/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005, Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015, ioquake3 contributors Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =========================================================================== */ // cvar.c -- dynamic variable tracking #include "q_shared.h" #include "qcommon.h" cvar_t *cvar_vars = NULL; cvar_t *cvar_cheats; int cvar_modifiedFlags; #define MAX_CVARS 8192 cvar_t cvar_indexes[MAX_CVARS]; int cvar_numIndexes; #define FILE_HASH_SIZE 512 static cvar_t* hashTable[FILE_HASH_SIZE]; static qboolean cvar_sort = qfalse; static char *lastMemPool = NULL; static int memPoolSize; //If the string came from the memory pool, don't really free it. The entire //memory pool will be wiped during the next level load. static void Cvar_FreeString(char *string) { if(!lastMemPool || string < lastMemPool || string >= lastMemPool + memPoolSize) { Z_Free(string); } } /* ================ return a hash value for the filename ================ */ static long generateHashValue( const char *fname ) { int i; long hash; char letter; hash = 0; i = 0; while (fname[i] != '\0') { letter = tolower((unsigned char)fname[i]); hash+=(long)(letter)*(i+119); i++; } hash &= (FILE_HASH_SIZE-1); return hash; } /* ============ Cvar_ValidateString ============ */ static qboolean Cvar_ValidateString( const char *s ) { if ( !s ) { return qfalse; } if ( strchr( s, '\\' ) ) { return qfalse; } if ( strchr( s, '\"' ) ) { return qfalse; } if ( strchr( s, ';' ) ) { return qfalse; } return qtrue; } /* ============ Cvar_FindVar ============ */ static cvar_t *Cvar_FindVar( const char *var_name ) { cvar_t *var; long hash; hash = generateHashValue(var_name); for (var=hashTable[hash] ; var ; var=var->hashNext) { if (!Q_stricmp(var_name, var->name)) { return var; } } return NULL; } /* ============ Cvar_VariableValue ============ */ float Cvar_VariableValue( const char *var_name ) { cvar_t *var; var = Cvar_FindVar (var_name); if (!var) return 0; return var->value; } /* ============ Cvar_VariableIntegerValue ============ */ int Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( const char *var_name ) { cvar_t *var; var = Cvar_FindVar (var_name); if (!var) return 0; return var->integer; } /* ============ Cvar_VariableString ============ */ char *Cvar_VariableString( const char *var_name ) { cvar_t *var; var = Cvar_FindVar (var_name); if (!var) return ""; return var->string; } /* ============ Cvar_VariableStringBuffer ============ */ void Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( const char *var_name, char *buffer, int bufsize ) { cvar_t *var; var = Cvar_FindVar (var_name); if (!var) { *buffer = 0; } else { Q_strncpyz( buffer, var->string, bufsize ); } } /* ============ Cvar_Flags ============ */ int Cvar_Flags( const char *var_name ) { cvar_t *var; if(!(var = Cvar_FindVar(var_name))) return CVAR_NONEXISTENT; else { if(var->modified) return var->flags | CVAR_MODIFIED; else return var->flags; } } /* ============ Cvar_CommandCompletion ============ */ void Cvar_CommandCompletion( callbackFunc_t callback ) { cvar_t *cvar; for ( cvar = cvar_vars ; cvar ; cvar = cvar->next ) { if ( (cvar->flags & CVAR_CHEAT) && !cvar_cheats->integer ) { continue; } callback( cvar->name ); } } /* ============ Cvar_Validate ============ */ static const char *Cvar_Validate( cvar_t *var, const char *value, qboolean warn ) { static char s[MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING]; float valuef; qboolean changed = qfalse; if( !var->validate ) return value; if( !value ) return value; if( Q_isanumber( value ) ) { valuef = atof( value ); if( var->integral ) { if( !Q_isintegral( valuef ) ) { if( warn ) Com_Printf( "WARNING: cvar '%s' must be integral", var->name ); valuef = (int)valuef; changed = qtrue; } } } else { if( warn ) Com_Printf( "WARNING: cvar '%s' must be numeric", var->name ); valuef = atof( var->resetString ); changed = qtrue; } if( valuef < var->min ) { if( warn ) { if( changed ) Com_Printf( " and is" ); else Com_Printf( "WARNING: cvar '%s'", var->name ); if( Q_isintegral( var->min ) ) Com_Printf( " out of range (min %d)", (int)var->min ); else Com_Printf( " out of range (min %f)", var->min ); } valuef = var->min; changed = qtrue; } else if( valuef > var->max ) { if( warn ) { if( changed ) Com_Printf( " and is" ); else Com_Printf( "WARNING: cvar '%s'", var->name ); if( Q_isintegral( var->max ) ) Com_Printf( " out of range (max %d)", (int)var->max ); else Com_Printf( " out of range (max %f)", var->max ); } valuef = var->max; changed = qtrue; } if( changed ) { if( Q_isintegral( valuef ) ) { Com_sprintf( s, sizeof( s ), "%d", (int)valuef ); if( warn ) Com_Printf( ", setting to %d\n", (int)valuef ); } else { Com_sprintf( s, sizeof( s ), "%f", valuef ); if( warn ) Com_Printf( ", setting to %f\n", valuef ); } return s; } else return value; } /* ============ Cvar_Get If the variable already exists, the value will not be set unless CVAR_ROM The flags will be or'ed in if the variable exists. ============ */ cvar_t *Cvar_Get( const char *var_name, const char *var_value, int flags ) { cvar_t *var; long hash; int index; if ( !var_name || ! var_value ) { Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Cvar_Get: NULL parameter" ); } if ( !Cvar_ValidateString( var_name ) ) { Com_Printf("invalid cvar name string: %s\n", var_name ); var_name = "BADNAME"; } #if 0 // FIXME: values with backslash happen if ( !Cvar_ValidateString( var_value ) ) { Com_Printf("invalid cvar value string: %s\n", var_value ); var_value = "BADVALUE"; } #endif var = Cvar_FindVar (var_name); if ( var ) { var_value = Cvar_Validate(var, var_value, qfalse); // Make sure the game code cannot mark engine-added variables as gamecode vars if(var->flags & CVAR_VM_CREATED) { if(!(flags & CVAR_VM_CREATED)) var->flags &= ~CVAR_VM_CREATED; } else if (!(var->flags & CVAR_USER_CREATED)) { if(flags & CVAR_VM_CREATED) flags &= ~CVAR_VM_CREATED; } // if the C code is now specifying a variable that the user already // set a value for, take the new value as the reset value if ( var->flags & CVAR_USER_CREATED ) { var->flags &= ~CVAR_USER_CREATED; Cvar_FreeString( var->resetString ); var->resetString = CopyString( var_value ); if(flags & CVAR_ROM) { // this variable was set by the user, // so force it to value given by the engine. if(var->latchedString) Cvar_FreeString(var->latchedString); var->latchedString = CopyString(var_value); } } // Make sure servers cannot mark engine-added variables as SERVER_CREATED if(var->flags & CVAR_SERVER_CREATED) { if(!(flags & CVAR_SERVER_CREATED)) var->flags &= ~CVAR_SERVER_CREATED; } else { if(flags & CVAR_SERVER_CREATED) flags &= ~CVAR_SERVER_CREATED; } var->flags |= flags; // only allow one non-empty reset string without a warning if ( !var->resetString[0] ) { // we don't have a reset string yet Cvar_FreeString( var->resetString ); var->resetString = CopyString( var_value ); } else if ( var_value[0] && strcmp( var->resetString, var_value ) ) { Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: cvar \"%s\" given initial values: \"%s\" and \"%s\"\n", var_name, var->resetString, var_value ); } // if we have a latched string, take that value now if ( var->latchedString ) { char *s; s = var->latchedString; var->latchedString = NULL; // otherwise cvar_set2 would free it Cvar_Set2( var_name, s, qtrue ); Cvar_FreeString( s ); } // ZOID--needs to be set so that cvars the game sets as // SERVERINFO get sent to clients cvar_modifiedFlags |= flags; return var; } // // allocate a new cvar // // find a free cvar for(index = 0; index < MAX_CVARS; index++) { if(!cvar_indexes[index].name) break; } if(index >= MAX_CVARS) { if(!com_errorEntered) Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "Error: Too many cvars, cannot create a new one!"); return NULL; } var = &cvar_indexes[index]; if(index >= cvar_numIndexes) cvar_numIndexes = index + 1; var->name = CopyString (var_name); var->string = CopyString (var_value); var->modified = qtrue; var->modificationCount = 1; var->value = atof (var->string); var->integer = atoi(var->string); var->resetString = CopyString( var_value ); var->validate = qfalse; // link the variable in var->next = cvar_vars; if(cvar_vars) cvar_vars->prev = var; var->prev = NULL; cvar_vars = var; var->flags = flags; // note what types of cvars have been modified (userinfo, archive, serverinfo, systeminfo) cvar_modifiedFlags |= var->flags; hash = generateHashValue(var_name); var->hashIndex = hash; var->hashNext = hashTable[hash]; if(hashTable[hash]) hashTable[hash]->hashPrev = var; var->hashPrev = NULL; hashTable[hash] = var; // sort on write cvar_sort = qtrue; return var; } static void Cvar_QSortByName( cvar_t **a, int n ) { cvar_t *temp; cvar_t *m; int i, j; i = 0; j = n; m = a[ n>>1 ]; do { // sort in descending order while ( strcmp( a[i]->name, m->name ) > 0 ) i++; while ( strcmp( a[j]->name, m->name ) < 0 ) j--; if ( i <= j ) { temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = temp; i++; j--; } } while ( i <= j ); if ( j > 0 ) Cvar_QSortByName( a, j ); if ( n > i ) Cvar_QSortByName( a+i, n-i ); } static void Cvar_Sort( void ) { cvar_t *list[ MAX_CVARS ], *var; int count; int i; for ( count = 0, var = cvar_vars; var; var = var->next ) { if ( var->name ) { list[ count++ ] = var; } else { Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Cvar_Sort: NULL cvar name" ); } } if ( count < 2 ) { return; // nothing to sort } Cvar_QSortByName( &list[0], count-1 ); cvar_vars = NULL; // relink cvars for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { var = list[ i ]; // link the variable in var->next = cvar_vars; if ( cvar_vars ) cvar_vars->prev = var; var->prev = NULL; cvar_vars = var; } } /* ============ Cvar_Print Prints the value, default, and latched string of the given variable ============ */ void Cvar_Print( cvar_t *v ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_GREY "Cvar " S_COLOR_WHITE "%s = " S_COLOR_GREY "\"" S_COLOR_WHITE "%s" S_COLOR_GREY "\"" S_COLOR_WHITE, v->name, v->string ); if ( !(v->flags & CVAR_ROM) ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( v->string, v->resetString ) ) Com_Printf( ", " S_COLOR_WHITE "the default" ); else Com_Printf( ", " S_COLOR_WHITE "default = " S_COLOR_GREY"\"" S_COLOR_WHITE "%s" S_COLOR_GREY "\"" S_COLOR_WHITE, v->resetString ); } Com_Printf( "\n" ); if ( v->latchedString ) Com_Printf( " latched = " S_COLOR_GREY "\"" S_COLOR_WHITE "%s" S_COLOR_GREY "\"\n", v->latchedString ); } /* ============ Cvar_Set2 ============ */ cvar_t *Cvar_Set2( const char *var_name, const char *value, qboolean force ) { cvar_t *var; //Com_DPrintf( "Cvar_Set2: %s %s\n", var_name, value ); if ( !Cvar_ValidateString( var_name ) ) { Com_Printf("invalid cvar name string: %s\n", var_name ); var_name = "BADNAME"; } #if 0 // FIXME if ( value && !Cvar_ValidateString( value ) ) { Com_Printf("invalid cvar value string: %s\n", value ); var_value = "BADVALUE"; } #endif var = Cvar_FindVar (var_name); if (!var) { if ( !value ) { return NULL; } // create it if ( !force ) { return Cvar_Get( var_name, value, CVAR_USER_CREATED ); } else { return Cvar_Get (var_name, value, 0); } } if (!value ) { value = var->resetString; } value = Cvar_Validate(var, value, qtrue); if((var->flags & CVAR_LATCH) && var->latchedString) { if(!strcmp(value, var->string)) { Cvar_FreeString(var->latchedString); var->latchedString = NULL; return var; } if(!strcmp(value, var->latchedString)) return var; } else if(!strcmp(value, var->string)) return var; // note what types of cvars have been modified (userinfo, archive, serverinfo, systeminfo) cvar_modifiedFlags |= var->flags; if (!force) { if (var->flags & CVAR_ROM) { Com_Printf ("%s is read only.\n", var_name); return var; } if (var->flags & CVAR_INIT) { Com_Printf ("%s is write protected.\n", var_name); return var; } if (var->flags & CVAR_LATCH) { if (var->latchedString) { if (strcmp(value, var->latchedString) == 0) return var; Cvar_FreeString (var->latchedString); } else { if (strcmp(value, var->string) == 0) return var; } Com_Printf ("%s will be changed upon restarting.\n", var_name); var->latchedString = CopyString(value); var->modified = qtrue; var->modificationCount++; return var; } if ( (var->flags & CVAR_CHEAT) && !cvar_cheats->integer ) { Com_Printf ("%s is cheat protected.\n", var_name); return var; } } else { if (var->latchedString) { Cvar_FreeString (var->latchedString); var->latchedString = NULL; } } if (!strcmp(value, var->string)) return var; // not changed var->modified = qtrue; var->modificationCount++; Cvar_FreeString (var->string); // free the old value string var->string = CopyString(value); var->value = atof (var->string); var->integer = atoi (var->string); return var; } /* ============ Cvar_Set ============ */ void Cvar_Set( const char *var_name, const char *value) { Cvar_Set2 (var_name, value, qtrue); } /* ============ Cvar_SetValue ============ */ void Cvar_SetValue( const char *var_name, float value) { char val[32]; if ( value == (int)value ) { Com_sprintf (val, sizeof(val), "%i",(int)value); } else { Com_sprintf (val, sizeof(val), "%f",value); } Cvar_Set (var_name, val); } /* ============ Cvar_SetValue2 ============ */ void Cvar_SetValue2( const char *var_name, float value, qboolean force ) { char val[32]; if( Q_isintegral( value ) ) Com_sprintf( val, sizeof(val), "%i", (int)value ); else Com_sprintf( val, sizeof(val), "%f", value ); Cvar_Set2( var_name, val, force ); } /* ============ Cvar_Reset ============ */ void Cvar_Reset( const char *var_name ) { Cvar_Set2( var_name, NULL, qfalse ); } /* ============ Cvar_ForceReset ============ */ void Cvar_ForceReset(const char *var_name) { Cvar_Set2(var_name, NULL, qtrue); } /* ============ Cvar_SetCheatState Any testing variables will be reset to the safe values ============ */ void Cvar_SetCheatState( void ) { cvar_t *var; // set all default vars to the safe value for ( var = cvar_vars ; var ; var = var->next ) { if ( var->flags & CVAR_CHEAT ) { // the CVAR_LATCHED|CVAR_CHEAT vars might escape the reset here // because of a different var->latchedString if (var->latchedString) { Cvar_FreeString(var->latchedString); var->latchedString = NULL; } if (strcmp(var->resetString,var->string)) { Cvar_Set( var->name, var->resetString ); } } } } /* ============ Cvar_Command Handles variable inspection and changing from the console ============ */ qboolean Cvar_Command( void ) { cvar_t *v; // check variables v = Cvar_FindVar (Cmd_Argv(0)); if (!v) { return qfalse; } // perform a variable print or set if ( Cmd_Argc() == 1 ) { Cvar_Print( v ); return qtrue; } // toggle if( !strcmp( Cmd_Argv(1), "!" ) ) { // Swap the value if our command has ! in it (bind p "cg_thirdPeson !") Cvar_SetValue2( v->name, !v->value, qfalse ); return qtrue; } // set the value if forcing isn't required Cvar_Set2 (v->name, Cmd_Args(), qfalse); return qtrue; } /* ============ Cvar_Print_f Prints the contents of a cvar (preferred over Cvar_Command where cvar names and commands conflict) ============ */ void Cvar_Print_f(void) { char *name; cvar_t *cv; if(Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Com_Printf ("usage: print <variable>\n"); return; } name = Cmd_Argv(1); cv = Cvar_FindVar(name); if(cv) Cvar_Print(cv); else Com_Printf ("Cvar %s does not exist.\n", name); } /* ============ Cvar_Toggle_f Toggles a cvar for easy single key binding, optionally through a list of given values ============ */ void Cvar_Toggle_f( void ) { int i, c = Cmd_Argc(); char *curval; if(c < 2) { Com_Printf("usage: toggle <variable> [value1, value2, ...]\n"); return; } if(c == 2) { Cvar_Set2(Cmd_Argv(1), va("%d", !Cvar_VariableValue(Cmd_Argv(1))), qfalse); return; } if(c == 3) { Com_Printf("toggle: nothing to toggle to\n"); return; } curval = Cvar_VariableString(Cmd_Argv(1)); // don't bother checking the last arg for a match since the desired // behaviour is the same as no match (set to the first argument) for(i = 2; i + 1 < c; i++) { if(strcmp(curval, Cmd_Argv(i)) == 0) { Cvar_Set2(Cmd_Argv(1), Cmd_Argv(i + 1), qfalse); return; } } // fallback Cvar_Set2(Cmd_Argv(1), Cmd_Argv(2), qfalse); } /* ============ Cvar_Set_f Allows setting and defining of arbitrary cvars from console, even if they weren't declared in C code. ============ */ void Cvar_Set_f( void ) { int c; char *cmd; cvar_t *v; c = Cmd_Argc(); cmd = Cmd_Argv(0); if ( c < 2 ) { Com_Printf ("usage: %s <variable> <value>\n", cmd); return; } if ( c == 2 ) { Cvar_Print_f(); return; } v = Cvar_Set2 (Cmd_Argv(1), Cmd_ArgsFrom(2), qfalse); if( !v ) { return; } switch( cmd[3] ) { case 'a': if( !( v->flags & CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ) { v->flags |= CVAR_ARCHIVE; cvar_modifiedFlags |= CVAR_ARCHIVE; } break; case 'u': if( !( v->flags & CVAR_USERINFO ) ) { v->flags |= CVAR_USERINFO; cvar_modifiedFlags |= CVAR_USERINFO; } break; case 's': if( !( v->flags & CVAR_SERVERINFO ) ) { v->flags |= CVAR_SERVERINFO; cvar_modifiedFlags |= CVAR_SERVERINFO; } break; } } /* ============ Cvar_Reset_f ============ */ void Cvar_Reset_f( void ) { if ( Cmd_Argc() != 2 ) { Com_Printf ("usage: reset <variable>\n"); return; } Cvar_Reset( Cmd_Argv( 1 ) ); } /* ============ Cvar_WriteVariables Appends lines containing "set variable value" for all variables with the archive flag set to qtrue. ============ */ void Cvar_WriteVariables( fileHandle_t f ) { cvar_t *var; char buffer[1024]; if ( cvar_sort ) { Com_DPrintf( "Cvar_Sort: sort cvars\n" ); cvar_sort = qfalse; Cvar_Sort(); } for ( var = cvar_vars; var; var = var->next ) { if ( !var->name || Q_stricmp( var->name, "cl_cdkey" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( var->flags & CVAR_ARCHIVE ) { // write the latched value, even if it hasn't taken effect yet if ( var->latchedString ) { if( strlen( var->name ) + strlen( var->latchedString ) + 10 > sizeof( buffer ) ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: value of variable " "\"%s\" too long to write to file\n", var->name ); continue; } if ( (var->flags & CVAR_NODEFAULT) && !strcmp( var->latchedString, var->resetString ) ) { continue; } Com_sprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer), "seta %s \"%s\"\n", var->name, var->latchedString); } else { if( strlen( var->name ) + strlen( var->string ) + 10 > sizeof( buffer ) ) { Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: value of variable " "\"%s\" too long to write to file\n", var->name ); continue; } if ( (var->flags & CVAR_NODEFAULT) && !strcmp( var->string, var->resetString ) ) { continue; } Com_sprintf (buffer, sizeof(buffer), "seta %s \"%s\"\n", var->name, var->string); } FS_Write( buffer, strlen( buffer ), f ); } } } /* ============ Cvar_List_f ============ */ void Cvar_List_f( void ) { cvar_t *var = NULL; int i = 0; char *match = NULL; if ( Cmd_Argc() > 1 ) match = Cmd_Argv( 1 ); for ( var=cvar_vars, i=0; var; var=var->next, i++ ) { if ( !var->name || (match && !Com_Filter( match, var->name, qfalse )) ) continue; if (var->flags & CVAR_SERVERINFO) Com_Printf( "S" ); else Com_Printf( " " ); if (var->flags & CVAR_SYSTEMINFO) Com_Printf( "s" ); else Com_Printf( " " ); if (var->flags & CVAR_USERINFO) Com_Printf( "U" ); else Com_Printf( " " ); if (var->flags & CVAR_ROM) Com_Printf( "R" ); else Com_Printf( " " ); if (var->flags & CVAR_INIT) Com_Printf( "I" ); else Com_Printf( " " ); if (var->flags & CVAR_ARCHIVE) Com_Printf( "A" ); else Com_Printf( " " ); if (var->flags & CVAR_LATCH) Com_Printf( "L" ); else Com_Printf( " " ); if (var->flags & CVAR_CHEAT) Com_Printf( "C" ); else Com_Printf( " " ); if (var->flags & CVAR_USER_CREATED) Com_Printf( "?" ); else Com_Printf( " " ); Com_Printf( S_COLOR_WHITE " %s = " S_COLOR_GREY "\"" S_COLOR_WHITE "%s" S_COLOR_GREY "\"" S_COLOR_WHITE, var->name, var->string ); if ( var->latchedString ) Com_Printf( ", latched = " S_COLOR_GREY "\"" S_COLOR_WHITE "%s" S_COLOR_GREY "\"" S_COLOR_WHITE, var->latchedString ); Com_Printf( "\n" ); } Com_Printf( "\n%i total cvars\n", i ); if ( i != cvar_numIndexes ) Com_Printf( "%i cvar indexes\n", cvar_numIndexes ); } void Cvar_ListModified_f( void ) { cvar_t *var = NULL; // build a list of cvars that are modified for ( var=cvar_vars; var; var=var->next ) { char *value = var->latchedString ? var->latchedString : var->string; if ( !var->name || !var->modificationCount || !strcmp( value, var->resetString ) ) continue; Com_Printf( S_COLOR_GREY "Cvar " S_COLOR_WHITE "%s = " S_COLOR_GREY "\"" S_COLOR_WHITE "%s" S_COLOR_GREY "\"" S_COLOR_WHITE ", " S_COLOR_WHITE "default = " S_COLOR_GREY "\"" S_COLOR_WHITE "%s" S_COLOR_GREY "\"" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n", var->name, value, var->resetString ); } } void Cvar_ListUserCreated_f( void ) { cvar_t *var = NULL; uint32_t count = 0; // build a list of cvars that are modified for ( var=cvar_vars; var; var=var->next ) { char *value = var->latchedString ? var->latchedString : var->string; if ( !(var->flags & CVAR_USER_CREATED) ) continue; Com_Printf( S_COLOR_GREY "Cvar " S_COLOR_WHITE "%s = " S_COLOR_GREY "\"" S_COLOR_WHITE "%s" S_COLOR_GREY "\"" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n", var->name, value ); count++; } if ( count > 0 ) Com_Printf( S_COLOR_GREY "Showing " S_COLOR_WHITE "%u" S_COLOR_GREY " user created cvars" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n", count ); else Com_Printf( S_COLOR_GREY "No user created cvars" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n" ); } /* ============ Cvar_Unset Unsets a cvar ============ */ cvar_t *Cvar_Unset(cvar_t *cv) { cvar_t *next = cv->next; // note what types of cvars have been modified (userinfo, archive, serverinfo, systeminfo) cvar_modifiedFlags |= cv->flags; if(cv->name) Cvar_FreeString(cv->name); if(cv->string) Cvar_FreeString(cv->string); if(cv->latchedString) Cvar_FreeString(cv->latchedString); if(cv->resetString) Cvar_FreeString(cv->resetString); if(cv->prev) cv->prev->next = cv->next; else cvar_vars = cv->next; if(cv->next) cv->next->prev = cv->prev; if(cv->hashPrev) cv->hashPrev->hashNext = cv->hashNext; else hashTable[cv->hashIndex] = cv->hashNext; if(cv->hashNext) cv->hashNext->hashPrev = cv->hashPrev; memset(cv, 0, sizeof(*cv)); return next; } /* ============ Cvar_Unset_f Unsets a userdefined cvar ============ */ void Cvar_Unset_f(void) { cvar_t *cv; if(Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Com_Printf("Usage: %s <varname>\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } cv = Cvar_FindVar(Cmd_Argv(1)); if(!cv) return; if(cv->flags & CVAR_USER_CREATED) Cvar_Unset(cv); else Com_Printf("Error: %s: Variable %s is not user created.\n", Cmd_Argv(0), cv->name); } void Cvar_UnsetUserCreated_f(void) { cvar_t *curvar = cvar_vars; uint32_t count = 0; while ( curvar ) { if ( ( curvar->flags & CVAR_USER_CREATED ) ) { // throw out any variables the user created curvar = Cvar_Unset( curvar ); count++; continue; } curvar = curvar->next; } if ( count > 0 ) Com_Printf( S_COLOR_GREY "Removed " S_COLOR_WHITE "%u" S_COLOR_GREY " user created cvars" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n", count ); else Com_Printf( S_COLOR_GREY "No user created cvars to remove" S_COLOR_WHITE "\n" ); } /* ============ Cvar_Restart Resets all cvars to their hardcoded values and removes userdefined variables and variables added via the VMs if requested. ============ */ void Cvar_Restart(qboolean unsetVM) { cvar_t *curvar; curvar = cvar_vars; while(curvar) { if((curvar->flags & CVAR_USER_CREATED) || (unsetVM && (curvar->flags & CVAR_VM_CREATED))) { // throw out any variables the user/vm created curvar = Cvar_Unset(curvar); continue; } if(!(curvar->flags & (CVAR_ROM | CVAR_INIT | CVAR_NORESTART))) { // Just reset the rest to their default values. Cvar_Set2(curvar->name, curvar->resetString, qfalse); } curvar = curvar->next; } } /* ============ Cvar_Restart_f Resets all cvars to their hardcoded values ============ */ void Cvar_Restart_f( void ) { Cvar_Restart(qfalse); } /* ===================== Cvar_InfoString ===================== */ char *Cvar_InfoString( int bit ) { static char info[MAX_INFO_STRING]; cvar_t *var; info[0] = 0; for (var = cvar_vars ; var ; var = var->next) { if (var->name && (var->flags & bit)) { Info_SetValueForKey (info, var->name, var->string); } } return info; } /* ===================== Cvar_InfoStringBuffer ===================== */ void Cvar_InfoStringBuffer( int bit, char* buff, int buffsize ) { Q_strncpyz(buff,Cvar_InfoString(bit),buffsize); } /* ===================== Cvar_CheckRange ===================== */ void Cvar_CheckRange( cvar_t *var, float min, float max, qboolean integral ) { var->validate = qtrue; var->min = min; var->max = max; var->integral = integral; // Force an initial range check Cvar_Set( var->name, var->string ); } /* ===================== Cvar_Register basically a slightly modified Cvar_Get for the interpreted modules ===================== */ void Cvar_Register( vmCvar_t *vmCvar, const char *varName, const char *defaultValue, int flags ) { cvar_t *cv; // There is code in Cvar_Get to prevent CVAR_ROM cvars being changed by the // user. In other words CVAR_ARCHIVE and CVAR_ROM are mutually exclusive // flags. Unfortunately some historical game code (including single player // baseq3) sets both flags. We unset CVAR_ROM for such cvars. if ((flags & (CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_ROM)) == (CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_ROM)) { Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: Unsetting CVAR_ROM cvar '%s', " "since it is also CVAR_ARCHIVE\n", varName ); flags &= ~CVAR_ROM; } cv = Cvar_Get( varName, defaultValue, flags | CVAR_VM_CREATED ); if ( !vmCvar ) { return; } vmCvar->handle = cv - cvar_indexes; vmCvar->modificationCount = -1; Cvar_Update( vmCvar ); } /* ===================== Cvar_Update updates an interpreted modules' version of a cvar ===================== */ void Cvar_Update( vmCvar_t *vmCvar ) { cvar_t *cv = NULL; assert(vmCvar); if ( (unsigned)vmCvar->handle >= (unsigned)cvar_numIndexes ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Cvar_Update: handle %u out of range", (unsigned)vmCvar->handle ); } cv = cvar_indexes + vmCvar->handle; if ( cv->modificationCount == vmCvar->modificationCount ) { return; } if ( !cv->string ) { return; // variable might have been cleared by a cvar_restart } vmCvar->modificationCount = cv->modificationCount; if ( strlen(cv->string)+1 > MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ) Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Cvar_Update: src %s length %u exceeds MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING", cv->string, (unsigned int) strlen(cv->string)); Q_strncpyz( vmCvar->string, cv->string, MAX_CVAR_VALUE_STRING ); vmCvar->value = cv->value; vmCvar->integer = cv->integer; } /* ================== Cvar_CompleteCvarName ================== */ void Cvar_CompleteCvarName( char *args, int argNum ) { if( argNum == 2 ) { // Skip "<cmd> " char *p = Com_SkipTokens( args, 1, " " ); if( p > args ) Field_CompleteCommand( p, qfalse, qtrue ); } } /* ============ Cvar_Init Reads in all archived cvars ============ */ void Cvar_Init (void) { memset( cvar_indexes, 0, sizeof( cvar_indexes ) ); memset( hashTable, 0, sizeof( hashTable ) ); cvar_cheats = Cvar_Get("helpUsObi", "0", CVAR_SYSTEMINFO ); Cmd_AddCommand( "print", Cvar_Print_f ); Cmd_SetCommandCompletionFunc( "print", Cvar_CompleteCvarName ); Cmd_AddCommand( "toggle", Cvar_Toggle_f ); Cmd_SetCommandCompletionFunc( "toggle", Cvar_CompleteCvarName ); Cmd_AddCommand( "set", Cvar_Set_f ); Cmd_SetCommandCompletionFunc( "set", Cvar_CompleteCvarName ); Cmd_AddCommand( "sets", Cvar_Set_f ); Cmd_SetCommandCompletionFunc( "sets", Cvar_CompleteCvarName ); Cmd_AddCommand( "setu", Cvar_Set_f ); Cmd_SetCommandCompletionFunc( "setu", Cvar_CompleteCvarName ); Cmd_AddCommand( "seta", Cvar_Set_f ); Cmd_SetCommandCompletionFunc( "seta", Cvar_CompleteCvarName ); Cmd_AddCommand( "reset", Cvar_Reset_f ); Cmd_SetCommandCompletionFunc( "reset", Cvar_CompleteCvarName ); Cmd_AddCommand( "unset", Cvar_Unset_f ); Cmd_SetCommandCompletionFunc( "unset", Cvar_CompleteCvarName ); Cmd_AddCommand( "unset_usercreated", Cvar_UnsetUserCreated_f ); Cmd_AddCommand( "cvarlist", Cvar_List_f ); Cmd_AddCommand( "cvar_usercreated", Cvar_ListUserCreated_f ); Cmd_AddCommand( "cvar_modified", Cvar_ListModified_f ); Cmd_AddCommand( "cvar_restart", Cvar_Restart_f ); } static void Cvar_Realloc(char **string, char *memPool, int &memPoolUsed) { if(string && *string) { char *temp = memPool + memPoolUsed; strcpy(temp, *string); memPoolUsed += strlen(*string) + 1; Cvar_FreeString(*string); *string = temp; } } //Turns many small allocation blocks into one big one. void Cvar_Defrag(void) { cvar_t *var; int totalMem = 0; int nextMemPoolSize; for (var = cvar_vars; var; var = var->next) { if (var->name) { totalMem += strlen(var->name) + 1; } if (var->string) { totalMem += strlen(var->string) + 1; } if (var->resetString) { totalMem += strlen(var->resetString) + 1; } if (var->latchedString) { totalMem += strlen(var->latchedString) + 1; } } char *mem = (char*)Z_Malloc(totalMem, TAG_SMALL, qfalse); nextMemPoolSize = totalMem; totalMem = 0; for (var = cvar_vars; var; var = var->next) { Cvar_Realloc(&var->name, mem, totalMem); Cvar_Realloc(&var->string, mem, totalMem); Cvar_Realloc(&var->resetString, mem, totalMem); Cvar_Realloc(&var->latchedString, mem, totalMem); } if(lastMemPool) { Z_Free(lastMemPool); } lastMemPool = mem; memPoolSize = nextMemPoolSize; }