/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include "tr_local.h" int r_firstSceneDrawSurf; int r_numdlights; int r_firstSceneDlight; int r_numentities; int r_firstSceneEntity; int r_numpolys; int r_firstScenePoly; int r_numpolyverts; /* ==================== R_InitNextFrame ==================== */ void R_InitNextFrame( void ) { backEndData->commands.used = 0; r_firstSceneDrawSurf = 0; r_numdlights = 0; r_firstSceneDlight = 0; r_numentities = 0; r_firstSceneEntity = 0; r_numpolys = 0; r_firstScenePoly = 0; r_numpolyverts = 0; } /* ==================== RE_ClearScene ==================== */ void RE_ClearScene( void ) { r_firstSceneDlight = r_numdlights; r_firstSceneEntity = r_numentities; r_firstScenePoly = r_numpolys; } /* =========================================================================== DISCRETE POLYS =========================================================================== */ /* ===================== R_AddPolygonSurfaces Adds all the scene's polys into this view's drawsurf list ===================== */ void R_AddPolygonSurfaces( void ) { int i; shader_t *sh; srfPoly_t *poly; int fogMask; tr.currentEntityNum = REFENTITYNUM_WORLD; tr.shiftedEntityNum = tr.currentEntityNum << QSORT_REFENTITYNUM_SHIFT; fogMask = -((tr.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOFOG) == 0); for ( i = 0, poly = tr.refdef.polys; i < tr.refdef.numPolys ; i++, poly++ ) { sh = R_GetShaderByHandle( poly->hShader ); R_AddDrawSurf( ( void * )poly, sh, poly->fogIndex & fogMask, qfalse, qfalse, 0 /*cubeMap*/ ); } } /* ===================== RE_AddPolyToScene ===================== */ void RE_AddPolyToScene( qhandle_t hShader, int numVerts, const polyVert_t *verts, int numPolys ) { srfPoly_t *poly; int i, j; int fogIndex; fog_t *fog; vec3_t bounds[2]; if ( !tr.registered ) { return; } if ( !hShader ) { // This isn't a useful warning, and an hShader of zero isn't a null shader, it's // the default shader. //ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "WARNING: RE_AddPolyToScene: NULL poly shader\n"); //return; } for ( j = 0; j < numPolys; j++ ) { if ( r_numpolyverts + numVerts > max_polyverts || r_numpolys >= max_polys ) { /* NOTE TTimo this was initially a PRINT_WARNING but it happens a lot with high fighting scenes and particles since we don't plan on changing the const and making for room for those effects simply cut this message to developer only */ ri.Printf( PRINT_DEVELOPER, "WARNING: RE_AddPolyToScene: r_max_polys or r_max_polyverts reached\n"); return; } poly = &backEndData->polys[r_numpolys]; poly->surfaceType = SF_POLY; poly->hShader = hShader; poly->numVerts = numVerts; poly->verts = &backEndData->polyVerts[r_numpolyverts]; Com_Memcpy( poly->verts, &verts[numVerts*j], numVerts * sizeof( *verts ) ); if ( glConfig.hardwareType == GLHW_RAGEPRO ) { poly->verts->modulate[0] = 255; poly->verts->modulate[1] = 255; poly->verts->modulate[2] = 255; poly->verts->modulate[3] = 255; } // done. r_numpolys++; r_numpolyverts += numVerts; // if no world is loaded if ( tr.world == NULL ) { fogIndex = 0; } // see if it is in a fog volume else if ( tr.world->numfogs == 1 ) { fogIndex = 0; } else { // find which fog volume the poly is in VectorCopy( poly->verts[0].xyz, bounds[0] ); VectorCopy( poly->verts[0].xyz, bounds[1] ); for ( i = 1 ; i < poly->numVerts ; i++ ) { AddPointToBounds( poly->verts[i].xyz, bounds[0], bounds[1] ); } for ( fogIndex = 1 ; fogIndex < tr.world->numfogs ; fogIndex++ ) { fog = &tr.world->fogs[fogIndex]; if ( bounds[1][0] >= fog->bounds[0][0] && bounds[1][1] >= fog->bounds[0][1] && bounds[1][2] >= fog->bounds[0][2] && bounds[0][0] <= fog->bounds[1][0] && bounds[0][1] <= fog->bounds[1][1] && bounds[0][2] <= fog->bounds[1][2] ) { break; } } if ( fogIndex == tr.world->numfogs ) { fogIndex = 0; } } poly->fogIndex = fogIndex; } } //================================================================================= /* ===================== RE_AddRefEntityToScene ===================== */ void RE_AddRefEntityToScene( const refEntity_t *ent ) { vec3_t cross; if ( !tr.registered ) { return; } if ( r_numentities >= MAX_REFENTITIES ) { ri.Printf(PRINT_DEVELOPER, "RE_AddRefEntityToScene: Dropping refEntity, reached MAX_REFENTITIES\n"); return; } if ( Q_isnan(ent->origin[0]) || Q_isnan(ent->origin[1]) || Q_isnan(ent->origin[2]) ) { static qboolean firstTime = qtrue; if (firstTime) { firstTime = qfalse; ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "RE_AddRefEntityToScene passed a refEntity which has an origin with a NaN component\n"); } return; } if ( (int)ent->reType < 0 || ent->reType >= RT_MAX_REF_ENTITY_TYPE ) { ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "RE_AddRefEntityToScene: bad reType %i", ent->reType ); } backEndData->entities[r_numentities].e = *ent; backEndData->entities[r_numentities].lightingCalculated = qfalse; CrossProduct(ent->axis[0], ent->axis[1], cross); backEndData->entities[r_numentities].mirrored = (DotProduct(ent->axis[2], cross) < 0.f); r_numentities++; } /* ===================== RE_AddDynamicLightToScene ===================== */ void RE_AddDynamicLightToScene( const vec3_t org, float intensity, float r, float g, float b, int additive ) { dlight_t *dl; if ( !tr.registered ) { return; } if ( r_numdlights >= MAX_DLIGHTS ) { return; } if ( intensity <= 0 ) { return; } // these cards don't have the correct blend mode if ( glConfig.hardwareType == GLHW_RIVA128 || glConfig.hardwareType == GLHW_PERMEDIA2 ) { return; } dl = &backEndData->dlights[r_numdlights++]; VectorCopy (org, dl->origin); dl->radius = intensity; dl->color[0] = r; dl->color[1] = g; dl->color[2] = b; dl->additive = additive; } /* ===================== RE_AddLightToScene ===================== */ void RE_AddLightToScene( const vec3_t org, float intensity, float r, float g, float b ) { RE_AddDynamicLightToScene( org, intensity, r, g, b, qfalse ); } /* ===================== RE_AddAdditiveLightToScene ===================== */ void RE_AddAdditiveLightToScene( const vec3_t org, float intensity, float r, float g, float b ) { RE_AddDynamicLightToScene( org, intensity, r, g, b, qtrue ); } void RE_BeginScene(const refdef_t *fd) { Com_Memcpy( tr.refdef.text, fd->text, sizeof( tr.refdef.text ) ); tr.refdef.x = fd->x; tr.refdef.y = fd->y; tr.refdef.width = fd->width; tr.refdef.height = fd->height; tr.refdef.fov_x = fd->fov_x; tr.refdef.fov_y = fd->fov_y; VectorCopy( fd->vieworg, tr.refdef.vieworg ); VectorCopy( fd->viewaxis[0], tr.refdef.viewaxis[0] ); VectorCopy( fd->viewaxis[1], tr.refdef.viewaxis[1] ); VectorCopy( fd->viewaxis[2], tr.refdef.viewaxis[2] ); tr.refdef.time = fd->time; tr.refdef.rdflags = fd->rdflags; // copy the areamask data over and note if it has changed, which // will force a reset of the visible leafs even if the view hasn't moved tr.refdef.areamaskModified = qfalse; if ( ! (tr.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL) ) { int areaDiff; int i; // compare the area bits areaDiff = 0; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES/4 ; i++) { areaDiff |= ((int *)tr.refdef.areamask)[i] ^ ((int *)fd->areamask)[i]; ((int *)tr.refdef.areamask)[i] = ((int *)fd->areamask)[i]; } if ( areaDiff ) { // a door just opened or something tr.refdef.areamaskModified = qtrue; } } tr.refdef.sunDir[3] = 0.0f; tr.refdef.sunCol[3] = 1.0f; tr.refdef.sunAmbCol[3] = 1.0f; VectorCopy(tr.sunDirection, tr.refdef.sunDir); if ( (tr.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL) || !(r_depthPrepass->value) ){ VectorSet(tr.refdef.sunCol, 0, 0, 0); VectorSet(tr.refdef.sunAmbCol, 0, 0, 0); } else { float scale = (1 << r_mapOverBrightBits->integer) / 255.0f; if (r_forceSun->integer) VectorScale(tr.sunLight, scale * r_forceSunLightScale->value, tr.refdef.sunCol); else VectorScale(tr.sunLight, scale, tr.refdef.sunCol); if (r_sunlightMode->integer == 1) { tr.refdef.sunAmbCol[0] = tr.refdef.sunAmbCol[1] = tr.refdef.sunAmbCol[2] = r_forceSun->integer ? r_forceSunAmbientScale->value : tr.sunShadowScale; } else { if (r_forceSun->integer) VectorScale(tr.sunLight, scale * r_forceSunAmbientScale->value, tr.refdef.sunAmbCol); else VectorScale(tr.sunLight, scale * tr.sunShadowScale, tr.refdef.sunAmbCol); } } if (r_forceAutoExposure->integer) { tr.refdef.autoExposureMinMax[0] = r_forceAutoExposureMin->value; tr.refdef.autoExposureMinMax[1] = r_forceAutoExposureMax->value; } else { tr.refdef.autoExposureMinMax[0] = tr.autoExposureMinMax[0]; tr.refdef.autoExposureMinMax[1] = tr.autoExposureMinMax[1]; } if (r_forceToneMap->integer) { tr.refdef.toneMinAvgMaxLinear[0] = pow(2, r_forceToneMapMin->value); tr.refdef.toneMinAvgMaxLinear[1] = pow(2, r_forceToneMapAvg->value); tr.refdef.toneMinAvgMaxLinear[2] = pow(2, r_forceToneMapMax->value); } else { tr.refdef.toneMinAvgMaxLinear[0] = pow(2, tr.toneMinAvgMaxLevel[0]); tr.refdef.toneMinAvgMaxLinear[1] = pow(2, tr.toneMinAvgMaxLevel[1]); tr.refdef.toneMinAvgMaxLinear[2] = pow(2, tr.toneMinAvgMaxLevel[2]); } // Makro - copy exta info if present if (fd->rdflags & RDF_EXTRA) { const refdefex_t* extra = (const refdefex_t*) (fd+1); tr.refdef.blurFactor = extra->blurFactor; if (fd->rdflags & RDF_SUNLIGHT) { VectorCopy(extra->sunDir, tr.refdef.sunDir); VectorCopy(extra->sunCol, tr.refdef.sunCol); VectorCopy(extra->sunAmbCol, tr.refdef.sunAmbCol); } } else { tr.refdef.blurFactor = 0.0f; } // derived info tr.refdef.floatTime = tr.refdef.time * 0.001; tr.refdef.numDrawSurfs = r_firstSceneDrawSurf; tr.refdef.drawSurfs = backEndData->drawSurfs; tr.refdef.num_entities = r_numentities - r_firstSceneEntity; tr.refdef.entities = &backEndData->entities[r_firstSceneEntity]; tr.refdef.num_dlights = r_numdlights - r_firstSceneDlight; tr.refdef.dlights = &backEndData->dlights[r_firstSceneDlight]; tr.refdef.numPolys = r_numpolys - r_firstScenePoly; tr.refdef.polys = &backEndData->polys[r_firstScenePoly]; tr.refdef.num_pshadows = 0; tr.refdef.pshadows = &backEndData->pshadows[0]; // turn off dynamic lighting globally by clearing all the // dlights if it needs to be disabled or if vertex lighting is enabled if ( r_dynamiclight->integer == 0 || r_vertexLight->integer == 1 || glConfig.hardwareType == GLHW_PERMEDIA2 ) { tr.refdef.num_dlights = 0; } // a single frame may have multiple scenes draw inside it -- // a 3D game view, 3D status bar renderings, 3D menus, etc. // They need to be distinguished by the light flare code, because // the visibility state for a given surface may be different in // each scene / view. tr.frameSceneNum++; tr.sceneCount++; } void RE_EndScene(void) { // the next scene rendered in this frame will tack on after this one r_firstSceneDrawSurf = tr.refdef.numDrawSurfs; r_firstSceneEntity = r_numentities; r_firstSceneDlight = r_numdlights; r_firstScenePoly = r_numpolys; } /* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ RE_RenderScene Draw a 3D view into a part of the window, then return to 2D drawing. Rendering a scene may require multiple views to be rendered to handle mirrors, @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ */ void RE_RenderScene( const refdef_t *fd ) { viewParms_t parms; int startTime; if ( !tr.registered ) { return; } GLimp_LogComment( "====== RE_RenderScene =====\n" ); if ( r_norefresh->integer ) { return; } startTime = ri.Milliseconds(); if (!tr.world && !( fd->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) ) { ri.Error (ERR_DROP, "R_RenderScene: NULL worldmodel"); } RE_BeginScene(fd); // SmileTheory: playing with shadow mapping if (!( fd->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) && tr.refdef.num_dlights && r_dlightMode->integer >= 2) { R_RenderDlightCubemaps(fd); } /* playing with more shadows */ if(glRefConfig.framebufferObject && !( fd->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) && r_shadows->integer == 4) { R_RenderPshadowMaps(fd); } // playing with even more shadows if(glRefConfig.framebufferObject && r_sunlightMode->integer && !( fd->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) && (r_forceSun->integer || tr.sunShadows)) { if (r_shadowCascadeZFar->integer != 0) { R_RenderSunShadowMaps(fd, 0); R_RenderSunShadowMaps(fd, 1); R_RenderSunShadowMaps(fd, 2); } else { Mat4Zero(tr.refdef.sunShadowMvp[0]); Mat4Zero(tr.refdef.sunShadowMvp[1]); Mat4Zero(tr.refdef.sunShadowMvp[2]); } // only rerender last cascade if sun has changed position if (r_forceSun->integer == 2 || !VectorCompare(tr.refdef.sunDir, tr.lastCascadeSunDirection)) { VectorCopy(tr.refdef.sunDir, tr.lastCascadeSunDirection); R_RenderSunShadowMaps(fd, 3); Mat4Copy(tr.refdef.sunShadowMvp[3], tr.lastCascadeSunMvp); } else { Mat4Copy(tr.lastCascadeSunMvp, tr.refdef.sunShadowMvp[3]); } } // playing with cube maps // this is where dynamic cubemaps would be rendered if (0) //(glRefConfig.framebufferObject && !( fd->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL )) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < tr.numCubemaps; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { R_RenderCubemapSide(i, j, qtrue); } } } // setup view parms for the initial view // // set up viewport // The refdef takes 0-at-the-top y coordinates, so // convert to GL's 0-at-the-bottom space // Com_Memset( &parms, 0, sizeof( parms ) ); parms.viewportX = tr.refdef.x; parms.viewportY = glConfig.vidHeight - ( tr.refdef.y + tr.refdef.height ); parms.viewportWidth = tr.refdef.width; parms.viewportHeight = tr.refdef.height; parms.isPortal = qfalse; parms.fovX = tr.refdef.fov_x; parms.fovY = tr.refdef.fov_y; //parms.stereoFrame = tr.refdef.stereoFrame; VectorCopy( fd->vieworg, parms.or.origin ); VectorCopy( fd->viewaxis[0], parms.or.axis[0] ); VectorCopy( fd->viewaxis[1], parms.or.axis[1] ); VectorCopy( fd->viewaxis[2], parms.or.axis[2] ); VectorCopy( fd->vieworg, parms.pvsOrigin ); if(!( fd->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) && r_depthPrepass->value && ((r_forceSun->integer) || tr.sunShadows)) { parms.flags = VPF_USESUNLIGHT; } R_RenderView( &parms ); if(!( fd->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL )) R_AddPostProcessCmd(); RE_EndScene(); tr.frontEndMsec += ri.Milliseconds() - startTime; }