#if !defined(vr_clientinfo_h) #define vr_clientinfo_h #include "vr_base.h" #define NUM_WEAPON_SAMPLES 10 typedef struct { qboolean weapon_stabilised; qboolean right_handed; qboolean virtual_screen; qboolean local_server; // used in bg_pmove.c qboolean realign_weapon; // used to realign the weapon in a multiplayer game int realign_weapon_pitch; // used to realign the weapon pitch in a multiplayer game int clientNum; vec3_t hmdposition; vec3_t hmdorigin; //used to recenter the mp fake 6DoF playspace vec3_t hmdposition_last; // Don't use this, it is just for calculating delta! vec3_t hmdposition_delta; vec3_t hmdorientation; vec3_t hmdorientation_last; // Don't use this, it is just for calculating delta! vec3_t hmdorientation_delta; vec3_t weaponangles; vec3_t weaponangles_last; // Don't use this, it is just for calculating delta! vec3_t weaponangles_delta; vec3_t weaponoffset; vec3_t weaponposition; vec3_t offhandangles; vec3_t offhandoffset; vec3_t offhandposition; ////////////////////////////////////// // Test stuff for weapon alignment ////////////////////////////////////// char test_name[256]; float test_scale; vec3_t test_angles; vec3_t test_offset; } vr_clientinfo_t; #endif //vr_clientinfo_h