#include "ui/menudef.h" { \\ SETUP MENU \\ menuDef { name "ingame_controls" visible 0 fullscreen 0 outOfBoundsClick // this closes the window if it gets a click out of the rectangle rect 125 30 370 375 focusColor 1 .75 0 1 style 1 border 1 disableColor .5 .5 .5 0 itemDef { name window rect 10 15 360 360 style 1 backcolor 0 .1 0 1 visible 1 decoration } // FRAME // itemDef { name window rect 0 10 64 64 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingameleftcorner.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 64 10 92 8 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingametop.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 224 10 92 8 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingametop.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 317 10 64 64 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingamerightcorner.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 154 0 73 16 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingameconnection.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 0 314 64 64 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingameleftcornerb.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 317 314 64 64 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingamerightcornerb.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 0 64 16 84 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingameleft.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 0 148 16 84 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingameleft.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 0 232 16 84 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingameleft.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 365 64 16 84 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingameright.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 365 148 16 84 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingameright.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 365 232 16 84 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingameright.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 64 370 144 8 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingamebottom.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name window rect 208 370 144 8 style 3 background "ui/assets/ingamebottom.tga" visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Autoswitch Weapons:" cvar "cg_autoswitch" rect 30 20 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Railgun Scope:" cvar "vr_weaponScope" rect 30 38 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Two-Handed Weapons:" cvar "vr_twoHandedWeapons" rect 30 56 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_MULTI text "Direction Mode:" cvar "vr_directionMode" cvarFloatList { "HMD (Default)" 0 "Off-hand Controller" 1 } rect 30 74 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_MULTI text "Turning Mode:" cvar "vr_snapturn" cvarFloatList { "Smooth Turning" 0 "45 Degrees" 45 "90 Degrees" 90 } rect 30 92 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Quick U-Turn:" cvar "vr_uturn" rect 30 110 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 action { uiScript update "vr_uturn" } } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Right-Handed:" cvar "vr_righthanded" rect 30 128 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Switch Thumbsticks:" cvar "vr_switchThumbsticks" rect 30 146 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_SLIDER text "Weapon Pitch:" cvarfloat "vr_weaponPitch" 5 -25 5 rect 30 164 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_MULTI text "Weapon Wheel Mode:" cvar "vr_weaponSelectorMode" cvarFloatList { "Controller Based" 0 "HMD/Thumbstick Based" 1 } rect 30 182 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_MULTI text "Control Schema:" cvar "vr_controlSchema" cvarFloatList { "Weapon Wheel on Grip" 0 "Weapon Wheel on Thumbstick" 1 } rect 30 200 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 action { uiScript update "vr_controlSchema" } } itemDef { name controls group grpControls style 1 text "Comfort Options" rect 100 231 100 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_SLIDER text "Comfort Vignette:" cvarfloat "vr_comfortVignette" 0.2 0 1 rect 30 251 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_SLIDER text "Height Adjust:" cvarfloat "vr_heightAdjust" 0.2 0 1 rect 30 271 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_YESNO text "Roll When Hit:" cvar "vr_rollWhenHit" rect 30 291 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_SLIDER text "Haptic Intensity:" cvarfloat "vr_hapticIntensity" 0.2 0 1 rect 30 311 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_MULTI text "HUD Depth:" cvar "vr_hudDepth" cvarFloatList { "Very Close" 0 "Close" 1 "Middle" 2 "Further" 3 "Far" 4 "Distant" 5 } rect 30 331 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } itemDef { name controls group grpControls type ITEM_TYPE_SLIDER text "HUD Y Offset:" cvarfloat "vr_hudYOffset" 20 -200 200 rect 30 351 200 20 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textalignx 143 textaligny 17 textscale .25 forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible 1 } } }