/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005, Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . =========================================================================== */ #include "../cgame/cg_local.h" #include "Q3_Interface.h" #include "g_local.h" #include "wp_saber.h" #include "g_functions.h" extern void G_NextTestAxes( void ); extern void G_ChangePlayerModel( gentity_t *ent, const char *newModel ); extern void G_InitPlayerFromCvars( gentity_t *ent ); extern void Q3_SetViewEntity(int entID, const char *name); extern qboolean G_ClearViewEntity( gentity_t *ent ); extern void G_Knockdown( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *attacker, const vec3_t pushDir, float strength, qboolean breakSaberLock ); extern void WP_SetSaber( gentity_t *ent, int saberNum, const char *saberName ); extern void WP_RemoveSaber( gentity_t *ent, int saberNum ); extern saber_colors_t TranslateSaberColor( const char *name ); extern qboolean WP_SaberBladeUseSecondBladeStyle( saberInfo_t *saber, int bladeNum ); extern qboolean WP_UseFirstValidSaberStyle( gentity_t *ent, int *saberAnimLevel ); extern void G_SetWeapon( gentity_t *self, int wp ); extern stringID_table_t WPTable[]; extern cvar_t *g_char_model; extern cvar_t *g_char_skin_head; extern cvar_t *g_char_skin_torso; extern cvar_t *g_char_skin_legs; extern cvar_t *g_char_color_red; extern cvar_t *g_char_color_green; extern cvar_t *g_char_color_blue; extern cvar_t *g_saber; extern cvar_t *g_saber2; extern cvar_t *g_saber_color; extern cvar_t *g_saber2_color; /* =================== Svcmd_EntityList_f =================== */ void Svcmd_EntityList_f (void) { int e; gentity_t *check; check = g_entities; for (e = 0; e < globals.num_entities ; e++, check++) { if ( !check->inuse ) { continue; } gi.Printf("%3i:", e); switch ( check->s.eType ) { case ET_GENERAL: gi.Printf( "ET_GENERAL " ); break; case ET_PLAYER: gi.Printf( "ET_PLAYER " ); break; case ET_ITEM: gi.Printf( "ET_ITEM " ); break; case ET_MISSILE: gi.Printf( "ET_MISSILE " ); break; case ET_MOVER: gi.Printf( "ET_MOVER " ); break; case ET_BEAM: gi.Printf( "ET_BEAM " ); break; case ET_PORTAL: gi.Printf( "ET_PORTAL " ); break; case ET_SPEAKER: gi.Printf( "ET_SPEAKER " ); break; case ET_PUSH_TRIGGER: gi.Printf( "ET_PUSH_TRIGGER " ); break; case ET_TELEPORT_TRIGGER: gi.Printf( "ET_TELEPORT_TRIGGER " ); break; case ET_INVISIBLE: gi.Printf( "ET_INVISIBLE " ); break; case ET_THINKER: gi.Printf( "ET_THINKER " ); break; case ET_CLOUD: gi.Printf( "ET_CLOUD " ); break; case ET_TERRAIN: gi.Printf( "ET_TERRAIN " ); break; default: gi.Printf( "%-3i ", check->s.eType ); break; } if ( check->classname ) { gi.Printf("%s", check->classname); } gi.Printf("\n"); } } //--------------------------- extern void G_StopCinematicSkip( void ); extern void G_StartCinematicSkip( void ); extern void ExitEmplacedWeapon( gentity_t *ent ); static void Svcmd_ExitView_f( void ) { extern cvar_t *g_skippingcin; static int exitViewDebounce = 0; if ( exitViewDebounce > level.time ) { return; } exitViewDebounce = level.time + 500; if ( in_camera ) {//see if we need to exit an in-game cinematic if ( g_skippingcin->integer ) // already doing cinematic skip? {// yes... so stop skipping... G_StopCinematicSkip(); } else {// no... so start skipping... G_StartCinematicSkip(); } } else if ( !G_ClearViewEntity( player ) ) {//didn't exit control of a droid or turret //okay, now try exiting emplaced guns or AT-ST's if ( player->s.eFlags & EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON ) {//get out of emplaced gun ExitEmplacedWeapon( player ); } else if ( player->client && player->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ATST ) {//a player trying to get out of his ATST GEntity_UseFunc( player->activator, player, player ); } } } gentity_t *G_GetSelfForPlayerCmd( void ) { if ( g_entities[0].client->ps.viewEntity > 0 && g_entities[0].client->ps.viewEntity < ENTITYNUM_WORLD && g_entities[g_entities[0].client->ps.viewEntity].client && g_entities[g_entities[0].client->ps.viewEntity].s.weapon == WP_SABER ) {//you're controlling another NPC return (&g_entities[g_entities[0].client->ps.viewEntity]); } else { return (&g_entities[0]); } } static void Svcmd_Saber_f() { const char *saber = gi.argv(1); const char *saber2 = gi.argv(2); char name[MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING] = {0}; if ( gi.argc() < 2 ) { gi.Printf( "Usage: saber \n" ); gi.Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "g_saber", name, sizeof(name) ); gi.Printf("g_saber is set to %s\n", name); gi.Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "g_saber2", name, sizeof(name) ); if ( name[0] ) gi.Printf("g_saber2 is set to %s\n", name); return; } if ( !g_entities[0].client || !saber || !saber[0] ) { return; } gi.cvar_set( "g_saber", saber ); WP_SetSaber( &g_entities[0], 0, saber ); if ( saber2 && saber2[0] && !(g_entities[0].client->ps.saber[0].saberFlags&SFL_TWO_HANDED) ) {//want to use a second saber and first one is not twoHanded gi.cvar_set( "g_saber2", saber2 ); WP_SetSaber( &g_entities[0], 1, saber2 ); } else { gi.cvar_set( "g_saber2", "" ); WP_RemoveSaber( &g_entities[0], 1 ); } } static void Svcmd_SaberBlade_f() { if ( gi.argc() < 2 ) { gi.Printf( "USAGE: saberblade [0 = off, 1 = on, no arg = toggle]\n" ); return; } if ( &g_entities[0] == NULL || g_entities[0].client == NULL ) { return; } int sabernum = atoi(gi.argv(1)) - 1; if ( sabernum < 0 || sabernum > 1 ) { return; } if ( sabernum > 0 && !g_entities[0].client->ps.dualSabers ) { return; } //FIXME: what if don't even have a single saber at all? int bladenum = atoi(gi.argv(2)) - 1; if ( bladenum < 0 || bladenum >= g_entities[0].client->ps.saber[sabernum].numBlades ) { return; } qboolean turnOn; if ( gi.argc() > 2 ) {//explicit turnOn = (qboolean)(atoi(gi.argv(3))!=0); } else {//toggle turnOn = (qboolean)!g_entities[0].client->ps.saber[sabernum].blade[bladenum].active; } g_entities[0].client->ps.SaberBladeActivate( sabernum, bladenum, turnOn ); } static void Svcmd_SaberColor_f() {//FIXME: just list the colors, each additional listing sets that blade int saberNum = atoi(gi.argv(1)); const char *color[MAX_BLADES]; int bladeNum; for ( bladeNum = 0; bladeNum < MAX_BLADES; bladeNum++ ) { color[bladeNum] = gi.argv(2+bladeNum); } if ( saberNum < 1 || saberNum > 2 || gi.argc() < 3 ) { gi.Printf( "Usage: saberColor ... \n" ); gi.Printf( "valid saberNums: 1 or 2\n" ); gi.Printf( "valid colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple\n" ); return; } saberNum--; gentity_t *self = G_GetSelfForPlayerCmd(); for ( bladeNum = 0; bladeNum < MAX_BLADES; bladeNum++ ) { if ( !color[bladeNum] || !color[bladeNum][0] ) { break; } else { self->client->ps.saber[saberNum].blade[bladeNum].color = TranslateSaberColor( color[bladeNum] ); } } if ( saberNum == 0 ) { gi.cvar_set( "g_saber_color", color[0] ); } else if ( saberNum == 1 ) { gi.cvar_set( "g_saber2_color", color[0] ); } } struct SetForceCmd { const char *desc; const char *cmdname; const int maxlevel; }; SetForceCmd SetForceTable[NUM_FORCE_POWERS] = { { "forceHeal", "setForceHeal", FORCE_LEVEL_3 }, { "forceJump", "setForceJump", FORCE_LEVEL_3 }, { "forceSpeed", "setForceSpeed", FORCE_LEVEL_3 }, { "forcePush", "setForcePush", FORCE_LEVEL_3 }, { "forcePull", "setForcePull", FORCE_LEVEL_3 }, { "forceMindTrick", "setForceMindTrick", FORCE_LEVEL_4 }, { "forceGrip", "setForceGrip", FORCE_LEVEL_3 }, { "forceLightning", "setForceLightning", FORCE_LEVEL_3 }, { "saberThrow", "setSaberThrow", FORCE_LEVEL_3 }, { "saberDefense", "setSaberDefense", FORCE_LEVEL_3 }, { "saberOffense", "setSaberOffense", SS_NUM_SABER_STYLES-1 }, { "forceRage", "setForceRage", FORCE_LEVEL_3 }, { "forceProtect", "setForceProtect", FORCE_LEVEL_3 }, { "forceAbsorb", "setForceAbsorb", FORCE_LEVEL_3 }, { "forceDrain", "setForceDrain", FORCE_LEVEL_3 }, { "forceSight", "setForceSight", FORCE_LEVEL_3 }, }; static void Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( int forcePower ) { if ( !&g_entities[0] || !g_entities[0].client ) { return; } const char *newVal = gi.argv(1); if ( !VALIDSTRING( newVal ) ) { gi.Printf( "Current %s level is %d\n", SetForceTable[forcePower].desc, g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowerLevel[forcePower] ); gi.Printf( "Usage: %s (0 - %i)\n", SetForceTable[forcePower].cmdname, SetForceTable[forcePower].maxlevel ); return; } int val = atoi(newVal); if ( val > FORCE_LEVEL_0 ) { g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowersKnown |= ( 1 << forcePower ); } else { g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowersKnown &= ~( 1 << forcePower ); } g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowerLevel[forcePower] = val; if ( g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowerLevel[forcePower] < FORCE_LEVEL_0 ) { g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowerLevel[forcePower] = FORCE_LEVEL_0; } else if ( g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowerLevel[forcePower] > SetForceTable[forcePower].maxlevel ) { g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowerLevel[forcePower] = SetForceTable[forcePower].maxlevel; } } extern qboolean PM_SaberInStart( int move ); extern qboolean PM_SaberInTransition( int move ); extern qboolean PM_SaberInAttack( int move ); extern qboolean WP_SaberCanTurnOffSomeBlades( saberInfo_t *saber ); void Svcmd_SaberAttackCycle_f( void ) { if ( !&g_entities[0] || !g_entities[0].client ) { return; } gentity_t *self = G_GetSelfForPlayerCmd(); if ( self->s.weapon != WP_SABER ) {// saberAttackCycle button also switches to saber gi.SendConsoleCommand("weapon 1" ); return; } if ( self->client->ps.dualSabers ) {//can't cycle styles with dualSabers, so just toggle second saber on/off if ( WP_SaberCanTurnOffSomeBlades( &self->client->ps.saber[1] ) ) {//can turn second saber off if ( self->client->ps.saber[1].ActiveManualOnly() ) {//turn it off qboolean skipThisBlade; for ( int bladeNum = 0; bladeNum < self->client->ps.saber[1].numBlades; bladeNum++ ) { skipThisBlade = qfalse; if ( WP_SaberBladeUseSecondBladeStyle( &self->client->ps.saber[1], bladeNum ) ) {//check to see if we should check the secondary style's flags if ( (self->client->ps.saber[1].saberFlags2&SFL2_NO_MANUAL_DEACTIVATE2) ) { skipThisBlade = qtrue; } } else {//use the primary style's flags if ( (self->client->ps.saber[1].saberFlags2&SFL2_NO_MANUAL_DEACTIVATE) ) { skipThisBlade = qtrue; } } if ( !skipThisBlade ) { self->client->ps.saber[1].BladeActivate( bladeNum, qfalse ); G_SoundIndexOnEnt( self, CHAN_WEAPON, self->client->ps.saber[1].soundOff ); } } } else if ( !self->client->ps.saber[0].ActiveManualOnly() ) {//first one is off, too, so just turn that one on if ( !self->client->ps.saberInFlight ) {//but only if it's in your hand! self->client->ps.saber[0].Activate(); } } else {//turn on the second one self->client->ps.saber[1].Activate(); } return; } } else if ( self->client->ps.saber[0].numBlades > 1 && WP_SaberCanTurnOffSomeBlades( &self->client->ps.saber[0] ) )//self->client->ps.saber[0].type == SABER_STAFF ) {//can't cycle styles with saberstaff, so just toggles saber blades on/off if ( self->client->ps.saberInFlight ) {//can't turn second blade back on if it's in the air, you naughty boy! return; } /* if ( self->client->ps.saber[0].singleBladeStyle == SS_NONE ) {//can't use just one blade? return; } */ qboolean playedSound = qfalse; if ( !self->client->ps.saber[0].blade[0].active ) {//first one is not even on //turn only it on self->client->ps.SaberBladeActivate( 0, 0, qtrue ); return; } qboolean skipThisBlade; for ( int bladeNum = 1; bladeNum < self->client->ps.saber[0].numBlades; bladeNum++ ) { if ( !self->client->ps.saber[0].blade[bladeNum].active ) {//extra is off, turn it on self->client->ps.saber[0].BladeActivate( bladeNum, qtrue ); } else {//turn extra off skipThisBlade = qfalse; if ( WP_SaberBladeUseSecondBladeStyle( &self->client->ps.saber[1], bladeNum ) ) {//check to see if we should check the secondary style's flags if ( (self->client->ps.saber[1].saberFlags2&SFL2_NO_MANUAL_DEACTIVATE2) ) { skipThisBlade = qtrue; } } else {//use the primary style's flags if ( (self->client->ps.saber[1].saberFlags2&SFL2_NO_MANUAL_DEACTIVATE) ) { skipThisBlade = qtrue; } } if ( !skipThisBlade ) { self->client->ps.saber[0].BladeActivate( bladeNum, qfalse ); if ( !playedSound ) { G_SoundIndexOnEnt( self, CHAN_WEAPON, self->client->ps.saber[0].soundOff ); playedSound = qtrue; } } } } return; } int allowedStyles = self->client->ps.saberStylesKnown; if ( self->client->ps.dualSabers && self->client->ps.saber[0].Active() && self->client->ps.saber[1].Active() ) { allowedStyles |= (1<client->ps.saber[0].stylesLearned&(1<client->ps.saber[1].stylesLearned&(1<client->ps.saber[0].stylesForbidden&(1<client->ps.saber[1].stylesForbidden&(1<client->ps.saber[0].stylesForbidden&(1<client->ps.saber[1].stylesForbidden&(1<s.number ) { saberAnimLevel = cg.saberAnimLevelPending; } else { saberAnimLevel = self->client->ps.saberAnimLevel; } saberAnimLevel++; int sanityCheck = 0; while ( self->client->ps.saberAnimLevel != saberAnimLevel && !(allowedStyles&(1< SS_STAFF ) { saberAnimLevel = SS_FAST; } sanityCheck++; } if ( !(allowedStyles&(1<s.number ) { cg.saberAnimLevelPending = saberAnimLevel; } else { self->client->ps.saberAnimLevel = saberAnimLevel; } #ifndef FINAL_BUILD switch ( saberAnimLevel ) { case SS_FAST: gi.Printf( S_COLOR_BLUE "Lightsaber Combat Style: Fast\n" ); //LIGHTSABERCOMBATSTYLE_FAST break; case SS_MEDIUM: gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Lightsaber Combat Style: Medium\n" ); //LIGHTSABERCOMBATSTYLE_MEDIUM break; case SS_STRONG: gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Lightsaber Combat Style: Strong\n" ); //LIGHTSABERCOMBATSTYLE_STRONG break; case SS_DESANN: gi.Printf( S_COLOR_CYAN "Lightsaber Combat Style: Desann\n" ); //LIGHTSABERCOMBATSTYLE_DESANN break; case SS_TAVION: gi.Printf( S_COLOR_MAGENTA "Lightsaber Combat Style: Tavion\n" ); //LIGHTSABERCOMBATSTYLE_TAVION break; case SS_DUAL: gi.Printf( S_COLOR_MAGENTA "Lightsaber Combat Style: Dual\n" ); //LIGHTSABERCOMBATSTYLE_TAVION break; case SS_STAFF: gi.Printf( S_COLOR_MAGENTA "Lightsaber Combat Style: Staff\n" ); //LIGHTSABERCOMBATSTYLE_TAVION break; } //gi.Printf("\n"); #endif } qboolean G_ReleaseEntity( gentity_t *grabber ) { if ( grabber && grabber->client && grabber->client->ps.heldClient < ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { gentity_t *heldClient = &g_entities[grabber->client->ps.heldClient]; grabber->client->ps.heldClient = ENTITYNUM_NONE; if ( heldClient && heldClient->client ) { heldClient->client->ps.heldByClient = ENTITYNUM_NONE; heldClient->owner = NULL; } return qtrue; } return qfalse; } void G_GrabEntity( gentity_t *grabber, const char *target ) { if ( !grabber || !grabber->client ) { return; } gentity_t *heldClient = G_Find( NULL, FOFS(targetname), (char *)target ); if ( heldClient && heldClient->client && heldClient != grabber )//don't grab yourself, it's not polite {//found him grabber->client->ps.heldClient = heldClient->s.number; heldClient->client->ps.heldByClient = grabber->s.number; heldClient->owner = grabber; } } static void Svcmd_ICARUS_f( void ) { Quake3Game()->Svcmd(); } template static void Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f(void) { Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f(power); } static void Svcmd_SetForceAll_f(void) { for ( int i = FP_HEAL; i < NUM_FORCE_POWERS; i++ ) { Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( i ); } if( gi.argc() > 1 ) { for ( int i = SS_NONE+1; i < SS_NUM_SABER_STYLES; i++ ) { g_entities[0].client->ps.saberStylesKnown |= (1<s.weapon != WP_SABER ) { return; } const char *newVal = gi.argv(1); int saberAnimLevel = atoi(newVal); if ( !self->s.number ) { cg.saberAnimLevelPending = saberAnimLevel; } else { self->client->ps.saberAnimLevel = saberAnimLevel; } } static void Svcmd_SetSaberAll_f(void) { Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( FP_SABERTHROW ); Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( FP_SABER_DEFENSE ); Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f( FP_SABER_OFFENSE ); for ( int i = SS_NONE+1; i < SS_NUM_SABER_STYLES; i++ ) { g_entities[0].client->ps.saberStylesKnown |= (1<RunScript( found, cmd3 ); } else { //can't find cmd2 gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "runscript: can't find targetname %s\n", cmd2 ); } } else { Quake3Game()->RunScript( &g_entities[0], cmd2 ); } } else { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "usage: runscript scriptname\n" ); } } static void Svcmd_PlayerTeam_f(void) { const char *cmd2 = gi.argv(1); if ( !*cmd2 || !cmd2[0] ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "'playerteam' - change player team, requires a team name!\n" ); gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Current team is: %s\n", GetStringForID( TeamTable, g_entities[0].client->playerTeam ) ); gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Valid team names are:\n"); for ( int n = (TEAM_FREE + 1); n < TEAM_NUM_TEAMS; n++ ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "%s\n", GetStringForID( TeamTable, n ) ); } } else { team_t team; team = (team_t)GetIDForString( TeamTable, cmd2 ); if ( team == (team_t)-1 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "'playerteam' unrecognized team name %s!\n", cmd2 ); gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Current team is: %s\n", GetStringForID( TeamTable, g_entities[0].client->playerTeam ) ); gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Valid team names are:\n"); for ( int n = TEAM_FREE; n < TEAM_NUM_TEAMS; n++ ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "%s\n", GetStringForID( TeamTable, n ) ); } } else { g_entities[0].client->playerTeam = team; //FIXME: convert Imperial, Malon, Hirogen and Klingon to Scavenger? } } } static void Svcmd_Control_f(void) { const char *cmd2 = gi.argv(1); if ( !*cmd2 || !cmd2[0] ) { if ( !G_ClearViewEntity( &g_entities[0] ) ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "control \n", cmd2 ); } } else { Q3_SetViewEntity( 0, cmd2 ); } } static void Svcmd_Grab_f(void) { const char *cmd2 = gi.argv(1); if ( !*cmd2 || !cmd2[0] ) { if ( !G_ReleaseEntity( &g_entities[0] ) ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "grab \n", cmd2 ); } } else { G_GrabEntity( &g_entities[0], cmd2 ); } } static void Svcmd_Knockdown_f(void) { G_Knockdown( &g_entities[0], &g_entities[0], vec3_origin, 300, qtrue ); } static void Svcmd_PlayerModel_f(void) { if ( gi.argc() == 1 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "USAGE: playerModel \n playerModel \n playerModel player (builds player from customized menu settings)" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n" ); gi.Printf( "playerModel = %s ", va("%s %s %s %s\n", g_char_model->string, g_char_skin_head->string, g_char_skin_torso->string, g_char_skin_legs->string ) ); } else if ( gi.argc() == 2 ) { G_ChangePlayerModel( &g_entities[0], gi.argv(1) ); } else if ( gi.argc() == 5 ) { //instead of setting it directly via a command, we now store it in cvars //G_ChangePlayerModel( &g_entities[0], va("%s|%s|%s|%s", gi.argv(1), gi.argv(2), gi.argv(3), gi.argv(4)) ); gi.cvar_set("g_char_model", gi.argv(1) ); gi.cvar_set("g_char_skin_head", gi.argv(2) ); gi.cvar_set("g_char_skin_torso", gi.argv(3) ); gi.cvar_set("g_char_skin_legs", gi.argv(4) ); G_InitPlayerFromCvars( &g_entities[0] ); } } static void Svcmd_PlayerTint_f(void) { if ( gi.argc() == 4 ) { g_entities[0].client->renderInfo.customRGBA[0] = atoi(gi.argv(1)); g_entities[0].client->renderInfo.customRGBA[1] = atoi(gi.argv(2)); g_entities[0].client->renderInfo.customRGBA[2] = atoi(gi.argv(3)); gi.cvar_set("g_char_color_red", gi.argv(1) ); gi.cvar_set("g_char_color_green", gi.argv(2) ); gi.cvar_set("g_char_color_blue", gi.argv(3) ); } else { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "USAGE: playerTint \n" ); gi.Printf( "playerTint = %s\n", va("%d %d %d", g_char_color_red->integer, g_char_color_green->integer, g_char_color_blue->integer ) ); } } static void Svcmd_IKnowKungfu_f(void) { gi.cvar_set( "g_debugMelee", "1" ); G_SetWeapon( &g_entities[0], WP_MELEE ); for ( int i = FP_FIRST; i < NUM_FORCE_POWERS; i++ ) { g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowersKnown |= ( 1 << i ); if ( i == FP_TELEPATHY ) { g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowerLevel[i] = FORCE_LEVEL_4; } else { g_entities[0].client->ps.forcePowerLevel[i] = FORCE_LEVEL_3; } } } static void Svcmd_Secrets_f(void) { const gentity_t *pl = &g_entities[0]; if(pl->client->sess.missionStats.totalSecrets < 1) { gi.Printf( "There are" S_COLOR_RED " NO " S_COLOR_WHITE "secrets on this map!\n" ); } else if(pl->client->sess.missionStats.secretsFound == pl->client->sess.missionStats.totalSecrets) { gi.Printf( "You've found all " S_COLOR_GREEN "%i" S_COLOR_WHITE " secrets on this map!\n", pl->client->sess.missionStats.secretsFound ); } else { gi.Printf( "You've found " S_COLOR_GREEN "%i" S_COLOR_WHITE " out of " S_COLOR_GREEN "%i" S_COLOR_WHITE " secrets!\n", pl->client->sess.missionStats.secretsFound, pl->client->sess.missionStats.totalSecrets ); } } // PADAWAN - g_spskill 0 + cg_crosshairForceHint 1 + handicap 100 // JEDI - g_spskill 1 + cg_crosshairForceHint 1 + handicap 100 // JEDI KNIGHT - g_spskill 2 + cg_crosshairForceHint 0 + handicap 100 // JEDI MASTER - g_spskill 2 + cg_crosshairForceHint 0 + handicap 50 extern cvar_t *g_spskill; static void Svcmd_Difficulty_f(void) { if(gi.argc() == 1) { if(g_spskill->integer == 0) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN "Current Difficulty: Padawan" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n" ); } else if(g_spskill->integer == 1) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN "Current Difficulty: Jedi" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n" ); } else if(g_spskill->integer == 2) { int crosshairHint = gi.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("cg_crosshairForceHint"); int handicap = gi.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("handicap"); if(handicap == 100 && crosshairHint == 0) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN "Current Difficulty: Jedi Knight" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n" ); } else if(handicap == 50 && crosshairHint == 0) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN "Current Difficulty: Jedi Master" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n" ); } else { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN "Current Difficulty: Jedi Knight (Custom)" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n" ); gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN "Crosshair Force Hint: %i" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n", crosshairHint != 0 ? 1 : 0 ); gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN "Handicap: %i" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n", handicap ); } } else { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Invalid difficulty cvar set! g_spskill (%i) [0-2] is valid range only" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n", g_spskill->integer ); } } } #define CMD_NONE (0x00000000u) #define CMD_CHEAT (0x00000001u) #define CMD_ALIVE (0x00000002u) typedef struct svcmd_s { const char *name; void (*func)(void); uint32_t flags; } svcmd_t; static int svcmdcmp( const void *a, const void *b ) { return Q_stricmp( (const char *)a, ((svcmd_t*)b)->name ); } // FIXME some of these should be made CMD_ALIVE too! static svcmd_t svcmds[] = { { "entitylist", Svcmd_EntityList_f, CMD_NONE }, { "game_memory", Svcmd_GameMem_f, CMD_NONE }, { "nav", Svcmd_Nav_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "npc", Svcmd_NPC_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "use", Svcmd_Use_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "ICARUS", Svcmd_ICARUS_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "saberColor", Svcmd_SaberColor_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "saber", Svcmd_Saber_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "saberBlade", Svcmd_SaberBlade_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setForceJump", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setSaberThrow", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setForceHeal", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setForcePush", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setForcePull", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setForceSpeed", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setForceGrip", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setForceLightning", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setMindTrick", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setSaberDefense", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setSaberOffense", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setForceRage", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setForceDrain", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setForceProtect", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setForceAbsorb", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setForceSight", Svcmd_ForceSetLevel_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setForceAll", Svcmd_SetForceAll_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setSaberAll", Svcmd_SetSaberAll_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "setSaberLevel", Svcmd_SaberSetLevel_f, CMD_NONE }, { "saberAttackCycle", Svcmd_SaberAttackCycle_f, CMD_NONE }, { "runscript", Svcmd_RunScript_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "playerTeam", Svcmd_PlayerTeam_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "control", Svcmd_Control_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "grab", Svcmd_Grab_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "knockdown", Svcmd_Knockdown_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "playerModel", Svcmd_PlayerModel_f, CMD_NONE }, { "playerTint", Svcmd_PlayerTint_f, CMD_NONE }, { "nexttestaxes", G_NextTestAxes, CMD_NONE }, { "exitview", Svcmd_ExitView_f, CMD_NONE }, { "iknowkungfu", Svcmd_IKnowKungfu_f, CMD_CHEAT }, { "secrets", Svcmd_Secrets_f, CMD_NONE }, { "difficulty", Svcmd_Difficulty_f, CMD_NONE }, //{ "say", Svcmd_Say_f, qtrue }, //{ "toggleallowvote", Svcmd_ToggleAllowVote_f, qfalse }, //{ "toggleuserinfovalidation", Svcmd_ToggleUserinfoValidation_f, qfalse }, }; static const size_t numsvcmds = ARRAY_LEN( svcmds ); /* ================= ConsoleCommand ================= */ qboolean ConsoleCommand( void ) { const char *cmd = gi.argv(0); const svcmd_t *command = (const svcmd_t *)Q_LinearSearch( cmd, svcmds, numsvcmds, sizeof( svcmds[0] ), svcmdcmp ); if ( !command ) return qfalse; if ( (command->flags & CMD_CHEAT) && !g_cheats->integer ) { gi.Printf( "Cheats are not enabled on this server.\n" ); return qtrue; } else if ( (command->flags & CMD_ALIVE) && (g_entities[0].health <= 0) ) { gi.Printf( "You must be alive to use this command.\n" ); return qtrue; } else command->func(); return qtrue; }