/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Robert Beckebans This file is part of XreaL source code. XreaL source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. XreaL source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with XreaL source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ // tr_vbo.c #include "tr_local.h" void R_VaoPackTangent(int16_t *out, vec4_t v) { out[0] = v[0] * 32767.0f + (v[0] > 0.0f ? 0.5f : -0.5f); out[1] = v[1] * 32767.0f + (v[1] > 0.0f ? 0.5f : -0.5f); out[2] = v[2] * 32767.0f + (v[2] > 0.0f ? 0.5f : -0.5f); out[3] = v[3] * 32767.0f + (v[3] > 0.0f ? 0.5f : -0.5f); } void R_VaoPackNormal(int16_t *out, vec3_t v) { out[0] = v[0] * 32767.0f + (v[0] > 0.0f ? 0.5f : -0.5f); out[1] = v[1] * 32767.0f + (v[1] > 0.0f ? 0.5f : -0.5f); out[2] = v[2] * 32767.0f + (v[2] > 0.0f ? 0.5f : -0.5f); out[3] = 0; } void R_VaoPackColor(uint16_t *out, vec4_t c) { out[0] = c[0] * 65535.0f + 0.5f; out[1] = c[1] * 65535.0f + 0.5f; out[2] = c[2] * 65535.0f + 0.5f; out[3] = c[3] * 65535.0f + 0.5f; } void R_VaoUnpackTangent(vec4_t v, int16_t *pack) { v[0] = pack[0] / 32767.0f; v[1] = pack[1] / 32767.0f; v[2] = pack[2] / 32767.0f; v[3] = pack[3] / 32767.0f; } void R_VaoUnpackNormal(vec3_t v, int16_t *pack) { v[0] = pack[0] / 32767.0f; v[1] = pack[1] / 32767.0f; v[2] = pack[2] / 32767.0f; } void Vao_SetVertexPointers(vao_t *vao) { int attribIndex; // set vertex pointers for (attribIndex = 0; attribIndex < ATTR_INDEX_COUNT; attribIndex++) { uint32_t attribBit = 1 << attribIndex; vaoAttrib_t *vAtb = &vao->attribs[attribIndex]; if (vAtb->enabled) { qglVertexAttribPointer(attribIndex, vAtb->count, vAtb->type, vAtb->normalized, vAtb->stride, BUFFER_OFFSET(vAtb->offset)); if (glRefConfig.vertexArrayObject || !(glState.vertexAttribsEnabled & attribBit)) qglEnableVertexAttribArray(attribIndex); if (!glRefConfig.vertexArrayObject || vao == tess.vao) glState.vertexAttribsEnabled |= attribBit; } else { // don't disable vertex attribs when using vertex array objects // Vao_SetVertexPointers is only called during init when using VAOs, and vertex attribs start disabled anyway if (!glRefConfig.vertexArrayObject && (glState.vertexAttribsEnabled & attribBit)) qglDisableVertexAttribArray(attribIndex); if (!glRefConfig.vertexArrayObject || vao == tess.vao) glState.vertexAttribsEnabled &= ~attribBit; } } } /* ============ R_CreateVao ============ */ vao_t *R_CreateVao(const char *name, byte *vertexes, int vertexesSize, byte *indexes, int indexesSize, vaoUsage_t usage) { vao_t *vao; int glUsage; switch (usage) { case VAO_USAGE_STATIC: glUsage = GL_STATIC_DRAW; break; case VAO_USAGE_DYNAMIC: glUsage = GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW; break; default: Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "bad vaoUsage_t given: %i", usage); return NULL; } if(strlen(name) >= MAX_QPATH) { ri.Error(ERR_DROP, "R_CreateVao: \"%s\" is too long", name); } if ( tr.numVaos == MAX_VAOS ) { ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "R_CreateVao: MAX_VAOS hit"); } R_IssuePendingRenderCommands(); vao = tr.vaos[tr.numVaos] = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*vao), h_low); tr.numVaos++; memset(vao, 0, sizeof(*vao)); Q_strncpyz(vao->name, name, sizeof(vao->name)); if (glRefConfig.vertexArrayObject) { qglGenVertexArrays(1, &vao->vao); qglBindVertexArray(vao->vao); } vao->vertexesSize = vertexesSize; qglGenBuffers(1, &vao->vertexesVBO); qglBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vao->vertexesVBO); qglBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexesSize, vertexes, glUsage); vao->indexesSize = indexesSize; qglGenBuffers(1, &vao->indexesIBO); qglBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vao->indexesIBO); qglBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexesSize, indexes, glUsage); glState.currentVao = vao; GL_CheckErrors(); return vao; } /* ============ R_CreateVao2 ============ */ vao_t *R_CreateVao2(const char *name, int numVertexes, srfVert_t *verts, int numIndexes, glIndex_t *indexes) { vao_t *vao; int i; byte *data; int dataSize; int dataOfs; int glUsage = GL_STATIC_DRAW; if(!numVertexes || !numIndexes) return NULL; if(strlen(name) >= MAX_QPATH) { ri.Error(ERR_DROP, "R_CreateVao2: \"%s\" is too long", name); } if ( tr.numVaos == MAX_VAOS ) { ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "R_CreateVao2: MAX_VAOS hit"); } R_IssuePendingRenderCommands(); vao = tr.vaos[tr.numVaos] = ri.Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(*vao), h_low); tr.numVaos++; memset(vao, 0, sizeof(*vao)); Q_strncpyz(vao->name, name, sizeof(vao->name)); // since these vertex attributes are never altered, interleave them vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION ].enabled = 1; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL ].enabled = 1; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT ].enabled = 1; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD ].enabled = 1; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD ].enabled = 1; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR ].enabled = 1; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].enabled = 1; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION ].count = 3; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL ].count = 4; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT ].count = 4; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD ].count = 2; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD ].count = 2; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR ].count = 4; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].count = 4; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION ].type = GL_FLOAT; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL ].type = GL_SHORT; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT ].type = GL_SHORT; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD ].type = GL_FLOAT; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD ].type = GL_FLOAT; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR ].type = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].type = GL_SHORT; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION ].normalized = GL_FALSE; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL ].normalized = GL_TRUE; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT ].normalized = GL_TRUE; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD ].normalized = GL_FALSE; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD ].normalized = GL_FALSE; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR ].normalized = GL_TRUE; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].normalized = GL_TRUE; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION ].offset = 0; dataSize = sizeof(verts[0].xyz); vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL ].offset = dataSize; dataSize += sizeof(verts[0].normal); vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT ].offset = dataSize; dataSize += sizeof(verts[0].tangent); vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD ].offset = dataSize; dataSize += sizeof(verts[0].st); vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD ].offset = dataSize; dataSize += sizeof(verts[0].lightmap); vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR ].offset = dataSize; dataSize += sizeof(verts[0].color); vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].offset = dataSize; dataSize += sizeof(verts[0].lightdir); vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION ].stride = dataSize; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL ].stride = dataSize; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT ].stride = dataSize; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD ].stride = dataSize; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD ].stride = dataSize; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR ].stride = dataSize; vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].stride = dataSize; if (glRefConfig.vertexArrayObject) { qglGenVertexArrays(1, &vao->vao); qglBindVertexArray(vao->vao); } // create VBO dataSize *= numVertexes; data = ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory(dataSize); dataOfs = 0; for (i = 0; i < numVertexes; i++) { // xyz memcpy(data + dataOfs, &verts[i].xyz, sizeof(verts[i].xyz)); dataOfs += sizeof(verts[i].xyz); // normal memcpy(data + dataOfs, &verts[i].normal, sizeof(verts[i].normal)); dataOfs += sizeof(verts[i].normal); // tangent memcpy(data + dataOfs, &verts[i].tangent, sizeof(verts[i].tangent)); dataOfs += sizeof(verts[i].tangent); // texcoords memcpy(data + dataOfs, &verts[i].st, sizeof(verts[i].st)); dataOfs += sizeof(verts[i].st); // lightmap texcoords memcpy(data + dataOfs, &verts[i].lightmap, sizeof(verts[i].lightmap)); dataOfs += sizeof(verts[i].lightmap); // colors memcpy(data + dataOfs, &verts[i].color, sizeof(verts[i].color)); dataOfs += sizeof(verts[i].color); // light directions memcpy(data + dataOfs, &verts[i].lightdir, sizeof(verts[i].lightdir)); dataOfs += sizeof(verts[i].lightdir); } vao->vertexesSize = dataSize; qglGenBuffers(1, &vao->vertexesVBO); qglBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vao->vertexesVBO); qglBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vao->vertexesSize, data, glUsage); // create IBO vao->indexesSize = numIndexes * sizeof(glIndex_t); qglGenBuffers(1, &vao->indexesIBO); qglBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vao->indexesIBO); qglBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vao->indexesSize, indexes, glUsage); Vao_SetVertexPointers(vao); glState.currentVao = vao; GL_CheckErrors(); ri.Hunk_FreeTempMemory(data); return vao; } /* ============ R_BindVao ============ */ void R_BindVao(vao_t * vao) { if(!vao) { //R_BindNullVao(); ri.Error(ERR_DROP, "R_BindVao: NULL vao"); return; } if(r_logFile->integer) { // don't just call LogComment, or we will get a call to va() every frame! GLimp_LogComment(va("--- R_BindVao( %s ) ---\n", vao->name)); } if(glState.currentVao != vao) { glState.currentVao = vao; glState.vertexAttribsInterpolation = 0; glState.vertexAnimation = qfalse; backEnd.pc.c_vaoBinds++; if (glRefConfig.vertexArrayObject) { qglBindVertexArray(vao->vao); // Intel Graphics doesn't save GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER binding with VAO binding. if (glRefConfig.intelGraphics || vao == tess.vao) qglBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vao->indexesIBO); // tess VAO always has buffers bound if (vao == tess.vao) qglBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vao->vertexesVBO); } else { qglBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vao->vertexesVBO); qglBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vao->indexesIBO); // tess VAO doesn't have vertex pointers set until data is uploaded if (vao != tess.vao) Vao_SetVertexPointers(vao); } } } /* ============ R_BindNullVao ============ */ void R_BindNullVao(void) { GLimp_LogComment("--- R_BindNullVao ---\n"); if(glState.currentVao) { if (glRefConfig.vertexArrayObject) { qglBindVertexArray(0); // why you no save GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER binding, Intel? if (1) qglBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } else { qglBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); qglBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } glState.currentVao = NULL; } GL_CheckErrors(); } /* ============ R_InitVaos ============ */ void R_InitVaos(void) { int vertexesSize, indexesSize; int offset; ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "------- R_InitVaos -------\n"); tr.numVaos = 0; vertexesSize = sizeof(tess.xyz[0]); vertexesSize += sizeof(tess.normal[0]); vertexesSize += sizeof(tess.tangent[0]); vertexesSize += sizeof(tess.color[0]); vertexesSize += sizeof(tess.texCoords[0]); vertexesSize += sizeof(tess.lightCoords[0]); vertexesSize += sizeof(tess.lightdir[0]); vertexesSize *= SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES; indexesSize = sizeof(tess.indexes[0]) * SHADER_MAX_INDEXES; tess.vao = R_CreateVao("tessVertexArray_VAO", NULL, vertexesSize, NULL, indexesSize, VAO_USAGE_DYNAMIC); offset = 0; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION ].enabled = 1; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL ].enabled = 1; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT ].enabled = 1; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD ].enabled = 1; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD ].enabled = 1; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR ].enabled = 1; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].enabled = 1; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION ].count = 3; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL ].count = 4; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT ].count = 4; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD ].count = 2; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD ].count = 2; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR ].count = 4; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].count = 4; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION ].type = GL_FLOAT; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL ].type = GL_SHORT; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT ].type = GL_SHORT; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD ].type = GL_FLOAT; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD ].type = GL_FLOAT; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR ].type = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].type = GL_SHORT; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION ].normalized = GL_FALSE; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL ].normalized = GL_TRUE; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT ].normalized = GL_TRUE; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD ].normalized = GL_FALSE; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD ].normalized = GL_FALSE; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR ].normalized = GL_TRUE; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].normalized = GL_TRUE; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION ].offset = offset; offset += sizeof(tess.xyz[0]) * SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL ].offset = offset; offset += sizeof(tess.normal[0]) * SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT ].offset = offset; offset += sizeof(tess.tangent[0]) * SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD ].offset = offset; offset += sizeof(tess.texCoords[0]) * SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD ].offset = offset; offset += sizeof(tess.lightCoords[0]) * SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR ].offset = offset; offset += sizeof(tess.color[0]) * SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].offset = offset; tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION ].stride = sizeof(tess.xyz[0]); tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL ].stride = sizeof(tess.normal[0]); tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT ].stride = sizeof(tess.tangent[0]); tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD ].stride = sizeof(tess.texCoords[0]); tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD ].stride = sizeof(tess.lightCoords[0]); tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR ].stride = sizeof(tess.color[0]); tess.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].stride = sizeof(tess.lightdir[0]); tess.attribPointers[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION] = tess.xyz; tess.attribPointers[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL] = tess.normal; tess.attribPointers[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT] = tess.tangent; tess.attribPointers[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD] = tess.texCoords; tess.attribPointers[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD] = tess.lightCoords; tess.attribPointers[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR] = tess.color; tess.attribPointers[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION] = tess.lightdir; Vao_SetVertexPointers(tess.vao); R_BindNullVao(); VaoCache_Init(); GL_CheckErrors(); } /* ============ R_ShutdownVaos ============ */ void R_ShutdownVaos(void) { int i; vao_t *vao; ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "------- R_ShutdownVaos -------\n"); R_BindNullVao(); for(i = 0; i < tr.numVaos; i++) { vao = tr.vaos[i]; if(vao->vao) qglDeleteVertexArrays(1, &vao->vao); if(vao->vertexesVBO) { qglDeleteBuffers(1, &vao->vertexesVBO); } if(vao->indexesIBO) { qglDeleteBuffers(1, &vao->indexesIBO); } } tr.numVaos = 0; } /* ============ R_VaoList_f ============ */ void R_VaoList_f(void) { int i; vao_t *vao; int vertexesSize = 0; int indexesSize = 0; ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, " size name\n"); ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "----------------------------------------------------------\n"); for(i = 0; i < tr.numVaos; i++) { vao = tr.vaos[i]; ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "%d.%02d MB %s\n", vao->vertexesSize / (1024 * 1024), (vao->vertexesSize % (1024 * 1024)) * 100 / (1024 * 1024), vao->name); vertexesSize += vao->vertexesSize; } for(i = 0; i < tr.numVaos; i++) { vao = tr.vaos[i]; ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "%d.%02d MB %s\n", vao->indexesSize / (1024 * 1024), (vao->indexesSize % (1024 * 1024)) * 100 / (1024 * 1024), vao->name); indexesSize += vao->indexesSize; } ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, " %i total VAOs\n", tr.numVaos); ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, " %d.%02d MB total vertices memory\n", vertexesSize / (1024 * 1024), (vertexesSize % (1024 * 1024)) * 100 / (1024 * 1024)); ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, " %d.%02d MB total triangle indices memory\n", indexesSize / (1024 * 1024), (indexesSize % (1024 * 1024)) * 100 / (1024 * 1024)); } /* ============== RB_UpdateTessVao Adapted from Tess_UpdateVBOs from xreal Update the default VAO to replace the client side vertex arrays ============== */ void RB_UpdateTessVao(unsigned int attribBits) { GLimp_LogComment("--- RB_UpdateTessVao ---\n"); backEnd.pc.c_dynamicVaoDraws++; // update the default VAO if(tess.numVertexes > 0 && tess.numVertexes <= SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES && tess.numIndexes > 0 && tess.numIndexes <= SHADER_MAX_INDEXES) { int attribIndex; int attribUpload; R_BindVao(tess.vao); // orphan old vertex buffer so we don't stall on it qglBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, tess.vao->vertexesSize, NULL, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); // if nothing to set, set everything if(!(attribBits & ATTR_BITS)) attribBits = ATTR_BITS; attribUpload = attribBits; for (attribIndex = 0; attribIndex < ATTR_INDEX_COUNT; attribIndex++) { uint32_t attribBit = 1 << attribIndex; vaoAttrib_t *vAtb = &tess.vao->attribs[attribIndex]; if (attribUpload & attribBit) { // note: tess has a VBO where stride == size qglBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vAtb->offset, tess.numVertexes * vAtb->stride, tess.attribPointers[attribIndex]); } if (attribBits & attribBit) { if (!glRefConfig.vertexArrayObject) qglVertexAttribPointer(attribIndex, vAtb->count, vAtb->type, vAtb->normalized, vAtb->stride, BUFFER_OFFSET(vAtb->offset)); if (!(glState.vertexAttribsEnabled & attribBit)) { qglEnableVertexAttribArray(attribIndex); glState.vertexAttribsEnabled |= attribBit; } } else { if ((glState.vertexAttribsEnabled & attribBit)) { qglDisableVertexAttribArray(attribIndex); glState.vertexAttribsEnabled &= ~attribBit; } } } // orphan old index buffer so we don't stall on it qglBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, tess.vao->indexesSize, NULL, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); qglBufferSubData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, tess.numIndexes * sizeof(tess.indexes[0]), tess.indexes); } } // FIXME: This sets a limit of 65536 verts/262144 indexes per static surface // This is higher than the old vq3 limits but is worth noting #define VAOCACHE_QUEUE_MAX_SURFACES (1 << 10) #define VAOCACHE_QUEUE_MAX_VERTEXES (1 << 16) #define VAOCACHE_QUEUE_MAX_INDEXES (VAOCACHE_QUEUE_MAX_VERTEXES * 4) typedef struct queuedSurface_s { srfVert_t *vertexes; int numVerts; glIndex_t *indexes; int numIndexes; } queuedSurface_t; static struct { queuedSurface_t surfaces[VAOCACHE_QUEUE_MAX_SURFACES]; int numSurfaces; srfVert_t vertexes[VAOCACHE_QUEUE_MAX_VERTEXES]; int vertexCommitSize; glIndex_t indexes[VAOCACHE_QUEUE_MAX_INDEXES]; int indexCommitSize; } vcq; #define VAOCACHE_MAX_SURFACES (1 << 16) #define VAOCACHE_MAX_BATCHES (1 << 10) // srfVert_t is 60 bytes // assuming each vert is referenced 4 times, need 16 bytes (4 glIndex_t) per vert // -> need about 4/15ths the space for indexes as vertexes #define VAOCACHE_VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE (16 * 1024 * 1024) #define VAOCACHE_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE (5 * 1024 * 1024) typedef struct buffered_s { void *data; int size; int bufferOffset; } buffered_t; static struct { vao_t *vao; buffered_t surfaceIndexSets[VAOCACHE_MAX_SURFACES]; int numSurfaces; int batchLengths[VAOCACHE_MAX_BATCHES]; int numBatches; int vertexOffset; int indexOffset; } vc; void VaoCache_Commit(void) { buffered_t *indexSet; int *batchLength; queuedSurface_t *surf, *end = vcq.surfaces + vcq.numSurfaces; R_BindVao(vc.vao); // Search for a matching batch // FIXME: Use faster search indexSet = vc.surfaceIndexSets; batchLength = vc.batchLengths; for (; batchLength < vc.batchLengths + vc.numBatches; batchLength++) { if (*batchLength == vcq.numSurfaces) { buffered_t *indexSet2 = indexSet; for (surf = vcq.surfaces; surf < end; surf++, indexSet2++) { if (surf->indexes != indexSet2->data || (surf->numIndexes * sizeof(glIndex_t)) != indexSet2->size) break; } if (surf == end) break; } indexSet += *batchLength; } // If found, use it if (indexSet < vc.surfaceIndexSets + vc.numSurfaces) { tess.firstIndex = indexSet->bufferOffset / sizeof(glIndex_t); //ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "firstIndex %d numIndexes %d as %d\n", tess.firstIndex, tess.numIndexes, batchLength - vc.batchLengths); //ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "vc.numSurfaces %d vc.numBatches %d\n", vc.numSurfaces, vc.numBatches); } // If not, rebuffer the batch // FIXME: keep track of the vertexes so we don't have to reupload them every time else { srfVert_t *dstVertex = vcq.vertexes; glIndex_t *dstIndex = vcq.indexes; batchLength = vc.batchLengths + vc.numBatches; *batchLength = vcq.numSurfaces; vc.numBatches++; tess.firstIndex = vc.indexOffset / sizeof(glIndex_t); vcq.vertexCommitSize = 0; vcq.indexCommitSize = 0; for (surf = vcq.surfaces; surf < end; surf++) { glIndex_t *srcIndex = surf->indexes; int vertexesSize = surf->numVerts * sizeof(srfVert_t); int indexesSize = surf->numIndexes * sizeof(glIndex_t); int i, indexOffset = (vc.vertexOffset + vcq.vertexCommitSize) / sizeof(srfVert_t); Com_Memcpy(dstVertex, surf->vertexes, vertexesSize); dstVertex += surf->numVerts; vcq.vertexCommitSize += vertexesSize; indexSet = vc.surfaceIndexSets + vc.numSurfaces; indexSet->data = surf->indexes; indexSet->size = indexesSize; indexSet->bufferOffset = vc.indexOffset + vcq.indexCommitSize; vc.numSurfaces++; for (i = 0; i < surf->numIndexes; i++) *dstIndex++ = *srcIndex++ + indexOffset; vcq.indexCommitSize += indexesSize; } //ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "committing %d to %d, %d to %d as %d\n", vcq.vertexCommitSize, vc.vertexOffset, vcq.indexCommitSize, vc.indexOffset, batchLength - vc.batchLengths); if (vcq.vertexCommitSize) { qglBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vc.vao->vertexesVBO); qglBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vc.vertexOffset, vcq.vertexCommitSize, vcq.vertexes); vc.vertexOffset += vcq.vertexCommitSize; } if (vcq.indexCommitSize) { qglBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vc.vao->indexesIBO); qglBufferSubData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vc.indexOffset, vcq.indexCommitSize, vcq.indexes); vc.indexOffset += vcq.indexCommitSize; } } } void VaoCache_Init(void) { srfVert_t vert; int dataSize; vc.vao = R_CreateVao("VaoCache", NULL, VAOCACHE_VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL, VAOCACHE_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE, VAO_USAGE_DYNAMIC); vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION].enabled = 1; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD].enabled = 1; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD].enabled = 1; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL].enabled = 1; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT].enabled = 1; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].enabled = 1; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR].enabled = 1; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION].count = 3; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD].count = 2; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD].count = 2; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL].count = 4; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT].count = 4; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].count = 4; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR].count = 4; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION].type = GL_FLOAT; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD].type = GL_FLOAT; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD].type = GL_FLOAT; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL].type = GL_SHORT; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT].type = GL_SHORT; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].type = GL_SHORT; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR].type = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION].normalized = GL_FALSE; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD].normalized = GL_FALSE; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD].normalized = GL_FALSE; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL].normalized = GL_TRUE; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT].normalized = GL_TRUE; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].normalized = GL_TRUE; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR].normalized = GL_TRUE; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION].offset = 0; dataSize = sizeof(vert.xyz); vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD].offset = dataSize; dataSize += sizeof(vert.st); vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD].offset = dataSize; dataSize += sizeof(vert.lightmap); vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL].offset = dataSize; dataSize += sizeof(vert.normal); vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT].offset = dataSize; dataSize += sizeof(vert.tangent); vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].offset = dataSize; dataSize += sizeof(vert.lightdir); vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR].offset = dataSize; dataSize += sizeof(vert.color); vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_POSITION].stride = dataSize; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TEXCOORD].stride = dataSize; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTCOORD].stride = dataSize; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_NORMAL].stride = dataSize; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_TANGENT].stride = dataSize; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_LIGHTDIRECTION].stride = dataSize; vc.vao->attribs[ATTR_INDEX_COLOR].stride = dataSize; Vao_SetVertexPointers(vc.vao); vc.numSurfaces = 0; vc.numBatches = 0; vc.vertexOffset = 0; vc.indexOffset = 0; vcq.vertexCommitSize = 0; vcq.indexCommitSize = 0; vcq.numSurfaces = 0; } void VaoCache_BindVao(void) { R_BindVao(vc.vao); } void VaoCache_CheckAdd(qboolean *endSurface, qboolean *recycleVertexBuffer, qboolean *recycleIndexBuffer, int numVerts, int numIndexes) { int vertexesSize = sizeof(srfVert_t) * numVerts; int indexesSize = sizeof(glIndex_t) * numIndexes; if (vc.vao->vertexesSize < vc.vertexOffset + vcq.vertexCommitSize + vertexesSize) { //ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "out of space in vertex cache: %d < %d + %d + %d\n", vc.vao->vertexesSize, vc.vertexOffset, vc.vertexCommitSize, vertexesSize); *recycleVertexBuffer = qtrue; *recycleIndexBuffer = qtrue; *endSurface = qtrue; } if (vc.vao->indexesSize < vc.indexOffset + vcq.indexCommitSize + indexesSize) { //ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "out of space in index cache\n"); *recycleIndexBuffer = qtrue; *endSurface = qtrue; } if (vc.numSurfaces + vcq.numSurfaces >= VAOCACHE_MAX_SURFACES) { //ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "out of surfaces in index cache\n"); *recycleIndexBuffer = qtrue; *endSurface = qtrue; } if (vc.numBatches >= VAOCACHE_MAX_BATCHES) { //ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "out of batches in index cache\n"); *recycleIndexBuffer = qtrue; *endSurface = qtrue; } if (vcq.numSurfaces >= VAOCACHE_QUEUE_MAX_SURFACES) { //ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "out of queued surfaces\n"); *endSurface = qtrue; } if (VAOCACHE_QUEUE_MAX_VERTEXES * sizeof(srfVert_t) < vcq.vertexCommitSize + vertexesSize) { //ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "out of queued vertexes\n"); *endSurface = qtrue; } if (VAOCACHE_QUEUE_MAX_INDEXES * sizeof(glIndex_t) < vcq.indexCommitSize + indexesSize) { //ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "out of queued indexes\n"); *endSurface = qtrue; } } void VaoCache_RecycleVertexBuffer(void) { qglBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vc.vao->vertexesVBO); qglBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vc.vao->vertexesSize, NULL, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); vc.vertexOffset = 0; } void VaoCache_RecycleIndexBuffer(void) { qglBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vc.vao->indexesIBO); qglBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vc.vao->indexesSize, NULL, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); vc.indexOffset = 0; vc.numSurfaces = 0; vc.numBatches = 0; } void VaoCache_InitQueue(void) { vcq.vertexCommitSize = 0; vcq.indexCommitSize = 0; vcq.numSurfaces = 0; } void VaoCache_AddSurface(srfVert_t *verts, int numVerts, glIndex_t *indexes, int numIndexes) { queuedSurface_t *queueEntry = vcq.surfaces + vcq.numSurfaces; queueEntry->vertexes = verts; queueEntry->numVerts = numVerts; queueEntry->indexes = indexes; queueEntry->numIndexes = numIndexes; vcq.numSurfaces++; vcq.vertexCommitSize += sizeof(srfVert_t) * numVerts;; vcq.indexCommitSize += sizeof(glIndex_t) * numIndexes; }