EV_DISRUPTOR_ZOOMSOUND); } } } */ // set the firing flag for continuous beam weapons, saber will fire even if out of ammo if ( !(pmove->ps->pm_flags & PMF_RESPAWNED) && pmove->ps->pm_type != PM_INTERMISSION && pmove->ps->pm_type != PM_NOCLIP && ( pmove->cmd.buttons & (BUTTON_ATTACK|BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK)) && ( amount >= 0 || pmove->ps->weapon == WP_SABER )) { if ( pmove->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) { pmove->ps->eFlags |= EF_ALT_FIRING; } else { pmove->ps->eFlags &= ~EF_ALT_FIRING; } // This flag should always get set, even when alt-firing pmove->ps->eFlags |= EF_FIRING; } else { // Clear 'em out pmove->ps->eFlags &= ~(EF_FIRING|EF_ALT_FIRING); } // disruptor should convert a main fire to an alt-fire if the gun is currently zoomed if ( pmove->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR) { if ( pmove->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK && pmove->ps->zoomMode == 1 && pmove->ps->zoomLocked) { // converting the main fire to an alt-fire pmove->cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK; pmove->ps->eFlags |= EF_ALT_FIRING; } else if ( pmove->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK && pmove->ps->zoomMode == 1 && pmove->ps->zoomLocked) { pmove->cmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK; pmove->ps->eFlags &= ~EF_ALT_FIRING; } } } void BG_CmdForRoll( playerState_t *ps, int anim, usercmd_t *pCmd ) { switch ( (anim) ) { case BOTH_ROLL_F: pCmd->forwardmove = 127; pCmd->rightmove = 0; break; case BOTH_ROLL_B: pCmd->forwardmove = -127; pCmd->rightmove = 0; break; case BOTH_ROLL_R: pCmd->forwardmove = 0; pCmd->rightmove = 127; break; case BOTH_ROLL_L: pCmd->forwardmove = 0; pCmd->rightmove = -127; break; case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_R: pCmd->forwardmove = 0; pCmd->rightmove = 48; //NOTE: speed is 400 break; case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_R: if ( ps->legsTimer <= 250 ) {//end of anim pCmd->forwardmove = pCmd->rightmove = 0; } else { pCmd->forwardmove = 0; pCmd->rightmove = 48; //NOTE: speed is 400 } break; case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_L: pCmd->forwardmove = 0; pCmd->rightmove = -48; //NOTE: speed is 400 break; case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_L: if ( ps->legsTimer <= 250 ) {//end of anim pCmd->forwardmove = pCmd->rightmove = 0; } else { pCmd->forwardmove = 0; pCmd->rightmove = -48; //NOTE: speed is 400 } break; case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_B: if ( ps->torsoTimer <= 250 ) {//end of anim pCmd->forwardmove = pCmd->rightmove = 0; } else if ( PM_AnimLength( 0, (animNumber_t)ps->legsAnim ) - ps->torsoTimer < 350 ) {//beginning of anim pCmd->forwardmove = pCmd->rightmove = 0; } else { //FIXME: ramp down over length of anim pCmd->forwardmove = -64; pCmd->rightmove = 0; //NOTE: speed is 400 } break; case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_B: if ( ps->torsoTimer <= 100 ) {//end of anim pCmd->forwardmove = pCmd->rightmove = 0; } else if ( PM_AnimLength( 0, (animNumber_t)ps->legsAnim ) - ps->torsoTimer < 200 ) {//beginning of anim pCmd->forwardmove = pCmd->rightmove = 0; } else { //FIXME: ramp down over length of anim pCmd->forwardmove = -64; pCmd->rightmove = 0; //NOTE: speed is 400 } break; case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_F: if ( ps->torsoTimer <= 550 ) {//end of anim pCmd->forwardmove = pCmd->rightmove = 0; } else if ( PM_AnimLength( 0, (animNumber_t)ps->legsAnim ) - ps->torsoTimer < 150 ) {//beginning of anim pCmd->forwardmove = pCmd->rightmove = 0; } else { pCmd->forwardmove = 64; pCmd->rightmove = 0; //NOTE: speed is 400 } break; case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_F: if ( ps->torsoTimer <= 100 ) {//end of anim pCmd->forwardmove = pCmd->rightmove = 0; } else { //FIXME: ramp down over length of anim pCmd->forwardmove = 64; pCmd->rightmove = 0; //NOTE: speed is 400 } break; } pCmd->upmove = 0; } qboolean PM_SaberInTransition( int move ); void BG_AdjustClientSpeed(playerState_t *ps, usercmd_t *cmd, int svTime) { saberInfo_t *saber; if (ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS) { bgEntity_t *bgEnt = pm_entSelf; if (bgEnt && bgEnt->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE) { //vehicles manage their own speed return; } } //For prediction, always reset speed back to the last known server base speed //If we didn't do this, under lag we'd eventually dwindle speed down to 0 even though //that would not be the correct predicted value. ps->speed = ps->basespeed; if (ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_DODGE) { ps->speed = 0; } if (ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_KNOCKDOWN || ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_PRETHROWN || ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_POSTTHROWN) { ps->speed = 0; } if ( cmd->forwardmove < 0 && !(cmd->buttons&BUTTON_WALKING) && pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//running backwards is slower than running forwards (like SP) ps->speed *= 0.75f; } if (ps->fd.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_GRIP)) { ps->speed *= 0.4f; } if (ps->fd.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_SPEED)) { ps->speed *= 1.7f; } else if (ps->fd.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_RAGE)) { ps->speed *= 1.3f; } else if (ps->fd.forceRageRecoveryTime > svTime) { ps->speed *= 0.75f; } if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pm->ps->zoomMode == 1 && pm->ps->zoomLockTime < pm->cmd.serverTime) { ps->speed *= 0.5f; } if ( ps->fd.forceGripCripple && pm->ps->persistant[PERS_TEAM] != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { if ( ps->fd.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_RAGE) ) ps->speed *= 0.9f; else if ( ps->fd.forcePowersActive & (1 << FP_SPEED) ) ps->speed *= 0.8f; else ps->speed *= 0.2f; } if ( BG_SaberInAttack( ps->saberMove ) && cmd->forwardmove < 0 ) {//if running backwards while attacking, don't run as fast. switch( ps->fd.saberAnimLevel ) { case FORCE_LEVEL_1: ps->speed *= 0.75f; break; case FORCE_LEVEL_2: case SS_DUAL: case SS_STAFF: ps->speed *= 0.60f; break; case FORCE_LEVEL_3: ps->speed *= 0.45f; break; default: break; } } else if ( BG_SpinningSaberAnim( ps->legsAnim ) ) { if (ps->fd.saberAnimLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_3) { ps->speed *= 0.3f; } else { ps->speed *= 0.5f; } } else if ( ps->weapon == WP_SABER && BG_SaberInAttack( ps->saberMove ) ) {//if attacking with saber while running, drop your speed switch( ps->fd.saberAnimLevel ) { case FORCE_LEVEL_2: case SS_DUAL: case SS_STAFF: ps->speed *= 0.85f; break; case FORCE_LEVEL_3: ps->speed *= 0.55f; break; default: break; } } else if (ps->weapon == WP_SABER && ps->fd.saberAnimLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_3 && PM_SaberInTransition(ps->saberMove)) { //Now, we want to even slow down in transitions for level 3 (since it has chains and stuff now) if (cmd->forwardmove < 0) { ps->speed *= 0.4f; } else { ps->speed *= 0.6f; } } if ( BG_InRoll( ps, ps->legsAnim ) && ps->speed > 50 ) { //can't roll unless you're able to move normally if ((ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_ROLL_B) { //backwards roll is pretty fast, should also be slower if (ps->legsTimer > 800) { ps->speed = ps->legsTimer/2.5; } else { ps->speed = ps->legsTimer/6.0;//450; } } else { if (ps->legsTimer > 800) { ps->speed = ps->legsTimer/1.5;//450; } else { ps->speed = ps->legsTimer/5.0;//450; } } if (ps->speed > 600) { ps->speed = 600; } //Automatically slow down as the roll ends. } saber = BG_MySaber( ps->clientNum, 0 ); if ( saber && saber->moveSpeedScale != 1.0f ) { ps->speed *= saber->moveSpeedScale; } saber = BG_MySaber( ps->clientNum, 1 ); if ( saber && saber->moveSpeedScale != 1.0f ) { ps->speed *= saber->moveSpeedScale; } } qboolean BG_InRollAnim( entityState_t *cent ) { switch ( (cent->legsAnim) ) { case BOTH_ROLL_F: case BOTH_ROLL_B: case BOTH_ROLL_R: case BOTH_ROLL_L: return qtrue; } return qfalse; } qboolean BG_InKnockDown( int anim ) { switch ( (anim) ) { case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN1: case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN2: case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN3: case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN4: case BOTH_KNOCKDOWN5: return qtrue; break; case BOTH_GETUP1: case BOTH_GETUP2: case BOTH_GETUP3: case BOTH_GETUP4: case BOTH_GETUP5: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_F1: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_F2: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B1: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B2: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B3: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B4: case BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B5: case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_B: case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_F: case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_L: case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_R: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_B: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_F: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_L: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_R: return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } qboolean BG_InRollES( entityState_t *ps, int anim ) { switch ( (anim) ) { case BOTH_ROLL_F: case BOTH_ROLL_B: case BOTH_ROLL_R: case BOTH_ROLL_L: return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } void BG_IK_MoveArm(void *ghoul2, int lHandBolt, int time, entityState_t *ent, int basePose, vec3_t desiredPos, qboolean *ikInProgress, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, vec3_t scale, int blendTime, qboolean forceHalt) { mdxaBone_t lHandMatrix; vec3_t lHand; vec3_t torg; float distToDest; if (!ghoul2) { return; } assert(bgHumanoidAnimations[basePose].firstFrame > 0); if (!*ikInProgress && !forceHalt) { int baseposeAnim = basePose; sharedSetBoneIKStateParams_t ikP; //restrict the shoulder joint //VectorSet(ikP.pcjMins,-50.0f,-80.0f,-15.0f); //VectorSet(ikP.pcjMaxs,15.0f,40.0f,15.0f); //for now, leaving it unrestricted, but restricting elbow joint. //This lets us break the arm however we want in order to fling people //in throws, and doesn't look bad. VectorSet(ikP.pcjMins,0,0,0); VectorSet(ikP.pcjMaxs,0,0,0); //give the info on our entity. ikP.blendTime = blendTime; VectorCopy(origin, ikP.origin); VectorCopy(angles, ikP.angles); ikP.angles[PITCH] = 0; ikP.pcjOverrides = 0; ikP.radius = 10.0f; VectorCopy(scale, ikP.scale); //base pose frames for the limb ikP.startFrame = bgHumanoidAnimations[baseposeAnim].firstFrame + bgHumanoidAnimations[baseposeAnim].numFrames; ikP.endFrame = bgHumanoidAnimations[baseposeAnim].firstFrame + bgHumanoidAnimations[baseposeAnim].numFrames; ikP.forceAnimOnBone = qfalse; //let it use existing anim if it's the same as this one. //we want to call with a null bone name first. This will init all of the //ik system stuff on the g2 instance, because we need ragdoll effectors //in order for our pcj's to know how to angle properly. if (!trap->G2API_SetBoneIKState(ghoul2, time, NULL, IKS_DYNAMIC, &ikP)) { assert(!"Failed to init IK system for g2 instance!"); } //Now, create our IK bone state. if (trap->G2API_SetBoneIKState(ghoul2, time, "lhumerus", IKS_DYNAMIC, &ikP)) { //restrict the elbow joint VectorSet(ikP.pcjMins,-90.0f,-20.0f,-20.0f); VectorSet(ikP.pcjMaxs,30.0f,20.0f,-20.0f); if (trap->G2API_SetBoneIKState(ghoul2, time, "lradius", IKS_DYNAMIC, &ikP)) { //everything went alright. *ikInProgress = qtrue; } } } if (*ikInProgress && !forceHalt) { //actively update our ik state. sharedIKMoveParams_t ikM; sharedRagDollUpdateParams_t tuParms; vec3_t tAngles; //set the argument struct up VectorCopy(desiredPos, ikM.desiredOrigin); //we want the bone to move here.. if possible VectorCopy(angles, tAngles); tAngles[PITCH] = tAngles[ROLL] = 0; trap->G2API_GetBoltMatrix(ghoul2, 0, lHandBolt, &lHandMatrix, tAngles, origin, time, 0, scale); //Get the point position from the matrix. lHand[0] = lHandMatrix.matrix[0][3]; lHand[1] = lHandMatrix.matrix[1][3]; lHand[2] = lHandMatrix.matrix[2][3]; VectorSubtract(lHand, desiredPos, torg); distToDest = VectorLength(torg); //closer we are, more we want to keep updated. //if we're far away we don't want to be too fast or we'll start twitching all over. if (distToDest < 2) { //however if we're this close we want very precise movement ikM.movementSpeed = 0.4f; } else if (distToDest < 16) { ikM.movementSpeed = 0.9f;//8.0f; } else if (distToDest < 32) { ikM.movementSpeed = 0.8f;//4.0f; } else if (distToDest < 64) { ikM.movementSpeed = 0.7f;//2.0f; } else { ikM.movementSpeed = 0.6f; } VectorCopy(origin, ikM.origin); //our position in the world. ikM.boneName[0] = 0; if (trap->G2API_IKMove(ghoul2, time, &ikM)) { //now do the standard model animate stuff with ragdoll update params. VectorCopy(angles, tuParms.angles); tuParms.angles[PITCH] = 0; VectorCopy(origin, tuParms.position); VectorCopy(scale, tuParms.scale); tuParms.me = ent->number; VectorClear(tuParms.velocity); trap->G2API_AnimateG2Models(ghoul2, time, &tuParms); } else { *ikInProgress = qfalse; } } else if (*ikInProgress) { //kill it float cFrame, animSpeed; int sFrame, eFrame, flags; trap->G2API_SetBoneIKState(ghoul2, time, "lhumerus", IKS_NONE, NULL); trap->G2API_SetBoneIKState(ghoul2, time, "lradius", IKS_NONE, NULL); //then reset the angles/anims on these PCJs trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "lhumerus", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, NULL, 0, time); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "lradius", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, NULL, 0, time); //Get the anim/frames that the pelvis is on exactly, and match the left arm back up with them again. trap->G2API_GetBoneAnim(ghoul2, "pelvis", (const int)time, &cFrame, &sFrame, &eFrame, &flags, &animSpeed, 0, 0); trap->G2API_SetBoneAnim(ghoul2, 0, "lhumerus", sFrame, eFrame, flags, animSpeed, time, sFrame, 300); trap->G2API_SetBoneAnim(ghoul2, 0, "lradius", sFrame, eFrame, flags, animSpeed, time, sFrame, 300); //And finally, get rid of all the ik state effector data by calling with null bone name (similar to how we init it). trap->G2API_SetBoneIKState(ghoul2, time, NULL, IKS_NONE, NULL); *ikInProgress = qfalse; } } //Adjust the head/neck desired angles void BG_UpdateLookAngles( int lookingDebounceTime, vec3_t lastHeadAngles, int time, vec3_t lookAngles, float lookSpeed, float minPitch, float maxPitch, float minYaw, float maxYaw, float minRoll, float maxRoll ) { static const float fFrameInter = 0.1f; static vec3_t oldLookAngles; static vec3_t lookAnglesDiff; static int ang; if ( lookingDebounceTime > time ) { //clamp so don't get "Exorcist" effect if ( lookAngles[PITCH] > maxPitch ) { lookAngles[PITCH] = maxPitch; } else if ( lookAngles[PITCH] < minPitch ) { lookAngles[PITCH] = minPitch; } if ( lookAngles[YAW] > maxYaw ) { lookAngles[YAW] = maxYaw; } else if ( lookAngles[YAW] < minYaw ) { lookAngles[YAW] = minYaw; } if ( lookAngles[ROLL] > maxRoll ) { lookAngles[ROLL] = maxRoll; } else if ( lookAngles[ROLL] < minRoll ) { lookAngles[ROLL] = minRoll; } //slowly lerp to this new value //Remember last headAngles VectorCopy( lastHeadAngles, oldLookAngles ); VectorSubtract( lookAngles, oldLookAngles, lookAnglesDiff ); for ( ang = 0; ang < 3; ang++ ) { lookAnglesDiff[ang] = AngleNormalize180( lookAnglesDiff[ang] ); } if( VectorLengthSquared( lookAnglesDiff ) ) { lookAngles[PITCH] = AngleNormalize180( oldLookAngles[PITCH]+(lookAnglesDiff[PITCH]*fFrameInter*lookSpeed) ); lookAngles[YAW] = AngleNormalize180( oldLookAngles[YAW]+(lookAnglesDiff[YAW]*fFrameInter*lookSpeed) ); lookAngles[ROLL] = AngleNormalize180( oldLookAngles[ROLL]+(lookAnglesDiff[ROLL]*fFrameInter*lookSpeed) ); } } //Remember current lookAngles next time VectorCopy( lookAngles, lastHeadAngles ); } //for setting visual look (headturn) angles static void BG_G2ClientNeckAngles( void *ghoul2, int time, const vec3_t lookAngles, vec3_t headAngles, vec3_t neckAngles, vec3_t thoracicAngles, vec3_t headClampMinAngles, vec3_t headClampMaxAngles ) { vec3_t lA; VectorCopy( lookAngles, lA ); //clamp the headangles (which should now be relative to the cervical (neck) angles if ( lA[PITCH] < headClampMinAngles[PITCH] ) { lA[PITCH] = headClampMinAngles[PITCH]; } else if ( lA[PITCH] > headClampMaxAngles[PITCH] ) { lA[PITCH] = headClampMaxAngles[PITCH]; } if ( lA[YAW] < headClampMinAngles[YAW] ) { lA[YAW] = headClampMinAngles[YAW]; } else if ( lA[YAW] > headClampMaxAngles[YAW] ) { lA[YAW] = headClampMaxAngles[YAW]; } if ( lA[ROLL] < headClampMinAngles[ROLL] ) { lA[ROLL] = headClampMinAngles[ROLL]; } else if ( lA[ROLL] > headClampMaxAngles[ROLL] ) { lA[ROLL] = headClampMaxAngles[ROLL]; } //split it up between the neck and cranium if ( thoracicAngles[PITCH] ) {//already been set above, blend them thoracicAngles[PITCH] = (thoracicAngles[PITCH] + (lA[PITCH] * 0.4)) * 0.5f; } else { thoracicAngles[PITCH] = lA[PITCH] * 0.4; } if ( thoracicAngles[YAW] ) {//already been set above, blend them thoracicAngles[YAW] = (thoracicAngles[YAW] + (lA[YAW] * 0.1)) * 0.5f; } else { thoracicAngles[YAW] = lA[YAW] * 0.1; } if ( thoracicAngles[ROLL] ) {//already been set above, blend them thoracicAngles[ROLL] = (thoracicAngles[ROLL] + (lA[ROLL] * 0.1)) * 0.5f; } else { thoracicAngles[ROLL] = lA[ROLL] * 0.1; } neckAngles[PITCH] = lA[PITCH] * 0.2f; neckAngles[YAW] = lA[YAW] * 0.3f; neckAngles[ROLL] = lA[ROLL] * 0.3f; headAngles[PITCH] = lA[PITCH] * 0.4; headAngles[YAW] = lA[YAW] * 0.6; headAngles[ROLL] = lA[ROLL] * 0.6; /* //non-applicable SP code if ( G_RidingVehicle( cent->gent ) )// && type == VH_SPEEDER ? {//aim torso forward too headAngles[YAW] = neckAngles[YAW] = thoracicAngles[YAW] = 0; } */ trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "cranium", headAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "cervical", neckAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "thoracic", thoracicAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); } //rww - Finally decided to convert all this stuff to BG form. static void BG_G2ClientSpineAngles( void *ghoul2, int motionBolt, vec3_t cent_lerpOrigin, vec3_t cent_lerpAngles, entityState_t *cent, int time, vec3_t viewAngles, int ciLegs, int ciTorso, const vec3_t angles, vec3_t thoracicAngles, vec3_t ulAngles, vec3_t llAngles, vec3_t modelScale, float *tPitchAngle, float *tYawAngle, int *corrTime ) { qboolean doCorr = qfalse; //*tPitchAngle = viewAngles[PITCH]; viewAngles[YAW] = AngleDelta( cent_lerpAngles[YAW], angles[YAW] ); //*tYawAngle = viewAngles[YAW]; #if 1 if ( !BG_FlippingAnim( cent->legsAnim ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( cent->legsAnim ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( cent->torsoAnim ) && !BG_InSpecialJump( cent->legsAnim ) && !BG_InSpecialJump( cent->torsoAnim ) && !BG_InDeathAnim(cent->legsAnim) && !BG_InDeathAnim(cent->torsoAnim) && !BG_InRollES(cent, cent->legsAnim) && !BG_InRollAnim(cent) && !BG_SaberInSpecial(cent->saberMove) && !BG_SaberInSpecialAttack(cent->torsoAnim) && !BG_SaberInSpecialAttack(cent->legsAnim) && !BG_InKnockDown(cent->torsoAnim) && !BG_InKnockDown(cent->legsAnim) && !BG_InKnockDown(ciTorso) && !BG_InKnockDown(ciLegs) && !BG_FlippingAnim( ciLegs ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( ciLegs ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( ciTorso ) && !BG_InSpecialJump( ciLegs ) && !BG_InSpecialJump( ciTorso ) && !BG_InDeathAnim(ciLegs) && !BG_InDeathAnim(ciTorso) && !BG_SaberInSpecialAttack(ciTorso) && !BG_SaberInSpecialAttack(ciLegs) && !(cent->eFlags & EF_DEAD) && (cent->legsAnim) != (cent->torsoAnim) && (ciLegs) != (ciTorso) && !cent->m_iVehicleNum) { doCorr = qtrue; } #else if ( ((!BG_FlippingAnim( cent->legsAnim ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( cent->legsAnim ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( cent->torsoAnim ) && (cent->legsAnim) != (cent->torsoAnim)) //NOTE: presumes your legs & torso are on the same frame, though they *should* be because PM_SetAnimFinal tries to keep them in synch || (!BG_FlippingAnim( ciLegs ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( ciLegs ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( ciTorso ) && (ciLegs) != (ciTorso))) || ciLegs != cent->legsAnim || ciTorso != cent->torsoAnim) { doCorr = qtrue; *corrTime = time + 1000; //continue correcting for a second after to smooth things out. SP doesn't need this for whatever reason but I can't find a way around it. } else if (*corrTime >= time) { if (!BG_FlippingAnim( cent->legsAnim ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( cent->legsAnim ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( cent->torsoAnim ) && !BG_FlippingAnim( ciLegs ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( ciLegs ) && !BG_SpinningSaberAnim( ciTorso )) { doCorr = qtrue; } } #endif if (doCorr) {//FIXME: no need to do this if legs and torso on are same frame //adjust for motion offset mdxaBone_t boltMatrix; vec3_t motionFwd, motionAngles; vec3_t motionRt, tempAng; int ang; trap->G2API_GetBoltMatrix_NoRecNoRot( ghoul2, 0, motionBolt, &boltMatrix, vec3_origin, cent_lerpOrigin, time, 0, modelScale); //BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( &boltMatrix, NEGATIVE_Y, motionFwd ); motionFwd[0] = -boltMatrix.matrix[0][1]; motionFwd[1] = -boltMatrix.matrix[1][1]; motionFwd[2] = -boltMatrix.matrix[2][1]; vectoangles( motionFwd, motionAngles ); //BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( &boltMatrix, NEGATIVE_X, motionRt ); motionRt[0] = -boltMatrix.matrix[0][0]; motionRt[1] = -boltMatrix.matrix[1][0]; motionRt[2] = -boltMatrix.matrix[2][0]; vectoangles( motionRt, tempAng ); motionAngles[ROLL] = -tempAng[PITCH]; for ( ang = 0; ang < 3; ang++ ) { viewAngles[ang] = AngleNormalize180( viewAngles[ang] - AngleNormalize180( motionAngles[ang] ) ); } } //distribute the angles differently up the spine //NOTE: each of these distributions must add up to 1.0f thoracicAngles[PITCH] = viewAngles[PITCH]*0.20f; llAngles[PITCH] = viewAngles[PITCH]*0.40f; ulAngles[PITCH] = viewAngles[PITCH]*0.40f; thoracicAngles[YAW] = viewAngles[YAW]*0.20f; ulAngles[YAW] = viewAngles[YAW]*0.35f; llAngles[YAW] = viewAngles[YAW]*0.45f; thoracicAngles[ROLL] = viewAngles[ROLL]*0.20f; ulAngles[ROLL] = viewAngles[ROLL]*0.35f; llAngles[ROLL] = viewAngles[ROLL]*0.45f; } /* ================== CG_SwingAngles ================== */ static float BG_SwingAngles( float destination, float swingTolerance, float clampTolerance, float speed, float *angle, qboolean *swinging, int frametime ) { float swing; float move; float scale; if ( !*swinging ) { // see if a swing should be started swing = AngleSubtract( *angle, destination ); if ( swing > swingTolerance || swing < -swingTolerance ) { *swinging = qtrue; } } if ( !*swinging ) { return 0; } // modify the speed depending on the delta // so it doesn't seem so linear swing = AngleSubtract( destination, *angle ); scale = fabs( swing ); if ( scale < swingTolerance * 0.5 ) { scale = 0.5; } else if ( scale < swingTolerance ) { scale = 1.0; } else { scale = 2.0; } // swing towards the destination angle if ( swing >= 0 ) { move = frametime * scale * speed; if ( move >= swing ) { move = swing; *swinging = qfalse; } *angle = AngleMod( *angle + move ); } else if ( swing < 0 ) { move = frametime * scale * -speed; if ( move <= swing ) { move = swing; *swinging = qfalse; } *angle = AngleMod( *angle + move ); } // clamp to no more than tolerance swing = AngleSubtract( destination, *angle ); if ( swing > clampTolerance ) { *angle = AngleMod( destination - (clampTolerance - 1) ); } else if ( swing < -clampTolerance ) { *angle = AngleMod( destination + (clampTolerance - 1) ); } return swing; } //#define BONE_BASED_LEG_ANGLES //I apologize for this function qboolean BG_InRoll2( entityState_t *es ) { switch ( (es->legsAnim) ) { case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_B: case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_F: case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_L: case BOTH_GETUP_BROLL_R: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_B: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_F: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_L: case BOTH_GETUP_FROLL_R: case BOTH_ROLL_F: case BOTH_ROLL_B: case BOTH_ROLL_R: case BOTH_ROLL_L: return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } extern qboolean BG_SaberLockBreakAnim( int anim ); //bg_panimate.c void BG_G2PlayerAngles(void *ghoul2, int motionBolt, entityState_t *cent, int time, vec3_t cent_lerpOrigin, vec3_t cent_lerpAngles, matrix3_t legs, vec3_t legsAngles, qboolean *tYawing, qboolean *tPitching, qboolean *lYawing, float *tYawAngle, float *tPitchAngle, float *lYawAngle, int frametime, vec3_t turAngles, vec3_t modelScale, int ciLegs, int ciTorso, int *corrTime, vec3_t lookAngles, vec3_t lastHeadAngles, int lookTime, entityState_t *emplaced, int *crazySmoothFactor) { int adddir = 0; static int dir; static int i; // static int movementOffsets[8] = { 0, 22, 45, -22, 0, 22, -45, -22 }; float degrees_negative = 0; float degrees_positive = 0; static float dif; static float dest; static float speed; //, speed_dif, speed_desired; static const float lookSpeed = 1.5f; #ifdef BONE_BASED_LEG_ANGLES static float legBoneYaw; #endif static vec3_t eyeAngles; static vec3_t neckAngles; static vec3_t velocity; static vec3_t torsoAngles, headAngles; static vec3_t velPos, velAng; static vec3_t ulAngles, llAngles, viewAngles, angles, thoracicAngles = {0,0,0}; static vec3_t headClampMinAngles = {-25,-55,-10}, headClampMaxAngles = {50,50,10}; if ( cent->m_iVehicleNum || cent->forceFrame || BG_SaberLockBreakAnim(cent->legsAnim) || BG_SaberLockBreakAnim(cent->torsoAnim) ) { //a vehicle or riding a vehicle - in either case we don't need to be in here vec3_t forcedAngles; VectorClear(forcedAngles); forcedAngles[YAW] = cent_lerpAngles[YAW]; forcedAngles[ROLL] = cent_lerpAngles[ROLL]; AnglesToAxis( forcedAngles, legs ); VectorCopy(forcedAngles, legsAngles); VectorCopy(legsAngles, turAngles); if (cent->number < MAX_CLIENTS) { trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "lower_lumbar", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "upper_lumbar", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "cranium", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "thoracic", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "cervical", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); } return; } if ((time+2000) < *corrTime) { *corrTime = 0; } VectorCopy( cent_lerpAngles, headAngles ); headAngles[YAW] = AngleMod( headAngles[YAW] ); VectorClear( legsAngles ); VectorClear( torsoAngles ); // --------- yaw ------------- // allow yaw to drift a bit if ((( cent->legsAnim ) != BOTH_STAND1) || ( cent->torsoAnim ) != WeaponReadyAnim[cent->weapon] ) { // if not standing still, always point all in the same direction //cent->pe.torso.yawing = qtrue; // always center *tYawing = qtrue; //cent->pe.torso.pitching = qtrue; // always center *tPitching = qtrue; //cent->pe.legs.yawing = qtrue; // always center *lYawing = qtrue; } // adjust legs for movement dir if ( cent->eFlags & EF_DEAD ) { // don't let dead bodies twitch dir = 0; } else { dir = cent->angles2[YAW]; if ( dir < 0 || dir > 7 ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Bad player movement angle (%i)", dir ); } } torsoAngles[YAW] = headAngles[YAW]; //for now, turn torso instantly and let the legs swing to follow *tYawAngle = torsoAngles[YAW]; // --------- pitch ------------- VectorCopy( cent->pos.trDelta, velocity ); if (BG_InRoll2(cent)) { //don't affect angles based on vel then VectorClear(velocity); } else if (cent->weapon == WP_SABER && BG_SaberInSpecial(cent->saberMove)) { VectorClear(velocity); } speed = VectorNormalize( velocity ); if (!speed) { torsoAngles[YAW] = headAngles[YAW]; } // only show a fraction of the pitch angle in the torso if ( headAngles[PITCH] > 180 ) { dest = (-360 + headAngles[PITCH]) * 0.75; } else { dest = headAngles[PITCH] * 0.75; } if (cent->m_iVehicleNum) { //swing instantly on vehicles *tPitchAngle = dest; } else { BG_SwingAngles( dest, 15, 30, 0.1f, tPitchAngle, tPitching, frametime ); } torsoAngles[PITCH] = *tPitchAngle; // --------- roll ------------- if ( speed ) { matrix3_t axis; float side; speed *= 0.05f; AnglesToAxis( legsAngles, axis ); side = speed * DotProduct( velocity, axis[1] ); legsAngles[ROLL] -= side; side = speed * DotProduct( velocity, axis[0] ); legsAngles[PITCH] += side; } //legsAngles[YAW] = headAngles[YAW] + (movementOffsets[ dir ]*speed_dif); //rww - crazy velocity-based leg angle calculation legsAngles[YAW] = headAngles[YAW]; velPos[0] = cent_lerpOrigin[0] + velocity[0]; velPos[1] = cent_lerpOrigin[1] + velocity[1]; velPos[2] = cent_lerpOrigin[2];// + velocity[2]; if ( cent->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE || cent->forceFrame || (cent->weapon == WP_EMPLACED_GUN && emplaced) ) { //off the ground, no direction-based leg angles (same if in saberlock) VectorCopy(cent_lerpOrigin, velPos); } VectorSubtract(cent_lerpOrigin, velPos, velAng); if (!VectorCompare(velAng, vec3_origin)) { vectoangles(velAng, velAng); if (velAng[YAW] <= legsAngles[YAW]) { degrees_negative = (legsAngles[YAW] - velAng[YAW]); degrees_positive = (360 - legsAngles[YAW]) + velAng[YAW]; } else { degrees_negative = legsAngles[YAW] + (360 - velAng[YAW]); degrees_positive = (velAng[YAW] - legsAngles[YAW]); } if ( degrees_negative < degrees_positive ) { dif = degrees_negative; adddir = 0; } else { dif = degrees_positive; adddir = 1; } if (dif > 90) { dif = (180 - dif); } if (dif > 60) { dif = 60; } //Slight hack for when playing is running backward if (dir == 3 || dir == 5) { dif = -dif; } if (adddir) { legsAngles[YAW] -= dif; } else { legsAngles[YAW] += dif; } } if (cent->m_iVehicleNum) { //swing instantly on vehicles *lYawAngle = legsAngles[YAW]; } else { BG_SwingAngles( legsAngles[YAW], /*40*/0, 90, 0.65f, lYawAngle, lYawing, frametime ); } legsAngles[YAW] = *lYawAngle; /* // pain twitch CG_AddPainTwitch( cent, torsoAngles ); */ legsAngles[ROLL] = 0; torsoAngles[ROLL] = 0; // VectorCopy(legsAngles, turAngles); // pull the angles back out of the hierarchial chain AnglesSubtract( headAngles, torsoAngles, headAngles ); AnglesSubtract( torsoAngles, legsAngles, torsoAngles ); legsAngles[PITCH] = 0; if (cent->heldByClient) { //keep the base angles clear when doing the IK stuff, it doesn't compensate for it. //rwwFIXMEFIXME: Store leg angles off and add them to all the fed in angles for G2 functions? VectorClear(legsAngles); legsAngles[YAW] = cent_lerpAngles[YAW]; } #ifdef BONE_BASED_LEG_ANGLES legBoneYaw = legsAngles[YAW]; VectorClear(legsAngles); legsAngles[YAW] = cent_lerpAngles[YAW]; #endif VectorCopy(legsAngles, turAngles); AnglesToAxis( legsAngles, legs ); VectorCopy( cent_lerpAngles, viewAngles ); viewAngles[YAW] = viewAngles[ROLL] = 0; viewAngles[PITCH] *= 0.5; VectorSet( angles, 0, legsAngles[1], 0 ); angles[0] = legsAngles[0]; if ( angles[0] > 30 ) { angles[0] = 30; } else if ( angles[0] < -30 ) { angles[0] = -30; } if (cent->weapon == WP_EMPLACED_GUN && emplaced) { //if using an emplaced gun, then we want to make sure we're angled to "hold" it right vec3_t facingAngles; VectorSubtract(emplaced->pos.trBase, cent_lerpOrigin, facingAngles); vectoangles(facingAngles, facingAngles); if (emplaced->weapon == WP_NONE) { //e-web VectorCopy(facingAngles, legsAngles); AnglesToAxis( legsAngles, legs ); } else { //misc emplaced float emplacedDif = AngleSubtract(cent_lerpAngles[YAW], facingAngles[YAW]); /* if (emplaced->weapon == WP_NONE) { //offset is a little bit different for the e-web emplacedDif -= 16.0f; } */ VectorSet(facingAngles, -16.0f, -emplacedDif, 0.0f); if (cent->legsAnim == BOTH_STRAFE_LEFT1 || cent->legsAnim == BOTH_STRAFE_RIGHT1) { //try to adjust so it doesn't look wrong if (crazySmoothFactor) { //want to smooth a lot during this because it chops around and looks like ass *crazySmoothFactor = time + 1000; } BG_G2ClientSpineAngles(ghoul2, motionBolt, cent_lerpOrigin, cent_lerpAngles, cent, time, viewAngles, ciLegs, ciTorso, angles, thoracicAngles, ulAngles, llAngles, modelScale, tPitchAngle, tYawAngle, corrTime); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "lower_lumbar", llAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "upper_lumbar", ulAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "cranium", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); VectorAdd(facingAngles, thoracicAngles, facingAngles); if (cent->legsAnim == BOTH_STRAFE_LEFT1) { //this one needs some further correction facingAngles[YAW] -= 32.0f; } } else { // trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "lower_lumbar", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); // trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "upper_lumbar", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "cranium", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); } VectorScale(facingAngles, 0.6f, facingAngles); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "lower_lumbar", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); VectorScale(facingAngles, 0.8f, facingAngles); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "upper_lumbar", facingAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); VectorScale(facingAngles, 0.8f, facingAngles); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "thoracic", facingAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); //Now we want the head angled toward where we are facing VectorSet(facingAngles, 0.0f, dif, 0.0f); VectorScale(facingAngles, 0.6f, facingAngles); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "cervical", facingAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); return; //don't have to bother with the rest then } } BG_G2ClientSpineAngles(ghoul2, motionBolt, cent_lerpOrigin, cent_lerpAngles, cent, time, viewAngles, ciLegs, ciTorso, angles, thoracicAngles, ulAngles, llAngles, modelScale, tPitchAngle, tYawAngle, corrTime); VectorCopy(cent_lerpAngles, eyeAngles); for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { lookAngles[i] = AngleNormalize180( lookAngles[i] ); eyeAngles[i] = AngleNormalize180( eyeAngles[i] ); } AnglesSubtract( lookAngles, eyeAngles, lookAngles ); BG_UpdateLookAngles(lookTime, lastHeadAngles, time, lookAngles, lookSpeed, -50.0f, 50.0f, -70.0f, 70.0f, -30.0f, 30.0f); BG_G2ClientNeckAngles(ghoul2, time, lookAngles, headAngles, neckAngles, thoracicAngles, headClampMinAngles, headClampMaxAngles); #ifdef BONE_BASED_LEG_ANGLES { vec3_t bLAngles; VectorClear(bLAngles); bLAngles[ROLL] = AngleNormalize180((legBoneYaw - cent_lerpAngles[YAW])); strap_G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "model_root", bLAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); if (!llAngles[YAW]) { llAngles[YAW] -= bLAngles[ROLL]; } } #endif trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "lower_lumbar", llAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "upper_lumbar", ulAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "thoracic", thoracicAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); // trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles(ghoul2, 0, "cervical", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time); } void BG_G2ATSTAngles(void *ghoul2, int time, vec3_t cent_lerpAngles ) {// up right fwd trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles( ghoul2, 0, "thoracic", cent_lerpAngles, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_X, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, 0, 0, time ); } static qboolean PM_AdjustAnglesForDualJumpAttack( playerState_t *ps, usercmd_t *ucmd ) { //ucmd->angles[PITCH] = ANGLE2SHORT( ps->viewangles[PITCH] ) - ps->delta_angles[PITCH]; //ucmd->angles[YAW] = ANGLE2SHORT( ps->viewangles[YAW] ) - ps->delta_angles[YAW]; return qtrue; } static QINLINE void PM_CmdForSaberMoves(usercmd_t *ucmd) { //DUAL FORWARD+JUMP+ATTACK if ( (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_JUMPATTACK6 && pm->ps->saberMove == LS_JUMPATTACK_DUAL) || (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FL1 && pm->ps->saberMove == LS_JUMPATTACK_STAFF_LEFT) || (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_BUTTERFLY_FR1 && pm->ps->saberMove == LS_JUMPATTACK_STAFF_RIGHT) || (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT && pm->ps->saberMove == LS_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT) || (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT && pm->ps->saberMove == LS_BUTTERFLY_LEFT) ) { int aLen = PM_AnimLength(0, BOTH_JUMPATTACK6); ucmd->forwardmove = ucmd->rightmove = ucmd->upmove = 0; if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_JUMPATTACK6 ) { //dual stance attack if ( pm->ps->legsTimer >= 100 //not at end && (aLen - pm->ps->legsTimer) >= 250 ) //not in beginning { //middle of anim //push forward ucmd->forwardmove = 127; } if ( (pm->ps->legsTimer >= 900 //not at end && aLen - pm->ps->legsTimer >= 950 ) //not in beginning || ( pm->ps->legsTimer >= 1600 && aLen - pm->ps->legsTimer >= 400 ) ) //not in beginning { //one of the two jumps if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) { //still on ground? if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum >= MAX_CLIENTS ) { //jump! pm->ps->velocity[2] = 250;//400; pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart = pm->ps->origin[2];//so we don't take damage if we land at same height //pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING; //FIXME: NPCs yell? PM_AddEvent(EV_JUMP); //G_SoundOnEnt( ent, CHAN_BODY, "sound/weapons/force/jump.wav" ); } } else { //FIXME: if this is the second jump, maybe we should just stop the anim? } } } else { //saberstaff attacks float lenMin = 1700.0f; float lenMax = 1800.0f; aLen = PM_AnimLength(0, (animNumber_t)pm->ps->legsAnim); if (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT) { lenMin = 1200.0f; lenMax = 1400.0f; } //FIXME: don't slide off people/obstacles? if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT ) { if ( pm->ps->legsTimer > 450 ) { switch ( pm->ps->legsAnim ) { case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT: ucmd->rightmove = -127; break; case BOTH_BUTTERFLY_RIGHT: ucmd->rightmove = 127; break; default: break; } } } else { if ( pm->ps->legsTimer >= 100 //not at end && aLen - pm->ps->legsTimer >= 250 )//not in beginning {//middle of anim //push forward ucmd->forwardmove = 127; } } if ( pm->ps->legsTimer >= lenMin && pm->ps->legsTimer < lenMax ) {//one of the two jumps if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//still on ground? //jump! if (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT) { pm->ps->velocity[2] = 350; } else { pm->ps->velocity[2] = 250; } pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart = pm->ps->origin[2];//so we don't take damage if we land at same height //pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING;//|PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL; //FIXME: NPCs yell? PM_AddEvent(EV_JUMP); //G_SoundOnEnt( ent, CHAN_BODY, "sound/weapons/force/jump.wav" ); } else {//FIXME: if this is the second jump, maybe we should just stop the anim? } } } if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//can only turn when your feet hit the ground if (PM_AdjustAnglesForDualJumpAttack(pm->ps, ucmd)) { PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, ucmd); } } //rwwFIXMEFIXME: Bother with bbox resizing like sp? } //STAFF BACK+JUMP+ATTACK else if (pm->ps->saberMove == LS_A_BACKFLIP_ATK && pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_JUMPATTACK7) { int aLen = PM_AnimLength(0, BOTH_JUMPATTACK7); if ( pm->ps->legsTimer > 800 //not at end && aLen - pm->ps->legsTimer >= 400 )//not in beginning {//middle of anim if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//still on ground? vec3_t yawAngles, backDir; //push backwards some? VectorSet( yawAngles, 0, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW]+180, 0 ); AngleVectors( yawAngles, backDir, 0, 0 ); VectorScale( backDir, 100, pm->ps->velocity ); //jump! pm->ps->velocity[2] = 300; pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart = pm->ps->origin[2]; //so we don't take damage if we land at same height //pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING;//|PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL; //FIXME: NPCs yell? PM_AddEvent(EV_JUMP); //G_SoundOnEnt( ent, CHAN_BODY, "sound/weapons/force/jump.wav" ); ucmd->upmove = 0; //clear any actual jump command } } ucmd->forwardmove = ucmd->rightmove = ucmd->upmove = 0; } //STAFF/DUAL SPIN ATTACK else if (pm->ps->saberMove == LS_SPINATTACK || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_SPINATTACK_DUAL) { ucmd->forwardmove = ucmd->rightmove = ucmd->upmove = 0; //lock their viewangles during these attacks. PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, ucmd); } } //constrain him based on the angles of his vehicle and the caps void PM_VehicleViewAngles(playerState_t *ps, bgEntity_t *veh, usercmd_t *ucmd) { Vehicle_t *pVeh = veh->m_pVehicle; qboolean setAngles = qfalse; vec3_t clampMin; vec3_t clampMax; int i; if ( veh->m_pVehicle->m_pPilot && veh->m_pVehicle->m_pPilot->s.number == ps->clientNum ) {//set the pilot's viewangles to the vehicle's viewangles #ifdef VEH_CONTROL_SCHEME_4 if ( 1 ) #else //VEH_CONTROL_SCHEME_4 if ( !BG_UnrestrainedPitchRoll( ps, veh->m_pVehicle ) ) #endif //VEH_CONTROL_SCHEME_4 {//only if not if doing special free-roll/pitch control setAngles = qtrue; clampMin[PITCH] = -pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->lookPitch; clampMax[PITCH] = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->lookPitch; clampMin[YAW] = clampMax[YAW] = 0; clampMin[ROLL] = clampMax[ROLL] = -1; } } else { //NOTE: passengers can look around freely, UNLESS they're controlling a turret! for ( i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLE_TURRETS; i++ ) { if ( veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[i].passengerNum == ps->generic1 ) {//this turret is my station setAngles = qtrue; clampMin[PITCH] = veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[i].pitchClampUp; clampMax[PITCH] = veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[i].pitchClampDown; clampMin[YAW] = veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[i].yawClampRight; clampMax[YAW] = veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[i].yawClampLeft; clampMin[ROLL] = clampMax[ROLL] = 0; break; } } } if ( setAngles ) { for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {//clamp viewangles if ( clampMin[i] == -1 || clampMax[i] == -1 ) {//no clamp } else if ( !clampMin[i] && !clampMax[i] ) {//no allowance //ps->viewangles[i] = veh->playerState->viewangles[i]; } else {//allowance if (ps->viewangles[i] > clampMax[i]) { ps->viewangles[i] = clampMax[i]; } else if (ps->viewangles[i] < clampMin[i]) { ps->viewangles[i] = clampMin[i]; } } } PM_SetPMViewAngle(ps, ps->viewangles, ucmd); } } /* //constrain him based on the angles of his vehicle and the caps void PM_VehicleViewAngles(playerState_t *ps, bgEntity_t *veh, usercmd_t *ucmd) { Vehicle_t *pVeh = veh->m_pVehicle; //now set the viewangles to the vehicle's directly ps->viewangles[YAW] = veh->playerState->viewangles[YAW]; //constrain the viewangles pitch based on the vehicle properties if ( !pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->lookPitch ) {//not allowed to look up & down! ....??? ps->viewangles[PITCH] = veh->playerState->viewangles[PITCH]; } else {//clamp if (ps->viewangles[PITCH] > pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->lookPitch) { ps->viewangles[PITCH] = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->lookPitch; } else if (ps->viewangles[PITCH] < -pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->lookPitch) { ps->viewangles[PITCH] = -pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->lookPitch; } } PM_SetPMViewAngle(ps, ps->viewangles, ucmd); } */ //see if a weapon is ok to use on a vehicle qboolean PM_WeaponOkOnVehicle( int weapon ) { //FIXME: check g_vehicleInfo for our vehicle? switch ( weapon ) { //case WP_NONE: case WP_MELEE: case WP_SABER: case WP_BLASTER: //case WP_THERMAL: return qtrue; break; } return qfalse; } //do we have a weapon that's ok for using on the vehicle? int PM_GetOkWeaponForVehicle(void) { int i = 0; while (i < WP_NUM_WEAPONS) { if ((pm->ps->stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << i)) && PM_WeaponOkOnVehicle(i)) { //this one's good return i; } i++; } //oh dear! //assert(!"No valid veh weaps"); return -1; } //force the vehicle to turn and travel to its forced destination point void PM_VehForcedTurning(bgEntity_t *veh) { bgEntity_t *dst = PM_BGEntForNum(veh->playerState->vehTurnaroundIndex); float pitchD, yawD; vec3_t dir; if (!veh || !veh->m_pVehicle) { return; } if (!dst) { //can't find dest ent? return; } pm->cmd.upmove = veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd.upmove = 127; pm->cmd.forwardmove = veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd.forwardmove = 0; pm->cmd.rightmove = veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd.rightmove = 0; VectorSubtract(dst->s.origin, veh->playerState->origin, dir); vectoangles(dir, dir); yawD = AngleSubtract(pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], dir[YAW]); pitchD = AngleSubtract(pm->ps->viewangles[PITCH], dir[PITCH]); yawD *= 0.6f*pml.frametime; pitchD *= 0.6f*pml.frametime; #ifdef VEH_CONTROL_SCHEME_4 veh->playerState->viewangles[YAW] = AngleSubtract(veh->playerState->viewangles[YAW], yawD); veh->playerState->viewangles[PITCH] = AngleSubtract(veh->playerState->viewangles[PITCH], pitchD); pm->ps->viewangles[YAW] = veh->playerState->viewangles[YAW]; pm->ps->viewangles[PITCH] = 0; PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, &pm->cmd); PM_SetPMViewAngle(veh->playerState, veh->playerState->viewangles, &pm->cmd); VectorClear( veh->m_pVehicle->m_vPrevRiderViewAngles ); veh->m_pVehicle->m_vPrevRiderViewAngles[YAW] = AngleNormalize180(pm->ps->viewangles[YAW]); #else //VEH_CONTROL_SCHEME_4 pm->ps->viewangles[YAW] = AngleSubtract(pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], yawD); pm->ps->viewangles[PITCH] = AngleSubtract(pm->ps->viewangles[PITCH], pitchD); PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, &pm->cmd); #endif //VEH_CONTROL_SCHEME_4 } #ifdef VEH_CONTROL_SCHEME_4 void PM_VehFaceHyperspacePoint(bgEntity_t *veh) { if (!veh || !veh->m_pVehicle) { return; } else { float timeFrac = ((float)(pm->cmd.serverTime-veh->playerState->hyperSpaceTime))/HYPERSPACE_TIME; float turnRate, aDelta; int i, matchedAxes = 0; pm->cmd.upmove = veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd.upmove = 127; pm->cmd.forwardmove = veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd.forwardmove = 0; pm->cmd.rightmove = veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd.rightmove = 0; turnRate = (90.0f*pml.frametime); for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { aDelta = AngleSubtract(veh->playerState->hyperSpaceAngles[i], veh->m_pVehicle->m_vOrientation[i]); if ( fabs( aDelta ) < turnRate ) {//all is good veh->playerState->viewangles[i] = veh->playerState->hyperSpaceAngles[i]; matchedAxes++; } else { aDelta = AngleSubtract(veh->playerState->hyperSpaceAngles[i], veh->playerState->viewangles[i]); if ( fabs( aDelta ) < turnRate ) { veh->playerState->viewangles[i] = veh->playerState->hyperSpaceAngles[i]; } else if ( aDelta > 0 ) { if ( i == YAW ) { veh->playerState->viewangles[i] = AngleNormalize360( veh->playerState->viewangles[i]+turnRate ); } else { veh->playerState->viewangles[i] = AngleNormalize180( veh->playerState->viewangles[i]+turnRate ); } } else { if ( i == YAW ) { veh->playerState->viewangles[i] = AngleNormalize360( veh->playerState->viewangles[i]-turnRate ); } else { veh->playerState->viewangles[i] = AngleNormalize180( veh->playerState->viewangles[i]-turnRate ); } } } } pm->ps->viewangles[YAW] = veh->playerState->viewangles[YAW]; pm->ps->viewangles[PITCH] = 0.0f; PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, &pm->cmd); PM_SetPMViewAngle(veh->playerState, veh->playerState->viewangles, &pm->cmd); VectorClear( veh->m_pVehicle->m_vPrevRiderViewAngles ); veh->m_pVehicle->m_vPrevRiderViewAngles[YAW] = AngleNormalize180(pm->ps->viewangles[YAW]); if ( timeFrac < HYPERSPACE_TELEPORT_FRAC ) {//haven't gone through yet if ( matchedAxes < 3 ) {//not facing the right dir yet //keep hyperspace time up to date veh->playerState->hyperSpaceTime += pml.msec; } else if ( !(veh->playerState->eFlags2&EF2_HYPERSPACE)) {//flag us as ready to hyperspace! veh->playerState->eFlags2 |= EF2_HYPERSPACE; } } } } #else //VEH_CONTROL_SCHEME_4 void PM_VehFaceHyperspacePoint(bgEntity_t *veh) { if (!veh || !veh->m_pVehicle) { return; } else { float timeFrac = ((float)(pm->cmd.serverTime-veh->playerState->hyperSpaceTime))/HYPERSPACE_TIME; float turnRate, aDelta; int i, matchedAxes = 0; pm->cmd.upmove = veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd.upmove = 127; pm->cmd.forwardmove = veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd.forwardmove = 0; pm->cmd.rightmove = veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd.rightmove = 0; turnRate = (90.0f*pml.frametime); for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { aDelta = AngleSubtract(veh->playerState->hyperSpaceAngles[i], veh->m_pVehicle->m_vOrientation[i]); if ( fabs( aDelta ) < turnRate ) {//all is good pm->ps->viewangles[i] = veh->playerState->hyperSpaceAngles[i]; matchedAxes++; } else { aDelta = AngleSubtract(veh->playerState->hyperSpaceAngles[i], pm->ps->viewangles[i]); if ( fabs( aDelta ) < turnRate ) { pm->ps->viewangles[i] = veh->playerState->hyperSpaceAngles[i]; } else if ( aDelta > 0 ) { if ( i == YAW ) { pm->ps->viewangles[i] = AngleNormalize360( pm->ps->viewangles[i]+turnRate ); } else { pm->ps->viewangles[i] = AngleNormalize180( pm->ps->viewangles[i]+turnRate ); } } else { if ( i == YAW ) { pm->ps->viewangles[i] = AngleNormalize360( pm->ps->viewangles[i]-turnRate ); } else { pm->ps->viewangles[i] = AngleNormalize180( pm->ps->viewangles[i]-turnRate ); } } } } PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, &pm->cmd); if ( timeFrac < HYPERSPACE_TELEPORT_FRAC ) {//haven't gone through yet if ( matchedAxes < 3 ) {//not facing the right dir yet //keep hyperspace time up to date veh->playerState->hyperSpaceTime += pml.msec; } else if ( !(veh->playerState->eFlags2&EF2_HYPERSPACE)) {//flag us as ready to hyperspace! veh->playerState->eFlags2 |= EF2_HYPERSPACE; } } } } #endif //VEH_CONTROL_SCHEME_4 void BG_VehicleAdjustBBoxForOrientation( Vehicle_t *veh, vec3_t origin, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, int clientNum, int tracemask, void (*localTrace)(trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, int passEntityNum, int contentMask)) { if ( !veh || !veh->m_pVehicleInfo->length || !veh->m_pVehicleInfo->width || !veh->m_pVehicleInfo->height ) //|| veh->m_LandTrace.fraction < 1.0f ) { return; } else if ( veh->m_pVehicleInfo->type != VH_FIGHTER //&& veh->m_pVehicleInfo->type != VH_SPEEDER && veh->m_pVehicleInfo->type != VH_FLIER ) {//only those types of vehicles have dynamic bboxes, the rest just use a static bbox VectorSet( maxs, veh->m_pVehicleInfo->width/2.0f, veh->m_pVehicleInfo->width/2.0f, veh->m_pVehicleInfo->height+DEFAULT_MINS_2 ); VectorSet( mins, veh->m_pVehicleInfo->width/-2.0f, veh->m_pVehicleInfo->width/-2.0f, DEFAULT_MINS_2 ); return; } else { matrix3_t axis; vec3_t point[8], newMins, newMaxs; int curAxis = 0, i; trace_t trace; AnglesToAxis( veh->m_vOrientation, axis ); VectorMA( origin, veh->m_pVehicleInfo->length/2.0f, axis[0], point[0] ); VectorMA( origin, -veh->m_pVehicleInfo->length/2.0f, axis[0], point[1] ); //extrapolate each side up and down VectorMA( point[0], veh->m_pVehicleInfo->height/2.0f, axis[2], point[0] ); VectorMA( point[0], -veh->m_pVehicleInfo->height, axis[2], point[2] ); VectorMA( point[1], veh->m_pVehicleInfo->height/2.0f, axis[2], point[1] ); VectorMA( point[1], -veh->m_pVehicleInfo->height, axis[2], point[3] ); VectorMA( origin, veh->m_pVehicleInfo->width/2.0f, axis[1], point[4] ); VectorMA( origin, -veh->m_pVehicleInfo->width/2.0f, axis[1], point[5] ); //extrapolate each side up and down VectorMA( point[4], veh->m_pVehicleInfo->height/2.0f, axis[2], point[4] ); VectorMA( point[4], -veh->m_pVehicleInfo->height, axis[2], point[6] ); VectorMA( point[5], veh->m_pVehicleInfo->height/2.0f, axis[2], point[5] ); VectorMA( point[5], -veh->m_pVehicleInfo->height, axis[2], point[7] ); /* VectorMA( origin, veh->m_pVehicleInfo->height/2.0f, axis[2], point[4] ); VectorMA( origin, -veh->m_pVehicleInfo->height/2.0f, axis[2], point[5] ); */ //Now inflate a bbox around these points VectorCopy( origin, newMins ); VectorCopy( origin, newMaxs ); for ( curAxis = 0; curAxis < 3; curAxis++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { if ( point[i][curAxis] > newMaxs[curAxis] ) { newMaxs[curAxis] = point[i][curAxis]; } else if ( point[i][curAxis] < newMins[curAxis] ) { newMins[curAxis] = point[i][curAxis]; } } } VectorSubtract( newMins, origin, newMins ); VectorSubtract( newMaxs, origin, newMaxs ); //now see if that's a valid way to be if (localTrace) { localTrace( &trace, origin, newMins, newMaxs, origin, clientNum, tracemask ); } else { //don't care about solid stuff then trace.startsolid = trace.allsolid = 0; } if ( !trace.startsolid && !trace.allsolid ) {//let's use it! VectorCopy( newMins, mins ); VectorCopy( newMaxs, maxs ); } //else: just use the last one, I guess...? //FIXME: make it as close as possible? Or actually prevent the change in m_vOrientation? Or push away from anything we hit? } } /* ================ PmoveSingle ================ */ extern int BG_EmplacedView(vec3_t baseAngles, vec3_t angles, float *newYaw, float constraint); extern qboolean BG_FighterUpdate(Vehicle_t *pVeh, const usercmd_t *pUcmd, vec3_t trMins, vec3_t trMaxs, float gravity, void (*traceFunc)( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t lmins, const vec3_t lmaxs, const vec3_t end, int passEntityNum, int contentMask )); //FighterNPC.c #define JETPACK_HOVER_HEIGHT 64 //#define _TESTING_VEH_PREDICTION void PM_MoveForKata(usercmd_t *ucmd) { if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_A7_SOULCAL && pm->ps->saberMove == LS_STAFF_SOULCAL ) {//forward spinning staff attack ucmd->upmove = 0; if ( PM_CanRollFromSoulCal( pm->ps ) ) { ucmd->upmove = -127; ucmd->rightmove = 0; if (ucmd->forwardmove < 0) { ucmd->forwardmove = 0; } } else { ucmd->rightmove = 0; //FIXME: don't slide off people/obstacles? if ( pm->ps->legsTimer >= 2750 ) {//not at end //push forward ucmd->forwardmove = 64; } else { ucmd->forwardmove = 0; } } if ( pm->ps->legsTimer >= 2650 && pm->ps->legsTimer < 2850 ) {//the jump if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//still on ground? //jump! pm->ps->velocity[2] = 250; pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart = pm->ps->origin[2];//so we don't take damage if we land at same height // pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING;//|PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL; //FIXME: NPCs yell? PM_AddEvent(EV_JUMP); } } } else if (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_A2_SPECIAL) { //medium kata pm->cmd.rightmove = 0; pm->cmd.upmove = 0; if (pm->ps->legsTimer < 2700 && pm->ps->legsTimer > 2300) { pm->cmd.forwardmove = 127; } else if (pm->ps->legsTimer < 900 && pm->ps->legsTimer > 500) { pm->cmd.forwardmove = 127; } else { pm->cmd.forwardmove = 0; } } else if (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_A3_SPECIAL) { //strong kata pm->cmd.rightmove = 0; pm->cmd.upmove = 0; if (pm->ps->legsTimer < 1700 && pm->ps->legsTimer > 1000) { pm->cmd.forwardmove = 127; } else { pm->cmd.forwardmove = 0; } } else { pm->cmd.forwardmove = 0; pm->cmd.rightmove = 0; pm->cmd.upmove = 0; } } void PmoveSingle (pmove_t *pmove) { qboolean stiffenedUp = qfalse; float gDist = 0; qboolean noAnimate = qfalse; int savedGravity = 0; pm = pmove; if (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK && pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_USE_HOLDABLE) { pm->cmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ATTACK; pm->cmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_USE_HOLDABLE; } if (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK && pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_USE_HOLDABLE) { pm->cmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK; pm->cmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_USE_HOLDABLE; } if (pm->ps->emplacedIndex) { if (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) { //hackerrific. pm->cmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK; pm->cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; } } //set up these "global" bg ents pm_entSelf = PM_BGEntForNum(pm->ps->clientNum); if (pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) { if (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS) { //player riding vehicle pm_entVeh = PM_BGEntForNum(pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum); } else { //vehicle with player pilot pm_entVeh = PM_BGEntForNum(pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum-1); } } else { //no vehicle ent pm_entVeh = NULL; } gPMDoSlowFall = PM_DoSlowFall(); // this counter lets us debug movement problems with a journal // by setting a conditional breakpoint fot the previous frame c_pmove++; // clear results pm->numtouch = 0; pm->watertype = 0; pm->waterlevel = 0; if (PM_IsRocketTrooper()) { //kind of nasty, don't let them crouch or anything if nonhumanoid (probably a rockettrooper) if (pm->cmd.upmove < 0) { pm->cmd.upmove = 0; } } if (pm->ps->pm_type == PM_FLOAT) { //You get no control over where you go in grip movement stiffenedUp = qtrue; } else if (pm->ps->eFlags & EF_DISINTEGRATION) { stiffenedUp = qtrue; } else if ( BG_SaberLockBreakAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) || BG_SaberLockBreakAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim ) || pm->ps->saberLockTime >= pm->cmd.serverTime ) {//can't move or turn stiffenedUp = qtrue; PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, &pm->cmd); } else if ( pm->ps->saberMove == LS_A_BACK || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_A_BACK_CR || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_A_BACKSTAB || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_A_FLIP_STAB || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_A_FLIP_SLASH || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_A_JUMP_T__B_ || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_DUAL_LR || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_DUAL_FB) { if (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_JUMPFLIPSTABDOWN || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_JUMPFLIPSLASHDOWN1) { //flipover medium stance attack if (pm->ps->legsTimer < 1600 && pm->ps->legsTimer > 900) { pm->ps->viewangles[YAW] += pml.frametime*240.0f; PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, &pm->cmd); } } stiffenedUp = qtrue; } else if ((pm->ps->legsAnim) == (BOTH_A2_STABBACK1) || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == (BOTH_ATTACK_BACK) || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == (BOTH_CROUCHATTACKBACK1) || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == (BOTH_FORCELEAP2_T__B_) || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == (BOTH_JUMPFLIPSTABDOWN) || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == (BOTH_JUMPFLIPSLASHDOWN1)) { stiffenedUp = qtrue; } else if (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_ROLL_STAB) { stiffenedUp = qtrue; PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, &pm->cmd); } else if (pm->ps->heldByClient) { stiffenedUp = qtrue; } else if (BG_KickMove(pm->ps->saberMove) || BG_KickingAnim(pm->ps->legsAnim)) { stiffenedUp = qtrue; } else if (BG_InGrappleMove(pm->ps->torsoAnim)) { stiffenedUp = qtrue; PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, &pm->cmd); } else if ( pm->ps->saberMove == LS_STABDOWN_DUAL || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_STABDOWN_STAFF || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_STABDOWN) {//FIXME: need to only move forward until we bump into our target...? if (pm->ps->legsTimer < 800) { //freeze movement near end of anim stiffenedUp = qtrue; PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, &pm->cmd); } else { //force forward til then pm->cmd.rightmove = 0; pm->cmd.upmove = 0; pm->cmd.forwardmove = 64; } } else if (pm->ps->saberMove == LS_PULL_ATTACK_STAB || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_PULL_ATTACK_SWING) { stiffenedUp = qtrue; } else if (BG_SaberInKata(pm->ps->saberMove) || BG_InKataAnim(pm->ps->torsoAnim) || BG_InKataAnim(pm->ps->legsAnim)) { PM_MoveForKata(&pm->cmd); } else if ( BG_FullBodyTauntAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) && BG_FullBodyTauntAnim( pm->ps->torsoAnim ) ) { if ( (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK) || (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) || (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCEPOWER) || (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCEGRIP) || (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_LIGHTNING) || (pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_FORCE_DRAIN) || pm->cmd.upmove ) {//stop the anim if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_MEDITATE && pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_MEDITATE ) { PM_SetAnim( SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_MEDITATE_END, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); } else { pm->ps->legsTimer = pm->ps->torsoTimer = 0; } if ( pm->ps->forceHandExtend == HANDEXTEND_TAUNT ) { pm->ps->forceHandExtend = 0; } } else { if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_MEDITATE ) { if ( pm->ps->legsTimer < 100 ) { pm->ps->legsTimer = 100; } } if ( pm->ps->torsoAnim == BOTH_MEDITATE ) { if ( pm->ps->torsoTimer < 100 ) { pm->ps->legsTimer = 100; } pm->ps->forceHandExtend = HANDEXTEND_TAUNT; pm->ps->forceHandExtendTime = pm->cmd.serverTime + 100; } if ( pm->ps->legsTimer > 0 || pm->ps->torsoTimer > 0 ) { stiffenedUp = qtrue; PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, &pm->cmd); pm->cmd.rightmove = 0; pm->cmd.upmove = 0; pm->cmd.forwardmove = 0; pm->cmd.buttons = 0; } } } else if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_MEDITATE_END && pm->ps->legsTimer > 0 ) { stiffenedUp = qtrue; PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, &pm->cmd); pm->cmd.rightmove = 0; pm->cmd.upmove = 0; pm->cmd.forwardmove = 0; pm->cmd.buttons = 0; } else if (pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCELAND1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCELANDBACK1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCELANDRIGHT1 || pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCELANDLEFT1) { //can't move while in a force land stiffenedUp = qtrue; } if ( pm->ps->saberMove == LS_A_LUNGE ) {//can't move during lunge pm->cmd.rightmove = pm->cmd.upmove = 0; if ( pm->ps->legsTimer > 500 ) { pm->cmd.forwardmove = 127; } else { pm->cmd.forwardmove = 0; } } if ( pm->ps->saberMove == LS_A_JUMP_T__B_ ) {//can't move during leap if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//hit the ground pm->cmd.forwardmove = 0; } pm->cmd.rightmove = pm->cmd.upmove = 0; } #if 0 if ((pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_KISSER1LOOP || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_KISSEE1LOOP) { stiffenedUp = qtrue; } #endif if (pm->ps->emplacedIndex) { if (pm->cmd.forwardmove < 0 || PM_GroundDistance() > 32.0f) { pm->ps->emplacedIndex = 0; pm->ps->saberHolstered = 0; } else { stiffenedUp = qtrue; } } /* if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT) { //not allowed to move while charging the disruptor pm->cmd.forwardmove = 0; pm->cmd.rightmove = 0; if (pm->cmd.upmove > 0) { pm->cmd.upmove = 0; } } */ if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pm->ps->weaponstate == WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT) { //not allowed to move while charging the disruptor if (pm->cmd.forwardmove || pm->cmd.rightmove || pm->cmd.upmove > 0) { //get out pm->ps->weaponstate = WEAPON_READY; pm->ps->weaponTime = 1000; PM_AddEventWithParm(EV_WEAPON_CHARGE, WP_DISRUPTOR); //cut the weapon charge sound pm->cmd.upmove = 0; } } else if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pm->ps->zoomMode == 1) { //can't jump if (pm->cmd.upmove > 0) { pm->cmd.upmove = 0; } } if (stiffenedUp) { pm->cmd.forwardmove = 0; pm->cmd.rightmove = 0; pm->cmd.upmove = 0; } if (pm->ps->fd.forceGripCripple) { //don't let attack or alt attack if being gripped I guess pm->cmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ATTACK; pm->cmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK; } if ( BG_InRoll( pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim ) ) { //can't roll unless you're able to move normally BG_CmdForRoll( pm->ps, pm->ps->legsAnim, &pm->cmd ); } PM_CmdForSaberMoves(&pm->cmd); BG_AdjustClientSpeed(pm->ps, &pm->cmd, pm->cmd.serverTime); if ( pm->ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) { pm->tracemask &= ~CONTENTS_BODY; // corpses can fly through bodies } // make sure walking button is clear if they are running, to avoid // proxy no-footsteps cheats if ( abs( pm->cmd.forwardmove ) > 64 || abs( pm->cmd.rightmove ) > 64 ) { pm->cmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_WALKING; } // set the talk balloon flag if ( pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_TALK ) { pm->ps->eFlags |= EF_TALK; } else { pm->ps->eFlags &= ~EF_TALK; } pm_cancelOutZoom = qfalse; if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && pm->ps->zoomMode == 1) { if ((pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) && !(pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK) && pm->ps->zoomLocked) { pm_cancelOutZoom = qtrue; } } // In certain situations, we may want to control which attack buttons are pressed and what kind of functionality // is attached to them PM_AdjustAttackStates( pm ); // clear the respawned flag if attack and use are cleared if ( pm->ps->stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0 && !( pm->cmd.buttons & (BUTTON_ATTACK | BUTTON_USE_HOLDABLE) ) ) { pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_RESPAWNED; } // if talk button is down, dissallow all other input // this is to prevent any possible intercept proxy from // adding fake talk balloons if ( pmove->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_TALK ) { // keep the talk button set tho for when the cmd.serverTime > 66 msec // and the same cmd is used multiple times in Pmove pmove->cmd.buttons = BUTTON_TALK; pmove->cmd.forwardmove = 0; pmove->cmd.rightmove = 0; pmove->cmd.upmove = 0; } // clear all pmove local vars memset (&pml, 0, sizeof(pml)); // determine the time pml.msec = pmove->cmd.serverTime - pm->ps->commandTime; if ( pml.msec < 1 ) { pml.msec = 1; } else if ( pml.msec > 200 ) { pml.msec = 200; } /* if (pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS) { #ifdef _GAME Com_Printf( S_C0LOR_RED" SERVER N%i msec %d\n", pm->ps->clientNum, pml.msec ); #else Com_Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN" CLIENT N%i msec %d\n", pm->ps->clientNum, pml.msec ); #endif } */ pm->ps->commandTime = pmove->cmd.serverTime; // save old org in case we get stuck VectorCopy (pm->ps->origin, pml.previous_origin); // save old velocity for crashlanding VectorCopy (pm->ps->velocity, pml.previous_velocity); pml.frametime = pml.msec * 0.001; if (pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && pm_entSelf && pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE) { //we are a vehicle bgEntity_t *veh = pm_entSelf; assert( veh && veh->m_pVehicle); if ( veh && veh->m_pVehicle ) { veh->m_pVehicle->m_fTimeModifier = pml.frametime*60.0f; } } else if (pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class!=CLASS_VEHICLE &&pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) { bgEntity_t *veh = pm_entVeh; if (veh && veh->playerState && (pm->cmd.serverTime-veh->playerState->hyperSpaceTime) < HYPERSPACE_TIME) { //going into hyperspace, turn to face the right angles PM_VehFaceHyperspacePoint(veh); } else if (veh && veh->playerState && veh->playerState->vehTurnaroundIndex && veh->playerState->vehTurnaroundTime > pm->cmd.serverTime) { //riding this vehicle, turn my view too PM_VehForcedTurning(veh); } } if ( pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_FORCEWALLRUNFLIP_ALT && pm->ps->legsTimer > 0 ) { vec3_t vFwd, fwdAng; VectorSet(fwdAng, 0.0f, pm->ps->viewangles[YAW], 0.0f); AngleVectors( fwdAng, vFwd, NULL, NULL ); if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) { float savZ = pm->ps->velocity[2]; VectorScale( vFwd, 100, pm->ps->velocity ); pm->ps->velocity[2] = savZ; } pm->cmd.forwardmove = pm->cmd.rightmove = pm->cmd.upmove = 0; PM_AdjustAnglesForWallRunUpFlipAlt( &pm->cmd ); } // PM_AdjustAngleForWallRun(pm->ps, &pm->cmd, qtrue); // PM_AdjustAnglesForStabDown( pm->ps, &pm->cmd ); PM_AdjustAngleForWallJump( pm->ps, &pm->cmd, qtrue ); PM_AdjustAngleForWallRunUp( pm->ps, &pm->cmd, qtrue ); PM_AdjustAngleForWallRun( pm->ps, &pm->cmd, qtrue ); if (pm->ps->saberMove == LS_A_JUMP_T__B_ || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_A_LUNGE || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_A_BACK_CR || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_A_BACK || pm->ps->saberMove == LS_A_BACKSTAB) { PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, &pm->cmd); } #if 0 if ((pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_KISSER1LOOP || (pm->ps->legsAnim) == BOTH_KISSEE1LOOP) { pm->ps->viewangles[PITCH] = 0; PM_SetPMViewAngle(pm->ps, pm->ps->viewangles, &pm->cmd); } #endif PM_SetSpecialMoveValues(); // update the viewangles PM_UpdateViewAngles( pm->ps, &pm->cmd ); AngleVectors (pm->ps->viewangles, pml.forward, pml.right, pml.up); if ( pm->cmd.upmove < 10 && !(pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_STUCK_TO_WALL)) { // not holding jump pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_JUMP_HELD; } // decide if backpedaling animations should be used if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove < 0 ) { pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN; } else if ( pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0 || ( pm->cmd.forwardmove == 0 && pm->cmd.rightmove ) ) { pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN; } if ( pm->ps->pm_type >= PM_DEAD ) { pm->cmd.forwardmove = 0; pm->cmd.rightmove = 0; pm->cmd.upmove = 0; } /* if (pm->ps->fd.saberAnimLevel == SS_STAFF && (pm->cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) && pm->cmd.upmove > 0) { //this is how you do kick-for-condition pm->cmd.upmove = 0; pm->ps->pm_flags |= PMF_JUMP_HELD; } */ if (pm->ps->saberLockTime >= pm->cmd.serverTime) { pm->cmd.upmove = 0; pm->cmd.forwardmove = 0;//50; pm->cmd.rightmove = 0;//*= 0.1; } if ( pm->ps->pm_type == PM_SPECTATOR ) { PM_CheckDuck (); if (!pm->noSpecMove) { PM_FlyMove (); } PM_DropTimers (); return; } if ( pm->ps->pm_type == PM_NOCLIP ) { if (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS) { PM_NoclipMove (); PM_DropTimers (); return; } } if (pm->ps->pm_type == PM_FREEZE) { return; // no movement at all } if ( pm->ps->pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION || pm->ps->pm_type == PM_SPINTERMISSION) { return; // no movement at all } // set watertype, and waterlevel PM_SetWaterLevel(); pml.previous_waterlevel = pmove->waterlevel; // set mins, maxs, and viewheight PM_CheckDuck (); if (pm->ps->pm_type == PM_JETPACK) { gDist = PM_GroundDistance(); savedGravity = pm->ps->gravity; if (gDist < JETPACK_HOVER_HEIGHT+64) { pm->ps->gravity *= 0.1f; } else { pm->ps->gravity *= 0.25f; } } else if (gPMDoSlowFall) { savedGravity = pm->ps->gravity; pm->ps->gravity *= 0.5; } //if we're in jetpack mode then see if we should be jetting around if (pm->ps->pm_type == PM_JETPACK) { if (pm->cmd.rightmove > 0) { PM_ContinueLegsAnim(BOTH_INAIRRIGHT1); } else if (pm->cmd.rightmove < 0) { PM_ContinueLegsAnim(BOTH_INAIRLEFT1); } else if (pm->cmd.forwardmove > 0) { PM_ContinueLegsAnim(BOTH_INAIR1); } else if (pm->cmd.forwardmove < 0) { PM_ContinueLegsAnim(BOTH_INAIRBACK1); } else { PM_ContinueLegsAnim(BOTH_INAIR1); } if (pm->ps->weapon == WP_SABER && BG_SpinningSaberAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim )) { //make him stir around since he shouldn't have any real control when spinning pm->ps->velocity[0] += Q_irand(-100, 100); pm->ps->velocity[1] += Q_irand(-100, 100); } if (pm->cmd.upmove > 0 && pm->ps->velocity[2] < 256) { //cap upward velocity off at 256. Seems reasonable. float addIn = 12.0f; /* //Add based on our distance to the ground if we're already travelling upward if (pm->ps->velocity[2] > 0) { while (gDist > 64) { //subtract 1 for every 64 units off the ground we get addIn--; gDist -= 64; if (addIn <= 0) { //break out if we're not even going to add anything break; } } } */ if (pm->ps->velocity[2] > 0) { addIn = 12.0f - (gDist / 64.0f); } if (addIn > 0.0f) { pm->ps->velocity[2] += addIn; } pm->ps->eFlags |= EF_JETPACK_FLAMING; //going up } else { pm->ps->eFlags &= ~EF_JETPACK_FLAMING; //idling if (pm->ps->velocity[2] < 256) { if (pm->ps->velocity[2] < -100) { pm->ps->velocity[2] = -100; } if (gDist < JETPACK_HOVER_HEIGHT) { //make sure we're always hovering off the ground somewhat while jetpack is active pm->ps->velocity[2] += 2; } } } } if (pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && pm_entSelf && pm_entSelf->m_pVehicle) { //Now update our mins/maxs to match our m_vOrientation based on our length, width & height BG_VehicleAdjustBBoxForOrientation( pm_entSelf->m_pVehicle, pm->ps->origin, pm->mins, pm->maxs, pm->ps->clientNum, pm->tracemask, pm->trace ); } // set groundentity PM_GroundTrace(); if ( pm_flying == FLY_HOVER ) {//never stick to the ground PM_HoverTrace(); } if ( pm->ps->groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//on ground pm->ps->fd.forceJumpZStart = 0; } if ( pm->ps->pm_type == PM_DEAD ) { if (pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && pm_entSelf && pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE && pm_entSelf->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type != VH_ANIMAL) {//vehicles don't use deadmove } else { PM_DeadMove (); } } PM_DropTimers(); #ifdef _TESTING_VEH_PREDICTION #ifndef _GAME { vec3_t blah; VectorMA(pm->ps->origin, 128.0f, pm->ps->moveDir, blah); CG_TestLine(pm->ps->origin, blah, 1, 0x0000ff, 1); VectorMA(pm->ps->origin, 1.0f, pm->ps->velocity, blah); CG_TestLine(pm->ps->origin, blah, 1, 0xff0000, 1); } #endif #endif if (pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class!=CLASS_VEHICLE &&pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) { //a player riding a vehicle bgEntity_t *veh = pm_entVeh; if ( veh && veh->m_pVehicle && (veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_WALKER || veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_FIGHTER) ) {//*sigh*, until we get forced weapon-switching working? pm->cmd.buttons &= ~(BUTTON_ATTACK|BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK); pm->ps->eFlags &= ~(EF_FIRING|EF_ALT_FIRING); //pm->cmd.weapon = pm->ps->weapon; } } if (!pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum && pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class!=CLASS_VEHICLE&& pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class!=CLASS_RANCOR&& pm->ps->groundEntityNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD && pm->ps->groundEntityNum >= MAX_CLIENTS) { //I am a player client, not riding on a vehicle, and potentially standing on an NPC bgEntity_t *pEnt = PM_BGEntForNum(pm->ps->groundEntityNum); if (pEnt && pEnt->s.eType == ET_NPC && pEnt->s.NPC_class != CLASS_VEHICLE) //don't bounce on vehicles { //this is actually an NPC, let's try to bounce of its head to make sure we can't just stand around on top of it. if (pm->ps->velocity[2] < 270) { //try forcing velocity up and also force him to jump pm->ps->velocity[2] = 270; //seems reasonable pm->cmd.upmove = 127; } } #ifdef _GAME else if ( !pm->ps->zoomMode && pm_entSelf //I exist && pEnt->m_pVehicle )//ent has a vehicle { gentity_t *gEnt = (gentity_t*)pEnt; if ( gEnt->client && !gEnt->client->ps.m_iVehicleNum //vehicle is empty && (gEnt->spawnflags&2) )//SUSPENDED {//it's a vehicle, see if we should get in it //if land on an empty, suspended vehicle, get in it pEnt->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->Board( pEnt->m_pVehicle, (bgEntity_t *)pm_entSelf ); } } #endif } if (pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && pm_entSelf && pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE) { //we are a vehicle bgEntity_t *veh = pm_entSelf; assert(veh && veh->playerState && veh->m_pVehicle && veh->s.number >= MAX_CLIENTS); if (veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type != VH_FIGHTER) { //kind of hacky, don't want to do this for flying vehicles veh->m_pVehicle->m_vOrientation[PITCH] = pm->ps->viewangles[PITCH]; } if (!pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) { //no one is driving, just update and get out #ifdef _GAME veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->Update(veh->m_pVehicle, &pm->cmd); veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->Animate(veh->m_pVehicle); #endif } else { bgEntity_t *self = pm_entVeh; #ifdef _GAME int i = 0; #endif assert(self && self->playerState && self->s.number < MAX_CLIENTS); if (pm->ps->pm_type == PM_DEAD && (veh->m_pVehicle->m_ulFlags & VEH_CRASHING)) { veh->m_pVehicle->m_ulFlags &= ~VEH_CRASHING; } if (self->playerState->m_iVehicleNum) { //only do it if they still have a vehicle (didn't get ejected this update or something) PM_VehicleViewAngles(self->playerState, veh, &veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd); } #ifdef _GAME veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->Update(veh->m_pVehicle, &veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd); veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->Animate(veh->m_pVehicle); veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->UpdateRider(veh->m_pVehicle, self, &veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd); //update the passengers while (i < veh->m_pVehicle->m_iNumPassengers) { if (veh->m_pVehicle->m_ppPassengers[i]) { gentity_t *thePassenger = (gentity_t *)veh->m_pVehicle->m_ppPassengers[i]; //yes, this is, in fact, ass. if (thePassenger->inuse && thePassenger->client) { veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->UpdateRider(veh->m_pVehicle, veh->m_pVehicle->m_ppPassengers[i], &thePassenger->client->pers.cmd); } } i++; } #else if (!veh->playerState->vehBoarding )//|| veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_FIGHTER) { if (veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_FIGHTER) { //client must explicitly call this for prediction BG_FighterUpdate(veh->m_pVehicle, &veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd, pm->mins, pm->maxs, self->playerState->gravity, pm->trace); } if (veh->m_pVehicle->m_iBoarding == 0) { vec3_t vRollAng; //make sure we are set as its pilot cgame side veh->m_pVehicle->m_pPilot = self; // Keep track of the old orientation. VectorCopy( veh->m_pVehicle->m_vOrientation, veh->m_pVehicle->m_vPrevOrientation ); veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->ProcessOrientCommands(veh->m_pVehicle); PM_SetPMViewAngle(veh->playerState, veh->m_pVehicle->m_vOrientation, &veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd); veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->ProcessMoveCommands(veh->m_pVehicle); vRollAng[YAW] = self->playerState->viewangles[YAW]; vRollAng[PITCH] = self->playerState->viewangles[PITCH]; vRollAng[ROLL] = veh->m_pVehicle->m_vOrientation[ROLL]; PM_SetPMViewAngle(self->playerState, vRollAng, &pm->cmd); // Setup the move direction. if ( veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_FIGHTER ) { AngleVectors( veh->m_pVehicle->m_vOrientation, veh->playerState->moveDir, NULL, NULL ); } else { vec3_t vVehAngles; VectorSet(vVehAngles, 0, veh->m_pVehicle->m_vOrientation[YAW], 0); AngleVectors( vVehAngles, veh->playerState->moveDir, NULL, NULL ); } } } /* else { veh->playerState->speed = 0.0f; PM_SetPMViewAngle(self->playerState, veh->playerState->viewangles, &veh->m_pVehicle->m_ucmd); } */ else if (veh->playerState) { veh->playerState->speed = 0.0f; if (veh->m_pVehicle) { PM_SetPMViewAngle(self->playerState, veh->m_pVehicle->m_vOrientation, &pm->cmd); PM_SetPMViewAngle(veh->playerState, veh->m_pVehicle->m_vOrientation, &pm->cmd); } } #endif } noAnimate = qtrue; } if (pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class!=CLASS_VEHICLE &&pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) {//don't even run physics on a player if he's on a vehicle - he goes where the vehicle goes } else { //don't even run physics on a player if he's on a vehicle - he goes where the vehicle goes if (pm->ps->pm_type == PM_FLOAT ||pm_flying == FLY_NORMAL) { PM_FlyMove (); } else if ( pm_flying == FLY_VEHICLE ) { PM_FlyVehicleMove(); } else { if (pm->ps->pm_flags & PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP) { PM_WaterJumpMove(); } else if ( pm->waterlevel > 1 ) { // swimming PM_WaterMove(); } else if ( pml.walking ) { // walking on ground PM_WalkMove(); } else { // airborne PM_AirMove(); } } } if (!noAnimate) { PM_Animate(); } // set groundentity, watertype, and waterlevel PM_GroundTrace(); if ( pm_flying == FLY_HOVER ) {//never stick to the ground PM_HoverTrace(); } PM_SetWaterLevel(); if (pm->cmd.forcesel != (byte)-1 && (pm->ps->fd.forcePowersKnown & (1 << pm->cmd.forcesel))) { pm->ps->fd.forcePowerSelected = pm->cmd.forcesel; } if (pm->cmd.invensel != (byte)-1 && (pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << pm->cmd.invensel))) { pm->ps->stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM] = BG_GetItemIndexByTag(pm->cmd.invensel, IT_HOLDABLE); } if (pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum /*&&pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class!=CLASS_VEHICLE*/ && pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS) {//a client riding a vehicle if ( (pm->ps->eFlags&EF_NODRAW) ) {//inside the vehicle, do nothing } else if (!PM_WeaponOkOnVehicle(pm->cmd.weapon) || !PM_WeaponOkOnVehicle(pm->ps->weapon)) { //this weapon is not legal for the vehicle, force to our current one if (!PM_WeaponOkOnVehicle(pm->ps->weapon)) { //uh-oh! int weap = PM_GetOkWeaponForVehicle(); if (weap != -1) { pm->cmd.weapon = weap; pm->ps->weapon = weap; } } else { pm->cmd.weapon = pm->ps->weapon; } } } if (!pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum //not a vehicle and not riding one || pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class==CLASS_VEHICLE //you are a vehicle NPC || (!(pm->ps->eFlags&EF_NODRAW)&&PM_WeaponOkOnVehicle(pm->cmd.weapon)) )//you're not inside the vehicle and the weapon you're holding can be used when riding this vehicle { //only run weapons if a valid weapon is selected // weapons PM_Weapon(); } PM_Use(); if (!pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum && (pm->ps->clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS || !pm_entSelf || pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class != CLASS_VEHICLE)) { //don't do this if we're on a vehicle, or we are one // footstep events / legs animations PM_Footsteps(); } // entering / leaving water splashes PM_WaterEvents(); // snap velocity to integer coordinates to save network bandwidth if ( !pm->pmove_float ) trap->SnapVector( pm->ps->velocity ); if (pm->ps->pm_type == PM_JETPACK || gPMDoSlowFall ) { pm->ps->gravity = savedGravity; } if (//pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum && pm->ps->clientNum >= MAX_CLIENTS && pm_entSelf && pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE) { //a vehicle with passengers bgEntity_t *veh; veh = pm_entSelf; assert(veh->m_pVehicle); //this could be kind of "inefficient" because it's called after every passenger pmove too. //Maybe instead of AttachRiders we should have each rider call attach for himself? if (veh->m_pVehicle && veh->ghoul2) { veh->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->AttachRiders( veh->m_pVehicle ); } } if (pm_entSelf->s.NPC_class!=CLASS_VEHICLE && pm->ps->m_iVehicleNum) { //riding a vehicle, see if we should do some anim overrides PM_VehicleWeaponAnimate(); } } /* ================ Pmove Can be called by either the server or the client ================ */ void Pmove (pmove_t *pmove) { int finalTime; finalTime = pmove->cmd.serverTime; if ( finalTime < pmove->ps->commandTime ) { return; // should not happen } if ( finalTime > pmove->ps->commandTime + 1000 ) { pmove->ps->commandTime = finalTime - 1000; } if (pmove->ps->fallingToDeath) { pmove->cmd.forwardmove = 0; pmove->cmd.rightmove = 0; pmove->cmd.upmove = 0; pmove->cmd.buttons = 0; } pmove->ps->pmove_framecount = (pmove->ps->pmove_framecount+1) & ((1<ps->commandTime != finalTime ) { int msec; msec = finalTime - pmove->ps->commandTime; if ( pmove->pmove_fixed ) { if ( msec > pmove->pmove_msec ) { msec = pmove->pmove_msec; } } else { if ( msec > 66 ) { msec = 66; } } pmove->cmd.serverTime = pmove->ps->commandTime + msec; PmoveSingle( pmove ); if ( pmove->ps->pm_flags & PMF_JUMP_HELD ) { pmove->cmd.upmove = 20; } } }