/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =========================================================================== */ // IcarusImplementation.h #ifndef ICARUSIMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED #define ICARUSIMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED #ifndef ICARUSINTERFACE_DEFINED #include "IcarusInterface.h" #endif #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <list> #include <algorithm> class CSequence; class CSequencer; class CIcarusSequencer; class CIcarusSequence; class CIcarus : public IIcarusInterface { public: CIcarus(int flavor); virtual ~CIcarus(); inline IGameInterface* GetGame() {return IGameInterface::GetGame(m_flavor);}; enum { MAX_STRING_SIZE = 256, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 1024, }; protected: int m_flavor; int m_nextSequencerID; int m_GUID; typedef std::list< CSequence * > sequence_l; typedef std::list< CSequencer * > sequencer_l; typedef std::map < int, CSequencer* > sequencer_m; sequence_l m_sequences; sequencer_l m_sequencers; sequencer_m m_sequencerMap; typedef std::map < std::string, unsigned char > signal_m; signal_m m_signals; static double ICARUS_VERSION; #ifdef _DEBUG int m_DEBUG_NumSequencerAlloc; int m_DEBUG_NumSequencerFreed; int m_DEBUG_NumSequencerResidual; int m_DEBUG_NumSequenceAlloc; int m_DEBUG_NumSequenceFreed; int m_DEBUG_NumSequenceResidual; #endif public: static int s_flavorsAvailable; static CIcarus** s_instances; // mandatory overrides // Get the current Game flavor. int GetFlavor(); int Save(); int Load(); int Run(int icarusID, char* buffer, long length); void DeleteIcarusID(int& icarusID); int GetIcarusID(int ownerID); int Update(int icarusID); int IsRunning(int icarusID); void Completed( int icarusID, int taskID ); void Precache(char* buffer, long length); protected: void Delete(); void Free(); public: CSequence* GetSequence(int id); void DeleteSequence( CSequence *sequence ); int AllocateSequences( int numSequences, int *idTable ); CSequencer* FindSequencer(int sequencerID); CSequence* GetSequence(); protected: int SaveSequenceIDTable(); int SaveSequences(); int SaveSequencers(); int SaveSignals(); int LoadSignals(); int LoadSequence(); int LoadSequences(); int LoadSequencers(); public: void Signal( const char *identifier ); bool CheckSignal( const char *identifier ); void ClearSignal( const char *identifier ); // Overloaded new operator. inline void *operator new( size_t size ) { return IGameInterface::GetGame()->Malloc( size ); } // Overloaded delete operator. inline void operator delete( void *pRawData ) { // Free the Memory. IGameInterface::GetGame()->Free( pRawData ); } public: enum { TK_EOF = -1, TK_UNDEFINED, TK_COMMENT, TK_EOL, TK_CHAR, TK_STRING, TK_INT, TK_INTEGER = TK_INT, TK_FLOAT, TK_IDENTIFIER, TK_USERDEF, TK_BLOCK_START = TK_USERDEF, TK_BLOCK_END, TK_VECTOR_START, TK_VECTOR_END, TK_OPEN_PARENTHESIS, TK_CLOSED_PARENTHESIS, TK_VECTOR, TK_GREATER_THAN, TK_LESS_THAN, TK_EQUALS, TK_NOT, NUM_USER_TOKENS }; //ID defines enum { ID_AFFECT = NUM_USER_TOKENS, ID_SOUND, ID_MOVE, ID_ROTATE, ID_WAIT, ID_BLOCK_START, ID_BLOCK_END, ID_SET, ID_LOOP, ID_LOOPEND, ID_PRINT, ID_USE, ID_FLUSH, ID_RUN, ID_KILL, ID_REMOVE, ID_CAMERA, ID_GET, ID_RANDOM, ID_IF, ID_ELSE, ID_REM, ID_TASK, ID_DO, ID_DECLARE, ID_FREE, ID_DOWAIT, ID_SIGNAL, ID_WAITSIGNAL, ID_PLAY, ID_TAG, ID_EOF, NUM_IDS }; //Type defines enum { //Wait types TYPE_WAIT_COMPLETE = NUM_IDS, TYPE_WAIT_TRIGGERED, //Set types TYPE_ANGLES, TYPE_ORIGIN, //Affect types TYPE_INSERT, TYPE_FLUSH, //Camera types TYPE_PAN, TYPE_ZOOM, TYPE_MOVE, TYPE_FADE, TYPE_PATH, TYPE_ENABLE, TYPE_DISABLE, TYPE_SHAKE, TYPE_ROLL, TYPE_TRACK, TYPE_DISTANCE, TYPE_FOLLOW, //Variable type TYPE_VARIABLE, TYPE_EOF, NUM_TYPES }; // Used by the new Icarus Save code. enum { MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 100000 }; unsigned long m_ulBufferCurPos; unsigned long m_ulBytesRead; unsigned char *m_byBuffer; // Destroy the File Buffer. void DestroyBuffer(); // Create the File Buffer. void CreateBuffer(); // Reset the buffer completely. void ResetBuffer(); // Write to a buffer. void BufferWrite( void *pSrcData, unsigned long ulNumBytesToWrite ); // Read from a buffer. void BufferRead( void *pDstBuff, unsigned long ulNumBytesToRead ); }; #endif