- Multiplayer support
- Updated weapon offsets with SkillFur's latest values
- APK contains and copies the glsl shader files now (no need to copy them separately)
- world scale cvar - defaulted to 32.0
- extra latency mode enabled by default
- used sound implementation (OpenSLES) from RTCW which should eliminate the slight delay that SDL/OpenAL seems to have
- multiple cvar changes courtesy of vr_bummser
There are various issues caused by not knowing the initial team for
the local client and bots when they connect. This is can be reproduced
by starting a team game from the main menu.
When g_teamAutoJoin is enabled, bots and local client join a random
team at connect and then execute their team command a few frames
later. This may result in the player being killed if they specify a
different team. In Team Arena's Harvester mode this causes harvester
skulls to be spawned at the beginning of the game.
When g_teamForceBalance is enabled, the local client and bots may not
be able to join their desired team. This may result in them being
spectators. If g_teamAutoJoin is also enabled they may be left on
the opposite (red/blue) team they were meant to join.
There is a hack for including bot's team in their player info string
(used by cgame for which team skin to use) before the bot joins
their desired team. Bots aren't guaranteed to join their desired team
(as may happen when both g_teamAutoJoin and g_teamForceBalance are
enabled) so clients may see them as being on the wrong team!
Add teampref userinfo option for team preference. If teampref is set
it will be used for attempting to join the team immediately at connect.
Bots now join team at connect using teampref userinfo. So remove
the hack for setting bot's team in player info string before the bot
joins the team.
To avoid the client sending teampref userinfo to all network servers,
the local client uses a g_localTeamPref cvar. The g_localTeamPref
cvar is cleared after it's used so it doesn't get used when starting
another server later. Another reason not to use a teampref userinfo
cvar is there isn't a reliable way to clear it in CGame/UI which are
likely loaded from baseq3 pk3.
Make it so g_teamAutoJoin doesn't affect clients who specify
teampref. If teampref is invalid, the client will join a random team
like g_teamAutoJoin.
Don't apply g_teamForceBalance to the local client or bots. Otherwise
they may be left as spectators when starting team game from menu.
The start server menus use team command and g_localTeamPref to set
the human player's team. This way it's compatible with vanilla Q3
game VMs and the new setting team at connect feature.
This will prevent further symbol clashes, and makes the shared libraries
10 to 20 percent smaller.
We should enable this on other platforms, too, if we can guarantee they'll
use gcc 4.0 or later and the platform supports it.
* Updated TODO
* Moved ChangeLog to root
* Updated ChangeLog
* s/Foobar/Quake III Arena Source Code/
* Biggest patch EVAR. I wonder how many mail boxes this will fill...