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Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013, Raven Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013, Activision, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015, OpenJK contributors
This file is part of the OpenJK source code.
OpenJK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "g_headers.h"
#include "b_local.h"
#include "g_nav.h"
#include "anims.h"
#include "wp_saber.h"
#include "../../code/qcommon/tri_coll_test.h"
extern void CG_DrawAlert( vec3_t origin, float rating );
extern void G_AddVoiceEvent( gentity_t *self, int event, int speakDebounceTime );
extern qboolean InFront( vec3_t spot, vec3_t from, vec3_t fromAngles, float threshHold = 0.0f );
extern void G_StartMatrixEffect( gentity_t *ent, qboolean falling = qfalse, int length = 1000 );
extern cvar_t *g_saberRealisticCombat;
extern cvar_t *d_slowmodeath;
#define MAX_VIEW_DIST 2048
#define MAX_VIEW_SPEED 100
#define DISTANCE_SCALE 0.25f
//#define DISTANCE_THRESHOLD 0.075f
#define SPEED_SCALE 0.25f
#define FOV_SCALE 0.5f
#define LIGHT_SCALE 0.25f
extern void NPC_ClearLookTarget( gentity_t *self );
extern void NPC_SetLookTarget( gentity_t *self, int entNum, int clearTime );
extern void NPC_TempLookTarget( gentity_t *self, int lookEntNum, int minLookTime, int maxLookTime );
extern qboolean G_ExpandPointToBBox( vec3_t point, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int ignore, int clipmask );
extern qboolean NPC_CheckEnemyStealth( void );
extern void G_SoundOnEnt( gentity_t *ent, soundChannel_t channel, const char *soundPath );
extern gitem_t *FindItemForAmmo( ammo_t ammo );
extern void ForceThrow( gentity_t *self, qboolean pull );
extern void ForceLightning( gentity_t *self );
extern int WP_MissileBlockForBlock( int saberBlock );
extern qboolean G_GetHitLocFromSurfName( gentity_t *ent, const char *surfName, int *hitLoc, vec3_t point, vec3_t dir, vec3_t bladeDir, int mod );
extern qboolean WP_ForcePowerUsable( gentity_t *self, forcePowers_t forcePower, int overrideAmt );
extern qboolean WP_ForcePowerAvailable( gentity_t *self, forcePowers_t forcePower, int overrideAmt );
extern void WP_ForcePowerStop( gentity_t *self, forcePowers_t forcePower );
extern void WP_KnockdownTurret( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *pas );
//extern void WP_SaberBlock(gentity_t *saber, vec3_t hitloc);
extern int PM_AnimLength( int index, animNumber_t anim );
extern qboolean PM_SaberInStart( int move );
extern qboolean PM_SaberInSpecialAttack( int anim );
extern qboolean PM_SaberInAttack( int move );
extern qboolean PM_SaberInBounce( int move );
extern qboolean PM_SaberInParry( int move );
extern qboolean PM_SaberInKnockaway( int move );
extern qboolean PM_SaberInBrokenParry( int move );
extern qboolean PM_SaberInDeflect( int move );
extern qboolean PM_SpinningSaberAnim( int anim );
extern qboolean PM_FlippingAnim( int anim );
extern qboolean PM_RollingAnim( int anim );
extern qboolean PM_InKnockDown( playerState_t *ps );
extern qboolean PM_InRoll( playerState_t *ps );
static void Jedi_Aggression( gentity_t *self, int change );
qboolean Jedi_WaitingAmbush( gentity_t *self );
extern int parryDebounce[];
static int jediSpeechDebounceTime[TEAM_NUM_TEAMS];//used to stop several jedi from speaking all at once
//Local state enums
void NPC_ShadowTrooper_Precache( void )
RegisterItem( FindItemForAmmo( AMMO_FORCE ) );
G_SoundIndex( "sound/chars/shadowtrooper/cloak.wav" );
G_SoundIndex( "sound/chars/shadowtrooper/decloak.wav" );
void Jedi_ClearTimers( gentity_t *ent )
TIMER_Set( ent, "roamTime", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "chatter", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "strafeLeft", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "strafeRight", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "noStrafe", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "walking", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "taunting", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "parryTime", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "parryReCalcTime", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "forceJumpChasing", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "jumpChaseDebounce", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "moveforward", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "moveback", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "movenone", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "moveright", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "moveleft", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "movecenter", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "saberLevelDebounce", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "noRetreat", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "holdLightning", 0 );
TIMER_Set( ent, "noturn", 0 );
void Jedi_PlayBlockedPushSound( gentity_t *self )
if ( !self->s.number )
G_AddVoiceEvent( self, EV_PUSHFAIL, 3000 );
else if ( self->health > 0 && self->NPC && self->NPC->blockedSpeechDebounceTime < level.time )
G_AddVoiceEvent( self, EV_PUSHFAIL, 3000 );
self->NPC->blockedSpeechDebounceTime = level.time + 3000;
void Jedi_PlayDeflectSound( gentity_t *self )
if ( !self->s.number )
G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand( EV_DEFLECT1, EV_DEFLECT3 ), 3000 );
else if ( self->health > 0 && self->NPC && self->NPC->blockedSpeechDebounceTime < level.time )
G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand( EV_DEFLECT1, EV_DEFLECT3 ), 3000 );
self->NPC->blockedSpeechDebounceTime = level.time + 3000;
void NPC_Jedi_PlayConfusionSound( gentity_t *self )
if ( self->health > 0 )
if ( self->client && ( self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION || self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_DESANN ) )
G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand( EV_CONFUSE1, EV_CONFUSE3 ), 2000 );
else if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand( EV_TAUNT1, EV_TAUNT3 ), 2000 );
G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand( EV_GLOAT1, EV_GLOAT3 ), 2000 );
void Jedi_Cloak( gentity_t *self )
if ( self && self->client )
if ( !self->client->ps.powerups[PW_CLOAKED] )
self->client->ps.powerups[PW_CLOAKED] = Q3_INFINITE;
self->client->ps.powerups[PW_UNCLOAKING] = level.time + 2000;
//FIXME: debounce attacks?
//FIXME: temp sound
G_SoundOnEnt( self, CHAN_ITEM, "sound/chars/shadowtrooper/cloak.wav" );
void Jedi_Decloak( gentity_t *self )
if ( self && self->client )
if ( self->client->ps.powerups[PW_CLOAKED] )
self->client->ps.powerups[PW_CLOAKED] = 0;
self->client->ps.powerups[PW_UNCLOAKING] = level.time + 2000;
//FIXME: temp sound
G_SoundOnEnt( self, CHAN_ITEM, "sound/chars/shadowtrooper/decloak.wav" );
void Jedi_CheckCloak( void )
if ( NPC && NPC->client && NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SHADOWTROOPER )
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberActive ||
NPC->health <= 0 ||
NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight ||
(NPC->client->ps.eFlags&EF_FORCE_GRIPPED) ||
NPC->painDebounceTime > level.time )
{//can't be cloaked if saber is on, or dead or saber in flight or taking pain or being gripped
Jedi_Decloak( NPC );
else if ( NPC->health > 0 && !NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight && !(NPC->client->ps.eFlags&EF_FORCE_GRIPPED) && NPC->painDebounceTime < level.time )
{//still alive, have saber in hand, not taking pain and not being gripped
Jedi_Cloak( NPC );
static void Jedi_Aggression( gentity_t *self, int change )
int upper_threshold, lower_threshold;
self->NPC->stats.aggression += change;
//FIXME: base this on initial NPC stats
if ( self->client->playerTeam == TEAM_PLAYER )
{//good guys are less aggressive
upper_threshold = 7;
lower_threshold = 1;
{//bad guys are more aggressive
if ( self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_DESANN )
upper_threshold = 20;
lower_threshold = 5;
upper_threshold = 10;
lower_threshold = 3;
if ( self->NPC->stats.aggression > upper_threshold )
self->NPC->stats.aggression = upper_threshold;
else if ( self->NPC->stats.aggression < lower_threshold )
self->NPC->stats.aggression = lower_threshold;
//Com_Printf( "(%d) %s agg %d change: %d\n", level.time, self->NPC_type, self->NPC->stats.aggression, change );
static void Jedi_AggressionErosion( int amt )
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "roamTime" ) )
{//the longer we're not alerted and have no enemy, the more our aggression goes down
TIMER_Set( NPC, "roamTime", Q_irand( 2000, 5000 ) );
Jedi_Aggression( NPC, amt );
if ( NPCInfo->stats.aggression < 4 || (NPCInfo->stats.aggression < 6&&NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_DESANN))
{//turn off the saber
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberActive )
NPC->client->ps.saberActive = qfalse;
if ( NPC->client->playerTeam == TEAM_PLAYER )
G_SoundOnEnt( NPC, CHAN_WEAPON, "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" );
G_SoundOnEnt( NPC, CHAN_WEAPON, "sound/weapons/saber/enemy_saber_off.wav" );
void NPC_Jedi_RateNewEnemy( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *enemy )
float healthAggression;
float weaponAggression;
switch( enemy->s.weapon )
case WP_SABER:
healthAggression = (float)self->health/200.0f*6.0f;
weaponAggression = 7;//go after him
if ( DistanceSquared( self->currentOrigin, enemy->currentOrigin ) < 65536 )//256 squared
healthAggression = (float)self->health/200.0f*8.0f;
weaponAggression = 8;//go after him
healthAggression = 8.0f - ((float)self->health/200.0f*8.0f);
weaponAggression = 2;//hang back for a second
healthAggression = (float)self->health/200.0f*8.0f;
weaponAggression = 6;//approach
//Average these with current aggression
int newAggression = ceil( (healthAggression + weaponAggression + (float)self->NPC->stats.aggression )/3.0f);
//Com_Printf( "(%d) new agg %d - new enemy\n", level.time, newAggression );
Jedi_Aggression( self, newAggression - self->NPC->stats.aggression );
//don't taunt right away
TIMER_Set( self, "chatter", Q_irand( 4000, 7000 ) );
static qboolean Jedi_BattleTaunt( void )
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "chatter" )
&& !Q_irand( 0, 3 )
&& NPCInfo->blockedSpeechDebounceTime < level.time
&& jediSpeechDebounceTime[NPC->client->playerTeam] < level.time )
int event = -1;
if ( NPC->client->playerTeam == TEAM_PLAYER
&& NPC->enemy && NPC->enemy->client && NPC->enemy->client->NPC_class == CLASS_JEDI )
{//a jedi fighting a jedi - training
if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_JEDI && NPCInfo->rank == RANK_COMMANDER )
{//only trainer taunts
event = EV_TAUNT1;
{//reborn or a jedi fighting an enemy
event = Q_irand( EV_TAUNT1, EV_TAUNT3 );
if ( event != -1 )
G_AddVoiceEvent( NPC, event, 3000 );
jediSpeechDebounceTime[NPC->client->playerTeam] = NPCInfo->blockedSpeechDebounceTime = level.time + 6000;
TIMER_Set( NPC, "chatter", Q_irand( 5000, 10000 ) );
if ( NPC->enemy && NPC->enemy->NPC && NPC->enemy->s.weapon == WP_SABER && NPC->enemy->client && NPC->enemy->client->NPC_class == CLASS_JEDI )
{//Have the enemy jedi say something in response when I'm done?
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
static qboolean Jedi_ClearPathToSpot( vec3_t dest, int impactEntNum )
trace_t trace;
vec3_t mins, start, end, dir;
float dist, drop;
//Offset the step height
VectorSet( mins, NPC->mins[0], NPC->mins[1], NPC->mins[2] + STEPSIZE );
gi.trace( &trace, NPC->currentOrigin, mins, NPC->maxs, dest, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
//Do a simple check
if ( trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid )
{//inside solid
return qfalse;
if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f )
{//hit something
if ( impactEntNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE && trace.entityNum == impactEntNum )
{//hit what we're going after
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
//otherwise, clear path in a straight line.
//Now at intervals of my size, go along the trace and trace down STEPSIZE to make sure there is a solid floor.
VectorSubtract( dest, NPC->currentOrigin, dir );
dist = VectorNormalize( dir );
if ( dest[2] > NPC->currentOrigin[2] )
{//going up, check for steps
drop = STEPSIZE;
{//going down or level, check for moderate drops
drop = 64;
for ( float i = NPC->maxs[0]*2; i < dist; i += NPC->maxs[0]*2 )
{//FIXME: does this check the last spot, too? We're assuming that should be okay since the enemy is there?
VectorMA( NPC->currentOrigin, i, dir, start );
VectorCopy( start, end );
end[2] -= drop;
gi.trace( &trace, start, mins, NPC->maxs, end, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );//NPC->mins?
if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f || trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid )
{//good to go
//no floor here! (or a long drop?)
return qfalse;
//we made it!
return qtrue;
qboolean NPC_MoveDirClear( int forwardmove, int rightmove, qboolean reset )
vec3_t forward, right, testPos, angles, mins;
trace_t trace;
float fwdDist, rtDist;
float bottom_max = -STEPSIZE*4 - 1;
if ( !forwardmove && !rightmove )
{//not even moving
//gi.Printf( "%d skipping walk-cliff check (not moving)\n", level.time );
return qtrue;
if ( ucmd.upmove > 0 || NPC->client->ps.forceJumpCharge )
{//Going to jump
//gi.Printf( "%d skipping walk-cliff check (going to jump)\n", level.time );
return qtrue;
if ( NPC->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{//in the air
//gi.Printf( "%d skipping walk-cliff check (in air)\n", level.time );
return qtrue;
if ( fabs( AngleDelta( NPC->currentAngles[YAW], NPCInfo->desiredYaw ) ) < 5.0 )//!ucmd.angles[YAW] )
{//Not turning much, don't do this
//NOTE: Should this not happen only if you're not turning AT ALL?
// You could be turning slowly but moving fast, so that would
// still let you walk right off a cliff...
//NOTE: Or maybe it is a good idea to ALWAYS do this, regardless
// of whether ot not we're turning? But why would we be walking
// straight into a wall or off a cliff unless we really wanted to?
//FIXME: to really do this right, we'd have to actually do a pmove to predict where we're
//going to be... maybe this should be a flag and pmove handles it and sets a flag so AI knows
//NEXT frame? Or just incorporate current velocity, runspeed and possibly friction?
VectorCopy( NPC->mins, mins );
mins[2] += STEPSIZE;
angles[PITCH] = angles[ROLL] = 0;
angles[YAW] = NPC->client->ps.viewangles[YAW];//Add ucmd.angles[YAW]?
AngleVectors( angles, forward, right, NULL );
fwdDist = ((float)forwardmove)/2.0f;
rtDist = ((float)rightmove)/2.0f;
VectorMA( NPC->currentOrigin, fwdDist, forward, testPos );
VectorMA( testPos, rtDist, right, testPos );
gi.trace( &trace, NPC->currentOrigin, mins, NPC->maxs, testPos, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
if ( trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid )
{//hmm, trace started inside this brush... how do we decide if we should continue?
//FIXME: what do we do if we start INSIDE a CONTENTS_BOTCLIP? Try the trace again without that in the clipmask?
if ( reset )
trace.fraction = 1.0f;
VectorCopy( testPos, trace.endpos );
//return qtrue;
if ( trace.fraction < 0.6 )
{//Going to bump into something very close, don't move, just turn
if ( (NPC->enemy && trace.entityNum == NPC->enemy->s.number) || (NPCInfo->goalEntity && trace.entityNum == NPCInfo->goalEntity->s.number) )
{//okay to bump into enemy or goal
//gi.Printf( "%d bump into enemy/goal okay\n", level.time );
return qtrue;
else if ( reset )
{//actually want to screw with the ucmd
//gi.Printf( "%d avoiding walk into wall (entnum %d)\n", level.time, trace.entityNum );
ucmd.forwardmove = 0;
ucmd.rightmove = 0;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
return qfalse;
if ( NPCInfo->goalEntity )
if ( NPCInfo->goalEntity->currentOrigin[2] < NPC->currentOrigin[2] )
{//goal is below me, okay to step off at least that far plus stepheight
bottom_max += NPCInfo->goalEntity->currentOrigin[2] - NPC->currentOrigin[2];
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, testPos );
testPos[2] += bottom_max;
gi.trace( &trace, trace.endpos, mins, NPC->maxs, testPos, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
//FIXME:Should we try to see if we can still get to our goal using the waypoint network from this trace.endpos?
//OR: just put NPC clip brushes on these edges (still fall through when die)
if ( trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid )
{//Not going off a cliff
//gi.Printf( "%d walk off cliff okay (droptrace in solid)\n", level.time );
return qtrue;
if ( trace.fraction < 1.0 )
{//Not going off a cliff
//FIXME: what if plane.normal is sloped? We'll slide off, not land... plus this doesn't account for slide-movement...
//gi.Printf( "%d walk off cliff okay will hit entnum %d at dropdist of %4.2f\n", level.time, trace.entityNum, (trace.fraction*bottom_max) );
return qtrue;
//going to fall at least bottom_max, don't move, just turn... is this bad, though? What if we want them to drop off?
if ( reset )
{//actually want to screw with the ucmd
//gi.Printf( "%d avoiding walk off cliff\n", level.time );
ucmd.forwardmove *= -1.0;//= 0;
ucmd.rightmove *= -1.0;//= 0;
VectorScale( NPC->client->ps.moveDir, -1, NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
return qfalse;
static void Jedi_HoldPosition( void )
//NPCInfo->squadState = SQUAD_STAND_AND_SHOOT;
NPCInfo->goalEntity = NULL;
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "stand" ) )
TIMER_Set( NPC, "duck", Q_irand( 2000, 4000 ) );
static void Jedi_Move( gentity_t *goal, qboolean retreat )
NPCInfo->combatMove = qtrue;
NPCInfo->goalEntity = goal;
qboolean moved = NPC_MoveToGoal( qtrue );
navInfo_t info;
//FIXME: temp retreat behavior- should really make this toward a safe spot or maybe to outflank enemy
if ( retreat )
{//FIXME: should we trace and make sure we can go this way? Or somehow let NPC_MoveToGoal know we want to retreat and have it handle it?
ucmd.forwardmove *= -1;
ucmd.rightmove *= -1;
VectorScale( NPC->client->ps.moveDir, -1, NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
//Get the move info
NAV_GetLastMove( info );
//If we hit our target, then stop and fire!
if ( ( info.flags & NIF_COLLISION ) && ( info.blocker == NPC->enemy ) )
//If our move failed, then reset
if ( moved == qfalse )
static qboolean Jedi_Hunt( void )
//gi.Printf( "Hunting\n" );
//if we're at all interested in fighting, go after him
if ( NPCInfo->stats.aggression > 1 )
{//approach enemy
NPCInfo->combatMove = qtrue;
if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_CHASE_ENEMIES) )
NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
return qtrue;
if ( NPCInfo->goalEntity == NULL )
NPCInfo->goalEntity = NPC->enemy;
//Jedi_Move( NPC->enemy, qfalse );
if ( NPC_MoveToGoal( qfalse ) )
NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
static qboolean Jedi_Track( void )
//if we're at all interested in fighting, go after him
if ( NPCInfo->stats.aggression > 1 )
{//approach enemy
NPCInfo->combatMove = qtrue;
NPC_SetMoveGoal( NPC, NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenLocation, 16, qtrue );
if ( NPC_MoveToGoal( qfalse ) )
NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
static void Jedi_Retreat( void )
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "noRetreat" ) )
{//don't actually move
//FIXME: when retreating, we should probably see if we can retreat
//in the direction we want. If not...? Evade?
//gi.Printf( "Retreating\n" );
Jedi_Move( NPC->enemy, qtrue );
static void Jedi_Advance( void )
if ( !NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
NPC->client->ps.saberActive = qtrue;
//gi.Printf( "Advancing\n" );
Jedi_Move( NPC->enemy, qfalse );
//TIMER_Set( NPC, "roamTime", Q_irand( 2000, 4000 ) );
//TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 250, 500 ) );
//TIMER_Set( NPC, "duck", 0 );
static void Jedi_AdjustSaberAnimLevel( gentity_t *self, int newLevel )
if ( !self || !self->client )
//FIXME: each NPC shold have a unique pattern of behavior for the order in which they
if ( self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION )
{//special attacks
self->client->ps.saberAnimLevel = FORCE_LEVEL_5;
else if ( self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_DESANN )
{//special attacks
self->client->ps.saberAnimLevel = FORCE_LEVEL_4;
if ( self->client->playerTeam == TEAM_ENEMY )
if ( self->NPC->rank == RANK_CIVILIAN || self->NPC->rank == RANK_LT_JG )
{//grunt and fencer always uses quick attacks
self->client->ps.saberAnimLevel = FORCE_LEVEL_1;
if ( self->NPC->rank == RANK_CREWMAN
|| self->NPC->rank == RANK_ENSIGN )
{//acrobat & force-users always use medium attacks
self->client->ps.saberAnimLevel = FORCE_LEVEL_2;
if ( self->NPC->rank == RANK_LT )
{//boss always uses strong attacks
self->client->ps.saberAnimLevel = FORCE_LEVEL_3;
//use the different attacks, how often they switch and under what circumstances
if ( newLevel > self->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_SABER_OFFENSE] )
{//cap it
self->client->ps.saberAnimLevel = self->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_SABER_OFFENSE];
else if ( newLevel < FORCE_LEVEL_1 )
self->client->ps.saberAnimLevel = FORCE_LEVEL_1;
{//go ahead and set it
self->client->ps.saberAnimLevel = newLevel;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
switch ( self->client->ps.saberAnimLevel )
gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN"%s Saber Attack Set: fast\n", self->NPC_type );
gi.Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW"%s Saber Attack Set: medium\n", self->NPC_type );
gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"%s Saber Attack Set: strong\n", self->NPC_type );
static void Jedi_CheckDecreaseSaberAnimLevel( void )
if ( !NPC->client->ps.weaponTime && !(ucmd.buttons&(BUTTON_ATTACK|BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK)) )
{//not attacking
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "saberLevelDebounce" ) && !Q_irand( 0, 10 ) )
//Jedi_AdjustSaberAnimLevel( NPC, (NPC->client->ps.saberAnimLevel-1) );//drop
Jedi_AdjustSaberAnimLevel( NPC, Q_irand( FORCE_LEVEL_1, FORCE_LEVEL_3 ));//random
TIMER_Set( NPC, "saberLevelDebounce", Q_irand( 3000, 10000 ) );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "saberLevelDebounce", Q_irand( 1000, 5000 ) );
static void Jedi_CombatDistance( int enemy_dist )
{//FIXME: for many of these checks, what we really want is horizontal distance to enemy
if ( NPC->client->ps.forcePowersActive&(1<<FP_GRIP) &&
NPC->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_GRIP] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 )
{//when gripping, don't move
else if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "gripping" ) )
{//stopped gripping, clear timers just in case
TIMER_Set( NPC, "gripping", -level.time );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 0, 1000 ) );
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight &&
!PM_SaberInBrokenParry( NPC->client->ps.saberMove )
&& NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked != BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN )
{//maintain distance
if ( enemy_dist < NPC->client->ps.saberEntityDist )
else if ( enemy_dist > NPC->client->ps.saberEntityDist && enemy_dist > 100 )
if ( NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER //using saber
&& NPC->client->ps.saberEntityState == SES_LEAVING //not returning yet
&& NPC->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_SABERTHROW] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 //2nd or 3rd level lightsaber
&& !(NPC->client->ps.forcePowersActive&(1 << FP_SPEED))
&& !(NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_INWATER) )//saber not in water
{//hold it out there
ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK;
//FIXME: time limit?
else if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "taunting" ) )
if ( enemy_dist <= 64 )
{//he's getting too close
ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK;
if ( !NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
NPC->client->ps.saberActive = qtrue;
TIMER_Set( NPC, "taunting", -level.time );
else if ( NPC->client->ps.torsoAnim == BOTH_GESTURE1 && NPC->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer < 2000 )
{//we're almost done with our special taunt
//FIXME: this doesn't always work, for some reason
if ( !NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
NPC->client->ps.saberActive = qtrue;
else if ( NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_LOCK_WON )
{//we won a saber lock, press the advantage
if ( enemy_dist > 0 )
{//get closer so we can hit!
if ( enemy_dist > 128 )
{//lost 'em
NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags &= ~SEF_LOCK_WON;
if ( NPC->enemy->painDebounceTime + 2000 < level.time )
{//the window of opportunity is gone
NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags &= ~SEF_LOCK_WON;
//don't strafe?
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeLeft", -1 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeRight", -1 );
else if ( NPC->enemy->client
&& NPC->enemy->s.weapon == WP_SABER
&& NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberLockTime > level.time
&& NPC->client->ps.saberLockTime < level.time )
{//enemy is in a saberLock and we are not
if ( enemy_dist < 64 )
{//FIXME: maybe just pick another enemy?
else if ( NPC->enemy->s.weapon == WP_TURRET
&& !Q_stricmp( "PAS", NPC->enemy->classname )
&& NPC->enemy->s.apos.trType == TR_STATIONARY )
if ( enemy_dist > forcePushPullRadius[FORCE_LEVEL_1] - 16 )
int testlevel;
if ( NPC->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_PUSH] < FORCE_LEVEL_1 )
testlevel = FORCE_LEVEL_1;
testlevel = NPC->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_PUSH];
if ( enemy_dist < forcePushPullRadius[testlevel] - 16 )
{//close enough to push
if ( InFront( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, NPC->client->renderInfo.eyeAngles, 0.6f ) )
{//knock it down
WP_KnockdownTurret( NPC, NPC->enemy );
//do the forcethrow call just for effect
ForceThrow( NPC, qfalse );
else if ( enemy_dist <= 64 && (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_DONT_FIRE) )
{//can't use saber and they're in striking range
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 5 ) && InFront( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin, NPC->client->ps.viewangles, 0.2f ) )
ForceThrow( NPC, qfalse );
else if ( enemy_dist <= -16 )
{//we're too damn close!
else if ( enemy_dist <= 0 )
{//we're within striking range
//if we are attacking, see if we should stop
if ( NPCInfo->stats.aggression < 4 )
{//back off and defend
else if ( enemy_dist > 256 )
{//we're way out of range
if ( enemy_dist > 384 )
{//FIXME: check for enemy facing away and/or moving away
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 10 ) && NPCInfo->blockedSpeechDebounceTime < level.time && jediSpeechDebounceTime[NPC->client->playerTeam] < level.time )
if ( NPC_ClearLOS( NPC->enemy ) )
G_AddVoiceEvent( NPC, Q_irand( EV_JCHASE1, EV_JCHASE3 ), 3000 );
jediSpeechDebounceTime[NPC->client->playerTeam] = NPCInfo->blockedSpeechDebounceTime = level.time + 3000;
//Unless we're totally hiding, go after him
if ( NPCInfo->stats.aggression > 0 )
{//approach enemy
else if ( enemy_dist < 96 && NPC->enemy && NPC->enemy->client && NPC->enemy->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{//too close and in air, so retreat
else if ( enemy_dist > 50 )//FIXME: not hardcoded- base on our reach (modelScale?) and saberLengthMax
{//we're out of striking range and we are allowed to attack
//first, check some tactical force power decisions
if ( NPC->enemy && NPC->enemy->client && (NPC->enemy->client->ps.eFlags&EF_FORCE_GRIPPED) )
{//They're being gripped, rush them!
if ( NPC->enemy->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{//they're on the ground, so advance
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "parryTime" ) || NPCInfo->rank > RANK_LT )
{//not parrying
if ( enemy_dist > 200 || !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_DONT_FIRE) )
{//far away or allowed to use saber
if ( NPCInfo->rank >= RANK_LT_JG
&& !Q_irand( 0, 5 )
&& !(NPC->client->ps.forcePowersActive&(1 << FP_SPEED))
&& !(NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_INWATER) )//saber not in water
{//throw saber
ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK;
else if ( NPC->enemy && NPC->enemy->client && //valid enemy
NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberInFlight && NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberActive && //enemy throwing saber
!NPC->client->ps.weaponTime && //I'm not busy
WP_ForcePowerAvailable( NPC, FP_GRIP, 0 ) && //I can use the power
!Q_irand( 0, 10 ) && //don't do it all the time, averages to 1 check a second
Q_irand( 0, 6 ) < g_spskill->integer && //more likely on harder diff
Q_irand( RANK_CIVILIAN, RANK_CAPTAIN ) < NPCInfo->rank )//more likely against harder enemies
{//They're throwing their saber, grip them!
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "chatter" ) && jediSpeechDebounceTime[NPC->client->playerTeam] < level.time && NPCInfo->blockedSpeechDebounceTime < level.time )
G_AddVoiceEvent( NPC, Q_irand( EV_TAUNT1, EV_TAUNT3 ), 3000 );
jediSpeechDebounceTime[NPC->client->playerTeam] = NPCInfo->blockedSpeechDebounceTime = level.time + 3000;
TIMER_Set( NPC, "chatter", 3000 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "gripping", 3000 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", 3000 );
if ( NPC->enemy && NPC->enemy->client && (NPC->enemy->client->ps.forcePowersActive&(1<<FP_GRIP)) )
{//They're choking someone, probably an ally, run at them and do some sort of attack
if ( NPC->enemy->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{//they're on the ground, so advance
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "parryTime" ) || NPCInfo->rank > RANK_LT )
{//not parrying
if ( enemy_dist > 200 || !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_DONT_FIRE) )
{//far away or allowed to use saber
int chanceScale = 0;
if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_DESANN )
chanceScale = 1;
else if ( NPCInfo->rank == RANK_ENSIGN )
chanceScale = 2;
else if ( NPCInfo->rank >= RANK_LT_JG )
chanceScale = 5;
if ( chanceScale
&& (enemy_dist > Q_irand( 100, 200 ) || (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_DONT_FIRE))
&& enemy_dist < 500
&& (Q_irand( 0, chanceScale*10 )<5 || (NPC->enemy->client && NPC->enemy->client->ps.weapon != WP_SABER && !Q_irand( 0, chanceScale ) ) ) )
{//else, randomly try some kind of attack every now and then
if ( (NPCInfo->rank == RANK_ENSIGN || NPCInfo->rank > RANK_LT_JG) && !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
if ( WP_ForcePowerAvailable( NPC, FP_PULL, 0 ) && !Q_irand( 0, 2 ) )
//force pull the guy to me!
//FIXME: check forcePushRadius[NPC->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_PUSH]]
ForceThrow( NPC, qtrue );
//maybe strafe too?
TIMER_Set( NPC, "duck", enemy_dist*3 );
if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK;
else if ( WP_ForcePowerAvailable( NPC, FP_LIGHTNING, 0 ) && Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
ForceLightning( NPC );
if ( NPC->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_LIGHTNING] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 )
NPC->client->ps.weaponTime = Q_irand( 1000, 3000+(g_spskill->integer*500) );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "holdLightning", NPC->client->ps.weaponTime );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", NPC->client->ps.weaponTime );
else if ( WP_ForcePowerAvailable( NPC, FP_GRIP, 0 ) )
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "chatter" ) && jediSpeechDebounceTime[NPC->client->playerTeam] < level.time && NPCInfo->blockedSpeechDebounceTime < level.time )
G_AddVoiceEvent( NPC, Q_irand( EV_TAUNT1, EV_TAUNT3 ), 3000 );
jediSpeechDebounceTime[NPC->client->playerTeam] = NPCInfo->blockedSpeechDebounceTime = level.time + 3000;
TIMER_Set( NPC, "chatter", 3000 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "gripping", 3000 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", 3000 );
else if ( WP_ForcePowerAvailable( NPC, FP_SABERTHROW, 0 )
&& !(NPC->client->ps.forcePowersActive&(1 << FP_SPEED))
&& !(NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_INWATER) )//saber not in water
{//throw saber
ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK;
else if ( NPCInfo->rank >= RANK_LT_JG
&& !(NPC->client->ps.forcePowersActive&(1 << FP_SPEED))
&& !(NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_INWATER) )//saber not in water
{//throw saber
ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK;
//see if we should advance now
else if ( NPCInfo->stats.aggression > 5 )
{//approach enemy
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "parryTime" ) || NPCInfo->rank > RANK_LT )
{//not parrying
if ( !NPC->enemy->client || NPC->enemy->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{//they're on the ground, so advance
if ( enemy_dist > 200 || !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_DONT_FIRE) )
{//far away or allowed to use saber
{//maintain this distance?
{//we're not close enough to attack, but not far enough away to be safe
if ( NPCInfo->stats.aggression < 4 )
{//back off and defend
else if ( NPCInfo->stats.aggression > 5 )
{//try to get closer
if ( enemy_dist > 0 && !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_DONT_FIRE))
{//we're allowed to use our lightsaber, get closer
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "parryTime" ) || NPCInfo->rank > RANK_LT )
{//not parrying
if ( !NPC->enemy->client || NPC->enemy->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{//they're on the ground, so advance
{//agression is 4 or 5... somewhere in the middle
//what do we do here? Nothing?
//Move forward and back?
static qboolean Jedi_Strafe( int strafeTimeMin, int strafeTimeMax, int nextStrafeTimeMin, int nextStrafeTimeMax, qboolean walking )
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_LOCK_WON && NPC->enemy && NPC->enemy->painDebounceTime > level.time )
{//don't strafe if pressing the advantage of winning a saberLock
return qfalse;
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "strafeLeft" ) && TIMER_Done( NPC, "strafeRight" ) )
qboolean strafed = qfalse;
//TODO: make left/right choice a tactical decision rather than random:
// try to keep own back away from walls and ledges,
// try to keep enemy's back to a ledge or wall
// Maybe try to strafe toward designer-placed "safe spots" or "goals"?
int strafeTime = Q_irand( strafeTimeMin, strafeTimeMax );
if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
if ( NPC_MoveDirClear( ucmd.forwardmove, -127, qfalse ) )
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeLeft", strafeTime );
strafed = qtrue;
else if ( NPC_MoveDirClear( ucmd.forwardmove, 127, qfalse ) )
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeRight", strafeTime );
strafed = qtrue;
if ( NPC_MoveDirClear( ucmd.forwardmove, 127, qfalse ) )
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeRight", strafeTime );
strafed = qtrue;
else if ( NPC_MoveDirClear( ucmd.forwardmove, -127, qfalse ) )
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeLeft", strafeTime );
strafed = qtrue;
if ( strafed )
TIMER_Set( NPC, "noStrafe", strafeTime + Q_irand( nextStrafeTimeMin, nextStrafeTimeMax ) );
if ( walking )
{//should be a slow strafe
TIMER_Set( NPC, "walking", strafeTime );
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
static void Jedi_FaceEntity( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, qboolean doPitch )
vec3_t entPos;
vec3_t muzzle;
//Get the positions
CalcEntitySpot( other, SPOT_ORIGIN, entPos );
//Get the positions
CalcEntitySpot( self, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, muzzle );//SPOT_HEAD
//Find the desired angles
vec3_t angles;
GetAnglesForDirection( muzzle, entPos, angles );
self->NPC->desiredYaw = AngleNormalize360( angles[YAW] );
if ( doPitch )
self->NPC->desiredPitch = AngleNormalize360( angles[PITCH] );
qboolean Jedi_DodgeEvasion( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *shooter, trace_t *tr, int hitLoc )
Jedi will play a dodge anim, blur, and make the force speed noise.
Right now used to dodge instant-hit weapons.
FIXME: possibly call this for saber melee evasion and/or missile evasion?
FIXME: possibly let player do this too?
qboolean Jedi_DodgeEvasion( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *shooter, trace_t *tr, int hitLoc )
int dodgeAnim = -1;
if ( !self || !self->client || self->health <= 0 )
return qfalse;
if ( self->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{//can't dodge in mid-air
return qfalse;
if ( self->client->ps.pm_time && (self->client->ps.pm_flags&PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK) )
{//in some effect that stops me from moving on my own
return qfalse;
if ( self->enemy == shooter )
{//FIXME: make it so that we are better able to dodge shots from my current enemy
if ( self->s.number )
{//if an NPC, check game skill setting
if ( self->client->NPC_class != CLASS_DESANN &&
self->client->NPC_class != CLASS_LUKE &&
self->client->NPC_class != CLASS_TAVION )
{//those NPCs are "bosses" and always succeed
if ( Q_irand( 0, 2 ) > g_spskill->integer )
{//more of a chance of failing the dodge on lower difficulty
return qfalse;
//FIXME: check my overall skill (rank) to determine if I should be able to dodge it?
//check force speed power level to determine if I should be able to dodge it
if ( Q_irand( 0, 3 ) > self->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_SPEED] )
{//more likely to fail on lower force speed level, but NPCs are generally better at it than the player
return qfalse;
{//the player
if ( !WP_ForcePowerUsable( self, FP_SPEED, 0 ) )
{//make sure we have it and have enough force power
return qfalse;
//check force speed power level to determine if I should be able to dodge it
if ( Q_irand( 1, 10 ) > self->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_SPEED] )
{//more likely to fail on lower force speed level
return qfalse;
if ( hitLoc == HL_NONE )
if ( tr )
for ( int z = 0; z < MAX_G2_COLLISIONS; z++ )
if ( tr->G2CollisionMap[z].mEntityNum == -1 )
{//actually, completely break out of this for loop since nothing after this in the aray should ever be valid either
CCollisionRecord &coll = tr->G2CollisionMap[z];
G_GetHitLocFromSurfName( &g_entities[coll.mEntityNum], gi.G2API_GetSurfaceName( &g_entities[coll.mEntityNum].ghoul2[coll.mModelIndex], coll.mSurfaceIndex ), &hitLoc, coll.mCollisionPosition, NULL, NULL, MOD_UNKNOWN );
//only want the first
switch( hitLoc )
case HL_NONE:
return qfalse;
case HL_FOOT_RT:
case HL_FOOT_LT:
case HL_LEG_RT:
case HL_LEG_LT:
case HL_WAIST:
if ( !self->s.number )
{//don't force the player to jump
return qfalse;
if ( !self->enemy )
G_SetEnemy( self, shooter );
if ( self->NPC
&& ((self->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_ACROBATICS) || PM_InKnockDown( &self->client->ps ) ) )
return qfalse;
self->client->ps.forceJumpCharge = 320;//FIXME: calc this intelligently?
WP_ForcePowerStop( self, FP_GRIP );
return qtrue;
case HL_BACK_RT:
dodgeAnim = BOTH_DODGE_FL;
dodgeAnim = BOTH_DODGE_BL;
case HL_BACK_LT:
dodgeAnim = BOTH_DODGE_FR;
dodgeAnim = BOTH_DODGE_BR;
case HL_BACK:
case HL_CHEST:
dodgeAnim = Q_irand( BOTH_DODGE_FL, BOTH_DODGE_R );
case HL_ARM_RT:
case HL_HAND_RT:
dodgeAnim = BOTH_DODGE_L;
case HL_ARM_LT:
case HL_HAND_LT:
dodgeAnim = BOTH_DODGE_R;
case HL_HEAD:
dodgeAnim = Q_irand( BOTH_DODGE_FL, BOTH_DODGE_BR );
if ( dodgeAnim != -1 )
int type = SETANIM_TORSO;
if ( VectorCompare( self->client->ps.velocity, vec3_origin ) )
{//not moving
//set the dodge anim we chose
//self->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer = Q_irand( 5, 40 ) * 50;
//if ( type == SETANIM_BOTH )
self->client->ps.legsAnimTimer = self->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer;
if ( self->s.number )
//maybe force them to stop moving in this case?
self->client->ps.pm_time = self->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer + Q_irand( 100, 1000 );
self->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
//do force speed effect
self->client->ps.forcePowersActive |= (1 << FP_SPEED);
self->client->ps.forcePowerDuration[FP_SPEED] = level.time + self->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer;
G_Sound( self, G_SoundIndex( "sound/weapons/force/speed.wav" ) );
ForceSpeed( self, 500 );
WP_ForcePowerStop( self, FP_GRIP );
if ( !self->enemy )
G_SetEnemy( self, shooter );
if ( self->s.number )
Jedi_Aggression( self, 10 );
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
evasionType_t Jedi_CheckFlipEvasions( gentity_t *self, float rightdot, float zdiff )
if ( self->NPC && (self->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_ACROBATICS) )
//Check for:
//FIXME: if facing a wall, do forward wall-walk-backflip
if ( self->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT || self->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT )
{//already running on a wall
vec3_t right, fwdAngles = {0, self->client->ps.viewangles[YAW], 0};
int anim = -1;
AngleVectors( fwdAngles, NULL, right, NULL );
float animLength = PM_AnimLength( self->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex, (animNumber_t)self->client->ps.legsAnim );
if ( self->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT && rightdot < 0 )
{//I'm running on a wall to my left and the attack is on the left
if ( animLength - self->client->ps.legsAnimTimer > 400
&& self->client->ps.legsAnimTimer > 400 )
{//not at the beginning or end of the anim
else if ( self->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT && rightdot > 0 )
{//I'm running on a wall to my right and the attack is on the right
if ( animLength - self->client->ps.legsAnimTimer > 400
&& self->client->ps.legsAnimTimer > 400 )
{//not at the beginning or end of the anim
if ( anim != -1 )
{//flip off the wall!
//FIXME: check the direction we will flip towards for do-not-enter/walls/drops?
//NOTE: we presume there is still a wall there!
if ( anim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT_FLIP )
self->client->ps.velocity[0] *= 0.5f;
self->client->ps.velocity[1] *= 0.5f;
VectorMA( self->client->ps.velocity, 150, right, self->client->ps.velocity );
else if ( anim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT_FLIP )
self->client->ps.velocity[0] *= 0.5f;
self->client->ps.velocity[1] *= 0.5f;
VectorMA( self->client->ps.velocity, -150, right, self->client->ps.velocity );
int parts = SETANIM_LEGS;
if ( !self->client->ps.weaponTime )
self->client->ps.pm_flags |= (PMF_JUMPING|PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL);
G_AddEvent( self, EV_JUMP, 0 );
else if ( self->client->NPC_class != CLASS_DESANN //desann doesn't do these kind of frilly acrobatics
&& (self->NPC->rank == RANK_CREWMAN || self->NPC->rank >= RANK_LT)
&& Q_irand( 0, 1 )
&& !PM_InRoll( &self->client->ps )
&& !PM_InKnockDown( &self->client->ps )
&& !PM_SaberInSpecialAttack( self->client->ps.torsoAnim ) )
vec3_t fwd, right, traceto, mins = {self->mins[0],self->mins[1],0}, maxs = {self->maxs[0],self->maxs[1],24}, fwdAngles = {0, self->client->ps.viewangles[YAW], 0};
trace_t trace;
AngleVectors( fwdAngles, fwd, right, NULL );
int parts = SETANIM_BOTH, anim;
float speed, checkDist;
if ( PM_SaberInAttack( self->client->ps.saberMove )
|| PM_SaberInStart( self->client->ps.saberMove ) )
if ( rightdot >= 0 )
if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
checkDist = -128;
speed = -200;
if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
checkDist = 128;
speed = 200;
//trace in the dir that we want to go
VectorMA( self->currentOrigin, checkDist, right, traceto );
gi.trace( &trace, self->currentOrigin, mins, maxs, traceto, self->s.number, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
if ( trace.fraction >= 1.0f )
{//it's clear, let's do it
//FIXME: check for drops?
self->client->ps.weaponTime = self->client->ps.legsAnimTimer;//don't attack again until this anim is done
vec3_t fwdAngles, jumpRt;
VectorCopy( self->client->ps.viewangles, fwdAngles );
fwdAngles[PITCH] = fwdAngles[ROLL] = 0;
//do the flip
AngleVectors( fwdAngles, NULL, jumpRt, NULL );
VectorScale( jumpRt, speed, self->client->ps.velocity );
self->client->ps.forceJumpCharge = 0;//so we don't play the force flip anim
self->client->ps.velocity[2] = 200;
self->client->ps.forceJumpZStart = self->currentOrigin[2];//so we don't take damage if we land at same height
self->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING;
G_SoundOnEnt( self, CHAN_BODY, "sound/weapons/force/jump.wav" );
//ucmd.upmove = 0;
else if ( !(trace.contents&CONTENTS_BOTCLIP) )
{//hit a wall, not a do-not-enter brush
//FIXME: before we check any of these jump-type evasions, we should check for headroom, right?
//Okay, see if we can flip *off* the wall and go the other way
vec3_t idealNormal;
VectorSubtract( self->currentOrigin, traceto, idealNormal );
VectorNormalize( idealNormal );
gentity_t *traceEnt = &g_entities[trace.entityNum];
if ( (trace.entityNum<ENTITYNUM_WORLD&&traceEnt&&traceEnt->s.solid!=SOLID_BMODEL) || DotProduct( trace.plane.normal, idealNormal ) > 0.7f )
{//it's a ent of some sort or it's a wall roughly facing us
float bestCheckDist = 0;
//hmm, see if we're moving forward
if ( DotProduct( self->client->ps.velocity, fwd ) < 200 )
{//not running forward very fast
//check to see if it's okay to move the other way
if ( (trace.fraction*checkDist) <= 32 )
{//wall on that side is close enough to wall-flip off of or wall-run on
bestCheckDist = checkDist;
checkDist *= -1.0f;
VectorMA( self->currentOrigin, checkDist, right, traceto );
//trace in the dir that we want to go
gi.trace( &trace, self->currentOrigin, mins, maxs, traceto, self->s.number, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
if ( trace.fraction >= 1.0f )
{//it's clear, let's do it
//FIXME: check for drops?
//turn the cartwheel into a wallflip in the other dir
if ( rightdot > 0 )
self->client->ps.velocity[0] = self->client->ps.velocity[1] = 0;
VectorMA( self->client->ps.velocity, 150, right, self->client->ps.velocity );
self->client->ps.velocity[0] = self->client->ps.velocity[1] = 0;
VectorMA( self->client->ps.velocity, -150, right, self->client->ps.velocity );
self->client->ps.velocity[2] = forceJumpStrength[FORCE_LEVEL_2]/2.25f;
//animate me
int parts = SETANIM_LEGS;
if ( !self->client->ps.weaponTime )
self->client->ps.forceJumpZStart = self->currentOrigin[2];//so we don't take damage if we land at same height
self->client->ps.pm_flags |= (PMF_JUMPING|PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL);
G_SoundOnEnt( self, CHAN_BODY, "sound/weapons/force/jump.wav" );
{//boxed in on both sides
if ( DotProduct( self->client->ps.velocity, fwd ) < 0 )
{//moving backwards
if ( (trace.fraction*checkDist) <= 32 && (trace.fraction*checkDist) < bestCheckDist )
bestCheckDist = checkDist;
{//too far from that wall to flip or run off it, check other side
checkDist *= -1.0f;
VectorMA( self->currentOrigin, checkDist, right, traceto );
//trace in the dir that we want to go
gi.trace( &trace, self->currentOrigin, mins, maxs, traceto, self->s.number, CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
if ( (trace.fraction*checkDist) <= 32 )
{//wall on this side is close enough
bestCheckDist = checkDist;
{//neither side has a wall within 32
//Try wall run?
if ( bestCheckDist )
{//one of the walls was close enough to wall-run on
//FIXME: check for long enough wall and a drop at the end?
if ( bestCheckDist > 0 )
{//it was to the right
{//it was to the left
self->client->ps.velocity[2] = forceJumpStrength[FORCE_LEVEL_2]/2.25f;
//animate me
int parts = SETANIM_LEGS;
if ( !self->client->ps.weaponTime )
self->client->ps.forceJumpZStart = self->currentOrigin[2];//so we don't take damage if we land at same height
self->client->ps.pm_flags |= (PMF_JUMPING|PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL);
G_SoundOnEnt( self, CHAN_BODY, "sound/weapons/force/jump.wav" );
//else check for wall in front, do backflip off wall
int Jedi_ReCalcParryTime( gentity_t *self, evasionType_t evasionType )
if ( !self->client )
return 0;
if ( !self->s.number )
return parryDebounce[self->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_SABER_DEFENSE]];
else if ( self->NPC )
if ( !g_saberRealisticCombat->integer
&& ( g_spskill->integer == 2 || (g_spskill->integer == 1 && self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION) ) )
if ( self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION )
return 0;
return Q_irand( 0, 150 );
int baseTime;
if ( evasionType == EVASION_DODGE )
baseTime = self->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer;
else if ( evasionType == EVASION_CARTWHEEL )
baseTime = self->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer;
else if ( self->client->ps.saberInFlight )
baseTime = Q_irand( 1, 3 ) * 50;
if ( g_saberRealisticCombat->integer )
baseTime = 500;
switch ( g_spskill->integer )
case 0:
baseTime = 500;
case 1:
baseTime = 300;
case 2:
baseTime = 100;
baseTime = 150;//500;
switch ( g_spskill->integer )
case 0:
baseTime = 200;//500;
case 1:
baseTime = 100;//300;
case 2:
baseTime = 50;//100;
if ( self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION )
{//Tavion is faster
baseTime = ceil(baseTime/2.0f);
else if ( self->NPC->rank >= RANK_LT_JG )
{//fencers, bosses, shadowtroopers, luke, desann, et al use the norm
if ( Q_irand( 0, 2 ) )
{//medium speed parry
baseTime = baseTime;
{//with the occasional fast parry
baseTime = ceil(baseTime/2.0f);
else if ( self->NPC->rank == RANK_CIVILIAN )
{//grunts are slowest
baseTime = baseTime*Q_irand(1,3);
else if ( self->NPC->rank == RANK_CREWMAN )
{//acrobats aren't so bad
if ( evasionType == EVASION_PARRY
|| evasionType == EVASION_DUCK_PARRY
|| evasionType == EVASION_JUMP_PARRY )
{//slower with parries
baseTime = baseTime*Q_irand(1,2);
{//faster with acrobatics
//baseTime = baseTime;
{//force users are kinda slow
baseTime = baseTime*Q_irand(1,2);
if ( evasionType == EVASION_DUCK || evasionType == EVASION_DUCK_PARRY )
baseTime += 100;
else if ( evasionType == EVASION_JUMP || evasionType == EVASION_JUMP_PARRY )
baseTime += 50;
else if ( evasionType == EVASION_OTHER )
baseTime += 100;
else if ( evasionType == EVASION_FJUMP )
baseTime += 100;
return baseTime;
return 0;
qboolean Jedi_QuickReactions( gentity_t *self )
if ( ( self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_JEDI && NPCInfo->rank == RANK_COMMANDER ) ||
self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION ||
(self->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_SABER_DEFENSE]>FORCE_LEVEL_1&&g_spskill->integer>1) ||
(self->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_SABER_DEFENSE]>FORCE_LEVEL_2&&g_spskill->integer>0) )
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
qboolean Jedi_SaberBusy( gentity_t *self )
if ( self->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer > 300
&& ( (PM_SaberInAttack( self->client->ps.saberMove )&&self->client->ps.saberAnimLevel==FORCE_LEVEL_3)
|| PM_SpinningSaberAnim( self->client->ps.torsoAnim )
|| PM_SaberInSpecialAttack( self->client->ps.torsoAnim )
//|| PM_SaberInBounce( self->client->ps.saberMove )
|| PM_SaberInBrokenParry( self->client->ps.saberMove )
//|| PM_SaberInDeflect( self->client->ps.saberMove )
|| PM_FlippingAnim( self->client->ps.torsoAnim )
|| PM_RollingAnim( self->client->ps.torsoAnim ) ) )
{//my saber is not in a parrying position
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
Pick proper block anim
FIXME: Based on difficulty level/enemy saber combat skill, make this decision-making more/less effective
NOTE: always blocking projectiles in this func!
extern qboolean G_FindClosestPointOnLineSegment( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, const vec3_t from, vec3_t result );
evasionType_t Jedi_SaberBlockGo( gentity_t *self, usercmd_t *cmd, vec3_t pHitloc, vec3_t phitDir, gentity_t *incoming, float dist = 0.0f )
vec3_t hitloc, hitdir, diff, fwdangles={0,0,0}, right;
float rightdot;
float zdiff;
int duckChance = 0;
int dodgeAnim = -1;
qboolean saberBusy = qfalse, /*evaded = qfalse, */doDodge = qfalse;
evasionType_t evasionType = EVASION_NONE;
//FIXME: if we don't have our saber in hand, pick the force throw option or a jump or strafe!
//FIXME: reborn don't block enough anymore
if ( !incoming )
VectorCopy( pHitloc, hitloc );
VectorCopy( phitDir, hitdir );
//FIXME: maybe base this on rank some? And/or g_spskill?
if ( self->client->ps.saberInFlight )
{//DOH! do non-saber evasion!
saberBusy = qtrue;
else if ( Jedi_QuickReactions( self ) )
{//jedi trainer and tavion are must faster at parrying and can do it whenever they like
//Also, on medium, all level 3 people can parry any time and on hard, all level 2 or 3 people can parry any time
saberBusy = Jedi_SaberBusy( self );
if ( incoming->s.weapon == WP_SABER )
{//flying lightsaber, face it!
//FIXME: for this to actually work, we'd need to call update angles too?
//Jedi_FaceEntity( self, incoming, qtrue );
VectorCopy( incoming->currentOrigin, hitloc );
VectorNormalize2( incoming->s.pos.trDelta, hitdir );
VectorSubtract( hitloc, self->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, diff );
diff[2] = 0;
//VectorNormalize( diff );
fwdangles[1] = self->client->ps.viewangles[1];
// Ultimately we might care if the shot was ahead or behind, but for now, just quadrant is fine.
AngleVectors( fwdangles, NULL, right, NULL );
rightdot = DotProduct(right, diff);// + Q_flrand(-0.10f,0.10f);
//totalHeight = self->client->renderInfo.eyePoint[2] - self->absmin[2];
zdiff = hitloc[2] - self->client->renderInfo.eyePoint[2];// + Q_irand(-6,6);
//see if we can dodge if need-be
if ( (dist>16&&(Q_irand( 0, 2 )||saberBusy)) || self->client->ps.saberInFlight || !self->client->ps.saberActive )
{//either it will miss by a bit (and 25% chance) OR our saber is not in-hand OR saber is off
if ( self->NPC && (self->NPC->rank == RANK_CREWMAN || self->NPC->rank >= RANK_LT_JG) )
{//acrobat or fencer or above
if ( self->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE &&//on the ground
!(self->client->ps.pm_flags&PMF_DUCKED)&&cmd->upmove>=0&&TIMER_Done( self, "duck" )//not ducking
&& !PM_InRoll( &self->client->ps )//not rolling
&& !PM_InKnockDown( &self->client->ps )//not knocked down
&& ( self->client->ps.saberInFlight ||
(!PM_SaberInAttack( self->client->ps.saberMove )//not attacking
&& !PM_SaberInStart( self->client->ps.saberMove )//not starting an attack
&& !PM_SpinningSaberAnim( self->client->ps.torsoAnim )//not in a saber spin
&& !PM_SaberInSpecialAttack( self->client->ps.torsoAnim ))//not in a special attack
{//need to check all these because it overrides both torso and legs with the dodge
doDodge = qtrue;
// Figure out what quadrant the block was in.
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "(%d) evading attack from height %4.2f, zdiff: %4.2f, rightdot: %4.2f\n", level.time, hitloc[2]-self->absmin[2],zdiff,rightdot);
//UL = > -1//-6
//UR = > -6//-9
//TOP = > +6//+4
//FIXME: take FP_SABER_DEFENSE into account here somehow?
if ( zdiff >= -5 )//was 0
if ( incoming || !saberBusy )
if ( rightdot > 12
|| (rightdot > 3 && zdiff < 5)
|| (!incoming&&fabs(hitdir[2])<0.25f) )//was normalized, 0.3
if ( doDodge )
if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
dodgeAnim = BOTH_DODGE_FL;
dodgeAnim = BOTH_DODGE_BL;
self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_UPPER_RIGHT;
evasionType = EVASION_PARRY;
if ( self->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE )
if ( zdiff > 5 )
TIMER_Start( self, "duck", Q_irand( 500, 1500 ) );
//evaded = qtrue;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "duck " );
duckChance = 6;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "UR block\n" );
else if ( rightdot < -12
|| (rightdot < -3 && zdiff < 5)
|| (!incoming&&fabs(hitdir[2])<0.25f) )//was normalized, -0.3
if ( doDodge )
if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
dodgeAnim = BOTH_DODGE_FR;
dodgeAnim = BOTH_DODGE_BR;
self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_UPPER_LEFT;
evasionType = EVASION_PARRY;
if ( self->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE )
if ( zdiff > 5 )
TIMER_Start( self, "duck", Q_irand( 500, 1500 ) );
///evaded = qtrue;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "duck " );
duckChance = 6;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "UL block\n" );
self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_TOP;
evasionType = EVASION_PARRY;
if ( self->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE )
duckChance = 4;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "TOP block\n" );
//evaded = qtrue;
if ( self->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE )
//duckChance = 2;
TIMER_Start( self, "duck", Q_irand( 500, 1500 ) );
evasionType = EVASION_DUCK;
//evaded = qtrue;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "duck " );
//LL = -22//= -18 to -39
//LR = -23//= -20 to -41
else if ( zdiff > -22 )//was-15 )
if ( 1 )//zdiff < -10 )
{//hmm, pretty low, but not low enough to use the low block, so we need to duck
if ( self->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE )
//duckChance = 2;
TIMER_Start( self, "duck", Q_irand( 500, 1500 ) );
evasionType = EVASION_DUCK;
//evaded = qtrue;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "duck " );
{//in air! Ducking does no good
if ( incoming || !saberBusy )
if ( rightdot > 8 || (rightdot > 3 && zdiff < -11) )//was normalized, 0.2
if ( doDodge )
dodgeAnim = BOTH_DODGE_L;
self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_UPPER_RIGHT;
if ( evasionType == EVASION_DUCK )
evasionType = EVASION_PARRY;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "mid-UR block\n" );
else if ( rightdot < -8 || (rightdot < -3 && zdiff < -11) )//was normalized, -0.2
if ( doDodge )
dodgeAnim = BOTH_DODGE_R;
self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_UPPER_LEFT;
if ( evasionType == EVASION_DUCK )
evasionType = EVASION_PARRY;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "mid-UL block\n" );
self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_TOP;
if ( evasionType == EVASION_DUCK )
evasionType = EVASION_PARRY;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "mid-TOP block\n" );
//evaded = qtrue;
else if ( saberBusy || (zdiff < -36 && ( zdiff < -44 || !Q_irand( 0, 2 ) ) ) )//was -30 and -40//2nd one was -46
if ( self->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{//already in air, duck to pull up legs
TIMER_Start( self, "duck", Q_irand( 500, 1500 ) );
evasionType = EVASION_DUCK;
//evaded = qtrue;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "legs up\n" );
if ( incoming || !saberBusy )
//since the jump may be cleared if not safe, set a lower block too
if ( rightdot >= 0 )
self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_LOWER_RIGHT;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "LR block\n" );
self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_LOWER_LEFT;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "LL block\n" );
//evaded = qtrue;
{//gotta jump!
if ( self->NPC && (self->NPC->rank == RANK_CREWMAN || self->NPC->rank > RANK_LT_JG ) &&
(!Q_irand( 0, 10 ) || (!Q_irand( 0, 2 ) && (cmd->forwardmove || cmd->rightmove))) )
//FIXME: check the jump, if can't, then block
if ( self->NPC
&& !(self->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_ACROBATICS)
&& !PM_InKnockDown( &self->client->ps ) )
self->client->ps.forceJumpCharge = 320;//FIXME: calc this intelligently
evasionType = EVASION_FJUMP;
//evaded = qtrue;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "force jump + " );
{//normal jump
//FIXME: check the jump, if can't, then block
if ( self->NPC && !(self->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_ACROBATICS) )
if ( self == NPC )
cmd->upmove = 127;
self->client->ps.velocity[2] = JUMP_VELOCITY;
evasionType = EVASION_JUMP;
//evaded = qtrue;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "jump + " );
if ( self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION && !incoming && self->client->ps.groundEntityNum < ENTITYNUM_NONE && !Q_irand( 0, 2 ) )
if ( !PM_SaberInAttack( self->client->ps.saberMove )
&& !PM_SaberInStart( self->client->ps.saberMove )
&& !PM_InRoll( &self->client->ps )
&& !PM_InKnockDown( &self->client->ps )
&& !PM_SaberInSpecialAttack( self->client->ps.torsoAnim ) )
{//do the butterfly!
int butterflyAnim;
if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
butterflyAnim = BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT;
self->client->ps.velocity[2] = 225;
self->client->ps.forceJumpZStart = self->currentOrigin[2];//so we don't take damage if we land at same height
self->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING|PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL;
self->client->saberTrail.inAction = qtrue;//FIXME: reset this when done!
self->client->saberTrail.duration = 300;//FIXME: reset this when done!
G_SoundOnEnt( self, CHAN_BODY, "sound/weapons/force/jump.wav" );
cmd->upmove = 0;
saberBusy = qtrue;
//evaded = qtrue;
if ( ((evasionType = Jedi_CheckFlipEvasions( self, rightdot, zdiff ))!=EVASION_NONE) )
if ( d_slowmodeath->integer > 5 && self->enemy && !self->enemy->s.number )
G_StartMatrixEffect( self );
saberBusy = qtrue;
//evaded = qtrue;
else if ( incoming || !saberBusy )
//since the jump may be cleared if not safe, set a lower block too
if ( rightdot >= 0 )
self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_LOWER_RIGHT;
if ( evasionType == EVASION_JUMP )
else if ( evasionType == EVASION_NONE )
evasionType = EVASION_PARRY;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "LR block\n" );
self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_LOWER_LEFT;
if ( evasionType == EVASION_JUMP )
else if ( evasionType == EVASION_NONE )
evasionType = EVASION_PARRY;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "LL block\n" );
//evaded = qtrue;
if ( incoming || !saberBusy )
if ( rightdot >= 0 )
self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_LOWER_RIGHT;
evasionType = EVASION_PARRY;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "LR block\n" );
self->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_LOWER_LEFT;
evasionType = EVASION_PARRY;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "LL block\n" );
if ( incoming && incoming->s.weapon == WP_SABER )
{//thrown saber!
if ( self->NPC && (self->NPC->rank == RANK_CREWMAN || self->NPC->rank > RANK_LT_JG ) &&
(!Q_irand( 0, 10 ) || (!Q_irand( 0, 2 ) && (cmd->forwardmove || cmd->rightmove))) )
//FIXME: check the jump, if can't, then block
if ( self->NPC
&& !(self->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_ACROBATICS)
&& !PM_InKnockDown( &self->client->ps ) )
self->client->ps.forceJumpCharge = 320;//FIXME: calc this intelligently
evasionType = EVASION_FJUMP;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "force jump + " );
{//normal jump
//FIXME: check the jump, if can't, then block
if ( self->NPC && !(self->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_ACROBATICS) )
if ( self == NPC )
cmd->upmove = 127;
self->client->ps.velocity[2] = JUMP_VELOCITY;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "jump + " );
//evaded = qtrue;
if ( evasionType == EVASION_NONE )
//stop taunting
TIMER_Set( self, "taunting", 0 );
//stop gripping
TIMER_Set( self, "gripping", -level.time );
WP_ForcePowerStop( self, FP_GRIP );
if ( dodgeAnim != -1 )
evasionType = EVASION_DODGE;
self->client->ps.weaponTime = self->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer;
//force them to stop moving in this case
self->client->ps.pm_time = self->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer;
//FIXME: maybe make a sound? Like a grunt? EV_JUMP?
self->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
//dodged, not block
if ( d_slowmodeath->integer > 5 && self->enemy && !self->enemy->s.number )
G_StartMatrixEffect( self );
if ( duckChance )
if ( !Q_irand( 0, duckChance ) )
TIMER_Start( self, "duck", Q_irand( 500, 1500 ) );
if ( evasionType == EVASION_PARRY )
evasionType = EVASION_DUCK;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "duck " );
if ( incoming )
self->client->ps.saberBlocked = WP_MissileBlockForBlock( self->client->ps.saberBlocked );
//if ( self->client->ps.saberBlocked != BLOCKED_NONE )
int parryReCalcTime = Jedi_ReCalcParryTime( self, evasionType );
if ( self->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] < level.time + parryReCalcTime )
self->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] = level.time + parryReCalcTime;
return evasionType;
extern int WPDEBUG_SaberColor( saber_colors_t saberColor );
static qboolean Jedi_SaberBlock( void )
vec3_t hitloc, saberTipOld, saberTip, top, bottom, axisPoint, saberPoint, dir;//saberBase,
//FIXME: reborn don't block enough anymore
//maybe do this on easy only... or only on grunt-level reborn
if ( NPC->client->ps.weaponTime )
{//i'm attacking right now
return qfalse;
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "parryReCalcTime" ) )
{//can't do our own re-think of which parry to use yet
return qfalse;
if ( NPC->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] > level.time )
{//can't move the saber to another position yet
return qfalse;
if ( NPCInfo->rank < RANK_LT_JG && Q_irand( 0, (2 - g_spskill->integer) ) )
{//lower rank reborn have a random chance of not doing it at all
NPC->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] = level.time + 300;
return qfalse;
if ( NPC->enemy->health <= 0 || !NPC->enemy->client )
{//don't keep blocking him once he's dead (or if not a client)
return qfalse;
//VectorMA( NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint, NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberLength, NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzleDir, saberTip );
//VectorMA( NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzlePointNext, NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberLength, NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzleDirNext, saberTipNext );
VectorMA( NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzlePointOld, NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberLength, NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzleDirOld, saberTipOld );
VectorMA( NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint, NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberLength, NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzleDir, saberTip );
VectorSubtract( NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint, NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzlePointOld, dir );//get the dir
VectorAdd( dir, NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint, saberBase );//extrapolate
VectorSubtract( saberTip, saberTipOld, dir );//get the dir
VectorAdd( dir, saberTip, saberTipOld );//extrapolate
VectorCopy( NPC->currentOrigin, top );
top[2] = NPC->absmax[2];
VectorCopy( NPC->currentOrigin, bottom );
bottom[2] = NPC->absmin[2];
float dist = ShortestLineSegBewteen2LineSegs( saberBase, saberTipOld, bottom, top, saberPoint, axisPoint );
if ( 0 )//dist > NPC->maxs[0]*4 )//was *3
{//FIXME: sometimes he reacts when you're too far away to actually hit him
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "enemy saber dist: %4.2f\n", dist );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "parryTime", -1 );
return qfalse;
//get the actual point of impact
trace_t tr;
gi.trace( &tr, saberPoint, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, axisPoint, NPC->enemy->s.number, MASK_SHOT, G2_RETURNONHIT, 10 );
if ( tr.allsolid || tr.startsolid )
VectorSubtract( saberPoint, axisPoint, dir );
VectorNormalize( dir );
VectorMA( axisPoint, NPC->maxs[0]*1.22, dir, hitloc );
VectorCopy( tr.endpos, hitloc );
vec3_t pointDir, baseDir, tipDir, saberHitPoint, saberMins={-4,-4,-4}, saberMaxs={4,4,4};
float pointDist, baseDirPerc;
VectorMA( NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzlePointOld, NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberLength, NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzleDirOld, saberTipOld );
VectorMA( NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint, NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberLength, NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzleDir, saberTip );
VectorCopy( NPC->currentOrigin, top );
top[2] = NPC->absmax[2];
VectorCopy( NPC->currentOrigin, bottom );
bottom[2] = NPC->absmin[2];
float dist = ShortestLineSegBewteen2LineSegs( NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint, saberTip, bottom, top, saberPoint, axisPoint );
if ( dist > NPC->maxs[0]*5 )//was *3
{//FIXME: sometimes he reacts when you're too far away to actually hit him
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"enemy saber dist: %4.2f\n", dist );
if ( dist < 300 //close
&& !Jedi_QuickReactions( NPC )//quick reaction people can interrupt themselves
&& (PM_SaberInStart( NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberMove ) || PM_SaberInAttack( NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberMove )) )//enemy is swinging at me
{//he's swinging at me and close enough to be a threat, don't start an attack right now
TIMER_Set( NPC, "parryTime", 100 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "parryTime", -1 );
return qfalse;
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( S_COLOR_GREEN"enemy saber dist: %4.2f\n", dist );
VectorSubtract( saberPoint, NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint, pointDir );
pointDist = VectorLength( pointDir );
if ( NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberLength <= 0 )
baseDirPerc = 0.5f;
baseDirPerc = pointDist/NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberLength;
VectorSubtract( NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint, NPC->enemy->client->renderInfo.muzzlePointOld, baseDir );
VectorSubtract( saberTip, saberTipOld, tipDir );
VectorScale( baseDir, baseDirPerc, baseDir );
VectorMA( baseDir, 1.0f-baseDirPerc, tipDir, dir );
VectorMA( saberPoint, 200, dir, hitloc );
//get the actual point of impact
trace_t tr;
gi.trace( &tr, saberPoint, saberMins, saberMaxs, hitloc, NPC->enemy->s.number, CONTENTS_BODY, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );//, G2_RETURNONHIT, 10 );
if ( tr.allsolid || tr.startsolid || tr.fraction >= 1.0f )
vec3_t dir2Me;
VectorSubtract( axisPoint, saberPoint, dir2Me );
dist = VectorNormalize( dir2Me );
if ( DotProduct( dir, dir2Me ) < 0.2f )
{//saber is not swinging in my direction
if ( dist < 300 //close
&& !Jedi_QuickReactions( NPC )//quick reaction people can interrupt themselves
&& (PM_SaberInStart( NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberMove ) || PM_SaberInAttack( NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberMove )) )//enemy is swinging at me
{//he's swinging at me and close enough to be a threat, don't start an attack right now
TIMER_Set( NPC, "parryTime", 100 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "parryTime", -1 );
return qfalse;
ShortestLineSegBewteen2LineSegs( saberPoint, hitloc, bottom, top, saberHitPoint, hitloc );
VectorSubtract( saberPoint, axisPoint, dir );
VectorNormalize( dir );
VectorMA( axisPoint, NPC->maxs[0]*1.22, dir, hitloc );
VectorCopy( tr.endpos, hitloc );
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
G_DebugLine( saberPoint, hitloc, FRAMETIME, WPDEBUG_SaberColor( NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberColor ), qtrue );
//FIXME: if saber is off and/or we have force speed and want to be really cocky,
// and the swing misses by some amount, we can use the dodges here... :)
evasionType_t evasionType;
if ( (evasionType=Jedi_SaberBlockGo( NPC, &ucmd, hitloc, dir, NULL, dist )) != EVASION_DODGE )
{//we did block (not dodge)
if ( !NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
{//make sure saber is on
NPC->client->ps.saberActive = qtrue;
//debounce our parry recalc time
int parryReCalcTime = Jedi_ReCalcParryTime( NPC, evasionType );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "parryReCalcTime", Q_irand( 0, parryReCalcTime ) );
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "Keep parry choice until: %d\n", level.time + parryReCalcTime );
//determine how long to hold this anim
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "parryTime" ) )
if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION )
TIMER_Set( NPC, "parryTime", Q_irand( parryReCalcTime/2, parryReCalcTime*1.5 ) );
else if ( NPCInfo->rank >= RANK_LT_JG )
{//fencers and higher hold a parry less
TIMER_Set( NPC, "parryTime", parryReCalcTime );
{//others hold it longer
TIMER_Set( NPC, "parryTime", Q_irand( 1, 2 )*parryReCalcTime );
int dodgeTime = NPC->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer;
if ( NPCInfo->rank > RANK_LT_COMM && NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_DESANN )
{//higher-level guys can dodge faster
dodgeTime -= 200;
TIMER_Set( NPC, "parryReCalcTime", dodgeTime );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "parryTime", dodgeTime );
return qtrue;
defend if other is using saber and attacking me!
static void Jedi_EvasionSaber( vec3_t enemy_movedir, float enemy_dist, vec3_t enemy_dir )
vec3_t dirEnemy2Me;
int evasionChance = 30;//only step aside 30% if he's moving at me but not attacking
qboolean enemy_attacking = qfalse;
qboolean throwing_saber = qfalse;
qboolean shooting_lightning = qfalse;
if ( !NPC->enemy->client )
else if ( NPC->enemy->client
&& NPC->enemy->s.weapon == WP_SABER
&& NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberLockTime > level.time )
{//don't try to block/evade an enemy who is in a saberLock
else if ( NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_LOCK_WON && NPC->enemy->painDebounceTime > level.time )
{//pressing the advantage of winning a saber lock
if ( NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberInFlight && !TIMER_Done( NPC, "taunting" ) )
{//if he's throwing his saber, stop taunting
TIMER_Set( NPC, "taunting", -level.time );
if ( !NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
NPC->client->ps.saberActive = qtrue;
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "parryTime" ) )
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked != BLOCKED_ATK_BOUNCE &&
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked != BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN )
{//wasn't blocked myself
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
if ( NPC->enemy->client->ps.weaponTime && NPC->enemy->client->ps.weaponstate == WEAPON_FIRING )
if ( !NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight && Jedi_SaberBlock() )
VectorSubtract( NPC->currentOrigin, NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, dirEnemy2Me );
VectorNormalize( dirEnemy2Me );
if ( NPC->enemy->client->ps.weaponTime && NPC->enemy->client->ps.weaponstate == WEAPON_FIRING )
{//enemy is attacking
enemy_attacking = qtrue;
evasionChance = 90;
if ( (NPC->enemy->client->ps.forcePowersActive&(1<<FP_LIGHTNING) ) )
{//enemy is shooting lightning
enemy_attacking = qtrue;
shooting_lightning = qtrue;
evasionChance = 50;
if ( NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberInFlight && NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE && NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberEntityState != SES_RETURNING )
{//enemy is shooting lightning
enemy_attacking = qtrue;
throwing_saber = qtrue;
//FIXME: this needs to take skill and rank(reborn type) into account much more
if ( Q_irand( 0, 100 ) < evasionChance )
{//check to see if he's coming at me
float facingAmt;
if ( VectorCompare( enemy_movedir, vec3_origin ) || shooting_lightning || throwing_saber )
{//he's not moving (or he's using a ranged attack), see if he's facing me
vec3_t enemy_fwd;
AngleVectors( NPC->enemy->client->ps.viewangles, enemy_fwd, NULL, NULL );
facingAmt = DotProduct( enemy_fwd, dirEnemy2Me );
{//he's moving
facingAmt = DotProduct( enemy_movedir, dirEnemy2Me );
if ( Q_flrand( 0.25, 1 ) < facingAmt )
{//coming at/facing me!
int whichDefense = 0;
if ( NPC->client->ps.weaponTime || NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
{//I'm attacking or recovering from a parry, can only try to strafe/jump right now
if ( Q_irand( 0, 10 ) < NPCInfo->stats.aggression )
whichDefense = 100;
if ( shooting_lightning )
{//check for lightning attack
//only valid defense is strafe and/or jump
whichDefense = 100;
else if ( throwing_saber )
{//he's thrown his saber! See if it's coming at me
float saberDist;
vec3_t saberDir2Me;
vec3_t saberMoveDir;
gentity_t *saber = &g_entities[NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberEntityNum];
VectorSubtract( NPC->currentOrigin, saber->currentOrigin, saberDir2Me );
saberDist = VectorNormalize( saberDir2Me );
VectorCopy( saber->s.pos.trDelta, saberMoveDir );
VectorNormalize( saberMoveDir );
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) )
//Com_Printf( "(%d) raise agg - enemy threw saber\n", level.time );
Jedi_Aggression( NPC, 1 );
if ( DotProduct( saberMoveDir, saberDir2Me ) > 0.5 )
{//it's heading towards me
if ( saberDist < 100 )
{//it's close
whichDefense = Q_irand( 3, 6 );
else if ( saberDist < 200 )
{//got some time, yet, try pushing
whichDefense = Q_irand( 0, 8 );
if ( whichDefense )
{//already chose one
else if ( enemy_dist > 80 || !enemy_attacking )
{//he's pretty far, or not swinging, just strafe
if ( VectorCompare( enemy_movedir, vec3_origin ) )
{//if he's not moving, not swinging and far enough away, no evasion necc.
if ( Q_irand( 0, 10 ) < NPCInfo->stats.aggression )
whichDefense = 100;
{//he's getting close and swinging at me
vec3_t fwd;
//see if I'm facing him
AngleVectors( NPC->client->ps.viewangles, fwd, NULL, NULL );
if ( DotProduct( enemy_dir, fwd ) < 0.5 )
{//I'm not really facing him, best option is to strafe
whichDefense = Q_irand( 5, 16 );
else if ( enemy_dist < 56 )
{//he's very close, maybe we should be more inclined to block or throw
whichDefense = Q_irand( NPCInfo->stats.aggression, 12 );
whichDefense = Q_irand( 2, 16 );
if ( whichDefense >= 4 && whichDefense <= 12 )
{//would try to block
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
{//can't, saber in not in hand, so fall back to strafe/jump
whichDefense = 100;
switch( whichDefense )
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
//use jedi force push?
//FIXME: try to do this if health low or enemy back to a cliff?
if ( (NPCInfo->rank == RANK_ENSIGN || NPCInfo->rank > RANK_LT_JG) && TIMER_Done( NPC, "parryTime" ) )
{//FIXME: check forcePushRadius[NPC->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_PUSH]]
ForceThrow( NPC, qfalse );
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
//try to parry the blow
//gi.Printf( "blocking\n" );
//start a strafe left/right if not already
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 5 ) || !Jedi_Strafe( 300, 1000, 0, 1000, qfalse ) )
{//certain chance they will pick an alternative evasion
//if couldn't strafe, try a different kind of evasion...
if ( shooting_lightning || throwing_saber || enemy_dist < 80 )
//FIXME: force-jump+forward - jump over the guy!
if ( shooting_lightning || (!Q_irand( 0, 2 ) && NPCInfo->stats.aggression < 4 && TIMER_Done( NPC, "parryTime" ) ) )
if ( (NPCInfo->rank == RANK_ENSIGN || NPCInfo->rank > RANK_LT_JG) && !shooting_lightning && Q_irand( 0, 2 ) )
{//FIXME: check forcePushRadius[NPC->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_PUSH]]
ForceThrow( NPC, qfalse );
else if ( (NPCInfo->rank==RANK_CREWMAN||NPCInfo->rank>RANK_LT_JG)
&& !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_ACROBATICS)
&& !PM_InKnockDown( &NPC->client->ps ) )
{//FIXME: make this a function call?
//FIXME: check for clearance, safety of landing spot?
NPC->client->ps.forceJumpCharge = 480;
//Don't jump again for another 2 to 5 seconds
TIMER_Set( NPC, "jumpChaseDebounce", Q_irand( 2000, 5000 ) );
if ( Q_irand( 0, 2 ) )
ucmd.forwardmove = 127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
ucmd.forwardmove = -127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
//FIXME: if this jump is cleared, we can't block... so pick a random lower block?
if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )//FIXME: make intelligent
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_LOWER_RIGHT;
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_LOWER_LEFT;
else if ( enemy_attacking )
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "def strafe\n" );
if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_ACROBATICS)
&& (NPCInfo->rank == RANK_CREWMAN || NPCInfo->rank > RANK_LT_JG )
&& !PM_InKnockDown( &NPC->client->ps )
&& !Q_irand( 0, 5 ) )
{//FIXME: make this a function call?
//FIXME: check for clearance, safety of landing spot?
NPC->client->ps.forceJumpCharge = 320;
//Don't jump again for another 2 to 5 seconds
TIMER_Set( NPC, "jumpChaseDebounce", Q_irand( 2000, 5000 ) );
//turn off slow walking no matter what
TIMER_Set( NPC, "walking", -level.time );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "taunting", -level.time );
static qboolean Jedi_Flee( void )
return qfalse;
gentity_t *Jedi_FindEnemyInCone( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *fallback, float minDot )
vec3_t forward, mins, maxs, dir;
float dist, bestDist = Q3_INFINITE;
gentity_t *enemy = fallback;
gentity_t *check = NULL;
gentity_t *entityList[MAX_GENTITIES];
int e, numListedEntities;
trace_t tr;
if ( !self->client )
return enemy;
AngleVectors( self->client->ps.viewangles, forward, NULL, NULL );
for ( e = 0 ; e < 3 ; e++ )
mins[e] = self->currentOrigin[e] - 1024;
maxs[e] = self->currentOrigin[e] + 1024;
numListedEntities = gi.EntitiesInBox( mins, maxs, entityList, MAX_GENTITIES );
for ( e = 0 ; e < numListedEntities ; e++ )
check = entityList[e];
if ( check == self )
if ( !(check->inuse) )
if ( !check->client )
{//not a client - FIXME: what about turrets?
if ( check->client->playerTeam != self->client->enemyTeam )
{//not an enemy - FIXME: what about turrets?
if ( check->health <= 0 )
if ( !gi.inPVS( check->currentOrigin, self->currentOrigin ) )
{//can't potentially see them
VectorSubtract( check->currentOrigin, self->currentOrigin, dir );
dist = VectorNormalize( dir );
if ( DotProduct( dir, forward ) < minDot )
{//not in front
//really should have a clear LOS to this thing...
gi.trace( &tr, self->currentOrigin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, check->currentOrigin, self->s.number, MASK_SHOT, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f && tr.entityNum != check->s.number )
{//must have clear shot
if ( dist < bestDist )
{//closer than our last best one
dist = bestDist;
enemy = check;
return enemy;
static void Jedi_SetEnemyInfo( vec3_t enemy_dest, vec3_t enemy_dir, float *enemy_dist, vec3_t enemy_movedir, float *enemy_movespeed, int prediction )
if ( !NPC || !NPC->enemy )
{//no valid enemy
if ( !NPC->enemy->client )
VectorClear( enemy_movedir );
*enemy_movespeed = 0;
VectorCopy( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, enemy_dest );
enemy_dest[2] += NPC->enemy->mins[2] + 24;//get it's origin to a height I can work with
VectorSubtract( enemy_dest, NPC->currentOrigin, enemy_dir );
*enemy_dist = VectorNormalize( enemy_dir );// - (NPC->client->ps.saberLengthMax + NPC->maxs[0]*1.5 + 16);
{//see where enemy is headed
VectorCopy( NPC->enemy->client->ps.velocity, enemy_movedir );
*enemy_movespeed = VectorNormalize( enemy_movedir );
//figure out where he'll be, say, 3 frames from now
VectorMA( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, *enemy_movespeed * 0.001 * prediction, enemy_movedir, enemy_dest );
//figure out what dir the enemy's estimated position is from me and how far from the tip of my saber he is
VectorSubtract( enemy_dest, NPC->currentOrigin, enemy_dir );//NPC->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint
*enemy_dist = VectorNormalize( enemy_dir ) - (NPC->client->ps.saberLengthMax + NPC->maxs[0]*1.5 + 16);
//FIXME: keep a group of enemies around me and use that info to make decisions...
// For instance, if there are multiple enemies, evade more, push them away
// and use medium attacks. If enemies are using blasters, switch to fast.
// If one jedi enemy, use strong attacks. Use grip when fighting one or
// two enemies, use lightning spread when fighting multiple enemies, etc.
// Also, when kill one, check rest of group instead of walking up to victim.
static void Jedi_FaceEnemy( qboolean doPitch )
vec3_t enemy_eyes, eyes, angles;
if ( NPC == NULL )
if ( NPC->enemy == NULL )
if ( NPC->client->ps.forcePowersActive & (1<<FP_GRIP) &&
NPC->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_GRIP] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 )
{//don't update?
NPCInfo->desiredPitch = NPC->client->ps.viewangles[PITCH];
NPCInfo->desiredYaw = NPC->client->ps.viewangles[YAW];
CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_HEAD, eyes );
CalcEntitySpot( NPC->enemy, SPOT_HEAD, enemy_eyes );
//Find the desired angles
if ( !NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight
&& (NPC->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_A2_STABBACK1
|| NPC->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_CROUCHATTACKBACK1
|| NPC->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_ATTACK_BACK)
{//point *away*
GetAnglesForDirection( enemy_eyes, eyes, angles );
{//point towards him
GetAnglesForDirection( eyes, enemy_eyes, angles );
NPCInfo->desiredYaw = AngleNormalize360( angles[YAW] );
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked == BLOCKED_UPPER_LEFT )
{//temp hack- to make up for poor coverage on left side
NPCInfo->desiredYaw += 30;
if ( doPitch )
NPCInfo->desiredPitch = AngleNormalize360( angles[PITCH] );
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
{//tilt down a little
NPCInfo->desiredPitch += 10;
//FIXME: else desiredPitch = 0? Or keep previous?
static void Jedi_DebounceDirectionChanges( void )
//FIXME: check these before making fwd/back & right/left decisions?
//Time-debounce changes in forward/back dir
if ( ucmd.forwardmove > 0 )
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "moveback" ) || !TIMER_Done( NPC, "movenone" ) )
ucmd.forwardmove = 0;
//now we have to normalize the total movement again
if ( ucmd.rightmove > 0 )
ucmd.rightmove = 127;
else if ( ucmd.rightmove < 0 )
ucmd.rightmove = -127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "moveback", -level.time );
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "movenone" ) )
TIMER_Set( NPC, "movenone", Q_irand( 1000, 2000 ) );
else if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "moveforward" ) )
{//FIXME: should be if it's zero?
TIMER_Set( NPC, "moveforward", Q_irand( 500, 2000 ) );
else if ( ucmd.forwardmove < 0 )
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "moveforward" ) || !TIMER_Done( NPC, "movenone" ) )
ucmd.forwardmove = 0;
//now we have to normalize the total movement again
if ( ucmd.rightmove > 0 )
ucmd.rightmove = 127;
else if ( ucmd.rightmove < 0 )
ucmd.rightmove = -127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "moveforward", -level.time );
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "movenone" ) )
TIMER_Set( NPC, "movenone", Q_irand( 1000, 2000 ) );
else if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "moveback" ) )
{//FIXME: should be if it's zero?
TIMER_Set( NPC, "moveback", Q_irand( 250, 1000 ) );
else if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "moveforward" ) )
{//NOTE: edge checking should stop me if this is bad... but what if it sends us colliding into the enemy?
ucmd.forwardmove = 127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
else if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "moveback" ) )
{//NOTE: edge checking should stop me if this is bad...
ucmd.forwardmove = -127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
//Time-debounce changes in right/left dir
if ( ucmd.rightmove > 0 )
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "moveleft" ) || !TIMER_Done( NPC, "movecenter" ) )
ucmd.rightmove = 0;
//now we have to normalize the total movement again
if ( ucmd.forwardmove > 0 )
ucmd.forwardmove = 127;
else if ( ucmd.forwardmove < 0 )
ucmd.forwardmove = -127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "moveleft", -level.time );
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "movecenter" ) )
TIMER_Set( NPC, "movecenter", Q_irand( 1000, 2000 ) );
else if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "moveright" ) )
{//FIXME: should be if it's zero?
TIMER_Set( NPC, "moveright", Q_irand( 250, 1500 ) );
else if ( ucmd.rightmove < 0 )
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "moveright" ) || !TIMER_Done( NPC, "movecenter" ) )
ucmd.rightmove = 0;
//now we have to normalize the total movement again
if ( ucmd.forwardmove > 0 )
ucmd.forwardmove = 127;
else if ( ucmd.forwardmove < 0 )
ucmd.forwardmove = -127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "moveright", -level.time );
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "movecenter" ) )
TIMER_Set( NPC, "movecenter", Q_irand( 1000, 2000 ) );
else if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "moveleft" ) )
{//FIXME: should be if it's zero?
TIMER_Set( NPC, "moveleft", Q_irand( 250, 1500 ) );
else if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "moveright" ) )
{//NOTE: edge checking should stop me if this is bad...
ucmd.rightmove = 127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
else if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "moveleft" ) )
{//NOTE: edge checking should stop me if this is bad...
ucmd.rightmove = -127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
static void Jedi_TimersApply( void )
if ( !ucmd.rightmove )
{//only if not already strafing
//FIXME: if enemy behind me and turning to face enemy, don't strafe in that direction, too
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "strafeLeft" ) )
if ( NPCInfo->desiredYaw > NPC->client->ps.viewangles[YAW] + 60 )
{//we want to turn left, don't apply the strafing
{//go ahead and strafe left
ucmd.rightmove = -127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
else if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "strafeRight" ) )
if ( NPCInfo->desiredYaw < NPC->client->ps.viewangles[YAW] - 60 )
{//we want to turn right, don't apply the strafing
{//go ahead and strafe left
ucmd.rightmove = 127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
//use careful anim/slower movement if not already moving
if ( !ucmd.forwardmove && !TIMER_Done( NPC, "walking" ) )
ucmd.buttons |= (BUTTON_WALKING);
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "taunting" ) )
ucmd.buttons |= (BUTTON_WALKING);
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "gripping" ) )
{//FIXME: what do we do if we ran out of power? NPC's can't?
//FIXME: don't keep turning to face enemy or we'll end up spinning around
ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_FORCEGRIP;
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "holdLightning" ) )
{//hold down the lightning key
static void Jedi_CombatTimersUpdate( int enemy_dist )
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "roamTime" ) )
TIMER_Set( NPC, "roamTime", Q_irand( 2000, 5000 ) );
//okay, now mess with agression
if ( NPC->enemy && NPC->enemy->client )
switch( NPC->enemy->client->ps.weapon )
case WP_SABER:
//If enemy has a lightsaber, always close in
if ( !NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberActive )
{//fool! Standing around unarmed, charge!
//Com_Printf( "(%d) raise agg - enemy saber off\n", level.time );
Jedi_Aggression( NPC, 2 );
//Com_Printf( "(%d) raise agg - enemy saber\n", level.time );
Jedi_Aggression( NPC, 1 );
case WP_DEMP2:
//if he has a blaster, move in when:
//They're not shooting at me
if ( NPC->enemy->attackDebounceTime < level.time )
{//does this apply to players?
//Com_Printf( "(%d) raise agg - enemy not shooting ranged weap\n", level.time );
Jedi_Aggression( NPC, 1 );
//He's closer than a dist that gives us time to deflect
if ( enemy_dist < 256 )
//Com_Printf( "(%d) raise agg - enemy ranged weap- too close\n", level.time );
Jedi_Aggression( NPC, 1 );
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "noStrafe" ) && TIMER_Done( NPC, "strafeLeft" ) && TIMER_Done( NPC, "strafeRight" ) )
//FIXME: Maybe more likely to do this if aggression higher? Or some other stat?
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 4 ) )
{//start a strafe
if ( Jedi_Strafe( 1000, 3000, 0, 4000, qtrue ) )
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "off strafe\n" );
{//postpone any strafing for a while
TIMER_Set( NPC, "noStrafe", Q_irand( 1000, 3000 ) );
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags )
{//some kind of saber combat event is still pending
int newFlags = NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags;
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_PARRIED )
TIMER_Set( NPC, "parryTime", -1 );
if ( NPCInfo->rank >= RANK_LT_JG )
NPC->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] = level.time + 100;
NPC->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] = level.time + 500;
if ( NPC->enemy && (!NPC->enemy->client||PM_SaberInKnockaway( NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberMove )) )
Jedi_Aggression( NPC, 1 );//get closer
Jedi_AdjustSaberAnimLevel( NPC, (NPC->client->ps.saberAnimLevel-1) );//use a faster attack
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )//FIXME: dependant on rank/diff?
//Com_Printf( "(%d) drop agg - we parried\n", level.time );
Jedi_Aggression( NPC, -1 );
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
Jedi_AdjustSaberAnimLevel( NPC, (NPC->client->ps.saberAnimLevel-1) );
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "(%d) PARRY: agg %d, no parry until %d\n", level.time, NPCInfo->stats.aggression, level.time + 100 );
newFlags &= ~SEF_PARRIED;
if ( !NPC->client->ps.weaponTime && (NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_HITENEMY) )//hit enemy
{//we hit our enemy last time we swung, drop our aggression
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )//FIXME: dependant on rank/diff?
//Com_Printf( "(%d) drop agg - we hit enemy\n", level.time );
Jedi_Aggression( NPC, -1 );
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "(%d) HIT: agg %d\n", level.time, NPCInfo->stats.aggression );
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 3 )
&& NPCInfo->blockedSpeechDebounceTime < level.time
&& jediSpeechDebounceTime[NPC->client->playerTeam] < level.time
&& NPC->painDebounceTime < level.time - 1000 )
G_AddVoiceEvent( NPC, Q_irand( EV_GLOAT1, EV_GLOAT3 ), 3000 );
jediSpeechDebounceTime[NPC->client->playerTeam] = NPCInfo->blockedSpeechDebounceTime = level.time + 3000;
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 2 ) )
Jedi_AdjustSaberAnimLevel( NPC, (NPC->client->ps.saberAnimLevel+1) );
newFlags &= ~SEF_HITENEMY;
if ( (NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_BLOCKED) )
{//was blocked whilst attacking
if ( PM_SaberInBrokenParry( NPC->client->ps.saberMove )
|| NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked == BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN )
//Com_Printf( "(%d) drop agg - we were knock-blocked\n", level.time );
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
{//lost our saber, too!!!
Jedi_Aggression( NPC, -5 );//really really really should back off!!!
Jedi_Aggression( NPC, -2 );//really should back off!
Jedi_AdjustSaberAnimLevel( NPC, (NPC->client->ps.saberAnimLevel+1) );//use a stronger attack
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "(%d) KNOCK-BLOCKED: agg %d\n", level.time, NPCInfo->stats.aggression );
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 2 ) )//FIXME: dependant on rank/diff?
//Com_Printf( "(%d) drop agg - we were blocked\n", level.time );
Jedi_Aggression( NPC, -1 );
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "(%d) BLOCKED: agg %d\n", level.time, NPCInfo->stats.aggression );
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
Jedi_AdjustSaberAnimLevel( NPC, (NPC->client->ps.saberAnimLevel+1) );
newFlags &= ~SEF_BLOCKED;
//FIXME: based on the type of parry the enemy is doing and my skill,
// choose an attack that is likely to get around the parry?
// right now that's generic in the saber animation code, auto-picks
// a next anim for me, but really should be AI-controlled.
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_DEFLECTED )
{//deflected a shot
newFlags &= ~SEF_DEFLECTED;
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) )
Jedi_AdjustSaberAnimLevel( NPC, (NPC->client->ps.saberAnimLevel-1) );
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_HITWALL )
{//hit a wall
newFlags &= ~SEF_HITWALL;
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_HITOBJECT )
{//hit some other damagable object
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) )
Jedi_AdjustSaberAnimLevel( NPC, (NPC->client->ps.saberAnimLevel-1) );
newFlags &= ~SEF_HITOBJECT;
NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags = newFlags;
static void Jedi_CombatIdle( int enemy_dist )
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "parryTime" ) )
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
{//don't do this idle stuff if throwing saber
//FIXME: make these distance numbers defines?
if ( enemy_dist >= 64 )
{//FIXME: only do this if standing still?
//based on aggression, flaunt/taunt
int chance = 20;
if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SHADOWTROOPER )
chance = 10;
//FIXME: possibly throw local objects at enemy?
if ( Q_irand( 2, chance ) < NPCInfo->stats.aggression )
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "chatter" ) )
{//FIXME: add more taunt behaviors
//FIXME: sometimes he turns it off, then turns it right back on again???
if ( enemy_dist > 200 && NPC->client->ps.saberActive && !Q_irand( 0, 5 ) )
{//taunt even more, turn off the saber
//FIXME: don't do this if health low?
NPC->client->ps.saberActive = qfalse;
if ( NPC->client->playerTeam == TEAM_PLAYER )
G_SoundOnEnt( NPC, CHAN_AUTO, "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav" );
G_SoundOnEnt( NPC, CHAN_AUTO, "sound/weapons/saber/enemy_saber_off.wav" );
//Don't attack for a bit
NPCInfo->stats.aggression = 3;
//FIXME: maybe start strafing?
//debounce this
if ( NPC->client->playerTeam != TEAM_PLAYER && !Q_irand( 0, 1 ))
NPC->client->ps.taunting = level.time + 100;
TIMER_Set( NPC, "chatter", Q_irand( 5000, 10000 ) );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "taunting", 5500 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "taunting", Q_irand( 5000, 10000 ) );
else if ( Jedi_BattleTaunt() )
{//FIXME: pick some anims
extern qboolean PM_SaberInParry( int move );
static qboolean Jedi_AttackDecide( int enemy_dist )
if ( NPC->enemy->client
&& NPC->enemy->s.weapon == WP_SABER
&& NPC->enemy->client->ps.saberLockTime > level.time
&& NPC->client->ps.saberLockTime < level.time )
{//enemy is in a saberLock and we are not
return qfalse;
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_LOCK_WON )
{//we won a saber lock, press the advantage with an attack!
int chance = 0;
if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_DESANN || NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_LUKE )
{//desann and luke
chance = 20;
else if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION )
chance = 10;
else if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_REBORN && NPCInfo->rank == RANK_LT_JG )
chance = 5;
chance = NPCInfo->rank;
if ( Q_irand( 0, 30 ) < chance )
{//based on skill with some randomness
NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags &= ~SEF_LOCK_WON;//clear this now that we are using the opportunity
TIMER_Set( NPC, "noRetreat", Q_irand( 500, 2000 ) );
//FIXME: check enemy_dist?
NPC->client->ps.weaponTime = NPCInfo->shotTime = NPC->attackDebounceTime = 0;
//NPC->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] = level.time + 500;
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
WeaponThink( qtrue );
return qtrue;
if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION ||
( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_REBORN && NPCInfo->rank == RANK_LT_JG ) ||
( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_JEDI && NPCInfo->rank == RANK_COMMANDER ) )
{//tavion, fencers, jedi trainer are all good at following up a parry with an attack
if ( ( PM_SaberInParry( NPC->client->ps.saberMove ) || PM_SaberInKnockaway( NPC->client->ps.saberMove ) )
&& NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked != BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN )
{//try to attack straight from a parry
NPC->client->ps.weaponTime = NPCInfo->shotTime = NPC->attackDebounceTime = 0;
//NPC->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] = level.time + 500;
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
Jedi_AdjustSaberAnimLevel( NPC, FORCE_LEVEL_1 );//try to follow-up with a quick attack
WeaponThink( qtrue );
return qtrue;
//try to hit them if we can
if ( enemy_dist >= 64 )
return qfalse;
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "parryTime" ) )
return qfalse;
if ( (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_DONT_FIRE) )
{//not allowed to attack
return qfalse;
if ( !(ucmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK) && !(ucmd.buttons&BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK) )
{//not already attacking
//Try to attack
WeaponThink( qtrue );
//FIXME: Maybe try to push enemy off a ledge?
//close enough to step forward
//FIXME: an attack debounce timer other than the phaser debounce time?
// or base it on aggression?
if ( ucmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK )
if ( enemy_dist > 32 && NPCInfo->stats.aggression >= 4 )
{//move forward if we're too far away and we're chasing him
ucmd.forwardmove = 127;
else if ( enemy_dist < 0 )
{//move back if we're too close
ucmd.forwardmove = -127;
//FIXME: based on the type of parry/attack the enemy is doing and my skill,
// choose an attack that is likely to get around the parry?
// right now that's generic in the saber animation code, auto-picks
// a next anim for me, but really should be AI-controlled.
//FIXME: have this interact with/override above strafing code?
if ( !ucmd.rightmove )
{//not already strafing
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) )
{//25% chance of doing this
vec3_t right, dir2enemy;
AngleVectors( NPC->currentAngles, NULL, right, NULL );
VectorSubtract( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->currentAngles, dir2enemy );
if ( DotProduct( right, dir2enemy ) > 0 )
{//he's to my right, strafe left
ucmd.rightmove = -127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
{//he's to my left, strafe right
ucmd.rightmove = 127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
#define APEX_HEIGHT 200.0f
#define JUMP_SPEED 200.0f
static qboolean Jedi_Jump( vec3_t dest, int goalEntNum )
{//FIXME: if land on enemy, knock him down & jump off again
if ( dest[2] - NPC->currentOrigin[2] < 64 && DistanceHorizontal( NPC->currentOrigin, dest ) > 256 )
{//a pretty horizontal jump, easy to fake:
vec3_t enemy_diff;
VectorSubtract( dest, NPC->currentOrigin, enemy_diff );
float enemy_z_diff = enemy_diff[2];
enemy_diff[2] = 0;
float enemy_xy_diff = VectorNormalize( enemy_diff );
VectorScale( enemy_diff, enemy_xy_diff*0.8, NPC->client->ps.velocity );
if ( enemy_z_diff < 64 )
NPC->client->ps.velocity[2] = enemy_xy_diff;
NPC->client->ps.velocity[2] = enemy_z_diff*2+enemy_xy_diff/2;
if ( 1 )
float targetDist, shotSpeed = 300, travelTime, impactDist, bestImpactDist = Q3_INFINITE;//fireSpeed,
vec3_t targetDir, shotVel, failCase;
trace_t trace;
trajectory_t tr;
qboolean blocked;
int elapsedTime, timeStep = 500, hitCount = 0, maxHits = 7;
vec3_t lastPos, testPos, bottom;
while ( hitCount < maxHits )
VectorSubtract( dest, NPC->currentOrigin, targetDir );
targetDist = VectorNormalize( targetDir );
VectorScale( targetDir, shotSpeed, shotVel );
travelTime = targetDist/shotSpeed;
shotVel[2] += travelTime * 0.5 * NPC->client->ps.gravity;
if ( !hitCount )
{//save the first one as the worst case scenario
VectorCopy( shotVel, failCase );
if ( 1 )//tracePath )
{//do a rough trace of the path
blocked = qfalse;
VectorCopy( NPC->currentOrigin, tr.trBase );
VectorCopy( shotVel, tr.trDelta );
tr.trType = TR_GRAVITY;
tr.trTime = level.time;
travelTime *= 1000.0f;
VectorCopy( NPC->currentOrigin, lastPos );
//This may be kind of wasteful, especially on long throws... use larger steps? Divide the travelTime into a certain hard number of slices? Trace just to apex and down?
for ( elapsedTime = timeStep; elapsedTime < floor(travelTime)+timeStep; elapsedTime += timeStep )
if ( (float)elapsedTime > travelTime )
{//cap it
elapsedTime = floor( travelTime );
EvaluateTrajectory( &tr, level.time + elapsedTime, testPos );
if ( testPos[2] < lastPos[2] )
{//going down, ignore botclip
gi.trace( &trace, lastPos, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, testPos, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
{//going up, check for botclip
gi.trace( &trace, lastPos, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, testPos, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
if ( trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid )
blocked = qtrue;
if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f )
{//hit something
if ( trace.entityNum == goalEntNum )
{//hit the enemy, that's perfect!
//Hmm, don't want to land on him, though...
if ( trace.contents & CONTENTS_BOTCLIP )
{//hit a do-not-enter brush
blocked = qtrue;
if ( trace.plane.normal[2] > 0.7 && DistanceSquared( trace.endpos, dest ) < 4096 )//hit within 64 of desired location, should be okay
{//close enough!
{//FIXME: maybe find the extents of this brush and go above or below it on next try somehow?
impactDist = DistanceSquared( trace.endpos, dest );
if ( impactDist < bestImpactDist )
bestImpactDist = impactDist;
VectorCopy( shotVel, failCase );
blocked = qtrue;
if ( elapsedTime == floor( travelTime ) )
{//reached end, all clear
if ( trace.fraction >= 1.0f )
{//hmm, make sure we'll land on the ground...
//FIXME: do we care how far below ourselves or our dest we'll land?
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, bottom );
bottom[2] -= 128;
gi.trace( &trace, trace.endpos, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, bottom, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
if ( trace.fraction >= 1.0f )
{//would fall too far
blocked = qtrue;
//all clear, try next slice
VectorCopy( testPos, lastPos );
if ( blocked )
{//hit something, adjust speed (which will change arc)
shotSpeed = 300 + ((hitCount-2) * 100);//from 100 to 900 (skipping 300)
if ( hitCount >= 2 )
{//skip 300 since that was the first value we tested
shotSpeed += 100;
{//made it!
{//no need to check the path, go with first calc
if ( hitCount >= maxHits )
{//NOTE: worst case scenario, use the one that impacted closest to the target (or just use the first try...?)
//NOTE: or try failcase?
VectorCopy( failCase, NPC->client->ps.velocity );
VectorCopy( shotVel, NPC->client->ps.velocity );
{//a more complicated jump
vec3_t dir, p1, p2, apex;
float time, height, forward, z, xy, dist, apexHeight;
if ( NPC->currentOrigin[2] > dest[2] )//NPCInfo->goalEntity->currentOrigin
VectorCopy( NPC->currentOrigin, p1 );
VectorCopy( dest, p2 );//NPCInfo->goalEntity->currentOrigin
else if ( NPC->currentOrigin[2] < dest[2] )//NPCInfo->goalEntity->currentOrigin
VectorCopy( dest, p1 );//NPCInfo->goalEntity->currentOrigin
VectorCopy( NPC->currentOrigin, p2 );
VectorCopy( NPC->currentOrigin, p1 );
VectorCopy( dest, p2 );//NPCInfo->goalEntity->currentOrigin
//z = xy*xy
VectorSubtract( p2, p1, dir );
dir[2] = 0;
//Get xy and z diffs
xy = VectorNormalize( dir );
z = p1[2] - p2[2];
apexHeight = APEX_HEIGHT/2;
//Determine most desirable apex height
//FIXME: length of xy will change curve of parabola, need to account for this
//somewhere... PARA_WIDTH
apexHeight = (APEX_HEIGHT * PARA_WIDTH/xy) + (APEX_HEIGHT * z/128);
if ( apexHeight < APEX_HEIGHT * 0.5 )
apexHeight = APEX_HEIGHT*0.5;
else if ( apexHeight > APEX_HEIGHT * 2 )
apexHeight = APEX_HEIGHT*2;
z = (sqrt(apexHeight + z) - sqrt(apexHeight));
assert(z >= 0);
// gi.Printf("apex is %4.2f percent from p1: ", (xy-z)*0.5/xy*100.0f);
xy -= z;
xy *= 0.5;
assert(xy > 0);
VectorMA( p1, xy, dir, apex );
apex[2] += apexHeight;
VectorCopy(apex, NPC->pos1);
//Now we have the apex, aim for it
height = apex[2] - NPC->currentOrigin[2];
time = sqrt( height / ( .5 * NPC->client->ps.gravity ) );//was 0.5, but didn't work well for very long jumps
if ( !time )
//gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: no time in jump\n" );
return qfalse;
VectorSubtract ( apex, NPC->currentOrigin, NPC->client->ps.velocity );
NPC->client->ps.velocity[2] = 0;
dist = VectorNormalize( NPC->client->ps.velocity );
forward = dist / time * 1.25;//er... probably bad, but...
VectorScale( NPC->client->ps.velocity, forward, NPC->client->ps.velocity );
//FIXME: Uh.... should we trace/EvaluateTrajectory this to make sure we have clearance and we land where we want?
NPC->client->ps.velocity[2] = time * NPC->client->ps.gravity;
//gi.Printf("Jump Velocity: %4.2f, %4.2f, %4.2f\n", NPC->client->ps.velocity[0], NPC->client->ps.velocity[1], NPC->client->ps.velocity[2] );
return qtrue;
static qboolean Jedi_TryJump( gentity_t *goal )
{//FIXME: never does a simple short, regular jump...
//FIXME: I need to be on ground too!
if ( (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_ACROBATICS) )
return qfalse;
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "jumpChaseDebounce" ) )
if ( (!goal->client || goal->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE) )
if ( !PM_InKnockDown( &NPC->client->ps ) && !PM_InRoll( &NPC->client->ps ) )
{//enemy is on terra firma
vec3_t goal_diff;
float goal_z_diff;
VectorSubtract( goal->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin, goal_diff );
goal_z_diff = goal_diff[2];
goal_diff[2] = 0;
float goal_xy_dist = VectorNormalize( goal_diff );
if ( goal_xy_dist < 550 && goal_z_diff > -400/*was -256*/ )//for now, jedi don't take falling damage && (NPC->health > 20 || goal_z_diff > 0 ) && (NPC->health >= 100 || goal_z_diff > -128 ))//closer than @512
qboolean debounce = qfalse;
if ( NPC->health < 150 && ((NPC->health < 30 && goal_z_diff < 0) || goal_z_diff < -128 ) )
{//don't jump, just walk off... doesn't help with ledges, though
debounce = qtrue;
else if ( goal_z_diff < 32 && goal_xy_dist < 200 )
{//what is their ideal jump height?
ucmd.upmove = 127;
debounce = qtrue;
//NO! All Jedi can jump-navigate now...
if ( NPCInfo->rank != RANK_CREWMAN && NPCInfo->rank <= RANK_LT_JG )
{//can't do acrobatics
return qfalse;
if ( goal_z_diff > 0 || goal_xy_dist > 128 )
{//Fake a force-jump
//Screw it, just do my own calc & throw
vec3_t dest;
VectorCopy( goal->currentOrigin, dest );
if ( goal == NPC->enemy )
int sideTry = 0;
while( sideTry < 10 )
{//FIXME: make it so it doesn't try the same spot again?
if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
dest[0] += NPC->enemy->maxs[0]*1.25;
dest[0] += NPC->enemy->mins[0]*1.25;
if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
dest[1] += NPC->enemy->maxs[1]*1.25;
dest[1] += NPC->enemy->mins[1]*1.25;
trace_t trace;
vec3_t bottom;
VectorCopy( dest, bottom );
bottom[2] -= 128;
gi.trace( &trace, dest, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, bottom, goal->s.number, NPC->clipmask, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f )
{//hit floor, okay to land here
if ( sideTry >= 10 )
{//screw it, just jump right at him?
VectorCopy( goal->currentOrigin, dest );
if ( Jedi_Jump( dest, goal->s.number ) )
//gi.Printf( "(%d) pre-checked force jump\n", level.time );
//FIXME: store the dir we;re going in in case something gets in the way of the jump?
//? = vectoyaw( NPC->client->ps.velocity );
if ( NPC->client->ps.velocity[2] < 320 )
NPC->client->ps.velocity[2] = 320;
{//FIXME: make this a function call
int jumpAnim;
//FIXME: this should be more intelligent, like the normal force jump anim logic
if ( NPCInfo->rank != RANK_CREWMAN && NPCInfo->rank <= RANK_LT_JG )
{//can't do acrobatics
jumpAnim = BOTH_FLIP_F;
NPC->client->ps.forceJumpZStart = NPC->currentOrigin[2];
NPC->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING;
NPC->client->ps.weaponTime = NPC->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer;
NPC->client->ps.forcePowersActive |= ( 1 << FP_LEVITATION );
G_SoundOnEnt( NPC, CHAN_BODY, "sound/weapons/force/jump.wav" );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "forceJumpChasing", Q_irand( 2000, 3000 ) );
debounce = qtrue;
if ( debounce )
//Don't jump again for another 2 to 5 seconds
TIMER_Set( NPC, "jumpChaseDebounce", Q_irand( 2000, 5000 ) );
ucmd.forwardmove = 127;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "duck", -level.time );
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
static qboolean Jedi_Jumping( gentity_t *goal )
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "forceJumpChasing" ) && goal )
{//force-jumping at the enemy
if ( !(NPC->client->ps.pm_flags & PMF_JUMPING )//forceJumpZStart )
&& !(NPC->client->ps.pm_flags&PMF_TRIGGER_PUSHED))
TIMER_Set( NPC, "forceJumpChasing", 0 );
NPC_FaceEntity( goal, qtrue );
//FIXME: push me torward where I was heading
//FIXME: if hit a ledge as soon as we jumped, we need to push toward our goal... must remember original jump dir and/or original jump dest
vec3_t viewangles_xy={0,0,0}, goal_dir, goal_xy_dir, forward, right;
float goal_dist;
//gert horz dir to goal
VectorSubtract( goal->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin, goal_dir );
VectorCopy( goal_dir, goal_xy_dir );
goal_dist = VectorNormalize( goal_dir );
goal_xy_dir[2] = 0;
VectorNormalize( goal_xy_dir );
//get horz facing
viewangles_xy[1] = NPC->client->ps.viewangles[1];
AngleVectors( viewangles_xy, forward, right, NULL );
//get movement commands to push me toward enemy
float fDot = DotProduct( forward, goal_dir ) * 127;
float rDot = DotProduct( right, goal_dir ) * 127;
ucmd.forwardmove = floor(fDot);
ucmd.rightmove = floor(rDot);
ucmd.upmove = 0;//don't duck
if ( goal_dist < 128 && goal->currentOrigin[2] > NPC->currentOrigin[2] && NPC->client->ps.velocity[2] <= 0 )
NPC->client->ps.velocity[2] += 320;
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
extern void G_UcmdMoveForDir( gentity_t *self, usercmd_t *cmd, vec3_t dir );
static void Jedi_CheckEnemyMovement( float enemy_dist )
if ( !NPC->enemy || !NPC->enemy->client )
if ( NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_TAVION
&& NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_DESANN
&& NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_LUKE )
if ( NPC->enemy->enemy && NPC->enemy->enemy == NPC )
{//enemy is mad at *me*
if ( NPC->enemy->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_JUMPFLIPSLASHDOWN1 ||
NPC->enemy->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_JUMPFLIPSTABDOWN )
{//enemy is flipping over me
if ( Q_irand( 0, NPCInfo->rank ) < RANK_LT )
{//be nice and stand still for him...
ucmd.forwardmove = ucmd.rightmove = ucmd.upmove = 0;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
NPC->client->ps.forceJumpCharge = 0;
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeLeft", -1 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeRight", -1 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "noStrafe", Q_irand( 500, 1000 ) );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "movenone", Q_irand( 500, 1000 ) );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "movecenter", Q_irand( 500, 1000 ) );
else if ( NPC->enemy->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_FLIP_BACK1
|| NPC->enemy->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_FLIP_RIGHT
|| NPC->enemy->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_FLIP_LEFT
|| NPC->enemy->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT_FLIP
|| NPC->enemy->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT_FLIP )
{//he's flipping off a wall
if ( NPC->enemy->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{//still in air
if ( enemy_dist < 256 )
if ( Q_irand( 0, NPCInfo->rank ) < RANK_LT )
{//be nice and stand still for him...
ucmd.forwardmove = ucmd.rightmove = ucmd.upmove = 0;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
NPC->client->ps.forceJumpCharge = 0;
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeLeft", -1 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeRight", -1 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "noStrafe", Q_irand( 500, 1000 ) );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "movenone", Q_irand( 500, 1000 ) );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "movecenter", Q_irand( 500, 1000 ) );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "noturn", Q_irand( 200, 500 ) );
//stop current movement
ucmd.forwardmove = ucmd.rightmove = ucmd.upmove = 0;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
NPC->client->ps.forceJumpCharge = 0;
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeLeft", -1 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeRight", -1 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "noStrafe", Q_irand( 500, 1000 ) );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "noturn", Q_irand( 250, 500 )*(3-g_spskill->integer) );
vec3_t enemyFwd, dest, dir;
VectorCopy( NPC->enemy->client->ps.velocity, enemyFwd );
VectorNormalize( enemyFwd );
VectorMA( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, -64, enemyFwd, dest );
VectorSubtract( dest, NPC->currentOrigin, dir );
if ( VectorNormalize( dir ) > 32 )
G_UcmdMoveForDir( NPC, &ucmd, dir );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "movenone", Q_irand( 500, 1000 ) );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "movecenter", Q_irand( 500, 1000 ) );
else if ( NPC->enemy->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_A2_STABBACK1 )
{//he's stabbing backwards
if ( enemy_dist < 256 && enemy_dist > 64 )
if ( !InFront( NPC->currentOrigin, NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->enemy->currentAngles, 0.0f ) )
{//behind him
if ( !Q_irand( 0, NPCInfo->rank ) )
{//be nice and stand still for him...
//stop current movement
ucmd.forwardmove = ucmd.rightmove = ucmd.upmove = 0;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
NPC->client->ps.forceJumpCharge = 0;
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeLeft", -1 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeRight", -1 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "noStrafe", Q_irand( 500, 1000 ) );
vec3_t enemyFwd, dest, dir;
AngleVectors( NPC->enemy->currentAngles, enemyFwd, NULL, NULL );
VectorMA( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, -32, enemyFwd, dest );
VectorSubtract( dest, NPC->currentOrigin, dir );
if ( VectorNormalize( dir ) > 64 )
G_UcmdMoveForDir( NPC, &ucmd, dir );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "movenone", Q_irand( 500, 1000 ) );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "movecenter", Q_irand( 500, 1000 ) );
//FIXME: also:
// If enemy doing wall flip, keep running forward
// If enemy doing back-attack and we're behind him keep running forward toward his back, don't strafe
static void Jedi_CheckJumps( void )
if ( (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_ACROBATICS) )
NPC->client->ps.forceJumpCharge = 0;
ucmd.upmove = 0;
//FIXME: should probably check this before AI decides that best move is to jump? Otherwise, they may end up just standing there and looking dumb
//FIXME: all this work and he still jumps off ledges... *sigh*... need CONTENTS_BOTCLIP do-not-enter brushes...?
vec3_t jumpVel = {0,0,0};
if ( NPC->client->ps.forceJumpCharge )
//gi.Printf( "(%d) force jump\n", level.time );
WP_GetVelocityForForceJump( NPC, jumpVel, &ucmd );
else if ( ucmd.upmove > 0 )
//gi.Printf( "(%d) regular jump\n", level.time );
VectorCopy( NPC->client->ps.velocity, jumpVel );
jumpVel[2] = JUMP_VELOCITY;
//NOTE: for now, we clear ucmd.forwardmove & ucmd.rightmove while in air to avoid jumps going awry...
if ( !jumpVel[0] && !jumpVel[1] )//FIXME: && !ucmd.forwardmove && !ucmd.rightmove?
{//we assume a jump straight up is safe
//gi.Printf( "(%d) jump straight up is safe\n", level.time );
//Now predict where this is going
//in steps, keep evaluating the trajectory until the new z pos is <= than current z pos, trace down from there
trace_t trace;
trajectory_t tr;
vec3_t lastPos, testPos, bottom;
int elapsedTime;
VectorCopy( NPC->currentOrigin, tr.trBase );
VectorCopy( jumpVel, tr.trDelta );
tr.trType = TR_GRAVITY;
tr.trTime = level.time;
VectorCopy( NPC->currentOrigin, lastPos );
//This may be kind of wasteful, especially on long throws... use larger steps? Divide the travelTime into a certain hard number of slices? Trace just to apex and down?
for ( elapsedTime = 500; elapsedTime <= 4000; elapsedTime += 500 )
EvaluateTrajectory( &tr, level.time + elapsedTime, testPos );
//FIXME: account for PM_AirMove if ucmd.forwardmove and/or ucmd.rightmove is non-zero...
if ( testPos[2] < lastPos[2] )
{//going down, don't check for BOTCLIP
gi.trace( &trace, lastPos, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, testPos, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );//FIXME: include CONTENTS_BOTCLIP?
{//going up, check for BOTCLIP
gi.trace( &trace, lastPos, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, testPos, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
if ( trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid )
//FIXME: what do we do when we start INSIDE the CONTENTS_BOTCLIP? Do the trace again without that clipmask?
goto jump_unsafe;
if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f )
{//hit something
if ( trace.contents & CONTENTS_BOTCLIP )
{//hit a do-not-enter brush
goto jump_unsafe;
//FIXME: trace through func_glass?
VectorCopy( testPos, lastPos );
//okay, reached end of jump, now trace down from here for a floor
VectorCopy( trace.endpos, bottom );
if ( bottom[2] > NPC->currentOrigin[2] )
{//only care about dist down from current height or lower
bottom[2] = NPC->currentOrigin[2];
else if ( NPC->currentOrigin[2] - bottom[2] > 400 )
{//whoa, long drop, don't do it!
//probably no floor at end of jump, so don't jump
goto jump_unsafe;
bottom[2] -= 128;
gi.trace( &trace, trace.endpos, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, bottom, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
if ( trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid || trace.fraction < 1.0f )
{//hit ground!
if ( trace.entityNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD )
{//landed on an ent
gentity_t *groundEnt = &g_entities[trace.entityNum];
if ( groundEnt->svFlags&SVF_GLASS_BRUSH )
{//don't land on breakable glass!
goto jump_unsafe;
//gi.Printf( "(%d) jump is safe\n", level.time );
//probably no floor at end of jump, so don't jump
//gi.Printf( "(%d) unsafe jump cleared\n", level.time );
NPC->client->ps.forceJumpCharge = 0;
ucmd.upmove = 0;
static void Jedi_Combat( void )
vec3_t enemy_dir, enemy_movedir, enemy_dest;
float enemy_dist, enemy_movespeed;
trace_t trace;
//See where enemy will be 300 ms from now
Jedi_SetEnemyInfo( enemy_dest, enemy_dir, &enemy_dist, enemy_movedir, &enemy_movespeed, 300 );
if ( Jedi_Jumping( NPC->enemy ) )
{//I'm in the middle of a jump, so just see if I should attack
Jedi_AttackDecide( enemy_dist );
if ( !(NPC->client->ps.forcePowersActive&(1<<FP_GRIP)) || NPC->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_GRIP] < FORCE_LEVEL_2 )
{//not gripping
//If we can't get straight at him
if ( !Jedi_ClearPathToSpot( enemy_dest, NPC->enemy->s.number ) )
{//hunt him down
//gi.Printf( "No Clear Path\n" );
if ( (NPC_ClearLOS( NPC->enemy )||NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime>level.time-500) && NPC_FaceEnemy( qtrue ) )//( NPCInfo->rank == RANK_CREWMAN || NPCInfo->rank > RANK_LT_JG ) &&
//try to jump to him?
vec3_t end;
VectorCopy( NPC->currentOrigin, end );
end[2] += 36;
gi.trace( &trace, NPC->currentOrigin, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, end, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP );
if ( !trace.allsolid && !trace.startsolid && trace.fraction >= 1.0 )
vec3_t angles, forward;
VectorCopy( NPC->client->ps.viewangles, angles );
angles[0] = 0;
AngleVectors( angles, forward, NULL, NULL );
VectorMA( end, 64, forward, end );
gi.trace( &trace, NPC->currentOrigin, NPC->mins, NPC->maxs, end, NPC->s.number, NPC->clipmask|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP );
if ( !trace.allsolid && !trace.startsolid )
if ( trace.fraction >= 1.0 || trace.plane.normal[2] > 0 )
ucmd.upmove = 127;
ucmd.forwardmove = 127;
//FIXME: about every 1 second calc a velocity,
//run a loop of traces with evaluate trajectory
//for gravity with my size, see if it makes it...
//this will also catch misacalculations that send you off ledges!
//gi.Printf( "Considering Jump\n" );
if ( Jedi_TryJump( NPC->enemy ) )
{//FIXME: what about jumping to his enemyLastSeenLocation?
//Check for evasion
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "parryTime" ) )
{//finished parrying
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked != BLOCKED_ATK_BOUNCE &&
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked != BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN )
{//wasn't blocked myself
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
if ( Jedi_Hunt() && !(NPCInfo->aiFlags&NPCAI_BLOCKED) )//FIXME: have to do this because they can ping-pong forever
{//can macro-navigate to him
if ( enemy_dist < 384 && !Q_irand( 0, 10 ) && NPCInfo->blockedSpeechDebounceTime < level.time && jediSpeechDebounceTime[NPC->client->playerTeam] < level.time && !NPC_ClearLOS( NPC->enemy ) )
G_AddVoiceEvent( NPC, Q_irand( EV_JLOST1, EV_JLOST3 ), 3000 );
jediSpeechDebounceTime[NPC->client->playerTeam] = NPCInfo->blockedSpeechDebounceTime = level.time + 3000;
//well, try to head for his last seen location
else if ( Jedi_Track() )
*/ else
{//FIXME: try to find a waypoint that can see enemy, jump from there
if ( NPCInfo->aiFlags & NPCAI_BLOCKED )
{//try to jump to the blockedDest
gentity_t *tempGoal = G_Spawn();//ugh, this is NOT good...?
G_SetOrigin( tempGoal, NPCInfo->blockedDest );
gi.linkentity( tempGoal );
if ( Jedi_TryJump( tempGoal ) )
{//going to jump to the dest
G_FreeEntity( tempGoal );
G_FreeEntity( tempGoal );
//enemy_lost = qtrue;
//else, we can see him or we can't track him at all
//every few seconds, decide if we should we advance or retreat?
Jedi_CombatTimersUpdate( enemy_dist );
//We call this even if lost enemy to keep him moving and to update the taunting behavior
//maintain a distance from enemy appropriate for our aggression level
Jedi_CombatDistance( enemy_dist );
//if ( !enemy_lost )
//Update our seen enemy position
if ( !NPC->enemy->client || ( NPC->enemy->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE && NPC->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) )
VectorCopy( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenLocation );
NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time;
//Turn to face the enemy
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "noturn" ) )
Jedi_FaceEnemy( qtrue );
NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
//Check for evasion
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "parryTime" ) )
{//finished parrying
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked != BLOCKED_ATK_BOUNCE &&
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked != BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN )
{//wasn't blocked myself
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
if ( NPC->enemy->s.weapon == WP_SABER )
Jedi_EvasionSaber( enemy_movedir, enemy_dist, enemy_dir );
{//do we need to do any evasion for other kinds of enemies?
//apply strafing/walking timers, etc.
if ( !NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight && (!(NPC->client->ps.forcePowersActive&(1<<FP_GRIP))||NPC->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_GRIP] < FORCE_LEVEL_2) )
{//not throwing saber or using force grip
//see if we can attack
if ( !Jedi_AttackDecide( enemy_dist ) )
{//we're not attacking, decide what else to do
Jedi_CombatIdle( enemy_dist );
//FIXME: lower aggression when actually strike offensively? Or just when do damage?
{//we are attacking
//stop taunting
TIMER_Set( NPC, "taunting", -level.time );
//Check for certain enemy special moves
Jedi_CheckEnemyMovement( enemy_dist );
//Make sure that we don't jump off ledges over long drops
//Just make sure we don't strafe into walls or off cliffs
if ( !NPC_MoveDirClear( ucmd.forwardmove, ucmd.rightmove, qtrue ) )
{//uh-oh, we are going to fall or hit something
navInfo_t info;
//Get the move info
NAV_GetLastMove( info );
if ( !(info.flags & NIF_MACRO_NAV) )
{//micro-navigation told us to step off a ledge, try using macronav for now
NPC_MoveToGoal( qfalse );
//reset the timers.
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeLeft", 0 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "strafeRight", 0 );
void NPC_Jedi_Pain( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *other, vec3_t point, int damage, int mod,int hitLoc )
//FIXME: base the actual aggression add/subtract on health?
//FIXME: don't do this more than once per frame?
//FIXME: when take pain, stop force gripping....?
if ( other->s.weapon == WP_SABER )
{//back off
TIMER_Set( self, "parryTime", -1 );
if ( self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_DESANN )
{//less for Desann
self->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] = level.time + (3-g_spskill->integer)*50;
else if ( self->NPC->rank >= RANK_LT_JG )
self->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] = level.time + (3-g_spskill->integer)*100;//300
self->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] = level.time + (3-g_spskill->integer)*200;//500
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) )
{//ouch... maybe switch up which saber power level we're using
Jedi_AdjustSaberAnimLevel( self, Q_irand( FORCE_LEVEL_1, FORCE_LEVEL_3 ) );
if ( !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )//damage > 20 || self->health < 40 ||
//Com_Printf( "(%d) drop agg - hit by saber\n", level.time );
Jedi_Aggression( self, -1 );
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
gi.Printf( "(%d) PAIN: agg %d, no parry until %d\n", level.time, self->NPC->stats.aggression, level.time+500 );
//for testing only
// Figure out what quadrant the hit was in.
if ( d_JediAI->integer )
vec3_t diff, fwdangles, right;
VectorSubtract( point, self->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, diff );
diff[2] = 0;
fwdangles[1] = self->client->ps.viewangles[1];
AngleVectors( fwdangles, NULL, right, NULL );
float rightdot = DotProduct(right, diff);
float zdiff = point[2] - self->client->renderInfo.eyePoint[2];
gi.Printf( "(%d) saber hit at height %4.2f, zdiff: %4.2f, rightdot: %4.2f\n", level.time, point[2]-self->absmin[2],zdiff,rightdot);
//Com_Printf( "(%d) raise agg - hit by ranged\n", level.time );
Jedi_Aggression( self, 1 );
self->NPC->enemyCheckDebounceTime = 0;
WP_ForcePowerStop( self, FP_GRIP );
NPC_Pain( self, inflictor, other, point, damage, mod );
if ( !damage && self->health > 0 )
{//FIXME: better way to know I was pushed
G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand(EV_PUSHED1, EV_PUSHED3), 2000 );
//drop me from the ceiling if I'm on it
if ( Jedi_WaitingAmbush( self ) )
self->client->noclip = qfalse;
if ( self->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_CEILING_CLING )
if ( self->client->ps.torsoAnim == BOTH_CEILING_CLING )
qboolean Jedi_CheckDanger( void )
int alertEvent = NPC_CheckAlertEvents( qtrue, qtrue );
if ( level.alertEvents[alertEvent].level >= AEL_DANGER )
{//run away!
if ( !level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner
|| !level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner->client
|| (level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner!=NPC&&level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner->client->playerTeam!=NPC->client->playerTeam) )
{//no owner
return qfalse;
G_SetEnemy( NPC, level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner );
NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time;
TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 500, 2500 ) );
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
extern int g_crosshairEntNum;
qboolean Jedi_CheckAmbushPlayer( void )
if ( !player || !player->client )
return qfalse;
if ( !NPC_ValidEnemy( player ) )
return qfalse;
if ( NPC->client->ps.powerups[PW_CLOAKED] || g_crosshairEntNum != NPC->s.number )
{//if I'm not cloaked and the player's crosshair is on me, I will wake up, otherwise do this stuff down here...
if ( !gi.inPVS( player->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin ) )
{//must be in same room
return qfalse;
if ( !NPC->client->ps.powerups[PW_CLOAKED] )
NPC_SetLookTarget( NPC, 0, 0 );
float target_dist, zDiff = NPC->currentOrigin[2]-player->currentOrigin[2];
if ( zDiff <= 0 || zDiff > 512 )
{//never ambush if they're above me or way way below me
return qfalse;
//If the target is this close, then wake up regardless
if ( (target_dist = DistanceHorizontalSquared( player->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin )) > 4096 )
{//closer than 64 - always ambush
if ( target_dist > 147456 )
{//> 384, not close enough to ambush
return qfalse;
//Check FOV first
if ( NPC->client->ps.powerups[PW_CLOAKED] )
if ( InFOV( player, NPC, 30, 90 ) == qfalse )
return qfalse;
if ( InFOV( player, NPC, 45, 90 ) == qfalse )
return qfalse;
if ( !NPC_ClearLOS( player ) )
return qfalse;
G_SetEnemy( NPC, player );
NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time;
TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 500, 2500 ) );
return qtrue;
void Jedi_Ambush( gentity_t *self )
self->client->noclip = qfalse;
self->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_JUMPING|PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL;
self->client->ps.weaponTime = NPC->client->ps.torsoAnimTimer;
self->client->ps.saberActive = qtrue;
Jedi_Decloak( self );
G_AddVoiceEvent( self, Q_irand( EV_ANGER1, EV_ANGER3 ), 1000 );
qboolean Jedi_WaitingAmbush( gentity_t *self )
if ( (self->spawnflags&JSF_AMBUSH) && self->client->noclip )
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
static void Jedi_Patrol( void )
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
if ( Jedi_WaitingAmbush( NPC ) )
{//hiding on the ceiling
if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES )
{//look for enemies
if ( Jedi_CheckAmbushPlayer() || Jedi_CheckDanger() )
{//found him!
Jedi_Ambush( NPC );
NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
else if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES )//NPCInfo->scriptFlags & SCF_CHASE_ENEMIES )
{//look for enemies
gentity_t *best_enemy = NULL;
float best_enemy_dist = Q3_INFINITE;
for ( int i = 0; i < ENTITYNUM_WORLD; i++ )
gentity_t *enemy = &g_entities[i];
float enemy_dist;
if ( enemy && enemy->client && NPC_ValidEnemy( enemy ) && enemy->client->playerTeam == NPC->client->enemyTeam )
if ( gi.inPVS( NPC->currentOrigin, enemy->currentOrigin ) )
{//we could potentially see him
enemy_dist = DistanceSquared( NPC->currentOrigin, enemy->currentOrigin );
if ( enemy->s.number == 0 || enemy_dist < best_enemy_dist )
//if the enemy is close enough, or threw his saber, take him as the enemy
//FIXME: what if he throws a thermal detonator?
if ( enemy_dist < (220*220) || ( NPCInfo->investigateCount>= 3 && NPC->client->ps.saberActive ) )
G_SetEnemy( NPC, enemy );
//NPCInfo->behaviorState = BS_HUNT_AND_KILL;//should be auto now
NPCInfo->stats.aggression = 3;
else if ( enemy->client->ps.saberInFlight && enemy->client->ps.saberActive )
{//threw his saber, see if it's heading toward me and close enough to consider a threat
float saberDist;
vec3_t saberDir2Me;
vec3_t saberMoveDir;
gentity_t *saber = &g_entities[enemy->client->ps.saberEntityNum];
VectorSubtract( NPC->currentOrigin, saber->currentOrigin, saberDir2Me );
saberDist = VectorNormalize( saberDir2Me );
VectorCopy( saber->s.pos.trDelta, saberMoveDir );
VectorNormalize( saberMoveDir );
if ( DotProduct( saberMoveDir, saberDir2Me ) > 0.5 )
{//it's heading towards me
if ( saberDist < 200 )
G_SetEnemy( NPC, enemy );
//NPCInfo->behaviorState = BS_HUNT_AND_KILL;//should be auto now
NPCInfo->stats.aggression = 3;
best_enemy_dist = enemy_dist;
best_enemy = enemy;
if ( !NPC->enemy )
{//still not mad
if ( !best_enemy )
//Com_Printf( "(%d) drop agg - no enemy (patrol)\n", level.time );
//FIXME: what about alerts? But not if ignore alerts
{//have one to consider
if ( NPC_ClearLOS( best_enemy ) )
{//we have a clear (of architecture) LOS to him
if ( best_enemy->s.number )
{//just attack
G_SetEnemy( NPC, best_enemy );
NPCInfo->stats.aggression = 3;
{//the player, toy with him
//get progressively more interested over time
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "watchTime" ) )
{//we want to pick him up in stages
if ( TIMER_Get( NPC, "watchTime" ) == -1 )
{//this is the first time, we'll ignore him for a couple seconds
TIMER_Set( NPC, "watchTime", Q_irand( 3000, 5000 ) );
goto finish;
{//okay, we've ignored him, now start to notice him
if ( !NPCInfo->investigateCount )
G_AddVoiceEvent( NPC, Q_irand( EV_JDETECTED1, EV_JDETECTED3 ), 3000 );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "watchTime", Q_irand( 4000, 10000 ) );
//while we're waiting, do what we need to do
if ( best_enemy_dist < (440*440) || NPCInfo->investigateCount >= 2 )
{//stage three: keep facing him
NPC_FaceEntity( best_enemy, qtrue );
if ( best_enemy_dist < (330*330) )
{//stage four: turn on the saber
if ( !NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
NPC->client->ps.saberActive = qtrue;
else if ( best_enemy_dist < (550*550) || NPCInfo->investigateCount == 1 )
{//stage two: stop and face him every now and then
if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "watchTime" ) )
NPC_FaceEntity( best_enemy, qtrue );
{//stage one: look at him.
NPC_SetLookTarget( NPC, best_enemy->s.number, 0 );
else if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "watchTime" ) )
{//haven't seen him in a bit, clear the lookTarget
NPC_ClearLookTarget( NPC );
//If we have somewhere to go, then do that
if ( UpdateGoal() )
ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_WALKING;
//Jedi_Move( NPCInfo->goalEntity );
NPC_MoveToGoal( qtrue );
NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
if ( NPC->enemy )
{//just picked one up
NPCInfo->enemyCheckDebounceTime = level.time + Q_irand( 3000, 10000 );
qboolean Jedi_CanPullBackSaber( gentity_t *self )
if ( self->client->ps.saberBlocked == BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN && !TIMER_Done( self, "parryTime" ) )
return qfalse;
if ( self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SHADOWTROOPER
|| self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION
|| self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_LUKE
|| self->client->NPC_class == CLASS_DESANN )
return qtrue;
if ( self->painDebounceTime > level.time )//|| self->client->ps.weaponTime > 0 )
return qfalse;
return qtrue;
void NPC_BSJedi_FollowLeader( void )
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
if ( !NPC->enemy )
//Com_Printf( "(%d) drop agg - no enemy (follow)\n", level.time );
//did we drop our saber? If so, go after it!
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
{//saber is not in hand
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberEntityNum < ENTITYNUM_NONE && NPC->client->ps.saberEntityNum > 0 )//player is 0
if ( g_entities[NPC->client->ps.saberEntityNum].s.pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY )
{//fell to the ground, try to pick it up...
if ( Jedi_CanPullBackSaber( NPC ) )
//FIXME: if it's on the ground and we just pulled it back to us, should we
// stand still for a bit to make sure it gets to us...?
// otherwise we could end up running away from it while it's on its
// way back to us and we could lose it again.
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
NPCInfo->goalEntity = &g_entities[NPC->client->ps.saberEntityNum];
ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK;
if ( NPC->enemy && NPC->enemy->health > 0 )
{//get our saber back NOW!
if ( !NPC_MoveToGoal( qtrue ) )//Jedi_Move( NPCInfo->goalEntity, qfalse );
{//can't nav to it, try jumping to it
NPC_FaceEntity( NPCInfo->goalEntity, qtrue );
Jedi_TryJump( NPCInfo->goalEntity );
NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
if ( NPCInfo->goalEntity )
trace_t trace;
if ( Jedi_Jumping( NPCInfo->goalEntity ) )
{//in mid-jump
if ( !NAV_CheckAhead( NPC, NPCInfo->goalEntity->currentOrigin, trace, ( NPC->clipmask & ~CONTENTS_BODY )|CONTENTS_BOTCLIP ) )
{//can't get straight to him
if ( NPC_ClearLOS( NPCInfo->goalEntity ) && NPC_FaceEntity( NPCInfo->goalEntity, qtrue ) )
{//no line of sight
if ( Jedi_TryJump( NPCInfo->goalEntity ) )
{//started a jump
if ( NPCInfo->aiFlags & NPCAI_BLOCKED )
{//try to jump to the blockedDest
if ( fabs(NPCInfo->blockedDest[2]-NPC->currentOrigin[2]) > 64 )
gentity_t *tempGoal = G_Spawn();//ugh, this is NOT good...?
G_SetOrigin( tempGoal, NPCInfo->blockedDest );
gi.linkentity( tempGoal );
TIMER_Set( NPC, "jumpChaseDebounce", -1 );
if ( Jedi_TryJump( tempGoal ) )
{//going to jump to the dest
G_FreeEntity( tempGoal );
G_FreeEntity( tempGoal );
//try normal movement
static void Jedi_Attack( void )
//Don't do anything if we're in a pain anim
if ( NPC->painDebounceTime > level.time )
if ( Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
Jedi_FaceEnemy( qtrue );
NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberLockTime > level.time )
//FIXME: maybe if I'm losing I should try to force-push out of it? Very rarely, though...
if ( NPC->client->ps.forcePowerLevel[FP_PUSH] > FORCE_LEVEL_2
&& NPC->client->ps.saberLockTime < level.time + 5000
&& !Q_irand( 0, 10 ))
ForceThrow( NPC, qfalse );
//based on my skill, hit attack button every other to every several frames in order to push enemy back
float chance;
if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_DESANN )
if ( g_spskill->integer )
chance = 4.0f;//he pushes *hard*
chance = 3.0f;//he pushes *hard*
else if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION )
chance = 2.0f+g_spskill->value;//from 2 to 4
{//the escalation in difficulty is nice, here, but cap it so it doesn't get *impossible* on hard
float maxChance = (float)(RANK_LT)/2.0f+3.0f;//5?
if ( !g_spskill->value )
chance = (float)(NPCInfo->rank)/2.0f;
chance = (float)(NPCInfo->rank)/2.0f+1.0f;
if ( chance > maxChance )
chance = maxChance;
if ( Q_flrand( -4.0f, chance ) >= 0.0f && !(NPC->client->ps.pm_flags&PMF_ATTACK_HELD) )
ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK;
NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
//did we drop our saber? If so, go after it!
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
{//saber is not in hand
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberEntityNum < ENTITYNUM_NONE && NPC->client->ps.saberEntityNum > 0 )//player is 0
if ( g_entities[NPC->client->ps.saberEntityNum].s.pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY )
{//fell to the ground, try to pick it up
if ( Jedi_CanPullBackSaber( NPC ) )
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
NPCInfo->goalEntity = &g_entities[NPC->client->ps.saberEntityNum];
ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK;
if ( NPC->enemy && NPC->enemy->health > 0 )
{//get our saber back NOW!
Jedi_Move( NPCInfo->goalEntity, qfalse );
NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
if ( NPC->enemy->s.weapon == WP_SABER )
{//be sure to continue evasion
vec3_t enemy_dir, enemy_movedir, enemy_dest;
float enemy_dist, enemy_movespeed;
Jedi_SetEnemyInfo( enemy_dest, enemy_dir, &enemy_dist, enemy_movedir, &enemy_movespeed, 300 );
Jedi_EvasionSaber( enemy_movedir, enemy_dist, enemy_dir );
//see if our enemy was killed by us, gloat and turn off saber after cool down.
//FIXME: don't do this if we have other enemies to fight...?
if ( NPC->enemy )
if ( NPC->enemy->health <= 0 && NPC->enemy->enemy == NPC && NPC->client->playerTeam != TEAM_PLAYER )//good guys don't gloat
{//my enemy is dead and I killed him
NPCInfo->enemyCheckDebounceTime = 0;//keep looking for others
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "parryTime" ) )
TIMER_Set( NPC, "parryTime", -1 );
NPC->client->ps.forcePowerDebounce[FP_SABER_DEFENSE] = level.time + 500;
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberActive || NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
{//saber is still on (or we're trying to pull it back), count down erosion and keep facing the enemy
//FIXME: need to stop this from happening over and over again when they're blocking their victim's saber
//FIXME: turn off saber sooner so we get cool walk anim?
//Com_Printf( "(%d) drop agg - enemy dead\n", level.time );
if ( !NPC->client->ps.saberActive && !NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight )
{//turned off saber (in hand), gloat
G_AddVoiceEvent( NPC, Q_irand( EV_VICTORY1, EV_VICTORY3 ), 3000 );
jediSpeechDebounceTime[NPC->client->playerTeam] = level.time + 3000;
NPCInfo->desiredPitch = 0;
NPCInfo->goalEntity = NULL;
TIMER_Set( NPC, "gloatTime", 10000 );
if ( NPC->client->ps.saberActive || NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight || !TIMER_Done( NPC, "gloatTime" ) )
{//keep walking
if ( DistanceHorizontalSquared( NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, NPC->enemy->currentOrigin ) > 4096 && (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_CHASE_ENEMIES) )//64 squared
NPCInfo->goalEntity = NPC->enemy;
Jedi_Move( NPC->enemy, qfalse );
ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_WALKING;
{//got there
Jedi_FaceEnemy( qtrue );
NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
//If we don't have an enemy, just idle
if ( NPC->enemy->s.weapon == WP_TURRET && !Q_stricmp( "PAS", NPC->enemy->classname ) )
if ( NPC->enemy->count <= 0 )
{//it's out of ammo
if ( NPC->enemy->activator && NPC_ValidEnemy( NPC->enemy->activator ) )
gentity_t *turretOwner = NPC->enemy->activator;
G_ClearEnemy( NPC );
G_SetEnemy( NPC, turretOwner );
G_ClearEnemy( NPC );
NPC_CheckEnemy( qtrue, qtrue );
if ( !NPC->enemy )
NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE;
if ( NPCInfo->tempBehavior == BS_HUNT_AND_KILL )
{//lost him, go back to what we were doing before
NPCInfo->tempBehavior = BS_DEFAULT;
NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
Jedi_Patrol();//was calling Idle... why?
//always face enemy if have one
NPCInfo->combatMove = qtrue;
//Track the player and kill them if possible
if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_CHASE_ENEMIES) )
{//this is really stupid, but okay...
ucmd.forwardmove = 0;
ucmd.rightmove = 0;
if ( ucmd.upmove > 0 )
ucmd.upmove = 0;
NPC->client->ps.forceJumpCharge = 0;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
//NOTE: for now, we clear ucmd.forwardmove & ucmd.rightmove while in air to avoid jumps going awry...
if ( NPC->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{//don't push while in air, throws off jumps!
//FIXME: if we are in the air over a drop near a ledge, should we try to push back towards the ledge?
ucmd.forwardmove = 0;
ucmd.rightmove = 0;
VectorClear( NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "duck" ) )
ucmd.upmove = -127;
if ( PM_SaberInBrokenParry( NPC->client->ps.saberMove ) || NPC->client->ps.saberBlocked == BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN )
{//just make sure they don't pull their saber to them if they're being blocked
ucmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ATTACK;
if( (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_DONT_FIRE) //not allowed to attack
|| ((NPC->client->ps.saberEventFlags&SEF_INWATER)&&!NPC->client->ps.saberInFlight) )//saber in water
if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_ACROBATICS )
ucmd.upmove = 0;
NPC->client->ps.forceJumpCharge = 0;
if ( ucmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK && NPC->client->playerTeam == TEAM_ENEMY )
if ( Q_irand( 0, NPC->client->ps.saberAnimLevel ) > 0
&& Q_irand( 0, NPC->max_health+10 ) > NPC->health
&& !Q_irand( 0, 3 ))
{//the more we're hurt and the stronger the attack we're using, the more likely we are to make a anger noise when we swing
G_AddVoiceEvent( NPC, Q_irand( EV_COMBAT1, EV_COMBAT3 ), 1000 );
if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_TAVION
|| (g_spskill->integer && ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_DESANN || NPCInfo->rank >= Q_irand( RANK_CREWMAN, RANK_CAPTAIN ))))
{//Tavion will kick in force speed if the player does...
if ( NPC->enemy
&& !NPC->enemy->s.number
&& NPC->enemy->client
&& (NPC->enemy->client->ps.forcePowersActive & (1<<FP_SPEED))
&& !(NPC->client->ps.forcePowersActive & (1<<FP_SPEED)) )
int chance = 0;
switch ( g_spskill->integer )
case 0:
chance = 9;
case 1:
chance = 3;
case 2:
chance = 1;
if ( !Q_irand( 0, chance ) )
ForceSpeed( NPC );
void NPC_BSJedi_Default( void )
if( !NPC->enemy )
{//don't have an enemy, look for one
else//if ( NPC->enemy )
{//have an enemy
if ( Jedi_WaitingAmbush( NPC ) )
{//we were still waiting to drop down - must have had enemy set on me outside my AI
Jedi_Ambush( NPC );
//if we have multiple-jedi combat, probably need to keep checking (at certain debounce intervals) for a better (closer, more active) enemy and switch if needbe...
if ( ((!ucmd.buttons&&!NPC->client->ps.forcePowersActive)||(NPC->enemy&&NPC->enemy->health<=0)) && NPCInfo->enemyCheckDebounceTime < level.time )
{//not doing anything (or walking toward a vanquished enemy - fixme: always taunt the player?), not using force powers and it's time to look again
//FIXME: build a list of all local enemies (since we have to find best anyway) for other AI factors- like when to use group attacks, determine when to change tactics, when surrounded, when blocked by another in the enemy group, etc. Should we build this group list or let the enemies maintain their own list and we just access it?
gentity_t *sav_enemy = NPC->enemy;//FIXME: what about NPC->lastEnemy?
NPC->enemy = NULL;
gentity_t *newEnemy = NPC_CheckEnemy(
(qboolean)(NPCInfo->confusionTime < level.time), qfalse, qfalse );
NPC->enemy = sav_enemy;
if ( newEnemy && newEnemy != sav_enemy )
{//picked up a new enemy!
NPC->lastEnemy = NPC->enemy;
G_SetEnemy( NPC, newEnemy );
NPCInfo->enemyCheckDebounceTime = level.time + Q_irand( 1000, 3000 );