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Copyright ( C ) 1999 - 2005 , Id Software , Inc .
Copyright ( C ) 2000 - 2013 , Raven Software , Inc .
Copyright ( C ) 2001 - 2013 , Activision , Inc .
Copyright ( C ) 2013 - 2015 , OpenJK contributors
This file is part of the OpenJK source code .
OpenJK is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// bg_pmove.c -- both games player movement code
// takes a playerstate and a usercmd as input and returns a modifed playerstate
// define GAME_INCLUDE so that g_public.h does not define the
// short, server-visible gclient_t and gentity_t structures,
// because we define the full size ones in this file
# include "../../code/qcommon/q_shared.h"
# include "b_local.h"
# include "g_shared.h"
# include "bg_local.h"
# include "g_local.h"
# include "g_functions.h"
# include "anims.h"
# include "../cgame/cg_local.h" // yeah I know this is naughty, but we're shipping soon...
# include "wp_saber.h"
# include <float.h>
extern qboolean G_DoDismemberment ( gentity_t * self , vec3_t point , int mod , int damage , int hitLoc , qboolean force = qfalse ) ;
extern qboolean G_EntIsUnlockedDoor ( int entityNum ) ;
extern qboolean G_EntIsDoor ( int entityNum ) ;
extern qboolean InFront ( vec3_t spot , vec3_t from , vec3_t fromAngles , float threshHold = 0.0f ) ;
extern void G_AddVoiceEvent ( gentity_t * self , int event , int speakDebounceTime ) ;
extern qboolean Q3_TaskIDPending ( gentity_t * ent , taskID_t taskType ) ;
extern void WP_SaberInitBladeData ( gentity_t * ent ) ;
extern qboolean WP_SaberLose ( gentity_t * self , vec3_t throwDir ) ;
extern void G_SoundOnEnt ( gentity_t * ent , soundChannel_t channel , const char * soundPath ) ;
extern int Jedi_ReCalcParryTime ( gentity_t * self , evasionType_t evasionType ) ;
extern qboolean PM_HasAnimation ( gentity_t * ent , int animation ) ;
extern int PM_SaberAnimTransitionAnim ( int curmove , int newmove ) ;
extern saberMoveName_t PM_AttackMoveForQuad ( int quad ) ;
extern qboolean PM_SaberInTransition ( int move ) ;
extern qboolean PM_SaberInTransitionAny ( int move ) ;
extern qboolean PM_SaberInBounce ( int move ) ;
extern qboolean PM_SaberInSpecialAttack ( int anim ) ;
extern qboolean PM_SaberInAttack ( int move ) ;
extern qboolean PM_InAnimForSaberMove ( int anim , int saberMove ) ;
extern int PM_SaberBounceForAttack ( int move ) ;
extern int PM_SaberAttackForMovement ( int forwardmove , int rightmove , int move ) ;
extern int PM_BrokenParryForParry ( int move ) ;
extern int PM_KnockawayForParry ( int move ) ;
extern qboolean PM_SaberInParry ( int move ) ;
extern qboolean PM_SaberInKnockaway ( int move ) ;
extern qboolean PM_SaberInBrokenParry ( int move ) ;
extern qboolean PM_SaberInReflect ( int move ) ;
extern qboolean PM_SaberInIdle ( int move ) ;
extern qboolean PM_SaberInStart ( int move ) ;
extern qboolean PM_SaberKataDone ( int curmove , int newmove ) ;
extern qboolean PM_SaberInSpecial ( int move ) ;
extern qboolean PM_InDeathAnim ( void ) ;
extern qboolean PM_StandingAnim ( int anim ) ;
extern int PM_SaberFlipOverAttackMove ( void ) ;
extern int PM_SaberJumpAttackMove ( void ) ;
qboolean PM_InKnockDown ( playerState_t * ps ) ;
qboolean PM_InKnockDownOnGround ( playerState_t * ps ) ;
qboolean PM_InGetUp ( playerState_t * ps ) ;
qboolean PM_InRoll ( playerState_t * ps ) ;
qboolean PM_SpinningSaberAnim ( int anim ) ;
qboolean PM_GettingUpFromKnockDown ( float standheight , float crouchheight ) ;
qboolean PM_SpinningAnim ( int anim ) ;
qboolean PM_FlippingAnim ( int anim ) ;
qboolean PM_PainAnim ( int anim ) ;
qboolean PM_RollingAnim ( int anim ) ;
qboolean PM_SwimmingAnim ( int anim ) ;
extern int parryDebounce [ ] ;
extern qboolean player_locked ;
extern qboolean MatrixMode ;
qboolean waterForceJump ;
extern cvar_t * g_timescale ;
static void PM_SetWaterLevelAtPoint ( vec3_t org , int * waterlevel , int * watertype ) ;
# define FLY_NONE 0
# define FLY_NORMAL 1
# define FLY_VEHICLE 2
# define FLY_HOVER 3
int Flying = FLY_NONE ;
pmove_t * pm ;
pml_t pml ;
// movement parameters
const float pm_stopspeed = 100.0f ;
const float pm_duckScale = 0.50f ;
const float pm_swimScale = 0.50f ;
float pm_ladderScale = 0.7f ;
2022-10-03 21:19:00 +00:00
const float pm_accelerate = 1200.0f ;
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
const float pm_airaccelerate = 4.0f ;
const float pm_wateraccelerate = 4.0f ;
const float pm_flyaccelerate = 8.0f ;
const float pm_friction = 6.0f ;
const float pm_waterfriction = 1.0f ;
const float pm_flightfriction = 3.0f ;
const float pm_frictionModifier = 3.0f ; //Used for "careful" mode (when pressing use)
const float pm_airDecelRate = 1.35f ; //Used for air decelleration away from current movement velocity
int c_pmove = 0 ;
extern void PM_SetTorsoAnimTimer ( gentity_t * ent , int * torsoAnimTimer , int time ) ;
extern void PM_SetLegsAnimTimer ( gentity_t * ent , int * legsAnimTimer , int time ) ;
//extern void PM_SetAnim(pmove_t *pm,int setAnimParts,int anim,int setAnimFlags);
extern void PM_TorsoAnimation ( void ) ;
extern int PM_TorsoAnimForFrame ( gentity_t * ent , int torsoFrame ) ;
extern int PM_AnimLength ( int index , animNumber_t anim ) ;
extern qboolean PM_InDeathAnim ( void ) ;
extern qboolean PM_InOnGroundAnim ( playerState_t * ps ) ;
extern weaponInfo_t cg_weapons [ MAX_WEAPONS ] ;
extern int PM_PickAnim ( gentity_t * self , int minAnim , int maxAnim ) ;
extern void DoImpact ( gentity_t * self , gentity_t * other , qboolean damageSelf ) ;
extern saberMoveName_t transitionMove [ Q_NUM_QUADS ] [ Q_NUM_QUADS ] ;
extern qboolean G_ControlledByPlayer ( gentity_t * self ) ;
qboolean PM_ControlledByPlayer ( void )
return G_ControlledByPlayer ( pm - > gent ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void PM_AddEvent ( int newEvent )
AddEventToPlayerstate ( newEvent , 0 , pm - > ps ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
qboolean PM_ClientImpact ( int otherEntityNum , qboolean damageSelf )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
qboolean PM_ClientImpact ( int otherEntityNum , qboolean damageSelf )
gentity_t * traceEnt ;
if ( ! pm - > gent )
return qfalse ;
if ( ( VectorLength ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) * ( pm - > gent - > mass / 10 ) ) > = 100 & & pm - > ps - > lastOnGround + 100 < level . time ) //was 300 ||(other->material>=MAT_GLASS&&pm->gent->lastImpact+100<=level.time))
DoImpact ( pm - > gent , & g_entities [ otherEntityNum ] , damageSelf ) ;
if ( otherEntityNum > = ENTITYNUM_WORLD )
return qfalse ;
traceEnt = & g_entities [ otherEntityNum ] ;
if ( ! traceEnt | | ! ( traceEnt - > contents & pm - > tracemask ) )
{ //it's dead or not in my way anymore
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void PM_AddTouchEnt ( int entityNum ) {
int i ;
if ( entityNum = = ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) {
return ;
if ( pm - > numtouch = = MAXTOUCH ) {
return ;
// see if it is already added
for ( i = 0 ; i < pm - > numtouch ; i + + ) {
if ( pm - > touchents [ i ] = = entityNum ) {
return ;
// add it
pm - > touchents [ pm - > numtouch ] = entityNum ;
pm - > numtouch + + ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Slide off of the impacting surface
This will pull you down onto slopes if heading away from
them and push you up them as you go up them .
Also stops you when you hit walls .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void PM_ClipVelocity ( vec3_t in , vec3_t normal , vec3_t out , float overbounce ) {
float backoff ;
float change ;
int i ;
backoff = DotProduct ( in , normal ) ;
if ( backoff < 0 ) {
backoff * = overbounce ;
} else {
backoff / = overbounce ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
change = normal [ i ] * backoff ;
out [ i ] = in [ i ] - change ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Handles both ground friction and water friction
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_Friction ( void ) {
vec3_t vec ;
float * vel ;
float speed , newspeed , control ;
float drop , friction = pm - > ps - > friction ;
vel = pm - > ps - > velocity ;
VectorCopy ( vel , vec ) ;
if ( pml . walking ) {
vec [ 2 ] = 0 ; // ignore slope movement
speed = VectorLength ( vec ) ;
if ( speed < 1 ) {
vel [ 0 ] = 0 ;
vel [ 1 ] = 0 ; // allow sinking underwater
// FIXME: still have z friction underwater?
return ;
drop = 0 ;
// apply ground friction, even if on ladder
if ( Flying ! = FLY_NORMAL )
if ( ( pm - > watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER ) | | pm - > waterlevel < = 1 )
if ( ( pm - > watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER ) | | ( pml . walking & & ! ( pml . groundTrace . surfaceFlags & SURF_SLICK ) ) )
// if getting knocked back, no friction
if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK ) & & ! ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_TIME_NOFRICTION ) )
//If the use key is pressed. slow the player more quickly
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_USE )
friction * = pm_frictionModifier ;
control = speed < pm_stopspeed ? pm_stopspeed : speed ;
drop + = control * friction * pml . frametime ;
if ( Flying = = FLY_VEHICLE )
if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK ) & & ! ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_TIME_NOFRICTION ) )
control = speed < pm_stopspeed ? pm_stopspeed : speed ;
drop + = control * friction * pml . frametime ;
// apply water friction even if just wading
if ( ! waterForceJump )
if ( pm - > waterlevel & & ! ( pm - > watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER ) )
drop + = speed * pm_waterfriction * pm - > waterlevel * pml . frametime ;
// apply flying friction
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_type = = PM_SPECTATOR )
drop + = speed * pm_flightfriction * pml . frametime ;
// scale the velocity
newspeed = speed - drop ;
if ( newspeed < 0 )
newspeed = 0 ;
newspeed / = speed ;
vel [ 0 ] = vel [ 0 ] * newspeed ;
vel [ 1 ] = vel [ 1 ] * newspeed ;
vel [ 2 ] = vel [ 2 ] * newspeed ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Handles user intended acceleration
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_Accelerate ( vec3_t wishdir , float wishspeed , float accel )
int i ;
float addspeed , accelspeed , currentspeed ;
currentspeed = DotProduct ( pm - > ps - > velocity , wishdir ) ;
addspeed = wishspeed - currentspeed ;
if ( addspeed < = 0 ) {
return ;
accelspeed = ( accel * pml . frametime ) * wishspeed ;
if ( accelspeed > addspeed ) {
accelspeed = addspeed ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + ) {
pm - > ps - > velocity [ i ] + = accelspeed * wishdir [ i ] ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Returns the scale factor to apply to cmd movements
This allows the clients to use axial - 127 to 127 values for all directions
without getting a sqrt ( 2 ) distortion in speed .
= = = = = = = = = = = =
static float PM_CmdScale ( usercmd_t * cmd )
int max ;
float total ;
float scale ;
max = abs ( cmd - > forwardmove ) ;
if ( abs ( cmd - > rightmove ) > max ) {
max = abs ( cmd - > rightmove ) ;
if ( abs ( cmd - > upmove ) > max ) {
max = abs ( cmd - > upmove ) ;
if ( ! max ) {
return 0 ;
total = sqrt ( ( double ) ( ( cmd - > forwardmove * cmd - > forwardmove )
+ ( cmd - > rightmove * cmd - > rightmove )
+ ( cmd - > upmove * cmd - > upmove ) ) ) ;
scale = ( float ) pm - > ps - > speed * max / ( 127.0f * total ) ;
return scale ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Determine the rotation of the legs reletive
to the facing dir
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_SetMovementDir ( void ) {
if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove | | pm - > cmd . rightmove ) {
if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove = = 0 & & pm - > cmd . forwardmove > 0 ) {
pm - > ps - > movementDir = 0 ;
} else if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove < 0 & & pm - > cmd . forwardmove > 0 ) {
pm - > ps - > movementDir = 1 ;
} else if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove < 0 & & pm - > cmd . forwardmove = = 0 ) {
pm - > ps - > movementDir = 2 ;
} else if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove < 0 & & pm - > cmd . forwardmove < 0 ) {
pm - > ps - > movementDir = 3 ;
} else if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove = = 0 & & pm - > cmd . forwardmove < 0 ) {
pm - > ps - > movementDir = 4 ;
} else if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove > 0 & & pm - > cmd . forwardmove < 0 ) {
pm - > ps - > movementDir = 5 ;
} else if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove > 0 & & pm - > cmd . forwardmove = = 0 ) {
pm - > ps - > movementDir = 6 ;
} else if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove > 0 & & pm - > cmd . forwardmove > 0 ) {
pm - > ps - > movementDir = 7 ;
} else {
// if they aren't actively going directly sideways,
// change the animation to the diagonal so they
// don't stop too crooked
if ( pm - > ps - > movementDir = = 2 ) {
pm - > ps - > movementDir = 1 ;
} else if ( pm - > ps - > movementDir = = 6 ) {
pm - > ps - > movementDir = 7 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
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# define METROID_JUMP 1
qboolean PM_InSpecialJump ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_ARIAL_F1 :
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
extern void CG_PlayerLockedWeaponSpeech ( int jumping ) ;
qboolean PM_ForceJumpingUp ( gentity_t * gent )
if ( ! gent | | ! gent - > client )
return qfalse ;
if ( gent - > NPC )
{ //this is ONLY for the player
if ( player
& & player - > client
& & player - > client - > ps . viewEntity = = gent - > s . number )
{ //okay to jump if an NPC controlled by the player
return qfalse ;
if ( ! ( gent - > client - > ps . forcePowersActive & ( 1 < < FP_LEVITATION ) ) & & gent - > client - > ps . forceJumpCharge )
{ //already jumped and let go
return qfalse ;
if ( PM_InSpecialJump ( gent - > client - > ps . legsAnim ) )
return qfalse ;
if ( PM_InKnockDown ( & gent - > client - > ps ) )
return qfalse ;
if ( ! gent - > s . number & & in_camera )
{ //player can't use force powers in cinematic
return qfalse ;
if ( gent - > client - > ps . groundEntityNum = = ENTITYNUM_NONE //in air
& & ( /*(gent->client->ps.waterHeightLevel==WHL_SHOULDERS&&gent->client->usercmd.upmove>0) ||*/ ( ( gent - > client - > ps . pm_flags & PMF_JUMPING ) & & gent - > client - > ps . velocity [ 2 ] > 0 ) ) //jumped & going up or at water surface
& & gent - > client - > ps . forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_0 //force-jump capable
& & ! ( gent - > client - > ps . pm_flags & PMF_TRIGGER_PUSHED ) ) //not pushed by a trigger
if ( gent - > flags & FL_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS ) // yes this locked weapons check also includes force powers, if we need a separate check later I'll make one
CG_PlayerLockedWeaponSpeech ( qtrue ) ;
return qfalse ;
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
static void PM_JumpForDir ( void )
int anim = BOTH_JUMP1 ;
if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove > 0 )
anim = BOTH_JUMP1 ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove < 0 )
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove > 0 )
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove < 0 )
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP ;
anim = BOTH_JUMP1 ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP ;
if ( ! PM_InDeathAnim ( ) )
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , anim , SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE , 100 ) ; // Only blend over 100ms
extern qboolean WP_ForcePowerAvailable ( gentity_t * self , forcePowers_t forcePower , int overrideAmt ) ;
extern void WP_ForcePowerDrain ( gentity_t * self , forcePowers_t forcePower , int overrideAmt ) ;
qboolean PM_GentCantJump ( gentity_t * gent )
{ //FIXME: ugh, hacky, set a flag on NPC or something, please...
if ( gent & & gent - > client & &
( gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_ATST | |
gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_GONK | |
gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_MARK1 | |
gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_MARK2 | |
gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_MOUSE | |
gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_PROBE | |
gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_PROTOCOL | |
gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_R2D2 | |
gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_R5D2 | |
gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_SEEKER | |
gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_REMOTE | |
gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_SENTRY ) )
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
static qboolean PM_CheckJump ( void )
//Don't allow jump until all buttons are up
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_RESPAWNED ) {
return qfalse ;
if ( PM_InKnockDown ( pm - > ps ) | | PM_InRoll ( pm - > ps ) )
{ //in knockdown
return qfalse ;
if ( PM_GentCantJump ( pm - > gent ) )
return qfalse ;
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_FORCEJUMP )
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_JUMP_HELD ;
if ( pm - > waterlevel < 3 ) //|| (pm->ps->waterHeightLevel==WHL_SHOULDERS&&pm->cmd.upmove>0) )
if ( pm - > ps - > gravity > 0 )
{ //can't do this in zero-G
//FIXME: still able to pogo-jump...
if ( PM_ForceJumpingUp ( pm - > gent ) & & ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_JUMP_HELD ) ) //||pm->ps->waterHeightLevel==WHL_SHOULDERS) )
{ //force jumping && holding jump
if ( ! pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart & & ( pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel = = WHL_SHOULDERS & & pm - > cmd . upmove > 0 ) )
pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart = pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] ;
float curHeight = pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] - pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart ;
//check for max force jump level and cap off & cut z vel
if ( ( curHeight < = forceJumpHeight [ 0 ] | | //still below minimum jump height
( pm - > ps - > forcePower & & pm - > cmd . upmove > = 10 ) ) & & ////still have force power available and still trying to jump up
curHeight < forceJumpHeight [ pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] ] ) //still below maximum jump height
{ //can still go up
//FIXME: after a certain amount of time of held jump, play force jump sound and flip if a dir is being held
//FIXME: if hit a wall... should we cut velocity or allow them to slide up it?
//FIXME: constantly drain force power at a rate by which the usage for maximum height would use up the full cost of force jump
if ( curHeight > forceJumpHeight [ 0 ] )
{ //passed normal jump height *2?
if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > forcePowersActive & ( 1 < < FP_LEVITATION ) ) ) //haven't started forcejump yet
//start force jump
pm - > ps - > forcePowersActive | = ( 1 < < FP_LEVITATION ) ;
if ( pm - > gent )
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_BODY , " sound/weapons/force/jump.wav " ) ;
//play flip
//FIXME: do this only when they stop the jump (below) or when they're just about to hit the peak of the jump
if ( ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove | | pm - > cmd . rightmove ) & & //pushing in a dir
//pm->ps->legsAnim != BOTH_ARIAL_F1 &&//not already flipping
pm - > ps - > legsAnim ! = BOTH_FLIP_F & &
pm - > ps - > legsAnim ! = BOTH_FLIP_B & &
pm - > ps - > legsAnim ! = BOTH_FLIP_R & &
pm - > ps - > legsAnim ! = BOTH_FLIP_L
& & cg . renderingThirdPerson //third person only
& & ! cg . zoomMode ) //not zoomed in
{ //FIXME: this could end up playing twice if the jump is very long...
int anim = BOTH_FORCEINAIR1 ;
int parts = SETANIM_BOTH ;
if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove > 0 )
if ( pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] < FORCE_LEVEL_2 )
anim = BOTH_ARIAL_F1 ;
anim = BOTH_FLIP_F ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove < 0 )
anim = BOTH_FLIP_B ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove > 0 )
anim = BOTH_FLIP_R ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove < 0 )
anim = BOTH_FLIP_L ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime )
{ //FIXME: really only care if we're in a saber attack anim...
parts = SETANIM_LEGS ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , parts , anim , SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ) ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 )
{ //FIXME: really want to know how far off ground we are, probably...
vec3_t facingFwd , facingRight , facingAngles = { 0 , pm - > ps - > viewangles [ YAW ] , 0 } ;
int anim = - 1 ;
AngleVectors ( facingAngles , facingFwd , facingRight , NULL ) ;
float dotR = DotProduct ( facingRight , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
float dotF = DotProduct ( facingFwd , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
if ( fabs ( dotR ) > fabs ( dotF ) * 1.5 )
if ( dotR > 150 )
else if ( dotR < - 150 )
if ( dotF > 150 )
else if ( dotF < - 150 )
if ( anim ! = - 1 )
int parts = SETANIM_BOTH ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime )
{ //FIXME: really only care if we're in a saber attack anim...
parts = SETANIM_LEGS ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , parts , anim , SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ) ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer )
{ //not in the middle of a legsAnim
int anim = pm - > ps - > legsAnim ;
int newAnim = - 1 ;
switch ( anim )
break ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
if ( newAnim ! = - 1 )
int parts = SETANIM_BOTH ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime )
{ //FIXME: really only care if we're in a saber attack anim...
parts = SETANIM_LEGS ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , parts , newAnim , SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD ) ;
//need to scale this down, start with height velocity (based on max force jump height) and scale down to regular jump vel
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] = ( forceJumpHeight [ pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] ] - curHeight ) / forceJumpHeight [ pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] ] * forceJumpStrength [ pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] ] ; //JUMP_VELOCITY;
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] / = 10 ;
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] + = JUMP_VELOCITY ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_JUMP_HELD ;
else if ( curHeight > forceJumpHeight [ 0 ] & & curHeight < forceJumpHeight [ pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] ] - forceJumpHeight [ 0 ] )
{ //still have some headroom, don't totally stop it
if ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] > JUMP_VELOCITY )
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] = JUMP_VELOCITY ;
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] = 0 ;
pm - > cmd . upmove = 0 ;
return qfalse ;
# endif
//Not jumping
if ( pm - > cmd . upmove < 10 ) {
return qfalse ;
// must wait for jump to be released
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_JUMP_HELD )
// clear upmove so cmdscale doesn't lower running speed
pm - > cmd . upmove = 0 ;
return qfalse ;
if ( pm - > ps - > gravity < = 0 )
{ //in low grav, you push in the dir you're facing as long as there is something behind you to shove off of
vec3_t forward , back ;
trace_t trace ;
AngleVectors ( pm - > ps - > viewangles , forward , NULL , NULL ) ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , - 8 , forward , back ) ;
pm - > trace ( & trace , pm - > ps - > origin , pm - > mins , pm - > maxs , back , pm - > ps - > clientNum , pm - > tracemask , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
pm - > cmd . upmove = 0 ;
if ( trace . fraction < 1.0f )
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > velocity , JUMP_VELOCITY / 2 , forward , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
//FIXME: kicking off wall anim? At least check what anim we're in?
{ //else no surf close enough to push off of
return qfalse ;
if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = = ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{ //need to set some things and return
pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart = 0 ;
pml . groundPlane = qfalse ;
pml . walking = qfalse ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = ( PMF_JUMPING | PMF_JUMP_HELD ) ;
pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE ;
pm - > ps - > jumpZStart = pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] ;
if ( pm - > gent )
if ( ! Q3_TaskIDPending ( pm - > gent , TID_CHAN_VOICE ) )
PM_AddEvent ( EV_JUMP ) ;
PM_AddEvent ( EV_JUMP ) ;
return qtrue ;
} //else no surf close enough to push off of
else if ( pm - > cmd . upmove > 0 & & pm - > waterlevel < 2
& & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_0
& & ! ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_JUMP_HELD )
//&& !PM_InKnockDown( pm->ps )
& & pm - > gent & & WP_ForcePowerAvailable ( pm - > gent , FP_LEVITATION , 0 )
& & ( ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & ! PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) ) | | ( ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum | | PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) ) & & cg . renderingThirdPerson & & ! cg . zoomMode & & ! ( pm - > gent - > flags & FL_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS ) ) ) ) // yes this locked weapons check also includes force powers, if we need a separate check later I'll make one
if ( pm - > gent - > NPC & & pm - > gent - > NPC - > rank ! = RANK_CREWMAN & & pm - > gent - > NPC - > rank < = RANK_LT_JG )
{ //reborn who are not acrobats can't do any of these acrobatics
else if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum ! = ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{ //on the ground
//check for left-wall and right-wall special jumps
int anim = - 1 ;
float vertPush = 0 ;
if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove > 0 & & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 )
{ //strafing right
if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove > 0 )
{ //wall-run
vertPush = forceJumpStrength [ FORCE_LEVEL_2 ] / 2.0f ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove = = 0 )
{ //wall-flip
vertPush = forceJumpStrength [ FORCE_LEVEL_2 ] / 2.25f ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove < 0 & & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 )
{ //strafing left
if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove > 0 )
{ //wall-run
vertPush = forceJumpStrength [ FORCE_LEVEL_2 ] / 2.0f ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove = = 0 )
{ //wall-flip
vertPush = forceJumpStrength [ FORCE_LEVEL_2 ] / 2.25f ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & ! PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) & & pm - > cmd . forwardmove > 0 & & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 )
{ //run up wall, flip backwards
if ( VectorLengthSquared ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) > 40000 /*200*200*/ )
{ //have to be moving... FIXME: make sure it's opposite the wall... or at least forward?
vertPush = forceJumpStrength [ FORCE_LEVEL_2 ] / 2.25f ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove < 0 & & ! ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK ) ) //pm->ps->clientNum &&
{ //double-tap back-jump does backflip
if ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] > = 0 )
{ //must be going up already
vertPush = JUMP_VELOCITY ;
anim = PM_PickAnim ( pm - > gent , BOTH_FLIP_BACK1 , BOTH_FLIP_BACK3 ) ;
else if ( VectorLengthSquared ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) < 256 /*16 squared*/ )
{ //not moving
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER & & ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK ) & & pm - > ps - > saberAnimLevel = = FORCE_LEVEL_2 )
//Only tavion does these now
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & Q_irand ( 0 , 1 ) )
{ //butterfly... FIXME: does direction matter?
vertPush = JUMP_VELOCITY ;
if ( Q_irand ( 0 , 1 ) )
*/ if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & ! PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) ) //NOTE: pretty much useless, so player never does these
{ //jump-spin FIXME: does direction matter?
vertPush = forceJumpStrength [ FORCE_LEVEL_2 ] / 1.5f ;
anim = Q_irand ( BOTH_FJSS_TR_BL , BOTH_FJSS_TL_BR ) ;
if ( anim ! = - 1 & & PM_HasAnimation ( pm - > gent , anim ) )
vec3_t fwd , right , traceto , mins = { pm - > mins [ 0 ] , pm - > mins [ 1 ] , 0 } , maxs = { pm - > maxs [ 0 ] , pm - > maxs [ 1 ] , 24 } , fwdAngles = { 0 , pm - > ps - > viewangles [ YAW ] , 0 } ;
trace_t trace ;
qboolean doTrace = qfalse ;
int contents = CONTENTS_SOLID ;
AngleVectors ( fwdAngles , fwd , right , NULL ) ;
//trace-check for a wall, if necc.
switch ( anim )
//contents |= CONTENTS_BODY;
//NOTE: purposely falls through to next case!
doTrace = qtrue ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , - 16 , right , traceto ) ;
break ;
//contents |= CONTENTS_BODY;
//NOTE: purposely falls through to next case!
doTrace = qtrue ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , 16 , right , traceto ) ;
break ;
//contents |= CONTENTS_BODY;
doTrace = qtrue ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , 16 , fwd , traceto ) ;
break ;
vec3_t idealNormal ;
if ( doTrace )
//FIXME: all these jump ones should check for head clearance
pm - > trace ( & trace , pm - > ps - > origin , mins , maxs , traceto , pm - > ps - > clientNum , contents , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
VectorSubtract ( pm - > ps - > origin , traceto , idealNormal ) ;
VectorNormalize ( idealNormal ) ;
if ( anim = = BOTH_WALL_FLIP_LEFT )
{ //sigh.. check for bottomless pit to the right
trace_t trace2 ;
vec3_t start ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , 128 , right , traceto ) ;
pm - > trace ( & trace2 , pm - > ps - > origin , mins , maxs , traceto , pm - > ps - > clientNum , contents , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( ! trace2 . allsolid & & ! trace2 . startsolid )
VectorCopy ( trace2 . endpos , traceto ) ;
VectorCopy ( traceto , start ) ;
traceto [ 2 ] - = 384 ;
pm - > trace ( & trace2 , start , mins , maxs , traceto , pm - > ps - > clientNum , contents , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( ! trace2 . allsolid & & ! trace2 . startsolid & & trace2 . fraction > = 1.0f )
{ //bottomless pit!
trace . fraction = 1.0f ; //way to stop it from doing the side-flip
else if ( anim = = BOTH_WALL_FLIP_RIGHT )
{ //sigh.. check for bottomless pit to the left
trace_t trace2 ;
vec3_t start ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , - 128 , right , traceto ) ;
pm - > trace ( & trace2 , pm - > ps - > origin , mins , maxs , traceto , pm - > ps - > clientNum , contents , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( ! trace2 . allsolid & & ! trace2 . startsolid )
VectorCopy ( trace2 . endpos , traceto ) ;
VectorCopy ( traceto , start ) ;
traceto [ 2 ] - = 384 ;
pm - > trace ( & trace2 , start , mins , maxs , traceto , pm - > ps - > clientNum , contents , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( ! trace2 . allsolid & & ! trace2 . startsolid & & trace2 . fraction > = 1.0f )
{ //bottomless pit!
trace . fraction = 1.0f ; //way to stop it from doing the side-flip
else if ( anim = = BOTH_WALL_FLIP_BACK1 )
{ //sigh.. check for bottomless pit to the rear
trace_t trace2 ;
vec3_t start ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , - 128 , fwd , traceto ) ;
pm - > trace ( & trace2 , pm - > ps - > origin , mins , maxs , traceto , pm - > ps - > clientNum , contents , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( ! trace2 . allsolid & & ! trace2 . startsolid )
VectorCopy ( trace2 . endpos , traceto ) ;
VectorCopy ( traceto , start ) ;
traceto [ 2 ] - = 384 ;
pm - > trace ( & trace2 , start , mins , maxs , traceto , pm - > ps - > clientNum , contents , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( ! trace2 . allsolid & & ! trace2 . startsolid & & trace2 . fraction > = 1.0f )
{ //bottomless pit!
trace . fraction = 1.0f ; //way to stop it from doing the side-flip
gentity_t * traceEnt = & g_entities [ trace . entityNum ] ;
if ( ! doTrace | | ( trace . fraction < 1.0f & & ( ( trace . entityNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD & & traceEnt & & traceEnt - > s . solid ! = SOLID_BMODEL ) | | DotProduct ( trace . plane . normal , idealNormal ) > 0.7 ) ) )
{ //there is a wall there
if ( ( anim ! = BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT & & anim ! = BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT ) | | trace . plane . normal [ 2 ] = = 0.0f )
{ //wall-runs can only run on perfectly flat walls, sorry.
//move me to side
if ( anim = = BOTH_WALL_FLIP_LEFT )
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 0 ] = pm - > ps - > velocity [ 1 ] = 0 ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > velocity , 150 , right , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
else if ( anim = = BOTH_WALL_FLIP_RIGHT )
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 0 ] = pm - > ps - > velocity [ 1 ] = 0 ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > velocity , - 150 , right , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
else if ( anim = = BOTH_FLIP_BACK1
| | anim = = BOTH_FLIP_BACK2
| | anim = = BOTH_FLIP_BACK3
| | anim = = BOTH_WALL_FLIP_BACK1 )
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 0 ] = pm - > ps - > velocity [ 1 ] = 0 ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > velocity , - 150 , fwd , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
//kick if jumping off an ent
if ( doTrace & & anim ! = BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT & & anim ! = BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT )
if ( pm - > gent & & trace . entityNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD )
if ( traceEnt & & traceEnt - > client & & traceEnt - > health > 0 & & traceEnt - > takedamage )
{ //push them away and do pain
vec3_t oppDir ;
float strength = VectorNormalize2 ( pm - > ps - > velocity , oppDir ) ;
VectorScale ( oppDir , - 1 , oppDir ) ;
//FIXME: need knockdown anim
G_Damage ( traceEnt , pm - > gent , pm - > gent , oppDir , traceEnt - > currentOrigin , 10 , DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR | DAMAGE_NO_HIT_LOC | DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK , MOD_MELEE ) ;
G_Throw ( traceEnt , oppDir , strength ) ;
G_Sound ( traceEnt , G_SoundIndex ( va ( " sound/weapons/melee/punch%d " , Q_irand ( 1 , 4 ) ) ) ) ;
if ( vertPush )
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] = vertPush ;
//animate me
int parts = SETANIM_LEGS ;
if ( anim = = BOTH_BUTTERFLY_LEFT | |
anim = = BOTH_FJSS_TR_BL | |
anim = = BOTH_FJSS_TL_BR )
parts = SETANIM_BOTH ;
pm - > cmd . buttons & = ~ BUTTON_ATTACK ;
pm - > ps - > saberMove = LS_NONE ;
pm - > gent - > client - > saberTrail . inAction = qtrue ; //FIXME: reset this when done!
pm - > gent - > client - > saberTrail . duration = 300 ; //FIXME: reset this when done!
else if ( ! pm - > ps - > weaponTime )
parts = SETANIM_BOTH ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , parts , anim , SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD , 0 ) ;
| | anim = = BOTH_FJSS_TR_BL
| | anim = = BOTH_FJSS_TL_BR )
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer ;
else if ( anim = = BOTH_WALL_FLIP_LEFT
| | anim = = BOTH_WALL_FLIP_BACK1 )
{ //let us do some more moves after this
pm - > ps - > saberAttackChainCount = 0 ;
pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart = pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] ; //so we don't take damage if we land at same height
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = ( PMF_JUMPING | PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL ) ;
pm - > cmd . upmove = 0 ;
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_BODY , " sound/weapons/force/jump.wav " ) ;
WP_ForcePowerDrain ( pm - > gent , FP_LEVITATION , 0 ) ;
{ //in the air
int legsAnim = pm - > ps - > legsAnim ;
if ( legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT | | legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT )
{ //running on a wall
vec3_t right , traceto , mins = { pm - > mins [ 0 ] , pm - > mins [ 0 ] , 0 } , maxs = { pm - > maxs [ 0 ] , pm - > maxs [ 0 ] , 24 } , fwdAngles = { 0 , pm - > ps - > viewangles [ YAW ] , 0 } ;
trace_t trace ;
int anim = - 1 ;
AngleVectors ( fwdAngles , NULL , right , NULL ) ;
if ( legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT )
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer > 400 )
{ //not at the end of the anim
float animLen = PM_AnimLength ( pm - > gent - > client - > clientInfo . animFileIndex , BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer < animLen - 400 )
{ //not at start of anim
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , - 16 , right , traceto ) ;
else if ( legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT )
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer > 400 )
{ //not at the end of the anim
float animLen = PM_AnimLength ( pm - > gent - > client - > clientInfo . animFileIndex , BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer < animLen - 400 )
{ //not at start of anim
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , 16 , right , traceto ) ;
if ( anim ! = - 1 )
pm - > trace ( & trace , pm - > ps - > origin , mins , maxs , traceto , pm - > ps - > clientNum , CONTENTS_SOLID | CONTENTS_BODY , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( trace . fraction < 1.0f )
{ //flip off wall
if ( anim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT_FLIP )
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 0 ] * = 0.5f ;
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 1 ] * = 0.5f ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > velocity , 150 , right , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
else if ( anim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT_FLIP )
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 0 ] * = 0.5f ;
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 1 ] * = 0.5f ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > velocity , - 150 , right , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
int parts = SETANIM_LEGS ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > weaponTime )
parts = SETANIM_BOTH ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , parts , anim , SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD , 0 ) ;
//FIXME: do damage to traceEnt, like above?
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_JUMPING | PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL ;
pm - > cmd . upmove = 0 ;
if ( pm - > cmd . upmove ! = 0 )
{ //jump failed, so don't try to do normal jump code, just return
return qfalse ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove < 0
& & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_1
& & ! ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_JUMP_HELD ) //not holding jump
& & ( level . time - pm - > ps - > lastOnGround ) < = 500 //just jumped
) //&& !(pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK) )
{ //double-tap back-jump does backflip
vec3_t fwd , fwdAngles = { 0 , pm - > ps - > viewangles [ YAW ] , 0 } ;
AngleVectors ( fwdAngles , fwd , NULL , NULL ) ;
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 0 ] = pm - > ps - > velocity [ 1 ] = 0 ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > velocity , - 150 , fwd , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
//pm->ps->velocity[2] = JUMP_VELOCITY;
int parts = SETANIM_LEGS ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > weaponTime )
parts = SETANIM_BOTH ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , parts , PM_PickAnim ( pm - > gent , BOTH_FLIP_BACK1 , BOTH_FLIP_BACK3 ) , SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD , 0 ) ;
pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart = pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] ; //so we don't take damage if we land at same height
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_JUMPING | PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL ;
pm - > cmd . upmove = 0 ;
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_BODY , " sound/weapons/force/jump.wav " ) ;
WP_ForcePowerDrain ( pm - > gent , FP_LEVITATION , 0 ) ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove > 0 //pushing forward
& & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_1
& & ( level . time - pm - > ps - > lastOnGround ) < = 500 //just jumped
& & ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_JUMP1 | | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_INAIR1 ) ) //not in a flip or spin or anything
{ //run up wall, flip backwards
//FIXME: have to be moving... make sure it's opposite the wall... or at least forward?
if ( PM_HasAnimation ( pm - > gent , BOTH_WALL_FLIP_BACK1 ) )
vec3_t fwd , traceto , mins = { pm - > mins [ 0 ] , pm - > mins [ 1 ] , 0 } , maxs = { pm - > maxs [ 0 ] , pm - > maxs [ 1 ] , 24 } , fwdAngles = { 0 , pm - > ps - > viewangles [ YAW ] , 0 } ;
trace_t trace ;
vec3_t idealNormal ;
AngleVectors ( fwdAngles , fwd , NULL , NULL ) ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , 32 , fwd , traceto ) ;
pm - > trace ( & trace , pm - > ps - > origin , mins , maxs , traceto , pm - > ps - > clientNum , CONTENTS_SOLID , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ; //FIXME: clip brushes too?
VectorSubtract ( pm - > ps - > origin , traceto , idealNormal ) ;
VectorNormalize ( idealNormal ) ;
gentity_t * traceEnt = & g_entities [ trace . entityNum ] ;
if ( trace . fraction < 1.0f & & ( ( trace . entityNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD & & traceEnt & & traceEnt - > s . solid ! = SOLID_BMODEL ) | | DotProduct ( trace . plane . normal , idealNormal ) > 0.7 ) )
{ //there is a wall there
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 0 ] = pm - > ps - > velocity [ 1 ] = 0 ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > velocity , - 150 , fwd , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
//pm->ps->velocity[2] = forceJumpStrength[FORCE_LEVEL_2]/2.25f;
//animate me
int parts = SETANIM_LEGS ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > weaponTime )
parts = SETANIM_BOTH ;
pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart = pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] ; //so we don't take damage if we land at same height
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_JUMPING | PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL ;
pm - > cmd . upmove = 0 ;
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_BODY , " sound/weapons/force/jump.wav " ) ;
WP_ForcePowerDrain ( pm - > gent , FP_LEVITATION , 0 ) ;
//FIXME: if in a butterfly, kick people away?
if ( pm - > gent
& & pm - > cmd . upmove > 0
& & pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER
& & ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime > 0 | | pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK )
& & ( ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & ! PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) ) | | ( ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum | | PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) ) & & cg . renderingThirdPerson & & ! cg . zoomMode ) ) )
{ //okay, we just jumped and we're in an attack
if ( ! PM_RollingAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim )
& & ! PM_InKnockDown ( pm - > ps )
& & ! PM_InDeathAnim ( )
& & ! PM_PainAnim ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim )
& & ! PM_FlippingAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim )
& & ! PM_SpinningAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim )
& & ! PM_SaberInSpecialAttack ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim )
& & ( PM_SaberInTransitionAny ( pm - > ps - > saberMove ) | | PM_SaberInAttack ( pm - > ps - > saberMove ) )
& & PM_InAnimForSaberMove ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim , pm - > ps - > saberMove ) )
{ //not in an anim we shouldn't interrupt
//see if it's not too late to start a special jump-attack
float animLength = PM_AnimLength ( g_entities [ pm - > ps - > clientNum ] . client - > clientInfo . animFileIndex , ( animNumber_t ) pm - > ps - > torsoAnim ) ;
if ( animLength - pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer < 500 )
{ //just started the saberMove
//check for special-case jump attacks
if ( pm - > ps - > saberAnimLevel = = FORCE_LEVEL_2 | | pm - > ps - > saberAnimLevel = = FORCE_LEVEL_5 ) //using medium attacks or Tavion)
{ //using medium attacks
if ( pm - > gent - > enemy & & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 //can force jump
& & ! ( pm - > gent - > flags & FL_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS ) // yes this locked weapons check also includes force powers, if we need a separate check later I'll make one
& & ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum ! = ENTITYNUM_NONE | | level . time - pm - > ps - > lastOnGround < = 500 ) ) //on ground or just jumped
{ //flip over-forward down-attack
if ( ( ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum | | PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) ) & & pm - > cmd . forwardmove > = 0 & & ! pm - > cmd . rightmove ) | |
( pm - > gent - > NPC & & ( pm - > gent - > NPC - > rank = = RANK_CREWMAN | | pm - > gent - > NPC - > rank > = RANK_LT ) ) )
{ //only player or acrobat or boss and higher can do this
vec3_t fwdAngles = { 0 , pm - > ps - > viewangles [ YAW ] , 0 } ;
if ( pm - > gent - > enemy - > health > 0
& & pm - > gent - > enemy - > maxs [ 2 ] > 12
& & ( ! pm - > gent - > enemy - > client | | ! PM_InKnockDownOnGround ( & pm - > gent - > enemy - > client - > ps ) )
& & DistanceSquared ( pm - > gent - > currentOrigin , pm - > gent - > enemy - > currentOrigin ) < 10000
& & InFront ( pm - > gent - > enemy - > currentOrigin , pm - > gent - > currentOrigin , fwdAngles , 0.3f ) )
{ //enemy must be alive, not low to ground, close and in front
PM_SetSaberMove ( PM_SaberFlipOverAttackMove ( ) ) ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > saberAnimLevel = = FORCE_LEVEL_3 | | ( pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_DESANN & & ! Q_irand ( 0 , 1 ) ) )
{ //using strong attacks
if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove > 0 //going forward
& & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 //can force jump
& & ! ( pm - > gent - > flags & FL_LOCK_PLAYER_WEAPONS ) // yes this locked weapons check also includes force powers, if we need a separate check later I'll make one
& & ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_STAND2
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_SABERFAST_STANCE
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_SABERSLOW_STANCE
| | level . time - pm - > ps - > lastStationary < = 500 ) //standing or just started moving
& & ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum ! = ENTITYNUM_NONE | | ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & ! PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) & & level . time - pm - > ps - > lastOnGround < = 500 ) ) ) //on ground or just jumped if non-player
{ //strong attack: jump-hack
if ( ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum | | PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) ) | |
( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > NPC & & ( pm - > gent - > NPC - > rank = = RANK_CREWMAN | | pm - > gent - > NPC - > rank > = RANK_LT ) ) )
{ //only player or acrobat or boss and higher can do this
PM_SetSaberMove ( PM_SaberJumpAttackMove ( ) ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = = ENTITYNUM_NONE )
return qfalse ;
if ( pm - > cmd . upmove > 0 )
{ //no special jumps
gentity_t * groundEnt = & g_entities [ pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum ] ;
if ( groundEnt & & groundEnt - > NPC )
{ //Can't jump off of someone's head
return qfalse ;
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] = JUMP_VELOCITY ;
pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart = pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] ; //so we don't take damage if we land at same height
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_JUMPING ;
if ( d_JediAI - > integer )
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER )
Com_Printf ( " jumping \n " ) ;
pml . groundPlane = qfalse ;
pml . walking = qfalse ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_JUMP_HELD ;
pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE ;
pm - > ps - > jumpZStart = pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] ;
if ( pm - > gent )
if ( ! Q3_TaskIDPending ( pm - > gent , TID_CHAN_VOICE ) )
PM_AddEvent ( EV_JUMP ) ;
PM_AddEvent ( EV_JUMP ) ;
//Set the animations
if ( pm - > ps - > gravity > 0 & & ! PM_InSpecialJump ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) & & ! PM_InGetUp ( pm - > ps ) )
PM_JumpForDir ( ) ;
return qtrue ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
static qboolean PM_CheckWaterJump ( void ) {
vec3_t spot ;
int cont ;
vec3_t flatforward ;
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_time ) {
return qfalse ;
if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove < = 0 & & pm - > cmd . upmove < = 0 )
{ //they must not want to get out?
return qfalse ;
// check for water jump
if ( pm - > waterlevel ! = 2 ) {
return qfalse ;
if ( pm - > watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER ) {
if ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] < = 0 )
return qfalse ;
flatforward [ 0 ] = pml . forward [ 0 ] ;
flatforward [ 1 ] = pml . forward [ 1 ] ;
flatforward [ 2 ] = 0 ;
VectorNormalize ( flatforward ) ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , 30 , flatforward , spot ) ;
spot [ 2 ] + = 24 ;
cont = pm - > pointcontents ( spot , pm - > ps - > clientNum ) ;
if ( ! ( cont & CONTENTS_SOLID ) ) {
return qfalse ;
spot [ 2 ] + = 16 ;
cont = pm - > pointcontents ( spot , pm - > ps - > clientNum ) ;
return qfalse ;
// jump out of water
VectorScale ( pml . forward , 200 , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] = 350 + ( ( pm - > ps - > waterheight - pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] ) * 2 ) ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP ;
pm - > ps - > pm_time = 2000 ;
return qtrue ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Flying out of the water
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_WaterJumpMove ( void )
// waterjump has no control, but falls
PM_StepSlideMove ( 1 ) ;
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] - = pm - > ps - > gravity * pml . frametime ;
if ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] < 0 )
// cancel as soon as we are falling down again
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_ALL_TIMES ;
pm - > ps - > pm_time = 0 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_WaterMove ( void ) {
int i ;
vec3_t wishvel ;
float wishspeed ;
vec3_t wishdir ;
float scale ;
float vel ;
if ( PM_CheckWaterJump ( ) ) {
PM_WaterJumpMove ( ) ;
return ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_0 & & pm - > waterlevel < 3 )
if ( PM_CheckJump ( ) ) {
// jumped away
return ;
#if 0
// jump = head for surface
if ( pm - > cmd . upmove > = 10 ) {
if ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] > - 300 ) {
if ( pm - > watertype = = CONTENTS_WATER ) {
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] = 100 ;
} else if ( pm - > watertype = = CONTENTS_SLIME ) {
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] = 80 ;
} else {
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] = 50 ;
# endif
PM_Friction ( ) ;
scale = PM_CmdScale ( & pm - > cmd ) ;
// user intentions
if ( ! scale ) {
wishvel [ 0 ] = 0 ;
wishvel [ 1 ] = 0 ;
if ( pm - > watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER ) {
wishvel [ 2 ] = 0 ;
} else {
wishvel [ 2 ] = - 60 ; // sink towards bottom
} else {
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + ) {
wishvel [ i ] = scale * pml . forward [ i ] * pm - > cmd . forwardmove + scale * pml . right [ i ] * pm - > cmd . rightmove ;
wishvel [ 2 ] + = scale * pm - > cmd . upmove ;
if ( ! ( pm - > watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER ) ) //ladder
float depth = ( pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] + pm - > gent - > client - > standheight ) - pm - > ps - > waterheight ;
if ( depth > = 12 )
{ //too high!
wishvel [ 2 ] - = 120 ; // sink towards bottom
if ( wishvel [ 2 ] > 0 )
wishvel [ 2 ] = 0 ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel > = WHL_UNDER ) //!depth && pm->waterlevel == 3 )
else if ( depth < 12 )
{ //still deep
wishvel [ 2 ] - = 60 ; // sink towards bottom
if ( wishvel [ 2 ] > 30 )
wishvel [ 2 ] = 30 ;
VectorCopy ( wishvel , wishdir ) ;
wishspeed = VectorNormalize ( wishdir ) ;
if ( pm - > watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER ) //ladder
if ( wishspeed > pm - > ps - > speed * pm_ladderScale ) {
wishspeed = pm - > ps - > speed * pm_ladderScale ;
PM_Accelerate ( wishdir , wishspeed , pm_flyaccelerate ) ;
} else {
if ( pm - > ps - > gravity < 0 )
{ //float up
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] - = pm - > ps - > gravity * pml . frametime ;
if ( wishspeed > pm - > ps - > speed * pm_swimScale ) {
wishspeed = pm - > ps - > speed * pm_swimScale ;
PM_Accelerate ( wishdir , wishspeed , pm_wateraccelerate ) ;
// make sure we can go up slopes easily under water
if ( pml . groundPlane & & DotProduct ( pm - > ps - > velocity , pml . groundTrace . plane . normal ) < 0 ) {
vel = VectorLength ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
// slide along the ground plane
PM_ClipVelocity ( pm - > ps - > velocity , pml . groundTrace . plane . normal ,
pm - > ps - > velocity , OVERCLIP ) ;
VectorNormalize ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
VectorScale ( pm - > ps - > velocity , vel , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
PM_SlideMove ( qfalse ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_FlyVehicleMove ( void )
int i ;
vec3_t wishvel ;
float wishspeed ;
vec3_t wishdir ;
float scale ;
float zVel ;
// normal slowdown
if ( pm - > ps - > gravity & & pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] < 0 & & pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = = ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{ //falling
zVel = pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] ;
PM_Friction ( ) ;
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] = zVel ;
PM_Friction ( ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] < 0 & & pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum ! = ENTITYNUM_NONE )
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] = 0 ; // ignore slope movement
scale = PM_CmdScale ( & pm - > cmd ) ;
// user intentions
if ( ! scale )
wishvel [ 0 ] = 0 ;
wishvel [ 1 ] = 0 ;
wishvel [ 2 ] = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
wishvel [ i ] = scale * pml . forward [ i ] * pm - > cmd . forwardmove + scale * pml . right [ i ] * pm - > cmd . rightmove ;
wishvel [ 2 ] + = scale * pm - > cmd . upmove ;
VectorCopy ( wishvel , wishdir ) ;
wishspeed = VectorNormalize ( wishdir ) ;
PM_Accelerate ( wishdir , wishspeed , 100 ) ;
PM_StepSlideMove ( 1 ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Only with the flight powerup
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_FlyMove ( void )
int i ;
vec3_t wishvel ;
float wishspeed ;
vec3_t wishdir ;
float scale ;
float accel ;
qboolean lowGravMove = qfalse ;
// normal slowdown
PM_Friction ( ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > gravity < = 0 & & ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum | | ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > NPC & & pm - > gent - > NPC - > stats . moveType = = MT_RUNJUMP ) ) )
PM_CheckJump ( ) ;
accel = 1.0f ;
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] - = pm - > ps - > gravity * pml . frametime ;
pm - > ps - > jumpZStart = pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] ; //so we don't take a lot of damage when the gravity comes back on
lowGravMove = qtrue ;
accel = pm_flyaccelerate ;
scale = PM_CmdScale ( & pm - > cmd ) ;
// user intentions
if ( ! scale )
wishvel [ 0 ] = 0 ;
wishvel [ 1 ] = 0 ;
wishvel [ 2 ] = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
wishvel [ i ] = scale * pml . forward [ i ] * pm - > cmd . forwardmove + scale * pml . right [ i ] * pm - > cmd . rightmove ;
if ( lowGravMove )
wishvel [ 2 ] + = scale * pm - > cmd . upmove ;
VectorScale ( wishvel , 0.5f , wishvel ) ;
VectorCopy ( wishvel , wishdir ) ;
wishspeed = VectorNormalize ( wishdir ) ;
PM_Accelerate ( wishdir , wishspeed , accel ) ;
PM_StepSlideMove ( 1 ) ;
qboolean PM_GroundSlideOkay ( float zNormal )
if ( zNormal > 0 )
if ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] > 0 )
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT_STOP
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT_STOP )
return qfalse ;
return qtrue ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_AirMove ( void ) {
int i ;
vec3_t wishvel ;
float fmove , smove ;
vec3_t wishdir ;
float wishspeed ;
//float scale;
usercmd_t cmd ;
float gravMod = 1.0f ;
PM_CheckJump ( ) ;
# endif
PM_Friction ( ) ;
fmove = pm - > cmd . forwardmove ;
smove = pm - > cmd . rightmove ;
cmd = pm - > cmd ;
PM_CmdScale ( & cmd ) ;
// set the movementDir so clients can rotate the legs for strafing
PM_SetMovementDir ( ) ;
// project moves down to flat plane
pml . forward [ 2 ] = 0 ;
pml . right [ 2 ] = 0 ;
VectorNormalize ( pml . forward ) ;
VectorNormalize ( pml . right ) ;
if ( ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL ) )
{ //no air-control
VectorClear ( wishvel ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + ) {
wishvel [ i ] = pml . forward [ i ] * fmove + pml . right [ i ] * smove ;
wishvel [ 2 ] = 0 ;
VectorCopy ( wishvel , wishdir ) ;
wishspeed = VectorNormalize ( wishdir ) ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > playerTeam = = TEAM_STASIS )
{ //FIXME: do a check for movetype_float
//Can move fairly well in air while falling
PM_Accelerate ( wishdir , wishspeed , pm_accelerate / 2.0f ) ;
if ( ( DotProduct ( pm - > ps - > velocity , wishdir ) ) < 0.0f )
{ //Encourage deceleration away from the current velocity
wishspeed * = pm_airDecelRate ;
// not on ground, so little effect on velocity
PM_Accelerate ( wishdir , wishspeed , pm_airaccelerate ) ;
// we may have a ground plane that is very steep, even
// though we don't have a groundentity
// slide along the steep plane
if ( pml . groundPlane )
if ( PM_GroundSlideOkay ( pml . groundTrace . plane . normal [ 2 ] ) )
PM_ClipVelocity ( pm - > ps - > velocity , pml . groundTrace . plane . normal ,
pm - > ps - > velocity , OVERCLIP ) ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum
& & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_0
& & pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart
& & pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] > 0 )
{ //I am force jumping and I'm not holding the button anymore
float curHeight = pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] - pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart + ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] * pml . frametime ) ;
float maxJumpHeight = forceJumpHeight [ pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] ] ;
if ( curHeight > = maxJumpHeight )
{ //reached top, cut velocity
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] = 0 ;
//put on a cvar?
float stepCrouchAdd = STEPSIZE + ( DEFAULT_MAXS_2 - CROUCH_MAXS_2 ) ;
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " capping force jump height %4.2f > %4.2f (%4.2f/%4.2f) \n " ,
curHeight , maxJumpHeight ,
forceJumpHeight [ pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] ] ,
forceJumpHeight [ pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] ] + stepCrouchAdd ) ;
if ( g_timescale ! = NULL )
if ( g_timescale - > value < 1.0f )
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum = = 0 )
gravMod * = ( 1.0f / g_timescale - > value ) ;
PM_StepSlideMove ( gravMod ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_WalkMove ( void ) {
int i ;
vec3_t wishvel ;
float fmove , smove ;
vec3_t wishdir ;
float wishspeed ;
float scale ;
usercmd_t cmd ;
float accelerate ;
float vel ;
if ( pm - > ps - > gravity < 0 )
{ //float away
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] - = pm - > ps - > gravity * pml . frametime ;
pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE ;
pml . groundPlane = qfalse ;
pml . walking = qfalse ;
if ( pm - > waterlevel > 1 ) {
PM_WaterMove ( ) ;
} else {
PM_AirMove ( ) ;
return ;
if ( pm - > waterlevel > 2 & & DotProduct ( pml . forward , pml . groundTrace . plane . normal ) > 0 ) {
// begin swimming
PM_WaterMove ( ) ;
return ;
if ( PM_CheckJump ( ) ) {
// jumped away
if ( pm - > waterlevel > 1 ) {
PM_WaterMove ( ) ;
} else {
PM_AirMove ( ) ;
return ;
if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum ! = ENTITYNUM_NONE & & //on ground
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] < = 0 & & //not going up
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK ) //knockback fimter on (stops friction)
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK ;
qboolean slide = qfalse ;
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_type = = PM_DEAD )
{ //corpse
if ( g_entities [ pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum ] . client )
{ //on a client
if ( g_entities [ pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum ] . health > 0 )
{ //a living client
//no friction
slide = qtrue ;
if ( ! slide )
PM_Friction ( ) ;
fmove = pm - > cmd . forwardmove ;
smove = pm - > cmd . rightmove ;
cmd = pm - > cmd ;
scale = PM_CmdScale ( & cmd ) ;
// set the movementDir so clients can rotate the legs for strafing
PM_SetMovementDir ( ) ;
// project moves down to flat plane
pml . forward [ 2 ] = 0 ;
pml . right [ 2 ] = 0 ;
// project the forward and right directions onto the ground plane
PM_ClipVelocity ( pml . forward , pml . groundTrace . plane . normal , pml . forward , OVERCLIP ) ;
PM_ClipVelocity ( pml . right , pml . groundTrace . plane . normal , pml . right , OVERCLIP ) ;
VectorNormalize ( pml . forward ) ;
VectorNormalize ( pml . right ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & ! VectorCompare ( pm - > ps - > moveDir , vec3_origin ) )
{ //NPC
//FIXME: what if the ucmd was set directly.... sigh.... check movedir timestamp?
VectorScale ( pm - > ps - > moveDir , pm - > ps - > speed , wishvel ) ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > moveDir , wishdir ) ;
wishspeed = pm - > ps - > speed ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + ) {
wishvel [ i ] = pml . forward [ i ] * fmove + pml . right [ i ] * smove ;
// when going up or down slopes the wish velocity should Not be zero
// wishvel[2] = 0;
VectorCopy ( wishvel , wishdir ) ;
wishspeed = VectorNormalize ( wishdir ) ;
wishspeed * = scale ;
// clamp the speed lower if ducking
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED & & ! PM_InKnockDown ( pm - > ps ) )
if ( wishspeed > pm - > ps - > speed * pm_duckScale )
wishspeed = pm - > ps - > speed * pm_duckScale ;
// clamp the speed lower if wading or walking on the bottom
if ( pm - > waterlevel ) {
float waterScale ;
waterScale = pm - > waterlevel / 3.0 ;
waterScale = 1.0 - ( 1.0 - pm_swimScale ) * waterScale ;
if ( wishspeed > pm - > ps - > speed * waterScale ) {
wishspeed = pm - > ps - > speed * waterScale ;
// when a player gets hit, they temporarily lose
// full control, which allows them to be moved a bit
if ( ( pml . groundTrace . surfaceFlags & SURF_SLICK ) | | ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK ) | | ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_TIME_NOFRICTION ) ) {
accelerate = pm_airaccelerate ;
} else {
accelerate = pm_accelerate ;
PM_Accelerate ( wishdir , wishspeed , accelerate ) ;
//Com_Printf("velocity = %1.1f %1.1f %1.1f\n", pm->ps->velocity[0], pm->ps->velocity[1], pm->ps->velocity[2]);
//Com_Printf("velocity1 = %1.1f\n", VectorLength(pm->ps->velocity));
if ( ( pml . groundTrace . surfaceFlags & SURF_SLICK ) | | pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK | | ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_TIME_NOFRICTION ) ) {
if ( pm - > ps - > gravity > = 0 & & pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum ! = ENTITYNUM_NONE & & ! VectorLengthSquared ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) & & pml . groundTrace . plane . normal [ 2 ] = = 1.0 )
{ //on ground and not moving and on level ground, no reason to do stupid fucking gravity with the clipvelocity!!!!
if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > eFlags & EF_FORCE_GRIPPED ) )
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] - = pm - > ps - > gravity * pml . frametime ;
} else {
// don't reset the z velocity for slopes
// pm->ps->velocity[2] = 0;
vel = VectorLength ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
// slide along the ground plane
PM_ClipVelocity ( pm - > ps - > velocity , pml . groundTrace . plane . normal ,
pm - > ps - > velocity , OVERCLIP ) ;
// don't decrease velocity when going up or down a slope
VectorNormalize ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
VectorScale ( pm - > ps - > velocity , vel , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
// don't do anything if standing still
if ( ! pm - > ps - > velocity [ 0 ] & & ! pm - > ps - > velocity [ 1 ] ) {
return ;
if ( pm - > ps - > gravity < = 0 )
{ //need to apply gravity since we're going to float up from ground
PM_StepSlideMove ( 1 ) ;
PM_StepSlideMove ( 0 ) ;
//Com_Printf("velocity2 = %1.1f\n", VectorLength(pm->ps->velocity));
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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static void PM_DeadMove ( void ) {
float forward ;
if ( ! pml . walking ) {
return ;
// extra friction
forward = VectorLength ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
forward - = 20 ;
if ( forward < = 0 ) {
VectorClear ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
} else {
VectorNormalize ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
VectorScale ( pm - > ps - > velocity , forward , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_NoclipMove ( void ) {
float speed , drop , friction , control , newspeed ;
int i ;
vec3_t wishvel ;
float fmove , smove ;
vec3_t wishdir ;
float wishspeed ;
float scale ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client )
pm - > ps - > viewheight = pm - > gent - > client - > standheight + STANDARD_VIEWHEIGHT_OFFSET ;
// if ( !pm->gent->mins[0] || !pm->gent->mins[1] || !pm->gent->mins[2] || !pm->gent->maxs[0] || !pm->gent->maxs[1] || !pm->gent->maxs[2] )
// {
// assert(0);
// }
VectorCopy ( pm - > gent - > mins , pm - > mins ) ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > gent - > maxs , pm - > maxs ) ;
assert ( 0 ) ;
pm - > mins [ 0 ] = DEFAULT_MINS_0 ;
pm - > mins [ 1 ] = DEFAULT_MINS_1 ;
pm - > mins [ 2 ] = DEFAULT_MINS_2 ;
pm - > maxs [ 0 ] = DEFAULT_MAXS_0 ;
pm - > maxs [ 1 ] = DEFAULT_MAXS_1 ;
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = DEFAULT_MAXS_2 ;
// friction
speed = VectorLength ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
if ( speed < 1 )
VectorCopy ( vec3_origin , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
drop = 0 ;
friction = pm_friction * 1.5 ; // extra friction
control = speed < pm_stopspeed ? pm_stopspeed : speed ;
drop + = control * friction * pml . frametime ;
// scale the velocity
newspeed = speed - drop ;
if ( newspeed < 0 )
newspeed = 0 ;
newspeed / = speed ;
VectorScale ( pm - > ps - > velocity , newspeed , pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
// accelerate
scale = PM_CmdScale ( & pm - > cmd ) ;
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK ) { //turbo boost
scale * = 10 ;
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) { //turbo boost
scale * = 10 ;
fmove = pm - > cmd . forwardmove ;
smove = pm - > cmd . rightmove ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
wishvel [ i ] = pml . forward [ i ] * fmove + pml . right [ i ] * smove ;
wishvel [ 2 ] + = pm - > cmd . upmove ;
VectorCopy ( wishvel , wishdir ) ;
wishspeed = VectorNormalize ( wishdir ) ;
wishspeed * = scale ;
PM_Accelerate ( wishdir , wishspeed , pm_accelerate ) ;
// move
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , pml . frametime , pm - > ps - > velocity , pm - > ps - > origin ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Returns an event number apropriate for the groundsurface
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static int PM_FootstepForSurface ( void ) {
if ( pml . groundTrace . surfaceFlags & SURF_NOSTEPS ) {
return 0 ;
if ( pml . groundTrace . surfaceFlags & SURF_METALSTEPS ) {
return EV_FOOTSTEP ;
static float PM_DamageForDelta ( int delta )
float damage = delta ;
if ( pm - > gent - > NPC )
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER )
{ //FIXME: for now Jedi take no falling damage, but really they should if pushed off?
damage = 0 ;
else if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum )
if ( damage < 50 )
if ( damage > 24 )
damage = damage - 25 ;
damage / = 2 ;
return damage / 2 ;
static void PM_CrashLandDamage ( int damage )
if ( pm - > gent )
if ( pm - > gent - > NPC & & pm - > gent - > NPC - > aiFlags & NPCAI_DIE_ON_IMPACT )
damage = 1000 ;
damage = PM_DamageForDelta ( damage ) ;
if ( damage & & ! ( pm - > gent - > flags & FL_NO_IMPACT_DMG ) )
pm - > gent - > painDebounceTime = level . time + 200 ; // no normal pain sound
G_Damage ( pm - > gent , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL , damage , DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR , MOD_FALLING ) ;
static float PM_CrashLandDelta ( vec3_t org , vec3_t prevOrg , vec3_t prev_vel , float grav , int waterlevel )
float delta ;
float dist ;
float vel , acc ;
float t ;
float a , b , c , den ;
// calculate the exact velocity on landing
dist = org [ 2 ] - prevOrg [ 2 ] ;
vel = prev_vel [ 2 ] ;
acc = - grav ;
a = acc / 2 ;
b = vel ;
c = - dist ;
den = b * b - 4 * a * c ;
if ( den < 0 )
return 0 ;
t = ( - b - sqrt ( den ) ) / ( 2 * a ) ;
delta = vel + t * acc ;
delta = delta * delta * 0.0001 ;
// never take falling damage if completely underwater
if ( waterlevel = = 3 )
return 0 ;
// reduce falling damage if there is standing water
if ( waterlevel = = 2 )
delta * = 0.25 ;
if ( waterlevel = = 1 )
delta * = 0.5 ;
return delta ;
static float PM_CrashLandDelta ( vec3_t prev_vel , int waterlevel )
float delta ;
if ( pm - > waterlevel = = 3 )
return 0 ;
delta = fabs ( prev_vel [ 2 ] ) / 10 ; //VectorLength( prev_vel )
// reduce falling damage if there is standing water
if ( pm - > waterlevel = = 2 )
delta * = 0.25 ;
if ( pm - > waterlevel = = 1 )
delta * = 0.5 ;
return delta ;
int PM_GetLandingAnim ( void )
int anim = pm - > ps - > legsAnim ;
if ( PM_SpinningAnim ( anim ) | | PM_SaberInSpecialAttack ( anim ) )
return - 1 ;
switch ( anim )
break ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
case BOTH_JUMP1 :
case BOTH_INAIR1 :
anim = BOTH_LAND1 ;
break ;
break ;
case BOTH_LUNGE2_B__T_ :
case BOTH_ARIAL_F1 :
anim = - 1 ;
break ;
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer > 500 )
{ //only land at end of anim
return - 1 ;
//NOTE: falls through on purpose!
default :
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP )
anim = BOTH_LAND1 ;
break ;
return anim ;
static qboolean PM_TryRoll ( void )
float rollDist = 192 ; //was 64;
if ( PM_SaberInAttack ( pm - > ps - > saberMove ) | | PM_SaberInSpecialAttack ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim )
| | PM_SpinningSaberAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim )
| | ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum & & PM_SaberInStart ( pm - > ps - > saberMove ) ) )
{ //attacking or spinning (or, if player, starting an attack)
return qfalse ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum & & ( ! cg . renderingThirdPerson | | cg . zoomMode ) )
{ //player can't do this in 1st person
return qfalse ;
if ( ! pm - > gent )
return qfalse ;
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > ps - > weapon ! = WP_SABER & & pm - > ps - > weapon ! = WP_NONE )
{ //only jedi
return qfalse ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > NPC )
if ( pm - > gent - > NPC - > rank ! = RANK_CREWMAN & & pm - > gent - > NPC - > rank < RANK_LT_JG )
{ //reborn who are not acrobats or fencers can't do any of these acrobatics
return qfalse ;
if ( pm - > gent - > NPC - > scriptFlags & SCF_NO_ACROBATICS )
return qfalse ;
vec3_t fwd , right , traceto ,
mins = { pm - > mins [ 0 ] , pm - > mins [ 1 ] , pm - > mins [ 2 ] + STEPSIZE } ,
maxs = { pm - > maxs [ 0 ] , pm - > maxs [ 1 ] , ( float ) pm - > gent - > client - > crouchheight } ,
fwdAngles = { 0 , pm - > ps - > viewangles [ YAW ] , 0 } ;
trace_t trace ;
int anim = - 1 ;
AngleVectors ( fwdAngles , fwd , right , NULL ) ;
//FIXME: trace ahead for clearance to roll
if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove )
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN )
anim = BOTH_ROLL_B ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , - rollDist , fwd , traceto ) ;
anim = BOTH_ROLL_F ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , rollDist , fwd , traceto ) ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove > 0 )
anim = BOTH_ROLL_R ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , rollDist , right , traceto ) ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . rightmove < 0 )
anim = BOTH_ROLL_L ;
VectorMA ( pm - > ps - > origin , - rollDist , right , traceto ) ;
{ //???
if ( anim ! = - 1 )
qboolean roll = qfalse ;
int clipmask = CONTENTS_SOLID ;
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum )
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > enemy & & pm - > gent - > enemy - > health > 0 )
{ //player can always roll in combat
roll = qtrue ;
if ( ! roll )
pm - > trace ( & trace , pm - > ps - > origin , mins , maxs , traceto , pm - > ps - > clientNum , clipmask , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( trace . fraction > = 1.0f )
{ //okay, clear, check for a bottomless drop
vec3_t top ;
VectorCopy ( traceto , top ) ;
traceto [ 2 ] - = 256 ;
pm - > trace ( & trace , top , mins , maxs , traceto , pm - > ps - > clientNum , CONTENTS_SOLID , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( trace . fraction < 1.0f )
{ //not a bottomless drop
roll = qtrue ;
{ //hit an architectural obstruction
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum )
{ //NPCs don't care about rolling into walls, just off ledges
if ( ! ( trace . contents & CONTENTS_BOTCLIP ) )
roll = qtrue ;
else if ( G_EntIsDoor ( trace . entityNum ) )
{ //okay to roll into a door
if ( G_EntIsUnlockedDoor ( trace . entityNum ) )
{ //if it's an auto-door
roll = qtrue ;
{ //check other conditions
gentity_t * traceEnt = & g_entities [ trace . entityNum ] ;
if ( traceEnt & & ( traceEnt - > svFlags & SVF_GLASS_BRUSH ) )
{ //okay to roll through glass
roll = qtrue ;
if ( roll )
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer - 200 ; //just to make sure it's cleared when roll is done
PM_AddEvent ( EV_ROLL ) ;
pm - > ps - > saberMove = LS_NONE ;
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
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Check for hard landings that generate sound events
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static void PM_CrashLand ( void )
float delta = 0 ;
qboolean forceLanding = qfalse ;
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_TRIGGER_PUSHED )
delta = 21 ; //?
forceLanding = qtrue ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > NPC & & pm - > gent - > NPC - > aiFlags & NPCAI_DIE_ON_IMPACT )
{ //have to do death on impact if we are falling to our death, FIXME: should we avoid any additional damage this func?
PM_CrashLandDamage ( 1000 ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > jumpZStart & & ( pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > = FORCE_LEVEL_1 | | ! pm - > ps - > clientNum ) )
{ //we were force-jumping
if ( pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] > = pm - > ps - > jumpZStart )
{ //we landed at same height or higher than we landed
if ( pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart )
{ //we were force-jumping
forceLanding = qtrue ;
delta = 0 ;
{ //take off some of it, at least
delta = ( pm - > ps - > jumpZStart - pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] ) ;
float dropAllow = forceJumpHeight [ pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] ] ;
if ( dropAllow < 128 )
{ //always allow a drop from 128, at least
dropAllow = 128 ;
if ( delta > forceJumpHeight [ FORCE_LEVEL_1 ] )
{ //will have to use force jump ability to absorb some of it
forceLanding = qtrue ; //absorbed some - just to force the correct animation to play below
delta = ( delta - dropAllow ) / 2 ;
if ( delta < 1 )
delta = 1 ;
if ( ! delta )
delta = PM_CrashLandDelta ( pml . previous_velocity , pm - > waterlevel ) ;
// FIXME: if duck just as you land, roll and take half damage
if ( ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) & & ( level . time - pm - > ps - > lastOnGround ) > 500 )
{ //must be crouched and have been inthe air for half a second minimum
if ( ! PM_InOnGroundAnim ( pm - > ps ) & & ! PM_InKnockDown ( pm - > ps ) )
{ //roll!
if ( PM_TryRoll ( ) )
{ //absorb some impact
delta / = 2 ;
if ( delta < 1 )
return ;
qboolean deadFallSound = qfalse ;
if ( ! PM_InDeathAnim ( ) )
if ( pm - > cmd . upmove > = 0 & & ! PM_InKnockDown ( pm - > ps ) & & ! PM_InRoll ( pm - > ps ) )
{ //not crouching
if ( delta > 10
| | pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP
| | ( pm - > ps - > forcePowersActive & ( 1 < < FP_LEVITATION ) )
| | forceLanding ) //EV_FALL_SHORT or jumping back or force-land
{ // decide which landing animation to use
int anim = PM_GetLandingAnim ( ) ;
if ( anim ! = - 1 )
if ( PM_FlippingAnim ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim ) | |
PM_SpinningAnim ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim ) )
{ //interrupt these if we're going to play a land
pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer = 0 ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , anim , SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE | SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD , 100 ) ; // Only blend over 100ms
pm - > ps - > gravity = 1.0 ;
//PM_CrashLandDamage( delta );
if ( pm - > gent )
if ( ( ! ( pml . groundTrace . surfaceFlags & SURF_NODAMAGE ) ) & &
// (!(pml.groundTrace.contents & CONTENTS_NODROP)) &&
( ! ( pm - > pointcontents ( pm - > ps - > origin , pm - > ps - > clientNum ) & CONTENTS_NODROP ) ) )
if ( pm - > waterlevel < 2 )
{ //don't play fallsplat when impact in the water
deadFallSound = qtrue ;
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_BODY , " sound/player/fallsplat.wav " ) ;
if ( gi . VoiceVolume [ pm - > ps - > clientNum ]
& & pm - > gent - > NPC & & ( pm - > gent - > NPC - > aiFlags & NPCAI_DIE_ON_IMPACT ) )
{ //I was talking, so cut it off... with a jump sound?
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN , " *pain100.wav " ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_FALLDEATH1 | | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_FALLDEATH1INAIR )
{ //FIXME: add a little bounce?
//FIXME: cut voice channel?
int old_pm_type = pm - > ps - > pm_type ;
pm - > ps - > pm_type = PM_NORMAL ;
//Hack because for some reason PM_SetAnim just returns if you're dead...???
pm - > ps - > pm_type = old_pm_type ;
return ;
// create a local entity event to play the sound
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > respawnTime > = level . time - 500 )
{ //just spawned in, don't make a noise
return ;
if ( delta > = 75 )
if ( ! deadFallSound )
PM_AddEvent ( EV_FALL_FAR ) ;
if ( ! ( pml . groundTrace . surfaceFlags & SURF_NODAMAGE ) )
PM_CrashLandDamage ( delta ) ;
if ( pm - > gent )
if ( pm - > gent - > s . number = = 0 )
vec3_t bottom ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > origin , bottom ) ;
bottom [ 2 ] + = pm - > mins [ 2 ] ;
// if ( pm->gent->client && pm->gent->client->playerTeam != TEAM_DISGUISE )
AddSoundEvent ( pm - > gent , bottom , 256 , AEL_SUSPICIOUS ) ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] < = 0 & & pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > enemy )
AddSoundEvent ( pm - > gent - > enemy , pm - > ps - > origin , 256 , AEL_DISCOVERED ) ;
else if ( delta > = 50 )
// this is a pain grunt, so don't play it if dead
if ( pm - > ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] > 0 )
if ( ! deadFallSound )
PM_AddEvent ( EV_FALL_MEDIUM ) ; //damage is dealt in g_active, ClientEvents
if ( pm - > gent )
if ( ! ( pml . groundTrace . surfaceFlags & SURF_NODAMAGE ) )
PM_CrashLandDamage ( delta ) ;
if ( pm - > gent - > s . number = = 0 )
vec3_t bottom ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > origin , bottom ) ;
bottom [ 2 ] + = pm - > mins [ 2 ] ;
// if ( pm->gent->client && pm->gent->client->playerTeam != TEAM_DISGUISE )
AddSoundEvent ( pm - > gent , bottom , 256 , AEL_MINOR ) ;
else if ( delta > = 30 )
if ( ! deadFallSound )
PM_AddEvent ( EV_FALL_SHORT ) ;
if ( pm - > gent )
if ( pm - > gent - > s . number = = 0 )
vec3_t bottom ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > origin , bottom ) ;
bottom [ 2 ] + = pm - > mins [ 2 ] ;
// if ( pm->gent->client && pm->gent->client->playerTeam != TEAM_DISGUISE )
AddSoundEvent ( pm - > gent , bottom , 128 , AEL_MINOR ) ;
if ( ! ( pml . groundTrace . surfaceFlags & SURF_NODAMAGE ) )
PM_CrashLandDamage ( delta ) ;
if ( ! deadFallSound )
if ( forceLanding )
{ //we were force-jumping
PM_AddEvent ( EV_FALL_SHORT ) ;
PM_AddEvent ( PM_FootstepForSurface ( ) ) ;
// start footstep cycle over
pm - > ps - > bobCycle = 0 ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client )
{ //stop the force push effect when you land
pm - > gent - > forcePushTime = 0 ;
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static void PM_CorrectAllSolid ( void ) {
if ( pm - > debugLevel ) {
Com_Printf ( " %i:allsolid \n " , c_pmove ) ; //NOTENOTE: If this ever happens, I'd really like to see this print!
// FIXME: jitter around
pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE ;
pml . groundPlane = qfalse ;
pml . walking = qfalse ;
qboolean FlyingCreature ( gentity_t * ent )
if ( ent - > client - > ps . gravity < = 0 & & ( ent - > svFlags & SVF_CUSTOM_GRAVITY ) )
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
static void PM_FallToDeath ( void )
if ( ! pm - > gent )
return ;
if ( PM_HasAnimation ( pm - > gent , BOTH_FALLDEATH1 ) )
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_VOICE , " *falling1.wav " ) ; //CHAN_VOICE_ATTEN
if ( pm - > gent - > NPC )
pm - > gent - > NPC - > aiFlags | = NPCAI_DIE_ON_IMPACT ;
pm - > gent - > NPC - > nextBStateThink = Q3_INFINITE ;
pm - > ps - > friction = 1 ;
int PM_ForceJumpAnimForJumpAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_JUMP1 : //# Jump - wind-up and leave ground
anim = BOTH_FORCEJUMP1 ; //# Jump - wind-up and leave ground
break ;
case BOTH_INAIR1 : //# In air loop (from jump)
anim = BOTH_FORCEINAIR1 ; //# In air loop (from jump)
break ;
case BOTH_LAND1 : //# Landing (from in air loop)
anim = BOTH_FORCELAND1 ; //# Landing (from in air loop)
break ;
case BOTH_JUMPBACK1 : //# Jump backwards - wind-up and leave ground
anim = BOTH_FORCEJUMPBACK1 ; //# Jump backwards - wind-up and leave ground
break ;
case BOTH_INAIRBACK1 : //# In air loop (from jump back)
anim = BOTH_FORCEINAIRBACK1 ; //# In air loop (from jump back)
break ;
case BOTH_LANDBACK1 : //# Landing backwards(from in air loop)
anim = BOTH_FORCELANDBACK1 ; //# Landing backwards(from in air loop)
break ;
case BOTH_JUMPLEFT1 : //# Jump left - wind-up and leave ground
anim = BOTH_FORCEJUMPLEFT1 ; //# Jump left - wind-up and leave ground
break ;
case BOTH_INAIRLEFT1 : //# In air loop (from jump left)
anim = BOTH_FORCEINAIRLEFT1 ; //# In air loop (from jump left)
break ;
case BOTH_LANDLEFT1 : //# Landing left(from in air loop)
anim = BOTH_FORCELANDLEFT1 ; //# Landing left(from in air loop)
break ;
case BOTH_JUMPRIGHT1 : //# Jump right - wind-up and leave ground
anim = BOTH_FORCEJUMPRIGHT1 ; //# Jump right - wind-up and leave ground
break ;
case BOTH_INAIRRIGHT1 : //# In air loop (from jump right)
anim = BOTH_FORCEINAIRRIGHT1 ; //# In air loop (from jump right)
break ;
case BOTH_LANDRIGHT1 : //# Landing right(from in air loop)
anim = BOTH_FORCELANDRIGHT1 ; //# Landing right(from in air loop)
break ;
return anim ;
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The ground trace didn ' t hit a surface , so we are in freefall
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static void PM_GroundTraceMissed ( void ) {
trace_t trace ;
vec3_t point ;
qboolean cliff_fall = qfalse ;
//FIXME: if in a contents_falldeath brush, play the falling death anim and sound?
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum ! = 0 & & pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > NPC & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class ! = CLASS_DESANN ) //desann never falls to his death
if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = = ENTITYNUM_NONE )
if ( pm - > ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] > 0
& & ! ( pm - > gent - > NPC - > aiFlags & NPCAI_DIE_ON_IMPACT )
& & ! ( pm - > gent - > NPC - > scriptFlags & SCF_NO_FALLTODEATH ) )
if ( ( level . time - pm - > gent - > client - > respawnTime > 2000 ) //been in the world for at least 2 seconds
& & ( ! pm - > gent - > NPC - > timeOfDeath | | level . time - pm - > gent - > NPC - > timeOfDeath < 1000 ) & & pm - > gent - > e_ThinkFunc ! = thinkF_NPC_RemoveBody //Have to do this now because timeOfDeath is used by thinkF_NPC_RemoveBody to debounce removal checks
& & ! ( pm - > gent - > client - > ps . forcePowersActive & ( 1 < < FP_LEVITATION ) ) )
if ( ! FlyingCreature ( pm - > gent )
& & g_gravity - > value > 0 )
if ( ! ( pm - > gent - > flags & FL_UNDYING )
& & ! ( pm - > gent - > flags & FL_GODMODE ) )
if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > eFlags & EF_FORCE_GRIPPED )
& & ! ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_TRIGGER_PUSHED ) )
if ( ! pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart | | pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart > pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] ) // && fabs(pm->ps->velocity[0])<10 && fabs(pm->ps->velocity[1])<10 && pm->ps->velocity[2]<0)//either not force-jumping or force-jumped and now fell below original jump start height
/*if ( pm->ps->legsAnim = BOTH_FALLDEATH1
& & pm - > ps - > legsAnim ! = BOTH_DEATH1
& & PM_HasAnimation ( pm - > gent , BOTH_FALLDEATH1 ) */
//New method: predict impact, 400 ahead
vec3_t vel ;
float time ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > velocity , vel ) ;
float speed = VectorLength ( vel ) ;
if ( ! speed )
{ //damn divide by zero
speed = 1 ;
time = 400 / speed ;
vel [ 2 ] - = 0.5 * time * pm - > ps - > gravity ;
speed = VectorLength ( vel ) ;
if ( ! speed )
{ //damn divide by zero
speed = 1 ;
time = 400 / speed ;
VectorScale ( vel , time , vel ) ;
VectorAdd ( pm - > ps - > origin , vel , point ) ;
pm - > trace ( & trace , pm - > ps - > origin , pm - > mins , pm - > maxs , point , pm - > ps - > clientNum , pm - > tracemask , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( ! trace . allsolid & & ! trace . startsolid & & ( pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] - trace . endpos [ 2 ] ) > = 128 ) //>=128 so we don't die on steps!
if ( trace . fraction = = 1.0 )
{ //didn't hit, we're probably going to die
if ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] < 0 & & pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] - point [ 2 ] > 256 )
{ //going down, into a bottomless pit, apparently
PM_FallToDeath ( ) ;
cliff_fall = qtrue ;
else if ( trace . entityNum < ENTITYNUM_NONE & & pm - > ps - > weapon ! = WP_SABER )
{ //Jedi don't scream and die if they're heading for a hard impact
gentity_t * traceEnt = & g_entities [ trace . entityNum ] ;
if ( trace . entityNum = = ENTITYNUM_WORLD | | ( traceEnt & & traceEnt - > bmodel ) )
{ //hit architecture, find impact force
float dmg ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > velocity , vel ) ;
time = Distance ( trace . endpos , pm - > ps - > origin ) / VectorLength ( vel ) ;
vel [ 2 ] - = 0.5 * time * pm - > ps - > gravity ;
if ( trace . plane . normal [ 2 ] > 0.5 )
{ //use falling damage
int waterlevel , junk ;
PM_SetWaterLevelAtPoint ( trace . endpos , & waterlevel , & junk ) ;
dmg = PM_CrashLandDelta ( vel , waterlevel ) ;
if ( dmg > = 30 )
{ //there is a minimum fall threshhold
dmg = PM_DamageForDelta ( dmg ) ;
dmg = 0 ;
{ //use impact damage
if ( pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > ps . forceJumpZStart )
{ //we were force-jumping
if ( pm - > gent - > currentOrigin [ 2 ] > = pm - > gent - > client - > ps . forceJumpZStart )
{ //we landed at same height or higher than we landed
dmg = 0 ;
{ //FIXME: take off some of it, at least?
dmg = ( pm - > gent - > client - > ps . forceJumpZStart - pm - > gent - > currentOrigin [ 2 ] ) / 3 ;
dmg = 10 * VectorLength ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum )
dmg / = 2 ;
dmg * = 0.01875f ; //magic number
if ( dmg > = pm - > ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] ) //armor?
PM_FallToDeath ( ) ;
cliff_fall = qtrue ;
vec3_t start ;
//okay, kind of expensive temp hack here, but let's check to see if we should scream
//FIXME: we should either do a better check (predict using actual velocity) or we should wait until they've been over a bottomless pit for a certain amount of time...
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > origin , start ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart < start [ 2 ] )
{ //Jedi who are force-jumping should only do this from landing point down?
start [ 2 ] = pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart ;
VectorCopy ( start , point ) ;
point [ 2 ] - = 400 ; //320
pm - > trace ( & trace , pm - > ps - > origin , pm - > mins , pm - > maxs , point , pm - > ps - > clientNum , pm - > tracemask ) ;
//FIXME: somehow, people can still get stuck on ledges and not splat when hit...?
if ( ! trace . allsolid & & ! trace . startsolid & & trace . fraction = = 1.0 )
PM_FallToDeath ( ) ;
cliff_fall = qtrue ;
if ( ! cliff_fall )
if ( ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT_STOP
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT_STOP
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT_FLIP
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT_FLIP
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_FLIP_RIGHT
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_FLIP_LEFT
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_CEILING_DROP )
& & ! pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer )
{ //if flip anim is done, okay to use inair
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_FORCEINAIR1 , SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE , 350 ) ; // Only blend over 100ms
else if ( ! PM_InRoll ( pm - > ps )
& & ! PM_SpinningAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim )
& & ! PM_FlippingAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim )
& & ! PM_InSpecialJump ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) )
if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum ! = ENTITYNUM_NONE )
// we just transitioned into freefall
if ( pm - > debugLevel )
Com_Printf ( " %i:lift \n " , c_pmove ) ;
// if they aren't in a jumping animation and the ground is a ways away, force into it
// if we didn't do the trace, the player would be backflipping down staircases
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > origin , point ) ;
point [ 2 ] - = 64 ;
pm - > trace ( & trace , pm - > ps - > origin , pm - > mins , pm - > maxs , point , pm - > ps - > clientNum , pm - > tracemask , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( trace . fraction = = 1.0 )
{ //FIXME: if velocity[2] < 0 and didn't jump, use some falling anim
if ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] < = 0 & & ! ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_JUMP_HELD ) )
if ( ! PM_InDeathAnim ( ) )
vec3_t moveDir , lookAngles , lookDir , lookRight ;
int anim = BOTH_INAIR1 ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > velocity , moveDir ) ;
moveDir [ 2 ] = 0 ;
VectorNormalize ( moveDir ) ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > viewangles , lookAngles ) ;
lookAngles [ PITCH ] = lookAngles [ ROLL ] = 0 ;
AngleVectors ( lookAngles , lookDir , lookRight , NULL ) ;
float dot = DotProduct ( moveDir , lookDir ) ;
if ( dot > 0.5 )
{ //redundant
anim = BOTH_INAIR1 ;
else if ( dot < - 0.5 )
dot = DotProduct ( moveDir , lookRight ) ;
if ( dot > 0.5 )
else if ( dot < - 0.5 )
{ //redundant
anim = BOTH_INAIR1 ;
if ( pm - > ps - > forcePowersActive & ( 1 < < FP_LEVITATION ) )
anim = PM_ForceJumpAnimForJumpAnim ( anim ) ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , anim , SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE , 100 ) ; // Only blend over 100ms
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP ;
else if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > forcePowersActive & ( 1 < < FP_LEVITATION ) ) )
if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove > = 0 )
if ( ! PM_InDeathAnim ( ) )
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_JUMP1 , SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE , 100 ) ; // Only blend over 100ms
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove < 0 )
if ( ! PM_InDeathAnim ( ) )
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_JUMPBACK1 , SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE , 100 ) ; // Only blend over 100ms
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_BACKWARDS_JUMP ;
if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum ! = ENTITYNUM_NONE )
pm - > ps - > jumpZStart = pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] ;
pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE ;
pml . groundPlane = qfalse ;
pml . walking = qfalse ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
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static void PM_GroundTrace ( void ) {
vec3_t point ;
trace_t trace ;
if ( pm - > ps - > eFlags & EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON )
pml . groundPlane = qtrue ;
pml . walking = qtrue ;
pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_WORLD ;
pm - > ps - > lastOnGround = level . time ;
pml . groundTrace . allsolid = qfalse ;
pml . groundTrace . contents = CONTENTS_SOLID ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > origin , pml . groundTrace . endpos ) ;
pml . groundTrace . entityNum = ENTITYNUM_WORLD ;
pml . groundTrace . fraction = 0.0f ; ;
pml . groundTrace . G2CollisionMap = NULL ;
pml . groundTrace . plane . dist = 0.0f ;
VectorSet ( pml . groundTrace . plane . normal , 0 , 0 , 1 ) ;
pml . groundTrace . plane . pad = 0 ;
pml . groundTrace . plane . signbits = 0 ;
pml . groundTrace . plane . type = 0 ; ;
pml . groundTrace . startsolid = qfalse ;
pml . groundTrace . surfaceFlags = 0 ;
return ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer > 300 & & ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT | | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT ) )
{ //wall-running forces you to be in the air
pml . groundPlane = qfalse ;
pml . walking = qfalse ;
pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE ;
return ;
point [ 0 ] = pm - > ps - > origin [ 0 ] ;
point [ 1 ] = pm - > ps - > origin [ 1 ] ;
point [ 2 ] = pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] - 0.25 ;
pm - > trace ( & trace , pm - > ps - > origin , pm - > mins , pm - > maxs , point , pm - > ps - > clientNum , pm - > tracemask , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
pml . groundTrace = trace ;
// do something corrective if the trace starts in a solid...
if ( trace . allsolid ) {
PM_CorrectAllSolid ( ) ;
return ;
// if the trace didn't hit anything, we are in free fall
if ( trace . fraction = = 1.0 | | g_gravity - > value < = 0 )
PM_GroundTraceMissed ( ) ;
pml . groundPlane = qfalse ;
pml . walking = qfalse ;
return ;
// check if getting thrown off the ground
if ( ( ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] > 0 & & ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK ) ) | | pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] > 100 ) & & DotProduct ( pm - > ps - > velocity , trace . plane . normal ) > 10 )
{ //either thrown off ground (PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK) or going off the ground at a large velocity
if ( pm - > debugLevel ) {
Com_Printf ( " %i:kickoff \n " , c_pmove ) ;
// go into jump animation
if ( PM_FlippingAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) )
{ //we're flipping
else if ( PM_InSpecialJump ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) )
{ //special jumps
else if ( PM_InKnockDown ( pm - > ps ) )
{ //in knockdown
else if ( PM_InRoll ( pm - > ps ) )
{ //in knockdown
PM_JumpForDir ( ) ;
pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE ;
pml . groundPlane = qfalse ;
pml . walking = qfalse ;
return ;
// slopes that are too steep will not be considered onground
if ( trace . plane . normal [ 2 ] < MIN_WALK_NORMAL ) {
if ( pm - > debugLevel ) {
Com_Printf ( " %i:steep \n " , c_pmove ) ;
// FIXME: if they can't slide down the slope, let them
// walk (sharp crevices)
pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE ;
pml . groundPlane = qtrue ;
pml . walking = qfalse ;
return ;
//FIXME: if the ground surface is a "cover surface (like tall grass), add a "cover" flag to me
pml . groundPlane = qtrue ;
pml . walking = qtrue ;
// hitting solid ground will end a waterjump
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP )
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ ( PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP | PMF_TIME_LAND ) ;
pm - > ps - > pm_time = 0 ;
if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = = ENTITYNUM_NONE ) {
// just hit the ground
if ( pm - > debugLevel ) {
Com_Printf ( " %i:Land \n " , c_pmove ) ;
//if ( !PM_ClientImpact( trace.entityNum, qtrue ) )
PM_CrashLand ( ) ;
// don't do landing time if we were just going down a slope
if ( pml . previous_velocity [ 2 ] < - 200 ) {
// don't allow another jump for a little while
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_TIME_LAND ;
pm - > ps - > pm_time = 250 ;
if ( ! pm - > cmd . forwardmove & & ! pm - > cmd . rightmove ) {
pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] = 0 ; //wouldn't normally want this because of slopes, but we aren't tyring to move...
pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = trace . entityNum ;
pm - > ps - > lastOnGround = level . time ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum )
{ //if a player, clear the jumping "flag" so can't double-jump
pm - > ps - > forceJumpCharge = 0 ;
// don't reset the z velocity for slopes
// pm->ps->velocity[2] = 0;
PM_AddTouchEnt ( trace . entityNum ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
PM_SetWaterLevelAtPoint FIXME : avoid this twice ? certainly if not moving
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_SetWaterLevelAtPoint ( vec3_t org , int * waterlevel , int * watertype )
vec3_t point ;
int cont ;
int sample1 ;
int sample2 ;
// get waterlevel, accounting for ducking
* waterlevel = 0 ;
* watertype = 0 ;
point [ 0 ] = org [ 0 ] ;
point [ 1 ] = org [ 1 ] ;
point [ 2 ] = org [ 2 ] + DEFAULT_MINS_2 + 1 ;
cont = pm - > pointcontents ( point , pm - > ps - > clientNum ) ;
if ( cont & ( MASK_WATER | CONTENTS_LADDER ) )
sample2 = pm - > ps - > viewheight - DEFAULT_MINS_2 ;
sample1 = sample2 / 2 ;
* watertype = cont ;
* waterlevel = 1 ;
point [ 2 ] = org [ 2 ] + DEFAULT_MINS_2 + sample1 ;
cont = pm - > pointcontents ( point , pm - > ps - > clientNum ) ;
if ( cont & ( MASK_WATER | CONTENTS_LADDER ) )
* waterlevel = 2 ;
point [ 2 ] = org [ 2 ] + DEFAULT_MINS_2 + sample2 ;
cont = pm - > pointcontents ( point , pm - > ps - > clientNum ) ;
if ( cont & ( MASK_WATER | CONTENTS_LADDER ) )
* waterlevel = 3 ;
void PM_SetWaterHeight ( void )
pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel = WHL_NONE ;
if ( pm - > waterlevel < 1 )
pm - > ps - > waterheight = pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] + DEFAULT_MINS_2 - 4 ;
return ;
trace_t trace ;
vec3_t top , bottom ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > origin , top ) ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > origin , bottom ) ;
top [ 2 ] + = pm - > gent - > client - > standheight ;
bottom [ 2 ] + = DEFAULT_MINS_2 ;
gi . trace ( & trace , top , pm - > mins , pm - > maxs , bottom , pm - > ps - > clientNum , ( CONTENTS_WATER | CONTENTS_SLIME ) , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( trace . startsolid )
{ //under water
pm - > ps - > waterheight = top [ 2 ] + 4 ;
else if ( trace . fraction < 1.0f )
{ //partially in and partially out of water
pm - > ps - > waterheight = trace . endpos [ 2 ] + pm - > mins [ 2 ] ;
else if ( trace . contents & ( CONTENTS_WATER | CONTENTS_SLIME ) )
{ //water is above me
pm - > ps - > waterheight = top [ 2 ] + 4 ;
{ //water is below me
pm - > ps - > waterheight = bottom [ 2 ] - 4 ;
float distFromEyes = ( pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] + pm - > gent - > client - > standheight ) - pm - > ps - > waterheight ;
if ( distFromEyes < 0 )
pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel = WHL_UNDER ;
else if ( distFromEyes < 6 )
pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel = WHL_HEAD ;
else if ( distFromEyes < 18 )
pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel = WHL_SHOULDERS ;
else if ( distFromEyes < pm - > gent - > client - > standheight - 8 )
{ //at least 8 above origin
pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel = WHL_TORSO ;
float distFromOrg = pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] - pm - > ps - > waterheight ;
if ( distFromOrg < 6 )
pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel = WHL_WAIST ;
else if ( distFromOrg < 16 )
pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel = WHL_KNEES ;
else if ( distFromOrg > fabs ( pm - > mins [ 2 ] ) )
pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel = WHL_NONE ;
pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel = WHL_ANKLES ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Sets mins , maxs
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_SetBounds ( void )
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client )
if ( ! pm - > gent - > mins [ 0 ] | | ! pm - > gent - > mins [ 1 ] | | ! pm - > gent - > mins [ 2 ] | | ! pm - > gent - > maxs [ 0 ] | | ! pm - > gent - > maxs [ 1 ] | | ! pm - > gent - > maxs [ 2 ] )
VectorCopy ( pm - > gent - > mins , pm - > mins ) ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > gent - > maxs , pm - > maxs ) ;
assert ( 0 ) ;
pm - > mins [ 0 ] = DEFAULT_MINS_0 ;
pm - > mins [ 1 ] = DEFAULT_MINS_1 ;
pm - > maxs [ 0 ] = DEFAULT_MAXS_0 ;
pm - > maxs [ 1 ] = DEFAULT_MAXS_1 ;
pm - > mins [ 2 ] = DEFAULT_MINS_2 ;
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = DEFAULT_MAXS_2 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Sets mins , maxs , and pm - > ps - > viewheight
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_CheckDuck ( void )
trace_t trace ;
int standheight ;
int crouchheight ;
int oldHeight ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client )
if ( ! pm - > gent - > mins [ 0 ] | | ! pm - > gent - > mins [ 1 ] | | ! pm - > gent - > mins [ 2 ] | | ! pm - > gent - > maxs [ 0 ] | | ! pm - > gent - > maxs [ 1 ] | | ! pm - > gent - > maxs [ 2 ] )
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_ATST & & ! cg . renderingThirdPerson )
standheight = crouchheight = 128 ;
standheight = pm - > gent - > client - > standheight ;
crouchheight = pm - > gent - > client - > crouchheight ;
assert ( 0 ) ;
standheight = DEFAULT_MAXS_2 ;
crouchheight = CROUCH_MAXS_2 ;
if ( PM_InGetUp ( pm - > ps ) )
{ //can't do any kind of crouching when getting up
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_GETUP_CROUCH_B1 | | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_GETUP_CROUCH_F1 )
{ //crouched still
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_DUCKED ;
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = crouchheight ;
pm - > ps - > viewheight = crouchheight + STANDARD_VIEWHEIGHT_OFFSET ;
return ;
oldHeight = pm - > maxs [ 2 ] ;
if ( PM_InRoll ( pm - > ps ) )
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client )
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . eyePoint [ 2 ] - pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] + 4 ;
if ( crouchheight > pm - > maxs [ 2 ] )
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = crouchheight ;
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = crouchheight ;
pm - > ps - > viewheight = crouchheight + STANDARD_VIEWHEIGHT_OFFSET ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_DUCKED ;
return ;
if ( PM_GettingUpFromKnockDown ( standheight , crouchheight ) )
pm - > ps - > viewheight = crouchheight + STANDARD_VIEWHEIGHT_OFFSET ;
return ;
if ( PM_InKnockDown ( pm - > ps ) )
{ //forced crouch
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client )
{ //interrupted any potential delayed weapon fires
pm - > gent - > client - > fireDelay = 0 ;
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = crouchheight ;
pm - > ps - > viewheight = crouchheight + STANDARD_VIEWHEIGHT_OFFSET ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_DUCKED ;
return ;
if ( pm - > cmd . upmove < 0 )
{ // trying to duck
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = crouchheight ;
pm - > ps - > viewheight = crouchheight + STANDARD_VIEWHEIGHT_OFFSET ; //CROUCH_VIEWHEIGHT;
if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = = ENTITYNUM_NONE & & ! PM_SwimmingAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) )
{ //Not ducked already and trying to duck in mid-air
//will raise your feet, unducking whilst in air will drop feet
if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) )
pm - > ps - > eFlags ^ = EF_TELEPORT_BIT ;
if ( pm - > gent )
pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] + = oldHeight - pm - > maxs [ 2 ] ; //diff will be zero if were already ducking
//Don't worry, we know we fit in a smaller size
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_DUCKED ;
if ( d_JediAI - > integer )
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER )
Com_Printf ( " ducking \n " ) ;
{ // want to stop ducking, stand up if possible
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED )
{ //Was ducking
if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = = ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{ //unducking whilst in air will try to drop feet
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = standheight ;
pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] + = oldHeight - pm - > maxs [ 2 ] ;
pm - > trace ( & trace , pm - > ps - > origin , pm - > mins , pm - > maxs , pm - > ps - > origin , pm - > ps - > clientNum , pm - > tracemask , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( ! trace . allsolid )
pm - > ps - > eFlags ^ = EF_TELEPORT_BIT ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_DUCKED ;
{ //Put us back
pm - > ps - > origin [ 2 ] - = oldHeight - pm - > maxs [ 2 ] ;
//NOTE: this isn't the best way to check this, you may have room to unduck
//while in air, but your feet are close to landing. Probably won't be a
//noticable shortcoming
// try to stand up
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = standheight ;
pm - > trace ( & trace , pm - > ps - > origin , pm - > mins , pm - > maxs , pm - > ps - > origin , pm - > ps - > clientNum , pm - > tracemask , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( ! trace . allsolid )
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_DUCKED ;
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED )
{ //Still ducking
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = crouchheight ;
pm - > ps - > viewheight = crouchheight + STANDARD_VIEWHEIGHT_OFFSET ; //CROUCH_VIEWHEIGHT;
{ //standing now
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = standheight ;
//FIXME: have a crouchviewheight and standviewheight on ent?
pm - > ps - > viewheight = standheight + STANDARD_VIEWHEIGHT_OFFSET ; //DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT;
qboolean PM_SaberLockAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_BF2LOCK : //#
case BOTH_BF1LOCK : //#
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_ForceAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_CHOKE1 : //being choked...???
case BOTH_GESTURE1 : //taunting...
case BOTH_RESISTPUSH : //# plant yourself to resist force push/pulls.
case BOTH_FORCEPUSH : //# Use off-hand to do force power.
case BOTH_FORCEPULL : //# Use off-hand to do force power.
case BOTH_MINDTRICK1 : //# Use off-hand to do mind trick
case BOTH_MINDTRICK2 : //# Use off-hand to do distraction
case BOTH_FORCELIGHTNING : //# Use off-hand to do lightning
case BOTH_FORCELIGHTNING_HOLD : //# Use off-hand to do lightning
case BOTH_FORCELIGHTNING_RELEASE : //# Use off-hand to do lightning
case BOTH_FORCEHEAL_START : //# Healing meditation pose start
case BOTH_FORCEHEAL_STOP : //# Healing meditation pose end
case BOTH_FORCEHEAL_QUICK : //# Healing meditation gesture
case BOTH_FORCEGRIP1 : //# temp force-grip anim (actually re-using push)
case BOTH_FORCEGRIP_HOLD : //# temp force-grip anim (actually re-using push)
case BOTH_FORCEGRIP_RELEASE : //# temp force-grip anim (actually re-using push)
//case BOTH_FORCEGRIP3: //# force-gripping
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_InSaberAnim ( int anim )
if ( anim > = BOTH_A1_T__B_ & & anim < = BOTH_H1_S1_BR )
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_InForceGetUp ( playerState_t * ps )
switch ( ps - > legsAnim )
if ( ps - > legsAnimTimer )
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_InGetUp ( playerState_t * ps )
switch ( ps - > legsAnim )
case BOTH_GETUP1 :
case BOTH_GETUP2 :
case BOTH_GETUP3 :
case BOTH_GETUP4 :
case BOTH_GETUP5 :
if ( ps - > legsAnimTimer )
return qtrue ;
break ;
default :
return PM_InForceGetUp ( ps ) ;
break ;
//what the hell, redundant, but...
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_InKnockDown ( playerState_t * ps )
switch ( ps - > legsAnim )
return qtrue ;
break ;
default :
return PM_InGetUp ( ps ) ;
break ;
qboolean PM_InKnockDownOnGround ( playerState_t * ps )
switch ( ps - > legsAnim )
//if ( PM_AnimLength( g_entities[ps->clientNum].client->clientInfo.animFileIndex, (animNumber_t)ps->legsAnim ) - ps->legsAnimTimer > 300 )
{ //at end of fall down anim
return qtrue ;
break ;
case BOTH_GETUP1 :
case BOTH_GETUP2 :
case BOTH_GETUP3 :
case BOTH_GETUP4 :
case BOTH_GETUP5 :
if ( PM_AnimLength ( g_entities [ ps - > clientNum ] . client - > clientInfo . animFileIndex , ( animNumber_t ) ps - > legsAnim ) - ps - > legsAnimTimer < 500 )
{ //at beginning of getup anim
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_CrouchGetup ( float crouchheight )
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = crouchheight ;
pm - > ps - > viewheight = crouchheight + STANDARD_VIEWHEIGHT_OFFSET ;
int anim = - 1 ;
switch ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim )
break ;
break ;
if ( anim = = - 1 )
{ //WTF? stay down?
pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer = 100 ; //hold this anim for another 10th of a second
return qfalse ;
{ //get up into crouch anim
pm - > ps - > saberMove = pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove = LS_READY ; //don't finish whatever saber anim you may have been in
pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE ;
return qtrue ;
qboolean PM_GettingUpFromKnockDown ( float standheight , float crouchheight )
int legsAnim = pm - > ps - > legsAnim ;
if ( legsAnim = = BOTH_KNOCKDOWN1
| | legsAnim = = BOTH_KNOCKDOWN2
| | legsAnim = = BOTH_KNOCKDOWN3
| | legsAnim = = BOTH_KNOCKDOWN4
| | legsAnim = = BOTH_KNOCKDOWN5 )
{ //in a knockdown
if ( ! pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer )
{ //done with the knockdown - FIXME: somehow this is allowing an *instant* getup...???
//FIXME: if trying to crouch (holding button?), just get up into a crouch?
if ( pm - > cmd . upmove < 0 )
return PM_CrouchGetup ( crouchheight ) ;
trace_t trace ;
// try to stand up
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = standheight ;
pm - > trace ( & trace , pm - > ps - > origin , pm - > mins , pm - > maxs , pm - > ps - > origin , pm - > ps - > clientNum , pm - > tracemask , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( ! trace . allsolid )
{ //stand up
qboolean forceGetUp = qfalse ;
int anim = BOTH_GETUP1 ;
pm - > maxs [ 2 ] = standheight ;
pm - > ps - > viewheight = standheight + STANDARD_VIEWHEIGHT_OFFSET ;
//NOTE: the force power checks will stop fencers and grunts from getting up using force jump
switch ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim )
if ( ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_0 ) | | ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > cmd . upmove > 0 & & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) )
anim = Q_irand ( BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B1 , BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B6 ) ; //NOTE: BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B5 takes soe steps forward at end
forceGetUp = qtrue ;
anim = BOTH_GETUP1 ;
break ;
if ( ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_0 ) | | ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > cmd . upmove > 0 & & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) )
anim = Q_irand ( BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B1 , BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B6 ) ; //NOTE: BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B5 takes soe steps forward at end
forceGetUp = qtrue ;
anim = BOTH_GETUP2 ;
break ;
if ( ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_0 ) | | ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > cmd . upmove > 0 & & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) )
anim = Q_irand ( BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_F1 , BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_F2 ) ;
forceGetUp = qtrue ;
anim = BOTH_GETUP3 ;
break ;
if ( ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_0 ) | | ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > cmd . upmove > 0 & & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) )
anim = Q_irand ( BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B1 , BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B6 ) ; //NOTE: BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_B5 takes soe steps forward at end
forceGetUp = qtrue ;
anim = BOTH_GETUP4 ;
break ;
if ( ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_0 ) | | ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > cmd . upmove > 0 & & pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_LEVITATION ] > FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) )
anim = Q_irand ( BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_F1 , BOTH_FORCE_GETUP_F2 ) ;
forceGetUp = qtrue ;
anim = BOTH_GETUP5 ;
break ;
//Com_Printf( "getupanim = %s\n", animTable[anim].name );
if ( forceGetUp )
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > playerTeam = = TEAM_ENEMY
& & pm - > gent - > NPC & & pm - > gent - > NPC - > blockedSpeechDebounceTime < level . time
& & ! Q_irand ( 0 , 1 ) )
PM_AddEvent ( Q_irand ( EV_COMBAT1 , EV_COMBAT3 ) ) ;
pm - > gent - > NPC - > blockedSpeechDebounceTime = level . time + 1000 ;
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_BODY , " sound/weapons/force/jump.wav " ) ;
//launch off ground?
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = 300 ; //just to make sure it's cleared
pm - > ps - > saberMove = pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove = LS_READY ; //don't finish whatever saber anim you may have been in
pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE ;
return qtrue ;
return PM_CrouchGetup ( crouchheight ) ;
return qfalse ;
void PM_CmdForRoll ( int anim , usercmd_t * pCmd )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_ROLL_F :
pCmd - > forwardmove = 127 ;
pCmd - > rightmove = 0 ;
break ;
case BOTH_ROLL_B :
pCmd - > forwardmove = - 127 ;
pCmd - > rightmove = 0 ;
break ;
case BOTH_ROLL_R :
pCmd - > forwardmove = 0 ;
pCmd - > rightmove = 127 ;
break ;
case BOTH_ROLL_L :
pCmd - > forwardmove = 0 ;
pCmd - > rightmove = - 127 ;
break ;
pCmd - > upmove = 0 ;
qboolean PM_InRoll ( playerState_t * ps )
switch ( ps - > legsAnim )
case BOTH_ROLL_F :
case BOTH_ROLL_B :
case BOTH_ROLL_R :
case BOTH_ROLL_L :
if ( ps - > legsAnimTimer )
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_CrouchAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_SIT1 : //# Normal chair sit.
case BOTH_SIT2 : //# Lotus position.
case BOTH_SIT3 : //# Sitting in tired position: elbows on knees
case BOTH_SIT2TO3 : //# Trans from sit2 to sit3?
case BOTH_SIT3TO1 : //# Trans from sit3 to sit1?
case BOTH_SIT3TO2 : //# Trans from sit3 to sit2?
case BOTH_SIT4TO5 : //# Trans from sit4 to sit5
case BOTH_SIT4TO6 : //# Trans from sit4 to sit6
case BOTH_SIT5TO4 : //# Trans from sit5 to sit4
case BOTH_SIT5TO6 : //# Trans from sit5 to sit6
case BOTH_SIT6TO4 : //# Trans from sit6 to sit4
case BOTH_SIT6TO5 : //# Trans from sit6 to sit5
case BOTH_SIT7 : //# sitting with arms over knees: no weapon
case BOTH_CROUCH1 : //# Transition from standing to crouch
case BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE : //# Crouching idle
case BOTH_CROUCH1WALK : //# Walking while crouched
case BOTH_CROUCH1WALKBACK : //# Walking while crouched
case BOTH_CROUCH2IDLE : //# crouch and resting on back righ heel: no weapon
case BOTH_CROUCH2TOSTAND1 : //# going from crouch2 to stand1
case BOTH_CROUCH3 : //# Desann crouching down to Kyle (cin 9)
case BOTH_KNEES1 : //# Tavion on her knees
case LEGS_CRLEAN_LEFT1 : //# Crouch Lean left
case LEGS_CRLEAN_RIGHT1 : //# Crouch Lean Right
case BOTH_CROUCHATTACKBACK1 : //FIXME: not if in middle of anim?
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_PainAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_PAIN1 : //# First take pain anim
case BOTH_PAIN2 : //# Second take pain anim
case BOTH_PAIN3 : //# Third take pain anim
case BOTH_PAIN4 : //# Fourth take pain anim
case BOTH_PAIN5 : //# Fifth take pain anim - from behind
case BOTH_PAIN6 : //# Sixth take pain anim - from behind
case BOTH_PAIN7 : //# Seventh take pain anim - from behind
case BOTH_PAIN8 : //# Eigth take pain anim - from behind
case BOTH_PAIN9 : //#
case BOTH_PAIN10 : //#
case BOTH_PAIN11 : //#
case BOTH_PAIN12 : //#
case BOTH_PAIN13 : //#
case BOTH_PAIN14 : //#
case BOTH_PAIN15 : //#
case BOTH_PAIN16 : //#
case BOTH_PAIN17 : //#
case BOTH_PAIN18 : //#
case BOTH_PAIN19 : //#
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_DodgeAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_DODGE_FL : //# lean-dodge forward left
case BOTH_DODGE_FR : //# lean-dodge forward right
case BOTH_DODGE_BL : //# lean-dodge backwards left
case BOTH_DODGE_BR : //# lean-dodge backwards right
case BOTH_DODGE_L : //# lean-dodge left
case BOTH_DODGE_R : //# lean-dodge right
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_JumpingAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_JUMP1 : //# Jump - wind-up and leave ground
case BOTH_INAIR1 : //# In air loop (from jump)
case BOTH_LAND1 : //# Landing (from in air loop)
case BOTH_LAND2 : //# Landing Hard (from a great height)
case BOTH_JUMPBACK1 : //# Jump backwards - wind-up and leave ground
case BOTH_INAIRBACK1 : //# In air loop (from jump back)
case BOTH_LANDBACK1 : //# Landing backwards(from in air loop)
case BOTH_JUMPLEFT1 : //# Jump left - wind-up and leave ground
case BOTH_INAIRLEFT1 : //# In air loop (from jump left)
case BOTH_LANDLEFT1 : //# Landing left(from in air loop)
case BOTH_JUMPRIGHT1 : //# Jump right - wind-up and leave ground
case BOTH_INAIRRIGHT1 : //# In air loop (from jump right)
case BOTH_LANDRIGHT1 : //# Landing right(from in air loop)
case BOTH_FORCEJUMP1 : //# Jump - wind-up and leave ground
case BOTH_FORCEINAIR1 : //# In air loop (from jump)
case BOTH_FORCELAND1 : //# Landing (from in air loop)
case BOTH_FORCEJUMPBACK1 : //# Jump backwards - wind-up and leave ground
case BOTH_FORCEINAIRBACK1 : //# In air loop (from jump back)
case BOTH_FORCELANDBACK1 : //# Landing backwards(from in air loop)
case BOTH_FORCEJUMPLEFT1 : //# Jump left - wind-up and leave ground
case BOTH_FORCEINAIRLEFT1 : //# In air loop (from jump left)
case BOTH_FORCELANDLEFT1 : //# Landing left(from in air loop)
case BOTH_FORCEJUMPRIGHT1 : //# Jump right - wind-up and leave ground
case BOTH_FORCEINAIRRIGHT1 : //# In air loop (from jump right)
case BOTH_FORCELANDRIGHT1 : //# Landing right(from in air loop)
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_LandingAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_LAND1 : //# Landing (from in air loop)
case BOTH_LAND2 : //# Landing Hard (from a great height)
case BOTH_LANDBACK1 : //# Landing backwards(from in air loop)
case BOTH_LANDLEFT1 : //# Landing left(from in air loop)
case BOTH_LANDRIGHT1 : //# Landing right(from in air loop)
case BOTH_FORCELAND1 : //# Landing (from in air loop)
case BOTH_FORCELANDBACK1 : //# Landing backwards(from in air loop)
case BOTH_FORCELANDLEFT1 : //# Landing left(from in air loop)
case BOTH_FORCELANDRIGHT1 : //# Landing right(from in air loop)
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_FlippingAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_FLIP_F : //# Flip forward
case BOTH_FLIP_B : //# Flip backwards
case BOTH_FLIP_L : //# Flip left
case BOTH_FLIP_R : //# Flip right
//Not really flips, but...
case BOTH_ARIAL_F1 :
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_WalkingAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_WALK1 : //# Normal walk
case BOTH_WALK2 : //# Normal walk
case BOTH_WALK3 : //# Goes with stand3
case BOTH_WALK4 : //# Walk cycle goes to a stand4
case BOTH_WALK5 : //# Tavion taunting Kyle (cin 22)
case BOTH_WALK6 : //# Slow walk for Luke (cin 12)
case BOTH_WALK7 : //# Fast walk
case BOTH_WALKTORUN1 : //# transition from walk to run
case BOTH_WALKBACK1 : //# Walk1 backwards
case BOTH_WALKBACK2 : //# Walk2 backwards
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_RunningAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_RUN1 :
case BOTH_RUN2 :
case BOTH_WALKTORUN1 : //# transition from walk to run
case BOTH_RUN1START : //# Start into full run1
case BOTH_RUN1STOP : //# Stop from full run1
case BOTH_RUNINJURED1 : //# Run with injured left leg
case BOTH_RUNSTRAFE_LEFT1 : //# Sidestep left: should loop
case BOTH_RUNSTRAFE_RIGHT1 : //# Sidestep right: should loop
case BOTH_RUNAWAY1 : //# Running scared
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_RollingAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_ROLL_F : //# Roll forward
case BOTH_ROLL_B : //# Roll backward
case BOTH_ROLL_L : //# Roll left
case BOTH_ROLL_R : //# Roll right
case BOTH_ROLL_FR : //# Roll forward right
case BOTH_ROLL_FL : //# Roll forward left
case BOTH_ROLL_BR : //# Roll back right
case BOTH_ROLL_BL : //# Roll back left
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_SwimmingAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case BOTH_SWIM1 : //# Swimming
case BOTH_SWIM_IDLE1 : //# Swimming Idle 1
case BOTH_SWIMFORWARD : //# Swim forward loop
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_SpinningSaberAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
//level 1 - FIXME: level 1 will have *no* spins
case BOTH_T1_BR_BL :
case BOTH_T1__R__L :
case BOTH_T1__R_BL :
case BOTH_T1_TR_BL :
case BOTH_T1_BR_TL :
case BOTH_T1_BR__L :
case BOTH_T1_TL_BR :
case BOTH_T1__L_BR :
case BOTH_T1__L__R :
case BOTH_T1_BL_BR :
case BOTH_T1_BL__R :
case BOTH_T1_BL_TR :
//level 2
case BOTH_T2_BR__L :
case BOTH_T2_BR_BL :
case BOTH_T2__R_BL :
case BOTH_T2__L_BR :
case BOTH_T2_BL_BR :
case BOTH_T2_BL__R :
//level 3
case BOTH_T3_BR__L :
case BOTH_T3_BR_BL :
case BOTH_T3__R_BL :
case BOTH_T3__L_BR :
case BOTH_T3_BL_BR :
case BOTH_T3_BL__R :
//level 4
case BOTH_T4_BR__L :
case BOTH_T4_BR_BL :
case BOTH_T4__R_BL :
case BOTH_T4__L_BR :
case BOTH_T4_BL_BR :
case BOTH_T4_BL__R :
//level 5
case BOTH_T5_BR_BL :
case BOTH_T5__R__L :
case BOTH_T5__R_BL :
case BOTH_T5_TR_BL :
case BOTH_T5_BR_TL :
case BOTH_T5_BR__L :
case BOTH_T5_TL_BR :
case BOTH_T5__L_BR :
case BOTH_T5__L__R :
case BOTH_T5_BL_BR :
case BOTH_T5_BL__R :
case BOTH_T5_BL_TR :
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
qboolean PM_SpinningAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
//FIXME: list any other spinning anims
default :
break ;
return PM_SpinningSaberAnim ( anim ) ;
void PM_ResetAnkleAngles ( void )
if ( ! pm - > gent | | ! pm - > gent - > client | | pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class ! = CLASS_ATST )
return ;
if ( pm - > gent - > footLBone ! = - 1 )
gi . G2API_SetBoneAnglesIndex ( & pm - > gent - > ghoul2 [ 0 ] , pm - > gent - > footLBone , vec3_origin , BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT , POSITIVE_Z , NEGATIVE_Y , NEGATIVE_X , NULL , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( pm - > gent - > footRBone ! = - 1 )
gi . G2API_SetBoneAnglesIndex ( & pm - > gent - > ghoul2 [ 0 ] , pm - > gent - > footRBone , vec3_origin , BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT , POSITIVE_Z , NEGATIVE_Y , NEGATIVE_X , NULL , 0 , 0 ) ;
void PM_AnglesForSlope ( const float yaw , const vec3_t slope , vec3_t angles )
vec3_t nvf , ovf , ovr , new_angles ;
float pitch , mod , dot ;
VectorSet ( angles , 0 , yaw , 0 ) ;
AngleVectors ( angles , ovf , ovr , NULL ) ;
vectoangles ( slope , new_angles ) ;
pitch = new_angles [ PITCH ] + 90 ;
new_angles [ ROLL ] = new_angles [ PITCH ] = 0 ;
AngleVectors ( new_angles , nvf , NULL , NULL ) ;
mod = DotProduct ( nvf , ovr ) ;
if ( mod < 0 )
mod = - 1 ;
mod = 1 ;
dot = DotProduct ( nvf , ovf ) ;
angles [ YAW ] = 0 ;
angles [ PITCH ] = dot * pitch ;
angles [ ROLL ] = ( ( 1 - Q_fabs ( dot ) ) * pitch * mod ) ;
void PM_FootSlopeTrace ( float * pDiff , float * pInterval )
vec3_t footLOrg , footROrg , footLBot , footRBot ;
trace_t trace ;
float diff , interval ;
if ( pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_ATST )
interval = 10 ;
interval = 4 ; //?
if ( pm - > gent - > footLBolt = = - 1 | | pm - > gent - > footRBolt = = - 1 )
if ( pDiff ! = NULL )
* pDiff = 0 ;
if ( pInterval ! = NULL )
* pInterval = interval ;
return ;
# if 1
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
if ( Q_isnan ( pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . footLPoint [ i ] )
| | Q_isnan ( pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . footRPoint [ i ] ) )
if ( pDiff ! = NULL )
* pDiff = 0 ;
if ( pInterval ! = NULL )
* pInterval = interval ;
return ;
# else
//FIXME: these really should have been gotten on the cgame, but I guess sometimes they're not and we end up with qnan numbers!
mdxaBone_t boltMatrix ;
vec3_t G2Angles = { 0 , pm - > gent - > client - > ps . legsYaw , 0 } ;
//get the feet
gi . G2API_GetBoltMatrix ( pm - > gent - > ghoul2 , pm - > gent - > playerModel , pm - > gent - > footLBolt ,
& boltMatrix , G2Angles , pm - > ps - > origin , ( cg . time ? cg . time : level . time ) ,
NULL , pm - > gent - > s . modelScale ) ;
gi . G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix ( boltMatrix , ORIGIN , pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . footLPoint ) ;
gi . G2API_GetBoltMatrix ( pm - > gent - > ghoul2 , pm - > gent - > playerModel , pm - > gent - > footRBolt ,
& boltMatrix , G2Angles , pm - > ps - > origin , ( cg . time ? cg . time : level . time ) ,
NULL , pm - > gent - > s . modelScale ) ;
gi . G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix ( boltMatrix , ORIGIN , pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . footRPoint ) ;
# endif
//NOTE: on AT-STs, rotating the foot moves this point, so it will wiggle...
// we have to do this extra work (more G2 transforms) to stop the wiggle... is it worth it?
if ( pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_ATST )
mdxaBone_t boltMatrix ;
vec3_t G2Angles = { 0 , pm - > gent - > client - > ps . legsYaw , 0 } ;
//get the feet
gi . G2API_SetBoneAnglesIndex ( & pm - > gent - > ghoul2 [ 0 ] , pm - > gent - > footLBone , vec3_origin , BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT , POSITIVE_Z , NEGATIVE_Y , NEGATIVE_X , NULL ) ;
gi . G2API_GetBoltMatrix ( pm - > gent - > ghoul2 , pm - > gent - > playerModel , pm - > gent - > footLBolt ,
& boltMatrix , G2Angles , pm - > ps - > origin , ( cg . time ? cg . time : level . time ) ,
NULL , pm - > gent - > s . modelScale ) ;
gi . G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix ( boltMatrix , ORIGIN , pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . footLPoint ) ;
gi . G2API_SetBoneAnglesIndex ( & pm - > gent - > ghoul2 [ 0 ] , pm - > gent - > footRBone , vec3_origin , BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT , POSITIVE_Z , NEGATIVE_Y , NEGATIVE_X , NULL ) ;
gi . G2API_GetBoltMatrix ( pm - > gent - > ghoul2 , pm - > gent - > playerModel , pm - > gent - > footRBolt ,
& boltMatrix , G2Angles , pm - > ps - > origin , ( cg . time ? cg . time : level . time ) ,
NULL , pm - > gent - > s . modelScale ) ;
gi . G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix ( boltMatrix , ORIGIN , pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . footRPoint ) ;
//get these on the cgame and store it, save ourselves a ghoul2 construct skel call
VectorCopy ( pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . footLPoint , footLOrg ) ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . footRPoint , footROrg ) ;
//step 2: adjust foot tag z height to bottom of bbox+1
footLOrg [ 2 ] = pm - > gent - > currentOrigin [ 2 ] + pm - > gent - > mins [ 2 ] + 1 ;
footROrg [ 2 ] = pm - > gent - > currentOrigin [ 2 ] + pm - > gent - > mins [ 2 ] + 1 ;
VectorSet ( footLBot , footLOrg [ 0 ] , footLOrg [ 1 ] , footLOrg [ 2 ] - interval * 10 ) ;
VectorSet ( footRBot , footROrg [ 0 ] , footROrg [ 1 ] , footROrg [ 2 ] - interval * 10 ) ;
//step 3: trace down from each, find difference
vec3_t footMins , footMaxs ;
vec3_t footLSlope , footRSlope ;
if ( pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_ATST )
VectorSet ( footMins , - 16 , - 16 , 0 ) ;
VectorSet ( footMaxs , 16 , 16 , 1 ) ;
VectorSet ( footMins , - 3 , - 3 , 0 ) ;
VectorSet ( footMaxs , 3 , 3 , 1 ) ;
pm - > trace ( & trace , footLOrg , footMins , footMaxs , footLBot , pm - > ps - > clientNum , pm - > tracemask , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
VectorCopy ( trace . endpos , footLBot ) ;
VectorCopy ( trace . plane . normal , footLSlope ) ;
pm - > trace ( & trace , footROrg , footMins , footMaxs , footRBot , pm - > ps - > clientNum , pm - > tracemask , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
VectorCopy ( trace . endpos , footRBot ) ;
VectorCopy ( trace . plane . normal , footRSlope ) ;
diff = footLBot [ 2 ] - footRBot [ 2 ] ;
//optional step: for atst, tilt the footpads to match the slopes under it...
if ( pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_ATST )
vec3_t footAngles ;
if ( ! VectorCompare ( footLSlope , vec3_origin ) )
{ //rotate the ATST's left foot pad to match the slope
PM_AnglesForSlope ( pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . legsYaw , footLSlope , footAngles ) ;
//Hmm... lerp this?
gi . G2API_SetBoneAnglesIndex ( & pm - > gent - > ghoul2 [ 0 ] , pm - > gent - > footLBone , footAngles , BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT , POSITIVE_Z , NEGATIVE_Y , NEGATIVE_X , NULL , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( ! VectorCompare ( footRSlope , vec3_origin ) )
{ //rotate the ATST's right foot pad to match the slope
PM_AnglesForSlope ( pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . legsYaw , footRSlope , footAngles ) ;
//Hmm... lerp this?
gi . G2API_SetBoneAnglesIndex ( & pm - > gent - > ghoul2 [ 0 ] , pm - > gent - > footRBone , footAngles , BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT , POSITIVE_Z , NEGATIVE_Y , NEGATIVE_X , NULL , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( pDiff ! = NULL )
* pDiff = diff ;
if ( pInterval ! = NULL )
* pInterval = interval ;
qboolean PM_InSlopeAnim ( int anim )
switch ( anim )
case LEGS_LEFTUP1 : //# On a slope with left foot 4 higher than right
case LEGS_LEFTUP2 : //# On a slope with left foot 8 higher than right
case LEGS_LEFTUP3 : //# On a slope with left foot 12 higher than right
case LEGS_LEFTUP4 : //# On a slope with left foot 16 higher than right
case LEGS_LEFTUP5 : //# On a slope with left foot 20 higher than right
case LEGS_RIGHTUP1 : //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 4 higher than left
case LEGS_RIGHTUP2 : //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 8 higher than left
case LEGS_RIGHTUP3 : //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 12 higher than left
case LEGS_RIGHTUP4 : //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 16 higher than left
case LEGS_RIGHTUP5 : //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 20 higher than left
case LEGS_S1_LUP1 :
case LEGS_S1_LUP2 :
case LEGS_S1_LUP3 :
case LEGS_S1_LUP4 :
case LEGS_S1_LUP5 :
case LEGS_S1_RUP1 :
case LEGS_S1_RUP2 :
case LEGS_S1_RUP3 :
case LEGS_S1_RUP4 :
case LEGS_S1_RUP5 :
case LEGS_S3_LUP1 :
case LEGS_S3_LUP2 :
case LEGS_S3_LUP3 :
case LEGS_S3_LUP4 :
case LEGS_S3_LUP5 :
case LEGS_S3_RUP1 :
case LEGS_S3_RUP2 :
case LEGS_S3_RUP3 :
case LEGS_S3_RUP4 :
case LEGS_S3_RUP5 :
case LEGS_S4_LUP1 :
case LEGS_S4_LUP2 :
case LEGS_S4_LUP3 :
case LEGS_S4_LUP4 :
case LEGS_S4_LUP5 :
case LEGS_S4_RUP1 :
case LEGS_S4_RUP2 :
case LEGS_S4_RUP3 :
case LEGS_S4_RUP4 :
case LEGS_S4_RUP5 :
case LEGS_S5_LUP1 :
case LEGS_S5_LUP2 :
case LEGS_S5_LUP3 :
case LEGS_S5_LUP4 :
case LEGS_S5_LUP5 :
case LEGS_S5_RUP1 :
case LEGS_S5_RUP2 :
case LEGS_S5_RUP3 :
case LEGS_S5_RUP4 :
case LEGS_S5_RUP5 :
return qtrue ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
# define SLOPE_RECALC_INT 100
extern qboolean G_StandardHumanoid ( const char * modelName ) ;
qboolean PM_AdjustStandAnimForSlope ( void )
if ( ! pm - > gent | | ! pm - > gent - > client )
return qfalse ;
if ( pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class ! = CLASS_ATST
& & ( ! pm - > gent | | ! G_StandardHumanoid ( pm - > gent - > NPC_type ) ) )
{ //only ATST and player does this
return qfalse ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum & & ( ! cg . renderingThirdPerson | | cg . zoomMode ) )
{ //first person doesn't do this
return qfalse ;
if ( pm - > gent - > footLBolt = = - 1 | | pm - > gent - > footRBolt = = - 1 )
{ //need these bolts!
return qfalse ;
//step 1: find the 2 foot tags
float diff ;
float interval ;
PM_FootSlopeTrace ( & diff , & interval ) ;
//step 4: based on difference, choose one of the left/right slope-match intervals
int destAnim ;
if ( diff > = interval * 5 )
destAnim = LEGS_LEFTUP5 ;
else if ( diff > = interval * 4 )
destAnim = LEGS_LEFTUP4 ;
else if ( diff > = interval * 3 )
destAnim = LEGS_LEFTUP3 ;
else if ( diff > = interval * 2 )
destAnim = LEGS_LEFTUP2 ;
else if ( diff > = interval )
destAnim = LEGS_LEFTUP1 ;
else if ( diff < = interval * - 5 )
destAnim = LEGS_RIGHTUP5 ;
else if ( diff < = interval * - 4 )
destAnim = LEGS_RIGHTUP4 ;
else if ( diff < = interval * - 3 )
destAnim = LEGS_RIGHTUP3 ;
else if ( diff < = interval * - 2 )
destAnim = LEGS_RIGHTUP2 ;
else if ( diff < = interval * - 1 )
destAnim = LEGS_RIGHTUP1 ;
return qfalse ;
int legsAnim = pm - > ps - > legsAnim ;
if ( pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class ! = CLASS_ATST )
//adjust for current legs anim
switch ( legsAnim )
case BOTH_STAND1 :
case LEGS_S1_LUP1 :
case LEGS_S1_LUP2 :
case LEGS_S1_LUP3 :
case LEGS_S1_LUP4 :
case LEGS_S1_LUP5 :
case LEGS_S1_RUP1 :
case LEGS_S1_RUP2 :
case LEGS_S1_RUP3 :
case LEGS_S1_RUP4 :
case LEGS_S1_RUP5 :
destAnim = LEGS_S1_LUP1 + ( destAnim - LEGS_LEFTUP1 ) ;
break ;
case BOTH_STAND2 :
case LEGS_LEFTUP1 : //# On a slope with left foot 4 higher than right
case LEGS_LEFTUP2 : //# On a slope with left foot 8 higher than right
case LEGS_LEFTUP3 : //# On a slope with left foot 12 higher than right
case LEGS_LEFTUP4 : //# On a slope with left foot 16 higher than right
case LEGS_LEFTUP5 : //# On a slope with left foot 20 higher than right
case LEGS_RIGHTUP1 : //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 4 higher than left
case LEGS_RIGHTUP2 : //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 8 higher than left
case LEGS_RIGHTUP3 : //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 12 higher than left
case LEGS_RIGHTUP4 : //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 16 higher than left
case LEGS_RIGHTUP5 : //# On a slope with RIGHT foot 20 higher than left
break ;
case BOTH_STAND3 :
case LEGS_S3_LUP1 :
case LEGS_S3_LUP2 :
case LEGS_S3_LUP3 :
case LEGS_S3_LUP4 :
case LEGS_S3_LUP5 :
case LEGS_S3_RUP1 :
case LEGS_S3_RUP2 :
case LEGS_S3_RUP3 :
case LEGS_S3_RUP4 :
case LEGS_S3_RUP5 :
destAnim = LEGS_S3_LUP1 + ( destAnim - LEGS_LEFTUP1 ) ;
break ;
case BOTH_STAND4 :
case LEGS_S4_LUP1 :
case LEGS_S4_LUP2 :
case LEGS_S4_LUP3 :
case LEGS_S4_LUP4 :
case LEGS_S4_LUP5 :
case LEGS_S4_RUP1 :
case LEGS_S4_RUP2 :
case LEGS_S4_RUP3 :
case LEGS_S4_RUP4 :
case LEGS_S4_RUP5 :
destAnim = LEGS_S4_LUP1 + ( destAnim - LEGS_LEFTUP1 ) ;
break ;
case BOTH_STAND5 :
case LEGS_S5_LUP1 :
case LEGS_S5_LUP2 :
case LEGS_S5_LUP3 :
case LEGS_S5_LUP4 :
case LEGS_S5_LUP5 :
case LEGS_S5_RUP1 :
case LEGS_S5_RUP2 :
case LEGS_S5_RUP3 :
case LEGS_S5_RUP4 :
case LEGS_S5_RUP5 :
destAnim = LEGS_S5_LUP1 + ( destAnim - LEGS_LEFTUP1 ) ;
break ;
case BOTH_STAND6 :
default :
return qfalse ;
break ;
//step 5: based on the chosen interval and the current legsAnim, pick the correct anim
//step 6: increment/decrement to the dest anim, not instant
if ( ( legsAnim > = LEGS_LEFTUP1 & & legsAnim < = LEGS_LEFTUP5 )
| | ( legsAnim > = LEGS_S1_LUP1 & & legsAnim < = LEGS_S1_LUP5 )
| | ( legsAnim > = LEGS_S3_LUP1 & & legsAnim < = LEGS_S3_LUP5 )
| | ( legsAnim > = LEGS_S4_LUP1 & & legsAnim < = LEGS_S4_LUP5 )
| | ( legsAnim > = LEGS_S5_LUP1 & & legsAnim < = LEGS_S5_LUP5 ) )
{ //already in left-side up
if ( destAnim > legsAnim & & pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime < level . time )
legsAnim + + ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
else if ( destAnim < legsAnim & & pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime < level . time )
legsAnim - - ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
destAnim = legsAnim ;
else if ( ( legsAnim > = LEGS_RIGHTUP1 & & legsAnim < = LEGS_RIGHTUP5 )
| | ( legsAnim > = LEGS_S1_RUP1 & & legsAnim < = LEGS_S1_RUP5 )
| | ( legsAnim > = LEGS_S3_RUP1 & & legsAnim < = LEGS_S3_RUP5 )
| | ( legsAnim > = LEGS_S4_RUP1 & & legsAnim < = LEGS_S4_RUP5 )
| | ( legsAnim > = LEGS_S5_RUP1 & & legsAnim < = LEGS_S5_RUP5 ) )
{ //already in right-side up
if ( destAnim > legsAnim & & pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime < level . time )
legsAnim + + ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
else if ( destAnim < legsAnim & & pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime < level . time )
legsAnim - - ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
destAnim = legsAnim ;
{ //in a stand of some sort?
if ( pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_ATST )
if ( legsAnim = = BOTH_STAND1 | | legsAnim = = BOTH_STAND2 | | legsAnim = = BOTH_CROUCH1IDLE )
if ( destAnim > = LEGS_LEFTUP1 & & destAnim < = LEGS_LEFTUP5 )
{ //going into left side up
destAnim = LEGS_LEFTUP1 ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
else if ( destAnim > = LEGS_RIGHTUP1 & & destAnim < = LEGS_RIGHTUP5 )
{ //going into right side up
destAnim = LEGS_RIGHTUP1 ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
{ //will never get here
return qfalse ;
switch ( legsAnim )
case BOTH_STAND1 :
if ( destAnim > = LEGS_S1_LUP1 & & destAnim < = LEGS_S1_LUP5 )
{ //going into left side up
destAnim = LEGS_S1_LUP1 ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
else if ( destAnim > = LEGS_S1_RUP1 & & destAnim < = LEGS_S1_RUP5 )
{ //going into right side up
destAnim = LEGS_S1_RUP1 ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
{ //will never get here
return qfalse ;
break ;
case BOTH_STAND2 :
if ( destAnim > = LEGS_LEFTUP1 & & destAnim < = LEGS_LEFTUP5 )
{ //going into left side up
destAnim = LEGS_LEFTUP1 ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
else if ( destAnim > = LEGS_RIGHTUP1 & & destAnim < = LEGS_RIGHTUP5 )
{ //going into right side up
destAnim = LEGS_RIGHTUP1 ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
{ //will never get here
return qfalse ;
break ;
case BOTH_STAND3 :
if ( destAnim > = LEGS_S3_LUP1 & & destAnim < = LEGS_S3_LUP5 )
{ //going into left side up
destAnim = LEGS_S3_LUP1 ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
else if ( destAnim > = LEGS_S3_RUP1 & & destAnim < = LEGS_S3_RUP5 )
{ //going into right side up
destAnim = LEGS_S3_RUP1 ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
{ //will never get here
return qfalse ;
break ;
case BOTH_STAND4 :
if ( destAnim > = LEGS_S4_LUP1 & & destAnim < = LEGS_S4_LUP5 )
{ //going into left side up
destAnim = LEGS_S4_LUP1 ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
else if ( destAnim > = LEGS_S4_RUP1 & & destAnim < = LEGS_S4_RUP5 )
{ //going into right side up
destAnim = LEGS_S4_RUP1 ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
{ //will never get here
return qfalse ;
break ;
case BOTH_STAND5 :
if ( destAnim > = LEGS_S5_LUP1 & & destAnim < = LEGS_S5_LUP5 )
{ //going into left side up
destAnim = LEGS_S5_LUP1 ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
else if ( destAnim > = LEGS_S5_RUP1 & & destAnim < = LEGS_S5_RUP5 )
{ //going into right side up
destAnim = LEGS_S5_RUP1 ;
pm - > gent - > client - > slopeRecalcTime = level . time + SLOPE_RECALC_INT ;
{ //will never get here
return qfalse ;
break ;
case BOTH_STAND6 :
default :
return qfalse ;
break ;
//step 7: set the anim
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , destAnim , SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ) ;
return qtrue ;
void PM_SwimFloatAnim ( void )
int legsAnim = pm - > ps - > legsAnim ;
//FIXME: no start or stop anims
if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove | | pm - > cmd . rightmove | | pm - > cmd . upmove )
{ //stopping
if ( legsAnim = = BOTH_SWIMFORWARD )
{ //I was swimming
if ( ! pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer )
{ //idle
if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) & & pm - > cmd . upmove > = 0 )
{ //not crouching
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_Footsteps ( void )
float bobmove ;
int old , oldAnim ;
qboolean footstep = qfalse ;
qboolean validNPC = qfalse ;
qboolean flipping = qfalse ;
int setAnimFlags = SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ;
if ( pm - > gent = = NULL | | pm - > gent - > client = = NULL )
return ;
if ( PM_SpinningSaberAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) & & pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer )
{ //spinning
return ;
if ( PM_InKnockDown ( pm - > ps ) | | PM_InRoll ( pm - > ps ) )
{ //in knockdown
return ;
if ( pm - > gent - > NPC ! = NULL )
validNPC = qtrue ;
pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . legsFpsMod = 1.0f ;
// calculate speed and cycle to be used for
// all cyclic walking effects
pm - > xyspeed = sqrt ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 0 ] * pm - > ps - > velocity [ 0 ]
+ pm - > ps - > velocity [ 1 ] * pm - > ps - > velocity [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_FLIP_F | |
pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_FLIP_B | |
pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_FLIP_L | |
pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_FLIP_R )
flipping = qtrue ;
if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = = ENTITYNUM_NONE
| | ( pm - > watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER )
| | pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel > = WHL_TORSO )
{ //in air or submerged in water or in ladder
// airborne leaves position in cycle intact, but doesn't advance
if ( pm - > waterlevel > 0 )
if ( pm - > watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER )
{ //FIXME: check for watertype, save waterlevel for whether to play
//the get off ladder transition anim!
if ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] )
{ //going up or down it
int anim ;
if ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] > 0 )
anim = BOTH_LADDER_UP1 ;
if ( pm - > waterlevel > = 2 ) //arms on ladder
if ( fabs ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] ) > 5 ) {
bobmove = 0.005 * fabs ( pm - > ps - > velocity [ 2 ] ) ; // climbing bobs slow
if ( bobmove > 0.3 )
bobmove = 0.3F ;
goto DoFootSteps ;
pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer + = 300 ;
if ( pm - > waterlevel > = 2 ) //arms on ladder
pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer + = 300 ;
return ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel > = WHL_TORSO
& & ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum | | pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER | | pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_NONE | | pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_MELEE ) ) //pm->waterlevel > 1 ) //in deep water
if ( ! PM_ForceJumpingUp ( pm - > gent ) )
if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum ! = ENTITYNUM_NONE & & ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) )
if ( ! flipping )
{ //you can crouch under water if feet are on ground
if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove | | pm - > cmd . rightmove )
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN )
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_CROUCH1WALKBACK , setAnimFlags ) ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_CROUCH1WALK , setAnimFlags ) ;
return ;
PM_SwimFloatAnim ( ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ! = BOTH_SWIM_IDLE1 )
{ //moving
old = pm - > ps - > bobCycle ;
bobmove = 0.15f ; // swim is a slow cycle
pm - > ps - > bobCycle = ( int ) ( old + bobmove * pml . msec ) & 255 ;
// if we just crossed a cycle boundary, play an apropriate footstep event
if ( ( ( old + 64 ) ^ ( pm - > ps - > bobCycle + 64 ) ) & 128 )
PM_AddEvent ( EV_SWIM ) ;
return ;
{ //hmm, in water, but not high enough to swim
//fall through to walk/run/stand
if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = = ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{ //unless in the air
//NOTE: this is a dupe of the code just below... for when you are not in the water at all
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED )
if ( ! flipping )
else if ( pm - > ps - > gravity < = 0 ) //FIXME: or just less than normal?
PM_SwimFloatAnim ( ) ;
return ;
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED )
if ( ! flipping )
else if ( pm - > ps - > gravity < = 0 ) //FIXME: or just less than normal?
PM_SwimFloatAnim ( ) ;
return ;
if ( PM_SwimmingAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) & & pm - > waterlevel < 2 )
{ //legs are in swim anim, and not swimming, be sure to override it
// if not trying to move
if ( ! pm - > cmd . forwardmove & & ! pm - > cmd . rightmove )
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_ATST )
if ( ! PM_AdjustStandAnimForSlope ( ) )
else if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED )
if ( ! PM_InOnGroundAnim ( pm - > ps ) )
if ( ! PM_AdjustStandAnimForSlope ( ) )
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer & & PM_LandingAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) )
{ //still in a landing anim, let it play
return ;
qboolean saberInAir = qtrue ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberInFlight )
{ //guiding saber
if ( PM_SaberInBrokenParry ( pm - > ps - > saberMove ) | | pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = = BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN | | PM_DodgeAnim ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim ) )
{ //we're stuck in a broken parry
saberInAir = qfalse ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum < ENTITYNUM_NONE & & pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum > 0 ) //player is 0
{ //
if ( & g_entities [ pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum ] ! = NULL & & g_entities [ pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum ] . s . pos . trType = = TR_STATIONARY )
{ //fell to the ground and we're not trying to pull it back
saberInAir = qfalse ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_GALAKMECH )
{ //NOTE: stand1 is with the helmet retracted, stand1to2 is the helmet going into place
else if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER & & pm - > ps - > saberInFlight & & saberInAir )
if ( ! PM_AdjustStandAnimForSlope ( ) )
else if ( ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER & & pm - > ps - > saberLength > 0 & & ! pm - > ps - > saberInFlight ) )
if ( ! PM_AdjustStandAnimForSlope ( ) )
int legsAnim ;
switch ( pm - > ps - > saberAnimLevel )
case FORCE_LEVEL_1 :
case FORCE_LEVEL_5 :
break ;
case FORCE_LEVEL_3 :
break ;
case FORCE_LEVEL_0 :
case FORCE_LEVEL_2 :
case FORCE_LEVEL_4 :
default :
legsAnim = BOTH_STAND2 ;
break ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , legsAnim , SETANIM_FLAG_NORMAL ) ;
else if ( ( validNPC & & pm - > ps - > weapon > WP_SABER & & pm - > ps - > weapon < WP_DET_PACK ) ) //Being careful or carrying a 2-handed weapon
{ //Squadmates use BOTH_STAND3
oldAnim = pm - > ps - > legsAnim ;
if ( oldAnim ! = BOTH_GUARD_LOOKAROUND1 & & oldAnim ! = BOTH_GUARD_IDLE1 & &
oldAnim ! = BOTH_STAND3IDLE1 & & oldAnim ! = BOTH_STAND2TO4
& & oldAnim ! = BOTH_STAND4TO2 & & oldAnim ! = BOTH_STAND4 )
{ //Don't auto-override the guard idles
if ( ! PM_AdjustStandAnimForSlope ( ) )
//if(oldAnim != BOTH_STAND2 && pm->ps->legsAnim == BOTH_STAND2)
// pm->ps->legsAnimTimer = 500;
if ( ! PM_AdjustStandAnimForSlope ( ) )
// FIXME: Do we need this here... The imps stand is 4, not 1...
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_IMPERIAL )
return ;
//maybe call this every frame, even when moving?
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_ATST )
PM_FootSlopeTrace ( NULL , NULL ) ;
//trying to move laterally
if ( ( PM_InSaberAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) & & ! PM_SpinningSaberAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) )
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_STAND1
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_STAND1TO2
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_STAND2TO1
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_STAND2
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_SABERFAST_STANCE
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_SABERSLOW_STANCE
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_BUTTON_HOLD
| | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_BUTTON_RELEASE
| | PM_LandingAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim )
| | PM_PainAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim )
| | PM_ForceAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) )
{ //legs are in a saber anim, and not spinning, be sure to override it
if ( ( pm - > ps - > eFlags & EF_IN_ATST ) ) //does this catch NPCs, too?
{ //atst
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_TURN_LEFT1 | |
pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_TURN_RIGHT1 )
{ //moving overrides turning
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED )
bobmove = 0.5 ; // ducked characters bob much faster
if ( ! PM_InOnGroundAnim ( pm - > ps ) )
qboolean rolled = qfalse ;
if ( PM_RunningAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) | | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_FORCEHEAL_START )
{ //roll!
rolled = PM_TryRoll ( ) ;
if ( ! rolled )
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN )
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_CROUCH1WALKBACK , setAnimFlags ) ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_CROUCH1WALK , setAnimFlags ) ;
// ducked characters never play footsteps
else if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN )
{ //Moving backwards
if ( ! ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_WALKING ) )
{ //running backwards
bobmove = 0.4F ; // faster speeds bob faster
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_RUNBACK1 , setAnimFlags ) ;
footstep = qtrue ;
{ //walking backwards
bobmove = 0.3F ; // faster speeds bob faster
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_WALKBACK1 , setAnimFlags ) ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_GALAKMECH )
bobmove = 0.3F ; // walking bobs slow
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_NONE )
{ //helmet retracted
{ //helmet in place
else if ( ! ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_WALKING ) )
bobmove = 0.4F ; // faster speeds bob faster
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER & & pm - > ps - > saberActive )
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_RUN2 , setAnimFlags ) ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_ATST )
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ! = BOTH_RUN1 )
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ! = BOTH_RUN1START )
{ //Hmm, he should really start slow and have to accelerate... also need to do this for stopping
else if ( ! pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer )
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_RUN1 , setAnimFlags ) ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_RUN1 , setAnimFlags ) ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_RUN1 , setAnimFlags ) ;
footstep = qtrue ;
bobmove = 0.3F ; // walking bobs slow
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER & & pm - > ps - > saberActive )
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_WALK2 , setAnimFlags ) ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , SETANIM_LEGS , BOTH_WALK1 , setAnimFlags ) ;
//Enemy NPCs always make footsteps for the benefit of the player
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > NPC & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > playerTeam ! = TEAM_PLAYER )
footstep = qtrue ;
if ( pm - > gent ! = NULL )
if ( pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . legsFpsMod > 2 )
pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . legsFpsMod = 2 ;
else if ( pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . legsFpsMod < 0.5 )
pm - > gent - > client - > renderInfo . legsFpsMod = 0.5 ;
DoFootSteps :
// check for footstep / splash sounds
old = pm - > ps - > bobCycle ;
pm - > ps - > bobCycle = ( int ) ( old + bobmove * pml . msec ) & 255 ;
// if we just crossed a cycle boundary, play an apropriate footstep event
if ( ( ( old + 64 ) ^ ( pm - > ps - > bobCycle + 64 ) ) & 128 )
if ( pm - > watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER )
if ( ! pm - > noFootsteps )
if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum = = ENTITYNUM_NONE ) { // on ladder
} else {
PM_AddEvent ( PM_FootstepForSurface ( ) ) ; //still on ground
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > s . number = = 0 )
// if ( pm->gent->client && pm->gent->client->playerTeam != TEAM_DISGUISE )
AddSoundEvent ( pm - > gent , pm - > ps - > origin , 128 , AEL_MINOR , qtrue ) ;
else if ( pm - > waterlevel = = 0 )
// on ground will only play sounds if running
if ( footstep & & ! pm - > noFootsteps )
PM_AddEvent ( PM_FootstepForSurface ( ) ) ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > s . number = = 0 )
vec3_t bottom ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > origin , bottom ) ;
bottom [ 2 ] + = pm - > mins [ 2 ] ;
// if ( pm->gent->client && pm->gent->client->playerTeam != TEAM_DISGUISE )
AddSoundEvent ( pm - > gent , bottom , 256 , AEL_MINOR , qtrue ) ;
else if ( pm - > waterlevel = = 1 )
// splashing
if ( pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel > = WHL_KNEES )
PM_AddEvent ( EV_FOOTWADE ) ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > s . number = = 0 )
vec3_t bottom ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > origin , bottom ) ;
bottom [ 2 ] + = pm - > mins [ 2 ] ;
// if ( pm->gent->client && pm->gent->client->playerTeam != TEAM_DISGUISE )
AddSoundEvent ( pm - > gent , pm - > ps - > origin , 384 , AEL_SUSPICIOUS ) ; //was bottom
AddSightEvent ( pm - > gent , pm - > ps - > origin , 512 , AEL_MINOR ) ;
else if ( pm - > waterlevel = = 2 )
// wading / swimming at surface
if ( pm - > ps - > waterHeightLevel > = WHL_TORSO )
PM_AddEvent ( EV_SWIM ) ;
PM_AddEvent ( EV_FOOTWADE ) ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > s . number = = 0 )
// if ( pm->gent->client && pm->gent->client->playerTeam != TEAM_DISGUISE )
AddSoundEvent ( pm - > gent , pm - > ps - > origin , 256 , AEL_MINOR ) ;
AddSightEvent ( pm - > gent , pm - > ps - > origin , 512 , AEL_SUSPICIOUS ) ;
{ // or no sound when completely underwater...?
PM_AddEvent ( EV_SWIM ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Generate sound events for entering and leaving water
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_WaterEvents ( void ) { // FIXME?
qboolean impact_splash = qfalse ;
if ( pm - > watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER ) //fake water for ladder
return ;
// if just entered a water volume, play a sound
if ( ! pml . previous_waterlevel & & pm - > waterlevel ) {
PM_AddEvent ( EV_WATER_TOUCH ) ;
if ( pm - > gent & & VectorLengthSquared ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) > 40000 )
impact_splash = qtrue ;
if ( pm - > gent & & ! pm - > ps - > clientNum )
AddSoundEvent ( pm - > gent , pm - > ps - > origin , 384 , AEL_SUSPICIOUS ) ;
AddSightEvent ( pm - > gent , pm - > ps - > origin , 512 , AEL_SUSPICIOUS ) ;
// if just completely exited a water volume, play a sound
if ( pml . previous_waterlevel & & ! pm - > waterlevel ) {
PM_AddEvent ( EV_WATER_LEAVE ) ;
if ( pm - > gent & & VectorLengthSquared ( pm - > ps - > velocity ) > 40000 )
impact_splash = qtrue ;
if ( pm - > gent & & ! pm - > ps - > clientNum )
AddSoundEvent ( pm - > gent , pm - > ps - > origin , 384 , AEL_SUSPICIOUS ) ;
AddSightEvent ( pm - > gent , pm - > ps - > origin , 512 , AEL_SUSPICIOUS ) ;
if ( impact_splash )
//play the splash effect
trace_t tr ;
vec3_t axis [ 3 ] , angs , start , end ;
VectorSet ( angs , 0 , pm - > gent - > currentAngles [ YAW ] , 0 ) ;
AngleVectors ( angs , axis [ 2 ] , axis [ 1 ] , axis [ 0 ] ) ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > origin , start ) ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > origin , end ) ;
// FIXME: set start and end better
start [ 2 ] + = 10 ;
end [ 2 ] - = 40 ;
gi . trace ( & tr , start , vec3_origin , vec3_origin , end , pm - > gent - > s . number , CONTENTS_WATER , G2_NOCOLLIDE , 0 ) ;
if ( tr . fraction < 1.0f )
G_PlayEffect ( " water_impact " , tr . endpos , axis ) ;
// check for head just going under water
if ( pml . previous_waterlevel ! = 3 & & pm - > waterlevel = = 3 ) {
PM_AddEvent ( EV_WATER_UNDER ) ;
if ( pm - > gent & & ! pm - > ps - > clientNum )
AddSoundEvent ( pm - > gent , pm - > ps - > origin , 256 , AEL_MINOR ) ;
AddSightEvent ( pm - > gent , pm - > ps - > origin , 384 , AEL_MINOR ) ;
// check for head just coming out of water
if ( pml . previous_waterlevel = = 3 & & pm - > waterlevel ! = 3 ) {
if ( ! pm - > gent | | ! pm - > gent - > client | | pm - > gent - > client - > airOutTime < level . time + 2000 )
{ //only do this if we were drowning or about to start drowning
PM_AddEvent ( EV_WATER_CLEAR ) ;
PM_AddEvent ( EV_WATER_LEAVE ) ;
if ( pm - > gent & & ! pm - > ps - > clientNum )
AddSoundEvent ( pm - > gent , pm - > ps - > origin , 256 , AEL_MINOR ) ;
AddSightEvent ( pm - > gent , pm - > ps - > origin , 384 , AEL_SUSPICIOUS ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
extern void G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel ( gentity_t * ent , const char * weaponModel ) ;
static void PM_BeginWeaponChange ( int weapon ) {
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > pers . enterTime > = level . time - 500 )
{ //just entered map
if ( weapon = = WP_NONE & & pm - > ps - > weapon ! = weapon )
{ //don't switch to weapon none if just entered map
return ;
if ( weapon < WP_NONE | | weapon > = WP_NUM_WEAPONS ) {
return ;
if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] & ( 1 < < weapon ) ) ) {
return ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponstate = = WEAPON_DROPPING ) {
return ;
if ( cg . time > 0 )
{ //this way we don't get that annoying change weapon sound every time a map starts
pm - > ps - > weaponstate = WEAPON_DROPPING ;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime + = 200 ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_GALAKMECH )
if ( pm - > gent - > alt_fire )
{ //FIXME: attack delay?
{ //FIXME: attack delay?
// turn of any kind of zooming when weapon switching....except the LA Goggles
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum = = 0 )
if ( cg . zoomMode > 0 & & cg . zoomMode < 3 )
cg . zoomMode = 0 ;
cg . zoomTime = cg . time ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_ATST )
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum )
gi . cvar_set ( " cg_thirdperson " , " 1 " ) ;
else if ( weapon = = WP_SABER )
{ //going to switch to lightsaber
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER )
{ //going to switch away from saber
if ( pm - > gent )
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_WEAPON , " sound/weapons/saber/saberoffquick.wav " ) ;
PM_SetSaberMove ( LS_PUTAWAY ) ;
//put this back in because saberActive isn't being set somewhere else anymore
pm - > ps - > saberActive = qfalse ;
pm - > ps - > saberLength = 0 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_FinishWeaponChange ( void ) {
int weapon ;
qboolean trueSwitch = qtrue ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > pers . enterTime > = level . time - 500 )
{ //just entered map
if ( pm - > cmd . weapon = = WP_NONE & & pm - > ps - > weapon ! = pm - > cmd . weapon )
{ //don't switch to weapon none if just entered map
return ;
weapon = pm - > cmd . weapon ;
if ( weapon < WP_NONE | | weapon > = WP_NUM_WEAPONS ) {
weapon = WP_NONE ;
if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > stats [ STAT_WEAPONS ] & ( 1 < < weapon ) ) ) {
weapon = WP_NONE ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = weapon )
trueSwitch = qfalse ;
int oldWeap = pm - > ps - > weapon ;
pm - > ps - > weapon = weapon ;
pm - > ps - > weaponstate = WEAPON_RAISING ;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime + = 250 ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_ATST )
{ //do nothing
else if ( weapon = = WP_SABER )
{ //turn on the lightsaber
//FIXME: somehow sometimes I still end up with 2 weapons in hand... usually if I
// cycle weapons fast enough that I end up in 1st person lightsaber, then
// somehow throw the saber and switch to another weapon (all in 1st person),
// making my saber drop to the ground... when I switch back to the saber, it
// does not remove the current weapon model and then, when I pull the saber
// back to my hand, I have 2 weaponModels active...?
if ( pm - > gent )
{ // remove gun if we had it.
if ( pm - > gent - > weaponModel > = 0 )
gi . G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model ( pm - > gent - > ghoul2 , pm - > gent - > weaponModel ) ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > saberInFlight )
{ //if it's not in flight or lying around, turn it on!
//FIXME: AddSound/Sight Event
//FIXME: don't do this if just loaded a game
if ( trueSwitch )
{ //actually did switch weapons, turn it on
pm - > ps - > saberActive = qtrue ;
pm - > ps - > saberLength = 0 ;
if ( pm - > gent )
G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel ( pm - > gent , pm - > ps - > saberModel ) ;
{ //FIXME: pull it back to us?
if ( pm - > gent )
WP_SaberInitBladeData ( pm - > gent ) ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum & & cg_saberAutoThird . value )
gi . cvar_set ( " cg_thirdperson " , " 1 " ) ;
if ( trueSwitch )
{ //actually did switch weapons, play anim
PM_SetSaberMove ( LS_DRAW ) ;
{ //switched away from saber
if ( pm - > gent )
// remove the sabre if we had it.
if ( pm - > gent - > weaponModel > = 0 )
gi . G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model ( pm - > gent - > ghoul2 , pm - > gent - > weaponModel ) ;
pm - > gent - > weaponModel = - 1 ;
if ( weaponData [ weapon ] . weaponMdl [ 0 ] ) { //might be NONE, so check if it has a model
G_CreateG2AttachedWeaponModel ( pm - > gent , weaponData [ weapon ] . weaponMdl ) ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_GALAKMECH )
if ( pm - > gent - > alt_fire )
{ //FIXME: attack delay?
{ //FIXME: attack delay?
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum & & cg_gunAutoFirst . value & & oldWeap = = WP_SABER & & weapon ! = WP_NONE )
gi . cvar_set ( " cg_thirdperson " , " 0 " ) ;
pm - > ps - > saberMove = LS_NONE ;
pm - > ps - > saberBlocking = BLK_NO ;
pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE ;
void PM_SetSaberMove ( short newMove )
unsigned int setflags = saberMoveData [ newMove ] . animSetFlags ;
int anim = saberMoveData [ newMove ] . animToUse ;
int parts = SETANIM_TORSO ;
if ( cg_debugSaber . integer & 0x01 & & ( newMove ! = LS_READY ) )
Com_Printf ( " SetSaberMove: From '%s' to '%s' \n " ,
saberMoveData [ pm - > ps - > saberMove ] . name ,
saberMoveData [ newMove ] . name ) ;
if ( newMove = = LS_READY | | newMove = = LS_A_FLIP_STAB | | newMove = = LS_A_FLIP_SLASH )
{ //finished with a kata (or in a special move) reset attack counter
pm - > ps - > saberAttackChainCount = 0 ;
else if ( PM_SaberInAttack ( newMove ) )
{ //continuing with a kata, increment attack counter
pm - > ps - > saberAttackChainCount + + ;
if ( newMove = = LS_READY )
switch ( pm - > ps - > saberAnimLevel )
case FORCE_LEVEL_1 :
case FORCE_LEVEL_5 :
break ;
case FORCE_LEVEL_3 :
break ;
case FORCE_LEVEL_0 :
case FORCE_LEVEL_2 :
case FORCE_LEVEL_4 :
default :
anim = BOTH_STAND2 ;
break ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > saberAnimLevel > FORCE_LEVEL_1 & &
! PM_SaberInIdle ( newMove ) & & ! PM_SaberInParry ( newMove ) & & ! PM_SaberInKnockaway ( newMove ) & & ! PM_SaberInBrokenParry ( newMove ) & & ! PM_SaberInReflect ( newMove ) & & ! PM_SaberInSpecial ( newMove ) )
{ //readies, parries and reflections have only 1 level
//increment the anim to the next level of saber anims
anim + = ( pm - > ps - > saberAnimLevel - FORCE_LEVEL_1 ) * SABER_ANIM_GROUP_SIZE ;
// If the move does the same animation as the last one, we need to force a restart...
if ( saberMoveData [ pm - > ps - > saberMove ] . animToUse = = anim & & newMove > LS_PUTAWAY )
if ( anim = = BOTH_STAND2
//FIXME: play both_stand2_random1 when you've been idle for a while
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALK1 )
anim = BOTH_WALK1 ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_RUN2 )
anim = BOTH_RUN2 ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALK2 )
anim = BOTH_WALK2 ;
if ( newMove = = LS_A_LUNGE
| | newMove = = LS_A_JUMP_T__B_
| | newMove = = LS_A_BACKSTAB
| | newMove = = LS_A_BACK
| | newMove = = LS_A_BACK_CR
| | newMove = = LS_A_FLIP_STAB
| | newMove = = LS_A_FLIP_SLASH )
parts = SETANIM_BOTH ;
else if ( PM_SpinningSaberAnim ( anim ) )
{ //spins must be played on entire body
parts = SETANIM_BOTH ;
else if ( ( ! pm - > cmd . forwardmove & & ! pm - > cmd . rightmove & & ! pm - > cmd . upmove ) )
{ //not trying to run, duck or jump
if ( ! PM_FlippingAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) & &
! PM_InRoll ( pm - > ps ) & &
! PM_InKnockDown ( pm - > ps ) & &
! PM_JumpingAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) & &
! PM_PainAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) & &
! PM_InSpecialJump ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) & &
! PM_InSlopeAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) & &
//!PM_CrouchAnim( pm->ps->legsAnim ) &&
//pm->cmd.upmove >= 0 &&
! ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) )
parts = SETANIM_BOTH ;
PM_SetAnim ( pm , parts , anim , setflags , saberMoveData [ newMove ] . blendTime ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim = = anim )
{ //successfully changed anims
//special check for *starting* a saber swing
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > ps - > saberLength > 1 )
if ( PM_SaberInAttack ( newMove ) | | PM_SaberInSpecialAttack ( anim ) )
{ //playing an attack
2022-10-03 21:19:00 +00:00
if ( pm - > ps - > saberMove ! = newMove & &
cg . renderingThirdPerson ) // don't want these sounds being triggered in 1st person
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
{ //wasn't playing that attack before
if ( PM_SaberInSpecialAttack ( anim ) )
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_WEAPON , va ( " sound/weapons/saber/saberhup%d.wav " , Q_irand ( 1 , 3 ) ) ) ;
switch ( pm - > ps - > saberAnimLevel )
case FORCE_LEVEL_4 :
case FORCE_LEVEL_3 :
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_WEAPON , va ( " sound/weapons/saber/saberhup%d.wav " , Q_irand ( 7 , 9 ) ) ) ;
break ;
case FORCE_LEVEL_2 :
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_WEAPON , va ( " sound/weapons/saber/saberhup%d.wav " , Q_irand ( 4 , 6 ) ) ) ;
break ;
case FORCE_LEVEL_5 :
case FORCE_LEVEL_1 :
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_WEAPON , va ( " sound/weapons/saber/saberhup%d.wav " , Q_irand ( 1 , 3 ) ) ) ;
break ;
else if ( PM_SaberInStart ( newMove ) & & pm - > ps - > saberAnimLevel = = FORCE_LEVEL_3 )
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_WEAPON , va ( " sound/weapons/saber/saberhup%d.wav " , Q_irand ( 1 , 3 ) ) ) ;
pm - > ps - > saberMove = newMove ;
pm - > ps - > saberBlocking = saberMoveData [ newMove ] . blocking ;
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum = = 0 | | PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) )
if ( pm - > ps - > saberBlocked > = BLOCKED_UPPER_RIGHT_PROJ & & pm - > ps - > saberBlocked < = BLOCKED_TOP_PROJ
& & newMove > = LS_REFLECT_UP & & newMove < = LS_REFLECT_LL )
{ //don't clear it when blocking projectiles
pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > saberBlocked < = BLOCKED_ATK_BOUNCE | | ! pm - > ps - > saberActive | | ( newMove < LS_PARRY_UR | | newMove > LS_REFLECT_LL ) )
{ //NPCs only clear blocked if not blocking?
pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client )
if ( saberMoveData [ newMove ] . trailLength > 0 )
pm - > gent - > client - > saberTrail . inAction = qtrue ;
pm - > gent - > client - > saberTrail . duration = saberMoveData [ newMove ] . trailLength ; // saber trail lasts for 75ms...feel free to change this if you want it longer or shorter
pm - > gent - > client - > saberTrail . inAction = qfalse ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Generates a use event
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# define USE_DELAY 250
void PM_Use ( void )
if ( pm - > ps - > useTime > 0 )
pm - > ps - > useTime - = pml . msec ;
if ( pm - > ps - > useTime < 0 )
pm - > ps - > useTime = 0 ;
if ( pm - > ps - > useTime > 0 ) {
return ;
if ( ! ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_USE ) )
pm - > useEvent = 0 ;
pm - > ps - > useTime = 0 ;
return ;
pm - > useEvent = EV_USE ;
pm - > ps - > useTime = USE_DELAY ;
extern int PM_AttackForEnemyPos ( qboolean allowFB ) ;
int PM_NPCSaberAttackFromQuad ( int quad )
//FIXME: this should be an AI decision
// It should be based on the enemy's current LS_ move, saberAnimLevel,
// the jedi's difficulty level, rank and FP_OFFENSE skill...
int autoMove = LS_NONE ;
if ( pm - > gent & & ( ( pm - > gent - > NPC & & pm - > gent - > NPC - > rank ! = RANK_ENSIGN & & pm - > gent - > NPC - > rank ! = RANK_CIVILIAN ) | | ( pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_TAVION ) ) )
autoMove = PM_AttackForEnemyPos ( qtrue ) ;
if ( autoMove ! = LS_NONE & & PM_SaberInSpecial ( autoMove ) )
{ //if have opportunity to do a special attack, do one
return autoMove ;
{ //pick another one
int newmove = LS_NONE ;
switch ( quad )
case Q_T : //blocked top
if ( Q_irand ( 0 , 1 ) )
newmove = LS_A_T2B ;
newmove = LS_A_TR2BL ;
break ;
case Q_TR :
if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 2 ) )
newmove = LS_A_R2L ;
else if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 1 ) )
newmove = LS_A_TR2BL ;
newmove = LS_T1_TR_BR ;
break ;
case Q_TL :
if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 2 ) )
newmove = LS_A_L2R ;
else if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 1 ) )
newmove = LS_A_TL2BR ;
newmove = LS_T1_TL_BL ;
break ;
case Q_BR :
if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 2 ) )
newmove = LS_A_BR2TL ;
else if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 1 ) )
newmove = LS_T1_BR_TR ;
newmove = LS_A_R2L ;
break ;
case Q_BL :
if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 2 ) )
newmove = LS_A_BL2TR ;
else if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 1 ) )
newmove = LS_T1_BL_TL ;
newmove = LS_A_L2R ;
break ;
case Q_L :
if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 2 ) )
newmove = LS_A_L2R ;
else if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 1 ) )
newmove = LS_T1__L_T_ ;
newmove = LS_A_R2L ;
break ;
case Q_R :
if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 2 ) )
newmove = LS_A_R2L ;
else if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 1 ) )
newmove = LS_T1__R_T_ ;
newmove = LS_A_L2R ;
break ;
case Q_B :
if ( ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > NPC & & pm - > gent - > NPC - > rank > = RANK_LT_JG ) )
{ //fencers and above can do bottom-up attack
if ( Q_irand ( 0 , pm - > gent - > NPC - > rank ) > = RANK_LT_JG )
{ //but not overly likely
newmove = LS_A_LUNGE ;
break ;
default :
break ;
return newmove ;
int PM_SaberMoveQuadrantForMovement ( usercmd_t * ucmd )
if ( ucmd - > rightmove > 0 )
{ //moving right
if ( ucmd - > forwardmove > 0 )
{ //forward right = TL2BR slash
return Q_TL ;
else if ( ucmd - > forwardmove < 0 )
{ //backward right = BL2TR uppercut
return Q_BL ;
{ //just right is a left slice
return Q_L ;
else if ( ucmd - > rightmove < 0 )
{ //moving left
if ( ucmd - > forwardmove > 0 )
{ //forward left = TR2BL slash
return Q_TR ;
else if ( ucmd - > forwardmove < 0 )
{ //backward left = BR2TL uppercut
return Q_BR ;
{ //just left is a right slice
return Q_R ;
{ //not moving left or right
if ( ucmd - > forwardmove > 0 )
{ //forward= T2B slash
return Q_T ;
else if ( ucmd - > forwardmove < 0 )
{ //backward= T2B slash //or B2T uppercut?
return Q_T ;
else //if ( curmove == LS_READY )//???
{ //Not moving at all
return Q_R ;
//return Q_R;//????
void PM_SetAnimFrame ( gentity_t * gent , int frame , qboolean torso , qboolean legs )
if ( ! gi . G2API_HaveWeGhoul2Models ( gent - > ghoul2 ) )
return ;
int actualTime = ( cg . time ? cg . time : level . time ) ;
if ( torso & & gent - > lowerLumbarBone ! = - 1 ) //gent->upperLumbarBone
gi . G2API_SetBoneAnimIndex ( & gent - > ghoul2 [ gent - > playerModel ] , gent - > lowerLumbarBone , //gent->upperLumbarBone
frame , frame + 1 , BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE | BONE_ANIM_BLEND , 1 , actualTime , frame , 150 ) ;
if ( gent - > motionBone ! = - 1 )
gi . G2API_SetBoneAnimIndex ( & gent - > ghoul2 [ gent - > playerModel ] , gent - > motionBone , //gent->upperLumbarBone
frame , frame + 1 , BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE | BONE_ANIM_BLEND , 1 , actualTime , frame , 150 ) ;
if ( legs & & gent - > rootBone ! = - 1 )
gi . G2API_SetBoneAnimIndex ( & gent - > ghoul2 [ gent - > playerModel ] , gent - > rootBone ,
frame , frame + 1 , BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE | BONE_ANIM_BLEND , 1 , actualTime , frame , 150 ) ;
int PM_SaberLockWinAnim ( saberLockResult_t result )
int winAnim = - 1 ;
switch ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim )
default :
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR-PM_SaberLockBreak: %s not in saberlock anim, anim = (%d)%s \n " , pm - > gent - > NPC_type , pm - > ps - > torsoAnim , animTable [ pm - > ps - > torsoAnim ] . name ) ;
# endif
if ( result = = LOCK_DRAW )
winAnim = BOTH_BF1BREAK ;
pm - > ps - > saberMove = LS_A_T2B ;
winAnim = BOTH_A3_T__B_ ;
break ;
if ( result = = LOCK_DRAW )
pm - > ps - > saberMove = LS_K1_T_ ;
winAnim = BOTH_K1_S1_T_ ;
break ;
if ( result = = LOCK_DRAW )
pm - > ps - > saberMove = pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove = LS_V1_BL ;
pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN ;
winAnim = BOTH_V1_BL_S1 ;
break ;
if ( result = = LOCK_DRAW )
pm - > ps - > saberMove = pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove = LS_V1_BR ;
pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN ;
winAnim = BOTH_V1_BR_S1 ;
break ;
if ( winAnim ! = - 1 )
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer ;
return winAnim ;
int PM_SaberLockLoseAnim ( gentity_t * genemy , saberLockResult_t result )
int loseAnim = - 1 ;
switch ( genemy - > client - > ps . torsoAnim )
default :
# ifndef FINAL_BUILD
Com_Printf ( S_COLOR_RED " ERROR-PM_SaberLockBreak: %s not in saberlock anim, anim = (%d)%s \n " , genemy - > NPC_type , genemy - > client - > ps . torsoAnim , animTable [ genemy - > client - > ps . torsoAnim ] . name ) ;
# endif
if ( result = = LOCK_DRAW )
loseAnim = BOTH_BF1BREAK ;
if ( result = = LOCK_STALEMATE )
{ //no-one won
genemy - > client - > ps . saberMove = LS_K1_T_ ;
loseAnim = BOTH_K1_S1_T_ ;
{ //FIXME: this anim needs to transition back to ready when done
loseAnim = BOTH_BF1BREAK ;
break ;
if ( result = = LOCK_DRAW )
loseAnim = BOTH_KNOCKDOWN4 ;
if ( result = = LOCK_STALEMATE )
{ //no-one won
genemy - > client - > ps . saberMove = LS_A_T2B ;
loseAnim = BOTH_A3_T__B_ ;
loseAnim = BOTH_KNOCKDOWN4 ;
break ;
if ( result = = LOCK_DRAW )
genemy - > client - > ps . saberMove = genemy - > client - > ps . saberBounceMove = LS_V1_BL ;
genemy - > client - > ps . saberBlocked = BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN ;
loseAnim = BOTH_V1_BL_S1 ;
if ( result = = LOCK_STALEMATE )
{ //no-one won
genemy - > client - > ps . saberMove = genemy - > client - > ps . saberBounceMove = LS_V1_BL ;
genemy - > client - > ps . saberBlocked = BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN ;
loseAnim = BOTH_V1_BL_S1 ;
genemy - > client - > ps . saberMove = genemy - > client - > ps . saberBounceMove = LS_H1_BR ;
genemy - > client - > ps . saberBlocked = BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN ;
loseAnim = BOTH_H1_S1_BL ;
break ;
if ( result = = LOCK_DRAW )
genemy - > client - > ps . saberMove = genemy - > client - > ps . saberBounceMove = LS_V1_BR ;
genemy - > client - > ps . saberBlocked = BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN ;
loseAnim = BOTH_V1_BR_S1 ;
if ( result = = LOCK_STALEMATE )
{ //no-one won
genemy - > client - > ps . saberMove = genemy - > client - > ps . saberBounceMove = LS_V1_BR ;
genemy - > client - > ps . saberBlocked = BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN ;
loseAnim = BOTH_V1_BR_S1 ;
genemy - > client - > ps . saberMove = genemy - > client - > ps . saberBounceMove = LS_H1_BL ;
genemy - > client - > ps . saberBlocked = BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN ;
loseAnim = BOTH_H1_S1_BR ;
break ;
if ( loseAnim ! = - 1 )
genemy - > client - > ps . weaponTime = genemy - > client - > ps . torsoAnimTimer ; // + 250;
return loseAnim ;
void PM_SaberLockBreak ( gentity_t * gent , gentity_t * genemy , saberLockResult_t result , int victoryStrength )
int winAnim = - 1 , loseAnim = - 1 ;
winAnim = PM_SaberLockWinAnim ( result ) ;
if ( genemy & & genemy - > client )
loseAnim = PM_SaberLockLoseAnim ( genemy , result ) ;
if ( d_saberCombat - > integer )
Com_Printf ( " %s won saber lock, anim = %s! \n " , gent - > NPC_type , animTable [ winAnim ] . name ) ;
Com_Printf ( " %s lost saber lock, anim = %s! \n " , genemy - > NPC_type , animTable [ loseAnim ] . name ) ;
pm - > ps - > saberLockTime = genemy - > client - > ps . saberLockTime = 0 ;
pm - > ps - > saberLockEnemy = genemy - > client - > ps . saberLockEnemy = ENTITYNUM_NONE ;
PM_AddEvent ( EV_JUMP ) ;
if ( result = = LOCK_STALEMATE )
{ //no-one won
G_AddEvent ( genemy , EV_JUMP , 0 ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum )
{ //an NPC
pm - > ps - > saberEventFlags | = SEF_LOCK_WON ; //tell the winner to press the advantage
//painDebounceTime will stop them from doing anything
genemy - > painDebounceTime = level . time + genemy - > client - > ps . torsoAnimTimer + 500 ;
if ( Q_irand ( 0 , 1 ) )
G_AddEvent ( genemy , EV_PAIN , Q_irand ( 0 , 75 ) ) ;
if ( genemy - > NPC )
genemy - > NPC - > blockedSpeechDebounceTime = 0 ;
G_AddVoiceEvent ( genemy , Q_irand ( EV_PUSHED1 , EV_PUSHED3 ) , 500 ) ;
if ( result = = LOCK_VICTORY & & winAnim ! = BOTH_CCWCIRCLEBREAK )
{ //one person won
if ( Q_irand ( FORCE_LEVEL_1 , FORCE_LEVEL_2 ) < pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_SABER_OFFENSE ] )
if ( ( ! genemy - > s . number & & genemy - > health < = 25 ) //player low on health
| | ( genemy - > s . number & & genemy - > client - > NPC_class ! = CLASS_LUKE & & genemy - > client - > NPC_class ! = CLASS_TAVION & & genemy - > client - > NPC_class ! = CLASS_DESANN ) //any NPC that's not a boss character
| | ( genemy - > s . number & & genemy - > health < = 50 ) ) //boss character with less than 50 health left
{ //possibly knock saber out of hand OR cut hand off!
vec3_t throwDir = { 0 , 0 , 350 } ;
int winMove = pm - > ps - > saberMove ;
switch ( winAnim )
case BOTH_A3_T__B_ :
winAnim = BOTH_D1_TL___ ;
winMove = LS_D1_TL ;
//FIXME: mod throwDir?
break ;
case BOTH_K1_S1_T_ :
//FIXME: mod throwDir?
break ;
//FIXME: mod throwDir?
break ;
winAnim = BOTH_A1_BR_TL ;
winMove = LS_A_BR2TL ;
//FIXME: mod throwDir?
break ;
if ( Q_irand ( 0 , 25 ) < victoryStrength
& & ( ( ! genemy - > s . number & & genemy - > health < = 10 ) | | genemy - > s . number ) )
genemy - > client - > dismembered = qfalse ;
G_DoDismemberment ( genemy , genemy - > client - > renderInfo . handRPoint , MOD_SABER , 1000 , HL_HAND_RT , qtrue ) ;
G_Damage ( genemy , gent , gent , throwDir , genemy - > client - > renderInfo . handRPoint , genemy - > health + 10 , DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION | DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR | DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK | DAMAGE_NO_HIT_LOC , MOD_SABER , HL_NONE ) ;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer + 500 ;
pm - > ps - > saberMove = winMove ;
else if ( Q_irand ( 0 , 10 ) < victoryStrength )
WP_SaberLose ( genemy , throwDir ) ;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer ;
pm - > ps - > saberMove = winMove ;
int G_SaberLockStrength ( gentity_t * gent )
if ( gent - > s . number )
if ( gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_DESANN | | gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_LUKE )
return 5 + Q_irand ( 0 , g_spskill - > integer ) ;
return gent - > client - > ps . forcePowerLevel [ FP_SABER_OFFENSE ] + Q_irand ( 0 , g_spskill - > integer ) ;
{ //player
return gent - > client - > ps . forcePowerLevel [ FP_SABER_OFFENSE ] + Q_irand ( 0 , g_spskill - > integer ) ;
extern qboolean ValidAnimFileIndex ( int index ) ;
qboolean PM_SaberLocked ( void )
if ( pm - > ps - > saberLockEnemy = = ENTITYNUM_NONE )
if ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim = = BOTH_BF2LOCK | |
pm - > ps - > torsoAnim = = BOTH_BF1LOCK | |
pm - > ps - > torsoAnim = = BOTH_CWCIRCLELOCK | |
pm - > ps - > torsoAnim = = BOTH_CCWCIRCLELOCK )
{ //wtf? Maybe enemy died?
PM_SaberLockWinAnim ( LOCK_STALEMATE ) ;
return qfalse ;
gentity_t * gent = pm - > gent ;
if ( ! gent )
return qfalse ;
gentity_t * genemy = & g_entities [ pm - > ps - > saberLockEnemy ] ;
if ( ! genemy )
return qfalse ;
if ( ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim = = BOTH_BF2LOCK | |
pm - > ps - > torsoAnim = = BOTH_BF1LOCK | |
pm - > ps - > torsoAnim = = BOTH_CWCIRCLELOCK | |
pm - > ps - > torsoAnim = = BOTH_CCWCIRCLELOCK )
& & ( genemy - > client - > ps . torsoAnim = = BOTH_BF2LOCK | |
genemy - > client - > ps . torsoAnim = = BOTH_BF1LOCK | |
genemy - > client - > ps . torsoAnim = = BOTH_CWCIRCLELOCK | |
genemy - > client - > ps . torsoAnim = = BOTH_CCWCIRCLELOCK )
if ( pm - > ps - > saberLockTime < = level . time + 500
& & pm - > ps - > saberLockEnemy ! = ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{ //lock just ended
int strength = G_SaberLockStrength ( gent ) ;
int eStrength = G_SaberLockStrength ( genemy ) ;
if ( strength > 1 & & eStrength > 1 & & ! Q_irand ( 0 , fabs ( ( double ) strength - eStrength ) + 1 ) )
{ //both knock each other down!
PM_SaberLockBreak ( gent , genemy , LOCK_DRAW , 0 ) ;
{ //both "win"
PM_SaberLockBreak ( gent , genemy , LOCK_STALEMATE , 0 ) ;
return qtrue ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > saberLockTime < level . time )
{ //done... tie breaker above should have handled this, but...?
if ( PM_SaberLockAnim ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim ) & & pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer > 0 )
pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer = 0 ;
if ( PM_SaberLockAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) & & pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer > 0 )
pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer = 0 ;
return qfalse ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK )
{ //holding attack
if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_ATTACK_HELD ) )
{ //tapping
int remaining = 0 ;
if ( ValidAnimFileIndex ( gent - > client - > clientInfo . animFileIndex ) )
animation_t * anim ;
float currentFrame , junk2 ;
int curFrame , junk ;
int strength = 1 ;
anim = & level . knownAnimFileSets [ gent - > client - > clientInfo . animFileIndex ] . animations [ pm - > ps - > torsoAnim ] ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
qboolean ret =
# endif // _DEBUG
gi . G2API_GetBoneAnimIndex ( & gent - > ghoul2 [ gent - > playerModel ] , gent - > lowerLumbarBone , ( cg . time ? cg . time : level . time ) , & currentFrame , & junk , & junk , & junk , & junk2 , NULL ) ;
2022-09-27 22:19:12 +00:00
# ifdef _DEBUG
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
assert ( ret ) ; // this would be pretty bad, the below code seems to assume the call succeeds. -gil
2022-09-27 22:19:12 +00:00
# endif // _DEBUG
2022-09-18 15:37:21 +00:00
strength = G_SaberLockStrength ( gent ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim = = BOTH_CCWCIRCLELOCK | |
pm - > ps - > torsoAnim = = BOTH_BF2LOCK )
curFrame = floor ( currentFrame ) - strength ;
//drop my frame one
if ( curFrame < = anim - > firstFrame )
{ //I won! Break out
PM_SaberLockBreak ( gent , genemy , LOCK_VICTORY , strength ) ;
return qtrue ;
PM_SetAnimFrame ( gent , curFrame , qtrue , qtrue ) ;
remaining = curFrame - anim - > firstFrame ;
if ( d_saberCombat - > integer )
Com_Printf ( " %s pushing in saber lock, %d frames to go! \n " , gent - > NPC_type , remaining ) ;
curFrame = ceil ( currentFrame ) + strength ;
//advance my frame one
if ( curFrame > = anim - > firstFrame + anim - > numFrames )
{ //I won! Break out
PM_SaberLockBreak ( gent , genemy , LOCK_VICTORY , strength ) ;
return qtrue ;
PM_SetAnimFrame ( gent , curFrame , qtrue , qtrue ) ;
remaining = anim - > firstFrame + anim - > numFrames - curFrame ;
if ( d_saberCombat - > integer )
Com_Printf ( " %s pushing in saber lock, %d frames to go! \n " , gent - > NPC_type , remaining ) ;
if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 2 ) )
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum )
if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 3 ) )
PM_AddEvent ( EV_JUMP ) ;
PM_AddEvent ( Q_irand ( EV_PUSHED1 , EV_PUSHED3 ) ) ;
if ( gent - > NPC & & gent - > NPC - > blockedSpeechDebounceTime < level . time )
switch ( Q_irand ( 0 , 3 ) )
case 0 :
PM_AddEvent ( EV_JUMP ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
PM_AddEvent ( Q_irand ( EV_ANGER1 , EV_ANGER3 ) ) ;
gent - > NPC - > blockedSpeechDebounceTime = level . time + 3000 ;
break ;
case 2 :
PM_AddEvent ( Q_irand ( EV_TAUNT1 , EV_TAUNT3 ) ) ;
gent - > NPC - > blockedSpeechDebounceTime = level . time + 3000 ;
break ;
case 3 :
PM_AddEvent ( Q_irand ( EV_GLOAT1 , EV_GLOAT3 ) ) ;
gent - > NPC - > blockedSpeechDebounceTime = level . time + 3000 ;
break ;
return qfalse ;
if ( ValidAnimFileIndex ( genemy - > client - > clientInfo . animFileIndex ) )
animation_t * anim ;
anim = & level . knownAnimFileSets [ genemy - > client - > clientInfo . animFileIndex ] . animations [ genemy - > client - > ps . torsoAnim ] ;
float currentFrame , junk2 ;
int junk ;
gi . G2API_GetBoneAnimIndex ( & genemy - > ghoul2 [ genemy - > playerModel ] , genemy - > lowerLumbarBone , ( cg . time ? cg . time : level . time ) , & currentFrame , & junk , & junk , & junk , & junk2 , NULL ) ;
if ( genemy - > client - > ps . torsoAnim = = BOTH_CWCIRCLELOCK | |
genemy - > client - > ps . torsoAnim = = BOTH_BF1LOCK )
if ( ! Q_irand ( 0 , 2 ) )
switch ( Q_irand ( 0 , 3 ) )
case 0 :
G_AddEvent ( genemy , EV_PAIN , floor ( ( float ) genemy - > health / genemy - > max_health * 100.0f ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
G_AddVoiceEvent ( genemy , Q_irand ( EV_PUSHED1 , EV_PUSHED3 ) , 500 ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
G_AddVoiceEvent ( genemy , Q_irand ( EV_CHOKE1 , EV_CHOKE3 ) , 500 ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
G_AddVoiceEvent ( genemy , EV_PUSHFAIL , 2000 ) ;
break ;
PM_SetAnimFrame ( genemy , anim - > firstFrame + remaining , qtrue , qtrue ) ;
curFrame = floor ( currentFrame ) ;
//drop his frame one
if ( curFrame < = anim - > firstFrame )
{ //He lost! Break out
PM_SaberLockBreak ( gent , genemy , LOCK_VICTORY , 0 ) ;
return ;
if ( d_saberCombat - > integer )
Com_Printf ( " %s losing in saber lock, %d frames to go! \n " , genemy - > NPC_type , ( curFrame - 1 ) - anim - > firstFrame ) ;
PM_SetAnimFrame ( genemy , curFrame - 1 , qtrue , qtrue ) ;
PM_SetAnimFrame ( genemy , anim - > firstFrame + anim - > numFrames - remaining , qtrue , qtrue ) ;
curFrame = ceil ( currentFrame ) ;
//advance his frame one
if ( curFrame > = anim - > firstFrame + anim - > numFrames )
{ //He lost! Break out
PM_SaberLockBreak ( gent , genemy , LOCK_VICTORY , 0 ) ;
return ;
if ( d_saberCombat - > integer )
Com_Printf ( " %s losing in saber lock, %d frames to go! \n " , genemy - > NPC_type , anim - > firstFrame + anim - > numFrames - ( curFrame + 1 ) ) ;
PM_SetAnimFrame ( genemy , curFrame + 1 , qtrue , qtrue ) ;
{ //FIXME: other ways out of a saberlock?
//force-push? (requires more force power?)
//kick? (requires anim ... hit jump key?)
{ //something broke us out of it
if ( gent - > painDebounceTime > level . time & & genemy - > painDebounceTime > level . time )
PM_SaberLockBreak ( gent , genemy , LOCK_DRAW , 0 ) ;
else if ( gent - > painDebounceTime > level . time )
PM_SaberLockBreak ( genemy , gent , LOCK_VICTORY , 0 ) ;
else if ( genemy - > painDebounceTime > level . time )
PM_SaberLockBreak ( gent , genemy , LOCK_VICTORY , 0 ) ;
PM_SaberLockBreak ( gent , genemy , LOCK_STALEMATE , 0 ) ;
return qtrue ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Consults a chart to choose what to do with the lightsaber .
While this is a little different than the Quake 3 code , there is no clean way of using the Q3 code for this kind of thing .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Ultimate goal is to set the sabermove to the proper next location
// Note that if the resultant animation is NONE, then the animation is essentially "idle", and is set in WP_TorsoAnim
void PM_WeaponLightsaber ( void )
int addTime ;
qboolean delayed_fire = qfalse ;
int anim = - 1 , curmove , newmove = LS_NONE ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum
& & cg . saberAnimLevelPending > FORCE_LEVEL_0
& & cg . saberAnimLevelPending ! = pm - > ps - > saberAnimLevel )
if ( ! PM_SaberInStart ( pm - > ps - > saberMove )
& & ! PM_SaberInTransition ( pm - > ps - > saberMove )
& & ! PM_SaberInAttack ( pm - > ps - > saberMove ) )
{ //don't allow changes when in the middle of an attack set...(or delay the change until it's done)
pm - > ps - > saberAnimLevel = cg . saberAnimLevelPending ;
if ( PM_InForceGetUp ( pm - > ps ) )
{ //if mostly up, can start attack
if ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer > 800 )
{ //not up enough yet
// make weapon function
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime > 0 ) {
pm - > ps - > weaponTime - = pml . msec ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime < = 0 )
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = 0 ;
return ;
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK )
{ //let an attack interrupt the torso part of this force getup
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = 0 ;
if ( PM_InKnockDown ( pm - > ps ) | | PM_InRoll ( pm - > ps ) )
{ //in knockdown
// make weapon function
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime > 0 ) {
pm - > ps - > weaponTime - = pml . msec ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime < = 0 )
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = 0 ;
return ;
if ( PM_SaberLocked ( ) )
pm - > ps - > saberMove = LS_NONE ;
return ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberEventFlags & SEF_INWATER ) //saber in water
pm - > cmd . buttons & = ~ ( BUTTON_ATTACK | BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) ;
qboolean saberInAir = qtrue ;
if ( ! PM_SaberInBrokenParry ( pm - > ps - > saberMove ) & & pm - > ps - > saberBlocked ! = BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN & & ! PM_DodgeAnim ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim ) )
{ //we're not stuck in a broken parry
if ( pm - > ps - > saberInFlight )
{ //guiding saber
if ( pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum < ENTITYNUM_NONE & & pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum > 0 ) //player is 0
{ //
if ( & g_entities [ pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum ] ! = NULL & & g_entities [ pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum ] . s . pos . trType = = TR_STATIONARY )
{ //fell to the ground and we're not trying to pull it back
saberInAir = qfalse ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime < = 0 | | pm - > ps - > weaponstate ! = WEAPON_FIRING )
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon ! = pm - > cmd . weapon )
PM_BeginWeaponChange ( pm - > cmd . weapon ) ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER )
{ //guiding saber
if ( saberInAir )
if ( ! PM_ForceAnim ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim ) | | pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer < 300 )
{ //don't interrupt a force power anim
return ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > fireDelay > 0 )
{ //FIXME: this is going to fire off one frame before you expect, actually
pm - > gent - > client - > fireDelay - = pml . msec ;
if ( pm - > gent - > client - > fireDelay < = 0 )
{ //just finished delay timer
pm - > gent - > client - > fireDelay = 0 ;
delayed_fire = qtrue ;
// don't allow attack until all buttons are up
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_RESPAWNED ) {
return ;
// check for dead player
if ( pm - > ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] < = 0 )
if ( pm - > gent )
pm - > gent - > s . loopSound = 0 ;
return ;
// make weapon function
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime > 0 ) {
pm - > ps - > weaponTime - = pml . msec ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime < = 0 )
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = 0 ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum | | PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) )
{ //player
if ( pm - > ps - > saberBlocked > = BLOCKED_UPPER_RIGHT_PROJ & & pm - > ps - > saberBlocked < = BLOCKED_TOP_PROJ )
{ //blocking a projectile
if ( pm - > ps - > forcePowerDebounce [ FP_SABER_DEFENSE ] < level . time )
{ //block is done or breaking out of it with an attack
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = 0 ;
pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE ;
else if ( ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK ) )
{ //block is done or breaking out of it with an attack
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = 0 ;
pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE ;
// Now we react to a block action by the player's lightsaber.
if ( pm - > ps - > saberBlocked )
if ( pm - > ps - > saberMove > LS_PUTAWAY & & pm - > ps - > saberMove < = LS_A_BL2TR & & pm - > ps - > saberBlocked ! = BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN & &
( pm - > ps - > saberBlocked < BLOCKED_UPPER_RIGHT_PROJ | | pm - > ps - > saberBlocked > BLOCKED_TOP_PROJ ) ) //&& Q_irand( 0, 2 )
{ //we parried another lightsaber while attacking, so treat it as a bounce
pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = BLOCKED_ATK_BOUNCE ;
else if ( ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK )
& & pm - > ps - > saberBlocked > = BLOCKED_UPPER_RIGHT
& & pm - > ps - > saberBlocked < = BLOCKED_TOP
& & ! PM_SaberInKnockaway ( pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ) )
{ //if hitting attack during a parry (not already a knockaway)
if ( pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_SABER_DEFENSE ] > FORCE_LEVEL_2 )
{ //have high saber defense, turn the parry into a knockaway?
//FIXME: this could actually be bad for us...? Leaves us open
pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove = PM_KnockawayForParry ( pm - > ps - > saberBlocked ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberBlocked ! = BLOCKED_ATK_BOUNCE )
{ //can't attack for twice whatever your skill level's parry debounce time is
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum = = 0 | | PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) )
{ //player
if ( pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_SABER_DEFENSE ] < = FORCE_LEVEL_1 )
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = parryDebounce [ pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_SABER_DEFENSE ] ] ;
{ //NPC
//pm->ps->weaponTime = parryDebounce[pm->ps->forcePowerLevel[FP_SABER_DEFENSE]] * 2;
if ( pm - > gent )
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = Jedi_ReCalcParryTime ( pm - > gent , EVASION_PARRY ) ;
{ //WTF???
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = parryDebounce [ pm - > ps - > forcePowerLevel [ FP_SABER_DEFENSE ] ] * 2 ;
switch ( pm - > ps - > saberBlocked )
//whatever parry we were is in now broken, play the appropriate knocked-away anim
int nextMove ;
if ( PM_SaberInBrokenParry ( pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ) )
{ //already have one...?
nextMove = pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ;
nextMove = PM_BrokenParryForParry ( pm - > ps - > saberMove ) ;
if ( nextMove ! = LS_NONE )
PM_SetSaberMove ( nextMove ) ;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer ;
{ //Maybe in a knockaway?
//pm->ps->saberBounceMove = LS_NONE;
break ;
// If there is absolutely no blocked move in the chart, don't even mess with the animation.
// OR if we are already in a block or parry.
if ( pm - > ps - > saberMove > = LS_T1_BR__R /*LS_BOUNCE_TOP*/ ) //|| saberMoveData[pm->ps->saberMove].bounceMove == LS_NONE )
{ //an actual bounce? Other bounces before this are actually transitions?
pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE ;
else if ( PM_SaberInBounce ( pm - > ps - > saberMove ) | | ! PM_SaberInAttack ( pm - > ps - > saberMove ) )
{ //already in the bounce, go into an attack or transition to ready.. should never get here since can't be blocked in a bounce!
int nextMove ;
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK )
{ //transition to a new attack
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & ! PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) )
{ //NPC
nextMove = saberMoveData [ pm - > ps - > saberMove ] . chain_attack ;
{ //player
int newQuad = PM_SaberMoveQuadrantForMovement ( & pm - > cmd ) ;
while ( newQuad = = saberMoveData [ pm - > ps - > saberMove ] . startQuad )
{ //player is still in same attack quad, don't repeat that attack because it looks bad,
//FIXME: try to pick one that might look cool?
newQuad = Q_irand ( Q_BR , Q_BL ) ;
//FIXME: sanity check, just in case?
} //else player is switching up anyway, take the new attack dir
nextMove = transitionMove [ saberMoveData [ pm - > ps - > saberMove ] . startQuad ] [ newQuad ] ;
{ //return to ready
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & ! PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) )
{ //NPC
nextMove = saberMoveData [ pm - > ps - > saberMove ] . chain_idle ;
{ //player
if ( saberMoveData [ pm - > ps - > saberMove ] . startQuad = = Q_T )
nextMove = LS_R_BL2TR ;
else if ( saberMoveData [ pm - > ps - > saberMove ] . startQuad < Q_T )
nextMove = LS_R_TL2BR + saberMoveData [ pm - > ps - > saberMove ] . startQuad - Q_BR ;
else // if ( saberMoveData[pm->ps->saberMove].startQuad > Q_T )
nextMove = LS_R_BR2TL + saberMoveData [ pm - > ps - > saberMove ] . startQuad - Q_TL ;
PM_SetSaberMove ( nextMove ) ;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer ;
{ //start the bounce move
int bounceMove ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ! = LS_NONE )
bounceMove = pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ;
bounceMove = PM_SaberBounceForAttack ( pm - > ps - > saberMove ) ;
PM_SetSaberMove ( bounceMove ) ;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer ;
//clear the saberBounceMove
//pm->ps->saberBounceMove = LS_NONE;
if ( cg_debugSaber . integer > = 2 )
Com_Printf ( " Saber Block: Bounce \n " ) ;
break ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ! = LS_NONE )
PM_SetSaberMove ( pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ) ;
//pm->ps->saberBounceMove = LS_NONE;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer ;
PM_SetSaberMove ( LS_PARRY_UR ) ;
if ( cg_debugSaber . integer > = 2 )
Com_Printf ( " Saber Block: Parry UR \n " ) ;
break ;
PM_SetSaberMove ( LS_REFLECT_UR ) ;
if ( cg_debugSaber . integer > = 2 )
Com_Printf ( " Saber Block: Deflect UR \n " ) ;
break ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ! = LS_NONE )
PM_SetSaberMove ( pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ) ;
//pm->ps->saberBounceMove = LS_NONE;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer ;
PM_SetSaberMove ( LS_PARRY_UL ) ;
if ( cg_debugSaber . integer > = 2 )
Com_Printf ( " Saber Block: Parry UL \n " ) ;
break ;
PM_SetSaberMove ( LS_REFLECT_UL ) ;
if ( cg_debugSaber . integer > = 2 )
Com_Printf ( " Saber Block: Deflect UL \n " ) ;
break ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ! = LS_NONE )
PM_SetSaberMove ( pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ) ;
//pm->ps->saberBounceMove = LS_NONE;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer ;
PM_SetSaberMove ( LS_PARRY_LR ) ;
if ( cg_debugSaber . integer > = 2 )
Com_Printf ( " Saber Block: Parry LR \n " ) ;
break ;
PM_SetSaberMove ( LS_REFLECT_LR ) ;
if ( cg_debugSaber . integer > = 2 )
Com_Printf ( " Saber Block: Deflect LR \n " ) ;
break ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ! = LS_NONE )
PM_SetSaberMove ( pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ) ;
//pm->ps->saberBounceMove = LS_NONE;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer ;
PM_SetSaberMove ( LS_PARRY_LL ) ;
if ( cg_debugSaber . integer > = 2 )
Com_Printf ( " Saber Block: Parry LL \n " ) ;
break ;
PM_SetSaberMove ( LS_REFLECT_LL ) ;
if ( cg_debugSaber . integer > = 2 )
Com_Printf ( " Saber Block: Deflect LL \n " ) ;
break ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ! = LS_NONE )
PM_SetSaberMove ( pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove ) ;
//pm->ps->saberBounceMove = LS_NONE;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer ;
PM_SetSaberMove ( LS_PARRY_UP ) ;
if ( cg_debugSaber . integer > = 2 )
Com_Printf ( " Saber Block: Parry Top \n " ) ;
break ;
PM_SetSaberMove ( LS_REFLECT_UP ) ;
if ( cg_debugSaber . integer > = 2 )
Com_Printf ( " Saber Block: Deflect Top \n " ) ;
break ;
default :
pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = BLOCKED_NONE ;
break ;
// Charging is like a lead-up before attacking again. This is an appropriate use, or we can create a new weaponstate for blocking
pm - > ps - > saberBounceMove = LS_NONE ;
pm - > ps - > weaponstate = WEAPON_READY ;
// Done with block, so stop these active weapon branches.
return ;
// check for weapon change
// can't change if weapon is firing, but can change again if lowering or raising
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime < = 0 | | pm - > ps - > weaponstate ! = WEAPON_FIRING ) {
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon ! = pm - > cmd . weapon ) {
PM_BeginWeaponChange ( pm - > cmd . weapon ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime > 0 )
//FIXME: allow some window of opportunity to change your attack
// if it just started and your directional input is different
// than it was before... but only 100 milliseconds at most?
//OR: Make it so that attacks don't start until 100ms after you
// press the attack button...???
return ;
// *********************************************************
// *********************************************************
// change weapon if time
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponstate = = WEAPON_DROPPING ) {
PM_FinishWeaponChange ( ) ;
return ;
// *********************************************************
// *********************************************************
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponstate = = WEAPON_RAISING )
{ //Just selected the weapon
pm - > ps - > weaponstate = WEAPON_IDLE ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > s . number = = 0 )
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALK1 )
else if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_RUN1 )
else if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_RUN2 )
else if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALK2 )
qboolean saberInAir = qtrue ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberInFlight )
{ //guiding saber
if ( PM_SaberInBrokenParry ( pm - > ps - > saberMove ) | | pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = = BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN | | PM_DodgeAnim ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim ) )
{ //we're stuck in a broken parry
saberInAir = qfalse ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum < ENTITYNUM_NONE & & pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum > 0 ) //player is 0
{ //
if ( & g_entities [ pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum ] ! = NULL & & g_entities [ pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum ] . s . pos . trType = = TR_STATIONARY )
{ //fell to the ground and we're not trying to pull it back
saberInAir = qfalse ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER & & pm - > ps - > saberInFlight & & saberInAir )
{ //guiding saber
if ( ! PM_ForceAnim ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim ) | | pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer < 300 )
{ //don't interrupt a force power anim
// Select the proper idle Lightsaber attack move from the chart.
PM_SetSaberMove ( LS_READY ) ;
return ;
// *********************************************************
// Check for WEAPON ATTACK
// *********************************************************
if ( ! delayed_fire )
// Start with the current move, and cross index it with the current control states.
if ( pm - > ps - > saberMove > LS_NONE & & pm - > ps - > saberMove < LS_MOVE_MAX )
curmove = pm - > ps - > saberMove ;
curmove = LS_READY ;
if ( curmove = = LS_A_JUMP_T__B_ | | pm - > ps - > torsoAnim = = BOTH_FORCELEAP2_T__B_ )
{ //must transition back to ready from this anim
newmove = LS_R_T2B ;
// check for fire
else if ( ! ( pm - > cmd . buttons & ( BUTTON_ATTACK | BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) ) )
{ //not attacking
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = 0 ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > fireDelay > 0 )
{ //Still firing
pm - > ps - > weaponstate = WEAPON_FIRING ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > weaponstate ! = WEAPON_READY )
pm - > ps - > weaponstate = WEAPON_IDLE ;
//Check for finishing an anim if necc.
if ( curmove > = LS_S_TL2BR & & curmove < = LS_S_T2B )
{ //started a swing, must continue from here
newmove = LS_A_TL2BR + ( curmove - LS_S_TL2BR ) ;
else if ( curmove > = LS_A_TL2BR & & curmove < = LS_A_T2B )
{ //finished an attack, must continue from here
newmove = LS_R_TL2BR + ( curmove - LS_A_TL2BR ) ;
else if ( PM_SaberInTransition ( curmove ) )
{ //in a transition, must play sequential attack
newmove = saberMoveData [ curmove ] . chain_attack ;
else if ( PM_SaberInBounce ( curmove ) )
{ //in a bounce
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & ! PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) )
{ //NPCs must play sequential attack
//going into another attack...
//allow endless chaining in level 1 attacks, several in level 2 and only one or a few in level 3
if ( PM_SaberKataDone ( LS_NONE , LS_NONE ) )
{ //done with this kata, must return to ready before attack again
newmove = saberMoveData [ curmove ] . chain_idle ;
{ //okay to chain to another attack
newmove = saberMoveData [ curmove ] . chain_attack ; //we assume they're attacking, even if they're not
pm - > ps - > saberAttackChainCount + + ;
{ //player gets his by directional control
newmove = saberMoveData [ curmove ] . chain_idle ; //oops, not attacking, so don't chain
{ //FIXME: what about returning from a parry?
//PM_SetSaberMove( LS_READY );
return ;
// ***************************************************
// Pressing attack, so we must look up the proper attack move.
qboolean saberInAir = qtrue ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberInFlight )
{ //guiding saber
if ( PM_SaberInBrokenParry ( pm - > ps - > saberMove ) | | pm - > ps - > saberBlocked = = BLOCKED_PARRY_BROKEN | | PM_DodgeAnim ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim ) )
{ //we're stuck in a broken parry
saberInAir = qfalse ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum < ENTITYNUM_NONE & & pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum > 0 ) //player is 0
{ //
if ( & g_entities [ pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum ] ! = NULL & & g_entities [ pm - > ps - > saberEntityNum ] . s . pos . trType = = TR_STATIONARY )
{ //fell to the ground and we're not trying to pull it back
saberInAir = qfalse ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER & & pm - > ps - > saberInFlight & & saberInAir )
{ //guiding saber
if ( ! PM_ForceAnim ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnim ) | | pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer < 300 )
{ //don't interrupt a force power anim
else if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime > 0 )
{ // Last attack is not yet complete.
pm - > ps - > weaponstate = WEAPON_FIRING ;
return ;
int both = qfalse ;
if ( curmove > = LS_PARRY_UP & & curmove < = LS_REFLECT_LL )
{ //from a parry or reflection, can go directly into an attack
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & ! PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) )
{ //NPCs
newmove = PM_NPCSaberAttackFromQuad ( saberMoveData [ curmove ] . endQuad ) ;
switch ( saberMoveData [ curmove ] . endQuad )
case Q_T :
newmove = LS_A_T2B ;
break ;
case Q_TR :
newmove = LS_A_TR2BL ;
break ;
case Q_TL :
newmove = LS_A_TL2BR ;
break ;
case Q_BR :
newmove = LS_A_BR2TL ;
break ;
case Q_BL :
newmove = LS_A_BL2TR ;
break ;
//shouldn't be a parry that ends at L, R or B
if ( newmove ! = LS_NONE )
{ //have a valid, final LS_ move picked, so skip findingt he transition move and just get the anim
if ( PM_HasAnimation ( pm - > gent , saberMoveData [ newmove ] . animToUse ) )
anim = saberMoveData [ newmove ] . animToUse ;
//FIXME: diagonal dirs use the figure-eight attacks from ready pose?
if ( anim = = - 1 )
//FIXME: take FP_SABER_OFFENSE into account here somehow?
if ( PM_SaberInTransition ( curmove ) )
{ //in a transition, must play sequential attack
newmove = saberMoveData [ curmove ] . chain_attack ;
else if ( curmove > = LS_S_TL2BR & & curmove < = LS_S_T2B )
{ //started a swing, must continue from here
newmove = LS_A_TL2BR + ( curmove - LS_S_TL2BR ) ;
else if ( PM_SaberInBrokenParry ( curmove ) )
{ //broken parries must always return to ready
newmove = LS_READY ;
else //if ( pm->cmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK && !(pm->ps->pm_flags&PMF_ATTACK_HELD) )//only do this if just pressed attack button?
{ //get attack move from movement command
if ( PM_SaberKataDone ( ) )
{ //we came from a bounce and cannot chain to another attack because our kata is done
newmove = saberMoveData [ curmove ] . chain_idle ;
else */
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum
& & ! PM_ControlledByPlayer ( )
& & ( Q_irand ( 0 , pm - > ps - > saberAnimLevel - 1 ) | | ( pm - > ps - > saberAnimLevel = = FORCE_LEVEL_1 & & pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > NPC & & pm - > gent - > NPC - > rank > = RANK_LT_JG & & Q_irand ( 0 , 1 ) ) ) ) //minor change to make fast-attack users use the special attacks more
{ //NPCs use more randomized attacks the more skilled they are
newmove = PM_NPCSaberAttackFromQuad ( saberMoveData [ curmove ] . endQuad ) ;
newmove = PM_SaberAttackForMovement ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove , pm - > cmd . rightmove , curmove ) ;
if ( ( PM_SaberInBounce ( curmove ) | | PM_SaberInBrokenParry ( curmove ) )
& & saberMoveData [ newmove ] . startQuad = = saberMoveData [ curmove ] . endQuad )
{ //this attack would be a repeat of the last (which was blocked), so don't actually use it, use the default chain attack for this bounce
newmove = saberMoveData [ curmove ] . chain_attack ;
if ( PM_SaberKataDone ( curmove , newmove ) )
{ //cannot chain this time
newmove = saberMoveData [ curmove ] . chain_idle ;
if ( newmove = = LS_NONE )
{ //FIXME: should we allow this? Are there some anims that you should never be able to chain into an attack?
//only curmove that might get in here is LS_NONE, LS_DRAW, LS_PUTAWAY and the LS_R_ returns... all of which are in Q_R
newmove = PM_AttackMoveForQuad ( saberMoveData [ curmove ] . endQuad ) ;
if ( newmove ! = LS_NONE )
//Now get the proper transition move
newmove = PM_SaberAnimTransitionAnim ( curmove , newmove ) ;
if ( PM_HasAnimation ( pm - > gent , saberMoveData [ newmove ] . animToUse ) )
anim = saberMoveData [ newmove ] . animToUse ;
if ( anim = = - 1 )
{ //not side-stepping, pick neutral anim
// Add randomness for prototype?
newmove = saberMoveData [ curmove ] . chain_attack ;
if ( PM_HasAnimation ( pm - > gent , saberMoveData [ newmove ] . animToUse ) )
anim = saberMoveData [ newmove ] . animToUse ;
if ( ! pm - > cmd . forwardmove & & ! pm - > cmd . rightmove & & pm - > cmd . upmove > = 0 & & pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum ! = ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{ //not moving at all, so set the anim on entire body
both = qtrue ;
if ( anim = = - 1 )
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALK1 )
anim = BOTH_WALK1 ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_RUN2 )
anim = BOTH_RUN2 ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_WALK2 )
anim = BOTH_WALK2 ;
//FIXME: play both_stand2_random1 when you've been idle for a while
anim = BOTH_STAND2 ;
newmove = LS_READY ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > saberActive )
{ //turn on the saber if it's not on
pm - > ps - > saberActive = qtrue ;
PM_SetSaberMove ( newmove ) ;
if ( both )
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client )
// pm->gent->client->saberTrail.inAction = qtrue;
// pm->gent->client->saberTrail.duration = 75; // saber trail lasts for 75ms...feel free to change this if you want it longer or shorter
//don't fire again until anim is done
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer ;
//FIXME: this may be making it so sometimes you can't swing again right away...
if ( newmove = = LS_READY )
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = 500 ;
// *********************************************************
// *********************************************************
pm - > ps - > weaponstate = WEAPON_FIRING ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > fireDelay > 0 )
{ //FIXME: this is going to fire off one frame before you expect, actually
// Clear these out since we're not actually firing yet
pm - > ps - > eFlags & = ~ EF_FIRING ;
pm - > ps - > eFlags & = ~ EF_ALT_FIRING ;
return ;
addTime = pm - > ps - > weaponTime ;
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) {
PM_AddEvent ( EV_ALT_FIRE ) ;
if ( ! addTime )
addTime = weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . altFireTime ;
if ( g_timescale ! = NULL )
if ( g_timescale - > value < 1.0f )
if ( ! MatrixMode )
{ //Special test for Matrix Mode (tm)
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum = = 0 & & ! player_locked & & pm - > ps - > forcePowersActive & ( 1 < < FP_SPEED ) )
{ //player always fires at normal speed
addTime * = g_timescale - > value ;
else if ( g_entities [ pm - > ps - > clientNum ] . client & & pm - > ps - > forcePowersActive & ( 1 < < FP_SPEED ) )
addTime * = g_timescale - > value ;
else {
PM_AddEvent ( EV_FIRE_WEAPON ) ;
if ( ! addTime )
addTime = weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . fireTime ;
if ( g_timescale ! = NULL )
if ( g_timescale - > value < 1.0f )
if ( ! MatrixMode )
{ //Special test for Matrix Mode (tm)
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum = = 0 & & ! player_locked & & pm - > ps - > forcePowersActive & ( 1 < < FP_SPEED ) )
{ //player always fires at normal speed
addTime * = g_timescale - > value ;
else if ( g_entities [ pm - > ps - > clientNum ] . client
& & pm - > ps - > forcePowersActive & ( 1 < < FP_SPEED ) )
addTime * = g_timescale - > value ;
//If the phaser has been fired, delay the next recharge time
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > NPC ! = NULL )
{ //NPCs have their own refire logic
return ;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = addTime ;
static bool PM_DoChargedWeapons ( void )
qboolean charging = qfalse ,
altFire = qfalse ;
//FIXME: make jedi aware they're being aimed at with a charged-up weapon (strafe and be evasive?)
// If you want your weapon to be a charging weapon, just set this bit up
switch ( pm - > ps - > weapon )
// alt-fire charges the weapon
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )
charging = qtrue ;
altFire = qtrue ;
break ;
// alt-fire charges the weapon...but due to zooming being controlled by the alt-button, the main button actually charges...but only when zoomed.
// lovely, eh?
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum )
if ( cg . zoomMode = = 2 )
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK )
charging = qtrue ;
altFire = qtrue ; // believe it or not, it really is an alt-fire in this case!
else if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > NPC )
if ( ( pm - > gent - > NPC - > scriptFlags & SCF_ALT_FIRE ) )
if ( pm - > gent - > fly_sound_debounce_time > level . time )
charging = qtrue ;
altFire = qtrue ;
break ;
// main-fire charges the weapon
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK )
charging = qtrue ;
break ;
case WP_DEMP2 :
// alt-fire charges the weapon
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )
charging = qtrue ;
altFire = qtrue ;
break ;
// Not really a charge weapon, but we still want to delay fire until the button comes up so that we can
// implement our alt-fire locking stuff
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )
charging = qtrue ;
altFire = qtrue ;
break ;
// FIXME: Really should have a wind-up anim for player
// as he holds down the fire button to throw, then play
// the actual throw when he lets go...
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )
altFire = qtrue ; // override default of not being an alt-fire
charging = qtrue ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK )
charging = qtrue ;
break ;
} // end switch
// set up the appropriate weapon state based on the button that's down.
// Note that we ALWAYS return if charging is set ( meaning the buttons are still down )
if ( charging )
if ( altFire )
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponstate ! = WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT & & pm - > ps - > weaponstate ! = WEAPON_DROPPING )
if ( pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] < = 0 )
PM_AddEvent ( EV_NOAMMO ) ;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime + = 500 ;
return true ;
// charge isn't started, so do it now
pm - > ps - > weaponstate = WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT ;
pm - > ps - > weaponChargeTime = level . time ;
if ( cg_weapons [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . altChargeSound )
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_WEAPON , weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . altChargeSnd ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponstate ! = WEAPON_CHARGING & & pm - > ps - > weaponstate ! = WEAPON_DROPPING )
if ( pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] < = 0 )
PM_AddEvent ( EV_NOAMMO ) ;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime + = 500 ;
return true ;
// charge isn't started, so do it now
pm - > ps - > weaponstate = WEAPON_CHARGING ;
pm - > ps - > weaponChargeTime = level . time ;
if ( cg_weapons [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . chargeSound & & pm - > gent & & ! pm - > gent - > NPC ) // HACK: !NPC mostly for bowcaster and weequay
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_WEAPON , weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . chargeSnd ) ;
return true ; // short-circuit rest of weapon code
// Only charging weapons should be able to set these states...so....
// let's see which fire mode we need to set up now that the buttons are up
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponstate = = WEAPON_CHARGING )
// weapon has a charge, so let us do an attack
// dumb, but since we shoot a charged weapon on button-up, we need to repress this button for now
pm - > cmd . buttons | = BUTTON_ATTACK ;
pm - > ps - > eFlags | = EF_FIRING ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > weaponstate = = WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT )
// weapon has a charge, so let us do an alt-attack
// dumb, but since we shoot a charged weapon on button-up, we need to repress this button for now
pm - > cmd . buttons | = BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ;
pm - > ps - > eFlags | = ( EF_FIRING | EF_ALT_FIRING ) ;
return false ; // continue with the rest of the weapon code
# define BOWCASTER_CHARGE_UNIT 200.0f // bowcaster charging gives us one more unit every 200ms--if you change this, you'll have to do the same in g_weapon
# define BRYAR_CHARGE_UNIT 200.0f // bryar charging gives us one more unit every 200ms--if you change this, you'll have to do the same in g_weapon
# define DEMP2_CHARGE_UNIT 500.0f // ditto
# define DISRUPTOR_CHARGE_UNIT 150.0f // ditto
// Specific weapons can opt to modify the ammo usage based on charges, otherwise if no special case code
// is handled below, regular ammo usage will happen
static int PM_DoChargingAmmoUsage ( int * amount )
int count = 0 ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_BOWCASTER & & ! ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) )
// this code is duplicated ( I know, I know ) in G_weapon.cpp for the bowcaster alt-fire
count = ( level . time - pm - > ps - > weaponChargeTime ) / BOWCASTER_CHARGE_UNIT ;
if ( count < 1 )
count = 1 ;
else if ( count > 5 )
count = 5 ;
if ( ! ( count & 1 ) )
// if we aren't odd, knock us down a level
count - - ;
// Only bother with these checks if we don't have infinite ammo
if ( pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] ! = - 1 )
int dif = pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] - * amount * count ;
// If we have enough ammo to do the full charged shot, we are ok
if ( dif < 0 )
// we are not ok, so hack our chargetime and ammo usage, note that DIF is going to be negative
count + = floor ( dif / ( float ) * amount ) ;
if ( count < 1 )
count = 1 ;
// now get a real chargeTime so the duplicated code in g_weapon doesn't get freaked
pm - > ps - > weaponChargeTime = level . time - ( count * BOWCASTER_CHARGE_UNIT ) ;
// now that count is cool, get the real ammo usage
* amount * = count ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL & & pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )
// this code is duplicated ( I know, I know ) in G_weapon.cpp for the bryar alt-fire
count = ( level . time - pm - > ps - > weaponChargeTime ) / BRYAR_CHARGE_UNIT ;
if ( count < 1 )
count = 1 ;
else if ( count > 5 )
count = 5 ;
// Only bother with these checks if we don't have infinite ammo
if ( pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] ! = - 1 )
int dif = pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] - * amount * count ;
// If we have enough ammo to do the full charged shot, we are ok
if ( dif < 0 )
// we are not ok, so hack our chargetime and ammo usage, note that DIF is going to be negative
count + = floor ( dif / ( float ) * amount ) ;
if ( count < 1 )
count = 1 ;
// now get a real chargeTime so the duplicated code in g_weapon doesn't get freaked
pm - > ps - > weaponChargeTime = level . time - ( count * BRYAR_CHARGE_UNIT ) ;
// now that count is cool, get the real ammo usage
* amount * = count ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_DEMP2 & & pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )
// this code is duplicated ( I know, I know ) in G_weapon.cpp for the demp2 alt-fire
count = ( level . time - pm - > ps - > weaponChargeTime ) / DEMP2_CHARGE_UNIT ;
if ( count < 1 )
count = 1 ;
else if ( count > 3 )
count = 3 ;
// Only bother with these checks if we don't have infinite ammo
if ( pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] ! = - 1 )
int dif = pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] - * amount * count ;
// If we have enough ammo to do the full charged shot, we are ok
if ( dif < 0 )
// we are not ok, so hack our chargetime and ammo usage, note that DIF is going to be negative
count + = floor ( dif / ( float ) * amount ) ;
if ( count < 1 )
count = 1 ;
// now get a real chargeTime so the duplicated code in g_weapon doesn't get freaked
pm - > ps - > weaponChargeTime = level . time - ( count * DEMP2_CHARGE_UNIT ) ;
// now that count is cool, get the real ammo usage
* amount * = count ;
// this is an after-thought. should probably re-write the function to do this naturally.
if ( * amount > pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] )
* amount = pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_DISRUPTOR & & pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) // BUTTON_ATTACK will have been mapped to BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK if we are zoomed
// this code is duplicated ( I know, I know ) in G_weapon.cpp for the disruptor alt-fire
count = ( level . time - pm - > ps - > weaponChargeTime ) / DISRUPTOR_CHARGE_UNIT ;
if ( count < 1 )
count = 1 ;
else if ( count > 10 )
count = 10 ;
// Only bother with these checks if we don't have infinite ammo
if ( pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] ! = - 1 )
int dif = pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] - * amount * count ;
// If we have enough ammo to do the full charged shot, we are ok
if ( dif < 0 )
// we are not ok, so hack our chargetime and ammo usage, note that DIF is going to be negative
count + = floor ( dif / ( float ) * amount ) ;
if ( count < 1 )
count = 1 ;
// now get a real chargeTime so the duplicated code in g_weapon doesn't get freaked
pm - > ps - > weaponChargeTime = level . time - ( count * DISRUPTOR_CHARGE_UNIT ) ;
// now that count is cool, get the real ammo usage
* amount * = count ;
// this is an after-thought. should probably re-write the function to do this naturally.
if ( * amount > pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] )
* amount = pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] ;
return count ;
qboolean PM_DroidMelee ( int npc_class )
if ( npc_class = = CLASS_PROBE
| | npc_class = = CLASS_SEEKER
| | npc_class = = CLASS_INTERROGATOR
| | npc_class = = CLASS_SENTRY
| | npc_class = = CLASS_REMOTE )
return qtrue ;
return qfalse ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Generates weapon events and modifes the weapon counter
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_Weapon ( void )
int addTime , amount , trueCount = 1 ;
qboolean delayed_fire = qfalse ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER & & ( cg . zoomMode = = 3 | | ! cg . zoomMode | | pm - > ps - > clientNum ) ) // WP_LIGHTSABER
{ // Separate logic for lightsaber, but not for player when zoomed
PM_WeaponLightsaber ( ) ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > ps - > saberActive & & pm - > ps - > saberInFlight )
{ //FIXME: put saberTrail in playerState
if ( pm - > gent - > client - > ps . saberEntityState = = SES_RETURNING )
{ //turn off the saber trail
pm - > gent - > client - > saberTrail . inAction = qfalse ;
pm - > gent - > client - > saberTrail . duration = 75 ;
{ //turn on the saber trail
pm - > gent - > client - > saberTrail . inAction = qtrue ;
pm - > gent - > client - > saberTrail . duration = 150 ;
return ;
if ( PM_InKnockDown ( pm - > ps ) | | PM_InRoll ( pm - > ps ) )
{ //in knockdown
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime > 0 ) {
pm - > ps - > weaponTime - = pml . msec ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime < = 0 )
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = 0 ;
return ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > fireDelay > 0 )
{ //FIXME: this is going to fire off one frame before you expect, actually
pm - > gent - > client - > fireDelay - = pml . msec ;
if ( pm - > gent - > client - > fireDelay < = 0 )
{ //just finished delay timer
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER )
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_WEAPON , " sound/weapons/rocket/lock.wav " ) ;
pm - > cmd . buttons | = BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ;
pm - > gent - > client - > fireDelay = 0 ;
delayed_fire = qtrue ;
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER & & Q_irand ( 0 , 1 ) )
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_WEAPON , " sound/weapons/rocket/tick.wav " ) ;
// don't allow attack until all buttons are up
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_RESPAWNED ) {
return ;
// check for dead player
if ( pm - > ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] < = 0 )
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client )
pm - > ps - > weapon = WP_NONE ;
if ( pm - > gent )
pm - > gent - > s . loopSound = 0 ;
return ;
// make weapon function
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime > 0 ) {
pm - > ps - > weaponTime - = pml . msec ;
// check for weapon change
// can't change if weapon is firing, but can change again if lowering or raising
if ( ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime < = 0 | | pm - > ps - > weaponstate ! = WEAPON_FIRING ) & & pm - > ps - > weaponstate ! = WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT & & pm - > ps - > weaponstate ! = WEAPON_CHARGING ) {
// eez- don't switch weapons if we're charging our current one up
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon ! = pm - > cmd . weapon & & ( ! pm - > ps - > viewEntity | | pm - > ps - > viewEntity > = ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) & & ! PM_DoChargedWeapons ( ) ) {
PM_BeginWeaponChange ( pm - > cmd . weapon ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponTime > 0 )
return ;
// change weapon if time
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponstate = = WEAPON_DROPPING ) {
PM_FinishWeaponChange ( ) ;
return ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_NONE )
return ;
if ( PM_DoChargedWeapons ( ) )
return ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weaponstate = = WEAPON_RAISING )
//Just selected the weapon
pm - > ps - > weaponstate = WEAPON_IDLE ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > s . number = = 0 )
switch ( pm - > ps - > weapon )
break ;
default :
break ;
return ;
if ( ! delayed_fire )
// check for fire
if ( ! ( pm - > cmd . buttons & ( BUTTON_ATTACK | BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) ) )
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = 0 ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > fireDelay > 0 )
{ //Still firing
pm - > ps - > weaponstate = WEAPON_FIRING ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > weaponstate ! = WEAPON_READY )
if ( ! pm - > gent | | ! pm - > gent - > NPC | | pm - > gent - > attackDebounceTime < level . time )
pm - > ps - > weaponstate = WEAPON_IDLE ;
return ;
// start the animation even if out of ammo
switch ( pm - > ps - > weapon )
case WP_SABER : //1 - handed
break ;
case WP_BRYAR_PISTOL : //1-handed
case WP_BLASTER_PISTOL : //1-handed
break ;
case WP_MELEE :
// since there's no RACE_BOTS, I listed all the droids that have might have melee attacks - dmv
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client )
if ( PM_DroidMelee ( pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class ) )
if ( rand ( ) & 1 )
int anim ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum )
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )
anim = BOTH_MELEE2 ;
anim = BOTH_MELEE1 ;
anim = PM_PickAnim ( pm - > gent , BOTH_MELEE1 , BOTH_MELEE2 ) ;
if ( VectorCompare ( pm - > ps - > velocity , vec3_origin ) & & pm - > cmd . upmove > = 0 )
break ;
break ;
if ( ( pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > NPC & & ( pm - > gent - > NPC - > scriptFlags & SCF_ALT_FIRE ) ) | |
( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum & & cg . zoomMode = = 2 ) )
{ //NPC or player in alt-fire, sniper mode
{ //in primary fire mode
break ;
break ;
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum )
if ( cg . renderingThirdPerson )
break ;
// Guess we don't play an attack animation? Maybe we should have a custom one??
break ;
case WP_NONE :
// no anim
break ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > NPC_class = = CLASS_GALAKMECH )
{ //
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )
break ;
default : //2-handed heavy weapon
break ;
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )
amount = weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . altEnergyPerShot ;
amount = weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . energyPerShot ;
if ( ( pm - > ps - > weaponstate = = WEAPON_CHARGING ) | | ( pm - > ps - > weaponstate = = WEAPON_CHARGING_ALT ) )
// charging weapons may want to do their own ammo logic.
trueCount = PM_DoChargingAmmoUsage ( & amount ) ;
pm - > ps - > weaponstate = WEAPON_FIRING ;
// take an ammo away if not infinite
if ( pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] ! = - 1 )
// enough energy to fire this weapon?
if ( ( pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] - amount ) > = 0 )
pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] - = amount ;
else // Not enough energy
if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > eFlags & EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON ) )
// Switch weapons
PM_AddEvent ( EV_NOAMMO ) ;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime + = 500 ;
return ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > client & & pm - > gent - > client - > fireDelay > 0 )
{ //FIXME: this is going to fire off one frame before you expect, actually
// Clear these out since we're not actually firing yet
pm - > ps - > eFlags & = ~ EF_FIRING ;
pm - > ps - > eFlags & = ~ EF_ALT_FIRING ;
return ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_MELEE )
PM_AddEvent ( EV_FIRE_WEAPON ) ;
addTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )
PM_AddEvent ( EV_ALT_FIRE ) ;
addTime = weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . altFireTime ;
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum //NPC
& & ! PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) //not under player control
& & pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_THERMAL //using thermals
& & pm - > ps - > torsoAnim ! = BOTH_ATTACK10 ) //not in the throw anim
{ //oops, got knocked out of the anim, don't throw the thermal
return ;
PM_AddEvent ( EV_FIRE_WEAPON ) ;
addTime = weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . fireTime ;
switch ( pm - > ps - > weapon )
// repeater is supposed to do smoke after sustained bursts
pm - > ps - > weaponShotCount + + ;
break ;
addTime * = ( ( trueCount < 3 ) ? 0.35f : 1.0f ) ; // if you only did a small charge shot with the bowcaster, use less time between shots
break ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > NPC ! = NULL )
{ //NPCs have their own refire logic
// eez: Unless they're controlled by the player!
if ( ! PM_ControlledByPlayer ( ) )
return ;
if ( g_timescale ! = NULL )
if ( g_timescale - > value < 1.0f )
if ( ! MatrixMode )
{ //Special test for Matrix Mode (tm)
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum = = 0 & & ! player_locked & & pm - > ps - > forcePowersActive & ( 1 < < FP_SPEED ) )
{ //player always fires at normal speed
addTime * = g_timescale - > value ;
else if ( g_entities [ pm - > ps - > clientNum ] . client
& & pm - > ps - > forcePowersActive & ( 1 < < FP_SPEED ) )
addTime * = g_timescale - > value ;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime + = addTime ;
pm - > ps - > lastShotTime = level . time ; //so we know when the last time we fired our gun is
// HACK!!!!!
if ( pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] < = 0 )
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_THERMAL | | pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_TRIP_MINE )
// because these weapons have the ammo attached to the hand, we should switch weapons when the last one is thrown, otherwise it will look silly
// NOTE: could also switch to an empty had version, but was told we aren't getting any new models at this point
CG_OutOfAmmoChange ( ) ;
pm - > ps - > weaponTime = 50 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_Inventory ( void )
// check for item using
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_USE_FORCEPOWER )
if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & BUTTON_USE_FORCEPOWER ) )
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = BUTTON_USE_FORCEPOWER ;
return ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_USE_ITEM_HELD ;
extern void ForceThrow ( gentity_t * self , qboolean pull ) ;
extern void ForceHeal ( gentity_t * self ) ;
extern void ForceTelepathy ( gentity_t * self ) ;
void PM_CheckForceUseButton ( gentity_t * ent , usercmd_t * ucmd )
if ( ! ent )
return ;
if ( ucmd - > buttons & BUTTON_USE_FORCE )
switch ( showPowers [ cg . forcepowerSelect ] )
case FP_HEAL :
ForceHeal ( ent ) ;
break ;
ucmd - > upmove = 127 ;
break ;
case FP_SPEED :
ForceSpeed ( ent ) ;
break ;
case FP_PUSH :
ForceThrow ( ent , qfalse ) ;
break ;
case FP_PULL :
ForceThrow ( ent , qtrue ) ;
break ;
ForceTelepathy ( ent ) ;
break ;
case FP_GRIP :
ucmd - > buttons | = BUTTON_FORCEGRIP ;
break ;
ucmd - > buttons | = BUTTON_FORCE_LIGHTNING ;
break ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_ForcePower ( void )
// check for item using
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_USE_FORCE )
if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_USE_FORCE ) )
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_USE_FORCE ;
PM_AddEvent ( EV_USE_FORCE ) ;
return ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_USE_FORCE ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static void PM_DropTimers ( void )
// drop misc timing counter
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_time )
if ( pml . msec > = pm - > ps - > pm_time )
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_ALL_TIMES ;
pm - > ps - > pm_time = 0 ;
pm - > ps - > pm_time - = pml . msec ;
// drop legs animation counter
if ( pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer > 0 )
int newTime = pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer - pml . msec ;
if ( newTime < 0 )
newTime = 0 ;
PM_SetLegsAnimTimer ( pm - > gent , & pm - > ps - > legsAnimTimer , newTime ) ;
// drop torso animation counter
if ( pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer > 0 )
int newTime = pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer - pml . msec ;
if ( newTime < 0 )
newTime = 0 ;
PM_SetTorsoAnimTimer ( pm - > gent , & pm - > ps - > torsoAnimTimer , newTime ) ;
void PM_SetSpecialMoveValues ( void )
Flying = 0 ;
if ( pm - > gent )
if ( pm - > gent - > NPC )
if ( pm - > gent - > NPC - > stats . moveType = = MT_FLYSWIM )
Flying = FLY_NORMAL ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > vehicleModel ! = 0 )
Flying = FLY_VEHICLE ;
if ( g_timescale ! = NULL )
if ( g_timescale - > value < 1.0f )
if ( ! MatrixMode )
if ( pm - > ps - > clientNum = = 0 & & ! player_locked & & pm - > ps - > forcePowersActive & ( 1 < < FP_SPEED ) )
pml . frametime * = ( 1.0f / g_timescale - > value ) ;
else if ( g_entities [ pm - > ps - > clientNum ] . client
& & pm - > ps - > forcePowersActive & ( 1 < < FP_SPEED ) )
pml . frametime * = ( 1.0f / g_timescale - > value ) ;
extern float cg_zoomFov ; //from cg_view.cpp
void PM_AdjustAttackStates ( pmove_t * pm )
int amount ;
// get ammo usage
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )
amount = pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] - weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . altEnergyPerShot ;
amount = pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] - weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . energyPerShot ;
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER & & ( ! cg . zoomMode | | pm - > ps - > clientNum ) )
{ //don't let the alt-attack be interpreted as an actual attack command
//saber alt-attack does a normal swing, too
pm - > cmd . buttons & = ~ BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ;
if ( pm - > ps - > saberInFlight )
{ //saber not in hand, can't swing it
pm - > cmd . buttons & = ~ BUTTON_ATTACK ;
// disruptor alt-fire should toggle the zoom mode, but only bother doing this for the player?
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_DISRUPTOR & & pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > s . number = = 0 & & pm - > ps - > weaponstate ! = WEAPON_DROPPING )
// we are not alt-firing yet, but the alt-attack button was just pressed and
// we either are ducking ( in which case we don't care if they are moving )...or they are not ducking...and also not moving right/forward.
if ( ! ( pm - > ps - > eFlags & EF_ALT_FIRING ) & & ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )
& & ( pm - > cmd . upmove < 0 | | ( ! pm - > cmd . forwardmove & & ! pm - > cmd . rightmove ) ) )
// We just pressed the alt-fire key
if ( cg . zoomMode = = 0 | | cg . zoomMode = = 3 )
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_AUTO , " sound/weapons/disruptor/zoomstart.wav " ) ;
// not already zooming, so do it now
cg . zoomMode = 2 ;
cg . zoomLocked = qfalse ;
cg_zoomFov = 80.0f ; //(cg.overrides.active&CG_OVERRIDE_FOV) ? cg.overrides.fov : cg_fov.value;
else if ( cg . zoomMode = = 2 )
G_SoundOnEnt ( pm - > gent , CHAN_AUTO , " sound/weapons/disruptor/zoomend.wav " ) ;
// already zooming, so must be wanting to turn it off
cg . zoomMode = 0 ;
cg . zoomTime = cg . time ;
cg . zoomLocked = qfalse ;
else if ( ! ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) )
// Not pressing zoom any more
if ( cg . zoomMode = = 2 )
// were zooming in, so now lock the zoom
cg . zoomLocked = qtrue ;
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK )
// If we are zoomed, we should switch the ammo usage to the alt-fire, otherwise, we'll
// just use whatever ammo was selected from above
if ( cg . zoomMode = = 2 )
amount = pm - > ps - > ammo [ weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . ammoIndex ] -
weaponData [ pm - > ps - > weapon ] . altEnergyPerShot ;
// alt-fire button pressing doesn't use any ammo
amount = 0 ;
// Check for binocular specific mode
if ( cg . zoomMode = = 1 & & pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > s . number = = 0 ) //
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK & & pm - > ps - > batteryCharge )
// zooming out
cg . zoomLocked = qfalse ;
cg . zoomDir = 1 ;
else if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK & & pm - > ps - > batteryCharge )
// zooming in
cg . zoomLocked = qfalse ;
cg . zoomDir = - 1 ;
// if no buttons are down, we should be in a locked state
cg . zoomLocked = qtrue ;
// kill buttons and associated firing flags so we can't fire
pm - > ps - > eFlags & = ~ EF_FIRING ;
pm - > ps - > eFlags & = ~ EF_ALT_FIRING ;
pm - > cmd . buttons & = ~ ( BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK | BUTTON_ATTACK ) ;
// set the firing flag for continuous beam weapons, phaser will fire even if out of ammo
if ( ( ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK | | pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ) & & ( amount > = 0 | | pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_SABER ) ) )
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )
pm - > ps - > eFlags | = EF_ALT_FIRING ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > gent & & ( pm - > ps - > eFlags & EF_IN_ATST ) )
{ //switch ATST barrels
pm - > gent - > alt_fire = qtrue ;
pm - > ps - > eFlags & = ~ EF_ALT_FIRING ;
if ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum & & pm - > gent & & ( pm - > ps - > eFlags & EF_IN_ATST ) )
{ //switch ATST barrels
pm - > gent - > alt_fire = qfalse ;
// This flag should always get set, even when alt-firing
pm - > ps - > eFlags | = EF_FIRING ;
// int iFlags = pm->ps->eFlags;
// Clear 'em out
pm - > ps - > eFlags & = ~ EF_FIRING ;
pm - > ps - > eFlags & = ~ EF_ALT_FIRING ;
// if I don't check the flags before stopping FX then it switches them off too often, which tones down
// the stronger FFFX so you can hardly feel them. However, if you only do iton these flags then the
// repeat-fire weapons like tetrion and dreadnought don't switch off quick enough. So...
/* // Might need this for beam type weapons
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_DREADNOUGHT | | ( iFlags & ( EF_FIRING | EF_ALT_FIRING ) )
cgi_FF_StopAllFX ( ) ;
// disruptor should convert a main fire to an alt-fire if the gun is currently zoomed
if ( pm - > ps - > weapon = = WP_DISRUPTOR & & pm - > gent & & pm - > gent - > s . number = = 0 )
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK & & cg . zoomMode = = 2 )
// converting the main fire to an alt-fire
pm - > cmd . buttons | = BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ;
pm - > ps - > eFlags | = EF_ALT_FIRING ;
// don't let an alt-fire through
pm - > cmd . buttons & = ~ BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Can be called by either the server or the client
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Pmove ( pmove_t * pmove )
pm = pmove ;
// this counter lets us debug movement problems with a journal by setting a conditional breakpoint fot the previous frame
c_pmove + + ;
// clear results
pm - > numtouch = 0 ;
pm - > watertype = 0 ;
pm - > waterlevel = 0 ;
// Clear the blocked flag
//pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_BLOCKED;
//pm->ps->pm_flags &= ~PMF_BUMPED;
// In certain situations, we may want to control which attack buttons are pressed and what kind of functionality
// is attached to them
PM_AdjustAttackStates ( pm ) ;
// clear the respawned flag if attack and use are cleared
if ( pm - > ps - > stats [ STAT_HEALTH ] > 0 & &
! ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK ) )
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_RESPAWNED ;
// clear all pmove local vars
memset ( & pml , 0 , sizeof ( pml ) ) ;
// determine the time
pml . msec = pmove - > cmd . serverTime - pm - > ps - > commandTime ;
if ( pml . msec < 1 ) {
pml . msec = 1 ;
} else if ( pml . msec > 200 ) {
pml . msec = 200 ;
pm - > ps - > commandTime = pmove - > cmd . serverTime ;
// save old org in case we get stuck
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > origin , pml . previous_origin ) ;
// save old velocity for crashlanding
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > velocity , pml . previous_velocity ) ;
pml . frametime = pml . msec * 0.001 ;
PM_SetSpecialMoveValues ( ) ;
// update the viewangles
PM_UpdateViewAngles ( pm - > ps , & pm - > cmd , pm - > gent ) ;
AngleVectors ( pm - > ps - > viewangles , pml . forward , pml . right , pml . up ) ;
if ( pm - > cmd . upmove < 10 ) {
// not holding jump
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_JUMP_HELD ;
// decide if backpedaling animations should be used
if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove < 0 ) {
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN ;
} else if ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove > 0 | | ( pm - > cmd . forwardmove = = 0 & & pm - > cmd . rightmove ) ) {
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_BACKWARDS_RUN ;
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_type > = PM_DEAD ) {
pm - > cmd . forwardmove = 0 ;
pm - > cmd . rightmove = 0 ;
pm - > cmd . upmove = 0 ;
if ( pm - > ps - > viewheight > - 12 )
{ //slowly sink view to ground
pm - > ps - > viewheight - = 1 ;
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_type = = PM_SPECTATOR ) {
PM_CheckDuck ( ) ;
PM_FlyMove ( ) ;
PM_DropTimers ( ) ;
return ;
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_type = = PM_NOCLIP ) {
PM_NoclipMove ( ) ;
PM_DropTimers ( ) ;
return ;
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_type = = PM_FREEZE ) {
return ; // no movement at all
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_type = = PM_INTERMISSION ) {
return ; // no movement at all
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL )
{ //half grav
pm - > ps - > gravity * = 0.5 ;
// set watertype, and waterlevel
PM_SetWaterLevelAtPoint ( pm - > ps - > origin , & pm - > waterlevel , & pm - > watertype ) ;
PM_SetWaterHeight ( ) ;
if ( ! ( pm - > watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER ) )
{ //Don't want to remember this for ladders, is only for waterlevel change events (sounds)
pml . previous_waterlevel = pmove - > waterlevel ;
waterForceJump = qfalse ;
if ( pmove - > waterlevel & & pm - > ps - > clientNum )
if ( pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart //force jumping
| | ( pm - > gent & & ! TIMER_Done ( pm - > gent , " forceJumpChasing " ) ) ) //force-jumping
waterForceJump = qtrue ;
// set mins, maxs, and viewheight
PM_SetBounds ( ) ;
if ( ! Flying & & ! ( pm - > watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER ) & & pm - > ps - > pm_type ! = PM_DEAD )
{ //NOTE: noclippers shouldn't jump or duck either, no?
PM_CheckDuck ( ) ;
// set groundentity
PM_GroundTrace ( ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_type = = PM_DEAD ) {
PM_DeadMove ( ) ;
PM_DropTimers ( ) ;
if ( pm - > ps & & pm - > ps - > eFlags & EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON )
{ //in an emplaced gun
PM_NoclipMove ( ) ;
else if ( Flying = = FLY_NORMAL ) //|| pm->ps->gravity <= 0 )
// flight powerup doesn't allow jump and has different friction
PM_FlyMove ( ) ;
else if ( Flying = = FLY_VEHICLE )
PM_FlyVehicleMove ( ) ;
else if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_TIME_WATERJUMP )
PM_WaterJumpMove ( ) ;
else if ( pm - > waterlevel > 1 //in water
& & ( ! pm - > ps - > clientNum | | ! waterForceJump ) ) //player or NPC not force jumping
{ //force-jumping NPCs should
// swimming or in ladder
PM_WaterMove ( ) ;
else if ( pml . walking )
{ // walking on ground
vec3_t oldOrg ;
VectorCopy ( pm - > ps - > origin , oldOrg ) ;
PM_WalkMove ( ) ;
float threshHold = 0.001f , movedDist = DistanceSquared ( oldOrg , pm - > ps - > origin ) ;
if ( PM_StandingAnim ( pm - > ps - > legsAnim ) | | pm - > ps - > legsAnim = = BOTH_CROUCH1 )
threshHold = 0.005f ;
if ( movedDist < threshHold )
{ //didn't move, play no legs anim
pm - > cmd . forwardmove = pm - > cmd . rightmove = 0 ;
if ( pm - > ps - > gravity < = 0 )
PM_FlyMove ( ) ;
// airborne
PM_AirMove ( ) ;
// If we didn't move at all, then why bother doing this again -MW.
if ( ! ( VectorCompare ( pm - > ps - > origin , pml . previous_origin ) ) )
PM_GroundTrace ( ) ;
if ( pm - > ps - > groundEntityNum ! = ENTITYNUM_NONE )
{ //on ground
pm - > ps - > forceJumpZStart = 0 ;
pm - > ps - > jumpZStart = 0 ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_JUMPING ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_TRIGGER_PUSHED ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL ;
// If we didn't move at all, then why bother doing this again -MW.
// Note: ok, so long as we don't have water levels that change.
if ( ! ( VectorCompare ( pm - > ps - > origin , pml . previous_origin ) ) )
PM_SetWaterLevelAtPoint ( pm - > ps - > origin , & pm - > waterlevel , & pm - > watertype ) ;
PM_SetWaterHeight ( ) ;
PM_Inventory ( ) ;
PM_ForcePower ( ) ;
// weapons
PM_Weapon ( ) ;
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK )
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_ATTACK_HELD ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_ATTACK_HELD ;
if ( pm - > cmd . buttons & BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK )
pm - > ps - > pm_flags | = PMF_ALT_ATTACK_HELD ;
pm - > ps - > pm_flags & = ~ PMF_ALT_ATTACK_HELD ;
if ( pm - > gent ) //&& pm->gent->s.number == 0 )//player only?
// Use
PM_Use ( ) ;
if ( pm - > gent & & pm - > ps & & pm - > ps - > eFlags & EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON )
// footstep events / legs animations
PM_Footsteps ( ) ;
// torso animation
PM_TorsoAnimation ( ) ;
// entering / leaving water splashes
PM_WaterEvents ( ) ;
// snap some parts of playerstate to save network bandwidth
// SnapVector( pm->ps->velocity );
if ( ! pm - > cmd . rightmove & & ! pm - > cmd . forwardmove & & pm - > cmd . upmove < = 0 )
if ( VectorCompare ( pm - > ps - > velocity , vec3_origin ) )
pm - > ps - > lastStationary = level . time ;
if ( pm - > ps - > pm_flags & PMF_SLOW_MO_FALL )
{ //half grav
pm - > ps - > gravity * = 2 ;