
1246 lines
46 KiB

#include "vr_input.h"
//#if __ANDROID__
#include "../qcommon/q_shared.h"
#include "../qcommon/qcommon.h"
#include "../client/keycodes.h"
#include "../client/client.h"
#include "vr_base.h"
#include "../VrApi/Include/VrApi_Input.h"
#include "../VrApi/Include/VrApi_Helpers.h"
#include "vr_clientinfo.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <jni.h>
# include "SDL.h"
# include <SDL.h>
enum {
VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UP = 1 << 0,
typedef struct {
uint32_t buttons;
uint32_t axisButtons;
} vrController_t;
vr_clientinfo_t vr;
static qboolean controllerInit = qfalse;
static vrController_t leftController;
static vrController_t rightController;
static int in_vrEventTime = 0;
static double lastframetime = 0;
static float pressedThreshold = 0.75f;
static float releasedThreshold = 0.5f;
extern cvar_t *cl_sensitivity;
extern cvar_t *m_pitch;
extern cvar_t *m_yaw;
float radians(float deg) {
return (deg * M_PI) / 180.0;
float degrees(float rad) {
return (rad * 180.0) / M_PI;
#ifndef EPSILON
#define EPSILON 0.001f
extern cvar_t *vr_righthanded;
extern cvar_t *vr_switchThumbsticks;
extern cvar_t *vr_snapturn;
extern cvar_t *vr_extralatencymode;
extern cvar_t *vr_directionMode;
extern cvar_t *vr_weaponPitch;
extern cvar_t *vr_heightAdjust;
extern cvar_t *vr_twoHandedWeapons;
extern cvar_t *vr_refreshrate;
extern cvar_t *vr_weaponScope;
extern cvar_t *vr_hapticIntensity;
jclass callbackClass;
jmethodID android_haptic_event;
qboolean alt_key_mode_active = qfalse;
void rotateAboutOrigin(float x, float y, float rotation, vec2_t out)
out[0] = cosf(DEG2RAD(-rotation)) * x + sinf(DEG2RAD(-rotation)) * y;
out[1] = cosf(DEG2RAD(-rotation)) * y - sinf(DEG2RAD(-rotation)) * x;
static ovrVector3f normalizeVec(ovrVector3f vec) {
//NOTE: leave w-component untouched
//@@const float EPSILON = 0.000001f;
float xxyyzz = vec.x*vec.x + vec.y*vec.y + vec.z*vec.z;
//@@if(xxyyzz < EPSILON)
//@@ return *this; // do nothing if it is zero vector
//float invLength = invSqrt(xxyyzz);
ovrVector3f result;
float invLength = 1.0f / sqrtf(xxyyzz);
result.x = vec.x * invLength;
result.y = vec.y * invLength;
result.z = vec.z * invLength;
return result;
void NormalizeAngles(vec3_t angles)
while (angles[0] >= 90) angles[0] -= 180;
while (angles[1] >= 180) angles[1] -= 360;
while (angles[2] >= 180) angles[2] -= 360;
while (angles[0] < -90) angles[0] += 180;
while (angles[1] < -180) angles[1] += 360;
while (angles[2] < -180) angles[2] += 360;
void GetAnglesFromVectors(const ovrVector3f forward, const ovrVector3f right, const ovrVector3f up, vec3_t angles)
float sr, sp, sy, cr, cp, cy;
sp = -forward.z;
float cp_x_cy = forward.x;
float cp_x_sy = forward.y;
float cp_x_sr = -right.z;
float cp_x_cr = up.z;
float yaw = atan2(cp_x_sy, cp_x_cy);
float roll = atan2(cp_x_sr, cp_x_cr);
cy = cos(yaw);
sy = sin(yaw);
cr = cos(roll);
sr = sin(roll);
if (fabs(cy) > EPSILON)
cp = cp_x_cy / cy;
else if (fabs(sy) > EPSILON)
cp = cp_x_sy / sy;
else if (fabs(sr) > EPSILON)
cp = cp_x_sr / sr;
else if (fabs(cr) > EPSILON)
cp = cp_x_cr / cr;
cp = cos(asin(sp));
float pitch = atan2(sp, cp);
angles[0] = pitch / (M_PI*2.f / 360.f);
angles[1] = yaw / (M_PI*2.f / 360.f);
angles[2] = roll / (M_PI*2.f / 360.f);
void QuatToYawPitchRoll(ovrQuatf q, vec3_t rotation, vec3_t out) {
ovrMatrix4f mat = ovrMatrix4f_CreateFromQuaternion( &q );
if (rotation[0] != 0.0f || rotation[1] != 0.0f || rotation[2] != 0.0f)
ovrMatrix4f rot = ovrMatrix4f_CreateRotation(radians(rotation[0]), radians(rotation[1]), radians(rotation[2]));
mat = ovrMatrix4f_Multiply(&mat, &rot);
ovrVector4f v1 = {0, 0, -1, 0};
ovrVector4f v2 = {1, 0, 0, 0};
ovrVector4f v3 = {0, 1, 0, 0};
ovrVector4f forwardInVRSpace = ovrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(&mat, &v1);
ovrVector4f rightInVRSpace = ovrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(&mat, &v2);
ovrVector4f upInVRSpace = ovrVector4f_MultiplyMatrix4f(&mat, &v3);
ovrVector3f forward = {-forwardInVRSpace.z, -forwardInVRSpace.x, forwardInVRSpace.y};
ovrVector3f right = {-rightInVRSpace.z, -rightInVRSpace.x, rightInVRSpace.y};
ovrVector3f up = {-upInVRSpace.z, -upInVRSpace.x, upInVRSpace.y};
ovrVector3f forwardNormal = normalizeVec(forward);
ovrVector3f rightNormal = normalizeVec(right);
ovrVector3f upNormal = normalizeVec(up);
GetAnglesFromVectors(forwardNormal, rightNormal, upNormal, out);
//0 = left, 1 = right
float vibration_channel_duration[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};
float vibration_channel_intensity[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};
ovrDeviceID controllerIDs[2];
void VR_Vibrate( int duration, int chan, float intensity )
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
int channel = (i + 1) & chan;
if (channel)
if (vibration_channel_duration[channel-1] > 0.0f)
if (vibration_channel_duration[channel-1] == -1.0f && duration != 0.0f)
vibration_channel_duration[channel-1] = duration;
vibration_channel_intensity[channel-1] = intensity * vr_hapticIntensity->value;
static void VR_processHaptics() {
static float lastFrameTime = 0.0f;
float timestamp = (float)(Sys_Milliseconds( ));
float frametime = timestamp - lastFrameTime;
lastFrameTime = timestamp;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (vibration_channel_duration[i] > 0.0f ||
vibration_channel_duration[i] == -1.0f) {
vrapi_SetHapticVibrationSimple(VR_GetEngine()->ovr, controllerIDs[i],
if (vibration_channel_duration[i] != -1.0f) {
vibration_channel_duration[i] -= frametime;
if (vibration_channel_duration[i] < 0.0f) {
vibration_channel_duration[i] = 0.0f;
vibration_channel_intensity[i] = 0.0f;
} else {
vrapi_SetHapticVibrationSimple(VR_GetEngine()->ovr, controllerIDs[i], 0.0f);
// Returns true in case button press should be auto-repeated when holding (now only applicable for smooth-turn)
static qboolean IN_SendButtonAction(const char* action, qboolean pressed, qboolean isThumbstickAxis, float axisValue)
if (action)
//handle our special actions first
if (strcmp(action, "blank") == 0) {
// empty function to block alt fallback on unmapped alt buttons
else if (strcmp(action, "+alt") == 0)
alt_key_mode_active = pressed;
else if (strcmp(action, "+weapon_stabilise") == 0)
//stabilised weapon only triggered when controllers close enough (40cm) to each other
if (pressed)
vec3_t l;
VectorSubtract(vr.weaponposition, vr.offhandposition, l);
vr.weapon_stabilised = VectorLength(l) < 0.4f;
vr.weapon_stabilised = qfalse;
//Special case for moveup as we can send a space key instead allowing us to skip
//server search in the server menu
else if (strcmp(action, "+moveup") == 0)
Com_QueueEvent(in_vrEventTime, SE_KEY, K_SPACE, pressed, 0, NULL);
else if (strcmp(action, "+weapon_select") == 0)
vr.weapon_select = pressed;
vr.weapon_select_autoclose = isThumbstickAxis;
if (!pressed)
else if (action[0] == '+')
char command[256];
Com_sprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s%s\n", pressed ? "+" : "-", action + 1);
else if (pressed)
if (strcmp(action, "turnleft") == 0) {
if (vr_snapturn->integer > 0) { // snap turn
int snap = 45;
if (vr_snapturn->integer > 1) {
snap = vr_snapturn->integer;
} else { // yaw (smooth turn)
float value = (isThumbstickAxis ? axisValue : 1.0f) * cl_sensitivity->value * m_yaw->value;
Com_QueueEvent(in_vrEventTime, SE_MOUSE, -value, 0, 0, NULL);
return qtrue;
} else if (strcmp(action, "turnright") == 0) {
if (vr_snapturn->integer > 0) { // snap turn
int snap = 45;
if (vr_snapturn->integer > 1) {
snap = vr_snapturn->integer;
} else { // yaw (smooth turn)
float value = (isThumbstickAxis ? axisValue : 1.0f) * cl_sensitivity->value * m_yaw->value;
Com_QueueEvent(in_vrEventTime, SE_MOUSE, value, 0, 0, NULL);
return qtrue;
} else if (strcmp(action, "uturn") == 0) {
} else {
char command[256];
Com_sprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%s\n", action);
return qfalse;
void VR_HapticEvent(const char* event, int position, int flags, int intensity, float angle, float yHeight )
if (vr_hapticIntensity->value == 0.0f)
engine_t* engine = VR_GetEngine();
jstring StringArg1 = (*(engine->java.Env))->NewStringUTF(engine->java.Env, event);
(*(engine->java.Env))->CallVoidMethod(engine->java.Env, engine->java.ActivityObject, android_haptic_event, StringArg1, position, flags, intensity * vr_hapticIntensity->value, angle, yHeight);
//Controller Haptic Support
int weaponFireChannel = vr.weapon_stabilised ? 3 : (vr_righthanded->integer ? 2 : 1);
if (strcmp(event, "pickup_shield") == 0 ||
strcmp(event, "pickup_weapon") == 0 ||
strstr(event, "pickup_item") != NULL)
VR_Vibrate(100, 3, 1.0);
else if (strcmp(event, "weapon_switch") == 0)
VR_Vibrate(250, vr_righthanded->integer ? 2 : 1, 0.8);
else if (strcmp(event, "shotgun") == 0 || strcmp(event, "fireball") == 0)
VR_Vibrate(400, 3, 1.0);
else if (strcmp(event, "bullet") == 0)
VR_Vibrate(150, 3, 1.0);
else if (strcmp(event, "chainsaw_fire") == 0 ||
strcmp(event, "RTCWQuest:fire_tesla") == 0)
VR_Vibrate(500, weaponFireChannel, 1.0);
else if (strcmp(event, "machinegun_fire") == 0 || strcmp(event, "plasmagun_fire") == 0)
VR_Vibrate(90, weaponFireChannel, 0.8);
else if (strcmp(event, "shotgun_fire") == 0)
VR_Vibrate(250, weaponFireChannel, 1.0);
else if (strcmp(event, "rocket_fire") == 0 ||
strcmp(event, "RTCWQuest:fire_sniper") == 0 ||
strcmp(event, "bfg_fire") == 0 ||
strcmp(event, "handgrenade_fire") == 0 )
VR_Vibrate(400, weaponFireChannel, 1.0);
else if (strcmp(event, "selector_icon") == 0)
//Quick blip
VR_Vibrate(50, (vr_righthanded->integer ? 2 : 1), 1.0);
static qboolean IN_GetButtonAction(const char* button, char* action)
char cvarname[256];
Com_sprintf(cvarname, 256, "vr_button_map_%s%s", button, alt_key_mode_active ? "_ALT" : "");
char * val = Cvar_VariableString(cvarname);
if (val && strlen(val) > 0)
Com_sprintf(action, 256, "%s", val);
return qtrue;
//If we didn't find something for this button and the alt key is active, then see if the un-alt key has a function
if (alt_key_mode_active)
Com_sprintf(cvarname, 256, "vr_button_map_%s", button);
char * val = Cvar_VariableString(cvarname);
if (val && strlen(val) > 0)
Com_sprintf(action, 256, "%s", val);
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
static float length(float x, float y)
return sqrtf(powf(x, 2.0f) + powf(y, 2.0f));
void IN_VRInit( void )
memset(&vr, 0, sizeof(vr));
engine_t *engine = VR_GetEngine();
callbackClass = (*engine->java.Env)->GetObjectClass(engine->java.Env, engine->java.ActivityObject);
android_haptic_event = (*engine->java.Env)->GetMethodID(engine->java.Env, callbackClass, "haptic_event","(Ljava/lang/String;IIIFF)V");
static void IN_VRController( qboolean isRightController, ovrTracking remoteTracking )
if (isRightController == (vr_righthanded->integer != 0))
//Set gun angles - We need to calculate all those we might need (including adjustments) for the client to then take its pick
vec3_t rotation = {0};
rotation[PITCH] = vr_weaponPitch->value;
QuatToYawPitchRoll(remoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation, rotation, vr.weaponangles);
VectorSubtract(vr.weaponangles_last, vr.weaponangles, vr.weaponangles_delta);
VectorCopy(vr.weaponangles, vr.weaponangles_last);
///Weapon location relative to view
vr.weaponposition[0] = remoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.x;
vr.weaponposition[1] = remoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.y + vr_heightAdjust->value;
vr.weaponposition[2] = remoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.z;
VectorCopy(vr.weaponoffset_last[1], vr.weaponoffset_last[0]);
VectorCopy(vr.weaponoffset, vr.weaponoffset_last[1]);
VectorSubtract(vr.weaponposition, vr.hmdposition, vr.weaponoffset);
} else {
vec3_t rotation = {0};
QuatToYawPitchRoll(remoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation, rotation, vr.offhandangles2); // used for off-hand direction mode
rotation[PITCH] = vr_weaponPitch->value;
QuatToYawPitchRoll(remoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation, rotation, vr.offhandangles);
///location relative to view
vr.offhandposition[0] = remoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.x;
vr.offhandposition[1] = remoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.y + vr_heightAdjust->value;
vr.offhandposition[2] = remoteTracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position.z;
VectorCopy(vr.offhandoffset_last[1], vr.offhandoffset_last[0]);
VectorCopy(vr.offhandoffset, vr.offhandoffset_last[1]);
VectorSubtract(vr.offhandposition, vr.hmdposition, vr.offhandoffset);
if (vr.virtual_screen || == PM_INTERMISSION)
vr.weapon_zoomed = qfalse;
if (vr.menuCursorX && vr.menuCursorY)
float yaw;
float pitch;
if (vr.menuLeftHanded) {
yaw = (vr_righthanded->integer != 0) ? vr.offhandangles[YAW] : vr.weaponangles[YAW];
pitch = (vr_righthanded->integer != 0) ? vr.offhandangles[PITCH] : vr.weaponangles[PITCH];
} else {
yaw = (vr_righthanded->integer != 0) ? vr.weaponangles[YAW] : vr.offhandangles[YAW];
pitch = (vr_righthanded->integer != 0) ? vr.weaponangles[PITCH] : vr.offhandangles[PITCH];
int x = 320 - tan((yaw - vr.menuYaw) * (M_PI*2 / 360)) * 400;
int y = 240 + tan((pitch + vr_weaponPitch->value) * (M_PI*2 / 360)) * 400;
*vr.menuCursorX = x;
*vr.menuCursorY = y;
Com_QueueEvent(in_vrEventTime, SE_MOUSE, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
vr.weapon_zoomed = vr_weaponScope->integer &&
vr.weapon_stabilised &&
( == WP_RAILGUN) &&
(VectorLength(vr.weaponoffset) < 0.24f) &&[STAT_HEALTH] > 0;
vr.show_console = (VectorLength(vr.offhandoffset) < 0.2f);
if (vr_twoHandedWeapons->integer && vr.weapon_stabilised)
//Apply smoothing to the weapon hand
vec3_t smooth_weaponoffset;
VectorAdd(vr.weaponoffset, vr.weaponoffset_last[0], smooth_weaponoffset);
VectorAdd(smooth_weaponoffset, vr.weaponoffset_last[1],smooth_weaponoffset);
VectorScale(smooth_weaponoffset, 1.0f/3.0f, smooth_weaponoffset);
vec3_t vec;
VectorSubtract(vr.offhandoffset, smooth_weaponoffset, vec);
float zxDist = length(vec[0], vec[2]);
if (zxDist != 0.0f && vec[2] != 0.0f) {
VectorSet(vr.weaponangles, -degrees(atanf(vec[1] / zxDist)),
-degrees(atan2f(vec[0], -vec[2])), vr.weaponangles[ROLL] / 2.0f); //Dampen roll on stabilised weapon
static void IN_VRJoystick( qboolean isRightController, float joystickX, float joystickY )
char action[256];
vrController_t* controller = isRightController == qtrue ? &rightController : &leftController;
vr.thumbstick_location[isRightController][0] = joystickX;
vr.thumbstick_location[isRightController][1] = joystickY;
if (!vr.virtual_screen && != PM_INTERMISSION)
if (isRightController == (vr_switchThumbsticks->integer != 0)) {
vec3_t positional;
vec2_t joystick;
if ( vr.use_fake_6dof )
//multiplayer game
if (!vr_directionMode->integer) {
//HMD Based
rotateAboutOrigin(joystickX, joystickY, vr.hmdorientation[YAW], joystick);
} else {
//Off-hand based
rotateAboutOrigin(joystickX, joystickY, vr.offhandangles2[YAW], joystick);
//Positional movement speed correction for when we are not hitting target framerate
int refresh = vrapi_GetSystemPropertyInt(&(VR_GetEngine()->java), VRAPI_SYS_PROP_DISPLAY_REFRESH_RATE);
float multiplier = (float)((1000.0 / refresh) / (in_vrEventTime - lastframetime));
float factor = (refresh / 72.0F) * 10.0f; // adjust positional factor based on refresh rate
rotateAboutOrigin(-vr.hmdposition_delta[0] * factor * multiplier,
vr.hmdposition_delta[2] * factor * multiplier, -vr.hmdorientation[YAW], positional);
if (!vr_directionMode->integer) {
//HMD Based
joystick[0] = joystickX;
joystick[1] = joystickY;
} else {
//Off-hand based
rotateAboutOrigin(joystickX, joystickY, vr.offhandangles2[YAW] - vr.hmdorientation[YAW], joystick);
Com_QueueEvent(in_vrEventTime, SE_JOYSTICK_AXIS, 0, joystick[0] * 127.0f + positional[0] * 127.0f, 0, NULL);
Com_QueueEvent(in_vrEventTime, SE_JOYSTICK_AXIS, 1, joystick[1] * 127.0f + positional[1] * 127.0f, 0, NULL);
else if (!vr.weapon_select) //right controller
float absoluteAxisValue = sqrt(joystickY*joystickY + joystickX*joystickX);
// up, up-left, up-right (use release threshold to be more sensitive)
if (joystickY > releasedThreshold) {
// stop left & right
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_LEFT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBLEFT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_LEFT;
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_RIGHT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBRIGHT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_RIGHT;
// up-left (use release threshold to be more sensitive)
if (joystickX < -releasedThreshold) {
// stop up
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UP) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBFORWARD", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UP;
// stop up-right
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPRIGHT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBFORWARDRIGHT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPRIGHT;
// start up-left
if (!(controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPLEFT)) {
if (IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBFORWARDLEFT", action)) {
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue)) {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPLEFT;
} else {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPLEFT;
// up-right (use release threshold to be more sensitive)
} else if (joystickX > releasedThreshold) {
// stop up
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UP) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBFORWARD", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UP;
// stop up-left
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPLEFT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBFORWARDLEFT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPLEFT;
// start up-right
if (!(controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPRIGHT)) {
if (IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBFORWARDRIGHT", action)) {
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue)) {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPRIGHT;
} else {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPRIGHT;
// direct-up
} else {
// stop up-left
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPLEFT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBFORWARDLEFT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPLEFT;
// stop up-right
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPRIGHT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBFORWARDRIGHT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPRIGHT;
// start up
if (!(controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UP) && joystickY > pressedThreshold) {
if (IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBFORWARD", action)) {
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue)) {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UP;
} else {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UP;
// down, down-left, down-right (use release threshold to be more sensitive)
} else if (joystickY < -releasedThreshold) {
// stop left & right
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_LEFT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBLEFT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_LEFT;
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_RIGHT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBRIGHT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_RIGHT;
// down-left (use release threshold to be more sensitive)
if (joystickX < -releasedThreshold) {
// stop down
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWN) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBBACK", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWN;
// stop down-right
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNRIGHT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBBACKRIGHT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNRIGHT;
// start down-left
if (!(controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNLEFT)) {
if (IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBBACKLEFT", action)) {
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue)) {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNLEFT;
} else {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNLEFT;
// down-right (use release threshold to be more sensitive)
} else if (joystickX > releasedThreshold) {
// stop down
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWN) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBBACK", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWN;
// stop down-left
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNLEFT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBBACKLEFT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNLEFT;
// start down-right
if (!(controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNRIGHT)) {
if (IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBBACKRIGHT", action)) {
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue)) {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNRIGHT;
} else {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNRIGHT;
// direct-down
} else {
// stop down-left
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNLEFT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBBACKLEFT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNLEFT;
// stop down-right
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNRIGHT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBBACKRIGHT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNRIGHT;
// start down
if (!(controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWN) && joystickY < -pressedThreshold) {
if (IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBBACK", action)) {
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue)) {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWN;
} else {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWN;
// left & right
} else {
// stop up-left
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPLEFT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBFORWARDLEFT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPLEFT;
// stop up
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UP) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBFORWARD", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UP;
// stop up-right
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPRIGHT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBFORWARDRIGHT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_UPRIGHT;
// stop down-left
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNLEFT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBBACKLEFT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNLEFT;
// stop down
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWN) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBBACK", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWN;
// stop down-right
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNRIGHT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBBACKRIGHT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_DOWNRIGHT;
// left
if (joystickX < -pressedThreshold) {
if (!(controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_LEFT)) {
if (IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBLEFT", action)) {
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue)) {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_LEFT;
} else {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_LEFT;
} else if (joystickX > -releasedThreshold) {
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_LEFT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBLEFT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_LEFT;
// right
if (joystickX > pressedThreshold) {
if (!(controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_RIGHT)) {
if (IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBRIGHT", action)) {
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue)) {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_RIGHT;
} else {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_RIGHT;
} else if (joystickX < releasedThreshold) {
if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_RIGHT) && IN_GetButtonAction("RTHUMBRIGHT", action)) {
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qtrue, absoluteAxisValue);
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_RIGHT;
static void IN_VRTriggers( qboolean isRightController, float index ) {
vrController_t* controller = isRightController == qtrue ? &rightController : &leftController;
// Controllers are used for menu navigation in screen mode or in intermission
if (VR_useScreenLayer() || == PM_INTERMISSION)
if (!(controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_TRIGGER_INDEX) && index > pressedThreshold)
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_TRIGGER_INDEX;
if ((isRightController && !vr.menuLeftHanded) || (!isRightController && vr.menuLeftHanded)) {
// Active controller confirms selection
Com_QueueEvent(in_vrEventTime, SE_KEY, K_MOUSE1, qtrue, 0, NULL);
VR_Vibrate(200, vr_righthanded->integer ? 2 : 1, 0.8);
} else {
// Inactive controller becomes active one
vr.menuLeftHanded = !vr.menuLeftHanded;
else if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_TRIGGER_INDEX) && index < releasedThreshold)
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_TRIGGER_INDEX;
if ((isRightController && !vr.menuLeftHanded) || (!isRightController && vr.menuLeftHanded)) {
Com_QueueEvent(in_vrEventTime, SE_KEY, K_MOUSE1, qfalse, 0, NULL);
char action[256];
//Primary trigger
if (isRightController == (vr_righthanded->integer != 0))
if (!(controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_TRIGGER_INDEX) &&
index > pressedThreshold)
if (IN_GetButtonAction("PRIMARYTRIGGER", action))
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qfalse, 0)) {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_TRIGGER_INDEX;
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_TRIGGER_INDEX;
else if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_TRIGGER_INDEX) &&
index < releasedThreshold)
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_TRIGGER_INDEX;
if (IN_GetButtonAction("PRIMARYTRIGGER", action))
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qfalse, 0);
//off hand trigger
if (isRightController != (vr_righthanded->integer != 0))
if (!(controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_TRIGGER_INDEX) &&
index > pressedThreshold)
if (IN_GetButtonAction("SECONDARYTRIGGER", action))
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qfalse, 0)) {
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_TRIGGER_INDEX;
controller->axisButtons |= VR_TOUCH_AXIS_TRIGGER_INDEX;
else if ((controller->axisButtons & VR_TOUCH_AXIS_TRIGGER_INDEX) &&
index < releasedThreshold)
controller->axisButtons &= ~VR_TOUCH_AXIS_TRIGGER_INDEX;
if (IN_GetButtonAction("SECONDARYTRIGGER", action))
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qfalse, 0);
static void IN_VRButtons( qboolean isRightController, uint32_t buttons )
char action[256];
vrController_t* controller = isRightController == qtrue ? &rightController : &leftController;
if ((buttons & ovrButton_Enter) && !(controller->buttons & ovrButton_Enter)) {
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_Enter;
Com_QueueEvent(in_vrEventTime, SE_KEY, K_ESCAPE, qtrue, 0, NULL);
} else if (!(buttons & ovrButton_Enter) && (controller->buttons & ovrButton_Enter)) {
controller->buttons &= ~ovrButton_Enter;
Com_QueueEvent(in_vrEventTime, SE_KEY, K_ESCAPE, qfalse, 0, NULL);
if (isRightController == !vr_righthanded->integer)
if ((buttons & ovrButton_GripTrigger) && !(controller->buttons & ovrButton_GripTrigger))
if (IN_GetButtonAction("SECONDARYGRIP", action))
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qfalse, 0)) {
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_GripTrigger;
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_GripTrigger;
else if (!(buttons & ovrButton_GripTrigger) &&
(controller->buttons & ovrButton_GripTrigger))
controller->buttons &= ~ovrButton_GripTrigger;
if (IN_GetButtonAction("SECONDARYGRIP", action))
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qfalse, 0);
if ((buttons & ovrButton_GripTrigger) && !(controller->buttons & ovrButton_GripTrigger))
if (IN_GetButtonAction("PRIMARYGRIP", action))
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qfalse, 0)) {
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_GripTrigger;
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_GripTrigger;
else if (!(buttons & ovrButton_GripTrigger) &&
(controller->buttons & ovrButton_GripTrigger))
controller->buttons &= ~ovrButton_GripTrigger;
if (IN_GetButtonAction("PRIMARYGRIP", action))
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qfalse, 0);
if (isRightController == !vr_righthanded->integer)
if ((buttons & ovrButton_LThumb) && !(controller->buttons & ovrButton_LThumb)) {
if (IN_GetButtonAction("SECONDARYTHUMBSTICK", action))
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qfalse, 0)) {
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_LThumb;
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_LThumb;
vr.realign = 3;
} else if (!(buttons & ovrButton_LThumb) && (controller->buttons & ovrButton_LThumb)) {
controller->buttons &= ~ovrButton_LThumb;
if (IN_GetButtonAction("SECONDARYTHUMBSTICK", action))
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qfalse, 0);
if ((buttons & ovrButton_RThumb) && !(controller->buttons & ovrButton_RThumb)) {
if (IN_GetButtonAction("PRIMARYTHUMBSTICK", action))
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qfalse, 0)) {
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_RThumb;
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_RThumb;
} else if (!(buttons & ovrButton_RThumb) && (controller->buttons & ovrButton_RThumb)) {
controller->buttons &= ~ovrButton_RThumb;
if (IN_GetButtonAction("PRIMARYTHUMBSTICK", action))
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qfalse, 0);
if ((buttons & ovrButton_A) && !(controller->buttons & ovrButton_A))
if ( & PMF_FOLLOW)
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_A;
Cbuf_AddText("cmd team spectator\n");
if (IN_GetButtonAction("A", action))
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qfalse, 0)) {
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_A;
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_A;
else if (!(buttons & ovrButton_A) && (controller->buttons & ovrButton_A))
controller->buttons &= ~ovrButton_A;
if (IN_GetButtonAction("A", action) && !( & PMF_FOLLOW))
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qfalse, 0);
if ((buttons & ovrButton_B) && !(controller->buttons & ovrButton_B)) {
if (IN_GetButtonAction("B", action))
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qfalse, 0)) {
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_B;
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_B;
} else if (!(buttons & ovrButton_B) && (controller->buttons & ovrButton_B)) {
controller->buttons &= ~ovrButton_B;
if (IN_GetButtonAction("B", action))
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qfalse, 0);
//X default is "use item"
if ((buttons & ovrButton_X) && !(controller->buttons & ovrButton_X))
if ( & PMF_FOLLOW)
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_X;
//Switch follow mode
vr.follow_mode = (vr.follow_mode+1) % VRFM_NUM_FOLLOWMODES;
if (IN_GetButtonAction("X", action))
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qfalse, 0)) {
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_X;
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_X;
else if (!(buttons & ovrButton_X) && (controller->buttons & ovrButton_X))
controller->buttons &= ~ovrButton_X;
if (IN_GetButtonAction("X", action) && !( & PMF_FOLLOW))
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qfalse, 0);
//Y default is Gesture
if ((buttons & ovrButton_Y) && !(controller->buttons & ovrButton_Y)) {
if (IN_GetButtonAction("Y", action))
if (!IN_SendButtonAction(action, qtrue, qfalse, 0)) {
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_Y;
controller->buttons |= ovrButton_Y;
} else if (!(buttons & ovrButton_Y) && (controller->buttons & ovrButton_Y)) {
controller->buttons &= ~ovrButton_Y;
if (IN_GetButtonAction("Y", action))
IN_SendButtonAction(action, qfalse, qfalse, 0);
void IN_VRInputFrame( void )
if (controllerInit == qfalse) {
memset(&leftController, 0, sizeof(leftController));
memset(&rightController, 0, sizeof(rightController));
controllerInit = qtrue;
ovrMobile* ovr = VR_GetEngine()->ovr;
if (!ovr) {
ovrResult result;
if (vr_extralatencymode != NULL &&
vr_extralatencymode->integer) {
result = vrapi_SetExtraLatencyMode(VR_GetEngine()->ovr, VRAPI_EXTRA_LATENCY_MODE_ON);
if (vr_refreshrate != NULL && vr_refreshrate->integer)
vrapi_SetDisplayRefreshRate(VR_GetEngine()->ovr, (float)vr_refreshrate->integer);
result = vrapi_SetClockLevels(VR_GetEngine()->ovr, 4, 4);
vr.virtual_screen = VR_useScreenLayer();
//trigger frame tick for haptics
VR_HapticEvent("frame_tick", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// We extract Yaw, Pitch, Roll instead of directly using the orientation
// to allow "additional" yaw manipulation with mouse/controller.
const ovrQuatf quatHmd = VR_GetEngine()->tracking.HeadPose.Pose.Orientation;
const ovrVector3f positionHmd = VR_GetEngine()->tracking.HeadPose.Pose.Position;
vec3_t rotation = {0, 0, 0};
QuatToYawPitchRoll(quatHmd, rotation, vr.hmdorientation);
VectorSet(vr.hmdposition, positionHmd.x, positionHmd.y + vr_heightAdjust->value, positionHmd.z);
VectorSubtract(vr.hmdposition_last, vr.hmdposition, vr.hmdposition_delta);
//Keep this for our records
VectorCopy(vr.hmdposition, vr.hmdposition_last);
VectorSubtract(vr.hmdorientation_last, vr.hmdorientation, vr.hmdorientation_delta);
//Keep this for our records
VectorCopy(vr.hmdorientation, vr.hmdorientation_last);
// View yaw delta
const float clientview_yaw = vr.clientviewangles[YAW] - vr.hmdorientation[YAW];
vr.clientview_yaw_delta = vr.clientview_yaw_last - clientview_yaw;
vr.clientview_yaw_last = clientview_yaw;
ovrInputCapabilityHeader capsHeader;
uint32_t index = 0;
for (;;) {
ovrResult enumResult = vrapi_EnumerateInputDevices(ovr, index, &capsHeader);
if (enumResult < 0) {
if (capsHeader.Type != ovrControllerType_TrackedRemote) {
ovrInputTrackedRemoteCapabilities caps;
caps.Header = capsHeader;
ovrResult capsResult = vrapi_GetInputDeviceCapabilities(ovr, &caps.Header);
if (capsResult < 0) {
ovrInputStateTrackedRemote state;
state.Header.ControllerType = ovrControllerType_TrackedRemote;
ovrResult stateResult = vrapi_GetCurrentInputState(ovr, capsHeader.DeviceID, &state.Header);
if (stateResult < 0) {
ovrTracking remoteTracking;
stateResult = vrapi_GetInputTrackingState(ovr, capsHeader.DeviceID, VR_GetEngine()->predictedDisplayTime,
if (stateResult < 0) {
qboolean isRight;
vrController_t* controller;
if (caps.ControllerCapabilities & ovrControllerCaps_LeftHand) {
isRight = qfalse;
controller = &leftController;
controllerIDs[0] = capsHeader.DeviceID;
} else if (caps.ControllerCapabilities & ovrControllerCaps_RightHand) {
isRight = qtrue;
controller = &rightController;
controllerIDs[1] = capsHeader.DeviceID;
else {
IN_VRButtons(isRight, state.Buttons);
IN_VRController(isRight, remoteTracking);
IN_VRJoystick(isRight, state.Joystick.x, state.Joystick.y);
IN_VRTriggers(isRight, state.IndexTrigger);
lastframetime = in_vrEventTime;
in_vrEventTime = Sys_Milliseconds( );