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Zack Middleton 424122c366 Fix bot's teamleader name field being too short
Players using names with 32 to 35 characters could not be recognized as
the team leader.

Reported by Razor.
2014-12-04 16:50:28 -06:00

293 lines
13 KiB

Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* name: ai_main.h
* desc: Quake3 bot AI
* $Archive: /source/code/botai/ai_chat.c $
//#define DEBUG
#define CTF
#define MAX_ITEMS 256
//bot flags
#define BFL_STRAFERIGHT 1 //strafe to the right
#define BFL_ATTACKED 2 //bot has attacked last ai frame
#define BFL_ATTACKJUMPED 4 //bot jumped during attack last frame
#define BFL_AIMATENEMY 8 //bot aimed at the enemy this frame
#define BFL_AVOIDRIGHT 16 //avoid obstacles by going to the right
#define BFL_IDEALVIEWSET 32 //bot has ideal view angles set
#define BFL_FIGHTSUICIDAL 64 //bot is in a suicidal fight
//long term goal types
#define LTG_TEAMHELP 1 //help a team mate
#define LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY 2 //accompany a team mate
#define LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA 3 //defend a key area
#define LTG_GETFLAG 4 //get the enemy flag
#define LTG_RUSHBASE 5 //rush to the base
#define LTG_RETURNFLAG 6 //return the flag
#define LTG_CAMP 7 //camp somewhere
#define LTG_CAMPORDER 8 //ordered to camp somewhere
#define LTG_PATROL 9 //patrol
#define LTG_GETITEM 10 //get an item
#define LTG_KILL 11 //kill someone
#define LTG_HARVEST 12 //harvest skulls
#define LTG_ATTACKENEMYBASE 13 //attack the enemy base
//some goal dedication times
#define TEAM_HELP_TIME 60 //1 minute teamplay help time
#define TEAM_ACCOMPANY_TIME 600 //10 minutes teamplay accompany time
#define TEAM_DEFENDKEYAREA_TIME 600 //10 minutes ctf defend base time
#define TEAM_CAMP_TIME 600 //10 minutes camping time
#define TEAM_PATROL_TIME 600 //10 minutes patrolling time
#define TEAM_LEAD_TIME 600 //10 minutes taking the lead
#define TEAM_GETITEM_TIME 60 //1 minute
#define TEAM_KILL_SOMEONE 180 //3 minute to kill someone
#define TEAM_ATTACKENEMYBASE_TIME 600 //10 minutes
#define TEAM_HARVEST_TIME 120 //2 minutes
#define CTF_GETFLAG_TIME 600 //10 minutes ctf get flag time
#define CTF_RUSHBASE_TIME 120 //2 minutes ctf rush base time
#define CTF_RETURNFLAG_TIME 180 //3 minutes to return the flag
#define CTF_ROAM_TIME 60 //1 minute ctf roam time
//patrol flags
#define PATROL_LOOP 1
#define PATROL_BACK 4
//teamplay task preference
//CTF strategy
//copied from the aas file header
#define MAX_PROXMINES 64
//check points
typedef struct bot_waypoint_s
int inuse;
char name[32];
bot_goal_t goal;
struct bot_waypoint_s *next, *prev;
} bot_waypoint_t;
typedef struct bot_activategoal_s
int inuse;
bot_goal_t goal; //goal to activate (buttons etc.)
float time; //time to activate something
float start_time; //time starting to activate something
float justused_time; //time the goal was used
int shoot; //true if bot has to shoot to activate
int weapon; //weapon to be used for activation
vec3_t target; //target to shoot at to activate something
vec3_t origin; //origin of the blocking entity to activate
int areas[MAX_ACTIVATEAREAS]; //routing areas disabled by blocking entity
int numareas; //number of disabled routing areas
int areasdisabled; //true if the areas are disabled for the routing
struct bot_activategoal_s *next; //next activate goal on stack
} bot_activategoal_t;
//bot state
typedef struct bot_state_s
int inuse; //true if this state is used by a bot client
int botthink_residual; //residual for the bot thinks
int client; //client number of the bot
int entitynum; //entity number of the bot
playerState_t cur_ps; //current player state
int last_eFlags; //last ps flags
usercmd_t lastucmd; //usercmd from last frame
int entityeventTime[MAX_GENTITIES]; //last entity event time
bot_settings_t settings; //several bot settings
int (*ainode)(struct bot_state_s *bs); //current AI node
float thinktime; //time the bot thinks this frame
vec3_t origin; //origin of the bot
vec3_t velocity; //velocity of the bot
int presencetype; //presence type of the bot
vec3_t eye; //eye coordinates of the bot
int areanum; //the number of the area the bot is in
int inventory[MAX_ITEMS]; //string with items amounts the bot has
int tfl; //the travel flags the bot uses
int flags; //several flags
int respawn_wait; //wait until respawned
int lasthealth; //health value previous frame
int lastkilledplayer; //last killed player
int lastkilledby; //player that last killed this bot
int botdeathtype; //the death type of the bot
int enemydeathtype; //the death type of the enemy
int botsuicide; //true when the bot suicides
int enemysuicide; //true when the enemy of the bot suicides
int setupcount; //true when the bot has just been setup
int map_restart; //true when the map is being restarted
int entergamechat; //true when the bot used an enter game chat
int num_deaths; //number of time this bot died
int num_kills; //number of kills of this bot
int revenge_enemy; //the revenge enemy
int revenge_kills; //number of kills the enemy made
int lastframe_health; //health value the last frame
int lasthitcount; //number of hits last frame
int chatto; //chat to all or team
float walker; //walker charactertic
float ltime; //local bot time
float entergame_time; //time the bot entered the game
float ltg_time; //long term goal time
float nbg_time; //nearby goal time
float respawn_time; //time the bot takes to respawn
float respawnchat_time; //time the bot started a chat during respawn
float chase_time; //time the bot will chase the enemy
float enemyvisible_time; //time the enemy was last visible
float check_time; //time to check for nearby items
float stand_time; //time the bot is standing still
float lastchat_time; //time the bot last selected a chat
float kamikaze_time; //time to check for kamikaze usage
float invulnerability_time; //time to check for invulnerability usage
float standfindenemy_time; //time to find enemy while standing
float attackstrafe_time; //time the bot is strafing in one dir
float attackcrouch_time; //time the bot will stop crouching
float attackchase_time; //time the bot chases during actual attack
float attackjump_time; //time the bot jumped during attack
float enemysight_time; //time before reacting to enemy
float enemydeath_time; //time the enemy died
float enemyposition_time; //time the position and velocity of the enemy were stored
float defendaway_time; //time away while defending
float defendaway_range; //max travel time away from defend area
float rushbaseaway_time; //time away from rushing to the base
float attackaway_time; //time away from attacking the enemy base
float harvestaway_time; //time away from harvesting
float ctfroam_time; //time the bot is roaming in ctf
float killedenemy_time; //time the bot killed the enemy
float arrive_time; //time arrived (at companion)
float lastair_time; //last time the bot had air
float teleport_time; //last time the bot teleported
float camp_time; //last time camped
float weaponchange_time; //time the bot started changing weapons
float firethrottlewait_time; //amount of time to wait
float firethrottleshoot_time; //amount of time to shoot
float notblocked_time; //last time the bot was not blocked
float blockedbyavoidspot_time; //time blocked by an avoid spot
float predictobstacles_time; //last time the bot predicted obstacles
int predictobstacles_goalareanum; //last goal areanum the bot predicted obstacles for
vec3_t aimtarget;
vec3_t enemyvelocity; //enemy velocity 0.5 secs ago during battle
vec3_t enemyorigin; //enemy origin 0.5 secs ago during battle
int kamikazebody; //kamikaze body
int proxmines[MAX_PROXMINES];
int numproxmines;
int character; //the bot character
int ms; //move state of the bot
int gs; //goal state of the bot
int cs; //chat state of the bot
int ws; //weapon state of the bot
int enemy; //enemy entity number
int lastenemyareanum; //last reachability area the enemy was in
vec3_t lastenemyorigin; //last origin of the enemy in the reachability area
int weaponnum; //current weapon number
vec3_t viewangles; //current view angles
vec3_t ideal_viewangles; //ideal view angles
vec3_t viewanglespeed;
int ltgtype; //long term goal type
// team goals
int teammate; //team mate involved in this team goal
int decisionmaker; //player who decided to go for this goal
int ordered; //true if ordered to do something
float order_time; //time ordered to do something
int owndecision_time; //time the bot made its own decision
bot_goal_t teamgoal; //the team goal
bot_goal_t altroutegoal; //alternative route goal
float reachedaltroutegoal_time; //time the bot reached the alt route goal
float teammessage_time; //time to message team mates what the bot is doing
float teamgoal_time; //time to stop helping team mate
float teammatevisible_time; //last time the team mate was NOT visible
int teamtaskpreference; //team task preference
// last ordered team goal
int lastgoal_decisionmaker;
int lastgoal_ltgtype;
int lastgoal_teammate;
bot_goal_t lastgoal_teamgoal;
// for leading team mates
int lead_teammate; //team mate the bot is leading
bot_goal_t lead_teamgoal; //team goal while leading
float lead_time; //time leading someone
float leadvisible_time; //last time the team mate was visible
float leadmessage_time; //last time a messaged was sent to the team mate
float leadbackup_time; //time backing up towards team mate
char teamleader[MAX_NETNAME]; //netname of the team leader
float askteamleader_time; //time asked for team leader
float becometeamleader_time; //time the bot will become the team leader
float teamgiveorders_time; //time to give team orders
float lastflagcapture_time; //last time a flag was captured
int numteammates; //number of team mates
int redflagstatus; //0 = at base, 1 = not at base
int blueflagstatus; //0 = at base, 1 = not at base
int neutralflagstatus; //0 = at base, 1 = our team has flag, 2 = enemy team has flag, 3 = enemy team dropped the flag
int flagstatuschanged; //flag status changed
int forceorders; //true if forced to give orders
int flagcarrier; //team mate carrying the enemy flag
int ctfstrategy; //ctf strategy
char subteam[32]; //sub team name
float formation_dist; //formation team mate intervening space
bot_activategoal_t *activatestack; //first activate goal on the stack
bot_activategoal_t activategoalheap[MAX_ACTIVATESTACK]; //activate goal heap
bot_waypoint_t *checkpoints; //check points
bot_waypoint_t *patrolpoints; //patrol points
bot_waypoint_t *curpatrolpoint; //current patrol point the bot is going for
int patrolflags; //patrol flags
} bot_state_t;
//resets the whole bot state
void BotResetState(bot_state_t *bs);
//returns the number of bots in the game
int NumBots(void);
//returns info about the entity
void BotEntityInfo(int entnum, aas_entityinfo_t *info);
extern float floattime;
#define FloatTime() floattime
// from the game source
void QDECL BotAI_Print(int type, char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
void QDECL QDECL BotAI_BotInitialChat( bot_state_t *bs, char *type, ... );
void BotAI_Trace(bsp_trace_t *bsptrace, vec3_t start, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t end, int passent, int contentmask);
int BotAI_GetClientState( int clientNum, playerState_t *state );
int BotAI_GetEntityState( int entityNum, entityState_t *state );
int BotAI_GetSnapshotEntity( int clientNum, int sequence, entityState_t *state );
int BotTeamLeader(bot_state_t *bs);