Some other things in there too:
- Incomplete implementation of scoped zoom for rail gun (needs more work)
- VR Options Menu
- Incomplete / Failed attempt at accessing the Android keyboard, leaving in case some revelation occurs
- Removed 3DoF mode from multiplayer (it would never be used)
- Prevent player clipping though solid objects/walls in Multiplayer
- vr_weaponPitch - Allows adjustment of weapon pitch - default: -20
- vr_heightAdjust - Additional height adjustment in metres: default: 0.0
- vr_twoHandedWeapons - Allows disabling of two handed weapon mode, set to 0 to disable
- Y button for 3rd person camera mode
- X button for "Gesture" (not quite a taunt..)
- Weapon will auto-realign in multiplayer now, so B button is crouch
- When weapon auto-realigns, playspace will auto recenter too
- Attempt to prevent footstep sound if player hmd movement is small
- Hopefully prevent CD key request from being shown
- Don't allow camera to orbit when winning on Team Arena
- Multiplayer 6DoF can be disabled setting vr_mp6DoF to 0 (will use a 3DoF scheme instead)
- Cross hair now correctly aligned with weapon aiming when playing on a swerver
- "Use Item" is not a right thumbstick click
- B button will perform crouch in single player or skirmish
- B button will realign the weapon with the controller when playing on a server
- Only use dark crimson background in death cam
- vr_directionMode - 0 = HMD, 1 = off-hand
- use a faked positional tracking approach for multiplayer.. in game player location won't change tho, as it is only view translation
- Use the interpolated position for the weapon in a remote server situation, mades weapon movement MUCH smoother
- Multiplayer support
- Updated weapon offsets with SkillFur's latest values
- APK contains and copies the glsl shader files now (no need to copy them separately)
- Positional tracking in Death Cam mode (so much nicer now)
- All 2D HUD elements now draw in both eyes
- HUD elements based on models are now 3D (face etc)
- Better 4:3 screen for virtual screen
- When you die you now won't lose head tracking (I won't spoil what does happen now...)
- Lightning Gun Beam is now correct w.r.t cross hair
- Enemy Lightning Gun Beams fire in the direction they are aiming (not in the direction you are aiming!!)
- Sped up crosshair in the menu, as it was too sluggish still
- Restored OG rail gun
- Removed Vertex Lighting cvar
- After match, the Win screen should be shown in the front of player
- Weapon alignment values courtesy of SkillFur (thanks!)
- Lightning gun now renders lightning in the correct direction
- Many cvar changes
- Rail Gun and Rocket Launcher use newer implementation
- Changed projection so that UI elements draw clearer
- Made scoreboards easier to read but HUD slightly closer
- HUD models draw correctly now
- Increased the HUNK allocation limit so no more failues with Hunk_Alloc
- adjusted positional factor for adjusted worldscale
- scaled all weapons to 75% as that feels a bit better until such a time as better scaling/position is agreed
- world scale cvar - defaulted to 32.0
- extra latency mode enabled by default
- used sound implementation (OpenSLES) from RTCW which should eliminate the slight delay that SDL/OpenAL seems to have
- multiple cvar changes courtesy of vr_bummser
Make spectators use green background for team chat box when following
players. The team chat messages are from spectators not the team of
the followed player.
Make spectators draw team chat box even when not following a player.
The blinking disconnect icon is drawn over lagometer in Q3.
Team Arena moved the lagometer location. Now let's draw the
disconnect icon over lagometer in Team Arena too!
"/team score" draws an oversized scoreboard in Q3. In Team Arena
it draws nothing. They probably intended to replace it with the
new .menu UI. But since it didn't happen, go ahead and use the Q3
tournament scoreboard.
The renderer color is set to health color when drawing crosshair. After
drawing the crosshair, the renderer color was not cleared and could affect
other things. With cg_draw3dicons 0 and cg_drawCrosshairNames 0 it affected
the attacker icon.
Hopefully fixes the following warning
cg_draw.c:2315 assuming signed overflow does not occur when assuming that (X + c) < X is always false [-Wstrict-overflow]
Team Arena's text functions cast signed char values to int and use as an array index.
This works fine for values 0 to 127, but not for -128 to -1 which are a negative array index.
Instead use "character & 255" like client and original Q3 ui/cgame string drawing code.
This Patch fixes:
- The "fraglimit warning" was not played at all, if on the blue team.
- The "where" console command was broken.
- Obelisk explosion wasn't drawn if no Rocketlauncher was loaded.
- Impact marks sometimes didn't draw at all.
- IMPORTANT BUGFIX: No killing for cheaters with Lightning gun and Gauntlet.
- If two doors are close to each other a spectator couldn't fly through them.
- More robust, efficient and logical respawning routine.
NOTE: The game.qvm will get notable smaller and will use LESS MEMORY!
- Drowning sounds are fixed. Now they are played as intended. (as the id
in the source code shows).
- Some AI bugs (OVERFLOW!) in the bot movement code.
- Several "Team Arena" Overload and Harvester bugs.
- Stops bots from attacking a team mate (player) who only changed teams.
- Some voice chats and CTF commands fixed.
- "Team_ReturnFlag" was called twice, which did wired things sometimes.
NOTE: (G_RunItem checks CONTENTS_NODROP already!)
- A bugfix for Gauntlet animation.
- Incorrect CTF scoring.
- A bunch of corrected comments and print lines ("\n").
- Some regularity of expression and some small trivial bugs.
BUG: in gamemode GT_TEAM the fraglimit warning will not be played if joining
blue team!
Solution: In "CG_CheckLocalSounds": if cgs.scores2 > highScore, highScore
be cgs.scores2.
BUG: the "where" console command doesn't work as expected (it's always 0 0 0)
but not in id Quake 3 Arena. It seems that now Ioquake3 is affected!
Solution: In Function "Cmd_Where_f" ent->s.origin should be
BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK obelisk explosion won't be drawn if there is no
Rocketlauncher loaded. (The "maps without Rocketlauncher" bug)
Solution: in "cg_main.c": should be registered
if gamemode is GT_OBELISK.
BUG: Impact marks sometimes doesn't draw at all. Not easy to reproduce if you
don't play (io)Quake3 every day and know the places where it happens! ;)
But anyway...
Test: start q3dm12 go to "Long Jump Canyon" (where the small platform
teleporter for the BFG is) place yourself at the point where the railgun
spawns, look in the direction where the red suspended armor is. Now shoot
at the sloped wall on the out/leftside of the door you see. (the sloped
wall should be nearly in the center of your screen now). If you choose the
correct brush face and shoot up and down at this brush face, the impact
marks sometimes aren't visible.
There are hundreds of custom maps where this can happen!
Solution: I replaced the function "SnapVectorTowards" with the one from
"Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (GPL Source Code)"
BUG: Normally "NOCLIP" cheaters are logically not allowed to fire a gun.
Unfortunatly the Gauntlet (and Lightning gun) was forgotten and not
restricted to that. All weapons except those two were handled correct.
Solution: Make Gauntlet and Lightning gun not firing for someone who cheats
with "NOCLIP" (like all other weapons).
NOTE: A few bugfixes are not mine and are reported here:
Thanks to Quake3world, for all those years and the good guys there!
BUG: During making a mod I found a very strange bug, which mainly occurs if
someone tries to implement a lot of singleplayer monsters which should
slowly (like the "Crash" bot). So if someone wants to make slow down bots
or monsters when they are walking towards a goal and alter the function
"BotMoveInGoalArea" then the bots/monsters do stupid things. Otherwise and
this is the default (also buggy) behavior they start running although they
shouldn't (as seen with the "Crash" bot and will not be fixed here).
Solution: Fix overflow in bot user command. BUGFIX from "Hunt" mod by J.
BUG: in function "BotMoveToGoal" the special elevator case doesn't make sense.
Solution: in "be_ai_move.c": ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_FUNCBOB) ||
should be ((result->flags & MOVERESULT_ONTOPOF_ELEVATOR) ||
BUG: in function "BotWantsToRetreat" and "BotWantsToChase" this is wrong:
"(bs->enemy != redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy !=
Solution: "... redobelisk.entitynum) && (bs->enemy != blueobelisk.." is
BUG: in gamemode GT_OBELISK there are too many node switches for bots
(test: mpq3tourney6 with many bots). If that happens, game becomes
unplayable. I don't know if this is the best solution but here it is:
Solution: In function "AINode_Battle_Fight" right after:
if (!BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, bs->enemy))
I added this:
if (bs->enemy == redobelisk.entitynum || bs->enemy ==
AIEnter_Battle_Chase(bs, "battle fight: obelisk out of sight");
return qfalse;
BUG: in gamemode >= GT_TEAM, after team change, bots will (sometimes) not stop
shooting at you, although you are on their team now. It seems that the
configstrings are f***** up or not reliable in this case!
Solution: In function "BotTeam" and "BotSameTeam" get the real team values.
BUG: Some of the bots voice commands are wrong. They are commanded to attack
enemy base but they say "Okay, I will defend!"
Solution: Corrected some voice commands in "BotCTFOrders_FlagNotAtBase" and
BUG: Spectators couldn't fly through doors if they are very close to each
You can test it with some regular id maps (q3dm14, q3dm12) but there are
also many custom maps where this can happen! This is annoying because in
the worst case you can't move at all and are caught inside a door.
Solution: There is a solution in a mod called "Hunt" by J. Hoffman.
Bugfix is included in this patch!
BUG: During making a mod I found it very hard to implement some of my ideas
(something like "Limbo" or "Meeting") because of the way the player spawn
effect, intermission and spawning on victory pads is handled. I reworked
a bit and simplified it so that the effect is handled when a client
(as the name says) and not when a client begins. I think this will help
mod makers everytime they want to make changes to spawning of players,
on victory pads or monsters... and want to avoid spectators with
which can kill and score... :()
NOTE: I also renamed the poorly named function "respawn"
to "ClientRespawn". If someone searches the code base for "respawn"
it was really hard to find the correct place for what was
meant. "respawn" is used so often, that you really get headache ...
now with "ClientRespawn" it's easier!
IMPORTANT: The whole respawning, moving to intermission point and
everything related to that is now done in a more reliable way
without changing the default behavior. (How critical the whole
spwaning mess was did you see by yourself (ioquake3 rev. 2076).
With this patch it's safer.
Trust me, I spent hours of fixing silly problems...
Solution: Simplified "ClientBegin" and moved the teleport event
to "ClientSpawn".
BUG: If a player is dying or hurted under water the hurt/dying sounds AND the
drowning sounds are played together. This is silly. Moreover it's no good
idea to let the server play client sounds! There was a solution in a mod
called "Q3A++" by Dan 'Neurobasher' Gomes which fixes the problem.
Solution: Created a "CG_WaterLevel" function to play the appropriate sounds.
- tidy up top of tr_types.h a bit, change flags to hex representation
- make ROM cvar enforcing really work
- remove cg_stereoSeparation from cgame as it is obsolete.
- Add CG_DrawCrosshair3D so people see crosshair correctly when stereoseparation is enabled
* (bug 3303) Removal of never compiled code from cgame drawing functions (beast
* (bug 3297) Add missing limit to Q3 UI server info (beast
* (bug 3029) Fix to shader hash table being overpopulated (identified by
Stefan "#@" Langer <>)
* Updated TODO
* Moved ChangeLog to root
* Updated ChangeLog
* s/Foobar/Quake III Arena Source Code/
* Biggest patch EVAR. I wonder how many mail boxes this will fill...