/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =========================================================================== */ // Filename:- stringed_ingame.h // #ifndef STRINGED_INGAME_H #define STRINGED_INGAME_H // alter these to suit your own game... // #define SE_BOOL qboolean #define SE_TRUE qtrue #define SE_FALSE qfalse #define iSE_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH MAX_QPATH #define sSE_STRINGS_DIR "strings" #define sSE_DEBUGSTR_PREFIX "[" // any string you want prefixing onto the debug versions of strings (to spot hardwired english etc) #define sSE_DEBUGSTR_SUFFIX "]" // "" extern cvar_t *se_language; // some needed text-equates, do not alter these under any circumstances !!!! (unless you're me. Which you're not) // #define iSE_VERSION 1 #define sSE_KEYWORD_VERSION "VERSION" #define sSE_KEYWORD_CONFIG "CONFIG" #define sSE_KEYWORD_FILENOTES "FILENOTES" #define sSE_KEYWORD_REFERENCE "REFERENCE" #define sSE_KEYWORD_FLAGS "FLAGS" #define sSE_KEYWORD_NOTES "NOTES" #define sSE_KEYWORD_LANG "LANG_" #define sSE_KEYWORD_ENDMARKER "ENDMARKER" #define sSE_FILE_EXTENSION ".st" // editor-only NEVER used ingame, but I wanted all extensions together #define sSE_EXPORT_FILE_EXTENSION ".ste" #define sSE_INGAME_FILE_EXTENSION ".str" #define sSE_EXPORT_SAME "#same" // available API calls... // void SE_Init ( void ); void SE_ShutDown ( void ); void SE_CheckForLanguageUpdates(void); int SE_GetNumLanguages ( void ); const char *SE_GetLanguageName ( int iLangIndex ); // eg "german" const char *SE_GetLanguageDir ( int iLangIndex ); // eg "strings/german" const char *SE_LoadLanguage ( const char *psLanguage, SE_BOOL bLoadDebug = SE_TRUE ); void SE_NewLanguage ( void ); // // for convenience, two ways of getting at the same data... // const char *SE_GetString ( const char *psPackageReference, const char *psStringReference); const char *SE_GetString ( const char *psPackageAndStringReference); // // ditto... // int SE_GetFlags ( const char *psPackageReference, const char *psStringReference ); int SE_GetFlags ( const char *psPackageAndStringReference ); // // general flag functions... (SEP_GetFlagMask() return should be used with SEP_GetFlags() return) // int SE_GetNumFlags ( void ); const char *SE_GetFlagName ( int iFlagIndex ); int SE_GetFlagMask ( const char *psFlagName ); // note that so far the only place in the game that needs to know these is the font system so it can know how to // interpret char codes, for this reason I'm only exposing these simple bool queries... // inline SE_BOOL Language_IsRussian(void) { return (se_language && !Q_stricmp(se_language->string, "russian")) ? SE_TRUE : SE_FALSE; } inline SE_BOOL Language_IsPolish(void) { return (se_language && !Q_stricmp(se_language->string, "polish")) ? SE_TRUE : SE_FALSE; } inline SE_BOOL Language_IsKorean(void) { return (se_language && !Q_stricmp(se_language->string, "korean")) ? SE_TRUE : SE_FALSE; } inline SE_BOOL Language_IsTaiwanese(void) { return (se_language && !Q_stricmp(se_language->string, "taiwanese")) ? SE_TRUE : SE_FALSE; } inline SE_BOOL Language_IsJapanese(void) { return (se_language && !Q_stricmp(se_language->string, "japanese")) ? SE_TRUE : SE_FALSE; } inline SE_BOOL Language_IsChinese(void) { return (se_language && !Q_stricmp(se_language->string, "chinese")) ? SE_TRUE : SE_FALSE; } inline SE_BOOL Language_IsThai(void) { return (se_language && !Q_stricmp(se_language->string, "thai")) ? SE_TRUE : SE_FALSE; } #endif // #ifndef STRINGED_INGAME_H /////////////////// eof ////////////////