Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors

This file is part of the OpenJK source code.

OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "tr_local.h"

#include <map>

#include "../qcommon/sstring.h"





This is unfortunate, but the skin files aren't
compatible with our normal parsing rules.
static char *CommaParse( char **data_p ) {
	int c = 0, len;
	char *data;
	static	char	com_token[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];

	data = *data_p;
	len = 0;
	com_token[0] = 0;

	// make sure incoming data is valid
	if ( !data ) {
		*data_p = NULL;
		return com_token;

	while ( 1 ) {
		// skip whitespace
		while( (c = *(const unsigned char* /*eurofix*/)data) <= ' ') {
			if( !c ) {

		c = *data;

		// skip double slash comments
		if ( c == '/' && data[1] == '/' )
			while (*data && *data != '\n')
		// skip /* */ comments
		else if ( c=='/' && data[1] == '*' )
			while ( *data && ( *data != '*' || data[1] != '/' ) )
			if ( *data )
				data += 2;

	if ( c == 0 ) {
		return "";

	// handle quoted strings
	if (c == '\"')
		while (1)
			c = *data++;
			if (c=='\"' || !c)
				com_token[len] = 0;
				*data_p = ( char * ) data;
				return com_token;
			if (len < MAX_TOKEN_CHARS - 1)
				com_token[len] = c;

	// parse a regular word
		if (len < MAX_TOKEN_CHARS - 1)
			com_token[len] = c;
		c = *data;
	} while (c>32 && c != ',' );

	com_token[len] = 0;

	*data_p = ( char * ) data;
	return com_token;

class CStringComparator
	bool operator()(const char *s1, const char *s2) const { return(stricmp(s1, s2) < 0); }
typedef std::map<sstring_t,char * /*, CStringComparator*/ >	AnimationCFGs_t;
													AnimationCFGs_t AnimationCFGs;

// I added this function for development purposes (and it's VM-safe) so we don't have problems
//	with our use of cached models but uncached animation.cfg files (so frame sequences are out of sync
//	if someone rebuild the model while you're ingame and you change levels)...
// Usage:  call with psDest == NULL for a size enquire (for malloc),
//				then with NZ ptr for it to copy to your supplied buffer...
int RE_GetAnimationCFG(const char *psCFGFilename, char *psDest, int iDestSize)
	char *psText = NULL;

	AnimationCFGs_t::iterator it = AnimationCFGs.find(psCFGFilename);
	if (it != AnimationCFGs.end())
		psText = (*it).second;
		// not found, so load it...
		fileHandle_t f;
		int iLen = ri.FS_FOpenFileRead( psCFGFilename, &f, qfalse );
		if (iLen <= 0)
			return 0;

		psText = (char *) R_Malloc( iLen+1, TAG_ANIMATION_CFG, qfalse );

		ri.FS_Read( psText, iLen, f );
		psText[iLen] = '\0';
		ri.FS_FCloseFile( f );

		AnimationCFGs[psCFGFilename] = psText;

	if (psText)	// sanity, but should always be NZ
		if (psDest)

		return strlen(psText);

	return 0;

// only called from devmapbsp, devmapall, or ...
void RE_AnimationCFGs_DeleteAll(void)
	for (AnimationCFGs_t::iterator it = AnimationCFGs.begin(); it != AnimationCFGs.end(); ++it)
		char *psText = (*it).second;


input = skinname, possibly being a macro for three skins
return= true if three part skins found
output= qualified names to three skins if return is true, undefined if false
bool RE_SplitSkins(const char *INname, char *skinhead, char *skintorso, char *skinlower)
{	//INname= "models/players/jedi_tf/|head01_skin1|torso01|lower01";
	if (strchr(INname, '|'))
		char name[MAX_QPATH];
		strcpy(name, INname);
		char *p = strchr(name, '|');
		//fill in the base path
		strcpy (skinhead, name);
		strcpy (skintorso, name);
		strcpy (skinlower, name);

		//now get the the individual files

		//advance to second
		char *p2 = strchr(p, '|');
		if (!p2)
			return false;
		strcat (skinhead, p);
		strcat (skinhead, ".skin");

		//advance to third
		p = strchr(p2, '|');
		if (!p)
			return false;
		strcat (skintorso,p2);
		strcat (skintorso, ".skin");

		strcat (skinlower,p);
		strcat (skinlower, ".skin");

		return true;
	return false;

// given a name, go get the skin we want and return
qhandle_t RE_RegisterIndividualSkin( const char *name , qhandle_t hSkin)
	skin_t		*skin;
	skinSurface_t	*surf;
	char		*text, *text_p;
	char		*token;
	char		surfName[MAX_QPATH];

	// load and parse the skin file
    ri.FS_ReadFile( name, (void **)&text );
	if ( !text ) {
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "WARNING: RE_RegisterSkin( '%s' ) failed to load!\n", name );
		return 0;

	assert (tr.skins[hSkin]);	//should already be setup, but might be an 3part append

	skin = tr.skins[hSkin];

	text_p = text;
	while ( text_p && *text_p ) {
		// get surface name
		token = CommaParse( &text_p );
		Q_strncpyz( surfName, token, sizeof( surfName ) );

		if ( !token[0] ) {
		// lowercase the surface name so skin compares are faster
		Q_strlwr( surfName );

		if ( *text_p == ',' ) {

		if ( !strncmp( token, "tag_", 4 ) ) {	//these aren't in there, but just in case you load an id style one...

		// parse the shader name
		token = CommaParse( &text_p );

#ifndef JK2_MODE
		if ( !strcmp( &surfName[strlen(surfName)-4], "_off") )
			if ( !strcmp( token ,"*off" ) )
				continue;	//don't need these double offs
			surfName[strlen(surfName)-4] = 0;	//remove the "_off"
		if ( (unsigned)skin->numSurfaces >= ARRAY_LEN( skin->surfaces ) )
			assert( ARRAY_LEN( skin->surfaces ) > (unsigned)skin->numSurfaces );
			ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "WARNING: RE_RegisterSkin( '%s' ) more than %u surfaces!\n", name, (unsigned int)ARRAY_LEN(skin->surfaces) );
		surf = skin->surfaces[ skin->numSurfaces ] = (skinSurface_t *) R_Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *skin->surfaces[0] ), qtrue );
		Q_strncpyz( surf->name, surfName, sizeof( surf->name ) );
		surf->shader = R_FindShader( token, lightmapsNone, stylesDefault, qtrue );

	ri.FS_FreeFile( text );

	// never let a skin have 0 shaders
	if ( skin->numSurfaces == 0 ) {
		return 0;		// use default skin

	return hSkin;


qhandle_t RE_RegisterSkin( const char *name) {
	qhandle_t	hSkin;
	skin_t		*skin;

//	if (!cls.cgameStarted && !cls.uiStarted)
//	{
		//rww - added uiStarted exception because we want ghoul2 models in the menus.
		// gwg well we need our skins to set surfaces on and off, so we gotta get em
		//return 1;	// cope with Ghoul2's calling-the-renderer-before-its-even-started hackery, must be any NZ amount here to trigger configstring setting
//	}

	if (!tr.numSkins)
		R_InitSkins(); //make sure we have numSkins set to at least one.

	if ( !name || !name[0] ) {
		Com_Printf( "Empty name passed to RE_RegisterSkin\n" );
		return 0;

	if ( strlen( name ) >= MAX_QPATH ) {
		Com_Printf( "Skin name exceeds MAX_QPATH\n" );
		return 0;

	// see if the skin is already loaded
	for ( hSkin = 1; hSkin < tr.numSkins ; hSkin++ ) {
		skin = tr.skins[hSkin];
		if ( !Q_stricmp( skin->name, name ) ) {
			if( skin->numSurfaces == 0 ) {
				return 0;		// default skin
			return hSkin;

	if ( tr.numSkins == MAX_SKINS )	{
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "WARNING: RE_RegisterSkin( '%s' ) MAX_SKINS hit\n", name );
		return 0;
	// allocate a new skin
	skin = (skin_t*) R_Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( skin_t ), qtrue );
	tr.skins[hSkin] = skin;
	Q_strncpyz( skin->name, name, sizeof( skin->name ) );	//always make one so it won't search for it again

	// If not a .skin file, load as a single shader	- then return
	if ( strcmp( name + strlen( name ) - 5, ".skin" ) ) {
#ifdef JK2_MODE
		skin->numSurfaces = 1;
		skin->surfaces[0] = (skinSurface_t *) R_Hunk_Alloc( sizeof(skin->surfaces[0]), qtrue );
		skin->surfaces[0]->shader = R_FindShader( name, lightmapsNone, stylesDefault, qtrue );
		return hSkin;
/*		skin->numSurfaces = 1;
		skin->surfaces[0] = (skinSurface_t *) R_Hunk_Alloc( sizeof(skin->surfaces[0]), qtrue );
		skin->surfaces[0]->shader = R_FindShader( name, lightmapsNone, stylesDefault, qtrue );
		return hSkin;

	char skinhead[MAX_QPATH]={0};
	char skintorso[MAX_QPATH]={0};
	char skinlower[MAX_QPATH]={0};
	if ( RE_SplitSkins(name, (char*)&skinhead, (char*)&skintorso, (char*)&skinlower ) )
	{//three part
		hSkin = RE_RegisterIndividualSkin(skinhead, hSkin);
		if (hSkin && strcmp(skinhead, skintorso))
			hSkin = RE_RegisterIndividualSkin(skintorso, hSkin);

		if (hSkin && strcmp(skinhead, skinlower) && strcmp(skintorso, skinlower))
			hSkin = RE_RegisterIndividualSkin(skinlower, hSkin);
	{//single skin
		hSkin = RE_RegisterIndividualSkin(name, hSkin);

void	R_InitSkins( void ) {
	skin_t		*skin;

	tr.numSkins = 1;

	// make the default skin have all default shaders
	skin = tr.skins[0] = (skin_t*) R_Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( skin_t ), qtrue );
	Q_strncpyz( skin->name, "<default skin>", sizeof( skin->name )  );
	skin->numSurfaces = 1;
	skin->surfaces[0] = (skinSurface_t *) R_Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *skin->surfaces[0] ), qtrue );
	skin->surfaces[0]->shader = tr.defaultShader;

skin_t	*R_GetSkinByHandle( qhandle_t hSkin ) {
	if ( hSkin < 1 || hSkin >= tr.numSkins ) {
		return tr.skins[0];
	return tr.skins[ hSkin ];

void	R_SkinList_f (void) {
	int			i, j;
	skin_t		*skin;

	ri.Printf (PRINT_ALL, "------------------\n");

	for ( i = 0 ; i < tr.numSkins ; i++ ) {
		skin = tr.skins[i];
		ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "%3i:%s\n", i, skin->name );
		for ( j = 0 ; j < skin->numSurfaces ; j++ ) {
			ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "       %s = %s\n",
				skin->surfaces[j]->name, skin->surfaces[j]->shader->name );
	ri.Printf (PRINT_ALL, "------------------\n");