/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005, Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =========================================================================== */ // cl.input.c -- builds an intended movement command to send to the server #include "../server/exe_headers.h" #include "client.h" #include "client_ui.h" #include <JKVR/VrCommon.h> #ifndef _WIN32 #include <cmath> #endif unsigned frame_msec; int old_com_frameTime; float cl_mPitchOverride = 0.0f; float cl_mYawOverride = 0.0f; /* =============================================================================== KEY BUTTONS Continuous button event tracking is complicated by the fact that two different input sources (say, mouse button 1 and the control key) can both press the same button, but the button should only be released when both of the pressing key have been released. When a key event issues a button command (+forward, +attack, etc), it appends its key number as argv(1) so it can be matched up with the release. argv(2) will be set to the time the event happened, which allows exact control even at low framerates when the down and up events may both get qued at the same time. =============================================================================== */ kbutton_t in_left, in_right, in_forward, in_back; kbutton_t in_lookup, in_lookdown, in_moveleft, in_moveright; kbutton_t in_strafe, in_speed; kbutton_t in_up, in_down; kbutton_t in_buttons[32]; qboolean in_mlooking; extern cvar_t *in_joystick; void JKVR_GetMove(float *forward, float *side, float *pos_forward, float *pos_side, float *up, float *yaw, float *pitch, float *roll); typedef struct { float forward; float pos_forward; float side; float pos_side; float up; float yaw; float pitch; float roll; } vr_move; vr_move new_move; vr_move old_move; static void IN_UseGivenForce(void) { const char *c = Cmd_Argv(1); int forceNum=-1; int genCmdNum = 0; if(c) { forceNum = atoi(c); } else { return; } switch(forceNum) { #ifndef JK2_MODE case FP_DRAIN: genCmdNum = GENCMD_FORCE_DRAIN; break; #endif // !JK2_MODE case FP_PUSH: genCmdNum = GENCMD_FORCE_THROW; break; case FP_SPEED: genCmdNum = GENCMD_FORCE_SPEED; break; case FP_PULL: genCmdNum = GENCMD_FORCE_PULL; break; case FP_TELEPATHY: genCmdNum = GENCMD_FORCE_DISTRACT; break; case FP_GRIP: genCmdNum = GENCMD_FORCE_GRIP; break; case FP_LIGHTNING: genCmdNum = GENCMD_FORCE_LIGHTNING; break; #ifndef JK2_MODE case FP_RAGE: genCmdNum = GENCMD_FORCE_RAGE; break; case FP_PROTECT: genCmdNum = GENCMD_FORCE_PROTECT; break; case FP_ABSORB: genCmdNum = GENCMD_FORCE_ABSORB; break; case FP_SEE: genCmdNum = GENCMD_FORCE_SEEING; break; #endif // !JK2_MODE case FP_HEAL: genCmdNum = GENCMD_FORCE_HEAL; break; default: assert(0); break; } if(genCmdNum) { cl.gcmdSendValue = qtrue; cl.gcmdValue = genCmdNum; } } void IN_MLookDown( void ) { in_mlooking = qtrue; } void IN_CenterView( void ); void IN_MLookUp( void ) { in_mlooking = qfalse; if ( !cl_freelook->integer ) { IN_CenterView (); } } void IN_KeyDown( kbutton_t *b ) { int k; const char *c; c = Cmd_Argv(1); if ( c[0] ) { k = atoi(c); } else { k = -1; // typed manually at the console for continuous down } if ( k == b->down[0] || k == b->down[1] ) { return; // repeating key } if ( !b->down[0] ) { b->down[0] = k; } else if ( !b->down[1] ) { b->down[1] = k; } else { Com_Printf ("Three keys down for a button!\n"); return; } if ( b->active ) { return; // still down } // save timestamp for partial frame summing c = Cmd_Argv(2); b->downtime = atoi(c); b->active = qtrue; b->wasPressed = qtrue; } void IN_KeyUp( kbutton_t *b ) { int k; const char *c; unsigned uptime; c = Cmd_Argv(1); if ( c[0] ) { k = atoi(c); } else { // typed manually at the console, assume for unsticking, so clear all b->down[0] = b->down[1] = 0; b->active = qfalse; return; } if ( b->down[0] == k ) { b->down[0] = 0; } else if ( b->down[1] == k ) { b->down[1] = 0; } else { return; // key up without coresponding down (menu pass through) } if ( b->down[0] || b->down[1] ) { return; // some other key is still holding it down } b->active = qfalse; // save timestamp for partial frame summing c = Cmd_Argv(2); uptime = atoi(c); if ( uptime ) { b->msec += uptime - b->downtime; } else { b->msec += frame_msec / 2; } b->active = qfalse; } /* =============== CL_KeyState Returns the fraction of the frame that the key was down =============== */ float CL_KeyState( kbutton_t *key ) { float val; int msec; msec = key->msec; key->msec = 0; if ( key->active ) { // still down if ( !key->downtime ) { msec = com_frameTime; } else { msec += com_frameTime - key->downtime; } key->downtime = com_frameTime; } #if 0 if (msec) { Com_Printf ("%i ", msec); } #endif val = (float)msec / frame_msec; if ( val < 0 ) { val = 0; } if ( val > 1 ) { val = 1; } return val; } void IN_UpDown(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_up);} void IN_UpUp(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_up);} void IN_DownDown(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_down);} void IN_DownUp(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_down);} void IN_LeftDown(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_left);} void IN_LeftUp(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_left);} void IN_RightDown(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_right);} void IN_RightUp(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_right);} void IN_ForwardDown(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_forward);} void IN_ForwardUp(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_forward);} void IN_BackDown(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_back);} void IN_BackUp(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_back);} void IN_LookupDown(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_lookup);} void IN_LookupUp(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_lookup);} void IN_LookdownDown(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_lookdown);} void IN_LookdownUp(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_lookdown);} void IN_MoveleftDown(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_moveleft);} void IN_MoveleftUp(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_moveleft);} void IN_MoverightDown(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_moveright);} void IN_MoverightUp(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_moveright);} void IN_SpeedDown(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_speed);} void IN_SpeedUp(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_speed);} void IN_StrafeDown(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_strafe);} void IN_StrafeUp(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_strafe);} void IN_Button0Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[0]);} void IN_Button0Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[0]);} void IN_Button1Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[1]);} void IN_Button1Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[1]);} void IN_Button2Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[2]);} void IN_Button2Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[2]);} void IN_Button3Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[3]);} void IN_Button3Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[3]);} void IN_Button4Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[4]);} void IN_Button4Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[4]);} void IN_Button5Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[5]);} void IN_Button5Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[5]);} void IN_Button6Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[6]);} void IN_Button6Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[6]);} void IN_Button7Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[7]);} void IN_Button7Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[7]);} void IN_Button8Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[8]);} void IN_Button8Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[8]);} void IN_Button9Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[9]);} void IN_Button9Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[9]);} void IN_Button10Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[10]);} void IN_Button10Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[10]);} void IN_Button11Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[11]);} void IN_Button11Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[11]);} void IN_Button12Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[12]);} void IN_Button12Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[12]);} void IN_Button13Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[13]);} void IN_Button13Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[13]);} void IN_Button14Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[14]);} void IN_Button14Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[14]);} void IN_Button15Down(void) {IN_KeyDown(&in_buttons[15]);} void IN_Button15Up(void) {IN_KeyUp(&in_buttons[15]);} void IN_CenterView (void) { cl.viewangles[PITCH] = -SHORT2ANGLE(cl.frame.ps.delta_angles[PITCH]); } //========================================================================== cvar_t *cl_upspeed; cvar_t *cl_forwardspeed; cvar_t *cl_sidespeed; cvar_t *cl_yawspeed; cvar_t *cl_pitchspeed; cvar_t *cl_run; cvar_t *cl_anglespeedkey; /* ================ CL_AdjustAngles Moves the local angle positions ================ */ void CL_AdjustAngles( void ) { cl.viewangles[YAW] -= old_move.yaw; cl.viewangles[YAW] += new_move.yaw; //Make angles good while (cl.viewangles[YAW] > 180.0f) cl.viewangles[YAW] -= 360.0f; while (cl.viewangles[YAW] < -180.0f) cl.viewangles[YAW] += 360.0f; cl.viewangles[PITCH] = new_move.pitch; cl.viewangles[ROLL] = new_move.roll; VectorCopy(cl.viewangles, vr.clientviewangles); } /* ================ CL_KeyMove Sets the usercmd_t based on key states ================ */ void CL_KeyMove( usercmd_t *cmd ) { int movespeed; int forward, side, up; // // adjust for speed key / running // the walking flag is to keep animations consistant // even during acceleration and develeration // if ( in_speed.active ^ cl_run->integer ) { movespeed = 127; cmd->buttons &= ~BUTTON_WALKING; } else { cmd->buttons |= BUTTON_WALKING; movespeed = 64; } forward = 0; side = 0; up = 0; if ( in_strafe.active ) { side += movespeed * CL_KeyState (&in_right); side -= movespeed * CL_KeyState (&in_left); } side += movespeed * CL_KeyState (&in_moveright); side -= movespeed * CL_KeyState (&in_moveleft); up += movespeed * CL_KeyState (&in_up); up -= movespeed * CL_KeyState (&in_down); forward += movespeed * CL_KeyState (&in_forward); forward -= movespeed * CL_KeyState (&in_back); cmd->forwardmove = ClampChar( forward ); cmd->rightmove = ClampChar( side ); cmd->upmove = ClampChar( up ); } void _UI_MouseEventAbs( int x, int y ); /* ================= CL_MouseEvent ================= */ void CL_MouseEvent( int x, int y, int time ) { if ( Key_GetCatcher( ) & KEYCATCH_UI ) { _UI_MouseEventAbs( x, y ); } /* if ( Key_GetCatcher( ) & KEYCATCH_UI ) { _UI_MouseEvent( dx, dy ); } else { cl.mouseDx[cl.mouseIndex] += dx; cl.mouseDy[cl.mouseIndex] += dy; } */ } /* ================= CL_JoystickEvent Joystick values stay set until changed ================= */ void CL_JoystickEvent( int axis, int value, int time ) { if ( axis < 0 || axis >= MAX_JOYSTICK_AXIS ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "CL_JoystickEvent: bad axis %i", axis ); } cl.joystickAxis[axis] = value; } /* ================= CL_JoystickMove ================= */ void CL_JoystickMove( usercmd_t *cmd ) { float anglespeed; /* if ( !in_joystick->integer ) { return; }*/ /* if ( !(in_speed.active ^ cl_run->integer) ) { cmd->buttons |= BUTTON_WALKING; } if ( in_speed.active ) { anglespeed = 0.001 * cls.frametime * cl_anglespeedkey->value; } else { anglespeed = 0.001 * cls.frametime; } if ( !in_strafe.active ) { if ( cl_mYawOverride ) { cl.viewangles[YAW] += 5.0f * cl_mYawOverride * cl.joystickAxis[AXIS_SIDE]; } else { cl.viewangles[YAW] += anglespeed * (cl_yawspeed->value / 100.0f) * cl.joystickAxis[AXIS_SIDE]; } } else { cmd->rightmove = ClampChar( cmd->rightmove + cl.joystickAxis[AXIS_SIDE] ); } if ( in_mlooking ) { if ( cl_mPitchOverride ) { cl.viewangles[PITCH] += 5.0f * cl_mPitchOverride * cl.joystickAxis[AXIS_FORWARD]; } else { cl.viewangles[PITCH] += anglespeed * (cl_pitchspeed->value / 100.0f) * cl.joystickAxis[AXIS_FORWARD]; } } else { cmd->forwardmove = ClampChar( cmd->forwardmove + cl.joystickAxis[AXIS_FORWARD] ); } cmd->upmove = ClampChar( cmd->upmove + cl.joystickAxis[AXIS_UP] ); */ cmd->forwardmove = ClampChar( cmd->forwardmove + (new_move.forward * 127) + (new_move.pos_forward * 127)); cmd->rightmove = ClampChar( cmd->rightmove + (new_move.side * 127) + (new_move.pos_side * 127)); } /* ================= CL_MouseMove ================= */ void CL_MouseMove( usercmd_t *cmd ) { float mx, my; float accelSensitivity; float rate; const float speed = static_cast<float>(frame_msec); const float pitch = m_pitch->value; // allow mouse smoothing if ( m_filter->integer ) { mx = ( cl.mouseDx[0] + cl.mouseDx[1] ) * 0.5; my = ( cl.mouseDy[0] + cl.mouseDy[1] ) * 0.5; } else { mx = cl.mouseDx[cl.mouseIndex]; my = cl.mouseDy[cl.mouseIndex]; } cl.mouseIndex ^= 1; cl.mouseDx[cl.mouseIndex] = 0; cl.mouseDy[cl.mouseIndex] = 0; rate = SQRTFAST( mx * mx + my * my ) / speed; accelSensitivity = cl_sensitivity->value + rate * cl_mouseAccel->value; // scale by FOV accelSensitivity *= cl.cgameSensitivity; if ( rate && cl_showMouseRate->integer ) { Com_Printf( "%f : %f\n", rate, accelSensitivity ); } mx *= accelSensitivity; my *= accelSensitivity; if (!mx && !my) { return; } // add mouse X/Y movement to cmd if ( in_strafe.active ) { cmd->rightmove = ClampChar( cmd->rightmove + m_side->value * mx ); } else { if ( cl_mYawOverride ) { cl.viewangles[YAW] -= cl_mYawOverride * mx; } else { cl.viewangles[YAW] -= m_yaw->value * mx; } } if ( (in_mlooking || cl_freelook->integer) && !in_strafe.active ) { // VVFIXME - This is supposed to be a CVAR const float cl_pitchSensitivity = 1.0f; if ( cl_mPitchOverride ) { if ( pitch > 0 ) { cl.viewangles[PITCH] += cl_mPitchOverride * my * cl_pitchSensitivity; } else { cl.viewangles[PITCH] -= cl_mPitchOverride * my * cl_pitchSensitivity; } } else { cl.viewangles[PITCH] += pitch * my * cl_pitchSensitivity; } } else { cmd->forwardmove = ClampChar( cmd->forwardmove - m_forward->value * my ); } } /* ============== CL_CmdButtons ============== */ void CL_CmdButtons( usercmd_t *cmd ) { int i; // // figure button bits // send a button bit even if the key was pressed and released in // less than a frame // for (i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++) { if ( in_buttons[i].active || in_buttons[i].wasPressed ) { cmd->buttons |= 1 << i; } in_buttons[i].wasPressed = qfalse; } if ( Key_GetCatcher( ) ) { //cmd->buttons |= BUTTON_TALK; } // allow the game to know if any key at all is // currently pressed, even if it isn't bound to anything /* if ( kg.anykeydown && Key_GetCatcher( ) == 0 ) { cmd->buttons |= BUTTON_ANY; } */ } /* ============== CL_FinishMove ============== */ void CL_FinishMove( usercmd_t *cmd ) { int i; // copy the state that the cgame is currently sending cmd->weapon = cl.cgameUserCmdValue; if (cl.gcmdSendValue) { cmd->generic_cmd = cl.gcmdValue; cl.gcmdSendValue = qfalse; } else { cmd->generic_cmd = 0; } // send the current server time so the amount of movement // can be determined without allowing cheating cmd->serverTime = cl.serverTime; //Adjust for difference in server angles vec3_t angles; VectorCopy(cl.viewangles, angles); angles[PITCH] -= SHORT2ANGLE(cl.frame.ps.delta_angles[PITCH]); for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { cmd->angles[i] = ANGLE2SHORT(angles[i]); } //retain the move from this old_move = new_move; } /* ================= CL_CreateCmd ================= */ vec3_t cl_overriddenAngles = {0,0,0}; qboolean cl_overrideAngles = qfalse; usercmd_t CL_CreateCmd( void ) { usercmd_t cmd; vec3_t oldAngles; VectorCopy( cl.viewangles, oldAngles ); JKVR_GetMove(&new_move.forward, &new_move.side, &new_move.pos_forward, &new_move.pos_side, &new_move.up, &new_move.yaw, &new_move.pitch, &new_move.roll); // keyboard angle adjustment CL_AdjustAngles (); memset( &cmd, 0, sizeof( cmd ) ); CL_CmdButtons( &cmd ); // get basic movement from keyboard CL_KeyMove (&cmd); // get basic movement from mouse CL_MouseMove( &cmd ); // get basic movement from joystick CL_JoystickMove( &cmd ); // check to make sure the angles haven't wrapped if ( cl.viewangles[PITCH] - oldAngles[PITCH] > 90 ) { cl.viewangles[PITCH] = oldAngles[PITCH] + 90; } else if ( oldAngles[PITCH] - cl.viewangles[PITCH] > 90 ) { cl.viewangles[PITCH] = oldAngles[PITCH] - 90; } if ( cl_overrideAngles ) { VectorCopy( cl_overriddenAngles, cl.viewangles ); cl_overrideAngles = qfalse; } // store out the final values CL_FinishMove( &cmd ); // draw debug graphs of turning for mouse testing if ( cl_debugMove->integer ) { if ( cl_debugMove->integer == 1 ) { SCR_DebugGraph( abs(cl.viewangles[YAW] - oldAngles[YAW]), 0 ); } if ( cl_debugMove->integer == 2 ) { SCR_DebugGraph( abs(cl.viewangles[PITCH] - oldAngles[PITCH]), 0 ); } } return cmd; } /* ================= CL_CreateNewCommands Create a new usercmd_t structure for this frame ================= */ void CL_CreateNewCommands( void ) { int cmdNum; // no need to create usercmds until we have a gamestate // if ( cls.state < CA_PRIMED ) // return; frame_msec = com_frameTime - old_com_frameTime; // if running over 1000fps, act as if each frame is 1ms // prevents divisions by zero if ( frame_msec < 1 ) frame_msec = 1; // if running less than 5fps, truncate the extra time to prevent // unexpected moves after a hitch if ( frame_msec > 200 ) frame_msec = 200; old_com_frameTime = com_frameTime; // generate a command for this frame cl.cmdNumber++; cmdNum = cl.cmdNumber & CMD_MASK; cl.cmds[cmdNum] = CL_CreateCmd(); } /* ================= CL_ReadyToSendPacket Returns qfalse if we are over the maxpackets limit and should choke back the bandwidth a bit by not sending a packet this frame. All the commands will still get delivered in the next packet, but saving a header and getting more delta compression will reduce total bandwidth. ================= */ qboolean CL_ReadyToSendPacket( void ) { // don't send anything if playing back a demo // if ( cls.state == CA_CINEMATIC ) if ( cls.state == CA_CINEMATIC || CL_IsRunningInGameCinematic()) { return qfalse; } // if we don't have a valid gamestate yet, only send // one packet a second if ( cls.state != CA_ACTIVE && cls.state != CA_PRIMED && cls.realtime - clc.lastPacketSentTime < 1000 ) { return qfalse; } // send every frame for loopbacks return qtrue; } /* =================== CL_WritePacket Create and send the command packet to the server Including both the reliable commands and the usercmds During normal gameplay, a client packet will contain something like: 4 sequence number 2 qport 4 serverid 4 acknowledged sequence number 4 clc.serverCommandSequence <optional reliable commands> 1 clc_move or clc_moveNoDelta 1 command count <count * usercmds> =================== */ void CL_WritePacket( void ) { msg_t buf; byte data[MAX_MSGLEN]; int i, j; usercmd_t *cmd, *oldcmd; usercmd_t nullcmd; int packetNum; int oldPacketNum; int count; // don't send anything if playing back a demo // if ( cls.state == CA_CINEMATIC ) if ( cls.state == CA_CINEMATIC || CL_IsRunningInGameCinematic()) { return; } MSG_Init( &buf, data, sizeof(data) ); // write any unacknowledged clientCommands for ( i = clc.reliableAcknowledge + 1 ; i <= clc.reliableSequence ; i++ ) { MSG_WriteByte( &buf, clc_clientCommand ); MSG_WriteLong( &buf, i ); MSG_WriteString( &buf, clc.reliableCommands[ i & (MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS-1) ] ); } // we want to send all the usercmds that were generated in the last // few packet, so even if a couple packets are dropped in a row, // all the cmds will make it to the server if ( cl_packetdup->integer < 0 ) { Cvar_Set( "cl_packetdup", "0" ); } else if ( cl_packetdup->integer > 5 ) { Cvar_Set( "cl_packetdup", "5" ); } oldPacketNum = (clc.netchan.outgoingSequence - 1 - cl_packetdup->integer) & PACKET_MASK; count = cl.cmdNumber - cl.packetCmdNumber[ oldPacketNum ]; if ( count > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS ) { count = MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS; Com_Printf("MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS\n"); } if ( count >= 1 ) { // begin a client move command MSG_WriteByte (&buf, clc_move); // write the last reliable message we received MSG_WriteLong( &buf, clc.serverCommandSequence ); // write the current serverId so the server // can tell if this is from the current gameState MSG_WriteLong (&buf, cl.serverId); // write the current time MSG_WriteLong (&buf, cls.realtime); // let the server know what the last messagenum we // got was, so the next message can be delta compressed // FIXME: this could just be a bit flag, with the message implicit // from the unreliable ack of the netchan if (cl_nodelta->integer || !cl.frame.valid) { MSG_WriteLong (&buf, -1); // no compression } else { MSG_WriteLong (&buf, cl.frame.messageNum); } // write the cmdNumber so the server can determine which ones it // has already received MSG_WriteLong( &buf, cl.cmdNumber ); // write the command count MSG_WriteByte( &buf, count ); // write all the commands, including the predicted command memset( &nullcmd, 0, sizeof(nullcmd) ); oldcmd = &nullcmd; for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) { j = (cl.cmdNumber - count + i + 1) & CMD_MASK; cmd = &cl.cmds[j]; MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (&buf, oldcmd, cmd); oldcmd = cmd; } } // // deliver the message // packetNum = clc.netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK; cl.packetTime[ packetNum ] = cls.realtime; cl.packetCmdNumber[ packetNum ] = cl.cmdNumber; clc.lastPacketSentTime = cls.realtime; Netchan_Transmit (&clc.netchan, buf.cursize, buf.data); } /* ================= CL_SendCmd Called every frame to builds and sends a command packet to the server. ================= */ void CL_SendCmd( void ) { // don't send any message if not connected if ( cls.state < CA_CONNECTED ) { return; } // don't send commands if paused if ( com_sv_running->integer && sv_paused->integer && cl_paused->integer ) { return; } // we create commands even if a demo is playing, CL_CreateNewCommands(); // don't send a packet if the last packet was sent too recently if ( !CL_ReadyToSendPacket() ) { return; } CL_WritePacket(); } /* ============ CL_InitInput ============ */ void CL_InitInput( void ) { Cmd_AddCommand ("centerview",IN_CenterView); Cmd_AddCommand ("+moveup",IN_UpDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-moveup",IN_UpUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+movedown",IN_DownDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-movedown",IN_DownUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+left",IN_LeftDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-left",IN_LeftUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+right",IN_RightDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-right",IN_RightUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+forward",IN_ForwardDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-forward",IN_ForwardUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+back",IN_BackDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-back",IN_BackUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+lookup", IN_LookupDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-lookup", IN_LookupUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+lookdown", IN_LookdownDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-lookdown", IN_LookdownUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+strafe", IN_StrafeDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-strafe", IN_StrafeUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+moveleft", IN_MoveleftDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-moveleft", IN_MoveleftUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+moveright", IN_MoverightDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-moveright", IN_MoverightUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("+speed", IN_SpeedDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-speed", IN_SpeedUp); Cmd_AddCommand ("useGivenForce", IN_UseGivenForce); //buttons Cmd_AddCommand ("+attack", IN_Button0Down);//attack Cmd_AddCommand ("-attack", IN_Button0Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+force_lightning", IN_Button1Down);//force lightning Cmd_AddCommand ("-force_lightning", IN_Button1Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+useforce", IN_Button2Down); //use current force power Cmd_AddCommand ("-useforce", IN_Button2Up); #ifdef JK2_MODE Cmd_AddCommand ("+block", IN_Button3Down);//manual blocking Cmd_AddCommand ("-block", IN_Button3Up); #else Cmd_AddCommand ("+force_drain", IN_Button3Down);//force drain Cmd_AddCommand ("-force_drain", IN_Button3Up); #endif Cmd_AddCommand ("+walk", IN_Button4Down);//walking Cmd_AddCommand ("-walk", IN_Button4Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+use", IN_Button5Down);//use object Cmd_AddCommand ("-use", IN_Button5Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+force_grip", IN_Button6Down);//force jump Cmd_AddCommand ("-force_grip", IN_Button6Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+altattack", IN_Button7Down);//altattack Cmd_AddCommand ("-altattack", IN_Button7Up); #ifndef JK2_MODE Cmd_AddCommand ("+forcefocus", IN_Button8Down);//special saber attacks Cmd_AddCommand ("-forcefocus", IN_Button8Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+block", IN_Button8Down);//manual blocking Cmd_AddCommand ("-block", IN_Button8Up); #endif Cmd_AddCommand ("+button0", IN_Button0Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button0", IN_Button0Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button1", IN_Button1Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button1", IN_Button1Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button2", IN_Button2Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button2", IN_Button2Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button3", IN_Button3Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button3", IN_Button3Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button4", IN_Button4Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button4", IN_Button4Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button5", IN_Button5Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button5", IN_Button5Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button6", IN_Button6Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button6", IN_Button6Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button7", IN_Button7Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button7", IN_Button7Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button8", IN_Button8Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button8", IN_Button8Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button9", IN_Button9Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button9", IN_Button9Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button10", IN_Button10Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button10", IN_Button10Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button11", IN_Button11Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button11", IN_Button11Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button12", IN_Button12Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button12", IN_Button12Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button13", IN_Button13Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button13", IN_Button13Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button14", IN_Button14Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button14", IN_Button14Up); Cmd_AddCommand ("+button15", IN_Button15Down); Cmd_AddCommand ("-button15", IN_Button15Up); // can add up to button31 this just brings the number of available binds up to par with MP //end buttons Cmd_AddCommand ("+mlook", IN_MLookDown); Cmd_AddCommand ("-mlook", IN_MLookUp); cl_nodelta = Cvar_Get ("cl_nodelta", "0", 0); cl_debugMove = Cvar_Get ("cl_debugMove", "0", 0); }