/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005, Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =========================================================================== */ #ifndef __BG_PUBLIC_H__ #define __BG_PUBLIC_H__ // bg_public.h -- definitions shared by both the server game and client game modules #include "weapons.h" #include "g_items.h" #include "teams.h" #include "statindex.h" #define DEFAULT_GRAVITY 800 #define GIB_HEALTH -40 #define ARMOR_PROTECTION 0.40 #define MAX_ITEMS 128 #define RANK_TIED_FLAG 0x4000 #define DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_SPREAD 700 #define DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_COUNT 11 #define ITEM_RADIUS 15 // item sizes are needed for client side pickup detection //Player sizes extern float DEFAULT_MINS_0; extern float DEFAULT_MINS_1; extern float DEFAULT_MAXS_0; extern float DEFAULT_MAXS_1; extern float DEFAULT_PLAYER_RADIUS; #define DEFAULT_MINS_2 -24 #define DEFAULT_MAXS_2 40// was 32, but too short for player #define CROUCH_MAXS_2 16 #define ATST_MINS0 -40 #define ATST_MINS1 -40 #define ATST_MINS2 -24 #define ATST_MAXS0 40 #define ATST_MAXS1 40 #define ATST_MAXS2 248 //Player viewheights #define STANDARD_VIEWHEIGHT_OFFSET -4 //#define RAVEN_VIEWHEIGHT_ADJ 2 //#define DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT (26+RAVEN_VIEWHEIGHT_ADJ) //#define CROUCH_VIEWHEIGHT 12 #define DEAD_VIEWHEIGHT -16 //Player movement values #define MIN_WALK_NORMAL 0.7 // can't walk on very steep slopes #define JUMP_VELOCITY 225 // 270 #define STEPSIZE 18 /* =================================================================================== PMOVE MODULE The pmove code takes a player_state_t and a usercmd_t and generates a new player_state_t and some other output data. Used for local prediction on the client game and true movement on the server game. =================================================================================== */ typedef enum { PM_NORMAL, // can accelerate and turn PM_NOCLIP, // noclip movement PM_SPECTATOR, // still run into walls PM_DEAD, // no acceleration or turning, but free falling PM_FREEZE, // stuck in place with no control PM_INTERMISSION // no movement or status bar } pmtype_t; typedef enum { WEAPON_READY, WEAPON_RAISING, WEAPON_DROPPING, WEAPON_FIRING, WEAPON_CHARGING, WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT, WEAPON_IDLE, //lowered } weaponstate_t; // pmove->pm_flags #define PMF_DUCKED (1<<0)//1 #define PMF_JUMP_HELD (1<<1)//2 #define PMF_JUMPING (1<<2)//4 // yes, I really am in a jump -- Mike, you may want to come up with something better here since this is really a temp fix. #define PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP (1<<3)//8 // go into backwards land #define PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN (1<<4)//16 // coast down to backwards run #define PMF_TIME_LAND (1<<5)//32 // pm_time is time before rejump #define PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK (1<<6)//64 // pm_time is an air-accelerate only time #define PMF_TIME_NOFRICTION (1<<7)//128 // pm_time is a no-friction time #define PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP (1<<8)//256 // pm_time is waterjump #define PMF_RESPAWNED (1<<9)//512 // clear after attack and jump buttons come up #define PMF_USEFORCE_HELD (1<<10)//1024 // for debouncing the button #define PMF_JUMP_DUCKED (1<<11)//2048 // viewheight changes in mid-air #define PMF_TRIGGER_PUSHED (1<<12)//4096 // pushed by a trigger_push or other such thing - cannot force jump and will not take impact damage #define PMF_STUCK_TO_WALL (1<<13)//8192 // grabbing a wall #define PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL (1<<14)//16384 // Fall slower until hit ground #define PMF_ATTACK_HELD (1<<15)//32768 // Holding down the attack button #define PMF_ALT_ATTACK_HELD (1<<16)//65536 // Holding down the alt-attack button #define PMF_BUMPED (1<<17)//131072 // Bumped into something #define PMF_FORCE_FOCUS_HELD (1<<18)//262144 // Holding down the saberthrow/kick button #define PMF_FIX_MINS (1<<19)//524288 // Mins raised for dual forward jump, fix them #define PMF_ALL_TIMES (PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP|PMF_TIME_LAND|PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK|PMF_TIME_NOFRICTION) #define MAXTOUCH 32 typedef struct gentity_s gentity_t; typedef struct { // state (in / out) playerState_t *ps; // command (in) usercmd_t cmd; int tracemask; // collide against these types of surfaces int debugLevel; // if set, diagnostic output will be printed qboolean noFootsteps; // if the game is setup for no footsteps by the server // results (out) int numtouch; int touchents[MAXTOUCH]; int useEvent; int altUseEvent; vec3_t mins, maxs; // bounding box size int watertype; int waterlevel; float xyspeed; gentity_s *gent; // Pointer to entity in g_entities[] // callbacks to test the world // these will be different functions during game and cgame void (*trace)( trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t end, const int passEntityNum, const int contentMask, const EG2_Collision eG2TraceType, const int useLod ); int (*pointcontents)( const vec3_t point, int passEntityNum ); } pmove_t; // if a full pmove isn't done on the client, you can just update the angles void PM_UpdateViewAngles( playerState_t *ps, usercmd_t *cmd, gentity_t *gent ); void Pmove( pmove_t *pmove ); #define SETANIM_TORSO 1 #define SETANIM_LEGS 2 #define SETANIM_BOTH (SETANIM_TORSO|SETANIM_LEGS)//3 #define SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL 0//Only set if timer is 0 #define SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE 1//Override previous #define SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD 2//Set the new timer #define SETANIM_FLAG_RESTART 4//Allow restarting the anim if playing the same one (weapon fires) #define SETANIM_FLAG_HOLDLESS 8//Set the new timer #define SETANIM_BLEND_DEFAULT 100 void PM_SetAnim(pmove_t *pm,int setAnimParts,int anim,int setAnimFlags, int blendTime=SETANIM_BLEND_DEFAULT); void PM_SetAnimFinal(int *torsoAnim,int *legsAnim,int type,int anim,int priority,int *torsoAnimTimer,int *legsAnimTimer,gentity_t *gent,int blendTime=SETANIM_BLEND_DEFAULT); //=================================================================================== // player_state->persistant[] indexes // these fields are the only part of player_state that isn't // cleared on respawn // // NOTE!!! Even though this is an enum, the array that contains these uses #define MAX_PERSISTANT 16 in q_shared.h, // so be careful how many you add since it'll just overflow without telling you -slc // typedef enum { PERS_SCORE, // !!! MUST NOT CHANGE, SERVER AND GAME BOTH REFERENCE !!! PERS_HITS, // total points damage inflicted so damage beeps can sound on change PERS_TEAM, PERS_SPAWN_COUNT, // incremented every respawn // PERS_REWARD_COUNT, // incremented for each reward sound PERS_ATTACKER, // clientnum of last damage inflicter PERS_KILLED, // count of the number of times you died PERS_ACCURACY_SHOTS, // scoreboard - number of player shots PERS_ACCURACY_HITS, // scoreboard - number of player shots that hit an enemy PERS_ENEMIES_KILLED, // scoreboard - number of enemies player killed PERS_TEAMMATES_KILLED // scoreboard - number of teammates killed } persEnum_t; // entityState_t->eFlags #define EF_HELD_BY_SAND_CREATURE 0x00000001 // In a sand creature's mouth #define EF_HELD_BY_RANCOR 0x00000002 // Being held by Rancor #define EF_TELEPORT_BIT 0x00000004 // toggled every time the origin abruptly changes #define EF_SHADER_ANIM 0x00000008 // Animating shader (by s.frame) #define EF_BOUNCE 0x00000010 // for missiles #define EF_BOUNCE_HALF 0x00000020 // for missiles #define EF_MISSILE_STICK 0x00000040 // missiles that stick to the wall. #define EF_NODRAW 0x00000080 // may have an event, but no model (unspawned items) #define EF_FIRING 0x00000100 // for lightning gun #define EF_ALT_FIRING 0x00000200 // for alt-fires, mostly for lightning guns though #define EF_VEH_BOARDING 0x00000400 // Whether a vehicle is being boarded or not. #define EF_AUTO_SIZE 0x00000800 // CG_Ents will create the mins & max itself based on model bounds #define EF_BOUNCE_SHRAPNEL 0x00001000 // special shrapnel flag #define EF_USE_ANGLEDELTA 0x00002000 // Not used. #define EF_ANIM_ALLFAST 0x00004000 // automatically cycle through all frames at 10hz #define EF_ANIM_ONCE 0x00008000 // cycle through all frames just once then stop #define EF_HELD_BY_WAMPA 0x00010000 // being held by the Wampa #define EF_PROX_TRIP 0x00020000 // Proximity trip mine has been activated #define EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON 0x00040000 // When we use an emplaced weapon, we turn this on to lock us to that weapon //rest not sent over net? #define EF_PERMANENT 0x00080000 // this entity is permanent and is never updated (sent only in the game state) #define EF_SPOTLIGHT 0x00100000 // Your lights are on... #define EF_PLANTED_CHARGE 0x00200000 // For detpack charge #define EF_POWERING_ROSH 0x00400000 // Only for Twins powering up Rosh #define EF_FORCE_VISIBLE 0x00800000 // Always visible with force sight #define EF_IN_ATST 0x01000000 // Driving an ATST #define EF_DISINTEGRATION 0x02000000 // Disruptor effect #define EF_LESS_ATTEN 0x04000000 // Use less sound attenuation (louder even when farther). #define EF_JETPACK_ACTIVE 0x08000000 // Not used #define EF_DISABLE_SHADER_ANIM 0x10000000 // Normally shader animation chugs along, but movers can force shader animation to be on frame 1 #define EF_FORCE_GRIPPED 0x20000000 // Force gripped effect #define EF_FORCE_DRAINED 0x40000000 // Force drained effect #define EF_BLOCKED_MOVER 0x80000000 // for movers that are blocked - shared with previous typedef enum { PW_NONE, PW_QUAD,// This can go away PW_BATTLESUIT, PW_HASTE,// This can go away PW_CLOAKED, PW_UNCLOAKING, PW_DISRUPTION, PW_GALAK_SHIELD, // PW_WEAPON_OVERCHARGE, PW_SEEKER, PW_SHOCKED,//electricity effect PW_DRAINED,//drain effect PW_DISINT_2,//ghost PW_INVINCIBLE, PW_FORCE_PUSH, PW_FORCE_PUSH_RHAND, PW_NUM_POWERUPS } powerup_t; #define PW_REMOVE_AT_DEATH ((1<<PW_QUAD)|(1<<PW_BATTLESUIT)|(1<<PW_HASTE)|(1<<PW_CLOAKED)|(1<<PW_UNCLOAKING)|(1<<PW_UNCLOAKING)|(1<<PW_GALAK_SHIELD)|(1<<PW_DISINT_2)|(1<<PW_INVINCIBLE)|(1<<PW_SEEKER)) // entityState_t->event values // entity events are for effects that take place relative // to an existing entities origin. Very network efficient. // two bits at the top of the entityState->event field // will be incremented with each change in the event so // that an identical event started twice in a row can // be distinguished. And off the value with ~EV_EVENT_BITS // to retrieve the actual event number #define EV_EVENT_BIT1 0x00000100 #define EV_EVENT_BIT2 0x00000200 #define EV_EVENT_BITS (EV_EVENT_BIT1|EV_EVENT_BIT2) typedef enum { EV_NONE, EV_FOOTSTEP, EV_FOOTSTEP_METAL, EV_FOOTSPLASH, EV_FOOTWADE, EV_SWIM, EV_STEP_4, EV_STEP_8, EV_STEP_12, EV_STEP_16, EV_FALL_SHORT, EV_FALL_MEDIUM, EV_FALL_FAR, EV_JUMP, EV_ROLL, EV_WATER_TOUCH, // foot touches EV_WATER_LEAVE, // foot leaves EV_WATER_UNDER, // head touches EV_WATER_CLEAR, // head leaves EV_WATER_GURP1, // need air 1 EV_WATER_GURP2, // need air 2 EV_WATER_DROWN, // drowned EV_LAVA_TOUCH, // foot touches EV_LAVA_LEAVE, // foot leaves EV_LAVA_UNDER, // head touches EV_ITEM_PICKUP, EV_NOAMMO, EV_CHANGE_WEAPON, EV_FIRE_WEAPON, EV_ALT_FIRE, EV_POWERUP_SEEKER_FIRE, EV_POWERUP_BATTLESUIT, EV_USE, EV_REPLICATOR, EV_BATTERIES_CHARGED, EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE, // eventParm will be the soundindex EV_MISSILE_STICK, // eventParm will be the soundindex EV_BMODEL_SOUND, EV_GENERAL_SOUND, EV_GLOBAL_SOUND, // no attenuation EV_PLAY_EFFECT, EV_PLAY_MUZZLE_EFFECT, EV_STOP_EFFECT, EV_TARGET_BEAM_DRAW, EV_DISRUPTOR_MAIN_SHOT, EV_DISRUPTOR_SNIPER_SHOT, EV_DISRUPTOR_SNIPER_MISS, EV_DEMP2_ALT_IMPACT, //NEW for JKA weapons: EV_CONC_ALT_SHOT, EV_CONC_ALT_MISS, //END JKA weapons EV_PAIN, EV_DEATH1, EV_DEATH2, EV_DEATH3, EV_MISSILE_HIT, EV_MISSILE_MISS, EV_DISINTEGRATION, EV_ANGER1, //Say when acquire an enemy when didn't have one before EV_ANGER2, EV_ANGER3, EV_VICTORY1, //Say when killed an enemy EV_VICTORY2, EV_VICTORY3, EV_CONFUSE1, //Say when confused EV_CONFUSE2, EV_CONFUSE3, EV_PUSHED1, //Say when pushed EV_PUSHED2, EV_PUSHED3, EV_CHOKE1, //Say when choking EV_CHOKE2, EV_CHOKE3, EV_FFWARN, //ffire founds EV_FFTURN, //extra sounds for ST EV_CHASE1, EV_CHASE2, EV_CHASE3, EV_COVER1, EV_COVER2, EV_COVER3, EV_COVER4, EV_COVER5, EV_DETECTED1, EV_DETECTED2, EV_DETECTED3, EV_DETECTED4, EV_DETECTED5, EV_LOST1, EV_OUTFLANK1, EV_OUTFLANK2, EV_ESCAPING1, EV_ESCAPING2, EV_ESCAPING3, EV_GIVEUP1, EV_GIVEUP2, EV_GIVEUP3, EV_GIVEUP4, EV_LOOK1, EV_LOOK2, EV_SIGHT1, EV_SIGHT2, EV_SIGHT3, EV_SOUND1, EV_SOUND2, EV_SOUND3, EV_SUSPICIOUS1, EV_SUSPICIOUS2, EV_SUSPICIOUS3, EV_SUSPICIOUS4, EV_SUSPICIOUS5, //extra sounds for Jedi EV_COMBAT1, EV_COMBAT2, EV_COMBAT3, EV_JDETECTED1, EV_JDETECTED2, EV_JDETECTED3, EV_TAUNT1, EV_TAUNT2, EV_TAUNT3, EV_JCHASE1, EV_JCHASE2, EV_JCHASE3, EV_JLOST1, EV_JLOST2, EV_JLOST3, EV_DEFLECT1, EV_DEFLECT2, EV_DEFLECT3, EV_GLOAT1, EV_GLOAT2, EV_GLOAT3, EV_PUSHFAIL, EV_USE_ITEM, EV_USE_INV_BINOCULARS, EV_USE_INV_BACTA, EV_USE_INV_SEEKER, EV_USE_INV_LIGHTAMP_GOGGLES, EV_USE_INV_SENTRY, EV_USE_FORCE, EV_DRUGGED, // hit by an interrogator EV_DEBUG_LINE, EV_KOTHOS_BEAM, EV_NUM_ENTITY_EVENTS } entity_event_t; class animation_t { public: unsigned short firstFrame; unsigned short numFrames; short frameLerp; // msec between frames //initial lerp is abs(frameLerp) signed char loopFrames; // 0 to numFrames, -1 = no loop unsigned char glaIndex; void sg_export( ojk::SavedGameHelper& saved_game) const { saved_game.write<uint16_t>(firstFrame); saved_game.write<uint16_t>(numFrames); saved_game.write<int16_t>(frameLerp); saved_game.write<int8_t>(loopFrames); saved_game.write<uint8_t>(glaIndex); } void sg_import( ojk::SavedGameHelper& saved_game) { saved_game.read<uint16_t>(firstFrame); saved_game.read<uint16_t>(numFrames); saved_game.read<int16_t>(frameLerp); saved_game.read<int8_t>(loopFrames); saved_game.read<uint8_t>(glaIndex); } }; // animation_t #define MAX_ANIM_FILES 16 #define MAX_ANIM_EVENTS 300 //size of Anim eventData array... #define MAX_RANDOM_ANIM_SOUNDS 8 #define AED_ARRAY_SIZE (MAX_RANDOM_ANIM_SOUNDS+3) //indices for AEV_SOUND data #define AED_SOUNDINDEX_START 0 #define AED_SOUNDINDEX_END (MAX_RANDOM_ANIM_SOUNDS-1) #define AED_SOUND_NUMRANDOMSNDS (MAX_RANDOM_ANIM_SOUNDS) #define AED_SOUND_PROBABILITY (MAX_RANDOM_ANIM_SOUNDS+1) //indices for AEV_SOUNDCHAN data #define AED_SOUNDCHANNEL (MAX_RANDOM_ANIM_SOUNDS+2) //indices for AEV_FOOTSTEP data #define AED_FOOTSTEP_TYPE 0 #define AED_FOOTSTEP_PROBABILITY 1 //indices for AEV_EFFECT data #define AED_EFFECTINDEX 0 #define AED_BOLTINDEX 1 #define AED_EFFECT_PROBABILITY 2 #define AED_MODELINDEX 3 //indices for AEV_FIRE data #define AED_FIRE_ALT 0 #define AED_FIRE_PROBABILITY 1 //indices for AEV_MOVE data #define AED_MOVE_FWD 0 #define AED_MOVE_RT 1 #define AED_MOVE_UP 2 //indices for AEV_SABER_SWING data #define AED_SABER_SWING_SABERNUM 0 #define AED_SABER_SWING_TYPE 1 #define AED_SABER_SWING_PROBABILITY 2 //indices for AEV_SABER_SPIN data #define AED_SABER_SPIN_SABERNUM 0 #define AED_SABER_SPIN_TYPE 1 //0 = saberspinoff, 1 = saberspin, 2-4 = saberspin1-saberspin3 #define AED_SABER_SPIN_PROBABILITY 2 typedef enum {//NOTENOTE: Be sure to update animEventTypeTable and ParseAnimationEvtBlock(...) if you change this enum list! AEV_NONE, AEV_SOUND, //# animID AEV_SOUND framenum soundpath randomlow randomhi chancetoplay AEV_FOOTSTEP, //# animID AEV_FOOTSTEP framenum footstepType chancetoplay AEV_EFFECT, //# animID AEV_EFFECT framenum effectpath boltName chancetoplay AEV_FIRE, //# animID AEV_FIRE framenum altfire chancetofire AEV_MOVE, //# animID AEV_MOVE framenum forwardpush rightpush uppush AEV_SOUNDCHAN, //# animID AEV_SOUNDCHAN framenum CHANNEL soundpath randomlow randomhi chancetoplay AEV_SABER_SWING, //# animID AEV_SABER_SWING framenum CHANNEL randomlow randomhi chancetoplay AEV_SABER_SPIN, //# animID AEV_SABER_SPIN framenum CHANNEL chancetoplay AEV_NUM_AEV } animEventType_t; typedef struct animevent_s { animEventType_t eventType; signed short modelOnly; //event is specific to a modelname to skeleton unsigned short glaIndex; unsigned short keyFrame; //Frame to play event on signed short eventData[AED_ARRAY_SIZE]; //Unique IDs, can be soundIndex of sound file to play OR effect index or footstep type, etc. char *stringData; //we allow storage of one string, temporarily (in case we have to look up an index later, then make sure to set stringData to NULL so we only do the look-up once) void sg_export( ojk::SavedGameHelper& saved_game) const { saved_game.write<int32_t>(eventType); saved_game.write<int16_t>(modelOnly); saved_game.write<uint16_t>(glaIndex); saved_game.write<uint16_t>(keyFrame); saved_game.write<int16_t>(eventData); saved_game.write<int32_t>(stringData); } void sg_import( ojk::SavedGameHelper& saved_game) { saved_game.read<int32_t>(eventType); saved_game.read<int16_t>(modelOnly); saved_game.read<uint16_t>(glaIndex); saved_game.read<uint16_t>(keyFrame); saved_game.read<int16_t>(eventData); saved_game.read<int32_t>(stringData); } } animevent_t; typedef enum { FOOTSTEP_R, FOOTSTEP_L, FOOTSTEP_HEAVY_R, FOOTSTEP_HEAVY_L, NUM_FOOTSTEP_TYPES } footstepType_t; // means of death typedef enum { MOD_UNKNOWN, // weapons MOD_SABER, MOD_BRYAR, MOD_BRYAR_ALT, MOD_BLASTER, MOD_BLASTER_ALT, MOD_DISRUPTOR, MOD_SNIPER, MOD_BOWCASTER, MOD_BOWCASTER_ALT, MOD_REPEATER, MOD_REPEATER_ALT, MOD_DEMP2, MOD_DEMP2_ALT, MOD_FLECHETTE, MOD_FLECHETTE_ALT, MOD_ROCKET, MOD_ROCKET_ALT, //NEW for JKA weapons: MOD_CONC, MOD_CONC_ALT, //END JKA weapons. MOD_THERMAL, MOD_THERMAL_ALT, MOD_DETPACK, MOD_LASERTRIP, MOD_LASERTRIP_ALT, MOD_MELEE, MOD_SEEKER, MOD_FORCE_GRIP, MOD_FORCE_LIGHTNING, MOD_FORCE_DRAIN, MOD_EMPLACED, // world / generic MOD_ELECTROCUTE, MOD_EXPLOSIVE, MOD_EXPLOSIVE_SPLASH, MOD_KNOCKOUT, MOD_ENERGY, MOD_ENERGY_SPLASH, MOD_WATER, MOD_SLIME, MOD_LAVA, MOD_CRUSH, MOD_IMPACT, MOD_FALLING, MOD_SUICIDE, MOD_TRIGGER_HURT, MOD_GAS, NUM_MODS, } meansOfDeath_t; //--------------------------------------------------------- // gitem_t->type typedef enum { IT_BAD, IT_WEAPON, IT_AMMO, IT_ARMOR, IT_HEALTH, IT_HOLDABLE, IT_BATTERY, IT_HOLOCRON, } itemType_t; typedef struct gitem_s { const char *classname; // spawning name const char *pickup_sound; const char *world_model; const char *icon; int quantity; // for ammo how much, or duration of powerup itemType_t giType; // IT_* flags int giTag; const char *precaches; // string of all models and images this item will use const char *sounds; // string of all sounds this item will use vec3_t mins; // Bbox vec3_t maxs; // Bbox } gitem_t; // included in both the game dll and the client extern gitem_t bg_itemlist[]; extern const int bg_numItems; //============================================================================== /* typedef struct ginfoitem_s { char *infoString;// Text message vec3_t color; // Text color } ginfoitem_t; */ //============================================================================== extern weaponData_t weaponData[WP_NUM_WEAPONS]; //============================================================================== extern ammoData_t ammoData[AMMO_MAX]; //============================================================================== gitem_t *FindItem( const char *className ); gitem_t *FindItemForWeapon( weapon_t weapon ); gitem_t *FindItemForInventory( int inv ); #define ITEM_INDEX(x) ((x)-bg_itemlist) qboolean BG_CanItemBeGrabbed( const entityState_t *ent, const playerState_t *ps ); // content masks #define MASK_ALL (-1) #define MASK_SOLID (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_TERRAIN) #define MASK_PLAYERSOLID (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|CONTENTS_BODY|CONTENTS_TERRAIN) #define MASK_NPCSOLID (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP|CONTENTS_BODY|CONTENTS_TERRAIN) #define MASK_DEADSOLID (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|CONTENTS_TERRAIN) #define MASK_WATER (CONTENTS_WATER|CONTENTS_LAVA|CONTENTS_SLIME) #define MASK_OPAQUE (CONTENTS_OPAQUE|CONTENTS_SLIME|CONTENTS_LAVA)//was CONTENTS_SOLID, not CONTENTS_OPAQUE...? /* Ghoul2 Insert Start */ #define MASK_SHOT (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_BODY|CONTENTS_CORPSE|CONTENTS_SHOTCLIP|CONTENTS_TERRAIN) /* Ghoul2 Insert End */ // // entityState_t->eType // typedef enum { ET_GENERAL, ET_PLAYER, ET_ITEM, ET_MISSILE, ET_MOVER, ET_BEAM, ET_PORTAL, ET_SPEAKER, ET_PUSH_TRIGGER, ET_TELEPORT_TRIGGER, ET_INVISIBLE, ET_THINKER, ET_CLOUD, // dumb ET_TERRAIN, ET_EVENTS // any of the EV_* events can be added freestanding // by setting eType to ET_EVENTS + eventNum // this avoids having to set eFlags and eventNum } entityType_t; void EvaluateTrajectory( const trajectory_t *tr, int atTime, vec3_t result ); void EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( const trajectory_t *tr, int atTime, vec3_t result ); void AddEventToPlayerstate( int newEvent, int eventParm, playerState_t *ps ); int CurrentPlayerstateEvent( playerState_t *ps ); void PlayerStateToEntityState( playerState_t *ps, entityState_t *s ); qboolean BG_PlayerTouchesItem( playerState_t *ps, entityState_t *item, int atTime ); #endif//#ifndef __BG_PUBLIC_H__