/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005, Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015, ioquake3 contributors Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =========================================================================== */ // console.c #include "server/exe_headers.h" #include "client.h" #include "qcommon/stringed_ingame.h" #include "qcommon/stv_version.h" int g_console_field_width = 78; console_t con; cvar_t *con_conspeed; cvar_t *con_notifytime; cvar_t *con_opacity; // background alpha multiplier cvar_t *con_autoclear; #define DEFAULT_CONSOLE_WIDTH 78 vec4_t console_color = {0.509f, 0.609f, 0.847f, 1.0f}; /* ================ Con_ToggleConsole_f ================ */ void Con_ToggleConsole_f (void) { // closing a full screen console restarts the demo loop if ( cls.state == CA_DISCONNECTED && Key_GetCatcher( ) == KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ) { // CL_StartDemoLoop(); return; } if( con_autoclear->integer ) Field_Clear( &g_consoleField ); g_consoleField.widthInChars = g_console_field_width; Con_ClearNotify (); Key_SetCatcher( Key_GetCatcher( ) ^ KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ); } /* =================== Con_ToggleMenu_f =================== */ void Con_ToggleMenu_f( void ) { CL_KeyEvent( A_ESCAPE, qtrue, Sys_Milliseconds() ); CL_KeyEvent( A_ESCAPE, qfalse, Sys_Milliseconds() ); } /* ================ Con_Clear_f ================ */ void Con_Clear_f (void) { int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < CON_TEXTSIZE ; i++ ) { con.text[i] = (ColorIndex(COLOR_WHITE)<<8) | ' '; } Con_Bottom(); // go to end } /* ================ Con_Dump_f Save the console contents out to a file ================ */ void Con_Dump_f (void) { int l, x, i; short *line; fileHandle_t f; int bufferlen; char *buffer; char filename[MAX_QPATH]; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Com_Printf ("%s\n", SE_GetString("CON_TEXT_DUMP_USAGE")); return; } Q_strncpyz( filename, Cmd_Argv( 1 ), sizeof( filename ) ); COM_DefaultExtension( filename, sizeof( filename ), ".txt" ); if(!COM_CompareExtension(filename, ".txt")) { Com_Printf( "Con_Dump_f: Only the \".txt\" extension is supported by this command!\n" ); return; } f = FS_FOpenFileWrite( filename ); if (!f) { Com_Printf ("ERROR: couldn't open %s.\n", filename); return; } Com_Printf ("Dumped console text to %s.\n", filename ); // skip empty lines for (l = con.current - con.totallines + 1 ; l <= con.current ; l++) { line = con.text + (l%con.totallines)*con.linewidth; for (x=0 ; x<con.linewidth ; x++) if ((line[x] & 0xff) != ' ') break; if (x != con.linewidth) break; } #ifdef _WIN32 bufferlen = con.linewidth + 3 * sizeof ( char ); #else bufferlen = con.linewidth + 2 * sizeof ( char ); #endif buffer = (char *)Z_Malloc( bufferlen, TAG_TEMP_WORKSPACE, qfalse ); // write the remaining lines buffer[bufferlen-1] = 0; for ( ; l <= con.current ; l++) { line = con.text + (l%con.totallines)*con.linewidth; for(i=0; i<con.linewidth; i++) buffer[i] = (char) (line[i] & 0xff); for (x=con.linewidth-1 ; x>=0 ; x--) { if (buffer[x] == ' ') buffer[x] = 0; else break; } #ifdef _WIN32 Q_strcat(buffer, bufferlen, "\r\n"); #else Q_strcat(buffer, bufferlen, "\n"); #endif FS_Write(buffer, strlen(buffer), f); } Z_Free( buffer ); FS_FCloseFile( f ); } /* ================ Con_ClearNotify ================ */ void Con_ClearNotify( void ) { int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < NUM_CON_TIMES ; i++ ) { con.times[i] = 0; } } /* ================ Con_CheckResize If the line width has changed, reformat the buffer. ================ */ void Con_CheckResize (void) { int i, j, width, oldwidth, oldtotallines, numlines, numchars; short tbuf[CON_TEXTSIZE]; //width = (SCREEN_WIDTH / SMALLCHAR_WIDTH) - 2; width = (cls.glconfig.vidWidth / SMALLCHAR_WIDTH) - 2; if (width == con.linewidth) return; if (width < 1) // video hasn't been initialized yet { con.xadjust = 1; con.yadjust = 1; width = DEFAULT_CONSOLE_WIDTH; con.linewidth = width; con.totallines = CON_TEXTSIZE / con.linewidth; for(i=0; i<CON_TEXTSIZE; i++) { con.text[i] = (ColorIndex(COLOR_WHITE)<<8) | ' '; } } else { // on wide screens, we will center the text con.xadjust = 640.0f / cls.glconfig.vidWidth; con.yadjust = 480.0f / cls.glconfig.vidHeight; oldwidth = con.linewidth; con.linewidth = width; oldtotallines = con.totallines; con.totallines = CON_TEXTSIZE / con.linewidth; numlines = oldtotallines; if (con.totallines < numlines) numlines = con.totallines; numchars = oldwidth; if (con.linewidth < numchars) numchars = con.linewidth; memcpy (tbuf, con.text, CON_TEXTSIZE * sizeof(short)); for(i=0; i<CON_TEXTSIZE; i++) con.text[i] = (ColorIndex(COLOR_WHITE)<<8) | ' '; for (i=0 ; i<numlines ; i++) { for (j=0 ; j<numchars ; j++) { con.text[(con.totallines - 1 - i) * con.linewidth + j] = tbuf[((con.current - i + oldtotallines) % oldtotallines) * oldwidth + j]; } } Con_ClearNotify (); } con.current = con.totallines - 1; con.display = con.current; } /* ================== Cmd_CompleteTxtName ================== */ void Cmd_CompleteTxtName( char *args, int argNum ) { if ( argNum == 2 ) Field_CompleteFilename( "", "txt", qfalse, qtrue ); } /* ================ Con_Init ================ */ void Con_Init (void) { int i; con_notifytime = Cvar_Get ("con_notifytime", "3", 0); con_conspeed = Cvar_Get ("scr_conspeed", "3", 0); Cvar_CheckRange (con_conspeed, 1.0f, 100.0f, qfalse); con_opacity = Cvar_Get ("con_opacity", "0.8", CVAR_ARCHIVE_ND); con_autoclear = Cvar_Get ("con_autoclear", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE_ND); Field_Clear( &g_consoleField ); g_consoleField.widthInChars = g_console_field_width; for ( i = 0 ; i < COMMAND_HISTORY ; i++ ) { Field_Clear( &historyEditLines[i] ); historyEditLines[i].widthInChars = g_console_field_width; } Cmd_AddCommand ("toggleconsole", Con_ToggleConsole_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("togglemenu", Con_ToggleMenu_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("clear", Con_Clear_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("condump", Con_Dump_f); Cmd_SetCommandCompletionFunc( "condump", Cmd_CompleteTxtName ); } /* =============== Con_Linefeed =============== */ void Con_Linefeed (void) { int i; // mark time for transparent overlay if (con.current >= 0) con.times[con.current % NUM_CON_TIMES] = cls.realtime; con.x = 0; if (con.display == con.current) con.display++; con.current++; for(i=0; i<con.linewidth; i++) con.text[(con.current%con.totallines)*con.linewidth+i] = (ColorIndex(COLOR_WHITE)<<8) | ' '; } /* ================ CL_ConsolePrint Handles cursor positioning, line wrapping, etc All console printing must go through this in order to be logged to disk If no console is visible, the text will appear at the top of the game window ================ */ void CL_ConsolePrint( char *txt ) { int y; int c, l; int color; // for some demos we don't want to ever show anything on the console if ( cl_noprint && cl_noprint->integer ) { return; } if (!con.initialized) { con.color[0] = con.color[1] = con.color[2] = con.color[3] = 1.0f; con.linewidth = -1; Con_CheckResize (); con.initialized = qtrue; } color = ColorIndex(COLOR_WHITE); while ( (c = (unsigned char )*txt) != 0 ) { if ( Q_IsColorString( (unsigned char*) txt ) ) { color = ColorIndex( *(txt+1) ); txt += 2; continue; } // count word length for (l=0 ; l< con.linewidth ; l++) { if ( txt[l] <= ' ') { break; } } // word wrap if (l != con.linewidth && (con.x + l >= con.linewidth) ) { Con_Linefeed(); } txt++; switch (c) { case '\n': Con_Linefeed (); break; case '\r': con.x = 0; break; default: // display character and advance y = con.current % con.totallines; con.text[y*con.linewidth+con.x] = (color << 8) | c; con.x++; if (con.x >= con.linewidth) { Con_Linefeed(); con.x = 0; } break; } } // mark time for transparent overlay if (con.current >= 0) con.times[con.current % NUM_CON_TIMES] = cls.realtime; } /* ============================================================================== DRAWING ============================================================================== */ /* ================ Con_DrawInput Draw the editline after a ] prompt ================ */ void Con_DrawInput (void) { int y; if ( cls.state != CA_DISCONNECTED && !(Key_GetCatcher( ) & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ) ) { return; } y = con.vislines - ( SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT * (re.Language_IsAsian() ? 1.5 : 2) ); re.SetColor( con.color ); SCR_DrawSmallChar( con.xadjust + 1 * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, y, CONSOLE_PROMPT_CHAR ); Field_Draw( &g_consoleField, con.xadjust + 2 * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, y, SCREEN_WIDTH - 3 * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, qtrue, qtrue ); } /* ================ Con_DrawNotify Draws the last few lines of output transparently over the game top ================ */ void Con_DrawNotify (void) { int x, v; short *text; int i; int time; int currentColor; currentColor = 7; re.SetColor( g_color_table[currentColor] ); v = 0; for (i= con.current-NUM_CON_TIMES+1 ; i<=con.current ; i++) { if (i < 0) continue; time = con.times[i % NUM_CON_TIMES]; if (time == 0) continue; time = cls.realtime - time; if (time > con_notifytime->value*1000) continue; text = con.text + (i % con.totallines)*con.linewidth; // asian language needs to use the new font system to print glyphs... // // (ignore colours since we're going to print the whole thing as one string) // if (re.Language_IsAsian()) { int iFontIndex = re.RegisterFont("ocr_a"); // this seems naughty const float fFontScale = 0.75f*con.yadjust; const int iPixelHeightToAdvance = 2+(1.3/con.yadjust) * re.Font_HeightPixels(iFontIndex, fFontScale); // for asian spacing, since we don't want glyphs to touch. // concat the text to be printed... // char sTemp[4096]={0}; // ott for (x = 0 ; x < con.linewidth ; x++) { if ( ( (text[x]>>8)&Q_COLOR_BITS ) != currentColor ) { currentColor = (text[x]>>8)&Q_COLOR_BITS; strcat(sTemp,va("^%i", (text[x]>>8)&Q_COLOR_BITS) ); } strcat(sTemp,va("%c",text[x] & 0xFF)); } // // and print... // re.Font_DrawString(con.xadjust*(con.xadjust + (1*SMALLCHAR_WIDTH/*aesthetics*/)), con.yadjust*(v), sTemp, g_color_table[currentColor], iFontIndex, -1, fFontScale); v += iPixelHeightToAdvance; } else { for (x = 0 ; x < con.linewidth ; x++) { if ( ( text[x] & 0xff ) == ' ' ) { continue; } if ( ( (text[x]>>8)&Q_COLOR_BITS ) != currentColor ) { currentColor = (text[x]>>8)&Q_COLOR_BITS; re.SetColor( g_color_table[currentColor] ); } SCR_DrawSmallChar( con.xadjust + (x+1)*SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, v, text[x] & 0xff ); } v += SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; } } re.SetColor( NULL ); } /* ================ Con_DrawSolidConsole Draws the console with the solid background ================ */ void Con_DrawSolidConsole( float frac ) { int i, x, y; int rows; short *text; int row; int lines; int currentColor; lines = cls.glconfig.vidHeight * frac; if (lines <= 0) return; if (lines > cls.glconfig.vidHeight ) lines = cls.glconfig.vidHeight; // draw the background y = frac * SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2; if ( y < 1 ) { y = 0; } else { // draw the background at full opacity only if fullscreen if (frac < 1.0f) { vec4_t con_color; MAKERGBA(con_color, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Com_Clamp(0.0f, 1.0f, con_opacity->value)); re.SetColor(con_color); } else { re.SetColor(NULL); } SCR_DrawPic( 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, y, cls.consoleShader); } // draw the bottom bar and version number re.SetColor( console_color ); re.DrawStretchPic( 0, y, SCREEN_WIDTH, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, cls.whiteShader ); i = strlen( Q3_VERSION ); for (x=0 ; x<i ; x++) { SCR_DrawSmallChar( cls.glconfig.vidWidth - ( i - x + 1 ) * SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, (lines-(SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT+SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT/2)), Q3_VERSION[x] ); } // draw the text con.vislines = lines; rows = (lines-SMALLCHAR_WIDTH)/SMALLCHAR_WIDTH; // rows of text to draw y = lines - (SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT*3); // draw from the bottom up if (con.display != con.current) { // draw arrows to show the buffer is backscrolled re.SetColor( console_color ); for (x=0 ; x<con.linewidth ; x+=4) SCR_DrawSmallChar( con.xadjust + (x+1)*SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, y, '^' ); y -= SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; rows--; } row = con.display; if ( con.x == 0 ) { row--; } currentColor = 7; re.SetColor( g_color_table[currentColor] ); int iFontIndexForAsian = 0; // kinda tacky, this just gets the first registered font, since Asian stuff ignores the contents anyway const float fFontScaleForAsian = 0.75f*con.yadjust; int iPixelHeightToAdvance = SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT; if (re.Language_IsAsian()) { if (!iFontIndexForAsian) { iFontIndexForAsian = re.RegisterFont("ocr_a"); // must be a font that's used elsewhere } iPixelHeightToAdvance = (1.3/con.yadjust) * re.Font_HeightPixels(iFontIndexForAsian, fFontScaleForAsian); // for asian spacing, since we don't want glyphs to touch. } for (i=0 ; i<rows ; i++, y -= iPixelHeightToAdvance, row--) { if (row < 0) break; if (con.current - row >= con.totallines) { // past scrollback wrap point continue; } text = con.text + (row % con.totallines)*con.linewidth; // asian language needs to use the new font system to print glyphs... // // (ignore colours since we're going to print the whole thing as one string) // if (re.Language_IsAsian()) { // concat the text to be printed... // char sTemp[4096]={0}; // ott for (x = 0 ; x < con.linewidth ; x++) { if ( ( (text[x]>>8)&Q_COLOR_BITS ) != currentColor ) { currentColor = (text[x]>>8)&Q_COLOR_BITS; strcat(sTemp,va("^%i", (text[x]>>8)&Q_COLOR_BITS) ); } strcat(sTemp,va("%c",text[x] & 0xFF)); } // // and print... // re.Font_DrawString(con.xadjust*(con.xadjust + (1*SMALLCHAR_WIDTH/*(aesthetics)*/)), con.yadjust*(y), sTemp, g_color_table[currentColor], iFontIndexForAsian, -1, fFontScaleForAsian); } else { for (x=0 ; x<con.linewidth ; x++) { if ( ( text[x] & 0xff ) == ' ' ) { continue; } if ( ( (text[x]>>8)&Q_COLOR_BITS ) != currentColor ) { currentColor = (text[x]>>8)&Q_COLOR_BITS; re.SetColor( g_color_table[currentColor] ); } SCR_DrawSmallChar( con.xadjust + (x+1)*SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, y, text[x] & 0xff ); } } } // draw the input prompt, user text, and cursor if desired Con_DrawInput (); re.SetColor( NULL ); } /* ================== Con_DrawConsole ================== */ void Con_DrawConsole( void ) { // check for console width changes from a vid mode change Con_CheckResize (); // if disconnected, render console full screen if ( cls.state == CA_DISCONNECTED ) { if ( !( Key_GetCatcher( ) & KEYCATCH_UI) ) { Con_DrawSolidConsole( 1.0 ); return; } } if ( con.displayFrac ) { Con_DrawSolidConsole( con.displayFrac ); } else { // draw notify lines if ( cls.state == CA_ACTIVE ) { Con_DrawNotify (); } } } //================================================================ /* ================== Con_RunConsole Scroll it up or down ================== */ void Con_RunConsole (void) { // decide on the destination height of the console if ( Key_GetCatcher( ) & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ) con.finalFrac = 0.5; // half screen else con.finalFrac = 0; // none visible // scroll towards the destination height if (con.finalFrac < con.displayFrac) { con.displayFrac -= con_conspeed->value*cls.realFrametime*0.001; if (con.finalFrac > con.displayFrac) con.displayFrac = con.finalFrac; } else if (con.finalFrac > con.displayFrac) { con.displayFrac += con_conspeed->value*cls.realFrametime*0.001; if (con.finalFrac < con.displayFrac) con.displayFrac = con.finalFrac; } } void Con_PageUp( void ) { con.display -= 2; if ( con.current - con.display >= con.totallines ) { con.display = con.current - con.totallines + 1; } } void Con_PageDown( void ) { con.display += 2; if (con.display > con.current) { con.display = con.current; } } void Con_Top( void ) { con.display = con.totallines; if ( con.current - con.display >= con.totallines ) { con.display = con.current - con.totallines + 1; } } void Con_Bottom( void ) { con.display = con.current; } void Con_Close( void ) { Field_Clear( &g_consoleField ); Con_ClearNotify (); Key_SetCatcher( Key_GetCatcher( ) & ~KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ); con.finalFrac = 0; // none visible con.displayFrac = 0; }