2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
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Copyright ( C ) 2000 - 2013 , Raven Software , Inc .
Copyright ( C ) 2001 - 2013 , Activision , Inc .
Copyright ( C ) 2013 - 2015 , OpenJK contributors
This file is part of the OpenJK source code .
OpenJK is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# include "g_headers.h"
# include "b_local.h"
# include "g_nav.h"
# include "g_navigator.h"
extern void G_AddVoiceEvent ( gentity_t * self , int event , int speakDebounceTime ) ;
extern void G_SetEnemy ( gentity_t * self , gentity_t * enemy ) ;
extern qboolean NPC_CheckLookTarget ( gentity_t * self ) ;
extern void NPC_ClearLookTarget ( gentity_t * self ) ;
extern void NPC_Jedi_RateNewEnemy ( gentity_t * self , gentity_t * enemy ) ;
extern int NAV_FindClosestWaypointForPoint ( vec3_t point ) ;
extern int NAV_GetNearestNode ( gentity_t * self , int lastNode ) ;
extern void G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel ( gentity_t * ent , const char * weaponModel ) ;
extern qboolean PM_DroidMelee ( int npc_class ) ;
extern CNavigator navigator ;
void ChangeWeapon ( gentity_t * ent , int newWeapon ) ;
void G_ClearEnemy ( gentity_t * self )
NPC_CheckLookTarget ( self ) ;
if ( self - > enemy )
if ( self - > client & & self - > client - > renderInfo . lookTarget = = self - > enemy - > s . number )
NPC_ClearLookTarget ( self ) ;
if ( self - > NPC & & self - > enemy = = self - > NPC - > goalEntity )
self - > NPC - > goalEntity = NULL ;
//FIXME: set last enemy?
self - > enemy = NULL ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void G_AngerAlert ( gentity_t * self )
if ( self & & self - > NPC & & ( self - > NPC - > scriptFlags & SCF_NO_GROUPS ) )
{ //I'm not a team playa...
return ;
if ( ! TIMER_Done ( self , " interrogating " ) )
{ //I'm interrogating, don't wake everyone else up yet... FIXME: this may never wake everyone else up, though!
return ;
//FIXME: hmm.... with all the other new alerts now, is this still neccesary or even a good idea...?
G_AlertTeam ( self , self - > enemy , ANGER_ALERT_RADIUS , ANGER_ALERT_SOUND_RADIUS ) ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
qboolean G_TeamEnemy ( gentity_t * self )
{ //FIXME: Probably a better way to do this, is a linked list of your teammates already available?
int i ;
gentity_t * ent ;
if ( ! self - > client | | self - > client - > playerTeam = = TEAM_FREE )
return qfalse ;
if ( self & & self - > NPC & & ( self - > NPC - > scriptFlags & SCF_NO_GROUPS ) )
{ //I'm not a team playa...
return qfalse ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < MAX_GENTITIES ; i + + )
ent = & g_entities [ i ] ;
if ( ent = = self )
continue ;
if ( ent - > health < = 0 )
continue ;
if ( ! ent - > client )
continue ;
if ( ent - > client - > playerTeam ! = self - > client - > playerTeam )
{ //ent is not on my team
continue ;
if ( ent - > enemy )
{ //they have an enemy
if ( ! ent - > enemy - > client | | ent - > enemy - > client - > playerTeam ! = self - > client - > playerTeam )
{ //the ent's enemy is either a normal ent or is a player/NPC that is not on my team
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
void G_AttackDelay ( gentity_t * self , gentity_t * enemy )
if ( enemy & & self - > client & & self - > NPC )
{ //delay their attack based on how far away they're facing from enemy
vec3_t fwd , dir ;
int attDelay ;
VectorSubtract ( self - > client - > renderInfo . eyePoint , enemy - > currentOrigin , dir ) ; //purposely backwards
VectorNormalize ( dir ) ;
AngleVectors ( self - > client - > renderInfo . eyeAngles , fwd , NULL , NULL ) ;
//dir[2] = fwd[2] = 0;//ignore z diff?
attDelay = ( 4 - g_spskill - > integer ) * 500 ; //initial: from 1000ms delay on hard to 2000ms delay on easy
if ( self - > client - > playerTeam = = TEAM_PLAYER )
{ //invert
attDelay = 2000 - attDelay ;
attDelay + = floor ( ( DotProduct ( fwd , dir ) + 1.0f ) * 2000.0f ) ; //add up to 4000ms delay if they're facing away
//FIXME: should distance matter, too?
//Now modify the delay based on NPC_class, weapon, and team
//NOTE: attDelay should be somewhere between 1000 to 6000 milliseconds
switch ( self - > client - > NPC_class )
case CLASS_IMPERIAL : //they give orders and hang back
attDelay + = Q_irand ( 500 , 1500 ) ;
break ;
case CLASS_STORMTROOPER : //stormtroopers shoot sooner
if ( self - > NPC - > rank > = RANK_LT )
{ //officers shoot even sooner
attDelay - = Q_irand ( 500 , 1500 ) ;
{ //normal stormtroopers don't have as fast reflexes as officers
attDelay - = Q_irand ( 0 , 1000 ) ;
break ;
case CLASS_SWAMPTROOPER : //shoot very quickly? What about guys in water?
attDelay - = Q_irand ( 1000 , 2000 ) ;
break ;
case CLASS_IMPWORKER : //they panic, don't fire right away
attDelay + = Q_irand ( 1000 , 2500 ) ;
break ;
attDelay - = Q_irand ( 500 , 1500 ) ;
break ;
case CLASS_JAN :
attDelay - = Q_irand ( 500 , 1500 ) ;
break ;
attDelay - = Q_irand ( 1000 , 2000 ) ;
break ;
return ;
break ;
return ;
break ;
case CLASS_MARK1 :
case CLASS_MARK2 :
return ;
break ;
return ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
default :
break ;
switch ( self - > s . weapon )
case WP_NONE :
case WP_SABER :
return ;
break ;
break ;
if ( self - > NPC - > scriptFlags & SCF_ALT_FIRE )
{ //rapid-fire blasters
attDelay + = Q_irand ( 0 , 500 ) ;
{ //regular blaster
attDelay - = Q_irand ( 0 , 500 ) ;
break ;
attDelay + = Q_irand ( 0 , 500 ) ;
break ;
if ( ! ( self - > NPC - > scriptFlags & SCF_ALT_FIRE ) )
{ //rapid-fire blasters
attDelay + = Q_irand ( 0 , 500 ) ;
break ;
attDelay + = Q_irand ( 500 , 1500 ) ;
break ;
attDelay + = Q_irand ( 500 , 1500 ) ;
break ;
case WP_BLASTER_PISTOL : // apparently some enemy only version of the blaster
attDelay - = Q_irand ( 500 , 1500 ) ;
break ;
case WP_DISRUPTOR : //sniper's don't delay?
return ;
break ;
case WP_THERMAL : //grenade-throwing has a built-in delay
return ;
break ;
case WP_MELEE : // Any ol' melee attack
return ;
break ;
return ;
break ;
case WP_TURRET : // turret guns
return ;
break ;
case WP_BOT_LASER : // Probe droid - Laser blast
return ;
break ;
case WP_DEMP2 :
break ;
break ;
case WP_DET_PACK :
break ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
if ( self - > client - > playerTeam = = TEAM_PLAYER )
{ //clamp it
if ( attDelay > 2000 )
attDelay = 2000 ;
//don't shoot right away
if ( attDelay > 4000 + ( ( 2 - g_spskill - > integer ) * 3000 ) )
attDelay = 4000 + ( ( 2 - g_spskill - > integer ) * 3000 ) ;
TIMER_Set ( self , " attackDelay " , attDelay ) ; //Q_irand( 1500, 4500 ) );
//don't move right away either
if ( attDelay > 4000 )
attDelay = 4000 - Q_irand ( 500 , 1500 ) ;
attDelay - = Q_irand ( 500 , 1500 ) ;
TIMER_Set ( self , " roamTime " , attDelay ) ; //was Q_irand( 1000, 3500 );
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void G_AimSet ( gentity_t * self , int aim ) ;
void G_SetEnemy ( gentity_t * self , gentity_t * enemy )
int event = 0 ;
//Must be valid
if ( enemy = = NULL )
return ;
//Must be valid
if ( enemy - > inuse = = 0 )
return ;
//Don't take the enemy if in notarget
if ( enemy - > flags & FL_NOTARGET )
return ;
if ( ! self - > NPC )
self - > enemy = enemy ;
return ;
if ( self - > NPC - > confusionTime > level . time )
{ //can't pick up enemies if confused
return ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
if ( self - > s . number )
assert ( enemy ! = self ) ;
# endif // _DEBUG
// if ( enemy->client && enemy->client->playerTeam == TEAM_DISGUISE )
// {//unmask the player
// enemy->client->playerTeam = TEAM_PLAYER;
// }
if ( self - > client & & self - > NPC & & enemy - > client & & enemy - > client - > playerTeam = = self - > client - > playerTeam )
{ //Probably a damn script!
if ( self - > NPC - > charmedTime > level . time )
{ //Probably a damn script!
return ;
if ( self - > NPC & & self - > client & & self - > client - > ps . weapon = = WP_SABER )
//when get new enemy, set a base aggression based on what that enemy is using, how far they are, etc.
NPC_Jedi_RateNewEnemy ( self , enemy ) ;
//NOTE: this is not necessarily true!
//self->NPC->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time;
if ( self - > enemy = = NULL )
//TEMP HACK: turn on our saber
if ( self - > health > 0 )
self - > client - > ps . saberActive = qtrue ;
//FIXME: Have to do this to prevent alert cascading
G_ClearEnemy ( self ) ;
self - > enemy = enemy ;
//Special case- if player is being hunted by his own people, set their enemy team correctly
if ( self - > client - > playerTeam = = TEAM_PLAYER & & enemy - > s . number = = 0 )
self - > client - > enemyTeam = TEAM_PLAYER ;
//If have an anger script, run that instead of yelling
if ( G_ActivateBehavior ( self , BSET_ANGER ) )
else if ( self - > client & & enemy - > client & & self - > client - > playerTeam ! = enemy - > client - > playerTeam )
//FIXME: Use anger when entire team has no enemy.
// Basically, you're first one to notice enemies
if ( self - > forcePushTime < level . time ) // not currently being pushed
if ( ! G_TeamEnemy ( self ) )
{ //team did not have an enemy previously
event = Q_irand ( EV_ANGER1 , EV_ANGER3 ) ;
if ( event )
{ //yell
G_AddVoiceEvent ( self , event , 2000 ) ;
if ( self - > s . weapon = = WP_BLASTER | | self - > s . weapon = = WP_REPEATER | |
self - > s . weapon = = WP_THERMAL | | self - > s . weapon = = WP_BLASTER_PISTOL
| | self - > s . weapon = = WP_BOWCASTER )
{ //Hmm, how about sniper and bowcaster?
//When first get mad, aim is bad
//Hmm, base on game difficulty, too? Rank?
if ( self - > client - > playerTeam = = TEAM_PLAYER )
G_AimSet ( self , Q_irand ( self - > NPC - > stats . aim - ( 5 * ( g_spskill - > integer ) ) , self - > NPC - > stats . aim - g_spskill - > integer ) ) ;
int minErr = 3 ;
int maxErr = 12 ;
if ( self - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_IMPWORKER )
minErr = 15 ;
maxErr = 30 ;
else if ( self - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_STORMTROOPER & & self - > NPC & & self - > NPC - > rank < = RANK_CREWMAN )
minErr = 5 ;
maxErr = 15 ;
G_AimSet ( self , Q_irand ( self - > NPC - > stats . aim - ( maxErr * ( 3 - g_spskill - > integer ) ) , self - > NPC - > stats . aim - ( minErr * ( 3 - g_spskill - > integer ) ) ) ) ;
//Alert anyone else in the area
if ( Q_stricmp ( " desperado " , self - > NPC_type ) ! = 0 & & Q_stricmp ( " paladin " , self - > NPC_type ) ! = 0 )
{ //special holodeck enemies exception
if ( ! ( self - > client - > ps . eFlags & EF_FORCE_GRIPPED ) )
{ //gripped people can't call for help
G_AngerAlert ( self ) ;
//Stormtroopers don't fire right away!
G_AttackDelay ( self , enemy ) ;
//FIXME: this is a disgusting hack that is supposed to make the Imperials start with their weapon holstered- need a better way
if ( self - > client - > ps . weapon = = WP_NONE & & ! Q_strncmp ( self - > NPC_type , " imp " , 3 ) & & ! ( self - > NPC - > scriptFlags & SCF_FORCED_MARCH ) )
if ( self - > client - > ps . stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] & ( 1 < < WP_BLASTER ) )
ChangeWeapon ( self , WP_BLASTER ) ;
self - > client - > ps . weapon = WP_BLASTER ;
self - > client - > ps . weaponstate = WEAPON_READY ;
G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel ( self , weaponData [ WP_BLASTER ] . weaponMdl ) ;
else if ( self - > client - > ps . stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] & ( 1 < < WP_BLASTER_PISTOL ) )
ChangeWeapon ( self , WP_BLASTER_PISTOL ) ;
self - > client - > ps . weapon = WP_BLASTER_PISTOL ;
self - > client - > ps . weaponstate = WEAPON_READY ;
G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel ( self , weaponData [ WP_BLASTER_PISTOL ] . weaponMdl ) ;
return ;
//Otherwise, just picking up another enemy
if ( event )
G_AddVoiceEvent ( self , event , 2000 ) ;
//Take the enemy
G_ClearEnemy ( self ) ;
self - > enemy = enemy ;
int ChooseBestWeapon ( void )
int n ;
int weapon ;
// check weapons in the NPC's weapon preference order
for ( n = 0 ; n < MAX_WEAPONS ; n + + )
weapon = NPCInfo - > weaponOrder [ n ] ;
if ( weapon = = WP_NONE )
break ;
if ( ! HaveWeapon ( weapon ) )
continue ;
if ( client - > ps . ammo [ weaponData [ weapon ] . ammoIndex ] )
return weapon ;
// check weapons serially (mainly in case a weapon is not on the NPC's list)
for ( weapon = 1 ; weapon < WP_NUM_WEAPONS ; weapon + + )
if ( ! HaveWeapon ( weapon ) )
continue ;
if ( client - > ps . ammo [ weaponData [ weapon ] . ammoIndex ] )
return weapon ;
return client - > ps . weapon ;
void ChangeWeapon ( gentity_t * ent , int newWeapon )
if ( ! ent | | ! ent - > client | | ! ent - > NPC )
return ;
ent - > client - > ps . weapon = newWeapon ;
ent - > NPC - > shotTime = 0 ;
ent - > NPC - > burstCount = 0 ;
ent - > NPC - > attackHold = 0 ;
ent - > NPC - > currentAmmo = ent - > client - > ps . ammo [ weaponData [ newWeapon ] . ammoIndex ] ;
switch ( newWeapon )
case WP_BRYAR_PISTOL : //prifle
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1000 ; //attackdebounce
break ;
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
// ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 1000;//attackdebounce
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 0 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1000 ; //attack debounce
else if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 1 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 750 ; //attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 500 ; //attack debounce
break ;
case WP_BOT_LASER : //probe attack
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
// ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 600;//attackdebounce
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 0 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 600 ; //attack debounce
else if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 1 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 400 ; //attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 200 ; //attack debounce
break ;
case WP_SABER :
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 0 ; //attackdebounce
break ;
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
if ( ent - > NPC - > scriptFlags & SCF_ALT_FIRE )
switch ( g_spskill - > integer )
case 0 :
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 2500 ; //attackdebounce
break ;
case 1 :
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 2000 ; //attackdebounce
break ;
case 2 :
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1500 ; //attackdebounce
break ;
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1000 ; //attackdebounce
break ;
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
// ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 1000;//attackdebounce
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 0 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1000 ; //attack debounce
else if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 1 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 750 ; //attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 500 ; //attack debounce
break ;
if ( ent - > NPC - > scriptFlags & SCF_ALT_FIRE )
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 2000 ; //attackdebounce
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags | = NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
ent - > NPC - > burstMin = 3 ;
ent - > NPC - > burstMax = 10 ;
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 0 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1500 ; //attack debounce
else if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 1 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1000 ; //attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 500 ; //attack debounce
break ;
case WP_DEMP2 :
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1000 ; //attackdebounce
break ;
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
if ( ent - > NPC - > scriptFlags & SCF_ALT_FIRE )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 2000 ; //attackdebounce
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1000 ; //attackdebounce
break ;
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
// ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 2500;//attackdebounce
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 0 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 2500 ; //attack debounce
else if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 1 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 2000 ; //attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1500 ; //attack debounce
break ;
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
// ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 3000;//attackdebounce
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 0 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 3000 ; //attack debounce
else if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 1 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 2500 ; //attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 2000 ; //attack debounce
break ;
case WP_SABER :
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags | = NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
ent - > NPC - > burstMin = 5 ; //0.5 sec
ent - > NPC - > burstMax = 20 ; //3 seconds
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 2000 ; //2 seconds
ent - > NPC - > attackHold = 1000 ; //Hold attack button for a 1-second burst
break ;
if ( ent - > NPC - > scriptFlags & SCF_ALT_FIRE )
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags | = NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
ent - > NPC - > burstMin = 3 ;
ent - > NPC - > burstMax = 3 ;
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 0 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1500 ; //attack debounce
else if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 1 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1000 ; //attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 500 ; //attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 0 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1000 ; //attack debounce
else if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 1 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 750 ; //attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 500 ; //attack debounce
// ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 1000;//attackdebounce
break ;
case WP_MELEE :
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1000 ; //attackdebounce
break ;
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
// ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 1000;//attackdebounce
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 0 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1000 ; //attack debounce
else if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 1 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 750 ; //attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 500 ; //attack debounce
break ;
//FIXME: give some designer-control over this?
if ( ent - > client & & ent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_REELO )
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1000 ; //attack debounce
// if ( g_spskill->integer == 0 )
// ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 300;//attack debounce
// else if ( g_spskill->integer == 1 )
// ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 200;//attack debounce
// else
// ent->NPC->burstSpacing = 100;//attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags | = NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
ent - > NPC - > burstMin = 2 ; // 3 shots, really
ent - > NPC - > burstMax = 2 ;
if ( ent - > owner ) // if we have an owner, it should be the chair at this point...so query the chair for its shot debounce times, etc.
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 0 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = ent - > owner - > wait + 400 ; //attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > burstMin = ent - > NPC - > burstMax = 1 ; // two shots
else if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 1 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = ent - > owner - > wait + 200 ; //attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = ent - > owner - > wait ; //attack debounce
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 0 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1200 ; //attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > burstMin = ent - > NPC - > burstMax = 1 ; // two shots
else if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 1 )
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 1000 ; //attack debounce
ent - > NPC - > burstSpacing = 800 ; //attack debounce
break ;
default :
ent - > NPC - > aiFlags & = ~ NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON ;
break ;
void NPC_ChangeWeapon ( int newWeapon )
qboolean changing = qfalse ;
if ( newWeapon ! = NPC - > client - > ps . weapon )
changing = qtrue ;
if ( changing & & NPC - > weaponModel > = 9 )
gi . G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model ( NPC - > ghoul2 , NPC - > weaponModel ) ;
ChangeWeapon ( NPC , newWeapon ) ;
if ( changing & & NPC - > client - > ps . weapon ! = WP_NONE )
if ( NPC - > client - > ps . weapon = = WP_SABER )
G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel ( NPC , NPC - > client - > ps . saberModel ) ;
G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel ( NPC , weaponData [ NPC - > client - > ps . weapon ] . weaponMdl ) ;
void NPC_ApplyWeaponFireDelay ( void )
How long , if at all , in msec the actual fire should delay from the time the attack was started
void NPC_ApplyWeaponFireDelay ( void )
if ( NPC - > attackDebounceTime > level . time )
{ //Just fired, if attacking again, must be a burst fire, so don't add delay
//NOTE: Borg AI uses attackDebounceTime "incorrectly", so this will always return for them!
return ;
switch ( client - > ps . weapon )
NPCInfo - > burstCount = 0 ;
client - > fireDelay = 500 ;
break ;
if ( client - > ps . clientNum )
{ //NPCs delay...
//FIXME: player should, too, but would feel weird in 1st person, even though it
// would look right in 3rd person. Really should have a wind-up anim
// for player as he holds down the fire button to throw, then play
// the actual throw when he lets go...
client - > fireDelay = 700 ;
break ;
case WP_MELEE :
if ( ! PM_DroidMelee ( client - > NPC_class ) )
{ //FIXME: should be unique per melee anim
client - > fireDelay = 300 ;
break ;
default :
client - > fireDelay = 0 ;
break ;
} ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void ShootThink ( void )
int delay ;
if ( enemyVisibility ! = VIS_SHOOT )
return ;
ucmd . buttons | = BUTTON_ATTACK ;
NPCInfo - > currentAmmo = client - > ps . ammo [ weaponData [ client - > ps . weapon ] . ammoIndex ] ; // checkme
NPC_ApplyWeaponFireDelay ( ) ;
if ( NPCInfo - > aiFlags & NPCAI_BURST_WEAPON )
if ( ! NPCInfo - > burstCount )
NPCInfo - > burstCount = Q_irand ( NPCInfo - > burstMin , NPCInfo - > burstMax ) ;
delay = 0 ;
NPCInfo - > burstCount - - ;
if ( NPCInfo - > burstCount = = 0 )
delay = NPCInfo - > burstSpacing ;
delay = 0 ;
if ( ! delay )
// HACK: dirty little emplaced bits, but is done because it would otherwise require some sort of new variable...
if ( client - > ps . weapon = = WP_EMPLACED_GUN )
if ( NPC - > owner ) // try and get the debounce values from the chair if we can
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 0 )
delay = NPC - > owner - > random + 150 ;
else if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 1 )
delay = NPC - > owner - > random + 100 ;
delay = NPC - > owner - > random ;
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 0 )
delay = 350 ;
else if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 1 )
delay = 300 ;
delay = 200 ;
delay = NPCInfo - > burstSpacing ;
NPCInfo - > shotTime = level . time + delay ;
NPC - > attackDebounceTime = level . time + NPC_AttackDebounceForWeapon ( ) ;
static void WeaponThink ( qboolean inCombat )
FIXME makes this so there ' s a delay from event that caused us to check to actually doing it
Added : hacks for Borg
void WeaponThink ( qboolean inCombat )
ucmd . buttons & = ~ BUTTON_ATTACK ;
if ( client - > ps . weaponstate = = WEAPON_RAISING | | client - > ps . weaponstate = = WEAPON_DROPPING )
ucmd . weapon = client - > ps . weapon ;
return ;
if ( client - > ps . weapon = = WP_NONE )
return ;
if ( client - > ps . weaponstate ! = WEAPON_READY & & client - > ps . weaponstate ! = WEAPON_FIRING & & client - > ps . weaponstate ! = WEAPON_IDLE )
return ;
if ( level . time < NPCInfo - > shotTime )
return ;
//MCG - Begin
//For now, no-one runs out of ammo
if ( NPC - > client - > ps . ammo [ weaponData [ client - > ps . weapon ] . ammoIndex ] < 10 ) // checkme
// if(NPC->client->ps.ammo[ client->ps.weapon ] < 10)
Add_Ammo ( NPC , client - > ps . weapon , 100 ) ;
ucmd . weapon = client - > ps . weapon ;
ShootThink ( ) ;
qboolean HaveWeapon ( int weapon )
return ( qboolean ) ( client - > ps . stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] & ( 1 < < weapon ) ) ;
qboolean EntIsGlass ( gentity_t * check )
if ( check - > classname & &
! Q_stricmp ( " func_breakable " , check - > classname ) & &
check - > count = = 1 & & check - > health < = 100 )
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean ShotThroughGlass ( trace_t * tr , gentity_t * target , vec3_t spot , int mask )
gentity_t * hit = & g_entities [ tr - > entityNum ] ;
if ( hit ! = target & & EntIsGlass ( hit ) )
{ //ok to shoot through breakable glass
int skip = hit - > s . number ;
vec3_t muzzle ;
VectorCopy ( tr - > endpos , muzzle ) ;
gi . trace ( tr , muzzle , NULL , NULL , spot , skip , mask , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
determine if NPC can directly target enemy
this function does not check teams , invulnerability , notarget , etc . . . .
Added : If can ' t shoot center , try head , if not , see if it ' s close enough to try anyway .
qboolean CanShoot ( gentity_t * ent , gentity_t * shooter )
trace_t tr ;
vec3_t muzzle ;
vec3_t spot , diff ;
gentity_t * traceEnt ;
CalcEntitySpot ( shooter , SPOT_WEAPON , muzzle ) ;
CalcEntitySpot ( ent , SPOT_ORIGIN , spot ) ; //FIXME preferred target locations for some weapons (feet for R/L)
gi . trace ( & tr , muzzle , NULL , NULL , spot , shooter - > s . number , MASK_SHOT , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
traceEnt = & g_entities [ tr . entityNum ] ;
// point blank, baby!
if ( tr . startsolid & & ( shooter - > NPC ) & & ( shooter - > NPC - > touchedByPlayer ) )
traceEnt = shooter - > NPC - > touchedByPlayer ;
if ( ShotThroughGlass ( & tr , ent , spot , MASK_SHOT ) )
traceEnt = & g_entities [ tr . entityNum ] ;
// shot is dead on
if ( traceEnt = = ent )
return qtrue ;
//MCG - Begin
{ //ok, can't hit them in center, try their head
CalcEntitySpot ( ent , SPOT_HEAD , spot ) ;
gi . trace ( & tr , muzzle , NULL , NULL , spot , shooter - > s . number , MASK_SHOT , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
traceEnt = & g_entities [ tr . entityNum ] ;
if ( traceEnt = = ent )
return qtrue ;
//Actually, we should just check to fire in dir we're facing and if it's close enough,
//and we didn't hit someone on our own team, shoot
VectorSubtract ( spot , tr . endpos , diff ) ;
if ( VectorLength ( diff ) < Q_flrand ( 0.0f , 1.0f ) * 32 )
return qtrue ;
//MCG - End
// shot would hit a non-client
if ( ! traceEnt - > client )
return qfalse ;
// shot is blocked by another player
// he's already dead, so go ahead
if ( traceEnt - > health < = 0 )
return qtrue ;
// don't deliberately shoot a teammate
if ( traceEnt - > client & & ( traceEnt - > client - > playerTeam = = shooter - > client - > playerTeam ) )
return qfalse ;
// he's just in the wrong place, go ahead
return qtrue ;
void NPC_CheckPossibleEnemy ( gentity_t * other , visibility_t vis )
Added : hacks for scripted NPCs
void NPC_CheckPossibleEnemy ( gentity_t * other , visibility_t vis )
// is he is already our enemy?
if ( other = = NPC - > enemy )
return ;
if ( other - > flags & FL_NOTARGET )
return ;
// we already have an enemy and this guy is in our FOV, see if this guy would be better
if ( NPC - > enemy & & vis = = VIS_FOV )
if ( NPCInfo - > enemyLastSeenTime - level . time < 2000 )
return ;
if ( enemyVisibility = = VIS_UNKNOWN )
enemyVisibility = NPC_CheckVisibility ( NPC - > enemy , CHECK_360 | CHECK_FOV ) ;
if ( enemyVisibility = = VIS_FOV )
return ;
if ( ! NPC - > enemy )
{ //only take an enemy if you don't have one yet
G_SetEnemy ( NPC , other ) ;
if ( vis = = VIS_FOV )
NPCInfo - > enemyLastSeenTime = level . time ;
VectorCopy ( other - > currentOrigin , NPCInfo - > enemyLastSeenLocation ) ;
NPCInfo - > enemyLastHeardTime = 0 ;
VectorClear ( NPCInfo - > enemyLastHeardLocation ) ;
NPCInfo - > enemyLastSeenTime = 0 ;
VectorClear ( NPCInfo - > enemyLastSeenLocation ) ;
NPCInfo - > enemyLastHeardTime = level . time ;
VectorCopy ( other - > currentOrigin , NPCInfo - > enemyLastHeardLocation ) ;
//MCG Added functions:
int NPC_AttackDebounceForWeapon ( void )
DOES NOT control how fast you can fire
Only makes you keep your weapon up after you fire
int NPC_AttackDebounceForWeapon ( void )
switch ( NPC - > client - > ps . weapon )
case WP_BLASTER : //scav rifle
return 1000 ;
break ;
case WP_BRYAR_PISTOL : //prifle
return 3000 ;
break ;
case WP_SABER :
return 100 ;
break ;
case WP_SABER :
return 0 ;
break ;
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 0 )
return 2000 ;
if ( g_spskill - > integer = = 1 )
return 1500 ;
return 1000 ;
break ;
default :
return NPCInfo - > burstSpacing ; //was 100 by default
break ;
//FIXME: need a mindist for explosive weapons
float NPC_MaxDistSquaredForWeapon ( void )
if ( NPCInfo - > stats . shootDistance > 0 )
{ //overrides default weapon dist
return NPCInfo - > stats . shootDistance * NPCInfo - > stats . shootDistance ;
switch ( NPC - > s . weapon )
case WP_BLASTER : //scav rifle
return 1024 * 1024 ; //should be shorter?
break ;
case WP_BRYAR_PISTOL : //prifle
return 1024 * 1024 ;
break ;
case WP_BLASTER_PISTOL : //prifle
return 1024 * 1024 ;
break ;
case WP_DISRUPTOR : //disruptor
if ( NPCInfo - > scriptFlags & SCF_ALT_FIRE )
return ( 4096 * 4096 ) ;
return 1024 * 1024 ;
break ;
case WP_SABER :
return 1024 * 1024 ;
break ;
case WP_SABER :
if ( NPC - > client & & NPC - > client - > ps . saberLength )
{ //FIXME: account for whether enemy and I are heading towards each other!
return ( NPC - > client - > ps . saberLength + NPC - > maxs [ 0 ] * 1.5 ) * ( NPC - > client - > ps . saberLength + NPC - > maxs [ 0 ] * 1.5 ) ;
return 48 * 48 ;
break ;
default :
return 1024 * 1024 ; //was 0
break ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
qboolean ValidEnemy ( gentity_t * ent )
if ( ent = = NULL )
return qfalse ;
if ( ent = = NPC )
return qfalse ;
//if team_free, maybe everyone is an enemy?
if ( ! NPC - > client - > enemyTeam )
return qfalse ;
if ( ! ( ent - > flags & FL_NOTARGET ) )
if ( ent - > health > 0 )
if ( ! ent - > client )
return qtrue ;
else if ( ent - > client - > playerTeam = = NPC - > client - > enemyTeam )
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean NPC_EnemyTooFar ( gentity_t * enemy , float dist , qboolean toShoot )
vec3_t vec ;
if ( ! toShoot )
{ //Not trying to actually press fire button with this check
if ( NPC - > client - > ps . weapon = = WP_SABER )
{ //Just have to get to him
return qfalse ;
if ( ! dist )
VectorSubtract ( NPC - > currentOrigin , enemy - > currentOrigin , vec ) ;
dist = VectorLengthSquared ( vec ) ;
if ( dist > NPC_MaxDistSquaredForWeapon ( ) )
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
Randomly picks a living enemy from the specified team and returns it
FIXME : For now , you MUST specify an enemy team
If you specify choose closest , it will find only the closest enemy
If you specify checkVis , it will return and enemy that is visible
If you specify findPlayersFirst , it will try to find players first
You can mix and match any of those options ( example : find closest visible players first )
FIXME : this should go through the snapshot and find the closest enemy
gentity_t * NPC_PickEnemy ( gentity_t * closestTo , int enemyTeam , qboolean checkVis , qboolean findPlayersFirst , qboolean findClosest )
int num_choices = 0 ;
int choice [ 128 ] ; //FIXME: need a different way to determine how many choices?
gentity_t * newenemy = NULL ;
gentity_t * closestEnemy = NULL ;
int entNum ;
vec3_t diff ;
float relDist ;
float bestDist = Q3_INFINITE ;
qboolean failed = qfalse ;
int visChecks = ( CHECK_360 | CHECK_FOV | CHECK_VISRANGE ) ;
int minVis = VIS_FOV ;
if ( ! enemyTeam )
return NULL ;
if ( NPCInfo - > behaviorState = = BS_STAND_AND_SHOOT | |
NPCInfo - > behaviorState = = BS_HUNT_AND_KILL )
{ //Formations guys don't require inFov to pick up a target
//These other behavior states are active battle states and should not
//use FOV. FOV checks are for enemies who are patrolling, guarding, etc.
visChecks & = ~ CHECK_FOV ;
minVis = VIS_360 ;
if ( findPlayersFirst )
{ //try to find a player first
newenemy = & g_entities [ 0 ] ;
if ( newenemy - > client & & ! ( newenemy - > flags & FL_NOTARGET ) & & ! ( newenemy - > s . eFlags & EF_NODRAW ) )
if ( newenemy - > health > 0 )
if ( enemyTeam = = TEAM_PLAYER | | newenemy - > client - > playerTeam = = enemyTeam | |
( enemyTeam = = TEAM_PLAYER ) )
{ //FIXME: check for range and FOV or vis?
if ( newenemy ! = NPC - > lastEnemy )
{ //Make sure we're not just going back and forth here
if ( gi . inPVS ( newenemy - > currentOrigin , NPC - > currentOrigin ) )
if ( NPCInfo - > behaviorState = = BS_INVESTIGATE | | NPCInfo - > behaviorState = = BS_PATROL )
if ( ! NPC - > enemy )
if ( ! InVisrange ( newenemy ) )
failed = qtrue ;
else if ( NPC_CheckVisibility ( newenemy , CHECK_360 | CHECK_FOV | CHECK_VISRANGE ) ! = VIS_FOV )
failed = qtrue ;
if ( ! failed )
VectorSubtract ( closestTo - > currentOrigin , newenemy - > currentOrigin , diff ) ;
relDist = VectorLengthSquared ( diff ) ;
if ( newenemy - > client - > hiddenDist > 0 )
if ( relDist > newenemy - > client - > hiddenDist * newenemy - > client - > hiddenDist )
//out of hidden range
if ( VectorLengthSquared ( newenemy - > client - > hiddenDir ) )
{ //They're only hidden from a certain direction, check
float dot ;
VectorNormalize ( diff ) ;
dot = DotProduct ( newenemy - > client - > hiddenDir , diff ) ;
if ( dot > 0.5 )
{ //I'm not looking in the right dir toward them to see them
failed = qtrue ;
Debug_Printf ( debugNPCAI , DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO , " %s saw %s trying to hide - hiddenDir %s targetDir %s dot %f \n " , NPC - > targetname , newenemy - > targetname , vtos ( newenemy - > client - > hiddenDir ) , vtos ( diff ) , dot ) ;
failed = qtrue ;
Debug_Printf ( debugNPCAI , DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO , " %s saw %s trying to hide - hiddenDist %f \n " , NPC - > targetname , newenemy - > targetname , newenemy - > client - > hiddenDist ) ;
if ( ! failed )
if ( findClosest )
if ( relDist < bestDist )
if ( ! NPC_EnemyTooFar ( newenemy , relDist , qfalse ) )
if ( checkVis )
if ( NPC_CheckVisibility ( newenemy , visChecks ) = = minVis )
bestDist = relDist ;
closestEnemy = newenemy ;
bestDist = relDist ;
closestEnemy = newenemy ;
else if ( ! NPC_EnemyTooFar ( newenemy , 0 , qfalse ) )
if ( checkVis )
if ( NPC_CheckVisibility ( newenemy , CHECK_360 | CHECK_FOV | CHECK_VISRANGE ) = = VIS_FOV )
choice [ num_choices + + ] = newenemy - > s . number ;
choice [ num_choices + + ] = newenemy - > s . number ;
if ( findClosest & & closestEnemy )
return closestEnemy ;
if ( num_choices )
return & g_entities [ choice [ rand ( ) % num_choices ] ] ;
//FIXME: used to have an option to look *only* for the player... now...? Still need it?
if ( enemyTeam = = TEAM_PLAYER )
{ //couldn't find the player
return NULL ;
num_choices = 0 ;
bestDist = Q3_INFINITE ;
closestEnemy = NULL ;
for ( entNum = 0 ; entNum < globals . num_entities ; entNum + + )
newenemy = & g_entities [ entNum ] ;
if ( newenemy ! = NPC & & ( newenemy - > client | | newenemy - > svFlags & SVF_NONNPC_ENEMY ) & & ! ( newenemy - > flags & FL_NOTARGET ) & & ! ( newenemy - > s . eFlags & EF_NODRAW ) )
if ( newenemy - > health > 0 )
if ( ( newenemy - > client & & newenemy - > client - > playerTeam = = enemyTeam ) | | ( ! newenemy - > client & & newenemy - > noDamageTeam = = enemyTeam ) )
{ //FIXME: check for range and FOV or vis?
if ( NPC - > client - > playerTeam = = TEAM_PLAYER & & enemyTeam = = TEAM_PLAYER )
{ //player allies turning on ourselves? How?
if ( newenemy - > s . number )
{ //only turn on the player, not other player allies
continue ;
if ( newenemy ! = NPC - > lastEnemy )
{ //Make sure we're not just going back and forth here
if ( ! gi . inPVS ( newenemy - > currentOrigin , NPC - > currentOrigin ) )
continue ;
if ( NPCInfo - > behaviorState = = BS_INVESTIGATE | | NPCInfo - > behaviorState = = BS_PATROL )
if ( ! NPC - > enemy )
if ( ! InVisrange ( newenemy ) )
continue ;
else if ( NPC_CheckVisibility ( newenemy , CHECK_360 | CHECK_FOV | CHECK_VISRANGE ) ! = VIS_FOV )
continue ;
VectorSubtract ( closestTo - > currentOrigin , newenemy - > currentOrigin , diff ) ;
relDist = VectorLengthSquared ( diff ) ;
if ( newenemy - > client & & newenemy - > client - > hiddenDist > 0 )
if ( relDist > newenemy - > client - > hiddenDist * newenemy - > client - > hiddenDist )
//out of hidden range
if ( VectorLengthSquared ( newenemy - > client - > hiddenDir ) )
{ //They're only hidden from a certain direction, check
float dot ;
VectorNormalize ( diff ) ;
dot = DotProduct ( newenemy - > client - > hiddenDir , diff ) ;
if ( dot > 0.5 )
{ //I'm not looking in the right dir toward them to see them
continue ;
Debug_Printf ( debugNPCAI , DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO , " %s saw %s trying to hide - hiddenDir %s targetDir %s dot %f \n " , NPC - > targetname , newenemy - > targetname , vtos ( newenemy - > client - > hiddenDir ) , vtos ( diff ) , dot ) ;
continue ;
Debug_Printf ( debugNPCAI , DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO , " %s saw %s trying to hide - hiddenDist %f \n " , NPC - > targetname , newenemy - > targetname , newenemy - > client - > hiddenDist ) ;
if ( findClosest )
if ( relDist < bestDist )
if ( ! NPC_EnemyTooFar ( newenemy , relDist , qfalse ) )
if ( checkVis )
//FIXME: NPCs need to be able to pick up other NPCs behind them,
//but for now, commented out because it was picking up enemies it shouldn't
//if ( NPC_CheckVisibility ( newenemy, CHECK_360|CHECK_VISRANGE ) >= VIS_360 )
if ( NPC_CheckVisibility ( newenemy , visChecks ) = = minVis )
bestDist = relDist ;
closestEnemy = newenemy ;
bestDist = relDist ;
closestEnemy = newenemy ;
else if ( ! NPC_EnemyTooFar ( newenemy , 0 , qfalse ) )
if ( checkVis )
//if( NPC_CheckVisibility ( newenemy, CHECK_360|CHECK_FOV|CHECK_VISRANGE ) == VIS_FOV )
if ( NPC_CheckVisibility ( newenemy , CHECK_360 | CHECK_VISRANGE ) > = VIS_360 )
choice [ num_choices + + ] = newenemy - > s . number ;
choice [ num_choices + + ] = newenemy - > s . number ;
if ( findClosest )
{ //FIXME: you can pick up an enemy around a corner this way.
return closestEnemy ;
if ( ! num_choices )
return NULL ;
return & g_entities [ choice [ rand ( ) % num_choices ] ] ;
gentity_t * NPC_PickAlly ( void )
Simply returns closest visible ally
gentity_t * NPC_PickAlly ( qboolean facingEachOther , float range , qboolean ignoreGroup , qboolean movingOnly )
gentity_t * ally = NULL ;
gentity_t * closestAlly = NULL ;
int entNum ;
vec3_t diff ;
float relDist ;
float bestDist = range ;
for ( entNum = 0 ; entNum < globals . num_entities ; entNum + + )
ally = & g_entities [ entNum ] ;
if ( ally - > client )
if ( ally - > health > 0 )
if ( ally - > client & & ( ally - > client - > playerTeam = = NPC - > client - > playerTeam | |
NPC - > client - > playerTeam = = TEAM_ENEMY ) ) // && ally->client->playerTeam == TEAM_DISGUISE ) ) )
{ //if on same team or if player is disguised as your team
if ( ignoreGroup )
if ( ally = = NPC - > client - > leader )
continue ;
if ( ally - > client & & ally - > client - > leader & & ally - > client - > leader = = NPC )
continue ;
if ( ! gi . inPVS ( ally - > currentOrigin , NPC - > currentOrigin ) )
continue ;
if ( movingOnly & & ally - > client & & NPC - > client )
{ //They have to be moving relative to each other
if ( ! DistanceSquared ( ally - > client - > ps . velocity , NPC - > client - > ps . velocity ) )
continue ;
VectorSubtract ( NPC - > currentOrigin , ally - > currentOrigin , diff ) ;
relDist = VectorNormalize ( diff ) ;
if ( relDist < bestDist )
if ( facingEachOther )
vec3_t vf ;
float dot ;
AngleVectors ( ally - > client - > ps . viewangles , vf , NULL , NULL ) ;
VectorNormalize ( vf ) ;
dot = DotProduct ( diff , vf ) ;
if ( dot < 0.5 )
{ //Not facing in dir to me
continue ;
//He's facing me, am I facing him?
AngleVectors ( NPC - > client - > ps . viewangles , vf , NULL , NULL ) ;
VectorNormalize ( vf ) ;
dot = DotProduct ( diff , vf ) ;
if ( dot > - 0.5 )
{ //I'm not facing opposite of dir to me
continue ;
//I am facing him
if ( NPC_CheckVisibility ( ally , CHECK_360 | CHECK_VISRANGE ) > = VIS_360 )
bestDist = relDist ;
closestAlly = ally ;
return closestAlly ;
gentity_t * NPC_CheckEnemy ( qboolean findNew , qboolean tooFarOk , qboolean setEnemy )
qboolean forcefindNew = qfalse ;
gentity_t * closestTo ;
gentity_t * newEnemy = NULL ;
//FIXME: have a "NPCInfo->persistance" we can set to determine how long to try to shoot
//someone we can't hit? Rather than hard-coded 10?
//FIXME they shouldn't recognize enemy's death instantly
// NPC->enemy->health = NPC->enemy->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH];
if ( NPC - > enemy )
if ( ! NPC - > enemy - > inuse ) //|| NPC->enemy == NPC )//wtf? NPCs should never get mad at themselves!
if ( setEnemy )
G_ClearEnemy ( NPC ) ;
if ( NPC - > svFlags & SVF_IGNORE_ENEMIES )
{ //We're ignoring all enemies for now
if ( setEnemy )
G_ClearEnemy ( NPC ) ;
return NULL ;
if ( NPC - > svFlags & SVF_LOCKEDENEMY )
{ //keep this enemy until dead
if ( NPC - > enemy )
if ( ( ! NPC - > NPC & & ! ( NPC - > svFlags & SVF_NONNPC_ENEMY ) ) | | NPC - > enemy - > health > 0 )
{ //Enemy never had health (a train or info_not_null, etc) or did and is now dead (NPCs, turrets, etc)
return NULL ;
NPC - > svFlags & = ~ SVF_LOCKEDENEMY ;
if ( NPC - > enemy )
if ( NPC_EnemyTooFar ( NPC - > enemy , 0 , qfalse ) )
if ( findNew )
{ //See if there is a close one and take it if so, else keep this one
forcefindNew = qtrue ;
else if ( ! tooFarOk ) //FIXME: don't need this extra bool any more
if ( setEnemy )
G_ClearEnemy ( NPC ) ;
else if ( ! gi . inPVS ( NPC - > currentOrigin , NPC - > enemy - > currentOrigin ) )
{ //FIXME: should this be a line-of site check?
//FIXME: a lot of things check PVS AGAIN when deciding whether
//or not to shoot, redundant!
//Should we lose the enemy?
//FIXME: if lose enemy, run lostenemyscript
if ( NPC - > enemy - > client & & NPC - > enemy - > client - > hiddenDist )
{ //He ducked into shadow while we weren't looking
//Drop enemy and see if we should search for him
NPC_LostEnemyDecideChase ( ) ;
{ //If we're not chasing him, we need to lose him
//NOTE: since we no longer have bStates, really, this logic doesn't work, so never give him up
switch ( NPCInfo - > behaviorState )
//Okay to lose PVS, we're chasing them
break ;
//FIXME: only do this if !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_CHASE_ENEMY)
//If he's not our goalEntity, we're running somewhere else, so lose him
if ( NPC - > enemy ! = NPCInfo - > goalEntity )
G_ClearEnemy ( NPC ) ;
break ;
default :
//We're not chasing him, so lose him as an enemy
G_ClearEnemy ( NPC ) ;
break ;
if ( NPC - > enemy )
if ( NPC - > enemy - > health < = 0 | | NPC - > enemy - > flags & FL_NOTARGET )
if ( setEnemy )
G_ClearEnemy ( NPC ) ;
closestTo = NPC ;
//FIXME: check your defendEnt, if you have one, see if their enemy is different
//than yours, or, if they don't have one, pick the closest enemy to THEM?
if ( NPCInfo - > defendEnt )
{ //Trying to protect someone
if ( NPCInfo - > defendEnt - > health > 0 )
{ //Still alive, We presume we're close to them, navigation should handle this?
if ( NPCInfo - > defendEnt - > enemy )
{ //They were shot or acquired an enemy
if ( NPC - > enemy ! = NPCInfo - > defendEnt - > enemy )
{ //They have a different enemy, take it!
newEnemy = NPCInfo - > defendEnt - > enemy ;
if ( setEnemy )
G_SetEnemy ( NPC , NPCInfo - > defendEnt - > enemy ) ;
else if ( NPC - > enemy = = NULL )
{ //We don't have an enemy, so find closest to defendEnt
closestTo = NPCInfo - > defendEnt ;
if ( ! NPC - > enemy | | ( NPC - > enemy & & NPC - > enemy - > health < = 0 ) | | forcefindNew )
{ //FIXME: NPCs that are moving after an enemy should ignore the can't hit enemy counter- that should only be for NPCs that are standing still
//NOTE: cantHitEnemyCounter >= 100 means we couldn't hit enemy for a full
// 10 seconds, so give up. This means even if we're chasing him, we would
// try to find another enemy after 10 seconds (assuming the cantHitEnemyCounter
// is allowed to increment in a chasing bState)
qboolean foundenemy = qfalse ;
if ( ! findNew )
if ( setEnemy )
NPC - > lastEnemy = NPC - > enemy ;
G_ClearEnemy ( NPC ) ;
return NULL ;
//If enemy dead or unshootable, look for others on out enemy's team
if ( NPC - > client - > enemyTeam )
//NOTE: this only checks vis if can't hit enemy for 10 tries, which I suppose
// means they need to find one that in more than just PVS
//newenemy = NPC_PickEnemy( closestTo, NPC->client->enemyTeam, (NPC->cantHitEnemyCounter > 10), qfalse, qtrue );//3rd parm was (NPC->enemyTeam == TEAM_STARFLEET)
//For now, made it so you ALWAYS have to check VIS
newEnemy = NPC_PickEnemy ( closestTo , NPC - > client - > enemyTeam , qtrue , qfalse , qtrue ) ; //3rd parm was (NPC->enemyTeam == TEAM_STARFLEET)
if ( newEnemy )
foundenemy = qtrue ;
if ( setEnemy )
G_SetEnemy ( NPC , newEnemy ) ;
if ( ! forcefindNew )
if ( ! foundenemy )
if ( setEnemy )
NPC - > lastEnemy = NPC - > enemy ;
G_ClearEnemy ( NPC ) ;
NPC - > cantHitEnemyCounter = 0 ;
//FIXME: if we can't find any at all, go into INdependant NPC AI, pursue and kill
if ( NPC - > enemy & & NPC - > enemy - > client )
if ( NPC - > enemy - > client - > playerTeam )
// assert( NPC->client->playerTeam != NPC->enemy->client->playerTeam);
if ( NPC - > client - > playerTeam ! = NPC - > enemy - > client - > playerTeam )
NPC - > client - > enemyTeam = NPC - > enemy - > client - > playerTeam ;
return newEnemy ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
qboolean NPC_ClearShot ( gentity_t * ent )
if ( ( NPC = = NULL ) | | ( ent = = NULL ) )
return qfalse ;
vec3_t muzzle ;
trace_t tr ;
CalcEntitySpot ( NPC , SPOT_WEAPON , muzzle ) ;
// add aim error
// use weapon instead of specific npc types, although you could add certain npc classes if you wanted
// if ( NPC->client->playerTeam == TEAM_SCAVENGERS )
if ( NPC - > s . weapon = = WP_BLASTER | | NPC - > s . weapon = = WP_BLASTER_PISTOL ) // any other guns to check for?
vec3_t mins = { - 2 , - 2 , - 2 } ;
vec3_t maxs = { 2 , 2 , 2 } ;
gi . trace ( & tr , muzzle , mins , maxs , ent - > currentOrigin , NPC - > s . number , MASK_SHOT , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
gi . trace ( & tr , muzzle , NULL , NULL , ent - > currentOrigin , NPC - > s . number , MASK_SHOT , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( tr . startsolid | | tr . allsolid )
return qfalse ;
if ( tr . entityNum = = ent - > s . number )
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
int NPC_ShotEntity ( gentity_t * ent , vec3_t impactPos )
if ( ( NPC = = NULL ) | | ( ent = = NULL ) )
return qfalse ;
vec3_t muzzle ;
vec3_t targ ;
trace_t tr ;
if ( NPC - > s . weapon = = WP_THERMAL )
{ //thermal aims from slightly above head
//FIXME: what about low-angle shots, rolling the thermal under something?
vec3_t angles , forward , end ;
CalcEntitySpot ( NPC , SPOT_HEAD , muzzle ) ;
VectorSet ( angles , 0 , NPC - > client - > ps . viewangles [ 1 ] , 0 ) ;
AngleVectors ( angles , forward , NULL , NULL ) ;
VectorMA ( muzzle , 8 , forward , end ) ;
end [ 2 ] + = 24 ;
gi . trace ( & tr , muzzle , vec3_origin , vec3_origin , end , NPC - > s . number , MASK_SHOT , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
VectorCopy ( tr . endpos , muzzle ) ;
CalcEntitySpot ( NPC , SPOT_WEAPON , muzzle ) ;
2022-11-20 17:15:27 +00:00
2023-03-28 12:51:49 +00:00
int location = Q_irand ( 0 , 99 ) ;
2023-04-06 09:02:01 +00:00
int torsoRatio = 65 ;
int legsRatio = 20 ;
int headRatio = 15 ;
switch ( g_spskill - > integer )
//Easiest difficulty, low chance of hittitng anything else
case 0 :
torsoRatio = 90 ;
legsRatio = 5 ;
headRatio = 5 ;
break ;
//Medium difficulty, half-half chance of picking up the player
case 1 :
torsoRatio = 60 ;
legsRatio = 25 ;
headRatio = 15 ;
break ;
//Hardest difficulty, always turn on attacking player
case 2 :
default :
torsoRatio = 50 ;
legsRatio = 35 ;
headRatio = 15 ;
break ;
if ( location < torsoRatio | | cg . renderingThirdPerson | |
2023-03-28 12:51:49 +00:00
ent - > client = = NULL | | ent - > client - > ps . clientNum ! = 0 ) {
// 65% chance (unless ent is not the player, then always go for chest, which is original behaviour)
2022-11-20 17:15:27 +00:00
CalcEntitySpot ( ent , SPOT_CHEST , targ ) ;
2023-04-06 09:02:01 +00:00
} else if ( location < legsRatio + torsoRatio ) {
2023-03-28 12:51:49 +00:00
// 20% chance
2022-11-20 17:15:27 +00:00
CalcEntitySpot ( ent , SPOT_LEGS , targ ) ;
2023-03-28 12:51:49 +00:00
} else {
// 15% chance
2022-11-20 17:15:27 +00:00
CalcEntitySpot ( ent , SPOT_HEAD , targ ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
// add aim error
// use weapon instead of specific npc types, although you could add certain npc classes if you wanted
// if ( NPC->client->playerTeam == TEAM_SCAVENGERS )
if ( NPC - > s . weapon = = WP_BLASTER | | NPC - > s . weapon = = WP_BLASTER_PISTOL ) // any other guns to check for?
vec3_t mins = { - 2 , - 2 , - 2 } ;
vec3_t maxs = { 2 , 2 , 2 } ;
gi . trace ( & tr , muzzle , mins , maxs , targ , NPC - > s . number , MASK_SHOT , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
gi . trace ( & tr , muzzle , NULL , NULL , targ , NPC - > s . number , MASK_SHOT , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
//FIXME: if using a bouncing weapon like the bowcaster, should we check the reflection of the wall, too?
if ( impactPos )
{ //they want to know *where* the hit would be, too
VectorCopy ( tr . endpos , impactPos ) ;
/* // NPCs should be able to shoot even if the muzzle would be inside their target
if ( tr . startsolid | | tr . allsolid )
return tr . entityNum ;
qboolean NPC_EvaluateShot ( int hit , qboolean glassOK )
if ( ! NPC - > enemy )
return qfalse ;
if ( hit = = NPC - > enemy - > s . number | | ( & g_entities [ hit ] ! = NULL & & ( g_entities [ hit ] . svFlags & SVF_GLASS_BRUSH ) ) )
{ //can hit enemy or will hit glass, so shoot anyway
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
Simply checks aggression and returns true or false
qboolean NPC_CheckAttack ( float scale )
if ( ! scale )
scale = 1.0 ;
if ( ( ( float ) NPCInfo - > stats . aggression ) * scale < Q_flrand ( 0 , 4 ) )
return qfalse ;
if ( NPCInfo - > shotTime > level . time )
return qfalse ;
return qtrue ;
Simply checks evasion and returns true or false
qboolean NPC_CheckDefend ( float scale )
if ( ! scale )
scale = 1.0 ;
if ( ( float ) ( NPCInfo - > stats . evasion ) > Q_flrand ( 0.0f , 1.0f ) * 4 * scale )
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean NPC_CheckCanAttack ( float attack_scale , qboolean stationary )
vec3_t delta , forward ;
vec3_t angleToEnemy ;
vec3_t hitspot , muzzle , diff , enemy_org ; //, enemy_head;
float distanceToEnemy ;
qboolean attack_ok = qfalse ;
// qboolean duck_ok = qfalse;
qboolean dead_on = qfalse ;
float aim_off ;
float max_aim_off = 128 - ( 16 * ( float ) NPCInfo - > stats . aim ) ;
trace_t tr ;
gentity_t * traceEnt = NULL ;
if ( NPC - > enemy - > flags & FL_NOTARGET )
return qfalse ;
//FIXME: only check to see if should duck if that provides cover from the
if ( ! attack_scale )
attack_scale = 1.0 ;
//Yaw to enemy
CalcEntitySpot ( NPC - > enemy , SPOT_HEAD , enemy_org ) ;
NPC_AimWiggle ( enemy_org ) ;
CalcEntitySpot ( NPC , SPOT_WEAPON , muzzle ) ;
VectorSubtract ( enemy_org , muzzle , delta ) ;
vectoangles ( delta , angleToEnemy ) ;
distanceToEnemy = VectorNormalize ( delta ) ;
NPC - > NPC - > desiredYaw = angleToEnemy [ YAW ] ;
NPC_UpdateFiringAngles ( qfalse , qtrue ) ;
if ( NPC_EnemyTooFar ( NPC - > enemy , distanceToEnemy * distanceToEnemy , qtrue ) )
{ //Too far away? Do not attack
return qfalse ;
if ( client - > fireDelay > 0 )
{ //already waiting for a shot to fire
NPC - > NPC - > desiredPitch = angleToEnemy [ PITCH ] ;
NPC_UpdateFiringAngles ( qtrue , qfalse ) ;
return qfalse ;
if ( NPCInfo - > scriptFlags & SCF_DONT_FIRE )
return qfalse ;
NPCInfo - > enemyLastVisibility = enemyVisibility ;
//See if they're in our FOV and we have a clear shot to them
enemyVisibility = NPC_CheckVisibility ( NPC - > enemy , CHECK_360 | CHECK_FOV ) ; ////CHECK_PVS|
if ( enemyVisibility > = VIS_FOV )
{ //He's in our FOV
attack_ok = qtrue ;
//CalcEntitySpot( NPC->enemy, SPOT_HEAD, enemy_head);
//Check to duck
if ( NPC - > enemy - > client )
if ( NPC - > enemy - > enemy = = NPC )
if ( NPC - > enemy - > client - > buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK )
{ //FIXME: determine if enemy fire angles would hit me or get close
if ( NPC_CheckDefend ( 1.0 ) ) //FIXME: Check self-preservation? Health?
{ //duck and don't shoot
attack_ok = qfalse ;
ucmd . upmove = - 127 ;
if ( attack_ok )
//are we gonna hit him
//NEW: use actual forward facing
AngleVectors ( client - > ps . viewangles , forward , NULL , NULL ) ;
VectorMA ( muzzle , distanceToEnemy , forward , hitspot ) ;
gi . trace ( & tr , muzzle , NULL , NULL , hitspot , NPC - > s . number , MASK_SHOT , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
ShotThroughGlass ( & tr , NPC - > enemy , hitspot , MASK_SHOT ) ;
//OLD: trace regardless of facing
gi . trace ( & tr , muzzle , NULL , NULL , enemy_org , NPC - > s . number , MASK_SHOT ) ;
ShotThroughGlass ( & tr , NPC - > enemy , enemy_org , MASK_SHOT ) ;
traceEnt = & g_entities [ tr . entityNum ] ;
if ( traceEnt ! = NPC - > enemy & & //FIXME: if someone on our team is in the way, suggest that they duck if possible
( ! traceEnt | | ! traceEnt - > client | | ! NPC - > client - > enemyTeam | | NPC - > client - > enemyTeam ! = traceEnt - > client - > playerTeam ) )
{ //no, so shoot for somewhere between the head and torso
//NOTE: yes, I know this looks weird, but it works
enemy_org [ 0 ] + = 0.3 * Q_flrand ( NPC - > enemy - > mins [ 0 ] , NPC - > enemy - > maxs [ 0 ] ) ;
enemy_org [ 1 ] + = 0.3 * Q_flrand ( NPC - > enemy - > mins [ 1 ] , NPC - > enemy - > maxs [ 1 ] ) ;
enemy_org [ 2 ] - = NPC - > enemy - > maxs [ 2 ] * Q_flrand ( 0.0f , 1.0f ) ;
attack_scale * = 0.75 ;
gi . trace ( & tr , muzzle , NULL , NULL , enemy_org , NPC - > s . number , MASK_SHOT ) ;
ShotThroughGlass ( & tr , NPC - > enemy , enemy_org , MASK_SHOT ) ;
traceEnt = & g_entities [ tr . entityNum ] ;
VectorCopy ( tr . endpos , hitspot ) ;
if ( traceEnt = = NPC - > enemy | | ( traceEnt - > client & & NPC - > client - > enemyTeam & & NPC - > client - > enemyTeam = = traceEnt - > client - > playerTeam ) )
dead_on = qtrue ;
attack_scale * = 0.5 ;
if ( NPC - > client - > playerTeam )
if ( traceEnt & & traceEnt - > client & & traceEnt - > client - > playerTeam )
if ( NPC - > client - > playerTeam = = traceEnt - > client - > playerTeam )
{ //Don't shoot our own team
attack_ok = qfalse ;
if ( attack_ok )
//ok, now adjust pitch aim
VectorSubtract ( hitspot , muzzle , delta ) ;
vectoangles ( delta , angleToEnemy ) ;
NPC - > NPC - > desiredPitch = angleToEnemy [ PITCH ] ;
NPC_UpdateFiringAngles ( qtrue , qfalse ) ;
if ( ! dead_on )
{ //We're not going to hit him directly, try a suppressing fire
//see if where we're going to shoot is too far from his origin
if ( traceEnt & & ( traceEnt - > health < = 30 | | EntIsGlass ( traceEnt ) ) )
{ //easy to kill - go for it
if ( traceEnt - > e_DieFunc = = dieF_ExplodeDeath_Wait & & traceEnt - > splashDamage )
{ //going to explode, don't shoot if close to self
VectorSubtract ( NPC - > currentOrigin , traceEnt - > currentOrigin , diff ) ;
if ( VectorLengthSquared ( diff ) < traceEnt - > splashRadius * traceEnt - > splashRadius )
{ //Too close to shoot!
attack_ok = qfalse ;
{ //Hey, it might kill him, do it!
attack_scale * = 2 ; //
AngleVectors ( client - > ps . viewangles , forward , NULL , NULL ) ;
VectorMA ( muzzle , distanceToEnemy , forward , hitspot ) ;
VectorSubtract ( hitspot , enemy_org , diff ) ;
aim_off = VectorLength ( diff ) ;
if ( aim_off > Q_flrand ( 0.0f , 1.0f ) * max_aim_off ) //FIXME: use aim value to allow poor aim?
attack_scale * = 0.75 ;
//see if where we're going to shoot is too far from his head
VectorSubtract ( hitspot , enemy_org , diff ) ;
aim_off = VectorLength ( diff ) ;
if ( aim_off > Q_flrand ( 0.0f , 1.0f ) * max_aim_off )
attack_ok = qfalse ;
attack_scale * = ( max_aim_off - aim_off + 1 ) / max_aim_off ;
{ //Update pitch anyway
NPC - > NPC - > desiredPitch = angleToEnemy [ PITCH ] ;
NPC_UpdateFiringAngles ( qtrue , qfalse ) ;
if ( attack_ok )
if ( NPC_CheckAttack ( attack_scale ) )
{ //check aggression to decide if we should shoot
enemyVisibility = VIS_SHOOT ;
WeaponThink ( qtrue ) ;
attack_ok = qfalse ;
return attack_ok ;
//OLD id-style hunt and kill
determines what the NPC ' s ideal distance from it ' s enemy should
be in the current situation
float IdealDistance ( gentity_t * self )
float ideal ;
ideal = 225 - 20 * NPCInfo - > stats . aggression ;
switch ( NPC - > s . weapon )
ideal + = 200 ;
break ;
ideal + = 50 ;
break ;
case WP_SABER :
default :
break ;
return ideal ;
/*QUAKED point_combat (0.7 0 0.7) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) DUCK FLEE INVESTIGATE SQUAD LEAN SNIPE
NPCs in bState BS_COMBAT_POINT will find their closest empty combat_point
DUCK - NPC will duck and fire from this point , NOT IMPLEMENTED ?
FLEE - Will choose this point when running
INVESTIGATE - Will look here if a sound is heard near it
LEAN - Lean - type cover , NOT IMPLEMENTED
SNIPE - Snipers look for these first , NOT IMPLEMENTED
void SP_point_combat ( gentity_t * self )
if ( level . numCombatPoints > = MAX_COMBAT_POINTS )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
gi . Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Too many combat points, limit is %d \n " , MAX_COMBAT_POINTS ) ;
# endif
G_FreeEntity ( self ) ;
return ;
self - > s . origin [ 2 ] + = 0.125 ;
G_SetOrigin ( self , self - > s . origin ) ;
gi . linkentity ( self ) ;
if ( G_CheckInSolid ( self , qtrue ) )
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
gi . Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: combat point at %s in solid! \n " , vtos ( self - > currentOrigin ) ) ;
# endif
VectorCopy ( self - > currentOrigin , level . combatPoints [ level . numCombatPoints ] . origin ) ;
level . combatPoints [ level . numCombatPoints ] . flags = self - > spawnflags ;
level . combatPoints [ level . numCombatPoints ] . occupied = qfalse ;
level . numCombatPoints + + ;
G_FreeEntity ( self ) ;
} ;
void CP_FindCombatPointWaypoints ( void )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < level . numCombatPoints ; i + + )
level . combatPoints [ i ] . waypoint = NAV_FindClosestWaypointForPoint ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin ) ;
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
if ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . waypoint = = WAYPOINT_NONE )
gi . Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR: Combat Point at %s has no waypoint! \n " , vtos ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin ) ) ;
# endif
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
typedef std : : map < float , int > combatPoint_m ;
static int NPC_CollectCombatPoints ( const vec3_t origin , const float radius , combatPoint_m & points , const int flags )
float radiusSqr = ( radius * radius ) ;
float distance ;
//Collect all nearest
for ( int i = 0 ; i < level . numCombatPoints ; i + + )
//Must be vacant
if ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . occupied = = ( int ) qtrue )
continue ;
//If we want a duck space, make sure this is one
if ( ( flags & CP_DUCK ) & & ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . flags & CPF_DUCK ) )
continue ;
//If we want a duck space, make sure this is one
if ( ( flags & CP_FLEE ) & & ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . flags & CPF_FLEE ) )
continue ;
///Make sure this is an investigate combat point
if ( ( flags & CP_INVESTIGATE ) & & ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . flags & CPF_INVESTIGATE ) )
continue ;
//Squad points are only valid if we're looking for them
if ( ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . flags & CPF_SQUAD ) & & ( ( flags & CP_SQUAD ) = = qfalse ) )
continue ;
if ( flags & CP_NO_PVS )
{ //must not be within PVS of mu current origin
if ( gi . inPVS ( origin , level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin ) )
continue ;
if ( flags & CP_HORZ_DIST_COLL )
distance = DistanceHorizontalSquared ( origin , level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin ) ;
distance = DistanceSquared ( origin , level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin ) ;
if ( distance < radiusSqr )
//Using a map will sort nearest automatically
points [ distance ] = i ;
return points . size ( ) ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# define MIN_AVOID_DOT 0.75f
# define CP_COLLECT_RADIUS 512.0f
int NPC_FindCombatPoint ( const vec3_t position , const vec3_t avoidPosition , vec3_t enemyPosition , const int flags , float avoidDist , const int ignorePoint )
combatPoint_m points ;
int best = - 1 , cost , bestCost = Q3_INFINITE , waypoint = WAYPOINT_NONE ;
float dist ;
trace_t tr ;
float collRad = CP_COLLECT_RADIUS ;
if ( avoidDist < = 0 )
avoidDist * = avoidDist ;
if ( ( flags & CP_HAS_ROUTE ) | | ( flags & CP_NEAREST ) )
{ //going to be doing macro nav tests
if ( NPC - > waypoint = = WAYPOINT_NONE )
waypoint = NAV_GetNearestNode ( NPC , NPC - > lastWaypoint ) ;
waypoint = NPC - > waypoint ;
//Collect our nearest points
if ( flags & CP_NO_PVS )
{ //much larger radius since most will be dropped?
collRad = CP_COLLECT_RADIUS * 4 ;
NPC_CollectCombatPoints ( enemyPosition , collRad , points , flags ) ; //position
combatPoint_m : : iterator cpi ;
STL_ITERATE ( cpi , points )
const int i = ( * cpi ) . second ;
//Must not be one we want to ignore
if ( i = = ignorePoint )
continue ;
//FIXME: able to mark certain ones as too dangerous to go to for now? Like a tripmine/thermal/detpack is near or something?
//If we need a cover point, check this point
if ( ( flags & CP_COVER ) & & ( NPC_ClearLOS ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin , enemyPosition ) = = qtrue ) ) //Used to use NPC->enemy
continue ;
//Need a clear LOS to our target... and be within shot range to enemy position (FIXME: make this a separate CS_ flag? and pass in a range?)
if ( flags & CP_CLEAR )
if ( NPC_ClearLOS ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin , NPC - > enemy ) = = qfalse )
continue ;
if ( NPC - > s . weapon = = WP_THERMAL )
{ //horizontal
dist = DistanceHorizontalSquared ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin , NPC - > enemy - > currentOrigin ) ;
{ //actual
dist = DistanceSquared ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin , NPC - > enemy - > currentOrigin ) ;
if ( dist > ( NPCInfo - > stats . visrange * NPCInfo - > stats . visrange ) )
continue ;
//Avoid this position?
if ( ( flags & CP_AVOID ) & & ( DistanceSquared ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin , position ) < avoidDist ) ) //was using MIN_AVOID_DISTANCE_SQUARED, not passed in avoidDist
continue ;
//Try to find a point closer to the enemy than where we are
if ( flags & CP_APPROACH_ENEMY )
if ( flags & CP_HORZ_DIST_COLL )
if ( ( * cpi ) . first > DistanceHorizontalSquared ( position , enemyPosition ) )
continue ;
if ( ( * cpi ) . first > DistanceSquared ( position , enemyPosition ) )
continue ;
//Try to find a point farther from the enemy than where we are
if ( flags & CP_RETREAT )
if ( flags & CP_HORZ_DIST_COLL )
if ( ( * cpi ) . first < DistanceHorizontalSquared ( position , enemyPosition ) )
{ //it's closer, don't use it
continue ;
if ( ( * cpi ) . first < DistanceSquared ( position , enemyPosition ) )
{ //it's closer, don't use it
continue ;
//We want a point on other side of the enemy from current pos
if ( flags & CP_FLANK )
vec3_t eDir2Me , eDir2CP ;
VectorSubtract ( position , enemyPosition , eDir2Me ) ;
VectorNormalize ( eDir2Me ) ;
VectorSubtract ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin , enemyPosition , eDir2CP ) ;
VectorNormalize ( eDir2CP ) ;
const float dot = DotProduct ( eDir2Me , eDir2CP ) ;
//Not far enough behind enemy from current pos
if ( dot > = 0.4 )
continue ;
//See if we're trying to avoid our enemy
//FIXME: this needs to check for the waypoint you'll be taking to get to that combat point
if ( flags & CP_AVOID_ENEMY )
vec3_t eDir , gDir ;
vec3_t wpOrg ;
VectorSubtract ( position , enemyPosition , eDir ) ;
VectorNormalize ( eDir ) ;
NAV_FindClosestWaypointForEnt ( NPC , level . combatPoints [ i ] . waypoint ) ;
if ( NPC - > waypoint ! = WAYPOINT_NONE & & NPC - > waypoint ! = level . combatPoints [ i ] . waypoint )
navigator . GetNodePosition ( NPC - > waypoint , wpOrg ) ;
VectorCopy ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin , wpOrg ) ;
VectorSubtract ( position , wpOrg , gDir ) ;
VectorNormalize ( gDir ) ;
float dot = DotProduct ( gDir , eDir ) ;
//Don't want to run at enemy
if ( dot > = MIN_AVOID_DOT )
continue ;
//Can't be too close to the enemy
if ( DistanceSquared ( wpOrg , enemyPosition ) < avoidDist )
continue ;
//Okay, now make sure it's not blocked
gi . trace ( & tr , level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin , NPC - > mins , NPC - > maxs , level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin , NPC - > s . number , NPC - > clipmask , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( tr . allsolid | | tr . startsolid )
continue ;
//we must have a route to the combat point
if ( flags & CP_HAS_ROUTE )
if ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . waypoint = = WAYPOINT_NONE )
level . combatPoints [ i ] . waypoint = NAV_FindClosestWaypointForPoint ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin ) ;
if ( waypoint = = WAYPOINT_NONE | | level . combatPoints [ i ] . waypoint = = WAYPOINT_NONE | | navigator . GetBestNodeAltRoute ( waypoint , level . combatPoints [ i ] . waypoint ) = = WAYPOINT_NONE )
{ //can't possibly have a route to any OR can't possibly have a route to this one OR don't have a route to this one
if ( ! NAV_ClearPathToPoint ( NPC , NPC - > mins , NPC - > maxs , level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin , NPC - > clipmask , ENTITYNUM_NONE ) )
{ //don't even have a clear straight path to this one
continue ;
//We want the one with the shortest path from current pos
if ( flags & CP_NEAREST & & waypoint ! = WAYPOINT_NONE & & level . combatPoints [ i ] . waypoint ! = WAYPOINT_NONE )
cost = navigator . GetPathCost ( waypoint , level . combatPoints [ i ] . waypoint ) ;
if ( cost < bestCost )
bestCost = cost ;
best = i ;
continue ;
//we want the combat point closest to the enemy
//if ( flags & CP_CLOSEST )
//they are sorted by this distance, so the first one to get this far is the closest
return i ;
return best ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
int NPC_FindSquadPoint ( vec3_t position )
float dist , nearestDist = ( float ) WORLD_SIZE * ( float ) WORLD_SIZE ;
int nearestPoint = - 1 ;
//float playerDist = DistanceSquared( g_entities[0].currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < level . numCombatPoints ; i + + )
//Squad points are only valid if we're looking for them
if ( ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . flags & CPF_SQUAD ) = = qfalse )
continue ;
//Must be vacant
if ( level . combatPoints [ i ] . occupied = = qtrue )
continue ;
dist = DistanceSquared ( position , level . combatPoints [ i ] . origin ) ;
//The point cannot take us past the player
//if ( dist > ( playerDist * DotProduct( dirToPlayer, playerDir ) ) ) //FIXME: Retain this
// continue;
//See if this is closer than the others
if ( dist < nearestDist )
nearestPoint = i ;
nearestDist = dist ;
return nearestPoint ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
qboolean NPC_ReserveCombatPoint ( int combatPointID )
//Make sure it's valid
if ( combatPointID > level . numCombatPoints )
return qfalse ;
//Make sure it's not already occupied
if ( level . combatPoints [ combatPointID ] . occupied )
return qfalse ;
//Reserve it
level . combatPoints [ combatPointID ] . occupied = qtrue ;
return qtrue ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
qboolean NPC_FreeCombatPoint ( int combatPointID , qboolean failed )
if ( failed )
{ //remember that this one failed for us
NPCInfo - > lastFailedCombatPoint = combatPointID ;
//Make sure it's valid
if ( combatPointID > level . numCombatPoints )
return qfalse ;
//Make sure it's currently occupied
if ( level . combatPoints [ combatPointID ] . occupied = = qfalse )
return qfalse ;
//Free it
level . combatPoints [ combatPointID ] . occupied = qfalse ;
return qtrue ;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
qboolean NPC_SetCombatPoint ( int combatPointID )
//Free a combat point if we already have one
if ( NPCInfo - > combatPoint ! = - 1 )
NPC_FreeCombatPoint ( NPCInfo - > combatPoint ) ;
if ( NPC_ReserveCombatPoint ( combatPointID ) = = qfalse )
return qfalse ;
NPCInfo - > combatPoint = combatPointID ;
return qtrue ;
extern qboolean CheckItemCanBePickedUpByNPC ( gentity_t * item , gentity_t * pickerupper ) ;
gentity_t * NPC_SearchForWeapons ( void )
gentity_t * found = g_entities , * bestFound = NULL ;
float dist , bestDist = Q3_INFINITE ;
int i ;
// for ( found = g_entities; found < &g_entities[globals.num_entities] ; found++)
for ( i = 0 ; i < globals . num_entities ; i + + )
// if ( !found->inuse )
// {
// continue;
// }
if ( ! PInUse ( i ) )
continue ;
found = & g_entities [ i ] ;
//FIXME: Also look for ammo_racks that have weapons on them?
if ( found - > s . eType ! = ET_ITEM )
continue ;
if ( found - > item - > giType ! = IT_WEAPON )
continue ;
if ( found - > s . eFlags & EF_NODRAW )
continue ;
if ( CheckItemCanBePickedUpByNPC ( found , NPC ) )
if ( gi . inPVS ( found - > currentOrigin , NPC - > currentOrigin ) )
dist = DistanceSquared ( found - > currentOrigin , NPC - > currentOrigin ) ;
if ( dist < bestDist )
if ( ! navigator . GetBestPathBetweenEnts ( NPC , found , NF_CLEAR_PATH )
| | navigator . GetBestNodeAltRoute ( NPC - > waypoint , found - > waypoint ) = = WAYPOINT_NONE )
{ //can't possibly have a route to any OR can't possibly have a route to this one OR don't have a route to this one
if ( NAV_ClearPathToPoint ( NPC , NPC - > mins , NPC - > maxs , found - > currentOrigin , NPC - > clipmask , ENTITYNUM_NONE ) )
{ //have a clear straight path to this one
bestDist = dist ;
bestFound = found ;
{ //can nav to it
bestDist = dist ;
bestFound = found ;
return bestFound ;
void NPC_SetPickUpGoal ( gentity_t * foundWeap )
vec3_t org ;
//NPCInfo->goalEntity = foundWeap;
VectorCopy ( foundWeap - > currentOrigin , org ) ;
org [ 2 ] + = 24 - ( foundWeap - > mins [ 2 ] * - 1 ) ; //adjust the origin so that I am on the ground
NPC_SetMoveGoal ( NPC , org , foundWeap - > maxs [ 0 ] * 0.75 , qfalse , - 1 , foundWeap ) ;
NPCInfo - > tempGoal - > waypoint = foundWeap - > waypoint ;
NPCInfo - > tempBehavior = BS_DEFAULT ;
NPCInfo - > squadState = SQUAD_TRANSITION ;
void NPC_CheckGetNewWeapon ( void )
if ( NPC - > s . weapon = = WP_NONE & & NPC - > enemy )
{ //if running away because dropped weapon...
if ( NPCInfo - > goalEntity
& & NPCInfo - > goalEntity = = NPCInfo - > tempGoal
& & NPCInfo - > goalEntity - > enemy
& & ! NPCInfo - > goalEntity - > enemy - > inuse )
{ //maybe was running at a weapon that was picked up
NPCInfo - > goalEntity = NULL ;
if ( TIMER_Done ( NPC , " panic " ) & & NPCInfo - > goalEntity = = NULL )
{ //need a weapon, any lying around?
gentity_t * foundWeap = NPC_SearchForWeapons ( ) ;
if ( foundWeap )
{ //try to nav to it
if ( ! navigator . GetBestPathBetweenEnts ( NPC , foundWeap , NF_CLEAR_PATH )
| | navigator . GetBestNodeAltRoute ( NPC - > waypoint , foundWeap - > waypoint ) = = WAYPOINT_NONE )
{ //can't possibly have a route to any OR can't possibly have a route to this one OR don't have a route to this one
if ( ! NAV_ClearPathToPoint ( NPC , NPC - > mins , NPC - > maxs , foundWeap - > currentOrigin , NPC - > clipmask , ENTITYNUM_NONE ) )
{ //don't even have a clear straight path to this one
NPC_SetPickUpGoal ( foundWeap ) ;
NPC_SetPickUpGoal ( foundWeap ) ;
void NPC_AimAdjust ( int change )
if ( ! TIMER_Exists ( NPC , " aimDebounce " ) )
int debounce = 500 + ( 3 - g_spskill - > integer ) * 100 ;
TIMER_Set ( NPC , " aimDebounce " , Q_irand ( debounce , debounce + 1000 ) ) ;
//int debounce = 1000+(3-g_spskill->integer)*500;
//TIMER_Set( NPC, "aimDebounce", Q_irand( debounce, debounce+2000 ) );
return ;
if ( TIMER_Done ( NPC , " aimDebounce " ) )
NPCInfo - > currentAim + = change ;
if ( NPCInfo - > currentAim > NPCInfo - > stats . aim )
{ //can never be better than max aim
NPCInfo - > currentAim = NPCInfo - > stats . aim ;
else if ( NPCInfo - > currentAim < - 30 )
{ //can never be worse than this
NPCInfo - > currentAim = - 30 ;
//Com_Printf( "%s new aim = %d\n", NPC->NPC_type, NPCInfo->currentAim );
int debounce = 500 + ( 3 - g_spskill - > integer ) * 100 ;
TIMER_Set ( NPC , " aimDebounce " , Q_irand ( debounce , debounce + 1000 ) ) ;
//int debounce = 1000+(3-g_spskill->integer)*500;
//TIMER_Set( NPC, "aimDebounce", Q_irand( debounce, debounce+2000 ) );
void G_AimSet ( gentity_t * self , int aim )
if ( self - > NPC )
self - > NPC - > currentAim = aim ;
//Com_Printf( "%s new aim = %d\n", self->NPC_type, self->NPC->currentAim );
int debounce = 500 + ( 3 - g_spskill - > integer ) * 100 ;
TIMER_Set ( self , " aimDebounce " , Q_irand ( debounce , debounce + 1000 ) ) ;
// int debounce = 1000+(3-g_spskill->integer)*500;
// TIMER_Set( self, "aimDebounce", Q_irand( debounce,debounce+2000 ) );