2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
Filename : JKVR_SurfaceView . c based on VrCubeWorld_SurfaceView . c
Content : This sample uses a plain Android SurfaceView and handles all
Activity and Surface life cycle events in native code . This sample
does not use the application framework and also does not use LibOVR .
This sample only uses the VrApi .
Created : March , 2015
Authors : J . M . P . van Waveren / Simon Brown
Copyright : Copyright 2015 Oculus VR , LLC . All Rights reserved .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include <stdio.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <time.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <pthread.h>
# include <sys/prctl.h> // for prctl( PR_SET_NAME )
# include <android/log.h>
# include <android/native_window_jni.h> // for native window JNI
# include <android/input.h>
# include "argtable3.h"
# include "VrInput.h"
# include "VrCvars.h"
# include <EGL/egl.h>
# include <EGL/eglext.h>
# include <GLES3/gl3.h>
# include <GLES3/gl3ext.h>
2022-10-20 16:47:12 +00:00
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
# include <GLES/gl2ext.h>
2022-09-21 22:34:51 +00:00
extern " C " {
# include "src/gl/loader.h"
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
# include <client/client.h>
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
# include "VrCompositor.h"
# include "VrInput.h"
# if !defined( EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR )
# define EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR 0x0040
# endif
// EXT_texture_border_clamp
# define GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER 0x812D
# endif
# endif
2022-10-20 16:47:12 +00:00
# ifndef GLAPI
# define GLAPI extern
# endif
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
// Must use EGLSyncKHR because the VrApi still supports OpenGL ES 2.0
# define EGL_SYNC
# if defined EGL_SYNC
// EGL_KHR_reusable_sync
# endif
//Let's go to the maximum!
int CPU_LEVEL = 4 ;
int GPU_LEVEL = 4 ;
int REFRESH = 0 ;
float SS_MULTIPLIER = 0.0f ;
jclass clazz ;
float radians ( float deg ) {
return ( deg * M_PI ) / 180.0 ;
float degrees ( float rad ) {
return ( rad * 180.0 ) / M_PI ;
/* global arg_xxx structs */
struct arg_dbl * ss ;
struct arg_int * cpu ;
struct arg_int * gpu ;
struct arg_int * msaa ;
struct arg_int * refresh ;
struct arg_end * end ;
char * * argv ;
int argc = 0 ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
const char * const requiredExtensionNames [ ] = {
const uint32_t numRequiredExtensions =
sizeof ( requiredExtensionNames ) / sizeof ( requiredExtensionNames [ 0 ] ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
System Clock Time in millis
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
double GetTimeInMilliSeconds ( )
struct timespec now ;
clock_gettime ( CLOCK_MONOTONIC , & now ) ;
return ( now . tv_sec * 1e9 + now . tv_nsec ) * ( double ) ( 1e-6 ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
bool JKVR_useScreenLayer ( )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-10-26 22:37:42 +00:00
vr . using_screen_layer = ( bool ) ( ( vr . cin_camera & & ! vr . immersive_cinematics ) | |
vr . misc_camera | |
2022-09-27 22:19:12 +00:00
( CL_IsRunningInGameCinematic ( ) | | CL_InGameCinematicOnStandBy ( ) ) | |
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
( cls . state = = CA_CINEMATIC ) | |
( cls . state = = CA_LOADING ) | |
( Key_GetCatcher ( ) & KEYCATCH_UI ) | |
( Key_GetCatcher ( ) & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ) ) ;
2022-09-27 22:19:12 +00:00
return vr . using_screen_layer ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
int runStatus = - 1 ;
void JKVR_exit ( int exitCode )
runStatus = exitCode ;
static void UnEscapeQuotes ( char * arg )
char * last = NULL ;
while ( * arg ) {
if ( * arg = = ' " ' & & * last = = ' \\ ' ) {
char * c_curr = arg ;
char * c_last = last ;
while ( * c_curr ) {
* c_last = * c_curr ;
c_last = c_curr ;
c_curr + + ;
* c_last = ' \0 ' ;
last = arg ;
arg + + ;
static int ParseCommandLine ( char * cmdline , char * * argv )
char * bufp ;
char * lastp = NULL ;
int argc , last_argc ;
argc = last_argc = 0 ;
for ( bufp = cmdline ; * bufp ; ) {
while ( isspace ( * bufp ) ) {
+ + bufp ;
if ( * bufp = = ' " ' ) {
+ + bufp ;
if ( * bufp ) {
if ( argv ) {
argv [ argc ] = bufp ;
+ + argc ;
while ( * bufp & & ( * bufp ! = ' " ' | | * lastp = = ' \\ ' ) ) {
lastp = bufp ;
+ + bufp ;
} else {
if ( * bufp ) {
if ( argv ) {
argv [ argc ] = bufp ;
+ + argc ;
while ( * bufp & & ! isspace ( * bufp ) ) {
+ + bufp ;
if ( * bufp ) {
if ( argv ) {
* bufp = ' \0 ' ;
+ + bufp ;
if ( argv & & last_argc ! = argc ) {
UnEscapeQuotes ( argv [ last_argc ] ) ;
last_argc = argc ;
if ( argv ) {
argv [ argc ] = NULL ;
return ( argc ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
OpenGL - ES Utility Functions
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
typedef struct
bool multi_view ; // GL_OVR_multiview, GL_OVR_multiview2
bool EXT_texture_border_clamp ; // GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp, GL_OES_texture_border_clamp
} OpenGLExtensions_t ;
OpenGLExtensions_t glExtensions ;
static void EglInitExtensions ( )
# if defined EGL_SYNC
eglCreateSyncKHR = ( PFNEGLCREATESYNCKHRPROC ) eglGetProcAddress ( " eglCreateSyncKHR " ) ;
eglDestroySyncKHR = ( PFNEGLDESTROYSYNCKHRPROC ) eglGetProcAddress ( " eglDestroySyncKHR " ) ;
eglClientWaitSyncKHR = ( PFNEGLCLIENTWAITSYNCKHRPROC ) eglGetProcAddress ( " eglClientWaitSyncKHR " ) ;
eglSignalSyncKHR = ( PFNEGLSIGNALSYNCKHRPROC ) eglGetProcAddress ( " eglSignalSyncKHR " ) ;
eglGetSyncAttribKHR = ( PFNEGLGETSYNCATTRIBKHRPROC ) eglGetProcAddress ( " eglGetSyncAttribKHR " ) ;
# endif
const char * allExtensions = ( const char * ) glGetString ( GL_EXTENSIONS ) ;
if ( allExtensions ! = NULL )
glExtensions . multi_view = strstr ( allExtensions , " GL_OVR_multiview2 " ) & &
strstr ( allExtensions , " GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture " ) ;
glExtensions . EXT_texture_border_clamp = false ; //strstr( allExtensions, "GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp" ) ||
//strstr( allExtensions, "GL_OES_texture_border_clamp" );
static const char * EglErrorString ( const EGLint error )
switch ( error )
case EGL_SUCCESS : return " EGL_SUCCESS " ;
case EGL_BAD_ACCESS : return " EGL_BAD_ACCESS " ;
case EGL_BAD_ALLOC : return " EGL_BAD_ALLOC " ;
case EGL_BAD_CONFIG : return " EGL_BAD_CONFIG " ;
case EGL_BAD_MATCH : return " EGL_BAD_MATCH " ;
default : return " unknown " ;
static const char * GlFrameBufferStatusString ( GLenum status )
switch ( status )
default : return " unknown " ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
typedef struct
EGLint MajorVersion ;
EGLint MinorVersion ;
EGLDisplay Display ;
EGLConfig Config ;
EGLSurface TinySurface ;
EGLSurface MainSurface ;
EGLContext Context ;
} ovrEgl ;
static void ovrEgl_Clear ( ovrEgl * egl )
egl - > MajorVersion = 0 ;
egl - > MinorVersion = 0 ;
egl - > Display = 0 ;
egl - > Config = 0 ;
egl - > TinySurface = EGL_NO_SURFACE ;
egl - > MainSurface = EGL_NO_SURFACE ;
egl - > Context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT ;
static void ovrEgl_CreateContext ( ovrEgl * egl , const ovrEgl * shareEgl )
if ( egl - > Display ! = 0 )
return ;
egl - > Display = eglGetDisplay ( EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY ) ;
ALOGV ( " eglInitialize( Display, &MajorVersion, &MinorVersion ) " ) ;
eglInitialize ( egl - > Display , & egl - > MajorVersion , & egl - > MinorVersion ) ;
// Do NOT use eglChooseConfig, because the Android EGL code pushes in multisample
// flags in eglChooseConfig if the user has selected the "force 4x MSAA" option in
// settings, and that is completely wasted for our warp target.
const int MAX_CONFIGS = 1024 ;
EGLConfig configs [ MAX_CONFIGS ] ;
EGLint numConfigs = 0 ;
if ( eglGetConfigs ( egl - > Display , configs , MAX_CONFIGS , & numConfigs ) = = EGL_FALSE )
ALOGE ( " eglGetConfigs() failed: %s " , EglErrorString ( eglGetError ( ) ) ) ;
return ;
const EGLint configAttribs [ ] =
EGL_ALPHA_SIZE , 8 , // need alpha for the multi-pass timewarp compositor
} ;
egl - > Config = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numConfigs ; i + + )
EGLint value = 0 ;
eglGetConfigAttrib ( egl - > Display , configs [ i ] , EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE , & value ) ;
if ( ( value & EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR ) ! = EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR )
continue ;
// The pbuffer config also needs to be compatible with normal window rendering
// so it can share textures with the window context.
eglGetConfigAttrib ( egl - > Display , configs [ i ] , EGL_SURFACE_TYPE , & value ) ;
continue ;
int j = 0 ;
for ( ; configAttribs [ j ] ! = EGL_NONE ; j + = 2 )
eglGetConfigAttrib ( egl - > Display , configs [ i ] , configAttribs [ j ] , & value ) ;
if ( value ! = configAttribs [ j + 1 ] )
break ;
if ( configAttribs [ j ] = = EGL_NONE )
egl - > Config = configs [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( egl - > Config = = 0 )
ALOGE ( " eglChooseConfig() failed: %s " , EglErrorString ( eglGetError ( ) ) ) ;
return ;
EGLint contextAttribs [ ] =
} ;
ALOGV ( " Context = eglCreateContext( Display, Config, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, contextAttribs ) " ) ;
egl - > Context = eglCreateContext ( egl - > Display , egl - > Config , ( shareEgl ! = NULL ) ? shareEgl - > Context : EGL_NO_CONTEXT , contextAttribs ) ;
if ( egl - > Context = = EGL_NO_CONTEXT )
ALOGE ( " eglCreateContext() failed: %s " , EglErrorString ( eglGetError ( ) ) ) ;
return ;
const EGLint surfaceAttribs [ ] =
EGL_WIDTH , 16 ,
} ;
ALOGV ( " TinySurface = eglCreatePbufferSurface( Display, Config, surfaceAttribs ) " ) ;
egl - > TinySurface = eglCreatePbufferSurface ( egl - > Display , egl - > Config , surfaceAttribs ) ;
if ( egl - > TinySurface = = EGL_NO_SURFACE )
ALOGE ( " eglCreatePbufferSurface() failed: %s " , EglErrorString ( eglGetError ( ) ) ) ;
eglDestroyContext ( egl - > Display , egl - > Context ) ;
egl - > Context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT ;
return ;
ALOGV ( " eglMakeCurrent( Display, TinySurface, TinySurface, Context ) " ) ;
if ( eglMakeCurrent ( egl - > Display , egl - > TinySurface , egl - > TinySurface , egl - > Context ) = = EGL_FALSE )
ALOGE ( " eglMakeCurrent() failed: %s " , EglErrorString ( eglGetError ( ) ) ) ;
eglDestroySurface ( egl - > Display , egl - > TinySurface ) ;
eglDestroyContext ( egl - > Display , egl - > Context ) ;
egl - > Context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT ;
return ;
static void ovrEgl_DestroyContext ( ovrEgl * egl )
if ( egl - > Display ! = 0 )
ALOGE ( " eglMakeCurrent( Display, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT ) " ) ;
if ( eglMakeCurrent ( egl - > Display , EGL_NO_SURFACE , EGL_NO_SURFACE , EGL_NO_CONTEXT ) = = EGL_FALSE )
ALOGE ( " eglMakeCurrent() failed: %s " , EglErrorString ( eglGetError ( ) ) ) ;
if ( egl - > Context ! = EGL_NO_CONTEXT )
ALOGE ( " eglDestroyContext( Display, Context ) " ) ;
if ( eglDestroyContext ( egl - > Display , egl - > Context ) = = EGL_FALSE )
ALOGE ( " eglDestroyContext() failed: %s " , EglErrorString ( eglGetError ( ) ) ) ;
egl - > Context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT ;
if ( egl - > TinySurface ! = EGL_NO_SURFACE )
ALOGE ( " eglDestroySurface( Display, TinySurface ) " ) ;
if ( eglDestroySurface ( egl - > Display , egl - > TinySurface ) = = EGL_FALSE )
ALOGE ( " eglDestroySurface() failed: %s " , EglErrorString ( eglGetError ( ) ) ) ;
egl - > TinySurface = EGL_NO_SURFACE ;
if ( egl - > Display ! = 0 )
ALOGE ( " eglTerminate( Display ) " ) ;
if ( eglTerminate ( egl - > Display ) = = EGL_FALSE )
ALOGE ( " eglTerminate() failed: %s " , EglErrorString ( eglGetError ( ) ) ) ;
egl - > Display = 0 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
static void ovrFramebuffer_Clear ( ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer ) {
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
frameBuffer - > Width = 0 ;
frameBuffer - > Height = 0 ;
frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainLength = 0 ;
2022-10-20 16:47:12 +00:00
frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainIndex = 0 ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
frameBuffer - > ColorSwapChain . Handle = XR_NULL_HANDLE ;
frameBuffer - > ColorSwapChain . Width = 0 ;
frameBuffer - > ColorSwapChain . Height = 0 ;
frameBuffer - > ColorSwapChainImage = NULL ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
frameBuffer - > DepthBuffers = NULL ;
frameBuffer - > FrameBuffers = NULL ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
static bool ovrFramebuffer_Create ( XrSession session ,
ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer , const GLenum colorFormat , const int width , const int height )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
frameBuffer - > Width = width ;
frameBuffer - > Height = height ;
frameBuffer - > DepthBuffers = ( GLuint * ) malloc ( frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainLength * sizeof ( GLuint ) ) ;
frameBuffer - > FrameBuffers = ( GLuint * ) malloc ( frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainLength * sizeof ( GLuint ) ) ;
( PFNGLRENDERBUFFERSTORAGEMULTISAMPLEEXTPROC ) eglGetProcAddress ( " glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT " ) ;
( PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTURE2DMULTISAMPLEEXTPROC ) eglGetProcAddress ( " glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT " ) ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
XrSwapchainCreateInfo swapChainCreateInfo ;
memset ( & swapChainCreateInfo , 0 , sizeof ( swapChainCreateInfo ) ) ;
swapChainCreateInfo . type = XR_TYPE_SWAPCHAIN_CREATE_INFO ;
swapChainCreateInfo . usageFlags = XR_SWAPCHAIN_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT ;
swapChainCreateInfo . format = GL_RGBA8 ;
swapChainCreateInfo . sampleCount = 1 ;
swapChainCreateInfo . width = width ;
swapChainCreateInfo . height = height ;
swapChainCreateInfo . faceCount = 1 ;
swapChainCreateInfo . arraySize = 2 ;
swapChainCreateInfo . mipCount = 1 ;
frameBuffer - > ColorSwapChain . Width = swapChainCreateInfo . width ;
frameBuffer - > ColorSwapChain . Height = swapChainCreateInfo . height ;
// Create the swapchain.
OXR ( xrCreateSwapchain ( session , & swapChainCreateInfo , & frameBuffer - > ColorSwapChain . Handle ) ) ;
// Get the number of swapchain images.
OXR ( xrEnumerateSwapchainImages (
frameBuffer - > ColorSwapChain . Handle , 0 , & frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainLength , NULL ) ) ;
// Allocate the swapchain images array.
frameBuffer - > ColorSwapChainImage = ( XrSwapchainImageOpenGLESKHR * ) malloc (
frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainLength * sizeof ( XrSwapchainImageOpenGLESKHR ) ) ;
// Populate the swapchain image array.
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainLength ; i + + ) {
frameBuffer - > ColorSwapChainImage [ i ] . type = XR_TYPE_SWAPCHAIN_IMAGE_OPENGL_ES_KHR ;
frameBuffer - > ColorSwapChainImage [ i ] . next = NULL ;
OXR ( xrEnumerateSwapchainImages (
frameBuffer - > ColorSwapChain . Handle ,
frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainLength ,
& frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainLength ,
( XrSwapchainImageBaseHeader * ) frameBuffer - > ColorSwapChainImage ) ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainLength ; i + + )
// Create the color buffer texture.
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
const GLuint colorTexture = frameBuffer - > ColorSwapChainImage [ i ] . image ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
GL ( glGenRenderbuffers ( 1 , & frameBuffer - > DepthBuffers [ i ] ) ) ;
GL ( glBindRenderbuffer ( GL_RENDERBUFFER , frameBuffer - > DepthBuffers [ i ] ) ) ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
GL ( glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT ( GL_RENDERBUFFER , 1 , GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 , width , height ) ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
GL ( glBindRenderbuffer ( GL_RENDERBUFFER , 0 ) ) ;
// Create the frame buffer.
GL ( glGenFramebuffers ( 1 , & frameBuffer - > FrameBuffers [ i ] ) ) ;
GL ( glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , frameBuffer - > FrameBuffers [ i ] ) ) ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
GL ( glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 , GL_TEXTURE_2D , colorTexture , 0 , 1 ) ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
GL ( glFramebufferRenderbuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT , GL_RENDERBUFFER , frameBuffer - > DepthBuffers [ i ] ) ) ;
GL ( GLenum renderFramebufferStatus = glCheckFramebufferStatus ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER ) ) ;
GL ( glBindFramebuffer ( GL_FRAMEBUFFER , 0 ) ) ;
if ( renderFramebufferStatus ! = GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE )
ALOGE ( " OVRHelper::Incomplete frame buffer object: %s " , GlFrameBufferStatusString ( renderFramebufferStatus ) ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
void ovrFramebuffer_Destroy ( ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer )
GL ( glDeleteFramebuffers ( frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainLength , frameBuffer - > FrameBuffers ) ) ;
GL ( glDeleteRenderbuffers ( frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainLength , frameBuffer - > DepthBuffers ) ) ;
vrapi_DestroyTextureSwapChain ( frameBuffer - > ColorTextureSwapChain ) ;
free ( frameBuffer - > DepthBuffers ) ;
free ( frameBuffer - > FrameBuffers ) ;
ovrFramebuffer_Clear ( frameBuffer ) ;
void GPUWaitSync ( )
GLsync syncBuff = glFenceSync ( GL_SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE , 0 ) ;
GLenum status = glClientWaitSync ( syncBuff , GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT , 1000 * 1000 * 50 ) ; // Wait for a max of 50ms...
if ( status ! = GL_CONDITION_SATISFIED )
LOGE ( " Error on glClientWaitSync: %d \n " , status ) ;
glDeleteSync ( syncBuff ) ;
void ovrFramebuffer_SetCurrent ( ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer )
2022-10-20 16:47:12 +00:00
GL ( glBindFramebuffer ( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER , frameBuffer - > FrameBuffers [ frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainIndex ] ) ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void ovrFramebuffer_SetNone ( )
GL ( glBindFramebuffer ( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER , 0 ) ) ;
void ovrFramebuffer_Resolve ( ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer )
// Discard the depth buffer, so the tiler won't need to write it back out to memory.
// const GLenum depthAttachment[1] = { GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT };
// glInvalidateFramebuffer( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 1, depthAttachment );
// Flush this frame worth of commands.
glFlush ( ) ;
void ovrFramebuffer_Advance ( ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer )
// Advance to the next texture from the set.
2022-10-20 16:47:12 +00:00
frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainIndex = ( frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainIndex + 1 ) % frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainLength ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void ovrFramebuffer_ClearEdgeTexels ( ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer )
GL ( glEnable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ) ;
GL ( glViewport ( 0 , 0 , frameBuffer - > Width , frameBuffer - > Height ) ) ;
// Explicitly clear the border texels to black because OpenGL-ES does not support GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER.
// Clear to fully opaque black.
GL ( glClearColor ( 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f ) ) ;
// bottom
GL ( glScissor ( 0 , 0 , frameBuffer - > Width , 1 ) ) ;
GL ( glClear ( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) ) ;
// top
GL ( glScissor ( 0 , frameBuffer - > Height - 1 , frameBuffer - > Width , 1 ) ) ;
GL ( glClear ( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) ) ;
// left
GL ( glScissor ( 0 , 0 , 1 , frameBuffer - > Height ) ) ;
GL ( glClear ( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) ) ;
// right
GL ( glScissor ( frameBuffer - > Width - 1 , 0 , 1 , frameBuffer - > Height ) ) ;
GL ( glClear ( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) ) ;
GL ( glScissor ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
GL ( glDisable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void ovrRenderer_Clear ( ovrRenderer * renderer )
for ( int eye = 0 ; eye < VRAPI_FRAME_LAYER_EYE_MAX ; eye + + )
ovrFramebuffer_Clear ( & renderer - > FrameBuffer [ eye ] ) ;
renderer - > ProjectionMatrix = ovrMatrix4f_CreateIdentity ( ) ;
renderer - > NumBuffers = VRAPI_FRAME_LAYER_EYE_MAX ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
void ovrRenderer_Create ( int width , int height , ovrRenderer * renderer )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
renderer - > NumBuffers = VRAPI_FRAME_LAYER_EYE_MAX ;
// Create the render Textures.
for ( int eye = 0 ; eye < VRAPI_FRAME_LAYER_EYE_MAX ; eye + + )
ovrFramebuffer_Create ( & renderer - > FrameBuffer [ eye ] ,
width ,
height ,
void ovrRenderer_Destroy ( ovrRenderer * renderer )
for ( int eye = 0 ; eye < renderer - > NumBuffers ; eye + + )
ovrFramebuffer_Destroy ( & renderer - > FrameBuffer [ eye ] ) ;
renderer - > ProjectionMatrix = ovrMatrix4f_CreateIdentity ( ) ;
# ifndef EPSILON
# define EPSILON 0.001f
# endif
static ovrVector3f normalizeVec ( ovrVector3f vec ) {
//NOTE: leave w-component untouched
//@@const float EPSILON = 0.000001f;
float xxyyzz = vec . x * vec . x + vec . y * vec . y + vec . z * vec . z ;
//@@if(xxyyzz < EPSILON)
//@@ return *this; // do nothing if it is zero vector
//float invLength = invSqrt(xxyyzz);
ovrVector3f result ;
float invLength = 1.0f / sqrtf ( xxyyzz ) ;
result . x = vec . x * invLength ;
result . y = vec . y * invLength ;
result . z = vec . z * invLength ;
return result ;
void NormalizeAngles ( vec3_t angles )
while ( angles [ 0 ] > = 90 ) angles [ 0 ] - = 180 ;
while ( angles [ 1 ] > = 180 ) angles [ 1 ] - = 360 ;
while ( angles [ 2 ] > = 180 ) angles [ 2 ] - = 360 ;
while ( angles [ 0 ] < - 90 ) angles [ 0 ] + = 180 ;
while ( angles [ 1 ] < - 180 ) angles [ 1 ] + = 360 ;
while ( angles [ 2 ] < - 180 ) angles [ 2 ] + = 360 ;
void GetAnglesFromVectors ( const ovrVector3f forward , const ovrVector3f right , const ovrVector3f up , vec3_t angles )
float sr , sp , sy , cr , cp , cy ;
sp = - forward . z ;
float cp_x_cy = forward . x ;
float cp_x_sy = forward . y ;
float cp_x_sr = - right . z ;
float cp_x_cr = up . z ;
float yaw = atan2 ( cp_x_sy , cp_x_cy ) ;
float roll = atan2 ( cp_x_sr , cp_x_cr ) ;
cy = cos ( yaw ) ;
sy = sin ( yaw ) ;
cr = cos ( roll ) ;
sr = sin ( roll ) ;
if ( fabs ( cy ) > EPSILON )
cp = cp_x_cy / cy ;
else if ( fabs ( sy ) > EPSILON )
cp = cp_x_sy / sy ;
else if ( fabs ( sr ) > EPSILON )
cp = cp_x_sr / sr ;
else if ( fabs ( cr ) > EPSILON )
cp = cp_x_cr / cr ;
cp = cos ( asin ( sp ) ) ;
float pitch = atan2 ( sp , cp ) ;
angles [ 0 ] = pitch / ( M_PI * 2.f / 360.f ) ;
angles [ 1 ] = yaw / ( M_PI * 2.f / 360.f ) ;
angles [ 2 ] = roll / ( M_PI * 2.f / 360.f ) ;
NormalizeAngles ( angles ) ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
void QuatToYawPitchRoll ( XrQuaternionf q , vec3_t rotation , vec3_t out ) {
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
ovrMatrix4f mat = ovrMatrix4f_CreateFromQuaternion ( & q ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
if ( rotation [ 0 ] ! = 0.0f | | rotation [ 1 ] ! = 0.0f | | rotation [ 2 ] ! = 0.0f )
ovrMatrix4f rot = ovrMatrix4f_CreateRotation ( radians ( rotation [ 0 ] ) , radians ( rotation [ 1 ] ) , radians ( rotation [ 2 ] ) ) ;
mat = ovrMatrix4f_Multiply ( & mat , & rot ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
XrVector4f v1 = { 0 , 0 , - 1 , 0 } ;
XrVector4f v2 = { 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
XrVector4f v3 = { 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 } ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
XrVector4f forwardInVRSpace = XrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f ( & mat , & v1 ) ;
XrVector4f rightInVRSpace = XrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f ( & mat , & v2 ) ;
XrVector4f upInVRSpace = XrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f ( & mat , & v3 ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
XrVector3f forward = { - forwardInVRSpace . z , - forwardInVRSpace . x , forwardInVRSpace . y } ;
XrVector3f right = { - rightInVRSpace . z , - rightInVRSpace . x , rightInVRSpace . y } ;
XrVector3f up = { - upInVRSpace . z , - upInVRSpace . x , upInVRSpace . y } ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
XrVector3f forwardNormal = normalizeVec ( forward ) ;
XrVector3f rightNormal = normalizeVec ( right ) ;
XrVector3f upNormal = normalizeVec ( up ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
GetAnglesFromVectors ( forwardNormal , rightNormal , upNormal , out ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void updateHMDOrientation ( )
VectorSubtract ( vr . hmdposition_last , vr . hmdposition , vr . hmdposition_delta ) ;
//Keep this for our records
VectorCopy ( vr . hmdposition , vr . hmdposition_last ) ;
VectorSubtract ( vr . hmdorientation_last , vr . hmdorientation , vr . hmdorientation_delta ) ;
//Keep this for our records
VectorCopy ( vr . hmdorientation , vr . hmdorientation_last ) ;
2022-10-31 22:17:09 +00:00
2022-11-16 21:12:28 +00:00
if ( ! vr . third_person & & ! vr . remote_npc ) {
2022-10-31 22:17:09 +00:00
VectorCopy ( vr . hmdorientation , vr . hmdorientation_first ) ;
2022-11-07 22:14:36 +00:00
if ( ! vr . remote_turret )
VectorCopy ( vr . weaponangles , vr . weaponangles_first ) ;
2022-11-25 18:01:08 +00:00
// View yaw delta
float clientview_yaw = vr . clientviewangles [ YAW ] - vr . hmdorientation [ YAW ] ;
vr . clientview_yaw_delta = vr . clientview_yaw_last - clientview_yaw ;
vr . clientview_yaw_last = clientview_yaw ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void setHMDPosition ( float x , float y , float z )
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
static bool s_useScreen = qfalse ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
VectorSet ( vr . hmdposition , x , y , z ) ;
if ( s_useScreen ! = JKVR_useScreenLayer ( ) )
s_useScreen = JKVR_useScreenLayer ( ) ;
2022-10-30 23:15:58 +00:00
//Record player position on transition
VectorSet ( vr . hmdposition_snap , x , y , z ) ;
2022-10-31 22:17:09 +00:00
VectorCopy ( vr . hmdorientation , vr . hmdorientation_snap ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-10-30 23:15:58 +00:00
VectorSubtract ( vr . hmdposition , vr . hmdposition_snap , vr . hmdposition_offset ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
//0 = left, 1 = right
float vibration_channel_duration [ 2 ] = { 0.0f , 0.0f } ;
float vibration_channel_intensity [ 2 ] = { 0.0f , 0.0f } ;
2022-11-17 00:05:01 +00:00
void JKVR_Vibrate ( int duration , int chan , float intensity )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-11-17 00:05:01 +00:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; + + i )
int channel = ( i + 1 ) & chan ;
if ( channel )
if ( vibration_channel_duration [ channel - 1 ] > 0.0f )
return ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-11-17 00:05:01 +00:00
if ( vibration_channel_duration [ channel - 1 ] = = - 1.0f & & duration ! = 0.0f )
return ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-11-17 00:05:01 +00:00
vibration_channel_duration [ channel - 1 ] = duration ;
vibration_channel_intensity [ channel - 1 ] = intensity * vr_haptic_intensity - > value ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void JKVR_GetMove ( float * forward , float * side , float * pos_forward , float * pos_side , float * up ,
float * yaw , float * pitch , float * roll )
2022-11-07 22:14:36 +00:00
if ( vr . remote_turret ) {
* forward = 0.0f ;
* pos_forward = 0.0f ;
* up = 0.0f ;
* side = 0.0f ;
* pos_side = 0.0f ;
* yaw = vr . snapTurn + vr . hmdorientation_first [ YAW ] +
vr . weaponangles [ YAW ] - vr . weaponangles_first [ YAW ] ;
* pitch = vr . weaponangles [ PITCH ] ;
* roll = 0.0f ;
2022-11-16 21:12:28 +00:00
else if ( vr . cgzoommode = = 2 | | vr . cgzoommode = = 4 )
2022-11-08 21:43:12 +00:00
* forward = 0.0f ;
* pos_forward = 0.0f ;
* up = 0.0f ;
* side = 0.0f ;
* pos_side = 0.0f ;
2022-11-21 21:56:59 +00:00
* yaw = vr . snapTurn ;
2022-11-08 21:43:12 +00:00
* pitch = vr . weaponangles [ PITCH ] ;
* roll = vr . hmdorientation [ ROLL ] ;
2022-11-16 21:12:28 +00:00
else if ( vr . remote_npc ) {
* forward = remote_movementForward ;
* pos_forward = 0.0f ;
* up = 0.0f ;
* side = remote_movementSideways ;
* pos_side = 0.0f ;
2022-11-21 21:56:59 +00:00
* yaw = vr . snapTurn + vr . hmdorientation [ YAW ] - vr . hmdorientation_first [ YAW ] ;
2022-11-16 21:12:28 +00:00
* pitch = vr . hmdorientation [ PITCH ] ;
* roll = 0.0f ;
2022-11-07 22:14:36 +00:00
else if ( ! vr . third_person ) {
2022-10-31 22:17:09 +00:00
* forward = remote_movementForward ;
* pos_forward = positional_movementForward ;
* up = remote_movementUp ;
* side = remote_movementSideways ;
* pos_side = positional_movementSideways ;
* yaw = vr . hmdorientation [ YAW ] + vr . snapTurn ;
* pitch = vr . hmdorientation [ PITCH ] ;
* roll = vr . hmdorientation [ ROLL ] ;
} else {
//in third person just send the bare minimum
* forward = remote_movementForward ;
* pos_forward = 0.0f ;
* up = 0.0f ;
* side = remote_movementSideways ;
* pos_side = 0.0f ;
* yaw = vr . snapTurn + vr . hmdorientation_first [ YAW ] ;
* pitch = 0.0f ;
* roll = 0.0f ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
void ovrApp_Clear ( ovrApp * app ) {
app - > Focused = false ;
app - > Instance = XR_NULL_HANDLE ;
app - > Session = XR_NULL_HANDLE ;
memset ( & app - > ViewportConfig , 0 , sizeof ( XrViewConfigurationProperties ) ) ;
memset ( & app - > ViewConfigurationView , 0 , ovrMaxNumEyes * sizeof ( XrViewConfigurationView ) ) ;
app - > SystemId = XR_NULL_SYSTEM_ID ;
app - > HeadSpace = XR_NULL_HANDLE ;
app - > StageSpace = XR_NULL_HANDLE ;
app - > FakeStageSpace = XR_NULL_HANDLE ;
app - > CurrentSpace = XR_NULL_HANDLE ;
app - > SessionActive = false ;
app - > SupportedDisplayRefreshRates = NULL ;
app - > RequestedDisplayRefreshRateIndex = 0 ;
app - > NumSupportedDisplayRefreshRates = 0 ;
app - > pfnGetDisplayRefreshRate = NULL ;
app - > pfnRequestDisplayRefreshRate = NULL ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
app - > SwapInterval = 1 ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
memset ( app - > Layers , 0 , sizeof ( ovrCompositorLayer_Union ) * ovrMaxLayerCount ) ;
app - > LayerCount = 0 ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
app - > MainThreadTid = 0 ;
app - > RenderThreadTid = 0 ;
ovrEgl_Clear ( & app - > Egl ) ;
ovrScene_Clear ( & app - > Scene ) ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
ovrRenderer_Clear ( & app - > Renderer ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
static void ovrApp_PushBlackFinal ( ovrApp * app )
int frameFlags = 0 ;
ovrLayerProjection2 layer = vrapi_DefaultLayerBlackProjection2 ( ) ;
const ovrLayerHeader2 * layers [ ] =
& layer . Header
} ;
ovrSubmitFrameDescription2 frameDesc = { } ;
frameDesc . Flags = frameFlags ;
frameDesc . SwapInterval = 1 ;
frameDesc . FrameIndex = app - > FrameIndex ;
frameDesc . DisplayTime = app - > DisplayTime ;
frameDesc . LayerCount = 1 ;
frameDesc . Layers = layers ;
vrapi_SubmitFrame2 ( app - > Ovr , & frameDesc ) ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
void ovrApp_HandleSessionStateChanges ( ovrApp * app , XrSessionState state ) {
if ( state = = XR_SESSION_STATE_READY ) {
assert ( app - > SessionActive = = false ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
XrSessionBeginInfo sessionBeginInfo ;
memset ( & sessionBeginInfo , 0 , sizeof ( sessionBeginInfo ) ) ;
sessionBeginInfo . type = XR_TYPE_SESSION_BEGIN_INFO ;
sessionBeginInfo . next = NULL ;
sessionBeginInfo . primaryViewConfigurationType = app - > ViewportConfig . viewConfigurationType ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
XrResult result ;
OXR ( result = xrBeginSession ( app - > Session , & sessionBeginInfo ) ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
app - > SessionActive = ( result = = XR_SUCCESS ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
// Set session state once we have entered VR mode and have a valid session object.
if ( app - > SessionActive ) {
XrPerfSettingsLevelEXT cpuPerfLevel = XR_PERF_SETTINGS_LEVEL_BOOST_EXT ;
XrPerfSettingsLevelEXT gpuPerfLevel = XR_PERF_SETTINGS_LEVEL_BOOST_EXT ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
PFN_xrPerfSettingsSetPerformanceLevelEXT pfnPerfSettingsSetPerformanceLevelEXT = NULL ;
OXR ( xrGetInstanceProcAddr (
app - > Instance ,
" xrPerfSettingsSetPerformanceLevelEXT " ,
( PFN_xrVoidFunction * ) ( & pfnPerfSettingsSetPerformanceLevelEXT ) ) ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
OXR ( pfnPerfSettingsSetPerformanceLevelEXT (
app - > Session , XR_PERF_SETTINGS_DOMAIN_CPU_EXT , cpuPerfLevel ) ) ;
OXR ( pfnPerfSettingsSetPerformanceLevelEXT (
app - > Session , XR_PERF_SETTINGS_DOMAIN_GPU_EXT , gpuPerfLevel ) ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
PFN_xrSetAndroidApplicationThreadKHR pfnSetAndroidApplicationThreadKHR = NULL ;
OXR ( xrGetInstanceProcAddr (
app - > Instance ,
" xrSetAndroidApplicationThreadKHR " ,
( PFN_xrVoidFunction * ) ( & pfnSetAndroidApplicationThreadKHR ) ) ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
OXR ( pfnSetAndroidApplicationThreadKHR (
app - > Session , XR_ANDROID_THREAD_TYPE_APPLICATION_MAIN_KHR , app - > MainThreadTid ) ) ;
OXR ( pfnSetAndroidApplicationThreadKHR (
app - > Session , XR_ANDROID_THREAD_TYPE_RENDERER_MAIN_KHR , app - > RenderThreadTid ) ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
} else if ( state = = XR_SESSION_STATE_STOPPING ) {
assert ( app - > SessionActive ) ;
OXR ( xrEndSession ( app - > Session ) ) ;
app - > SessionActive = false ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
GLboolean ovrApp_HandleXrEvents ( ovrApp * app ) {
XrEventDataBuffer eventDataBuffer = { } ;
GLboolean recenter = GL_FALSE ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
// Poll for events
for ( ; ; ) {
XrEventDataBaseHeader * baseEventHeader = ( XrEventDataBaseHeader * ) ( & eventDataBuffer ) ;
baseEventHeader - > type = XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_BUFFER ;
baseEventHeader - > next = NULL ;
XrResult r ;
OXR ( r = xrPollEvent ( app - > Instance , & eventDataBuffer ) ) ;
if ( r ! = XR_SUCCESS ) {
break ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
switch ( baseEventHeader - > type ) {
ALOGV ( " xrPollEvent: received XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_EVENTS_LOST event " ) ;
break ;
const XrEventDataInstanceLossPending * instance_loss_pending_event =
( XrEventDataInstanceLossPending * ) ( baseEventHeader ) ;
" xrPollEvent: received XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_INSTANCE_LOSS_PENDING event: time %f " ,
FromXrTime ( instance_loss_pending_event - > lossTime ) ) ;
} break ;
break ;
const XrEventDataPerfSettingsEXT * perf_settings_event =
( XrEventDataPerfSettingsEXT * ) ( baseEventHeader ) ;
" xrPollEvent: received XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_PERF_SETTINGS_EXT event: type %d subdomain %d : level %d -> level %d " ,
perf_settings_event - > type ,
perf_settings_event - > subDomain ,
perf_settings_event - > fromLevel ,
perf_settings_event - > toLevel ) ;
} break ;
const XrEventDataDisplayRefreshRateChangedFB * refresh_rate_changed_event =
( XrEventDataDisplayRefreshRateChangedFB * ) ( baseEventHeader ) ;
" xrPollEvent: received XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_DISPLAY_REFRESH_RATE_CHANGED_FB event: fromRate %f -> toRate %f " ,
refresh_rate_changed_event - > fromDisplayRefreshRate ,
refresh_rate_changed_event - > toDisplayRefreshRate ) ;
} break ;
XrEventDataReferenceSpaceChangePending * ref_space_change_event =
( XrEventDataReferenceSpaceChangePending * ) ( baseEventHeader ) ;
" xrPollEvent: received XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_REFERENCE_SPACE_CHANGE_PENDING event: changed space: %d for session %p at time %f " ,
ref_space_change_event - > referenceSpaceType ,
( void * ) ref_space_change_event - > session ,
FromXrTime ( ref_space_change_event - > changeTime ) ) ;
recenter = GL_TRUE ;
} break ;
const XrEventDataSessionStateChanged * session_state_changed_event =
( XrEventDataSessionStateChanged * ) ( baseEventHeader ) ;
" xrPollEvent: received XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_SESSION_STATE_CHANGED: %d for session %p at time %f " ,
session_state_changed_event - > state ,
( void * ) session_state_changed_event - > session ,
FromXrTime ( session_state_changed_event - > time ) ) ;
switch ( session_state_changed_event - > state ) {
app - > Focused = true ;
break ;
app - > Focused = false ;
break ;
ovrApp_HandleSessionStateChanges ( app , session_state_changed_event - > state ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
} break ;
default :
ALOGV ( " xrPollEvent: Unknown event " ) ;
break ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
return recenter ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
typedef enum
MQ_WAIT_NONE , // don't wait
MQ_WAIT_RECEIVED , // wait until the consumer thread has received the message
MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED // wait until the consumer thread has processed the message
} ovrMQWait ;
# define MAX_MESSAGES 1024
typedef struct
int Id ;
ovrMQWait Wait ;
long long Parms [ MAX_MESSAGE_PARMS ] ;
} ovrMessage ;
static void ovrMessage_Init ( ovrMessage * message , const int id , const int wait )
message - > Id = id ;
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
message - > Wait = ( ovrMQWait ) wait ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
memset ( message - > Parms , 0 , sizeof ( message - > Parms ) ) ;
static void ovrMessage_SetPointerParm ( ovrMessage * message , int index , void * ptr ) { * ( void * * ) & message - > Parms [ index ] = ptr ; }
static void * ovrMessage_GetPointerParm ( ovrMessage * message , int index ) { return * ( void * * ) & message - > Parms [ index ] ; }
static void ovrMessage_SetIntegerParm ( ovrMessage * message , int index , int value ) { message - > Parms [ index ] = value ; }
static int ovrMessage_GetIntegerParm ( ovrMessage * message , int index ) { return ( int ) message - > Parms [ index ] ; }
static void ovrMessage_SetFloatParm ( ovrMessage * message , int index , float value ) { * ( float * ) & message - > Parms [ index ] = value ; }
static float ovrMessage_GetFloatParm ( ovrMessage * message , int index ) { return * ( float * ) & message - > Parms [ index ] ; }
// Cyclic queue with messages.
typedef struct
ovrMessage Messages [ MAX_MESSAGES ] ;
volatile int Head ; // dequeue at the head
volatile int Tail ; // enqueue at the tail
ovrMQWait Wait ;
volatile bool EnabledFlag ;
volatile bool PostedFlag ;
volatile bool ReceivedFlag ;
volatile bool ProcessedFlag ;
pthread_mutex_t Mutex ;
pthread_cond_t PostedCondition ;
pthread_cond_t ReceivedCondition ;
pthread_cond_t ProcessedCondition ;
} ovrMessageQueue ;
static void ovrMessageQueue_Create ( ovrMessageQueue * messageQueue )
messageQueue - > Head = 0 ;
messageQueue - > Tail = 0 ;
messageQueue - > Wait = MQ_WAIT_NONE ;
messageQueue - > EnabledFlag = false ;
messageQueue - > PostedFlag = false ;
messageQueue - > ReceivedFlag = false ;
messageQueue - > ProcessedFlag = false ;
pthread_mutexattr_t attr ;
pthread_mutexattr_init ( & attr ) ;
pthread_mutexattr_settype ( & attr , PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK ) ;
pthread_mutex_init ( & messageQueue - > Mutex , & attr ) ;
pthread_mutexattr_destroy ( & attr ) ;
pthread_cond_init ( & messageQueue - > PostedCondition , NULL ) ;
pthread_cond_init ( & messageQueue - > ReceivedCondition , NULL ) ;
pthread_cond_init ( & messageQueue - > ProcessedCondition , NULL ) ;
static void ovrMessageQueue_Destroy ( ovrMessageQueue * messageQueue )
pthread_mutex_destroy ( & messageQueue - > Mutex ) ;
pthread_cond_destroy ( & messageQueue - > PostedCondition ) ;
pthread_cond_destroy ( & messageQueue - > ReceivedCondition ) ;
pthread_cond_destroy ( & messageQueue - > ProcessedCondition ) ;
static void ovrMessageQueue_Enable ( ovrMessageQueue * messageQueue , const bool set )
messageQueue - > EnabledFlag = set ;
static void ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage ( ovrMessageQueue * messageQueue , const ovrMessage * message )
if ( ! messageQueue - > EnabledFlag )
return ;
while ( messageQueue - > Tail - messageQueue - > Head > = MAX_MESSAGES )
usleep ( 1000 ) ;
pthread_mutex_lock ( & messageQueue - > Mutex ) ;
messageQueue - > Messages [ messageQueue - > Tail & ( MAX_MESSAGES - 1 ) ] = * message ;
messageQueue - > Tail + + ;
messageQueue - > PostedFlag = true ;
pthread_cond_broadcast ( & messageQueue - > PostedCondition ) ;
if ( message - > Wait = = MQ_WAIT_RECEIVED )
while ( ! messageQueue - > ReceivedFlag )
pthread_cond_wait ( & messageQueue - > ReceivedCondition , & messageQueue - > Mutex ) ;
messageQueue - > ReceivedFlag = false ;
else if ( message - > Wait = = MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED )
while ( ! messageQueue - > ProcessedFlag )
pthread_cond_wait ( & messageQueue - > ProcessedCondition , & messageQueue - > Mutex ) ;
messageQueue - > ProcessedFlag = false ;
pthread_mutex_unlock ( & messageQueue - > Mutex ) ;
static void ovrMessageQueue_SleepUntilMessage ( ovrMessageQueue * messageQueue )
if ( messageQueue - > Wait = = MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED )
messageQueue - > ProcessedFlag = true ;
pthread_cond_broadcast ( & messageQueue - > ProcessedCondition ) ;
messageQueue - > Wait = MQ_WAIT_NONE ;
pthread_mutex_lock ( & messageQueue - > Mutex ) ;
if ( messageQueue - > Tail > messageQueue - > Head )
pthread_mutex_unlock ( & messageQueue - > Mutex ) ;
return ;
while ( ! messageQueue - > PostedFlag )
pthread_cond_wait ( & messageQueue - > PostedCondition , & messageQueue - > Mutex ) ;
messageQueue - > PostedFlag = false ;
pthread_mutex_unlock ( & messageQueue - > Mutex ) ;
static bool ovrMessageQueue_GetNextMessage ( ovrMessageQueue * messageQueue , ovrMessage * message , bool waitForMessages )
if ( messageQueue - > Wait = = MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED )
messageQueue - > ProcessedFlag = true ;
pthread_cond_broadcast ( & messageQueue - > ProcessedCondition ) ;
messageQueue - > Wait = MQ_WAIT_NONE ;
if ( waitForMessages )
ovrMessageQueue_SleepUntilMessage ( messageQueue ) ;
pthread_mutex_lock ( & messageQueue - > Mutex ) ;
if ( messageQueue - > Tail < = messageQueue - > Head )
pthread_mutex_unlock ( & messageQueue - > Mutex ) ;
return false ;
* message = messageQueue - > Messages [ messageQueue - > Head & ( MAX_MESSAGES - 1 ) ] ;
messageQueue - > Head + + ;
pthread_mutex_unlock ( & messageQueue - > Mutex ) ;
if ( message - > Wait = = MQ_WAIT_RECEIVED )
messageQueue - > ReceivedFlag = true ;
pthread_cond_broadcast ( & messageQueue - > ReceivedCondition ) ;
else if ( message - > Wait = = MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED )
messageQueue - > Wait = MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ;
return true ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
} ;
typedef struct
JavaVM * JavaVm ;
jobject ActivityObject ;
jclass ActivityClass ;
pthread_t Thread ;
ovrMessageQueue MessageQueue ;
ANativeWindow * NativeWindow ;
} ovrAppThread ;
long shutdownCountdown ;
int m_width ;
int m_height ;
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
bool R_SetMode ( void ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void JKVR_GetScreenRes ( int * width , int * height )
* width = m_width ;
* height = m_height ;
void Android_MessageBox ( const char * title , const char * text )
ALOGE ( " %s %s " , title , text ) ;
2022-09-21 22:34:51 +00:00
extern " C " {
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void initialize_gl4es ( ) ;
2022-09-21 22:34:51 +00:00
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void JKVR_Init ( )
//Initialise all our variables
remote_movementSideways = 0.0f ;
remote_movementForward = 0.0f ;
remote_movementUp = 0.0f ;
positional_movementSideways = 0.0f ;
positional_movementForward = 0.0f ;
2022-09-27 22:19:12 +00:00
vr . snapTurn = 0.0f ;
vr . immersive_cinematics = true ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
//init randomiser
srand ( time ( NULL ) ) ;
//Create Cvars
2022-10-31 22:17:09 +00:00
vr_turn_mode = Cvar_Get ( " vr_turn_mode " , " 0 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ; // 0 = snap, 1 = smooth (3rd person only), 2 = smooth (all modes)
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
vr_turn_angle = Cvar_Get ( " vr_turn_angle " , " 45 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
vr_positional_factor = Cvar_Get ( " vr_positional_factor " , " 12 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-10-12 17:00:26 +00:00
vr_walkdirection = Cvar_Get ( " vr_walkdirection " , " 1 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
vr_weapon_pitchadjust = Cvar_Get ( " vr_weapon_pitchadjust " , " -20.0 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
vr_virtual_stock = Cvar_Get ( " vr_virtual_stock " , " 0 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
vr_control_scheme = Cvar_Get ( " vr_control_scheme " , " 0 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
vr_switch_sticks = Cvar_Get ( " vr_switch_sticks " , " 0 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-10-31 22:36:04 +00:00
vr_immersive_cinematics = Cvar_Get ( " vr_immersive_cinematics " , " 1 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-09-27 22:19:12 +00:00
vr_screen_dist = Cvar_Get ( " vr_screen_dist " , " 2.5 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-11-07 23:57:10 +00:00
vr_weapon_velocity_trigger = Cvar_Get ( " vr_weapon_velocity_trigger " , " 2.0 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
vr_force_velocity_trigger = Cvar_Get ( " vr_force_velocity_trigger " , " 2.0 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-11-27 14:51:07 +00:00
vr_force_distance_trigger = Cvar_Get ( " vr_force_distance_trigger " , " 0.15 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-10-20 16:47:12 +00:00
vr_two_handed_weapons = Cvar_Get ( " vr_two_handed_weapons " , " 1 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-11-07 23:57:10 +00:00
vr_force_motion_controlled = Cvar_Get ( " vr_force_motion_controlled " , " 1 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-11-11 23:43:50 +00:00
vr_crouch_toggle = Cvar_Get ( " vr_crouch_toggle " , " 0 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-11-16 21:27:36 +00:00
vr_irl_crouch_enabled = Cvar_Get ( " vr_irl_crouch_enabled " , " 0 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
vr_irl_crouch_to_stand_ratio = Cvar_Get ( " vr_irl_crouch_to_stand_ratio " , " 0.65 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-11-12 17:05:39 +00:00
vr_saber_block_debounce_time = Cvar_Get ( " vr_saber_block_debounce_time " , " 200 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-11-17 00:05:01 +00:00
vr_haptic_intensity = Cvar_Get ( " vr_haptic_intensity " , " 1.0 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-11-25 18:01:08 +00:00
vr_comfort_vignette = Cvar_Get ( " vr_comfort_vignette " , " 0.0 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-11-25 23:35:49 +00:00
vr_saber_3rdperson_mode = Cvar_Get ( " vr_saber_3rdperson_mode " , " 1 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-11-26 15:38:17 +00:00
vr_gesture_triggered_use = Cvar_Get ( " vr_gesture_triggered_use " , " 0 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
vr_gesture_triggered_use_threshold = Cvar_Get ( " vr_gesture_triggered_use_threshold " , " 0.5 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
2022-10-31 22:36:04 +00:00
cvar_t * expanded_menu_enabled = Cvar_Get ( " expanded_menu_enabled " , " 0 " , CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
if ( FS_FileExists ( " expanded_menu.pk3 " ) ) {
Cvar_Set ( " expanded_menu_enabled " , " 1 " ) ;
} else {
Cvar_Set ( " expanded_menu_enabled " , " 0 " ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
static ovrAppThread * gAppThread = NULL ;
static ovrApp gAppState ;
static ovrJava java ;
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
static bool destroyed = qfalse ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void JKVR_prepareEyeBuffer ( int eye )
ovrRenderer * renderer = JKVR_useScreenLayer ( ) ? & gAppState . Scene . CylinderRenderer : & gAppState . Renderer ;
ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer = & ( renderer - > FrameBuffer [ eye ] ) ;
ovrFramebuffer_SetCurrent ( frameBuffer ) ;
GL ( glEnable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ) ;
GL ( glDepthMask ( GL_TRUE ) ) ;
GL ( glEnable ( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ) ;
GL ( glDepthFunc ( GL_LEQUAL ) ) ;
//Weusing the size of the render target
GL ( glViewport ( 0 , 0 , frameBuffer - > Width , frameBuffer - > Height ) ) ;
GL ( glScissor ( 0 , 0 , frameBuffer - > Width , frameBuffer - > Height ) ) ;
GL ( glClearColor ( 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f ) ) ;
GL ( glDisable ( GL_SCISSOR_TEST ) ) ;
void JKVR_finishEyeBuffer ( int eye )
ovrRenderer * renderer = JKVR_useScreenLayer ( ) ? & gAppState . Scene . CylinderRenderer : & gAppState . Renderer ;
ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer = & ( renderer - > FrameBuffer [ eye ] ) ;
//Clear edge to prevent smearing
ovrFramebuffer_ClearEdgeTexels ( frameBuffer ) ;
ovrFramebuffer_Resolve ( frameBuffer ) ;
2022-09-22 22:23:00 +00:00
void JKVR_processMessageQueue ( ) {
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
for ( ; ; )
ovrMessage message ;
const bool waitForMessages = ( gAppState . Ovr = = NULL & & destroyed = = false ) ;
if ( ! ovrMessageQueue_GetNextMessage ( & gAppThread - > MessageQueue , & message , waitForMessages ) )
break ;
switch ( message . Id )
break ;
2022-09-29 22:38:22 +00:00
openjk_initialised = qtrue ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
break ;
//If we get here, then user has opted not to quit
gAppState . Resumed = true ;
break ;
gAppState . Resumed = false ;
break ;
break ;
gAppState . NativeWindow = NULL ;
destroyed = true ;
//shutdown = true;
break ;
case MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_CREATED : { gAppState . NativeWindow = ( ANativeWindow * ) ovrMessage_GetPointerParm ( & message , 0 ) ; break ; }
case MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_DESTROYED : { gAppState . NativeWindow = NULL ; break ; }
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
ovrApp_HandleXrEvents ( & gAppState ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void showLoadingIcon ( ) ;
2022-09-22 22:23:00 +00:00
extern " C " void jni_shutdown ( ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void JKVR_incrementFrameIndex ( ) ;
void shutdownVR ( ) ;
int VR_main ( int argc , char * argv [ ] ) ;
int GetRefresh ( )
return vrapi_GetSystemPropertyInt ( & java , VRAPI_SYS_PROP_DISPLAY_REFRESH_RATE ) ;
2022-10-20 16:47:12 +00:00
void GL_APIENTRYP VR_GLDebugLog ( GLenum source , GLenum type , GLuint id , GLenum severity , GLsizei length , const GLchar * message , GLvoid * userParam )
char typeStr [ 128 ] ;
switch ( type ) {
case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR : sprintf ( typeStr , " ERROR " ) ; break ;
case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR : sprintf ( typeStr , " DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR " ) ; break ;
case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR : sprintf ( typeStr , " UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR " ) ; break ;
case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY : sprintf ( typeStr , " PORTABILITY " ) ; break ;
case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE : sprintf ( typeStr , " PERFORMANCE " ) ; break ;
case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_MARKER : sprintf ( typeStr , " MARKER " ) ; break ;
case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PUSH_GROUP : sprintf ( typeStr , " PUSH_GROUP " ) ; break ;
case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_POP_GROUP : sprintf ( typeStr , " POP_GROUP " ) ; break ;
default : sprintf ( typeStr , " OTHER " ) ; break ;
char severinityStr [ 128 ] ;
switch ( severity ) {
case GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH : sprintf ( severinityStr , " HIGH " ) ; break ;
case GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM : sprintf ( severinityStr , " MEDIUM " ) ; break ;
case GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW : sprintf ( severinityStr , " LOW " ) ; break ;
default : sprintf ( severinityStr , " VERBOSE " ) ; break ;
ALOGE ( " [%s] GL issue - %s: %s \n " , severinityStr , typeStr , message ) ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
void VR_GetResolution ( int * pWidth , int * pHeight )
static int width = 0 ;
static int height = 0 ;
// Enumerate the viewport configurations.
uint32_t viewportConfigTypeCount = 0 ;
OXR ( xrEnumerateViewConfigurations (
gAppState . Instance , gAppState . SystemId , 0 , & viewportConfigTypeCount , NULL ) ) ;
XrViewConfigurationType * viewportConfigurationTypes =
( XrViewConfigurationType * ) malloc ( viewportConfigTypeCount * sizeof ( XrViewConfigurationType ) ) ;
OXR ( xrEnumerateViewConfigurations (
gAppState . Instance ,
gAppState . SystemId ,
viewportConfigTypeCount ,
& viewportConfigTypeCount ,
viewportConfigurationTypes ) ) ;
ALOGV ( " Available Viewport Configuration Types: %d " , viewportConfigTypeCount ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < viewportConfigTypeCount ; i + + ) {
const XrViewConfigurationType viewportConfigType = viewportConfigurationTypes [ i ] ;
" Viewport configuration type %d : %s " ,
viewportConfigType ,
viewportConfigType = = XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO ? " Selected " : " " ) ;
XrViewConfigurationProperties viewportConfig ;
OXR ( xrGetViewConfigurationProperties (
gAppState . Instance , gAppState . SystemId , viewportConfigType , & viewportConfig ) ) ;
" FovMutable=%s ConfigurationType %d " ,
viewportConfig . fovMutable ? " true " : " false " ,
viewportConfig . viewConfigurationType ) ;
uint32_t viewCount ;
OXR ( xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews (
gAppState . Instance , gAppState . SystemId , viewportConfigType , 0 , & viewCount , NULL ) ) ;
if ( viewCount > 0 ) {
XrViewConfigurationView * elements =
( XrViewConfigurationView * ) malloc ( viewCount * sizeof ( XrViewConfigurationView ) ) ;
for ( uint32_t e = 0 ; e < viewCount ; e + + ) {
elements [ e ] . type = XR_TYPE_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_VIEW ;
elements [ e ] . next = NULL ;
OXR ( xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews (
gAppState . Instance ,
gAppState . SystemId ,
viewportConfigType ,
viewCount ,
& viewCount ,
elements ) ) ;
// Cache the view config properties for the selected config type.
assert ( viewCount = = ovrMaxNumEyes ) ;
for ( uint32_t e = 0 ; e < viewCount ; e + + ) {
gAppState . ViewConfigurationView [ e ] = elements [ e ] ;
free ( elements ) ;
} else {
ALOGE ( " Empty viewport configuration type: %d " , viewCount ) ;
free ( viewportConfigurationTypes ) ;
* pWidth = width = gAppState . ViewConfigurationView [ 0 ] . recommendedImageRectWidth ;
* pHeight = height = gAppState . ViewConfigurationView [ 0 ] . recommendedImageRectHeight ;
void VR_EnterVR ( ) {
if ( gAppState . Session ) {
Com_Printf ( " VR_EnterVR called with existing session " ) ;
return ;
// Create the OpenXR Session.
XrGraphicsBindingOpenGLESAndroidKHR graphicsBindingAndroidGLES = { } ;
graphicsBindingAndroidGLES . next = NULL ;
graphicsBindingAndroidGLES . display = eglGetCurrentDisplay ( ) ;
graphicsBindingAndroidGLES . config = eglGetCurrentSurface ( EGL_DRAW ) ;
graphicsBindingAndroidGLES . context = eglGetCurrentContext ( ) ;
XrSessionCreateInfo sessionCreateInfo = { } ;
memset ( & sessionCreateInfo , 0 , sizeof ( sessionCreateInfo ) ) ;
sessionCreateInfo . type = XR_TYPE_SESSION_CREATE_INFO ;
sessionCreateInfo . next = & graphicsBindingAndroidGLES ;
sessionCreateInfo . createFlags = 0 ;
sessionCreateInfo . systemId = gAppState . SystemId ;
XrResult initResult ;
OXR ( initResult = xrCreateSession ( gAppState . Instance , & sessionCreateInfo , & gAppState . Session ) ) ;
if ( initResult ! = XR_SUCCESS ) {
ALOGE ( " Failed to create XR session: %d. " , initResult ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
// Create a space to the first path
XrReferenceSpaceCreateInfo spaceCreateInfo = { } ;
spaceCreateInfo . referenceSpaceType = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_VIEW ;
spaceCreateInfo . poseInReferenceSpace . orientation . w = 1.0f ;
OXR ( xrCreateReferenceSpace ( gAppState . Session , & spaceCreateInfo , & gAppState . HeadSpace ) ) ;
void VR_LeaveVR ( ) {
if ( gAppState . Session ) {
OXR ( xrDestroySpace ( gAppState . HeadSpace ) ) ;
// StageSpace is optional.
if ( gAppState . StageSpace ! = XR_NULL_HANDLE ) {
OXR ( xrDestroySpace ( gAppState . StageSpace ) ) ;
OXR ( xrDestroySpace ( gAppState . FakeStageSpace ) ) ;
gAppState . CurrentSpace = XR_NULL_HANDLE ;
OXR ( xrDestroySession ( gAppState . Session ) ) ;
gAppState . Session = NULL ;
void VR_InitRenderer ( ) {
int eyeW , eyeH ;
VR_GetResolution ( & eyeW , & eyeH ) ;
// Get the viewport configuration info for the chosen viewport configuration type.
gAppState . ViewportConfig . type = XR_TYPE_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_PROPERTIES ;
OXR ( xrGetViewConfigurationProperties (
gAppState . Instance , gAppState . SystemId , XR_VIEW_CONFIGURATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_STEREO , & gAppState . ViewportConfig ) ) ;
// Get the supported display refresh rates for the system.
PFN_xrEnumerateDisplayRefreshRatesFB pfnxrEnumerateDisplayRefreshRatesFB = NULL ;
OXR ( xrGetInstanceProcAddr (
gAppState . Instance ,
" xrEnumerateDisplayRefreshRatesFB " ,
( PFN_xrVoidFunction * ) ( & pfnxrEnumerateDisplayRefreshRatesFB ) ) ) ;
OXR ( pfnxrEnumerateDisplayRefreshRatesFB (
gAppState . Session , 0 , & gAppState . NumSupportedDisplayRefreshRates , NULL ) ) ;
gAppState . SupportedDisplayRefreshRates =
( float * ) malloc ( gAppState . NumSupportedDisplayRefreshRates * sizeof ( float ) ) ;
OXR ( pfnxrEnumerateDisplayRefreshRatesFB (
gAppState . Session ,
gAppState . NumSupportedDisplayRefreshRates ,
& gAppState . NumSupportedDisplayRefreshRates ,
gAppState . SupportedDisplayRefreshRates ) ) ;
ALOGV ( " Supported Refresh Rates: " ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < gAppState . NumSupportedDisplayRefreshRates ; i + + ) {
ALOGV ( " %d:%f " , i , gAppState . SupportedDisplayRefreshRates [ i ] ) ;
OXR ( xrGetInstanceProcAddr (
gAppState . Instance ,
" xrGetDisplayRefreshRateFB " ,
( PFN_xrVoidFunction * ) ( & gAppState . pfnGetDisplayRefreshRate ) ) ) ;
float currentDisplayRefreshRate = 0.0f ;
OXR ( gAppState . pfnGetDisplayRefreshRate ( gAppState . Session , & currentDisplayRefreshRate ) ) ;
ALOGV ( " Current System Display Refresh Rate: %f " , currentDisplayRefreshRate ) ;
OXR ( xrGetInstanceProcAddr (
gAppState . Instance ,
" xrRequestDisplayRefreshRateFB " ,
( PFN_xrVoidFunction * ) ( & gAppState . pfnRequestDisplayRefreshRate ) ) ) ;
// Test requesting the system default.
OXR ( gAppState . pfnRequestDisplayRefreshRate ( gAppState . Session , 0.0f ) ) ;
ALOGV ( " Requesting system default display refresh rate " ) ;
uint32_t numOutputSpaces = 0 ;
OXR ( xrEnumerateReferenceSpaces ( gAppState . Session , 0 , & numOutputSpaces , NULL ) ) ;
XrReferenceSpaceType * referenceSpaces =
( XrReferenceSpaceType * ) malloc ( numOutputSpaces * sizeof ( XrReferenceSpaceType ) ) ;
OXR ( xrEnumerateReferenceSpaces (
gAppState . Session , numOutputSpaces , & numOutputSpaces , referenceSpaces ) ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < numOutputSpaces ; i + + ) {
if ( referenceSpaces [ i ] = = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_STAGE ) {
stageSupported = GL_TRUE ;
break ;
free ( referenceSpaces ) ;
if ( gAppState . CurrentSpace = = XR_NULL_HANDLE ) {
VR_Recenter ( engine ) ;
projections = ( XrView * ) ( malloc ( ovrMaxNumEyes * sizeof ( XrView ) ) ) ;
ovrRenderer_Create (
gAppState . Session ,
& gAppState . Renderer ,
gAppState . ViewConfigurationView [ 0 ] . recommendedImageRectWidth ,
gAppState . ViewConfigurationView [ 0 ] . recommendedImageRectHeight ) ;
void VR_DestroyRenderer ( )
ovrRenderer_Destroy ( & gAppState . Renderer ) ;
free ( projections ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void * AppThreadFunction ( void * parm ) {
gAppThread = ( ovrAppThread * ) parm ;
java . Vm = gAppThread - > JavaVm ;
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
java . Vm - > AttachCurrentThread ( & java . Env , NULL ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
java . ActivityObject = gAppThread - > ActivityObject ;
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
jclass cls = java . Env - > GetObjectClass ( java . ActivityObject ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
// Note that AttachCurrentThread will reset the thread name.
prctl ( PR_SET_NAME , ( long ) " OVR::Main " , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
2022-09-29 22:38:22 +00:00
openjk_initialised = false ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
vr_screen_dist = NULL ;
ovrApp_Clear ( & gAppState ) ;
gAppState . Java = java ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
PFN_xrInitializeLoaderKHR xrInitializeLoaderKHR ;
xrGetInstanceProcAddr (
XR_NULL_HANDLE , " xrInitializeLoaderKHR " , ( PFN_xrVoidFunction * ) & xrInitializeLoaderKHR ) ;
if ( xrInitializeLoaderKHR ! = NULL ) {
XrLoaderInitInfoAndroidKHR loaderInitializeInfoAndroid ;
memset ( & loaderInitializeInfoAndroid , 0 , sizeof ( loaderInitializeInfoAndroid ) ) ;
loaderInitializeInfoAndroid . type = XR_TYPE_LOADER_INIT_INFO_ANDROID_KHR ;
loaderInitializeInfoAndroid . next = NULL ;
loaderInitializeInfoAndroid . applicationVM = java . Vm ;
loaderInitializeInfoAndroid . applicationContext = java . ActivityObject ;
xrInitializeLoaderKHR ( ( XrLoaderInitInfoBaseHeaderKHR * ) & loaderInitializeInfoAndroid ) ;
// Create the OpenXR instance.
XrApplicationInfo appInfo ;
memset ( & appInfo , 0 , sizeof ( appInfo ) ) ;
strcpy ( appInfo . applicationName , " JKQUest " ) ;
appInfo . applicationVersion = 0 ;
strcpy ( appInfo . engineName , " JKQuest " ) ;
appInfo . engineVersion = 0 ;
appInfo . apiVersion = XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION ;
XrInstanceCreateInfo instanceCreateInfo ;
memset ( & instanceCreateInfo , 0 , sizeof ( instanceCreateInfo ) ) ;
instanceCreateInfo . type = XR_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO ;
instanceCreateInfo . next = NULL ;
instanceCreateInfo . createFlags = 0 ;
instanceCreateInfo . applicationInfo = appInfo ;
instanceCreateInfo . enabledApiLayerCount = 0 ;
instanceCreateInfo . enabledApiLayerNames = NULL ;
instanceCreateInfo . enabledExtensionCount = numRequiredExtensions ;
instanceCreateInfo . enabledExtensionNames = requiredExtensionNames ;
XrResult initResult ;
OXR ( initResult = xrCreateInstance ( & instanceCreateInfo , & gAppState . Instance ) ) ;
if ( initResult ! = XR_SUCCESS ) {
ALOGE ( " Failed to create XR instance: %d. " , initResult ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
XrInstanceProperties instanceInfo ;
instanceInfo . type = XR_TYPE_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES ;
instanceInfo . next = NULL ;
OXR ( xrGetInstanceProperties ( gAppState . Instance , & instanceInfo ) ) ;
" Runtime %s: Version : %u.%u.%u " ,
instanceInfo . runtimeName ,
XR_VERSION_MAJOR ( instanceInfo . runtimeVersion ) ,
XR_VERSION_MINOR ( instanceInfo . runtimeVersion ) ,
XR_VERSION_PATCH ( instanceInfo . runtimeVersion ) ) ;
XrSystemGetInfo systemGetInfo ;
memset ( & systemGetInfo , 0 , sizeof ( systemGetInfo ) ) ;
systemGetInfo . type = XR_TYPE_SYSTEM_GET_INFO ;
systemGetInfo . next = NULL ;
systemGetInfo . formFactor = XR_FORM_FACTOR_HEAD_MOUNTED_DISPLAY ;
OXR ( initResult = xrGetSystem ( gAppState . Instance , & systemGetInfo , & gAppState . SystemId ) ) ;
if ( initResult ! = XR_SUCCESS ) {
ALOGE ( " Failed to get system. " ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
// Get the graphics requirements.
PFN_xrGetOpenGLESGraphicsRequirementsKHR pfnGetOpenGLESGraphicsRequirementsKHR = NULL ;
OXR ( xrGetInstanceProcAddr (
vr_engine . appState . Instance ,
" xrGetOpenGLESGraphicsRequirementsKHR " ,
( PFN_xrVoidFunction * ) ( & pfnGetOpenGLESGraphicsRequirementsKHR ) ) ) ;
XrGraphicsRequirementsOpenGLESKHR graphicsRequirements = { } ;
OXR ( pfnGetOpenGLESGraphicsRequirementsKHR ( gAppState . Instance , gAppState . SystemId , & graphicsRequirements ) ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
//Set device defaults
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
if ( SS_MULTIPLIER = = 0.0f )
//GB Override as refresh is now 72 by default as we decided a higher res is better as 90hz has stutters
else if ( SS_MULTIPLIER > 1.5f )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
//Using a symmetrical render target
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
VR_GetResolution ( m_height , m_width ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
gAppState . CpuLevel = CPU_LEVEL ;
gAppState . GpuLevel = GPU_LEVEL ;
gAppState . MainThreadTid = gettid ( ) ;
ovrEgl_CreateContext ( & gAppState . Egl , NULL ) ;
EglInitExtensions ( ) ;
//First handle any messages in the queue
while ( gAppState . Ovr = = NULL ) {
JKVR_processMessageQueue ( ) ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
VR_EnterVR ( ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
ovrRenderer_Create ( m_width , m_height , & gAppState . Renderer , & java ) ;
// Create the scene if not yet created.
ovrScene_Create ( m_width , m_height , & gAppState . Scene , & java ) ;
2022-09-29 22:38:22 +00:00
# ifdef JK2_MODE
2022-09-29 19:18:23 +00:00
chdir ( " /sdcard/JKQuest/JK2 " ) ;
2022-09-29 22:38:22 +00:00
# else
2022-09-29 19:18:23 +00:00
chdir ( " /sdcard/JKQuest/JK3 " ) ;
2022-09-29 22:38:22 +00:00
# endif
2022-09-29 19:18:23 +00:00
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
//Run loading loop until we are ready to start JKVR
2022-09-29 22:38:22 +00:00
while ( ! destroyed & & ! openjk_initialised ) {
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
JKVR_processMessageQueue ( ) ;
JKVR_incrementFrameIndex ( ) ;
showLoadingIcon ( ) ;
int maximumSupportRefresh = 0 ;
//AmmarkoV : Query Refresh rates and select maximum..!
int numberOfRefreshRates = vrapi_GetSystemPropertyInt ( & java ,
float refreshRatesArray [ 16 ] ; //Refresh rates are currently (12/2020) the following 4 : 60.0 / 72.0 / 80.0 / 90.0
if ( numberOfRefreshRates > 16 ) { numberOfRefreshRates = 16 ; }
vrapi_GetSystemPropertyFloatArray ( & java , VRAPI_SYS_PROP_SUPPORTED_DISPLAY_REFRESH_RATES ,
& refreshRatesArray [ 0 ] , numberOfRefreshRates ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numberOfRefreshRates ; i + + ) {
ALOGV ( " Supported refresh rate : %d Hz " , refreshRatesArray [ i ] ) ;
if ( maximumSupportRefresh < refreshRatesArray [ i ] ) {
maximumSupportRefresh = refreshRatesArray [ i ] ;
if ( maximumSupportRefresh > 90.0 ) {
ALOGV ( " Soft limiting to 90.0 Hz as per John carmack's request ( https://www.onlinepeeps.org/oculus-quest-2-according-to-carmack-in-the-future-also-at-120-hz/ );P " ) ;
maximumSupportRefresh = 90.0 ;
if ( REFRESH = = 0 | | REFRESH > maximumSupportRefresh )
REFRESH = 72.0 ;
VR_main ( argc , argv ) ;
//We are done, shutdown cleanly
shutdownVR ( ) ;
//Ask Java to shut down
jni_shutdown ( ) ;
return NULL ;
//All the stuff we want to do each frame
void JKVR_FrameSetup ( )
//Use floor based tracking space
vrapi_SetTrackingSpace ( gAppState . Ovr , VRAPI_TRACKING_SPACE_LOCAL_FLOOR ) ;
//Set framerate so VrApi doesn't change it on us..
vrapi_SetDisplayRefreshRate ( gAppState . Ovr , REFRESH ) ;
vrapi_SetExtraLatencyMode ( gAppState . Ovr , VRAPI_EXTRA_LATENCY_MODE_ON ) ;
2022-09-27 22:19:12 +00:00
//get any cvar values required here
vr . immersive_cinematics = ( vr_immersive_cinematics - > value ! = 0.0f ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void JKVR_processHaptics ( ) {
static float lastFrameTime = 0.0f ;
float timestamp = ( float ) ( GetTimeInMilliSeconds ( ) ) ;
float frametime = timestamp - lastFrameTime ;
lastFrameTime = timestamp ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; + + i ) {
if ( vibration_channel_duration [ i ] > 0.0f | |
vibration_channel_duration [ i ] = = - 1.0f ) {
2022-11-17 00:05:01 +00:00
vrapi_SetHapticVibrationSimple ( gAppState . Ovr , controllerIDs [ 1 - i ] ,
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
vibration_channel_intensity [ i ] ) ;
if ( vibration_channel_duration [ i ] ! = - 1.0f ) {
vibration_channel_duration [ i ] - = frametime ;
if ( vibration_channel_duration [ i ] < 0.0f ) {
vibration_channel_duration [ i ] = 0.0f ;
vibration_channel_intensity [ i ] = 0.0f ;
} else {
2022-11-17 00:05:01 +00:00
vrapi_SetHapticVibrationSimple ( gAppState . Ovr , controllerIDs [ 1 - i ] , 0.0f ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-11-18 21:02:36 +00:00
extern " C " {
void jni_haptic_event ( const char * event , int position , int flags , int intensity , float angle ,
float yHeight ) ;
void jni_haptic_updateevent ( const char * event , int intensity , float angle ) ;
void jni_haptic_stopevent ( const char * event ) ;
void jni_haptic_endframe ( ) ;
void jni_haptic_enable ( ) ;
void jni_haptic_disable ( ) ;
} ;
void JKVR_ExternalHapticEvent ( const char * event , int position , int flags , int intensity , float angle , float yHeight )
jni_haptic_event ( event , position , flags , intensity , angle , yHeight ) ;
void JKVR_HapticUpdateEvent ( const char * event , int intensity , float angle )
jni_haptic_updateevent ( event , intensity , angle ) ;
void JKVR_HapticEndFrame ( )
jni_haptic_endframe ( ) ;
void JKVR_HapticStopEvent ( const char * event )
jni_haptic_stopevent ( event ) ;
void JKVR_HapticEnable ( )
static bool firstTime = true ;
if ( firstTime ) {
jni_haptic_enable ( ) ;
firstTime = false ;
jni_haptic_event ( " fire_pistol " , 0 , 0 , 100 , 0 , 0 ) ;
void JKVR_HapticDisable ( )
jni_haptic_disable ( ) ;
* event - name of event
* position - for the use of external haptics providers to indicate which bit of haptic hardware should be triggered
* flags - a way for the code to specify which controller to produce haptics on , if 0 then weaponFireChannel is calculated in this function
* intensity - 0 - 100
* angle - yaw angle ( again for external haptics devices ) to place the feedback correctly
* yHeight - for external haptics devices to place the feedback correctly
2022-11-17 00:05:01 +00:00
void JKVR_HapticEvent ( const char * event , int position , int flags , int intensity , float angle , float yHeight )
if ( vr_haptic_intensity - > value = = 0.0f )
return ;
2022-11-18 21:02:36 +00:00
//Pass on to any external services
JKVR_ExternalHapticEvent ( event , position , flags , intensity , angle , yHeight ) ;
2022-11-17 00:05:01 +00:00
//Controller Haptic Support
int weaponFireChannel = vr . weapon_stabilised ? 3 : ( vr_control_scheme - > integer ? 2 : 1 ) ;
if ( flags ! = 0 )
weaponFireChannel = flags ;
if ( strcmp ( event , " pickup_shield " ) = = 0 | |
strcmp ( event , " pickup_weapon " ) = = 0 | |
strstr ( event , " pickup_item " ) ! = NULL )
JKVR_Vibrate ( 100 , 3 , 1.0 ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( event , " weapon_switch " ) = = 0 )
JKVR_Vibrate ( 250 , vr_control_scheme - > integer ? 2 : 1 , 0.8 ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( event , " shotgun " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( event , " fireball " ) = = 0 )
JKVR_Vibrate ( 400 , 3 , 1.0 ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( event , " bullet " ) = = 0 )
JKVR_Vibrate ( 150 , 3 , 1.0 ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( event , " chainsaw_fire " ) = = 0 | |
strcmp ( event , " RTCWQuest:fire_tesla " ) = = 0 )
JKVR_Vibrate ( 500 , weaponFireChannel , 1.0 ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( event , " machinegun_fire " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( event , " plasmagun_fire " ) = = 0 )
JKVR_Vibrate ( 90 , weaponFireChannel , 0.8 ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( event , " shotgun_fire " ) = = 0 )
JKVR_Vibrate ( 250 , weaponFireChannel , 1.0 ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( event , " rocket_fire " ) = = 0 | |
strcmp ( event , " RTCWQuest:fire_sniper " ) = = 0 | |
strcmp ( event , " bfg_fire " ) = = 0 | |
strcmp ( event , " handgrenade_fire " ) = = 0 )
JKVR_Vibrate ( 400 , weaponFireChannel , 1.0 ) ;
else if ( strcmp ( event , " selector_icon " ) = = 0 )
//Quick blip
JKVR_Vibrate ( 50 , flags , 1.0 ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void showLoadingIcon ( )
int frameFlags = 0 ;
ovrLayerProjection2 blackLayer = vrapi_DefaultLayerBlackProjection2 ( ) ;
ovrLayerLoadingIcon2 iconLayer = vrapi_DefaultLayerLoadingIcon2 ( ) ;
const ovrLayerHeader2 * layers [ ] =
& blackLayer . Header ,
& iconLayer . Header ,
} ;
ovrSubmitFrameDescription2 frameDesc = { } ;
frameDesc . Flags = frameFlags ;
frameDesc . SwapInterval = 1 ;
frameDesc . FrameIndex = gAppState . FrameIndex ;
frameDesc . DisplayTime = gAppState . DisplayTime ;
frameDesc . LayerCount = 2 ;
frameDesc . Layers = layers ;
vrapi_SubmitFrame2 ( gAppState . Ovr , & frameDesc ) ;
void JKVR_getHMDOrientation ( ) { //Get orientation
// Get the HMD pose, predicted for the middle of the time period during which
// the new eye images will be displayed. The number of frames predicted ahead
// depends on the pipeline depth of the engine and the synthesis rate.
// The better the prediction, the less black will be pulled in at the edges.
tracking = vrapi_GetPredictedTracking2 ( gAppState . Ovr , gAppState . DisplayTime ) ;
// We extract Yaw, Pitch, Roll instead of directly using the orientation
// to allow "additional" yaw manipulation with mouse/controller.
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
const ovrQuatf quatHmd = tracking . Pose . orientation ;
const ovrVector3f positionHmd = tracking . Pose . position ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
vec3_t rotation = { 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
QuatToYawPitchRoll ( quatHmd , rotation , vr . hmdorientation ) ;
setHMDPosition ( positionHmd . x , positionHmd . y , positionHmd . z ) ;
updateHMDOrientation ( ) ;
2022-11-16 21:27:36 +00:00
// Max-height is set only once on start, or after re-calibration
// (ignore too low value which is sometimes provided on start)
if ( ! vr . maxHeight | | vr . maxHeight < 1.0 ) {
vr . maxHeight = positionHmd . y ;
vr . curHeight = positionHmd . y ;
2022-10-04 21:48:30 +00:00
///ALOGV(" HMD-Position: %f, %f, %f", positionHmd.x, positionHmd.y, positionHmd.z);
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void shutdownVR ( ) {
ovrRenderer_Destroy ( & gAppState . Renderer ) ;
ovrEgl_DestroyContext ( & gAppState . Egl ) ;
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
java . Vm - > DetachCurrentThread ( ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
vrapi_Shutdown ( ) ;
long long JKVR_getFrameIndex ( )
return gAppState . FrameIndex ;
void JKVR_incrementFrameIndex ( )
// This is the only place the frame index is incremented, right before
// calling vrapi_GetPredictedDisplayTime().
gAppState . FrameIndex + + ;
gAppState . DisplayTime = vrapi_GetPredictedDisplayTime ( gAppState . Ovr ,
gAppState . FrameIndex ) ;
void JKVR_getTrackedRemotesOrientation ( ) { //Get info for tracked remotes
acquireTrackedRemotesData ( gAppState . Ovr , gAppState . DisplayTime ) ;
//Call additional control schemes here
switch ( vr_control_scheme - > integer )
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
HandleInput_Default ( & rightTrackedRemoteState_new , & rightTrackedRemoteState_old , & rightRemoteTracking_new ,
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
& leftTrackedRemoteState_new , & leftTrackedRemoteState_old , & leftRemoteTracking_new ,
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
xrButton_A , xrButton_B , xrButton_X , xrButton_Y ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
break ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
HandleInput_Default ( & leftTrackedRemoteState_new , & leftTrackedRemoteState_old , & leftRemoteTracking_new ,
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
& rightTrackedRemoteState_new , & rightTrackedRemoteState_old , & rightRemoteTracking_new ,
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
xrButton_X , xrButton_Y , xrButton_A , xrButton_B ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
break ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
HandleInput_WeaponAlign ( & rightTrackedRemoteState_new , & rightTrackedRemoteState_old , & rightRemoteTracking_new ,
& leftTrackedRemoteState_new , & leftTrackedRemoteState_old , & leftRemoteTracking_new ,
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
xrButton_A , xrButton_B , xrButton_X , xrButton_Y ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
break ;
2022-12-04 11:46:32 +00:00
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
void JKVR_submitFrame ( )
ovrSubmitFrameDescription2 frameDesc = { 0 } ;
if ( ! JKVR_useScreenLayer ( ) ) {
ovrLayerProjection2 layer = vrapi_DefaultLayerProjection2 ( ) ;
layer . HeadPose = tracking . HeadPose ;
for ( int eye = 0 ; eye < VRAPI_FRAME_LAYER_EYE_MAX ; eye + + )
ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer = & gAppState . Renderer . FrameBuffer [ gAppState . Renderer . NumBuffers = = 1 ? 0 : eye ] ;
layer . Textures [ eye ] . ColorSwapChain = frameBuffer - > ColorTextureSwapChain ;
2022-10-20 16:47:12 +00:00
layer . Textures [ eye ] . SwapChainIndex = frameBuffer - > TextureSwapChainIndex ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
ovrMatrix4f projectionMatrix ;
2022-11-09 21:28:18 +00:00
if ( vr . cgzoommode )
2022-11-14 21:57:20 +00:00
projectionMatrix = ovrMatrix4f_CreateProjectionFov ( vr . fov / 1.3 , vr . fov / 1.3 ,
2022-11-09 21:28:18 +00:00
0.0f , 0.0f , 0.1f , 0.0f ) ;
projectionMatrix = ovrMatrix4f_CreateProjectionFov ( vr . fov , vr . fov ,
0.0f , 0.0f , 0.1f , 0.0f ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
layer . Textures [ eye ] . TexCoordsFromTanAngles = ovrMatrix4f_TanAngleMatrixFromProjection ( & projectionMatrix ) ;
layer . Textures [ eye ] . TextureRect . x = 0 ;
layer . Textures [ eye ] . TextureRect . y = 0 ;
layer . Textures [ eye ] . TextureRect . width = 1.0f ;
layer . Textures [ eye ] . TextureRect . height = 1.0f ;
2022-10-20 16:47:12 +00:00
ovrFramebuffer_Advance ( frameBuffer ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-10-20 16:47:12 +00:00
ovrFramebuffer_SetNone ( ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
// Set up the description for this frame.
const ovrLayerHeader2 * layers [ ] =
& layer . Header
} ;
frameDesc . Flags = 0 ;
frameDesc . SwapInterval = gAppState . SwapInterval ;
frameDesc . FrameIndex = gAppState . FrameIndex ;
frameDesc . DisplayTime = gAppState . DisplayTime ;
frameDesc . LayerCount = 1 ;
frameDesc . Layers = layers ;
// Hand over the eye images to the time warp.
vrapi_SubmitFrame2 ( gAppState . Ovr , & frameDesc ) ;
} else {
// Set-up the compositor layers for this frame.
// NOTE: Multiple independent layers are allowed, but they need to be added
// in a depth consistent order.
memset ( gAppState . Layers , 0 , sizeof ( ovrLayer_Union2 ) * ovrMaxLayerCount ) ;
gAppState . LayerCount = 0 ;
// Add a simple cylindrical layer
gAppState . Layers [ gAppState . LayerCount + + ] . Cylinder =
BuildCylinderLayer ( & gAppState . Scene . CylinderRenderer ,
2022-10-30 23:15:58 +00:00
gAppState . Scene . CylinderWidth , gAppState . Scene . CylinderHeight , & tracking , radians ( vr . hmdorientation_snap [ YAW ] ) ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-10-20 16:47:12 +00:00
for ( int eye = 0 ; eye < VRAPI_FRAME_LAYER_EYE_MAX ; eye + + )
ovrFramebuffer * frameBuffer = & gAppState . Scene . CylinderRenderer . FrameBuffer [ gAppState . Renderer . NumBuffers = = 1 ? 0 : eye ] ;
ovrFramebuffer_Advance ( frameBuffer ) ;
ovrFramebuffer_SetNone ( ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
// Compose the layers for this frame.
const ovrLayerHeader2 * layerHeaders [ ovrMaxLayerCount ] = { 0 } ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < gAppState . LayerCount ; i + + )
layerHeaders [ i ] = & gAppState . Layers [ i ] . Header ;
// Set up the description for this frame.
frameDesc . Flags = 0 ;
frameDesc . SwapInterval = gAppState . SwapInterval ;
frameDesc . FrameIndex = gAppState . FrameIndex ;
frameDesc . DisplayTime = gAppState . DisplayTime ;
frameDesc . LayerCount = gAppState . LayerCount ;
frameDesc . Layers = layerHeaders ;
// Hand over the eye images to the time warp.
vrapi_SubmitFrame2 ( gAppState . Ovr , & frameDesc ) ;
JKVR_incrementFrameIndex ( ) ;
static void ovrAppThread_Create ( ovrAppThread * appThread , JNIEnv * env , jobject activityObject , jclass activityClass )
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
env - > GetJavaVM ( & appThread - > JavaVm ) ;
appThread - > ActivityObject = env - > NewGlobalRef ( activityObject ) ;
appThread - > ActivityClass = ( jclass ) env - > NewGlobalRef ( activityClass ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
appThread - > Thread = 0 ;
appThread - > NativeWindow = NULL ;
ovrMessageQueue_Create ( & appThread - > MessageQueue ) ;
const int createErr = pthread_create ( & appThread - > Thread , NULL , AppThreadFunction , appThread ) ;
if ( createErr ! = 0 )
ALOGE ( " pthread_create returned %i " , createErr ) ;
static void ovrAppThread_Destroy ( ovrAppThread * appThread , JNIEnv * env )
pthread_join ( appThread - > Thread , NULL ) ;
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
env - > DeleteGlobalRef ( appThread - > ActivityObject ) ;
env - > DeleteGlobalRef ( appThread - > ActivityClass ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
ovrMessageQueue_Destroy ( & appThread - > MessageQueue ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Activity lifecycle
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2022-09-22 22:23:00 +00:00
extern " C " {
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
jmethodID android_shutdown ;
static JavaVM * jVM ;
static jobject jniCallbackObj = 0 ;
void jni_shutdown ( )
ALOGV ( " Calling: jni_shutdown " ) ;
JNIEnv * env ;
jobject tmp ;
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
if ( ( jVM - > GetEnv ( ( void * * ) & env , JNI_VERSION_1_4 ) ) < 0 )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
jVM - > AttachCurrentThread ( & env , NULL ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
return env - > CallVoidMethod ( jniCallbackObj , android_shutdown ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-11-18 21:02:36 +00:00
jmethodID android_haptic_event ;
jmethodID android_haptic_updateevent ;
jmethodID android_haptic_stopevent ;
jmethodID android_haptic_endframe ;
jmethodID android_haptic_enable ;
jmethodID android_haptic_disable ;
void jni_haptic_event ( const char * event , int position , int flags , int intensity , float angle , float yHeight )
JNIEnv * env ;
jobject tmp ;
if ( ( jVM - > GetEnv ( ( void * * ) & env , JNI_VERSION_1_4 ) ) < 0 )
jVM - > AttachCurrentThread ( & env , NULL ) ;
jstring StringArg1 = env - > NewStringUTF ( event ) ;
return env - > CallVoidMethod ( jniCallbackObj , android_haptic_event , StringArg1 , position , flags , intensity , angle , yHeight ) ;
void jni_haptic_updateevent ( const char * event , int intensity , float angle )
JNIEnv * env ;
jobject tmp ;
if ( ( jVM - > GetEnv ( ( void * * ) & env , JNI_VERSION_1_4 ) ) < 0 )
jVM - > AttachCurrentThread ( & env , NULL ) ;
jstring StringArg1 = env - > NewStringUTF ( event ) ;
return env - > CallVoidMethod ( jniCallbackObj , android_haptic_updateevent , StringArg1 , intensity , angle ) ;
void jni_haptic_stopevent ( const char * event )
ALOGV ( " Calling: jni_haptic_stopevent " ) ;
JNIEnv * env ;
jobject tmp ;
if ( ( jVM - > GetEnv ( ( void * * ) & env , JNI_VERSION_1_4 ) ) < 0 )
jVM - > AttachCurrentThread ( & env , NULL ) ;
jstring StringArg1 = env - > NewStringUTF ( event ) ;
return env - > CallVoidMethod ( jniCallbackObj , android_haptic_stopevent , StringArg1 ) ;
void jni_haptic_endframe ( )
JNIEnv * env ;
jobject tmp ;
if ( ( jVM - > GetEnv ( ( void * * ) & env , JNI_VERSION_1_4 ) ) < 0 )
jVM - > AttachCurrentThread ( & env , NULL ) ;
return env - > CallVoidMethod ( jniCallbackObj , android_haptic_endframe ) ;
void jni_haptic_enable ( )
ALOGV ( " Calling: jni_haptic_enable " ) ;
JNIEnv * env ;
jobject tmp ;
if ( ( jVM - > GetEnv ( ( void * * ) & env , JNI_VERSION_1_4 ) ) < 0 )
jVM - > AttachCurrentThread ( & env , NULL ) ;
return env - > CallVoidMethod ( jniCallbackObj , android_haptic_enable ) ;
void jni_haptic_disable ( )
ALOGV ( " Calling: jni_haptic_disable " ) ;
JNIEnv * env ;
jobject tmp ;
if ( ( jVM - > GetEnv ( ( void * * ) & env , JNI_VERSION_1_4 ) ) < 0 )
jVM - > AttachCurrentThread ( & env , NULL ) ;
return env - > CallVoidMethod ( jniCallbackObj , android_haptic_disable ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
int JNI_OnLoad ( JavaVM * vm , void * reserved )
JNIEnv * env ;
jVM = vm ;
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
if ( vm - > GetEnv ( ( void * * ) & env , JNI_VERSION_1_4 ) ! = JNI_OK )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
ALOGE ( " Failed JNI_OnLoad " ) ;
return - 1 ;
return JNI_VERSION_1_4 ;
2022-09-22 22:23:00 +00:00
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onCreate ( JNIEnv * env , jclass activityClass , jobject activity ,
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
jstring commandLineParams )
ALOGV ( " GLES3JNILib::onCreate() " ) ;
/* the global arg_xxx structs are initialised within the argtable */
void * argtable [ ] = {
ss = arg_dbl0 ( " s " , " supersampling " , " <double> " , " super sampling value (default: Q1: 1.2, Q2: 1.35) " ) ,
cpu = arg_int0 ( " c " , " cpu " , " <int> " , " CPU perf index 1-4 (default: 2) " ) ,
gpu = arg_int0 ( " g " , " gpu " , " <int> " , " GPU perf index 1-4 (default: 3) " ) ,
msaa = arg_int0 ( " m " , " msaa " , " <int> " , " MSAA (default: 1) " ) ,
refresh = arg_int0 ( " r " , " refresh " , " <int> " , " Refresh Rate (default: Q1: 72, Q2: 72) " ) ,
end = arg_end ( 20 )
} ;
jboolean iscopy ;
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
const char * arg = env - > GetStringUTFChars ( commandLineParams , & iscopy ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
char * cmdLine = NULL ;
if ( arg & & strlen ( arg ) )
cmdLine = strdup ( arg ) ;
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
env - > ReleaseStringUTFChars ( commandLineParams , arg ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
ALOGV ( " Command line %s " , cmdLine ) ;
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
argv = ( char * * ) malloc ( sizeof ( char * ) * 255 ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
argc = ParseCommandLine ( strdup ( cmdLine ) , argv ) ;
/* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */
if ( arg_nullcheck ( argtable ) = = 0 ) {
/* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */
arg_parse ( argc , argv , argtable ) ;
if ( ss - > count > 0 & & ss - > dval [ 0 ] > 0.0 )
SS_MULTIPLIER = ss - > dval [ 0 ] ;
if ( cpu - > count > 0 & & cpu - > ival [ 0 ] > 0 & & cpu - > ival [ 0 ] < 10 )
CPU_LEVEL = cpu - > ival [ 0 ] ;
if ( gpu - > count > 0 & & gpu - > ival [ 0 ] > 0 & & gpu - > ival [ 0 ] < 10 )
GPU_LEVEL = gpu - > ival [ 0 ] ;
if ( msaa - > count > 0 & & msaa - > ival [ 0 ] > 0 & & msaa - > ival [ 0 ] < 10 )
NUM_MULTI_SAMPLES = msaa - > ival [ 0 ] ;
if ( refresh - > count > 0 & & refresh - > ival [ 0 ] > 0 & & refresh - > ival [ 0 ] < = 120 )
REFRESH = refresh - > ival [ 0 ] ;
initialize_gl4es ( ) ;
ovrAppThread * appThread = ( ovrAppThread * ) malloc ( sizeof ( ovrAppThread ) ) ;
ovrAppThread_Create ( appThread , env , activity , activityClass ) ;
ovrMessageQueue_Enable ( & appThread - > MessageQueue , true ) ;
ovrMessage message ;
ovrMessage_Init ( & message , MESSAGE_ON_CREATE , MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ) ;
ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage ( & appThread - > MessageQueue , & message ) ;
return ( jlong ) ( ( size_t ) appThread ) ;
2022-09-22 22:23:00 +00:00
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onStart ( JNIEnv * env , jobject obj , jlong handle , jobject obj1 )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
ALOGV ( " GLES3JNILib::onStart() " ) ;
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
jniCallbackObj = ( jobject ) env - > NewGlobalRef ( obj1 ) ;
jclass callbackClass = env - > GetObjectClass ( jniCallbackObj ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
2022-09-19 21:46:47 +00:00
android_shutdown = env - > GetMethodID ( callbackClass , " shutdown " , " ()V " ) ;
2022-11-18 21:02:36 +00:00
android_haptic_event = env - > GetMethodID ( callbackClass , " haptic_event " , " (Ljava/lang/String;IIIFF)V " ) ;
android_haptic_updateevent = env - > GetMethodID ( callbackClass , " haptic_updateevent " , " (Ljava/lang/String;IF)V " ) ;
android_haptic_stopevent = env - > GetMethodID ( callbackClass , " haptic_stopevent " , " (Ljava/lang/String;)V " ) ;
android_haptic_endframe = env - > GetMethodID ( callbackClass , " haptic_endframe " , " ()V " ) ;
android_haptic_enable = env - > GetMethodID ( callbackClass , " haptic_enable " , " ()V " ) ;
android_haptic_disable = env - > GetMethodID ( callbackClass , " haptic_disable " , " ()V " ) ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
ovrAppThread * appThread = ( ovrAppThread * ) ( ( size_t ) handle ) ;
ovrMessage message ;
ovrMessage_Init ( & message , MESSAGE_ON_START , MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ) ;
ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage ( & appThread - > MessageQueue , & message ) ;
2022-09-22 22:23:00 +00:00
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onResume ( JNIEnv * env , jobject obj , jlong handle )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
ALOGV ( " GLES3JNILib::onResume() " ) ;
ovrAppThread * appThread = ( ovrAppThread * ) ( ( size_t ) handle ) ;
ovrMessage message ;
ovrMessage_Init ( & message , MESSAGE_ON_RESUME , MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ) ;
ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage ( & appThread - > MessageQueue , & message ) ;
2022-09-22 22:23:00 +00:00
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onPause ( JNIEnv * env , jobject obj , jlong handle )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
ALOGV ( " GLES3JNILib::onPause() " ) ;
ovrAppThread * appThread = ( ovrAppThread * ) ( ( size_t ) handle ) ;
ovrMessage message ;
ovrMessage_Init ( & message , MESSAGE_ON_PAUSE , MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ) ;
ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage ( & appThread - > MessageQueue , & message ) ;
2022-09-22 22:23:00 +00:00
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onStop ( JNIEnv * env , jobject obj , jlong handle )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
ALOGV ( " GLES3JNILib::onStop() " ) ;
ovrAppThread * appThread = ( ovrAppThread * ) ( ( size_t ) handle ) ;
ovrMessage message ;
ovrMessage_Init ( & message , MESSAGE_ON_STOP , MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ) ;
ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage ( & appThread - > MessageQueue , & message ) ;
2022-09-22 22:23:00 +00:00
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onDestroy ( JNIEnv * env , jobject obj , jlong handle )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
ALOGV ( " GLES3JNILib::onDestroy() " ) ;
ovrAppThread * appThread = ( ovrAppThread * ) ( ( size_t ) handle ) ;
ovrMessage message ;
ovrMessage_Init ( & message , MESSAGE_ON_DESTROY , MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ) ;
ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage ( & appThread - > MessageQueue , & message ) ;
ovrMessageQueue_Enable ( & appThread - > MessageQueue , false ) ;
ovrAppThread_Destroy ( appThread , env ) ;
free ( appThread ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Surface lifecycle
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2022-09-22 22:23:00 +00:00
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onSurfaceCreated ( JNIEnv * env , jobject obj , jlong handle , jobject surface )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
ALOGV ( " GLES3JNILib::onSurfaceCreated() " ) ;
ovrAppThread * appThread = ( ovrAppThread * ) ( ( size_t ) handle ) ;
ANativeWindow * newNativeWindow = ANativeWindow_fromSurface ( env , surface ) ;
if ( ANativeWindow_getWidth ( newNativeWindow ) < ANativeWindow_getHeight ( newNativeWindow ) )
// An app that is relaunched after pressing the home button gets an initial surface with
// the wrong orientation even though android:screenOrientation="landscape" is set in the
// manifest. The choreographer callback will also never be called for this surface because
// the surface is immediately replaced with a new surface with the correct orientation.
ALOGE ( " Surface not in landscape mode! " ) ;
ALOGV ( " NativeWindow = ANativeWindow_fromSurface( env, surface ) " ) ;
appThread - > NativeWindow = newNativeWindow ;
ovrMessage message ;
ovrMessage_Init ( & message , MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_CREATED , MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ) ;
ovrMessage_SetPointerParm ( & message , 0 , appThread - > NativeWindow ) ;
ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage ( & appThread - > MessageQueue , & message ) ;
2022-09-22 22:23:00 +00:00
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onSurfaceChanged ( JNIEnv * env , jobject obj , jlong handle , jobject surface )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
ALOGV ( " GLES3JNILib::onSurfaceChanged() " ) ;
ovrAppThread * appThread = ( ovrAppThread * ) ( ( size_t ) handle ) ;
ANativeWindow * newNativeWindow = ANativeWindow_fromSurface ( env , surface ) ;
if ( ANativeWindow_getWidth ( newNativeWindow ) < ANativeWindow_getHeight ( newNativeWindow ) )
// An app that is relaunched after pressing the home button gets an initial surface with
// the wrong orientation even though android:screenOrientation="landscape" is set in the
// manifest. The choreographer callback will also never be called for this surface because
// the surface is immediately replaced with a new surface with the correct orientation.
ALOGE ( " Surface not in landscape mode! " ) ;
if ( newNativeWindow ! = appThread - > NativeWindow )
if ( appThread - > NativeWindow ! = NULL )
ovrMessage message ;
ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage ( & appThread - > MessageQueue , & message ) ;
ALOGV ( " ANativeWindow_release( NativeWindow ) " ) ;
ANativeWindow_release ( appThread - > NativeWindow ) ;
appThread - > NativeWindow = NULL ;
if ( newNativeWindow ! = NULL )
ALOGV ( " NativeWindow = ANativeWindow_fromSurface( env, surface ) " ) ;
appThread - > NativeWindow = newNativeWindow ;
ovrMessage message ;
ovrMessage_Init ( & message , MESSAGE_ON_SURFACE_CREATED , MQ_WAIT_PROCESSED ) ;
ovrMessage_SetPointerParm ( & message , 0 , appThread - > NativeWindow ) ;
ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage ( & appThread - > MessageQueue , & message ) ;
else if ( newNativeWindow ! = NULL )
ANativeWindow_release ( newNativeWindow ) ;
2022-09-22 22:23:00 +00:00
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_drbeef_jkquest_GLES3JNILib_onSurfaceDestroyed ( JNIEnv * env , jobject obj , jlong handle )
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
ALOGV ( " GLES3JNILib::onSurfaceDestroyed() " ) ;
ovrAppThread * appThread = ( ovrAppThread * ) ( ( size_t ) handle ) ;
ovrMessage message ;
ovrMessageQueue_PostMessage ( & appThread - > MessageQueue , & message ) ;
ALOGV ( " ANativeWindow_release( NativeWindow ) " ) ;
ANativeWindow_release ( appThread - > NativeWindow ) ;
appThread - > NativeWindow = NULL ;
2022-09-22 22:23:00 +00:00