// DATAPAD/CHEATS menu // // defines from ui_shared.h { menuDef { name "datapadCheatsMenu" fullScreen 1 // MENU_TRUE rect 0 0 640 480 // Size and position of the menu visible 1 // Visible on open focusColor 1 1 1 1 // Focus color for text and items appearanceIncrement 75 // In miliseconds descX 320 descY 350 descScale .8 descColor .96 .933 .40 1 // Focus color for text and items descAlignment ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER onESC { uiScript closedatapad // Close menu } onOpen { exec "helpUsObi 1" setfocus none } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // MENU BACKGROUND // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- itemDef { name frame_pic group none style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 0 640 480 background "*white" forecolor 0 0 0 1 visible 1 decoration } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // DATAPAD SCREEN // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // we use mission overdraw to fill in player status itemDef { name player_status group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_OWNERDRAW rect 50 40 95 40 textscale .4 forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 ownerdraw 203 } // cover mssion overdraw with datapad background to hide mission data itemDef { name mission_cover group none style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 0 640 480 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 decoration background "gfx/hud/datapad2" } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CHEAT MENU ITEMS // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- itemDef { name cheats_title group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY rect 0 30 640 25 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_TITLE font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 320 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name none group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 100 80 200 20 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_HEALTH_ITEM descText @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_HEALTH_DESC font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 100 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; exec "give health;" } } itemDef { name none group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 100 105 200 20 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_ARMOR_ITEM descText @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_ARMOR_DESC font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 100 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; exec "give armor;" } } itemDef { name none group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 100 130 200 20 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_AMMO_ITEM descText @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_AMMO_DESC font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 100 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; exec "give ammo;" } } itemDef { name none group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 100 155 200 20 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_BATTERIES_ITEM descText @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_BATTERIES_DESC font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 100 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; exec "give batteries;" } } itemDef { name none group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 340 80 200 20 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_SABER_ITEM descText @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_SABER_DESC font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 100 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; exec "give weapon_saber;" } } itemDef { name none group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 340 105 200 20 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_WEAPONS_ITEM descText @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_WEAPONS_DESC font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 100 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; exec "give weapons;" } } itemDef { name none group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 340 130 200 20 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_ITEMS_ITEM descText @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_ITEMS_DESC font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 100 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; exec "give inventory;" } } itemDef { name none group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 340 155 200 20 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_POWERS_ITEM descText @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_GIVE_POWERS_DESC font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 100 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; exec "setforceall 2" } } itemDef { name none group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY rect 220 210 200 20 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_SABER_COLOR_TITLE font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 100 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name none group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 190 235 50 20 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_SABER_COLOR_BLUE_ITEM descText @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_SABER_COLOR_BLUE_DESC font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 25 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; exec "saberColor blue;" } } itemDef { name none group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 240 235 48 20 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_SABER_COLOR_GREEN_ITEM descText @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_SABER_COLOR_GREEN_DESC font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 25 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; exec "saberColor green;" } } itemDef { name none group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 288 235 50 20 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_SABER_COLOR_RED_ITEM descText @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_SABER_COLOR_RED_DESC font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 25 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; exec "saberColor red;" } } itemDef { name none group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 340 235 50 20 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_SABER_COLOR_ORANGE_ITEM descText @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_SABER_COLOR_ORANGE_DESC font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 25 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; exec "saberColor orange;" } } itemDef { name none group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 400 235 50 20 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_SABER_COLOR_PURPLE_ITEM descText @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_SABER_COLOR_PURPLE_DESC font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 25 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; exec "saberColor purple;" } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // LOWER MENU BUTTONS // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- itemDef { name mission group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 130 382 95 25 text @MENUS1_DP_MISSION descText @MENUS1_AN_OVERVIEW_OF_MISSION font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 48 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; close all ; open datapadMissionMenu } } itemDef { name exit group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 417 382 95 25 text @MENUS1_RESUME descText @MENUS1_RETURN_TO_GAME font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 48 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; uiScript closedatapad // Close menu } } itemDef { name weapons group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 130 420 95 25 text @MENUS0_WEAPONS descText @MENUS1_VIEW_CURRENTLY_OWNED font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 48 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; close all ; open datapadWeaponsMenu } } itemDef { name inventory group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 274 420 95 25 text @MENUS1_INVENTORY descText @MENUS1_VIEW_CURRENT_INVENTORY font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 48 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; close all ; open datapadInventoryMenu } } itemDef { name force group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 417 420 95 25 text @MENUS1_DP_FORCE descText @MENUS1_VIEW_CURRENT_FORCE_POWERS font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 48 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 action { play "sound/interface/button1.wav" ; close all ; open datapadForcePowersMenu } } itemDef { name cheats group none style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 274 382 95 25 text @MENUS_VR_CHEATS_ITEM font 2 textscale 1 textalignx 48 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor .509 .609 .847 1 appearance_slot 1 visible 1 decoration } } }