/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . =========================================================================== */ // cl_uiapi.c -- client system interaction with client game #include "qcommon/RoffSystem.h" #include "qcommon/stringed_ingame.h" #include "qcommon/timing.h" #include "client.h" #include "cl_lan.h" #include "botlib/botlib.h" #include "snd_ambient.h" #include "FXExport.h" #include "FxUtil.h" extern IHeapAllocator *G2VertSpaceClient; extern botlib_export_t *botlib_export; // ui interface static uiExport_t *uie; // ui export table static vm_t *uivm; // ui vm, valid for legacy and new api // // ui vmMain calls // void UIVM_Init( qboolean inGameLoad ) { if ( uivm->isLegacy ) { VM_Call( uivm, UI_INIT, inGameLoad ); return; } VMSwap v( uivm ); uie->Init( inGameLoad ); } void UIVM_Shutdown( void ) { if ( uivm->isLegacy ) { VM_Call( uivm, UI_SHUTDOWN ); VM_Call( uivm, UI_MENU_RESET ); return; } VMSwap v( uivm ); uie->Shutdown(); uie->MenuReset(); } void UIVM_KeyEvent( int key, qboolean down ) { if ( uivm->isLegacy ) { VM_Call( uivm, UI_KEY_EVENT, key, down ); return; } VMSwap v( uivm ); uie->KeyEvent( key, down ); } void UIVM_MouseEvent( int dx, int dy ) { if ( uivm->isLegacy ) { VM_Call( uivm, UI_MOUSE_EVENT, dx, dy ); return; } VMSwap v( uivm ); uie->MouseEvent( dx, dy ); } void UIVM_Refresh( int realtime ) { if ( uivm->isLegacy ) { VM_Call( uivm, UI_REFRESH, realtime ); return; } VMSwap v( uivm ); uie->Refresh( realtime ); } qboolean UIVM_IsFullscreen( void ) { if ( uivm->isLegacy ) { return (qboolean)VM_Call( uivm, UI_IS_FULLSCREEN ); } VMSwap v( uivm ); return uie->IsFullscreen(); } void UIVM_SetActiveMenu( uiMenuCommand_t menu ) { if ( uivm->isLegacy ) { VM_Call( uivm, UI_SET_ACTIVE_MENU, menu ); return; } VMSwap v( uivm ); uie->SetActiveMenu( menu ); } qboolean UIVM_ConsoleCommand( int realTime ) { if ( uivm->isLegacy ) { return (qboolean)VM_Call( uivm, UI_CONSOLE_COMMAND, realTime ); } VMSwap v( uivm ); return uie->ConsoleCommand( realTime ); } void UIVM_DrawConnectScreen( qboolean overlay ) { if ( uivm->isLegacy ) { VM_Call( uivm, UI_DRAW_CONNECT_SCREEN, overlay ); return; } VMSwap v( uivm ); uie->DrawConnectScreen( overlay ); } // // ui syscalls // only used by legacy mods! // // wrappers and such static int CL_Milliseconds( void ) { return Sys_Milliseconds(); } static void CL_Cvar_Get( const char *var_name, const char *value, uint32_t flags ) { Cvar_Register( NULL, var_name, value, flags ); } static void CL_GetClientState( uiClientState_t *state ) { state->connectPacketCount = clc.connectPacketCount; state->connState = cls.state; Q_strncpyz( state->servername, cls.servername, sizeof( state->servername ) ); Q_strncpyz( state->updateInfoString, cls.updateInfoString, sizeof( state->updateInfoString ) ); Q_strncpyz( state->messageString, clc.serverMessage, sizeof( state->messageString ) ); state->clientNum = cl.snap.ps.clientNum; } static void CL_GetGlconfig( glconfig_t *config ) { *config = cls.glconfig; } static void GetClipboardData( char *buf, int buflen ) { char *cbd, *c; c = cbd = Sys_GetClipboardData(); if ( !cbd ) { *buf = 0; return; } for ( int i = 0, end = buflen - 1; *c && i < end; i++ ) { uint32_t utf32 = ConvertUTF8ToUTF32( c, &c ); buf[i] = ConvertUTF32ToExpectedCharset( utf32 ); } Z_Free( cbd ); } static int GetConfigString(int index, char *buf, int size) { int offset; if (index < 0 || index >= MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS) return qfalse; offset = cl.gameState.stringOffsets[index]; if (!offset) { if( size ) { buf[0] = 0; } return qfalse; } Q_strncpyz( buf, cl.gameState.stringData+offset, size); return qtrue; } static void Key_GetBindingBuf( int keynum, char *buf, int buflen ) { char *value; value = Key_GetBinding( keynum ); if ( value ) { Q_strncpyz( buf, value, buflen ); } else { *buf = 0; } } static void Key_KeynumToStringBuf( int keynum, char *buf, int buflen ) { const char *psKeyName = Key_KeynumToString( keynum/*, qtrue */); // see if there's a more friendly (or localised) name... // const char *psKeyNameFriendly = SE_GetString( va("KEYNAMES_KEYNAME_%s",psKeyName) ); Q_strncpyz( buf, (psKeyNameFriendly && psKeyNameFriendly[0]) ? psKeyNameFriendly : psKeyName, buflen ); } static void CL_SE_GetLanguageName( const int languageIndex, char *buffer ) { Q_strncpyz( buffer, SE_GetLanguageName( languageIndex ), 128 ); } static qboolean CL_SE_GetStringTextString( const char *text, char *buffer, int bufferLength ) { assert( text && buffer ); Q_strncpyz( buffer, SE_GetString( text ), bufferLength ); return qtrue; } static void CL_R_ShaderNameFromIndex( char *name, int index ) { const char *retMem = re->ShaderNameFromIndex( index ); if ( retMem ) strcpy( name, retMem ); else name[0] = '\0'; } static void CL_G2API_ListModelSurfaces( void *ghlInfo ) { if ( !ghlInfo ) { return; } re->G2API_ListSurfaces( (CGhoul2Info *)ghlInfo ); } static void CL_G2API_ListModelBones( void *ghlInfo, int frame ) { if ( !ghlInfo ) { return; } re->G2API_ListBones( (CGhoul2Info *)ghlInfo, frame ); } static void CL_G2API_SetGhoul2ModelIndexes( void *ghoul2, qhandle_t *modelList, qhandle_t *skinList ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return; } re->G2API_SetGhoul2ModelIndexes( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), modelList, skinList ); } static qboolean CL_G2API_HaveWeGhoul2Models( void *ghoul2) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return qfalse; } return re->G2API_HaveWeGhoul2Models( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2) ); } static qboolean CL_G2API_GetBoltMatrix( void *ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const int boltIndex, mdxaBone_t *matrix, const vec3_t angles, const vec3_t position, const int frameNum, qhandle_t *modelList, vec3_t scale ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return qfalse; } return re->G2API_GetBoltMatrix( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), modelIndex, boltIndex, matrix, angles, position, frameNum, modelList, scale ); } static qboolean CL_G2API_GetBoltMatrix_NoReconstruct( void *ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const int boltIndex, mdxaBone_t *matrix, const vec3_t angles, const vec3_t position, const int frameNum, qhandle_t *modelList, vec3_t scale ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return qfalse; } re->G2API_BoltMatrixReconstruction( qfalse ); return re->G2API_GetBoltMatrix( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), modelIndex, boltIndex, matrix, angles, position, frameNum, modelList, scale ); } static qboolean CL_G2API_GetBoltMatrix_NoRecNoRot( void *ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const int boltIndex, mdxaBone_t *matrix, const vec3_t angles, const vec3_t position, const int frameNum, qhandle_t *modelList, vec3_t scale ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return qfalse; } re->G2API_BoltMatrixReconstruction( qfalse ); re->G2API_BoltMatrixSPMethod( qtrue ); return re->G2API_GetBoltMatrix( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), modelIndex, boltIndex, matrix, angles, position, frameNum, modelList, scale ); } static int CL_G2API_InitGhoul2Model( void **ghoul2Ptr, const char *fileName, int modelIndex, qhandle_t customSkin, qhandle_t customShader, int modelFlags, int lodBias ) { if ( !ghoul2Ptr ) { return 0; } #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif return re->G2API_InitGhoul2Model( (CGhoul2Info_v **)ghoul2Ptr, fileName, modelIndex, customSkin, customShader, modelFlags, lodBias ); } static qboolean CL_G2API_SetSkin( void *ghoul2, int modelIndex, qhandle_t customSkin, qhandle_t renderSkin ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return qfalse; } CGhoul2Info_v &g2 = *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2); return re->G2API_SetSkin( g2, modelIndex, customSkin, renderSkin ); } static void CL_G2API_CollisionDetect( CollisionRecord_t *collRecMap, void* ghoul2, const vec3_t angles, const vec3_t position, int frameNumber, int entNum, vec3_t rayStart, vec3_t rayEnd, vec3_t scale, int traceFlags, int useLod, float fRadius ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return; } re->G2API_CollisionDetect( collRecMap, *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), angles, position, frameNumber, entNum, rayStart, rayEnd, scale, G2VertSpaceClient, traceFlags, useLod, fRadius); } static void CL_G2API_CollisionDetectCache( CollisionRecord_t *collRecMap, void* ghoul2, const vec3_t angles, const vec3_t position, int frameNumber, int entNum, vec3_t rayStart, vec3_t rayEnd, vec3_t scale, int traceFlags, int useLod, float fRadius) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return; } re->G2API_CollisionDetectCache( collRecMap, *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), angles, position, frameNumber, entNum, rayStart, rayEnd, scale, G2VertSpaceClient, traceFlags, useLod, fRadius); } static void CL_G2API_CleanGhoul2Models( void **ghoul2Ptr ) { if ( !ghoul2Ptr ) { return; } #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif re->G2API_CleanGhoul2Models( (CGhoul2Info_v **)ghoul2Ptr ); } static qboolean CL_G2API_SetBoneAngles( void *ghoul2, int modelIndex, const char *boneName, const vec3_t angles, const int flags, const int up, const int right, const int forward, qhandle_t *modelList, int blendTime , int currentTime) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return qfalse; } return re->G2API_SetBoneAngles( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), modelIndex, boneName, angles, flags, (const Eorientations)up, (const Eorientations)right, (const Eorientations)forward, modelList, blendTime, currentTime); } static qboolean CL_G2API_SetBoneAnim( void *ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const char *boneName, const int startFrame, const int endFrame, const int flags, const float animSpeed, const int currentTime, const float setFrame, const int blendTime) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return qfalse; } return re->G2API_SetBoneAnim( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), modelIndex, boneName, startFrame, endFrame, flags, animSpeed, currentTime, setFrame, blendTime); } static qboolean CL_G2API_GetBoneAnim( void *ghoul2, const char *boneName, const int currentTime, float *currentFrame, int *startFrame, int *endFrame, int *flags, float *animSpeed, int *modelList, const int modelIndex) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return qfalse; } CGhoul2Info_v &g2 = *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2); return re->G2API_GetBoneAnim( g2, modelIndex, boneName, currentTime, currentFrame, startFrame, endFrame, flags, animSpeed, modelList); } static qboolean CL_G2API_GetBoneFrame( void *ghoul2, const char *boneName, const int currentTime, float *currentFrame, int *modelList, const int modelIndex) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return qfalse; } CGhoul2Info_v &g2 = *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2); int iDontCare1 = 0, iDontCare2 = 0, iDontCare3 = 0; float fDontCare1 = 0; return re->G2API_GetBoneAnim( g2, modelIndex, boneName, currentTime, currentFrame, &iDontCare1, &iDontCare2, &iDontCare3, &fDontCare1, modelList); } static void CL_G2API_GetGLAName( void *ghoul2, int modelIndex, char *fillBuf ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { fillBuf[0] = '\0'; return; } char *tmp = re->G2API_GetGLAName( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), modelIndex ); if ( tmp ) strcpy( fillBuf, tmp ); else fillBuf[0] = '\0'; } static int CL_G2API_CopyGhoul2Instance( void *g2From, void *g2To, int modelIndex ) { if ( !g2From || !g2To ) { return 0; } return re->G2API_CopyGhoul2Instance( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)g2From), *((CGhoul2Info_v *)g2To), modelIndex ); } static void CL_G2API_CopySpecificGhoul2Model( void *g2From, int modelFrom, void *g2To, int modelTo ) { if ( !g2From || !g2To ) { return; } re->G2API_CopySpecificG2Model( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)g2From), modelFrom, *((CGhoul2Info_v *)g2To), modelTo ); } static void CL_G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance( void *g2From, void **g2To ) { if ( !g2From || !g2To ) { return; } #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif re->G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)g2From), (CGhoul2Info_v **)g2To ); } static qboolean CL_G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex( void *ghlInfo, int modelIndex ) { if ( !ghlInfo ) { return qfalse; } return re->G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex( (CGhoul2Info_v **)ghlInfo, modelIndex ); } static qboolean CL_G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model( void *ghlInfo, int modelIndex ) { if ( !ghlInfo ) { return qfalse; } #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif return re->G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model( (CGhoul2Info_v **)ghlInfo, modelIndex ); } static int CL_G2API_AddBolt( void *ghoul2, int modelIndex, const char *boneName ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return -1; } return re->G2API_AddBolt( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), modelIndex, boneName ); } static void CL_G2API_SetBoltInfo( void *ghoul2, int modelIndex, int boltInfo ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return; } re->G2API_SetBoltInfo( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), modelIndex, boltInfo ); } static qboolean CL_G2API_SetRootSurface( void *ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const char *surfaceName ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return qfalse; } return re->G2API_SetRootSurface( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), modelIndex, surfaceName ); } static qboolean CL_G2API_SetSurfaceOnOff( void *ghoul2, const char *surfaceName, const int flags ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return qfalse; } return re->G2API_SetSurfaceOnOff( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), surfaceName, flags ); } static qboolean CL_G2API_SetNewOrigin( void *ghoul2, const int boltIndex ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return qfalse; } return re->G2API_SetNewOrigin( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), boltIndex ); } static int CL_G2API_GetTime( void ) { return re->G2API_GetTime( 0 ); } static void CL_G2API_SetTime( int time, int clock ) { re->G2API_SetTime( time, clock ); } static void CL_G2API_SetRagDoll( void *ghoul2, sharedRagDollParams_t *params ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return; } CRagDollParams rdParams; if ( !params ) { re->G2API_ResetRagDoll( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2) ); return; } VectorCopy( params->angles, rdParams.angles ); VectorCopy( params->position, rdParams.position ); VectorCopy( params->scale, rdParams.scale ); VectorCopy( params->pelvisAnglesOffset, rdParams.pelvisAnglesOffset ); VectorCopy( params->pelvisPositionOffset, rdParams.pelvisPositionOffset ); rdParams.fImpactStrength = params->fImpactStrength; rdParams.fShotStrength = params->fShotStrength; rdParams.me = params->me; rdParams.startFrame = params->startFrame; rdParams.endFrame = params->endFrame; rdParams.collisionType = params->collisionType; rdParams.CallRagDollBegin = params->CallRagDollBegin; rdParams.RagPhase = (CRagDollParams::ERagPhase)params->RagPhase; rdParams.effectorsToTurnOff = (CRagDollParams::ERagEffector)params->effectorsToTurnOff; re->G2API_SetRagDoll( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), &rdParams ); } static void CL_G2API_AnimateG2Models( void *ghoul2, int time, sharedRagDollUpdateParams_t *params ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return; } CRagDollUpdateParams rduParams; if ( !params ) return; VectorCopy( params->angles, rduParams.angles ); VectorCopy( params->position, rduParams.position ); VectorCopy( params->scale, rduParams.scale ); VectorCopy( params->velocity, rduParams.velocity ); rduParams.me = params->me; rduParams.settleFrame = params->settleFrame; re->G2API_AnimateG2ModelsRag( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), time, &rduParams ); } static qboolean CL_G2API_SetBoneIKState( void *ghoul2, int time, const char *boneName, int ikState, sharedSetBoneIKStateParams_t *params ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return qfalse; } return re->G2API_SetBoneIKState( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), time, boneName, ikState, params ); } static qboolean CL_G2API_IKMove( void *ghoul2, int time, sharedIKMoveParams_t *params ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return qfalse; } return re->G2API_IKMove( *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2), time, params ); } static void CL_G2API_GetSurfaceName( void *ghoul2, int surfNumber, int modelIndex, char *fillBuf ) { if ( !ghoul2 ) { return; } CGhoul2Info_v &g2 = *((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2); char *tmp = re->G2API_GetSurfaceName( g2, modelIndex, surfNumber ); strcpy( fillBuf, tmp ); } static qboolean CL_G2API_AttachG2Model( void *ghoul2From, int modelIndexFrom, void *ghoul2To, int toBoltIndex, int toModel ) { if ( !ghoul2From || !ghoul2To ) { return qfalse; } CGhoul2Info_v *g2From = ((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2From); CGhoul2Info_v *g2To = ((CGhoul2Info_v *)ghoul2To); return re->G2API_AttachG2Model(*g2From, modelIndexFrom, *g2To, toBoltIndex, toModel); } static void CL_Key_SetCatcher( int catcher ) { // Don't allow the ui module to close the console Key_SetCatcher( catcher | ( Key_GetCatcher( ) & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ) ); } static void UIVM_Cvar_Set( const char *var_name, const char *value ) { Cvar_VM_Set( var_name, value, VM_UI ); } static void UIVM_Cvar_SetValue( const char *var_name, float value ) { Cvar_VM_SetValue( var_name, value, VM_UI ); } static void CL_AddUICommand( const char *cmdName ) { Cmd_AddCommand( cmdName, NULL ); } static void UIVM_Cmd_RemoveCommand( const char *cmd_name ) { Cmd_VM_RemoveCommand( cmd_name, VM_UI ); } // legacy syscall intptr_t CL_UISystemCalls( intptr_t *args ) { switch ( args[0] ) { //rww - alright, DO NOT EVER add a GAME/CGAME/UI generic call without adding a trap to match, and //all of these traps must be shared and have cases in sv_game, cl_cgame, and cl_ui. They must also //all be in the same order, and start at 100. case TRAP_MEMSET: Com_Memset( VMA(1), args[2], args[3] ); return 0; case TRAP_MEMCPY: Com_Memcpy( VMA(1), VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case TRAP_STRNCPY: strncpy( (char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return args[1]; case TRAP_SIN: return FloatAsInt( sin( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_COS: return FloatAsInt( cos( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_ATAN2: return FloatAsInt( atan2( VMF(1), VMF(2) ) ); case TRAP_SQRT: return FloatAsInt( sqrt( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_MATRIXMULTIPLY: MatrixMultiply( (vec3_t *)VMA(1), (vec3_t *)VMA(2), (vec3_t *)VMA(3) ); return 0; case TRAP_ANGLEVECTORS: AngleVectors( (const float *)VMA(1), (float *)VMA(2), (float *)VMA(3), (float *)VMA(4) ); return 0; case TRAP_PERPENDICULARVECTOR: PerpendicularVector( (float *)VMA(1), (const float *)VMA(2) ); return 0; case TRAP_FLOOR: return FloatAsInt( floor( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_CEIL: return FloatAsInt( ceil( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_TESTPRINTINT: return 0; case TRAP_TESTPRINTFLOAT: return 0; case TRAP_ACOS: return FloatAsInt( Q_acos( VMF(1) ) ); case TRAP_ASIN: return FloatAsInt( Q_asin( VMF(1) ) ); case UI_ERROR: Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "%s", VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_PRINT: Com_Printf( "%s", VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_MILLISECONDS: return Sys_Milliseconds(); case UI_CVAR_REGISTER: Cvar_Register( (vmCvar_t *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), (const char *)VMA(3), args[4] ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_UPDATE: Cvar_Update( (vmCvar_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_SET: Cvar_VM_Set( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), VM_UI ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_VARIABLEVALUE: return FloatAsInt( Cvar_VariableValue( (const char *)VMA(1) ) ); case UI_CVAR_VARIABLESTRINGBUFFER: Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( (const char *)VMA(1), (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_SETVALUE: Cvar_VM_SetValue( (const char *)VMA(1), VMF(2), VM_UI ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_RESET: Cvar_Reset( (const char *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_CREATE: Cvar_Get( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_CVAR_INFOSTRINGBUFFER: Cvar_InfoStringBuffer( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_ARGC: return Cmd_Argc(); case UI_ARGV: Cmd_ArgvBuffer( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_CMD_EXECUTETEXT: Cbuf_ExecuteText( args[1], (const char *)VMA(2) ); return 0; case UI_FS_FOPENFILE: return FS_FOpenFileByMode( (const char *)VMA(1), (int *)VMA(2), (fsMode_t)args[3] ); case UI_FS_READ: FS_Read( VMA(1), args[2], args[3] ); return 0; case UI_FS_WRITE: FS_Write( VMA(1), args[2], args[3] ); return 0; case UI_FS_FCLOSEFILE: FS_FCloseFile( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_FS_GETFILELIST: return FS_GetFileList( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), (char *)VMA(3), args[4] ); case UI_R_REGISTERMODEL: return re->RegisterModel( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_REGISTERSKIN: return re->RegisterSkin( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_REGISTERSHADERNOMIP: return re->RegisterShaderNoMip( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_SHADERNAMEFROMINDEX: CL_R_ShaderNameFromIndex( (char *)VMA(1), args[2] ); return 0; case UI_R_CLEARSCENE: re->ClearScene(); return 0; case UI_R_ADDREFENTITYTOSCENE: re->AddRefEntityToScene( (const refEntity_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_R_ADDPOLYTOSCENE: re->AddPolyToScene( args[1], args[2], (const polyVert_t *)VMA(3), 1 ); return 0; case UI_R_ADDLIGHTTOSCENE: re->AddLightToScene( (const float *)VMA(1), VMF(2), VMF(3), VMF(4), VMF(5) ); return 0; case UI_R_RENDERSCENE: re->RenderScene( (const refdef_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_R_SETCOLOR: re->SetColor( (const float *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_R_DRAWSTRETCHPIC: re->DrawStretchPic( VMF(1), VMF(2), VMF(3), VMF(4), VMF(5), VMF(6), VMF(7), VMF(8), args[9] ); return 0; case UI_R_MODELBOUNDS: re->ModelBounds( args[1], (float *)VMA(2), (float *)VMA(3) ); return 0; case UI_UPDATESCREEN: SCR_UpdateScreen(); return 0; case UI_CM_LERPTAG: re->LerpTag( (orientation_t *)VMA(1), args[2], args[3], args[4], VMF(5), (const char *)VMA(6) ); return 0; case UI_S_REGISTERSOUND: return S_RegisterSound( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_S_STARTLOCALSOUND: S_StartLocalSound( args[1], args[2] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_KEYNUMTOSTRINGBUF: Key_KeynumToStringBuf( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_GETBINDINGBUF: Key_GetBindingBuf( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_SETBINDING: Key_SetBinding( args[1], (const char *)VMA(2) ); return 0; case UI_KEY_ISDOWN: return Key_IsDown( args[1] ); case UI_KEY_GETOVERSTRIKEMODE: return Key_GetOverstrikeMode(); case UI_KEY_SETOVERSTRIKEMODE: Key_SetOverstrikeMode( (qboolean)args[1] ); return 0; case UI_KEY_CLEARSTATES: Key_ClearStates(); return 0; case UI_KEY_GETCATCHER: return Key_GetCatcher(); case UI_KEY_SETCATCHER: CL_Key_SetCatcher( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_GETCLIPBOARDDATA: GetClipboardData( (char *)VMA(1), args[2] ); return 0; case UI_GETCLIENTSTATE: CL_GetClientState( (uiClientState_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_GETGLCONFIG: CL_GetGlconfig( (glconfig_t *)VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_GETCONFIGSTRING: return GetConfigString( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); case UI_LAN_LOADCACHEDSERVERS: LAN_LoadCachedServers(); return 0; case UI_LAN_SAVECACHEDSERVERS: LAN_SaveServersToCache(); return 0; case UI_LAN_ADDSERVER: return LAN_AddServer(args[1], (const char *)VMA(2), (const char *)VMA(3)); case UI_LAN_REMOVESERVER: LAN_RemoveServer(args[1], (const char *)VMA(2)); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETPINGQUEUECOUNT: return LAN_GetPingQueueCount(); case UI_LAN_CLEARPING: LAN_ClearPing( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETPING: LAN_GetPing( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3], (int *)VMA(4) ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETPINGINFO: LAN_GetPingInfo( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETSERVERCOUNT: return LAN_GetServerCount(args[1]); case UI_LAN_GETSERVERADDRESSSTRING: LAN_GetServerAddressString( args[1], args[2], (char *)VMA(3), args[4] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETSERVERINFO: LAN_GetServerInfo( args[1], args[2], (char *)VMA(3), args[4] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_GETSERVERPING: return LAN_GetServerPing( args[1], args[2] ); case UI_LAN_MARKSERVERVISIBLE: LAN_MarkServerVisible( args[1], args[2], (qboolean)args[3] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_SERVERISVISIBLE: return LAN_ServerIsVisible( args[1], args[2] ); case UI_LAN_UPDATEVISIBLEPINGS: return LAN_UpdateVisiblePings( args[1] ); case UI_LAN_RESETPINGS: LAN_ResetPings( args[1] ); return 0; case UI_LAN_SERVERSTATUS: return LAN_GetServerStatus( (char *)VMA(1), (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); case UI_LAN_COMPARESERVERS: return LAN_CompareServers( args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5] ); case UI_MEMORY_REMAINING: return Hunk_MemoryRemaining(); case UI_R_REGISTERFONT: return re->RegisterFont( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_FONT_STRLENPIXELS: return re->Font_StrLenPixels( (const char *)VMA(1), args[2], VMF(3) ); case UI_R_FONT_STRLENCHARS: return re->Font_StrLenChars( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_R_FONT_STRHEIGHTPIXELS: return re->Font_HeightPixels( args[1], VMF(2) ); case UI_R_FONT_DRAWSTRING: re->Font_DrawString( args[1], args[2], (const char *)VMA(3), (const float *) VMA(4), args[5], args[6], VMF(7) ); return 0; case UI_LANGUAGE_ISASIAN: return re->Language_IsAsian(); case UI_LANGUAGE_USESSPACES: return re->Language_UsesSpaces(); case UI_ANYLANGUAGE_READCHARFROMSTRING: return re->AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString( (const char *)VMA(1), (int *) VMA(2), (qboolean *) VMA(3) ); case UI_PC_ADD_GLOBAL_DEFINE: return botlib_export->PC_AddGlobalDefine( (char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_PC_LOAD_SOURCE: return botlib_export->PC_LoadSourceHandle( (const char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_PC_FREE_SOURCE: return botlib_export->PC_FreeSourceHandle( args[1] ); case UI_PC_READ_TOKEN: return botlib_export->PC_ReadTokenHandle( args[1], (struct pc_token_s *)VMA(2) ); case UI_PC_SOURCE_FILE_AND_LINE: return botlib_export->PC_SourceFileAndLine( args[1], (char *)VMA(2), (int *)VMA(3) ); case UI_PC_LOAD_GLOBAL_DEFINES: return botlib_export->PC_LoadGlobalDefines ( (char *)VMA(1) ); case UI_PC_REMOVE_ALL_GLOBAL_DEFINES: botlib_export->PC_RemoveAllGlobalDefines ( ); return 0; case UI_S_STOPBACKGROUNDTRACK: S_StopBackgroundTrack(); return 0; case UI_S_STARTBACKGROUNDTRACK: S_StartBackgroundTrack( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), qfalse ); return 0; case UI_REAL_TIME: return Com_RealTime( (struct qtime_s *)VMA(1) ); case UI_CIN_PLAYCINEMATIC: Com_DPrintf("UI_CIN_PlayCinematic\n"); return CIN_PlayCinematic((const char *)VMA(1), args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]); case UI_CIN_STOPCINEMATIC: return CIN_StopCinematic(args[1]); case UI_CIN_RUNCINEMATIC: return CIN_RunCinematic(args[1]); case UI_CIN_DRAWCINEMATIC: CIN_DrawCinematic(args[1]); return 0; case UI_CIN_SETEXTENTS: CIN_SetExtents(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); return 0; case UI_R_REMAP_SHADER: re->RemapShader( (const char *)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), (const char *)VMA(3) ); return 0; case UI_SP_GETNUMLANGUAGES: return SE_GetNumLanguages(); case UI_SP_GETLANGUAGENAME: CL_SE_GetLanguageName( args[1], (char *)VMA(2) ); return 0; case UI_SP_GETSTRINGTEXTSTRING: return CL_SE_GetStringTextString( (const char *)VMA(1), (char *)VMA(2), args[3] ); case UI_G2_LISTSURFACES: CL_G2API_ListModelSurfaces( VMA(1) ); return 0; case UI_G2_LISTBONES: CL_G2API_ListModelBones( VMA(1), args[2]); return 0; case UI_G2_HAVEWEGHOULMODELS: return CL_G2API_HaveWeGhoul2Models( VMA(1) ); case UI_G2_SETMODELS: CL_G2API_SetGhoul2ModelIndexes( VMA(1),(qhandle_t *)VMA(2),(qhandle_t *)VMA(3)); return 0; case UI_G2_GETBOLT: return CL_G2API_GetBoltMatrix(VMA(1), args[2], args[3], (mdxaBone_t *)VMA(4), (const float *)VMA(5),(const float *)VMA(6), args[7], (qhandle_t *)VMA(8), (float *)VMA(9)); case UI_G2_GETBOLT_NOREC: return CL_G2API_GetBoltMatrix_NoReconstruct(VMA(1), args[2], args[3], (mdxaBone_t *)VMA(4), (const float *)VMA(5),(const float *)VMA(6), args[7], (qhandle_t *)VMA(8), (float *)VMA(9)); case UI_G2_GETBOLT_NOREC_NOROT: return CL_G2API_GetBoltMatrix_NoRecNoRot(VMA(1), args[2], args[3], (mdxaBone_t *)VMA(4), (const float *)VMA(5),(const float *)VMA(6), args[7], (qhandle_t *)VMA(8), (float *)VMA(9)); case UI_G2_INITGHOUL2MODEL: #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif return CL_G2API_InitGhoul2Model((void **)VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), args[3], (qhandle_t) args[4], (qhandle_t) args[5], args[6], args[7]); case UI_G2_COLLISIONDETECT: case UI_G2_COLLISIONDETECTCACHE: return 0; //not supported for ui case UI_G2_ANGLEOVERRIDE: return CL_G2API_SetBoneAngles(VMA(1), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3), (float *)VMA(4), args[5], (const Eorientations) args[6], (const Eorientations) args[7], (const Eorientations) args[8], (qhandle_t *)VMA(9), args[10], args[11] ); case UI_G2_CLEANMODELS: #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif CL_G2API_CleanGhoul2Models((void **)VMA(1)); return 0; case UI_G2_PLAYANIM: return CL_G2API_SetBoneAnim(VMA(1), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3), args[4], args[5], args[6], VMF(7), args[8], VMF(9), args[10]); case UI_G2_GETBONEANIM: return CL_G2API_GetBoneAnim(VMA(1), (const char*)VMA(2), args[3], (float *)VMA(4), (int *)VMA(5), (int *)VMA(6), (int *)VMA(7), (float *)VMA(8), (int *)VMA(9), args[10]); case UI_G2_GETBONEFRAME: return CL_G2API_GetBoneFrame(VMA(1), (const char*)VMA(2), args[3], (float *)VMA(4), (int *)VMA(5), args[6]); case UI_G2_GETGLANAME: CL_G2API_GetGLAName( VMA(1), args[2], (char *)VMA(3) ); return 0; case UI_G2_COPYGHOUL2INSTANCE: return (int)CL_G2API_CopyGhoul2Instance(VMA(1), VMA(2), args[3]); case UI_G2_COPYSPECIFICGHOUL2MODEL: CL_G2API_CopySpecificGhoul2Model(VMA(1), args[2], VMA(3), args[4]); return 0; case UI_G2_DUPLICATEGHOUL2INSTANCE: #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif CL_G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(VMA(1), (void **)VMA(2)); return 0; case UI_G2_HASGHOUL2MODELONINDEX: return (int)CL_G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex(VMA(1), args[2]); case UI_G2_REMOVEGHOUL2MODEL: #ifdef _FULL_G2_LEAK_CHECKING g_G2AllocServer = 0; #endif return (int)CL_G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model(VMA(1), args[2]); case UI_G2_ADDBOLT: return CL_G2API_AddBolt(VMA(1), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3)); case UI_G2_SETBOLTON: CL_G2API_SetBoltInfo(VMA(1), args[2], args[3]); return 0; case UI_G2_SETROOTSURFACE: return CL_G2API_SetRootSurface(VMA(1), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3)); case UI_G2_SETSURFACEONOFF: return CL_G2API_SetSurfaceOnOff(VMA(1), (const char *)VMA(2), args[3]); case UI_G2_SETNEWORIGIN: return CL_G2API_SetNewOrigin(VMA(1), args[2]); case UI_G2_GETTIME: return CL_G2API_GetTime(); case UI_G2_SETTIME: CL_G2API_SetTime(args[1], args[2]); return 0; case UI_G2_SETRAGDOLL: return 0; //not supported for ui break; case UI_G2_ANIMATEG2MODELS: return 0; //not supported for ui break; case UI_G2_SETBONEIKSTATE: return CL_G2API_SetBoneIKState(VMA(1), args[2], (const char *)VMA(3), args[4], (sharedSetBoneIKStateParams_t *)VMA(5)); case UI_G2_IKMOVE: return CL_G2API_IKMove(VMA(1), args[2], (sharedIKMoveParams_t *)VMA(3)); case UI_G2_GETSURFACENAME: CL_G2API_GetSurfaceName( (void *)args[1], args[2], args[3], (char *)VMA( 4 ) ); return 0; case UI_G2_SETSKIN: return CL_G2API_SetSkin(VMA(1), args[2], args[3], args[4]); case UI_G2_ATTACHG2MODEL: return CL_G2API_AttachG2Model(VMA(1), args[2], VMA(3), args[4], args[5]); default: Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Bad UI system trap: %ld", (long int) args[0] ); } return 0; } void CL_BindUI( void ) { static uiImport_t uii; uiExport_t *ret; GetUIAPI_t GetUIAPI; char dllName[MAX_OSPATH] = "ui" ARCH_STRING DLL_EXT; memset( &uii, 0, sizeof( uii ) ); uivm = VM_Create( VM_UI ); if ( uivm && !uivm->isLegacy ) { uii.Print = Com_Printf; uii.Error = Com_Error; uii.Milliseconds = CL_Milliseconds; uii.RealTime = Com_RealTime; uii.MemoryRemaining = Hunk_MemoryRemaining; uii.Cvar_Create = CL_Cvar_Get; uii.Cvar_InfoStringBuffer = Cvar_InfoStringBuffer; uii.Cvar_Register = Cvar_Register; uii.Cvar_Reset = Cvar_Reset; uii.Cvar_Set = UIVM_Cvar_Set; uii.Cvar_SetValue = UIVM_Cvar_SetValue; uii.Cvar_Update = Cvar_Update; uii.Cvar_VariableStringBuffer = Cvar_VariableStringBuffer; uii.Cvar_VariableValue = Cvar_VariableValue; uii.Cmd_Argc = Cmd_Argc; uii.Cmd_Argv = Cmd_ArgvBuffer; uii.Cmd_ExecuteText = Cbuf_ExecuteText; uii.FS_Close = FS_FCloseFile; uii.FS_GetFileList = FS_GetFileList; uii.FS_Open = FS_FOpenFileByMode; uii.FS_Read = FS_Read; uii.FS_Write = FS_Write; uii.GetClientState = CL_GetClientState; uii.GetClipboardData = GetClipboardData; uii.GetConfigString = GetConfigString; uii.GetGlconfig = CL_GetGlconfig; uii.UpdateScreen = SCR_UpdateScreen; uii.Key_ClearStates = Key_ClearStates; uii.Key_GetBindingBuf = Key_GetBindingBuf; uii.Key_IsDown = Key_IsDown; uii.Key_KeynumToStringBuf = Key_KeynumToStringBuf; uii.Key_SetBinding = Key_SetBinding; uii.Key_GetCatcher = Key_GetCatcher; uii.Key_GetOverstrikeMode = Key_GetOverstrikeMode; uii.Key_SetCatcher = CL_Key_SetCatcher; uii.Key_SetOverstrikeMode = Key_SetOverstrikeMode; uii.PC_AddGlobalDefine = botlib_export->PC_AddGlobalDefine; uii.PC_FreeSource = botlib_export->PC_FreeSourceHandle; uii.PC_LoadGlobalDefines = botlib_export->PC_LoadGlobalDefines; uii.PC_LoadSource = botlib_export->PC_LoadSourceHandle; uii.PC_ReadToken = botlib_export->PC_ReadTokenHandle; uii.PC_RemoveAllGlobalDefines = botlib_export->PC_RemoveAllGlobalDefines; uii.PC_SourceFileAndLine = botlib_export->PC_SourceFileAndLine; uii.CIN_DrawCinematic = CIN_DrawCinematic; uii.CIN_PlayCinematic = CIN_PlayCinematic; uii.CIN_RunCinematic = CIN_RunCinematic; uii.CIN_SetExtents = CIN_SetExtents; uii.CIN_StopCinematic = CIN_StopCinematic; uii.LAN_AddServer = LAN_AddServer; uii.LAN_ClearPing = LAN_ClearPing; uii.LAN_CompareServers = LAN_CompareServers; uii.LAN_GetPing = LAN_GetPing; uii.LAN_GetPingInfo = LAN_GetPingInfo; uii.LAN_GetPingQueueCount = LAN_GetPingQueueCount; uii.LAN_GetServerAddressString = LAN_GetServerAddressString; uii.LAN_GetServerCount = LAN_GetServerCount; uii.LAN_GetServerInfo = LAN_GetServerInfo; uii.LAN_GetServerPing = LAN_GetServerPing; uii.LAN_LoadCachedServers = LAN_LoadCachedServers; uii.LAN_MarkServerVisible = LAN_MarkServerVisible; uii.LAN_RemoveServer = LAN_RemoveServer; uii.LAN_ResetPings = LAN_ResetPings; uii.LAN_SaveCachedServers = LAN_SaveServersToCache; uii.LAN_ServerIsVisible = LAN_ServerIsVisible; uii.LAN_ServerStatus = LAN_GetServerStatus; uii.LAN_UpdateVisiblePings = LAN_UpdateVisiblePings; uii.S_StartBackgroundTrack = S_StartBackgroundTrack; uii.S_StartLocalSound = S_StartLocalSound; uii.S_StopBackgroundTrack = S_StopBackgroundTrack; uii.S_RegisterSound = S_RegisterSound; uii.SE_GetLanguageName = CL_SE_GetLanguageName; uii.SE_GetNumLanguages = SE_GetNumLanguages; uii.SE_GetStringTextString = CL_SE_GetStringTextString; uii.R_Language_IsAsian = re->Language_IsAsian; uii.R_Language_UsesSpaces = re->Language_UsesSpaces; uii.R_AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString = re->AnyLanguage_ReadCharFromString; uii.R_AddLightToScene = re->AddLightToScene; uii.R_AddPolysToScene = re->AddPolyToScene; uii.R_AddRefEntityToScene = re->AddRefEntityToScene; uii.R_ClearScene = re->ClearScene; uii.R_DrawStretchPic = re->DrawStretchPic; uii.R_Font_DrawString = re->Font_DrawString; uii.R_Font_HeightPixels = re->Font_HeightPixels; uii.R_Font_StrLenChars = re->Font_StrLenChars; uii.R_Font_StrLenPixels = re->Font_StrLenPixels; uii.R_LerpTag = re->LerpTag; uii.R_ModelBounds = re->ModelBounds; uii.R_RegisterFont = re->RegisterFont; uii.R_RegisterModel = re->RegisterModel; uii.R_RegisterShaderNoMip = re->RegisterShaderNoMip; uii.R_RegisterSkin = re->RegisterSkin; uii.R_RemapShader = re->RemapShader; uii.R_RenderScene = re->RenderScene; uii.R_SetColor = re->SetColor; uii.R_ShaderNameFromIndex = CL_R_ShaderNameFromIndex; uii.G2_ListModelSurfaces = CL_G2API_ListModelSurfaces; uii.G2_ListModelBones = CL_G2API_ListModelBones; uii.G2_SetGhoul2ModelIndexes = CL_G2API_SetGhoul2ModelIndexes; uii.G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models = CL_G2API_HaveWeGhoul2Models; uii.G2API_GetBoltMatrix = CL_G2API_GetBoltMatrix; uii.G2API_GetBoltMatrix_NoReconstruct = CL_G2API_GetBoltMatrix_NoReconstruct; uii.G2API_GetBoltMatrix_NoRecNoRot = CL_G2API_GetBoltMatrix_NoRecNoRot; uii.G2API_InitGhoul2Model = CL_G2API_InitGhoul2Model; uii.G2API_SetSkin = CL_G2API_SetSkin; uii.G2API_CollisionDetect = CL_G2API_CollisionDetect; uii.G2API_CollisionDetectCache = CL_G2API_CollisionDetectCache; uii.G2API_CleanGhoul2Models = CL_G2API_CleanGhoul2Models; uii.G2API_SetBoneAngles = CL_G2API_SetBoneAngles; uii.G2API_SetBoneAnim = CL_G2API_SetBoneAnim; uii.G2API_GetBoneAnim = CL_G2API_GetBoneAnim; uii.G2API_GetBoneFrame = CL_G2API_GetBoneFrame; uii.G2API_GetGLAName = CL_G2API_GetGLAName; uii.G2API_CopyGhoul2Instance = CL_G2API_CopyGhoul2Instance; uii.G2API_CopySpecificGhoul2Model = CL_G2API_CopySpecificGhoul2Model; uii.G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance = CL_G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance; uii.G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex = CL_G2API_HasGhoul2ModelOnIndex; uii.G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model = CL_G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model; uii.G2API_AddBolt = CL_G2API_AddBolt; uii.G2API_SetBoltInfo = CL_G2API_SetBoltInfo; uii.G2API_SetRootSurface = CL_G2API_SetRootSurface; uii.G2API_SetSurfaceOnOff = CL_G2API_SetSurfaceOnOff; uii.G2API_SetNewOrigin = CL_G2API_SetNewOrigin; uii.G2API_GetTime = CL_G2API_GetTime; uii.G2API_SetTime = CL_G2API_SetTime; uii.G2API_SetRagDoll = CL_G2API_SetRagDoll; uii.G2API_AnimateG2Models = CL_G2API_AnimateG2Models; uii.G2API_SetBoneIKState = CL_G2API_SetBoneIKState; uii.G2API_IKMove = CL_G2API_IKMove; uii.G2API_GetSurfaceName = CL_G2API_GetSurfaceName; uii.G2API_AttachG2Model = CL_G2API_AttachG2Model; uii.ext.R_Font_StrLenPixels = re->ext.Font_StrLenPixels; uii.ext.AddCommand = CL_AddUICommand; uii.ext.RemoveCommand = UIVM_Cmd_RemoveCommand; GetUIAPI = (GetUIAPI_t)uivm->GetModuleAPI; ret = GetUIAPI( UI_API_VERSION, &uii ); if ( !ret ) { //free VM? cls.uiStarted = qfalse; Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "GetGameAPI failed on %s", dllName ); } uie = ret; return; } // fall back to legacy syscall/vm_call api uivm = VM_CreateLegacy( VM_UI, CL_UISystemCalls ); if ( !uivm ) { cls.uiStarted = qfalse; Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "VM_CreateLegacy on ui failed" ); } } void CL_UnbindUI( void ) { UIVM_Shutdown(); VM_Free( uivm ); uivm = NULL; }