# Language String Files These are handled in code[mp]/qcommon/stringed_ingame.cpp and stringed_interface.cpp Recursive folder parsing Header (only version is required, but legacy files from Raven editor include) ``` VERSION "1" CONFIG "W:\bin\stringed.cfg" FILENOTES "In-game text for various events" ``` each reference string is denoted by REFERENCE. Quotes not required. NOTES line can exist anywhere if English there will only be LANG_ENGLISH. If the language's string is the same as the english variant it should be "#same" ``` REFERENCE PICKUPLINE NOTES "Printed before item name when pick is obtained" LANG_ENGLISH "Obtained" LANG_GERMAN "Aufgenommen:" ``` Optional token during reference parsing (quotes accepted): ``` FLAGS FLAG_CAPTION FLAG_TYPEMATIC ``` file ends with ``` ENDMARKER ```