JK XR is a VR port of the Jedi Knight games using OpenXR (the open standard for virtual and augmented reality devices) and is based on the excellent OpenJK port, originally forked from: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK
* Gesture based Force Actions (Push, Pull and Grab)
* Weapon Scopes
* Gesture Based Saber Throw
* Companion App
### Gameplay Modes (accessible via Setup -> Difficulty in the Menu)
**Team Beef Directors Cut (TBDC) - On (Default is On)**
This version uses faithful enemy speeds and aggression from the original game, which are fast and challenging by modern standards. To balance this projectile speeds and gun power are raised to feel more canon to the Star Wars movies and prevent Stormtroopers and other enemies from being able to avoid gunfire by strafing. There are also exaggerated knockback effects. This mode is more arcade-y fast paced affair whilst feeling similar to the difficulty level of the twitch-based gameplay of the original game.
**Team Beef Directors Cut (TBDC) - Off**
Projectile speeds are faithful to the original game, but enemy movement and aggression are toned back, where stormtroopers don't have an easy time to flank you. You may need to still "lead" shots slightly ahead of enemies when they are on the move. Recommended for a slower paced tactical encounter
To switch between modes change the option and if already in-game, restart the level you are on.
The companion app will be installed at the same time when using the SideQuest official page. This allows you to download mods and addons and switch between launching single player missions and the main game. This also detects if you've correctly set up the main application and asset files so is a good place to look if you are having issues.
*This is just an engine port*; the apk does not contain any of the of Jedi Knight game assets. If you wish to play the full game you must purchase it yourself, steam is most straightforward: https://store.steampowered.com/app/6030/STAR_WARS_Jedi_Knight_II__Jedi_Outcast/
You can find the latest version, which also includes the Companion App hosted on Sidequest. Use the links at the top of the page (separated by headset). Before installing via SideQuest you must have enabled "Developer Mode" on your headset. You can find the details on how to do that below:
- Copy only the assets files (assets0.pk3, assets1.pk3, assets2.pk3, assets5.pk3) from your PC install of JKO (Jedi Outcast\GameData\base) into the following folder on your device:
- You must then use the Companion App to download any mods and start the game. It is possible to play the JK Demo without having copied across the full game assets. All other mods require the full game.
Save game files are stored on the internal memory of your device. This means that if you uninstall/reinstall JK XR all the saves are retained. If you change headset just make sure you copy your saves to the new device.
Any update will not affect any of your save game files.
We recommend the following combinations to get the optimal experience while playing JKXR on PCVR:
**Valve Index** -> Via SteamVR (SteamVR OpenXR Runtime) -> This will be standard for Valve Index Users
**HTC Vive** -> Via SteamVR (SteamVR OpenXR Runtime) -> This will be standard for Valve Index Users
**Meta Headsets** -> Link / Airlink (Oculus OpenXR Runtime) -> Make sure this is set via the Oculus desktop app Settings->General->OpenXR Runtime
**Pimax** -> Currently unplayable. We have been in discussions with Pimax and there is a new PimaxPlay that fixes the issues (upside down screens).
When released the game must be played via unofficial PimaxXR OpenXR runtime (https://github.com/mbucchia/Pimax-OpenXR). Do not play via SteamVR OpenXR runtime
**Pico** - Our honest option is the best version on Pico is the standalone version on Sidequest. If you are determined to use PCVR, the only working option is via Virtual Desktop. Ensure you have set SteamVR as the OpenXR Runtime in the Virtual Desktop Streamer app (see picture)
If you wish to build JK XR from source, then you need the following:
* Android Developer Studio
* Android SDK API level 24
* Latest Android Native Development Kit
* The OpenXR release archive for your headset
There is no dependency on any specific headset native libraries, as this port uses OpenXR and links against the opensource Android openxr_loader.so. If you wish to build for a specific headset, then you need to place the openxr_loader.so for the headset into the following folder and rename it to: openxr_loader_{device}.so where {device} is either *meta* or *pico* (further device support hopefully in the future):