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synced 2025-03-02 07:22:19 +00:00
Override the video mode list in the Team Arena data files with detected modes from SDL like in ioquake3's Q3 UI. Add the aspect ratio to the end of the video resolution (i.e., "640x480 (4:3)"). Add the current (custom) video mode to the list. Before when using a custom resolution in the menu you could not change the video mode using the mouse because the resolution text was blank. Now custom video resolution is displayed and can be clicked.
452 lines
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452 lines
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Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef __UI_SHARED_H
#define __UI_SHARED_H
#include "../qcommon/q_shared.h"
#include "../renderercommon/tr_types.h"
#include "../client/keycodes.h"
#include "../../ui/menudef.h"
#define MAX_MENUNAME 32
#define MAX_ITEMTEXT 64
#define MAX_MENUDEFFILE 4096
#define MAX_MENUFILE 32768
#define MAX_MENUS 64
#define MAX_MENUITEMS 96
#define MAX_OPEN_MENUS 16
#define WINDOW_MOUSEOVER 0x00000001 // mouse is over it, non exclusive
#define WINDOW_HASFOCUS 0x00000002 // has cursor focus, exclusive
#define WINDOW_VISIBLE 0x00000004 // is visible
#define WINDOW_GREY 0x00000008 // is visible but grey ( non-active )
#define WINDOW_DECORATION 0x00000010 // for decoration only, no mouse, keyboard, etc..
#define WINDOW_FADINGOUT 0x00000020 // fading out, non-active
#define WINDOW_FADINGIN 0x00000040 // fading in
#define WINDOW_MOUSEOVERTEXT 0x00000080 // mouse is over it, non exclusive
#define WINDOW_INTRANSITION 0x00000100 // window is in transition
#define WINDOW_FORECOLORSET 0x00000200 // forecolor was explicitly set ( used to color alpha images or not )
#define WINDOW_HORIZONTAL 0x00000400 // for list boxes and sliders, vertical is default this is set of horizontal
#define WINDOW_LB_LEFTARROW 0x00000800 // mouse is over left/up arrow
#define WINDOW_LB_RIGHTARROW 0x00001000 // mouse is over right/down arrow
#define WINDOW_LB_THUMB 0x00002000 // mouse is over thumb
#define WINDOW_LB_PGUP 0x00004000 // mouse is over page up
#define WINDOW_LB_PGDN 0x00008000 // mouse is over page down
#define WINDOW_ORBITING 0x00010000 // item is in orbit
#define WINDOW_OOB_CLICK 0x00020000 // close on out of bounds click
#define WINDOW_WRAPPED 0x00040000 // manually wrap text
#define WINDOW_AUTOWRAPPED 0x00080000 // auto wrap text
#define WINDOW_FORCED 0x00100000 // forced open
#define WINDOW_POPUP 0x00200000 // popup
#define WINDOW_BACKCOLORSET 0x00400000 // backcolor was explicitly set
#define WINDOW_TIMEDVISIBLE 0x00800000 // visibility timing ( NOT implemented )
// CGAME cursor type bits
#define CURSOR_NONE 0x00000001
#define CURSOR_ARROW 0x00000002
#define CURSOR_SIZER 0x00000004
#ifdef CGAME
#define STRING_POOL_SIZE 128*1024
#define STRING_POOL_SIZE 384*1024
#define MAX_SCRIPT_ARGS 12
#define MAX_EDITFIELD 256
#define ART_FX_BASE "menu/art/fx_base"
#define ART_FX_BLUE "menu/art/fx_blue"
#define ART_FX_CYAN "menu/art/fx_cyan"
#define ART_FX_GREEN "menu/art/fx_grn"
#define ART_FX_RED "menu/art/fx_red"
#define ART_FX_TEAL "menu/art/fx_teal"
#define ART_FX_WHITE "menu/art/fx_white"
#define ART_FX_YELLOW "menu/art/fx_yel"
#define ASSET_GRADIENTBAR "ui/assets/gradientbar2.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR "ui/assets/scrollbar.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWDOWN "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_dwn_a.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWUP "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_up_a.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWLEFT "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_left.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWRIGHT "ui/assets/scrollbar_arrow_right.tga"
#define ASSET_SCROLL_THUMB "ui/assets/scrollbar_thumb.tga"
#define ASSET_SLIDER_BAR "ui/assets/slider2.tga"
#define ASSET_SLIDER_THUMB "ui/assets/sliderbutt_1.tga"
#define SCROLLBAR_SIZE 16.0
#define SLIDER_WIDTH 96.0
#define SLIDER_HEIGHT 16.0
typedef struct {
const char *command;
const char *args[MAX_SCRIPT_ARGS];
} scriptDef_t;
typedef struct {
float x; // horiz position
float y; // vert position
float w; // width
float h; // height;
} rectDef_t;
typedef rectDef_t Rectangle;
// FIXME: do something to separate text vs window stuff
typedef struct {
Rectangle rect; // client coord rectangle
Rectangle rectClient; // screen coord rectangle
const char *name; //
const char *group; // if it belongs to a group
const char *cinematicName; // cinematic name
int cinematic; // cinematic handle
int style; //
int border; //
int ownerDraw; // ownerDraw style
int ownerDrawFlags; // show flags for ownerdraw items
float borderSize; //
int flags; // visible, focus, mouseover, cursor
Rectangle rectEffects; // for various effects
Rectangle rectEffects2; // for various effects
int offsetTime; // time based value for various effects
int nextTime; // time next effect should cycle
vec4_t foreColor; // text color
vec4_t backColor; // border color
vec4_t borderColor; // border color
vec4_t outlineColor; // border color
qhandle_t background; // background asset
} windowDef_t;
typedef windowDef_t Window;
typedef struct {
vec4_t color;
float low;
float high;
} colorRangeDef_t;
// FIXME: combine flags into bitfields to save space
// FIXME: consolidate all of the common stuff in one structure for menus and items
// THINKABOUTME: is there any compelling reason not to have items contain items
// and do away with a menu per say.. major issue is not being able to dynamically allocate
// and destroy stuff.. Another point to consider is adding an alloc free call for vm's and have
// the engine just allocate the pool for it based on a cvar
// many of the vars are re-used for different item types, as such they are not always named appropriately
// the benefits of c++ in DOOM will greatly help crap like this
// FIXME: need to put a type ptr that points to specific type info per type
#define MAX_LB_COLUMNS 16
typedef struct columnInfo_s {
int pos;
int width;
int maxChars;
} columnInfo_t;
typedef struct listBoxDef_s {
int startPos;
int endPos;
int drawPadding;
int cursorPos;
float elementWidth;
float elementHeight;
int elementStyle;
int numColumns;
columnInfo_t columnInfo[MAX_LB_COLUMNS];
const char *doubleClick;
qboolean notselectable;
} listBoxDef_t;
typedef struct editFieldDef_s {
float minVal; // edit field limits
float maxVal; //
float defVal; //
float range; //
int maxChars; // for edit fields
int maxPaintChars; // for edit fields
int paintOffset; //
} editFieldDef_t;
#define MAX_MULTI_CVARS 32
typedef struct multiDef_s {
const char *cvarList[MAX_MULTI_CVARS];
const char *cvarStr[MAX_MULTI_CVARS];
float cvarValue[MAX_MULTI_CVARS];
int count;
qboolean strDef;
qboolean videoMode;
} multiDef_t;
typedef struct modelDef_s {
int angle;
vec3_t origin;
float fov_x;
float fov_y;
int rotationSpeed;
} modelDef_t;
#define CVAR_ENABLE 0x00000001
#define CVAR_DISABLE 0x00000002
#define CVAR_SHOW 0x00000004
#define CVAR_HIDE 0x00000008
typedef struct itemDef_s {
Window window; // common positional, border, style, layout info
Rectangle textRect; // rectangle the text ( if any ) consumes
int type; // text, button, radiobutton, checkbox, textfield, listbox, combo
int alignment; // left center right
int textalignment; // ( optional ) alignment for text within rect based on text width
float textalignx; // ( optional ) text alignment x coord
float textaligny; // ( optional ) text alignment x coord
float textscale; // scale percentage from 72pts
int textStyle; // ( optional ) style, normal and shadowed are it for now
const char *text; // display text
void *parent; // menu owner
qhandle_t asset; // handle to asset
const char *mouseEnterText; // mouse enter script
const char *mouseExitText; // mouse exit script
const char *mouseEnter; // mouse enter script
const char *mouseExit; // mouse exit script
const char *action; // select script
const char *onFocus; // select script
const char *leaveFocus; // select script
const char *cvar; // associated cvar
const char *cvarTest; // associated cvar for enable actions
const char *enableCvar; // enable, disable, show, or hide based on value, this can contain a list
int cvarFlags; // what type of action to take on cvarenables
sfxHandle_t focusSound;
int numColors; // number of color ranges
colorRangeDef_t colorRanges[MAX_COLOR_RANGES];
float special; // used for feeder id's etc.. diff per type
int cursorPos; // cursor position in characters
void *typeData; // type specific data ptr's
} itemDef_t;
typedef struct {
Window window;
const char *font; // font
qboolean fullScreen; // covers entire screen
int itemCount; // number of items;
int fontIndex; //
int cursorItem; // which item as the cursor
int fadeCycle; //
float fadeClamp; //
float fadeAmount; //
const char *onOpen; // run when the menu is first opened
const char *onClose; // run when the menu is closed
const char *onESC; // run when the menu is closed
const char *soundName; // background loop sound for menu
vec4_t focusColor; // focus color for items
vec4_t disableColor; // focus color for items
itemDef_t *items[MAX_MENUITEMS]; // items this menu contains
} menuDef_t;
typedef struct {
const char *fontStr;
const char *cursorStr;
const char *gradientStr;
fontInfo_t textFont;
fontInfo_t smallFont;
fontInfo_t bigFont;
qhandle_t cursor;
qhandle_t gradientBar;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowUp;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowDown;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowLeft;
qhandle_t scrollBarArrowRight;
qhandle_t scrollBar;
qhandle_t scrollBarThumb;
qhandle_t buttonMiddle;
qhandle_t buttonInside;
qhandle_t solidBox;
qhandle_t sliderBar;
qhandle_t sliderThumb;
sfxHandle_t menuEnterSound;
sfxHandle_t menuExitSound;
sfxHandle_t menuBuzzSound;
sfxHandle_t itemFocusSound;
float fadeClamp;
int fadeCycle;
float fadeAmount;
float shadowX;
float shadowY;
vec4_t shadowColor;
float shadowFadeClamp;
qboolean fontRegistered;
// player settings
qhandle_t fxBasePic;
qhandle_t fxPic[7];
qhandle_t crosshairShader[NUM_CROSSHAIRS];
} cachedAssets_t;
typedef struct {
const char *name;
void (*handler) (itemDef_t *item, char** args);
} commandDef_t;
typedef struct {
qhandle_t (*registerShaderNoMip) (const char *p);
void (*setColor) (const vec4_t v);
void (*drawHandlePic) (float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t asset);
void (*drawStretchPic) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t hShader );
void (*drawText) (float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, float adjust, int limit, int style );
int (*textWidth) (const char *text, float scale, int limit);
int (*textHeight) (const char *text, float scale, int limit);
qhandle_t (*registerModel) (const char *p);
void (*modelBounds) (qhandle_t model, vec3_t min, vec3_t max);
void (*fillRect) ( float x, float y, float w, float h, const vec4_t color);
void (*drawRect) ( float x, float y, float w, float h, float size, const vec4_t color);
void (*drawSides) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float size);
void (*drawTopBottom) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float size);
void (*clearScene) ( void );
void (*addRefEntityToScene) (const refEntity_t *re );
void (*renderScene) ( const refdef_t *fd );
void (*registerFont) (const char *pFontname, int pointSize, fontInfo_t *font);
void (*ownerDrawItem) (float x, float y, float w, float h, float text_x, float text_y, int ownerDraw, int ownerDrawFlags, int align, float special, float scale, vec4_t color, qhandle_t shader, int textStyle);
float (*getValue) (int ownerDraw);
qboolean (*ownerDrawVisible) (int flags);
void (*runScript)(char **p);
void (*getTeamColor)(vec4_t *color);
void (*getCVarString)(const char *cvar, char *buffer, int bufsize);
float (*getCVarValue)(const char *cvar);
void (*setCVar)(const char *cvar, const char *value);
void (*drawTextWithCursor)(float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, int cursorPos, char cursor, int limit, int style);
void (*setOverstrikeMode)(qboolean b);
qboolean (*getOverstrikeMode)( void );
void (*startLocalSound)( sfxHandle_t sfx, int channelNum );
qboolean (*ownerDrawHandleKey)(int ownerDraw, int flags, float *special, int key);
int (*feederCount)(float feederID);
const char *(*feederItemText)(float feederID, int index, int column, qhandle_t *handle);
qhandle_t (*feederItemImage)(float feederID, int index);
void (*feederSelection)(float feederID, int index);
void (*keynumToStringBuf)( int keynum, char *buf, int buflen );
void (*getBindingBuf)( int keynum, char *buf, int buflen );
void (*setBinding)( int keynum, const char *binding );
void (*executeText)(int exec_when, const char *text );
void (*Error)(int level, const char *error, ...) __attribute__ ((noreturn, format (printf, 2, 3)));
void (*Print)(const char *msg, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
void (*Pause)(qboolean b);
int (*ownerDrawWidth)(int ownerDraw, float scale);
sfxHandle_t (*registerSound)(const char *name, qboolean compressed);
void (*startBackgroundTrack)( const char *intro, const char *loop);
void (*stopBackgroundTrack)( void );
int (*playCinematic)(const char *name, float x, float y, float w, float h);
void (*stopCinematic)(int handle);
void (*drawCinematic)(int handle, float x, float y, float w, float h);
void (*runCinematicFrame)(int handle);
float yscale;
float xscale;
float bias;
int realTime;
int frameTime;
int cursorx;
int cursory;
qboolean debug;
cachedAssets_t Assets;
glconfig_t glconfig;
qhandle_t whiteShader;
qhandle_t gradientImage;
qhandle_t cursor;
float FPS;
} displayContextDef_t;
const char *String_Alloc(const char *p);
void String_Init( void );
void String_Report( void );
void Init_Display(displayContextDef_t *dc);
void Display_ExpandMacros(char * buff);
void Menu_Init(menuDef_t *menu);
void Item_Init(itemDef_t *item);
void Menu_PostParse(menuDef_t *menu);
menuDef_t *Menu_GetFocused( void );
void Menu_HandleKey(menuDef_t *menu, int key, qboolean down);
void Menu_HandleMouseMove(menuDef_t *menu, float x, float y);
void Menu_ScrollFeeder(menuDef_t *menu, int feeder, qboolean down);
qboolean Float_Parse(char **p, float *f);
qboolean Color_Parse(char **p, vec4_t *c);
qboolean Int_Parse(char **p, int *i);
qboolean Rect_Parse(char **p, rectDef_t *r);
qboolean String_Parse(char **p, const char **out);
qboolean Script_Parse(char **p, const char **out);
qboolean PC_Float_Parse(int handle, float *f);
qboolean PC_Color_Parse(int handle, vec4_t *c);
qboolean PC_Int_Parse(int handle, int *i);
qboolean PC_Rect_Parse(int handle, rectDef_t *r);
qboolean PC_String_Parse(int handle, const char **out);
qboolean PC_Script_Parse(int handle, const char **out);
int Menu_Count( void );
void Menu_New(int handle);
void Menu_PaintAll( void );
menuDef_t *Menus_ActivateByName(const char *p);
void Menu_Reset( void );
qboolean Menus_AnyFullScreenVisible( void );
void Menus_Activate(menuDef_t *menu);
int UI_SelectForKey(int key);
displayContextDef_t *Display_GetContext( void );
void *Display_CaptureItem(int x, int y);
qboolean Display_MouseMove(void *p, int x, int y);
int Display_CursorType(int x, int y);
qboolean Display_KeyBindPending( void );
void Menus_OpenByName(const char *p);
menuDef_t *Menus_FindByName(const char *p);
void Menus_ShowByName(const char *p);
void Menus_CloseByName(const char *p);
void Display_HandleKey(int key, qboolean down, int x, int y);
void LerpColor(vec4_t a, vec4_t b, vec4_t c, float t);
void Menus_CloseAll( void );
void Menu_Paint(menuDef_t *menu, qboolean forcePaint);
void Menu_SetFeederSelection(menuDef_t *menu, int feeder, int index, const char *name);
void Display_CacheAll( void );
void *UI_Alloc( int size );
void UI_InitMemory( void );
qboolean UI_OutOfMemory( void );
void Controls_GetConfig( void );
void Controls_SetConfig(qboolean restart);
void Controls_SetDefaults( void );
int trap_PC_AddGlobalDefine( char *define );
int trap_PC_LoadSource( const char *filename );
int trap_PC_FreeSource( int handle );
int trap_PC_ReadToken( int handle, pc_token_t *pc_token );
int trap_PC_SourceFileAndLine( int handle, char *filename, int *line );