- Y button for 3rd person camera mode
- X button for "Gesture" (not quite a taunt..)
- Weapon will auto-realign in multiplayer now, so B button is crouch
- When weapon auto-realigns, playspace will auto recenter too
- Attempt to prevent footstep sound if player hmd movement is small
- Hopefully prevent CD key request from being shown
- Don't allow camera to orbit when winning on Team Arena
- Include demo pk3 in apk
- copy autoexec and demo pk3 on startup
- support running demo out of the box
- some cvars from VR_Bummser for smoother multiplayer client experience
- Ceno's multiplayer server IPs as favourites
- Multiplayer support
- Updated weapon offsets with SkillFur's latest values
- APK contains and copies the glsl shader files now (no need to copy them separately)
- world scale cvar - defaulted to 32.0
- extra latency mode enabled by default
- used sound implementation (OpenSLES) from RTCW which should eliminate the slight delay that SDL/OpenAL seems to have
- multiple cvar changes courtesy of vr_bummser
If bots join before the local client (dedicated server) the bots would
not be listed in the Q3A team orders menu and so they could not be given
orders using the menu.
The Q3A team orders menu got local client's team while looping through
all clients. Ignoring any bots with clientnum lower than the local
client. Get local client's team before the loop so all bots are
In 2007 in ioquake3 unified-sdl branch (revision 1144) setting
r_colorbits in q3_ui was removed but the Color Depth menu option was
still kept. Setting r_colorbits was not removed from the Team Arena UI.
In 2011 I removed the Color Depth menu option from q3_ui as it did not
change any cvars. Yesterday I restored the option not realizing this
and thinking that requesting 16-bit color depth worked.
Add setting r_colorbits back to q3_ui so Color Depth menu option works
again. I changed Color Depth options 'Default' to reset r_stencilbits
instead of 0 and '32 bit' to use r_stencilbits 8 instead of not changing
the value.
However I discovered r_colorbits 16 does not actually work on my system
(Debian Jessie x86_64 nvidia). ioquake3 was reporting the requested
value instead of the actual obtained value. Fixed in my previous commit.
The r_colorbits cvar still exists and gfxinfo reports it works on
Debian Jessie in both git master and building the commit where I
removed r_colorbits from q3_ui. So it does indeed control something.
Maybe I expected 16-bit color to look different? I don't know.
This reverts my commit 8e689739f4
from August 11 2011.
Allow listing about 273 .arena filenames for loading in q3_ui instead
of only about 136 that fit in a 2048 byte buffer (average 15 bytes per
file name).
The buffer for filename list runs out of space long before the buffer
for arena file content does. There is no warning for file list out of
space but there is a warning for arena file content.
This was requested by a user with many maps.
Fix "Error parsing animation file" messages in UI. Caused by fixing the
handling of missing tokens in animation.cfg parser in a past commit.
Fix new Team Arena torso animation frame numbers in UI.
Add support for fixedtorso and fixedlegs keywords.
Add support for reversed animations (negative numframes).
This commit fixes the vanilla Q3 UI VMs not displaying a server list
when id Software's master server is down.
Originally master 0 for the globalservers command was Internet and
master 1 was MPlayer (defunct). In 2008 ioquake3 changed it so that
master 0 to 4 were five separate master servers with no affect on
original Quake3/Team Arena UI VMs; they continued to get the server
list from master.quake3arena.com.
id Software's master server (master.quake3arena.com) goes down
occasionally. Using ioq3's UI VM additional master servers can be
accessed but players using the original UI VMs are unable to get a
server list.
In order to fix the original UI VMs in Quake3/Team Arena's pk3s this
commit makes 'globalservers 0' fetch all master servers. So players
get a combined list of id Software's and ioquake3's master list. Or
just ioquake3's list if id Software's master is down.
Getting lists from individual master servers using globalservers has
changed from 0 through 4 to 1 through 5 to accommodate using 0 for
other purposes. This commit modifies ioq3's UI code to support the new
values for globalservers command.
A side affect of these changes is that UI VMs based on ioq3 since 2008
will have Internet1 fetch all master servers and Internet2 request
sv_master1 instead of sv_master2 and so on. It may be worth noting that
getting server list from masters 3-5 could not be done using ioq3's UI
before 2011.
ArenaServers_InsertFavorites() fails to do anything because favorites
are added to the server list even if nonresponsive.
Set nonresponsive favorite server hostname to address.
When refreshing local servers, Team Arean UI never changed the status
message when it timed out. This gave a false impression it was still
looking for servers.
Let's continue looking for local servers in q3_ui and Team Arena UI
until one is found.
There are various issues caused by not knowing the initial team for
the local client and bots when they connect. This is can be reproduced
by starting a team game from the main menu.
When g_teamAutoJoin is enabled, bots and local client join a random
team at connect and then execute their team command a few frames
later. This may result in the player being killed if they specify a
different team. In Team Arena's Harvester mode this causes harvester
skulls to be spawned at the beginning of the game.
When g_teamForceBalance is enabled, the local client and bots may not
be able to join their desired team. This may result in them being
spectators. If g_teamAutoJoin is also enabled they may be left on
the opposite (red/blue) team they were meant to join.
There is a hack for including bot's team in their player info string
(used by cgame for which team skin to use) before the bot joins
their desired team. Bots aren't guaranteed to join their desired team
(as may happen when both g_teamAutoJoin and g_teamForceBalance are
enabled) so clients may see them as being on the wrong team!
Add teampref userinfo option for team preference. If teampref is set
it will be used for attempting to join the team immediately at connect.
Bots now join team at connect using teampref userinfo. So remove
the hack for setting bot's team in player info string before the bot
joins the team.
To avoid the client sending teampref userinfo to all network servers,
the local client uses a g_localTeamPref cvar. The g_localTeamPref
cvar is cleared after it's used so it doesn't get used when starting
another server later. Another reason not to use a teampref userinfo
cvar is there isn't a reliable way to clear it in CGame/UI which are
likely loaded from baseq3 pk3.
Make it so g_teamAutoJoin doesn't affect clients who specify
teampref. If teampref is invalid, the client will join a random team
like g_teamAutoJoin.
Don't apply g_teamForceBalance to the local client or bots. Otherwise
they may be left as spectators when starting team game from menu.
The start server menus use team command and g_localTeamPref to set
the human player's team. This way it's compatible with vanilla Q3
game VMs and the new setting team at connect feature.
q3_ui would shown bot at index of number of bots in list.
game would send empty name to addbot command and command would think skill
(i.e., 2.000000) was the bot name.
UI's PositionRotatedEntityOnTag is different than CGame's and
UI has switched pitch/roll for Gauntlet/BFG axis to get it to
look like /close to/ how it looks in CGame.
Making UI use the same *PositionRotatedEntityOnTag and axis as
CGame fixes the Gauntlet blade being wobbly in controls menu.