#include "qcommon/matcomp.h" #include "ghoul2/G2.h" #include "ghoul2/g2_local.h" //rww - RAGDOLL_BEGIN #ifndef __linux__ #include #else #include #endif #include "ghoul2/G2_gore.h" #include "tr_local.h" //#define RAG_TRACE_DEBUG_LINES #include "client/client.h" //while this is all "shared" code, there are some places where we want to make cgame callbacks (for ragdoll) only if the cgvm exists //rww - RAGDOLL_END //===================================================================================================================== // Bone List handling routines - so entities can override bone info on a bone by bone level, and also interrogate this info // Given a bone name, see if that bone is already in our bone list - note the model_t pointer that gets passed in here MUST point at the // gla file, not the glm file type. int G2_Find_Bone(const model_t *mod, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName) { mdxaSkel_t *skel; mdxaSkelOffsets_t *offsets; offsets = (mdxaSkelOffsets_t *)((byte *)mod->mdxa + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t)); skel = (mdxaSkel_t *)((byte *)mod->mdxa + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[0]); // look through entire list for(size_t i=0; imdxa + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[blist[i].boneNumber]); // if name is the same, we found it if (!Q_stricmp(skel->name, boneName)) { return i; } } // didn't find it return -1; } // we need to add a bone to the list - find a free one and see if we can find a corresponding bone in the gla file int G2_Add_Bone (const model_t *mod, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName) { int x; mdxaSkel_t *skel; mdxaSkelOffsets_t *offsets; boneInfo_t tempBone; //rww - RAGDOLL_BEGIN memset(&tempBone, 0, sizeof(tempBone)); //rww - RAGDOLL_END offsets = (mdxaSkelOffsets_t *)((byte *)mod->mdxa + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t)); // walk the entire list of bones in the gla file for this model and see if any match the name of the bone we want to find for (x=0; x< mod->mdxa->numBones; x++) { skel = (mdxaSkel_t *)((byte *)mod->mdxa + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[x]); // if name is the same, we found it if (!Q_stricmp(skel->name, boneName)) { break; } } // check to see we did actually make a match with a bone in the model if (x == mod->mdxa->numBones) { // didn't find it? Error //assert(0); #ifdef _DEBUG ri->Printf( PRINT_ALL, "WARNING: Failed to add bone %s\n", boneName); #endif #ifdef _RAG_PRINT_TEST ri->Printf( PRINT_ALL, "WARNING: Failed to add bone %s\n", boneName); #endif return -1; } // look through entire list - see if it's already there first for(size_t i=0; imdxa + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[blist[i].boneNumber]); // if name is the same, we found it if (!Q_stricmp(skel->name, boneName)) { return i; } } else { // if we found an entry that had a -1 for the bonenumber, then we hit a bone slot that was empty blist[i].boneNumber = x; blist[i].flags = 0; return i; } } #ifdef _RAG_PRINT_TEST ri->Printf( PRINT_ALL, "New bone added for %s\n", boneName); #endif // ok, we didn't find an existing bone of that name, or an empty slot. Lets add an entry tempBone.boneNumber = x; tempBone.flags = 0; blist.push_back(tempBone); return blist.size()-1; } // Given a model handle, and a bone name, we want to remove this bone from the bone override list qboolean G2_Remove_Bone_Index ( boneInfo_v &blist, int index) { if (index != -1) { if (blist[index].flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL) { return qtrue; // don't accept any calls on ragdoll bones } } // did we find it? if (index != -1) { // check the flags first - if it's still being used Do NOT remove it if (!blist[index].flags) { // set this bone to not used blist[index].boneNumber = -1; unsigned int newSize = blist.size(); // now look through the list from the back and see if there is a block of -1's we can resize off the end of the list for (int i=blist.size()-1; i>-1; i--) { if (blist[i].boneNumber == -1) { newSize = i; } // once we hit one that isn't a -1, we are done. else { break; } } // do we need to resize? if (newSize != blist.size()) { // yes, so lets do it blist.resize(newSize); } return qtrue; } } // assert(0); // no return qfalse; } // given a bone number, see if there is an override bone in the bone list int G2_Find_Bone_In_List(boneInfo_v &blist, const int boneNum) { // look through entire list for(size_t i=0; imdxa + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t)); skel = (mdxaSkel_t *)((byte *)mod->mdxa + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[blist[index].boneNumber]); Multiply_3x4Matrix(&temp1, boneOverride,&skel->BasePoseMatInv); Multiply_3x4Matrix(boneOverride,&skel->BasePoseMat, &temp1); } else { VectorCopy(angles, newAngles); // why I should need do this Fuck alone knows. But I do. if (left == POSITIVE_Y) { newAngles[0] +=180; } Create_Matrix(newAngles, &temp1); permutation.matrix[0][0] = permutation.matrix[0][1] = permutation.matrix[0][2] = permutation.matrix[0][3] = 0; permutation.matrix[1][0] = permutation.matrix[1][1] = permutation.matrix[1][2] = permutation.matrix[1][3] = 0; permutation.matrix[2][0] = permutation.matrix[2][1] = permutation.matrix[2][2] = permutation.matrix[2][3] = 0; // determine what axis newAngles Yaw should revolve around switch (forward) { case NEGATIVE_X: permutation.matrix[0][0] = -1; // works break; case POSITIVE_X: permutation.matrix[0][0] = 1; // works break; case NEGATIVE_Y: permutation.matrix[1][0] = -1; break; case POSITIVE_Y: permutation.matrix[1][0] = 1; break; case NEGATIVE_Z: permutation.matrix[2][0] = -1; break; case POSITIVE_Z: permutation.matrix[2][0] = 1; break; default: break; } // determine what axis newAngles pitch should revolve around switch (left) { case NEGATIVE_X: permutation.matrix[0][1] = -1; break; case POSITIVE_X: permutation.matrix[0][1] = 1; break; case NEGATIVE_Y: permutation.matrix[1][1] = -1; // works break; case POSITIVE_Y: permutation.matrix[1][1] = 1; // works break; case NEGATIVE_Z: permutation.matrix[2][1] = -1; break; case POSITIVE_Z: permutation.matrix[2][1] = 1; break; default: break; } // determine what axis newAngles Roll should revolve around switch (up) { case NEGATIVE_X: permutation.matrix[0][2] = -1; break; case POSITIVE_X: permutation.matrix[0][2] = 1; break; case NEGATIVE_Y: permutation.matrix[1][2] = -1; break; case POSITIVE_Y: permutation.matrix[1][2] = 1; break; case NEGATIVE_Z: permutation.matrix[2][2] = -1; // works break; case POSITIVE_Z: permutation.matrix[2][2] = 1; // works break; default: break; } Multiply_3x4Matrix(boneOverride, &temp1,&permutation); } // keep a copy of the matrix in the newmatrix which is actually what we use memcpy(&blist[index].newMatrix, &blist[index].matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t)); } //========================================================================================= //// Public Bone Routines // Given a model handle, and a bone name, we want to remove this bone from the bone override list qboolean G2_Remove_Bone (CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName) { int index; assert(ghlInfo->animModel); index = G2_Find_Bone(ghlInfo->animModel, blist, boneName); return G2_Remove_Bone_Index(blist, index); } #define DEBUG_PCJ (0) // Given a model handle, and a bone name, we want to set angles specifically for overriding qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Index( boneInfo_v &blist, const int index, const float *angles, const int flags, const Eorientations yaw, const Eorientations pitch, const Eorientations roll, qhandle_t *modelList, const int modelIndex, const int blendTime, const int currentTime) { if ((index >= (int)blist.size()) || (blist[index].boneNumber == -1)) { // we are attempting to set a bone override that doesn't exist assert(0); return qfalse; } if (index != -1) { if (blist[index].flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL) { return qtrue; // don't accept any calls on ragdoll bones } } if (flags & (BONE_ANGLES_PREMULT | BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT)) { // you CANNOT call this with an index with these kinds of bone overrides - we need the model details for these kinds of bone angle overrides assert(0); return qfalse; } // yes, so set the angles and flags correctly blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL); blist[index].flags |= flags; blist[index].boneBlendStart = currentTime; blist[index].boneBlendTime = blendTime; #if DEBUG_PCJ Com_OPrintf("PCJ %2d %6d (%6.2f,%6.2f,%6.2f) %d %d %d %d\n",index,currentTime,angles[0],angles[1],angles[2],yaw,pitch,roll,flags); #endif G2_Generate_Matrix(NULL, blist, index, angles, flags, yaw, pitch, roll); return qtrue; } // Given a model handle, and a bone name, we want to set angles specifically for overriding qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Angles(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const float *angles, const int flags, const Eorientations up, const Eorientations left, const Eorientations forward, qhandle_t *modelList, const int modelIndex, const int blendTime, const int currentTime) { model_t *mod_a; mod_a = (model_t *)ghlInfo->animModel; int index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); // did we find it? if (index != -1) { if (blist[index].flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL) { return qtrue; // don't accept any calls on ragdoll bones } // yes, so set the angles and flags correctly blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL); blist[index].flags |= flags; blist[index].boneBlendStart = currentTime; blist[index].boneBlendTime = blendTime; #if DEBUG_PCJ Com_OPrintf("%2d %6d (%6.2f,%6.2f,%6.2f) %d %d %d %d\n",index,currentTime,angles[0],angles[1],angles[2],up,left,forward,flags); #endif G2_Generate_Matrix(mod_a, blist, index, angles, flags, up, left, forward); return qtrue; } // no - lets try and add this bone in index = G2_Add_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); // did we find a free one? if (index != -1) { // yes, so set the angles and flags correctly blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL); blist[index].flags |= flags; blist[index].boneBlendStart = currentTime; blist[index].boneBlendTime = blendTime; #if DEBUG_PCJ Com_OPrintf("%2d %6d (%6.2f,%6.2f,%6.2f) %d %d %d %d\n",index,currentTime,angles[0],angles[1],angles[2],up,left,forward,flags); #endif G2_Generate_Matrix(mod_a, blist, index, angles, flags, up, left, forward); return qtrue; } // assert(0); //Jeese, we don't need an assert here too. There's already a warning in G2_Add_Bone if it fails. // no return qfalse; } // Given a model handle, and a bone name, we want to set angles specifically for overriding - using a matrix directly qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Matrix_Index(boneInfo_v &blist, const int index, const mdxaBone_t &matrix, const int flags, qhandle_t *modelList, const int modelIndex, const int blendTime, const int currentTime) { if ((index >= (int)blist.size()) || (blist[index].boneNumber == -1)) { // we are attempting to set a bone override that doesn't exist assert(0); return qfalse; } if (index != -1) { if (blist[index].flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL) { return qtrue; // don't accept any calls on ragdoll bones } } // yes, so set the angles and flags correctly blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL); blist[index].flags |= flags; blist[index].boneBlendStart = currentTime; blist[index].boneBlendTime = blendTime; memcpy(&blist[index].matrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t)); memcpy(&blist[index].newMatrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t)); return qtrue; } // Given a model handle, and a bone name, we want to set angles specifically for overriding - using a matrix directly qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Matrix(const char *fileName, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const mdxaBone_t &matrix, const int flags, qhandle_t *modelList, const int modelIndex, const int blendTime, const int currentTime) { model_t *mod_m; if (!fileName[0]) { mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(modelList[modelIndex]); } else { mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName)); } model_t *mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex); int index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); if (index != -1) { if (blist[index].flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL) { return qtrue; // don't accept any calls on ragdoll bones } } // did we find it? if (index != -1) { // yes, so set the angles and flags correctly blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL); blist[index].flags |= flags; memcpy(&blist[index].matrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t)); memcpy(&blist[index].newMatrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t)); return qtrue; } // no - lets try and add this bone in index = G2_Add_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); // did we find a free one? if (index != -1) { // yes, so set the angles and flags correctly blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL); blist[index].flags |= flags; memcpy(&blist[index].matrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t)); memcpy(&blist[index].newMatrix, &matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t)); return qtrue; } assert(0); // no return qfalse; } #define DEBUG_G2_TIMING (0) // given a model, bone name, a bonelist, a start/end frame number, a anim speed and some anim flags, set up or modify an existing bone entry for a new set of anims qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Anim_Index( boneInfo_v &blist, const int index, const int startFrame, const int endFrame, const int flags, const float animSpeed, const int currentTime, const float setFrame, const int blendTime, const int numFrames) { int modFlags = flags; if ((index >= (int)blist.size()) || (blist[index].boneNumber == -1)) { // we are attempting to set a bone override that doesn't exist assert(0); return qfalse; } if (index != -1) { if (blist[index].flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL) { return qtrue; // don't accept any calls on ragdoll bones } //mark it for needing a transform for the cached trace transform stuff blist[index].flags |= BONE_NEED_TRANSFORM; } if (setFrame != -1) { assert((setFrame >= startFrame) && (setFrame <= endFrame)); } if (flags & BONE_ANIM_BLEND) { float currentFrame, animSpeed; int startFrame, endFrame, flags; // figure out where we are now if (G2_Get_Bone_Anim_Index(blist, index, currentTime, ¤tFrame, &startFrame, &endFrame, &flags, &animSpeed, NULL, numFrames)) { if (blist[index].blendStart == currentTime) //we're replacing a blend in progress which hasn't started { // set the amount of time it's going to take to blend this anim with the last frame of the last one blist[index].blendTime = blendTime; } else { if (animSpeed<0.0f) { blist[index].blendFrame = floor(currentFrame); blist[index].blendLerpFrame = floor(currentFrame); } else { blist[index].blendFrame = currentFrame; blist[index].blendLerpFrame = currentFrame+1; // cope with if the lerp frame is actually off the end of the anim if (blist[index].blendFrame >= endFrame ) { // we only want to lerp with the first frame of the anim if we are looping if (blist[index].flags & BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP) { blist[index].blendFrame = startFrame; } // if we intend to end this anim or freeze after this, then just keep on the last frame else { // assert(endFrame>0); if (endFrame <= 0) { blist[index].blendLerpFrame = 0; } else { blist[index].blendFrame = endFrame -1; } } } // cope with if the lerp frame is actually off the end of the anim if (blist[index].blendLerpFrame >= endFrame ) { // we only want to lerp with the first frame of the anim if we are looping if (blist[index].flags & BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP) { blist[index].blendLerpFrame = startFrame; } // if we intend to end this anim or freeze after this, then just keep on the last frame else { // assert(endFrame>0); if (endFrame <= 0) { blist[index].blendLerpFrame = 0; } else { blist[index].blendLerpFrame = endFrame - 1; } } } } // set the amount of time it's going to take to blend this anim with the last frame of the last one blist[index].blendTime = blendTime; blist[index].blendStart = currentTime; } } // hmm, we weren't animating on this bone. In which case disable the blend else { blist[index].blendFrame = blist[index].blendLerpFrame = 0; blist[index].blendTime = 0; modFlags &= ~(BONE_ANIM_BLEND); } } else { blist[index].blendFrame = blist[index].blendLerpFrame = 0; blist[index].blendTime = blist[index].blendStart = 0; // we aren't blending, so remove the option to do so modFlags &= ~BONE_ANIM_BLEND; } // yes, so set the anim data and flags correctly blist[index].endFrame = endFrame; blist[index].startFrame = startFrame; blist[index].animSpeed = animSpeed; blist[index].pauseTime = 0; // start up the animation:) if (setFrame != -1) { blist[index].lastTime = blist[index].startTime = (currentTime - (((setFrame - (float)startFrame) * 50.0)/ animSpeed)); } else { blist[index].lastTime = blist[index].startTime = currentTime; } blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANIM_TOTAL); if (blist[index].flags < 0) { blist[index].flags = 0; } blist[index].flags |= modFlags; #if DEBUG_G2_TIMING if (index==2) { const boneInfo_t &bone=blist[index]; char mess[1000]; if (bone.flags&BONE_ANIM_BLEND) { sprintf(mess,"sab[%2d] %5d %5d (%5d-%5d) %4.2f %4x bt(%5d-%5d) %7.2f %5d\n", index, currentTime, bone.startTime, bone.startFrame, bone.endFrame, bone.animSpeed, bone.flags, bone.blendStart, bone.blendStart+bone.blendTime, bone.blendFrame, bone.blendLerpFrame ); } else { sprintf(mess,"saa[%2d] %5d %5d (%5d-%5d) %4.2f %4x\n", index, currentTime, bone.startTime, bone.startFrame, bone.endFrame, bone.animSpeed, bone.flags ); } Com_OPrintf("%s",mess); } #endif return qtrue; } // given a model, bone name, a bonelist, a start/end frame number, a anim speed and some anim flags, set up or modify an existing bone entry for a new set of anims qboolean G2_Set_Bone_Anim(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const int startFrame, const int endFrame, const int flags, const float animSpeed, const int currentTime, const float setFrame, const int blendTime) { model_t *mod_a = (model_t *)ghlInfo->animModel; int index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); if (index == -1) { index = G2_Add_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); } if (index != -1) { if (blist[index].flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL) { return qtrue; // don't accept any calls on ragdoll bones } } if (index != -1) { return G2_Set_Bone_Anim_Index(blist,index,startFrame,endFrame,flags,animSpeed,currentTime,setFrame,blendTime,ghlInfo->aHeader->numFrames); } return qfalse; } qboolean G2_Get_Bone_Anim_Range(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, int *startFrame, int *endFrame) { model_t *mod_a = (model_t *)ghlInfo->animModel; int index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); // did we find it? if (index != -1) { // are we an animating bone? if (blist[index].flags & (BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP | BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE)) { *startFrame = blist[index].startFrame; *endFrame = blist[index].endFrame; return qtrue; } } return qfalse; } // given a model, bonelist and bonename, return the current frame, startframe and endframe of the current animation // NOTE if we aren't running an animation, then qfalse is returned void G2_TimingModel(boneInfo_t &bone,int currentTime,int numFramesInFile,int ¤tFrame,int &newFrame,float &lerp); qboolean G2_Get_Bone_Anim_Index( boneInfo_v &blist, const int index, const int currentTime, float *currentFrame, int *startFrame, int *endFrame, int *flags, float *retAnimSpeed, qhandle_t *modelList, int numFrames) { // did we find it? if ((index>=0) && !((index >= (int)blist.size()) || (blist[index].boneNumber == -1))) { // are we an animating bone? if (blist[index].flags & (BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP | BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE)) { int lcurrentFrame,newFrame; float lerp; G2_TimingModel(blist[index],currentTime,numFrames,lcurrentFrame,newFrame,lerp); *currentFrame =float(lcurrentFrame)+lerp; *startFrame = blist[index].startFrame; *endFrame = blist[index].endFrame; *flags = blist[index].flags; *retAnimSpeed = blist[index].animSpeed; return qtrue; } } *startFrame=0; *endFrame=1; *currentFrame=0.0f; *flags=0; *retAnimSpeed=0.0f; return qfalse; } // given a model, bonelist and bonename, return the current frame, startframe and endframe of the current animation // NOTE if we aren't running an animation, then qfalse is returned qboolean G2_Get_Bone_Anim(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const int currentTime, float *currentFrame, int *startFrame, int *endFrame, int *flags, float *retAnimSpeed, qhandle_t *modelList, int modelIndex) { model_t *mod_a = (model_t *)ghlInfo->animModel; int index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); if (index==-1) { index = G2_Add_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); if (index == -1) { return qfalse; } } assert(ghlInfo->aHeader); if (G2_Get_Bone_Anim_Index(blist, index, currentTime, currentFrame, startFrame, endFrame, flags, retAnimSpeed, modelList, ghlInfo->aHeader->numFrames)) { assert(*startFrame>=0&&*startFrameaHeader->numFrames); assert(*endFrame>0&&*endFrame<=ghlInfo->aHeader->numFrames); assert(*currentFrame>=0.0f&&((int)(*currentFrame))aHeader->numFrames); return qtrue; } return qfalse; } // given a model, bonelist and bonename, lets pause an anim if it's playing. qboolean G2_Pause_Bone_Anim(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const int currentTime) { model_t *mod_a = (model_t *)ghlInfo->animModel; int index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); // did we find it? if (index != -1) { // are we pausing or un pausing? if (blist[index].pauseTime) { int startFrame, endFrame, flags; float currentFrame, animSpeed; // figure out what frame we are on now G2_Get_Bone_Anim(ghlInfo, blist, boneName, blist[index].pauseTime, ¤tFrame, &startFrame, &endFrame, &flags, &animSpeed, NULL, 0); // reset start time so we are actually on this frame right now G2_Set_Bone_Anim(ghlInfo, blist, boneName, startFrame, endFrame, flags, animSpeed, currentTime, currentFrame, 0); // no pausing anymore blist[index].pauseTime = 0; } // ahh, just pausing, the easy bit else { blist[index].pauseTime = currentTime; } return qtrue; } assert(0); return qfalse; } qboolean G2_IsPaused(const char *fileName, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName) { model_t *mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName)); model_t *mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex); int index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); // did we find it? if (index != -1) { // are we paused? if (blist[index].pauseTime) { // yup. paused. return qtrue; } return qfalse; } return qfalse; } // given a model, bonelist and bonename, lets stop an anim if it's playing. qboolean G2_Stop_Bone_Anim_Index(boneInfo_v &blist, const int index) { if ((index >= (int)blist.size()) || (blist[index].boneNumber == -1)) { // we are attempting to set a bone override that doesn't exist assert(0); return qfalse; } blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANIM_TOTAL); // try and remove this bone if we can return G2_Remove_Bone_Index(blist, index); } // given a model, bonelist and bonename, lets stop an anim if it's playing. qboolean G2_Stop_Bone_Anim(const char *fileName, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName) { model_t *mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName)); model_t *mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex); int index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); // did we find it? if (index != -1) { blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANIM_TOTAL); // try and remove this bone if we can return G2_Remove_Bone_Index(blist, index); } assert(0); return qfalse; } // given a model, bonelist and bonename, lets stop an anim if it's playing. qboolean G2_Stop_Bone_Angles_Index(boneInfo_v &blist, const int index) { if ((index >= (int)blist.size()) || (blist[index].boneNumber == -1)) { // we are attempting to set a bone override that doesn't exist assert(0); return qfalse; } blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL); // try and remove this bone if we can return G2_Remove_Bone_Index(blist, index); } // given a model, bonelist and bonename, lets stop an anim if it's playing. qboolean G2_Stop_Bone_Angles(const char *fileName, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName) { model_t *mod_m = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(fileName)); model_t *mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex); int index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); // did we find it? if (index != -1) { blist[index].flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL); // try and remove this bone if we can return G2_Remove_Bone_Index(blist, index); } assert(0); return qfalse; } // actually walk the bone list and update each and every bone if we have ended an animation for them. void G2_Animate_Bone_List(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int currentTime, const int index ) { boneInfo_v &blist = ghoul2[index].mBlist; // look through entire list for(size_t i=0; i 0.0f) && (newFrame_g > endFrame-1 )) || ((animSpeed < 0.0f) && (newFrame_g < endFrame+1 ))) { // yep - decide what to do if (blist[i].flags & BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_LOOP) { // get our new animation frame back within the bounds of the animation set if (animSpeed < 0.0f) { if (newFrame_g <= endFrame+1) { newFrame_g=endFrame+fmod(newFrame_g-endFrame,animSize)-animSize; } } else { if (newFrame_g >= endFrame) { newFrame_g=endFrame+fmod(newFrame_g-endFrame,animSize)-animSize; } } // figure out new start time float frameTime = newFrame_g - blist[i].startFrame ; blist[i].startTime = currentTime - (int)((frameTime / animSpeed) * 50.0f); if (blist[i].startTime>currentTime) { blist[i].startTime=currentTime; } assert(blist[i].startTime <= currentTime); blist[i].lastTime = blist[i].startTime; } else { if ((blist[i].flags & BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE) != BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE) { // nope, just stop it. And remove the bone if possible G2_Stop_Bone_Index(blist, i, (BONE_ANIM_TOTAL)); } } } } } } } } //rww - RAGDOLL_BEGIN /* rag stuff */ static void G2_RagDollSolve(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2V,int g2Index,float decay,int frameNum,const vec3_t currentOrg,bool LimitAngles,CRagDollUpdateParams *params = NULL); static void G2_RagDollCurrentPosition(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2V,int g2Index,int frameNum,const vec3_t angles,const vec3_t position,const vec3_t scale); static bool G2_RagDollSettlePositionNumeroTrois(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2V,const vec3_t currentOrg,CRagDollUpdateParams *params, int curTime); static bool G2_RagDollSetup(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2,int frameNum,bool resetOrigin,const vec3_t origin,bool anyRendered); void G2_GetBoneBasepose(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2,int boneNum,mdxaBone_t *&retBasepose,mdxaBone_t *&retBaseposeInv); int G2_GetBoneDependents(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2,int boneNum,int *tempDependents,int maxDep); void G2_GetBoneMatrixLow(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2,int boneNum,const vec3_t scale,mdxaBone_t &retMatrix,mdxaBone_t *&retBasepose,mdxaBone_t *&retBaseposeInv); int G2_GetParentBoneMatrixLow(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2,int boneNum,const vec3_t scale,mdxaBone_t &retMatrix,mdxaBone_t *&retBasepose,mdxaBone_t *&retBaseposeInv); bool G2_WasBoneRendered(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2,int boneNum); #define MAX_BONES_RAG (256) struct SRagEffector { vec3_t currentOrigin; vec3_t desiredDirection; vec3_t desiredOrigin; float radius; float weight; }; #define RAG_MASK (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_TERRAIN)//|CONTENTS_SHOTCLIP|CONTENTS_TERRAIN//(/*MASK_SOLID|*/CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|CONTENTS_SHOTCLIP|CONTENTS_TERRAIN|CONTENTS_BODY) extern cvar_t *broadsword; extern cvar_t *broadsword_kickbones; extern cvar_t *broadsword_kickorigin; extern cvar_t *broadsword_dontstopanim; extern cvar_t *broadsword_waitforshot; extern cvar_t *broadsword_playflop; extern cvar_t *broadsword_effcorr; extern cvar_t *broadsword_ragtobase; extern cvar_t *broadsword_dircap; extern cvar_t *broadsword_extra1; extern cvar_t *broadsword_extra2; #define RAG_PCJ (0x00001) #define RAG_PCJ_POST_MULT (0x00002) // has the pcj flag as well #define RAG_PCJ_MODEL_ROOT (0x00004) // has the pcj flag as well #define RAG_PCJ_PELVIS (0x00008) // has the pcj flag and POST_MULT as well #define RAG_EFFECTOR (0x00100) #define RAG_WAS_NOT_RENDERED (0x01000) // not particularily reliable, more of a hint #define RAG_WAS_EVER_RENDERED (0x02000) // not particularily reliable, more of a hint #define RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT (0x04000) //used to indicate a bone's velocity treatment #define RAG_PCJ_IK_CONTROLLED (0x08000) //controlled from IK move input #define RAG_UNSNAPPABLE (0x10000) //cannot be broken out of constraints ever // thiese flags are on the model and correspond to... //#define GHOUL2_RESERVED_FOR_RAGDOLL 0x0ff0 // these are not defined here for dependecies sake #define GHOUL2_RAG_STARTED 0x0010 // we are actually a ragdoll #define GHOUL2_RAG_PENDING 0x0100 // got start death anim but not end death anim #define GHOUL2_RAG_DONE 0x0200 // got end death anim #define GHOUL2_RAG_COLLISION_DURING_DEATH 0x0400 // ever have gotten a collision (da) event #define GHOUL2_RAG_COLLISION_SLIDE 0x0800 // ever have gotten a collision (slide) event #define GHOUL2_RAG_FORCESOLVE 0x1000 //api-override, determine if ragdoll should be forced to continue solving even if it thinks it is settled //#define flrand Q_flrand static mdxaBone_t* ragBasepose[MAX_BONES_RAG]; static mdxaBone_t* ragBaseposeInv[MAX_BONES_RAG]; static mdxaBone_t ragBones[MAX_BONES_RAG]; static SRagEffector ragEffectors[MAX_BONES_RAG]; static boneInfo_t *ragBoneData[MAX_BONES_RAG]; static int tempDependents[MAX_BONES_RAG]; static int ragBlistIndex[MAX_BONES_RAG]; static int numRags; static vec3_t ragBoneMins; static vec3_t ragBoneMaxs; static vec3_t ragBoneCM; static bool haveDesiredPelvisOffset=false; static vec3_t desiredPelvisOffset; // this is for the root static float ragOriginChange=0.0f; static vec3_t ragOriginChangeDir; //debug #if 0 static vec3_t handPos={0,0,0}; static vec3_t handPos2={0,0,0}; #endif enum ERagState { ERS_DYNAMIC, ERS_SETTLING, ERS_SETTLED }; static int ragState; static vector rag; // once we get the dependents precomputed this can be local static void G2_Generate_MatrixRag( // caution this must not be called before the whole skeleton is "remembered" boneInfo_v &blist, int index) { boneInfo_t &bone=blist[index];//.sent; memcpy(&bone.matrix,&bone.ragOverrideMatrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t)); #ifdef _DEBUG int i,j; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) { assert( !Q_isnan(bone.matrix.matrix[i][j])); } } #endif// _DEBUG memcpy(&blist[index].newMatrix,&bone.matrix, sizeof(mdxaBone_t)); } int G2_Find_Bone_Rag(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName) { mdxaSkel_t *skel; mdxaSkelOffsets_t *offsets; offsets = (mdxaSkelOffsets_t *)((byte *)ghlInfo->aHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t)); skel = (mdxaSkel_t *)((byte *)ghlInfo->aHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[0]); /* model_t *currentModel; model_t *animModel; mdxaHeader_t *aHeader; currentModel = R_GetModelByHandle(RE_RegisterModel(ghlInfo->mFileName)); assert(currentModel); animModel = R_GetModelByHandle(currentModel->mdxm->animIndex); assert(animModel); aHeader = animModel->mdxa; assert(aHeader); offsets = (mdxaSkelOffsets_t *)((byte *)aHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t)); skel = (mdxaSkel_t *)((byte *)aHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[0]); */ // look through entire list for(size_t i=0; iaHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[blist[i].boneNumber]); //skel = (mdxaSkel_t *)((byte *)aHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[blist[i].boneNumber]); // if name is the same, we found it if (!Q_stricmp(skel->name, boneName)) { return i; } } #if _DEBUG // G2_Bone_Not_Found(boneName,ghlInfo->mFileName); #endif // didn't find it return -1; } static int G2_Set_Bone_Rag(const mdxaHeader_t *mod_a, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, CGhoul2Info &ghoul2, const vec3_t scale, const vec3_t origin) { // do not change the state of the skeleton here int index = G2_Find_Bone_Rag(&ghoul2, blist, boneName); if (index == -1) { index = G2_Add_Bone(ghoul2.animModel, blist, boneName); } if (index != -1) { boneInfo_t &bone=blist[index]; VectorCopy(origin,bone.extraVec1); G2_GetBoneMatrixLow(ghoul2,bone.boneNumber,scale,bone.originalTrueBoneMatrix,bone.basepose,bone.baseposeInv); // bone.parentRawBoneIndex=G2_GetParentBoneMatrixLow(ghoul2,bone.boneNumber,scale,bone.parentTrueBoneMatrix,bone.baseposeParent,bone.baseposeInvParent); assert( !Q_isnan(bone.originalTrueBoneMatrix.matrix[1][1])); assert( !Q_isnan(bone.originalTrueBoneMatrix.matrix[1][3])); bone.originalOrigin[0]=bone.originalTrueBoneMatrix.matrix[0][3]; bone.originalOrigin[1]=bone.originalTrueBoneMatrix.matrix[1][3]; bone.originalOrigin[2]=bone.originalTrueBoneMatrix.matrix[2][3]; } return index; } static int G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag( CGhoul2Info &ghoul2, const mdxaHeader_t *mod_a, boneInfo_v &blist, const char *boneName, const int flags, const float radius, const vec3_t angleMin=0, const vec3_t angleMax=0, const int blendTime=500) { int index = G2_Find_Bone_Rag(&ghoul2, blist, boneName); if (index == -1) { index = G2_Add_Bone(ghoul2.animModel, blist, boneName); } if (index != -1) { boneInfo_t &bone=blist[index]; bone.flags &= ~(BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL); bone.flags |= BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL; if (flags&RAG_PCJ) { if (flags&RAG_PCJ_POST_MULT) { bone.flags |= BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT; } else if (flags&RAG_PCJ_MODEL_ROOT) { bone.flags |= BONE_ANGLES_PREMULT; // bone.flags |= BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT; } else { assert(!"Invalid RAG PCJ\n"); } } bone.ragStartTime=G2API_GetTime(0); bone.boneBlendStart = bone.ragStartTime; bone.boneBlendTime = blendTime; bone.radius=radius; bone.weight=1.0f; //init the others to valid values bone.epGravFactor = 0; VectorClear(bone.epVelocity); bone.solidCount = 0; bone.physicsSettled = false; bone.snapped = false; bone.parentBoneIndex = -1; bone.offsetRotation = 0.0f; bone.overGradSpeed = 0.0f; VectorClear(bone.overGoalSpot); bone.hasOverGoal = false; bone.hasAnimFrameMatrix = -1; // bone.weight=pow(radius,1.7f); //cubed was too harsh // bone.weight=radius*radius*radius; if (angleMin&&angleMax) { VectorCopy(angleMin,bone.minAngles); VectorCopy(angleMax,bone.maxAngles); } else { VectorCopy(bone.currentAngles,bone.minAngles); // I guess this isn't a rag pcj then VectorCopy(bone.currentAngles,bone.maxAngles); } if (!bone.lastTimeUpdated) { static mdxaBone_t id = { { { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f } } }; memcpy(&bone.ragOverrideMatrix,&id, sizeof(mdxaBone_t)); VectorClear(bone.anglesOffset); VectorClear(bone.positionOffset); VectorClear(bone.velocityEffector); // this is actually a velocity now VectorClear(bone.velocityRoot); // this is actually a velocity now VectorClear(bone.lastPosition); VectorClear(bone.lastShotDir); bone.lastContents=0; // if this is non-zero, we are in a dynamic state bone.firstCollisionTime=bone.ragStartTime; // if this is non-zero, we are in a settling state bone.restTime=0; // if they are both zero, we are in a settled state bone.firstTime=0; bone.RagFlags=flags; bone.DependentRagIndexMask=0; G2_Generate_MatrixRag(blist,index); // set everything to th id #if 0 VectorClear(bone.currentAngles); // VectorAdd(bone.minAngles,bone.maxAngles,bone.currentAngles); // VectorScale(bone.currentAngles,0.5f,bone.currentAngles); #else { if ( (flags&RAG_PCJ_MODEL_ROOT) || (flags&RAG_PCJ_PELVIS) || !(flags&RAG_PCJ)) { VectorClear(bone.currentAngles); } else { int k; for (k=0;k<3;k++) { float scalar=flrand(-1.0f,1.0f); scalar*=flrand(-1.0f,1.0f)*flrand(-1.0f,1.0f); // this is a heavily central distribution // center it on .5 (and make it small) scalar*=0.5f; scalar+=0.5f; bone.currentAngles[k]=(bone.minAngles[k]-bone.maxAngles[k])*scalar+bone.maxAngles[k]; } } } // VectorClear(bone.currentAngles); #endif VectorCopy(bone.currentAngles,bone.lastAngles); } } return index; } class CRagDollParams; const mdxaHeader_t *G2_GetModA(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2); static void G2_RagDollMatchPosition() { haveDesiredPelvisOffset=false; int i; for (i=0;iCallRagDollBegin=qfalse; } if (!broadsword||!broadsword->integer||!parms) { return; } int model; for (model = 0; model < ghoul2V.size(); model++) { if (ghoul2V[model].mModelindex != -1) { break; } } if (model==ghoul2V.size()) { return; } CGhoul2Info &ghoul2=ghoul2V[model]; const mdxaHeader_t *mod_a=G2_GetModA(ghoul2); if (!mod_a) { return; } int curTime=G2API_GetTime(0); boneInfo_v &blist = ghoul2.mBlist; int index = G2_Find_Bone_Rag(&ghoul2, blist, "model_root"); switch (parms->RagPhase) { case CRagDollParams::RP_START_DEATH_ANIM: ghoul2.mFlags|=GHOUL2_RAG_PENDING; return; /// not doing anything with this yet break; case CRagDollParams::RP_END_DEATH_ANIM: ghoul2.mFlags|=GHOUL2_RAG_PENDING|GHOUL2_RAG_DONE; if (broadsword_waitforshot && broadsword_waitforshot->integer) { if (broadsword_waitforshot->integer==2) { if (!(ghoul2.mFlags&(GHOUL2_RAG_COLLISION_DURING_DEATH|GHOUL2_RAG_COLLISION_SLIDE))) { //nothing was encountered, lets just wait for the first shot return; // we ain't starting yet } } else { return; // we ain't starting yet } } break; case CRagDollParams::RP_DEATH_COLLISION: if (parms->collisionType) { ghoul2.mFlags|=GHOUL2_RAG_COLLISION_SLIDE; } else { ghoul2.mFlags|=GHOUL2_RAG_COLLISION_DURING_DEATH; } if (broadsword_dontstopanim && broadsword_waitforshot && (broadsword_dontstopanim->integer || broadsword_waitforshot->integer) ) { if (!(ghoul2.mFlags&GHOUL2_RAG_DONE)) { return; // we ain't starting yet } } break; case CRagDollParams::RP_CORPSE_SHOT: if (broadsword_kickorigin && broadsword_kickorigin->integer) { if (index>=0&&index<(int)blist.size()) { boneInfo_t &bone=blist[index]; if (bone.boneNumber>=0) { if (bone.flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL) { //rww - Would need ent pointer here. But.. since this is SW, we aren't even having corpse shooting anyway I'd imagine. /* float magicFactor14=8.0f; //64.0f; // kick strength if (parms->fShotStrength) { //if there is a shot strength, use it instead magicFactor14 = parms->fShotStrength; } parms->me->s.pos.trType = TR_GRAVITY; parms->me->s.pos.trDelta[0] += bone.lastShotDir[0]*magicFactor14; parms->me->s.pos.trDelta[1] += bone.lastShotDir[1]*magicFactor14; //parms->me->s.pos.trDelta[2] = fabsf(bone.lastShotDir[2])*magicFactor14; //rww - The vertical portion of this doesn't seem to work very well //I am just leaving it whatever it is for now, because my velocity scaling //only works on x and y and the gravity stuff for NPCs is a bit unpleasent //trying to change/work with assert( !Q_isnan(bone.lastShotDir[1])); */ } } } } break; case CRagDollParams::RP_GET_PELVIS_OFFSET: if (parms->RagPhase==CRagDollParams::RP_GET_PELVIS_OFFSET) { VectorClear(parms->pelvisAnglesOffset); VectorClear(parms->pelvisPositionOffset); } // intentional lack of a break case CRagDollParams::RP_SET_PELVIS_OFFSET: if (index>=0&&index<(int)blist.size()) { boneInfo_t &bone=blist[index]; if (bone.boneNumber>=0) { if (bone.flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL) { if (parms->RagPhase==CRagDollParams::RP_GET_PELVIS_OFFSET) { VectorCopy(bone.anglesOffset,parms->pelvisAnglesOffset); VectorCopy(bone.positionOffset,parms->pelvisPositionOffset); } else { VectorCopy(parms->pelvisAnglesOffset,bone.anglesOffset); VectorCopy(parms->pelvisPositionOffset,bone.positionOffset); } } } } return; break; case CRagDollParams::RP_DISABLE_EFFECTORS: // not doing anything with this yet return; break; default: assert(0); return; break; } if (ghoul2.mFlags&GHOUL2_RAG_STARTED) { // only going to begin ragdoll once, everything else depends on what happens to the origin return; } #if 0 if (index>=0) { Com_OPrintf("death %d %d\n",blist[index].startFrame,blist[index].endFrame); } #endif ghoul2.mFlags|=GHOUL2_RAG_PENDING|GHOUL2_RAG_DONE|GHOUL2_RAG_STARTED; // well anyway we are going live parms->CallRagDollBegin=qtrue; G2_GenerateWorldMatrix(parms->angles, parms->position); G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2V, curTime, false, parms->scale); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"model_root",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"pelvis",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"lower_lumbar",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"upper_lumbar",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"thoracic",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"cranium",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"rhumerus",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"lhumerus",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"rradius",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"lradius",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"rfemurYZ",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"lfemurYZ",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"rtibia",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"ltibia",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"rhand",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"lhand",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); //G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"rtarsal",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); //G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"ltarsal",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"rtalus",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"ltalus",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"rradiusX",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"lradiusX",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"rfemurX",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"lfemurX",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(mod_a,blist,"ceyebrow",ghoul2,parms->scale,parms->position); //int startFrame = 3665, endFrame = 3665+1; int startFrame = parms->startFrame, endFrame = parms->endFrame; G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"upper_lumbar",startFrame,endFrame-1, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE|BONE_ANIM_BLEND, 1.0f,curTime,float(startFrame),150,0,true); G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lower_lumbar",startFrame,endFrame-1, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE|BONE_ANIM_BLEND, 1.0f,curTime,float(startFrame),150,0,true); G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"Motion",startFrame,endFrame-1, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE|BONE_ANIM_BLEND, 1.0f,curTime,float(startFrame),150,0,true); // G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"model_root",startFrame,endFrame-1, // BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE|BONE_ANIM_BLEND, // 1.0f,curTime,float(startFrame),150,0,true); G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lfemurYZ",startFrame,endFrame-1, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE|BONE_ANIM_BLEND, 1.0f,curTime,float(startFrame),150,0,true); G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rfemurYZ",startFrame,endFrame-1, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE|BONE_ANIM_BLEND, 1.0f,curTime,float(startFrame),150,0,true); G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rhumerus",startFrame,endFrame-1, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE|BONE_ANIM_BLEND, 1.0f,curTime,float(startFrame),150,0,true); G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lhumerus",startFrame,endFrame-1, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE|BONE_ANIM_BLEND, 1.0f,curTime,float(startFrame),150,0,true); // should already be set G2_GenerateWorldMatrix(parms->angles, parms->position); G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2V, curTime, false, parms->scale); static const float fRadScale = 0.3f;//0.5f; vec3_t pcjMin,pcjMax; VectorSet(pcjMin,-90.0f,-45.0f,-45.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,90.0f,45.0f,45.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"model_root",RAG_PCJ_MODEL_ROOT|RAG_PCJ|RAG_UNSNAPPABLE,10.0f*fRadScale,pcjMin,pcjMax,100); VectorSet(pcjMin,-45.0f,-45.0f,-45.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,45.0f,45.0f,45.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"pelvis",RAG_PCJ_PELVIS|RAG_PCJ|RAG_PCJ_POST_MULT|RAG_UNSNAPPABLE,10.0f*fRadScale,pcjMin,pcjMax,100); #if 1 // new base anim, unconscious flop int pcjflags=RAG_PCJ|RAG_PCJ_POST_MULT;//|RAG_EFFECTOR; VectorSet(pcjMin,-15.0f,-15.0f,-15.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,15.0f,15.0f,15.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lower_lumbar",pcjflags|RAG_UNSNAPPABLE,10.0f*fRadScale,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"upper_lumbar",pcjflags|RAG_UNSNAPPABLE,10.0f*fRadScale,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,-25.0f,-25.0f,-25.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,25.0f,25.0f,25.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"thoracic",pcjflags|RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_UNSNAPPABLE,12.0f*fRadScale,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,-10.0f,-10.0f,-90.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,10.0f,10.0f,90.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"cranium",pcjflags|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT|RAG_UNSNAPPABLE,6.0f*fRadScale,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); static const float sFactLeg = 1.0f; static const float sFactArm = 1.0f; static const float sRadArm = 1.0f; static const float sRadLeg = 1.0f; VectorSet(pcjMin,-100.0f,-40.0f,-15.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,-15.0f,80.0f,15.0f); VectorScale(pcjMin, sFactArm, pcjMin); VectorScale(pcjMax, sFactArm, pcjMax); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rhumerus",pcjflags|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT|RAG_UNSNAPPABLE,(4.0f*sRadArm)*fRadScale,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,-50.0f,-80.0f,-15.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,15.0f,40.0f,15.0f); VectorScale(pcjMin, sFactArm, pcjMin); VectorScale(pcjMax, sFactArm, pcjMax); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lhumerus",pcjflags|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT|RAG_UNSNAPPABLE,(4.0f*sRadArm)*fRadScale,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,-25.0f,-20.0f,-20.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,90.0f,20.0f,-20.0f); VectorScale(pcjMin, sFactArm, pcjMin); VectorScale(pcjMax, sFactArm, pcjMax); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rradius",pcjflags|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(3.0f*sRadArm)*fRadScale,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,-90.0f,-20.0f,-20.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,30.0f,20.0f,-20.0f); VectorScale(pcjMin, sFactArm, pcjMin); VectorScale(pcjMax, sFactArm, pcjMax); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lradius",pcjflags|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(3.0f*sRadArm)*fRadScale,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,-80.0f,-50.0f,-20.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,30.0f,5.0f,20.0f); VectorScale(pcjMin, sFactLeg, pcjMin); VectorScale(pcjMax, sFactLeg, pcjMax); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rfemurYZ",pcjflags|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(6.0f*sRadLeg)*fRadScale,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,-60.0f,-5.0f,-20.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,50.0f,50.0f,20.0f); VectorScale(pcjMin, sFactLeg, pcjMin); VectorScale(pcjMax, sFactLeg, pcjMax); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lfemurYZ",pcjflags|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(6.0f*sRadLeg)*fRadScale,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,-20.0f,-15.0f,-15.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,100.0f,15.0f,15.0f); VectorScale(pcjMin, sFactLeg, pcjMin); VectorScale(pcjMax, sFactLeg, pcjMax); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rtibia",pcjflags|RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(4.0f*sRadLeg)*fRadScale,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,20.0f,-15.0f,-15.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,100.0f,15.0f,15.0f); VectorScale(pcjMin, sFactLeg, pcjMin); VectorScale(pcjMax, sFactLeg, pcjMax); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"ltibia",pcjflags|RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(4.0f*sRadLeg)*fRadScale,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); #else // old base anim int pcjflags=RAG_PCJ|RAG_PCJ_POST_MULT|RAG_EFFECTOR; VectorSet(pcjMin,-15.0f,-15.0f,-15.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,45.0f,15.0f,15.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lower_lumbar",pcjflags,10.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"upper_lumbar",pcjflags,10.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,-45.0f,-45.0f,-45.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,45.0f,45.0f,45.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"thoracic",pcjflags,10.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,-10.0f,-10.0f,-90.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,10.0f,10.0f,90.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"cranium",pcjflags|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,6.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); //VectorSet(pcjMin,-45.0f,-90.0f,-100.0f); VectorSet(pcjMin,-180.0f,-180.0f,-100.0f); //VectorSet(pcjMax,60.0f,60.0f,45.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,180.0f,180.0f,45.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rhumerus",pcjflags|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,4.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); //VectorSet(pcjMin,-45.0f,-60.0f,-45.0f); VectorSet(pcjMin,-180.0f,-180.0f,-100.0f); //VectorSet(pcjMax,60.0f,90.0f,100.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,180.0f,180.0f,100.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lhumerus",pcjflags|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,4.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); //-120/120 VectorSet(pcjMin,-120.0f,-20.0f,-20.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,50.0f,20.0f,-20.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rradius",pcjflags|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,3.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,-120.0f,-20.0f,-20.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,5.0f,20.0f,-20.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lradius",pcjflags|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,3.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,-90.0f,-50.0f,-20.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,50.0f,20.0f,20.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rfemurYZ",pcjflags|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,6.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,-90.0f,-20.0f,-20.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,50.0f,50.0f,20.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lfemurYZ",pcjflags|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,6.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); //120 VectorSet(pcjMin,-20.0f,-15.0f,-15.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,120.0f,15.0f,15.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rtibia",pcjflags|RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,4.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); VectorSet(pcjMin,20.0f,-15.0f,-15.0f); VectorSet(pcjMax,120.0f,15.0f,15.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"ltibia",pcjflags|RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,4.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); #endif float sRadEArm = 1.2f; float sRadELeg = 1.2f; // int rhand= G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rhand",RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(6.0f*sRadEArm)*fRadScale); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lhand",RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(6.0f*sRadEArm)*fRadScale); //G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rtarsal",RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(4.0f*sRadELeg)*fRadScale); //G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"ltarsal",RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(4.0f*sRadELeg)*fRadScale); // G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rtibia",RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(4.0f*sRadELeg)*fRadScale); // G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"ltibia",RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(4.0f*sRadELeg)*fRadScale); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rtalus",RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(4.0f*sRadELeg)*fRadScale); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"ltalus",RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(4.0f*sRadELeg)*fRadScale); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rradiusX",RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(6.0f*sRadEArm)*fRadScale); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lradiusX",RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(6.0f*sRadEArm)*fRadScale); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rfemurX",RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(10.0f*sRadELeg)*fRadScale); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lfemurX",RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,(10.0f*sRadELeg)*fRadScale); //G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"ceyebrow",RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,10.0f*fRadScale); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"ceyebrow",RAG_EFFECTOR|RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT,5.0f); //match the currrent animation if (!G2_RagDollSetup(ghoul2,curTime,true,parms->position,false)) { assert(!"failed to add any rag bones"); return; } G2_RagDollCurrentPosition(ghoul2V,model,curTime,parms->angles,parms->position,parms->scale); #if 0 if (rhand>0) { boneInfo_t &bone=blist[rhand]; SRagEffector &e=ragEffectors[bone.ragIndex]; VectorCopy(bone.originalOrigin,handPos); VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin,handPos2); } #endif int k; CRagDollUpdateParams fparms; VectorCopy(parms->position, fparms.position); VectorCopy(parms->angles, fparms.angles); VectorCopy(parms->scale, fparms.scale); VectorClear(fparms.velocity); fparms.me = parms->me; fparms.settleFrame = parms->endFrame; //Guess I don't need to do this, do I? G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2V, curTime, false, parms->scale); vec3_t dPos; VectorCopy(parms->position, dPos); #ifdef _OLD_STYLE_SETTLE dPos[2] -= 6; #endif for (k=0;kangles,dPos,parms->scale); G2_RagDollMatchPosition(); G2_RagDollSolve(ghoul2V,model,1.0f*(1.0f-k/40.0f),curTime,dPos,false); } } void G2_SetRagDollBullet(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2,const vec3_t rayStart,const vec3_t hit) { if (!broadsword||!broadsword->integer) { return; } vec3_t shotDir; VectorSubtract(hit,rayStart,shotDir); float len=VectorLength(shotDir); if (len<1.0f) { return; } float lenr=1.0f/len; shotDir[0]*=lenr; shotDir[1]*=lenr; shotDir[2]*=lenr; bool firstOne=false; if (broadsword_kickbones&&broadsword_kickbones->integer) { int magicFactor13=150.0f; // squared radius multiplier for shot effects boneInfo_v &blist = ghoul2.mBlist; for(int i=(int)(blist.size()-1);i>=0;i--) { boneInfo_t &bone=blist[i]; if ((bone.flags & BONE_ANGLES_TOTAL)) { if (bone.flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL) { if (!firstOne) { firstOne=true; #if 0 int curTime=G2API_GetTime(0); const mdxaHeader_t *mod_a=G2_GetModA(ghoul2); int startFrame = 0, endFrame = 0; #if 1 TheGhoul2Wraith()->GetAnimFrames(ghoul2.mID, "unconsciousdeadflop01", startFrame, endFrame); if (startFrame == -1 && endFrame == -1) { //A bad thing happened! Just use the hardcoded numbers even though they could be wrong. startFrame = 3573; endFrame = 3583; assert(0); } G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(mod_a,blist,"upper_lumbar",startFrame,endFrame-1, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE|BONE_ANIM_BLEND, 1.0f,curTime,float(startFrame),75,0,true); G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(mod_a,blist,"lfemurYZ",startFrame,endFrame-1, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE|BONE_ANIM_BLEND, 1.0f,curTime,float(startFrame),75,0,true); G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(mod_a,blist,"rfemurYZ",startFrame,endFrame-1, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE|BONE_ANIM_BLEND, 1.0f,curTime,float(startFrame),75,0,true); #else TheGhoul2Wraith()->GetAnimFrames(ghoul2.mID, "backdeadflop01", startFrame, endFrame); if (startFrame == -1 && endFrame == -1) { //A bad thing happened! Just use the hardcoded numbers even though they could be wrong. startFrame = 3581; endFrame = 3592; assert(0); } G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(mod_a,blist,"upper_lumbar",endFrame,startFrame+1, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE, -1.0f,curTime,float(endFrame-1),50,0,true); G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(mod_a,blist,"lfemurYZ",endFrame,startFrame+1, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE, -1.0f,curTime,float(endFrame-1),50,0,true); G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(mod_a,blist,"rfemurYZ",endFrame,startFrame+1, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE, -1.0f,curTime,float(endFrame-1),50,0,true); #endif #endif } VectorCopy(shotDir,bone.lastShotDir); vec3_t dir; VectorSubtract(bone.lastPosition,hit,dir); len=VectorLength(dir); if (len<1.0f) { len=1.0f; } lenr=1.0f/len; float effect=lenr; effect*=magicFactor13*effect; // this is cubed, one of them is absorbed by the next calc bone.velocityEffector[0]=shotDir[0]*(effect+flrand(0.0f,0.05f)); bone.velocityEffector[1]=shotDir[1]*(effect+flrand(0.0f,0.05f)); bone.velocityEffector[2]=fabs(shotDir[2])*(effect+flrand(0.0f,0.05f)); // bone.velocityEffector[0]=shotDir[0]*(effect+flrand(0.0f,0.05f))*flrand(-0.1f,3.0f); // bone.velocityEffector[1]=shotDir[1]*(effect+flrand(0.0f,0.05f))*flrand(-0.1f,3.0f); // bone.velocityEffector[2]=fabs(shotDir[2])*(effect+flrand(0.0f,0.05f))*flrand(-0.1f,3.0f); assert( !Q_isnan(shotDir[2])); // bone.currentAngles[0]+=flrand(-10.0f*lenr,10.0f*lenr); // bone.currentAngles[1]+=flrand(-10.0f*lenr,10.0f*lenr); // bone.currentAngles[2]+=flrand(-10.0f*lenr,10.0f*lenr); // bone.lastAngles[0]+=flrand(-10.0f*lenr,10.0f*lenr); // bone.lastAngles[1]+=flrand(-10.0f*lenr,10.0f*lenr); // bone.lastAngles[2]+=flrand(-10.0f*lenr,10.0f*lenr); // go dynamic bone.firstCollisionTime=G2API_GetTime(0); // bone.firstCollisionTime=0; bone.restTime=0; } } } } } static float G2_RagSetState(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2, boneInfo_t &bone,int frameNum,const vec3_t origin,bool &resetOrigin) { ragOriginChange=DistanceSquared(origin,bone.extraVec1); VectorSubtract(origin,bone.extraVec1,ragOriginChangeDir); float decay=1.0f; int dynamicTime=1000; int settleTime=1000; if (ghoul2.mFlags & GHOUL2_RAG_FORCESOLVE) { ragState=ERS_DYNAMIC; if (frameNum>bone.firstCollisionTime+dynamicTime) { VectorCopy(origin,bone.extraVec1); if (ragOriginChange>15.0f) { //if we moved, or if this bone is still in solid bone.firstCollisionTime=frameNum; } else { // settle out bone.firstCollisionTime=0; bone.restTime=frameNum; ragState=ERS_SETTLING; } } } else if (bone.firstCollisionTime>0) { ragState=ERS_DYNAMIC; if (frameNum>bone.firstCollisionTime+dynamicTime) { VectorCopy(origin,bone.extraVec1); if (ragOriginChange>15.0f) { //if we moved, or if this bone is still in solid bone.firstCollisionTime=frameNum; } else { // settle out bone.firstCollisionTime=0; bone.restTime=frameNum; ragState=ERS_SETTLING; } } //decay=0.0f; } else if (bone.restTime>0) { decay=1.0f-(frameNum-bone.restTime)/float(dynamicTime); if (decay<0.0f) { decay=0.0f; } if (decay>1.0f) { decay=1.0f; } float magicFactor8=1.0f; // Power for decay decay=pow(decay,magicFactor8); ragState=ERS_SETTLING; if (frameNum>bone.restTime+settleTime) { VectorCopy(origin,bone.extraVec1); if (ragOriginChange>15.0f) { bone.restTime=frameNum; } else { // stop bone.restTime=0; ragState=ERS_SETTLED; } } //decay=0.0f; } else { if (bone.RagFlags & RAG_PCJ_IK_CONTROLLED) { bone.firstCollisionTime=frameNum; ragState=ERS_DYNAMIC; } else if (ragOriginChange>15.0f) { bone.firstCollisionTime=frameNum; ragState=ERS_DYNAMIC; } else { ragState=ERS_SETTLED; } decay=0.0f; } // ragState=ERS_SETTLED; // decay=0.0f; return decay; } static bool G2_RagDollSetup(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2,int frameNum,bool resetOrigin,const vec3_t origin,bool anyRendered) { int minSurvivingBone=10000; //int minSurvivingBoneAt=-1; int minSurvivingBoneAlt=10000; //int minSurvivingBoneAtAlt=-1; assert(ghoul2.mFileName[0]); boneInfo_v &blist = ghoul2.mBlist; rag.clear(); int numRendered=0; int numNotRendered=0; //int pelvisAt=-1; for(size_t i=0; i=0) { assert(bone.boneNumberbone.boneNumber) { minSurvivingBone=bone.boneNumber; //minSurvivingBoneAt=i; } } else if (wasRendered) { if (minSurvivingBoneAlt>bone.boneNumber) { minSurvivingBoneAlt=bone.boneNumber; //minSurvivingBoneAtAlt=i; } } if ( anyRendered && (bone.RagFlags&RAG_WAS_EVER_RENDERED) && !(bone.RagFlags&RAG_PCJ_MODEL_ROOT) && !(bone.RagFlags&RAG_PCJ_PELVIS) && !wasRendered && (bone.RagFlags&RAG_EFFECTOR) ) { // this thing was rendered in the past, but wasn't now, although other bones were, lets get rid of it // bone.flags &= ~BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL; // bone.RagFlags = 0; //Com_OPrintf("Deleted Effector %d\n",i); // continue; } if ((int)rag.size()=0 && pelvisAt>=0) { { // remove the pelvis as a rag boneInfo_t &bone=blist[minSurvivingBoneAt]; bone.flags&=~BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL; bone.RagFlags=0; } { // the root-est bone is now our "pelvis boneInfo_t &bone=blist[minSurvivingBoneAt]; VectorSet(bone.minAngles,-14500.0f,-14500.0f,-14500.0f); VectorSet(bone.maxAngles,14500.0f,14500.0f,14500.0f); bone.RagFlags|=RAG_PCJ_PELVIS|RAG_PCJ; // this guy is our new "pelvis" bone.flags |= BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT; bone.ragStartTime=G2API_GetTime(0); } } } #endif numRags=0; //int ragStartTime=0; for(size_t i=0; i=0); assert(numRagsinteger) { return; } if (!params) { assert(0); return; } vec3_t dPos; VectorCopy(params->position, dPos); #ifdef _OLD_STYLE_SETTLE dPos[2] -= 6; #endif // params->DebugLine(handPos,handPos2,false); int frameNum=G2API_GetTime(0); CGhoul2Info &ghoul2=ghoul2V[g2Index]; assert(ghoul2.mFileName[0]); boneInfo_v &blist = ghoul2.mBlist; // hack for freezing ragdoll (no idea if it works) #if 0 if (0) { // we gotta hack this to basically freeze the timers for(i=0; i=0) { assert(bone.boneNumber=0) { assert(bone.boneNumber= 0 && bone2.solidCount > 8) { noneInSolid = false; break; } } if (noneInSolid) { //we're settled then params->RagDollSettled(); return; } else { continue; } #else params->RagDollSettled(); return; #endif } if (G2_WasBoneRendered(ghoul2,bone.boneNumber)) { anyRendered=true; break; } } } } //int iters=(ragState==ERS_DYNAMIC)?2:1; int iters=(ragState==ERS_DYNAMIC)?4:2; //bool kicked=false; if (ragOriginChangeDir[2]<-100.0f) { //kicked=true; //iters*=8; iters*=2; //rww - changed to this.. it was getting up to around 600 traces at times before (which is insane) } if (iters) { if (!G2_RagDollSetup(ghoul2,frameNum,resetOrigin,dPos,anyRendered)) { return; } // ok, now our data structures are compact and set up in topological order for (int i=0;iangles,dPos,params->scale); if (G2_RagDollSettlePositionNumeroTrois(ghoul2V,dPos,params,curTime)) { #if 0 //effectors are start solid alot, so this was pretty extreme if (!kicked&&iters<4) { kicked=true; //iters*=4; iters*=2; } #endif } //params->position[2] += 16; G2_RagDollSolve(ghoul2V,g2Index,decay*2.0f,frameNum,dPos,true,params); } } if (params->me != ENTITYNUM_NONE) { #if 0 vec3_t worldMins,worldMaxs; worldMins[0]=params->position[0]-17; worldMins[1]=params->position[1]-17; worldMins[2]=params->position[2]; worldMaxs[0]=params->position[0]+17; worldMaxs[1]=params->position[1]+17; worldMaxs[2]=params->position[2]; //Com_OPrintf(va("%f \n",worldMins[2]); // params->DebugLine(worldMins,worldMaxs,true); #endif G2_RagDollCurrentPosition(ghoul2V,g2Index,frameNum,params->angles,params->position,params->scale); // SV_UnlinkEntity(params->me); // params->me->SetMins(BB_SHOOTING_SIZE,ragBoneMins); // params->me->SetMaxs(BB_SHOOTING_SIZE,ragBoneMaxs); // SV_LinkEntity(params->me); } } #ifdef _DEBUG #define _DEBUG_BONE_NAMES #endif static inline char *G2_Get_Bone_Name(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, boneInfo_v &blist, int boneNum) { mdxaSkel_t *skel; mdxaSkelOffsets_t *offsets; offsets = (mdxaSkelOffsets_t *)((byte *)ghlInfo->aHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t)); skel = (mdxaSkel_t *)((byte *)ghlInfo->aHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[0]); // look through entire list for(size_t i=0; iaHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[blist[i].boneNumber]); return skel->name; } // didn't find it return "BONE_NOT_FOUND"; } char *G2_GetBoneNameFromSkel(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2, int boneNum); static void G2_RagDollCurrentPosition(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2V,int g2Index,int frameNum,const vec3_t angles,const vec3_t position,const vec3_t scale) { CGhoul2Info &ghoul2=ghoul2V[g2Index]; assert(ghoul2.mFileName[0]); //Com_OPrintf("angles %f %f %f\n",angles[0],angles[1],angles[2]); G2_GenerateWorldMatrix(angles,position); G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2V, frameNum, false, scale); float totalWt=0.0f; int i; for (i=0;iragBoneMaxs[k]) { ragBoneMaxs[k]=ragEffectors[i].currentOrigin[k]; } if (ragEffectors[i].currentOrigin[k]0.0f); int k; { float wtInv=1.0f/totalWt; for (k=0;k<3;k++) { ragBoneMaxs[k]-=position[k]; ragBoneMins[k]-=position[k]; ragBoneMaxs[k]+=10.0f; ragBoneMins[k]-=10.0f; ragBoneCM[k]*=wtInv; ragBoneCM[k]=ragEffectors[0].currentOrigin[k]; // use the pelvis } } } #ifdef _DEBUG int ragTraceTime = 0; int ragSSCount = 0; int ragTraceCount = 0; #endif void Rag_Trace( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, const int passEntityNum, const int contentmask, const EG2_Collision eG2TraceType, const int useLod ) { #ifdef _DEBUG int ragPreTrace = ri->Milliseconds(); #endif if ( ri->CGVMLoaded() ) { ragCallbackTraceLine_t *callData = (ragCallbackTraceLine_t *)ri->GetSharedMemory(); VectorCopy(start, callData->start); VectorCopy(end, callData->end); VectorCopy(mins, callData->mins); VectorCopy(maxs, callData->maxs); callData->ignore = passEntityNum; callData->mask = contentmask; ri->CGVM_RagCallback( RAG_CALLBACK_TRACELINE ); *results = callData->tr; } else { results->entityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE; //SV_Trace(results, start, mins, maxs, end, passEntityNum, contentmask, eG2TraceType, useLod); ri->CM_BoxTrace(results, start, end, mins, maxs, 0, contentmask, 0); results->entityNum = results->fraction != 1.0 ? ENTITYNUM_WORLD : ENTITYNUM_NONE; } #ifdef _DEBUG int ragPostTrace = ri->Milliseconds(); ragTraceTime += (ragPostTrace - ragPreTrace); if (results->startsolid) { ragSSCount++; } ragTraceCount++; #endif } //run advanced physics on each bone indivudually //an adaption of my "exphys" custom game physics model #define MAX_GRAVITY_PULL 256//512 static inline bool G2_BoneOnGround(const vec3_t org, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const int ignoreNum) { trace_t tr; vec3_t gSpot; VectorCopy(org, gSpot); gSpot[2] -= 1.0f; //seems reasonable to me Rag_Trace(&tr, org, mins, maxs, gSpot, ignoreNum, RAG_MASK, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0); if (tr.fraction != 1.0f && !tr.startsolid && !tr.allsolid) { //not in solid, and hit something. Guess it's ground. return true; } return false; } static inline bool G2_ApplyRealBonePhysics(boneInfo_t &bone, SRagEffector &e, CRagDollUpdateParams *params, vec3_t goalSpot, const vec3_t testMins, const vec3_t testMaxs, const float gravity, const float mass, const float bounce) { trace_t tr; vec3_t projectedOrigin; vec3_t vNorm; vec3_t ground; float velScaling = 0.1f; float vTotal = 0.0f; bool boneOnGround = false; assert(mass <= 1.0f && mass >= 0.01f); if (bone.physicsSettled) { //then we have no need to continue return true; } if (gravity) { //factor it in before we do anything. VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin, ground); ground[2] -= 1.0f; Rag_Trace(&tr, e.currentOrigin, testMins, testMaxs, ground, params->me, RAG_MASK, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0); if (tr.entityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE) { boneOnGround = false; } else { boneOnGround = true; } if (!boneOnGround) { if (!params->velocity[2]) { //only increase gravitational pull once the actual entity is still bone.epGravFactor += gravity; } if (bone.epGravFactor > MAX_GRAVITY_PULL) { //cap it off if needed bone.epGravFactor = MAX_GRAVITY_PULL; } bone.epVelocity[2] -= bone.epGravFactor; } else { //if we're sitting on something then reset the gravity factor. bone.epGravFactor = 0; } } else { boneOnGround = G2_BoneOnGround(e.currentOrigin, testMins, testMaxs, params->me); } if (!bone.epVelocity[0] && !bone.epVelocity[1] && !bone.epVelocity[2]) { //nothing to do if we have no velocity even after gravity. VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin, goalSpot); return true; } //get the projected origin based on velocity. VectorMA(e.currentOrigin, velScaling, bone.epVelocity, projectedOrigin); //scale it down based on mass VectorScale(bone.epVelocity, 1.0f-mass, bone.epVelocity); VectorCopy(bone.epVelocity, vNorm); vTotal = VectorNormalize(vNorm); if (vTotal < 1 && boneOnGround) { //we've pretty much stopped moving anyway, just clear it out then. VectorClear(bone.epVelocity); bone.epGravFactor = 0; VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin, goalSpot); return true; } Rag_Trace(&tr, e.currentOrigin, testMins, testMaxs, projectedOrigin, params->me, RAG_MASK, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0); if (tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid) { //can't go anywhere from here return false; } //Go ahead and set it to the trace endpoint regardless of what it hit VectorCopy(tr.endpos, goalSpot); if (tr.fraction == 1.0f) { //Nothing was in the way. return true; } if (bounce) { vTotal *= bounce; //scale it by bounce VectorScale(tr.plane.normal, vTotal, vNorm); //scale the trace plane normal by the bounce factor if (vNorm[2] > 0) { bone.epGravFactor -= vNorm[2]*(1.0f-mass); //The lighter it is the more gravity will be reduced by bouncing vertically. if (bone.epGravFactor < 0) { bone.epGravFactor = 0; } } VectorAdd(bone.epVelocity, vNorm, bone.epVelocity); //add it into the existing velocity. //I suppose it could be sort of neat to make a game callback here to actual do stuff //when bones slam into things. But it could be slow too. /* if (tr.entityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE && ent->touch) { //then call the touch function ent->touch(ent, &g_entities[tr.entityNum], &tr); } */ } else { //if no bounce, kill when it hits something. bone.epVelocity[0] = 0; bone.epVelocity[1] = 0; if (!gravity) { bone.epVelocity[2] = 0; } } return true; } #ifdef _DEBUG_BONE_NAMES static inline void G2_RagDebugBox(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, int duration) { if ( !ri->CGVMLoaded() ) return; ragCallbackDebugBox_t *callData = (ragCallbackDebugBox_t *)ri->GetSharedMemory(); callData->duration = duration; VectorCopy(mins, callData->mins); VectorCopy(maxs, callData->maxs); ri->CGVM_RagCallback( RAG_CALLBACK_DEBUGBOX ); } static inline void G2_RagDebugLine(vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int time, int color, int radius) { if ( !ri->CGVMLoaded() ) return; ragCallbackDebugLine_t *callData = (ragCallbackDebugLine_t *)ri->GetSharedMemory(); VectorCopy(start, callData->start); VectorCopy(end, callData->end); callData->time = time; callData->color = color; callData->radius = radius; ri->CGVM_RagCallback( RAG_CALLBACK_DEBUGLINE ); } #endif #ifdef _OLD_STYLE_SETTLE static bool G2_RagDollSettlePositionNumeroTrois(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2V, const vec3_t currentOrg, CRagDollUpdateParams *params, int curTime) { haveDesiredPelvisOffset=false; vec3_t desiredPos; int i; assert(params); //assert(params->me); //no longer valid, because me is an index! int ignoreNum=params->me; bool anyStartSolid=false; vec3_t groundSpot={0,0,0}; // lets find the floor at our quake origin { vec3_t testStart; VectorCopy(currentOrg,testStart); //last arg is dest vec3_t testEnd; VectorCopy(testStart,testEnd); //last arg is dest testEnd[2]-=200.0f; vec3_t testMins; vec3_t testMaxs; VectorSet(testMins,-10,-10,-10); VectorSet(testMaxs,10,10,10); { trace_t tr; assert( !Q_isnan(testStart[1])); assert( !Q_isnan(testEnd[1])); assert( !Q_isnan(testMins[1])); assert( !Q_isnan(testMaxs[1])); Rag_Trace(&tr,testStart,testMins,testMaxs,testEnd,ignoreNum,RAG_MASK,G2_NOCOLLIDE,0/*SV_TRACE_NO_PLAYER*/); if (tr.entityNum==0) { VectorAdvance(testStart,.5f,testEnd,tr.endpos); } if (tr.startsolid) { //hmmm, punt VectorCopy(currentOrg,groundSpot); //last arg is dest groundSpot[2]-=30.0f; } else { VectorCopy(tr.endpos,groundSpot); //last arg is dest } } } for (i=0;i groundSpot[2]) { testStart[2]=groundSpot[2]+(e.radius-10.0f); } else { // lets try higher testStart[2]=groundSpot[2]+8.0f; Rag_Trace(&tr,testStart,testMins,testMaxs,testEnd,ignoreNum,RAG_MASK,G2_NOCOLLIDE,0); if (tr.entityNum==0) { VectorAdvance(testStart,.5f,testEnd,tr.endpos); } } } if (tr.startsolid) { iAmStartSolid=true; anyStartSolid=true; // above the origin, so lets slide away if (e.currentOrigin[2] > groundSpot[2]) { if (params) { //SRagDollEffectorCollision args(e.currentOrigin,tr); //params->EffectorCollision(args); if ( ri->CGVMLoaded() ) { //make a callback and see if the cgame wants to help us out ragCallbackBoneInSolid_t *callData = (ragCallbackBoneInSolid_t *)ri->GetSharedMemory(); VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin, callData->bonePos); callData->entNum = params->me; callData->solidCount = bone.solidCount; ri->CGVM_RagCallback( RAG_CALLBACK_BONEINSOLID ); } } } else { //harumph, we are really screwed } } else { vertEffectorTraceFraction=tr.fraction; if (params && vertEffectorTraceFraction < .95f && fabsf(tr.plane.normal[2]) < .707f) { //SRagDollEffectorCollision args(e.currentOrigin,tr); //args.useTracePlane=true; //params->EffectorCollision(args); if ( ri->CGVMLoaded() ) { //make a callback and see if the cgame wants to help us out ragCallbackBoneInSolid_t *callData = (ragCallbackBoneInSolid_t *)ri->GetSharedMemory(); VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin, callData->bonePos); callData->entNum = params->me; callData->solidCount = bone.solidCount; ri->CGVM_RagCallback( RAG_CALLBACK_BONEINSOLID ); } } } } vec3_t effectorGroundSpot; VectorAdvance(testStart,vertEffectorTraceFraction,testEnd,effectorGroundSpot);// VA(a,t,b,c)-> c := (1-t)a+tb // trace from the quake origin horzontally to the effector // gonna choose the maximum of the ground spot or the effector location // and clamp it to be roughly in the bbox VectorCopy(groundSpot,testStart); //last arg is dest if (iAmStartSolid) { // we don't have a meaningful ground spot VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin,testEnd); //last arg is dest bone.solidCount++; } else { VectorCopy(effectorGroundSpot,testEnd); //last arg is dest bone.solidCount = 0; } assert( !Q_isnan(testStart[1])); assert( !Q_isnan(testEnd[1])); assert( !Q_isnan(testMins[1])); assert( !Q_isnan(testMaxs[1])); float ztest; if (testEnd[2]>testStart[2]) { ztest=testEnd[2]; } else { ztest=testStart[2]; } if (ztest c := (1-t)a+tb float horzontalTraceFraction=0.0f; vec3_t HorizontalHitSpot={0,0,0}; { trace_t tr; Rag_Trace(&tr,testStart,testMins,testMaxs,testEnd,ignoreNum,RAG_MASK,G2_NOCOLLIDE,0); if (tr.entityNum==0) { VectorAdvance(testStart,.5f,testEnd,tr.endpos); } horzontalTraceFraction=tr.fraction; if (tr.startsolid) { horzontalTraceFraction=1.0f; // punt VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin,HorizontalHitSpot); } else { VectorCopy(tr.endpos,HorizontalHitSpot); int magicFactor46=0.98f; // shorten percetage to make sure we can go down along a wall //float magicFactor46=0.98f; // shorten percetage to make sure we can go down along a wall //rww - An..int? VectorAdvance(tr.endpos,magicFactor46,testStart,HorizontalHitSpot);// VA(a,t,b,c)-> c := (1-t)a+tb // roughly speaking this is a wall if (horzontalTraceFraction<0.9f) { // roughly speaking this is a wall if (fabsf(tr.plane.normal[2])<0.7f) { //SRagDollEffectorCollision args(e.currentOrigin,tr); //args.useTracePlane=true; //params->EffectorCollision(args); if ( ri->CGVMLoaded() ) { //make a callback and see if the cgame wants to help us out ragCallbackBoneInSolid_t *callData = (ragCallbackBoneInSolid_t *)ri->GetSharedMemory(); VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin, callData->bonePos); callData->entNum = params->me; callData->solidCount = bone.solidCount; ri->CGVM_RagCallback( RAG_CALLBACK_BONEINSOLID ); } } } else if (!iAmStartSolid && effectorGroundSpot[2] < groundSpot[2] - 8.0f) { // this is a situation where we have something dangling below the pelvis, we want to find the plane going downhill away from the origin // for various reasons, without this correction the body will actually move away from places it can fall off. //gotta run the trace backwards to get a plane { trace_t tr; VectorCopy(effectorGroundSpot,testStart); VectorCopy(groundSpot,testEnd); // this can be a line trace, we just want the plane normal Rag_Trace(&tr,testEnd,0,0,testStart,ignoreNum,RAG_MASK,G2_NOCOLLIDE,0); if (tr.entityNum==0) { VectorAdvance(testStart,.5f,testEnd,tr.endpos); } horzontalTraceFraction=tr.fraction; if (!tr.startsolid && tr.fraction< 0.7f) { //SRagDollEffectorCollision args(e.currentOrigin,tr); //args.useTracePlane=true; //params->EffectorCollision(args); if ( ri->CGVMLoaded() ) { //make a callback and see if the cgame wants to help us out ragCallbackBoneInSolid_t *callData = (ragCallbackBoneInSolid_t *)ri->GetSharedMemory(); VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin, callData->bonePos); callData->entNum = params->me; callData->solidCount = bone.solidCount; ri->CGVM_RagCallback( RAG_CALLBACK_BONEINSOLID ); } } } } } } vec3_t goalSpot={0,0,0}; // now lets trace down VectorCopy(HorizontalHitSpot,testStart); VectorCopy(testStart,testEnd); //last arg is dest testEnd[2]=e.currentOrigin[2]-30.0f; { trace_t tr; Rag_Trace(&tr,testStart,NULL,NULL,testEnd,ignoreNum,RAG_MASK,G2_NOCOLLIDE,0); if (tr.entityNum==0) { VectorAdvance(testStart,.5f,testEnd,tr.endpos); } if (tr.startsolid) { // punt, go to the origin I guess VectorCopy(currentOrg,goalSpot); } else { VectorCopy(tr.endpos,goalSpot); int magicFactor47=0.5f; // shorten percentage to make sure we can go down along a wall VectorAdvance(tr.endpos,magicFactor47,testStart,goalSpot);// VA(a,t,b,c)-> c := (1-t)a+tb } } // ok now as the horizontal trace fraction approaches zero, we want to head toward the horizontalHitSpot //geeze I would like some reasonable trace fractions assert(horzontalTraceFraction>=0.0f&&horzontalTraceFraction<=1.0f); VectorAdvance(HorizontalHitSpot,horzontalTraceFraction*horzontalTraceFraction,goalSpot,goalSpot);// VA(a,t,b,c)-> c := (1-t)a+tb #if 0 if ((bone.RagFlags & RAG_EFFECTOR) && (bone.RagFlags & RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT)) { //new rule - don't even bother unless it's a lightweight effector //rww - Factor object velocity into the final desired spot.. //We want the limbs with a "light" weight to drag behind the general mass. //If we got here, we shouldn't be the pelvis or the root, so we should be //fine to treat as lightweight. However, we can flag bones as being particularly //light. They're given less downscale for the reduction factor. vec3_t givenVelocity; vec3_t vSpot; trace_t vtr; float vSpeed = 0; float verticalSpeed = 0; float vReductionFactor = 0.03f; float verticalSpeedReductionFactor = 0.06f; //want this to be more obvious float lwVReductionFactor = 0.1f; float lwVerticalSpeedReductionFactor = 0.3f; //want this to be more obvious VectorCopy(params->velocity, givenVelocity); vSpeed = VectorNormalize(givenVelocity); vSpeed = -vSpeed; //go in the opposite direction of velocity verticalSpeed = vSpeed; if (bone.RagFlags & RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT) { vSpeed *= lwVReductionFactor; verticalSpeed *= lwVerticalSpeedReductionFactor; } else { vSpeed *= vReductionFactor; verticalSpeed *= verticalSpeedReductionFactor; } vSpot[0] = givenVelocity[0]*vSpeed; vSpot[1] = givenVelocity[1]*vSpeed; vSpot[2] = givenVelocity[2]*verticalSpeed; VectorAdd(goalSpot, vSpot, vSpot); if (vSpot[0] || vSpot[1] || vSpot[2]) { Rag_Trace(&vtr, goalSpot, testMins, testMaxs, vSpot, ignoreNum, RAG_MASK, G2_NOCOLLIDE,0); if (vtr.fraction == 1) { VectorCopy(vSpot, goalSpot); } } } #endif int k; int magicFactor12=0.8f; // dampening of velocity applied int magicFactor16=10.0f; // effect multiplier of velocity applied if (iAmStartSolid) { magicFactor16 = 30.0f; } for (k=0;k<3;k++) { e.desiredDirection[k]=goalSpot[k]-e.currentOrigin[k]; e.desiredDirection[k]+=magicFactor16*bone.velocityEffector[k]; e.desiredDirection[k]+=flrand(-0.75f,0.75f)*flrand(-0.75f,0.75f); bone.velocityEffector[k]*=magicFactor12; } VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin,bone.lastPosition); // last arg is dest } return anyStartSolid; } #else #if 0 static inline int G2_RagIndexForBoneNum(int boneNum) { for (int i = 0; i < numRags; i++) { // these are used for affecting the end result if (ragBoneData[i].boneNum == boneNum) { return i; } } return -1; } #endif #ifdef _RAG_PRINT_TEST void G2_RagPrintMatrix(mdxaBone_t *mat) { char x[1024]; x[0] = 0; int n = 0; while (n < 3) { int o = 0; while (o < 4) { strcat(x, va("%f ", mat->matrix[n][o])); o++; } n++; } strcat(x, "\n"); ri->Printf( PRINT_ALL, x); } #endif void G2_RagGetBoneBasePoseMatrixLow(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2, int boneNum, mdxaBone_t &boneMatrix, mdxaBone_t &retMatrix, vec3_t scale); void G2_RagGetAnimMatrix(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2, const int boneNum, mdxaBone_t &matrix, const int frame); static inline void G2_RagGetWorldAnimMatrix(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2, boneInfo_t &bone, CRagDollUpdateParams *params, mdxaBone_t &retMatrix) { static mdxaBone_t trueBaseMatrix, baseBoneMatrix; //get matrix for the settleFrame to use as an ideal G2_RagGetAnimMatrix(ghoul2, bone.boneNumber, trueBaseMatrix, params->settleFrame); assert(bone.hasAnimFrameMatrix == params->settleFrame); G2_RagGetBoneBasePoseMatrixLow(ghoul2, bone.boneNumber, trueBaseMatrix, baseBoneMatrix, params->scale); //Use params to multiply world coordinate/dir matrix into the //bone matrix and give us a useable world position Multiply_3x4Matrix(&retMatrix, &worldMatrix, &baseBoneMatrix); assert(!Q_isnan(retMatrix.matrix[2][3])); } //get the current pelvis Z direction and the base anim matrix Z direction //so they can be compared and used to offset -rww void G2_GetRagBoneMatrixLow(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2, int boneNum, mdxaBone_t &retMatrix); void G2_GetBoltMatrixLow(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2,int boltNum,const vec3_t scale,mdxaBone_t &retMatrix); static inline void G2_RagGetPelvisLumbarOffsets(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2, CRagDollUpdateParams *params, vec3_t pos, vec3_t dir, vec3_t animPos, vec3_t animDir) { static mdxaBone_t final; static mdxaBone_t x; //static mdxaBone_t *unused1, *unused2; //static vec3_t lumbarPos; assert(ghoul2.animModel); int boneIndex = G2_Find_Bone(ghoul2.animModel, ghoul2.mBlist, "pelvis"); assert(boneIndex != -1); G2_RagGetWorldAnimMatrix(ghoul2, ghoul2.mBlist[boneIndex], params, final); G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&final, ORIGIN, animPos); G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&final, POSITIVE_X, animDir); #if 0 //We have the anim matrix pelvis pos now, so get the normal one as well G2_GetBoneMatrixLow(ghoul2, boneIndex, params->scale, final, unused1, unused2); G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&final, ORIGIN, pos); G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&final, POSITIVE_X, dir); #else //We have the anim matrix pelvis pos now, so get the normal one as well //G2_GetRagBoneMatrixLow(ghoul2, boneIndex, x); int bolt = G2_Add_Bolt(&ghoul2, ghoul2.mBltlist, ghoul2.mSlist, "pelvis"); G2_GetBoltMatrixLow(ghoul2, bolt, params->scale, x); Multiply_3x4Matrix(&final, &worldMatrix, &x); G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&final, ORIGIN, pos); G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&final, POSITIVE_X, dir); #endif /* //now get lumbar boneIndex = G2_Find_Bone(ghoul2.animModel, ghoul2.mBlist, "lower_lumbar"); assert(boneIndex != -1); G2_RagGetWorldAnimMatrix(ghoul2, ghoul2.mBlist[boneIndex], params, final); G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&final, ORIGIN, lumbarPos); VectorSubtract(animPos, lumbarPos, animDir); VectorNormalize(animDir); //We have the anim matrix lumbar dir now, so get the normal one as well G2_GetBoneMatrixLow(ghoul2, boneIndex, params->scale, final, unused1, unused2); G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&final, ORIGIN, lumbarPos); VectorSubtract(pos, lumbarPos, dir); VectorNormalize(dir); */ } static bool G2_RagDollSettlePositionNumeroTrois(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2V, const vec3_t currentOrg, CRagDollUpdateParams *params, int curTime) { //now returns true if any bone was in solid, otherwise false int ignoreNum = params->me; static int i; static vec3_t goalSpot; static trace_t tr; //static trace_t solidTr; static int k; static const float velocityDampening = 1.0f; static const float velocityMultiplier = 60.0f; static vec3_t testMins; static vec3_t testMaxs; vec3_t velDir; static bool startSolid; bool anySolid = false; static mdxaBone_t worldBaseMatrix; static vec3_t parentOrigin; static vec3_t basePos; static vec3_t entScale; static bool hasDaddy; static bool hasBasePos; static vec3_t animPelvisDir, pelvisDir, animPelvisPos, pelvisPos; //Maybe customize per-bone? static const float gravity = 3.0f; static const float mass = 0.09f; static const float bounce = 0.0f;//1.3f; //Bouncing and stuff unfortunately does not work too well at the moment. //Need to keep a seperate "physics origin" or make the filthy solve stuff //better. bool inAir = false; if (params->velocity[0] || params->velocity[1] || params->velocity[2]) { inAir = true; } if (!params->scale[0] && !params->scale[1] && !params->scale[2]) { VectorSet(entScale, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { VectorCopy(params->scale, entScale); } if (broadsword_ragtobase && broadsword_ragtobase->integer > 1) { //grab the pelvis directions to offset base positions for bones G2_RagGetPelvisLumbarOffsets(ghoul2V[0], params, pelvisPos, pelvisDir, animPelvisPos, animPelvisDir); //don't care about the pitch offsets pelvisDir[2] = 0; animPelvisDir[2] = 0; /* vec3_t upelvisPos, uanimPelvisPos; vec3_t blah; VectorCopy(pelvisPos, upelvisPos); VectorCopy(animPelvisPos, uanimPelvisPos); upelvisPos[2] += 64; uanimPelvisPos[2] += 64; VectorMA(upelvisPos, 32.0f, pelvisDir, blah); G2_RagDebugLine(upelvisPos, blah, 50, 0x00ff00, 1); VectorMA(uanimPelvisPos, 32.0f, animPelvisDir, blah); G2_RagDebugLine(uanimPelvisPos, blah, 50, 0xff0000, 1); */ //just convert to angles now, that's all we'll ever use them for vectoangles(pelvisDir, pelvisDir); vectoangles(animPelvisDir, animPelvisDir); } for (i = 0; i < numRags; i++) { boneInfo_t &bone = *ragBoneData[i]; SRagEffector &e = ragEffectors[i]; if (inAir) { bone.airTime = curTime + 30; } if (bone.RagFlags & RAG_PCJ_PELVIS) { VectorSet(goalSpot, params->position[0], params->position[1], (params->position[2]+DEFAULT_MINS_2)+((bone.radius*entScale[2])+2)); VectorSubtract(goalSpot, e.currentOrigin, desiredPelvisOffset); haveDesiredPelvisOffset = true; VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin, bone.lastPosition); continue; } if (!(bone.RagFlags & RAG_EFFECTOR)) { continue; } if (bone.hasOverGoal) { //api call was made to override the goal spot VectorCopy(bone.overGoalSpot, goalSpot); bone.solidCount = 0; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { e.desiredDirection[k] = (goalSpot[k] - e.currentOrigin[k]); e.desiredDirection[k] += (velocityMultiplier * bone.velocityEffector[k]); bone.velocityEffector[k] *= velocityDampening; } VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin, bone.lastPosition); continue; } VectorSet(testMins, -e.radius*entScale[0], -e.radius*entScale[1], -e.radius*entScale[2]); VectorSet(testMaxs, e.radius*entScale[0], e.radius*entScale[1], e.radius*entScale[2]); assert(ghoul2V[0].mBoneCache); //get the parent bone's position hasDaddy = false; if (bone.boneNumber) { assert(ghoul2V[0].animModel); assert(ghoul2V[0].aHeader); if (bone.parentBoneIndex == -1) { mdxaSkel_t *skel; mdxaSkelOffsets_t *offsets; int bParentIndex, bParentListIndex = -1; offsets = (mdxaSkelOffsets_t *)((byte *)ghoul2V[0].aHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t)); skel = (mdxaSkel_t *)((byte *)ghoul2V[0].aHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[bone.boneNumber]); bParentIndex = skel->parent; while (bParentIndex > 0) { //go upward through hierarchy searching for the first parent that is a rag bone skel = (mdxaSkel_t *)((byte *)ghoul2V[0].aHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[bParentIndex]); bParentIndex = skel->parent; bParentListIndex = G2_Find_Bone(ghoul2V[0].animModel, ghoul2V[0].mBlist, skel->name); if (bParentListIndex != -1) { boneInfo_t &pbone = ghoul2V[0].mBlist[bParentListIndex]; if (pbone.flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL) { //valid rag bone break; } } //didn't work out, reset to -1 again bParentListIndex = -1; } bone.parentBoneIndex = bParentListIndex; } if (bone.parentBoneIndex != -1) { boneInfo_t &pbone = ghoul2V[0].mBlist[bone.parentBoneIndex]; if (pbone.flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL) { //has origin calculated for us already VectorCopy(ragEffectors[pbone.ragIndex].currentOrigin, parentOrigin); hasDaddy = true; } } } //get the position this bone would be in if we were in the desired frame hasBasePos = false; if (broadsword_ragtobase && broadsword_ragtobase->integer) { vec3_t v, a; float f; G2_RagGetWorldAnimMatrix(ghoul2V[0], bone, params, worldBaseMatrix); G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&worldBaseMatrix, ORIGIN, basePos); if (broadsword_ragtobase->integer > 1) { float fa = AngleNormalize180(animPelvisDir[YAW]-pelvisDir[YAW]); float d = fa-bone.offsetRotation; if (d > 16.0f || d < -16.0f) { //don't update unless x degrees away from the ideal to avoid moving goal spots too much if pelvis rotates bone.offsetRotation = fa; } else { fa = bone.offsetRotation; } //Rotate the point around the pelvis based on the offsets between pelvis positions VectorSubtract(basePos, animPelvisPos, v); f = VectorLength(v); vectoangles(v, a); a[YAW] -= fa; AngleVectors(a, v, 0, 0); VectorNormalize(v); VectorMA(animPelvisPos, f, v, basePos); //re-orient the position of the bone to the current position of the pelvis VectorSubtract(basePos, animPelvisPos, v); //push the spots outward? (to stretch the skeleton more) //v[0] *= 1.5f; //v[1] *= 1.5f; VectorAdd(pelvisPos, v, basePos); } #if 0 //for debugging frame skeleton mdxaSkel_t *skel; mdxaSkelOffsets_t *offsets; offsets = (mdxaSkelOffsets_t *)((byte *)ghoul2V[0].aHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t)); skel = (mdxaSkel_t *)((byte *)ghoul2V[0].aHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[bone.boneNumber]); vec3_t pu; VectorCopy(basePos, pu); pu[2] += 32; if (bone.boneNumber < 11) { G2_RagDebugLine(basePos, pu, 50, 0xff00ff, 1); } else if (skel->name[0] == 'l') { G2_RagDebugLine(basePos, pu, 50, 0xffff00, 1); } else if (skel->name[0] == 'r') { G2_RagDebugLine(basePos, pu, 50, 0xffffff, 1); } else { G2_RagDebugLine(basePos, pu, 50, 0x00ffff, 1); } #endif hasBasePos = true; } //Are we in solid? if (hasDaddy) { Rag_Trace(&tr, e.currentOrigin, testMins, testMaxs, parentOrigin, ignoreNum, RAG_MASK, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0); //Rag_Trace(&tr, parentOrigin, testMins, testMaxs, e.currentOrigin, ignoreNum, RAG_MASK, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0); } else { Rag_Trace(&tr, e.currentOrigin, testMins, testMaxs, params->position, ignoreNum, RAG_MASK, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0); } if (tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid || tr.fraction != 1.0f) { //currently in solid, see what we can do about it vec3_t vSub; startSolid = true; anySolid = true; if (hasBasePos)// && bone.solidCount < 32) { //only go to the base pos for slightly in solid bones #if 0 //over-compensation float fl; float floorBase; VectorSubtract(basePos, e.currentOrigin, vSub); fl = VectorNormalize(vSub); VectorMA(e.currentOrigin, /*fl*8.0f*/64.0f, vSub, goalSpot); floorBase = ((params->position[2]-23)-testMins[2])+8; if (goalSpot[2] > floorBase) { goalSpot[2] = floorBase; } #else //just use the spot directly VectorCopy(basePos, goalSpot); goalSpot[2] = (params->position[2]-23)-testMins[2]; #endif //ri->Printf( PRINT_ALL, "%i: %f %f %f\n", bone.boneNumber, basePos[0], basePos[1], basePos[2]); } else { //if deep in solid want to try to rise up out of solid before hinting back to base VectorSubtract(e.currentOrigin, params->position, vSub); VectorNormalize(vSub); VectorMA(params->position, 40.0f, vSub, goalSpot); //should be 1 unit above the ground taking bounding box sizes into account goalSpot[2] = (params->position[2]-23)-testMins[2]; } //Trace from the entity origin in the direction between the origin and current bone position to //find a good eventual goal position Rag_Trace(&tr, params->position, testMins, testMaxs, goalSpot, params->me, RAG_MASK, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0); VectorCopy(tr.endpos, goalSpot); } else { startSolid = false; #if 1 //do hinting? //Hint the bone back to the base origin if (hasDaddy || hasBasePos) { if (hasBasePos) { VectorSubtract(basePos, e.currentOrigin, velDir); } else { VectorSubtract(e.currentOrigin, parentOrigin, velDir); } } else { VectorSubtract(e.currentOrigin, params->position, velDir); } if (VectorLength(velDir) > 2.0f) { //don't bother if already close VectorNormalize(velDir); VectorScale(velDir, 8.0f, velDir); velDir[2] = 0; //don't want to nudge on Z, the gravity will take care of things. VectorAdd(bone.epVelocity, velDir, bone.epVelocity); } #endif //Factor the object's velocity into the bone's velocity, by pushing the bone //opposite the velocity to give the apperance the lighter limbs are being "dragged" //behind those of greater mass. if (bone.RagFlags & RAG_BONE_LIGHTWEIGHT) { vec3_t vel; float vellen; VectorCopy(params->velocity, vel); //Scale down since our velocity scale is different from standard game physics VectorScale(vel, 0.5f, vel); vellen = VectorLength(vel); if (vellen > 64.0f) { //cap it off VectorScale(vel, 64.0f/vellen, vel); } //Invert the velocity so we go opposite the heavier parts and drag behind VectorInverse(vel); if (vel[2]) { //want to override entirely instead then VectorCopy(vel, bone.epVelocity); } else { VectorAdd(bone.epVelocity, vel, bone.epVelocity); } } //We're not in solid so we can apply physics freely now. if (!G2_ApplyRealBonePhysics(bone, e, params, goalSpot, testMins, testMaxs, gravity, mass, bounce)) { //if this is the case then somehow we failed to apply physics/get a good goal spot, just use the ent origin VectorCopy(params->position, goalSpot); } } //Set this now so we know what to do for angle limiting if (startSolid) { bone.solidCount++; #if 0 if ( ri->CGVMLoaded() && bone.solidCount > 8 ) { //make a callback and see if the cgame wants to help us out Rag_Trace(&solidTr, params->position, testMins, testMaxs, e.currentOrigin, ignoreNum, RAG_MASK, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0); if (solidTr.fraction != 1.0f && (solidTr.plane.normal[0] || solidTr.plane.normal[1]) && (solidTr.plane.normal[2] < 0.1f || solidTr.plane.normal[2] > -0.1f))// && //don't do anything against flat around // e.currentOrigin[2] > pelvisPos[2]) { ragCallbackBoneInSolid_t *callData = (ragCallbackBoneInSolid_t *)ri->GetSharedMemory(); VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin, callData->bonePos); callData->entNum = params->me; callData->solidCount = bone.solidCount; ri->CGVM_RagCallback( RAG_CALLBACK_BONEINSOLID ); } } #endif #ifdef _DEBUG_BONE_NAMES if (bone.solidCount > 64) { char *debugBoneName = G2_Get_Bone_Name(&ghoul2V[0], ghoul2V[0].mBlist, bone.boneNumber); vec3_t absmin, absmax; assert(debugBoneName); ri->Printf( PRINT_ALL, "High bone (%s, %i) solid count: %i\n", debugBoneName, bone.boneNumber, bone.solidCount); VectorAdd(e.currentOrigin, testMins, absmin); VectorAdd(e.currentOrigin, testMaxs, absmax); G2_RagDebugBox(absmin, absmax, 50); G2_RagDebugLine(e.currentOrigin, goalSpot, 50, 0x00ff00, 1); } #endif } else { bone.solidCount = 0; } #if 0 //standard goalSpot capping? //unless we are really in solid, we should keep adjustments minimal if (/*bone.epGravFactor < 64 &&*/ bone.solidCount < 2 && !inAir) { vec3_t moveDist; const float extent = 32.0f; float len; VectorSubtract(goalSpot, e.currentOrigin, moveDist); len = VectorLength(moveDist); if (len > extent) { //if greater than the extent then scale the vector down to the extent and factor it back into the goalspot VectorScale(moveDist, extent/len, moveDist); VectorAdd(e.currentOrigin, moveDist, goalSpot); } } #endif //Set the desired direction based on the goal position and other factors. for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { e.desiredDirection[k] = (goalSpot[k] - e.currentOrigin[k]); if (broadsword_dircap && broadsword_dircap->value) { float cap = broadsword_dircap->value; if (bone.solidCount > 5) { float solidFactor = bone.solidCount*0.2f; if (solidFactor > 16.0f) { //don't go too high or something ugly might happen solidFactor = 16.0f; } e.desiredDirection[k] *= solidFactor; cap *= 8; } if (e.desiredDirection[k] > cap) { e.desiredDirection[k] = cap; } else if (e.desiredDirection[k] < -cap) { e.desiredDirection[k] = -cap; } } e.desiredDirection[k] += (velocityMultiplier * bone.velocityEffector[k]); e.desiredDirection[k] += (flrand(-0.75f, 0.75f) * flrand(-0.75f, 0.75f)); bone.velocityEffector[k] *= velocityDampening; } VectorCopy(e.currentOrigin, bone.lastPosition); } return anySolid; } #endif static float AngleNormZero(float theta) { float ret=fmodf(theta,360.0f); if (ret<-180.0f) { ret+=360.0f; } else if (ret>180.0f) { ret-=360.0f; } assert(ret>=-180.0f&&ret<=180.0f); return ret; } static inline void G2_BoneSnap(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2V, boneInfo_t &bone, CRagDollUpdateParams *params) { if ( !ri->CGVMLoaded() || !params ) { return; } ragCallbackBoneSnap_t *callData = (ragCallbackBoneSnap_t *)ri->GetSharedMemory(); callData->entNum = params->me; strcpy(callData->boneName, G2_Get_Bone_Name(&ghoul2V[0], ghoul2V[0].mBlist, bone.boneNumber)); ri->CGVM_RagCallback( RAG_CALLBACK_BONESNAP ); } static void G2_RagDollSolve(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2V,int g2Index,float decay,int frameNum,const vec3_t currentOrg,bool limitAngles,CRagDollUpdateParams *params) { int i; CGhoul2Info &ghoul2=ghoul2V[g2Index]; mdxaBone_t N; mdxaBone_t P; mdxaBone_t temp1; mdxaBone_t temp2; mdxaBone_t curRot; mdxaBone_t curRotInv; mdxaBone_t Gs[3]; mdxaBone_t Enew[3]; assert(ghoul2.mFileName[0]); boneInfo_v &blist = ghoul2.mBlist; // END this is the objective function thing for (i=0;i50.0f) { bone.velocityRoot[k]=50.0f; } if (bone.velocityRoot[k]<-50.0f) { bone.velocityRoot[k]=-50.0f; } */ //No -rww bone.ragOverrideMatrix.matrix[k][3]=bone.velocityRoot[k]; } } } else { vec3_t delAngles; VectorClear(delAngles); for (k=0;k<3;k++) { tAngles[k]+=0.5f; Create_Matrix(tAngles,&temp2); //dest 2nd arg tAngles[k]-=0.5f; Multiply_3x4Matrix(&temp1,&P,&temp2); //dest first arg Multiply_3x4Matrix(&Gs[k],&temp1,&N); //dest first arg } int allSolidCount = 0;//bone.solidCount; // fixme precompute this int numDep=G2_GetBoneDependents(ghoul2,bone.boneNumber,tempDependents,MAX_BONES_RAG); int j; int numRagDep=0; for (j=0;jragIndex; assert(depIndex>i); // these are supposed to be topologically sorted assert(ragBoneData[depIndex]); boneInfo_t &depBone=*ragBoneData[depIndex]; if (depBone.RagFlags & RAG_EFFECTOR) // rag doll effector { // this is a dependent of me, and also a rag numRagDep++; for (k=0;k<3;k++) { Multiply_3x4Matrix(&Enew[k],&Gs[k],&ragBones[depIndex]); //dest first arg vec3_t tPosition; tPosition[0]=Enew[k].matrix[0][3]; tPosition[1]=Enew[k].matrix[1][3]; tPosition[2]=Enew[k].matrix[2][3]; vec3_t change; VectorSubtract(tPosition,ragEffectors[depIndex].currentOrigin,change); // dest is last arg float goodness=DotProduct(change,ragEffectors[depIndex].desiredDirection); assert( !Q_isnan(goodness)); goodness*=depBone.weight; delAngles[k]+=goodness; // keep bigger stuff more out of wall or something assert( !Q_isnan(delAngles[k])); } allSolidCount += depBone.solidCount; } } //bone.solidCount = allSolidCount; allSolidCount += bone.solidCount; VectorCopy(bone.currentAngles,bone.lastAngles); // Update angles float magicFactor9=0.75f; // dampfactor for angle changes float magicFactor1=0.40f; //controls the speed of the gradient descent float magicFactor32 = 1.5f; float recip=0.0f; if (numRagDep) { recip=sqrt(4.0f/float(numRagDep)); } if (allSolidCount > 32) { magicFactor1 = 0.6f; } else if (allSolidCount > 10) { magicFactor1 = 0.5f; } if (bone.overGradSpeed) { //api call was made to specify a speed for this bone magicFactor1 = bone.overGradSpeed; } float fac=decay*recip*magicFactor1; assert(fac>=0.0f); #if 0 if (bone.RagFlags & RAG_PCJ_PELVIS) { magicFactor9=.85f; // we don't want this swinging radically, make the whole thing kindof unstable } #endif if (ragState==ERS_DYNAMIC) { magicFactor9=.85f; // we don't want this swinging radically, make the whole thing kindof unstable } #if 1 //constraint breaks? if (bone.RagFlags & RAG_UNSNAPPABLE) { magicFactor32 = 1.0f; } #endif for (k=0;k<3;k++) { bone.currentAngles[k]+=delAngles[k]*fac; bone.currentAngles[k]=(bone.lastAngles[k]-bone.currentAngles[k])*magicFactor9 + bone.currentAngles[k]; bone.currentAngles[k]=AngleNormZero(bone.currentAngles[k]); // bone.currentAngles[k]=flrand(bone.minAngles[k],bone.maxAngles[k]); #if 1 //constraint breaks? if (limitAngles && ( allSolidCount < 32 || (bone.RagFlags & RAG_UNSNAPPABLE) )) //32 tries and still in solid? Then we'll let you move freely #else if (limitAngles) #endif { if (!bone.snapped || (bone.RagFlags & RAG_UNSNAPPABLE)) { //magicFactor32 += (allSolidCount/32); if (bone.currentAngles[k]>bone.maxAngles[k]*magicFactor32) { bone.currentAngles[k]=bone.maxAngles[k]*magicFactor32; } if (bone.currentAngles[k]bone.maxAngles[k]*magicFactor32) { isSnapped = true; break; } if (bone.currentAngles[k]ragIndex; if (!ragBoneData[depIndex]) { continue; } boneInfo_t &depBone=*ragBoneData[depIndex]; if (depBone.RagFlags & RAG_EFFECTOR) { // this is a dependent of me, and also a rag numRagDep++; for (k=0;k<3;k++) { Multiply_3x4Matrix(&Enew[k],&Gs[k],&ragBones[depIndex]); //dest first arg vec3_t tPosition; tPosition[0]=Enew[k].matrix[0][3]; tPosition[1]=Enew[k].matrix[1][3]; tPosition[2]=Enew[k].matrix[2][3]; vec3_t change; VectorSubtract(tPosition,ragEffectors[depIndex].currentOrigin,change); // dest is last arg float goodness=DotProduct(change,ragEffectors[depIndex].desiredDirection); assert( !Q_isnan(goodness)); goodness*=depBone.weight; delAngles[k]+=goodness; // keep bigger stuff more out of wall or something assert( !Q_isnan(delAngles[k])); } } } VectorCopy(bone.currentAngles, bone.lastAngles); // Update angles float magicFactor9 = 0.75f; // dampfactor for angle changes float magicFactor1 = bone.ikSpeed; //controls the speed of the gradient descent float magicFactor32 = 1.0f; float recip = 0.0f; bool freeThisBone = false; if (!magicFactor1) { magicFactor1 = 0.40f; } recip = sqrt(4.0f/1.0f); float fac = (decay*recip*magicFactor1); assert(fac >= 0.0f); if (ragState == ERS_DYNAMIC) { magicFactor9 = 0.85f; // we don't want this swinging radically, make the whole thing kindof unstable } if (!bone.maxAngles[0] && !bone.maxAngles[1] && !bone.maxAngles[2] && !bone.minAngles[0] && !bone.minAngles[1] && !bone.minAngles[2]) { freeThisBone = true; } for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { bone.currentAngles[k] += delAngles[k]*fac; bone.currentAngles[k] = (bone.lastAngles[k]-bone.currentAngles[k])*magicFactor9 + bone.currentAngles[k]; bone.currentAngles[k] = AngleNormZero(bone.currentAngles[k]); if (limitAngles && !freeThisBone) { if (bone.currentAngles[k] > bone.maxAngles[k]*magicFactor32) { bone.currentAngles[k] = bone.maxAngles[k]*magicFactor32; } if (bone.currentAngles[k] < bone.minAngles[k]*magicFactor32) { bone.currentAngles[k] = bone.minAngles[k]*magicFactor32; } } } Create_Matrix(bone.currentAngles, &temp1); Multiply_3x4Matrix(&temp2, &temp1, bone.baseposeInv); Multiply_3x4Matrix(&bone.ragOverrideMatrix, bone.basepose, &temp2); assert( !Q_isnan(bone.ragOverrideMatrix.matrix[2][3])); G2_Generate_MatrixRag(blist, ragBlistIndex[bone.boneNumber]); } } static void G2_DoIK(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2V,int g2Index,CRagDollUpdateParams *params) { int i; if (!params) { assert(0); return; } int frameNum=G2API_GetTime(0); CGhoul2Info &ghoul2=ghoul2V[g2Index]; assert(ghoul2.mFileName[0]); float decay=1.0f; bool resetOrigin=false; bool anyRendered=false; int iters = 12; //since we don't trace or anything, we can afford this. if (iters) { if (!G2_RagDollSetup(ghoul2,frameNum,resetOrigin,params->position,anyRendered)) { return; } // ok, now our data structures are compact and set up in topological order for (i=0;iangles,params->position,params->scale); G2_IKReposition(params->position, params); G2_IKSolve(ghoul2V,g2Index,decay*2.0f,frameNum,params->position,true); } } if (params->me != ENTITYNUM_NONE) { G2_RagDollCurrentPosition(ghoul2V,g2Index,frameNum,params->angles,params->position,params->scale); } } //rww - cut out the entire non-ragdoll section of this.. void G2_Animate_Bone_List(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int currentTime, const int index,CRagDollUpdateParams *params) { bool anyRagDoll=false; bool anyIK = false; for(size_t i=0; iangles, parms->position); G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2V, curTime, false, parms->scale); // new base anim, unconscious flop int pcjFlags; #if 0 vec3_t pcjMin, pcjMax; VectorClear(pcjMin); VectorClear(pcjMax); pcjFlags=RAG_PCJ|RAG_PCJ_POST_MULT;//|RAG_EFFECTOR; G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"model_root",RAG_PCJ_MODEL_ROOT|RAG_PCJ,10.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,100); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"pelvis",RAG_PCJ_PELVIS|RAG_PCJ|RAG_PCJ_POST_MULT,10.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,100); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lower_lumbar",pcjFlags,10.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"upper_lumbar",pcjFlags,10.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"thoracic",pcjFlags|RAG_EFFECTOR,12.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"cranium",pcjFlags,6.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rhumerus",pcjFlags,4.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lhumerus",pcjFlags,4.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rradius",pcjFlags,3.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lradius",pcjFlags,3.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rfemurYZ",pcjFlags,6.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lfemurYZ",pcjFlags,6.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rtibia",pcjFlags,4.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"ltibia",pcjFlags,4.0f,pcjMin,pcjMax,500); G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2V, curTime, false, parms->scale); #endif //Only need the standard effectors for this. pcjFlags = RAG_PCJ|RAG_PCJ_POST_MULT|RAG_EFFECTOR; G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rhand",pcjFlags,6.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lhand",pcjFlags,6.0f); // G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rtarsal",pcjFlags,4.0f); // G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"ltarsal",pcjFlags,4.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rtibia",pcjFlags,4.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"ltibia",pcjFlags,4.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rtalus",pcjFlags,4.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"ltalus",pcjFlags,4.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rradiusX",pcjFlags,6.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lradiusX",pcjFlags,6.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"rfemurX",pcjFlags,10.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"lfemurX",pcjFlags,10.0f); G2_Set_Bone_Angles_IK(ghoul2, mod_a,blist,"ceyebrow",pcjFlags,10.0f); } qboolean G2_SetBoneIKState(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, int time, const char *boneName, int ikState, sharedSetBoneIKStateParams_t *params) { model_t *mod_a; int g2index = 0; int curTime = time; CGhoul2Info &g2 = ghoul2[g2index]; const mdxaHeader_t *rmod_a = G2_GetModA(g2); boneInfo_v &blist = g2.mBlist; mod_a = (model_t *)g2.animModel; if (!boneName) { //null bonename param means it's time to init the ik stuff on this instance sharedRagDollUpdateParams_t sRDUP; if (ikState == IKS_NONE) { //this means we want to reset the IK state completely.. run through the bone list, and reset all the appropriate flags size_t i = 0; while (i < blist.size()) { //we can't use this method for ragdoll. However, since we expect them to set their anims/angles again on the PCJ //limb after they reset it gameside, it's reasonable for IK bones. boneInfo_t &bone = blist[i]; if (bone.boneNumber != -1) { bone.flags &= ~BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL; bone.flags &= ~BONE_ANGLES_IK; bone.RagFlags = 0; bone.lastTimeUpdated = 0; } i++; } return qtrue; } assert(params); if (!params) { return qfalse; } sRDUP.me = 0; VectorCopy(params->angles, sRDUP.angles); VectorCopy(params->origin, sRDUP.position); VectorCopy(params->scale, sRDUP.scale); VectorClear(sRDUP.velocity); G2_InitIK(ghoul2, &sRDUP, curTime, rmod_a, g2index); return qtrue; } if (!rmod_a || !mod_a) { return qfalse; } int index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); if (index == -1) { index = G2_Add_Bone(mod_a, blist, boneName); } if (index == -1) { //couldn't find or add the bone.. return qfalse; } boneInfo_t &bone = blist[index]; if (ikState == IKS_NONE) { //remove the bone from the list then, so it has to reinit. I don't think this should hurt anything since //we don't store bone index handles gameside anywhere. if (!(bone.flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL)) { //you can't set the ik state to none if it's not a rag/ik bone. return qfalse; } //bone.flags = 0; //G2_Remove_Bone_Index(blist, index); //actually, I want to keep it on the rag list, and remove it as an IK bone instead. bone.flags &= ~BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL; bone.flags |= BONE_ANGLES_IK; bone.RagFlags &= ~RAG_PCJ_IK_CONTROLLED; return qtrue; } //need params if we're not resetting. if (!params) { assert(0); return qfalse; } if (bone.flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL) { //otherwise if the bone is already flagged as rag, then we can't set it again. (non-active ik bones will be BONE_ANGLES_IK, active are considered rag) return qfalse; } #if 0 //this is wrong now.. we're only initing effectors with initik now.. which SHOULDN'T be used as pcj's if (!(bone.flags & BONE_ANGLES_IK) && !(bone.flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL)) { //IK system has not been inited yet, because any bone that can be IK should be in the ragdoll list, not flagged as BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL but as BONE_ANGLES_IK sharedRagDollUpdateParams_t sRDUP; sRDUP.me = 0; VectorCopy(params->angles, sRDUP.angles); VectorCopy(params->origin, sRDUP.position); VectorCopy(params->scale, sRDUP.scale); VectorClear(sRDUP.velocity); G2_InitIK(ghoul2, &sRDUP, curTime, rmod_a, g2index); G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2, curTime, false, params->scale); } else { G2_GenerateWorldMatrix(params->angles, params->origin); G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2, curTime, false, params->scale); } #else G2_GenerateWorldMatrix(params->angles, params->origin); G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2, curTime, false, params->scale); #endif int pcjFlags = RAG_PCJ|RAG_PCJ_IK_CONTROLLED|RAG_PCJ_POST_MULT|RAG_EFFECTOR; if (params->pcjOverrides) { pcjFlags = params->pcjOverrides; } bone.ikSpeed = 0.4f; VectorClear(bone.ikPosition); G2_Set_Bone_Rag(rmod_a, blist, boneName, g2, params->scale, params->origin); int startFrame = params->startFrame, endFrame = params->endFrame; if (bone.startFrame != startFrame || bone.endFrame != endFrame || params->forceAnimOnBone) { //if it's already on this anim leave it alone, to allow smooth transitions into IK on the current anim if it is so desired. G2_Set_Bone_Anim_No_BS(g2, rmod_a, blist, boneName, startFrame, endFrame-1, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE|BONE_ANIM_BLEND, 1.0f, curTime, float(startFrame), 150, 0, true); } G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2, curTime, false, params->scale); bone.lastTimeUpdated = 0; G2_Set_Bone_Angles_Rag(g2, rmod_a, blist, boneName, pcjFlags, params->radius, params->pcjMins, params->pcjMaxs, params->blendTime); if (!G2_RagDollSetup(g2,curTime,true,params->origin,false)) { assert(!"failed to add any rag bones"); return qfalse; } return qtrue; } qboolean G2_IKMove(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, int time, sharedIKMoveParams_t *params) { #if 0 model_t *mod_a; int g2index = 0; int curTime = time; CGhoul2Info &g2 = ghoul2[g2index]; boneInfo_v &blist = g2.mBlist; mod_a = (model_t *)g2.animModel; if (!mod_a) { return qfalse; } int index = G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, blist, params->boneName); //don't add here if you can't find it.. ik bones should already be there, because they need to have special stuff done to them anyway. if (index == -1) { //couldn't find the bone.. return qfalse; } if (!params) { assert(0); return qfalse; } if (!(blist[index].flags & BONE_ANGLES_RAGDOLL) && !(blist[index].flags & BONE_ANGLES_IK)) { //no-can-do, buddy return qfalse; } VectorCopy(params->desiredOrigin, blist[index].ikPosition); blist[index].ikSpeed = params->movementSpeed; #else int g2index = 0; int curTime = time; CGhoul2Info &g2 = ghoul2[g2index]; //rwwFIXMEFIXME: Doing this on all bones at the moment, fix this later? if (!G2_RagDollSetup(g2,curTime,true,params->origin,false)) { //changed models, possibly. return qfalse; } for (int i=0;idesiredOrigin, bone.ikPosition); bone.ikSpeed = params->movementSpeed; } } #endif return qtrue; } // set the bone list to all unused so the bone transformation routine ignores it. void G2_Init_Bone_List(boneInfo_v &blist) { blist.clear(); } void G2_RemoveRedundantBoneOverrides(boneInfo_v &blist, int *activeBones) { // walk the surface list, removing surface overrides or generated surfaces that are pointing at surfaces that aren't active anymore for (size_t i=0; imFileName)); model_t *mod_a = R_GetModelByHandle(mod_m->mdxm->animIndex); return (G2_Find_Bone(mod_a, ghoul2->mBlist, boneName)); }