# Quake 3 Port to Oculus Quest This project is a port of the ioq3 engine to the Oculus Quest. This is simply a hobby project of mine, don't get any expectations of me having a high velocity on this. Feel free to contribute however. I'm not providing binaries, due to the early state of the project. If you want to build this yourself, follow the instuctions below. You can already walk and look around in DM6 for example. NOTE: Hand tracking is enabled, but this has been done because I got too annoyed with grabbing my controllers every time when booting the title. Use controllers to actually walk around. ## Building ### Prerequisites 1. Install your copy of Quake III Arena from Steam. 2. Android Studio with NDK version 21.1.6352462. 3. Copy the Oculus VR SDK from https://developer.oculus.com/downloads/package/oculus-mobile-sdk/ and extract the VrApi folder to ./code/VrApi/ ### Building and running the build The scripts assume that you installed everything in the default locations. In case you want to deviate from that, the paths are in ./android/run.(sh|bat) and in Makefile.local. #### Linux 1. Update ANDROID_NDK path in Makefile.local 2. Run ./android/run.sh #### Windows 1. Replace \ with your windows username folder as it appears in C:\Users. 2. Open git bash and run ./android/run.bat. # Original ioq3 README: ,---------------------------------------. | _ _ ____ | | (_)___ __ _ _ _ __ _| |_____|__ / | | | / _ \/ _` | || / _` | / / -_)|_ \ | | |_\___/\__, |\_,_\__,_|_\_\___|___/ | | |_| | | | `--------- https://ioquake3.org --------' The intent of this project is to provide a baseline Quake 3 which may be used for further development and baseq3 fun. Some of the major features currently implemented are: * SDL 2 backend * OpenAL sound API support (multiple speaker support and better sound quality) * Full x86_64 support on Linux * VoIP support, both in-game and external support through Mumble. * MinGW compilation support on Windows and cross compilation support on Linux * AVI video capture of demos * Much improved console autocompletion * Persistent console history * Colorized terminal output * Optional Ogg Vorbis support * Much improved QVM tools * Support for various esoteric operating systems * cl_guid support * HTTP/FTP download redirection (using cURL) * Multiuser support on Windows systems (user specific game data is stored in "%APPDATA%\Quake3") * PNG support * Many, many bug fixes The map editor and associated compiling tools are not included. We suggest you use a modern copy from http://icculus.org/gtkradiant/. The original id software readme that accompanied the Q3 source release has been renamed to id-readme.txt so as to prevent confusion. Please refer to the website for updated status. More documentation including a Player's Guide and Sysadmin Guide is on: http://wiki.ioquake3.org/ If you've got issues that you aren't sure are worth filing as bugs, or just want to chat, please visit our forums: http://discourse.ioquake.org # Thank You:

Digital Ocean




icculus dot org

# Compilation and installation For *nix 1. Change to the directory containing this readme. 2. Run 'make'. For Windows, 1. Please refer to the excellent instructions here: http://wiki.ioquake3.org/Building_ioquake3 For Mac OS X, building a Universal Binary 1. Install MacOSX SDK packages from XCode. For maximum compatibility, install MacOSX10.4u.sdk and MacOSX10.3.9.sdk, and MacOSX10.2.8.sdk. 2. Change to the directory containing this README file. 3. Run './make-macosx-ub.sh' 4. Copy the resulting ioquake3.app in /build/release-darwin-ub to your /Applications/ioquake3 folder. Installation, for *nix 1. Set the COPYDIR variable in the shell to be where you installed Quake 3 to. By default it will be /usr/local/games/quake3 if you haven't set it. This is the path as used by the original Linux Q3 installer and subsequent point releases. 2. Run 'make copyfiles'. It is also possible to cross compile for Windows under *nix using MinGW. Your distribution may have mingw32 packages available. On debian/Ubuntu, you need to install 'mingw-w64'. Thereafter cross compiling is simply a case running 'PLATFORM=mingw32 ARCH=x86 make' in place of 'make'. ARCH may also be set to x86_64. The following variables may be set, either on the command line or in Makefile.local: ``` CFLAGS - use this for custom CFLAGS V - set to show cc command line when building DEFAULT_BASEDIR - extra path to search for baseq3 and such BUILD_SERVER - build the 'ioq3ded' server binary BUILD_CLIENT - build the 'ioquake3' client binary BUILD_BASEGAME - build the 'baseq3' binaries BUILD_MISSIONPACK - build the 'missionpack' binaries BUILD_GAME_SO - build the game shared libraries BUILD_GAME_QVM - build the game qvms BUILD_STANDALONE - build binaries suited for stand-alone games SERVERBIN - rename 'ioq3ded' server binary CLIENTBIN - rename 'ioquake3' client binary USE_RENDERER_DLOPEN - build and use the renderer in a library USE_YACC - use yacc to update code/tools/lcc/lburg/gram.c BASEGAME - rename 'baseq3' BASEGAME_CFLAGS - custom CFLAGS for basegame MISSIONPACK - rename 'missionpack' MISSIONPACK_CFLAGS - custom CFLAGS for missionpack (default '-DMISSIONPACK') USE_OPENAL - use OpenAL where available USE_OPENAL_DLOPEN - link with OpenAL at runtime USE_CURL - use libcurl for http/ftp download support USE_CURL_DLOPEN - link with libcurl at runtime USE_CODEC_VORBIS - enable Ogg Vorbis support USE_CODEC_OPUS - enable Ogg Opus support USE_MUMBLE - enable Mumble support USE_VOIP - enable built-in VoIP support USE_FREETYPE - enable FreeType support for rendering fonts USE_INTERNAL_LIBS - build internal libraries instead of dynamically linking against system libraries; this just sets the default for USE_INTERNAL_ZLIB etc. and USE_LOCAL_HEADERS USE_INTERNAL_ZLIB - build and link against internal zlib USE_INTERNAL_JPEG - build and link against internal JPEG library USE_INTERNAL_OGG - build and link against internal ogg library USE_INTERNAL_OPUS - build and link against internal opus/opusfile libraries USE_LOCAL_HEADERS - use headers local to ioq3 instead of system ones DEBUG_CFLAGS - C compiler flags to use for building debug version COPYDIR - the target installation directory TEMPDIR - specify user defined directory for temp files ``` The defaults for these variables differ depending on the target platform. # Console ## New cvars ``` cl_autoRecordDemo - record a new demo on each map change cl_aviFrameRate - the framerate to use when capturing video cl_aviMotionJpeg - use the mjpeg codec when capturing video cl_guidServerUniq - makes cl_guid unique for each server cl_cURLLib - filename of cURL library to load cl_consoleKeys - space delimited list of key names or characters that toggle the console cl_mouseAccelStyle - Set to 1 for QuakeLive mouse acceleration behaviour, 0 for standard q3 cl_mouseAccelOffset - Tuning the acceleration curve, see below con_autochat - Set to 0 to disable sending console input text as chat when there is not a slash at the beginning con_autoclear - Set to 0 to disable clearing console input text when console is closed in_joystickUseAnalog - Do not translate joystick axis events to keyboard commands j_forward - Joystick analogue to m_forward, for forward movement speed/direction. j_side - Joystick analogue to m_side, for side movement speed/direction. j_up - Joystick up movement speed/direction. j_pitch - Joystick analogue to m_pitch, for pitch rotation speed/direction. j_yaw - Joystick analogue to m_yaw, for yaw rotation speed/direction. j_forward_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls forward/back. j_side_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls left/right. j_up_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls up/down. j_pitch_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls pitch. j_yaw_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls yaw. s_useOpenAL - use the OpenAL sound backend if available s_alPrecache - cache OpenAL sounds before use s_alGain - the value of AL_GAIN for each source s_alSources - the total number of sources (memory) to allocate s_alDopplerFactor - the value passed to alDopplerFactor s_alDopplerSpeed - the value passed to alDopplerVelocity s_alMinDistance - the value of AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE for each source s_alMaxDistance - the maximum distance before sounds start to become inaudible. s_alRolloff - the value of AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR for each source s_alGraceDistance - after having passed MaxDistance, length until sounds are completely inaudible s_alDriver - which OpenAL library to use s_alDevice - which OpenAL device to use s_alAvailableDevices - list of available OpenAL devices s_alInputDevice - which OpenAL input device to use s_alAvailableInputDevices - list of available OpenAL input devices s_sdlBits - SDL bit resolution s_sdlSpeed - SDL sample rate s_sdlChannels - SDL number of channels s_sdlDevSamps - SDL DMA buffer size override s_sdlMixSamps - SDL mix buffer size override s_backend - read only, indicates the current sound backend s_muteWhenMinimized - mute sound when minimized s_muteWhenUnfocused - mute sound when window is unfocused sv_dlRate - bandwidth allotted to PK3 file downloads via UDP, in kbyte/s com_ansiColor - enable use of ANSI escape codes in the tty com_altivec - enable use of altivec on PowerPC systems com_standalone (read only) - If set to 1, quake3 is running in standalone mode com_basegame - Use a different base than baseq3. If no original Quake3 or TeamArena pak files are found, this will enable running in standalone mode com_homepath - Specify name that is to be appended to the home path com_legacyprotocol - Specify protocol version number for legacy Quake3 1.32c protocol, see "Network protocols" section below (startup only) com_maxfpsUnfocused - Maximum frames per second when unfocused com_maxfpsMinimized - Maximum frames per second when minimized com_busyWait - Will use a busy loop to wait for rendering next frame when set to non-zero value com_pipefile - Specify filename to create a named pipe through which other processes can control the server while it is running. Nonfunctional on Windows. com_gamename - Gamename sent to master server in getservers[Ext] query and infoResponse "gamename" infostring value. Also used for filtering local network games. com_protocol - Specify protocol version number for current ioquake3 protocol, see "Network protocols" section below (startup only) in_joystickNo - select which joystick to use in_availableJoysticks - list of available Joysticks in_keyboardDebug - print keyboard debug info sv_dlURL - the base of the HTTP or FTP site that holds custom pk3 files for your server sv_banFile - Name of the file that is used for storing the server bans net_ip6 - IPv6 address to bind to net_port6 - port to bind to using the ipv6 address net_enabled - enable networking, bitmask. Add up number for option to enable it: enable ipv4 networking: 1 enable ipv6 networking: 2 prioritise ipv6 over ipv4: 4 disable multicast support: 8 net_mcast6addr - multicast address to use for scanning for ipv6 servers on the local network net_mcastiface - outgoing interface to use for scan r_allowResize - make window resizable r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic - anisotropic texture filtering r_zProj - distance of observer camera to projection plane in quake3 standard units r_greyscale - desaturate textures, useful for anaglyph, supports values in the range of 0 to 1 r_stereoEnabled - enable stereo rendering for techniques like shutter glasses (untested) r_anaglyphMode - Enable rendering of anaglyph images red-cyan glasses: 1 red-blue: 2 red-green: 3 green-magenta: 4 To swap the colors for left and right eye just add 4 to the value for the wanted color combination. For red-blue and red-green you probably want to enable r_greyscale r_stereoSeparation - Control eye separation. Resulting separation is r_zProj divided by this value in quake3 standard units. See also http://wiki.ioquake3.org/Stereo_Rendering for more information r_marksOnTriangleMeshes - Support impact marks on md3 models, MOD developers should increase the mark triangle limits in cg_marks.c if they intend to use this. r_sdlDriver - read only, indicates the SDL driver backend being used r_noborder - Remove window decoration from window managers, like borders and titlebar. r_screenshotJpegQuality - Controls quality of jpeg screenshots captured using screenshotJPEG r_aviMotionJpegQuality - Controls quality of video capture when cl_aviMotionJpeg is enabled r_mode -2 - This new video mode automatically uses the desktop resolution. ``` ## New commands ``` video [filename] - start video capture (use with demo command) stopvideo - stop video capture stopmusic - stop background music minimize - Minimize the game and show desktop togglemenu - causes escape key event for opening/closing menu, or going to a previous menu. works in binds, even in UI print - print out the contents of a cvar unset - unset a user created cvar banaddr - ban an ip address range from joining a game on this server, valid is either playernum or CIDR notation address range. exceptaddr - exempt an ip address range from a ban. bandel - delete ban (either range or ban number) exceptdel - delete exception (either range or exception number) listbans - list all currently active bans and exceptions rehashbans - reload the banlist from serverbans.dat flushbans - delete all bans net_restart - restart network subsystem to change latched settings game_restart - Switch to another mod which - print out the path on disk to a loaded item execq - quiet exec command, doesn't print "execing file.cfg" kicknum - kick a client by number, same as clientkick command kickall - kick all clients, similar to "kick all" (but kicks everyone even if someone is named "all") kickbots - kick all bots, similar to "kick allbots" (but kicks all bots even if someone is named "allbots") tell - send message to a single client (new to server) cvar_modified [filter] - list modified cvars, can filter results (such as "r*" for renderer cvars) like cvarlist which lists all cvars addbot random - the bot name "random" now selects a random bot ``` # README for Developers ## pk3dir ioquake3 has a useful new feature for mappers. Paths in a game directory with the extension ".pk3dir" are treated like pk3 files. This means you can keep all files specific to your map in one directory tree and easily zip this folder for distribution. ## 64bit mods If you wish to compile external mods as shared libraries on a 64bit platform, and the mod source is derived from the id Q3 SDK, you will need to modify the interface code a little. Open the files ending in _syscalls.c and change every instance of int to intptr_t in the declaration of the syscall function pointer and the dllEntry function. Also find the vmMain function for each module (usually in cg_main.c g_main.c etc.) and similarly replace the return value in the prototype with intptr_t (arg0, arg1, ...stay int). Add the following code snippet to q_shared.h: ```c #ifdef Q3_VM typedef int intptr_t; #else #include #endif ``` Note if you simply wish to run mods on a 64bit platform you do not need to recompile anything since by default Q3 uses a virtual machine system. ## Creating mods compatible with Q3 1.32b If you're using this package to create mods for the last official release of Q3, it is necessary to pass the commandline option '-vq3' to your invocation of q3asm. This is because by default q3asm outputs an updated qvm format that is necessary to fix a bug involving the optimizing pass of the x86 vm JIT compiler. ## Creating standalone games Have you finished the daunting task of removing all dependencies on the Q3 game data? You probably now want to give your users the opportunity to play the game without owning a copy of Q3, which consequently means removing cd-key and authentication server checks. In addition to being a straightforward Q3 client, ioquake3 also purports to be a reliable and stable code base on which to base your game project. However, before you start compiling your own version of ioquake3, you have to ask yourself: Have we changed or will we need to change anything of importance in the engine? If your answer to this question is "no", it probably makes no sense to build your own binaries. Instead, you can just use the pre-built binaries on the website. Just make sure the game is called with: +set com_basegame in any links/scripts you install for your users to start the game. The binary must not detect any original quake3 game pak files. If this condition is met, the game will set com_standalone to 1 and is then running in stand alone mode. If you want the engine to use a different directory in your homepath than e.g. "Quake3" on Windows or ".q3a" on Linux, then set a new name at startup by adding +set com_homepath to the command line. You can also control which game name to use when talking to the master server: +set com_gamename So clients requesting a server list will only receive servers that have a matching game name. Example line: +set com_basegame basefoo +set com_homepath .foo +set com_gamename foo If you really changed parts that would make vanilla ioquake3 incompatible with your mod, we have included another way to conveniently build a stand-alone binary. Just run make with the option BUILD_STANDALONE=1. Don't forget to edit the PRODUCT_NAME and subsequent #defines in qcommon/q_shared.h with information appropriate for your project. ## Standalone game licensing While a lot of work has been put into ioquake3 that you can benefit from free of charge, it does not mean that you have no obligations to fulfill. Please be aware that as soon as you start distributing your game with an engine based on our sources we expect you to fully comply with the requirements as stated in the GPL. That includes making sources and modifications you made to the ioquake3 engine as well as the game-code used to compile the .qvm files for the game logic freely available to everyone. Furthermore, note that the "QIIIA Game Source License" prohibits distribution of mods that are intended to operate on a version of Q3 not sanctioned by id software: "with this Agreement, ID grants to you the non-exclusive and limited right to distribute copies of the Software ... for operation only with the full version of the software game QUAKE III ARENA" This means that if you're creating a standalone game, you cannot use said license on any portion of the product. As the only other license this code has been released under is the GPL, this is the only option. This does NOT mean that you cannot market this game commercially. The GPL does not prohibit commercial exploitation and all assets (e.g. textures, sounds, maps) created by yourself are your property and can be sold like every other game you find in stores. ## PNG support ioquake3 supports the use of PNG (Portable Network Graphic) images as textures. It should be noted that the use of such images in a map will result in missing placeholder textures where the map is used with the id Quake 3 client or earlier versions of ioquake3. Recent versions of GtkRadiant and q3map2 support PNG images without modification. However GtkRadiant is not aware that PNG textures are supported by ioquake3. To change this behaviour open the file 'q3.game' in the 'games' directory of the GtkRadiant base directory with an editor and change the line: texturetypes="tga jpg" to texturetypes="tga jpg png" Restart GtkRadiant and PNG textures are now available. ## Building with MinGW for pre Windows XP IPv6 support requires a header named "wspiapi.h" to abstract away from differences in earlier versions of Windows' IPv6 stack. There is no MinGW equivalent of this header and the Microsoft version is obviously not redistributable, so in its absence we're forced to require Windows XP. However if this header is acquired separately and placed in the qcommon/ directory, this restriction is lifted. # Contributing Please send all patches to bugzilla (https://bugzilla.icculus.org), or as a GitHub pull request and submit your patch there. The focus for ioq3 is to develop a stable base suitable for further development and provide players with the same Quake 3 experience they've had for years. We do have graphical improvements with the new renderer, but they are off by default. See opengl2-readme.md for more information. # Building Official Installers We need help getting automated installers on all the platforms that ioquake3 supports. We don't necessarily care about all the installers being identical, but we have some general guidelines: * Please include the id patch pk3s in your installer, which are available from http://ioquake3.org/patch-data/ subject to agreement to the id EULA. Your installer shall also ask the user to agree to this EULA (which is in the /web/include directory for your convenience) and subsequently refuse to continue the installation of the patch pk3s and pak0.pk3 if they do not. * Please don't require pak0.pk3, since not everyone using the engine plans on playing Quake 3 Arena on it. It's fine to (optionally) assist the user in copying the file or tell them how. * It is fine to just install the binaries without requiring id EULA agreement, providing pak0.pk3 and the patch pk3s are not referred to or included in the installer. * Please include at least a libSDL2 so/dylib/dll on every platform. * Please include an OpenAL so/dylib/dll, since every platform should be using it by now. * Please be prepared to alter your installer on the whim of the maintainers. * Your installer will be mirrored to an "official" directory, thus making it a done deal. # Credits Maintainers * James Canete * Ludwig Nussel * Thilo Schulz * Tim Angus * Tony J. White * Zachary J. Slater * Zack Middleton Significant contributions from * Ryan C. Gordon * Andreas Kohn * Joerg Dietrich * Stuart Dalton * Vincent S. Cojot * optical * Aaron Gyes