//-------------------------------------------------------------- // // CONTROLS MENU // //-------------------------------------------------------------- { menuDef { name "controlsMenu" fullScreen 1 // MENU_TRUE rect 0 0 640 480 // Size and position of the menu visible 1 // Visible on open focusColor 1 1 1 1 // Focus color for text and items descX 375 descY 425 descScale .8 descColor .235 .882 .847 1 // Focus color for text and items descAlignment ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER onOpen { uiScript loadControls hide forcecontrols show commoncontrols hide invcontrols hide comfortcontrols show setup_background hide weaponcontrols } onClose { uiScript saveControls } onESC { play sound/interface/menuroam hide highlights close controlsMenu open mainMenu } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // MENU BACKGROUND // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- itemDef { name frame_pic group none style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 0 640 480 background "gfx/menus/menu1" // Frame forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 decoration } // The saber glow on the left itemDef { name saberglow group none style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 30 0 90 480 background "gfx/menus/menu3" // Frame forecolor 0.8 0.8 0.8 1 visible 1 decoration } // The starwars logo on the top itemDef { name starwars group none style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 143 12 470 93 background "gfx/menus/menu4" // Frame forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 decoration } // The saber halo on the left itemDef { name saberhalo group none style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect -425 -185 1000 1000 background "gfx/menus/menu2" // Frame forecolor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name logomodel group none type ITEM_TYPE_MODEL rect -123 48 400 400 model_angle 90 model_rotation 3.5 asset_model "models/map_objects/bespin/jk2logo.md3" // model_fovx 37 // model_fovy 34 // model_origin 100 100 100 visible 1 decoration } // The saber halo on the left itemDef { name saberhalo2 group none style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect -225 15 600 600 background "gfx/menus/menu2b" // Frame forecolor 0.25 0.25 0.25 1 visible 1 decoration } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // TOP MAIN MENU BUTTONS // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Big button "NEW" itemDef { name newgamebutton_glow group mods style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 115 115 130 24 background "gfx/menus/menu_buttonback" // Frame around button forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name newgamebutton group toprow style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 115 115 130 24 text @MENUS1_NEW descText @MENUS1_START_A_NEW_GAME font 3 textscale 0.9 textaligny 0 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textstyle 3 textalignx 65 forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 visible 1 mouseEnter { show newgamebutton_glow } mouseExit { hide newgamebutton_glow } action { play sound/interface/button1 close all open newgameMenu } } // Big button "LOAD" itemDef { name loadgamebutton_glow group mods style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 245 115 130 24 background "gfx/menus/menu_buttonback" // Frame around button forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name loadgamebutton group toprow text @MENUS1_LOAD descText @MENUS1_LOAD_A_SAVED_GAME style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 245 115 130 24 textaligny 0 font 3 textscale 0.9 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textstyle 3 textalignx 65 forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 visible 1 mouseEnter { show loadgamebutton_glow } mouseExit { hide loadgamebutton_glow } action { play sound/interface/button1 close all open loadgameMenu } } // Big button "CONTROLS" itemDef { name controlsbutton_glow group mods style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 375 115 130 24 background "gfx/menus/menu_buttonback" // Frame around button forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name controlsbutton group toprow text @MENUS0_CONTROLS2 descText @MENUS0_CONFIGURE_GAME_CONTROLS type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY rect 375 115 130 24 font 3 textscale 0.9 textaligny 0 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textstyle 3 textalignx 65 backcolor 0 0 0 0 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 decoration action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseEnter { show controlsbutton_glow } mouseExit { hide controlsbutton_glow } } // Big button "SETUP" itemDef { name setupbutton_glow group mods style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 505 115 130 24 background "gfx/menus/menu_buttonback" // Frame around button forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name setupbutton group toprow text @MENUS0_SETUP descText @MENUS0_CONFIGURE_GAME_SETTINGS type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY rect 505 115 130 24 font 3 textscale 0.9 textaligny 0 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textstyle 3 textalignx 65 backcolor 0 0 0 0 forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 visible 1 mouseEnter { show setupbutton_glow } mouseExit { hide setupbutton_glow } action { play sound/interface/button1 close all open setupMenu } } itemDef { name header_line group toprow style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 125 136 500 4 background "gfx/menus/menu_line" // Frame forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 decoration } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // OTHER MAIN MENU BUTTONS // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Credits hidden button itemDef { name creditsbutton group othermain // text @CREDITS descText @MENUS0_SHOW_GAME_CREDITS type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY rect 51 284 52 60 font 2 textscale 1 textaligny 0 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textalignx 46 backcolor 0 0 0 0 forecolor 0.65 0.65 1 1 visible 0 mouseEnter { setitemcolor saberhalo2 forecolor 0.7 0.7 0.7 1 } mouseExit { setitemcolor saberhalo2 forecolor 0.25 0.25 0.25 1 } action { play sound/interface/button1 close all open creditsMenu } } // EXIT button in lower left corner // Big button "SETUP" itemDef { name exitgamebutton_glow group mods style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 115 444 130 24 background "gfx/menus/menu_buttonback" // Frame around button forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name exitgamebutton group othermain text @MENUS0_EXIT descText @MENUS1_JEDI_KNIGHT_II type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY rect 115 444 130 24 font 3 textscale 1 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textstyle 3 textalignx 65 textaligny -1 forecolor 0.65 0.65 1 1 visible 1 mouseEnter { show exitgamebutton_glow } mouseExit { hide exitgamebutton_glow } action { play "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.mp3" close all open quitMenu } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // SECOND ROW MENU BUTTONS // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Configure Controls title itemDef { name control_title group none style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox" text @MENUS1_CONFIGURE_CONTROLS rect 150 145 450 16 font 3 textscale 0.7 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textalignx 225 textaligny -2 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 decoration } // Common button itemDef { name commoncontrolbutton_glow group mods style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 120 173 170 30 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox2" // Frame around button forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name commoncontrolbutton group none text "Common" type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY rect 120 173 170 30 font 3 textscale 0.9 textalignx 170 textaligny 5 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textstyle 3 forecolor 0.65 0.65 1 1 visible 1 descText "Common controls configuration." mouseEnter { show commoncontrolbutton_glow } mouseExit { hide commoncontrolbutton_glow } action { play sound/interface/button1 show setup_background hide weaponcontrols hide forcecontrols show commoncontrols hide invcontrols hide comfortcontrols setitemcolor weaponscontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor forcecontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor commoncontrolbutton forecolor 1 1 1 1 setitemcolor inventorycontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor comfortcontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 } } // Weapons button itemDef { name weaponscontrolbutton_glow group mods style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 120 203 170 30 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox2" // Frame around button forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name weaponscontrolbutton group none text @MENUS0_WEAPONS type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY rect 120 203 170 30 font 3 textscale 0.9 textalignx 170 textaligny 5 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textstyle 3 forecolor 0.65 0.65 1 1 visible 1 descText "Weapon specific control configuration." mouseEnter { show weaponscontrolbutton_glow } mouseExit { hide weaponscontrolbutton_glow } action { play sound/interface/button1 show setup_background show weaponcontrols hide forcecontrols hide commoncontrols hide invcontrols hide comfortcontrols setitemcolor weaponscontrolbutton forecolor 1 1 1 1 setitemcolor forcecontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor commoncontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor inventorycontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor comfortcontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 } } // Force Powers button itemDef { name forcecontrolbutton_glow group mods style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 120 233 170 30 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox2" // Frame around button forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name forcecontrolbutton group none text @MENUS1_FORCE_POWERS type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY rect 120 233 170 30 font 3 textscale 0.9 textalignx 170 textaligny 5 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textstyle 3 forecolor 0.65 0.65 1 1 visible 1 descText "Force Power specific control configuration." mouseEnter { show forcecontrolbutton_glow } mouseExit { hide forcecontrolbutton_glow } action { play sound/interface/button1 show setup_background hide weaponcontrols show forcecontrols hide commoncontrols hide invcontrols hide comfortcontrols setitemcolor weaponscontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor forcecontrolbutton forecolor 1 1 1 1 setitemcolor commoncontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor inventorycontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor comfortcontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 } } // inventory button itemDef { name inventorycontrolbutton_glow group mods style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 120 263 170 30 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox2" // Frame around button forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name inventorycontrolbutton group none text @MENUS1_INVENTORY type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY rect 120 263 170 30 font 3 textscale 0.9 textalignx 170 textaligny 5 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textstyle 3 forecolor 0.65 0.65 1 1 visible 1 descText "Inventory specific control configuration." mouseEnter { show inventorycontrolbutton_glow } mouseExit { hide inventorycontrolbutton_glow } action { play sound/interface/button1 show setup_background hide weaponcontrols hide forcecontrols hide commoncontrols show invcontrols hide comfortcontrols setitemcolor weaponscontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor forcecontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor commoncontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor inventorycontrolbutton forecolor 1 1 1 1 setitemcolor comfortcontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 } } // comfort button itemDef { name comfortcontrolbutton_glow group mods style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 120 293 170 30 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox2" // Frame around button forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name comfortcontrolbutton group none text "Comfort" type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY rect 120 293 170 30 font 3 textscale 0.9 textalignx 170 textaligny 5 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textstyle 3 forecolor 0.65 0.65 1 1 visible 1 descText "Configure comfort options." mouseEnter { show comfortcontrolbutton_glow } mouseExit { hide comfortcontrolbutton_glow } action { play sound/interface/button1 show setup_background hide weaponcontrols hide forcecontrols hide commoncontrols hide invcontrols show comfortcontrols setitemcolor weaponscontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor forcecontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor commoncontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor inventorycontrolbutton forecolor 0.64 0.65 1 1 setitemcolor comfortcontrolbutton forecolor 1 1 1 1 } } itemDef { name setup_background group none style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 300 171 300 250 background "gfx/menus/menu_box1" // Frame forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // HIGHLIGHT BARS // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- itemDef { name highlight1 group highlights style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 305 171 300 20 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name highlight2 group highlights style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 305 191 300 20 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name highlight3 group highlights style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 305 211 300 20 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name highlight4 group highlights style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 305 231 300 20 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name highlight5 group highlights style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 305 251 300 20 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name highlight6 group highlights style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 305 271 300 20 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name highlight7 group highlights style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 305 291 300 20 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name highlight8 group highlights style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 305 311 300 20 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name highlight9 group highlights style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 305 331 300 20 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name highlight10 group highlights style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 305 351 300 20 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name highlight11 group highlights style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 305 371 300 20 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name highlight12 group highlights style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 305 391 300 20 background "gfx/menus/menu_blendbox" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 decoration } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // COMMON MENU // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- itemDef { name none group commoncontrols type ITEM_TYPE_SLIDER text "Movement Speed:" cvarfloat "vr_movement_multiplier" 0.1 0.4 1.2 rect 305 191 300 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 151 textaligny -2 font 2 textscale 0.8 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 // appearance_slot 1 descText "Sets player movement speed." action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseenter { show highlight2 } mouseexit { hide highlight2 } } itemDef { name none group commoncontrols type ITEM_TYPE_MULTI text "Direction Mode:" cvar "vr_walkdirection" cvarFloatList { "Off-hand Controller" 0 "HMD" 1 } rect 305 211 300 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 151 textaligny -2 font 2 textscale 0.8 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 // appearance_slot 1 descText "Choose movement direction mode." action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseenter { show highlight3 } mouseexit { hide highlight3 } } itemDef { name none group commoncontrols type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Smooth turn:" cvar "vr_turn_mode" rect 305 231 300 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 151 textaligny -2 font 2 textscale 0.8 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 // appearance_slot 3 descText "Enables or disables smooth turning." action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseenter { show highlight4 } mouseexit { hide highlight4 } } itemDef { name none group commoncontrols type ITEM_TYPE_MULTI text "Turn Angle:" cvar "vr_turn_angle" cvarFloatList { "30 Degrees" 30 "45 Degrees" 45 "90 Degrees" 90 } rect 305 251 300 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 151 textaligny -2 font 2 textscale 0.8 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 // appearance_slot 4 descText "Degrees to turn when using snap turn / Speed of smooth turn" action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseenter { show highlight5 } mouseexit { hide highlight5 } } itemDef { name none group commoncontrols type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Switch Sticks:" cvar "vr_switch_sticks" rect 305 271 300 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 151 textaligny -2 font 2 textscale 0.8 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 // appearance_slot 5 descText "Switches left/gight controller thubmsticks." action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseenter { show highlight6 } mouseexit { hide highlight6 } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // WEAPON MENU // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- itemDef { name none group weaponcontrols type ITEM_TYPE_MULTI text @MENUS0_AUTO_SWITCH cvar "cg_autoswitch" cvarFloatList { @MENUS1_DON_T_SWITCH 0 @MENUS1_BEST_SAFE_WEAPON 1 @MENUS1_ALWAYS_BEST_WEAPON 2 } rect 305 191 300 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 151 textaligny -2 font 2 textscale 0.8 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 // appearance_slot 1 descText @MENUS1_CHOOSE_WHETHER_TO_SWITCH action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseenter { show highlight2 } mouseexit { hide highlight2 } } itemDef { name none group weaponcontrols type ITEM_TYPE_SLIDER text "Weapon Pitch:" cvarfloat "vr_weapon_pitchadjust" 5 -25 5 rect 305 211 300 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 151 textaligny -2 font 2 textscale 0.8 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 // appearance_slot 2 descText "Sets aiming pitch of held weapon." action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseenter { show highlight3 } mouseexit { hide highlight3 } } itemDef { name none group weaponcontrols type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Virtual Gun Stock:" cvar "vr_virtual_stock" rect 305 231 300 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 151 textaligny -2 font 2 textscale 0.8 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 // appearance_slot 2 descText "Enables or disables virtual gun stock." action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseenter { show highlight4 } mouseexit { hide highlight4 } } itemDef { name none group weaponcontrols type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Saber Auto Blocking:" cvar "g_saberAutoblocking" rect 305 251 300 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 151 textaligny -2 font 2 textscale 0.8 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 // appearance_slot 2 descText "Enables or disables auto blocking with saber." action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseenter { show highlight5 } mouseexit { hide highlight5 } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FORCE MENU // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- itemDef { name none group forcecontrols type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Force Power Direction Hint:" cvar "cg_showForcePowerDirection" rect 310 191 300 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 151 textaligny -2 font 2 textscale 0.8 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 // appearance_slot 2 descText "Hint as to which direction a force power was fired." action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseenter { show highlight2 } mouseexit { hide highlight2 } } itemDef { name none group forcecontrols type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Force Speed FOV Change:" cvar "cg_forceSpeedFOVAdjust" rect 310 211 300 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 151 textaligny -2 font 2 textscale 0.8 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 // appearance_slot 2 descText "Whether the FOV will be adjusted briefly when engaging Force Speed." action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseenter { show highlight3 } mouseexit { hide highlight3 } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // INVENTORY MENU // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- itemDef { name none group invcontrols type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Placeholder:" cvar "place_holder" rect 305 191 300 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 151 textaligny -2 font 2 textscale 0.8 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 // appearance_slot 1 descText "Item placeholder." action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseenter { show highlight2 } mouseexit { hide highlight2 } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // COMFORT MENU // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- itemDef { name none group comfortcontrols type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Immersive Cinematics:" cvar "vr_immersive_cinematics" rect 305 191 300 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 151 textaligny -2 font 2 textscale 0.8 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 // appearance_slot 1 descText "Enables or disables immersive cinematics." action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseenter { show highlight2 } mouseexit { hide highlight2 } } itemDef { name none group comfortcontrols type ITEM_TYPE_MULTI text "Menu Screen Distance:" cvar "vr_screen_dist" cvarFloatList { "Near" 1.5 "Medium" 2.5 "Far" 3.5 } rect 305 211 300 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 151 textaligny -2 font 2 textscale 0.8 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 0 // appearance_slot 1 descText "Select menu screen distance." action { play sound/interface/button1 } mouseenter { show highlight3 } mouseexit { hide highlight3 } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Text // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- itemDef { name keyBindStatus group none ownerdraw 250 // UI_KEYBINDSTATUS text @MENUS2_BLANK_1 rect 375 425 0 0 textStyle 0 font 2 textscale .8 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor 1 1 0 1 visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name slider_message group none text @MENUS0_MOVE_THE_SLIDER_TO_INCREASE rect 375 425 0 0 textStyle 0 font 2 textscale .8 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name yesno_message group none text @MENUS0_CLICK_ON_FIELD_TO_TOGGLE rect 375 425 0 0 textStyle 0 font 2 textscale .8 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER visible 0 decoration } itemDef { name multi_message group none text @MENUS0_CLICK_ON_FIELD_TO_CHANGE rect 375 425 0 0 textStyle 0 font 2 textscale .8 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER visible 0 decoration } } }