Some other things in there too:
- Incomplete implementation of scoped zoom for rail gun (needs more work)
- VR Options Menu
- Incomplete / Failed attempt at accessing the Android keyboard, leaving in case some revelation occurs
- Multiplayer 6DoF can be disabled setting vr_mp6DoF to 0 (will use a 3DoF scheme instead)
- Cross hair now correctly aligned with weapon aiming when playing on a swerver
- "Use Item" is not a right thumbstick click
- B button will perform crouch in single player or skirmish
- B button will realign the weapon with the controller when playing on a server
- Fixed bug where player would randomly move around
- Changed package name to com.drbeef.ioq3quest
- Changed location of files to /sdcard/ioquake3quest
- Added commandline.txt file
- Intermission screen now has headtracking (and in skirmish is a full VR experience)
- Fixed projectile location of railgun
- Made HUD model icons larger
- Positional tracking in Death Cam mode (so much nicer now)
- All 2D HUD elements now draw in both eyes
- HUD elements based on models are now 3D (face etc)
- Better 4:3 screen for virtual screen
- When you die you now won't lose head tracking (I won't spoil what does happen now...)
- Lightning Gun Beam is now correct w.r.t cross hair
- Enemy Lightning Gun Beams fire in the direction they are aiming (not in the direction you are aiming!!)
- Sped up crosshair in the menu, as it was too sluggish still
- Restored OG rail gun
- Removed Vertex Lighting cvar
- After match, the Win screen should be shown in the front of player
- Weapon alignment values courtesy of SkillFur (thanks!)
- Lightning gun now renders lightning in the correct direction
- Many cvar changes
- Rail Gun and Rocket Launcher use newer implementation
- Changed projection so that UI elements draw clearer
- Made scoreboards easier to read but HUD slightly closer
- HUD models draw correctly now
- Increased the HUNK allocation limit so no more failues with Hunk_Alloc
- adjusted positional factor for adjusted worldscale
- scaled all weapons to 75% as that feels a bit better until such a time as better scaling/position is agreed
"/team score" draws an oversized scoreboard in Q3. In Team Arena
it draws nothing. They probably intended to replace it with the
new .menu UI. But since it didn't happen, go ahead and use the Q3
tournament scoreboard.
- A stupid bug where bots re-trigger jumppads if they fell onto it.
- A small "memset" bug concerning player animations.
- Reward sounds were never cleared and thus they are played on a map restart.
- Safer and more secure handling of disconnected clients and clients with
malformed or illegal info strings.
- first_gauntlet_hit.wav was not played (ops/ps) bug
- capturelimit not hit (from OAX)
Show other players' railgun color and their firetime state.
Show snapshot client's color on world item models of railgun.
Fix the impact mark using color2 (spiral) rather than color1 (beam).
Credits go to Ensiform and Harekiet for the refire portion.
- tidy up top of tr_types.h a bit, change flags to hex representation
- make ROM cvar enforcing really work
- remove cg_stereoSeparation from cgame as it is obsolete.
- Add CG_DrawCrosshair3D so people see crosshair correctly when stereoseparation is enabled
* Updated TODO
* Moved ChangeLog to root
* Updated ChangeLog
* s/Foobar/Quake III Arena Source Code/
* Biggest patch EVAR. I wonder how many mail boxes this will fill...