- Multiplayer support
- Updated weapon offsets with SkillFur's latest values
- APK contains and copies the glsl shader files now (no need to copy them separately)
- Make server send packet fragments and queued packets when server is idle
- Voip protocol detection is tied to com_protocol making past-end-of-message reading unncessary
- Use Hunk_AllocateTempMemory() for buffering VOIP packets and fix buffering scheme that ryan hates so much
- Disable packet scrambling for new protocol as it is useless now
- Get rid of the old packet scrambling functions predating latest point release
- Use Hunk_AllocateTempMemory() for netchan packet queue to fix memory leak when client gets disconnected with packets in the queue
- Use Hunk_AllocateTempMemory() for download blocks to fix memory leak when client gets disconnected with download blocks in the queue
- Fix SV_RateMsec to account for udp/udp6 packet lengths
Check if uivm is loaded before using it
Patch adds a check for uivm before using it, fixes running dedicated server
using client binary.
Missing uivm check pointed out by Ensiform.
- Bug 5049 - TA UI forces overstrike mode on when focusing an edit box, by Ensiform
- Bug 5052 - Missing podium timer initialization, by Eugene C.
* differing screen resolutions and network settings are now honoured when changing fs_game
* Fix hunk memory leak on game_restart
* Move cls.state and cls.servername to clc so connection state is fully preserved over game_restart
* Revert back to previous fs_game after disconnecting from a server that triggered a game_restart
* Fix error dialog popping up after every game_restart if an error happened previously (reported by Ensiform)
- Fixed that not all commands added by CL_Init() would be removed by CL_Shutdown()
- tidy up top of tr_types.h a bit, change flags to hex representation
- make ROM cvar enforcing really work
- remove cg_stereoSeparation from cgame as it is obsolete.
- Add CG_DrawCrosshair3D so people see crosshair correctly when stereoseparation is enabled
* Updated TODO
* Moved ChangeLog to root
* Updated ChangeLog
* s/Foobar/Quake III Arena Source Code/
* Biggest patch EVAR. I wonder how many mail boxes this will fill...