Allow grip to pull and push NPCs away and toward player (by moving hand forward and back)
Make saber still be controllable on level 1 but slower and for shorter time
Always draw force crosshair, but change colour when aimed at an entity
such as a mouse droid, then render on a screen as if viewing a remote camera. This might need reworking if the player controls something alive at some point, but works well for the mouse droid for now.
Also for security cameras, render to a screen
and a number of other changes:
- Scrolling text on main menu for patron credits
- Off-hand force powers using trigger
- vr_weapon_velocity_trigger - cvar controls speed for velocity triggered weapons
- walk direction is hmd based
- Fix issue where scripts stop running if you die (change to
- Added weapon based crosshair
- Lots of HUD fixes
- Fixed snowing indoors issue
- Fixed some crashes
- weapons (for the first level of outcast) should be aligned
- ducking works, player height now correct
some button changes:
A - Jump
B - Alt Fire
X - Use current Force (no use in outcast atm)
Y - Select next Force Power
Right Thumbstick Button - "Use"
Left Thumbstick Button - Duck - good for side rolls etc
Right Grip - Slow time to 10% (testing this for the weapon/force selector, also quite fun)
Left Grip - two handed weapons (no advantage to this at the moment)
You should find that weapons are now properly motion controlled