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944 lines
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Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "light.h"
int c_totalTrace;
int c_cullTrace, c_testTrace;
int c_testFacets;
surfaceTest_t *surfaceTest[MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS];
void CM_GenerateBoundaryForPoints( float boundary[4], float plane[4], vec3_t a, vec3_t b ) {
vec3_t d1;
// amke a perpendicular vector to the edge and the surface
VectorSubtract( b, a, d1 );
CrossProduct( plane, d1, boundary );
VectorNormalize( boundary, boundary );
boundary[3] = DotProduct( a, boundary );
void TextureMatrixFromPoints( cFacet_t *f, drawVert_t *a, drawVert_t *b, drawVert_t *c ) {
int i, j;
float t;
float m[3][4];
float s;
// This is an incredibly stupid way of solving a three variable equation
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) {
m[0][0] = a->xyz[0];
m[0][1] = a->xyz[1];
m[0][2] = a->xyz[2];
m[0][3] = a->st[i];
m[1][0] = b->xyz[0];
m[1][1] = b->xyz[1];
m[1][2] = b->xyz[2];
m[1][3] = b->st[i];
m[2][0] = c->xyz[0];
m[2][1] = c->xyz[1];
m[2][2] = c->xyz[2];
m[2][3] = c->st[i];
if ( fabs(m[1][0]) > fabs(m[0][0]) && fabs(m[1][0]) > fabs(m[2][0]) ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j ++ ) {
t = m[0][j];
m[0][j] = m[1][j];
m[1][j] = t;
} else if ( fabs(m[2][0]) > fabs(m[0][0]) && fabs(m[2][0]) > fabs(m[1][0]) ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j ++ ) {
t = m[0][j];
m[0][j] = m[2][j];
m[2][j] = t;
s = 1.0 / m[0][0];
m[0][0] *= s;
m[0][1] *= s;
m[0][2] *= s;
m[0][3] *= s;
s = m[1][0];
m[1][0] -= m[0][0] * s;
m[1][1] -= m[0][1] * s;
m[1][2] -= m[0][2] * s;
m[1][3] -= m[0][3] * s;
s = m[2][0];
m[2][0] -= m[0][0] * s;
m[2][1] -= m[0][1] * s;
m[2][2] -= m[0][2] * s;
m[2][3] -= m[0][3] * s;
if ( fabs(m[2][1]) > fabs(m[1][1]) ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j ++ ) {
t = m[1][j];
m[1][j] = m[2][j];
m[2][j] = t;
s = 1.0 / m[1][1];
m[1][0] *= s;
m[1][1] *= s;
m[1][2] *= s;
m[1][3] *= s;
s = m[2][1];
m[2][0] -= m[1][0] * s;
m[2][1] -= m[1][1] * s;
m[2][2] -= m[1][2] * s;
m[2][3] -= m[1][3] * s;
s = 1.0 / m[2][2];
m[2][0] *= s;
m[2][1] *= s;
m[2][2] *= s;
m[2][3] *= s;
f->textureMatrix[i][2] = m[2][3];
f->textureMatrix[i][1] = m[1][3] - f->textureMatrix[i][2] * m[1][2];
f->textureMatrix[i][0] = m[0][3] - f->textureMatrix[i][2] * m[0][2] - f->textureMatrix[i][1] * m[0][1];
f->textureMatrix[i][3] = 0;
s = fabs( DotProduct( a->xyz, f->textureMatrix[i] ) - a->st[i] );
if ( s > 0.01 ) {
Error( "Bad textureMatrix" );
s = fabs( DotProduct( b->xyz, f->textureMatrix[i] ) - b->st[i] );
if ( s > 0.01 ) {
Error( "Bad textureMatrix" );
s = fabs( DotProduct( c->xyz, f->textureMatrix[i] ) - c->st[i] );
if ( s > 0.01 ) {
Error( "Bad textureMatrix" );
qboolean CM_GenerateFacetFor3Points( cFacet_t *f, drawVert_t *a, drawVert_t *b, drawVert_t *c ) {
// if we can't generate a valid plane for the points, ignore the facet
if ( !PlaneFromPoints( f->surface, a->xyz, b->xyz, c->xyz ) ) {
f->numBoundaries = 0;
return qfalse;
// make boundaries
f->numBoundaries = 3;
CM_GenerateBoundaryForPoints( f->boundaries[0], f->surface, a->xyz, b->xyz );
CM_GenerateBoundaryForPoints( f->boundaries[1], f->surface, b->xyz, c->xyz );
CM_GenerateBoundaryForPoints( f->boundaries[2], f->surface, c->xyz, a->xyz );
VectorCopy( a->xyz, f->points[0] );
VectorCopy( b->xyz, f->points[1] );
VectorCopy( c->xyz, f->points[2] );
TextureMatrixFromPoints( f, a, b, c );
return qtrue;
Attempts to use four points as a planar quad
#define PLANAR_EPSILON 0.1
qboolean CM_GenerateFacetFor4Points( cFacet_t *f, drawVert_t *a, drawVert_t *b, drawVert_t *c, drawVert_t *d ) {
float dist;
int i;
vec4_t plane;
// if we can't generate a valid plane for the points, ignore the facet
if ( !PlaneFromPoints( f->surface, a->xyz, b->xyz, c->xyz ) ) {
f->numBoundaries = 0;
return qfalse;
// if the fourth point is also on the plane, we can make a quad facet
dist = DotProduct( d->xyz, f->surface ) - f->surface[3];
if ( fabs( dist ) > PLANAR_EPSILON ) {
f->numBoundaries = 0;
return qfalse;
// make boundaries
f->numBoundaries = 4;
CM_GenerateBoundaryForPoints( f->boundaries[0], f->surface, a->xyz, b->xyz );
CM_GenerateBoundaryForPoints( f->boundaries[1], f->surface, b->xyz, c->xyz );
CM_GenerateBoundaryForPoints( f->boundaries[2], f->surface, c->xyz, d->xyz );
CM_GenerateBoundaryForPoints( f->boundaries[3], f->surface, d->xyz, a->xyz );
VectorCopy( a->xyz, f->points[0] );
VectorCopy( b->xyz, f->points[1] );
VectorCopy( c->xyz, f->points[2] );
VectorCopy( d->xyz, f->points[3] );
for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
if ( !PlaneFromPoints( plane, f->points[i], f->points[(i+1) % 4], f->points[(i+2) % 4]) ) {
f->numBoundaries = 0;
return qfalse;
if (DotProduct(f->surface, plane) < 0.9) {
f->numBoundaries = 0;
return qfalse;
TextureMatrixFromPoints( f, a, b, c );
return qtrue;
void SphereFromBounds( vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t origin, float *radius ) {
vec3_t temp;
VectorAdd( mins, maxs, origin );
VectorScale( origin, 0.5, origin );
VectorSubtract( maxs, origin, temp );
*radius = VectorLength( temp );
void FacetsForTriangleSurface( dsurface_t *dsurf, shaderInfo_t *si, surfaceTest_t *test ) {
int i;
drawVert_t *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4;
int count;
int i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6;
test->patch = qfalse;
test->numFacets = dsurf->numIndexes / 3;
test->facets = malloc( sizeof( test->facets[0] ) * test->numFacets );
test->shader = si;
count = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < test->numFacets ; i++ ) {
i1 = drawIndexes[ dsurf->firstIndex + i*3 ];
i2 = drawIndexes[ dsurf->firstIndex + i*3 + 1 ];
i3 = drawIndexes[ dsurf->firstIndex + i*3 + 2 ];
v1 = &drawVerts[ dsurf->firstVert + i1 ];
v2 = &drawVerts[ dsurf->firstVert + i2 ];
v3 = &drawVerts[ dsurf->firstVert + i3 ];
// try and make a quad out of two triangles
if ( i != test->numFacets - 1 ) {
i4 = drawIndexes[ dsurf->firstIndex + i*3 + 3 ];
i5 = drawIndexes[ dsurf->firstIndex + i*3 + 4 ];
i6 = drawIndexes[ dsurf->firstIndex + i*3 + 5 ];
if ( i4 == i3 && i5 == i2 ) {
v4 = &drawVerts[ dsurf->firstVert + i6 ];
if ( CM_GenerateFacetFor4Points( &test->facets[count], v1, v2, v4, v3 ) ) {
i++; // skip next tri
if (CM_GenerateFacetFor3Points( &test->facets[count], v1, v2, v3 ))
// we may have turned some pairs into quads
test->numFacets = count;
void FacetsForPatch( dsurface_t *dsurf, shaderInfo_t *si, surfaceTest_t *test ) {
int i, j;
drawVert_t *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4;
int count;
mesh_t srcMesh, *subdivided, *mesh;
srcMesh.width = dsurf->patchWidth;
srcMesh.height = dsurf->patchHeight;
srcMesh.verts = &drawVerts[ dsurf->firstVert ];
//subdivided = SubdivideMesh( mesh, CURVE_FACET_ERROR, 9999 );
mesh = SubdivideMesh( srcMesh, 8, 999 );
PutMeshOnCurve( *mesh );
MakeMeshNormals( *mesh );
subdivided = RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows( mesh );
test->patch = qtrue;
test->numFacets = ( subdivided->width - 1 ) * ( subdivided->height - 1 ) * 2;
test->facets = malloc( sizeof( test->facets[0] ) * test->numFacets );
test->shader = si;
count = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < subdivided->width - 1 ; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < subdivided->height - 1 ; j++ ) {
v1 = subdivided->verts + j * subdivided->width + i;
v2 = v1 + 1;
v3 = v1 + subdivided->width + 1;
v4 = v1 + subdivided->width;
if ( CM_GenerateFacetFor4Points( &test->facets[count], v1, v4, v3, v2 ) ) {
} else {
if (CM_GenerateFacetFor3Points( &test->facets[count], v1, v4, v3 ))
if (CM_GenerateFacetFor3Points( &test->facets[count], v1, v3, v2 ))
test->numFacets = count;
Builds structures to speed the ray tracing against surfaces
void InitSurfacesForTesting( void ) {
int i, j;
dsurface_t *dsurf;
surfaceTest_t *test;
drawVert_t *dvert;
shaderInfo_t *si;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numDrawSurfaces ; i++ ) {
dsurf = &drawSurfaces[ i ];
if ( !dsurf->numIndexes && !dsurf->patchWidth ) {
// don't make surfaces for transparent objects
// because we want light to pass through them
si = ShaderInfoForShader( dshaders[ dsurf->shaderNum].shader );
if ( (si->contents & CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT) && !(si->surfaceFlags & SURF_ALPHASHADOW) ) {
test = malloc( sizeof( *test ) );
surfaceTest[i] = test;
ClearBounds( test->mins, test->maxs );
dvert = &drawVerts[ dsurf->firstVert ];
for ( j = 0 ; j < dsurf->numVerts ; j++, dvert++ ) {
AddPointToBounds( dvert->xyz, test->mins, test->maxs );
SphereFromBounds( test->mins, test->maxs, test->origin, &test->radius );
if ( dsurf->surfaceType == MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP || dsurf->surfaceType == MST_PLANAR ) {
FacetsForTriangleSurface( dsurf, si, test );
} else if ( dsurf->surfaceType == MST_PATCH ) {
FacetsForPatch( dsurf, si, test );
void GenerateBoundaryForPoints( float boundary[4], float plane[4], vec3_t a, vec3_t b ) {
vec3_t d1;
// amke a perpendicular vector to the edge and the surface
VectorSubtract( b, a, d1 );
CrossProduct( plane, d1, boundary );
VectorNormalize( boundary, boundary );
boundary[3] = DotProduct( a, boundary );
Given a point on a facet, determine the color filter
for light passing through
void SetFacetFilter( traceWork_t *tr, shaderInfo_t *shader, cFacet_t *facet, vec3_t point ) {
float s, t;
int is, it;
byte *image;
int b;
// most surfaces are completely opaque
if ( !(shader->surfaceFlags & SURF_ALPHASHADOW) ) {
VectorClear( tr->trace->filter );
s = DotProduct( point, facet->textureMatrix[0] ) + facet->textureMatrix[0][3];
t = DotProduct( point, facet->textureMatrix[1] ) + facet->textureMatrix[1][3];
if ( !shader->pixels ) {
// assume completely solid
VectorClear( point );
s = s - floor( s );
t = t - floor( t );
is = s * shader->width;
it = t * shader->height;
image = shader->pixels + 4 * ( it * shader->width + is );
// alpha filter
b = image[3];
// alpha test makes this a binary option
b = b < 128 ? 0 : 255;
tr->trace->filter[0] = tr->trace->filter[0] * (255-b) / 255;
tr->trace->filter[1] = tr->trace->filter[1] * (255-b) / 255;
tr->trace->filter[2] = tr->trace->filter[2] * (255-b) / 255;
Shader is needed for translucent surfaces
void TraceAgainstFacet( traceWork_t *tr, shaderInfo_t *shader, cFacet_t *facet ) {
int j;
float d1, d2, d, f;
vec3_t point;
float dist;
// ignore degenerate facets
if ( facet->numBoundaries < 3 ) {
dist = facet->surface[3];
// compare the trace endpoints against the facet plane
d1 = DotProduct( tr->start, facet->surface ) - dist;
if ( d1 > -1 && d1 < 1 ) {
return; // don't self intersect
d2 = DotProduct( tr->end, facet->surface ) - dist;
if ( d2 > -1 && d2 < 1 ) {
return; // don't self intersect
// calculate the intersection fraction
f = ( d1 - ON_EPSILON ) / ( d1 - d2 );
if ( f <= 0 ) {
if ( f >= tr->trace->hitFraction ) {
return; // we have hit something earlier
// calculate the intersection point
for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
point[j] = tr->start[j] + f * ( tr->end[j] - tr->start[j] );
// check the point against the facet boundaries
for ( j = 0 ; j < facet->numBoundaries ; j++ ) {
// adjust the plane distance apropriately for mins/maxs
dist = facet->boundaries[j][3];
d = DotProduct( point, facet->boundaries[j] );
if ( d > dist + ON_EPSILON ) {
break; // outside the bounds
if ( j != facet->numBoundaries ) {
return; // we are outside the bounds of the facet
// we hit this facet
// if this is a transparent surface, calculate filter value
if ( shader->surfaceFlags & SURF_ALPHASHADOW ) {
SetFacetFilter( tr, shader, facet, point );
} else {
// completely opaque
VectorClear( tr->trace->filter );
tr->trace->hitFraction = f;
// VectorCopy( facet->surface, tr->trace->plane.normal );
// tr->trace->plane.dist = facet->surface[3];
#define TRACE_ON_EPSILON 0.1
typedef struct tnode_s
int type;
vec3_t normal;
float dist;
int children[2];
int planeNum;
} tnode_t;
tnode_t *tnodes, *tnode_p;
Converts the disk node structure into the efficient tracing structure
void MakeTnode (int nodenum)
tnode_t *t;
dplane_t *plane;
int i;
dnode_t *node;
int leafNum;
t = tnode_p++;
node = dnodes + nodenum;
plane = dplanes + node->planeNum;
t->planeNum = node->planeNum;
t->type = PlaneTypeForNormal( plane->normal );
VectorCopy (plane->normal, t->normal);
t->dist = plane->dist;
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
if (node->children[i] < 0) {
leafNum = -node->children[i] - 1;
if ( dleafs[leafNum].cluster == -1 ) {
// solid
t->children[i] = leafNum | ( 1 << 31 ) | ( 1 << 30 );
} else {
t->children[i] = leafNum | ( 1 << 31 );
} else {
t->children[i] = tnode_p - tnodes;
MakeTnode (node->children[i]);
Loads the node structure out of a .bsp file to be used for light occlusion
void InitTrace( void ) {
// 32 byte align the structs
tnodes = malloc( (MAX_TNODES+1) * sizeof(tnode_t));
tnodes = (tnode_t *)(((int)tnodes + 31)&~31);
tnode_p = tnodes;
MakeTnode (0);
qboolean PointInSolid_r( vec3_t start, int node ) {
tnode_t *tnode;
float front;
while ( !(node & (1<<31) ) ) {
tnode = &tnodes[node];
switch (tnode->type) {
case PLANE_X:
front = start[0] - tnode->dist;
case PLANE_Y:
front = start[1] - tnode->dist;
case PLANE_Z:
front = start[2] - tnode->dist;
front = (start[0]*tnode->normal[0] + start[1]*tnode->normal[1] + start[2]*tnode->normal[2]) - tnode->dist;
if ( front == 0 ) {
// exactly on node, must check both sides
return (qboolean) ( PointInSolid_r( start, tnode->children[0] )
| PointInSolid_r( start, tnode->children[1] ) );
if ( front > 0 ) {
node = tnode->children[0];
} else {
node = tnode->children[1];
if ( node & ( 1 << 30 ) ) {
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
qboolean PointInSolid( vec3_t start ) {
return PointInSolid_r( start, 0 );
Returns qtrue if something is hit and tracing can stop
int TraceLine_r( int node, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t stop, traceWork_t *tw ) {
tnode_t *tnode;
float front, back;
vec3_t mid;
float frac;
int side;
int r;
if (node & (1<<31)) {
if (node & ( 1 << 30 ) ) {
VectorCopy (start, tw->trace->hit);
tw->trace->passSolid = qtrue;
return qtrue;
} else {
// save the node off for more exact testing
if ( tw->numOpenLeafs == MAX_MAP_LEAFS ) {
return qfalse;
tw->openLeafNumbers[ tw->numOpenLeafs ] = node & ~(3 << 30);
return qfalse;
tnode = &tnodes[node];
switch (tnode->type) {
case PLANE_X:
front = start[0] - tnode->dist;
back = stop[0] - tnode->dist;
case PLANE_Y:
front = start[1] - tnode->dist;
back = stop[1] - tnode->dist;
case PLANE_Z:
front = start[2] - tnode->dist;
back = stop[2] - tnode->dist;
front = (start[0]*tnode->normal[0] + start[1]*tnode->normal[1] + start[2]*tnode->normal[2]) - tnode->dist;
back = (stop[0]*tnode->normal[0] + stop[1]*tnode->normal[1] + stop[2]*tnode->normal[2]) - tnode->dist;
if (front >= -TRACE_ON_EPSILON && back >= -TRACE_ON_EPSILON) {
return TraceLine_r (tnode->children[0], start, stop, tw);
if (front < TRACE_ON_EPSILON && back < TRACE_ON_EPSILON) {
return TraceLine_r (tnode->children[1], start, stop, tw);
side = front < 0;
frac = front / (front-back);
mid[0] = start[0] + (stop[0] - start[0])*frac;
mid[1] = start[1] + (stop[1] - start[1])*frac;
mid[2] = start[2] + (stop[2] - start[2])*frac;
r = TraceLine_r (tnode->children[side], start, mid, tw);
if (r) {
return r;
// trace->planeNum = tnode->planeNum;
return TraceLine_r (tnode->children[!side], mid, stop, tw);
qboolean SphereCull( vec3_t start, vec3_t stop, vec3_t origin, float radius ) {
vec3_t v;
float d;
vec3_t dir;
float len;
vec3_t on;
VectorSubtract( stop, start, dir );
len = VectorNormalize( dir, dir );
VectorSubtract( origin, start, v );
d = DotProduct( v, dir );
if ( d > len + radius ) {
return qtrue; // too far ahead
if ( d < -radius ) {
return qtrue; // too far behind
VectorMA( start, d, dir, on );
VectorSubtract( on, origin, v );
len = VectorLength( v );
if ( len > radius ) {
return qtrue; // too far to the side
return qfalse; // must be traced against
void TraceAgainstSurface( traceWork_t *tw, surfaceTest_t *surf ) {
int i;
// if surfaces are trans
if ( SphereCull( tw->start, tw->end, surf->origin, surf->radius ) ) {
if ( numthreads == 1 ) {
if ( numthreads == 1 ) {
c_testFacets += surf->numFacets;
// MrE: backface culling
if (!surf->patch && surf->numFacets) {
// if the surface does not cast an alpha shadow
if ( !(surf->shader->surfaceFlags & SURF_ALPHASHADOW) ) {
vec3_t vec;
VectorSubtract(tw->end, tw->start, vec);
if (DotProduct(vec, surf->facets->surface) > 0)
// test against each facet
for ( i = 0 ; i < surf->numFacets ; i++ ) {
TraceAgainstFacet( tw, surf->shader, surf->facets + i );
Follow the trace just through the solid leafs first, and only
if it passes that, trace against the objects inside the empty leafs
Returns qtrue if the trace hit any
traceWork_t is only a parameter to crutch up poor large local allocations on
winNT and macOS. It should be allocated in the worker function, but never
looked at.
leave testAll false if all you care about is if it hit anything at all.
if you need to know the exact first point of impact (for a sun trace), set
testAll to true
extern qboolean patchshadows;
void TraceLine( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t stop, trace_t *trace, qboolean testAll, traceWork_t *tw ) {
int r;
int i, j;
dleaf_t *leaf;
float oldHitFrac;
surfaceTest_t *test;
int surfaceNum;
byte surfaceTested[MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS/8];
if ( numthreads == 1 ) {
// assume all light gets through, unless the ray crosses
// a translucent surface
trace->filter[0] = 1.0;
trace->filter[1] = 1.0;
trace->filter[2] = 1.0;
VectorCopy( start, tw->start );
VectorCopy( stop, tw->end );
tw->trace = trace;
tw->numOpenLeafs = 0;
trace->passSolid = qfalse;
trace->hitFraction = 1.0;
r = TraceLine_r( 0, start, stop, tw );
// if we hit a solid leaf, stop without testing the leaf
// surfaces. Note that the plane and endpoint might not
// be the first solid intersection along the ray.
if ( r && !testAll ) {
if ( noSurfaces ) {
memset( surfaceTested, 0, (numDrawSurfaces+7)/8 );
oldHitFrac = trace->hitFraction;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tw->numOpenLeafs ; i++ ) {
leaf = &dleafs[ tw->openLeafNumbers[ i ] ];
for ( j = 0 ; j < leaf->numLeafSurfaces ; j++ ) {
surfaceNum = dleafsurfaces[ leaf->firstLeafSurface + j ];
// make sure we don't test the same ray against a surface more than once
if ( surfaceTested[ surfaceNum>>3 ] & ( 1 << ( surfaceNum & 7) ) ) {
surfaceTested[ surfaceNum>>3 ] |= ( 1 << ( surfaceNum & 7 ) );
test = surfaceTest[ surfaceNum ];
if ( !test ) {
if ( !tw->patchshadows && test->patch ) {
TraceAgainstSurface( tw, test );
// if the trace is now solid, we can't possibly hit anything closer
if ( trace->hitFraction < oldHitFrac ) {
trace->passSolid = qtrue;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
trace->hit[i] = start[i] + ( stop[i] - start[i] ) * trace->hitFraction;