/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc. Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors This file is part of the OpenJK source code. OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . =========================================================================== */ #include "b_local.h" #include "g_nav.h" #include "anims.h" #include "g_navigator.h" #include "../cgame/cg_local.h" #include "g_functions.h" extern void CG_DrawAlert( vec3_t origin, float rating ); extern void G_AddVoiceEvent( gentity_t *self, int event, int speakDebounceTime ); extern void AI_GroupUpdateSquadstates( AIGroupInfo_t *group, gentity_t *member, int newSquadState ); extern qboolean AI_GroupContainsEntNum( AIGroupInfo_t *group, int entNum ); extern void AI_GroupUpdateEnemyLastSeen( AIGroupInfo_t *group, vec3_t spot ); extern void AI_GroupUpdateClearShotTime( AIGroupInfo_t *group ); extern void NPC_TempLookTarget( gentity_t *self, int lookEntNum, int minLookTime, int maxLookTime ); extern qboolean G_ExpandPointToBBox( vec3_t point, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int ignore, int clipmask ); extern void ChangeWeapon( gentity_t *ent, int newWeapon ); extern void NPC_CheckGetNewWeapon( void ); extern qboolean Q3_TaskIDPending( gentity_t *ent, taskID_t taskType ); extern int GetTime ( int lastTime ); extern void NPC_AimAdjust( int change ); extern qboolean FlyingCreature( gentity_t *ent ); extern void NPC_EvasionSaber( void ); extern qboolean RT_Flying( gentity_t *self ); extern cvar_t *d_asynchronousGroupAI; #define MAX_VIEW_DIST 1024 #define MAX_VIEW_SPEED 250 #define MAX_LIGHT_INTENSITY 255 #define MIN_LIGHT_THRESHOLD 0.1 #define ST_MIN_LIGHT_THRESHOLD 30 #define ST_MAX_LIGHT_THRESHOLD 180 #define DISTANCE_THRESHOLD 0.075f #define MIN_TURN_AROUND_DIST_SQ (10000) //(100 squared) don't stop running backwards if your goal is less than 100 away #define SABER_AVOID_DIST 128.0f//256.0f #define SABER_AVOID_DIST_SQ (SABER_AVOID_DIST*SABER_AVOID_DIST) #define DISTANCE_SCALE 0.35f //These first three get your base detection rating, ideally add up to 1 #define FOV_SCALE 0.40f // #define LIGHT_SCALE 0.25f // #define SPEED_SCALE 0.25f //These next two are bonuses #define TURNING_SCALE 0.25f // #define REALIZE_THRESHOLD 0.6f #define CAUTIOUS_THRESHOLD ( REALIZE_THRESHOLD * 0.75 ) qboolean NPC_CheckPlayerTeamStealth( void ); static qboolean enemyLOS; static qboolean enemyCS; static qboolean enemyInFOV; static qboolean hitAlly; static qboolean faceEnemy; static qboolean doMove; static qboolean shoot; static float enemyDist; static vec3_t impactPos; int groupSpeechDebounceTime[TEAM_NUM_TEAMS];//used to stop several group AI from speaking all at once void NPC_Saboteur_Precache( void ) { G_SoundIndex( "sound/chars/shadowtrooper/cloak.wav" ); G_SoundIndex( "sound/chars/shadowtrooper/decloak.wav" ); } void Saboteur_Decloak( gentity_t *self, int uncloakTime ) { if ( self && self->client ) { if ( self->client->ps.powerups[PW_CLOAKED] && TIMER_Done(self, "decloakwait")) {//Uncloak self->client->ps.powerups[PW_CLOAKED] = 0; self->client->ps.powerups[PW_UNCLOAKING] = level.time + 2000; //FIXME: temp sound G_SoundOnEnt( self, CHAN_ITEM, "sound/chars/shadowtrooper/decloak.wav" ); TIMER_Set( self, "nocloak", uncloakTime ); // Can't Recloak //self->NPC->aiFlags &= ~NPCAI_SHIELDS; } } } void Saboteur_Cloak( gentity_t *self ) { if ( self && self->client && self->NPC ) {//FIXME: need to have this timer set once first? if ( TIMER_Done( self, "nocloak" ) ) {//not sitting around waiting to cloak again if ( !(self->NPC->aiFlags&NPCAI_SHIELDS) ) {//not allowed to cloak, actually Saboteur_Decloak( self ); } else if ( !self->client->ps.powerups[PW_CLOAKED] ) {//cloak self->client->ps.powerups[PW_CLOAKED] = Q3_INFINITE; self->client->ps.powerups[PW_UNCLOAKING] = level.time + 2000; //FIXME: debounce attacks? //FIXME: temp sound G_SoundOnEnt( self, CHAN_ITEM, "sound/chars/shadowtrooper/cloak.wav" ); } } } } //Local state enums enum { LSTATE_NONE = 0, LSTATE_UNDERFIRE, LSTATE_INVESTIGATE, }; void ST_AggressionAdjust( gentity_t *self, int change ) { int upper_threshold, lower_threshold; self->NPC->stats.aggression += change; //FIXME: base this on initial NPC stats if ( self->client->playerTeam == TEAM_PLAYER ) {//good guys are less aggressive upper_threshold = 7; lower_threshold = 1; } else {//bad guys are more aggressive upper_threshold = 10; lower_threshold = 3; } if ( self->NPC->stats.aggression > upper_threshold ) { self->NPC->stats.aggression = upper_threshold; } else if ( self->NPC->stats.aggression < lower_threshold ) { self->NPC->stats.aggression = lower_threshold; } } void ST_ClearTimers( gentity_t *ent ) { TIMER_Set( ent, "chatter", 0 ); TIMER_Set( ent, "duck", 0 ); TIMER_Set( ent, "stand", 0 ); TIMER_Set( ent, "shuffleTime", 0 ); TIMER_Set( ent, "sleepTime", 0 ); TIMER_Set( ent, "enemyLastVisible", 0 ); TIMER_Set( ent, "roamTime", 0 ); TIMER_Set( ent, "hideTime", 0 ); TIMER_Set( ent, "attackDelay", 0 ); //FIXME: Slant for difficulty levels TIMER_Set( ent, "stick", 0 ); TIMER_Set( ent, "scoutTime", 0 ); TIMER_Set( ent, "flee", 0 ); TIMER_Set( ent, "interrogating", 0 ); TIMER_Set( ent, "verifyCP", 0 ); TIMER_Set( ent, "strafeRight", 0 ); TIMER_Set( ent, "strafeLeft", 0 ); } enum { SPEECH_CHASE, SPEECH_CONFUSED, SPEECH_COVER, SPEECH_DETECTED, SPEECH_GIVEUP, SPEECH_LOOK, SPEECH_LOST, SPEECH_OUTFLANK, SPEECH_ESCAPING, SPEECH_SIGHT, SPEECH_SOUND, SPEECH_SUSPICIOUS, SPEECH_YELL, SPEECH_PUSHED }; static void ST_Speech( gentity_t *self, int speechType, float failChance ) { if ( Q_flrand(0.0f, 1.0f) < failChance ) { return; } if ( failChance >= 0 ) {//a negative failChance makes it always talk if ( self->NPC->group ) {//group AI speech debounce timer if ( self->NPC->group->speechDebounceTime > level.time ) { return; } /* else if ( !self->NPC->group->enemy ) { if ( groupSpeechDebounceTime[self->client->playerTeam] > level.time ) { return; } } */ } else if ( !TIMER_Done( self, "chatter" ) ) {//personal timer return; } else if ( groupSpeechDebounceTime[self->client->playerTeam] > level.time ) {//for those not in group AI //FIXME: let certain speech types interrupt others? Let closer NPCs interrupt farther away ones? return; } } if ( self->NPC->group ) {//So they don't all speak at once... //FIXME: if they're not yet mad, they have no group, so distracting a group of them makes them all speak! self->NPC->group->speechDebounceTime = level.time + Q_irand( 2000, 4000 ); } else { TIMER_Set( self, "chatter", Q_irand( 2000, 4000 ) ); } groupSpeechDebounceTime[self->client->playerTeam] = level.time + Q_irand( 2000, 4000 ); if ( self->NPC->blockedSpeechDebounceTime > level.time ) { return; } switch( speechType ) { case SPEECH_CHASE: G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand(EV_CHASE1, EV_CHASE3), 2000 ); break; case SPEECH_CONFUSED: G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand(EV_CONFUSE1, EV_CONFUSE3), 2000 ); break; case SPEECH_COVER: G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand(EV_COVER1, EV_COVER5), 2000 ); break; case SPEECH_DETECTED: G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand(EV_DETECTED1, EV_DETECTED5), 2000 ); break; case SPEECH_GIVEUP: G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand(EV_GIVEUP1, EV_GIVEUP4), 2000 ); break; case SPEECH_LOOK: G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand(EV_LOOK1, EV_LOOK2), 2000 ); break; case SPEECH_LOST: G_AddVoiceEvent( self, EV_LOST1, 2000 ); break; case SPEECH_OUTFLANK: G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand(EV_OUTFLANK1, EV_OUTFLANK2), 2000 ); break; case SPEECH_ESCAPING: G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand(EV_ESCAPING1, EV_ESCAPING3), 2000 ); break; case SPEECH_SIGHT: G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand(EV_SIGHT1, EV_SIGHT3), 2000 ); break; case SPEECH_SOUND: G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand(EV_SOUND1, EV_SOUND3), 2000 ); break; case SPEECH_SUSPICIOUS: G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand(EV_SUSPICIOUS1, EV_SUSPICIOUS5), 2000 ); break; case SPEECH_YELL: G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand( EV_ANGER1, EV_ANGER3 ), 2000 ); break; case SPEECH_PUSHED: G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand( EV_PUSHED1, EV_PUSHED3 ), 2000 ); break; default: break; } self->NPC->blockedSpeechDebounceTime = level.time + 2000; } void ST_MarkToCover( gentity_t *self ) { if ( !self || !self->NPC ) { return; } self->NPC->localState = LSTATE_UNDERFIRE; TIMER_Set( self, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 500, 2500 ) ); ST_AggressionAdjust( self, -3 ); if ( self->NPC->group && self->NPC->group->numGroup > 1 ) { ST_Speech( self, SPEECH_COVER, 0 );//FIXME: flee sound? } } void ST_StartFlee( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *enemy, vec3_t dangerPoint, int dangerLevel, int minTime, int maxTime ) { if ( !self || !self->NPC ) { return; } G_StartFlee( self, enemy, dangerPoint, dangerLevel, minTime, maxTime ); if ( self->NPC->group && self->NPC->group->numGroup > 1 ) { ST_Speech( self, SPEECH_COVER, 0 );//FIXME: flee sound? } } /* ------------------------- NPC_ST_Pain ------------------------- */ void NPC_ST_Pain( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *other, const vec3_t point, int damage, int mod,int hitLoc ) { self->NPC->localState = LSTATE_UNDERFIRE; TIMER_Set( self, "duck", -1 ); TIMER_Set( self, "hideTime", -1 ); TIMER_Set( self, "stand", 2000 ); NPC_Pain( self, inflictor, other, point, damage, mod, hitLoc ); if ( !damage && self->health > 0 ) {//FIXME: better way to know I was pushed G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand(EV_PUSHED1, EV_PUSHED3), 2000 ); } } /* ------------------------- ST_HoldPosition ------------------------- */ static void ST_HoldPosition( void ) { if ( NPCInfo->squadState == SQUAD_RETREAT ) { TIMER_Set( NPC, "flee", -level.time ); } TIMER_Set( NPC, "verifyCP", Q_irand( 1000, 3000 ) );//don't look for another one for a few seconds NPC_FreeCombatPoint( NPCInfo->combatPoint, qtrue ); //NPCInfo->combatPoint = -1;//??? if ( !Q3_TaskIDPending( NPC, TID_MOVE_NAV ) ) {//don't have a script waiting for me to get to my point, okay to stop trying and stand AI_GroupUpdateSquadstates( NPCInfo->group, NPC, SQUAD_STAND_AND_SHOOT ); NPCInfo->goalEntity = NULL; } } void NPC_ST_SayMovementSpeech( void ) { if ( !NPCInfo->movementSpeech ) { return; } if ( NPCInfo->group && NPCInfo->group->commander && NPCInfo->group->commander->client && NPCInfo->group->commander->client->NPC_class == CLASS_IMPERIAL && !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) ) {//imperial (commander) gives the order ST_Speech( NPCInfo->group->commander, NPCInfo->movementSpeech, NPCInfo->movementSpeechChance ); } else {//really don't want to say this unless we can actually get there... ST_Speech( NPC, NPCInfo->movementSpeech, NPCInfo->movementSpeechChance ); } NPCInfo->movementSpeech = 0; NPCInfo->movementSpeechChance = 0.0f; } void NPC_ST_StoreMovementSpeech( int speech, float chance ) { NPCInfo->movementSpeech = speech; NPCInfo->movementSpeechChance = chance; } /* ------------------------- ST_Move ------------------------- */ void ST_TransferMoveGoal( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other ); static qboolean ST_Move( void ) { NPCInfo->combatMove = qtrue;//always doMove straight toward our goal qboolean moved = NPC_MoveToGoal( qtrue ); if (moved==qfalse) { ST_HoldPosition(); } NPC_ST_SayMovementSpeech(); return moved; } /* ------------------------- NPC_ST_SleepShuffle ------------------------- */ static void NPC_ST_SleepShuffle( void ) { //Play an awake script if we have one if ( G_ActivateBehavior( NPC, BSET_AWAKE) ) { return; } //Automate some movement and noise if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "shuffleTime" ) ) { //TODO: Play sleeping shuffle animation //int soundIndex = Q_irand( 0, 1 ); /* switch ( soundIndex ) { case 0: G_Sound( NPC, G_SoundIndex("sound/chars/imperialsleeper1/scav4/hunh.mp3") ); break; case 1: G_Sound( NPC, G_SoundIndex("sound/chars/imperialsleeper3/scav4/tryingtosleep.wav") ); break; } */ TIMER_Set( NPC, "shuffleTime", 4000 ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "sleepTime", 2000 ); return; } //They made another noise while we were stirring, see if we can see them if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "sleepTime" ) ) { NPC_CheckPlayerTeamStealth(); TIMER_Set( NPC, "sleepTime", 2000 ); } } /* ------------------------- NPC_ST_Sleep ------------------------- */ void NPC_BSST_Sleep( void ) { int alertEvent = NPC_CheckAlertEvents( qfalse, qtrue );//only check sounds since we're alseep! //There is an event we heard if ( alertEvent >= 0 ) { //See if it was enough to wake us up if ( level.alertEvents[alertEvent].level == AEL_DISCOVERED && (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES) ) { if ( &g_entities[0] && g_entities[0].health > 0 ) { G_SetEnemy( NPC, &g_entities[0] ); return; } } //Otherwise just stir a bit NPC_ST_SleepShuffle(); return; } } /* ------------------------- NPC_CheckEnemyStealth ------------------------- */ qboolean NPC_CheckEnemyStealth( gentity_t *target ) { float target_dist, minDist = 40;//any closer than 40 and we definitely notice //In case we aquired one some other way if ( NPC->enemy != NULL ) return qtrue; //Ignore notarget if ( target->flags & FL_NOTARGET ) return qfalse; if ( target->health <= 0 ) { return qfalse; } if ( target->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER && target->client->ps.SaberActive() && !target->client->ps.saberInFlight ) {//if target has saber in hand and activated, we wake up even sooner even if not facing him minDist = 100; } target_dist = DistanceSquared( target->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin ); //If the target is this close, then wake up regardless if ( !(target->client->ps.pm_flags&PMF_DUCKED)//not ducking && (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES)//looking for enemies && target_dist < (minDist*minDist) )//closer than minDist { G_SetEnemy( NPC, target ); NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time; TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 500, 2500 ) ); return qtrue; } float maxViewDist = MAX_VIEW_DIST; // if ( NPCInfo->stats.visrange > maxViewDist ) {//FIXME: should we always just set maxViewDist to this? maxViewDist = NPCInfo->stats.visrange; } if ( target_dist > (maxViewDist*maxViewDist) ) {//out of possible visRange return qfalse; } //Check FOV first if ( InFOV( target, NPC, NPCInfo->stats.hfov, NPCInfo->stats.vfov ) == qfalse ) return qfalse; qboolean clearLOS = ( target->client->ps.leanofs ) ? NPC_ClearLOS( target->client->renderInfo.eyePoint ) : NPC_ClearLOS( target ); //Now check for clear line of vision if ( clearLOS ) { if ( target->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ATST ) {//can't miss 'em! G_SetEnemy( NPC, target ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 500, 2500 ) ); return qtrue; } vec3_t targ_org = {target->currentOrigin[0],target->currentOrigin[1],target->currentOrigin[2]+target->maxs[2]-4}; float hAngle_perc = NPC_GetHFOVPercentage( targ_org, NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, NPC->client->renderInfo.eyeAngles, NPCInfo->stats.hfov ); float vAngle_perc = NPC_GetVFOVPercentage( targ_org, NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, NPC->client->renderInfo.eyeAngles, NPCInfo->stats.vfov ); //Scale them vertically some, and horizontally pretty harshly vAngle_perc *= vAngle_perc;//( vAngle_perc * vAngle_perc ); hAngle_perc *= ( hAngle_perc * hAngle_perc ); //Cap our vertical vision severely //if ( vAngle_perc <= 0.3f ) // was 0.5f // return qfalse; //Assess the player's current status target_dist = Distance( target->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin ); float target_speed = VectorLength( target->client->ps.velocity ); int target_crouching = ( target->client->usercmd.upmove < 0 ); float dist_rating = ( target_dist / maxViewDist ); float speed_rating = ( target_speed / MAX_VIEW_SPEED ); float turning_rating = AngleDelta( target->client->ps.viewangles[PITCH], target->lastAngles[PITCH] )/180.0f + AngleDelta( target->client->ps.viewangles[YAW], target->lastAngles[YAW] )/180.0f; float light_level = ( target->lightLevel / MAX_LIGHT_INTENSITY ); float FOV_perc = 1.0f - ( hAngle_perc + vAngle_perc ) * 0.5f; //FIXME: Dunno about the average... float vis_rating = 0.0f; //Too dark if ( light_level < MIN_LIGHT_THRESHOLD ) return qfalse; //Too close? if ( dist_rating < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD ) { G_SetEnemy( NPC, target ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 500, 2500 ) ); return qtrue; } //Out of range if ( dist_rating > 1.0f ) return qfalse; //Cap our speed checks if ( speed_rating > 1.0f ) speed_rating = 1.0f; //Calculate the distance, fov and light influences //...Visibilty linearly wanes over distance float dist_influence = DISTANCE_SCALE * ( ( 1.0f - dist_rating ) ); //...As the percentage out of the FOV increases, straight perception suffers on an exponential scale float fov_influence = FOV_SCALE * ( 1.0f - FOV_perc ); //...Lack of light hides, abundance of light exposes float light_influence = ( light_level - 0.5f ) * LIGHT_SCALE; //Calculate our base rating float target_rating = dist_influence + fov_influence + light_influence; //Now award any final bonuses to this number int contents = gi.pointcontents( targ_org, target->s.number ); if ( contents&CONTENTS_WATER ) { int myContents = gi.pointcontents( NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, NPC->s.number ); if ( !(myContents&CONTENTS_WATER) ) {//I'm not in water if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SWAMPTROOPER ) {//these guys can see in in/through water pretty well vis_rating = 0.10f;//10% bonus } else { vis_rating = 0.35f;//35% bonus } } else {//else, if we're both in water if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SWAMPTROOPER ) {//I can see him just fine } else { vis_rating = 0.15f;//15% bonus } } } else {//not in water if ( contents&CONTENTS_FOG ) { vis_rating = 0.15f;//15% bonus } } target_rating *= (1.0f - vis_rating); //...Motion draws the eye quickly target_rating += speed_rating * SPEED_SCALE; target_rating += turning_rating * TURNING_SCALE; //FIXME: check to see if they're animating, too? But can we do something as simple as frame != oldframe? //...Smaller targets are harder to indentify if ( target_crouching ) { target_rating *= 0.9f; //10% bonus } //If he's violated the threshold, then realize him //float difficulty_scale = 1.0f + (2.0f-g_spskill->value);//if playing on easy, 20% harder to be seen...? float realize, cautious; if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SWAMPTROOPER ) {//swamptroopers can see much better realize = (float)CAUTIOUS_THRESHOLD/**difficulty_scale*/; cautious = (float)CAUTIOUS_THRESHOLD * 0.75f/**difficulty_scale*/; } else { realize = (float)REALIZE_THRESHOLD/**difficulty_scale*/; cautious = (float)CAUTIOUS_THRESHOLD * 0.75f/**difficulty_scale*/; } if ( target_rating > realize && (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES) ) { G_SetEnemy( NPC, target ); NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time; TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 500, 2500 ) ); return qtrue; } //If he's above the caution threshold, then realize him in a few seconds unless he moves to cover if ( target_rating > cautious && !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_IGNORE_ALERTS) ) {//FIXME: ambushing guys should never talk if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "enemyLastVisible" ) ) {//If we haven't already, start the counter int lookTime = Q_irand( 4500, 8500 ); //NPCInfo->timeEnemyLastVisible = level.time + 2000; TIMER_Set( NPC, "enemyLastVisible", lookTime ); //TODO: Play a sound along the lines of, "Huh? What was that?" ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_SIGHT, 0 ); NPC_TempLookTarget( NPC, target->s.number, lookTime, lookTime ); //FIXME: set desired yaw and pitch towards this guy? } else if ( TIMER_Get( NPC, "enemyLastVisible" ) <= level.time + 500 && (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES) ) //FIXME: Is this reliable? { if ( NPCInfo->rank < RANK_LT && !Q_irand( 0, 2 ) ) { int interrogateTime = Q_irand( 2000, 4000 ); ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_SUSPICIOUS, 0 ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "interrogating", interrogateTime ); G_SetEnemy( NPC, target ); NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time; TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", interrogateTime ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "stand", interrogateTime ); } else { G_SetEnemy( NPC, target ); NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time; //FIXME: ambush guys (like those popping out of water) shouldn't delay... TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 500, 2500 ) ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "stand", Q_irand( 500, 2500 ) ); } return qtrue; } return qfalse; } } return qfalse; } qboolean NPC_CheckPlayerTeamStealth( void ) { /* //NOTENOTE: For now, all stealh checks go against the player, since // he is the main focus. Squad members and rivals do not // fall into this category and will be ignored. NPC_CheckEnemyStealth( &g_entities[0] ); //Change this pointer to assess other entities */ gentity_t *enemy; for ( int i = 0; i < ENTITYNUM_WORLD; i++ ) { if(!PInUse(i)) continue; enemy = &g_entities[i]; if ( enemy && enemy->client && NPC_ValidEnemy( enemy ) ) { if ( NPC_CheckEnemyStealth( enemy ) ) //Change this pointer to assess other entities { return qtrue; } } } return qfalse; } qboolean NPC_CheckEnemiesInSpotlight( void ) { gentity_t *entityList[MAX_GENTITIES]; gentity_t *enemy, *suspect = NULL; int i, numListedEntities; vec3_t mins, maxs; for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { mins[i] = NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint[i] - NPC->speed; maxs[i] = NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint[i] + NPC->speed; } numListedEntities = gi.EntitiesInBox( mins, maxs, entityList, MAX_GENTITIES ); for ( i = 0; i < numListedEntities; i++ ) { if(!PInUse(i)) continue; enemy = entityList[i]; if ( enemy && enemy->client && NPC_ValidEnemy( enemy ) && enemy->client->playerTeam == NPC->client->enemyTeam ) {//valid ent & client, valid enemy, on the target team //check to see if they're in my FOV if ( InFOV( enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, NPC->client->renderInfo.eyeAngles, NPCInfo->stats.hfov, NPCInfo->stats.vfov ) ) {//in my cone //check to see that they're close enough if ( DistanceSquared( NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, enemy->currentOrigin )-256/*fudge factor: 16 squared*/ <= NPC->speed*NPC->speed ) {//within range //check to see if we have a clear trace to them if ( G_ClearLOS( NPC, enemy ) ) {//clear LOS //make sure their light level is at least my beam's brightness //FIXME: HOW? //enemy->lightLevel / MAX_LIGHT_INTENSITY //good enough, take him! //FIXME: pick closest one? //FIXME: have the graduated noticing like other NPCs? (based on distance, FOV dot, etc...) G_SetEnemy( NPC, enemy ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 500, 2500 ) ); return qtrue; } } } if ( InFOV( enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, NPC->client->renderInfo.eyeAngles, 90, NPCInfo->stats.vfov*3 ) ) {//one to look at if we don't get an enemy if ( G_ClearLOS( NPC, enemy ) ) {//clear LOS if ( suspect == NULL || DistanceSquared( NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, enemy->currentOrigin ) < DistanceSquared( NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, suspect->currentOrigin ) ) {//remember him suspect = enemy; } } } } } if ( suspect && Q_flrand( 0, NPCInfo->stats.visrange*NPCInfo->stats.visrange ) > DistanceSquared( NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, suspect->currentOrigin ) ) {//hey! who's that? if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "enemyLastVisible" ) ) {//If we haven't already, start the counter int lookTime = Q_irand( 4500, 8500 ); //NPCInfo->timeEnemyLastVisible = level.time + 2000; TIMER_Set( NPC, "enemyLastVisible", lookTime ); //TODO: Play a sound along the lines of, "Huh? What was that?" ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_SIGHT, 0 ); //set desired yaw and pitch towards this guy? //FIXME: this is permanent, they will never look away... *sigh* NPC_FacePosition( suspect->currentOrigin, qtrue ); //FIXME: they still need some sort of eye/head tag/bone that can turn? //NPC_TempLookTarget( NPC, suspect->s.number, lookTime, lookTime ); } else if ( TIMER_Get( NPC, "enemyLastVisible" ) <= level.time + 500 && (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES) ) //FIXME: Is this reliable? { if ( !Q_irand( 0, 2 ) ) { int interrogateTime = Q_irand( 2000, 4000 ); ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_SUSPICIOUS, 0 ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "interrogating", interrogateTime ); //G_SetEnemy( NPC, target ); //NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time; //TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", interrogateTime ); //TIMER_Set( NPC, "stand", interrogateTime ); //set desired yaw and pitch towards this guy? //FIXME: this is permanent, they will never look away... *sigh* NPC_FacePosition( suspect->currentOrigin, qtrue ); //FIXME: they still need some sort of eye/head tag/bone that can turn? //NPC_TempLookTarget( NPC, suspect->s.number, interrogateTime, interrogateTime ); } } } return qfalse; } /* ------------------------- NPC_ST_InvestigateEvent ------------------------- */ #define MAX_CHECK_THRESHOLD 1 static qboolean NPC_ST_InvestigateEvent( int eventID, bool extraSuspicious ) { //If they've given themselves away, just take them as an enemy if ( NPCInfo->confusionTime < level.time ) { if ( level.alertEvents[eventID].level == AEL_DISCOVERED && (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES) ) { //NPCInfo->lastAlertID = level.alertEvents[eventID].ID; if ( !level.alertEvents[eventID].owner || !level.alertEvents[eventID].owner->client || level.alertEvents[eventID].owner->health <= 0 || level.alertEvents[eventID].owner->client->playerTeam != NPC->client->enemyTeam ) {//not an enemy return qfalse; } //FIXME: what if can't actually see enemy, don't know where he is... should we make them just become very alert and start looking for him? Or just let combat AI handle this... (act as if you lost him) //ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_CHARGE, 0 ); G_SetEnemy( NPC, level.alertEvents[eventID].owner ); NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time; TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 500, 2500 ) ); if ( level.alertEvents[eventID].type == AET_SOUND ) {//heard him, didn't see him, stick for a bit TIMER_Set( NPC, "roamTime", Q_irand( 500, 2500 ) ); } return qtrue; } } //don't look at the same alert twice /* if ( level.alertEvents[eventID].ID == NPCInfo->lastAlertID ) { return qfalse; } NPCInfo->lastAlertID = level.alertEvents[eventID].ID; */ //Must be ready to take another sound event /* if ( NPCInfo->investigateSoundDebounceTime > level.time ) { return qfalse; } */ if ( level.alertEvents[eventID].type == AET_SIGHT ) {//sight alert, check the light level if ( level.alertEvents[eventID].light < Q_irand( ST_MIN_LIGHT_THRESHOLD, ST_MAX_LIGHT_THRESHOLD ) ) {//below my threshhold of potentially seeing return qfalse; } } //Save the position for movement (if necessary) VectorCopy( level.alertEvents[eventID].position, NPCInfo->investigateGoal ); //First awareness of it NPCInfo->investigateCount += ( extraSuspicious ) ? 2 : 1; //Clamp the value if ( NPCInfo->investigateCount > 4 ) NPCInfo->investigateCount = 4; //See if we should walk over and investigate if ( level.alertEvents[eventID].level > AEL_MINOR && NPCInfo->investigateCount > 1 && (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_CHASE_ENEMIES) ) { //make it so they can walk right to this point and look at it rather than having to use combatPoints if ( G_ExpandPointToBBox( NPCInfo->investigateGoal, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, NPC->s.number, ((NPC->clipmask&~CONTENTS_BODY)|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP) ) ) {//we were able to doMove the investigateGoal to a point in which our bbox would fit //drop the goal to the ground so we can get at it vec3_t end; trace_t trace; VectorCopy( NPCInfo->investigateGoal, end ); end[2] -= 512;//FIXME: not always right? What if it's even higher, somehow? gi.trace( &trace, NPCInfo->investigateGoal, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, end, ENTITYNUM_NONE, ((NPC->clipmask&~CONTENTS_BODY)|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP), (EG2_Collision)0, 0 ); if ( trace.fraction >= 1.0f ) {//too high to even bother //FIXME: look at them??? } else { VectorCopy( trace.endpos, NPCInfo->investigateGoal ); NPC_SetMoveGoal( NPC, NPCInfo->investigateGoal, 16, qtrue ); NPCInfo->localState = LSTATE_INVESTIGATE; } } else { int id = NPC_FindCombatPoint( NPCInfo->investigateGoal, NPCInfo->investigateGoal, NPCInfo->investigateGoal, CP_INVESTIGATE|CP_HAS_ROUTE, 0 ); if ( id != -1 ) { NPC_SetMoveGoal( NPC, level.combatPoints[id].origin, 16, qtrue, id ); NPCInfo->localState = LSTATE_INVESTIGATE; } } //Say something //FIXME: only if have others in group... these should be responses? if ( NPCInfo->investigateDebounceTime+NPCInfo->pauseTime > level.time ) {//was already investigating if ( NPCInfo->group && NPCInfo->group->commander && NPCInfo->group->commander->client && NPCInfo->group->commander->client->NPC_class == CLASS_IMPERIAL && !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) ) { ST_Speech( NPCInfo->group->commander, SPEECH_LOOK, 0 );//FIXME: "I'll go check it out" type sounds } else { ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_LOOK, 0 );//FIXME: "I'll go check it out" type sounds } } else { if ( level.alertEvents[eventID].type == AET_SIGHT ) { ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_SIGHT, 0 ); } else if ( level.alertEvents[eventID].type == AET_SOUND ) { ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_SOUND, 0 ); } } //Setup the debounce info NPCInfo->investigateDebounceTime = NPCInfo->investigateCount * 5000; NPCInfo->investigateSoundDebounceTime = level.time + 2000; NPCInfo->pauseTime = level.time; } else {//just look? //Say something if ( level.alertEvents[eventID].type == AET_SIGHT ) { ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_SIGHT, 0 ); } else if ( level.alertEvents[eventID].type == AET_SOUND ) { ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_SOUND, 0 ); } //Setup the debounce info NPCInfo->investigateDebounceTime = NPCInfo->investigateCount * 1000; NPCInfo->investigateSoundDebounceTime = level.time + 1000; NPCInfo->pauseTime = level.time; VectorCopy( level.alertEvents[eventID].position, NPCInfo->investigateGoal ); if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ROCKETTROOPER && !RT_Flying( NPC ) ) { //if ( !Q_irand( 0, 2 ) ) {//look around NPC_SetAnim( NPC, SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_GUARD_LOOKAROUND1, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); } } } if ( level.alertEvents[eventID].level >= AEL_DANGER ) { NPCInfo->investigateDebounceTime = Q_irand( 500, 2500 ); } //Start investigating NPCInfo->tempBehavior = BS_INVESTIGATE; return qtrue; } /* ------------------------- ST_OffsetLook ------------------------- */ static void ST_OffsetLook( float offset, vec3_t out ) { vec3_t angles, forward, temp; GetAnglesForDirection( NPC->currentOrigin, NPCInfo->investigateGoal, angles ); angles[YAW] += offset; AngleVectors( angles, forward, NULL, NULL ); VectorMA( NPC->currentOrigin, 64, forward, out ); CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_HEAD, temp ); out[2] = temp[2]; } /* ------------------------- ST_LookAround ------------------------- */ static void ST_LookAround( void ) { vec3_t lookPos; float perc = (float) ( level.time - NPCInfo->pauseTime ) / (float) NPCInfo->investigateDebounceTime; //Keep looking at the spot if ( perc < 0.25 ) { VectorCopy( NPCInfo->investigateGoal, lookPos ); } else if ( perc < 0.5f ) //Look up but straight ahead { ST_OffsetLook( 0.0f, lookPos ); } else if ( perc < 0.75f ) //Look right { ST_OffsetLook( 45.0f, lookPos ); } else //Look left { ST_OffsetLook( -45.0f, lookPos ); } NPC_FacePosition( lookPos ); } /* ------------------------- NPC_BSST_Investigate ------------------------- */ void NPC_BSST_Investigate( void ) { //get group- mainly for group speech debouncing, but may use for group scouting/investigating AI, too AI_GetGroup( NPC ); if( NPCInfo->scriptFlags & SCF_FIRE_WEAPON ) { WeaponThink( qtrue ); } if ( NPCInfo->confusionTime < level.time ) { if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES ) { //Look for an enemy if ( NPC_CheckPlayerTeamStealth() ) { //NPCInfo->behaviorState = BS_HUNT_AND_KILL;//should be auto now ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_DETECTED, 0 ); NPCInfo->tempBehavior = BS_DEFAULT; NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue ); return; } } } if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_IGNORE_ALERTS) ) { int alertEvent = NPC_CheckAlertEvents( qtrue, qtrue, NPCInfo->lastAlertID ); //There is an event to look at if ( alertEvent >= 0 ) { if ( NPCInfo->confusionTime < level.time ) { if ( NPC_CheckForDanger( alertEvent ) ) {//running like hell ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_COVER, 0 );//FIXME: flee sound? return; } } //if ( level.alertEvents[alertEvent].ID != NPCInfo->lastAlertID ) { NPC_ST_InvestigateEvent( alertEvent, qtrue ); } } } //If we're done looking, then just return to what we were doing if ( ( NPCInfo->investigateDebounceTime + NPCInfo->pauseTime ) < level.time ) { NPCInfo->tempBehavior = BS_DEFAULT; NPCInfo->goalEntity = UpdateGoal(); NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue ); //Say something ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_GIVEUP, 0 ); return; } //FIXME: else, look for new alerts //See if we're searching for the noise's origin if ( NPCInfo->localState == LSTATE_INVESTIGATE && (NPCInfo->goalEntity!=NULL) ) { //See if we're there if ( !STEER::Reached(NPC, NPCInfo->goalEntity, 32, FlyingCreature(NPC) != qfalse) ) { ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_WALKING; //Try and doMove there if ( NPC_MoveToGoal( qtrue ) ) { //Bump our times NPCInfo->investigateDebounceTime = NPCInfo->investigateCount * 5000; NPCInfo->pauseTime = level.time; NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue ); return; } } //Otherwise we're done or have given up //Say something //ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_LOOK, 0.33f ); NPCInfo->localState = LSTATE_NONE; } //Look around ST_LookAround(); } /* ------------------------- NPC_BSST_Patrol ------------------------- */ void NPC_BSST_Patrol( void ) {//FIXME: pick up on bodies of dead buddies? //Not a scriptflag, but... if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ROCKETTROOPER && (NPC->client->ps.eFlags&EF_SPOTLIGHT) ) {//using spotlight search mode vec3_t eyeFwd, end, mins={-2,-2,-2}, maxs={2,2,2}; trace_t trace; AngleVectors( NPC->client->renderInfo.eyeAngles, eyeFwd, NULL, NULL ); VectorMA( NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, NPCInfo->stats.visrange, eyeFwd, end ); //get server-side trace impact point gi.trace( &trace, NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, mins, maxs, end, NPC->s.number, MASK_OPAQUE|CONTENTS_BODY|CONTENTS_CORPSE, (EG2_Collision)0, 0 ); NPC->speed = (trace.fraction*NPCInfo->stats.visrange); if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES ) { //FIXME: do a FOV cone check, then a trace if ( trace.entityNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {//hit something //try cheap check first gentity_t *enemy = &g_entities[trace.entityNum]; if ( enemy && enemy->client && NPC_ValidEnemy( enemy ) && enemy->client->playerTeam == NPC->client->enemyTeam ) { G_SetEnemy( NPC, enemy ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 500, 2500 ) ); //NPCInfo->behaviorState = BS_HUNT_AND_KILL;//should be auto now //NPC_AngerSound(); NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue ); return; } } //FIXME: maybe do a quick check of ents within the spotlight's radius? //hmmm, look around if ( NPC_CheckEnemiesInSpotlight() ) { //NPCInfo->behaviorState = BS_HUNT_AND_KILL;//should be auto now //NPC_AngerSound(); NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue ); return; } } } else { //get group- mainly for group speech debouncing, but may use for group scouting/investigating AI, too AI_GetGroup( NPC ); if ( NPCInfo->confusionTime < level.time ) { //Look for any enemies if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES ) { if ( NPC_CheckPlayerTeamStealth() ) { //NPCInfo->behaviorState = BS_HUNT_AND_KILL;//should be auto now //NPC_AngerSound(); NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue ); return; } } } } if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_IGNORE_ALERTS) ) { int alertEvent = NPC_CheckAlertEvents( qtrue, qtrue ); //There is an event to look at if ( alertEvent >= 0 ) { if ( NPC_CheckForDanger( alertEvent ) ) {//going to run? ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_COVER, 0 ); return; } else if (NPC->client->NPC_class==CLASS_BOBAFETT) { //NPCInfo->lastAlertID = level.alertEvents[eventID].ID; if ( !level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner || !level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner->client || level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner->health <= 0 || level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner->client->playerTeam != NPC->client->enemyTeam ) {//not an enemy return; } //FIXME: what if can't actually see enemy, don't know where he is... should we make them just become very alert and start looking for him? Or just let combat AI handle this... (act as if you lost him) //ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_CHARGE, 0 ); G_SetEnemy( NPC, level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner ); NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time; TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 500, 2500 ) ); return; } else if ( NPC_ST_InvestigateEvent( alertEvent, qfalse ) ) {//actually going to investigate it NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue ); return; } } } //If we have somewhere to go, then do that if ( UpdateGoal() ) { ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_WALKING; //ST_Move( NPCInfo->goalEntity ); NPC_MoveToGoal( qtrue ); } else// if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_IGNORE_ALERTS) ) { if ( NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_IMPERIAL && NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_IMPWORKER ) {//imperials do not look around if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "enemyLastVisible" ) ) {//nothing suspicious, look around if ( !Q_irand( 0, 30 ) ) { NPCInfo->desiredYaw = NPC->s.angles[1] + Q_irand( -90, 90 ); } if ( !Q_irand( 0, 30 ) ) { NPCInfo->desiredPitch = Q_irand( -20, 20 ); } } } } NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue ); //TEMP hack for Imperial stand anim if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_IMPERIAL || NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_IMPWORKER ) {//hack if ( NPC->client->ps.weapon != WP_CONCUSSION ) {//not Rax if ( ucmd.forwardmove || ucmd.rightmove || ucmd.upmove ) {//moving if( (!NPC->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer) || (NPC->client->ps.torsoAnim == BOTH_STAND4) ) { if ( (ucmd.buttons&BUTTON_WALKING) && !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_RUNNING) ) {//not running, only set upper anim // No longer overrides scripted anims NPC_SetAnim( NPC, SETANIM_TORSO, BOTH_STAND4, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); NPC->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer = 200; } } } else {//standing still, set both torso and legs anim // No longer overrides scripted anims if( ( !NPC->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer || (NPC->client->ps.torsoAnim == BOTH_STAND4) ) && ( !NPC->client->ps.legsAnimTimer || (NPC->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_STAND4) ) ) { NPC_SetAnim( NPC, SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_STAND4, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ); NPC->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer = NPC->client->ps.legsAnimTimer = 200; } } //FIXME: this is a disgusting hack that is supposed to make the Imperials start with their weapon holstered- need a better way if ( NPC->client->ps.weapon != WP_NONE ) { ChangeWeapon( NPC, WP_NONE ); NPC->client->ps.weapon = WP_NONE; NPC->client->ps.weaponstate = WEAPON_READY; G_RemoveWeaponModels( NPC ); } } } } /* ------------------------- NPC_BSST_Idle ------------------------- */ /* void NPC_BSST_Idle( void ) { int alertEvent = NPC_CheckAlertEvents( qtrue, qtrue ); //There is an event to look at if ( alertEvent >= 0 ) { NPC_ST_InvestigateEvent( alertEvent, qfalse ); NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue ); return; } TIMER_Set( NPC, "roamTime", 2000 + Q_irand( 1000, 2000 ) ); NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue ); } */ /* ------------------------- ST_CheckMoveState ------------------------- */ static void ST_CheckMoveState( void ) { if ( Q3_TaskIDPending( NPC, TID_MOVE_NAV ) ) {//moving toward a goal that a script is waiting on, so don't stop for anything! doMove = qtrue; } else if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ROCKETTROOPER && NPC->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {//no squad stuff return; } // else if ( NPC->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_GROUPS ) { doMove = qtrue; } //See if we're a scout //See if we're moving towards a goal, not the enemy if ( ( NPCInfo->goalEntity != NPC->enemy ) && ( NPCInfo->goalEntity != NULL ) ) { //Did we make it? if ( STEER::Reached(NPC, NPCInfo->goalEntity, 16, !!FlyingCreature(NPC)) || (enemyLOS && (NPCInfo->aiFlags&NPCAI_STOP_AT_LOS) && !Q3_TaskIDPending(NPC, TID_MOVE_NAV)) ) {//either hit our navgoal or our navgoal was not a crucial (scripted) one (maybe a combat point) and we're scouting and found our enemy int newSquadState = SQUAD_STAND_AND_SHOOT; //we got where we wanted to go, set timers based on why we were running switch ( NPCInfo->squadState ) { case SQUAD_RETREAT://was running away //done fleeing, obviously TIMER_Set( NPC, "duck", (NPC->max_health - NPC->health) * 100 ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "hideTime", Q_irand( 3000, 7000 ) ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "flee", -level.time ); newSquadState = SQUAD_COVER; break; case SQUAD_TRANSITION://was heading for a combat point TIMER_Set( NPC, "hideTime", Q_irand( 2000, 4000 ) ); break; case SQUAD_SCOUT://was running after player break; default: break; } AI_GroupUpdateSquadstates( NPCInfo->group, NPC, newSquadState ); NPC_ReachedGoal(); //don't attack right away TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 250, 500 ) ); //FIXME: Slant for difficulty levels //don't do something else just yet // THIS IS THE ONE TRUE PLACE WHERE ROAM TIME IS SET TIMER_Set( NPC, "roamTime", Q_irand( 8000, 15000 ) );//Q_irand( 1000, 4000 ) ); if (Q_irand(0, 3)==0) { TIMER_Set( NPC, "duck", Q_irand(5000, 10000) ); // just reached our goal, chance of ducking now } return; } //keep going, hold of roamTimer until we get there TIMER_Set( NPC, "roamTime", Q_irand( 8000, 9000 ) ); } } void ST_ResolveBlockedShot( int hit ) { int stuckTime; //figure out how long we intend to stand here, max if ( TIMER_Get( NPC, "roamTime" ) > TIMER_Get( NPC, "stick" ) ) { stuckTime = TIMER_Get( NPC, "roamTime" )-level.time; } else { stuckTime = TIMER_Get( NPC, "stick" )-level.time; } if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "duck" ) ) {//we're not ducking if ( AI_GroupContainsEntNum( NPCInfo->group, hit ) ) { gentity_t *member = &g_entities[hit]; if ( TIMER_Done( member, "duck" ) ) {//they aren't ducking if ( TIMER_Done( member, "stand" ) ) {//they're not being forced to stand //tell them to duck at least as long as I'm not moving TIMER_Set( member, "duck", stuckTime ); // tell my friend to duck so I can shoot over his head return; } } } } else {//maybe we should stand if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "stand" ) ) {//stand for as long as we'll be here TIMER_Set( NPC, "stand", stuckTime ); return; } } //Hmm, can't resolve this by telling them to duck or telling me to stand //We need to doMove! TIMER_Set( NPC, "roamTime", -1 ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "stick", -1 ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "duck", -1 ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "attakDelay", Q_irand( 1000, 3000 ) ); } /* ------------------------- ST_CheckFireState ------------------------- */ static void ST_CheckFireState( void ) { if ( enemyCS ) {//if have a clear shot, always try return; } if ( NPCInfo->squadState == SQUAD_RETREAT || NPCInfo->squadState == SQUAD_TRANSITION || NPCInfo->squadState == SQUAD_SCOUT ) {//runners never try to fire at the last pos return; } if ( !VectorCompare( NPC->client->ps.velocity, vec3_origin ) ) {//if moving at all, don't do this return; } //See if we should continue to fire on their last position //!TIMER_Done( NPC, "stick" ) || if ( !hitAlly //we're not going to hit an ally && enemyInFOV //enemy is in our FOV //FIXME: or we don't have a clear LOS? && NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime > 0 //we've seen the enemy && NPCInfo->group //have a group && (NPCInfo->group->numState[SQUAD_RETREAT]>0||NPCInfo->group->numState[SQUAD_TRANSITION]>0||NPCInfo->group->numState[SQUAD_SCOUT]>0) )//laying down covering fire { if ( level.time - NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime < 10000 &&//we have seem the enemy in the last 10 seconds (!NPCInfo->group || level.time - NPCInfo->group->lastSeenEnemyTime < 10000 ))//we are not in a group or the group has seen the enemy in the last 10 seconds { if ( !Q_irand( 0, 10 ) ) { //Fire on the last known position vec3_t muzzle, dir, angles; qboolean tooClose = qfalse; qboolean tooFar = qfalse; CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_HEAD, muzzle ); if ( VectorCompare( impactPos, vec3_origin ) ) {//never checked ShotEntity this frame, so must do a trace... trace_t tr; //vec3_t mins = {-2,-2,-2}, maxs = {2,2,2}; vec3_t forward, end; AngleVectors( NPC->client->ps.viewangles, forward, NULL, NULL ); VectorMA( muzzle, 8192, forward, end ); gi.trace( &tr, muzzle, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, NPC->s.number, MASK_SHOT, (EG2_Collision)0, 0 ); VectorCopy( tr.endpos, impactPos ); } //see if impact would be too close to me float distThreshold = 16384/*128*128*/;//default switch ( NPC->s.weapon ) { case WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: case WP_FLECHETTE: case WP_THERMAL: case WP_TRIP_MINE: case WP_DET_PACK: distThreshold = 65536/*256*256*/; break; case WP_REPEATER: if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE ) { distThreshold = 65536/*256*256*/; } break; case WP_CONCUSSION: if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE) ) { distThreshold = 65536/*256*256*/; } break; default: break; } float dist = DistanceSquared( impactPos, muzzle ); if ( dist < distThreshold ) {//impact would be too close to me tooClose = qtrue; } else if ( level.time - NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime > 5000 || (NPCInfo->group && level.time - NPCInfo->group->lastSeenEnemyTime > 5000 )) {//we've haven't seen them in the last 5 seconds //see if it's too far from where he is distThreshold = 65536/*256*256*/;//default switch ( NPC->s.weapon ) { case WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: case WP_FLECHETTE: case WP_THERMAL: case WP_TRIP_MINE: case WP_DET_PACK: distThreshold = 262144/*512*512*/; break; case WP_REPEATER: if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE ) { distThreshold = 262144/*512*512*/; } break; case WP_CONCUSSION: if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE) ) { distThreshold = 262144/*512*512*/; } break; default: break; } dist = DistanceSquared( impactPos, NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenLocation ); if ( dist > distThreshold ) {//impact would be too far from enemy tooFar = qtrue; } } if ( !tooClose && !tooFar ) {//okay too shoot at last pos VectorSubtract( NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenLocation, muzzle, dir ); VectorNormalize( dir ); vectoangles( dir, angles ); NPCInfo->desiredYaw = angles[YAW]; NPCInfo->desiredPitch = angles[PITCH]; shoot = qtrue; faceEnemy = qfalse; //AI_GroupUpdateSquadstates( NPCInfo->group, NPC, SQUAD_STAND_AND_SHOOT ); return; } } } } } void ST_TrackEnemy( gentity_t *self, vec3_t enemyPos ) { //clear timers TIMER_Set( self, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 1000, 2000 ) ); //TIMER_Set( self, "duck", -1 ); TIMER_Set( self, "stick", Q_irand( 500, 1500 ) ); TIMER_Set( self, "stand", -1 ); TIMER_Set( self, "scoutTime", TIMER_Get( self, "stick" )-level.time+Q_irand(5000, 10000) ); //leave my combat point NPC_FreeCombatPoint( self->NPC->combatPoint ); //go after his last seen pos NPC_SetMoveGoal( self, enemyPos, 100.0f, qfalse ); if (Q_irand(0,3)==0) { NPCInfo->aiFlags |= NPCAI_STOP_AT_LOS; } } int ST_ApproachEnemy( gentity_t *self ) { TIMER_Set( self, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 250, 500 ) ); //TIMER_Set( self, "duck", -1 ); TIMER_Set( self, "stick", Q_irand( 1000, 2000 ) ); TIMER_Set( self, "stand", -1 ); TIMER_Set( self, "scoutTime", TIMER_Get( self, "stick" )-level.time+Q_irand(5000, 10000) ); //leave my combat point NPC_FreeCombatPoint( self->NPC->combatPoint ); //return the relevant combat point flags return (CP_CLEAR|CP_CLOSEST); } void ST_HuntEnemy( gentity_t *self ) { //TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 250, 500 ) );//Disabled this for now, guys who couldn't hunt would never attack //TIMER_Set( NPC, "duck", -1 ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "stick", Q_irand( 250, 1000 ) ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "stand", -1 ); TIMER_Set( NPC, "scoutTime", TIMER_Get( NPC, "stick" )-level.time+Q_irand(5000, 10000) ); //leave my combat point NPC_FreeCombatPoint( NPCInfo->combatPoint ); //go directly after the enemy if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags & SCF_CHASE_ENEMIES ) { self->NPC->goalEntity = NPC->enemy; } } void ST_TransferTimers( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other ) { TIMER_Set( other, "attackDelay", TIMER_Get( self, "attackDelay" )-level.time ); TIMER_Set( other, "duck", TIMER_Get( self, "duck" )-level.time ); TIMER_Set( other, "stick", TIMER_Get( self, "stick" )-level.time ); TIMER_Set( other, "scoutTime", TIMER_Get( self, "scoutTime" )-level.time ); TIMER_Set( other, "roamTime", TIMER_Get( self, "roamTime" )-level.time ); TIMER_Set( other, "stand", TIMER_Get( self, "stand" )-level.time ); TIMER_Set( self, "attackDelay", -1 ); TIMER_Set( self, "duck", -1 ); TIMER_Set( self, "stick", -1 ); TIMER_Set( self, "scoutTime", -1 ); TIMER_Set( self, "roamTime", -1 ); TIMER_Set( self, "stand", -1 ); } void ST_TransferMoveGoal( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other ) { if ( Q3_TaskIDPending( self, TID_MOVE_NAV ) ) {//can't transfer movegoal when a script we're running is waiting to complete return; } if ( self->NPC->combatPoint != -1 ) {//I've got a combatPoint I'm going to, give it to him self->NPC->lastFailedCombatPoint = other->NPC->combatPoint = self->NPC->combatPoint; self->NPC->combatPoint = -1; } else {//I must be going for a goal, give that to him instead if ( self->NPC->goalEntity == self->NPC->tempGoal ) { NPC_SetMoveGoal( other, self->NPC->tempGoal->currentOrigin, self->NPC->goalRadius, (qboolean)((self->NPC->tempGoal->svFlags & SVF_NAVGOAL) != 0) ); } else { other->NPC->goalEntity = self->NPC->goalEntity; } } //give him my squadstate AI_GroupUpdateSquadstates( self->NPC->group, other, NPCInfo->squadState ); //give him my timers and clear mine ST_TransferTimers( self, other ); //now make me stand around for a second or two at least AI_GroupUpdateSquadstates( self->NPC->group, self, SQUAD_STAND_AND_SHOOT ); TIMER_Set( self, "stand", Q_irand( 1000, 3000 ) ); } int ST_GetCPFlags( void ) { int cpFlags = 0; if ( NPC && NPCInfo->group ) { if ( NPC == NPCInfo->group->commander && NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_IMPERIAL ) {//imperials hang back and give orders if ( NPCInfo->group->numGroup > 1 && Q_irand( -3, NPCInfo->group->numGroup ) > 1 ) {//FIXME: make sure he;s giving orders with these lines if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) { ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_CHASE, 0.5 ); } else { ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_YELL, 0.5 ); } } cpFlags = (CP_CLEAR|CP_COVER|CP_AVOID|CP_SAFE|CP_RETREAT); } else if ( NPCInfo->group->morale < 0 ) {//hide cpFlags = (CP_COVER|CP_AVOID|CP_SAFE|CP_RETREAT); /* if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SABOTEUR && !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) ) { Saboteur_Cloak( NPC ); } */ } /* else if ( NPCInfo->group->morale < NPCInfo->group->numGroup ) {//morale is low for our size int moraleDrop = NPCInfo->group->numGroup - NPCInfo->group->morale; if ( moraleDrop < -6 ) {//flee (no clear shot needed) cpFlags = (CP_FLEE|CP_RETREAT|CP_COVER|CP_AVOID|CP_SAFE); } else if ( moraleDrop < -3 ) {//retreat (no clear shot needed) cpFlags = (CP_RETREAT|CP_COVER|CP_AVOID|CP_SAFE); } else if ( moraleDrop < 0 ) {//cover (no clear shot needed) cpFlags = (CP_COVER|CP_AVOID|CP_SAFE); } }*/ else { int moraleBoost = NPCInfo->group->morale - NPCInfo->group->numGroup; if ( moraleBoost > 20 ) {//charge to any one and outflank (no cover needed) cpFlags = (CP_CLEAR|CP_FLANK|CP_APPROACH_ENEMY); //Saboteur_Decloak( NPC ); } else if ( moraleBoost > 15 ) {//charge to closest one (no cover needed) cpFlags = (CP_CLEAR|CP_CLOSEST|CP_APPROACH_ENEMY); /* if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SABOTEUR && !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) ) { Saboteur_Decloak( NPC ); } */ } else if ( moraleBoost > 10 ) {//charge closer (no cover needed) cpFlags = (CP_CLEAR|CP_APPROACH_ENEMY); /* if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SABOTEUR && !Q_irand( 0, 6 ) ) { Saboteur_Decloak( NPC ); } */ } } } if ( !cpFlags ) { //at some medium level of morale switch( Q_irand( 0, 3 ) ) { case 0://just take the nearest one cpFlags = (CP_CLEAR|CP_COVER|CP_NEAREST); break; case 1://take one closer to the enemy cpFlags = (CP_CLEAR|CP_COVER|CP_APPROACH_ENEMY); break; case 2://take the one closest to the enemy cpFlags = (CP_CLEAR|CP_COVER|CP_CLOSEST|CP_APPROACH_ENEMY); break; case 3://take the one on the other side of the enemy cpFlags = (CP_CLEAR|CP_COVER|CP_FLANK|CP_APPROACH_ENEMY); break; } } if ( NPC && (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_USE_CP_NEAREST) ) { cpFlags &= ~(CP_FLANK|CP_APPROACH_ENEMY|CP_CLOSEST); cpFlags |= CP_NEAREST; } return cpFlags; } /* ------------------------- ST_Commander Make decisions about who should go where, etc. FIXME: leader (group-decision-making) AI? FIXME: need alternate routes! FIXME: more group voice interaction FIXME: work in pairs? ------------------------- */ void ST_Commander( void ) { int i;//, j; int cp, cpFlags; AIGroupInfo_t *group = NPCInfo->group; gentity_t *member;//, *buddy; qboolean enemyLost = qfalse; float avoidDist; group->processed = qtrue; if ( group->enemy == NULL || group->enemy->client == NULL ) {//hmm, no enemy...?! return; } //FIXME: have this group commander check the enemy group (if any) and see if they have // superior numbers. If they do, fall back rather than advance. If you have // superior numbers, advance on them. //FIXME: find the group commander and have him occasionally give orders when there is speech //FIXME: start fleeing when only a couple of you vs. a lightsaber, possibly give up if the only one left SaveNPCGlobals(); if ( group->lastSeenEnemyTime < level.time - 180000 ) {//dissolve the group ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_LOST, 0.0f ); group->enemy->waypoint = NAV::GetNearestNode(group->enemy); for ( i = 0; i < group->numGroup; i++ ) { member = &g_entities[group->member[i].number]; SetNPCGlobals( member ); if ( Q3_TaskIDPending( NPC, TID_MOVE_NAV ) ) {//running somewhere that a script requires us to go, don't break from that continue; } if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_CHASE_ENEMIES) ) {//not allowed to doMove on my own continue; } //Lost enemy for three minutes? go into search mode? G_ClearEnemy( NPC ); NPC->waypoint = NAV::GetNearestNode(group->enemy); if ( NPC->waypoint == WAYPOINT_NONE ) { NPCInfo->behaviorState = BS_DEFAULT;//BS_PATROL; } else if ( group->enemy->waypoint == WAYPOINT_NONE || (NAV::EstimateCostToGoal( NPC->waypoint, group->enemy->waypoint ) >= Q3_INFINITE) ) { NPC_BSSearchStart( NPC->waypoint, BS_SEARCH ); } else { NPC_BSSearchStart( group->enemy->waypoint, BS_SEARCH ); } } group->enemy = NULL; RestoreNPCGlobals(); return; } if ( /*!runner &&*/ group->lastSeenEnemyTime > level.time - 32000 && group->lastSeenEnemyTime < level.time - 30000 ) {//no-one has seen the enemy for 30 seconds// and no-one is running after him if ( group->commander && !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) { ST_Speech( group->commander, SPEECH_ESCAPING, 0.0f ); } else { ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_ESCAPING, 0.0f ); } //don't say this again NPCInfo->blockedSpeechDebounceTime = level.time + 3000; } if ( group->lastSeenEnemyTime < level.time - 7000 ) {//no-one has seen the enemy for at least 10 seconds! Should send a scout enemyLost = qtrue; } //Go through the list: //Everyone should try to get to a combat point if possible int curMemberNum, lastMemberNum; if ( d_asynchronousGroupAI->integer ) {//do one member a turn group->activeMemberNum++; if ( group->activeMemberNum >= group->numGroup ) { group->activeMemberNum = 0; } curMemberNum = group->activeMemberNum; lastMemberNum = curMemberNum + 1; } else { curMemberNum = 0; lastMemberNum = group->numGroup; } for ( i = curMemberNum; i < lastMemberNum; i++ ) { //reset combat point flags cp = -1; cpFlags = 0; avoidDist = 0; //get the next guy member = &g_entities[group->member[i].number]; if ( !member->enemy ) {//don't include guys that aren't angry continue; } SetNPCGlobals( member ); if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "flee" ) ) {//running away continue; } if ( Q3_TaskIDPending( NPC, TID_MOVE_NAV ) ) {//running somewhere that a script requires us to go continue; } if ( NPC->s.weapon == WP_NONE && NPCInfo->goalEntity && NPCInfo->goalEntity == NPCInfo->tempGoal && NPCInfo->goalEntity->s.eType == ET_ITEM ) {//running to pick up a gun, don't do other logic continue; } if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_CHASE_ENEMIES) ) {//not allowed to do combat-movement continue; } if ( NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_NONE ) {//weaponless, should be hiding if ( NPCInfo->goalEntity == NULL || NPCInfo->goalEntity->enemy == NULL || NPCInfo->goalEntity->enemy->s.eType != ET_ITEM ) {//not running after a pickup if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "hideTime" ) || (DistanceSquared( group->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin ) < 65536 && NPC_ClearLOS( NPC->enemy )) ) {//done hiding or enemy near and can see us //er, start another flee I guess? NPC_StartFlee( NPC->enemy, NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, AEL_DANGER_GREAT, 5000, 10000 ); }//else, just hang here } continue; } if (enemyLost && NAV::InSameRegion(NPC, NPC->enemy->currentOrigin)) { ST_TrackEnemy( NPC, NPC->enemy->currentOrigin ); continue; } if (!NPC->enemy) { continue; } // Check To See We Have A Clear Shot To The Enemy Every Couple Seconds //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (TIMER_Done( NPC, "checkGrenadeTooCloseDebouncer" )) { TIMER_Set (NPC, "checkGrenadeTooCloseDebouncer", Q_irand(300, 600)); vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; bool fled = false; gentity_t* ent; gentity_t *entityList[MAX_GENTITIES]; for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { mins[i] = NPC->currentOrigin[i] - 200; maxs[i] = NPC->currentOrigin[i] + 200; } int numListedEntities = gi.EntitiesInBox( mins, maxs, entityList, MAX_GENTITIES ); for (int e = 0 ; e < numListedEntities ; e++ ) { ent = entityList[ e ]; if (ent == NPC) continue; if (ent->owner == NPC) continue; if ( !(ent->inuse) ) continue; if ( ent->s.eType == ET_MISSILE ) { if ( ent->s.weapon == WP_THERMAL ) {//a thermal if ( ent->has_bounced && (!ent->owner || !OnSameTeam(ent->owner, NPC))) {//bounced and an enemy thermal ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_COVER, 0 );//FIXME: flee sound? NPC_StartFlee(NPC->enemy, ent->currentOrigin, AEL_DANGER_GREAT, 1000, 2000); fled = true; // cpFlags |= (CP_CLEAR|CP_COVER); // NOPE, Can't See The Enemy, So Find A New Combat Point TIMER_Set (NPC, "checkGrenadeTooCloseDebouncer", Q_irand(2000, 4000)); break; } } } } if (fled) { continue; } } // Check To See We Have A Clear Shot To The Enemy Every Couple Seconds //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (TIMER_Done( NPC, "checkEnemyVisDebouncer" )) { TIMER_Set (NPC, "checkEnemyVisDebouncer", Q_irand(3000, 7000)); if (!NPC_ClearLOS(NPC->enemy)) { cpFlags |= (CP_CLEAR|CP_COVER); // NOPE, Can't See The Enemy, So Find A New Combat Point } } // Check To See If The Enemy Is Too Close For Comfort //---------------------------------------------------- if (NPC->client->NPC_class!=CLASS_ASSASSIN_DROID) { if (TIMER_Done(NPC, "checkEnemyTooCloseDebouncer")) { TIMER_Set (NPC, "checkEnemyTooCloseDebouncer", Q_irand(1000, 6000)); float distThreshold = 16384/*128*128*/;//default switch ( NPC->s.weapon ) { case WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: case WP_FLECHETTE: case WP_THERMAL: case WP_TRIP_MINE: case WP_DET_PACK: distThreshold = 65536/*256*256*/; break; case WP_REPEATER: if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE ) { distThreshold = 65536/*256*256*/; } break; case WP_CONCUSSION: if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE) ) { distThreshold = 65536/*256*256*/; } break; default: break; } if ( DistanceSquared( group->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin ) < distThreshold ) { cpFlags |= (CP_CLEAR|CP_COVER); } } } //clear the local state NPCInfo->localState = LSTATE_NONE; cpFlags &= ~CP_NEAREST; //Assign combat points if ( cpFlags ) {//we want to run to a combat point //always avoid enemy when picking combat points, and we always want to be able to get there cpFlags |= CP_AVOID_ENEMY|CP_HAS_ROUTE|CP_TRYFAR; avoidDist = 200; //now get a combat point if ( cp == -1 ) {//may have had sone set above cp = NPC_FindCombatPointRetry( NPC->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin, &cpFlags, avoidDist, NPCInfo->lastFailedCombatPoint ); } //see if we got a valid one if ( cp != -1 ) {//found a combat point //let others know that someone is now running //don't change course again until we get to where we're going TIMER_Set( NPC, "roamTime", Q3_INFINITE ); NPC_SetCombatPoint( cp ); NPC_SetMoveGoal( NPC, level.combatPoints[cp].origin, 8, qtrue, cp ); // If Successfully if ((cpFlags&CP_FLANK) || ((cpFlags&CP_COVER) && (cpFlags&CP_CLEAR))) { } else if (Q_irand(0,3)==0) { NPCInfo->aiFlags |= NPCAI_STOP_AT_LOS; } //okay, try a doMove right now to see if we can even get there if ( (cpFlags&CP_FLANK) ) { if ( group->numGroup > 1 ) { NPC_ST_StoreMovementSpeech( SPEECH_OUTFLANK, -1 ); } } else if ( (cpFlags&CP_COVER) && !(cpFlags&CP_CLEAR) ) {//going into hiding NPC_ST_StoreMovementSpeech( SPEECH_COVER, -1 ); } else { if ( !Q_irand( 0, 20 ) ) {//hell, we're loading the sounds, use them every now and then! if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) ) { NPC_ST_StoreMovementSpeech( SPEECH_OUTFLANK, -1 ); } else { NPC_ST_StoreMovementSpeech( SPEECH_ESCAPING, -1 ); } } } } } } RestoreNPCGlobals(); return; } extern void G_Knockdown( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *attacker, const vec3_t pushDir, float strength, qboolean breakSaberLock ); void Noghri_StickTrace( void ) { if ( !NPC->ghoul2.size() || NPC->weaponModel[0] <= 0 ) { return; } int boltIndex = gi.G2API_AddBolt(&NPC->ghoul2[NPC->weaponModel[0]], "*weapon"); if ( boltIndex != -1 ) { int curTime = (cg.time?cg.time:level.time); qboolean hit = qfalse; int lastHit = ENTITYNUM_NONE; for ( int time = curTime-25; time <= curTime+25&&!hit; time += 25 ) { mdxaBone_t boltMatrix; vec3_t tip, dir, base, angles={0,NPC->currentAngles[YAW],0}; vec3_t mins={-2,-2,-2},maxs={2,2,2}; trace_t trace; gi.G2API_GetBoltMatrix( NPC->ghoul2, NPC->weaponModel[0], boltIndex, &boltMatrix, angles, NPC->currentOrigin, time, NULL, NPC->s.modelScale ); gi.G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( boltMatrix, ORIGIN, base ); gi.G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( boltMatrix, POSITIVE_Y, dir ); VectorMA( base, 48, dir, tip ); #ifndef FINAL_BUILD if ( d_saberCombat->integer > 1 ) { G_DebugLine(base, tip, FRAMETIME, 0x000000ff, qtrue); } #endif gi.trace( &trace, base, mins, maxs, tip, NPC->s.number, MASK_SHOT, G2_RETURNONHIT, 10 ); if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f && trace.entityNum != lastHit ) {//hit something gentity_t *traceEnt = &g_entities[trace.entityNum]; if ( traceEnt->takedamage && (!traceEnt->client || traceEnt == NPC->enemy || traceEnt->client->NPC_class != NPC->client->NPC_class) ) {//smack int dmg = Q_irand( 12, 20 );//FIXME: base on skill! //FIXME: debounce? G_Sound( traceEnt, G_SoundIndex( va( "sound/weapons/tusken_staff/stickhit%d.wav", Q_irand( 1, 4 ) ) ) ); G_Damage( traceEnt, NPC, NPC, vec3_origin, trace.endpos, dmg, DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK, MOD_MELEE ); if ( traceEnt->health > 0 && dmg > 17 ) {//do pain on enemy G_Knockdown( traceEnt, NPC, dir, 300, qtrue ); } lastHit = trace.entityNum; hit = qtrue; } } } } } /* ------------------------- NPC_BSST_Attack ------------------------- */ void NPC_BSST_Attack( void ) { //Don't do anything if we're hurt if ( NPC->painDebounceTime > level.time ) { NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue ); return; } //NPC_CheckEnemy( qtrue, qfalse ); //If we don't have an enemy, just idle if ( NPC_CheckEnemyExt() == qfalse )//!NPC->enemy )// { if( NPC->client->playerTeam == TEAM_PLAYER ) { NPC_BSPatrol(); } else { NPC_BSST_Patrol();//FIXME: or patrol? } return; } //FIXME: put some sort of delay into the guys depending on how they saw you...? //Get our group info if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "interrogating" ) ) { AI_GetGroup( NPC );//, 45, 512, NPC->enemy ); } else { //FIXME: when done interrogating, I should send out a team alert! } if ( NPCInfo->group ) {//I belong to a squad of guys - we should *always* have a group if ( !NPCInfo->group->processed ) {//I'm the first ent in my group, I'll make the command decisions #if AI_TIMERS int startTime = GetTime(0); #endif// AI_TIMERS ST_Commander(); #if AI_TIMERS int commTime = GetTime ( startTime ); if ( commTime > 20 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: Commander time: %d\n", commTime ); } else if ( commTime > 10 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: Commander time: %d\n", commTime ); } else if ( commTime > 2 ) { gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN"Commander time: %d\n", commTime ); } #endif// AI_TIMERS } } else if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "flee" ) && NPC_CheckForDanger( NPC_CheckAlertEvents( qtrue, qtrue, -1, qfalse, AEL_DANGER ) ) ) {//not already fleeing, and going to run ST_Speech( NPC, SPEECH_COVER, 0 ); NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue ); return; } if ( !NPC->enemy ) {//WTF? somehow we lost our enemy? NPC_BSST_Patrol();//FIXME: or patrol? return; } if (NPCInfo->goalEntity && NPCInfo->goalEntity!=NPC->enemy) { NPCInfo->goalEntity = UpdateGoal(); } enemyLOS = enemyCS = enemyInFOV = qfalse; doMove = qtrue; faceEnemy = qfalse; shoot = qfalse; hitAlly = qfalse; VectorClear( impactPos ); enemyDist = DistanceSquared( NPC->currentOrigin, NPC->enemy->currentOrigin ); vec3_t enemyDir, shootDir; VectorSubtract( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin, enemyDir ); VectorNormalize( enemyDir ); AngleVectors( NPC->client->ps.viewangles, shootDir, NULL, NULL ); float dot = DotProduct( enemyDir, shootDir ); if ( dot > 0.5f ||( enemyDist * (1.0f-dot)) < 10000 ) {//enemy is in front of me or they're very close and not behind me enemyInFOV = qtrue; } if ( enemyDist < MIN_ROCKET_DIST_SQUARED )//128 {//enemy within 128 if ( (NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_FLECHETTE || NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_REPEATER) && (NPCInfo->scriptFlags & SCF_ALT_FIRE) ) {//shooting an explosive, but enemy too close, switch to primary fire NPCInfo->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_ALT_FIRE; //FIXME: we can never go back to alt-fire this way since, after this, we don't know if we were initially supposed to use alt-fire or not... } } else if ( enemyDist > 65536 )//256 squared { if ( NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR ) {//sniping... if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE) ) {//use primary fire NPCInfo->scriptFlags |= SCF_ALT_FIRE; //reset fire-timing variables NPC_ChangeWeapon( NPC->client->ps.weapon ); NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue ); return; } } } //can we see our target? if ( NPC_ClearLOS( NPC->enemy ) ) { AI_GroupUpdateEnemyLastSeen( NPCInfo->group, NPC->enemy->currentOrigin ); NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time; enemyLOS = qtrue; if ( NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_NONE ) { enemyCS = qfalse;//not true, but should stop us from firing NPC_AimAdjust( -1 );//adjust aim worse longer we have no weapon } else {//can we shoot our target? if ((enemyDist < MIN_ROCKET_DIST_SQUARED) && ((level.time - NPC->lastMoveTime)<5000) && ( (NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER || (NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_CONCUSSION && !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE)) || (NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_FLECHETTE && (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE))))) { enemyCS = qfalse;//not true, but should stop us from firing hitAlly = qtrue;//us! //FIXME: if too close, run away! } else if ( enemyInFOV ) {//if enemy is FOV, go ahead and check for shooting int hit = NPC_ShotEntity( NPC->enemy, impactPos ); gentity_t *hitEnt = &g_entities[hit]; if ( hit == NPC->enemy->s.number || ( hitEnt && hitEnt->client && hitEnt->client->playerTeam == NPC->client->enemyTeam ) || ( hitEnt && hitEnt->takedamage && ((hitEnt->svFlags&SVF_GLASS_BRUSH)||hitEnt->health < 40||NPC->s.weapon == WP_EMPLACED_GUN) ) ) {//can hit enemy or enemy ally or will hit glass or other minor breakable (or in emplaced gun), so shoot anyway AI_GroupUpdateClearShotTime( NPCInfo->group ); enemyCS = qtrue; NPC_AimAdjust( 2 );//adjust aim better longer we have clear shot at enemy VectorCopy( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenLocation ); } else {//Hmm, have to get around this bastard NPC_AimAdjust( 1 );//adjust aim better longer we can see enemy ST_ResolveBlockedShot( hit ); if ( hitEnt && hitEnt->client && hitEnt->client->playerTeam == NPC->client->playerTeam ) {//would hit an ally, don't fire!!! hitAlly = qtrue; } else {//Check and see where our shot *would* hit... if it's not close to the enemy (within 256?), then don't fire } } } else { enemyCS = qfalse;//not true, but should stop us from firing } } } else if ( gi.inPVS( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin ) ) { NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time; faceEnemy = qtrue; NPC_AimAdjust( -1 );//adjust aim worse longer we cannot see enemy } if ( NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_NONE ) { faceEnemy = qfalse; shoot = qfalse; } else { if ( enemyLOS ) {//FIXME: no need to face enemy if we're moving to some other goal and he's too far away to shoot? faceEnemy = qtrue; } if ( enemyCS ) { shoot = qtrue; } } //Check for movement to take care of ST_CheckMoveState(); //See if we should override shooting decision with any special considerations ST_CheckFireState(); if ( faceEnemy ) {//face the enemy NPC_FaceEnemy( qtrue ); } if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_CHASE_ENEMIES) ) {//not supposed to chase my enemies if ( NPCInfo->goalEntity == NPC->enemy ) {//goal is my entity, so don't doMove doMove = qfalse; } } else if (NPC->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_GROUPS) { // NPCInfo->goalEntity = UpdateGoal(); NPCInfo->goalEntity = (enemyLOS)?(0):(NPC->enemy); } if ( NPC->client->fireDelay && NPC->s.weapon == WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER ) { doMove = qfalse; } if ( !ucmd.rightmove ) {//only if not already strafing for some strange reason...? //NOTE: these are never set here, but can be set in AI_Jedi.cpp for those NPCs who are sort of Stormtrooper/Jedi hybrids //NOTE: this stomps navigation movement entirely! //FIXME: if enemy behind me and turning to face enemy, don't strafe in that direction, too if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "strafeLeft" ) ) { /* if ( NPCInfo->desiredYaw > NPC->client->ps.viewangles[YAW] + 60 ) {//we want to turn left, don't apply the strafing } else */ {//go ahead and strafe left ucmd.rightmove = -127; //re-check the duck as we might want to be rolling VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir ); doMove = qfalse; } } else if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "strafeRight" ) ) { /*if ( NPCInfo->desiredYaw < NPC->client->ps.viewangles[YAW] - 60 ) {//we want to turn right, don't apply the strafing } else */ {//go ahead and strafe left ucmd.rightmove = 127; VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir ); doMove = qfalse; } } } if ( NPC->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_GUARD_LOOKAROUND1 ) {//don't doMove when doing silly look around thing doMove = qfalse; } if ( doMove ) {//doMove toward goal if ( NPCInfo->goalEntity )//&& ( NPCInfo->goalEntity != NPC->enemy || enemyDist > 10000 ) )//100 squared { doMove = ST_Move(); if ( (NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_ROCKETTROOPER||NPC->s.weapon!=WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER||enemyDistgoalEntity && DistanceSquared( NPCInfo->goalEntity->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin ) > MIN_TURN_AROUND_DIST_SQ ) {//don't stop running backwards if your goal is less than 100 away if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "runBackwardsDebounce" ) ) {//not already waiting for next run backwards if ( !TIMER_Exists( NPC, "runningBackwards" ) ) {//start running backwards TIMER_Set( NPC, "runningBackwards", Q_irand( 500, 1000 ) );//Q_irand( 2000, 3500 ) ); } else if ( TIMER_Done2( NPC, "runningBackwards", qtrue ) ) {//done running backwards TIMER_Set( NPC, "runBackwardsDebounce", Q_irand( 3000, 5000 ) ); } } } } else {//not running backwards //TIMER_Remove( NPC, "runningBackwards" ); } } else { doMove = qfalse; } } if ( !doMove ) { if (NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_ASSASSIN_DROID) { if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "duck" ) ) { ucmd.upmove = -127; } } //FIXME: what about leaning? } else {//stop ducking! TIMER_Set( NPC, "duck", -1 ); } if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_REBORN//cultist using a gun && NPCInfo->rank >= RANK_LT_COMM //commando or better && NPC->enemy->s.weapon == WP_SABER )//fighting a saber-user {//commando saboteur vs. jedi/reborn //see if we need to avoid their saber NPC_EvasionSaber(); } if ( //!TIMER_Done( NPC, "flee" ) || (doMove&&!TIMER_Done( NPC, "runBackwardsDebounce" )) ) {//running away faceEnemy = qfalse; } //FIXME: check scf_face_move_dir here? if ( !faceEnemy ) {//we want to face in the dir we're running if ( !doMove ) {//if we haven't moved, we should look in the direction we last looked? VectorCopy( NPC->client->ps.viewangles, NPCInfo->lastPathAngles ); } NPCInfo->desiredYaw = NPCInfo->lastPathAngles[YAW]; NPCInfo->desiredPitch = 0; NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue ); if ( doMove ) {//don't run away and shoot shoot = qfalse; } } if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags & SCF_DONT_FIRE ) { shoot = qfalse; } if ( NPC->enemy && NPC->enemy->enemy ) { if ( NPC->enemy->s.weapon == WP_SABER && NPC->enemy->enemy->s.weapon == WP_SABER ) {//don't shoot at an enemy jedi who is fighting another jedi, for fear of injuring one or causing rogue blaster deflections (a la Obi Wan/Vader duel at end of ANH) shoot = qfalse; } } //FIXME: don't shoot right away! if ( NPC->client->fireDelay ) { if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SABOTEUR ) { Saboteur_Decloak( NPC ); } if ( NPC->s.weapon == WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER || (NPC->s.weapon==WP_CONCUSSION&&!(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE)) ) { if ( !enemyLOS || !enemyCS ) {//cancel it NPC->client->fireDelay = 0; } else {//delay our next attempt TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 3000, 5000 ) ); } } } else if ( shoot ) {//try to shoot if it's time if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SABOTEUR ) { Saboteur_Decloak( NPC ); } if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "attackDelay" ) ) { if( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags & SCF_FIRE_WEAPON) ) // we've already fired, no need to do it again here { WeaponThink( qtrue ); } //NASTY if ( NPC->s.weapon == WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER ) { if ( (ucmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK) && !doMove && g_spskill->integer > 1 && !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) ) {//every now and then, shoot a homing rocket ucmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ATTACK; ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK; NPC->client->fireDelay = Q_irand( 1000, 2500 ); } } else if ( NPC->s.weapon == WP_NOGHRI_STICK && enemyDist < (48*48) )//? { ucmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ATTACK; ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK; NPC->client->fireDelay = Q_irand( 1500, 2000 ); } } } else { if ( NPC->attackDebounceTime < level.time ) { if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SABOTEUR ) { Saboteur_Cloak( NPC ); } } } } extern qboolean G_TuskenAttackAnimDamage( gentity_t *self ); void NPC_BSST_Default( void ) { if( NPCInfo->scriptFlags & SCF_FIRE_WEAPON ) { WeaponThink( qtrue ); } if ( NPC->s.weapon == WP_NOGHRI_STICK ) { if ( G_TuskenAttackAnimDamage( NPC ) ) { Noghri_StickTrace(); } } if( !NPC->enemy ) {//don't have an enemy, look for one NPC_BSST_Patrol(); } else //if ( NPC->enemy ) {//have an enemy if ( NPC->enemy->client //enemy is a client && (NPC->enemy->client->NPC_class == CLASS_UGNAUGHT || NPC->enemy->client->NPC_class == CLASS_JAWA )//enemy is a lowly jawa or ugnaught && NPC->enemy->enemy != NPC//enemy's enemy is not me && (!NPC->enemy->enemy || !NPC->enemy->enemy->client || (NPC->enemy->enemy->client->NPC_class!=CLASS_RANCOR&&NPC->enemy->enemy->client->NPC_class!=CLASS_WAMPA)) )//enemy's enemy is not a client or is not a wampa or rancor (which is scarier than me) {//they should be scared of ME and no-one else G_SetEnemy( NPC->enemy, NPC ); } NPC_CheckGetNewWeapon(); NPC_BSST_Attack(); } }